Creation of conditions in the preschool for the comprehensive support of children with disabilities. A group of children with disabilities in kindergarten: what difficulties await us? Article children with disabilities in kindergarten

Law "On Education in Russian Federation”, which was adopted in 2012 and entered into force on September 1, 2013, became a real breakthrough in the field of relations between adults and young residents of the country. This groundbreaking document takes into account modern tendencies social development, but at the same time relies on the traditions and characteristics of the Russian education system. Work on the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" has been going on for several years, and its result has become a legal instrument that brings the regulation of relations in education to a qualitatively new level. For the first time in the history of national education, this law introduced a new legal concept - students with disabilities.

Children with disabilities.

Federal law defines students with disabilities as individuals having physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing education without creating special conditions. Obtaining the conclusion of the PMPK is the most important stage in confirming the status of a child with disabilities. If a mother comes to a preschool educational organization and says that the child has disabilities, but this is not supported by a document from the PMPK, then such a child cannot be assigned to a compensatory or combined orientation group. Even if kindergarten teachers and psychologists see that a particular child needs corrective assistance, the family is obliged to visit the PMPK and obtain the conclusion of the commission.

Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education of the territorial PMPK

It should be noted that the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission works in two directions: on the one hand, it examines children, on the other hand, it makes recommendations on providing psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children and creating conditions for them in educational organizations. PMPK employees know and understand that the recommendations must necessarily reflect the conditions that must be organized for the education of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard using an adapted educational program for children with disabilities - either basic or individual. Quite often, the PMPK recommends that parents assign a child with disabilities to a compensatory group or a combined group, where inclusive education is provided. This approach makes it possible to more actively include children with disabilities in the life of society and instill in them communication skills. Inclusive education The term "inclusive education", which is most directly related to the education of children with disabilities, first appeared in the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation in 2012, previously in no other document. federal level there was no such thing. The law "On Education" introduces the following definition: "Inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities." Despite the fact that this concept appeared quite recently, inclusive education has already firmly entered our lives, it is being implemented in preschool educational organizations, and at the level of primary general and basic education. general education and in higher vocational and secondary vocational education. Organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities. Depending on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, children with disabilities are admitted to kindergarten either in a compensatory group or in a combined group. What are the features of the educational process in these groups?

  1. Inclusive education in preschool educational institutions in combined orientation groups Combined orientation groups can hardly be called an innovative novelty, preschool education in such groups existed even before the adoption of the law, when ordinary children's groups included children with minor health problems (low vision, mild deafness, etc.). A feature of combined orientation groups is that, along with normally developing preschoolers, children who have certain types of disorders (visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech impairment, mental retardation, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and so on) study together. ). In contrast to the occupancy of groups of a general developmental orientation, which depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the occupancy of groups of a combined orientation is regulated by SanPiN. The SanPiNs also indicate how many children with disabilities can be in such a group. As a rule, the programs that teachers use in such groups have also already been widely tested and introduced into pedagogical practice, into the educational process, however, the methods of teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standards differ in these groups. Regardless of the number of such pupils (it can be two, three, four, five, seven people), the teacher in working with them uses an adapted educational program, and for each child his own. It must be emphasized that one program is allowed to be used only if the group is attended by children with a similar type of impairment. For example, if two or three people have the same degree of hearing loss, then adapted program may be single. If there are different children in the team, especially different types of disabilities, for example, one child is with a hearing impairment, another with a visual impairment, a third with a mental development disorder, then an adapted educational program for a child with disabilities is prescribed individually for each child. health opportunities.
  2. Inclusive education in compensatory groups Compensatory groups are groups attended by children with the same impairment. For example, groups for children with hearing impairments, or groups for children with visual impairments, or groups for children with speech impairments, and so on. The Law “On Education” for the first time included children with autism spectrum disorders in the list of children with disabilities, which was not previously in the model provision. This group of children with disabilities appeared for the first time. Unfortunately, in last years Indeed, there are a lot of children with early childhood autism; in the new millennium, doctors began to actively diagnose this disease. Children with autism need special educational conditions, which is why they also fall under the definition of children with disabilities. Based on the characteristics of the pupils, compensatory orientation groups can have 10 orientations - depending on the category of children. The groups implement an adapted basic educational program, the only adapted basic educational program. And this is one of the main difficulties in the implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions in compensatory groups. The fact is that approximate adapted basic educational programs, taking into account which it is possible to write the actually adapted basic educational program, while they are not posted on the Federal State Educational Standards Register, have not been developed to date. There is only a federal state educational standard on the basis of which they are written, but on the basis of this document it is quite difficult for preschool organizations to create adapted basic educational programs.

Preparing Kindergarten for Inclusive Education

Our state guarantees equal opportunities for full development to all citizens, including those with health problems. Of course, each child needs to get to the right time and the right place, that is, to the very garden where he will be comfortable. This applies in particular to children with disabilities. Parents are not always able to get a ticket to the preschool organization where conditions are created for such a child. And if the mother receives a ticket to a general developmental group, and the educational organization does not have the necessary specialist (psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist), and the child categorically needs him according to the conclusion of the PMPK, then a twofold situation develops. From the outside it seems that the child is covered by preschool education. But is he getting exactly the education he needs? Far from it. Does it get exactly the set of conditions it needs? Again, no. And in this regard, the following is extremely important. As soon as in kindergarten there are children who have provided confirmation of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the conclusion of the PMPK on the status of "a child with disabilities", this immediately aims the educational organization to create special educational conditions for such a child. And special educational conditions are not only ramps, handrails and some other architectural and planning things. This is, first of all, the professional development of teachers, the training of teachers, their preparation for working with such children. This is the methodological part. This is the introduction of changes in the educational program, that is, the emergence of a certain section in the main educational program, which the Federal State Educational Standard defines as “correctional work / inclusive education”.

Thus, preschool organization there are quite a few serious problems that need to be addressed. It should be noted here that the preparation teaching staff who own special pedagogical approaches and teaching methods - this is the prerogative of the subject of the Russian Federation. That is, the organ state power the subject should be concerned about the training of these teaching staff, on the one hand, and promote the involvement of such workers in the organization, on the other hand. Today, pedagogical universities in their programs pay attention to the education of children with disabilities, students are offered a series of lectures on this topic. But there is very little time in the university program for studying this multifaceted problem, the depth of its study is insufficient for the full-fledged training of teachers preschool education to work with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions. Future educators are given only general information about the diagnosis and some separate fragmentary information about the correction. Actually, students and graduates do not study the methods of working with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, methods of work, methods and technologies and do not receive the skills of such work. Therefore, an educator who comes to a general developmental group after a pedagogical college is not ready, does not have the skills, abilities, these competencies that he needs. It is impossible not to say that today our society is constantly faced with the optimization of processes and conditions. A serious problem in many regions is the dismissal of speech therapists, psychologists, defectologists. Federal and regional authorities explain this by reducing funding and cost optimization. But the lack of much-needed specialists in kindergartens does not allow for the full implementation of the educational program for all children. It turns out that for some categories of pupils it can be implemented, but not for others. However, with this approach, it becomes impossible to comply with the law "On Education" and the federal state educational standard. And, of course, the social request from the parents is not fulfilled in any way, which is important. Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities

Although the introduction of inclusive education is associated with a lot of difficulties, the process is becoming more active. An accessible environment is created for children with disabilities in kindergartens, teachers master methods of interaction with such preschoolers. And today the issue of developing basic educational programs comes to the fore. The basis for writing the program is the federal state educational standard, on the basis of which the program is written. But it is equally important that the main educational program be developed taking into account the exemplary one. This is required by the law "On Education", therefore, all educational organizations (including preschool ones) do this when developing basic educational programs. To date, there are no exemplary adapted basic educational programs for preschool children. They have not been developed, they are not on the website of the Federal State Educational Standard, and there is nowhere to get them from. This is a rather serious problem, which significantly hinders the development of the preschool education system in terms of preschool education for children with disabilities. We must not forget that in groups where there are children with disabilities, adapted programs should be used for training, although they may differ from each other. This point deserves special mention. Previously, there was no concept of "adapted program", although the term " correctional program' has been in use for a long time. Adapted basic general education programs are another innovation in the education system, including preschool. Adapted basic general education programs are programs that are used for a group, for a class of children who have this or that impairment. For example, an adapted basic general education program for a group of visually impaired or hearing impaired children, for blind children, for deaf children, for children with severe speech impairments. There are a lot of such children's groups in the country, and these groups should work according to adapted basic programs.

What is an adapted educational program for children with disabilities? Such a program is indispensable in the case when there are one, two, three, five children with disabilities in a group of normally developing peers. It is obvious that the program that the group is working on (for example, the program "From Birth to School", "Childhood", "Rainbow" or any other program) is simply not suitable for a child with AP, any child with any impairment. And if the program does not fit, then it must be adapted. Let's take a simple example to illustrate. A child with severe speech disorders falls into the combined group. It is clear that for such a child it is necessary to adapt the section of the program called “Speech Development”. For such a child, it is necessary to make certain changes to the content of the program, exactly those that are necessary for this particular child, based on what kind of lexical insufficiency he has (that is, what he lacks in terms of vocabulary), whether he has violations grammatical structure speech (and if so, what kind) that this child has with sound pronunciation. Thus, the educational program is being adapted so that the learning process of a child with disabilities is more comfortable and leads to the achievement of high results.

Is it necessary to amend the charter in the case of teaching children with disabilities according to adapted educational programs m?

It is obvious for both parents and educators that it is much easier for children with disabilities to adapt and master educational programs in groups of a combined orientation. And here it is more important than ever to talk about adapted programs. Each child with disabilities who is in a combined orientation group needs to adapt the main program that is offered for the entire group. Undoubtedly, for a particular child, an individual adaptation of this program is required. Perhaps only in one educational area, such as for children with severe speech disorders. Perhaps in two areas, if, for example, these are children with mental retardation. Features of adaptation depend on the educational needs of each child who finds himself in a group of healthy peers. And, perhaps, two points - the development of an adapted educational program for each child with disabilities in groups of combined orientation and the development of adapted basic educational programs - today represent the main difficulty in the inclusive education of children with disabilities. But, despite all the difficulties of introducing inclusive education, this approach to teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions has the broadest prospects. Constant interaction and daily cooperation allows both children with disabilities and children with normal development to acquire new knowledge and skills, become more tolerant, learn to find solutions in a variety of life situations. The global goal of inclusive education is to create comfortable conditions for the joint successful upbringing and effective education of children with different psychophysical developmental characteristics. And our society has already taken the first step towards achieving this goal.

The article describes the experience of organizing integrative and inclusive education for children with disabilities in a general developmental preschool educational institution.

The last decade of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century are characterized by a more attentive attitude of the state to the problems of children with disabilities. So today, the Concept for the Development of Education for Disabled Children and Children with Disabilities in the Altai Territory for 2014-2017 has been developed and approved. It is based on the principles of educational policy in Russia, which are defined federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation", the state programs of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment" for 2011 - 2015 and "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020. These documents are about the implementation of the state-guaranteed right of the parents (legal representatives) of the child to include children with disabilities in any preschool educational institutions at the place of residence, regardless of the presence or absence of an adapted environment in them.

Today in our kindergarten there are groups: general developmental, combined, compensatory orientation and 1 group for children with disabilities. Along with the usually developing preschoolers, children with Down syndrome, children with RDA, children with mental retardation, HIV-infected child, children with chemical burns of the esophagus, skin cancer, hemophilia, general speech underdevelopment, alalia, attention deficit disorder attend the kindergarten.

Since, the most important periods of development of children with disabilities are infant, early and younger preschool ages(it is at this time that there is a unique opportunity to overcome the consequences of one or another sensory or intellectual impairment and avoiding the formation of a special position among healthy people), then the implementation of an inclusive approach for some children with disabilities begins as early as 3 years in the short stay group. At this stage, classes are held in a sensory room with a set of necessary technical equipment: a dry pool, massagers, etc. The educator, psychologist, defectologist were the developers of the adaptation program "Develop, baby!". At its core, the goal of the Circle method is to motivate children to participate in group activities and communicate with peers. The children visited this group during the year, where they were trained by a psychologist, defectologist and educator. Specialists watched them, and without imposing new forms, picked up what each preschooler can do individually, gradually enriched and developed using game-therapeutic forms of work. A year later, these children entered the 10-hour stay groups.

At this stage of the inclusive approach, the primary task is to identify the individual educational needs of children with disabilities. To do this, a psychological, medical and pedagogical council functions in the kindergarten, which includes: a teacher to whom a preschooler was integrated into the group, a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist, a medical worker, a defectologist, a music director and a physical education instructor). This council allows you to create an individual educational route for each child with disabilities and avoid isolated correction of individual parameters, lack of unity in achieving goals. The received data are recorded in the table once a quarter.

  • Time interval
  • The content of the activities of the educator
  • The content of the activity of a speech therapist
  • The content of the teacher's activity
  • psychologist
  • The content of the activities of the music director
  • The content of the activities of the instructor physical education
  • The content of the activities of the defectologist
  • The content of working with families
  • Expected Result
  • Dynamics of development.

As can be seen from the graph, the inclusion of parents is also mandatory. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", parents are the first teachers, and therefore should become full and full participants in the educational activities of their own baby. The unity of kindergarten and family is the key to success in inclusive education. So this year, as part of an inclusive approach, parent meetings “Who is a special child”, “Children of the Sun” were organized and held; parent club "Merry Family", consultations of narrow specialists upon request, holding musical holidays "Little Fairy", "New Year" (where children with disabilities were active participants). Very effective are short-term views of videos that clearly demonstrate the features of the application of certain methods of working with children. They show the dynamics of development, the achievements of each baby. Parents of both healthy children and parents of children with disabilities are present at these events.

When organizing inclusive education in a preschool institution, special conditions have been created and competent support from the point of view of correctional pedagogy is provided. Narrow specialists conduct both group and individual lessons. At the same time, the fundamental principle is the observance of the interests of children. The teacher responsible for accompanying a disabled child solves each problem situation with the maximum benefit for the pupil. So each kid is given the right to develop at his own pace, children with disabilities receive additional help at individual lessons with experts according to their problems. For example, in speech therapy work, any program is adapted to the real pace and peculiarities of perception of each of the children with disabilities. To do this, it should be divided into separate blocks, arranged according to the increasing level of complexity, so that the material of the next block is based on the knowledge and skills gained during the passage of the previous block. The time for passing each block by an individual student is not limited. The transition to the next block occurs after the child really masters the material of the previous one.

The organization of the joint life of children in the group of inclusive education can be traced in all regime moments. Preschoolers are not passive observers, but actively participate in group duty, preparation for classes, etc. On the street, children walk along with everyone. Therefore, walking areas within the territory of our institution are not isolated from each other. Unfortunately, today the state does not provide for persons assigned to each individual child with a disability. Therefore, during walks, narrow specialists assigned to the group accompany.

Thus, the accumulated experience allows us to conclude that A complex approach to teaching children with disabilities with the participation of specialists, parents, and using an integrative environment allows them to more fully reveal their potential, acquire the necessary knowledge and social skills, successfully join the environment of ordinary peers, get equal starting opportunities and prepare for an independent life in the future.


  1. Alferova G.V. [Text] / New approaches to correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities. / / Defectology. -2001. - No. 3
  2. Borisova N.V., Prushinsky S.A. [Text] / Inclusive education: law, principles, practice. M., 2009.
  3. Volosovets T.V., Kutepova E.N. [Text] / Inclusive practice in preschool education. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011.
  4. Semago N.Ya [Text] / Inclusive kindergarten: activities of specialists. M.: TC Sphere, 2012.
  5. GEF / [Text]

The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which was adopted in 2012 and entered into force on September 1, 2013, has become a real breakthrough in the field of relations between adults and young residents of the country. This innovative document takes into account modern trends in social development, but at the same time relies on the traditions and characteristics of the Russian education system. Work on the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" has been going on for several years, and its result has become a legal instrument that brings the regulation of relations in education to a qualitatively new level. For the first time in the history of national education, this law introduced a new legal concept - students with disabilities.

Children with disabilities.

The federal law defines students with disabilities as individuals with deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing education without creating special conditions. Obtaining the conclusion of the PMPK is the most important stage in confirming the status of a child with disabilities. If a mother comes to a preschool educational organization and says that the child has disabilities, but this is not supported by a document from the PMPK, then such a child cannot be assigned to a compensatory or combined orientation group. Even if teachers and psychologists of the kindergarten see that a particular child needs corrective assistance, the family is obliged to visit the PMPK and obtain the conclusion of the commission.

Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education of the territorial PMPK

It should be noted that the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission works in two directions: on the one hand, it examines children, on the other hand, it makes recommendations on providing psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children and creating conditions for them in educational organizations. PMPK employees know and understand that the recommendations must necessarily reflect the conditions that must be organized for the education of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard using an adapted educational program for children with disabilities - either basic or individual. Quite often, the PMPK recommends that parents assign a child with disabilities to a compensatory group or a combined group, where inclusive education is provided. This approach makes it possible to more actively include children with disabilities in the life of society and instill in them communication skills. Inclusive education The term "inclusive education", which is most directly related to the education of children with disabilities, first appeared in the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation in 2012, previously there was no such concept in any document at the federal level. The law "On Education" introduces the following definition: "Inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities." Despite the fact that this concept appeared quite recently, inclusive education has already firmly entered our lives, it is being implemented in preschool educational organizations, and at the level of primary general and basic general education, and in higher professional and secondary vocational education. Organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities. Depending on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, children with disabilities are admitted to kindergarten either in a compensatory group or in a combined group. What are the features of the educational process in these groups?

  1. Inclusive education in preschool educational institutions in combined orientation groups Combined orientation groups can hardly be called an innovative novelty, preschool education in such groups existed even before the adoption of the law, when ordinary children's groups included children with minor health problems (low vision, mild deafness, etc.). A feature of combined orientation groups is that, along with normally developing preschoolers, children who have certain types of disorders (visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech impairment, mental retardation, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and so on) study together. ). In contrast to the occupancy of groups of a general developmental orientation, which depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the occupancy of groups of a combined orientation is regulated by SanPiN. The SanPiNs also indicate how many children with disabilities can be in such a group. As a rule, the programs that teachers use in such groups have also already been widely tested and introduced into pedagogical practice, into the educational process, however, the methods of teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standards differ in these groups. Regardless of the number of such pupils (it can be two, three, four, five, seven people), the teacher in working with them uses an adapted educational program, and for each child his own. It must be emphasized that one program is allowed to be used only if the group is attended by children with a similar type of impairment. For example, if two or three people have the same degree of hearing loss, then the adapted program can be the same. If there are different children in the team, especially different types of disabilities, for example, one child is with a hearing impairment, another with a visual impairment, a third with a mental development disorder, then an adapted educational program for a child with disabilities is prescribed individually for each child. health opportunities.
  2. Inclusive education in compensatory groups Compensatory groups are groups attended by children with the same impairment. For example, groups for children with hearing impairments, or groups for children with visual impairments, or groups for children with speech impairments, and so on. The Law “On Education” for the first time included children with autism spectrum disorders in the list of children with disabilities, which was not previously in the model provision. This group of children with disabilities appeared for the first time. Unfortunately, in recent years there have really become a lot of children with early childhood autism; in the new millennium, doctors began to actively diagnose this disease. Children with autism need special educational conditions, which is why they also fall under the definition of children with disabilities. Based on the characteristics of the pupils, compensatory orientation groups can have 10 orientations - depending on the category of children. The groups implement an adapted basic educational program, the only adapted basic educational program. And this is one of the main difficulties in the implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions in compensatory groups. The fact is that approximate adapted basic educational programs, taking into account which it is possible to write the actually adapted basic educational program, while they are not posted on the Federal State Educational Standards Register, have not been developed to date. There is only a federal state educational standard on the basis of which they are written, but on the basis of this document it is quite difficult for preschool organizations to create adapted basic educational programs.

Preparing Kindergarten for Inclusive Education

Our state guarantees equal opportunities for full development to all citizens, including those with health problems. Of course, each child needs to get to the right time and the right place, that is, to the very garden where he will be comfortable. This applies in particular to children with disabilities. Parents are not always able to get a ticket to the preschool organization where conditions are created for such a child. And if the mother receives a ticket to a general developmental group, and the educational organization does not have the necessary specialist (psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist), and the child categorically needs him according to the conclusion of the PMPK, then a twofold situation develops. From the outside it seems that the child is covered by preschool education. But is he getting exactly the education he needs? Far from it. Does it get exactly the set of conditions it needs? Again, no. And in this regard, the following is extremely important. As soon as children appear in the kindergarten who have provided confirmation of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the conclusion of the PMPK on the status of a “child with disabilities”, this immediately aims the educational organization to create special educational conditions for such a child. And special educational conditions are not only ramps, handrails and some other architectural and planning things. This is, first of all, the professional development of teachers, the training of teachers, their preparation for working with such children. This is the methodological part. This is the introduction of changes in the educational program, that is, the emergence of a certain section in the main educational program, which the Federal State Educational Standard defines as “correctional work / inclusive education”.

Thus, the preschool organization has quite a lot of serious problems that need to be addressed. It should be recalled here that the training of teachers who own special pedagogical approaches and teaching methods is the prerogative of the subject of the Russian Federation. That is, the public authority of the subject should worry about the training of these teaching staff, on the one hand, and facilitate the involvement of such workers in organizations, on the other hand. Today, pedagogical universities in their programs pay attention to the education of children with disabilities, students are offered a series of lectures on this topic. But there is very little time in the university program for studying this multifaceted problem, the depth of its study is insufficient for the full preparation of preschool teachers to work with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions. Future educators are given only general information about the diagnosis and some separate fragmentary information about the correction. Actually, students and graduates do not study the methods of working with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, methods of work, methods and technologies and do not receive the skills of such work. Therefore, an educator who comes to a general developmental group after a pedagogical college is not ready, does not have the skills, abilities, these competencies that he needs. It is impossible not to say that today our society is constantly faced with the optimization of processes and conditions. A serious problem in many regions is the dismissal of speech therapists, psychologists, defectologists. Federal and regional authorities explain this by reducing funding and cost optimization. But the lack of much-needed specialists in kindergartens does not allow for the full implementation of the educational program for all children. It turns out that for some categories of pupils it can be implemented, but not for others. However, with this approach, it becomes impossible to comply with the law "On Education" and the federal state educational standard. And, of course, the social request from the parents is not fulfilled in any way, which is important. Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities

Although the introduction of inclusive education is associated with a lot of difficulties, the process is becoming more active. An accessible environment is created for children with disabilities in kindergartens, teachers master methods of interaction with such preschoolers. And today the issue of developing basic educational programs comes to the fore. The basis for writing the program is the federal state educational standard, on the basis of which the program is written. But it is equally important that the main educational program be developed taking into account the exemplary one. This is required by the law "On Education", therefore, all educational organizations (including preschool ones) do this when developing basic educational programs. To date, there are no exemplary adapted basic educational programs for preschool children. They have not been developed, they are not on the website of the Federal State Educational Standard, and there is nowhere to get them from. This is a rather serious problem, which significantly hinders the development of the preschool education system in terms of preschool education for children with disabilities. We must not forget that in groups where there are children with disabilities, adapted programs should be used for training, although they may differ from each other. This point deserves special mention. Previously, there was no concept of "adapted program", although the term "correctional program" has been used for a long time. Adapted basic general education programs are another innovation in the education system, including preschool. Adapted basic general education programs are programs that are used for a group, for a class of children who have this or that impairment. For example, an adapted basic general education program for a group of visually impaired or hearing impaired children, for blind children, for deaf children, for children with severe speech impairments. There are a lot of such children's groups in the country, and these groups should work according to adapted basic programs.

What is an adapted educational program for children with disabilities? Such a program is indispensable in the case when there are one, two, three, five children with disabilities in a group of normally developing peers. It is obvious that the program that the group is working on (for example, the program "From Birth to School", "Childhood", "Rainbow" or any other program) is simply not suitable for a child with AP, any child with any impairment. And if the program does not fit, then it must be adapted. Let's take a simple example to illustrate. A child with severe speech disorders falls into the combined group. It is clear that for such a child it is necessary to adapt the section of the program called “Speech Development”. For such a child, it is necessary to make certain changes to the content of the program, exactly those that are necessary for this particular child, based on what kind of lexical insufficiency he has (that is, what he lacks in terms of vocabulary), whether he has violations of the grammatical structure of speech ( and if so, which ones) that this child has with sound pronunciation. Thus, the educational program is being adapted so that the learning process of a child with disabilities is more comfortable and leads to the achievement of high results.

Is it necessary to amend the charter in the case of teaching children with disabilities according to adapted educational programs m?

It is obvious for both parents and educators that it is much easier for children with disabilities to adapt and master educational programs in groups of a combined orientation. And here it is more important than ever to talk about adapted programs. Each child with disabilities who is in a combined orientation group needs to adapt the main program that is offered for the entire group. Undoubtedly, for a particular child, an individual adaptation of this program is required. Perhaps only in one educational area, such as for children with severe speech disorders. Perhaps in two areas, if, for example, these are children with mental retardation. Features of adaptation depend on the educational needs of each child who finds himself in a group of healthy peers. And, perhaps, two points - the development of an adapted educational program for each child with disabilities in groups of combined orientation and the development of adapted basic educational programs - today represent the main difficulty in the inclusive education of children with disabilities. But, despite all the difficulties of introducing inclusive education, this approach to teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions has the broadest prospects. Constant interaction and daily cooperation allows both children with disabilities and children with normal development to acquire new knowledge and skills, become more tolerant, learn to find solutions in a variety of life situations. The global goal of inclusive education is to create comfortable conditions for the joint successful upbringing and effective education of children with different psychophysical developmental characteristics. And our society has already taken the first step towards achieving this goal.

Education of children with disabilities in a kindergarten.

Recently, the number of children with disabilities, including children with disabilities, has been increasing.

Even in the recent past, most of them were forced to stay at home.

The Federal State Educational Standard of the preschool educational institution provides a great opportunity for the transition to joint education of healthy and disabled children. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at providing children with disabilities with the competencies they need for successful socialization in modern society.

Today, in our kindergarten, conditions are being created for the upbringing and development of children with disabilities together with normally developing children. After all, the sooner such a child is involved in integrated upbringing and education, the faster and easier it will adapt to the life in which healthy children live.

Experience shows that co-parenting and learning helps to develop in healthy children tolerance for the mental deficiencies of peers, a sense of mutual assistance and a desire for cooperation. Inclusion contributes to the formation in children with special educational needs of a positive attitude towards peers and adequate social behavior, as well as a more complete realization of the development potential in training and education.

As a result of the work on raising children with disabilities, we plan the following result:

Successful socialization of children with disabilities in kindergarten, peer group;


Communication skills;


Reducing the "isolation" of children;


Increased self-esteem;

Activation of speech, cognitive processes.

To achieve the planned result, the following conditions have been created in our preschool educational institution:

Creation of an appropriate educational space;

Creation of software and methodological support;

Creation of a subject-spatial developing environment;

Mandatory correction zone

Privacy corners

Developing environment, taking into account the "zone of proximal development"

Creation of didactic support;

There is a PMPK commission that provides consulting, diagnostic and methodological support;

Network interaction with social partners has been established: CDO, SYuT, Children's Art School, Children's and Youth Sports School: organization of pupils' participation in city competitions of children's creativity, sports events, visits to exhibitions, concerts;

Individual AOPs are implemented;

Functional rooms for providing correction (doctor's office, speech therapist's office, gym, teacher-psychologist's office);

A system of network interaction on a contractual basis with other organizations where there are specialists who are not in our staff (for example, a defectologist, a psychiatrist);

Individual support different specialists of children who require "special attention".

Also, in their work, all specialists of the preschool educational institution are guided by the following principles:

The principle of individual approach involves the choice of forms, methods and means of training and education, taking into account the individual educational needs of each of the children in the group. Individual child development programs are based on diagnostics functional state child and involve the development of an individual development strategy for a particular child.

The principle of supporting the independent activity of the child.

An important condition The success of inclusive education is to provide conditions for the independent activity of the child.

The principle of active inclusion in the educational process

all its members involves the creation of conditions for understanding and acceptance of each other in order to achieve fruitful interaction on a humanistic basis. This is the active involvement of children, parents and specialists in the field of education in joint activities: joint planning, holding common events.

The principle of variability in the organization of training and education processes.

Inclusion in an inclusive group of children with different developmental characteristics implies the presence of a variable developmental environment, i.e. the necessary developmental and didactic aids, teaching aids, without a barrier environment, a variable methodological base for training and education, and the ability of a teacher to use a variety of methods and means of work, both in general and special pedagogy.

The principle of partnership with the family.

The efforts of teachers will be effective only if they are supported by parents, understandable to them and meet the needs of the family. The task of the specialist is to establish trusting partnerships with the parents or relatives of the child, to be attentive to the request of the parents, to what, in their opinion, is important and necessary at the moment for their child, to agree on joint actions aimed at supporting the child.

The world of a special child - allows only its own.
The world of a special child is interesting and shy.
The world of a special child is ugly and beautiful.
Clumsy, sometimes strange, good-natured and open.
The world of a special child sometimes scares us.
Why is he aggressive? Why doesn't he speak?
The world of a special child is closed from the eyes of strangers.
The world of a special child - allows only its own!

The modern system of Russian special education defines priority goals and objectives, the solution of which requires the construction of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support for the upbringing and education of children with disabilities.

IN modern view the concept of quality of education is not reduced to the level of education of pupils of preschool educational institutions, a set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with the concept of social well-being, security. In this regard, support for preschool children with disabilities cannot be limited to the tasks of overcoming difficulties in education and training, but includes ensuring successful socialization, maintaining health, and correcting violations.

Each child has the opportunity to be ready for schooling at his own level, according to his personal characteristics.

The organization of the interaction of various specialists in the conditions of a preschool educational institution pursues the goals of the comprehensive development and correction of a pupil with disabilities, taking into account individual and potential capabilities. What provides equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nationality, language, including disabilities health.

- these are children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs outside the special conditions of education and upbringing, that is, these are children with disabilities or other children under the age of 18 who are not recognized in the prescribed manner as children with disabilities, but who have temporary or permanent deviations in physical or mental development and those who need to create special conditions for training and education.

Groups of preschoolers are not homogeneous, it includes children with various developmental disorders:

  1. children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  2. children with hearing impairments (deaf, hard of hearing)
  3. visually impaired children (blind, visually impaired)
  4. children with severe speech disorders;
  5. children with mental retardation;
  6. children with mental retardation;
  7. children with autism spectrum disorder.

Basic the purpose of accompanying children with disabilities is the definition and implementation of individual educational routes of correctional pedagogical work with children with disabilities.

The definition and implementation of individual educational routes of correctional and pedagogical work takes place in stages, according to a certain algorithm, and is carried out by a psychologist, speech therapists, teachers, medical workers of preschool educational institutions.

Exist the main directions of correctional and pedagogical work of preschool specialists with children with disabilities:

- Diagnostic. For the success of the upbringing and education of children, a correct assessment of their capabilities and the identification of special educational needs are necessary. The main purpose of this stage is to collect the necessary information about the features of psychophysical development, to identify the structure of n.p. speech disorder and potential of the child. The results of the diagnostic examination are brought to the attention of all participants in the correctional and pedagogical process.

- Consultative-projective stage. At this stage, experts discuss possible solutions to the problem, determine the most effective methods and methods of corrective work, are individual programs, allocate responsibilities for their implementation, specify the deadlines. The specifics of support is such that each specialist performs certain tasks in the field of his subject activity. Drawing up an individual educational route contributes to the implementation of the educational needs of children with disabilities (eg speech impairment).

An important principle for defining and implementing an individual route is:

  • the principle of accessibility and systematic nature of the proposed material;
  • continuity;
  • variability;
  • observance of the interests of the pupil;
  • the principle of creating a situation of success;
  • the principle of humanity and realism;
  • promotion and cooperation of children and adults.

Thus, IOM is an integrated model of the psychological, medical and pedagogical space created by specialists in order to realize the individual characteristics of a child with disabilities over a certain period of time.

- Activity stage. During this stage, individual programs for the comprehensive support of children with disabilities are implemented. Classes conducted by specialists provide an opportunity to create an enriched speech environment that allows you to form all aspects of speech: phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical, coherent speech. Educators conduct classes in accordance with an individual educational route. The main directions are: formation cognitive processes using various games and exercises, adaptation of the pupil in the children's team, the formation of self-service skills for children in the process of fulfilling regime moments, organizing game activities outside of class, on walks.

- Consultative and educational support of the family. Parents are full participants in the educational process. They should have all the information about the psychological and pedagogical impact on their child in preschool. The involvement of parents in the correctional and pedagogical impact entails an increase in their activity, an increase in pedagogical competence, and also changes the nature of the relationship of parents to the child and his characteristics. Speech therapy practice shows that the conscious inclusion of parents in joint teacher-speech therapist the corrective process can significantly increase its effectiveness.

The organization of work in a preschool educational institution with children with disabilities involves:

  1. development of recommendations for parents in accordance with the individual characteristics of their child;
  2. holding consultations, trainings, workshops on the implementation of correctional and developmental tasks;
  3. conducting open classes;
  4. work with parent-child couples.

The above system of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities to ensure their development in conditions preschool provides:

  • an individual development route for each child with disabilities based on the integration of the activities of all preschool specialists;
  • the unity of diagnostics and correction - developing activities of children with disabilities;
  • the opportunity to demonstrate to parents the results of the successful development of the child.
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