Analgin (500 mg, Himfarm AO). Analgin Belmed: Instructions for applying the owner of the registration certificate

Latin name

Form release


1 tablet contains:
Activity: Sodium metamizol (analgin) 500 mg

Auxiliary substances: sucrose (sugar), starch potato, calcium stearate, talc.


pharmachologic effect

Sodium metamizol - the active ingredient of the analgin - has an anesthetic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Analgesic effect is determined by the suppression of endogenous biosynthesis ( causing pain) Substances, such as endopraxides, bradyikinins, etc.

The antipyretic effect is due to the suppression of the formation and release of substances from bacterial endotoxins, neutrophilic leukocytes, etc.

It is a derivative of pyrazolone.

The action develops in 20-40 minutes and reaches a maximum after 2 hours.


  • weak or moderately pronounced pain syndrome ( headache, migraine, toothache, neuralgia, myalgia; Dysmenorrhea; postoperative pain; in combination with antispasmodic agents with renal and bile colic);
  • feverish conditions in infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • use as an antipyretic means is appropriate after the diagnosis of the disease.


Increased sensitivity to the pyrazolone derivative (butadion, triumson), a tendency to bronchospasm.

Pronounced disorders of the liver or kidney function, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficit, blood disease.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the first and last three months of pregnancy, Analgin can not.

From the fourth century for the sixth months of pregnancy, Analgin must be carried out on strict medical testimony.

After taking analgin, breastfeeding should be discontinued for 48 hours.

Method of application and dose

Inside adults are prescribed 0.25-0.5 g 2-3 times a day after eating.

Maximum single dose - 1 g, daily - 3 g.

Children are prescribed 5-10 mg / kg weight 3-4 times a day.

One-time doses for intake for children aged:

  • - 0.05-0.1 g; 2-3 years
  • 4-5 years - 0.1-0.2 g;
  • 6-7 years - 0.2 g;
  • 8-14 years old - 0.25-0.3 g

Purpose of destination - 2-3 times a day.

Side effects

From the urinary system: a violation of the function of the kidneys, Oliguria, Anuria, proteinuria, very rarely the development of acute interstitial nephritis, urine coloring in red (due to the allocation of metabolite - RUBAsone acid). Allergic reactions: urticaria, including on the conjunction and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, swelling of quinque; In rare cases - malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), anaphylactic shock, toxic epidermal necroliz (Lailyl syndrome), bronchospasty syndrome (not only with a leaning to bronchospasm). From the side of the blood formation organs: leukopenia, rarely agranocytosis and thrombocytopenia of immune genesis. Other: it is possible to reduce arterial pressure, violation of cardiac rhythm.

special instructions

In the treatment of children up to 5 years and patients receiving cytostatic drugs, the reception of metamizol sodium should be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor.

The intolerance is very rare, but the threat of the development of anaphylactic shock after B / in the administration of the drug is relatively higher than after receiving the drug inside.

Patients with atopic bronchial asthma and half thelines have an increased risk of development allergic reactions.

Against the background of applying metamizol sodium, the development of agranulocytosis is possible, and therefore, when identifying an unmotivated rise in temperature, chills, pain in the throat, difficulty swallowing, stomatitis, as well as the development of vaginite phenomena or a proctitis, immediately cancellation of the drug is necessary.

For long use (more than a week) It is necessary to control the picture of peripheral blood.

Unacceptable use for removal sharp pain In the abdomen (until the clarification of the cause).

Medicinal interaction

The simultaneous use of analgin with other nonarcotic analgesics can lead to a mutual strengthening of toxic effects. Tricyclic antidepressants, contraceptive means for intake and allopurinol disturb the metamizole metamizol methaminisol in the liver and increase its toxicity. Barbiturates and phenylbutazone weaken the effect of the analgin. Analgin enhances the effects of alkagol-containing drinks. X-ray-contrast medicinal products, Colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin should not be used during treatment with sodium metamizol. Sodium metamizol, displacing oral hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroids and indomethacin, increases their activity. The simultaneous use of analgin with cyclosporin reduces the level of the latter in the blood. Tiamazole and Sarcolizin increase the risk of developing leukopenia. The effect is enhanced by codeine, Blockers of H2-histamine receptors, propranolol (slows down inactivation). Sedatives and tranquilizers enhance the analgesic effect of the analgin. Myelotoxic drugs enhance the manifestations of the hematotoxicity of the drug.


Analgic anesthetic drug Analgin 500 is used in extreme states in adults and children. Reception medication combines with antihistamine drugs, neuroleptics and tranquilizers.

Pharmacological group

The drug refers to representatives of the pyrazolone class. Original international proprietary name - Metamizole Sodium. The medicinal product is prohibited for use in global medical practice.

Forms of release and composition

The antipiletics consists of an active substance Metamizolum Natrium. The preparation is produced in the form of tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g, ampoules 25% and 50% of the solution containing 1.2, 5 ml. Analgesic buffus is a fluid for intramuscular or intravenous administration 500 mg / ml.

AT cardboard box With 2 ml ampulus with a capacity of 2 ml is a special emerging leg. For intravenous administration, a solution is produced in 2 ml polyethylene ampoules.

Analgesic buffus is a liquid for intramuscular or intravenous administration of 500 mg / ml.

The analgesic detergent of ultra is produced in the form of tablets covered with a shell, at a dose of 500 mg. The medicine is in the cells of the contour packaging.

Mechanism of action

The drug from the group of pyrazolones produces the following pharmacological effects:

  • biochemical;
  • physico-chemical;
  • physical.


Antipictic influences the process of formation of cyclooxygenase enzymes. Sodium metamizole blocks the production of the isfein, reduces the number of leukotrienes involved in the synthesis of internal opioids.

After the intake of analgesics decreases the concentration of dynorphine and beta endorphine in the tissues. In this case, the anesthetic effect of sodium metamizol increases. The dose of the drug exceeding 500 mg is effective to reduce pain during injury.


After the introduction into the body analgesics enters the liver and decomposes, forming several metabolites: 4-methylaminantipirine and 4-aminoantipirine. In the blood of the patient, the drug is preserved in its original form.

If the concentration of metabolites exceeds 20 μg / ml, the toxic effect of analgesic is manifested. The drug does not accumulate in the body. The half-life is 2.5 hours.

Disintegration products active substance Remove with urine. Permanent pharmacokinetics is observed in the following groups of patients: in children from 3 years old, old people from 70 and older, pregnant patients.

Indications for use

An anesthetic helps a person reduce the manifestations of chronic pain syndrome when oncological diseases III-IV stages. Intensity of acute pain on initial stage Development malignant tumor Also reduced with sodium metamizol.

The drug is used in cases where the patient is contraindicated to receive the NSAID.

Indications for the purpose of medication are:

  • algodismenorius syndrome;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • post travery and postoperative syndromes.

Acute pancreatitis is one of the indications for the use of analgin.

The reception of sodium metamizol must correspond to the intensity of pain, not to represent a threat to human health.

To reduce the temperature, an antipyretic agent is often used. Analgesic does not reduce the duration of hyperthermia during ARVI. It is not recommended to regularly receive an anesthetic agent, even if the temperature reached high numbers. In this case, it is reduced by other recommended drugs. The drug eliminates inflammation, but his reception is limited in children. In some cases, it causes a collapse and a decrease in temperature to + 34.5 ... + 35 ° C.

The medicine is used in psychiatry to eliminate states that pose a threat to the health and life of the patient. In some patients, an analgesic drug is used in complex therapy Osteoporosis, combining ointments and gels.


The medicine is not prescribed to the patient who has concomitant diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • arrhythmia;
  • diseases of the circulatory system.

Patients suffering from concomitant vascular pathology are at risk of developing myocardial infarction, thromboembolism with long-term use of high doses of sodium metamizole.

Tablets are a hepatotoxic agent. The drug is not prescribed for the treatment of patients having a history of renal colic seizures. Acute abdominal pain is an absolute contraindication for appointing analgesic.

The drug has an adverse effect on the patient's body:

  • increases cardiac output;
  • provokes the development of myocardial ischemia;
  • activates the sympathetic nervous system;
  • promotes the development of hypostatic pneumonia;
  • leads to a delay of urination.

Analgin Application and Dosage Method 500

The drug is taken by ½ tablet 2-3 times a day after eating or introduced into the muscle (vein) 2.0 ml 3 times a day.


Tablets take 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day. The dose should not exceed 1.0 G. intramuscularly or intravenously slowly medicine is administered to an adult for 500 mg 3 times a day. Day dose Analgesic - 2 g. The medicine is drunk after eating. In the case of treatment, over 7 days is monitored by the liver condition.


Sodium metamizole is prescribed in the form of suppositories from 3 months of age. Medicine should not be drunk regularly, since the drug has a lot side Effects.

The child is prescribed 10 mg / kg 3 times a day for several days if it is necessary to quickly reduce the temperature.

Side effects and overdose

After taking analgesic, the patient often develops interstitial jade. Its appearance is associated with a response of the body for the introduction of a chemical compound. Agranulocytosis is manifested by a decrease in leukocytes less than 1x109 / l.

Often the patient concerned the following symptoms:

  • arterial hypotension;
  • heart rate violation;
  • myocarditis;
  • dyspnea.

The use of the drug in high dose causes the development of inflammation. Skin rash occurs after the preceding period of sensitization.

The ECT registers the violation of the heart rhythm. Myocarditis is drug-induced, accompanied by the formation of the antigen antibody complex. The patient has shortness of breath, edema legs, tachycardia appears, symptoms of heart failure.

Often the patient torments nausea after taking food, feeling of gravity and pain in the epigastric area. The attack ends with abundant multiple vomiting.

After applying an anesthetic drug, angioemical edema develops - an acute state, accompanied by changes in subcutaneous tissue and skin. Patients note its appearance on the mucous membrane of the cheek, century, in the field of lips.

At the same time, unpleasant symptoms arise:

  • abdominal pain;
  • stool violation;
  • dizziness;
  • respiratory change;
  • vooled voice.

Dizziness is one of the side effects of drug intake.

Special instructions of Analgin 500

During treatment it is necessary to control blood test. It is not recommended to take tablets when acute abdominal pain appears. Often, during therapy, Urina is painted in bright red color.

During pregnancy and lactation

The analgesic penetrates through the placental barrier and adversely affects the fruit. The use of analgesic in late pregnancy weakens generic activity, causes light hypertension And bleeding from the fetus.

After receiving an anesthetic for severe toxic form of influenza, the following symptoms appear in pregnant women:

  • convulsions;
  • speech disorder;
  • bradycardia;

In case of incomplete spontaneous miscarriage to eliminate pain sensations Assign rectal candlescontaining sodium metamizole.

In childhood

  • agronomocytosis;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • changes in the walls of the vessels;
  • reduced arterial pressure.

The drug has a negative effect of the stomach and intestines. The child develops inflammation, or bleeding appears.

If it is impossible to use ibuprofen or paracetamol (intolerance, diarrhea, vomiting) during fever (intolerance, diarrhea, vomiting), or the patient has evolved hyperthermic syndrome, the antipilet is administered parenterally.

A single dose of medication should not exceed 5 mg / year (0.02 ml of solution for the year of the patient's life). In older children, the amount of drug is 50-75 mg / year (0.1-0.15 ml of 50% solution).

Antipictic is introduced immediately if the child has deteriorated well-being, chills appeared, pain in the muscles; He refuses drinking.

In old age

There are limitations for the use of sodium metamizol in old people:

  • pain syndrome with osteoarthritis;
  • hypertension;
  • heart failure.

Overdose causes the appearance of unwanted reactions from the Central nervous system and liver. Sometimes the fatal outcome comes.

When using the maximum daily dose, the risk of chronic intoxication increases. For anesthesia B. postoperative period Often prescribe metamizole sodium. After its use, gastric bleeding may appear in the patient.

The drug is prescribed with the gravity of the suffered surgical intervention and the presence of concomitant pathology.

With violations of the kidney function

In the renal colic, the tablets are used with caution, if the patient has symptoms of the functional impairment of the urinary organ:

  • swelling;
  • tissue hypoxia;
  • reducing the dimensions of the distal tubules.

Pyelonephritis is manifested by pain and intoxication, but the reception of an analgesic drug impairs the forecast in people of elderly and senile age.

When violations of the liver function

For the therapy of hepatic porphyria, the drug is contraindicated, since the tablets cause exacerbation of the pathological process. Much danger represents the simultaneous intake of analgesic and alcoholic beverages.

In a patient, the level of free bilirubin in the blood serum increases in the patient during analgesic intake. The use of sodium metamizole leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition, the appearance of sclerosic skin sections on the face. Do not prescribe a patient with a cure liver.

Influence on the concentration of attention

Drug interaction Analgin 500

With simultaneous use with myotropic spasmolitis, analgesic eliminates the symptoms of renal or hepatic colic.

With other drugs

To reduce the intensity of headaches, the medicine is combined with such drugs as:

  • Codeine;
  • Caffeine;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Phenobarbital.

The use of an anesthetic preparation with other drugs causes the appearance of side effects. Analgesic enhances the effect of drugs that reduce blood sugar levels.

Tranquilizers increase the concentration of sodium metamization in serum. The effectiveness of the analgesic means is reduced while receiving with contraceptives.

Compatible with alcohol

The patient appears symptoms of intoxication:

  • vomiting;
  • fear;
  • headache.

Large doses of painkillers and alcohol cause acute poisoning.

Terms and Storage Terms

The drug should be in a dry and cool place at an air temperature not higher + 15 ... + 25 ° C.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Whether they sell without a recipe

Sodium metamizol tablets are available.

How much is

Pharmacies implement the drug for 8 rubles. For 1 package of 10 tablets. Injectable box costs 85 rubles. The price of tablets of other manufacturers and other names is 58 rubles. for packaging.


Sometimes there is a need to replace the previously prescribed drug for a medicine, which has a similar effect.

  • Nomagin;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Dipiron;
  • Ronalgin;
  • Sibalgin;
  • Totalgin;
  • Cimparyl.

Pentalgin is one of the analogues of the analgin.

Realgangin is produced in India. Price 10 Tablets - 37 rubles. The drug has restrictions on age.

Panadol Extra is used to therapy of pain syndrome, neuralgia, like antipyretic with influenza.

in the contour bauble or cellular package 10 pcs.; In a pack of cardboard 1, 2, 3 or 5 packs.

Description of the dosage form

Pills white or slightly yellowish color, flat-cylindrical, with risky and chamfer, bitter taste.


Sodium metamizole is a pyrazolone derivative. It has an anesthetic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effect, the mechanism of which is associated with the oppression of PG synthesis. Pharmacological action develops after 20-40 minutes after taking the drug and reaches a maximum after 2 hours.

Analgin: Indications

Painful syndrome of various etiology:


migraine pain;




postoperative pain;

renal and bile colic (in combination with antispasmodics);

fevering conditions for infectious inflammatory diseases.

Analgin: Contraindications

increased sensitivity to pyrazolone derivative (butadion, triumson);

bronchial asthma;

diseases accompanied by bronchospasm;

"Aspirin Asthma";

oppression of blood formation (agranulocytosis, neutropenia, leukopenia);

severe disorders of the liver or kidney function;

blood diseases;

hereditary hemolytic anemiaassociated with the deficit of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;

pregnancy (especially in the first trimester and in the last 6 weeks);

lactation period.

With caution - infant age (up to 3 months).

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester and in the last 6 weeks). At the time of treatment, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Method of application and dose

Inside Adults - 1 table. 2-3 times a day after eating. Maximum single dose - 1 g (2 tab.), Daily - 3 g (6 tab.). With a long (more than a week), the use of the drug requires control of the pattern of peripheral blood and functional state Liver.

Children are prescribed 5-10 mg / kg body weight 3-4 times a day no more than 3 days (pre-grinding the tablet).

Do not apply (without a consultation with the doctor) more than 3 days when appointing as an antipyretic agent and more than 5 days - when appointing as an anesthetics.

Analgin: Side effects

Allergic reactions: skin rash, swelling of quinque; Rarely - anaphylactic shock, toxic epidermal necroliz (Layella syndrome), in rare cases - Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

With long-term use, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis may occur.

With a tendency to bronchospasm, it is possible to provoke an attack; Reduced blood pressure.

Perhaps a violation of the kidney function, Oliguria, Anuria, proteinuria, interstitial nephritis, urine staining in red due to the allocation of metabolite.

On all side (unusual) effects, incl. Not specified above, you should inform the doctor and stop taking the drug.


Symptoms: With long-term use of the drug (more than 7 days) in large doses - nausea, vomiting, gastralgy, oliguria, hypothermia, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, noise in ears, drowsiness, nonsense, disturbances, agranulocytosis, hemorrhagic syndrome, acute renal and / or liver failure, cramps, palsy muscles.

Treatment: cause vomiting, make the stomach wash, take salt laxatives, activated carbon. In the conditions of a medical institution - carrying out forced diuresis, hemodialysis, with development convulsive syndrome - V / in the introduction of diazepam and barbiturates.


The simultaneous use of analgin with other nonarcotic analgesics can lead to a mutual strengthening of toxic effects.

Tricyclic antidepressants, contraceptive agents for intake and allopurinol disturb the metamizole methamine metabolism in the liver and increase its toxicity.

Barbiturates and phenylbutazone weaken the effect of the analgin.

Analgin enhances the effects of alcohol drinking drinks.

X-ray-repeat substances, colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin should not be used during treatment with metamizol.

Metamizol, displacing oral hypoglycemic drugs due to protein, indirect anticoagulants, GKS and indomethacin, increases their activity.

The simultaneous use of analgin with cyclosporin reduces the level of the latter in the blood. Tiamazole and Sarcolizin increase the risk of developing leukopenia. The effect is enhanced by codeine, propranolol (slows down inactivation).

Sedatives and tranquilizers enhance the analgesic effect of the analgin.

special instructions

In patients suffering from bronchial asthma and half aulinosis, the development of increased sensitivity reactions is possible.

With long-term use (more than 7 days), it is necessary to control the picture of peripheral blood.

Do not apply for removal of sharp pain in the stomach (before clarification of the reasons).

In the treatment of children under 5 years and patients receiving cytostatic agents, the reception of metamizol sodium should be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor.

Special caution is required when prescribing patients, abuse of alcoholic beverages.

For children and adolescents under 18, apply only to the prescription of the doctor.


Owner / registrar

Biochemist, OJSC

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)

K80 Galliary Disease [Helicitiasis] M79.1 Malgia M79.2 Neuralgia and Neuritis Uncomfortable N23 Renal Coltic Chicken Unspecified N94.4 Primary Dysmenorrhea N94.5 Secondary Dysmenorrhea R50 R52.2 Outframe R52.2 Other Pain R52.2 Other Permanent Pain T30 Thermal and Chemical Burns of unspecified localization

Pharmacological group

Analgesic Antipiretik

pharmachologic effect

Analgesic Antipiretik. It is a derivative of pyrazolone. It has an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, the mechanism of which is associated with the oppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins.


After taking inside, sodium metamizole is quickly hydrolyzed in gastric juice with the formation of an active metabolite 4-methyl-amino-antipyrin, which, after suction, is metabolized in 4-formyl-amino-antipirin and other metabolites. After in / in the introduction, sodium metamizole quickly becomes inaccessible to determine.

Sodium metabolites are not associated with plasma proteins. The largest part of the dose is derived from the urine in the form of metabolites. Metabolites are highlighted with breast milk.

Pain syndrome of various genes (renal and bile colic, neuralgia, myalgia; in injuries, burns, after operations; headache, toothache, menalgia). Fever with infectious inflammatory diseases.

Pronounced disorders of the kidney function and / or liver, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, blood disease, increased sensitivity to the pyrazolone derivative.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, swelling of quinque; Rarely anaphylactic shock.

From the hematopopitation system: Rarely, with long-term use - leukopenia, agranulocytosis.

Local reactions: At the I / M of the introduction - infiltrates at the place of administration.

special instructions

With long-term use, it is necessary to control the pattern of peripheral blood.

Sodium metamizole is used in combination with Pitopenone and phenpymeric bromide as an analgesic agent with antispasmodic effect.

With caution to apply in children in the first 3 months of life.

With renal failure

Contraindicated with expressed liver disorders.

In case of violation of the functions of the liver

Contraindicated with pronounced renal function.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Caution is used for pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and in the last 6 weeks.

Medicinal interaction

With simultaneous use with antipytics analgesics, with NSAIDs, a mutual increase in toxic effects is possible.

With simultaneous use with inductors of microsomal liver enzymes, it is possible to reduce the effectiveness of sodium metamizol.

With simultaneous use, activity is enhanced indirect anticoagulantov, oral hypoglycemic drugs, GKS, indomethacin due to their displacement due to blood proteins under the influence of sodium metamizol.

With simultaneous use with phenothiazine derivatives, pronounced hyperthermia is possible; with sedatives, analgesic effect of sodium metamizol, enhanced analgesic effect; with tricyclic antidepressants, oral contraceptives, allopurinol - sodium metamizol methaminisole metamiolism is disturbed and its toxicity increases; with caffeine - the action of sodium metamizol is enhanced; With cyclosporin - the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood plasma decreases.

When applying sodium metamizol in combination with Pitophenone with hydrochloride (there is a direct motropic effect on a smooth muscles internal organs and it causes her relaxation) and with Fenpiverine Bromide (M-cholinoblocator) there is a mutual strengthening of them pharmacological actionthat is accompanied by a decrease in pain syndrome, relaxation smooth muscles and decline increased temperature Body.

Inside or rectally adults are prescribed 250-500 mg 2-3 times / day. Maximum single dose - 1 g, daily - 3, one-time doses for children aged 2-3 years are 50-100 mg; 4-5 years - 100-200 mg; 6-7 years - 200 mg; 8-14 years - 250-300 mg; Multiplicity of reception - 2-3 times / day.

V / m or V / in slowly adults - 250-500 mg 2-3 times / day. Maximum single dose - 1 g, daily - 2 g. In children are parenterally used in a dose of 50-100 mg per 10 kg of body weight.



sodium metamizol (analgin) 500 mg;

Auxiliary substances: sucrose (sugar), starch potato, calcium stearate, talc.

Description: White or white tablets with a slightly yellowish tint of color, a flat-lindrich form with a chamfer and risk.

pharmachologic effect

Sodium metamizole is an analgesic non-nancotic agent, a derivative of pyrazo-leaves, it is inextically blocking cyclooxygenase and reduces the formation of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid.

It impedes the conduct of pain extrem and propriceceptive pulses along the beams of goa and bourdach, increases the raising of excitability of the Talalamic centers of pain sensitivity, increases the heat transfer.

Distinctive feature It is a minor severity of the anti-inflammatory effect, which causes a weak effect on the water-salt exchange (delay in sodium and water ions) and the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Has an analgesic, antipyretic and some antispasmodic (with respect to the smooth muscles of the urine-withdrawing and bile paths) Action.

The action is developing 20-40 minutes after taking inside and reaches a maximum after 2 hours.


Well and quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

In the intestinal wall, it is hydrolyzed with the formation of an active metabolite - there is no unchanged metamization of sodium in the blood (only after in / in the introduction of its concentration is detected in plasma).

The connection of the active metabolite with proteins is 50-60%.

Metabolized in the liver, excreted by the kidneys.

AT therapeutic doses penetrates breast milk.

Side effects

From the side of the urinary system: the violation of the kidney function, Oliguria, Anuria, proteinuria, interstitial jade, urine staining in red.

From the side of blood formation: agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

Allergic reactions: urticaria (including on the conjunctival and mucous membranes of new cohesives), angioedema edema, in rare cases - malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necroliz (Lailyl syndrome), bronchospasty syndrome, anaphylactic shock .

Others: decrease in blood pressure

Features of sale

Released without recipe

Special conditions

In the treatment of patients receiving cytostatic drugs, the reception of metamizol sodium should be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor.

The intolerance is very rare, however, the threat of the development of anaphylactic shock after intravenogenically administration of the drug is relatively higher than after receiving the drug inside. Patients with atopic bronchial asthma and half thelines have an increased risk of developing allergic reactions.

Against the background of applying metamizol sodium, the development of agranulocytosis is possible, and therefore, when identifying an unmotivated rise in temperature, chills, pain in the throat, difficulty swallowing, stomatitis, as well as the development of vaginite phenomena or a proctitis, immediately cancellation of the drug is necessary. With long-term use, it is necessary to control the pattern of peripheral blood.

It is unacceptable for the removal of sharp pain in the stomach (before finding out the cause).

It is possible to dye urine into red by highlighting a metabolite (no value).

Release form.


Indications for the use of analgin are:

Feverish syndrome (infectious and inflammatory diseases, insect bites - mosquitoes, bees, wonds and other, post-transfusion complications);

Pain syndrome (weak and moderate severity) incl. Neuralgia, Malgia, Arthralgia, injuries, burns, decompression sickness, lispy, orchit, radiculitis, myositis, postoperative pain syndrome, headache, toothache, algodismenorye.

Pain syndrome with bark, intestinal, renal colic - in combination with the appointment of antispasmodics



Depression of blood formation (agranulocytosis, cytostatic or infectious neutrope);

Hepatic and / or renal failure;

Hereditary hemolytic anemia associated with a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphateheld-genyase;

Bronchial asthmainduced by acetylsalicylic acid, salicylate or other non-sliced \u200b\u200banti-inflammatory drugs;



Age up to 8 years.

Medicinal interaction

Sodium metamizole enhances ethanol effects.

X-ray-contrast drugs, colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin should not be used during sodium metamicol.

With the simultaneous use of cyclosporine, the concentration of the latter in the blood is reduced.

With simultaneous use, sodium metamizole displaces the protein from the protein and increases the activity of oral hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroids; Indomethacin.

With the simultaneous use of sedative and anxiolytic drugs (tranquilizers) enhance the analgesic effect of sodium metamizol.

With simultaneous use of codeine, H2-histamine receptor blockers, propranolol reinforce the effect (slow down inactivation) sodium metamizole.

With the simultaneous use of phenylbutazone, barbiturates, etc. Hepatoinductors reduce the effectiveness of sodium metamizole.


Analgin should be used inward, for children from 14 years old and adults 250 - 500 mg (1/2 - 1 tablet) 2-3 times a day, the maximum one-time dose is 1000 mg (2 tablets), daily - 3000 mg (6 tablets ). One-time dose for children is 8-14 years old - 250 mg, destination multiplicity - 2-3 times a day. The drug does not apply (without a consultation with the doctor) for more than 3 days when prescribing the antipyretic agents and more than 5 days - when appointing as an anesthesia.

Before applying Analgin 500mg. №20 Tab. Be sure to consult your attending physician.

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