Gymnastics for the treatment of the thoracic spine. Therapeutic exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis at home

The musculature of the back supports and protects the thoracic spine well and is therefore rare. But lately more and more people have started to get sick with it. It is caused by being in an uncomfortable position for a long time at work or while driving.

For back problems, doctors prescribe drug treatment, recommend folk remedies treatment. But all these methods will be ineffective if you do not perform physiotherapy exercises.

Features of exercise therapy

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis thoracic helps to cope with pain. But in order not to harm yourself, before starting the exercises, it is worth remembering some simple rules:

  1. No one, except a doctor, can be allowed to exercise. After the examination, he must determine what exercises with chest osteochondrosis are allowed to be performed. Some diseases exclude exercise therapy.
  2. Physiotherapy in case of chest osteochondrosis, in no case is it performed during an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Don't chase records. Gymnastics for the thoracic spine is performed for recovery. Relaxation should be felt after exercise, not fatigue.
  4. Be attentive to yourself. If, while performing the complex, pain or dizziness appears, you must immediately interrupt the lesson. It is possible that this is a manifestation of a disease that has not yet been identified.
  5. The set of exercises is performed smoothly, otherwise an exacerbation of the disease may occur.
  6. Gymnastics for thoracic osteochondrosis gives results only when they are performed daily. If you had to take a break in the exercise therapy course, it is not considered completed. It must be repeated again.

You can do physical therapy at home at any time. After eating, you should wait about an hour.

Gymnastics for the thoracic spine begins with a little warm-up, but do not overwork yourself. Rotational head movements are not recommended.

Doctors also believe that before performing exercise therapy, you need to ventilate the room. You can take a warm shower, have a light massage, or walk around the room. This is necessary to relieve muscle stiffness.


With osteochondrosis, a person feels prolonged weak pain near the affected vertebrae. Sometimes there are sudden, paroxysmal pains. They intensify with breathing, in motion,. Physiotherapy exercises can help alleviate overall well-being. In addition, exercises for the thoracic spine make the spine more mobile, strengthen muscles and restore breathing.

When performing the complex, the curved spinal column is straightened, the restrained nerve roots are released.

Dorsal muscle stretching

With osteochondrosis, severe pain in the back due to compression of the nerve roots. The complex of physiotherapy exercises is designed to relieve pain in the spine. Exercise relaxes the muscles so that they stop compressing the nerve roots.

  1. Stand up straight. Place your hands on your belt. Roll your shoulders alternately, and then together. Change the direction of rotation. When moving the elbows, the shoulders should move in the same direction. Do it 10 times.
  2. Stand up straight. Clench your fists, put your hands behind your back and press your hands with the backs between your lower back and shoulder blades. At the same time, press your fists on your back and bend back. As soon as a feeling of tension appears in your chest, freeze and stand there for 10 seconds. Change your posture: slouch, tilt your head (with your hands you need to hug yourself). Freeze in this position for literally 12 seconds, then stand up straight again. Do this complex about 10 times.
  3. One more exercise needs to be done on a chair (there must be a backrest, so the stool does not fit). Sit on it with your arms as relaxed as possible down. Inhale and slowly raise your arms above you. Now you should touch the back of your head with your fingertips. Count to 4-5, gently bend back, pressing your shoulder blades against the back of the chair. Exhale and at the same time, gently lower your arms. Do this exercise at least 5 times.
  4. Get into a comfortable position. Place your hands on your shoulders. At the same time, in no case cross your arms: the right hand should touch strictly the right shoulder, but the left one should touch the left. Now you need to gradually lower your shoulders in turn, while simultaneously stretching your neck towards the lowered shoulder. Do it at least 10 times.

This complex can be performed at any time. Physical therapy before bedtime helps you fall asleep quickly.

If it is difficult to perform exercises for the thoracic region in a single complex, they can be divided into two approaches.

Couple gymnastics

To complete this complex, you will need an assistant. Exercises for the first time are recommended not at home, but under the supervision of a trainer.

What exercises can be done with a partner (each is done at least 5 times):

  1. Lie on a gymnastic mat on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body. Inhale while bringing your shoulder blades together. Try to tighten your back muscles harder. The assistant should "interfere" with doing this. Putting his hands on his back, he should try to move the shoulder blades as far as possible.
  2. Lie down on the gymnastic mat as in the first exercise of the set. The assistant sits on your lower back (some people prefer to kneel next to each other). When inhaling, he tries to squeeze the chest, pressing on it with his hands. When exhaling, he withdraws his arms.
  3. Lie down on the gymnastic mat as in the first exercise of the set. The assistant sits astride. As you inhale, he presses the ribs of the palms along the spine on the sides of the spinous processes. When exhaling, he withdraws his arms.

It is advisable to familiarize the assistant with the rules of gymnastics. During the exercise, warn him about all the unpleasant sensations, as well as about the mistakes he makes. Completing assignments incorrectly will only harm you and your partner.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine in the morning can replace exercise and give vigor for the whole day. Exercise therapy performed at work will relieve fatigue. It is best to do gentle stretching exercises before bed.

Free breathing

With osteochondrosis, when any movement responds with pain, proper breathing is difficult. Therefore, it is important not only to train the intercostal muscles, but also to learn how to breathe correctly. For this, the following set of exercises is used:

  • Take a piece of cloth and sit on a chair. The fabric will need to be wrapped around the chest so that its ends are in front. You need to grab these ends (while they should be crossed). Exhale slowly while stretching the fabric to the sides. Try to tighten your chest. Pull smoothly and firmly at the same time. Loosen the fabric and inhale. Do the exercise about 5 times.

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms to the ceiling, then grab your right hand by the wrist with your left. Bend to the left as deep as possible, while pulling your arms in the same direction. Hold in the extreme position for two seconds, feel the muscles in your chest stretch. Slowly straighten up and change hands. Do it 5 times to both sides.
  • Take a gym roller. Lie on your back. Place the gym roller under your back at the shoulder blades. With your hands, touch the back of your head, inhale and bend your back to the floor. Exhale while lifting your head up. Reach for the ceiling. Do the exercise also 5 times.
  • Get on all fours. Inhale, bend in the lower back, at the same time stretch your head up. Exhaling, try to bend with a "yoke", while your head should be lowered to the floor as low as possible. The exercise is repeated 10 times.

After performing exercise therapy, pay attention to your health. Gradually, it will begin to improve, and you will forget about back pain. In the future, daily physical education will help to avoid relapses of the disease.

Therapeutic physical training complexes for the thoracic spine are used not only to treat existing back diseases, but also to prevent their occurrence. The advantage of remedial gymnastics is the ability to do it at home.

There are also specific exercises that are used not to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and stabilize the spine, but to restore it. For example, as a home rehabilitation after surgical intervention on the back.

1 What are the benefits of regular thoracic gymnastics?

The thoracic spine is the strongest and most resistant to physical activity segment. However, diseases of this spine are not uncommon. It is quite difficult to treat them with physical education.

It's all about his immobility: not many effective exercises have been developed for this segment of the back, precisely because of the minimum mobility. But they are still there and help to effectively fight various diseases.

Firstly, exercise with an emphasis on the thoracic region allows you to strengthen the muscular corset of the back as a whole, which is extremely useful. A trained muscle corset distributes the lion's share of the load from the spine, thereby making it easier to carry.

Secondly, exercise therapy is also useful in that muscle and ligamentous tissues are stretched, which increases the mobility of the spinal column. A developed musculo-ligamentous apparatus is a good insurance against the occurrence of various diseases, including degenerative-dystrophic ones.

Also, gymnastics is useful for back pain. Regular exercise stress eliminates pain syndrome, especially if it is caused by muscle spasm or degenerative lesions.

1.1 Who should perform exercise therapy for the thoracic region, even if there are no diseases?

To simplify completely, physiotherapy exercises for the thoracic region are needed, without exception, for everyone who has no contraindications to its use. Even the most trained people need exercise for the chest region, as they often ignore it, preferring to train other muscle groups.

Given that the thoracic region is the middle of the musculoskeletal system, it cannot be ignored. The trained muscles of the legs and arms do not compensate for the atrophy (weakness) of the muscular corset of this segment.

Such training is especially important for people with a sedentary lifestyle. Due to the total dystrophy of the muscular corset of the back (detraining), they have a dozen different diseases.

Sports enthusiasts who want to increase their endurance also need training. And most importantly, training can prevent the development of formidable diseases of the thoracic spine. Including, you can protect yourself in advance from scoliosis or osteochondrosis.

You will not get one hundred percent protection, however, the risks of developing such diseases will decrease significantly, which is especially important for people who are at risk for such pathologies.

2 Indications: for what diseases is exercise therapy prescribed for the thoracic region? (list)

The list of diseases for which it is effective to perform exercise therapy is impressive:

  1. Osteochondrosis and spondylosis (especially exercises with a stick to stretch the back).
  2. Classic scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis.
  3. Herniated and protruded intervertebral discs.
  4. During the rehabilitation period after suffering a compression fracture of the spinal column.
  5. Pathological kyphosis. Also, exercises help in the fight against pathological lordosis of other segments of the spine.
  6. Spondyloarthrosis and ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis).

Of course, exercise therapy itself, although useful for the described diseases, is not sufficient for a complete cure. It simply needs to be supplemented with other treatment methods (for example, drug therapy).

In addition, gymnastics is recommended to be combined with physiotherapy and massage procedures. It is advisable to avoid manual therapy - it is effective only in some cases, and usually simply injures the spinal column.

2.1 Contraindications

Despite the benefits of physiotherapy exercises for the thoracic spine, it can be used only in the absence of contraindications. And they do exist, and their list is quite impressive.

Contraindications to exercise therapy for the thoracic region:

  • the presence of pronounced inflammatory phenomena in the spinal column (first stop them, after that you can do gymnastics);
  • lack of an accurate diagnosis - without knowing your pathology, you should not engage in exercise therapy;
  • Availability malignant neoplasms any localization or benign neoplasms in the area of ​​the spinal column;
  • fever (above 37.2 degrees), general weakness, flu-like condition (runny nose, cough);
  • the presence of acute dizziness or severe headaches - physical education can only worsen their course;
  • the presence of congenital defects or anomalies in the structure of the spinal column (exercise therapy is allowed only after examination by several doctors);
  • the presence of severe pathologies connective tissue, exacerbation of arthritis or arthrosis (including psoriatic arthritis).

3 Exercises for the thoracic spine: a list

There are several dozen exercises for the thoracic spine, but for the most part they repeat themselves (differing only in details). Also, not all of them are effective. Therefore, it makes sense to describe only the best and safest exercises to use.

Best Thoracic Exercises:

  1. Lie on your back. A soft roller with a diameter of 8-10 centimeters should be placed under the lower third of the lamellar segment. Lift up upper part body, holding hands behind head.
  2. Sit on a chair and lean top backs into it. Bend back so that the maximum load falls on the thoracic region. Next, you need to lean forward and repeat everything again.
  3. Similar to the previous exercise, but you need to put your hands behind your head and bend back at the entrance, after which, as you exhale, rest your shoulder blades on the back of a chair.
  4. Stand straight. Put your hands on your shoulders, after which right shoulder lower and simultaneously raise the left. In this case, the head should follow exactly the descending shoulder.
  5. Get on all fours, bend your back as much as possible and stay in this position for 4 seconds, keeping your head strictly straight.
  6. Lie on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor and then bend back as much as possible, trying to tear the torso off the floor.
  7. Stand up straight with your arms down, your feet together. Pull your arms up as you exhale, then bend back and inhale as deeply as possible. After that, you need to lower your arms and bend forward, simultaneously rounding your back and lowering your shoulders with your head (as you exhale).

3.1 In which ready-made complexes there are exercises for the thoracic region?

If your attending physician is not able to independently choose a training program, and you yourself do not know or do not risk compiling it, you can use ready-made exercise therapy complexes. Behind their creation are famous people from the medical field, and the complexes themselves are highly efficient and safe.

Before using them, you should definitely consult a doctor about restrictions and contraindications.

Ready-made exercise therapy complexes for the thoracic region:

  • - intended more for the cervical region, however, during the exercise, the thoracic region is also partially involved;
  • Bubnovsky complex - used mainly for the treatment of protrusions and intervertebral hernias, but can also be used for other diseases;
  • Alexander Bonin complex - it is used to treat the lumbar and thoracic spine, the most preferable option;
  • the Shilov complex is more a warm-up than a full-fledged gymnastic complex, therefore it is recommended to use it along with other types of exercise therapy.

3.2 Exercises for the thoracic spine (video)

Osteochondrosis lesions of the thoracic vertebrae most often occur due to physical inactivity, when the patient sits in front of the computer for hours on end, and even hunches over. A similar pathology already at school age watches over us at the desk. During this period, we carry heavy backpacks with textbooks, hunched over, sitting in class, etc.

Such a pathology of the thoracic vertebrae affects mainly young people 25-35 years of age, and specialists are not always able to diagnose it, since the pathology often takes the form of other disorders, disguising itself as angina pectoris or gastric ulcer.

The positive effect of physiotherapy exercises

Patients receive regular exercise therapy for the thoracic vertebrae:

  1. Increased joint mobility;
  2. Normal blood circulation returns;
  3. Pulmonary ventilation is normalized. Patients with osteochondrosis lesions of the thoracic vertebrae experience the strongest pain attack at the moment of deep breathing. A constant feeling of soreness reduces the intensity of inhalation, which ultimately causes pulmonary insufficiency;
  4. The patient gets rid of muscle stiffness and spasm caused by muscle tone disorders;
  5. The load on the affected vertebrae decreases, the spinal muscles are built up;
  6. The patient acquires a straight posture and stops further progression of the pathology;
  7. The vertebrae are stretched due to the increasing distance between them, which makes it possible to improve the nutrition of the discs;
  8. Muscle flexibility improves, which reduces the likelihood of pinching.

Execution rules

Exercise therapy is a serious and highly effective technique that requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • Any training must be approved by a doctor, and best of all, if the elements of exercise therapy are selected by the doctor himself, taking into account clinical picture diseases;
  • The overwhelming majority of experts believe that exercise therapy classes are permissible only at the end of the acute stage of osteochondrosis, although many admit that some elements have a beneficial effect on the vertebrae and are indicated precisely during the period of exacerbation;
  • The presence of pain is unacceptable, therefore, such exercises must be abandoned;
  • First trainings should assume small loads, they should be increased gradually, when pain disappears and articular mobility increases;
  • Before each workout, it is required to thoroughly warm up and stretch the muscles, then the effectiveness of exercise therapy will be much higher;
  • Regularity is the main condition for exercise therapy, training should be daily and preferably at the same time.

Exercise preparation

Before a workout, a shower will come in handy. Warm water helps to relax the muscle tissue, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the exercise. In addition, relaxation virtually eliminates the occurrence of trauma and sprains, as well as pain.

It will not be superfluous to do light massaging actions. They will help warm up muscle tissue, stretch joints and disperse the blood before the upcoming exercise therapy.

Exercise therapy for chest osteochondrosis in the acute stage

If the course of osteochondrosis is at an exacerbated stage, then the main goal of therapy is to relieve an attack of pain. This is achieved by taking medications and regular exercise of special exercise therapy, which involves a sparing effect on the vertebrae and articular tissues.

To relieve the vertebrae, it is recommended to perform exercises on the respiratory system. To do this, you need to lie on some kind of inclined plane (the head is higher than the legs). You need to concentrate and breathe diaphragmatically, and the inclined position of the body contributes to the natural stretching of the spine.

As a result, nervous constriction disappears, muscle spasms and soreness. When the patient gets rid of the pain syndrome, it is necessary to do relaxation and stretching of the pectoral muscles:

  1. Sitting comfortably on your back, you need to stretch, arms outstretched up. In this case, it is recommended to take the shoulders back slightly;
  2. Lie on your side with your legs bent. It is necessary to smoothly raise the leg located on top, hold it on the weight for about 7 seconds, and then gently lower it. Do this 5 times for both sides;
  3. It is convenient to sit on your stomach, while you need to stretch your arms to the sides. You need to raise your arms and head, and hold them on the weight for 5 seconds, then lower them and completely relax. Repeat 6 times;
  4. Sitting on your stomach, you need to strain the back and shoulder muscles, trying to bring both shoulder blades together. Then relax the muscles and lie down in this state for half a minute, then repeat;
  5. Sitting on your knees, spread your arms to the sides, taking them back, while the body needs to be tilted forward. On exhalation, take the original pose.

Such exercises should be carried out daily, each time increasing the number of movements performed. If training is carried out correctly, then you can significantly accelerate the onset of remission.

Exercise therapy for the thoracic spine during remission

When a certain stability in the state comes, and the exacerbation has passed, movements richer in dynamics are added to daily exercise therapy sessions.

After waking up, do self-massage for yourself, kneading the collar area, arms, shoulders and sternum. With your shoulders back, try to bring your shoulder blades together, throwing your head back. You can also do some circular shoulder action with a stick.

A set of exercises with a stick and a ball in pictures, with chest osteochondrosis

Then you can proceed to the main procedure:

  • Stand up straight and place your arms at shoulder level, which must be taken back, your back must be straight. The body must be turned to the sides. Then the hands are placed at the waist. The actions are similar;
  • Having taken a pose on all fours, you need to lower your head and arch your back up, then exhale and return to your original position;
  • Sitting on your back, stretch your arms up. Raise the left arm and right leg at the same time in an attempt to bring the palm to the leg. To linger in this position, then return to the original position;
  • Place the clasped hands under the head, lying on the floor, bend your legs. Alternately stretch your right elbow to your left knee and vice versa. Actions are smooth and unhurried.

An important point in chest lesions is the normalization of respiratory activity. To do this, it is useful to do breathing exercises, which can help increase the amount of air entering during inhalation.

Sign up for classes

Exercise therapy classes are permissible at home on their own. In addition, such trainings are available in polyclinics in a physical room. You can contact a private medical Center and hire a personal trainer or sign up for group sessions.

If you decide to do it yourself, then the acquired training video will help. The main thing is to approach the issue of anti-osteochondrosis therapy chest comprehensively, and when practicing exercise therapy, it is important to comply with all recommendations. Then the training will go for the good.

Video exercises exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine:

Modern man predominantly leads an inactive lifestyle, which provokes a number of unpleasant consequences. Frequent pain in different parts of the spine, its curvature, the development of various pathologies - all this is often the result of a lack of physical activity and malnutrition. The thoracic and cervicothoracic spine is often affected. Can regular thoracic spine exercises make a difference?

Gymnastics is aimed not only at strengthening the body, but also at restoring the patient's functional capabilities, especially if certain pathologies of the spine were previously transferred.

Therapeutic exercises on the thoracic spine are aimed at the following tasks:

  • strengthening the muscles of the thoracic and cervicothoracic region;
  • improvement of blood circulation, due to which tissue nutrition improves and recovery processes are accelerated;
  • load distribution;
  • reducing pain, which helps to eliminate stiffness and increase physical activity;
  • elimination of pinching of nerve endings and blood vessels, which improves the patient's condition;
  • formation of correct posture.

Exercises for the cervical-thoracic spine can include twisting, rotating, various inclinations, stretching, and resistance elements. In order for gymnastics to bring maximum benefit, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • If you have certain problems, be sure to consult a doctor, as improper actions can lead to a worsening of the condition and exacerbation of diseases.
  • Stick to the correct technique. Movements should be carried out smoothly, without jerking.
  • Try to stick to a schedule - you need to do it regularly, only then you will achieve success in the exercises.
  • Exercise in loose, comfortable clothing and a well-ventilated area.
  • Control your well-being. If during the exercise you feel severe pain, it is better to stop the exercise and consult with a specialist. Overwork is also undesirable.
  • Finish the exercises with light self-massage and a warm shower - this will calm the body and restore it after exertion.

Indications and contraindications

Gymnastics for the cervicothoracic spine is quite often prescribed to restore normal motor activity after suffering injuries, for example, fractures. Also, the indications for its use are as follows:

  • Diseases of the spine and muscles in remission: arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and others.
  • Curvature of the spine.
  • Weak muscle corset.
  • Transferred operations.

Also note that exercise is contraindicated in some situations. These include the following:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • High or low blood pressure;
  • Bleeding and a tendency to them;
  • Exacerbation of diseases of internal organs;
  • Heat;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Thrombosis, embolism;
  • Severe pain syndrome.

There are also temporary contraindications, which include injuries, exacerbations and complications of diseases, symptoms that indicate the development of the disease. In these cases, it is worth postponing gymnastics and consulting a doctor.

Therapeutic exercises for the thoracic spine: preparation

It is very important to start a lesson with a warm-up - in its absence, the body will not have time to prepare for the stress, which can provoke injury. To prepare for gymnastics, it is enough to complete the following simple elements:

  • head rotation to the side - 5-10 in each;
  • head tilts to the sides and back and forth -5-10 times;
  • rotation in the shoulders - 7-9 times forward and backward;
  • spreading hands to the sides - 8-10 times;
  • turns and inclines - 5-7 times.

When warming up, you need to use not only those parts of the body to which gymnastics is directed, but the whole body.

There are many sets of exercises for the thoracic spine. The choice of a specific one is determined by the state of the person, the presence of diseases and their stage, existing restrictions. Consider the most popular gymnastics options.

Exercises according to the Bubnovsky method

Aimed at eliminating pain, normalizing the patient's well-being, and correcting posture. The complex includes the following actions:

  • Lie on an incline. Place your head above your legs and body. You need to stay in this position - this helps to stretch the spine under the influence of the patient's weight.
  • Sit on a straight-backed chair, lean back. Then straighten up and bend forward.
  • Grasp your shoulders with your hands, do a few rotations at the elbow joint back and forth, then do the same for the shoulders.
  • Walk up to the wall and press your back against it so that all parts touch the surface. After moving away from the wall, maintaining the position of the body, try to bring the shoulder blades together. Bring your shoulders forward.

In each of the positions, you need to fix it for a few seconds.

Exercises to strengthen the thoracic region

Strengthening the spine is important not only for those who already have problems with it, but also absolutely healthy people for prevention. You can adopt the following exercises:

  • Stand straight with your feet parallel to each other at a distance of 15-20 cm. Lower your arms. Straighten up, trying to stretch your head up, stretch your arms up as much as possible.
  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands parallel to your torso, lift your upper body while inhaling, then tilt your head back without lifting your stomach from the floor, return to the starting position as you exhale.
  • This exercise requires a stool and light dumbbells. Take the shells in your hands, lean forward, touching the surface of the stool with your chest. Straighten your arms and take them to the sides, then raise them as much as possible while inhaling.

Shishonin's gymnastics

Popular and get rid of dizziness, cope with problems in the cervicothoracic spine and eliminate pain... Particular attention should be paid to the following elements:

  • "Frame". Sit up straight with your back straight. Place your right hand on your left shoulder, turn your head to the right. Fix the position for 15-30 seconds. Repeat the same, but changing hands and turning your head to the left.
  • "Metronome". Tilt your head to the right until muscle tension occurs, lock in this position for half a minute, then repeat the exercise, tilting your head to the left.
  • "Spring". Lower your head down, touch your neck with your chin, while keeping your back straight, fix the position for half a minute, then pull your chin up and hold for another 20-30 seconds.

The exercises are repeated five times. You can find the whole complex and the technique for its implementation in the video below.

Exercises for pain in the thoracic spine

Painful sensations in the thoracic spine cannot be ignored, since they are often the first symptom of the development of a particular disease. Simple gymnastics for pain in the thoracic spine will help to cope with them. The complex may include the following exercises:

  • You will need a straight-backed chair with a hard seat. Sit up straight, clasp your hands at the back of your head, then bend so that your back touches the back. Return to starting position.
  • Sit on the edge of a chair with part of your back touching the back. Perform back bends and forward bends. This will help not only improve the condition of the spine, but also the functioning of the lungs. Deflection is done while inhaling, tilting is done while exhaling.
  • This movement can be performed both while standing and sitting on a chair with a hard surface. Spread your legs wide, keep your hands high, and grab your left wrist with your right hand. Stretch your left arm while bending to the right, then change the position of your arms, bending to the other side. Start with four reps and work your way up.
  • The following types of movement require a towel. You need to wind it on a rolling pin, make a hard roller and place it on the floor. Lie on this roller with your back so that it is in the chest area, place your hands behind your head. Perform backbends as you inhale and bends forward as you exhale. Then, while lying down, roll it down your spine. This will make it possible to develop the vertebrae and all parts of the thoracic segment.
  • Wrap a towel below the chest part of the torso, take the ends in your hands. First, a deep breath is taken, then on the maximum exhalation, the towel is pulled together. After that, the tension must be loosened and the air breathed in again as much as possible.
  • For home gymnastics with pain in the thoracic region, a fitball will be useful. One of the exercises with him is as follows: sit on the ball, spread your legs a little, place your arms freely along the body. Then gently raise your arms as you inhale, stretching your back as much as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Lie with your stomach on the ball, while the limbs should hang freely. The essence of the exercise is to roll back and forth. If you feel discomfort in the spine, linger a little in this position. This will help relieve tension.

Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

With such a disease as osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, a set of exercise therapy exercises should be prescribed by a doctor. Here are some examples:

  • Standing straight, place your hands on your belt, and perform shoulder rotations together and alternately, as well as forward and backward movements, helping with your elbows, that is, moving your elbows where the shoulders move. Make 8-10 movements in both directions.
  • Clench your hands into fists, place them on your back between the shoulder blades and lower back. Pressing your fists, bend your back back to feel the tension in the chest. Hold for 15 seconds, then slump your back, tilt your head and hug yourself with your arms. Again, linger for 10-15 seconds and straighten your back. Repeat 4-10 times.
  • Sit in a straight, high-backed chair. Bring your arms down along the body. While inhaling, place your hands on the back of your head and gently bend forward (on the count of "four"), pressing your shoulder blades against the back of the chair. On exhalation, in a similar darker way, return to the starting position, repeat 3-5 times.
  • Place your hands on your shoulders with the fingers of your left hand touching your left shoulder and your right fingers touching your right. Lower your shoulders alternately, tilting your head to the same side. Repeat 10-14 times.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is not as common as a disease of the cervical or lumbar... Changes in the vertebrae in this part mainly occur as a result of any kind of injury. Often, the patient cannot independently determine the disease, because complicated signs of osteochondrosis are similar to diseases of internal organs.

Osteopaths believe that gymnastic exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis are a powerful effect on the disease. In addition, exercising at home has a preventive effect on the likelihood of relapse. However, if the disease has progressed and is in a severe stage, it must be treated immediately, and other drug treatment in combination is added to the exercise therapy, which is prescribed for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

Distinctive features of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine over other methods of treatment

The main purpose of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is to eliminate spasms of the intervertebral joints, muscles and increase the patient's range of motion. The difference between exercise therapy and other methods of therapeutic therapy consists in the following provisions:

  • Exercise allows you to relieve tightness of muscle tissue, eliminates the vertebral syndrome of tense muscles;
  • Exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis help to relieve pain and get rid of it altogether;
  • Exercise for chest osteochondrosis is aimed at reducing the likelihood of a complicated course of the disease as a result of getting rid of muscle myofixation;
  • Classes help improve work respiratory organs... Indeed, often a deep breath of the patient provokes the onset of spasm and therefore the person breathes superficially;
  • In parallel, gymnastics with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles. The patient is advised to wear a special corset that helps to hold the muscles and thereby relieves some of the load on the intervertebral discs;
  • A set of exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis is aimed at correcting and restoring a straight back. The corrected spinal bend reduces the pressure on the vertebral column, as a result of which the pain decreases, the disease goes into a state of remission;
  • Sometimes the thoracic form of osteochondrosis turns into the cervicothoracic. This is due to the fact that the thoracic region is the most mobile, the inflammation spreads higher to the neck. In this case, the exercise is aimed at restoring blood circulation and blood pressure.

In order to consolidate the result obtained, it is necessary to perform exercise therapy yourself at home. To do it you need to know general provisions so that the performance of gymnastics does not harm:

  • Exercise for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is carried out at least in the morning and in the evening;
  • Doing gymnastic exercises at home is possible only in the remission phase;
  • Each exercise must be performed smoothly, with slow movements, so as not to damage the diseased area;
  • Therapeutic exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis are performed with maximum stretching, but if discomfort occurs, you need to stop and repeat it later;
  • The speed and rhythm of execution should increase little by little, increasing the number of approaches every day;
  • When performing the exercise, you need to feel every vertebra, every muscle stretch, otherwise the exercises will not be so useful;
  • All recommended exercises for different groups muscles do not need to be done right away. With the first approach, you need to pay attention to one muscle group, with the second lesson to another group.

Preparatory stage

In order to assign the most effective exercise for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor, taking into account the complications of the disease, taking into account the physical fitness of the patient, will select the appropriate exercises. Exercise therapy in the acute phase of the disease is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Before starting, it is imperative to stretch your muscles. Preparation will help to minimize the soreness of the muscle strain. The preparatory stage includes:

  • Taking a warm shower to relax muscle tissue;
  • Gentle back massage to relieve muscle blockage;
  • Carrying out a warm-up to warm up the muscles, which includes walking, swinging your arms.

A set of exercises for the acute phase of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

Physical education with this form of chest osteochondrosis is aimed at relieving an attack acute pain... Classes for unloading the vertebrae should be lightweight.

  1. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms to the sides. Raise your hands with your head slightly. You should try to hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Then return to the starting position (NP), rest. Repeat the lesson 5-8 times;
  2. Roll over with your back, stretch your arms behind your head. Pulling your shoulders back, stretch as much as possible until you feel tension in all muscles;
  3. Take a position "lying on the left side" and press your legs to your stomach. Slowly straighten your right leg and raise it to full voltage muscles. Fix it in this position for half a minute. Return to the NP, rest, roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise by analogy. The number of repetitions is 3-5 times;
  4. Get on your knees and lock your arms along your legs. When inhaling, you need to spread your arms to the sides and take them to your back, trying to close your shoulder blades. At the same time it is necessary to tilt the body down. When you exhale, return to the NP;
  5. Take a supine position. Put a small roller under the lower back. When inhaling, you need to tighten your abdominal muscles for 7-10 seconds, then exhale. When performed, heat spreads through the muscles, which means that the exercise technique is performed correctly;
  6. Take a supine position. Then it is necessary to simultaneously raise both legs above the head and try to touch the floor with the toes. Keep your knees straight;
  7. Take a kneeling position. The back should be bent upward as you exhale, and the head should be kept raised. The spine should be flexed until a feeling of tension in the muscles. Repeat 5 times with a break;
  8. Take a kneeling position. Give up. With an inhalation, raise your arms up and tilt your body forward. When exhaling, lean on your heels. Repeat 3 times.

An approximate set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine

When performing exercises on a surface with a slope, the spine is stretched and the pinching of the nerve roots goes away. Next, a set of exercises is prescribed, which is aimed at stretching and relaxing the muscles of the chest.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region in remission

With better health, physiotherapy exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis becomes more active and energetic.

  1. Take a standing position in a T-shaped pose. Slightly bringing the shoulder blades together, you need to turn the body left and right. The pelvis and legs are in a fixed position. Each position takes 20-30 seconds;
  2. In the "standing" position on the exhale, gently lower the head down, without touching the chest with the chin. Hands need to catch on the calves. When inhaling, draw in the abdominal muscles, trying to lower the torso as low as possible. Fix this position for 10 seconds and gradually straighten;
  3. Take a prone position. Swing your arms to the left and right, then raise them while inhaling and bring them behind your back, connecting the shoulder blades. At the same time, bend your legs and take them closer to the wrists. Fix the position for 10 seconds, then smoothly return to the NP;
  4. Take the "standing on all fours" position. When exhaling, bend your back upward, while inhaling, return to the NP. Linger in each pose for 10-15 seconds;
  5. When standing, hold the stick behind your back with your hands. Then make turns with the body and neck left and right, springing a little;
  6. Take a sitting position on a chair and keep an even posture. Wrap the chest with a towel or long cloth. Pulling the ends of the towel, take a deep breath, then hold your breath for a couple of seconds. Repeat 7-10 times;
  7. Hook your fingers with a lock or hook your wrist with your other hand, extending your arms up. With a deep breath, tighten the muscles of the chest. When exhaling, turn left and right. When you inhale again, take the starting position.

An approximate set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region in remission

Conditions under which exercise therapy is not allowed

  • Acute manifestation of symptoms of osteochondrosis;
  • Heart disease, such as arrhythmia, hypertension;
  • Diseases nervous system in which motor coordination is impaired;
  • Relapses of chronic diseases;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Increased intraocular pressure;
  • Severe fatigue;
  • Recovery after surgery.

For the prevention of thoracic osteochondrosis, simple recommendations should be followed:

  1. When working on your feet for a long time, do not shift. You should stand straight on two legs at the same time, then the weight is distributed evenly over the entire spine;
  2. You need to try to stop slouching. In a hunched over person, muscle and spinal blood supply is disrupted. Subsequently, such a habit leads to a curvature of the spine;
  3. When working for a long time in a sitting position, you do not need to take your legs off the floor. Feet should completely touch the floor. In the meantime, the spine must be kept parallel to the back of the chair and the shoulders must be relaxed.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine help to improve the mobility of the spinal corset, deep breathing. In addition, exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis is aimed at developing the muscles of the thoracic spine.

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