The child has a cavernous hemangiome of the upper eyelid. Benign vascular tumors orbits

For your medical practice at eight years with hemangiomas, I had to meet twice, and in my own family - one of them was my cousin, the second at the nephew. But on your own family experience, we learned much about hemangiomas and their treatment, talked with many doctors and made one important thing for themselves - hemangioma is an unpleasant and inesthetical tumor, but, unlike many others, it is well treated - the main thing, not to launch Process and not give up! Let's devote today's conversation to the problem of these formations.

Some medicine.

Although hemangioma refers to the section of oncology, they should not be afraid of parents - this tumor is benign, it does not lead to death, does not give metastasis. It causes cosmetic inconvenience, especially when localization in prominent parts of the body. My relatives had it - in the girl on the face, in the area lower jaw, Boy - on the front surface of the neck. More dangerous hemangioma that grows on internal organs. They are not visible and they can give bleeding, but they are usually found on planned ultrasound at an early age.
By determining the surgeons with hemangioma or in another angioma, a benign vascular tumor marked mainly in childhood. It characterizes quite rapid growth, especially in the first year of the baby's life. Our girl has grown to size walnut From the age of three to 12 months, the boy has about 1.5 1.5 cm.
At the same time, hemangioma has the specifics to destroy the body-surrounding tissues, which leads to cosmetic, and sometimes also functional defects - that is, violates the work of the place where it has grown.


Of all the volume of tumors on the skin and in soft tissues Children These tumors prevail that, probably, well and should please us, as they are well treated. In a 90% case, angioma can be found at the kid almost immediately after birth, or in the first 3-4 months of his life. In a sufficiently weighty majority, up to 70%, they are detected in girls. Hemangiomas are different - capillary forms, mixed and cavernous, and each species is found in different percentages.
Angui can be found on any body surface, extremely rarely they are on the bodies of the brain, lungs or bones. In approximately 80% of hemangioma cases are located on the upper part of the body, especially on the head and neck, and up to 95% are simple hemangiomas, and only the remaining 5% of them are cavernous and complicated, with extensive localization or complex anatomical structure. but. These 5% are the most difficult for doctors. Although in this case the assistance will definitely be full - just likely the treatment will be slightly longer.

Features of the structure.

As we have already told a little higher - hemangiomas are capillary and cavernous. Let us discuss the features of the structure and functioning of each of them.
The capillary form - in its structure it is very similar to ordinary skin bridges. Just grown not at that time and not in that place. In the lumen of these close twisted vasces there are ordinary cellular elements of blood, often in the structure of the tumor may be highlighted by slices separated by partitions from connective tissue.
The cavernous form is arranged from a plurality of small cavities, different in shape and size, which are filled uniform elements blood. It acquires a kind of nervous bug, like a bunch of grapes of the surface. In-depth studies at the level of electron microscopy convincingly showed that, regardless of the classification and type of angioma, the cellular structure is absolutely the same and has the character of the embryonic tumor. This tumor has characteristic properties that distinguish it from other neoplasms. One of them - this tumor is possible spontaneous regression (inverse development) with a "simple" skin hemangiome, embedded in the structure of the tumor itself. That is why they are well amenable to many temperature and chemical methods of treatment. With spontaneous regression, there is a relative slowdown in the growth of the tumor after it achieves certain sizes or after 6 months of the baby.

Although doctors do not deny the possible growth of hemangi growth and their development, however, the behavior of the tumor is unpredictable. Especially in kids, so the surgery offers the most preferably treatment as any possible and convenient way.

How do they look?

Distinguish the following types of hemangiom:
- simple angoma on the skin,
- Cavernous, Located under the skin,
- Combined, which has skin and subcutaneous parts:
- Mixed when angioma can be combined with another vascular tumor, for example, with lymphangioma.

Simple Angomait is a stain of different sizes and shapes, has a red color or its various shades, up to the crimson. Spots are always towering over the entire surface of the skin. If you press your finger on the edge of the tumor on the border of intact skin, it will quickly pale, reduce the size, but when the finger is released, it will restore the color and sizes. In the first months of life (from 2 to 6th), it is possible to detect noticeable peripheral growth. To do this, impose a polyethylene film on the skin and derive the borders of the tumor. After a couple of weeks, attach again, and it will be noticeable expanding the boundaries of tumor growth.

Cavernous Angoma- A special education, which is located in the subcutaneous fiber area. The skin above the surface of the tumor does not change, under the skin it can be forgiven a kind of seal of a blue shade with uneven boundaries.
Buggy - It can be noted that suitable blood vessels.
If you press the surface of the tumor, it can decrease a little due to the outflow of blood, and if you stop pressing - restore the former shapes and dimensions. If it is thoroughly feeling - the tumors are noted. Due to the reinforced influx of blood, it is warmer than the surrounding tissues, but the vascular pulsayia is not marked.
The cavernous hemangioma may be diffuse, does not have a clear boundary or can be enclosed in a thin capsule from connective tissue. When localizing them in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face or neck, the nearby zone, they can quickly grow surrounding the surrounding tissues, which is why cosmetic defects are formed and even violations in organs. Our Girl Gemangioma has been an ugly formation on cheekbones, sizes with a nut, which, of course, gave rise to disorder and ridicule of children.
Combined Angoma It has a skin and subcutaneous part, and on the subcutaneous part of the damage can be extensive.
Mixed tumors meet infrequently, about 0.5% of cases.

The most, probably important in the clinical terms feature of hemangioma - fast, and sometimes completely unpredictable her growth, especially if these are the kids of the first three to six months after birth. This property is particularly pronounced by hemangiom in kids who are premature, their hemangiomas grow two or three times faster and more than those of the docking kid. According to the observations of some doctors, it was noted when small sizes of stains were transformed in deep and extensive tumors. After half a year, hemangiomas slow down their growth, but the projection of its complete regression doctors do not give, our girl did not pass, it stopped growing, but also did not decrease in size. True regression with the complete disappearance of the tumor is noted only in 10-15% of cases, and this is mainly hidden clothing parts of the body. With regression, angoma starts pale, it decreases in size. Plots appear on the surface white color, its growth ceases. Six months later, a white-pink smooth spot is found on the place of angioma, which does not rise above the skin surface, but the skin at this place is atrophy. After three or four years, a piece of leather with depigmentation is usually detected at the tumor site.


But hope for its regression is not worth - there is always a risk of moving it or complications. And the cavernous and mixed forms at all regression are not exposed. Therefore, children with angios of surgeons are observed and controlled, they measure its growth and look over the dynamics of development. With the growth and development of angioma, yasels may appear on or they appear on them, then bleeding and complications can be formed, which cannot be allowed. These are the most serious complications of hemangioma, they usually amaze children with big size Processes or with a combined form. Stopping bleeding from hemangioma is difficult - it is difficult to overcene or tidy a tumor vessels, as they are located abnormally. Sometimes, doctors are urgently removed by hemangiomas.

How to diagnose?

The diagnosis of hemangiom in a typical case is not a great difficulty. In the presence of a bright red spot, which rises above the surface of the skin, pale with finger pressure on its edges, which restores its color and the form with the volume after exposure, testifies to angioma.
Supplement with complex lakes with an X-ray data of inspection and feeling by x-ray, angiography (test vessels with contrast), it also reveals the vessels feeding tumors and ways to remove it.

How to treat hemangiomas.

Many parents scares the diagnosis - "tumor", and they are afraid to treat a child, go on doctors and spend precious time. But fundamentally important (regardless of the method) is the early early start in the treatment of anegiom, literally from the first day or week, the month of life. Do not look like the possibility of spontaneous tumor regression. The younger kids, the faster the angioma will increase, and then it is difficult to assume its growth and sizes even after a couple of weeks or a month.
Parents need to be understood - this tumor is grateful for treatment, it disappears without a trace at timely. Many treatment methods - but fundamentally allocate two approaches - surgical - operational removal of a tumor with a scalpel, with plastic methods for correcting skin defects or without them. The second method is conservative therapy - this is the use of treatment methods without operations and cuts. My relatives were treated with different methods - the girl had launched and had an operation under anesthesia. Parents were afraid and did not begin to treat for a long time ... Now after five years, the operation Scar is impaired. The boy began to be treated in 4 months of laser therapy, after 20 sessions, the tumor disappeared.

Treatment methods.

A specific method of treatment will be seen by the surgeon, based on the data on the hemangiome itself and the inspection of the baby, its age and state. Of course, conservative methods prefer preference - they are less traumatic and more simple.
The method of treating simple angiomes is most effective and spread - low-temperature their cryodestruction is freezing with liquid nitrogen or crystalline carbon dioxide. This is done by the immediate applique of the substance on the surface of the anegiom for a few seconds. Now applied hardware methods of cryodestruction, which allows you to predict the results of high accuracy. The effectiveness of this type of treatment is 96%.
If cryogenic therapy is difficult to perform, for example, with hemangiom localizations in the field of eyelids and the orphans, the use of short-focus radiotherapy is very effective. With simple angiosa of a large area, when to treat freezing will be very long, can be prescribed hormone therapy - according to a special scheme for 28 days there will be prednisone.
If hemangiomas are located in cosmetically unfavorable areas - at the tip of the nose, cheek, forehead, bridge, then the sclerosing therapy is used. It is the introduction of a substance in the area of \u200b\u200ban angioma causing sterile necrosis of tumor tissue and its scarring right under the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin without scars and deformations. The course consists of 5-15 injections.
In the event that localization does not require solutions of cosmetic issues, the cavernous anegose can be removed surgically, for example, in the hip area, shoulder, front abdominal wall, back.

In general, hemangioma, of course, is a tumor, but it is well treated and leaves after his trace, do not be afraid, come to the treatment for surgeons in a timely manner.

Protocol for medical care patients with benign tumors Elephant (hemangioma, lymphangioma, hemangietericitoma, neurofibroma, meningioma spectator nerve, dermoid and epidermoid cysts, teratoma, glyoma optic nerve)

Code of ICD - 10
D 31.6.

Signs and diagnostic criteria:

Symptoms of orbital neoplasms - proputosis or offset eyeball In the opposite direction relative to the tumor, the presence of a tumor during palpation, restriction of eye movements, swelling of the optic nerve, folds vascular shell; Tumor on a computed tomogram.

Gemangioma (capillary) - Detected in babies and small children, progresses slowly, localized in the uphenezal part of the orbit, can be shifted through the eyelid in the form of a bluish formation or accompanied by red skin hemangiomas, pale under pressure. Prothydrosis can increase during crying, hemangioma may increase in the first year of life, but then for several years it spontaneously regresses. On a computed tomogram - the formation of the wrong shape.

Cavernous hemangioma
- typically happens in young and middle age, the symptoms of the orbit develop gradually. On a computed tomogram - education with clear contours, mostly inside the muscular cone.

- Arises in the first 10 years of life, gradually progresses, but the condition can suddenly deteriorate when bleeding from the tumor. Proputosis is intermitting, enhanced with respiratory infections. On a computer tomogram - a tumor of the wrong shape.

Adults occurs at middle age, gradually progresses, is localized in the upper-and-step area of \u200b\u200bthe orbit, it may be accompanied by a subcactive lesion (salmon colors). On a computed tomogram - the formation of the wrong shape.

Gemangiocericitoma - It occurs at any age, slowly progresses, is localized in the upper part of the orbit. On a computer tomogram can have clear contours and does not differ from the cavernous hemangioma. It can spread through the bones of the orbit into the temporal fossa and the cavity of the skull.

Arises in the first 10 years of life, ptosis, century hypertrophy, S-shaped deformation upper centuryPainted bulk education in the front of the orbit. On a computed tomogram - diffuse, irregular shape, a soft-detached education, there may be a defect top wall orbits. Local neurofibrome happens in young and middle age with the gradual development of orbital symptoms. In patients there may be neurofibromatosis. On a computed tomogram - education with a clear contour in the upper part of the orbit.

Meningoma- Shells of the optic nerve, occurs in middle-aged women, is accompanied by a painless, gradually progressive loss of vision and moderate ptosis. With ophthalmoscopy, visible - swelling or atrophy of the optic nerve, collaterals around the disk. On a computed tomogram - a tubular thickening of the optic nerve, sometimes in the form of a "railway track" (linear shadow inside the lesion).

Can show themselves both immediately after birth and at young age; It progresses slowly, can be localized in the upper part of the orbit or outside of orbit (in the uppermost section). The cyst, which is localized outside the orbit, is preferably a round painless formation with a smooth surface. On a computed tomogram - education with clear contours, which can make a removal in the bone of the wall of the orbit.

Teratoma- There is at birth, sharply pronounced proprutosis, which can progress. Vision is often lost due to high intraocular pressure, atrophy of the optic nerve, the tumor transyl aluminum is noted. On a computed tomogram - a multi-chamber soft tumor and an increase in orbit, the tumor can be distributed into the skull cavity.

Glioma optic nerve - Arises at the age of 2-6 years, slowly progresses, decrease in visual acuity - swelling or atrophy of the optic nerve. On a computed tomogram, an urgent increase in the visual nerve. May spread to the auditorium and chiazma.

Levels of medical care:
Third level - hospital of ophthalmic profile

1. External inspection
2. Visnometry
3. Perimetry
4. Biomicroscopy.
5. Ophthalmoscopy
6. Radiography of orbits and skulls
7. Computer tomography skull
8. Echography
9. Tonkinigole aspiration biopsy Tumors (by testimony)

Mandatory laboratory studies:
1. General analysis blood
2. Total urine analysis
3. Blood on RW
4. blood sugar
5. HBS-antigen

Consultations of specialists in the testimony:
1. Therapist
2. LOR.
3. Oncologist
4. Vascular Surgeon.

Characteristics of therapeutic measures:

Hemangioma - cavernous - Full surgical removal; Capillary - surgery shown in persons older than 8-10 years; Corticosteroid therapy is the local injection of betamethasone, a celestone (can give complications - skin necrosis, skin atrophy and subcutaneous tissue, embolization of the vascular bottom); romacomous - need to burn feeding vessels or their embolization; The operation should be done with the participation of the Vascular Surgeon.

Lymphangoma- tumor, if it is located in the front of the orbit, can be cured by brachytherapy; With deep localization - the use of CO-2 laser scalpel; Sometimes there is a phased re-surgical intervention.

Gemangiocericitoma - Complete surgical removal, mandatory laser or diathermic coagulation of the tumor bed. Radiation therapy is assigned on the basis of histological research Remote tumor.

Neurofibrome (Plexiform neurofibrome)
- Surgical removal with the use of a laser scalpel.

Meningoma - surgical removal within healthy tissues effective in cases of tumor limiting by the octating nerve shells, when there is no damage to the distal nerve department; Or external irradiation is carried out.

Dermoid and epidermoid cysts - indicated by the subprove orbitotomy; With a retrobulbar location - Costoplastic orbitotomy.

- Surgical removal, with significant cyst sizes, you can pre-aspirate its contents.

Glioma optic nerve
- surgical treatment is shown in the restriction of the tumor orbital segment of the optic nerve in cases of a sharp decrease in visual acuity; If the tumor germinals, which can be seen on a computed tomogram, the damaged visual nerve is removed with the eye.

If it is impossible to carry out adequate treatment in place - to send the patient to the Oncoophthalmological Center of the Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after V.P. Filatova AMN of Ukraine.

Finite expected result
- Saving eyes

Treatment - 7-10 days

Criteria for quality treatment:

Removal of a tumor, no inflammatory symptoms, preservation of the eye and possibly visual functions, a cosmetic effect.

Possible side effects and complications:

Bleeding, ptosis of the upper eyelid, recurrence of neoplasms (neurofibrome, teratoma), damage to orbital tissues, optic nerve, vascular disorders in a visual nerve with loss of vision.

Requirements for dietary appointments and restrictions:


Requirements for labor, rest and rehabilitation regime:
Patients are disabled 4 weeks. The terms of disability during lymphangioma, hemangietericitoma, meningioma, the glyom of the optic nerve are determined by the terms of the radiation treatment. Dispensarization.

Tumor benign education Manifested at birth or during the first months of the child's life. Hemangioma for the eye in the newborn needs constant supervision to prevent growing and injury. When complications appear, the neoplasm is subject to a minimally invasive way.

Causes of pathology

The intrauterine violation of the formation of the vascular system leads to the appearance of hemangiom after birth.

Extended blood vessels are grouped and form a baby defect on the skin. The main causes of the disease:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • rhow-conflict - the incompatibility of the blood of mother and embryo;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • hormonal background failures in a child or mother;
  • viral diseases on early timing pregnancy;
  • endocrinological pathologies of acute or chronic flow;
  • heavy toxicosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • early delivery;
  • presence or insufficient weight of the child.

Adverse factors contributing to the manifestation of hemangioma:

Late pregnancy It can provoke the formation of pathology in the kid.
  • pregnancy at older age;
  • the effects of drugs;
  • environmentally unfavorable location;
  • normal failure healthy image life;
  • unstable emotional condition, increased nervousness.

Symptoms of the disease

Hemangioma in a newborn is characterized by a small redness in the field of the eyelids. In the future, with the growth of the child, the tumor increases in size. The stain can be sharply defined or not to have clear boundaries. The main manifestations of the neoplasm on the eyelids in the infants:

  • tumor color from pale red to bright, possibly with a blue tide;
  • swelling in the field of damage, the omission of the upper eyelid;
  • increase skin temperature at the place of education;
  • soreness when pressing;
  • increasing the tumor and strengthening color at a voltage;
  • tearing hemangioma when exposed, after the rapid restoration of the original color and sizes.


If the parents have a suspicion of such an education, then it is worth showing a kid to the doctor.

When hemangioma is detected, it is necessary to show a newborn pediatrician or a dermatologist. A doctor is examined by an affected area. The following main surveys are used to determine the prevalence and danger of the tumor:

  • General blood analysis. Shows the condition of the body and the hematopoietic system as a whole.
  • Coagulogram is a study of blood clotting.
  • Dermatoscopy is an inspection of a tumor structure by a multiple increase.
  • Thermometry is measuring the temperature difference between healthy leather and the hemangioma surface.
  • Thermography is the registration of thermal radiation of the skin, determining the depth and boundaries of the tumor.

The following diagnostic measures are held to clarify the diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) - study of sizes, structures, size and depth of the neoplasm.
  • Angiography is determining the rate of blood circulation, the size of hemangioma and the prevalence of adjacent tissue with the help of an introduced contrast agent.
  • Computed tomography (CT) - Surrounding scan of the affected area.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - detailed layered visualization of hemangioma and surrounding tissues.
  • Biopsy - Taking a tumor tumor sample for microscopic examination.
  • Histology - cell examination and tumor structure.

Treatment methods

Doctors recommend observing the dynamics of growth growth.

In the first months after the birth of the child and the manifestation of hemangioma, observation of the tumor without medical intervention is recommended. During the first year of life, resorption and independent disappearance of the defect may occur. If the neoplasm in the eyelids makes it difficult to visual functions, it is amenable to injury or grow, treatment is necessary or the removal of hemangioma.

Medicinal products

To eliminate hemangioma in a century, the newborn uses drugs of several groups in the form of local and internal influences. The form of use, the duration of the course of treatment and the number of techniques are determined by the attending physician to prevent complications and negative reactions. Fixed assets are described in Table:


After receiving the permission from the doctor, you can try to get rid of the tumor with a mummy.

Domestic medicine recipes are used with great care in infants with hemangiom in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye. There is a danger of developing allergic reactions, burns and tumor injury. Folk methods are used after medical approval and in the proportions designated by the doctor. Basic treatments:

  • Compresses:
    • fresh cabbage sheet;
    • juice walnuts green;
    • mumina;
    • tea mushroom.
  • Wipes:
    • cleptela juice;
    • infusion of dandelions.
  • For internal use:
    • linden tea;
    • ginseng tincture.

Hemangioma century refers to the number of skin neoplasms. More often, pathology manifests itself in breast, Sometimes from the first days of the child's life. Modern medicine Offer effective methods Treatment of the disease, but in some cases the tumor disappears without the intervention of doctors.

What is hemangioma

Finding hemangioma in the age of the newborn, parents should apply to the hospital to clarify the diagnosis and to obtain the recommendations of a specialist about the need for treatment.

The tumor is formed as a result of surface plexus blood vesselssurrounded by fat cells. This neoplasm from vascular tissues is benign. Hemangioma is prone to active growth in the first months of the child's life, expanding sometimes not only styling, but also deep into the fabrics.

Tumor not just spoil appearance, but also makes it difficult to normal eye vitality. There are several types of pathology:

  • capillary (simple);
  • cavernous;
  • mixed.

The neoplasm can be different form, differs in size and color - reddish, cherry, with a blue tint. The tumor of the cavernous type is striking the deeper layers of the skin, occurs even on the internal organs.

The reasons

The exact and reliable reasons for the formation of hemangiomes are still unknown. It is more likely to talk about the conditions conducive to the development of this pathology. One of them is disorders of angiogenesis (the formation and development of vessels). Any changes in this process, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, provoke the occurrence of vascular tumors.

To others possible reasons The formation of the hemangioma of the upper and lower eyelid in children belongs:

  • hormonal malfunctions in the body of mom and fetus;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • premature roda;
  • complicated pregnancy;
  • viral infection transferred by the mother during the formation of a circulatory system in a child;
  • rhesus-conflict;
  • acceptance of a mother of potent medicinal drugs.

Prerequisites for the appearance and growth of hemangioma century may become an unfavorable environmental situation, the use of a pregnant woman of alcohol and smoking.

In adults, the reasons for the formation of vascular tumors of the eyelids are injuries of eyes and thrombaming processes.


The development of hemangioma signals symptoms characteristic of this disease. At first, light swelling is noticeable at the site of the tumor. The area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat swells, becomes red than the skin on the face.

Hemangioma increases at any voltage - when the child leans and turns his head, coughs or crying. Palpation of the problem area causes unpleasant painful sensations. The neoplasm is becoming more pale color and decreases in size due to blood outflow.

Hemangioma different species Different with their external signs. The capillary neoplasm looks like a small grill of dark red. It forms thin intertwined vessels.

The cavernous tumor rises above the surface of the skin, as a result of the conversion of capillaries, the cavity-filled cavity is formed. Mixed type hemangiomas are alternating cavities and capillary grids.

Large formations in some cases are accompanied by the pathologies of the development of bone tissue (Hondropathy) and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Can grow into cancer

Gemangioma refers to the category benign neoplasms. Risk of its outstanding in malignant tumor Practically absent.

Any hemangioma, including localized in a century, is able to regress and dissolve. This also applies to the cavernous form. Its danger is not that it is fraught with the risk of oncology, but in the ability to provoke bleeding, ulcers and violations of vital organs.

Therefore, in the presence of hemangiomas, it is so important to systematically monitor the dynamics of its development. Intervention will be required if the tumor threatens complications.


For the primary formulation of the diagnosis of hemangioma, a experienced specialist is quite visual inspection. Clinical picture Diseases are usually pronounced. In order to diagnose the neoplasm in the eyelids, biomicroscopy is possible.

If necessary, various research methods are used to refine the diagnosis and differentiate pathology from other vascular tumors. If it is necessary to study the structure and depth of the lesion of hemangioma tissues, use biopsy, ultrasound procedure (Ultrasound) eyeball or MRI.

The angiography procedure helps to clarify the boundaries of the formation and the degree of propagation of pathological vessels. When diagnosing hemangioma, x-ray, computed tomography and echography are also effective.

The vascular tumor in the eyelid should be differentiated with the thrombosis of the cavernous sine, lymphangioma, cyan, brain hernia, perinatal hematoma.


The hemangioma of the century is different from tumors localized in other places, by the fact that it often requires medical intervention. Vascular formations are independently absorbed by half of the children who have reached 5 years of age. But the pathology of the century has to be treated, since its rapid growth is dangerous for sight. In addition, the tumor interferes with the child and is often injured.

Given the growth rate of hemangioma and possible risksThe doctor decides whether the therapeutic procedures are enough or need surgery. Without radical measures It is unlikely to do, if the neoplasia has reached large sizes and penetrated deep into tissue.

In the arsenal of doctors - different methods of treatment of hemangioma century:

  • drug therapy;
  • rejecting vessel;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • sclerosation;
  • laser or radiation therapy;
  • cryodestruction;
  • surgical intervention.

A positive result in treatment is achieved through the use of a set of measures. What methods it is better to use, in each particular case the doctor decides.

Medical therapy

Tinging of the vessel

This method is used when hemangioma begins to grow intensively. Bringing the vessel that feeds the tumor allows you to stop blood flow. Due to this, the magnitude of the neoplasm decreases significantly.


The essence of the method is that the region of hemangioma is powered by the current required force. This method is applied as independent treatment or additional with operational intervention. The therapy is long, but after it does not remain scars.


To reduce the volume of hemangioma, the formation itself and the surface is planted around ethyl alcohol, Betamethazone or quinine solution. Also practiced to the corticosteroid tumor. The procedure requires anesthetic, for this anesthetic is pre-kneaded.

Laser treatment

Laser tumor removal does not have restrictions on age. Depending on the type and size of the tumor, the number of necessary procedures varies. After treatment there is no scars and crusts.


The procedure consists in freezing hemangioma with liquid nitrogen. For the treatment of neoplasm in the eyelids, it is used with caution, since after the small scars remain. Plus the method is that a small tumor can be removed in one session.

Surgical intervention

In world practice, there is a tendency to refuse to remove hemangioma. This is due to the danger of the use of anesthesia in infants, a long rehabilitation period and possible recurrences of the tumor.

TO operational intervention Resort in extreme cases when the neoplasm threatens the patient's health. Delete hemangiomas can be children not under six months.


Small hemangiomas (and capillary, and cavernous) tend to gradually reduce and subsequent disappearance. But the rapidly progressive tumor is needed to avoid possible complications:

  • amblyopia;
  • squint;
  • reduction acute vision;
  • mechanical pTOZ - disorders of the muscles of the century;
  • bleeding;
  • infection And suppuration.

It is possible to develop such complications as thrombocytopenia, anemia, muscle damage and bones. Often after hemangioma remain cosmetic flaws, which also require treatment.


A favorable forecast is possible only with timely handling medical institution. As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appeared, you need to show the child by a specialist. Parents are important to fulfill all his prescriptions.

Regular observation by the doctor will help start treatment in time. Sometimes no procedures are required, hemangioma disappears spontaneously. According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, 70% of small patients are solved by 7 years.

But the hemangioma of the century is a special diagnosis, in most cases requiring treatment. It is important to choose the most gentle, but effective methods to avoid problems with the vision and other complications.


Clearly developed techniques that prevent the occurrence of hemangioma, so far, since the causes of the disease are not fully studied. But since it is known that the pathology of the vessels of the embryo is formed during pregnancy, it is necessary to ensure full-fledged monitoring of the future mother during this period.

Moreover, when preparing for conception, a woman should cure all chronic foci of infection - oral cavity, Eye, ENT organs.

Pregnant women should ensure constant pressure control, eliminate contact with harmful substances, completely abandon smoking and alcohol intake.

Prevention of complications of hemangioma lies in timely appeal to the doctor. The correct diagnosis and an individually selected treatment scheme will help get rid of unpleasant pathology.

The aircraft of the hemangioma century is unacceptable, and to people's methods It is worth treating how to add a qualified medical treatment. Physiotherapeutic procedures, conservative therapy or surgical tumor removal - a method of getting rid of pathology should choose a doctor.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Hemangioma eye is a benign vascular education in the upper or lower eyelid. Vascular tumor has a pathological nature. There are two main types of disease, as well as mixed forms. Pressing the course of therapy, the doctor draws attention to the size and location of pathological education. If the treatment was assigned in a timely manner, the likelihood of a favorable outcome will be great. As a rule, the child suffers from such a disease, but it is possible that the disease will develop in an adult.

There is no reliable facts of hemangioma eyes. In most cases, German affects children in the first weeks of life. However, hemangioma of the eye in an adult is not excluded. Modern medicine has data on conditions that have to develop this kind of illness. If the tumor in the eyelid appeared in newborns immediately after birth, the source of illness lies in pathological processes occurring in a woman during the period of tooling the child:

  • problems with endocrine system;
  • late time of pregnancy;
  • premature childbirth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • pregnant has transferred a viral infection in terms when the fetus was formed circulatory system;
  • bad habits: alcohol and smoking;
  • the hereditary factor is not excluded;
  • resh conflict.

If the disease touched the adult, the cause of this may be eye injury or thrombaming processes.

Scientists have developed several theories explaining the mechanisms of the occurrence and development of the disease, but none of them cover completely all aspects of the illness.

In most cases, hemangioma strikes children in the first weeks of life.

Types of hemangiom

Hemangioma differ in character, structure and localization. Given the structure of benign education, the disease is classified into three types, two of which are basic, and one is combined. Types of hemangiom:

  1. Capillary formations are the most common, they are diagnosed by more than 90 percent of cases. The tumor is represented by a thick network of capillaries of red and raspberry colors. The capillary network is actively growing and germinates into nearby fabrics, destroying them. This form is the initial stage of the disease.
  2. Cavernous tumors. As hemangiomas develop, the capillaries begin to quarrel with blood, and the vessels expand. As a result, the capillaries take place, the blood of them flows into the hemangioma tissue. As a result, cavities are formed - small cavities that are filled with blood.
  3. Combined hemangioma occupy an intermediate position between capillary and cavernous forms. This is a tumor, which is an alternation of capillary grids and cavities.

The development of hemangioma is rapidly. Education is growing in width and depth. If you do not take any measures, the tumor will reach impressive sizes and will perform above the skin. Education will have to remove the surgical method.


The development of eye hemangioma occurs in stages. On the initial stage The tumor has small sizes. In a problem area, some swelling appears, on which the capillary network becomes visible. When pressed on the affected fabric, the patient feels pain.

The affected place by hemangioma with pressure hurts.

Capillary and cavernous hemangiomas are somewhat different from each other:

  • cavernous hemangioma is a neoplasm that stands over skin Covers, it looks at the capillary drawing, the lumens are expanded and filled with blood;
  • capillary hemangiomas are a dark-red spot consisting of intertwined thin vessels.

In addition, there is an internal version of the disease, like hemangioma Horrioide. This is a rare variant of tumor education that strikes orbit eyes. This type of disease leads to a decrease in vision or development of the squint.

The presence of large hemangioms may be accompanied by diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also in humans can be diagnosed with hondropathy legs or hands.

Treatment methods

If hemangioma began to form in the upper eyelid, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Education is very rapidly increased in size if it is not possible to eliminate it conservative methods, you will have to remove the tumor surgically. Only in 2% of all cases, the tumor passes independently.

Treatment of pathology includes three basic methods:

  • drug;
  • surgical;
  • physical.

The drug method is applied to the treatment of hemangioms relatively recently. Reception of some drugs reduces the growth of the development of tumor formations, and also contribute to their reverse development. But to apply only this method is ineffective. With the help of drugs, it is possible to get rid of the hemanhythic tumor in 2% of cases.

Treatment should be appointed only attending physician.

In order to reduce the growth of pathological education, use the following medications:

  • Propranolol has a thorough effect, activates the process of the destruction of capillaries in the affected area and replaces them with scar tissues;
  • Prednisolone - hormonal drugcontributing to the scarring of tissues and compression of capillaries, due to which the blood circulation in them decreases, due to which the hemangioma growth is terminated;
  • Wincristin blocks the process of cell division, which leads to the termination of the development of the tumor.

Each of the listed drugs has side effects And has contraindications, so the dosage and the term of therapy should be prescribed only the attending physician.

Physical methods affect the hemangioma tissue directly, destroy them and contribute to the elimination of tumor education. The most popular methods of this group include:

  • laser rays irradiation;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • sclerosing therapy;
  • radiotherapy;
  • treatment with droplets, if the inner fabrics are affected.

Laser can remove tumor formations, no more than 2 cm. Fabrics subjected to irradiation are charred and evaporate. In the place where treatment was carried out, a crust is formed, which disappears in three weeks.

Hemangioma can be removed by a laser.

The electrocoagulation method is based on the action of high-frequency electrocrotics on problem areas. The current is charred and destroys the fabrics, which are subsequently self-made.

With the help of sclerosing therapy, large hemangiomas are eliminated. The impact in this case is aimed at causing chemical elements that are part of the hemangioma, leading to the destruction of capillaries and a cavity. The procedure should be carried out more than once. The treatment uses 70% alcohol, it is introduced into hemangioma.

The tumor can affect X-ray rays, such a method also leads to the destruction of tissues. Most often, this procedure is resorted during the preparation for the operation to reduce the affected tissues to reduce the volume of the operated tumor.

Many specialists consider ineffective methods of traditional medicine. This method is used only in comprehensive therapy.

It is extremely rare to surgical intervention, only when the disease quickly progresses and carries the risk of developing complications. This option is not suitable for the newborn.

Treatment of children

Hemangioma in the age of the child progres very quickly, so the disease must be under the strict control of the doctor. Even very small tumor entities are subject to observation. Dr. Komarovsky advises the parents not to panic if the baby is struck by hemangioma. To avoid complications, it takes to contact a specialist in time and follow its recommendations.

ethnoscience Not effective in the treatment of hemangioma.

Hemangioma in the age of the newborn in most cases is not subject to treatment, but observation and control over the growth of education in infants must be carried out. In some cases, the tumor may disappear as the baby grows, but should not be completely relying on it. As a rule, hemangiomas are regressed at the age of 5 or 9 years.

If the hemangioma of the eye in children begins to actively increase in size, it should be proceeded for treatment, otherwise, in addition to the cosmetic defect, problems can appear with vision. In extreme cases, it will be necessary to make an operation that is allowed for children from 4 months.


The wrong approach to the treatment of hemangioma age or its absence leads to complications, some of them lead to the threat of human life. Severe complications include:

  • the destruction of fabrics and nearby organs may suffer, including choroids;
  • attachment of infection;
  • transition to malignant education;
  • the development of anemia.

If the disease was diagnosed in a timely manner, medical tactics Correctly selected, favorable outcome forecast.

Gemangioma in most cases is a benign education. The tumor is distinguished by unpredictability: it can begin to actively develop, but can and regress up to complete disappearance. To get rid of the ailment, you should consult a doctor in time and follow all its recommendations.

Aug 28, 2017 Anastasia Tabalina

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