Application of the drug Cistenal: side effects and prices. The drug from natural raw materials Cistenal: instructions for use, price, reviews of patients and specialists Cistenal is made from

Total analogues: 24. Price and availability of analogues Cistenal in pharmacies. Before using any medical product you should definitely consult your doctor.

This page provides a list of analogs Cistenal are interchangeable drugs that have similar indications for use and belong to the same pharmacological group. Before you buy analogue Cistenal, it is necessary to consult with a specialist regarding the replacement of the drug, study in detail, read the drug similar to it.

  • Uronephron

    Uronephron syruptake in the complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, which accompany urolithiasis; prevention of recurrence of urolithiasis.
  • Nephrophyte

    A drug Nephrophyteit is used for the prevention and complex treatment of inflammatory kidney diseases and urinary tract, which are accompanied by a decrease in urinary and nitrogen excretion function, urolithiasis, edema.
  • Urolesan

    A drug Urolesanis used in the complex therapy of acute and chronic infections of the urinary tract and kidneys (cystitis, pyelonephritis); urolithiasis, gallstone disease, chronic cholecystitis, hyperkinetic biliary dyskinesia.
  • Ginjaleling

    Ginjalelingare: nephrourolithiasis, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.
  • Cyston

    A drug Cystonin the complex therapy of urolithiasis, crystalluria, urinary tract infections.
  • Urolysin

    Urolysinis used to prevent and enhance the effect of drug therapy:
    - urolithiasis;
    - chronic pyelonephritis;
    - cholelithiasis;
    - chronic cholecystitis;
    - disorders of water-salt, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
    - in preoperative preparation and prevention of relapse after stone removal (operational, shock wave).
    - complex therapy of arterial hypertension, edema syndrome.
    The most effective use of the drug Urolysinfor prophylactic purposes or at the stage of calculus formation.
  • Solegon

    Indications for the use of the drug Solegonare: chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract - pyelonephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis; pyelonephritis of pregnant women; urolithiasis disease; cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis; uric acid diathesis; osteochondrosis, gout, nonspecific arthritis.
    AT postoperative period after removal of urinary stones.
    Recommended as a biologically active food supplement - a source of arbutin, flavonoids (according to routine), containing anthraquinones.




  • NephraDoz

    Recommended as a biologically active food supplement - a source of flavonoids, anthraquinones, resveratrol and glycyrrhizic acid containing salidroside.
    Dietary supplement NephraDozrecommended for use for the treatment of urolithiasis (kidney stones, nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis).
  • Blemaren

    Indications for the use of the drug Blemaren are:
    - dissolution of uric acid and calcium oxalate stones and prevention of their formation;
    - dissolution of mixed uric acid-oxalate stones (with an oxalate content of less than 25%);
    - symptomatic treatment of skin porphoria.
  • Choludexan

    Indications for the use of the drug Choludexanare:
    - Uncomplicated gallstone disease (biliary sludge; dissolution of cholesterol gallstones in gallbladder if it is impossible to remove them surgically or endoscopic methods; prevention of recurrence of stone formation after cholecystectomy)
    - Chronic active hepatitis
    - Toxic (including medicinal) liver damage
    - Alcoholic liver disease (ABD)
    - Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
    - Primary biliary cirrhosis
    - Primary sclerosing cholangitis
    - Cystic fibrosis
    - Atresia of the intrahepatic biliary tract, congenital atresia of the bile duct
    - Dyskinesia of the biliary tract
    - Biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis
  • Cysto-Aurin

    A drug Cysto-Aurinit is used in the treatment of the urinary tract for infectious and inflammatory processes as part of complex therapy (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), for urolithiasis and in the presence of sand in the kidneys, to prevent the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys.
  • Xidiphon

    A drug Xidiphonis used in adults and children as a means of regulating calcium metabolism in urolithiasis and other kidney diseases; hyperavitaminosis D; hyperparathyroidism and concomitant interstitial nephritis; osteoporosis (treatment and prevention); as a means of preventing the development of osteopenia and osteoporosis during prolonged immobilization rheumatoid arthritisincreasing mass bone tissue with secondary osteoporosis; to accelerate the removal of excess heavy metals from the body - lead, tin, strontium, silicon and antimony; in adults in complex therapy bronchial asthma mild and moderate course in order to stabilize the membranes of immunocompetent cells, as well as in the complex therapy of hormone-dependent bronchial asthma in order to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Nephrine Complex

    Nephrine Complextake as a dietary supplement - an additional source of vitamins C, B6, beta-carotene, zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium, arbutin, silybin. It is recommended for enriching the diet with biologically active substances for prevention and as a component of complex therapy for the following conditions and diseases:
    - inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract (chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis) and toxic kidney damage;
    - urolithiasis, various types of urolithiasis diathesis;
    - complex therapy of hypertension, pulmonary heart failure;
    - condition after operations on the kidneys and urinary tract, including after the surgical removal of calculi or their extraction by remote shock wave lipotripsy;
    - complex therapy of specific diseases genitourinary system.
  • Tsistorenal

    Tsistorenaltake in the diet as an additional source of proanthocyanides and antioxidants, arbutin, organic acids (benzoic, malic, citric), vitamin C and silicon in order to maintain the health of the urinary tract and to improve the functional state of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Cistenal is a combined preparation based on natural ingredients. It has a pronounced antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body, facilitating the passage of small stones through the urinary tract. Designed for the treatment of urological diseases.

Active substance

Multi-component preparation.

Release form and composition

Produced by the manufacturer in the form of a solution in glass bottles with a volume of 10 ml.

Indications for use

It is used to treat urolithiasis, crystalluria (high salt content in the urine) and chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. The drug very effectively eliminates renal colic and prevents its development.


The drug should not be prescribed if the patient has the following diseases:

  • renal failure;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • chronic or acute glomerulonephritis;
  • diseases, the treatment of which requires surgery.

Instructions for use Cistenal (method and dosage)

With urolithiasis, drops of Cistenal should be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals, 3-4 drops applied to a sugar cube.

The drug helps to quickly cope with attacks of renal colic. In this case, it is prescribed 10 drops three times a day.

If, after taking the drug, the patient develops severe heartburn, he can take the medicine during or after a meal. This treatment regimen minimizes the irritating effect of the components of the solution on the gastric mucosa.

With reduced gastric secretion, treatment is recommended to be combined with taking medications containing hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

To facilitate the removal of stones from the urinary tract, doctors recommend, simultaneously with taking the drug Cistenal, to practice an increased introduction of fluid into the body. In the absence of contraindications from the kidneys and the cardiovascular system, the patient should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid (fruit juices, tea or alkaline mineral water) per day.

Side effects

Taking the drug Cistenal can cause the following side effects: nausea, heartburn, vomiting. In addition, against the background of therapy with this drug, inflammatory diseases in the digestive tract and peptic ulcer stomach.


Overdose cases are not described.


Analogues according to the ATC code: Oxybutynin, Tolterodin, Solifenacin, Darifenacin, Fesoterodin.

Do not make the decision to change the drug yourself, consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of Cistenal drops is due to the properties of its constituent natural ingredients.

The drug has a diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Its active substances are able to relax the smooth muscles of the ureters, which helps to facilitate the passage of small stones through them. Systematic use leads to loosening of stones consisting of magnesium and calcium salts.

The drug is rapidly and almost completely absorbed by the body after oral administration. Its maximum concentration in the blood is observed 2 hours after application. Biotransformation is carried out in the liver, and it is excreted from the body in the form of salicylic acid and its metabolites.

special instructions

The preparation contains ethyl alcohol, so it should not be taken by vehicle drivers shortly before the trip.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

May be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, you should pay attention to the fact that magnesium salicylate is able to penetrate the placenta, affecting the fetus. Therefore, during pregnancy, the reception should be started only after a medical appointment.

Drug interactions

Cistenal drops reduce the effectiveness of oral forms of fluoroquinolones and tetracycline, and also increases the gastrotoxicity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Medicines that provoke a shift in urine pH to the acidic side reduce the excretion of salicylates and increase their plasma concentration, and drugs that alkalize urine lead to a decrease in the concentration of salicylates.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

Store in a cool and protected from light place at an air temperature of 10 ... 25 ° C. Subject to the storage conditions, the shelf life of the drug will be 3 years.

Cyston has no direct analogs. Simply put, in the entire world pharmacology there is no other drug with the same composition. But the pharmaceutical market can offer quite a lot of drugs similar in their therapeutic properties to Cyston. Its price in pharmacies is quite affordable, about 350 rubles.

Afala. Relieves swelling, stabilizes blood flow in the prostate.

Bangshil. Known as bactericidal and bacteriostatic, it normalizes urination. Available in tablets.

Kanephron N. Well heals not only acute, but also chronic forms infectious diseases urinary system. It is used both in tablets and in the form of a solution.

Nephrophyte with orthosiphon. (herbal tea "Altai" No. 22) Used for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis. Indispensable for removing edema. Produced in the form of a herbal collection intended for steaming.

Pipemidine. It is relevant for acute and chronic urinary tract infections. Accepted in the form of pills.

Spilled. Capsules containing herbal ingredients and is designed to combat urolithiasis.

Renelle. An antispasmodic and diuretic agent with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The tablets are placed under the tongue until they are completely dissolved.

Rovatinex. Promotes the destruction and elimination of calculi. In capsule form.

Solidago compositum S. Relieves inflammation and pain, has diuretic, antispasmodic, hypotensive, antimicrobial, sedative and anticonvulsant activity. It is used in the form of injections.

Trinephron. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and also eliminates spasm of the smooth muscle layer of the urinary tract. Has a vegetable composition. Oral solution.

Uro Veda. Diseases of the urinary system, composed of herbs. In pill form.

Uro-control. Relieves inflammation, is an antibacterial, diuretic, antioxidant agent, enhances immunity. Pills.

Urolesan. Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, acidifies urine, increases the excretion of urea and chlorides. Oral solution.

Uronephron. Combined drug, which has a diuretic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Whole and completely vegetable. Oral syrup.

Uroholum. Complex medicinal productcontaining active ingredients of plant origin. Also available as a syrup.

Flavia. Against frequent urge, pain and inflammation. Capsules.

The list of analogues is not counted with these drugs. The price range is wide enough, from one hundred rubles to one and a half thousand.

Composition and form of release

Cyston is available only in tablet form. Packaged in cans of 100 pieces.

The active substances are extracts of various herbs. They are all known for their ability to break down kidney stones and remove salt concentrations from the body. Some hoods are steam treated. Such processing allows you to take the maximum of useful elements from each plant. All their natural strength goes to fight against disease-causing bacteria.

One tablet contains at least 65 mg of flowers of the bicarp, known for its medicinal properties... It has been used since ancient times in Arabic and Persian medicine.

49 mg of stalks of reed saxifrage, which has strong healing properties, has anti-febrile and antitumor properties.

The underground part of the saturation is membranous, which has diaphoretic and analgesic properties.

Madder stems have always been widely used in folk medicine.

Rough strawberry seeds are not only beneficial in their own right, but help to activate the strengths of other plants.

Onosma bracts has a striking diuretic property.

Ashen vernonia is also quite popular with traditional healers. It is included in the collection for diabetics, anti-fever, in the pharmaceutical industry is used to create drugs for some of the symptoms of AIDS.

In addition, leaves, flowers and a stem of fragrant basil are mixed in Cyston, which is loved not only by culinary experts for its taste, but also by pharmacists, for no less outstanding chemical composition... Horsetail also has the same properties.

Horse bean and teak seeds are also widely known for their anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

The fruits of the creeping tribulus are used to alleviate not only all types of nervous diseases, but also to treat urolithiasis.

Bashful mimosa seeds and aromatic pavonia have also been made up for the same properties.

In addition to herbs, the composition also contains 13 mg of purified and crushed mummy, an organo-mineral product of alternative medicine of natural origin, and 16 mg of lime silicate.

Magnesium stearate, crospovidone, aerosil, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, microcrystalline cellulose are also present as auxiliary.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

The drug in its composition contains exclusively herbal ingredients that can harm neither the child nor the woman herself, therefore cyston can be safely used both during pregnancy and during lactation.

The drug is prescribed during pregnancy, not only for urinary tract infections, but also for difficulties with urination caused by the following reasons:

  • inflammatory process;
  • spasm due to kidney stones;
  • strong pressure on the bladder from the uterus.

Cyston does not affect the reaction and concentration, therefore, in parallel with the treatment, you can safely drive a car and any mechanisms that require increased attention

As for the dosages, they are the same as for all adults. Women during this period do not need to either decrease or increase the dosage of the drug.

Contraindications and danger

Medicinal plants have long been used in folk medicine, and all thanks to their unique abilities, they still have the other side of the coin. As recent studies show, many plants have a rather complex composition, and each time new properties are discovered, so many of them remain completely unexplored.

The composition of medicinal plants includes biologically active substances that can provoke the development of allergies.

As indicated in the instructions for use, the drug should not be taken for renal colic. Some make a serious mistake when, seeing the ability of cystone to have an antispasmodic effect, they begin to use the remedy for colic at their own risk. By such actions, these patients only waste precious time and often bring their body to the development of serious complications, because in order for the drug to begin to work, time must pass.

How to take Cyston

It is not recommended to crush the tablet or chew it before taking it. It is necessary to take the medicine with a sufficient amount of water. The therapy involves drinking a large amount of liquid - at least 2.5 liters per day. This is due to the diuretic effect of the drug.

Depending on the existing pathology, the patient's condition and a number of other factors, the doctor selects an individual dosage for each patient

Before or after meals

In the morning or evening

Taking the medicine does not depend on the time of day, but on the frequency of administration. If it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, then you will have to do it in the morning, lunchtime and evening.

Taking the medicine does not depend on the time of day, but on the frequency of administration.

Therapeutic effect

Due to its unique composition, cystitis from cystitis has a number of therapeutic effects:

  • diuretic,
  • nephrolytic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antispasmodic,
  • antiseptic.

The instructions for use should not be ignored, they contain important information

Let's take a closer look at each of these actions.

Diuretic, or, simply, diuretic, effect helps to eliminate stagnant urine and ensures its timely removal from the body. As a result, salts do not settle, do not transform into crystals, therefore, in turn, stones have nothing to form from.

As for the nephrolytic effect, even in the presence of already formed large calculi, the drug is able to dissolve them, and crush smaller stones and remove them in the form of sand.

There are chemical and physical bonds between the substances that form the stones, and so the drug simply weakens these bonds and their splitting occurs. As a result, the stone becomes much smaller.

In addition, do not forget that there are various substances in the urine that contribute to the formation of crystals and later calculi, and so the cyston simply neutralizes these substances. In fact, the drug is a good prophylactic agent, eliminating factors that could result in the future.

Cyston from cystitis is also effective because it reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, and even suppresses it altogether.

Antispasmodic action is another important point in the treatment process. The drug relaxes not only the bladder, but also the urinary tract, as a result of which the discomfort associated with urination passes.

Cyston from cystitis quickly relieves pain and burning sensation that appear during urination

And finally, the ability to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause the inflammatory process, nullifying the disease.

The main pharmacological properties of the drug can be distinguished:

  • the drug removes oxalates, phosphates, uric acid and small stones that form in the kidneys from the body;
  • prevents the appearance of small wounds and cracks in the mucous membrane;
  • substances such as oxalic acid and calcium affect the formation of stones, and the drug reduces their number;
  • substances such as sodium, potassium and magnesium, on the contrary, reduce the likelihood of calculus formation. Cyston increases the concentration of these substances;
  • mucin is a substance that coats stones. The drug reduces the density of this substance, and as a result, the stones fall into pieces, and some even dissolve altogether;
  • cyston relaxes the muscles of the urinary tract;
  • contributes to the normal separation of urine.

Regardless of the acidity of urine, the drug has its own therapeutic effect. There is no need for acidification or, conversely, alkalization of urine.

Cyston instructions for use

It is taken on a full stomach, therefore the most the best time - after meal. No need to chew. Please note that Cyston has a diuretic effect, which means a lot of water is excreted from the body. In order for everything to work properly, without interruptions, you should drink up to 2.5 liters per day. We do not count liquid food and drinks in this volume.

Against the background of treatment, pain may appear, in this case, the procedures are immediately stopped. Since therapy can provoke movement of large stones and block the ureters.

Do not forget that the tablets are completely composed of herbs, which means that the result from the procedures appears gradually. The best effect of the treatment does not come earlier than after a couple of weeks. Its effect can continue for another 15-30 days after the end of the intake.

The dosage is individual, it depends on the diagnosis and the severity of the disease. It should be remembered that Cystine alone does not work very effectively. But in combination with others it shows good results.

So gout requires treatment in several courses. Each of which lasts 30-60 days. Between each one requires a break equal to the course itself. That is, if the drug was taken for 45 days, then a pause should be made for the same 45 days. After a break, repeat the procedure.

How to take Cyston? A couple of pills three times a day is enough.

With an ailment such as prostatitis, it also works well, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and stone-destructive capabilities. You need to take two tablets twice a day. Do not forget that Cyston for prostatitis, as well as for other ailments, is prescribed only in combination. The course is long. Up to six months and even longer, until all the formations come out of the prostate.

Do not worry that such long procedures can negatively affect the general condition of the body, and as a result, not only unnecessary formations will be removed from the body, but also useful microelements. When developing the drug, such nuances were taken into account, it has reserves for replenishing the same potassium.

Long-term use of urinary tract infections is not required. It is enough to drink tablets from a week to twelve. Cystitis, pyelitis and others require an individual dosage in contrast to age. So for children from 6 to 11 we give out a tablet three times a day. From 12-15 two or three times, but already two pills. From 15 and the adult contingent should eat two pieces three times a day. The duration of the course is not less than a week and until the diagnosis is removed.

Urolithiasis and crystalluria suggest the same age-based dosage as the previous diagnosis. But the reception time is much longer. Since Cyston should not only remove the inflammatory process, but also break down all formations and remove them. As a rule, this procedure takes up to six months.

In order to prevent these diseases, a tablet is prescribed three times a day for up to five months. Age doesn't matter. After surgery to remove stones, two tablets are prescribed twice a day, also for five months.

Pregnancy does not require any special dosage adjustment. But it is better to postpone the treatment of urolithiasis until the woman has already given birth.


Indications for the use of the drug Choludexanare:
- Uncomplicated cholelithiasis (biliary sludge; dissolution of cholesterol gallstones in the gallbladder if they cannot be removed by surgical or endoscopic methods; prevention of recurrence of stone formation after cholecystectomy)
- Chronic active hepatitis
- Toxic (including medicinal) liver damage
- Alcoholic liver disease (ABD)
- Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
- Primary biliary cirrhosis
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis
- Cystic fibrosis
- Atresia of the intrahepatic biliary tract, congenital atresia of the bile duct
- Dyskinesia of the biliary tract
- Biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis

Pharmacological group

The drug Cistenal is a powerful antispasmodic agent with a pronounced diuretic (diuretic) and anti-inflammatory effect. The combined composition promotes relaxation of the smooth muscle layer of the walls of the ureters, which leads to easier passage of kidney stones through them. Also, long-term systematic use of the drug Cistenal leads to the destruction of calculi.

Salicylates are rapidly and completely absorbed in the intestine. Concentration active substances reaches a maximum 1-2 hours after oral administration... The half-life varies from 2 to 3 hours when taken in small doses and up to 20 hours when taken higher doses medication. Metabolism occurs in the liver cells. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys in the form of various metabolites and salicylic acid.

Patient opinion

Cistenal differs from other drugs high level effectiveness in the fight against diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, and this is confirmed by patient reviews.

I have used Cistenal for many years, I am 100% satisfied with its effectiveness. Currently, the drug is very difficult to find, as a result, you have to pass hospital treatment with the use of droppers. I would like the medicine to be on sale.

Stanislava, 45 years old, Vladivostok

With the help of Cistenal, my mother managed to get rid of stones in her bladder. I am given medication escaped from cystitis. Currently, the problem of cystitis worries my child, and it is very difficult to find Cistenal. For myself, I concluded that this medicine is irreplaceable. I recommend the remedy to everyone, but remember that its use must be agreed with the doctor.

Oksana 35 years old, Kaliningrad

Cistenal for me was a lifeline when fighting urolithiasis... It quickly eliminates pain and helps to remove calculi. When I was diagnosed with this pathological condition, the doctor said that surgery might and would be needed, but the use of Cistenal saved me from him. It is a pity that today the drug is difficult to find on sale, I would like this situation to change, because medication really good.

Vladimir, 55 years old, St. Petersburg

The information is presented for information purposes, remember that the use of Cistenal, like any other medication, must be agreed with your doctor. It is he who must take into account all the nuances and determine the rationality of the appointment of a particular drug.

At this time, it is very difficult to find a medication in pharmacy kiosks, which cannot but grieve. But you can still buy it, if not in a pharmacy, then on the Internet, and this becomes a salvation.

Be attentive to your body, pay attention to its signals and be always healthy.

Indications for use

Cistenal drug is used in the treatment of pathological conditions directly associated with impaired functioning of the urinary system. The use of the medication must be agreed with the attending physician without fail.

for adults

For adult patients, it is most justified to take the drug Cistenal in the treatment of pathological conditions such as:

  • crystalluria;
  • spastic reactions in the urinary tract;
  • urolithiasis, accompanied by secondary changes in inflammatory manifestations.

for kids

In children and adolescents under 18 years of age, the use of the drug Cistenal is possible only with the prior prescription of the attending pediatrician. The indications for the use of the drug will be the same conditions as for the category of patients over 18 years of age (adult group).

for pregnant women and during lactation

During the period of childbearing and breastfeeding, Cistenal should be taken with extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor or other qualified and experienced specialist. ...

Cyston therapeutic action

Thanks to its herbal extracts and natural ingredients, Cyston has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Diuretic action;
  • Nephrolitholytic action;
  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Spasmolytic action;
  • Antimicrobial action;
  • Antiseptic action.

kidney bladder irritation when urinating All of these effects Cyston has due to the following pharmacological properties:

  • It removes oxalate and phosphate salts from the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as uric acid and small stones;
  • Normalizes the balance between crystals and the colloidal matrix covering them in the urine, which prevents minor scratches and wounds on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract;
  • Reduces the concentration of substances in the urine that contribute to the formation of kidney stones (oxalic acid, calcium, hydroxyproline);
  • Increases the concentration of urine elements that prevent and slow down the process of stone formation (sodium, magnesium and potassium);
  • Reduces the density of mucin covering the stones, as a result of which it becomes possible for them to partially dissolve and break into small pieces;
  • Prevents the accumulation of salt crystals and particles around the core of the stone, which significantly slows down its further growth and, accordingly, an increase in size;
  • Relaxes the muscles of the urinary tract and relieves spastic pain;
  • Provides normal urine separation.

general information

According to official instructions this herbal preparation should be used for nephrolithiasis - kidney stones, as well as in the presence of salt crystals in the urine and in the complex therapy of urological infections, including provoking cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Cyston is available in tablets, each of which contains active ingredients of plant origin and excipients.

It is impossible to track the pharmacokinetics of the drug, since it is a multicomponent herbal remedy.

The effectiveness of Cyston is due to the combination of a diuretic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, litholytic and anti-inflammatory action.

The basis for obtaining a therapeutic effect in nephrolithiasis or its prevention is the following aspects of the drug's activity:

  • stabilization of the balance of salt crystals in the biological media of the body with metabolic nephropathies;
  • a change in the composition of urine - reduces the concentration of substances that provoke the formation of stones, and increases the amount of trace elements that slow down this process;
  • decrease in the level of mineralization and integration of stones;
  • stimulation of urination and elimination of spasm of the urinary tract muscles.

Cyston can be used for litholysis and excretion of oxalate, urate and phosphate salt crystals, uric acids, small calculi, regardless of the level of urine acidity.

Cyston increases the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs for cystitis.

According to the instructions, the drug is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age. It is possible to take it during pregnancy and lactation, but there is no data on the effect of the components of the drug on the fetus.

Typical treatment regimens:

  • nephrolithiasis: 2 tablets twice a day, course - 4-6 months or until the stones come out;
  • cystitis: 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The course is 2-3 weeks or until the normalization of laboratory parameters;
  • prevention of recurrence of nephrolithiasis after surgical or natural removal of stones: 2 tablets twice a day for a monthly course, then 1 tablet twice a day for 4 months or more.

The tablets should be taken after eating.

Cyston acts gradually, so it can only be taken with stones no more than 4-9 mm in order to avoid it and should be canceled when sudden colic appears.

Cyston's price where to buy

The price of Cyston is considered somewhat high among analogues, however, the tool has more than once proven its effectiveness in practice. You can buy it at many pharmacies. Pharmacists note that this product is in demand. Indeed, for those who are helped by Cyston tablets, the price does not matter much. The average cost of this tool is about 400 rubles.

The price of Cyston in Ukraine is about 110 hryvnia. However, some pharmacies may have less. How much this product costs from different sellers should be specified separately.

Find nearby pharmacies

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies of UkraineUkraine
  • Internet pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Annotation to the drug indicates that it serves to relieve inflammation and is diuretic ... It contains natural plant extracts that determine the effect of this product.

Bicarp flowers of stalk contains pedicin , pedicillin , isopedicine and essential oil, which have a pronounced diuretic effect.

Heart-leaved madder stems include anthraquine glycosides and ruberitric acid splitting calculi urinary tract and promoting their excretion from the body. it diuretic and astringent means.

The aerial part of the bracts' onosma removes irritation of the bladder mucosa, and also has anti-inflammatory , antiseptic , antimicrobial and diuretic properties. it effective remedy with diseases of the bladder.

Silicon lime powder helps in dissolving calculi in the urinary system and acts as diuretic ... In turn, purified mineral resin is involved in the normalization of urination, improves digestion, and stabilizes metabolic processes.

Stems of ligulate saxifrage remove irritation of the mucous membrane of the urinary system, and are also effective as astringent , antimicrobial and diuretic means. Promotes splitting and dissolution crystal-colloidal ratios of stones .

The rhizomes of the scarious feed have antibacterial properties. And the seeds of rough straw are characterized by antispasmodic and diuretic effect.

Ash vernonia is an effective remedy for dysuric phenomena spasms bladder and urinary problems.

Diuretic and anti-inflammatory the effects of the drug are mainly associated with an increase in the blood supply to the urinary tract and kidneys. The concentration of calcium, oxalic acid and hydroxyproline in the urine decreases, thereby reducing the risk calculi in the urinary system.

In addition, this drug acts on mucin, which binds particles of stones, crystals, sand, thereby causing crushing urinary calculi and promotes their removal from the body. Disintegration, demineralization and softening are also observed calculi .

The medicine is effective and how antimicrobial agent, especially against gram-negative microorganisms. Among other things, it has antispasmodic action.

Cyston at cystitis greatly enhances the effectiveness of other antibacterial funds. It increases daily flow and urine production.

Dose and course of therapy

According to the instructions, when diagnosing urolithiasis, they drink the medicine 3-4 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals. To soften the unpleasant taste and make it easier to take, it is recommended to drip on sugar.

To stop an attack of renal colic, they drink 10-20 drops once.

If a person has increased acidity of gastric juice, the medicine must be taken strictly after eating, because it can irritate the gastric mucosa.

If, however, a decreased gastric secretion is diagnosed, then in this case, it is advised to combine the intake of Cistenal with drugs made on the basis of pepsin or hydrochloric acid.

If a person is often bothered by renal colic, it is recommended to take the remedy three times a day, 10 drops. The course of treatment lasts an average of a month.

An important point is that during treatment it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, in the absence of contraindications for this from other organs and systems. This will make it easier for the stones to come off.

For kids

Due to the fact that Cistenal is produced on the basis of ethyl alcohol, it is not used to treat children.

During pregnancy and lactation

There are conflicting opinions about the use of women while carrying a child. One group of doctors is inclined to think that such treatment is dangerous, another group believes that prescribing a medication is possible, but only if the patient is carefully examined and urgently needed.

Concerning breastfeeding, then the drug should not be used during this period, because such a component as magnesium salicylate is endowed with the ability to penetrate into breast milk.

Interaction with other medicines

With the simultaneous use of Cistenal with antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline and fluoroquinolone series, a decrease in the level of effectiveness of the latter is observed.

When combined with pain relievers, the risk of negative effects on the intestinal wall increases.

The simultaneous use of Cistenal and drugs endowed with the ability to increase the level of urine acidity, there is a slowdown in the process of excretion of salicylates, in parallel with this, their concentration in the blood plasma increases. Medicines that alkalize urine accelerate the excretion of Cistenal from the body cavity.


It has a nephrolitholytic effect. It dissolves large stones (stones) in the kidneys, and removes small ones. Does not allow for the strengthening of bonds between substances that serve as building materials for stones. As a result, the particles disintegrate, the stones decrease in size and disintegrate completely.

The essence of this effect is also in the fact that the drug removes all extraneous formations from the kidneys, not allowing new calculi to arise. Thus, there is not only a therapeutic effect, but also the prevention of urolithiasis.

Due to the antispasmodic effect, it reduces the tone of the muscles of the bladder and urinary tract. As a result, pain from the movement of stones disappears, itching and burning when using the toilet disappear.

Due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, it suppresses pathogenic bacteria and provocative microorganisms. Reducing the risk of inflammatory and infectious processes in the urinary system.

Cyston is able to reduce the manifestations of inflammatory processes occurring not only in the tissues of the kidneys, but also on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Reducing the risk of such occurrence to a minimum.

A clearly pronounced diuretic property allows timely release of urine from the kidneys, thereby preventing stagnation from forming. Due to this, the salt in the body does not have time to precipitate, forming crystals that are knocked down into stones.

Cyston owes these properties to its ability to eliminate phosphate and oxalate salts, small stones and uric acid from the kidneys. By stabilizing the level between crystals and the colloidal matrix, it prevents the appearance of small lesions on the mucous membrane.

The top layer of stones becomes looser, more pliable, the process of their destruction is easier. Prevents salt crystals and other particles from gathering around the core, which greatly inhibits the growth of stones. Among other things, it allows the muscles of the bladder to relax and relieve pain.

An important point is that Cyston does not affect the pH of urine in any way, without increasing acidity and not alkalizing.

Cyston tablets from what helps and when they are prescribed

  • urolithiasis - nephrourolithiasis;
  • crystalluria - the release of salt crystals with urine flow, wounding the mucous membrane of the ureters with their surfaces;
  • damage to the structures of the urinary system with infectious pathologies, for example, cystitis or pyelonephritis;
  • infectious pathologies in pregnant women;
  • urinary incontinence in the female half of humanity;
  • gouty processes;
  • with a preventive focus - preventing the formation of calculi after surgical interventions of the urinary system, preventing the recurrence of urolithiasis;
  • formed colomerates of salts in the salivary ducts.

Only a specialist should determine the need for taking a medication. Self-medication is absolutely not permissible.

What can replace Cyston

Cyston or Kanephron, which is better? Both are herbal preparations, they have incorporated exclusively extracts and extracts of valuable plant specimens that grow all over the world.

The first is produced exclusively in India, its competitor is in Germany. This is perhaps the single most noticeable difference. As for the purposes of use, there are more and more common points. Both go only in conjunction with other drugs. They work well against inflammation in the urinary system, promote the destruction of kidney stones, and prevent their formation in the future.

Areolas of their action are approximately the same, therefore they are often prescribed with the same symptoms.

But, despite such a similar action of both, there are differences between Canephron and Cyston. The second contains a much larger list of components, which means that when you take it, a person has more chances of getting an allergic effect. With Kanefron in this regard, it is easier. For all the time, not a single allergic reaction was noted.

But Cyston has a great antibacterial effect, and in moments of severe inflammation it fights better against pathogenic bacteria.

In turn, Canephron has the ability to reduce protein excretion during pregnancy, which is quite important in this condition.

Cyston or Urolesan which is better? Urolesan, like Cyston, is absolutely vegetable. But unlike its counterpart, it absorbed not only extracts and extracts of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds, but also supplemented its composition with essential oils. By and large, both work in the same direction and triumphantly fight urolithiasis, removing the inflammatory process.

Cyston is released exclusively in tablet form, while the second shines with a variety: capsules, syrup and drops. This greatly simplifies the treatment, helping to choose the most convenient path.

Perhaps the most significant difference between Cyston and Urolesan is that the former works longer, sometimes it takes six months to fully recover, while its competitor is able to get rid of all signs of cystitis in just a couple of weeks.

But if Cyston works with practically no side effects, then its analog is capable of provoking nausea, diarrhea, heartburn. In addition, it is completely contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 18 years of age.

The difference between Cyston and Furosemide is that the second has an absolutely chemical composition. First of all, it works as a diuretic, actively relieving swelling from all organs and removing excess moisture from the body. does not affect calculi in any way. It has a large list of contraindications, including breastfeeding.

Unlike Cyston, it has a wide range of side effects, including a negative effect on cardiovascular system, Central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Also, it is not easy to work in combination with some drugs, weakening their properties or provoking a side reaction.

If Cyston can be taken enough long time, then with Furosemide you need to be more careful, clearly dosing a single serving and breaks between them.

Rovatinex or Cyston which is better? Rovatinex is produced in Germany by an Irish pharmaceutical company. Just like Cyston, it is vegetable. But, unlike its Indian counterpart, it is quite expensive, almost 1600 rubles per pack.

In terms of its therapeutic properties, it is completely similar to Cyston. He also actively works to dissolve calculi and to remove them.

Rovatinex, just like its competitor, has a small list of contraindications. In addition to children under 6 years of age, it is contraindicated in pregnant women in the first trimester, breastfeeding women and in acute pain.

As a rule, the course of treatment with an Irish drug lasts for a month or two. It is much faster than Cyston.

Due to its cost, it is not so common, preference is given to the more familiar and budgetary Cyston.

Cyston or Spilled which is better? Both herbal preparations give a similar therapeutic effect and are used in identical situations. Spill is available in two dosages - 225 and 550 mg. There are contraindications, but they are few. Even their pricing policy is about the same.

It is clear from everything that all drugs have enough advantages. And the only criterion that doctors rely on when prescribing this or that is the individuality of the patient's body.

But if for some reason one of them did not fit in the course of treatment, in no case should you change the drug yourself. It may well turn out that there may be even less benefit from a competitive drug. All corrections in treatment can only be done by a doctor after a thorough and comprehensive examination.

Indications for Cyston's use

If Cyston tablets are prescribed, indications for use may be as follows:

  • manifestations of signs urolithiasis ;
  • nephrolithiasis ;
  • cystitis ;
  • pyelonephritis ;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • crystalluria ;
  • gout ;
  • stones of the ways of the salivary glands.

This drug can also be prescribed for the prevention of the above diseases.

Those who want to take the medicine should better agree on its use with a doctor. Only a specialist knows all the nuances and indications for the use of Cyston. He will tell you how to take the medicine and from what Cyston tablets will help in each case.

It should also be noted that the drug is effective not only for humans. For the purpose of therapy urolithiasis Your veterinarian may prescribe Cyston for cats. It is believed to be quite effective. But its use in this case is recommended to be combined with potassium preparations to replenish its losses in the body.

Instructions for use Cyston and dosages

Is taken internally. The duration of treatment and dosage may depend on the size and type of stones. The duration of the course of therapy is determined on an individual basis (from several weeks to 6 months, until the absence of stones is detected).

Cyston for cystitis is applied in 2 tablets in the morning and evening until complete recovery. Typically, treatment lasts from one month to 12 weeks. In special cases, the doctor may prescribe a pill 3 times / day. It is permissible to use it if necessary to prevent the recurrence of such diseases.

Urolithiasis: 2 tab. 2-3 times a day for 4-6 months or until the stones come out. To prevent relapse after surgical removal or release of stones - 2 tablets. 3 times a day for a month, then 1 table. 2 times a day for 4-5 months.

Urinary tract infections: 2 tablets. 2-3 times a day for 6-12 weeks.

In the case of persistent urinary tract infections, Cyston is prescribed in conjunction with the appropriate urological antibiotics.

For children over the age of 14, the same dosages are shown as for adults - 2 tablets. The medicine is taken 3 times a day. The therapy is designed for 4-6 weeks. In case of relapse, let's take:

  • age from 14 years - 1 tablet is given;
  • age 6-14 years - half a tablet is given;
  • age 2-6 years - a quarter of a tablet is given.

The medicine is taken 3 times a day. The therapy is designed for 6-12 weeks.

It should be taken into account that the Cyston effect develops gradually. ... In the treatment of acute pain in the urinary tract, it is not recommended to use the drug

In case of acute pain, therapy is interrupted.

In the treatment of acute pain in the urinary tract, the use of the drug is not recommended. In case of acute pain, therapy is interrupted.

Taking the medication provides for the use of a sufficient volume of water - at least 2.5 liters. It is permissible to break the tablet, followed by the simultaneous use of parts.


  • hypersensitivity to auxiliary components, directly to plant extracts or powder components of the drug;
  • acute pain syndrome in the urinary tract;
  • the presence of indications in children under 2 years of age;
  • the presence of calculi, the size of which exceeds 10 mm according to ultrasound data.

Side effects and overdose

The appearance of side effects while taking medication is extremely rare. Only with individual hyperreaction to any component of the drug.

As a rule, allergic conditions appear, for example, hives. Do not prescribe a remedy if the body does not accept the composition of Cyston.

  • Overdose of the drug was not recorded.

Interaction with other medicinal products

The use of the drug with antibiotics increases the effectiveness of therapy. Cyston increases the bioavailability of norfloxacin.

When used together with co-trioxazole in an experiment on animals, Cyston delayed the absorption of sulfamethoxazole, statistically significantly increasing its bioavailability, and accelerated the absorption of trimethoprim without significantly affecting its bioavailability.

When using these drugs simultaneously with Cyston, a dose adjustment may be required.

Canephron or cyston

Both kanefron and cyston are phytopreparations that contain extracts of medicinal plants. If cyston is an Indian invention, then kanefron is a German drug.

Some are more suitable for kanefron, others for cyston, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body

Both medicines are used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes, as well as to reduce the size of kidney stones and prevent their appearance. It turns out that their popularity is due to a wide range of therapeutic effects.

Nevertheless, these drugs have some differences. For example, cyston contains more plant components, which explains the recorded cases of allergic reactions, while in the case of kanephron, there are no such reports.

Separately, I would like to say about the ability of kanephron to reduce the amount of protein in the urine during pregnancy. Cyston does not possess this property.


If you refer to the instructions, you will notice that the main indication for taking the drug is kidney stone disease. In addition, the drug has proven itself well in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, increased excretion of urates and oxalates in the urine. Cistenal will also be useful as a treatment and prevention of renal colic, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of patients and doctors.

How to take Cistenal

In case of renal stone disease, it should be taken 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Dosage - 4 drops, which should be applied to the refined sugar cube. If you need to provide quick help with acute renal colic, a single large dose is recommended - up to 20 drops.

To protect the stomach lining from irritating effects, Cistenal for colic should be taken strictly after meals. With frequent attacks of pain, you can use the remedy for prophylactic purposes - 10 drops three times a day, while observing the drinking regimen.

Side effects and contraindications

Cistenal can irritate the gastric mucosa, which leads to exacerbation of chronic gastritis, dyspeptic symptoms. Long-term regular use can exacerbate peptic ulcer disease.

Contraindications for use

  • Inflammatory kidney disease;
  • A stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD);
  • Conditions requiring an operation.
  • Approved for use by pregnant women.


One of the components is ethyl alcohol. This should be taken into account by drivers, especially in the case of a pre-ride application. If the remedy is the cause of unbearable heartburn, then it is permissible to take it with food or immediately after a meal.

Release form and components of Cistenal

The drug is available in glass vials with a capacity of 10 milliliters. The preparation contains:

  • Dye madder extract;
  • Salicylic magnesium salt;
  • Essential oils;
  • Ethanol;
  • Olive oil as a form-building substance.


Cistenal can be stored for up to three years. Storage conditions - cool place without access to light. Keep out of the reach of children.

This article is for informational purposes only. Before use, you should consult with your doctor.

Pharmacological properties of Cyston

TO useful properties drugs include:

  • diuretic, characterized by the elimination of urinary stagnation in the renal pelvis;
  • nephrolitholytic, due to which the medicine crushes large calculi and helps to remove small stones;
  • anti-inflammatory, eliminating or reducing the processes of inflammation in the organs on which the withdrawal of urine from the body depends;
  • antispasmodic, relaxing and relieving spasms of the walls of the bladder, making the process of urination much easier;
  • antimicrobial and antiseptic - thanks to these properties, the drug is able to fight the microflora that caused the development of urinary tract infections.


Under the action of Cyston, salts, small stones and uric acid are excreted from the urinary organs. The drug destroys the substances in the body that contribute to the formation of stones or the increase in existing ones.

The medicine helps to reduce the density of a substance that partially dissolves stones or breaks them into smaller pieces. This substance is mucin.

Taking pills leads to relaxation of the muscles of the urinary organs. As a result, spastic pains stop, and urination is normalized.

Taking pills leads to the cessation of spastic pain, as a result of which urination is normalized.


There is still no information on the indicators of the pharmacokinetics of Cyston.

special instructions

During the period of therapy, the patient may feel pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe urinary system organs. In this case, it is necessary to stop taking the pills and consult a doctor for a correction of the course of treatment.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Only the doctor decides on the treatment of a pregnant woman with Cyston. During the period of breastfeeding, pills cannot be taken: if a woman needs treatment, then the child is transferred to artificial feeding.

Pediatric use

The drug is not used in the treatment of children under 2 years of age. At an older age, the medicine is used as directed by a doctor.

With impaired renal function

In case of kidney pathologies, the drug is taken as directed by the doctor.

For violations of liver function

The instructions for Cyston do not say about any restrictions on the intake of medication by patients suffering from liver diseases. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.

Alcohol compatibility

During the period of therapy, it is better to refuse alcohol.

The drug is not used in the treatment of children under 2 years of age.

Do not take pills during breastfeeding.

Composition and action

The drug is created on the basis of plant materials. The drug has several active ingredients. They are represented by extracts of the following plants:

  • saturate filmy (only roots are taken) - has an analgesic effect, is a diaphoretic;
  • rough straw (only seeds are used) - has various therapeutic effects and enhances the pharmacological effect of other components that make up the drug;
  • bracts onosma - thanks to her, the medicine is a strong diuretic;
  • ashen vernonia - has an antifebrile effect;
  • stalk bicarp (only flowers) - its medicinal properties cannot be enumerated, since there are many of them;
  • ligulate saxifrage (only stems) - has an antitumor effect, helps the process of dissolving kidney stones;
  • madder (stems only) - together with other components dissolves oxalate stones in the urinary tract, relieves pain, fights inflammation.

Lingulate saxifrage (stems only) is a component of the preparation.

Also, the preparation contains Marena cordifolia (stems only).

The composition contains other components, including 2 powders - purified mummy, which has many medicinal properties, and lime silicate, which is a good diuretic. Also in the composition of the medication there is a mixture of plants that are beneficial to health, which are specially treated with steam.

Diuretic or not

The drug is classified as a diuretic. But its action does not lower the level of potassium in the body, because in the rich composition of the drug there are components containing a sufficient amount of potassium.


The tablets should not be crushed or chewed; they are swallowed whole. There are cases when a person simply cannot completely swallow a pill, in which case, as an exception, the drug can be divided into several portions, which should be swallowed one by one.

In parallel with taking cystone, one should not forget about the fluid consumed. It is necessary to consume up to two liters of liquid a day, here you can take into account not only natural water, but also teas, compotes, etc. But the liquid that is in the dishes is no longer taken into account.

Cyston is effective for stones of various compositions in the kidneys

It is still undesirable to use the drug if the stones have reached very large sizes, because in this case, their advancement can clog the ureters and serious problems with urination will arise.

Do not expect that after the first use, the condition will improve and the disease will recede.

It is important to understand that, like any other herbal preparation, Cyston will act slowly and gradually. The most pronounced therapeutic effect will be observed somewhere in two weeks after the start of treatment, so it is better to take the drug for at least two weeks.

Over the next two to four weeks after the treatment course, the drug continues to maintain its therapeutic action.

Analogues of Cyston, list of drugs

If necessary, replace Cyston with an analogue, we give a list of similar drugs by scope and effect:

  1. Phytolysin,
  2. Spilled,
  3. Uroholum,
  4. Blemaren,
  5. Kanephron,
  6. Cistenal,
  7. Urolesan

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for the use of Cyston, the price and reviews for drugs of a similar action do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not make an independent replacement of the drug

Store in a place protected from moisture at a temperature of 10-30 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children. The shelf life is 3 years. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

The average price of Cyston in pharmacies ranges from 305 to 407 rubles and depends on the exchange rate.

How much to drink Cyston?

The drug should be taken for a long time, until the complete elimination of the infectious process in the urinary tract. The therapeutic effect of taking a herbal remedy does not come instantly, but accumulates gradually.

On average, the course of therapy for cystitis takes from 4 to 12 weeks, with other infectious processes - 4-6 weeks.

Cyston for kidney stones will have to be taken for 4-6 months, until the stones come out completely.

Cyston or Spilled, which is better?

Spill is a good drug for dissolving stones in the organs of the urinary system, it is excellent for small oxalate stones, which, as you know, are very difficult to dissolve.

Since Cyston has the same properties, the effectiveness of the drug is assessed individually. There are many reviews of successful treatment with both one and the other drug. For greater effectiveness, we recommend alternating the reception, for example, sequentially for 10 days.

Means of drug orientation Cistenal is a powerful diuretic (diuretic), anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drug. It has a direct effect on smooth muscles and promotes the destruction of renal calculi. The drug Cistenal is used to treat pathological disorders of the functioning of the urinary system, among which are: crystalluria, urolithiasis, which is accompanied by secondary changes of an inflammatory nature and spasms of smooth muscles of the urinary tract. The use of the medication is strictly contraindicated in chronic or acute form of glomerulonephritis, ulcerative lesions of the duodenum or stomach, renal failure, as well as in the case of a patient with various pathologies requiring surgical interventions.

Dosage form

The drug Cistenal is available in the form of a solution for oral administration by the drip method. Packaged in dropper bottles of 10 ml. The carton contains 1 dropper bottle.

Description and composition

10 mg of the drug Cistenal contains the following substances:

  • dye madder root extract - 9.3 mg;
  • magnesium salicylate - 140 mg;
  • essential oils - 5.75 mg;
  • ethyl alcohol - 0.75 mg.

Pharmacological group

The drug Cistenal is a powerful antispasmodic agent with a pronounced diuretic (diuretic) and anti-inflammatory effect. The combined composition promotes relaxation of the smooth muscle layer of the walls of the ureters, which leads to easier passage of kidney stones through them. Also, long-term systematic use of the drug Cistenal leads to the destruction of calculi.

Salicylates are rapidly and completely absorbed in the intestine. The concentration of active substances reaches a maximum 1-2 hours after oral administration. The half-life varies from 2 to 3 hours when taking small doses and up to 20 hours when using high doses of the drug. Metabolism occurs in the liver cells. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys in the form of various metabolites and salicylic acid.

Indications for use

Cistenal drug is used in the treatment of pathological conditions directly associated with impaired functioning of the urinary system. The use of the medication must be agreed with the attending physician without fail.

for adults

For adult patients, it is most justified to take the drug Cistenal in the treatment of pathological conditions such as:

  • crystalluria;
  • spastic reactions in the urinary tract;
  • urolithiasis, accompanied by secondary changes in inflammatory manifestations.

for kids

In children and adolescents under 18 years of age, the use of the drug Cistenal is possible only with the prior prescription of the attending pediatrician. The indications for the use of the drug will be the same conditions as for the category of patients over 18 years of age (adult group).

During the period of childbearing and breastfeeding, Cistenal should be taken with extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor or other qualified and experienced specialist.


The drug for medicinal purposes Cistenal is contraindicated for use if the patient has the following conditions:

  • ulcerative lesions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular, the duodenum and / or stomach);
  • renal failure;
  • glomerulonephritis (chronic or acute form course of pathology);
  • all types of diseases requiring operative surgical procedures.

Applications and doses

The drug Cistenal should be taken according to the schemes prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the nature of the pathological condition and the degree of tolerance of the drug by the patient.

for adults

For the treatment of urolithiasis, it is necessary to take Cistenal 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. To do this, apply from 3 to 4 drops of the solution to small piece refined sugar.

To stop colic attacks in the intestines, the drug should be taken once in a dosage of 10-20 drops. In this case, the medication should be used strictly after a meal to prevent a harmful irritating effect on the gastric mucosa.

The drug Cistenal is highly effective in relieving renal colic. To use the drug in the treatment of this pathology, it is recommended to take 10 drops of the solution 3 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of ordinary water per day.

for kids

Therapeutic dosages and the regimen for taking Cistenal drops for children and adolescents under 18 years of age are determined strictly individually for each child.

for pregnant women and during lactation

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, caution should be exercised when drawing up therapeutic regimens for the drug use of Cistenal, due to the poor knowledge of the safety of using the drug during these periods.

Side effects

In most clinical cases, patients tolerate the effects of the drug Cistenal well. Possible side effectsthat the drug can provoke are:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea and;
  • intestinal dysfunction.

Interaction with other medicinal products

The drug Cistenal reduces the therapeutic efficacy of oral forms of fluoroquinolones and.

Cistenal oral drops can increase the degree of gastrotoxicity of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

special instructions

Due to the fact that the Cistenal oral solution contains a certain amount of ethyl alcohol, the medication is not recommended for patients who drive vehicles immediately before the trip.

With the possible development of heartburn, it is allowed to take the medication Cistenal before after meals or directly during meals.


Cases of drug intoxication with an overdose with Cistenal solution have not been described in clinical practice.

Storage conditions

The shelf life is 3 years.


Taking the drug Cistenal may be ineffective or impossible for one or another patient for a number of clinical reasons... Therefore, there are several worthy substitutes for the drug on the pharmaceutical market. Among them are:

The active ingredient is a condensed extract of a mixture of goldenrod herb, parsley root, horsetail herb, wheatgrass rhizomes, knotweed herb, onion husks, birch leaves, lovage root, fenugreek seeds, as well as a mixture of orange oil, peppermint oil, sage oil and pine oil ... The medication is used to treat various infectious and inflammatory processes against the background of urolithiasis, as well as to prevent possible recurrence of urolithiasis. Contraindicated in heart failure, hypersensitivity, phosphate lithiasis, renal failure, acute nephritis and nephrosis.


Herbal analogue of the drug Cistenal. It is used for the complex treatment and prevention of inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract and kidneys, accompanied by inhibition of the urinary and nitrogen excretory function, edema and urolithiasis. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity and childhood up to 7 years.


The drug Urostin is indicated for such pathologies as: chronic form of glomerulonephritis, chronic interstitial nephritis, chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis. Also used for the prevention of urolithiasis (including relapse). The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation and in children under 6 years of age.


The cost of Cistenal is on average 88 rubles. Prices range from 80 to 96 rubles.


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Cyston is a multicomponent herbal preparation with both nephrolitholytic and antimicrobial effects. Nephrolitholytic effect consists in the ability to dissolve kidney stones, as well as to remove various salts that contribute to their formation (oxalates, phosphates, uric acid). The antimicrobial effect is to suppress the growth and activity of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria that have entered the kidneys and urinary tract and are capable of provoking an infectious and inflammatory process due to stagnation associated with blockage of stones. Cyston is used in the complex therapy and prevention of urolithiasis, crystalluria (excretion of large salt crystals in the urine that scratch the mucous membranes of the ureters and urethra), gout, as well as infections of the urinary system (for example, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, etc.).

The name and form of release of Cyston

Currently, Cyston is available in a single dosage form - oral tablets... The tablets are manufactured by the Indian pharmaceutical concern Himalaya Drug Co., which specializes precisely in the production and development of drugs based on herbal raw materials and natural ingredients. In other words, Himalaya produces factory-made phytopreparations, which include Cyston.

It is because of the natural composition that Cyston is often called not just a medicine, but a phytopreparation. In addition, sometimes Cyston is called herbal tablets, which fully reflects its qualitative composition.

Cyston tablets have a round, biconvex shape and are colored light brown. On the surface of the tablets, you can see heterogeneous blotches of darker or lighter tones in comparison with the basic light brown color. The tablets are packaged and sold in plastic cans of 100. The cans, in turn, are packed in a cardboard box.

Composition of the preparation

The active components of Cyston tablets are extracts of medicinal plants obtained in various ways, which have the properties of dissolving kidney stones and excreting various salts in the urine. The preparation contains conventional plant extracts and steamed. This difference in obtaining extracts is dictated by considerations of imparting the maximum possible therapeutic efficacy to the entire drug. That is, extracts of some plants are most active when obtained in the usual way, while others are most active when steamed. There are no other fundamental differences in terms of therapeutic effects between conventional and steamed extracts of medicinal plants.

So, Cyston tablets contain the usual extracts of the following plants as active ingredients:

  • Bicarp flowers stalk (Didymocarpus pedicellata) - 65 mg in one tablet;
  • Stems of reed saxifrage (Saxifraga ligulata) - 49 mg;
  • Stalks of madder (Rubia cordifolia) - 16 mg;
  • Filmy rhizomes (Cyperus scariosus) - 16 mg;
  • Seeds of rough straw (Achyranthes aspera) - 16 mg;
  • Leaves, stem and flowers of onosma bracteatum (Onosma bracteatum) - 16 mg;
  • Whole Plant Vernonia cinerea - 16 mg

Also, the active components of Cyston tablets are extracts from the following medicinal plants processed over steam:
  • Aboveground part (leaves, stem and flowers) of fragrant basil (Ocimum basilicum);
  • Horse bean seeds (Dolichos biflorus);
  • Tribulus terrestris fruits;
  • Seeds of bashful mimosa (Mimosa pudica);
  • Whole plant (roots, rhizomes, leaves, stem and flowers) of the aromatic povonia (Pavonia odorata);
  • Whole plant (roots, rhizomes, leaves, stem and flowers) horsetail (Equisetum arvense);
  • Teak seeds (Tectona grandis seed).
In addition, as active ingredients, each Cyston tablet contains powdered purified mumiyo (Asphaltum purified) and lime silicate (Hajrul yahood bhasma) in an amount of 13 mg and 16 mg, respectively.

As auxiliary components, each Cyston tablet contains the following substances:

  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose;
  • Crospovidone;
  • Aerosil.

Cyston - therapeutic action

Thanks to its herbal extracts and natural ingredients, Cyston has the following therapeutic effects:
  • Diuretic action;
  • Nephrolitholytic action;
  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Spasmolytic action;
  • Antimicrobial action;
  • Antiseptic action.

The diuretic effect consists in a diuretic effect, due to which the stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis is eliminated and its timely evacuation is ensured. This effect prevents salts from settling and forming crystals, from which stones will subsequently form.

Nephrolitholytic effect consists in dissolving existing large kidney stones and removing stones small size... The drug helps to weaken the chemical and physical bonds between the substances that form the stone, which leads to their splitting off. As a result, the stone is reduced in size. Also, the nephrolitholytic effect is to remove and neutralize various substances in the urine that contribute to the formation of stones. In other words, Cyston prevents the formation of kidney stones, eliminating the factors that lead to this.

The anti-inflammatory effect consists in a decrease in the severity or complete suppression of the inflammatory process occurring in the tissues of the kidneys or on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract.

The spasmolytic effect is to relax the bladder and urinary tract, thereby eliminating the difficulty of urinating. Also, the antispasmodic effect eliminates pain caused by the movement of kidney stones or along the urinary tract. In addition, due to the antispasmodic effect, Cyston relieves pain and burning sensation during urination.

Antimicrobial and antiseptic action consists in the destruction of bacteria and other microorganisms that can provoke an infectious and inflammatory process in the kidneys and urinary tract.

All of these effects Cyston has due to the following pharmacological properties:

  • It removes oxalate and phosphate salts from the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as uric acid and small stones;
  • Normalizes the balance between crystals and the colloidal matrix covering them in the urine, which prevents minor scratches and wounds on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract;
  • Reduces the concentration of substances in the urine that contribute to the formation of kidney stones (oxalic acid, calcium, hydroxyproline);
  • Increases the concentration of urine elements that prevent and slow down the process of stone formation (sodium, magnesium and potassium);
  • Reduces the density of mucin covering the stones, as a result of which it becomes possible for them to partially dissolve and break into small pieces;
  • Prevents the accumulation of salt crystals and particles around the core of the stone, which significantly slows down its further growth and, accordingly, an increase in size;
  • Relaxes the muscles of the urinary tract and relieves spastic pain;
  • Provides normal urine separation.
All therapeutic and pharmacological effects of Cyston do not depend on urine acidity (pH). Therefore, the drug can be used for any physical properties urine, without acidifying or alkalizing it specifically with the help of various means.

Indications for use

Cyston tablets are indicated for use as part of complex therapy if a person has the following diseases or conditions:
  • Urolithiasis (nephrourolithiasis);
  • Prevention of the formation of kidney stones after surgery;
  • Prevention of recurrence of the formation of kidney stones after their removal;
  • Crystalluria (excretion of sharp salt crystals in the urine, which injure the mucous membrane of the urinary tract with their edges);
  • Infectious diseases of the urinary tract (for example, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • Urinary tract infections during pregnancy;
  • Acute urinary incontinence in women;
  • Gout;
  • Stones of the ducts of the salivary glands.

Cyston (tablets) - instructions for use

General Provisions

Cyston tablets should be taken after meals with plenty of water (at least half a glass). The tablet must be swallowed whole, without crushing or chewing it. If for some reason a person cannot swallow a whole pill, then you can break it into two or four parts, which can be taken one by one. While using Cyston, you should consume at least 2 - 2.5 liters of liquid per day. Moreover, this amount should include only water, tea, compote, juice and other drinks and do not take into account the liquid consumed in the dishes.

Cyston can be used for any type of urolithiasis and crystalluria, regardless of the composition of the stones and what is the acidity of urine (pH). That is, Cyston tablets are effective for oxalate, urate, and phosphate urolithiasis (kidney stones).

It is undesirable to use Cyston tablets for large stones, since their movement can provoke blockage of the ureters and, accordingly, the inability to urinate. It is also not recommended to use Cyston for acute pain in the urinary tract.

If, in the course of Cyston therapy, a person develops acute pains, then the pills should be stopped.

In the process of treatment with Cyston, it must be remembered that the therapeutic effect, like that of others herbal preparations, develops slowly, gradually, reaching its maximum severity in two weeks from the start of admission. That is, to get the effect, you must take Cyston for at least two weeks.

It should also be remembered that Cyston, like other herbal remedies, continues to exert its therapeutic effects for 2 to 4 weeks after the end of the intake.

Cyston - dosage for various diseases

Depending on the disease, its severity and speed of recovery, as well as the age of the person, Cyston is used in different dosages and for different periods of time.

For urinary tract infections (for example, cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis, etc.), children and adults are advised to take Cyston in the following dosages, depending on age:

The duration of therapy for urinary tract infections is from 7 days until complete recovery and elimination of the pathological process.

With urolithiasis and crystalluria, Cyston should be taken by children and adults in the following dosages, depending on age:

  • Children aged 6 to 11 years - take 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • Children aged 12 - 15 years - take 2 tablets 3 times a day;
  • Adults and adolescents over 15 years old - take 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day.
The duration of therapy for urolithiasis and crystalluria is from 4 to 6 months or until the stones come out.

In order to prevent the formation of kidney stones repeatedly, for example, after surgical operations on the organ, removal of stones or remote lithotripsy (crushing stones), it is recommended to take Cyston 1 tablet 3 times a day for 4 to 5 months, regardless of age. Sometimes, after surgical removal of kidney stones, to prevent their re-formation, it is recommended to take Cyston according to the scheme - in the first month, 2 tablets 2 times a day, then within 4-5 months - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

With gout, Cyston should be taken 2 tablets 3 times a day in courses lasting 1 to 2 months. The courses of therapy can be used repeatedly, making intervals between them equal in duration to the period of taking the pills.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Cyston does not affect the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, against the background of drug therapy, you can engage in any activities associated with the need for a high speed of reaction and concentration of attention.


Overdose of Cyston was not registered even once during the entire observation period for the clinical use of the drug.

Interaction with other medicinal products

Interactions with other drugs have not been found, so Cyston can be taken in combination with any other drugs.

Cyston during pregnancy

General Provisions

Cyston tablets are approved for use during pregnancy, since they contain exclusively herbal ingredients that are not capable of harming the woman or fetus directly.

Most often, Cyston is used during pregnancy in the complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, such as pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis (not associated with sexually transmitted diseases). Doctors also prescribe Cyston for urination difficulties associated with their severe spasm, provoked by kidney stones, inflammation or strong pressure from the uterus.

How to take Cyston?

During pregnancy, Cyston should be taken in the same way as all other adults, without reducing or increasing dosages. The tablets should be drunk after meals with plenty of liquid (at least half a glass). During the entire course of Cyston therapy, you should drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of fluid per day to ensure active diuresis.

If a pregnant woman suffers from urolithiasis, then Cyston therapy should not be started without urgent need, since the crushing and release of stones can be accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations that can provoke uterine hypertonicity or miscarriage. Also, you should not take Cyston tablets during pregnancy in order to prevent the re-formation of kidney stones. The use of Cyston for the indicated purposes (dissolution of stones and prevention of re-formation) should be postponed until after the end of pregnancy.

With crystalluria, when salts are collected in rather large crystals with sharp edges, which injure the mucous membrane of the urethra and ureters during urination, pregnant women should take Cyston 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day for 4 to 6 months.

With infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, urethritis) Cyston should be taken 2 tablets 3 times a day until complete recovery. The minimum allowable duration of taking Cyston is 7 days.

Cyston with cystitis

Cyston tablets for cystitis have a number of effects:
  • Reduce stinging, burning and urinary pain;
  • Enhance the effect of antibiotics, uroantiseptics and other antimicrobial agents;
  • Accelerate recovery by stopping the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bladder;
  • Reduce bladder spasm;
  • Reduces the frequency of urge to urinate.
Cyston is not a sufficient drug for the treatment of cystitis, therefore it should be used in combination with uroantiseptics (for example, Monural, Norbaktin, Nolitsin, etc.), which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms that have caused the infectious and inflammatory process in the bladder. After completing antibiotic therapy, Cyston can be continued for several more weeks to achieve full recovery normal structure of the mucous membrane of the bladder and the elimination of sluggish inflammation, thereby preventing recurrence of the disease in the future.

So, with cystitis, Cyston tablets should be used in the following dosages, depending on age:

  • Children aged 6-11 years - take one tablet 3 times a day;
  • Children aged 12 to 15 years - take 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day;
  • Adults and adolescents over 15 years of age - take 2 tablets 3 times a day.
The duration of therapy depends on the speed of recovery, and can range from 7 days to 2 - 3 months.

Side effects

Cyston tablets as side effects can only provoke allergic reactions of a different nature (for example, skin rash, itching, urticaria, bronchospasm, etc.) and severity.

Contraindications for use

Cyston tablets are contraindicated for use only in the following two cases:
  • Children under 6 years of age;
  • Increased individual sensitivity to any component of the drug.

Cyston - analogues

There are no drugs with a composition identical to Cyston, therefore this drug has no synonyms. But on the pharmaceutical market there is a wide range of other drugs with a similar therapeutic effect, but with a composition different from that of Cyston. These drugs are called analogues.

Analogs of Cyston include the following drugs:

  • Afala tablets;
  • Bangshil tablets (only in Ukraine);
  • Kanefron N tablets and oral solution;
  • Nephrophyte with orthosiphon (Altai phytotea No. 22) - filter bags and chopped herb for brewing;
  • Pipemidine capsules for oral administration;
  • Spilled Super Capsules;
  • Renelle pills sublingual homeopathic;
  • Rovatinex capsules for oral administration;
  • Solidago compositum C homeopathic solution for injection;
  • Trinephron oral solution;
  • Uro Veda tablets for oral administration;
  • Uro-control tablets for oral administration;
  • Urokran tablets for oral administration;
  • Urolesan oral solution;
  • Uronephron syrup for oral administration;
  • Uroholum syrup for oral administration;
  • Phytolysin paste for preparation of oral suspension;
  • Flavia capsules.


Almost all reviews about Cyston (over 95%) are positive. In about the same number of cases, people have used the drug to dissolve kidney stones and remove sand or to treat cystitis and pyelonephritis. In reviews of the use of Cyston to dissolve stones and remove sand from the kidneys, people note the high efficiency of the drug, which allowed them to get rid of the existing problem without surgery.

In reviews of the use of Cyston for the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis, people indicate that the drug has helped to completely cure a long-standing and periodically aggravated painful disease. In a number of reviews, women and men note that Cyston helps them prevent annual recurrences of cystitis and pyelonephritis, which usually occur during the cold season. In addition, women note that the drug is literally salvation if cystitis or pyelonephritis occurs during pregnancy, since it can be drunk for long courses without harm to the fetus.

In positive reviews, many indicate the drawback of the drug in their opinion - it is the need for long-term use. However, given the high efficiency of Cyston, this drawback does not change the general positive opinion about the drug.

Negative reviews were left by people who did not get the expected effect from Cyston. That is, they received some clinical effect and improvement in their condition, but not as expected. This situation, in fact, is due to the discrepancy between the hopes and the real effect of the drug, in which the former is significantly overestimated. In this case, overestimated expectations do not allow a person to objectively evaluate the drug, which results in disappointment and negative feedback.

Canephron or Cyston?

Both Kanefron and Cyston are phytopreparations, that is, they contain extracts and extracts from medicinal plants as active, active ingredients. However, Cyston is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical concern, and Kanefron is produced by a German one.

Both drugs are indicated for use in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, etc.) and to reduce the size and prevent the re-formation of kidney stones. That is, the spectrum of action of Canephron and Cyston is almost the same, therefore both of these drugs are very popular and are often prescribed for inflammation of the urinary system and urolithiasis.

In the reviews, both drugs are characterized positively, but some people like and suit Cyston more, and others - Kanefron, which is due to the individual characteristics of each person's body. Thus, given the same therapeutic effect and similar efficacy, we can say that choosing between Canephron and Cyston should be purely individual, based on your own impressions of taking the drugs.

However, there are some differences between Canephron and Cyston. So, Cyston contains many more components, which increases the risk of developing allergic reactions. No cases of allergic reaction to Kanephron have been described. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, you should choose Kanefron. In addition, Cyston has a more pronounced antibacterial effect, therefore, with severe inflammation of the bladder or kidneys, this drug is preferable.

Separately, it should be said about the ability of Canephron to reduce the excretion of protein in the urine during pregnancy, which is very important. Therefore, pregnant women suffering from preeclampsia or in whom protein is determined in the urine should opt for Canephron.

Cyston (tablets) - price in Russia and Ukraine

Currently, in the pharmacy chains of Russian cities, the cost of a pack of 100 Cyston tablets ranges from 305 to 401 rubles, and in Ukraine - from 83 to 149 hryvnias. Since the drug is imported to both Russia and Ukraine from abroad, the differences in its cost in different pharmacies are not due to any factors related to its quality. The difference in price is usually due to the value of customs duties, exchange rates, the price of the bulk consignment, transportation and storage costs, and trade margins. Therefore, there is no difference between more expensive and cheaper drugs. That is, you can purchase Cyston, which is sold in pharmacies at the lowest price.
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