What if the ear is laid for a long time. Laid ear

If the ear laid, what to do at home, not everyone knows. Although many faced with such unpleasant sensations. Often such symptoms do not cause concern. A person expects that over time they will be held by themselves. In addition to the sense of discomfort, the breadth of the ear may indicate a serious violation of health. Therefore, with the appeal to the doctor is not slow. If immediate advice with the doctor is impossible, there are several ways to assist at home.

Before proceeding with treatment, you need to deal with the reasons for lagging in the ear. They are quite harmless: sulfur plug, pressure drops or water entering or something else in a hearing pass. In this case, the problem passes itself or is easily eliminated by infirous devices. In addition to mechanical impact, this state occurs and serious diseases. Here is some of them:

  • chronic or acute otitis middle ear;
  • inflammatory processes in Eustachius pipe;
  • circulation disorder and insufficient food hearing nerve;
  • colds (rhinitis, sinusitis);
  • curvature of the nasal partition;
  • narrowing outdoor auditory passage in the formation of boils;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Various infectious diseases in which the symptom of the stuffed ears occurs is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and shooting pains (Fig. 1). When inflammation in the middle ear, liquid or mucus accumulates. It fills the canal and presses on the eardrum. Because of this, there is a feeling of congestion and the rumor is reduced. Only a course of drugs, which appoints a otolaryngologist will help to cope with this situation.

Figure 1. Otitis scheme.

If the feeling of constraint occurs in simple situations, when mechanically affected by the membrane, then pain does not occur. The noise and change in pressure in the middle ear affects the vestibular apparatus. It is capable of proving dizziness and nausea. In case of water, a person feels her flowing in a rumor canal.

When tygytte arise painfulness When swallowing, noise, decline in hearing. This disease is not always a consequence of infection. It is capable of restructuring a hormonal background during pregnancy.

Noises with pulsation in the ears often accompany the attack of hypertension. Violations in the work of the vessels lead to laying the ears with sharp rise. If the hearing nerve disease occurs or disease, there is a gradual decline in hearing. The process is uniform in nature without sharp jumps, but if the disease is not treated, it will lead to irreversible consequences.

Bacterial Otitis is accompanied by a decrease in hearing, elevated temperature, pain is of a good character with sharp pictures. After the breakthrough of the eardrum, liquid and pussy is released.

Figure 2. Silence diagram of sulfur tube.

If the ear lays more than one day, without the help of the doctor can not do. To comprehensively assess the patient's condition, the otolaryngologist prescribes the following tests:

  1. Audiometry hearing. Determining using speech or special devices perceived ear frequency and sound volume.
  2. Tympanometry. The ears are investigated by a special apparatus to determine the presence of tumors, sulfur plugs, violations of the conductivity of bones and perforation of the eardrum.
  3. X-ray. Shows chronic inflammatory processes, the presence of tumors and changes in temporal bone.
  4. Biopsy. To exclude polychondrite, take samples of cartilage and other external ear tissues.

To eliminate certain diseases, the otolaryngologist sends a patient to other narrow specialists (cardiologist, neuropathologist).

Appeal to the doctor is necessarily for people who suffer chronic diseases ears. But in the absence of high temperatures and harsh pains, you can try to cope with the problem yourself within 1-2 days.

After comprehensive diagnostics, the otolaryngologist prescribes treatment. Do not use yourself medications. First, they may be ineffective with a specific disease. Secondly, it is important to accurately calculate the dosage. And thirdly, side effects Capable to exceed positive effect from medication.

The treatment is carried out under strict control, since the spread of infection can affect the brain or completely deprive the patient's hearing. Here are the main activities aimed at restoring the doctor:

  • removal of physical pollution (water, sulfur, pus, foreign objects);
  • drainage liquid from the middle ear;
  • antibacterial and antiseptic treatment of hearing aisters;
  • purpose of local drugs (vesseloring drops, painkillers and warming agents);
  • appointment of antipyretic and antibacterial drugs.

To speed up the process of recovery, physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, pneumatic massage) are prescribed.


What to do at home, if the ear has laid when the pressure drops? Such a situation often occurs in airplanes, high-speed trains or elevators. It is necessary to try to yawn or smooth saliva more often, you can absorb a lollipop. Baby in such a situation will help frequent drinking. From laying and noise in the ears use such exercises: you need to make maximum circular rotations of the jaw, then put forward it forward and commit vertical movementsClosing and opening your mouth. It helps to normalize the pressure in the middle ear and release the ducts from the extra liquid. It is important to carefully perform movements so as not to provoke dislocation of the jaw.

Another way to normalize the pressure is as follows: you need to take a deep breath, cover your mouth and nose and carefully try to breathe air. To remove the water that got into the ear while bathing, you can jump on one leg. If laid right ear, then jump on her left foot and vice versa.

Conduct with unpleasant sensations will help folk remedies. But they need to be used carefully, as it is completely replaced traditional treatment They will not be able.

To remove a sulfur plug, a solution of hydrogen peroxide is already buried in the ear. After 3-5 minutes, the peroxide is removed and the patient is sitting on the chair. In the syringe, without a needle of a large volume, they gain warm water, gently introduced into the ear canal and sharply empty. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times. It is important to ensure that the water fluctuates back (Fig. 2).

To dissolve a lump of sulfur, you can take advantage of a special composition that is sold in a pharmacy ("Remo-Vaks", "A-Cerumen"). It is necessary to regularly carry out hygienic procedures in order to avoid the accumulation of sulfur and dirt in auditory passes. Clean your ears carefully not to damage the skin and eardrum.

With a cold, it is important to monitor the nose state. Since, with the swelling of the mucous membranes, the bacteria accumulates in the Euro tube, and it provokes purulent otitis. Vasomotive droplets and inhalations will help.

In case of infectious diseases of the ear in it, Gerani juice is buried. It has antibacterial properties. You can apply geranium oil onto cotton tampon and put it in a hearing pass overnight.

A tablespoon of dried collection (St. John's wort, chamomile, birch kidneys) poured boiling water and insist 10-15 minutes. After the filping, they add a tablespoon of honey and drink before bedtime. This tool has a common effect.

To warm the patient ear use votor compresses. Besides vodka use camphor alcohol or "Menovazin". The tool is applied to clean tissue, applied to the ear shell and fixed with a handkerchief.

3 g powder Mumia is dissolved in 100 ml of warm water, added on a tablespoon sodium sulfate and boring alcohol. Put in each ear full pipette 3-4 times a day.

Remove the feeling of congestion will help light massage own sinks and nose.

Special attention is paid to the nose and wings of the nose. Massage continues at least 15 minutes. This normalizes blood circulation, nutrition of the auditory nerve and respiratory organs.

The feeling of congestion in the ears is the changed perception of one's own voice and background sounds. The discomfort is due to violations in the work of a sound-visible or audio system of the auditory analyzer. The late diagnosis and treatment of pathology can cause the development of serious complications, such as purulent otitis, meningitis, labyrinthitis, etc.

As a rule, the breadthing of the ear is a consequence of inflammatory reactions in the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, the middle ear and the Eustachiye tube.

Due to strong intoxication of the body soft fabrics swell, which leads to the blockage of the auditory channel connecting the middle ear with the nasooplot.

Reduced pressure B. drum cavity Provokes the appearance of a feeling of congestion in the ears.

Mechanism of origin

Why does the ears lays out? An unpleasant phenomenon occurs due to the violated or perception of sound signals with an auditory analyzer. Failures in the operation of the components of the sound-conducting chain inevitably lead to distortion or weakening of sounds, as a result of which the patient states the fact of reducing hearing.

The drum membrane not only conducts sound signals, but also repeatedly enhances them. Through. hearing bones The sound penetrates the receptor-hearing center, where it is modulated and turns into an electrical impulse. The presence of obstacles on the path of passage sound wave Promotes it to weaken, which leads to a decrease in the hearing sensitivity threshold.

Significantly less frequently, the feeling of loss in the ear occurs due to the dysfunction of the main departments of the sound system. Damage to the ear maze, auditory nerve and hair receptors contributes to the deterioration of hearing and the development of neurosensory touginess. When untimely access to the doctor, it is possible to fix the problem only surgically.

The reasons

Why is there constantly laid ears? There are many exogenous and endogenous factors that contribute to a reduction in hearing and the emergence of the feeling of constraints. Conditionally, they can be divided into two categories:

Ignoring the problem may cause the development of autofony or deafness.

It should be understood that mortgage in the ear without pain does not guarantee the absence of inflammatory processes. If for several days discomfort does not pass, you should seek help to the otolaryngologist. In some cases, the symptom signals the development benign tumors, serous otitis or neurosensory touginess.

Natural reasons

What do you need to do if the ears are laid? First you need to find out which factors contributed to the emergence of the problem. To the natural reasons for the appearance of uncomfortable sensations, experts include:

  • sulfur tubes - an excess amount of sulfur in the outer auditory channel contributes to the formation of dense traffic jams that prevent the penetration of the sound signal into the ear;
  • pressure drops - a sharp change in pressure on the earpower leads to its stretching and decrease in elasticity. Often embedding occurs during flights, diving under the water, trips in the near train, etc.;
  • moisture in the auditory canal - the fall in the outer hearing channel contributes to the formation of the barrier on the way of passing sound, as a result of which the audibility of surrounding sounds is reduced.

If the ear does not hurt, but it is laid and poorly heard, it is advisable to undergo a survey from a specialist. In about 15% of cases, the symptom signals the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as arterial hypertension, Vegeta dystonia, hypotension, etc.

Pathological reasons

Connecting in ears accompanied by dizziness or pains, most often signals the development of inflammation in the hearing authority departments. Ear pathologies arise due to reducing the reactivity of the organism or infection of the upper respiratory tract.

The appearance of discomfort may be associated with the development of such pathologies as:

Perceptual hearing loss is practically not amenable to drug treatment, which is due to the inability of hairs cells (auditory receptors) to regenerate.

If the ear does not pass within a few days, you need to undergo a survey from a specialist. As a rule, ear pathologies are developing against the background of common infectious diseases (flu, cortex, cold, angina), whose progression is fraught with serious complications.

During pregnancy

Most women in the period of gestation, about the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, periodically lays the ear. The emergence of the problem is more often due to hormonal restructuring and a decrease in the resistance of the body. The development of an excessive amount of progesterone and estrogen leads to the emergence of failures in the work of detoxification organs. For this reason, an excessive amount of moisture accumulates in the tissues, as a result of which the mucous membranes of the ENT organs begin to swell.

The edema of tissues contributes to a decrease in the inner diameter of the auditory channel, which prevents the normal ventilation of the drum cavity. Due to the occurrence of low pressure in the middle ear, the ears is drawn inwards, which leads to the emergence of uncomfortable sensations.

Important! Ear congestion without pain can signal the development of catarrhal otitis. Incompretable treatment of the disease can cause the development of purulent inflammation.

Other reasons

Why laid left ear? Reducing the hearing associated with the feeling of abandonment in the ears is not always associated with the dysfunction of the auditory analyzer.

Failures in the work of the organ of hearing can be associated with diseases of other organs and systems, which include:

  • choleateatoma - benign neoplasmsconsisting of epithelium organic cells, cholesterol and keratin crystals. Arise mainly in the development of chronic purulent otitis, accompanied by dedication;
  • meniere syndrome is an otolaryngological disease characterized by the accumulation of endolymphs in the cavity of the inner ear. The excess amount of fluid creates pressure on the hair cells, as a result of which hearing is reduced and a feeling of constraint occurs;
  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint - inflammation of the articular bag, accompanied by damage to the vascular-nerve beam, ensuring the innervation of the middle ear;
  • otosclerosis - pathology, which is characterized by growing bone tissue in a predominant process; leads to damage to the structures of the sound system, which is fraught with a decrease in hearing and laying the ears;
  • skull injuries - contact damage to soft tissues and chains of nerves in the auditory analyzer, which leads to the development of hearing dysfunction.

If the ear has laid and does not pass, you need to seek help from the ENT doctor to pass differential diagnosis. Audiological examination will allow you to determine with accuracy, in which level of the sound-conducting chain there were disorders, which contributes right choice Suitable course therapy.

What types of surveys need to pass if the ear lay? First of all, the specialist will examine the outer hearing passage for the presence of probulic holes in drumpox and hyperemia tissue. In case of suspicion of ear diseases, the patient will be offered to go through the following types of diagnostics:

What if she lays the right ear after a cold? Post-infectious complications, accompanied by a decrease in hearing, are most often alarmed about the development of pathogenic flora in the main hearing analyzer departments. If you have a decease, the specialist should make sowing separated from the outer auditory channel. In this way, the degree of sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to the components of antifungal and antibacterial agents can be determined.

Medical therapy

To eliminate vacuum in the ear, a specialist can prescribe a medical, physiotherapeutic or surgical treatment. The principle of therapy directly depends on the factors provoked the problem. Within the framework of pharmacotherapy to relocate an unpleasant symptom, the following types of medical preparations are used:

  • vasomotoring drops ("Nazol", "Snup") - reduce the permeability of the vessels, which leads to an increase in the inner diameter of the auditory channel and restoring the ventilation of the drum cavity;
  • anti-inflammatory drops (Otipaks, Sufraks) - contribute to the regress of foci of inflammation in the nasopharynx mucosa and the Eustachiye tube;
  • antiviral drugs ("Kagocel", "Remantadin") - kill pathogenic viruses provoking the development of bullous and diffuse otitis;
  • antifungal agents ("candibiotic", "amphogluchene") - inhibit the activity of mold and yeast-like fungi, causing the development of otomycosis;
  • antibacterial drugs ("Dexon", "Amoxicillin") - destroy aerobic and anaerobic bacteriawhich lead to the development of purulent otitis.

Important! During antibacterial therapy, it is advisable to use probiotics to prevent dysbiosis.

Removing traffic

Why is it periodically laid ears? Failure to comply with elementary hygiene rules is one of the most common causes of uncomfortable sensations. When moisture gets into the outer hearing canal, an air stopper in the ear, which prevents the evacuation of the liquid. To remove it, specialists are recommended to wash the ear with saline, heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees.

If the ear laid sharply, this may indicate the blockage of the ear passage with a sulfur traffic. The emergence of the problem is often preceded by a slight impairment of hearing, associated with partial blockage of the auditory channel. To dissolve ear sulfur and liquidation of traffic jams, specialists recommend using CeruChanology. Their composition includes superficially active components that soften the dense masses and contribute to their evacuation. If it laid the right ear, it is more expedient to use such drugs as "A-Cerumen", "Remo-Vaks", "Aqua Maris Oto", etc.

Large density plugs that do not dissolve by the Ceruchnitians are removed during a kerity with a special probe.

Edema, which caused the feeling of the breadth of the ear, can go to Otitis, and in the most difficult cases, even lead to inflammation, which is fraught with an irreversible hearing loss. Therefore, if the ear has laid, it is necessary to take action.

Why does this feeling arise at all? The auditory system includes: outdoor ear, secondary ear, interior Ear and (equilibrium body). The middle ear is connected to oral cavity Through the so-called, but with outdoor ear - through an external hearing pass. Under a number of diseases, the passability of Eustachius pipes due to the runny nose and swelling of the nasopharynx mucosa deteriorates, in the middle ear changes. A person feels discomfort, enclosure.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is necessary to remove the nasal moves and immediately after that it is used by vasoconstrictor drugs. If after the sick person is unimportant, he bursts into each nostril of 1-2 drops of "Haliomolin", "Sanior", "Naphtizin", "Kameton" or similar means, an explicit improvement will come. This procedure is carried out several times a day, depending on well-being. Do not use such drugs too often, as they cause addictive.

Good and proven - washing the nasopharynx. To do this, you can use special preparations based on sea water - "Akvalor", "Aquamaris", "Maerus". Or prepare a solution of an ordinary cook salt (1 full teaspoon on a glass of warm boiled water). This procedure is quite unpleasant, but effective.

From the congestion of the ear help simple breathing exercises. You can, for example, tightly pinch the nostrils and try out several times with force to exhale through the nose. Some doctors recommend to inflate balloons or blow into a narrow tube.

if the ear hurts

There are a lot of effective homemade tools that can get rid of ear pain. For example, injection of warm oil (olive, sea buckthorn, almond). Also hard helps to instil the juice of the onion onion or shit, 2-3 drops three times a day. Contrary to widespread prejudice, bury boric alcohol In the patient, the ear is not needed! It can aggravate the patient's condition.

It will also help with honey-soaked cotton swab, embedded in the ear at night. In any case, it is better not to engage in self-medication, but to seek help from the ENT doctor.


With an unpleasant feeling of congestion in the ears, almost every person met. It could be associated with a disease or in the ear canal. In a situation where the ears laid, you need to contact the doctor and do not try to be treated at home. A conscious approach to solving the problem of abandonment of the ear canal will help save your health and acute hearing.

What is the mortgage

The concept of the congestion of the ear is described as a feeling at which hearing is worsening, an enormous perception of one's own voice appears. Such a state may be accompanied by:

  • pain;
  • discharge from the ear;
  • itching;
  • sensation of fluid transfusion inside the ear;
  • may ring or noise in the ears.

Why lays the ears

The most harmless reason for which there may be ears - getting into the auditory canal of water after bathing. Such mortgage does not require medical intervention, since water over time comes out naturally. Another reason for the congestion, the treatment of which does not require drug intervention, is a sulfur tube. The otolaryngologist extracts a tube from the ear with the help of special tools, and with the time of hearing acuity, a person is restored. All other reasons for the feeling of congestion in the ears require competent treatment. It can be:

  • otitis of different etiology;
  • neurosensory touginess;
  • hitting foreign bodies.

Without pain

The cause of the occurrence of concreteness at which there is no pain, may be more serious than the sulfur tube. The ear of the ear without pain may appear with an exudative otitis average, which is treated hard and long. The reasons for the congestion of the ear without pain, which are associated with the advent of exudative otitis, can be a different:

  • dysfunction of the hearing pipe;
  • change of mucous membranes due to chronic inflammatory processes of nose, nasopharynx;
  • inefficient treatment of acute medium otitis;
  • anatomical features of the hearing pipe.

The inflammation of the Eustachius Pipe can also be the cause of the lagging at which there is no pain. This inflammation in the patient appears due to the violation of the aeration of the Eustachius pipe. This happens with frequent colds, inflammations of nasopharynses and serious pathologies - chronic sinusitis, angina. The patient has a dangerous swelling swelling, worsening the permeability of hearing aisters, because of this is a decrease in hearing.

Constantly laid ears

If the ear congestion is permanently and without visible reasonsIt is necessary to conduct a thorough study of the ear in the otolaryngologist. The cause of such a state may be neurosensory hearing loss, in which the perception of sensory-epithelial cells of the Cortiyev organ of the inner ear is disturbed. Such pathological changes may appear due to transferred ear infections, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, head injuries, actions of toxic drugs, diseases of bacterial etiology or genetically defective cells of the Cortiyev organ.

Ear hurts, laid and badly hear

If the ear has laid and hurts, most likely, you encountered otitis. More often, it arises due to bacteria from entering the nasopharynx channels due to protracted colds, runny nose, angina and other inflammatory and bacterial lesions of the nasopharynx. Otitis are divided into outer and medium, sharp, purulent, catarrhal, chronic. Otitis are more often associated with serious inflammatory diseases The throat and nose and I can flow with damage to the drummers. Treat otitis, depending on its nature, you need differently:

  • treatment of outdoor otitis - in the hearing pass, tubones moistened with 70% alcohol are administered, physiotherapy is assigned, increased temperature and expressed inflammation prescribed antibacterial therapy;
  • middle Otitis, sharp otitis - antibacterial therapy, Drug anesthesia and the removal of a pus from the ear, possibly surgery.

Laid one ear

If you have felt concluded in one ear, there are no pain symptoms, it could happen due to hitting foreign objects, for example, in case of improper cleaning of ear-sinks, when wool remains in a rumor passage. After using cotton sticks, sulfur plugs may form, the presence of which also causes a deterioration in hearing and concrete. Badly affect the ears of the disease of the nasopharynx. Connection of one ear during illness - frequent satellite cold illnessFunny.

Periodically lays the ear

A feeling of abandonment in ears, which is not related to the above reasons, can cause pressure drops in the outer hearing aisle. The presence of unpleasant symptoms of congestion during the flight by plane, especially when taken and landing, - normal phenomenon.

Avoiding the feeling of mortgage in disruption is possible, if you help yourself with simple exercises. Otolaryngologists advise you to try to open a wide mouth: In such a position, your drumpipe will be safe with sharp pressure drops. If there are no pressure jumps, and the ear periodically lays out, - consult a doctor.

Laying ears without a cold

In most cases, a runny nose occurs during the breadth of the ear. If with a runny node laid a part, this is a normal phenomenon. Bad signIf there is no visible reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the ear, but the conciseness begins to be accompanied by pain. In people who have diseases such as osteochondrosis, ICC, migraine, problems with brain vessels, vertigo, or tumor brain damage, hearing deterioration periodically observed. It can be accompanied by dizziness, headaches, in the eyes.

During pregnancy

The reason why pregnant patients lays ears, pressure drops are more often a pressure reduction. Pressure jumps are common symptom in pregnant women, and it is connected with physical changes in the body of a woman. This is not dangerous. However, if your ears have laid, and this condition is accompanied by headaches, dizziness appear, then immediately need to consult a doctor. Such symptoms may be associated with inflammation of the outer and middle ear, being signs of other diseases.


Each otolaryngologist knows what to do when there is an ear and how to identify the cause of the problem. Standardly under the pathologies of the ear, the following studies are carried out:

  • ear video endoscopy and nasal video endoscopy-icing of ear passage, eardrum or nasal cavity, with the help of a special device with the ability to record video research;
  • tympanometry - the study of ear functions by creating different pressure in the auditory channel;
  • audiometry - study of hearing acuity with sounds of different levels Volume.

If necessary, additionally holds:

  • cT scan;
  • sowing from an auditory passage, nasal cavities;
  • general analysis blood and others.

Treatment methods

If the reason for the alend is already known, to understand how to treat the ear of the ear at home is not so difficult. You can not eliminate mortgage, because there is a risk of complications. If problems with the middle ear are identified, otitis of different etiology, then the treatment is prescribed and controls ENT. If foreign items get to the doctor also need to contact the doctor. Get rid of the water that got into the ear, you can independently - it is easily evacuated if you tilt your head, creating conditions for it.

Medical therapy

A list of special preparations for the treatment of the disease is only a doctor. Treatment At first glance, the same Otites may differ at least for the cause of the presence or absence of perforation of the eardrum. General for all cases - appointment vesseloring droplets into the nose. They help to remove swelling in Eustachius pipe. The vasoconstrictor drops include:

  • Naphtizin;
  • Nazol;
  • Galazoline;
  • Sanorin.

The following drugs are often used to treat Otitis:

  1. Ear drops with antibiotics - Ciprofarm, Regams, Otofa.
  2. Drops combined - Sofradeks (antibiotic and corticosteroids anesthetics), a candeibiotic (antibiotic, antifungal component and lidocaine is anesthetic, treat fungus).
  3. Antiseptic - Miramistin.
  4. Ointment against fungus - Clotrimazole, pimafucin.

Antibiotics in tablets or injections doctors are prescribed in difficult cases, for example, when Otitis appears on the background of an angina. Prescribed parallel to S. medical treatment Physiotherapy, purging by the politzer, pneumatic massage of the eardrum. In severe cases - shunting of the eardrum or paracentesis, catheterization of auditory pipes.

Removing traffic

Sulfuric tubes appear more often in children, since the child has a child not yet fully developed. It is narrower than in adults, therefore the risk of accumulation of ear sulfur, which creates a plug, is significantly higher. Diagnose the cork in the ear simply: discomfort and itching in the ear, the acuity of hearing is reduced, the patient feels mortgage. There are several ways to get rid of ear traffic jams:

  • washing (makes a doctor);
  • purging;
  • removal solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • treatment with special preparations (drops) or phytosvets.

It is impossible to do the procedure for washing and purging yourself, the cork is correctly removed correctly. Trying to clean the cork independently, blowing the ear, can be dangerous. If you damage the eardrum, you can freeze. At home, it is safe to remove the cork in the following ways:

  1. Drops of type A-Cerumen or Remo-Wax need to drip several days according to the instructions. They dissolve ear sulfur, therefore contribute to light removal of the plug. Before applying requires a doctor's consultation, since the components can cause individual intolerance.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Apply peroxide as a drops a few days before completely dissolving the plug and washing the particles from the ear canal. A drop of peroxide needs to be kept in the ears of up to 10 minutes. Hissing from peroxide can cause discomfort, but it is insignificant.
  3. Ear candles. Candles made using natural wax and propolis helps to pull out a sulfur, heating ears. They can be used, even if the ears hurt. The pain begins to pass after the first procedure. Candle can replace a warm compress if the ear is blown.


Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Articles do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Laid ears: reasons and what to do

If unexpectedly laid the ear, but it does not hurt that even medical professionals do not always know in such a situation. The fact is that the breadths of the ear - common symptom Different pathologies and before taking any healing measures, it is necessary to establish the cause of malaise.

This is a disgusting feeling, and how to deal with this phenomenon - it is not clear.

Many people do not like to be treated and without extreme necessity, do not hurry on a visit to the doctor. The absence of pain in the congestion of the ear creates the illusion of insignificance of the problem, which means that its decision does not need the help of physicians.
But doctors do not recommend ignoring such a state and insist on the passage of the diagnostic survey.

As mortgage arises

Hearing organs u. healthy people functions like this:

  • sound waves are collected by ear sink;
  • in the ear aisle, sound fluctuations move to the eardrum located between the outer and middle ear;
  • next, there is a strengthening and conversion of sound to electrical parameters.

The feeling of the congestion of the ear is nothing but a violation of the passage of sound to auditory analyzer. This is possible in two situations - if there were obstacles on the sound wave path, blocking its progress on a rumor passage, or when the perception of sound signals is broken.

Reducing the hearing sensitivity indicates the presence of obstacles on the way to promote sound or the development of dysfunctions of sound reacting organs.

What leads to a decrease in hearing

The causes of the ear may be set.

The reasons for which the ear can be laid, doctors are divided into natural and pathological.

TO natural factorscausing the blockage of the auditory channel include:

  • sulf corks. Arise due to the accumulation of excess amount of the sulfur secret in the auditory pass;
  • a sharp change in the level of atmospheric pressure. Most often occurs during flights, when lifting to a large height or at diving under water;
  • mucus penetrating the Eustachiev pipe with miscurry during rhinitis;
  • hit into the auditory passage of water, air or foreign objects.

As a rule, the removal of the cause of discomfort allows you to get rid of stagnation to return the natural hearing level quickly and painlessly.
If the reason for congestion lies in the development of any pathological processes, it is possible to get rid of the problem only by treatment.

Among the most common causes of the ear of the ear:

  • inflammatory processes. Accompanied by swelling of soft tissues, overlapping the auditory channel;
  • the development of hearing loss, due to the pathological lesions of the organs of the earcope;
  • inflammations affecting the mucous membranes of the fabrics of the inner ear.

If the head hurts and lays the ears, then this can be regarded as symptoms of diseases that are not related to hearing organs - damage to the nerve processes as a result of injury, bone expanding, the development of neoplasms.

In addition, the ear congestion often occurs during pregnancy, most often, in the second trimester.

This is due to hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women who contribute to the cluster of the fluid in the tissues humorcraft And their eight.

What to do, laid ear, but it does not hurt

The discomfort, which is accompanied by embossing in the ears, forces a person to take measures to get rid of this problem.

With cold, runny nose, otitis, siny

The development of colds is often accompanied by the lesion of the nasopharynx, which, in the absence of timely treatment, leads to inflammatory processes not only in the auditory, but also other organism systems. At the same time, there may be noise in the ears or concreteness without the appearance of pain.

Eliminate ear congestion at a cold is possible only after the treatment of the underlying disease.

Without help qualified specialist It is not necessary to do here because the integrated effect on the foci of inflammation is necessary:

  • drops of the vasoconductive group;
  • warming compresses - based on oil or alcohol;
  • anti-inflammatory drops;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • special exercises that reduce pressure on the eardrum.

After the pool laid ear what to do

The uncomfortable feelings in the ear often occur when the water passage is in the auditory passage after visiting the pool, the washing of the head or bathing in the sea and the reservoir. Despite the fact that visible evasions of ear health water does not cause, over time, the impact of moisture can lead to the development of catarrhal processes.

You can easily get rid of water in the ear in the following way:

  • to lie on the side of the sick ear, clamping the nostrils and take a few swallowing with a closed mouth;
  • pull the ear behind the lobe, tilting the head to the side;
  • make a sharp tilt forward, holding the legs on the width of the shoulders and also sharply straighten up.

You can also put a small cotton swab in your ear so that it absorbs water.

If the measures taken did not help, it is best to appeal to the doctor immediately.

Ear lays out in the plane

Ear lays out in the plane in many people.

Air travel almost always cause ear congestion. To avoid discomfort, it is necessary at the time of lifting the aircraft to chew a chewing chew or sucking the lollipops, yawning, or simply to open the mouth, imitating the yawning, massage the bulge behind the ear located at the level of the upper line of the lobe.

What to do with the house laid due to sulfur traffic jam

The sulfur plug is formed from the accumulations of the natural secret produced by ear glands for lubricating the auditory passage and protection against the impact of microorganisms. By virtue of of various reasons, sulfur can accumulate and gradually score a hearing aisle.

To remove the sulfur tube, washing the aurope with water or saline is used. To facilitate the procedure, the sulfur plug is pre-softened with several drops of hydrogen peroxide.
Best of all, the otolaryngologist will cope with this task.

The use of a cotton wand to remove the sulfur tube is not recommended as a method that contributes to the seal of sulfur sediments in the ear.

At elevated pressure

If the ears laid at high pressure, it is necessary to lie down, take a sedative or drug appointed by the attending physician and call ambulance. The use of other independent measures before the doctor's arrival is not recommended.

When should you consult a doctor

When the cause of the ear is unknown, or other symptoms appeared, then you need to consult a doctor.

It is not always possible to get rid of the ears of the ear, but in some cases, home treatment can lead to complications with the health of hearing organs. If the cause of malaise is unknown or observed others alarm symptomsYou should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms of serious diseases

The feeling of congestion in the ear is often observed at various diseasesnot related to hearing organs.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to such manifestations of pathological changes in the body:

  • tinnitus;
  • blood or pus arising from the ear;
  • strong dizziness accompanied by vomiting;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • bouts of irritability;
  • temperature increase.

One or more mentioned symptoms that manifest themselves on the background of the stuffed ears may be signs of cardiovascular pathologies, hypertensive crisis or serious inflammatory processes.
In such cases, the doctor's inspection and special therapeutic measures are needed.

What can the danger

Ears are important organthat you need to take care of the most.

The lack of treatment or incorrectly taken measures under the ear is able to cause the development of complications.

Among possible consequences:

  • violation or loss of hearing;
  • problems with the vestibular apparatus - dizziness, loss of equilibrium, changes in coordination of movements;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynk;
  • meningitis;
  • neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve;
  • defeat of the kidneys and the urinary sphere.

Do not underestimate the level possible riskwhich occurs if you ignore the treatment. Even the most harmless, at first glance, malaise can turn into complications, to the elimination of which will need years of once healthy and full-fledged life.

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