What the initial signs of chickenpox look like in children: symptoms from a photo, treatment and prevention of smallpox. Chickenpox (chickenpox) in a child

This disease can be called the most common among all infectious diseases that only occur in children. A person can get chickenpox only once and in the future he develops strong immunity for the rest of his life. It is clear that in children this disease goes away much easier than in adults. But still, if chickenpox appears in children, every parent should know the symptoms of this infectious disease. There is no need to worry about the disease, almost all children go through this ailment.

Many are interested in how chickenpox begins in children and where a child can pick up this infection. It is worth noting that almost all children between the ages of two and seven are sick with it, especially if they go to kindergarten, because the causative agent of the infection is very volatile and can penetrate into neighboring rooms and apartments.

The causes of the disease

Chickenpox is acute infection, it is transmitted by airborne droplets through mucous membranes ocular membranes and upper respiratory tract. Therefore, this disease got its name because of the method of transmission - "chickenpox", since the virus is carried through the air (as if by the wind). As soon as one child picks up the virus in a children's institution, the first symptoms of chickenpox appear in all the rest of the children. Children up to six months old do not get sick with this disease, since the mother, even during the intrauterine development of the baby, transferred her immunity to him. Children over seven to ten years old get chickenpox, but much less often than children of less age.

Therefore, it is very important to know what chickenpox looks like in children. Adults can also catch an infection, their disease is very difficult.

The source of infection is only sick people, because this virus is not adapted to the external environment and almost immediately dies as soon as it leaves the human body. The source of infection will only be the person in whom the disease is active, it begins two days before the first signs of chickenpox appear in a child. This explains the general infection, if your child had contact with a sick person, then we can say with one hundred percent certainty that he will also be infected. But on the street, especially in the summer, the virus cannot exist.

Signs of the disease

Of course, every parent wants to know how chickenpox manifests itself in children in order to immediately recognize this insidious ailment and begin treatment on time. In our country, children with chickenpox are quarantined, but in many European countries such sick children are not isolated from their peers, since doctors believe that it is better to get sick with this ailment in childhood than to suffer in adulthood.

It looks like a skin rash with chickenpox

Incubation period

The incubation period of chickenpox in children lasts from one to three weeks. At this time, the ailment does not manifest itself in any way, and the parents do not even suspect that their child is sick, but the child becomes infectious to others from the time the virus gets into it and until the last skin rashes appear.

It should be noted that the average duration of the incubation period of chickenpox in children is two weeks, and the shortest period is a week.

Further development of the disease

After the end of the incubation period, the first signs of chickenpox in a child may be:

  • a sharp rise in temperature up to 39 degrees and slightly higher. And if in the future there were no skin rashes, then chickenpox can be confused with ARVI. But it is worth noting that such a sharp rise in temperature does not always happen, in many cases the temperature does not exceed 37-37.5 degrees. There may even be chickenpox without fever in children;
  • the child begins to have a headache, a general feeling of weakness appears;
  • the baby becomes irritable and is not interested in anything, he also does not sleep well and eats;
  • almost immediately after the temperature rises, a rash appears on the child's body. So it is considered the most important symptom of chickenpox in children. The first rashes appear on the baby's face, because the virus enters through the respiratory tract, while small capillaries are affected. The hue of the rash is pinkish, but it does not appear on the palms and feet. These pink-reddish spots spread throughout the baby's body very quickly - in almost a couple of hours.

Just a few hours after the first rash appears, the spots turn into small bubbles filled with liquid. Along with the appearance of bubbles, their unbearable itching begins, the child begins to scratch the rash. Parents should be very careful not to let the baby scratch the rash, because it is easy to infect the wounds.

In three days, the bubbles dry out and become covered with a dry dark red crust. But at this time, new rashes appear on the body, and the disease itself is characterized by an undulating course. New bubbles appear over four to eight days, and the temperature can rise all the time. After this, the ailment subsides, and the signs of chickenpox in children become less distinct. The crusts formed at the sites of the bubbles should fall off in two weeks. After them, small traces of a pale pinkish hue remain, they will pass over time. If the child is constantly combing the bubbles or peeling off the crusts, there may be small scars on the skin.

Chickenpox usually lasts for ten days after the first symptoms of chickenpox in children.

Symptoms of chickenpox in infants are the same as in older children.

Signs of chickenpox in infants

As already mentioned, up to six months, the baby retains in the body the antibodies transmitted by the mother during pregnancy, therefore the general immunity during this period of the baby's growth is strong. But in the future, while the baby develops his immunity, he can easily become infected with chickenpox. Infants who are breastfeeding are much more likely to resist infection. Chickenpox in children under one year old differs in almost the same signs as in older children, namely:

  1. a rash appears on the baby's body and face in the form of mosquito bites. It quickly spreads to the whole body;
  2. on the second day, the rash turns into bubbles with liquid inside;
  3. along with the rash, the baby's temperature rises;
  4. lymph nodes are enlarged.

After five days, the disease is no longer contagious, the rashes stop, acne slowly disappears. It is worth noting that in babies, the disease can pass in different ways: easily, without any complications and with single skin rashes, or the ailment torments the baby with intense fever and itching. The child will not be able to tell you anything yet, so he does not sleep well, constantly cries, refuses to eat.

In very severe cases, the rash appears not only on skin, but also on the mucous membranes, and this brings unbearable suffering to both the baby and his mother. Therefore, it is very important to know how chickenpox manifests itself in children. infancyto help your child.

It is worth noting that after this disease there may be complications such as shingles, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and other infectious ailments.

Chickenpox forms

Doctors distinguish between three forms of chickenpox, depending on how it proceeds:

  1. light form... The rashes are not massive, some kids are lucky and they get off with only single pimples. In this case, chickenpox occurs in children without temperature, which does not rise at all, and the duration of the appearance of acne is two or three days;
  2. the form moderate ... Here the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, the child has a headache, sleep disturbances, and the rash itches badly. The rash will be profuse and the pimples will appear within five to seven days;
  3. severe form... New rashes raise the temperature even higher, it can be up to forty degrees. Severe headaches, nausea with vomiting, fever, and delirium are present. New blisters appear within seven to ten days. The rash is severe, it appears in the mouth and on the genitals of the child.

Treatment of chickenpox in children

It is clear that all parents want to know how to treat chickenpox in children. But this viral disease is not treated with antibiotics, they are prescribed only if a bacterial infection is added to the viral infection and the vesicles are suppurating. This is due to the fact that the child is constantly scratching and scratching the rash. That is why, if chickenpox is diagnosed in children, treatment requires careful monitoring of the baby by the parents.


The initial symptomatology is a rise in temperature, and if it is large, be sure to bring it down. Ibuprofen or Paracetamol will help relieve the baby's condition. Never give kids aspirin!

The most common drug that fights the virus chickenpox - Acyclovir Most often it is prescribed for adults and adolescents who have chickenpox. Acyclovir for chickenpox in children of preschool and primary school age is prescribed only if the disease is very severe, then the drug will help children's body cope with the disease.

It is also prescribed for congenital chickenpox, including for newborn babies, because this infection in children under one year old is very difficult if there is no immunity. With chickenpox in children, acyclovir is very effective, when ingested, the drug penetrates the cells affected by the virus, is embedded in the DNA of the virus and prevents its reproduction. It is prescribed for oral administration, one or two tablets up to three times a day, the doctor selects the dosage. If the treatment is carried out in a hospital, and this is possible with a very severe form, then the medicine is administered in intravenous droppers.

How to deal with itching

One of the signs of chickenpox in children is severe itching at the sites of the rash. This is the most difficult thing for the baby, because it is very difficult for him to refrain from scratching the rash. The sweat that is released makes the itching even worse, so you need to maintain the optimal temperature in the room where the patient is and change his clothes more often. It is best to put on clothes made of natural cotton fabrics on the child so that the body "breathes" and the child will sweat less.

Do you want something interesting?

You cannot bathe in the baby's bath during such an ailment, but you can take a quick shower. Nobody forbids personal hygiene, a warm shower will even help relieve the itching a little. But there are some rules here:

  • at shower temperature is prohibited;
  • the water should be warm, not hot;
  • it is forbidden to rub the baby with a washcloth and use soap;
  • you cannot wipe the child with a hard towel - you can accidentally peel off the crust. It is best to blot it with a soft sheet or towel;
  • if the doctor did not allow water treatments - so it is necessary, because he treats chickenpox in children and he knows better what can and cannot be done.

Very often, drugs such as Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenkarol and others are prescribed to relieve itching. But they cannot be treated on their own, the drugs are taken as prescribed by the doctor.

How and what to treat the rash

You already know that the most common symptom of chickenpox in children is a rash. Previously, it was treated with brilliant green, it helped dry the rash, and it was clear where new pimples appear. Of course, there is nothing wrong with brilliant green, except for its terrible color, which makes the baby look like a frog. But if the child is small and has nothing against brilliant green, treat the rash with this particular drug. You need to smear pimples once with a cotton swab. After that, put on your child such a pajamas or a T-shirt, which you do not mind getting dirty with green paint.

We treat pimples with brilliant green

If you do not want to use this tool, you can safely use other antiseptic drugs. There are a variety of chickenpox lotions. If you are interested in learning how to treat chickenpox in children with such drugs, and which one is best to buy, you can buy Calamine lotion at the pharmacy, which will dry pimples, relieve itching and have a cooling effect.

Treatment of chickenpox in infants

You already know that in children under one year old, chickenpox occurs unexpectedly and develops very quickly. First of all, you need to call a doctor who will prescribe a drug for allergies, he will reduce itching and ease the condition of the crumbs. If the baby has a high fever, it is reduced by conventional drugs in the form of antipyretic suppositories and syrups. It could be Nurofen or Panadol. The rashes are smeared with brilliant green, fucorcin, or other drugs that the local pediatrician will advise.

About bathing: you cannot bathe a baby at a temperature, but if it is normal, you can bathe the baby, just do not rub pimples and do not use soap.

General rules for the treatment of chickenpox

Treatment of chickenpox is carried out at home, with the exception of a very severe form of the disease, and then the baby is placed in a hospital. You already know how chickenpox looks in children and it does not require special therapy. But to strengthen weakened childhood immunity, you must follow these simple rules:

  • take short walks with your child... You can walk after the baby's condition stabilizes, and you see that things are on the mend. Dress him so that he does not sweat, in winter it is enough to walk for about twenty minutes, in summer it is advisable to walk more, but do not drive the child in direct sunlight. Do not let him contact other children so that he does not infect them;
  • fluid intake... During chickenpox, give your child more drink. Non-acidic natural juices diluted with water, herbal decoctions and teas are best suited;
  • proper nutrition... The symptoms of chickenpox in children are such that they may refuse to eat, especially when high temperature... Do not force him to eat forcibly during illness, offer your baby a light snack and give him what he loves most. But this does not mean that the baby should be literally “filled up” with sweets and cakes. Avoid for a while salty, seasoned and spicy foods, as well as sour and smoked foods.

It is advisable to give the child milk porridge and broth. Lean fish is also useful. For fruits, avocados and bananas are great.

Do you need vaccinations against chickenpox

Chickenpox vaccination for children appeared several years ago and it is offered to give it to children from one year old who had not previously suffered from this ailment. The vaccine consists of live weakened pathogens. The first time a child is vaccinated at 12-14 months, and after three or five years, it is possible to repeat the vaccination against chickenpox for children. In adolescence and adults, in the absence of natural immunity, you need to be vaccinated twice, the interval between vaccinations is at least one month.

Some mothers are very worried about this and believe that such vaccination will only harm their baby. But this is not true, most of the children tolerate vaccinations very well and no adverse reactions they are not noticed. But if the child is often sick, you need to consult with the pediatrician about the vaccination, since weak children are more likely to be negatively influenced by side effects after vaccination.

So you learned how chickenpox begins in children, how it proceeds and how to treat it. As you can see, there is no need for any complex treatment, the most important thing is not to let the baby comb the rash and give the sick child as much attention and care as possible.

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, it is imperative to consult with a specialist.

Svetlana 07.12.2011 20:45
Hello! My son was ill a year ago. I searched and read a lot on the Internet and in the end I treated it like this: the first days of rashes, I smeared the rash with a pharmacy propolis tincture. 4-5 times a day. And 5 drops of propolis in a glass of warm water + 1 teaspoon of rosehip syrup (if there is no allergy to this) - it was for immunity. When the sores appeared, they were smeared with a rescuer. In the priest, from the very beginning, they were smeared with a lifeguard. The eyelids were also covered in a rash, but they were afraid to smear all this and did not smear anything at all. They also drank suprastin prescribed by a doctor. Result: my child complained about slight itching relief came only in the priest and after the rescuer. Not a single sore was ripped off. There is not a single scar. Though he was all strewn.
Wish you get well easy!

Olga 05.10.2011 22:16
Treatment is carried out at home. All contact with other children is excluded. There is no specific treatment for chickenpox. The main thing is to avoid complications. A sick child needs good care, rest, good nutrition (more dairy and vegetable dishes), vitamins. Bed linen and underwear should be changed regularly. Mom monitors the cleanliness of the child's hands, cuts his nails short; tries to avoid scratching (impetigo may develop when an infection is introduced into the scratching site). Papules and vesicles are regularly treated with 1% alcohol solution brilliant green or a solution of potassium permanganate of intense coloration. In case of severe itching - wipe the itchy areas with a swab moistened with water and vinegar; after wiping - dust these places with talcum powder. In the presence of enanthemas on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, the child should gargle with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. According to the indications (if there is a danger of developing purulent complications), the doctor prescribes antibiotics and sulfa drugs. In severe cases, immunoglobulin is administered. Drinking plenty of fluids is beneficial for the child: raw fruit and vegetable juices are recommended.

Nika 10.06.2011 11:39
Hello. I fell ill with chickenpox on June 5-6 ... today, thank God, there are no new rashes, but I am very confused by the situation with my face ... There is no living space on it, everything is in blisters, and very large (7mm). Most likely this is also due to the fact that my skin itself is oily ...
Tell me please, is it normal that the blisters are so big and is there a chance that there will be no scars ????

alexei 06.06.2011 17:10
tell an adult how long can this disease last and how can you quickly expose it?

kate 02.06.2011 12:04
I was ill at 28 again. First my friend, then my husband and I. The treatment was different for everyone, so I can judge the effectiveness. Here is the most effective TREATMENT CHICKEN POISX (doctor approved!):
1. Candles Viferon No. 3 2 times.
2. We treat like herpes (since this is herpes) Acycloir tablets of 400 mg (600 sleep is possible) 5 times a day (it is written in the instructions)
3. Sores Fukarcinom 2 p. per day + the face was cleaned with chlorheskidine and MAZALA ZOVIRAX (this is also acyclovir, I bought a domestic one on the body, too, 5 times a day) because of this therapy, my face is clean, only spots like mosquitoes
4. Opinions differed about washing, but I acted more progressively, I washed because on dirt and scuffs this infection grows more and more tightly, washed from a basin with potassium permanganate och. with a weak solution (just do not smear as they say with potassium permanganate 10%, the skin dries out.burned.there will be scars, with these sores och. neatly everything is necessary as with herpes !!! my friend burned it and did not need alcohol) with foam from baby soap and the basin was doused with pink water and was cleaner and lighter, not to wipe with a cloth, dry naked. (I didn't smear my face and chest with fukarcin, I just looked after more carefully)
5. In the mouth, you can also use fucarcinum and rinse with furacilin
I was sick for 2-3 days + 5 days the period of contagion. In general, a week later I was standing up with light mosquito bites. (for comparison, a girlfriend has 3 weeks + heals scars, my husband has small holes for 2 weeks).
6.Well, from the temperature Paracetomol, but up to 38.6, you better endure, your body kills them with temperature, cover yourself with a sheet and suffer.
7. Suprastin and other crap does not help. 1-2 nights it will itch terribly, it is better not to injure the skin, suffer while sitting, if appearance is expensive. FIGHT and WIN!

Lily 19.05.2011 23:49
Mom, my daughter, too, has 6 years of chickenpox. (7th day after the last rash). I smeared the perineum with Zovirax, and before that I planted it for 2-3 minutes. in a non-hot bath with a decoction of chamomile, where water was poured only for washing. At night, 5 drops of Zodak, so that there were no scratches (she only gave the first 3 days). Zovirax smeared rashes on her face, everything else was green. no need, it hurts because mucous membranes are different. not how the skin reacts!

Chickenpox in common people - in medical reference books this disease is called chickenpox. The causative agent is a common herpes virus, very tenacious, which, as you know, lives in the cells of everyone human body... There is an opinion, confirmed by doctors, that it is better to get sick in childhood, because children endure this ailment much easier. Nevertheless, when the period of an epidemic begins in children's institutions - and this is, most often, autumn - parents are worried about the most important questions - how to protect the baby, how to determine the symptoms in children for sure?

The incubation period in children; what is chickenpox, how do children get infected?

This type of smallpox is believed to be the only viral disease that remains the most common infectious disease contingent childhood until today. Experts say that chickenpox can only be recovered once in a lifetime, since the body that recovers will subsequently develop immunity. Although still sometimes there are cases when people get sick 2 times in their lives.

Most often affected children age category from 2 to 10 years. As a rule, those children who are in kindergartens and schools, attend clubs, sections, etc. are most susceptible to the disease. Newborn babies under 6 months of age cannot become infected, because from birth they retain the immunity received from their mother and supported by breastfeeding.

The virus is very volatile the route of transmission of infection - airborne ... This virus can settle on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and oral cavity, the entire surface respiratory tractfrom where it enters the body with ease and high speed.

In children, external manifestations are initially reddish spots on the surface of the skin, which then form small blisters filled with liquid.

It should be noted that this is a persistent infection and a rapidly spreading disease between people - that is why seasonal annual epidemics in childcare facilities ... With the current of air and dust, the virus easily penetrates into neighboring apartments and premises. If in a kindergarten one pupil fell ill with chickenpox, it means that all other children are also susceptible to infection, most likely they will get sick.
The epidemic picture of the incidence is explained by the duration of its incubation period from 2 to 3 weeks ... IN incubation period the disease manifests itself in no way. Children look absolutely healthy and active. But during this period, a sick child, who does not even have any external manifestations, poses an epidemic threat to all the people around him and can infect them. When the incubation period passes and the phase of the most active division of the virus in the body begins, the child's well-being begins to deteriorate, all the typical symptoms of chickenpox appear. When the disease declines the virus stops its activity after 5 days from the appearance of the most recent rashes on the body.

Symptoms: how does it start and what does it look like in children?

In the overwhelming majority of cases, chickenpox shows a typical picture, and in all children it manifests itself, one might say, the same.

Among the main symptoms of chickenpox the following can be distinguished:

  • Dramatically increasing body temperature (up to 40 degrees C);
  • Pain in the head, limbs, and muscles;
  • Irritability, tearfulness baby, severe weakness and apathy;
  • Causeless anxiety, sleep disturbances;
  • Decreased appetite in a child and even refusal to eat;
  • The appearance on the entire surface of the body of characteristic rashes spots and bubbles that do not affect only the surfaces of the palms and feet.

Rashes they are pink-red spots of a small size, which quite rapidly cover the whole body of a child in a very short period of time.

  • After some time, these pink spots begin to turn into bubbles with clear liquid inside;
  • Blisters cause severe itching ... The child begins to bother itching, he seeks to comb the bubbles on the skin - which is absolutely impossible to do. Parents should remember this and by all means prevent the baby from combing itchy vesicles on the skin. Otherwise, an infection can get into the combed wounds, causing a serious complication - secondary infection of the skin;
  • The spots on the skin dry out within 3 days and covered with a crust of red. But in the process of the disease, another rash appears on the patient’s body, in a typical form of the disease - from 4 to 8 days, accompanied by all of the above symptoms of the disease;
  • The crusts covering the spots on the skin begin to fall off after 2 weeks ... In the place of rashes after chickenpox, subtle traces remain on the skin, which are initially painted in a pale pink color, then merge in color with healthy skin, not standing out. But, if the child has been combing the blisters on the skin during the illness, scars of various sizes can form in place of these scratches, which remain forever.

Forms of the disease in children; how long does it last?

How long does chickenpox last in children? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. The body of each person is individual, and the process for everyone proceeds differently. If we take the averaged data, then we can say - the appearance of new spots is suspended in the period 5-8 days of the disease ... Since that time, it is believed that the disease is declining and the child is recovering. Skin marks from spots take place within 3 weeks .

All cases need absolutely various treatment - it completely depends on the form of the course of the disease.

Exist typical chickenpoxwhich occurs in mild, moderate or severe form, as well as atypical chickenpox.

Complications in children: what is dangerous for a child?

Subject to all sanitary standards. does not cause any complications ... If, during the process of the disease, the bubbles on the skin become inflamed or were strongly combed, visible scars form in their place, which remain for life. The more serious consequences of chickenpox in patients almost never occurs. The only formidable complication - which, fortunately, occurs extremely rarely - is encephalomyelitis, the so-called inflammation of the brain.

Usually, chickenpox treatment is carried out at home ... There are no specific medications for the treatment of chickenpox, they are not needed. Doctors recommend that the patient adhere to a certain diet, drink plenty of fluids, adhere to strict bed rest, take antiallergic drugs to prevent severe itching, lubricate the skin with soothing itching lotions, and the resulting bubbles with brilliant green.

The site warns: self-medication can harm your health! If you have any doubts about the symptoms and manifestations of a particular disease in a child - consult a doctor for advice, do not diagnose yourself!

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the chickenpox virus, which belongs to the herpes virus family. It is characterized by fever, a rash with various elements (from spots to crusts), severe itching and catarrhal phenomena.

A feature of the type 3 herpes virus is its volatility. In a poorly ventilated room, it can spread up to 20 m, and any person who has not had chickenpox can become infected.

Chickenpox is most common in children preschool age, but it is extremely rare in children under 6 months.

In newborns, chickenpox has an extremely severe course. Often they are diagnosed with atypical forms of chickenpox.

By age 6, 70% of children have chickenpox antibodies and immunity for the rest of their lives.

After a person has chickenpox, antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 3 appear, and an immune response is formed to the re-introduction of the virus. But with immunodeficiency, shingles or a second case of chickenpox may develop, since the virus continues to "live" in the nerve ganglia, it is impossible to completely recover.

Shingles most often affects people with immunodeficiency. A feature of this disease is that the rash does not spread over the entire skin, but along the nerve, for example, along the intercostal space or on the face along one of the branches of the facial or trigeminal nerve. This disease is unpleasant, its prodromal period is especially unpleasant, often the sick person does not connect it with the manifestation of herpes infection.

A bit of history

Until the 18th century, chickenpox was not considered an independent disease, it was considered one of the manifestations of smallpox. And only at the beginning of the 20th century did the first descriptions of the virus appear - the causative agent of the disease in the contents of the bubbles. And only in the 40s of the twentieth century, a description of the varicella-zoster virus appeared.

How does chickenpox manifest in children? Course of the disease

Usually, after contact with a sick person, after 11 - 21 days (this is the incubation period of chickenpox), the first signs of chickenpox appear in a child. A long incubation period often provokes a little confusion among parents.

It would seem that the meeting with the patient was long ago, and the threat of getting sick has already passed, and then the child begins to complain of body aches, chills appear, the temperature rises to 38 - 39 ˚С, nasal discharge appears, the baby becomes lethargic, sleepy. Since a lot of time passes after contact with the patient, mothers may not always understand that these are the first symptoms of chickenpox in children.

A rash appears after a day or two. It is initially small-spotted or spotted. Children usually complain of itching, babies up to four years old may cry and behave anxiously. During the day, spots turn into vesicles filled with serous contents. After a few days, the vesicles open, and in their place crusts form on the skin. After the crust comes off, the wound heals completely, without leaving scars.

It should be noted that the rash appears (pours) every 2 to 3 days for 3 to 7 days, because all elements of the rash are different (polymorphic).

The child is contagious two days before the first signs of the disease appear, during the period of rashes and up to seven days from the moment of the last pouring.

It should be noted that usually the younger the child is, the easier he tolerates the disease. It is easier for a kid 3 years old than for an adult to survive this period.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children

  • temperature above 38 ˚С. It should be noted that sometimes the temperature rises to 40 ˚С. This is not a complication of the disease, but only a feature of the reactivity of the immunity of a sick person. However, in some cases, the temperature throughout the disease can be 37 ° C;
  • the appearance of a rash is staged. Stages of the rash - a spot-bubble-the appearance of crusts. The rash appears on the entire body of the child, except for the palms and feet. Chickenpox is also characterized by a rash on the scalp;
  • the wavy appearance of a rash, when after the appearance of rashes there is a short lull.

Other symptoms of the disease:

  • viral conjunctivitis. It appears, as a rule, when the first branch of the trigeminal nerve is damaged by the herpes virus. When viral conjunctivitis appears, children may complain of discomfort in their eyes, they will say that it is unpleasant or painful for them to look at the light, tears flow from their eyes;
  • vulvovaginitis in girls;
  • stomatitis - the appearance of a rash on the mucous membranes of the mouth. In case of a rash in the child’s mouth, you should contact your doctor for further examination and possible changes in treatment tactics.

Swimming with chickenpox

Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox when he is sick - this question is especially acute.

Opinions on this issue, as always, differ.

  1. You can not take a bath, that is, lie for a long time and steam the body (in order to avoid infection of open wounds).
  2. Do not use a sponge or washcloth. Do not rub the child's body with anything or anything.
  3. Be careful with soap and shower gels. They dry out the skin and can increase irritation.
  4. Better if the child takes a shower.
  5. After the shower, you need to dampen the water with a soft towel. In no case should you rub your body.
  6. After drying, the skin must be treated with brilliant green or fucorcin.

Features of caring for children with chickenpox

Usually children bring infection from kindergarten, often infect younger brothers and sisters. Chickenpox in children occurs in easy form, and the most unpleasant is a rash, because these children are treated at home.

We will discuss how to treat chickenpox in children a little later, but for now, let's remember how to care for babies with chickenpox:

  • diet. If the child refuses to eat, do not force it, let it be better to eat a little, but more often. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • plentiful drink. Fruit drinks, compotes, jelly and homemade freshly squeezed juices are recommended. If the child does not want to drink it, offer tea or water;
  • it is advisable to limit active games, trying to keep the child in bed is pointless;
  • try to explain that it is impossible to comb the sores, the child's nails should be cut short;
  • it is advisable to change bedding every day, the child should sleep separately in his bed;
  • the room in which the child is located must be washed every day, it is necessary to ventilate at least once an hour;
  • it is desirable that there are no other children around the sick child, but, alas, this is not always possible.

To walk or not to walk?

This is another question in the care of a sick chickenpox child, worrying parents: is it possible to walk with the baby with chickenpox?

During the period when the child is contagious, walks are not recommended. But if the parents are sure that the baby will not be in contact with anyone (for example, if you live in a private house), then you can go for a short walk.

We list the important conditions for walking:

  1. Body temperature should return to normal.
  2. The last rash was 7 days ago. Otherwise, if you still went for a walk, there should not be other people on the street, especially children or pregnant women.
  3. If a child has recently had chickenpox, he cannot sunbathe and swim in open water.
  4. The immunity of an ill child is still weakened, therefore, contacts with sick children or adults with malaise are not recommended.

Prevention and vaccination

It has been made in our country since 2008, but still not included in the list compulsory vaccinations, which means that the parents themselves must decide for themselves whether to vaccinate or not to have their baby.

It is now recommended to get vaccinated from the age of two. Vaccination is done once, provided that the child is not 13 years old, and twice for children from 13 and adults who have not yet been ill.

Vaccination is carried out with "Varilrix" or "Okavax" vaccines (they are live attenuated vaccines).

Vaccination takes place according to the following scheme:

  • Okavax - 0.5 ml (one dose) at a time for children over 12 months of age;
  • "Varilrix" - 0.5 ml (one dose) twice with an interval of 2 - 2.5 months.

Emergency prophylaxis is carried out by any of the above-mentioned drugs within 96 hours from the moment of contact with a sick person. In our country, such prevention is not common.

After the drug is administered, after 7 days, the signs of chickenpox in the child may appear. This is a slight malaise, a rise in temperature up to 38 ˚С, a slight rash may appear. All symptoms go away on their own within a few days. They do not need to be treated, they are not a complication of vaccination.

Another way of prevention is to isolate sick children. True, this is ineffective, since in children the prodromal period does not always manifest itself clearly, and the child is contagious two days before the onset of the rash.

What can be confused with chickenpox?

In the beginning, before the rash appears, the illness is similar to the course of any viral illness, such as the flu.

At the first rashes, you can take chickenpox for allergies or prickly heat, but usually within a day it becomes clear that the conclusion is wrong.

Usually, after the appearance of the rash, everything becomes clear.

Complications of chickenpox

There are always exceptions, but more often they talk about rules. For example, when a pregnant woman who has not previously had chickenpox gets sick, she has a chance of losing her baby, or the baby may be born with chickenpox.

Children under the age of one year tolerate chickenpox extremely hard, and it proceeds in an atypical form.

Another option is adults and adolescents. They also sometimes have complications, such as viral pneumonia, myocarditis or encephalitis.

Atypical forms of chickenpox

  1. Rudimentary. The rash is spotty, there are practically no catarrhal phenomena, the disease passes easily.
  2. Hemorrhagic form. Vesicles in this form are filled not with transparent, but with blood contents. The course of the disease is severe, patients have vomiting with blood, nosebleeds, black stools are possible. On the second day, petechial rashes (small point hemorrhages in the skin) appear.
  3. Bullous form. Bubbles in this form merge, forming the so-called bullae. They are usually filled with muddy contents.
  4. Gangrenous form. It has an extremely severe course.
  5. Generalized form. With this form of the disease, severe intoxication, damage internal organs, .

All atypical forms (except for the rudimentary) are treated in a hospital, often in intensive care units.

Treatment of chickenpox in children

If you see that your child is sick, call a doctor who will prescribe and monitor the treatment. Each drug has its own subtleties and characteristics. Improper treatment, as well as its complete absence, can lead to complications during the course of the disease.

  1. When the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, you can give the child an antipyretic drug based on ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  2. For decreasing itchy skin can be used local ointmentssuch as Herpevir, Acyclovir. Application of Fenistil gel is possible.
  3. Antihistamines can be used. For example, Diazolin, it is available in tablets.
  4. For the prevention of secondary infection of ulcers, use of Zelenka or Fukortsin. The application of such drugs also helps to determine the appearance of new vesicles.
  5. With a sore throat, you can use herbal decoctions and drugs approved for the treatment of children of a particular age.
  6. Antiviral therapy is mandatory. She is prescribed by a doctor.

Dear mothers, I wish you not to get lost from the tears of your children, and for this to be very attentive and patient to them. Chickenpox is only part of your child's life, and over time, only photos will remain, reminiscent of the mottled green period.

Any russian citizen From small to large, he knows: a child, from head to toe “dotted” with green peas on his skin, is a “sufferer” who has chickenpox. It’s funny that nowhere else in the world does zielonka apply for medical purposes. Why, then, are we so diligently “coloring” with her “weathered” children? And is there any modern alternative greens in the treatment of chickenpox in children?

The main and most painful symptom of chickenpox in children is a red, constantly itchy rash that is somewhat reminiscent of the effects of insect bites.

Where do they get chickenpox?

Chicken pox (and popularly simply “chicken pox”) is a viral infection caused by a special type 3 herpes virus. It is noteworthy that this virus is not simple, but with a “twist” - it belongs to the category of so-called “flying viruses” with universal absolute susceptibility.

That is, it is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by airborne droplets, but it can for a long time be in a "suspended" state in the air and thus spread over fairly large distances - up to several hundred meters in radius from the "source".

In other words, if your child has chickenpox, it’s not necessary that he or she has been infected by a school desk neighbor or kindergarten... The virus could well “fly” to him and from a neighboring house. Thus, it is almost impossible to live up to gray hair and never meet with chickenpox and not get sick with it.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children

The main symptoms of chickenpox in children are those that somewhat resemble the consequences. The rash often begins on the face, chest and back, but then it can spread throughout the body, and even end up in the mouth.

The rash gives way to fluid-filled blisters that eventually burst into tiny pockmarks. Neither the bubbles nor the already open sores-pockmarks can be combed (even obeying the intolerable itching), otherwise the disease runs the risk of dragging on and causing serious complications. The number of pockmarks can vary greatly - from 10-20 throughout the body, up to several thousand. But usually a child spills out about 200-300 "sores" for the entire period of the disease.

The main and most telling symptom of chickenpox in children is a red, itchy rash.

Other symptoms of chickenpox in children may begin with the onset of a rash, and may occur as early as 7-8 days of illness:

  • headache;
  • fever and fever;
  • loss of appetite;
  • unreasonable irritability and tearfulness.

About chicken pox and green stuff: why do mothers “paint” their children?

The treatment of rash vesicles that occur during chickenpox does not have a solution of zelenka, contrary to popular belief, no medicinal action... So - it is only of secondary importance in the treatment of chickenpox in children. Zelenka does not relieve itching, and in no way contributes to the disappearance of the rash. And doctors advise mothers and fathers to smear children with green stuff not at all in order to treat them.

Here's the thing. In the course of numerous studies, doctors have found that a person with chickenpox (including a child of any age) ceases to be infectious 5 days after new foci of rash cease to appear on his body.

And until all new vesicles spill onto the skin - the disease is still dangerous for others. And how do you know which of the "sores" rash yesterday and the day before yesterday, and which jumped up this morning? That's why pimples are smeared with brilliant green - they are simply labeled! Those that are not painted are those of today.

In the fight against chickenpox, brilliant green is effective in about the same way as colored markers - in this case, it does not act as a medicine, but as an excellent marker that allows you to determine in 5 seconds whether there are new, fresh bubbles on the skin of a child (or an adult) rash.

As soon as there is nothing to smear - that is, new fresh pockmarks will stop appearing - we can assume that the disease is safely retreating.

Chickenpox in children: how to do without green stuff?

Zelenka, as you know, is nowhere in the world used as actively as in domestic pediatrics. Moreover, many Western and European doctors do not suspect the existence of such a remarkable medicine. How do they determine at what stage a child's chickenpox is?

Quite simply: as long as there are rash bubbles on the baby's skin that are not covered with a dark crust, the disease is still active. As soon as all the foci of the rash are covered with a dry crust (in the overwhelming majority of cases in children this occurs 7-8 days after the first symptom of chickenpox appears), and a new, fresh rash (without crusts) is not observed - we can already say that the disease went into a phase of decline and it does not threaten anyone around.

How to treat chickenpox in children

First, it makes sense to warn about how not to treat chickenpox in children. Despite the fact that many parents sin with an excessive and rather risky love for antibiotics, it will be useful for them to recall once again: in the fight against any viruses, antimicrobial (they are also antibacterial) drugs are completely useless! And since chickenpox in children is an exclusively viral infection, you don't even need to think about antibiotics.

There are special medications (the so-called group of antiherpetic drugs based on acyclovir) that help defeat the herpes group virus that provokes chickenpox.

However, in young children, such drugs are rarely used.
Firstly, because these drugs themselves are quite "complex", with probable side effects... Yes, and there is usually no particular need for their use - if the disease develops without complications, according to its standard scenario, then young children (aged about 1 year and up to 6-7 years old) quite easily and adequately tolerate chickenpox on their own, without drug therapy.

While adults, adolescents, pregnant women and very tiny babies, on the contrary, suffer from chickenpox very significantly. In the case of these risk groups, the use of drug therapy (that is, antiherpetic drugs) is justified and often urgently needed. However, appoint medicines only a doctor is entitled!

For the most part, the treatment of chickenpox in children 1-7 years old in the vast majority of cases is reduced to monitoring the development and extinction of the skin rash. With the help of greenery (if you like it so much) or any other markers (even with a ballpoint pen!), It is necessary to mark existing pockmarks and monitor the appearance of new ones.

Once the rash stops appearing, you can begin the five-day countdown. After 5 days, the child will no longer pose a risk of infection.

After this period, you can safely take the child out for a walk (fresh air and some exercise stress they will only contribute to his recovery), but it’s too early for him to go to a day nursery, kindergarten or school (as well as to any other “crowded” place).

He himself will not be able to infect anyone, but he can easily “catch” some infection from other people - the fact is that chickenpox, alas, temporarily significantly reduces immunity. In order for a child to fully recover, he needs about 2-3 weeks after the illness to be in relative isolation.

So, the strategy for treating chickenpox in children is as follows:

  1. Keep track of new pockmarks.
  2. Take measures to eliminate itching.
  3. Feed moderately, drink intensely.

You can monitor the appearance of small pox with the help of markers (brilliant green, felt-tip pens, or simply by eye). How to remove itching - we will tell you in more detail below. And as antipyretics in the treatment of chickenpox in children, only two drugs are usually used: paracetamol or ibuprofen. Both are equally effective in lowering body temperature.

How to reduce itching and burning on the skin in children with chickenpox

There are several specific things you can do to relieve itching and scratching your skin affected by chickenpox. Namely:

  1. Create a cool indoor climate! (The more the baby sweats, the worse the rash and the stronger the itching).
  2. At night, wear baby cotton gloves on the child so that he does not itch during sleep.
  3. Give your baby a cool bath. Despite the temperature and severe itching, it is not only possible to bathe a child with chickenpox, but it is also necessary. This is partly because the cool water significantly reduces itching. An important nuance: the skin after bathing should not be wiped off, but only blotted with a towel.
  4. To relieve itching, you can also add a little baking soda to the water when bathing. Moreover, you can bathe your baby in a cool bath with the addition of soda several times a day - literally every 3-4 hours.
  5. In addition, topical antihistamines (all kinds of ointments and gels) help relieve itching. However, you need to use such medicines very carefully! Apply ointment or gel in a small amount and only on the smallpox itself. Otherwise (especially if there are a lot of rash bubbles and they cover most body) when using antihistamine ointments can "arrange" for a child a real overdose of the drug. Since it is through the affected areas of the skin that the ointment is most rapidly absorbed into the blood.

Possible complications after chickenpox in children

Aesthetic skin problems. After pockmarks, blisters may remain on the skin, small ruts, like after acne, etc., which later cannot always be eliminated.

. Most often this happens to children whose immunity is significantly weakened.

Damage to the brain (the so-called "chickenpox encephalitis"). A rare but possible phenomenon in the presence of chickenpox, in which some areas of the brain are temporarily "attacked". Which, accordingly, causes a disorder of behavior and facial expressions, tremors and impaired coordination. However, with proper therapy, it can be successfully treated.

Reye's syndrome ("acute hepatic encephalopathy"). This is a very rare, but at the same time very serious disease, which, according to some medical studies, arises from the use of drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid (for example, aspirin) in the treatment of chickenpox. Mortality in Reye's syndrome with chickenpox in children 3-12 years old is 20-25%.

The combination of chickenpox and aspirin is deadly! If you yourself, or your children are sick with chickenpox - aspirin should be hidden in the farthest corner ...

It should be remembered that most of the complications of chickenpox (as with other viral infections) occur against a background of dehydration. Drink plenty of water for the child - and the risk of any complications will be significantly reduced.

Prevention of chickenpox in children

Only vaccination can give a 100% guarantee of protection against chickenpox virus. Alas, it is not so cheap that it can be freely carried out in our country. For comparison: in the United States and some European countries since the mid-1990s, the chickenpox vaccine has been included in the national vaccination plan and is carried out everywhere.

At the same time, a baby with a strong immune system will probably endure chickenpox more easily and faster than his peer with a weakened the immune system... In addition, with weakened immunity against the background of chickenpox, children can sometimes develop complications of the disease. This all suggests that strong stable immunity is also rightly considered part of the prevention against many diseases, including chickenpox.

Get chickenpox so you never get sick with it!

Many modern young parents are of the opinion that the child should be allowed to have chickenpox at the safest - kindergarten - age (when the disease proceeds most easily and quickly), so that in the future their child will never be afraid of chickenpox infection.

Often they deliberately take their baby “on a visit” to the house, where at this time someone is already more chickenpox - so that the contact “took place” and their baby was safely ill. Oddly enough, but many pediatricians these days consider such parental behavior to be very reasonable, and quarantines for chickenpox in kindergartens, on the contrary, are a strange and illogical event. Indeed, at the age of 3-7 years, chickenpox occurs in the easiest way! And to get sick with chickenpox ever again - there is practically no chance. So the logic of the parents is understandable and understandable.

However! Despite the fact that in most cases, chickenpox in children is mild, without visible consequences, sometimes complications do occur. That is why it is still wiser and safer to "vaccinate" a child against chickenpox with the help of a vaccine (that is, with the help of a weakened virus), and not through the disease itself (the ending of which in some cases may be predictable).

So if you have come to a choice: what kind of "meeting" with the virus to organize for your baby - with a weakened one in the form of a vaccination, or with a "wild" one in the form of a disease, then there is every reason to believe that it would be good to lean towards the first option ...

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