Tablets from the cold Ranitidine. All about the drug Ranitidine - Composition, principle of operation, side effects and analogues

"Ranitidine" is a drug, which refers to histamine H2 receptor blockers. It is used as an anti-sized agent. These are small pills of light orange, which are produced in blisters of 10 pieces, or an injection solution.

"Ranitidine" is a medical preparation to eliminate the manifestations of the stomach ulcers.


The active substance in the drug is ranitidine in the form of hydrochloride. Dosage of the substance in a tablet 100, 300 mg. In the injection fluid contains 25, 50 mg of active ingredients. Without a recipe, tablets are produced, dosage in which 75 mg. Availability injection preparation Makes it possible to use people that they cannot drink a tablet or are in intensive care.

Medication action:

  • less gastric juice and hydrochloric acid is distinguished;
  • secretion of hydrochloric acid, which causes a load from heavy food or hormones, is depressing;
  • microcirculation in the body improves;
  • contributes to the restriction of the action of pepsin, the excessive amount of which negatively affects the operation of the digestive system;
  • regeneration of erosions in the stomach and 12 rosnial intestine occurs.


"Ranitidine" is shown in the following cases:

  • prevention and therapy of the aggravation of stomach ulcers or duodenal gut;
  • therapy peptic disease in a 12-risen intestine or stomach, which develops due to the use of pharmaceutical preparations;
  • the presence of reflux-esophagitis (casting up to the esophagus);
  • zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • mendelssohn syndrome (with the aspiration of the enzymatic juice in the stomach, which may interfere with operational interference under general anesthesia);
  • preventive measures from bleeding in the upper organs of the digestion;
  • treatment and prevention with ulcerative disease, which occurs during stress or after surgical intervention;

Also, the tool is shown at:

  • heartburns;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • dyspepsia, which is accompanied by nausea, pain in the stomach after meals;
  • inflammation of the pancreas in the acute stage;
  • the passage of chemotherapy during oncology.


Among the contraindications, you can allocate the following:

  • patient age up to 12 years;
  • cirrhosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • renal failure;
  • lactation period;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • allergy;
  • acute porphyria (exacerbation or in history);
  • liver failure.

Side effect

Side effects are most often related to the dispensing dispensing of "Ranitidine" or its uncontrolled use. In men, in rare cases, the medicine can cause a deterioration in the potency, an increase in breast. The drug can affect the deterioration of appetite, cause nausea and vomit urge. Also marked constipation or diarrhea.

With long-term use, patients sometimes complain about pain in the head, dryness in oral cavity, the decline of strength or noise in the ears. "Ranitidine" can affect blood test, since the number of platelets and leukocytes decreases.

Despite the fact that pills are well coped with heartburn, they can provoke painful sensations in the joints and muscles. It happens that the medication negatively affects the work of the heart, the pressure drop is noted, the pulse becomes less often. Sometimes headaches arise, sleep disorder or vision. An allergic reaction can manifest itself in the form of swelling of quinque, bronchospasm or urticaria. In women, long-term use of the means can cause a menstrual cycle failure.

Method of use of ranitidine with pain in the stomach

The tablet is littered with water without chewing

Tablets must be taken orally, they do not need to chew them. They are littered with water. Meal does not affect the absorption and effect of the drug. Dosage "Ranitidine" depends on how purpose the medicine is drinking. For example, under the therapy of ulcerative disease, they drink the drug in a dosage of 150 mg twice a day, or once as prevention. Sometimes the doctor prescribes a double dose to 2 times a day. The reception course is 2-3 months.

For the treatment of stressful ulcers or after surgical intervention, the dosage is the same. Therapeutic course for up to 2 months. When Mendelssoh's syndrome in preventive purposes, the dosage is as follows:

  • 150 mg 120 minutes to general anesthesia;
  • 150 mg per day before surgery.

Patients with reflux-esophagitis showed dosage, as for ulcerative disease (150 (300) mg 2 (4) times a day). Patients with Zolinger-Ellison syndrome need to drink 150 mg three times (whether 6 times) per day. The injection fluid is prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously at 5-10 mg 3-4 times a day at equal intervals. For adolescents, the dosage of injections of 15 mg twice a day at equal intervals.

Ranitidine is a second-generation anti-rich preparation included in the list of vital medicines. Since the action of ranitidine contributes to a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, it is used for treatment various diseases Stomach and the initial departments of the small intestine.

Pharmacological group

Ranitidine enters the H2 antagonists group -Gistamine receptors (they are also referred to as H2-antihistamine, H2-histamine receptor blockers, H2-blockers) - drugs used for therapy of acid-dependent gastrointestinal diseases due to a significant decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid by blocking H 2-histimic receptors of parietal (or shelling) cells Gastric mucosa.

Active substance

The active substance of the drug is ranitidine hydrochloride, having the appearance of white or slightly yellowish granulated powder with a bitter taste and sulfur smell. Ranitidine hydrochloride is susceptible to light and extremely hygroscopic (that is, endowed with the ability to absorb water vapor from air).

Picture of the drug Ranitidin

It is easily dissolved in water and in acetic acid, it is amenable to dissolve in methanol, while in ethanol can be done already with difficulty; In chloroform, it is practically insoluble.


Ranitidine production is engaged:

  • Tyumen Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant (Russia).
  • OJSC Synthesis (Kurgan, Russia).
  • CJSC North Star (Leningrad Region, Russia).
  • Pharmaceutical company Aveksim (Russia).
  • Pharmaceutical company "Ozon" (Zhigulevsk, Russia).
  • LLC "Pharmaceutical Company" Health "(Ukraine).
  • JSC "Sofarma" (Bulgaria).
  • Firm "JAKA-80" (Macedonia).
  • Pharmaceutical company "Hemofarm hell" (Serbia).
  • Firm "MAPIHICH AG" (Switzerland).
  • Indian pharmaceutical company "Sreya Life Saenscil".
  • "Panacea Biotek Ltd" (India).
  • Pharmaceutical company "Ratiopharm" (Germany).
  • Berlin-Hemi Company (Germany).

Release form and composition

The "Ranitidine" preparation has two dosage forms. It is released in the form:

  1. A transparent (yellowish or colorless) injection solution, in each millilitone of which contains 0.025 g of ranitidine hydrochloride. The solution is packaged in ampoules 2 ml and 10 pieces are packaged in cardboard packs.
  2. Two-screw rounded tablets, destroyed in the intestinal-soluble film sheath and having a light orange color. Each tablet contains 150 or 300 mg of ranitidine hydrochloride, as well as auxiliary substances presented:
    • corn starch;
    • ethylcellulose;
    • titanium dioxide;
    • dye "Yellow Sunset";
    • polyethylene glycol 6000;
    • microcrystalline cellulose;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • sodium lauryl sulfate.

Tablets (10 pieces) are packaged into blisters (or contour cellular packaging). 2, 3, 6 or 10 such blisters can be laid in cardboard packs.


Two-conquer Tablets Ranitidine AKOS, manufactured by joint-stock companies medical preparations and products "Synthesis", have a protective shell and can be painted in yellow or white.

Ranitidine-AKOS tablets can be packaged:

  • In hermetically blocked opaque plastic banks.
  • In blister packs (10 pieces) placed inside cardboard packs. One pack may contain from one to five blisters.


The manufacturer of the drug is the Bulgarian joint-stock company "Sofarma". AT chemical composition Tablets having a film shell, in addition to 150 mg of the active substance, includes a number of auxiliary substances presented:

  • two types (101 and 12) microcrystalline cellulose;
  • copovidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • soy lecithine;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • xanthan gamy;
  • talc.

Inside cardboard packs, the manufacturer puts one or six blister packs containing 10 tablets.


Ranitidine-acry tablets containing 150 mg of ranitidine hydrochloride are manufactured by the domestic chemical-pharmaceutical plant "Akrikhin OJSC".

Auxiliary substances that are part of the tablets themselves and their film shell are presented:

  • lactose;
  • starch potato;
  • magic Stearath;
  • carboxymethyl stroke sodium;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • aerosil.

Tablets are packaged in hermetically sealed blisters (10 pieces) and implemented in packs of cardboard containing 1, 2, 3 or 5 blisters.

Mechanism of action

The principle of operation of the anti-and-matter "Ranitidine" is in blocking histamine (H 2) receptors of parietal cells localized in the gastric mucous membranes and in a significant oppression of the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

The effect of ranitididine hydrochloride, which is the active active substance of the drug, provokes a significant decrease in the volume of total secretion of the gastric juice and suppresses the activity of pepsin (the enzyme of the gastric juice responsible for the splitting of food) in it.

The antisecretory effect of "Ranitidine" helps to ensure the most optimal conditions for healing all types of ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach.

Protective (protective) action Ranitidine hydrochloride is due to its ability:

  • activate reparative (restorative) processes;
  • promote improvement of microcirculation;
  • stimulate an increase in the production of special mucous membranes.

Indications for the use of the drug Ranitidine

The "Ranitidine" drug, effectively reduces the acidity of the gastric juice with all sorts of pathologies of the gastrointestinal organs, is shown for prevention and treatment:

  • duodenum and stomach;
  • (inflammation of the esophagus tube, resulting from the back of the back of acidic gastric content);
  • and developed after operational interventions;
  • syndrome Zolinger Ellison - benign tumor The mucous membrane of the stomach, which is a guilt of increasing the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the digestive juice and the occurrence of ulcerative lesions.
  • - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, characterized by a violation of its integrity;
  • bleeding from ulcerative defects of mucous membranes of the esophagus tube, stomach and duodenum;
  • ulcerative lesions of the DPK and the stomach caused by the continuous intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • throwing digestive juice into lumen respiratory tract Before carrying out operational interventions requiring application common anesthesia (the so-called Mendelssohn Syndrome).


Reception of the drug "Ranitidine" is absolutely contraindicated:

  • patients with individual intolerance to its individual components;
  • pregnant women;
  • mothers, breastfeeding mothers;
  • children under the twelve-year-old age.

Certain caution in the use of ranitidine is required in relation to patients suffering from:

  • deficiency of functions and;
  • porphyria.

The same caution is needed in the treatment of patients recently undergoing hepatic encephalopathy.

Instructions for use and dosing mode

The "Ranitidine" preparation is intended for oral (through the mouth) of use. Tablets, not chewing and drinking them with plenty of water, can be taken regardless of the time of eating.

The reception mode and dosage of the drug for adult patients and children from twelve depends on the testimony.


  • For the treatment of ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and DPK "Ranitidin" take either 150 mg twice a day (in the morning and evening), or 300 mg once a day, at night. If necessary, the dosage increases, giving a patient of 300 mg twice a day. Therapy lasts 4-8 weeks.
  • To prevent bleeding from ulcerative lesions and erosions "Ranitidine" take 150 mg in the morning and evening hours.
  • Treatment of patients with Zolinger-Ellison syndrome consists in a three-time reception of 150 mg of Ranitidine (in the morning, day and evening). In case of need of dose increases.
  • With therapy of the "stressful" ulcers of the DPK or the stomach "Ranitidine" (150 mg twice a day) take over 1-2 months.
  • Treatment of ulcers that appeared due to intact anti-inflammatory drugs are carried out by two-time reception of one tablet for 150 mg or a single reception of 300 mg of the drug overnight. Therapy duration is 2-3 months.
  • To prevent the emergence of Mendelssoh's syndrome, in the evening, preceding the appointed surgical operationThe patient gives one tablet (150 mg) of Ranitidine. It receives the same tablet 2 hours before the use of anesthesia.
  • The therapy of erosive reflux-gastritis provides for a reception of 150 mg of the drug 2 times a day or 300 mg - at night. With severe pathology, the dosage increases, assigning a four-fold reception of 150 mg of medication to a patient. The duration of therapy is 8-12 weeks.


Since large-scale clinical studies regarding the safety of the use of the drug "Ranitidine" in pediatrics were not carried out, to include it in the chart of treatment of children over 12 years old should be greater caution.

Reception during pregnancy in early time

Ranitidine sometimes prescribe pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy as a drug that helps get rid of strong heartburn, but only in cases where the expected effect can exceed the risk of its application.

At later pregnancy - due to the lack of large-scale clinical trials - its reception is categorically prohibited.


Overdose Ranitidine is fraught with the occurrence:

  • headaches;
  • strong dizziness;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • confused;
  • skin rash;
  • severe bradycardia;
  • cramp;
  • arterial hypotension.

Introducing the patient first aid, it is necessary to give it an effective enterosorbent (for example, the preparations of "Smekt" or "Polysorb") and cause an emergency care carriage.

Overdose therapy is symptomatic and carried out exclusively in a medical hospital. The treatment regimen includes medicines related to different pharmacological groups (for example, "Lidokain", "Guidazepam", "Atropine"). In severe cases, hemodialysis is resorted to (blood purification procedure).


Tablets "Ranitidine" while receiving:

  • The Metoprolol preparation increases its serum concentration. The half-life of this drug is also increased from 4 to 6.5 hours.
  • With Drugs "Ketokonazole" and "Iratenazole" significantly reduce their suction.
  • Hexobarbital preparations, Lidocaine, Fenazon, Diazepam, Phenytoin, Teofillin, Glipisid, Metronidazole, AminoFillin, Bootform, with calcium antagonists and calcium antagonists indirect anticoagulants Inhibit their metabolism (biotransformation process) in the liver.
  • WITH medical means, inhibiting bone marrow, increase the risk of neutropenia (pathological condition characterized by a sharp decrease in the number of blood neutrophils).
  • With antacid agents (drugs that reduce the acidity of the contents of the stomach by adsorption or neutralizing the hydrochloric acid of the digestive juice) and with high doses of the Sukralfat preparation will be adsorbed significantly slower, so the pause between the reception of these drugs should continue at least two hours.
  • WITH alcoholic beverages There may be provoked by the occurrence of dangerous side effects, so throughout the whole therapeutic course from them should be completely abandoned. During the treatment period, it is equally undesirable smoking that significantly reduces the effectiveness of the ranitidine.

Side effects

Reception of Ranitidine can provoke a number of side effects from:

  • The digestive apparatus, which manifest itself a feeling of dryness in the mouth, the occurrence, periodic, abdominal (in the abdomen) of pain. In rare cases, hepatitis is possible (liver inflammation, which can be hepatocellular, cholestatic or mixed).
  • Cardiovascular system that declare the development of arterial hypotension (lowering arterial pressure), bradycardia (significant reduction in heart rate), arrhythmia (heart rate disorders) and the occurrence of an atrioventricular blockade (due to the blocking of the passage of an electric pulse in the ventricles from the atria).
  • Nervous system manifest increased sleepy, increased fatigue, the occurrence of strong dizziness and periodic headaches, confusion of consciousness, noise in the ears, irritability, appearance of hallucinations (especially in the elderly) and involuntary movements.
  • The sense of the senses responding to the drug violation in the form of a car of accommodation (the impossibility of considering small parts even at a very close distance).
  • The endocrine system leading to the development of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) in women, gynecomastia (increasing the volume of the mammary glands) in men, a decrease in libido (attractions to the opposite sex).
  • Musculoskeletal system that declare themselves pain in the joints and muscles.
  • Red bone marrow and blood, manifestation of leukocytopenia and thrombocytopenia (reducing the number of leukocytes and platelets, respectively), the development of agranulocytosis (the disappearance of granulocytes), hemolytic anemia (lowering hemoglobin and the number of erythrocytes caused by their accelerated destruction), a significant decrease in the metabolic activity of the bone marrow.
  • Immune system, manifested by redness and itching of the skin, the appearance of urticaria and skin rash, spasm of bronchi, the occurrence of angioedema, the development of anaphylactic shock (life-degrading systemic system allergic reactionaccompanied by severe polyorgan deficiency).

In a number of patients, when taking Ranitididin, cases of alopecia and hyperretyninemia were noted. The emergence of the above side effects gives grounds for immediate cancellation of this drug.

Analogues in Russia

Analogues of Ranitidine are drugs:

  • "Enterol".
  • "Pancreatin".
  • "De Nol".
  • "Gastrophit".
  • "Pepsan".
  • "Panzinorm".
  • "A nicotinic acid".
  • "EXTIS".
  • "Sorbolong."
  • "Buckopan."
  • "Gevisson Forte."
  • "Prolapase".
  • Lactobactive Premium.

Comparison with counterparts and their compatibility with the drug


The drug "Omez", produced exclusively in the form of intestinal capsules, is prescribed for the treatment of dyspepsia, ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum and hyperscecretory states (systematic mastocytosis, Zolinger-Ellison syndrome, stressful ulcers of the tract and polyendocrine adenomatosis).

Before the prescription, the patient passes a survey, which makes it possible to eliminate the presence of oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal organs.

The drug "Omez" is absolutely contraindicated:

  • patients with individual intolerance to individual components of its chemical composition;
  • women carrying pregnancy and feeding babies breasts;
  • children under 3 years old.


Preparations "Ranitidine" and "omeprazole", which have similar effects, have some differences:

  • In the mechanism of action. Both drugs have an antisecretory effect, allowing them to influence the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, but the action of the ranitidine is in a simple blocking of its secretion, while "omeprazole" neutralizes the already synthesized acid. This circumstance improves the effectiveness of healing of ulcerative lesions of the stomach mucosa and significantly accelerates the patient's recovery.
  • In the form of release. "Ranitidine" is produced in the form of tablets and injection solutions, while "omeprazole" has 3 dosage forms: tablets, intestinal-soluble capsules and powder for the preparation of injections.
  • Reception of omeprazole is allowed to children from five years, reception of Ranitidine - from twelve.
  • It has been established that "Ranitidine" causes rapid addiction. Omeprazole has no disadvantage. However, there are patients whose body does not respond to omeprazole. Their treatment is carried out by ranitidine tablets.
  • The antisecretory effect of the drug "omeprazole" is several times higher than the similar effect of ranitidine tablets.


The Famotidin preparation is shown to use with the same pathologies as "Ranitidine". In addition, it has an effective impact in the treatment of polynendocrine adenomatosis, dyspepsia and systemic mastocytosis.

Since the drug is capable of masking clinical manifestations oncological pathologies, before its use you need to make sure that there is no absence malignant neoplasms GTS.

Famotidin is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children who have undergone a three-year-old age.

In patients with weakened immunity, the drug can provoke occurrence bacterial infection. Special care requires the use of the drug with respect to patients suffering from hepatic and renal failure.

The side effects of Famotidin and Ranitidine preparations are similar.


Nalpaz is a one-component drug produced by the Slovenian pharmaceutical company KRKA and having the only one dosage form - Oval tablets with a cream-colored shell.

There are two variants of dosage: "Nalpaz 40" tablets contain 40 mg of pantoprazole sodium (which is their active active ingredient); The tablets "Nalpaza 20" contains a half dose - 20 mg. In one package, the manufacturer can place 14, 28 or 56 tablets.

"Nalpaza" is a drug that reduces the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and acting in the shepherd cells of its mucous membrane.

In cases where the effect of the drug "Nalpaz" was the cause of an allergic reaction or did not have the expected effect on the patient's body, the "Ranitidine" drug may be appointed.


The inexpensive high-speed drug "Quamatel", which has a cumulative effect, is issued as:

  • Lyophilized injection powder, packaged in glass ampoules. In the package 5 ampoules with a powder and a solvent for its dilution.
  • Round pink pills packed in aluminum foil blisters. In cardboard packs may contain 14 or 28 tablets.

Compared to Ranitidine, Quaddine is different:

  • Greater efficiency, since its average therapeutic dose is only 40 mg (in ranitididine it is equal to 300 mg).
  • Larger (up to 10-12 hours) duration of action ( therapeutic effect Ranitidine - 7-8 hours).
  • Almost the absence of side effects (the probability of their occurrence does not exceed 1%).
  • The possibility of inclusion in the course of long-term therapy of male people, since its reception cannot cause impotence and does not provoke the development of gynecomastia.
  • The possibility of using for the treatment of ulcers and erosions of the DPK, esophagus and stomach in relation to patients suffering from alcoholism due to its ability to not reduce the activity of alcoholic alcohol dehydrogenase liver.

De Nol.

Two-screwed round tablets "De Nol", equipped with GBR 152 engraving, protecting them from counterfeiting, are a product of the pharmaceutical company Atellas (Netherlands). In cardboard packs there may be 56 or 112 pieces.

The active active substance of the drug "De Nol" is bismuth Trikalia Dicitrate. Since this drug enters the antacid group and adsorbents, it has a completely different mechanism of action than the drug "Ranitidin".

"De Nol" has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective properties, that is, it not only produces an antimicrobial effect, but also protects the mucous membrane of the stomach, while "Ranitidine" only reduces the amount of acid produced in the stomach.

However, both of these drugs often include a scheme. comprehensive treatment patients suffering from ulceated lesions of organs digestive tract.


Ranitidine synonyms (so called drugs with an identical set of active substances, but different trade names due to the fact that various pharmacological companies are engaged in their production) are represented by drugs:

  • "ASITEK".
  • "Atcil-e".
  • "Ranitidine Ratiopharm.
  • "Apo Ranitidin".
  • Ranitidin-Berlin Hemi.
  • "Ranitidine" gene.
  • "Ranitidine BMS".
  • "Zoran."
  • "Histak".
  • "Ranisan".
  • "Ranal".
  • Ranisson.
  • "Ranitard".
  • "Ranitab".
  • "Ranks".
  • "Ulkuran".
  • "Rank".
  • "Ulkosan".

Trade titles for medicine

List trade names (This term denote the trademark of the manufacturer, protected by legislation on patents) Ranitidine as impressive.

In pharmacies, it is represented by drugs:

  • "Acideks".
  • "Gi-Kar".
  • "Gersoalm".
  • Duoran.
  • "Zantak".
  • "Ranigast".
  • "Ranitine".
  • "RANTAG".
  • "Ranibl".
  • Rintid.
  • "Novo-Ranitidin".
  • "Neosptin-R".
  • "Peptoran".
  • "Ulkodin".
  • Ulisek.
  • "Yazitin".

"Ranitidine" - synthetic anti-sized preparation. Instructions for use indicates that gastritis and ulcers are the main purpose of the medicine, as well as other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine is characterized by safety and high performance in the therapy of peptic ulcer.

Composition and form of release

Remedy in the form of tablets and injection solutions. The active component is ranitidine hydrochloride. In tablets, the volume of the active element is 150 and 300 mg. The enclosure solution is contained in 2 ml ampoules. The box with the drug introduced instructions for use.


The active component of the drug Ranitidine, from which the agent of the manifestations of gastritis helps, reduces the volume of gastric juice, the excess of which is observed as a result of stretching the stomach. This is due to the workload of food, the effects of stimulating and hormonal substances. The use of the drug allows to protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the content of hydrochloric acid.

As a result, the expansion of the exposed sections of the gastrointestinal mucosa are heated, resulting from hydrochloric acid. "Ranitidine" increases the formation of a gastric mucus, which is favorably affecting the acidic medium. After receiving 150 mg of medication, the gastric juice ceases to be produced throughout the semissant.

What does "Ranitidine" help?

The use of the means is shown at:

  • aggravated ulcer abnormalities of the stomach and intestines;
  • inflammatory deviations of the operation of the esophagus, when its mucous state is disturbed;
  • reflux Ezophagitis;
  • zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • ulcers formed under the influence of stress, the use of medicines, internal ailments.

In preventive purposes, the Ranitidine preparation is also recommended. From which it helps to prevent ulcerative lesions of the upper departments of the gastrointestinal system, penetration of the gastric juice into the respiratory organs when performing surgery under general anesthesia, with aggravation of peptic ulcer.

Preparation "Ranitidine": instructions for use

Adult patients medicine must be taken before bedtime once a day in a volume of 300 mg. A dose division into two parts and its two-time applications is allowed. The duration of therapy can be 2 months.

In the prophylactic purposes of exacerbation of the ulcer of the stomach and intestines, Ranitidine tablets are used in a dose of 150 mg. Accepted once before bedtime. Treatment can last up to 12 months. During therapy, endoscopic observation is performed regularly.

During the diagnosis of Zolinger-Ellison syndrome, 150 mg of the drug is prescribed 3 times a day. If necessary, the daily volume of the medication can be increased to 3 tablets of 300 mg. To prevent the formation of ulcers and bleeding due to emotional exposure, the medicine is used in ampoules intramuscularly or intravenously. For this, the solution is introduced in an amount of 50 - 100 mg every 8 hours.


There are practically absent for use. Medication can not be used only with the individual failure of the components, children under 14, with renal or liver failure. Admission of medication with pregnant women and nursing mothers is undesirable.


Crimson and pills "Ranitidine" can provoke some of the reactions of the body. The undesirable consequences of treatment include:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • general fatigue;
  • skin rash.

Rarely observed hallucinations, confused, hair loss. High doses of the drug and its long-term use can lead to leukopenia, gynecomastia, decrease in libido, hepatitis, amenorrhea.

Analogs and price

The identical acting component is contained in preparations: "Ulkodin", "Ranigast", "Atzhil", "Ulran", "Zantak", "Ranisan". The price of the anti-rich agent is about 40 -60 rubles. Buy "Ranitidine" can be in the pharmacy.

Conditions of holiday and storage

In the pharmacy network, Ranitidine tablets are released by the recipe. Their use is excluded without appropriate medical purposes.

The shelf life of Ranitidine tablets is 3 years from the date of manufacture. They should be stored in the original factory packaging, dry, inaccessible for children. Place at air temperature from +15 to + 30 ° C.

Ranitidine - This drug Treatment Es great demand on the modern pharmaceutical market. This medicine is used in the composition complex therapy In the treatment of ulcer duodenal duodenal or stomach. The systematic use of Ranitidine significantly accelerates the process of healing damaged areas of the gastrointestinal tract, due to the increased secretion of the mucus in the stomach and the 12-perceive intestine. The secreted mucus performs the function of a kind of "barrier" between the contents of the organ and its mucous membrane. Also, this secret envelops the appears of defects - ulcers, due to which their recovery is significantly accelerated, and, consequently, the recovery of the patient.

This drug significantly reduces the secretory function of the stomach, as a result of which the volume of the gastric juice is reduced and the indicators of the hydrochloric acid level - and, as is known, these factors are the main reason for the appearance of gastritis or heartburn. In the content of this article you will learn: "What are Ranitidine taken from? How to use this drug correctly and what are there any contraindications for his reception? " - and many others interesting facts, about this medicinal.

What substances are part of this medication, the form of release of the drug

The main active substance that is part of this medication is the ranitidine hydrochloride. This medicinal product is produced in the form of tablets and injection solutions.

The tablets contain 0.15 g (150 mg) or 0.30 g (300 mg) of the active substance. The medicine is produced in cardboard packs of 20-30-100 pieces. As for the injection solution of the ranitidine hydrochloride, it is applied in this form relatively rarely, only if the internal use of the drug is not possible. Ranitidine in the form of injection is sold in a pharmacy in ampoules containing 2 ml of a drug solution.

Medicinal Mechanism

The main acting component of the drug significantly reduces the volume of the stomach of the digestive juice, the secretion of which can increase due to the stretching of the walls of this organ due to the food load (one-time reception of a large number of food). Also, to increase the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract affects the effect of some hormones and biogenic stimulants, for example: acetylcholine, histamine, pentagastrine, gastrine and caffeine.

With regular reception of ranitidine tablets, the protection of the dulcanized organ is largely improved, the content of hydrochloric acid is reduced in the digestive stomach juice. At the same time, the number of "liver" enzymes does not change and does not suppress the production of mucus.

This medicine contributes to the most fast healing and restoring the affected sections of the gastric mucous membrane and a 12-risk intestine, the risk of new ulcers is reduced. As mentioned earlier, the healing effect after taking this medication is due to an increase in products of its own gastric mucus. According to the instructions for the use of this drug, when receiving the ranitidine in the specified therapeutic dose (150 mg) The production of gastric juice in the body is suppressed within 8-12 hours.

Under what states the reception of this medication is shown

What is Ranitidine? This drug can be used as part of complex treatment with such diseases:

  • under the syndrome of Zlinger Ellison;
  • when aggravating the ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • with reflux-esophagitis.

In what other cases can this medicine? Ranitidine and from heartburns are successfully used, since the components included in this medication reduce acidity indices in the stomach.

In preventive purposes, the drug is prescribed after surgery, to prevent the development of ulcers' recurrences. Also, this medicine reduces the risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal bodies after operations, and well relieves any pain in the field of epigastria.

How to take Ranitidine?

This dosage agent in the form of tablets can be used, starting from 12 years of age. This medicine is used, regardless of food intake, so drinking this drug can be in absolutely any time. Ranitidine tablets take, not chewing and drinking the necessary amount of fluid.

The dose of this medication is determined by the attending specialist individually for each patient, depending on the diagnosis:

  1. In the case of the development of exacerbations of the ulcer of the stomach or 12-rosewoman, the patient prescribes the use of 1 tablet (150 mg) of the ranitidine hydrochloride 2 times a day, in the morning and evening or 1 tablet (300 mg) with one-time reception.
  2. With the appearance of postoperative and "stressful" ulcers, it is recommended to use this preparation in the amount of 1 tablets (150 mg) 2 times a day. The course of treatment takes from 1 to 2 months.
  3. For the treatment of such pathology as reflux-esophagitis, this medication is taken in such a dosage: in the evening and morning hours are taken at 150 mg of medication, or one-time in the amount of 300 mg. The therapeutic course in this case ranges from 2-4 weeks to 2 months.
  4. In order to prevent the ulcers of a 12-risk or stomach and the prevention of bleeding of the affected organ, they drink 1 tablet (150 mg) of the ranitidine twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  5. In the event of a patient, Zolinger-Ellison syndrome is recommended to use this preparation in the amount of 1 tablets (150 mg) per day.

This medicine is also used before operational interventions on the gastrointestinal organs, to prevent Mendelssoh's syndrome. The patient takes 1 tablet (150 mg) of Ranitidine on the eve of the surgical operation, and immediately 1.5-2 hours before it.

This medicine is effective not only in comprehensive therapy, it is also advised to use for symptomatic treatment Different violations of the stomach and the 12thist intestine - for example, Ranitidine helps well from heartburn. If the patient has symptoms renal failure Dosage of the drug must be reduced twice.

Basic contraindications

This drug does not advise to take pregnant women, nursing women and children under 3 years for the simple reason that reliable information on the negative impact of ranitidine on the body of these categories of the population is not. The medicine is also forbidden to use patients with reduced stomach acidity and an insufficient number of digestive enzymes produced. As a result of independent reception of the drug, severe symptoms are possible, so the use of ranitidine should be coordinated with a qualified specialist.

In the event of a patient, the symptoms of renal or liver failure, this medication is allowed to be used only under the supervision of the doctor, or should be completely abandoned from its reception. Sometimes in such a situation, the doctor may recommend to reduce the dosage of this fund.

With severe liver diseases and nervous system Ranitidine tablets organism are used under the strict observation of a specialist. Throughout the course of treatment, this medicine needs to completely abandon alcohol and other products that have a damaging effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. With systematic use of this drug, as part of a comprehensive treatment, it is recommended for some time to refuse to control the car and other complex mechanisms.

Canceling the admission of this medicine should be made gradually due to the high risk of developing the "Ricocht" syndrome.

Possible adverse reactions

In most cases side effects from reception of ranitididine appear after long use this medicine. As a result of the use of this drug, such violations are possible:

When any of those listed above adverse Reactions, the patient should urgently terminate the use of this medication and will certainly ask for advice to his attending physician!

Tablet in the film shell contains 150/300 mg ranitidine hydrochloride . Auxiliary substances: silicon dioxide (colloid), MCC (12th type), copovidon, stearate Mg.

The components of the film shell (white OPADRY AMV OY-B28920): soy lecithin, talc, xanthan gum, titanium dioxide, .

Injection (1 ml) contains 0.025 grams hydrochloride Ranitididine .

Form release

Ranitidine produced in tableted form and in the form injections.

  • Tablets in the film shell packed in blisters for 10 pcs. There may be 2, 3 or 10 blisters in the cardboard pack.
  • The injection solution is available in 2 ml ampoules.

pharmachologic effect

Ranitidine Akos - Anti-sized drug, the active substance of which refers to the group of antagonists receptor-H2 histamine. The principle of impact is based on the blocking of receptors-H2 in parietal cells located in the mucous membrane of the stomach, as well as on the oppression of the production of hydrochloric acid . Under influence active substance The total secretion is reduced by suppressing activity pepsin at .

Thanks antisecretoric effect Ranitidine is able to create favorable conditions For healing ulcerative lesions in the digestive tract (stomach, 12-tier). The active ingredient can provide protective action Due to the enhancement of reparative processes, an increase in the release of special mucous membranes, improving microcirculation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The activity of Ranitidine is quickly absorbed from the lumen of the digestive tract. Food does not affect the degree of absorption. Biological accessibility reaches an indicator of 50%. Already 2-3 hours after oral admission Peak concentration is recorded. Plasma proteins are connected by 15%. Partial metabolism passes in the liver system with the formation of Ranitidine S-Oxi and desmethylranatidin .

The medication is characterized by the effect of the "first passage" through the liver system. The liver condition affects the degree and rate of elimination. After receiving PER OS, the half-life is 2.5 hours, and when creatinine clearance 20-30 ml / min, this indicator increases to 8-9 hours.

An insignificant amount is excreted with wheel masses, the main part is removed unchanged through the renal system. The active ingredient is poorly passed by the hematorencephalic barrier, but he penetrates well into the placenta. Ranitidine stands out when lactation.

Indications for the use of Ranitidine

Ranitidine tablets - from what helps? The main area of \u200b\u200bthe medication - gastroenterology .

Ranitidine Akos - What helps? The drug is appointed for the treatment of various pathology digestive systemand can also be applied with a preventive purpose.

Indications for the use of ranitidine acri

  • symptomatic ulcerative lesions digestive tract;
  • (stomach, duodenum);
  • syndrome Zlinger Ellison ;
  • prevention of aspiration with gastric juice when conducting operational interventions with the introduction of anesthesia;
  • preventing the development of "stressful" ulcers;
  • reflux Ezophagit ;
  • erosive esophagitis ;
  • preventing the development of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract after operational interventions;
  • recurrent prevention From the upper departments of the digestive tract.

Indications for use Ranitidine Sofarma Similar.


In the pathology of the excretory function of the renal system, the tablets from the stomach are prescribed with caution.

Absolute contraindications:

  • lactation;
  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • sunshine pregnancy.

Ranitidine Acry Not applied in pediatric practice (age limits up to 14 years).

Side effects

Blood-formation system:

  • lakeing (with long therapy);

The cardiovascular system:

  • development (Rarely, mainly in intravenous injection).

Digestive tract:

  • stool violations ( / );
  • hepatitis (rarely).

Side effects from the CNS:

  • vertigu , ;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • the fury of visual perception;
  • (rarely);
  • the confusion of consciousness (extremely rare).

Endocrine system, metabolism:

  • level up ;
  • level up ;
  • gynecomastia ;
  • reduced libido ;

Other reactions:

  • recurrent ;
  • arterial hypotension ;
  • bronchospasm ;
  • arthralgia ;
  • hair loss;
  • various rashes on the skin;
  • malgy.

Ranitidine tablets, application instructions (method and dosage)

The treatment diagram is selected individually. Tablets are designed for receiving PER OS.

Daily dosage of 300-450 mg (it is possible to increase to 600-900 mg if necessary), divided by 2-3 reception. To prevent the exacerbation of the disease of the digestive tract, the drug is prescribed before bedtime at a dose of 150 mg. The duration of therapy is determined by the dynamics of the course of the disease.

In the pathology of the renal system, the medication is prescribed twice a day at a dose of 75 mg. Instructions for the use of Ranitidine AKOS is similar. How long can you take pills to tell you your attending physician (on average, the course of treatment is designed for 2-4 weeks).


Main manifestations:

  • skin rashes;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • increased drowsiness.

First aid is the reception enterosorbents ( , , Both others), call the ambulance brigade.


There is a decrease in rainitidine absorption indicators in the treatment antacid means . Elderly patients have worsening attention and memory while simultaneously receiving anticholinergic drugs . It is assumed that medicines blocking histamine H2 receptors are able to suppress ulcerogenic effects of drugs from the group NSAID On the mucous wall of the stomach. There is a decrease in clearance in the treatment of Ranitidine. AT medical practice The case of bleeding and hypoprothrombinemia In a patient who took Warfarin .

Possible undesirable increase in ranitidine absorption indicators while simultaneous therapy . Cases are registered hypoglycemia When accepting .

Ranitidine suppresses absorption and. Half-life And its AUC is rising in the treatment of Ranitidine. The absorption of the medication changes at the reception of high doses (more than 2 g).

There is a slowdown deceleration Prosanamida Through the renal system, which leads to an increase in the concentration of the active substance in the blood. Absorption Triazolam Increases, which is associated with the change in the pH of the gastric juice. The risk of toxic lesion increases in the treatment What is explained by a significant increase in its blood concentration. There is an increase in biological accessibility. With simultaneous therapy by Ranitidine.

In the medical literature there is a description of the case of development ventricular arrhythmia type bigmini In a patient who accepted Ranitidine and Hinidin . In treating Risk increases cardiotoxic lesions . There is an increase in level In the blood with parallel treatment with Ranitidine.

Terms of sale, recipe in Latin

Is released in pharmacy points upon presentation prescription Blanca from the doctor.

Rp: Tab. Ranitidini 0.15
D.T.D. N30.
S. 1 tablet 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day.

Storage conditions

Ranitidine tablets are stored in the original packaging while compliance with the temperature regime from 15 to 30 degrees.

Shelf life

special instructions

With pronounced pathology of the renal system The medication is appointed with caution. Before use of the drug, you must eliminate oncological diseases intestine , esophagus and stomach .

Long therapy of weakened patients who are in a state of stress can provoke the development of a bacterial disease of the stomach, as well as the subsequent distribution of the inflammatory process.

With a sharp cancellation of the medication, the risk of recurrence of peptic ulcer is increasing. Preventive therapy More effective in the course reception of the drug for 45 days in autumn and spring, in comparison with the permanent reception.

In patients suffering from various rhythm disorders, fast intravenous administration Solution can provoke bradycardia . Persons S. porfiria In history, Ranitidine is prescribed with caution due to the risk of developing acute attack.

Permits distortion of indicators laboratory studies (Enzymes of the liver system, creatinine, GGT). The time interval between the admission antacid tools And the ranitidine should be at least 1-2 hours due to the risk of changes in the absorption of the active substance. Clinical researchesconfirming the safety of the drug in pediatric practice are limited.

Ranitididine analogues

Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

Structural analogues:

  • Ranisan .


Pediatric practice can be applied from 14 years of age.

During pregnancy and lactation

Controlled and adequate studies proving the safety of the use of ranitidine during pregnancy is not, which does not allow you to assign it to the category of patients. The lactation is stopped for the period of treatment for the safety of the child's health.

Reviews of Ranitidine

The drug makes it possible to quickly stop painful syndrome in the field of epigastria in the ulcerative pathology of the digestive tract, gastropathy due to the decrease in the acidity of the gastric juice. Ranitidine reviews are mostly positive, because The drug is well tolerated, practically without having negative symptoms when complying with the dosing mode. Among the advantages can be noted the low cost of tablets, the quick effect when the heartburn is stopped.

The medication can be applied in emergency cases in errors in a diet to prevent gastritis exacerbation, ulcerative disease.

Of the minuses - the inability to apply medication during pregnancy and lactation.

Price of ranitidine where to buy

The cost of tablets varies depending on the region of sale and pharmacy network. average price Ranitidine in Russia - 30 rubles.

  • Internet pharmacies of RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies of UkraineUkraine
  • Internet pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

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