Causes outdoor. Outdoor hemorrhoids

Inflammation of the outdoor ear of diffuse or limited nature. The limited outdoor Otitis is manifested by the formation of a furuncle with a sharply pronounced pain syndrome in the stage of infiltration and the possibility of the development of a furunculesis during its opening. The diffuse outer OTIIT is characterized by a spilled inflammation of the auditory passage, which is accompanied by pain and painting in the ear, serous, and then purulent separated. In order to diagnose outdoor otitis, an inspection and palpation of the near-surround region, a otoscopy, an audiometry, a bappower separated from the ear are carried out. Medical events With outer otitis, it is washing the auditory pass by antiseptics, laying Turunch to it with medicinal preparations, carrying out general antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating treatment.




The outer ear is the peripheral part of the human hearing aid. It consists of an external auditory pass, having a cartilage and bone part, and ear shell. From the cavity of the middle ear, the outdoor ear is separated by a drumpot. With local inflammation of the outer auditory pass, they talk about limited outdoor otitis. It is a purulent-inflammatory process in the region of the hair follicle - a furuncle. Spilled inflammation of the auditory passage, covering its cartilage and bone part, in otolaryngology is called diffuse outer otitis. The diffuse outer otitis is characterized by inflammatory changes in both the skin and in the subcutaneous fat transshipment of the auditory passage, may be accompanied by inflammation of the eardrum.

Causes of outdoor otitis

The cause of external otitis is the infection of the skin of the outer auditory passage. The causative agent of limited outdoor otitis is most often the pyrogen staphylococcus. Diffuse outdoor Otitis can be caused by staphylococci, hemophilic stick, pneumococci, klebseyllay, blue stick, moraxella, mushrooms of the genus Candida, etc. Most often infection in the hearing passage with the development of outer Otitis is observed when fostering from perforated eardrum with acute and chronic purulent rheuble. Otitis, purulent labyrinthite.

Penetration of pathogen inside skin coverlining an outer hearing pass is carried out in places of damage and microtrav. In turn, injury to the skin of the auditory passage is possible with ear injury, the presence of foreign bodies in it, hitting aggressive chemical substances, improperly carrying out ear hygiene, independent attempts to extract sulfur tubes, combing the ear at itchy dermatoses (eczema, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis) and diabetes mellitus.

The emergence of outer Otitis contributes to constant moistening of the auditory passage of water in it, which leads to a decrease in the barrier function of the skin. A favorable background for the development of outdoor otitis is also a reduction in the general protective forces of the body, which is observed in avitaminosis, immunodeficiency states (for example, with HIV infection), chronic infections (tuberculosis, syphilis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic pyelonephritis), strong overwork (chronic fatigue syndrome).

Limited outdoor otitis

Symptoms of limited outdoor otitis

In its development, the limited outdoor otitis passes the same stages as a boil on the surface of the skin. However, the closed space and abundant innervation of the auditory passage in which the furuncle is located with outer otitis, cause some features of it clinical picture. Usually limited outdoor otitis begins with the sensation of a strong itching in a rumor passage, which then develops into pain. The increase in the sizes of the furuncle of the ear in the stage of infiltration leads to the compression of nerve receptors and the rapid increase in pain.

Pain in the ear with a limited outdoor otitis in its intensity exceeds the pains that obstinate the acute average average. They irradiate in the temple, the head, upper and low jaw, capture the whole half of the head from the sick ear. There is an amplification of painful syndrome when chewing, which in some cases makes the patient with outdoor otitis to abandon meals. It is characterized by an increase in the intensity of pain at night, in connection with which sleep is happening. Infiltration with limited outer otitis can achieve a significant amount. At the same time, the furuncle completely overlaps the clearance of the auditory passage and leads to a decrease in hearing (hearing loss).

Opening a furuncle with outer otitis is accompanied by the expiration of a pus from the ear and a sharp decrease in pain syndrome. However, when opening the furuncula, there is often an intergeneration of other hair follicles of the auditory passage with the formation of multiple boils and the development of a furunculose, which is distinguished by a stubborn flow and resistance to the therapy. Multiple furuncules with outer otitis lead to full obturation of the auditory passage and strengthening clinical symptoms Diseases. Regional lymphadenitis develops. The appearance of swelling in the ear and outwarding of the ear shell is possible, which requires differentiation of outdoor otitis from mastoiditis.

Diagnosis of limited outdoor otitis

Treatment of limited outdoor otitis

In the infiltration stage of limited outdoor otitis, the toilet is carried out by the outer ear and the treatment of the affected area with silver nitrate. In the auditory pass, Turundu with antibacterial ointment is introduced. Ear burst with ear drops containing an antibiotic (neomycin, offlsacin, etc.). Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for removal of pain syndrome. It is possible to use UHF therapy. Ripened furuncle can be opened using a cut. After its opening, the outer hearing pass is washed with antibiotic and antiseptics solutions.

With outdoor otitis with multiple bruuncons, antibiotic therapy is shown. In confirming the staphylococcal nature of Otitis, antistaphococcal antecisin or vaccine is used. In order to increase immunity, vitaminotherapy, immunocorrecting treatment, Ufock or Block procedures, autohemotherapy are recommended.

Diffuse Outdoor Otitis

Symptoms of diffuse outer otitis

The diffuse form of external otitis begins with a feeling of cutting, itching and increasing the temperature in the auditory passage. Very soon there is a pain syndrome, which is accompanied by the irradiation of pain in full of head and its significant gain during chewing. The expressed pain syndrome with diffuse outer otitis leads to a breakdown of sleep and anorexia. A significant swelling of the inflamed walls of the auditory pass narrows its clearance and causes a decline in hearing. Diffuse Outdoor Oditis is accompanied by a small amount of sections from the ear, which at the beginning are serous in nature, and then become purulent. There is an increase in regional lymph nodes. In severe disease, distribution is possible inflammatory process on the ear shell and soft fabrics The nearby area.

The acute period of diffuse outer Otitis lasts 2-3 weeks. Then, against the background of the treatment or spontaneously, a decrease in the symptoms of the disease and the complete recovery of the patient can occur. Also, diffuse outdoor otitis can take a protracted flow and go into a chronic form. Chronic outdoor otitis is accompanied by the formation of scars, which reduce the clearance of the auditory passage and can cause a resistant reduction in hearing.

Diagnosis of diffuse outdoor otitis

Pronounced pain when pressed on the kid, pulling out the ear shell, palpation in the ear and above the corner upper jaw He indicates a spilled inflammation of the auditory passage. The otoscopy with diffuse outer otitis detects total redness and swelling of the skin covering the auditory passage, the presence of erosions with serous separated. In a later period of outer Otitis, the obturation of the auditory pass is detected due to the pronounced edema of its walls, the ulcers and cracks that allocate greenish-yellow pus are visualized. Audiometry indicates the presence of hearing loss on the conductive type. The lateralization of sound happens to the patient's ear. Bacteriological study of the ear separated from the ear allows you to verify the pathogen and establish its sensitivity to the main antibacterial drugs.

Differential diagnosis of diffuse outer Otitis is carried out with purulent medium otitis, rye, acute eczema and wrestling of the auditory passage.

Treatment of diffuse outer otitis

Therapy of diffuse outer OTITIT is carried out by the systemic use of antibiotics, multivitamine and antihistamine drugs. If necessary, immunocoregrating treatment is carried out. Local treatment The diffuse outer Otitis is running in the auditory passage of Turund with yellow mercury ointment, brown liquid, antibacterial and hormonal ointments, injection of ear droplets with antibiotics. The purulent nature of the ear separated from the ear is an indication for washing the hearing pass by solutions of antibiotics.

Outdoor otitis of fungal etiology is treated antifungal drugs System and locally use.

Prevention of outdoor otita

To prevent the infection of the skin of the auditory passage with the development of outdoor otitis, it is necessary to avoid combing the ear shell, injury to the ear and ingress of foreign bodies. When bathing should take the ear from getting into it. In no case can you independently try to remove the foreign body of the ear, as this often leads to injury to the skin of the auditory passage. Do not clean the ear from sulfur not intended for this items: with a pin, toothpick, match, clip, etc. The toilet ear should be made by a special ear stick to a depth of no more than 0.5-1 cm from the beginning of the auditory passage.

An otolaryngological disease, which is characterized by the presence of inflammation of the outer ear, anatomically consisting of an ear shell, eardrum and a hearing aisle, is called outdoor (external) otitis.

7-12 years old is the age group of which this pathology is most often occurring. This is due to the fact that they are not developed enough both general and local immunity, as well as due to the characteristics of the ear of the child. External otitis is arugaling for such groups of people like swimmers, drivers.

Outdoor Otitis classification depending on the origin:

  1. Otitis infectious nature (streptococci, staphylococci, candidate fungi or aspergillus, a cynical wand).
  2. Non-infectious nature.

Classification depending on the form of the disease:

  1. Limited.
  2. Diffuse.
  3. Perichondrite.
  4. Ecanic lesion of the skin of the external ear.
  5. Otomycosis.

Causes of outdoor otita

There are many factors that can lead to external otitis. We divide them conditionally into several groups:

  1. Improper Hygiene Ear:
    • Cleaning auditory passes with objects not intended for these purposes (matches, toothpicks).
    • Bad care for past sinks.
    • Deep cleaning of ears (possibly in infection).
    • Very frequent purification of the auditory passage.
  2. Fit water and any foreign bodies in the ear cavity.
  3. When the formation of ear sulfur is disturbed (if it is not enough, the EAR's protective mechanisms will decrease, if it is in excess, sulfur traffic jams can be formed, infection in the ear).
  4. Reduced in general and local immunity ( chronic diseases, frequent infections, supercooling, AIDS, diabetes mellitus).
  5. In the presence of infectious diseases of the neighboring organs, secondary otites arise (with vapotites, furunculosis, carbunculosis).
  6. Skin diseases (eczema).
  7. Medicinal preparations (antibiotics, cytostatics).
  8. Availability of other risk factors ( childhoodchronic middle Otitis, anatomically narrow hearing pass).

Outdoor Otitom symptoms

The outer otitis clinic will be directly dependent on the form of the disease, but you can select the leading symptoms of external otitis:

  • Acute ear pain.
  • Running purulent content.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the near-wing area.
  • Intense pain in contact with a kozelk or ear shell.

Clinic limited otita

Observed when it occurs purulent inflammation - furuncle.

  1. Hyperemia and edema of the ear wall.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Acute ear pain, irradiating in the neck, jaw.
  4. Significant reinforcement pain sensations When chewing, pressing or moving the ear shell.
  5. General violation of the patient's condition.
  6. The presence of furuncule.

Symptomatics of diffuse external otitis

A distinctive feature will be inflammation of the entire auditory.


  1. Severe sensations.
  2. Purulent twitching.
  3. Painted feelings when trying to prescribe an auditory passage.
  4. Minor ear pain.
  5. The swelling of the hearing stroke.
  6. Symptoms of intoxication ( increased temperature, apathy).

Clinic Perichondrita

It occurs when the cartilage of the ears (after injury) is inflated.


  1. Painful syndrome.
  2. Subwoaded ear sink and urine.
  3. Large pus in the ear. Therefore, when palpation is felt the cavity filled with liquid.
  4. The gradual increase in pain, when touching the ear becomes unbearable.
  5. Violation of general well-being (weakness, temperature increase).

Symptoms of otomycosis

Represents infection The ear, which occurs when the appearance of mold fungi on the walls of the eardrum and the outer auditory.

Therapy of limited external otitis

First we carry out the processing of the affected area (silver nitrate is used). Next, we take in the same proportions boric acid And glycerin, loosening your cotton tongue and insert into the ear, you can use ointments for this purpose. After this procedure, the ears need to be dripped with antibiotic (Phalidex, Otofa).

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents (paracetamol, ibuprofen) are used to eliminate pain. In some cases, the opening of the furuncle was shown, followed by antibiotic surface treatment and antiseptic.

Sometimes (with multiple furunculese) the doctor prescribes oral antibacterial drugs (Augmentin, Amoxicillin, Cephazoline). As additional methods apply UFO and UHF therapy. Vitamins also apply to increasing the resistance of the body.

Treatment of diffuse form of outdoor otitis

Similarly, as with a limited form, we introduce an ointment in the UCHO with an ointment, which contains a hormonal component, or with the berova ointment. Drops are prescribed to ears with antibiotics. The antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agents are used (Nurofen, acetylsalicylic acid), Vitamin complex, drugs for immunity correction.

In the presence of purulent discharge from the ear, it is washed with an outdoor auditory passage. To do this, use the jet introduction of the furaciline solution. Additionally use microwave, UHF therapy.

With a severe course of the disease, autohemotherapy is used (blood is taken from the vein and administered intramuscularly, that is, they carry out therapy with its own blood). Independent treatment Diseases without consulting and controlling the doctor threatens serious consequences and complications.

Acute outdoor otitis is defined as diffuse inflammation of an external auditory passage that can spread to the ear shell or eardrum. For diffuse outer Otitis, rapid development is characterized (usually up to 48 hours) over the past 3 weeks, when there are symptoms and signs of hearing aid inflammation. A distinctive feature Diseases is the soreness of the goat and / or the ear shell, often more intense than we can expect on the basis of a visual inspection.

Acute outdoor otitis - acute inflammation The subcutaneous tissue of the skin of the ear canal, which is sometimes accompanied by an edema. The overwhelming majority of Otitis cases are caused bacterial infection. Frequent pathogens are a cinema stick (20-60%) and golden staphylococcus (10-70%), often polyimicrobial infections occur. Other pathogens are predominantly gram-negative microorganisms (except P. aeruginosa), each of which causes no more than 2-3% of cases of outdoor otitis. Fungal infections It is rarely the cause of the initial acute outdoor otitis, they are more often found in chronic outdoor otitis or after treatment acute form Local (less often system) antibiotics.

Symptoms and diagnostics

Clinical manifestations that are taken into account in the diagnosis of diffuse acute outdoor otitis:

  • Fast development (usually up to 48 hours) over the past 3 weeks.
  • Symptoms of eye channel inflammation, in particular: Otaly (often heavy), itching or concrete, with or without hearing loss or jaw pain.
  • Signs of inflammation of the ear canal, in particular: the soreness of the goat and / or ear shell or the diffuse edema of the ears and / or erythema with or without dedication, regional lymphhadenitis, erythema eardrum or cellulite of the auricle and adjacent skin.
  • The pain in the ear canal and the temporal-mandibular joint is enhanced when the jaw movement.

There are diffuse acute outdoor otitis and other pathologies, such as the Otteria, the tear and inflammation of the outer auditory passage.
Evaluate modifying factors: the presence of a patient with diffuse acute outer otitis of factors affecting its treatment (damage to the eardrum, a tymposomantic tube, diabetes, weakened immunity preceding radiation therapy).

Outdoor otitis on μb 10

Outdoor otitis by international Classification Diseases 10 revision has the H60 code. H60.3 code have diffuse
And hemorrhagic otitis. Cellulite of the outer ear has the code H60.1.


First, the severity of pain in patients with acute outdoor otitis is evaluated and adequate anesthesia are recommended.
Next are prescribed systemic antibiotics. Systemic antibacterial drugs do not apply primary therapy In the case of diffuse uncomplicated acute outdoor otitis, if the defeat does not extend beyond the ease channel and there are no factors that indicate the need to participate in the patient in systemic therapy.

The treatment of outdoor otitis is:

  • processing and disinfection affected by otitis ear;
  • local treatment with ear drops;
  • local antibiotics;
  • in severe cases - antibiotics orally.

With uncomplicated outer otitis light shape Apply a local solution of acetic acid, hydrocortisone, as well as various drops:

  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Polymixin;
  • Neomycin;
  • Offloxacin.

Acute outdoor otitis middle severity It may require the room in the ear canal of tampons, moistened in the antibiotic. This allows you to reduce swelling caused by inflammation and further apply various local drugs.

Heavy outdoor otitis requires the systemic use of antibiotics to prescribe a doctor, such as ciprofloxacin, cephalexin.

Treatment with local means

For initial therapy of diffuse uncomplicated acute outer Otitis, local drugs are used. Specialists emphasize the importance of local therapy (without the use of system antibiotics) for primary treatment With uncomplicated outer otitis. If the drops are prescribed as initial therapy when otitis, then a prerequisite for treatment is the most accurate compliance with the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The use of one ear droplets (which may contain antibiotics, antiseptics, steroids, or their combination) is the most effective tool With acute outdoor otitis.

Oral antibiotics do not kill most microbes that cause acute outdoor otitis; They are used only when:

  • infection extends beyond the borders;
  • drops can not get into the ear;
  • the immune system is too weak.

Frequent questions in the treatment of otitis

What drops are better to apply to the treatment of acute outdoor otitis?

All local drugs approved for the treatment of acute outdoor otitis are highly efficient, without reliable advantages of one particular drug over others.

If all drops are equally effective for the treatment of acute outdoor otitis, why do the doctors prescribe different?

Your doctor will discuss with you why he chose concrete drops. The factors that take into account are the cost, the frequency of reception, the state of the eardrum, the experience of the doctor. Your opinion about what drug should be preferred, should also be taken into account by the doctor.

There is something that I must know a doctor about and what can help determine which drops are better in the treatment of acute outdoor otitis?

Tell your doctor if you have ever been surgical intervention On the ear, if the integrity of the eardrum is broken (there is a hole or perforation) or there is a tube for ventilation of the middle ear. If there are at least one of these conditions, your doctor is forced to prescribe drops allowed for use in the middle ear, in case the number of their number penetrates through the eardrum. You should also inform the doctor if you recently used other ear drugs or if in the past you had a side reaction to the ear drug or antibiotic. And finally, you must tell a doctor if you are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (or you suspect that they suffer diabetes), As this may affect the treatment.

If I start using ear dropsHow fast should I feel relieved?

Most people begin to feel better after 48 -72 hours, and in 7 days the symptoms of acute outdoor otitis are manifested as minimally or disappear. Tell your doctor if the pain or other symptoms are not reduced during this period.

If, when applied, the improvement usually occurs no earlier than 48 hours, what should be done to quickly facilitate the state?

A painkillers are especially important to use to facilitate the symptoms of acute outdoor otitis during the first few days until ear drops began to act. Discuss with your doctor what kind of drug will be optimal for you. It is not recommended to use ear drops with anesthetic (anesthetic) action, as they are not intended for use during acute infection Angry passage and can mask the symptoms of a slow response to therapy.

How long will I need to use local drugs from otitis?

Ear drops should be used at least for 7 days (even if you feel the improvement earlier) to avoid recurrence of infection. If symptoms are available in 7 days, you must inform your doctor and continue the use of droplets until the otitis symptoms disappear (for a maximum of 7 additional days).

There are certain restrictions on activities or special measures that will help rapid restoration of the normal state of the ear. Avoid scratches and tours of the ear, enter nothing in the ear canal, in particular cotton wands. Close the opening channel with a piece of cotton wool, lubricated vaseline before taking a shower or wash your hair to minimize water entering. Discuss with your doctor the opportunity to go swimming or other types of water-related activity, in the treatment of infection or shortly after improvement.

Side reactions to the drops that I should know.

In general, ear drops are safe and well tolerated. Individuals report local rashes, itching, annihilation, discomfort, but these adverse reactions Rarely cause termination of therapy. If you feel the taste when applying ear drops, it is likely to mean the presence of a hole or perforation of the eardrum, so inform the doctor (if this has not yet been done). Also consult a doctor if the use of drops is accompanied by pain or if unexpected symptoms appear

How to drip drops when otitis?

If possible, ask someone to help you burst drops in the ear canal. Lie the baked ear up. Enter the number of drops in the ear canal sufficient to fill it. After entering the drops, stay in this position for 3-5 minutes (use the timer for measuring time). It is important to ensure sufficient time to penetrate the droplets into the auditory channel.
Neat pulling and releasing the ear sometimes helps to penetrate the drops in proper place. Alternative way It is alternating a press on a small cartilage in the front of the ear (konzelok) and release it. After that, you can get up and continue your normal activity. Surplus drops should be removed.

When using ear drops, ears should be dry. Try not to clean your ears yourself, as it can damage the auditory pass or even the eardrum. If the drops do not take place easily, it may be necessary to consult a doctor so that he cleanse the ear canal or placed Turundum. The Turunda introduced into the auditory canal may fall out by itself. This is a good sign, he indicates that inflammation subsides and recovery.

Increase the effectiveness of the use of local droplets with the help of the correct input and execution of the ear toilet, the use of tours in the event of obstruction of ear channels.

Damage to the eardrum

When the patient has (or suspected) perforation of the eardrum or there is a tympanosomatic rubber tires, the doctor should not prescribe output local means.

The doctor re-examines the patient in the absence of a clinical response to the initial therapy for 48 -72 hours to confirm the diagnosis of diffuse acute octita and exclude other causes of the disease.

The results of the treatment of acute outdoor otitis

The primary result in the treatment of Otitis is considered to be clinical regress of symptoms of acute otitis, such as pain, fever, tear.

Additional results of otitis treatment include:

  • minimizing the use of inefficient treatment methods;
  • eradication of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • reducing the frequency of relapses, complications and adverse reactions;
  • reducing the cost of treatment;
  • maximum increase in the health of the quality of life and patient satisfaction;
  • ensuring the possibility of further use hearing aids If necessary.

The relatively high frequency of acute outdoor otitis and the diversity of forms of medical intervention determine the importance of using modern scientifically based practical recommendations.

Acute outdoor otitis - a disease that requires extremely treatment In order to avoid damage to the hearing organs.

Each of the three departments of the human ear performs its functions depending on the structures that are placed in this department. Otitis is called inflammation of one of them and as the ear is anatomically divided into outdoor, secondary and internal, then Otitis is different.
Today it will be about inflammation of the outdoor ear. You will learn from which this department is, its basic functions, the influence of which factors provokes the occurrence of inflammation, which symptoms may indicate the presence of this type of otita and another important information.

The outer ear begins the ear sink and ends with a drumpatch, after which the average begins, and then interior Ear. Therefore, the composition of this department is recorded by ear sink and an outer hearing aisle.
Own sink consists of their cartilage tissue, which is covered with skin on all sides. Thanks to his funnel structure, the ear shell collects and directs the waves of sound into a deeper structure of the external ear - an external hearing pass.

General functions of the ear shell are as follows:

Already mentioned trapping and transfer sound waves
Protection of external auditory pass from dust
Partial protection against injuries of other ear departments due to the shape of cartilage fabric

The outer hearing pass has a length of 2.5 - 3.5 cm, it is a little bent in two places. Lumen with a diameter of up to 8 millimeters fastened with skin covered with thin hairs, is equipped silent glaresproducing ear sulfur. The walls of the passage consist of cartilage tissue, and under it is bone Skull.

The functions of the auditory pass are as follows:

Holding sound oscillations in the middle ear
Protection of deeper structures from injury and pollution
Maintaining constant temperaturewhich does not depend on the temperature of the external environment to ensure normal functioning conditions drumpox.

Mechanisms for the development of outdoor otitis

The inflammation of the middle ear is usually developing as a complication of the nasopharynx infectious diseases, in which the bacteria fall into the ear through a hearing tube connecting it with the nose. Outdoor Otitis in turn can be in no way connected with any other diseases. Let's start with its first view, which is characterized by a softer course.

Limited outdoor otitis

As we have already written in the section "The structure of the outer ear", in the auditory passage there are minor hairs that perform a protective function. Due to the fact that constant is constantly maintained in the passage, quite heat and humidity, and the walls are covered with ear gray, the risk of hair follicle increases slightly. At the same time, a painful furuncle is formed, which will not be able to see without special tools. This type of inflammation is not difficult to distinguish from other, more serious - the pain is localized close enough to the ear shell and goes by itself after several days when the furuncle shovels and the pus flows out.

Diffuse Outdoor Otitis

Depending on the cause of inflammation, diffuse otitis of the outer ear is divided into three types:


The bacterial type can develop as a consequence of bacteria getting into a wound in the ear, applied, for example, a wand for cleaning the ears or any other subject that accidentally falling into the auditory passage. Then microorganisms are multiplied with a rapid pace at the place of damage, creating a focus of inflammation.

Allergic Otitis is usually manifested with local allergic reactions, when a substance that man does not tolerate. The possibility of developing outdoor otitis with general allergic reaction Mala.

The fungal otitis develops when the fungus hit in the ear. Microorganisms are easy to fit in a medium with a large humidity and a convenient temperature, so such an infection is possible even without the injury of an external auditory passage.

Who has the risk of otitis outdoor ear is especially great?

To the first group we will take the children. They are greatly likely to damage the ear, both marigolds and any other found in the house. Even at the age of several months, the child can scatter if there will be no protective gloves on his hands. You can prevent the development of outdoor otitis in children if it is possible to notice in time that the child stuffed a thing in the ear, carefully remove it and disinfect the auditory pass (do not use alcohol for this). In the ear, you can order a solution of 3% of hydrogen peroxide and boiled water in the proportion of approximately 1: 1, or lubricate it with a small amount of greencraft.

In the second group there will be people whose work is associated with dust, other types of air pollution. Particles flying in the air are settled on the outer hearing tube and large quantities can also lead to inflammation. To avoid it, work in special headphones and every day, by finishing the work, just wipe the ears with a storm with a wet chopstick.

And the third group is adults who like to use sulfur from sulfur to use not intended for this items. The most popular here are matches or toothpicks, which are wound a piece of watts or gauze. In the process of cleaning the auditory passage, the sharp tap of the toothpick or one of the cut edges of the match can easily pass through the wool or gauze and scratch the skin on the ear. With the volume, the scratch can be how small that you will not even notice its appearance. But the protective layer of the ear is disturbed and now any bacterium that fell into it is greater likely to lead to inflammation. It is easy to avoid it - do not use anything other than soft cotton sticks to remove the ear sulfur and do not shove them too deep. If this happened, and you don't have them, then at least moisten the vaccine or gauze with a small amount of non-oxics and be careful during the procedure.

Symptoms otitis outdoor ear

Often, this kind of otitis does not pass so acutely as inner or medium, but it also gives a lot of trouble. For the treatment of otitis, you may have to start if you have
constantly hurts the ear in place located closer to the ear shell
The auditory pass swells, the lymph nodes in the ear
Itching in the ear
Pump or other uncharacteristic fluid is released

Treatment of outdoor otita

Cured it in a non-running stage is easy. Most often use means caused by Turundum, or anti-inflammatory antibacterial ointments without antibiotics. Tourund can be impregnated born alcohol, or its mixture with Dimeksida in proportion 1: 1. After it needs to be left in the ear for about an hour. This method is often effective, but in the presence of a wound or furuncle in the ear can cause strong pain, Therefore, it is still better if the means for the treatment of otitis will write you a doctor after examining the ear and determine the damage that are present in it.

Outdoor otitis the disease is actually quite serious, this article is written for informational purposes. We strongly recommend at the first signs of otitis to contact qualified specialist, To obtain advice and appoints the right treatment.

Outdoor otitis is the disease of the outer part of the hearing body, which consists of a sink, an auditory passage and the drum area. Inflammation in most cases appears due to the penetration of viruses and infections, but there are also other reasons.

Most often, this disease appears with the onset of cold weather in the autumn-winter time, as well as in the summer, when the bathing season was opened. Often during swimming in the lakes and ponds in the ears of a person gets water, which causes the development of otitis.

What it is?

Otitis otitis is inflammatory disease Outdoor auditory passage. This pathology occurs in persons of all age groups, but the greatest extent they are subject to children. Most often, the disease is a consequence of the non-accurate removal of the ear secret, as well as the regular injection of water in the auditory passage.

The reasons

According to statistical data, approximately 5% of adults who are sick with otitis the disease passes into a chronic form. The climate with high humidity more affects the emergence of this disease than dry. As for children, they are most susceptible to the emergence of otitis those that are at a twelve-year-old age.

Otitis is divided into limited (formed purulent education in the form of a furuncule), and diffuse. With the second form of the outdoor otitis, the drummeal is often inflated.

The most important reason for causing external otitis is the infection of different species.

In order for the infection to penetrate the body, it is enough to scratch or damage the ear. Just if the auditory pass is all the time moistened, it can lose his protective barrier, and serve as an entrance to infection.

Children suffering from eczema are very often susceptible to inflammation, due to the often formed peeling in the ear. An independent getting rid of the sulfur tube also serves as a factor in the risk of such otitis. Alternatively, the formation of this disease includes chronic average otitis, a narrow hearing pass, and diseases that are accompanied by poor work of immunity (for example, diabetes).

Outdoor Otitom symptoms

It should be noted that the rumor with the outer otitis is usually not violated. Only in very rare cases, when very strong swelling leads to a narrowing passage, it can be reduced.

Specific Outdoor Otitis Symptoms in Adults:

  • swelling of the hearing pass;
  • painful sensations when pressed on the ear shell;
  • the pain can also be enhanced with chewing, sometimes itching;
  • redness of the auditory pass;
  • ear mortgage;
  • minor body temperature increase.

In adults, outdoor otitis is two types: limited, and diffuse. The first manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the hair bag. And the second type - when inflammation affects the entire auditory passage. With a limited otitis, a person may not even guess what sick, because The main symptom here is pain that appears when talking or chewing.

Diffuse outdoor otitis is bacterial, fungal and allergic, and it is due to inflammation, which is caused by streptococci, epidermal staphylococci, a blue chopstick, mushrooms Candida, Aspergilla. Streptococci fall into the body through microcracks in the skin, the body temperature rises, the ear shell becomes red.

Signs of outdoor otitis in this case: pain and itching in the ear, purulent discharge of an unpleasant smell is possible.


Outdoor otitis symptoms are obvious, so the diagnosis is quite simple. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of the disease must be provided to the doctor, especially when it concerns the child, since the error in self-diagnostics leads to harmful self-treatment.

The doctor for diagnosing the disease usually has enough anamnesis data and physical inspection. To clarify the diagnosis, otoscopy, otomicroscopy, tampanemetry, acoustic reflectometry, microbiological research and other methods can be applied.

How to treat outdoor otitis?

Traditional treatment diagram of outdoor otitis in adults:

  • antibiotic therapy (exclusively as a doctor's prescription);
  • compresses;
  • providing free breathing with nose;
  • vitaminotherapy in order to strengthen immunity.

Applying antibiotics, you can pay off the hearth disease, gradually remove pain. Almost all drops and ointments contain painkillers. If you incorrectly pick up and take antibiotics, then in some cases it can lead to by-effectsassociated with a deterioration of hearing or general status organism.

In adults, special attention in the treatment of otitis should be given to hygienic procedures. They must be performed solely by a specific scheme. In case of incorrect, sulfur corks in the ears (photo) can be formed, and if you do not keep your ears in dryness, the wet environment can cause reproduction of bacteria.

With limited outdoor otitis, the removal of a furuncle may be applied surgicallyTo clean it to speed up healing. Conduct an operation on day 5, when the affrints can be ripe, with a scalpel in a sterile setting. The bandage that the doctor will impose, the first day needs to be changed with regularity at 3 o'clock.

If several jets are found, this may indicate the presence of infection in the blood. Then reception is needed antibacterial agents In the form of tablets or injections.

For diffuse form Treatment diagram Next:

  • reception of antibiotics;
  • antihistamines for removing the edema of the auditory passage;
  • antifungal agents (with damage to the ear fungus);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, nurofen);
  • a complex of vitamins to strengthen immunity;
  • drops with antibacterial components.

The physiotherapy methods are used as additional measures for the treatment of outer Otitis. UFO-therapy - ultraviolet irradiation.

The procedure lasts for 15 minutes for 10-12 days. UHF - influence on the place of inflammation of high-frequency ultrasocks. Each procedure lasts about 10 minutes for 5-15 days. In the absence of treatment, the infection may spread to the middle ear and cause serious complications.


The prevention of outdoor otitis is as follows:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to correctly care for your ears. It is possible to use cotton wands for hygienic procedures, but you can enter them in a user pass no more than 0.5 cm. It is usually enough to remove the accumulated ear sulfur at the entrance to the auditory pass.
  2. It is not recommended to independently remove sulfur traffic jams and foreign bodies From the auditory pass, it is better to entrust this procedure to the doctor.
  3. You can not use sharp objects to clean the ears, since they can damage the skin of the auditory passage and create the so-called gate to penetrate the infection.
  4. It is necessary to protect the ears from the water from entering them during washing or bathing, especially in open reservoirs.

Watch photo

The hard case of outdoor otitis. Deep lesions of the tissues, narrowing the auditory passage and the ears of the auricle.



Most often, the disease is permitted without complications or difficulties. Explicit symptoms weaken after 2-5 days of treatment, and after 7-10 it comes a complete recovery. For full recovery Hearing is sometimes required to process outdoor auditory passage by a doctor.

Complications are rare enough to complicate, they include cellulite or lymphadenitis. It is possible to spread acute outdoor otitis on the ear shell, turning into chondrite, which is especially common in patients with recently made piercing.

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