Vkontakte onf tsarev andrey mikhaylovich. Andrey Tsarev: I am not concerned about the political background, but the interests of the cause

On November 26, a member of the Public Chamber of Russia, director of the Pskov Center for Curative Pedagogics and Differentiated Education Andrey Tsarev became a guest of the next edition of the “Two for One” program on the radio “Echo of Moscow in Pskov” (102.6 FM). Broadcast live Chief Editor radio "Echo of Moscow in Pskov" Maxim Kostikov and editor-in-chief of the EPI "Pskov News Tape" Alexander Savenko. We bring to your attention a transcript of the conversation.

Alexander Savenko: Andrei Mikhailovich, I would like to remind you that almost a year ago you were elected to the Public Chamber of Russia. Please tell us what you consider the main result of almost a year of your work? What are the main impressions?

Andrey Tsarev: In fact, not a year, but only six months. The actual start of work is May-June of this year. The first meeting of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, in which I took part, took place in June. My work in the Public Chamber is connected mainly with two sections: the commission on social issues and the commission on education. Cooperation with the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation has been going on for several years, and it has a coordinating council on issues of people with disabilities, in which I take an active part. This work has continued and, I hope, will continue for me as a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Specifically, my colleagues on the commission and I worked quite actively on the draft law on the basics of social services for citizens of the Russian Federation, which comes into force in January 2015. We made various proposals, but it all started with the fact that, thanks to the Civic Chamber, the law was blocked because it did not meet the requirements of citizens who need social support. Then, in the process of negotiations, in the process of working with the authorities and public organizations, we jointly managed to introduce a number of significant amendments to this law. We hope that this law will work for the needs of those people who need support. In addition, work is underway with the parent and pedagogical community to develop a special federal educational standard for children with disabilities. The draft of this document was also discussed repeatedly both in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation and in the regions. We hope that as a result of the adoption of this document, all children who need specialized assistance in education will actually receive it. This will ensure that no one will be thrown out of the educational field in Russia.

Maxim Kostikov: Andrei Mikhailovich, you immediately started talking about your work. Let's talk from the specific to the general. The Public Chamber has existed as an institution for more than 5 years and federal level, and at the regional level. You have worked for several years in the regional Public Chamber. Nevertheless, for the majority of our fellow citizens, as both public opinion polls and publications in the media show, the Public Chamber remains a secret with seven seals. Why was it created, why is it needed, how much does it cost the taxpayer? Even my fellow journalists have asked these questions more than once. There are different points of view that this is nothing more than a profanity, a decorative organ under a fairly authoritarian regime, which is taking shape in our country in order to show that our public figures, respected people, also gather at a round table and allegedly give wise advice regional or federal government. They were even given the right of legislative initiative. True, in the Pskov region we saw only one law. Tell, dispel the myths.

Andrey Tsarev: It seems to me that whatever power is in the country, it is interested in supporting society. But real support can come when real initiatives are for the benefit of society. In order for this to happen, there must be some kind of bridge, some kind of mediator, who would not only give an assessment of certain actions of the authorities, but so that he could broadcast from below, from society, those needs, those initiatives, those ideas that people have. In my opinion, the Public Chamber could be such a bridge that would connect the authorities and the people.

Alexander Savenko: But this is in theory. But in practice, is it a communication pipe between society and the authorities?

Andrey Tsarev: We are still far from ideal. However, we try to go this way. It is very important that our residents understand what the authorities want with certain actions. And on the other hand, so that the authorities do not have illusions about the support from the public. To convey some messages that those in power want to make in relation to their fellow citizens, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to consider and gather some expert communities at a round table so that they evaluate this or that action, this or that document, who has taken or is about to take power. It is important to make public hearings such that they can express their opinion to fellow citizens on a particular issue. For example, is it worth it or not to build a hotel entertainment complex next to the Pokrovskaya Tower, are the funds spent on the Children's Park, on the embankment and other issues that concern people justified. It is very important that there is feedback. Laws adopted at the regional or federal level must necessarily undergo public examination.

Alexander Savenko: And yet, after years of work of the Civic Chamber, what prevails: the process or the result? Well, hold hearings, gather in your circle in the large hall of the administration of the Pskov region, discuss the issues that you have been offered for discussion. And is there a result? Over the years, can you give at least one regional example, especially a federal one, when you managed to defend, for example, a site next to an architectural monument or didn’t let you build a house in the yard (there are a lot of infill development examples), protected the ecological state of the Velikaya River, didn’t let you take anti-social law to the Legislative Assembly. Please provide any example.

Andrey Tsarev: I don't know all the results. But the fact that they listen to the opinion of the public and the Public Chamber is true. At the federal level, the Public Chamber blocked the first draft law on the fundamentals of social services in the Russian Federation. Quite a lot of different events are held in the Pskov region under the auspices of the Public Chamber, together with the efforts of public organizations to protect architectural monuments, the environmental situation, and the education sector. Here, to a lesser extent, we can talk about some kind of human rights activity, but about some kind of developing moments, creative ones. Creating platforms for discussing some cultural issues related to the development of social life, the Civic Chamber makes its specific proposals to a higher level of government with the hope that they will somehow be considered, there will be some further movement. This process is also a kind of result of the activities of the members of the Public Chamber.

Alexander Savenko: As far as I understand, you see the mission of the Civic Chamber as an advisory body, as an element of positive proposals, expressing one's positions, and to a lesser extent - protecting the rights, interests of citizens, or individual social groups?

Andrey Tsarev: I think it's both. As a member of the Public Chamber, I simply have more experience in discussing some bills or participating in some actions, actions aimed at development. There are people, there are members of the Public Chamber, who most time spent in advocacy activities. Therefore, I do not think that there is any priority for one or the other direction. Both of these are important.

Alexander Savenko: Questions began to come to the Pskov News Feed. Zoya Sergeevna asks: “I know you as an excellent teacher, but you haven’t heard about the Public Chamber. Doesn't that stop you from taking care of your kids? Public work - is it on a voluntary basis or is it paid for? If it's not a secret, then how much?

Andrey Tsarev: I'll start with the last question. No, they don't pay anything for public work. Otherwise it would, of course, be nonsense. What concerns the combination with pedagogical activity. I started doing social work because, in my opinion, there were insufficient conditions for the education of children with special needs. Insufficient in terms of the legislative framework for such work. When we created the Center for Curative Pedagogics, the children we now care for were considered unteachable. This violated their right to education. Now we are moving away from that more and more. I have already mentioned the federal state educational standard, in the development of which I and my colleagues take an active part. This is the same tool that requires both public expertise and support from the professional community and parents. Therefore, I regard my social activities as a certain tool in solving pedagogical and professional tasks that I deal with, in solving social problems, since we work with children who, unfortunately, will need help all their lives - and in adulthood. In order for them to have a decent adult life, public support and public work are required, including in the Public Chambers of the Pskov Region and the Russian Federation.

Maxim Kostikov: Does your status as a deputy help in your professional activities?

Andrey Tsarev: I think yes. Because those officials who have to deal with on various issues listen more carefully to what professionals say.

Oleksandr Savenko: When you talked about your work in the Public Chamber, you said that you are a member of the commissions on social issues and education. These topics are now in the center of attention of another structure, of which you are a member - the All-Russian Popular Front. Today, the Pskov branch of the ONF appealed to the governor of the Pskov region, Andrei Turchak, on behalf of citizens concerned about the upcoming reforms. I will read this appeal, since it is small. The All-Russian Popular Front addresses Turchak: “Dear Andrey Anatolyevich! Recently, residents of the Pskov region have been worried about the upcoming branching and optimization of public sector institutions. There was talk of layoffs not only for heads of institutions and accountants, but also for doctors, teachers, and educators. The population raises a lot of questions about the unification of volosts. Will the former volosts become forgotten and abandoned territories? Will the chief physicians of the united hospitals really take care of their branches in neighboring areas? Will the united hospitals send narrow specialists to neighboring CRHs, thus not worsening, but increasing the availability of medical service? Will the network of houses of culture and libraries be reduced? We have repeatedly heard your assurances that the changes should not only provide savings, but also fully preserve the network of social, educational, medical institutions providing services to the public. The beds are kept, not a single doctor or teacher is laid off, the heads of the volosts will be provided with new transport. We believe you. You have shown time and time again to be true to your word. For this you were chosen by the inhabitants of the region for the post of governor. Nevertheless, we remember how branches of institutions in the countryside were closed in the 2000s, how bizarrely the installations were sometimes distorted by local authorities. 1) We propose that the regional administration make a decision or develop a law together with the regional Assembly of Deputies, which would officially, not in words, prohibit the liquidation of any branch of a budgetary institution without the opinion of citizens and taking into account their position. 2) We ask you to formalize the personal responsibility of the head of the public sector for the quality of work of branches and the quality of services provided to the population throughout the entrusted territory. 3) We inform you that the ONF is creating a network of activists in every district of the Pskov region to monitor the fulfillment of all promises during the planned reorganization. Please set aside time in your schedule for regular meetings with our representatives and reviewing the results of the control activities.” I remind you that this is a letter from the Pskov branch of the ONF to Governor Andrei Turchak. In this regard, I have a question for you. Until today, did you know about such an appeal by public activists and how did you react to these proposals? Are you ready to subscribe to each of these points?

Andrey Tsarev: Yes, of course I knew. I have already signed this appeal as a co-chairman of the ONF for the Pskov region. In my opinion, it is really very important that as a result of the processes that are taking place now, the quality of local services to the population, especially in the districts of the Pskov region, does not suffer. It is important that, while we have not yet cut off, we can measure and take the necessary actions seven times, steps so that people do not suffer, so that citizens can also receive services and education, both medical and social, despite the size of this or that population. item.

Maxim Kostikov: Was such a sharp turn in social policy after the gubernatorial elections a surprise for you? Or did you expect this, maybe you, as the co-chairman of the ONF, knew this?

Oleksandr Savenko: After all, you were among the people who supported Andriy Turchak in the elections.

Andrey Tsarev: No, of course not. All these processes began after the elections.

Alexander Savenko: As our main communist Alexander Rogov emphasizes, "they waited exactly a month - on October 14 this was announced."

Andrey Tsarev: I don't know how it was all tied up and tightly planned.

Maxim Kostikov: But did it come as a surprise to you?

Andrey Tsarev: Yes. I assumed that the situation, which is caused by various sanctions and the economic situation that is unfolding in the country, that obviously we will need to somehow live more within the means that are in the budget. Something will happen, but what exactly, no one could guess. Later, information began to come from official sources that various events were being planned in order to optimize their budget.

Maxim Kostikov: They are not only planned, they are already being implemented.

Andrey Tsarev: Yes. They are starting to be held, but I think that some major events will actually be carried out starting from the new year. And now they are being planned, because the budget is being drawn up, and today there will be a message from the governor regarding the budget for next year.

Maxim Kostikov: That is, there were no consultations, no preliminary meetings between the regional authorities and the Public Chamber, the regional authorities and the ONF?

Andrey Tsarev: There were meetings with heads of organizations. It is important here that the authorities do not make decisions without consulting with the people who are directly involved in this or that activity on the ground.

Maxim Kostikov: In your opinion, does the government consult with the people, or has it already made a decision and then confronted it with a fact, as if asking for support? There are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences.

Andrey Tsarev: Decisions have been made that we need to reduce somewhere, to curtail our consumption. But how to produce it? Naturally, no one has the intention of harming anyone. Everyone wants to do it in such a way as to do without any losses. But it would hardly be reasonable to take Andriy Turchak and make reform the way he sees it. It can't be done. Therefore, steps have been taken so that people who know the situation on the ground better than the people in power, and who are here in Pskov, to offer their vision of how this should happen. And, as far as I know, at least in education there is no end result that could be.

Maksim Kostikov: But people are already receiving written notifications about upcoming cuts. Last week we had Ulyana Mikhailova in this studio. She talked about many things. The papers are signed by Arzhannikov and Sedunov.

Andrey Tsarev: It really scares people. So far, we have heard that layoffs are planned in the administrative and economic sector, that specialists will not be cut. As far as I know, not a single specialist will be fired. That this is not the case, I have no information.

Maxim Kostikov: Do you believe in it?

Andrey Tsarev: I want to believe in it. What we actually get, time will tell. Indeed, I am for the fact that not a single specialist is really reduced. Because it will cause a deterioration in the quality of certain services. At least from conversations with representatives of the authorities, I understand that they really had and have the intention to leave those people who directly provide services in the places where they work.

Maxim Kostikov: Are you generally satisfied with the way the dialogue between the regional authorities and legitimate public structures is built today? Are you satisfied with how you participate in this process, how you are consulted, how your opinion is listened to, how your letters are treated, one of which my colleague has just read out? Do you see this as a working mechanism that leads to decision making? Or is it again more of a declarative moment?

Andrey Tsarev: This is still a working mechanism, although it does not work effectively enough, in my opinion. There is potential for growth here, and it is important that different structures of power work more intensively with social activists. More and more we have different public organizations that are engaged in certain areas: in the social sphere, in the field of healthcare, education, and culture. It seems to me that the authorities will only benefit if they interact more intensively with them - not just give ready-made documents and ask them to support or discuss, make proposals, but it is important to listen to their opinion even at the stage of developing these documents. So far, this is not the case. True, I was pleased that the management social protection of the population at the stage of drafting the law on the basics of social services in the Pskov region, the public got involved, suggested some points to discuss. But, again, at the same time, we received a ready-made "blank" of the law that could become a regional law. Therefore, within the framework of those public councils that are being created today, it is necessary to more actively involve independent experts who are considered professionals in this area.

Maxim Kostikov: Why, in your opinion, is this model not being finalized? We have an Institute for Regional Development under the regional administration, which could collect expert opinions in professional teams. If this is decided in matters of education - the expert community at the level of teachers, if in healthcare - doctors. would receive feedback, analyzed, proposed to the regional authorities. We have the opposite. First, a product was developed in the bowels of the House of Soviets, and then - make your proposals.

Andrey Tsarev: It seems to me that it is more correct to ask this question to the House of Soviets.

Maxim Kostikov: As a member of the Public Chamber, did you offer this to your counterparties?

Andrey Tsarev: Yes, of course they did. I think the problem is that the state machine as a whole is quite clumsy. At the same time, there is movement in this direction and interest. If we compare what happened 10 years ago with what we have now, we see a significant difference. Socially oriented commercial organizations are supported by the state and a little more authority is given to the same Public Chamber and other bodies. But I wish it was more intense.

Alexander Savenko: Last week you visited Moscow for the All-Russian Popular Front Action Forum. Judging by media publications, it was some kind of grandiose event with the participation of the first persons of the state, the general public. And you were there. Please tell us what you did there, did you manage to speak, what issues were discussed, what did you decide?

Andrey Tsarev: The Forum was indeed a great event. It was attended by 1100 representatives from different regions of Russia. On the first day of the forum, there were round tables, discussion platforms, where issues of the economy and the social sphere were discussed. I participated in the work of the section called "Social Justice" and there were three global topics: the topic of people with disabilities and improving their quality of life; a topic related to the problems faced by family policy in our country, and the topic of health care. I was a speaker at the first block, which discussed issues related to the normalization of the lives of people with various disabilities, what needs to be done, what proposals could be made to the president to entrust them to the Government of the Russian Federation. The same was true for health care and family problems. Other sections discussed mainly economic issues. The second day - plenary sessions with the participation of the president. In the plenary session, 99% considered economic issues. Naturally, they are priority, basic for the whole life and activity of our country, our society. Nevertheless, those questions that were not asked to the first person at the plenary session were recorded in writing, transmitted, and as far as I know, the President's instruction is currently being prepared following the results of the Action Forum.

Alexander Savenko: Do ​​you have the conviction that such events are vital for Russia in this difficult period? Or could it be abandoned? This year they decided not to hold the annual congress of United Russia. And who will remember this, and what will change from this?

Maksim Kostikov: If they suddenly forgot about this topic, I mean the ONF as a kind of system-forming element of public support for state power, how would this affect the life of our country?

Andrey Tsarev: Hard to say. It seems to me that this element is still constructive. I mean ONF. It allows the president, bypassing some government tools, to track how the decrees he signs are being implemented locally. This is a kind of fingers that give him the opportunity to imagine what is really happening in the regions.

Maxim Kostikov: And there people really talk about sore spots, or are there still some filters, barriers, the best of the best are elected, such an Areopagus?

Andrey Tsarev: I think there is everything. There is also what you are talking about, some chosen ones. It depends on the people who are involved in this matter, the position of the local authorities, the President himself. From what he wants. He wants to be told beautiful words or real things?

Maxim Kostikov: At different times he wants different things.

Andrey Tsarev: May be.

Maxim Kostikov: I can hardly imagine Valentin Yakovlevich Kurbatov, who will stamp his foot loudly and say: “Vladimir Vladimirovich or Mr. Vasilevich! We have arbitrariness and disgrace here, pay attention.

Andrey Tsarev: Generally speaking, this happens quite often.

Maxim Kostikov: We watch federal channels where this is not shown. Usually there is applause.

Andrey Tsarev: No. I have heard and participated in discussions myself, where quite a lot of criticism is expressed against government structures and some outrages that are happening on the ground. Especially on those days that are not broadcast by the media, the discussion is heated. But I would refrain from unequivocal judgments. There is a problem that people are talking about, and it needs to be addressed. And there are, accordingly, those who should solve it, but for some reason do not solve it. In this case, it is necessary to name names, to change those who do not want to work effectively. If the problem is solved and measures are taken to eliminate it, then this is normal work, whether it is initiated by the president or some local boyars. In the early days, when there is a rather heated discussion of various sensitive issues directly in the sections of the forum itself and on the sidelines, as a result, written proposals are prepared, which go above. How is this further processed? And what finally comes to the president and to the execution is a question that we find it difficult to answer.

Maxim Kostikov: A couple of years ago, it was said that the ONF could turn into a kind of political party and replace the United Russia party in power.

Alexander Savenko: It was not just said, but the observers already saw signs, they understood that everything was heading towards this, and already, in fact, the president was saying goodbye to United Russia. It was, in my opinion, even last year at the congress, when he arrived before the congress, met with delegates who had come from the field, but no longer participated in the plenary events.

Maxim Kostikov: In your opinion, how realistic is this scenario today? As an ONF activist, would you like the ONF to become a real political party? Or did you want it to remain the "Ecumenical Council"?

Andrey Tsarev: Personally, I would not want the ONF to become a political party. I think it would be wrong, this is a narrowing of the role of the social movement. A political party is a more rigid, narrower concrete structure that has strictly political goals. The All-People's Front is, it seems to me, a less politicized structure. The ONF includes representatives of other parties, as "sympathizers" now say. Therefore, it is important that ONF be a tool for a specific case. We are now talking a lot about our national values. If the ONF could take a certain initiative in this direction and be a preacher of these ideas, their engine, then this would be very significant.

Alexander Savenko: I would like to ask how comfortable you feel, are you at ease when you attend events such as the Action Forum, or any other big events?

Maxim Kostikov: Was it a moral choice for you to join such a rather politicized structure as the ONF?

Andrey Tsarev: Yes, I had my doubts, and I tried and still try to avoid excessive politicization in my work. I believe that my potential can best be realized in public work, but not in political activity.

Maxim Kostikov: But your ONF colleague Alexander Vasiliev is both a public figure and a deputy of the State Duma.

Andrey Tsarev: I do not plan to become a deputy of the State Duma. In my opinion, there is a lot of work outside of it.

Alexander Savenko: I would like to remind you that a few days ago the Institute for Socio-Economic and Political Studies of the Dmitry Obodovsky Foundation published the second rating, which is called “2016”. This is a list of the 100 most promising public politicians in Russia who can play an important role in the campaign for the election of deputies of the State Duma. Including in single-member constituencies, in which elections are returning. And for the first time, you were included in the latest version of this ranking. Alexander Vasiliev, who was just remembered, is the 35th, you are the 36th. At the same time, you are defined in the category "on the rise." This is in continuation of the words that you are not going to be a State Duma deputy, but they see you that way. Do you understand why the experts concluded that you are on the rise? Why were you included in this group, given such a high place?

Andrey Tsarev: I learned about this from your colleagues, then I looked at the information on the website of this Institute. I myself was interested in why.

Alexander Savenko: In fact, this is a well-known political scientist, a well-known Foundation, well-known studies. Much has been written about him this fall.

Andrey Tsarev: I understand that such an assessment was given as a result of the active work that took place in Penza. There was also an ONF forum, but only for education. I was the host of the "round table" on the availability of education there. The participants did an interesting and good job. It is possible that such a high rating was given as a result of this work.

Alexander Savenko: Was it a surprise for you? Nevertheless, after the first emotions, the thought probably arose that someone in Moscow was evaluating you as a potential candidate for the State Duma. Does this in any way affect the initial decision that your place is not there? Are you ready to think about it, meet someone, take some steps?

Andrey Tsarev: I don't think anyone sees me in that capacity.

Maxim Kostikov: Political scientists are considering.

Maxim Kostikov: So you don't take it seriously?

Andrey Tsarev: I don't take this seriously.

Maxim Kostikov: Do you study the building on Okhotny Ryad, do you look after the office?

Andrey Tsarev: No.

Alexander Savenko: We have an interesting question from a reader of the Pskovskaya Newsfeed, who introduced himself as "Old". He writes: “For a long time I wanted to ask how Mr. Tsarev had such a metamorphosis: from opposition to power. Once he was for Yabloko with Lev Shlosberg, he implemented various projects, and now he is for Putin and Turchak. Is it like - for ideological reasons, or do you want to eat?

Andrey Tsarev: I don't see any metamorphosis. I have always been a supporter of a particular cause. If this work is being done with the help of the authorities or the opposition, I am ready to cooperate with both in order to solve this problem. The political background does not bother me, but the interests of the cause, first of all, the solution of certain tasks that are aimed at improving the quality of people's lives.

Alexander Savenko: On this note, I propose to end. Thank you for taking the time to visit us, to answer our questions, the questions of PLN readers. Thank you and see you again.

Maxim Kostikov: Thank you very much.

Andrey Tsarev: Thanks to you and all listeners.



1.1. Psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for providing assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders.

1.2. Structural and content components of the system pedagogical assistance individuals with severe and multiple developmental disabilities.


2.1. Conditions for the organization of pedagogical assistance to children with severe and multiple developmental disorders.


3.1. Methodology of experimental research.

3.2. Dynamics of development of children with severe and multiple disorders in the conditions of the Medical and Pedagogical Center.

3.3. Changing the attitude of the social environment towards persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Pedagogical conditions for the formation of learning motivation among schoolchildren with moderate mental retardation in the lessons of self-service and household work 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Luzik, Marina Vasilievna

  • Organizational and pedagogical means of complex rehabilitation of children with disabilities 2004, candidate of pedagogical sciences Moiseeva, Lyudmila Gennadievna

  • Help for children with developmental disabilities in Panama 2000 Ph.D. in Education Chang Martinez, Lesbia Noriela

  • Social and pedagogical support of the socialization of children with severe intellectual and sensorimotor insufficiency in the education system 2007, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Loginova, Ekaterina Tofikovna

  • Methodology and organization of social and cultural activities with the family in the Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities 2002, candidate of pedagogical sciences Guslova, Margarita Nikolaevna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "The system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders: In the conditions of a medical and pedagogical center"

The principles of state policy in the field of special education - humanism, the priority of universal human values, the life and health of children, the orientation towards the realization of the personal potential of a child with disabilities - determine the directions for the development and improvement of special education in present stage the life of society.

Modern experimental studies of the development, upbringing and education of children with moderate and severe mental retardation specify the ways of forming social and labor skills and abilities of this category of children (A.V. Babushkina, A.A. Vatazhina, N.F. Dementieva, G. M. Dulnev, V. M. Kogan, M. I. Kuzmitskaya, N. B. Lurie, A. R. Maller, A. A. Modestov, G. V. Tsikoto, JLM, Shipitsina, Ya. G. Yudilevich, and others), their sensorimotor development (R.D. Babenkova, N.P. Vaizman, A.I. Gorelik, E.N. Gruzino-va, B.I. Pinsky, G.V. Tsikoto and others. ), speech development (V.I. Lipakova, N.B. Lurie, L.I. Osokina, L.M. Shipitsina, Ya.G. Yudilevich and others), as well as the development of subject-practical and gaming activities (L B. Baryaeva, S. D. Zabramnaya, A. P. Zarin, T. N. Isaeva, etc.).

Despite the variety of works on children with severe developmental disabilities, there are practically no studies on the study of the development and upbringing of children with severe and multiple disabilities in educational institutions. This is natural, since the existing modern institutions, classes for children with moderate and severe mental retardation at schools of type VIII, rehabilitation centers of the social protection system, for various reasons, cannot fully provide the necessary correctional and educational assistance to children with severe disabilities. The creation of a number of institutions with day care for children with severe mental and physical developmental disorders does not solve the urgent problems that arise in the practice of raising such children. The issues of organizing education for this category of children in the system of educational institutions also need to be addressed, since its regulatory framework has not been developed. Along with this, in special pedagogy there are not enough studies in which the system of inclusion of persons with severe forms of disability in the educational space would be substantiated at the experimental and practical levels.

The creation of a system of pedagogical assistance and the inclusion of persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in the educational space, in our opinion, is an urgent problem of correctional pedagogy. Its solution will provide favorable conditions for the development of persons with severe and multiple disabilities in an educational institution and the implementation of modern psychological and pedagogical technologies of correctional and developmental, habilitation, socially integrating orientation, increasing the effectiveness of correctional and educational work and contributing to the optimization of family education, attracting local community subjects to cooperation and development of ideas of tolerant attitude towards the disabled, their integration into society.

Thus, the research problem is generated by the importance of pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple disabilities and lies in the need to develop a system of pedagogical assistance for them.

The object of the study is the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders.

The subject of the study is the conditions for the functioning of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities.

The purpose of the study is a theoretical substantiation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in an educational institution (Medical and Pedagogical Center).

Achieving this goal involved solving the following tasks:

1. To substantiate the possibility of creating directed pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders.

2. Develop, implement and test a system of pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple developmental disabilities in an educational institution.

3. Confirm the effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance in an educational institution for children with severe and multiple disabilities.

Research hypothesis. The effectiveness of assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders is determined by the completeness of the structural elements of the system, including pedagogical work with the child, cooperation of specialists with the family, connection with the social environment, as well as the nature of their relationships. At the same time, in the process of formation and development of the system, the semantic component is the definition of the conditions for its functioning and the content of the directions of its activity. The leading criteria for the effectiveness of the system are: positive dynamics in the development of people with severe and multiple disabilities, a change in the attitude of the social environment towards people with developmental problems.

The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the process of raising and teaching a child with severe and multiple developmental disorders as a complex system that develops according to the laws of a single, integral organism (I.V. Blauberg, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin, etc. ). The implementation of the system approach is based on: the theory of activity (B.G. Ananiev, A.N. Leontiev, C.JI. Rubinshtein, etc.); studies of the problems of socialization and individualization of personality (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, J1.A. Wenger, J1.C. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, etc.). As basic for the study of the development of persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders, the conceptual provisions on the unity of the patterns of development of a normal and abnormal child are singled out (J1.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Lubovsky, Zh.I. Shif, etc.); on the role of special education for children with mental disabilities at various age stages (JI.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Graborov, E.K. Gracheva, N.N. Malofeev, M.S. Pevzner, etc.); the doctrine of compensation for impaired functions (JI.C. Vygotsky, P.K. Anokhin, V.I. Lubovsky); the principle of developmental education, which involves taking into account the zones of actual and immediate development (L.S. Vygotsky); the principle of an individual and differentiated approach (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Graborov, T.A. Vlasova, A.G. Asmolov).

Research methods. In the course of the dissertation research, the following were used: analysis of general and special psychological and pedagogical literature, observation, psychological and pedagogical experiment, questioning and conversations with parents and the public, analysis of anamnesis data of persons with severe and multiple disorders. When processing experimental materials, methods of mathematical statistics were used.

Organization of the study.

The study was carried out in several stages. At the first stage (1993 -1995) the scientific literature was studied and analyzed, the research problem was formulated, the hypothesis, tasks, methods were determined, the methodology of the ascertaining experiment was developed. At the second stage (1996 - 1999) the study of the features of the psychophysical development of children with severe and multiple disorders was carried out on the basis of an educational institution (Therapeutic and Pedagogical Center of Pskov). At the third stage (2000-2004), experimental remedial training was carried out, the effectiveness of pedagogical assistance was tested in the conditions of an innovative educational institution, the data obtained were summarized, and the conclusions of the dissertation research were formulated.

Defense provisions.

1. Necessary and sufficient components of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in an educational institution are: psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical support; cooperation between specialists and families raising a disabled child; interaction of specialists and parents with the subjects of the local community.

2. For the organization of pedagogical assistance on the basis of an educational institution with a day stay for children with severe and multiple developmental disorders, it is necessary to create such organizational, managerial, organizational, methodological and material and technical conditions that would correspond to the developmental characteristics of children with severe and multiple disorders, meet the requirements advisory work with the families of students and contributed to the development of tolerance on the part of the social environment for people with disabilities.

3. An indicator of the effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance is the presence of positive dynamics in the development of persons with severe and multiple disabilities and in the attitude of society towards them.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that a system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities in an educational institution has been developed and tested based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience. Approaches to the organization of the interconnected work of specialists, parents and the public in the context of a system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders have been developed. The features of knowledge, skills and abilities in different types subject-practical activities, as well as communication of children with severe and multiple developmental disorders aged 6 to 18 years. The effectiveness of using the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in order to form their knowledge and skills that contribute to their social adaptation and integration into society has been experimentally proven.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the substantiation of the structure and content of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders is given. Criteria for evaluating its effectiveness have been developed.

The practical significance of the work is as follows: organizational and methodological materials have been developed, requirements for the material and technical conditions for the activities of an educational institution for children with severe and multiple developmental disorders, the goal and objectives of pedagogical assistance, the content and stages of its implementation, taking into account individual typological features of development individuals with severe and multiple disabilities. These materials can be addressed to a wide range of professionals involved in helping people with severe and multiple developmental disabilities.

Approbation of the results of the study was carried out in the course of experimental training of children with severe and multiple disabilities in the Pskov Medical and Pedagogical Center for Disabled Children, Pskov.

The main results of the research were reported at seminars for teachers-defectologists of schools and orphanages in Pskov and the Pskov region (LPC, POIPKRO in 1999 - 2002), at international conferences (Pskov, May 1999, May 2003, January 2005), at RGPU them. Herzen (St. Petersburg, October 2000, April 2003), at international seminars at the University of Cologne (May 1998), at the University of Bologna (November 1998) at the All-Russian Conference (Moscow, November 2000, November 2004), at psychological readings at the PSPI named after. CM. Kirov (April 2003), other conferences and symposiums.

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Correctional pedagogy (deaf pedagogy and typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy)", Tsarev, Andrey Mikhailovich


The study of the significance of the research problem determined the need to provide pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities, which is determined by the ongoing socio-economic and socio-cultural changes in society. The updated legislative framework allows the inclusion of persons with severe and multiple developmental disabilities in the educational space of Russia.

The diversity of trends and goals of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders, established as a result of the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, made it possible to determine the main components of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with this category of disorders: psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical support, corresponding to the characteristics of the child's development ; advisory assistance to a family raising a disabled child on the issues of his education, upbringing and development; interaction of specialists and parents with the subjects of the local community, aimed at creating a benevolent attitude in society towards persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders.

In this case, any component of the system is a separate subsystem. In the context of our study, the first and dominant component is psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical support, in which the tasks of educating a person as a social being are solved by means of training and education. This implies a complex of psychological-pedagogical and socio-pedagogical measures, the most important of which are: the definition of directions, stages and selection of the content of education in each direction.

The main areas of pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple developmental disorders are: the formation of self-image, self-service and life support skills, orientation in the outside world, the ability to communicate and interact with others, skills in subject-practical, household and work activities.

The formation of self-image includes: the child's correlation of himself with his name; knowledge of one's own body and recognition of one's psychophysical sensations; getting ideas about their appearance; determination of belonging of things; expression of their interests; communication of general information about oneself, etc. The content of self-service and life support training includes: communication about one's needs; performance of actions aimed at their satisfaction; compliance with hygiene standards, keeping the environment clean; observance of elementary safety rules. In the course of the development of ideas about the world around children, skills of orientation in space and time are formed, ideas about the external environment expand. The development of communication and communication skills in accessible types of social relations occurs in the process of learning the ability to make contact and maintain it, using non-verbal and verbal forms of communication, to follow the generally accepted rules of communication. The process of teaching practical, playful and accessible work activities is aimed at developing the ability to use objects for their intended purpose; achieve results in activities by consistently performing certain actions; perform individual operations, participating in collective work; observe safety measures when working independently; evaluate the result.

The accessibility of the content and the phasing of pedagogical assistance make it possible to include all children in the learning process, taking into account the characteristics and level of their development. In this case, various methods, techniques and means are used aimed at the development of motor and coordination functions, the formation of mechanisms for arbitrary regulation of behavior, the activation of cognitive and affective components of cognitive activity, etc.

The second significant component of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders is advisory assistance to a family raising a disabled child. It ensures the interaction of specialists and parents on all issues of pedagogical assistance to the child, based on interest in the development of the child, mutual respect and trust. Conversations, consultations, seminars and other events conducted by specialists in the education and upbringing of children contribute to the development of interaction between specialists and parents, the activation of family participation in the upbringing of children with disabilities. In the course of contacts between parents and specialists, concrete actions are agreed upon for the upbringing of the child in the family and in the institution.

The third most important component of the system of pedagogical assistance is the interaction of specialists and parents with the subjects of the local community, which is aimed at forming in society a benevolent attitude towards persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders. The development of a tolerant attitude of the social environment is facilitated by the educational institution and families carrying out complex activities aimed at informing the public about the developmental features, needs and capabilities of persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders and establishing contacts with peers from mass and special (correctional) schools, organizing interaction with fellow citizens in socio-cultural and social activities (in particular, regular work with the means mass media to cover various problems of the life of persons with severe and multiple disabilities; holding joint events with students of public schools and university students; regular trips to the city for a walk, excursions, shopping, etc.).

An analysis of the literature concerning the problem of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders showed the possibility of creating a system of pedagogical assistance in the conditions of a specially created educational institution for children with severe and multiple disorders (treatment and pedagogical center). The regulatory and legal framework, organizational, managerial, organizational, methodological, material and technical conditions of the LPC ensure the provision of targeted pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple developmental disorders and made it possible to test the system of pedagogical assistance in this educational institution.

The materials of the experimental study of the functioning of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in the conditions of the LPC confirm its effectiveness. The following were considered as the main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance: the presence of dynamics in the development of children; the interest of a family raising a disabled child in cooperation with specialists; changing the attitude of the social environment towards persons with severe and multiple disabilities.

The results obtained during the experimental study made it possible to identify positive dynamics in the development of ideas, skills and abilities in various types of activities, the volitional sphere and the improvement of general emotional state students, which together contribute to their social adaptation and integration into society. Thus, according to the data of the pilot study, the indicators of the development of children in five areas of pedagogical assistance in most of the subjects before training did not exceed the average level (from the first - the lowest to the fifth - the highest), and at the fourth and fifth levels of development there were only 17% of children. After experimental training, the fourth and fifth levels of development of ideas, skills and abilities reached 53% of children. At the same time, the dynamics in the development of subjects from different clinical groups is different, which confirms the need for an individual and differentiated approach in helping them.

The experimental study revealed a change in the family's ideas about the role of upbringing and education in the development of a disabled child, attitudes to cooperation with specialists, to the changes taking place in children, to the integration of children into society. As the survey showed, if at the first stage of the experiment the majority of parents attached paramount importance to learning to read, write and count, then after the consultative work with the family, parents gave priority to the education and upbringing of the child to the formation of self-service skills and social behavior which speaks of their striving for the formation of greater independence in children. During the conversation at the second stage of the experiment, the parents noted that as a result of joint work with specialists, they had a sense of self-confidence, and further prospects for the education and upbringing of the child took on more definite outlines. Parents began to accept their child as he is and feel more confident being with him in public places. Thus, before training, only 7% of the parents surveyed said that they go to public places with their child for leisure. After training, their number increased to 67%. In addition, with the advent of the possibility of regular attendance by the child of a day care institution, the employment opportunities of parents have expanded.

The opinion of the social environment about persons with severe and multiple disabilities has also changed. An analysis of the public survey data obtained after the respondents got acquainted with the developmental features and capabilities of persons with severe and multiple disabilities in the conditions of the Medical and Pedagogical Center showed that the attitude of the social environment towards persons with severe and multiple disorders changes from indifferent to positive. Thus, the number of respondents who expressed a positive attitude towards joint social, labor and socio-cultural activities with disabled people increased by 14%. At the same time, the processing of personal data regarding joint participation in social activities did not reveal significant changes in society's attitude towards disabled people.

The results of the analysis of the experimental study allow us to conclude that the developed system of pedagogical assistance contributes to the effective implementation of psychological and pedagogical work with children, the cooperation of specialists with families raising children with disabilities, the formation of a benevolent attitude towards people with severe and multiple disorders from the social environment.

So, the development of a system of pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple developmental disorders, its testing and generalization of the results of teaching and raising children with severe and multiple disorders proved the effectiveness of the system, showed that such a system can be implemented within the framework of a specially created educational institution for children with severe and multiple violations.

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203. RUSSIAN ^ STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY them. A.I. HERZEN1. As a manuscript 1. Tsarev Andrey Mikhailovich


205. Specialty 13.00.03 correctional pedagogy

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1. The problem of psychological and pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple developmental disorders in modern science 9

1.1. Psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for providing assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders 9

1.2. Structural and content components of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders 24

2. Organization of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities in a medical and pedagogical center 38

2.1. Conditions for the organization of pedagogical assistance to children with severe and multiple developmental disorders 38

3. The effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple disabilities 86

3.1. Methodology of experimental research 86

3.2. Dynamics of development of children with severe and multiple disorders in the conditions of the Medical and Pedagogical Center 102

3.3. Changing the attitude of the social environment towards persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders 152

Conclusion 163

References 169

Introduction to work

The principles of state policy in the field of special education - humanism, the priority of universal human values, the life and health of children, the orientation towards the realization of the personal potential of a child with disabilities - determine the directions for the development and improvement of special education at the present stage of society.

Modern experimental studies of the development, upbringing and education of children with moderate and severe mental retardation specify the ways of forming social and labor skills and abilities of this category of children (A.V. Babushkina, A.A. Vatazhina, N.F. Dementieva, G. M. Dulnev, V. M. Kogan, M. I. Kuzmitskaya, N. B. Lurie, A. R. Maller, A. A. Modestov, G. V. Tsikoto, L. M. Shipitsina, Ya. Yudilevich and others), their sensorimotor development (R.D. Babenkova, N.P. Vaizman, A.I. Gorelik, E.N. Gruzino-va, B.I. Pinsky, G.V. Tsikoto and etc.), speech development (V.I. Lipakova, N.B. Lurie, L.I. Osokina, L.M. Shipitsina, Ya.G. Yudilevich, etc.), as well as the development of subject-practical and gaming activities (L.B. Baryaeva, S.D. Zabramnaya, A.P. Zarin, T.N. Isaeva, etc.).

Despite the variety of works on children with severe developmental disabilities, there are practically no studies on the study of the development and upbringing of children with severe and multiple disabilities in educational institutions. This is natural, since the existing modern institutions, classes for children with moderate and severe mental retardation at schools of type VIII, rehabilitation centers of the social protection system, for various reasons, cannot fully provide the necessary correctional and educational assistance to children with severe disabilities. The creation of a number of institutions with day care for children with severe mental and physical developmental disorders does not solve the urgent problems that arise in the practice of raising such children. The issues of organizing education for this category of children in the system of educational institutions also need to be addressed, since its regulatory framework has not been developed. Along with this, in special pedagogy there are not enough studies in which the system of inclusion of persons with severe forms of disability in the educational space would be substantiated at the experimental and practical levels.

The creation of a system of pedagogical assistance and the inclusion of persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in the educational space, in our opinion, is an urgent problem of correctional pedagogy. Its solution will provide favorable conditions for the development of persons with severe and multiple disabilities in an educational institution and the implementation of modern psychological and pedagogical technologies of correctional and developmental, habilitation, socially integrating orientation, increasing the effectiveness of correctional and educational work and contributing to the optimization of family education, attracting local community subjects to cooperation and development of ideas of tolerant attitude towards the disabled, their integration into society.

Thus, the research problem is generated by the importance of pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple disabilities and lies in the need to develop a system of pedagogical assistance for them.

The object of the study is the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders.

The subject of the study is the conditions for the functioning of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities.

The purpose of the study is a theoretical substantiation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in an educational institution (Medical and Pedagogical Center).

Achieving this goal involved solving the following tasks:

1. To substantiate the possibility of creating directed pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders.

2. Develop, implement and test a system of pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple developmental disabilities in an educational institution.

3. Confirm the effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance in an educational institution for children with severe and multiple disabilities.

Research hypothesis. The effectiveness of assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders is determined by the completeness of the structural elements of the system, including pedagogical work with the child, cooperation of specialists with the family, connection with the social environment, as well as the nature of their relationships. At the same time, in the process of formation and development of the system, the semantic component is the definition of the conditions for its functioning and the content of the directions of its activity. The leading criteria for the effectiveness of the system are: positive dynamics in the development of people with severe and multiple disabilities, a change in the attitude of the social environment towards people with developmental problems.

The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the process of raising and teaching a child with severe and multiple developmental disorders as a complex system that develops according to the laws of a single, integral organism (I.V. Blauberg, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin, etc. ). The implementation of the system approach is based on: the theory of activity (B.G. Ananiev, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.); studies of the problems of socialization and individualization of personality (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, L.A. Venger, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, etc.). As basic for the study of the development of persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders, the conceptual provisions on the unity of the patterns of development of a normal and abnormal child are singled out (L.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Lubovsky, Zh.I. Shif, etc.); on the role of special education for children with mental retardation at various age stages (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Graborov, E.K. Gracheva, N.N. Malofeev, M.S. Pevzner and others); the doctrine of compensation for impaired functions (L.S. Vygotsky, P.K. Anokhin, V.I. Lubovsky); the principle of developmental education, which involves taking into account the zones of actual and immediate development (L.S. Vygotsky); the principle of an individual and differentiated approach (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Graborov, T.A. Vlasova, A.G. Asmolov).

Research methods. In the course of the dissertation research, the following were used: analysis of general and special psychological and pedagogical literature, observation, psychological and pedagogical experiment, questioning and conversations with parents and the public, analysis of anamnesis data of persons with severe and multiple disorders. When processing experimental materials, methods of mathematical statistics were used.

Organization of the study.

The study was carried out in several stages. At the first stage (1993 -1995) the scientific literature was studied and analyzed, the research problem was formulated, the hypothesis, tasks, methods were determined, the methodology of the ascertaining experiment was developed. At the second stage (1996 - 1999) the study of the features of the psychophysical development of children with severe and multiple disorders was carried out on the basis of an educational institution (Therapeutic and Pedagogical Center of Pskov). At the third stage (2000-2004), experimental remedial training was carried out, the effectiveness of pedagogical assistance was tested in the conditions of an innovative educational institution, the data obtained were summarized, and the conclusions of the dissertation research were formulated.

Defense provisions.

1. Necessary and sufficient components of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in an educational institution are: psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical support; cooperation between specialists and families raising a disabled child; interaction of specialists and parents with the subjects of the local community.

2. For the organization of pedagogical assistance on the basis of an educational institution with a day stay for children with severe and multiple developmental disorders, it is necessary to create such organizational, managerial, organizational, methodological and material and technical conditions that would correspond to the developmental characteristics of children with severe and multiple disorders, meet the requirements advisory work with the families of students and contributed to the development of tolerance on the part of the social environment for people with disabilities.

3. An indicator of the effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance is the presence of positive dynamics in the development of persons with severe and multiple disabilities and in the attitude of society towards them.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that a system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities in an educational institution has been developed and tested based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience. Approaches to the organization of the interconnected work of specialists, parents and the public in the context of a system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders have been developed. The features of knowledge, skills and abilities in different types of subject-practical activities, as well as communication of children with severe and multiple developmental disorders aged 6 to 18 years are revealed. The effectiveness of using the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders in order to form their knowledge and skills that contribute to their social adaptation and integration into society has been experimentally proven.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the substantiation of the structure and content of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders is given. Criteria for evaluating its effectiveness have been developed.

The practical significance of the work is as follows: organizational and methodological materials have been developed, requirements for the material and technical conditions for the activities of an educational institution for children with severe and multiple developmental disorders, the goal and objectives of pedagogical assistance, the content and stages of its implementation, taking into account individual typological features of development individuals with severe and multiple disabilities. These materials can be addressed to a wide range of professionals involved in helping people with severe and multiple developmental disabilities.

Approbation of the results of the study was carried out in the course of experimental training of children with severe and multiple disabilities in the Pskov Medical and Pedagogical Center for Disabled Children, Pskov.

The main results of the research were reported at seminars for teachers-defectologists of schools and orphanages in Pskov and the Pskov region (LPC, POIPKRO in 1999 - 2002), at international conferences (Pskov, May 1999, May 2003, January 2005), at RGPU them. Herzen (St. Petersburg, October 2000, April 2003), at international seminars at the University of Cologne (May 1998), at the University of Bologna (November 1998) at the All-Russian Conference (Moscow, November 2000, November 2004), at psychological readings at the PSPI named after. CM. Kirov (April 2003), other conferences and symposiums.

Psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for providing assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders

The problem of providing assistance to people with severe developmental disorders can be considered in many aspects. Based on the purpose and objectives of our study, we will consider those aspects that determine the prerequisites for providing pedagogical assistance to people with severe and multiple developmental disorders. These include the following: the definition of the concept of "severe and multiple developmental disorders", the consideration of sociocultural and legislative conditions for providing assistance to people with severe and multiple disorders, the study of approaches to solving the issues of education and training of people with severe developmental disorders, reflected in the psychological and pedagogical literature , identifying trends in the provision of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities in our country and abroad.

The term "severe and multiple violations" is used both in domestic and foreign special literature. Along with it, a number of names of developmental disorders similar in meaning are used. Thus, in the draft law of the Russian Federation “On the education of persons with disabilities (special education)”, an interpretation of the terms “complex handicap” and “severe handicap” that are close in meaning is proposed. A complex handicap is defined as "a collection of physical and/or mental handicap". A severe handicap is a physical or mental handicap, expressed to such an extent that education in accordance with state educational standards (including special ones) is inaccessible, and learning opportunities are limited to obtaining basic knowledge about the outside world, acquiring self-care skills and basic work skills or receiving elementary vocational training.

In the domestic psychological and pedagogical literature, there are also various terms that denote the heterogeneous nature of the child's disorders: "complex", "combined", "combined" (violations), "complex structure of the disorder (defect)", "complex defect", "complicated defect". So, a complex defect is characterized by a combination of two or more disorders that equally determine the structure abnormal development and difficulties in the upbringing and education of the child. For example, a complex defect occurs in a child with simultaneous damage to vision and hearing or hearing and motor skills, etc. With a complicated defect, the leading disorder and the disorders complicating it are distinguished, for example: mentally retarded children with a mild hearing impairment. According to a number of researchers, the listed definitions are synonymous.

Close in meaning to the concept of "multiple violation" we think the concept of "combined defect", defined not as the sum of two or more violations, but a specifically holistic phenomenon that characterizes a fundamentally special situation of development.

At the same time, in the domestic literature, it is pointed out that the allocation of a group of children with multiple disorders is conditional, since there are no clear criteria by which a child can be assigned to this group.

An analysis of foreign psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to single out the concepts of "multiple violation" and "severe violation". Thus, in German pedagogical terminology, “multiple impairment” (“Mehrfachbehinderung”) is defined as a complex syndrome, part of which is mental retardation, combined with blindness, severe behavioral disorders, deafness, musculoskeletal or somatic disorders. Therefore, it is not the sum of various restrictions, but a complex interweaving and interrelationships between all the violations that make up its structure. In this regard, the child needs much more rehabilitation assistance than its size for one violation.

In English-speaking countries, the term "multiple disability" is also used in the psychological, pedagogical and regulatory literature. Specifically, the US Federal Law on Special Education (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) defines: which is the cause of special educational needs that cannot be taken into account by the framework of special educational programs designed for any one of the existing violations. The term does not cover blind-deafness.

In the legal and psychological-pedagogical literature of Western European countries and the United States, the concept of "severe impairment" (Schwerbehinderung, severe disability) is also used. A number of authors combine people with severe and multiple disabilities into one group (schwer und mehrfachbehinderte Menschen; people with severe and/or multiple disabilities). So, B. Reinfort, D. York and C. McDonald, characterizing people with this category of impairments, determine that traditionally they were labeled as persons with profound mental retardation in conjunction with other impairments (behavior, sensory, motor skills). ).

Structural and content components of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders

In order to scientifically substantiate the designated system in our dissertation research, it seems significant to consider the concept of "system" as such.

Analysis of studies has shown that a system is understood as a set of interconnected elements that have one or another type of ordering according to certain properties and relationships, and have a relatively stable unity, which is characterized by internal integrity, expressed in the relative autonomy of behavior and (or) existence.

On the basis of a typological study of the meanings of the concept of "system", its basic structure was identified, including: 1) characteristics of the initial formations that make up the system, 2) characteristics of the combination of such formations, 3) the presence of relationships, connections between the initial formations, components, 5) the functioning of such a complex formation, 6) the presence of additional characteristics.

Based on the holistic nature of systems, researchers (I.V. Blauberg, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin) identify the following features of the concept of "system": 1) an integral complex of interrelated components, 2) forms a special unity with the environment, 3 ) usually represents an element of a system of more than high order, 4) the elements of the system usually act as systems of a lower order. The identified basic structure and features of the concept of "system" were taken by us as the basis for determining the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities.

Another concept that is significant for our study is the concept of “a system of pedagogical assistance”. We were not able to find a definition of this concept in the psychological and pedagogical literature, although terms similar in meaning are used: “psychological and pedagogical assistance”, “support”. In our opinion, the closest is the concept of "pedagogical system". An analysis of psychological and pedagogical research has shown, in a number of cases, a personalized use of the concept of "pedagogical system" to characterize scientific and practical activities (J.A. Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky, R. Steiner, M. Montessori, etc.). Another application of this concept is the designation and characteristics of various levels of education: the pedagogical system of general education, vocational, higher education, etc. . In a number of works, the concept of "pedagogical system" correlates with the system of pedagogical activity of a particular educational institution. Analysis various applications the concept of "pedagogical system" draws attention to the variety of definitions, the meaning invested in the concept of "pedagogical system" meets the requirements of any system, and is an ordered set of goals, content, methods, means and organizational forms of training, education and development of students, characterizing in the most general, invariant form all the components of the actual pedagogical activity in given social conditions.

Thus, based on the concept of "pedagogical system", we were able to reveal the essence of the concept of "system of pedagogical assistance". It has a broader meaning and includes a set of goals, content, methods, means and organizational forms of teaching and educating students in various social conditions: in an educational institution, in the family, in the social environment of the local community. In this regard, the concept of "a system of pedagogical assistance" can be given not only a purely pedagogical, but also a socio-cultural meaning.

Based on the selected I.V. Blauberg, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin’s signs of the concept of “system”, as well as the understanding of the “pedagogical system” as an interconnected set of goals, content, methods, means and organizational forms of teaching, educating and developing students, we adopted a working definition of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple disabilities, the essence of which consists in the following: this is an ordered set of interrelated components, the combination of which forms the psychological and pedagogical and socio-pedagogical support of persons with severe and multiple disabilities, carried out in specially created conditions, based on the cooperation of the family, society, specialists and creates an integral unity aimed at social adaptation and integration of disabled people into society. The following can be accepted as mandatory elements of the system of pedagogical assistance: psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical support for persons with severe and multiple disabilities, carried out in conditions corresponding to the special educational needs of the individual; cooperation between specialists and families raising a disabled child; interaction between specialists and families aimed at creating a benevolent attitude towards people with severe and multiple developmental disabilities in society.

Conditions for the organization of pedagogical assistance to children with severe and multiple developmental disorders

To achieve the goals of our study, we will consider the conditions for organizing pedagogical assistance to children with severe and multiple developmental disorders, created in an educational institution - the Medical and Pedagogical Center (MPC) in Pskov.

The LPC for disabled children was established in 1993 jointly by the Administration of the city of Pskov and the Evangelical church community of the city of Wassenberg (Germany) thanks to the activity of the city Association of Parents of Disabled Children. The creation of the center ensured, firstly, the provision of special pedagogical assistance to children who, due to severe and multiple developmental disorders, could not study in educational institutions due to the lack of conditions in them that correspond to the special needs and abilities of such children. Secondly, the prevention of social orphanhood, the creation of favorable conditions for raising a disabled child in the family, and providing parents with the opportunity to engage in professional activity. Thirdly, the possibility of influencing a change in public opinion regarding persons with severe and multiple disabilities and interaction with them.

The activities of the LPC were organized on a clear legal basis. To build a system of pedagogical assistance to children with severe and multiple developmental disorders, organizational, methodological and material and technical conditions were created.

The main regulatory document that guides the activities of the institution is the Charter of the LPC, which defines the goals, objectives, structure and organization of the work of the educational institution. In addition to the Charter, the work of the center is regulated by local acts: “Internal labor regulations”, “Regulations on the reception of children”, “ Job Descriptions HPC workers”, “Cooperation agreement with parents” and other documents. In accordance with the Charter, the activities of the LPC are aimed at providing pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders from 6 to 18 years old, contributing to their social adaptation and integration.

Organizational and managerial conditions ensure the management of the activities of the LPC. The management structure of the HPC includes 3 links: managerial, medical-pedagogical and material and technical. The managerial level includes: the administration, the Pedagogical Council and the Council of the LPC, in which the administration of the center, specialists and staff of the LPC, as well as representatives from the parents of the students are represented. The medical and pedagogical link is represented by four services: pedagogical (teachers-defectologists, educators), speech therapy (speech therapists), physical therapy (exercise therapy instructors, massage therapists) and medical (doctor, paramedic). The material and technical link includes services that ensure the delivery of children, meals, logistics of the activities of the institution and maintenance of the HRC building and equipment.

The most important function of the managerial level is the organization of the reception, distribution of children into classes and the management of pedagogical work. Admission of children to the LPC is carried out on the basis of the application of parents (legal representatives) and on the recommendation of the city psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation. The LPC accepts children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 who have disabilities due to severe and multiple developmental disorders and who do not receive qualified assistance in other educational institutions. Contraindications for admission to the LPC are: chronic infectious diseases that pose a danger to others; mental illness in severe forms, in which reactions that are dangerous for others and the child himself (gross aggression and self-aggression) are manifested; the level of physical, intellectual and social development, which gives the child the opportunity to master the program of a special (correctional) or other general education school.

Enrollment of children in the LPC is carried out after their psychological and pedagogical examination, which is carried out in several stages: - at the first stage, acquaintance with the family and with the child takes place at home; - at the second stage, the teacher collects information about the development of the child from various specialists who have previously observed the child or assisted him, and analyzes them; - at the third stage, the child with one of the parents is invited to the LPC for one or more school days for a psychological and pedagogical examination.

The data of the psychological and pedagogical examination are recorded, entered into the child's examination card, which is the basis for the decision of the Pedagogical Council on the enrollment (or not enrollment) of the child in the LPC. Parents (legal representatives) of the child get acquainted with the results of the examination.

When accepting a child with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, who has dysphoria, various forms of aggression and other manifestations of destructive behavior that disrupt the activities of the class, the issue of establishing an individual schedule for visiting the HRC can be decided. Its purpose is to prepare the child for inclusion in the learning process in the group.

Enrollment of students in the LPC is usually carried out at the beginning of the academic year (since September 1). In exceptional cases, a child may be enrolled in the LPC during the academic year, subject to availability. After the child is enrolled in the LPC, a cooperation agreement is signed with the parents.

Methodology of experimental research

The effectiveness of the system of pedagogical assistance to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders can be assessed by a number of interrelated criteria. At the stage of formation of this system, as the main criteria for its evaluation, we considered it possible to consider the presence of dynamics in the development of children, as well as a change in the attitude of the social environment towards persons with severe and multiple disabilities.

The assessment of the dynamics of the development of the subjects was carried out on the basis of a comparative analysis of the results of the subjects' performance of the tasks of control sections, as well as observations of changes in their behavior. Taking into account that a child spends most of his time at home, we studied the participation of families in raising children, using the methods of questioning parents and talking with them. With the help of a survey of a group of respondents, the attitude of the social environment towards children with severe and multiple developmental disorders was also studied. To test the effectiveness of pedagogical assistance in the conditions of the LPC, an experimental part of the study was implemented, including two stages - ascertaining and control.

At the ascertaining stage, the features of the development of children admitted to the Medical and Pedagogical Center were identified. The control stage involved a re-examination after 5 years of training at the center. In a similar way, the study of the attitude of the social environment, the relationship to persons with severe and multiple developmental disorders, and the participation of families in the upbringing of children was carried out.

During the ascertaining and control experiment, the following tasks were solved: - to study the features of the psychophysical development of persons with severe and multiple disorders. - to study the participation of the family in the process of raising children; - to study the attitude of the social environment towards persons with severe and multiple disabilities.

We have adopted the following procedure for conducting an experimental study. At the first stage (1997 - 1998), the features of the psychophysical development of children with severe and multiple disorders were studied, the parents of disabled children with this category of disorders were surveyed and the social environment was surveyed. At the second stage (2002 - 2003), a control experiment and repeated questioning of parents and the social environment were carried out. In the period between two stages of the pilot study (1998-2002), children were trained in the conditions of the Medical and Pedagogical Center for Disabled Children in Pskov.

The study involved 80 children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years (45 boys/boys and 35 girls/girls) attending the Pskov Medical and Pedagogical Center for Disabled Children. These children were selected to participate in pilot study after getting to know their diagnoses and developmental history.

Studying medical records of the studied children showed that the majority had an organic lesion of the central nervous system as a result of underdevelopment or damage to the brain in early ontogenesis under the influence of exogenous or endogenous factors. The main diagnosis in clinical picture severe multiple impairment was moderate (F-71), severe (F-72) and deep (F-73) mental retardation (according to ICD-10). In accordance with the decision of the PMPK of Pskov, 42 children were diagnosed with F 71 (according to the ICD - 10), 19 children - F 72, 18 children - F 73. and severity), severe speech disorders, impaired functions of analyzer systems (vision, hearing, tactile sensitivity), increased convulsive readiness (episindrome), disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, dysregulation of behavior (stereotypical actions, aggression and other autism spectrum disorders).

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