The corner of the eye inflamed what to do. Red corners eye

Pain in the corners of the eyes - an infrequent phenomenon. Usually the unpleasant sensations capture the entire organ of vision. If a person begins to hurt an eye corner, the reason lies not only in the overwork - it can be various diseases. To determine the cause, it is recommended to refer to the ophthalmologist, especially if the severity of the symptom increases.

Pain in the corners of the eye every person feels in his own way. Different diseases accompanied by various manifestations. How can the angle of the eye be saked, usually depends on the cause.

  1. If a person hurts in the inner corner of the eye, most often there is inflammation. The sensations are quite intense, accompanied by transparent or purulent discharges from the eyes. There is an increase in temperature.
  2. If it hurts outside, closer to the ear - it is probably a man overwork or elevated arterial pressure. The condition is accompanied by a short-term decrease in visual acuity, headache.
  3. Unstable discomfort may be associated with cold illness or allergic reaction. This is talking about the general ailment, redness of the mucous, tearing.

The intensity of pain of each person is different. With the same disease, there may be differences in the clinical picture.

The reasons

It is possible to determine the cause of pain according to the available symptoms and the dynamics of their development. The conditions under which the amplification of pain occurs.

Among the reasons you can select inflammatory and non-state diseases, as well as states not related to pathological.

  1. If the eyelid in the corner of the eye hurts during the blink, it is blepharitis. So called inflammation of the edges of the eyelid, which occurs when contacting infection. The skin blushes, becomes edema. It is often observed purulent allocations.
  2. When the edge of the eye hurts, and the intensity increases at night - this is a sign of demodecosis. The disease is caused by microscopic tick, living in older pillows. He is striking the roots of the eyelashes.
  3. Limited corner pain is caused by the growth of barley in the eyelid. So called inflammation song gland in the skin of the eyelids. It manifests itself a small swelling, redness of the skin.
  4. Herpetic infection. Amuses the mucous membrane on which bubble rashes appear quickly turning into erosion.
  5. The sawing pain, accompanied by a violation of the outflow of tears, is observed during dacryocystitis or canaliculate. Diseases are associated with inflammation of the lacrimal gland and the tubules.
  6. Allergic reaction causes pain rarely, usually discomfort arises throughout the body.

It may cause a corner because of overwork - on the background of a long voltage, work at a computer. Sometimes the symptom is caused by wearing incorrectly selected glasses or contact lenses.

Video: Three reasons for eye pain

Pain of external corners closer to temple

Corners from this side hurt less often. The causes of pain in the outer corners of the eye are:

  • irritation from the cold and wind;
  • the impact of dust, chips, smoke;
  • increased arterial or intracranial pressure;
  • injury to the skin or mucosa.

The condition is accompanied by redness of the mucous membrane, a feeling of burning.

Pain of the interior corners closer to the nose

The symptom is observed in most patients. Hurt the corners of the eye closer to the nose can for the following reasons:

  • dacryocystitis;
  • barley;
  • canaliculitis;
  • herpetic infection;
  • blufarite;
  • demodecosis.

Pain in the corners of the eyes of the bridges are caused more often than the diseases than nonpatological reasons.

Video: Blepharitis - Symptoms and Treatment


Volume medical events Defines an ophthalmologist after establishing the cause. Treatment is carried out outpatient and includes application eye drops, ointments or tablets inside.

  1. For the treatment of inflammation in the corners of the eye in the bridges, drugs with anti-inflammatory, antiviral or antibacterial effect are used. Anti-inflammatory means include Diclo-F or Indocollyra drops. The "Ophthalmferon", "halfdan" drops possess the antiviral action. For the treatment of bacterial infection, the "NORMAX", "Uniflox" or tetracycline ointment is prescribed.
  2. When irritating the outer corner of the eye, funds from fatigue, antihistamines. Drops "Vysomitin", "SYSTEIN", "Allergel" are prescribed.
  3. If a demodic tick was detected, the eyelids are treated with sulfur ointment or Demalan cream.

In addition to medical treatment The doctor may appoint physiotherapeutic procedures, eye gymnastics.


Avoid painful eyes in the edges of the eye, subject to the following events:

  • visual hygiene;
  • avoiding traumatic situations;
  • avoiding contact with infectious patients;
  • regular inspection of an ophthalmologist.

When a person hurts and the pain does not pass for a long time - this is an occasion to appeal to the doctor. Such a sign talks about the development of diseases requiring competent treatment.

Video: an interview of a professional ophthalmologist about observance of hygiene view

Discomfort or painful sensations in the field of internal (at the bridges) or the outer corner of the eye can disturb periodically or constantly. At the same time, very often pain in the corners of the eye is combined with such eye symptomsAs in the area, eyelid or in the corners of the eyes, hyperemia and directly from the eye ,.

Pain in the corners of the eyes may be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Canaliculitis - inflammation of the ducts. This disease may occur in infectious inflammation in the actor or in the nose. At the same time, along with painful sensations in the corner of the eye, swelling, hyperemia of the upper either of the lower eyelid develops, and purulent emissions from the eyes appear. For the treatment of this state, it is advisable to local use antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Full or partial obstruction of the tear paths. Together with discomfort and painful sensations in the inner corner of the eye at a given state, abundant tearing appears. The reasons that caused the obstruction of the tear paths, injuries or tumors are more often. As a rule, surgical correction is needed for the treatment of this problem.
  • Dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal bag. In this case, the disease in the field of an inner corner of the eye develops swelling and bother purulent discharges in large quantities. In most cases, the disease is good conservative treatmentBut sometimes surgical correction is required.
  • - Inflammation of the skin of the eyelid. On the initial stage Development may also cause pain in the corners of the eyes.
  • Diplobacillary (Angular) - develops with the introduction of Moraks-Axenfeld's bacterium into the mucousa. In the corners of the eyes, itching itching, cutting and burning. The corners of the eye are hyperemic, with small cracks that can mock. Pains are intensified when blinking.
  • Herpetic infection in the eye area. Often begins with discomfort in the outer corner of the eye, and when further development The disease appears swelling in the field of century, pain, hyperemia and.
  • Ingrown are often the cause of discomfort in the field of an inner corner of the eye. And independently visually without special tools, the problem cannot be identified. It is necessary to inspect the ophthalmologist.
  • Conjunctivitis of allergic genesis. With this disease, along with discomfort in the corners of the patient's eye, it can disturb itching, tearing and nasal congestion. Treatment is selected individually, antiallergic drugs.
  • Incorrectly selected glasses. Sometimes, with an incorrect installation of nasal pillows, scrap or discomfort in the eyes of the eye can appear.
  • . A number of eye and visual symptoms, including painfulness In the corners of the eyes, they can occur in people after working at a computer, viewing tablets and phones. These symptoms are regressed after rest or sleep.

Treatment of pain in the corners of the eyes

Treatment is selected individually, after consulting a doctor, based on the identified cause of the disease. It is self-allowed to use only cold compresses and moisturizing drops. However, it is important to note that if the pains in the corners of the eyes are accompanied by hyperemia of the eye, a decrease in vision, photosensitivity, it is necessary to urgently consult with an oculist.

Such a symptom like pain in the corners of the eye, peculiar wide spectrum ailments and diseases that differ in their severity and the depth of the defeat of the eye fabrics.

This include both the usual overwork of eye muscles and allergic reactions, and quite serious viral and bacterial pathologies.

Most often, the pains are localized in the inner angles of the eyes, which are from the side of the bridges.

In this article, we will try to highlight the essence and ways to solve this problem.

General symptomatics

Root can like top corner (in areas upper century and eyelashes) and lower corner (in the fields of the lower eyelid and the lacrimal channel).

The pains in the upper corner usually correspond to the sensations of pulsation and pressure in the temples, as well as the frontal area.

Such a complex of symptoms speaks of migraine and is not associated directly with eye diseases.

Painful feelings in the lower corner are accompanied by redness of the eyes and skin around them, tearing, itching, dryness. Such symptoms more often indicate eye diseases.

The pain may have a permanent character, and may manifest only when pressed into the eyelid, when closing the eye. A constant pain is usually characteristic of heavier forms of diseases.

Causes, their diagnosis and treatment


Weak pain in the corners of the eye with a minor red skin redness is caused by overwork. It occurs with long-term visual work with a concentration of views on small fixed objects. In the risk group of such symptoms there are people who regularly work at the computer.

Often overwork accompany dryness in the eyes. This problem is eliminated by conducting visual gymnastics, vitamin support for the organism and the use of moisturizing droplets.

Also, the muscles in the corners of the eye can be overwhelmed due to the constant load when wearing incorrectly selected glasses that do not match anatomical structure Man nanes.

If the eyes constantly get a good feed in the form of beneficial substances, they will be more able-bodied and more slowly tired. Here is the information about popular vitamins for them:


Allergic reactions show themselves mainly itching without the occurrence of pain.

But they can take place and acute manifestations Allergies, especially with the intensive combination of the inflamed area. Such a reaction can be provoked by the use of cosmetics for the eyes and the use of some exterior drugs.


Canaliculitis is the pathological inflammation of the tear tubules. It can be both an independent disease and one of the symptoms of another illness.

The following table shows the basic characteristic of inflammation:

From a number of fungi canaliculite pathogens are actinomyosis, spytyrchosis and candidiasis. Most often, the infection is entered upon contact of the eye fabrics with dirty hands.

Painful sensations appear only when moving to middle stages, in the early stages of the development of the disease, there are no discomfort even when pressed on the corner of the eye.

Diagnostics is carried out during the external examination of the eye and by taking microbiological analyzes.

Most effective method Channelical treatment is surgical: the tear canal is expanding with the help of the probe, fungal formations are removed from it, and the canal walls are lubricated with antiseptic preparations (iodine, diamond greens).

Excessive treatment involves the use of antibiotics in the form of droplets, but the effectiveness of this method is high only in the early stages.


Like the canaliculitis, the dacryocystitis is a pathological disorder of the lacrimal tube, but if the conducting paths are inflated at the first, then for this ailment is characterized by the damage of the lacrimal bag.

This body is located near the inner lower corner of the eye, it is in this area that the focus of inflammation arises.

For the disease, it is characterized by active tearing, the selection of the pus when pressing the eye to the corner and corresponding to this pain.

Pathology is provoked as local bacterial infectionsSo and the complication of the flow of common viral diseases (ARVI) and disorders of the work of the nasal cavity (sinusitis, adenoids).

Dacriacystitis is diagnosed with Vesta sample. The painting organic substance is buried in the eye, and the tampon is inserted into the nose.

If the passability of the lacrimal channel (associated with the nose channel) is not broken, then the tampon is painted in the corresponding color. In case of violation of conductivity, the diagnosis is specified using microbiological tests.


The disease can manifest itself both uniform redness of the eyelids throughout their area (including in the corners of the eyes) and the appearance of individual peptic foci. The second type of symptoms is more painful. With blufarite, partial loss of eyelashes is possible.

The diagnosis is carried out using smears to determine the content of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as through the history of general well-being, since blepharitis can be provoked by systemic diseases.

Treatment involves the use of erythromycin, chloramphenicol, offloxacin and other analogues of these drugs.


3-4 eyelashes are taken to diagnose demodecosis, placed in a special solution and are studied under a microscope. Treatment involves the lubrication of the skin of the eyelids with drops of carbocol and applying a Demolon bactericidal gel.


This is inflammation of the mucous membranes sclera and eyelids. Paints with this disease are the most pronounced and sharp.

Conjunctivitis is easy to determine by external manifestations: the skin blues around the eye, the pupil is poured with blood, you can see the capillaries.

The disease is provoked by bacterial infesses, allergic reactions and traumatic effects.

As a rule, it is characterized by itching for conjunctivitis, but combing the eye only enhances pain. Treatment depends on the cause of pathology: the use of antiseptic drugs, antihistamine or regenerative means is possible.


For this disease, a clear localization of inflammation in this or that field of the century is characteristic. The inflammation itself looks like a rounded translucent or red bubble.

Barley rarely occurs directly in the corners of the eye, but if its localization is close to these regions, they will be observed in them a strong staging pain.

The disease is provoked by gold staphylococcus. It is strictly forbidden to calculate the focus of inflammation.

Ophthalmologist is responsible for the diagnosis of all listed diseases, it is also possible to consult with a otolaryngologist. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication until a complete clarification of the cause of painful sensations in the corners of the eyes is.

Preparations suitable for therapy for one or another pathology can cause harm in the treatment of another disease.


An unpleasant and pain in the corners of the eye are caused by both the fattening of the body and allergic reactions and the defeat of the infections of a local and systemic nature.

These infections lead to inflammation of the eyelids and blockage of tear canals, which contributes to the accumulation of purulent discharges.

If there is enough general preventive measures to combat fatigue, then treatment infectious diseases involves the use of special preparations, and in severe cases it may be necessary surgical intervention.

Can cause pain not only in the very eye apple, but also in the corners of the eyes.

The reason may hide in exposure external factors or internal processes.

Patients make a mistake when they believe that the pain is associated with overwork. Paints that are localized closer to the nose or temple are usually associated with diseases. Set the exact reason only after a full-fledged survey.

Description of the symptom

It is important to take into account that the pain in the corners of the eye is not independent pathology. Therefore, arise related symptoms:

  • burning;
  • sand feeling in the eyes;
  • inflammation of conjunctiva;
  • excessive and uncontrolled tearing;
  • selecting eyes.

The pain may be temporary or sustained. Not regular pain may occur in the consequence of overwork. There is irritation, which is accompanied by dryness and burning disease. Be sure to need to consult an ophthalmologist.

The reasons

Factors that provoke such symptoms are diverse. The main objects include:

To determine the exact reason, it will take careful diagnosis. Initially, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Pain in the external corners of the eyes closer to the temple

Pain from the outside in most cases is not related to pathological processes. In most cases, such signs appear in the consequence of injury. foreign bodies or after excessive loads. Sometimes symptoms may indicate increased intraocular pressure.

Only a doctor after diagnosis can determine the exact reason. The main factors include:

The outer angle of the eye may hit herpes. It originally appears itching, and then redness and characteristic rash.

Pain in the inner corners of the eyes closer to the nose

If the pain is localized closer to the nose, then this may be a sign of such diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • demodecosis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • increased intraocular pressure.

In case of bacterial damage to the lacrimal channel, such symptoms are developed. Herpes can hit the mucous membrane of the nose, eye, lips. Rash has a property to cause painful sensations. At an allergic reaction, the internal and then an outer corner is internal. It is important to take into account that the infection can be taken into the eyes with dirty hands. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.


In order to determine the cause of pain, you will need an examination of an ophthalmologist. The doctor listens to the patient's complaints, studies his anamnesis. If with visual inspection failed to determine the cause, then such surveys will additionally need:

After establishing the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medicinal therapy. In case of the need for surgical intervention, the patient needs hospitalization.


To eliminate pain in the corners of the eye, it is necessary to establish the reason for its occurrence. Treatment depends on the degree of damage and nature of pathology. Mainly the doctor prescribes a conservative treatment technique. Bacterial and viral damage requires the use of ophthalmic drops. Advanced antiviral and antibacterial agents.

With allergic reactions, you will need to instill antihistamine drops. You can take Suprastin, Tuevel, Loratadine. For elimination inflammatory process need to receive painkillers, antibacterial drugs. During the development of complications, surgical intervention will need. In the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed preventive therapy.


No prevention of pain syndrome. It arises with the development of external factors or certain ophthalmological diseases. therefore preventive measures Aims to reduce the risk of developing such pathologies. The main rules consist of such recommendations:

  • Timely visit to ophthalmologist. Inspection should be passed 1-2 times a year. This will help in a timely manner to detect the presence of pathological processes. In severe form, they may be irreversible.
  • Healthy image Life. For the health of the eyes and the whole organism, adhere to the correct, balanced nutrition. Every day you need to use a large number of Fruit, vegetables, greens. Especially useful for the eye carrots and blueberries. Full sleep will help relieve fatigue from the eyes and will give them the opportunity to relax.
  • To give up smoking, excessive use alcohol and narcotic substances.
  • Use protective glasses When working with small objects, chemicalsTools household chemicals.
  • In respectable time to wear

A continuous and constantly increasing pain in the eye is often indicative of the progression of an ophthalmic disease, which is important to identify and cure. However, sometimes discomfort and redness in the right or left eye arise due to injuries, allergic reactions, incorrectly selected therapeutic optical devices. In order for the treatment of the problem to be effective, it is important to understand why the organ of vision is inflamed and also hurts, and then eliminate negative factors.

Why hurts and inflates the right or left eye?

Pain symptoms can cause any ophthalmic disease:

  • Canaliculitis. People arise in people whose tear ducts and the mucous membranes in the nose inflated due to the penetration and reproduction of the infectious pathogen. With such a disease, swelling and pain in the corner of the eye of the bridges appear, and redness is also present in the lower and upper eyelids, common in the inner and outer mucosa of the epithelium.
  • The obstruction of the tear paths. With such pathology, inflammation and edema of the inner corner of the eye are observed. Because of the impairment of the eye fluid, the mucosa dries, the patient complains that in the eyes it cuts, as a result of such irritation they become red. Non-obstruction is often due to the injuries of the nose or tumor of the lacrimal tubule.
  • Dacryocystitis. This is the name of the disease at which the tear bag was inflamed. The patient notes that the organ of view from the inside of red and swelling, and when pressed, purulent discharge appear.
  • Blepharitis. With such a disease, the outer corner of the eye and inner is hurt. Closer to the place of growth of eyelashes colitis, itchies and zudit, and the protein itself blushed and inflamed.
  • Eye herpes. With such pathology, rash and discomfort appear on the inner and outdoor century. The sick eye swollen, pulls and pulls, if they are touched near the affected area, the unpleasant sensations are enhanced.

Other reasons

If the visual apparatus is regularly overwhelmed due to the work for the PC, such symptoms may appear.

If it hurts and inflamed in the field of internal and outer corner of the century, the cause of such symptoms may be:

  • injury, injury or ingress on the necchair of the foreign object;
  • allergic reaction;
  • ingrown in the epithelium edge of the eyelashes;
  • incorrectly selected optical medical device;
  • prolonged visual stress when working at a computer.

To correctly treat inflammation in an eye corner, it is important to first find out why it appeared. Engage in self-treatment with increasing symptoms is dangerous, it is fraught with development hazardous consequences, Up to the complete loss of the visual function.

Related signs

When progressing hazardous ophthalmologic violations, except that during the blink and when there are eyelids, the left eye or the right, the patient is bothering other symptoms that cannot be noticed. Characteristic signs such:

An additional manifestation that a person can notice is expressed by an edema of this area.
  • itching, redness and tingling the skin around the eyeball;
  • inflammation and swelling of the internal and outer corners of the eye;
  • abundant tearing;
  • purulent discharge;
  • deterioration of the visual function.

Sometimes infectious pathologies are accompanied by headaches localized closer to the ear or near the temple. With such symptoms, it is urgent to make an appointment to an ophthalmologist, since often infectious eye pathologies lead to inflammation nearby organs - ear, throat, nose. In advanced cases, the infection penetrates into the brain, the patient develops meningitis, which often becomes the cause of death.

In the bacterial cause of the symptom, appropriate types of drops can be used.

  • antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • anesthetic;
  • moisturizing;
  • feeding mucosa;
  • removing redness.

If the reasons for which corners of the eye have failed to eliminate the conservative way, the doctor makes a decision to carry out the operation. Thanks to the timely spent operational treatment It will be possible to adjust the pathology. After surgical treatment will follow continuous rehabilitation period, during which you need to strictly fulfill the advice and recommendations of the doctor, make special regenerating medical exercisesUse drugs.

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