The freezing temperature of hepatitis V vaccines. The composition of vaccines against hepatitis B and testimony to their application

ZincTell is a drug (tablets), refers to the group mineral additives. The instructions for use allocate the following drug features:



One tablet of the drug comprises: zinc sulfate heptahydrate (in terms of zinc sulfate monohydrate) - 124 mg, which corresponds to 45 mg zinc ions.

Auxiliary substances: Potato starch, Pisidone, Talc, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate.

The composition of the shell: macrogol (polyoxyethylene glycol), hypimon cellulose (oxypropylmethylcellulose), titanium dioxide, varnish azorubine.

Form release

Two-screw tablets covered with a shell of pink-purple color, rounded.

25 such tablets in the blister, one such blister in a cardboard pack; Either 150 such tablets in a polymer can, one such a bank in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has an action similar to vitamins - the replenishment of the deficit of trace elements (zinc), stimulation of metabolic processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Zinc One of the most important trace elements present in the composition of many protein complexes regulating the central processes of metabolism, namely: protein synthesis and carbohydrate exchange. Zinc is indispensable for the proper functioning of more than 200 metal farms (for example, carboxypeptidase A, alcohol dehydrogenase, carbanecides, alkaline phosphatase, RNA polymerase, etc.) and to maintain the correct structure of proteins, nucleic acids and cell membranes.

Zinc also contributes to the development and growth of cells, the right job immune system and immune response, ensuring twilight, taste sensations and smell perception. It affects the preservation of an acceptable level of vitamin A in the blood serum, prolongs the effect of insulin and simplifies its accumulation. For inflammatory diseases The skin produces a prophylactic and therapeutic effect.

The lack of zinc causes difficulties in the concentration of attention and memorization, disruption of appetite and distorted taste, reduction of humoral and cellular immunity, slow healing of wounds, night blindness, hypercholesterolemia, carbohydrate metabolic pathology, hypertension, brain and mental disorders, prostate hypertrophy, pathology of pregnancy, hypogonadism and slowdown in children and to a large extent - skin disorders (some types of alopecia, acne). In excessive doses, zinc inhibits copper adsorption. Zinc deficiency enhances suction of harmful cadmium.


Regardless of zinc concentration in food, thin and duodenal guts About 25-30% of the zinc consumed is adsorbed. The maximum content of zinc in the blood is reached 2 hours after the use of the drug. Zinc in the body accumulates mainly in red blood cells and leukocytes, as well as in the bones, muscles, kidneys, liver, skin, prostate and pancreas, retina. 60% of the element interacts with albumin, 35-40% with alpha macroglobulin, 1% with some amino acids (histidine, cysteine). It is removed mainly through the intestines (90%), the rest of the rest is with then urine.

Indications for the use of zincter

  • Complex therapy of diseases leading to the development of zinc lack.
  • Enteropathic Akrodermatitis.
  • Nest baldness, malignant baldness.
  • Pustular and purulent eels.
  • With long-term reception of corticosteroids, at the moment of cancellation.
  • As additional treatment Slowly healing wounds.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Cautions: With long-term use of zinc drugs, it is necessary to take into account the risk of developing copper deficit; It is forbidden to use alcoholic beverages during the treatment period.

Side effects

May be celebrated:

  • nausea, heartburn, diarrhea;
  • leukopenia accompanied by flu-like syndrome;
  • sideroblastic anemia I. total weakness, reduction of copper in the blood;
  • rarely may appear headaches and metal flavor.

Instructions for zincter

The instructions for applying a zincter indicates how to take this drug: orally, not chewing during or after meals.

  • With nest baldness, enteropathic Aquermatimat: Children from 4 years old and adults - 1 tablet three times a day. After the occurrence of clinical improvement, the dosage decreases to 1 tablet twice a day, then 1 tablet per day before the symptoms disappear.
  • With malignant baldness: adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets three times a day; Children from 4 years old - 1 tablet three times a day.
  • From acne (purulent and pleustous acne): adults - 1-2 tablets once a day, children from 4 years old -1 pill a day.
  • With zinc deficiency: adults -1 pill three times a day, after the disappearance of symptoms you can drink 1 tablet per day; Children from 4 years old - 1 tablet per day.


Overdose can manifest as burning in mouth and throat, bloody or watery diarrhea, belching, dizziness, jaundice, lung swelling (breathing difficulty, sore pain), hematuria, vomiting, cramps, collapse, anouria, hemolysis.

In the event of the appearance of the above symptoms, it is necessary to drink water or milk, and then introduce intravenously or intramuscularly calcium-like salt of ethylenediaminetethemususcic acid at a dose of 55-75 mg / kg of weight per day (divided by 3-6 administrations) for no more than five days. It is forbidden to cause vomiting or producing a stomach.


Tetracycles and copper preparations. The drug reduces the absorption of tetracycline and slows down the absorption of copper (when using large doses of zinc), so the zincter must be used 2 hours after tetracycline tetracycline and copper drugs.

Tiazide diuretics accelerate zinc removal by the kidneys.

Folic acid also slightly weakens zinc absorption.

High doses of iron when taking inside suppress zinc suction (exposure between the methods of these drugs should be at least two hours)

Penicillamine and other chelating drugs reduce zinc adsorption (the exposure between the receptions of these drugs should be at least two hours).

When used with zincTell vitamin preparations, which contain zinc, it is necessary to remember the possibility of developing overdose symptoms.

Quinolone. Zincomele reduces adsorption of quinolon-containing antibacterial drugs and fluoroquinolones.

Terms of sale

In Ukraine, the drug can be purchased only by the doctor's prescription, the zincteral is released without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored at a temperature of 15-20 ° C in an unavailable for children, dry place. Do not use after the expiration date.

Shelf life

Shelf life - 3 years.

special instructions

Zincteral contains in the composition of lactose, therefore it is contraindicated in patients with lactose deficiency, intolerance to galactose or violation of glucose and galactose adsorption.

Qintela analogues

The most famous is the analogue of the zincTer called zincite. The main indication for its use is the lack of zinc in the body.


The reception of children from 4 years is allowed.

During pregnancy and lactation

Zinc is able to penetrate the placenta. During pregnancy, the drug is used only in cases where the benefit for the mother exceeds possible risk For fetal.

Zinc allocated S. breast milk. Therefore, it should be refracted from taking the drug during lactation.

Reviews of zincter

ZincTer tablets have a sufficiently large test list, so you can hear enough wide spectrum Comments on its use. When used as a means of hair, the zincteral reviews are good enough, when used as a remedy for acne reviews about ZincTeral even better.

The drug is also used in bodybuilding and in men to increase testosterone production and spermatogenesis stimulation, but these effects are not proven.

Reviews of the doctors about Zincterieral often indicate a sufficiently large number of emerging side phenomena, especially from the digestive tract.

Price zincterla

In Russia to buy 25 tablets of the drug will cost you 200-260 rubles, in Ukraine the price of the zincteral in the same dosage can reach 50 hryvnia.

Eurofarm * 4% discount on promotion medside11

Pharmacy IFC



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Hello everyone! This review I want to devote to the drug zincteral, which is capable of a lot - cure the acne rash, control the skin salo-waste (bold), improve the condition of the hair and scalp. Mustache? And how!

In the process of reception, I encountered small difficulties and side effects, but everything in order.

So, what is this drug in general?

ZincTell is a zinc drug that contributes to the replenishment of the deficit of this trace element in the body. Zinc in the body is part of a number of enzyme systems regulating exchange processesIncluding zinc take part in carbohydrate exchange and protein synthesis process.

More details, what makes zinc and what magic effects has, I wrote.

If briefly, zinc takes part in many processes in the body, so taking it in therapeutic dosages, some of them can be corrected for the better. For example, enhance immunity, grow hair, improve the condition of problem areas - face, leather head, nails, neckline, etc.

Take zinc I started in winter. The choice was big - in pharmacies there are mono-preparations of zincite and zincteral, as well as on the beloved Aherbe. Honestly, I really wanted to take the flavian zinc favorite company Solkar, but it was removed from production.

Zincomela produces TEV. I have no complaints about it, they produce high-quality drugs, many generics even conduct clinical trials, there are plants in Israel, Ireland, Hungary, and others. Zincteral is produced in Poland.

On the Russian market there are two packaging of the ZincTerla:

  1. 25 Tablets
  2. 150 Tablets

For me somehow strange that there is no third average. 25 tablets are nothing, very little, if only understand, the drug is suitable or not. And 150 is a lot, I, let's say, still left from the big bank and I gave the needy. If only for those who are able to drink more than one such tablet per day ...

In general, it is still necessary to focus on the fact that organic zinc compounds are better absorbed, you can pay attention to chelated forms. In the zincter active substance:

Do not forget that zinc sulfate is used as a vomit.

Therefore, when I started drinking a zincter, I got out soup number 1. - Nausea.

Well, before the start of the reception, I thought "ha, nausea, yes, fuck all this." But no, no garbage.

For a start, I bought a small package, which photo and show in the recall. The first two days saw on one tablet on the day in the morning and felt nausea. Honestly, this is a terrible feeling. You do not want anything, drink, disgust to smells, a terrible mood (it seems I describe toxicosis)). But I did not give up and continued an execution, although there were thoughts that zinc is not for me and you need to throw this mockery. He continued to drink on one tablet in the morning, tried more closely to have breakfast and drink a tablet strictly after eating. And - about a miracle! - On the fourth day I became normal. Whether the body is used to, whether I increased the volume of portion for breakfast, it is not clear.

After about ten days of reception, I decided to drink two tablets per day, only after large meals, so that Zinc sulfate was not annoyed to me the gastrointestinal tract.

By the end of a small pack, I have already noticed the results in the form of a decrease in the salinity of the skin on the face and head, reducing the rashes. I decided to fork out for a big pack.

In a small package, we have 1 blister, and big is a jar.

The pill itself is small and has a glamorous such pink color. It must be swallowed, drinking water. There were no problems with this. You can not share and chew in any way, you need to drink kiss.

Method of application and dose

The zincomele is taken inward, during or after eating (entirely, you can not divide or chew).

With enteropathic aquirmatitis and nest alopecia: adults and children over 4 years old - 1 table. 3 times a day during or after meals. When a clinical improvement is reached, the dose is reduced to 1 table. 2 times a day, then 1 table. per day until the very disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

For malignant alopecia: adults - 1-2 table. ZincTeral per day, for children over 4 years old - 1 table. 3 times a day.

With pustling eels, generalized sacrifices: adults - 1-2 table. ZincTeral per day, for children over 4 years old - 1 table. per day.

For states associated with zinc deficiency: adults - 1 table. 3 times a day, as symptoms disappeared, the dose is reduced to 1 table. per day. Children over 4 years old - 1 table. per day.

To be honest, I do not really imagine how children from 4 years old and older will be able to drink zincter. Plus, it can still be pregnant and nursing.

Side effects

ZincTer, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients. Unwanted effects The drug is usually poorly pronounced and do not require specific therapy. Serious side effects are possible with prolonged use of the drug of zincter or exceeding the recommended dose.

In particular, when prescribing the drug, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of the development of such undesirable effects:
From side digestive system: dyspeptic phenomena, heartburn, nausea, metal taste in the mouth.
From the blood system: hematological disorders associated with copper deficit, including leukopenia, neutropenia and siderobsychiatric anemia.
Others: headache.

Here we gradually came up with that, because of what I threw a drinking zincter.

I drank a total of three months it. When two tablets per day, when one.

To begin, I want to say that the reception was not in vain, my skin became better - on the face and on the body, and in the field of scalp, there were also improvements. Photos before I did not do (I did not guessed), but there is after. There are no major eels, a pedestal and pores I clean up badly.

The skin on the face (without any makeup, after a half hours after washing - a little appeared shine):

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe clavicle and the neckline, the skin has become absolutely clean:

The hair was not particularly changed - they are thin, painted, just below the blades, but their condition pleases me - the loss of moderate! Now I am no longer collecting a new shignon when cleaning floors.

There are new antennas, although I have not been drinking biotin for a long time, from which only they were. The eyebrows became a little more decent, thickets of bald sections, and, as it seemed to me, became a little darker.

Nails - unchanged. No matter on my nails - they are soft and wavy. Maximum growing length - 2 mm.

Despite these positive changes, I manifested soup number 2. - Problems with gasts.

I naively believed that that nausea at the beginning of the reception is all, and nothing will be more. I did not immediately bother with zinc reception, but I had heartburn, periodic severity in the stomach and sometimes pain. My permanent satellites were Gevison and Pangrol. The fact that it has done zinc, I already understood when I stopped drinking it.

So this pink pill can make a lot of business.

After the cancellation of the zincTer, nothing bad happened, just over time, the fatness of the face was a little intensified again, but no longer as before. I did not understand me, the hair did not fall out, and in Pangrole and Gevison, I see the less need that he could not but rejoice. Two months after everything almost came to normal.

Output: I will still recommend ignoretum, but I strongly do not recommend engaging in self-medication, although this drug and non-pressed. Perhaps my feedback will scare someone from buying, but I will not deny the effect of acceptance.

I put 4 rating with a big minus.

I can advise good tool for the "cleaning" of the body, including acne, and when allergic diseases. I had no side effects with him.

Thanks for attention)

Even minor changes in the human body are reflected on appearance. When the girl's hair deteriorates, the girl's hair is primarily trying to change shampoo or balm, but the cause of the problem is sometimes hidden much deeper. The drug ZincTer helps to fight the loneiness and loss of hair caused by the lack of vitamins in the body.

The benefits of zinchatal hair

Preparations aimed at improving and improving the condition of the hair contain a standard set of micro and macroelements, that is, are vitamin complexes. By the title of this drug it is clear that positive action The hair is provided with the presence of zinc.

Trichologists prescribe zincomele when the following symptoms appear:

  • dandruff;
  • hair fragility;
  • baldness;
  • slow growth.

All these factors indicate a lack of zinc in the body. The majority of the country's adult population suffers from this problem, so it will not be superfluous to undergo a course for general recovery.

Zincteral acts on the hair from different sides. One of the properties of zinc is an antioxidant. It protects the body from the negative effect of free radicals, and thus improves the absorption of vitamins and microelements from food. The direct action lies in the fact that zinc helps the protein to be assumed and holds it in the body. As is known, the main structural components of the hair is protein - protein.

The zinc contains more than 40 species of various enzymes. He is responsible for health endocrine system and reproductive function Women, and also improves the bone structure.

For proper reception and balanced nutrition results appear in a couple of weeks: the hair becomes stronger, their growth is accelerated and a healthy shine appears. The main thing is zinc restores water balance In the body, why disappears hair fragility.

The composition of the drug

The main and only active substance is zinc, so in the tablet its share is greater than all - 124 mg zinc sulfate, or 45 mg of its ions. For a good absorption of the substance, additional components are required:

  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • povidone;
  • talc;
  • lactose monohydrate.

The outer shell of the zincomela consists of titanium dioxide, macrogol, azorubin varnish and hypimosellose. All these components are hypoallergenic and water soluble, therefore harm the body cannot be brought.

pharmachologic effect

Zinc is one of the most important and necessary substances that regulate the metabolic processes: synthesis in the body of proteins and the exchange of carbohydrates. A sufficient amount of zinc is necessary for normal operation of metallone. The structure of the protein and membranes of all cells in the body is supported by zinc.

When taking the drug you can see the following positive effects:

  • cell growth, including hair bulbs;
  • immunity;
  • improving vision in the dark day;
  • normal work of taste receptors;
  • maintaining the optimal level of vitamins A and E.
  • reduces inflammatory processes on the skin.

And since everything is interconnected in the human body, the zinc participating in all biochemical processes improves the condition of the scalp and hair.

Indications for use

The main reason for the start of the reception of the zincTela is a microelement deficiency, the main reasons for which is incorrect meals, addiction to alcohol, chronic and congenital diseases, pathology internal organs (intestines, pancreas, kidneys) and others.

Indications for the appointment of zincTer:

  • akrodmetmatitis;
  • alopecia;
  • acne;
  • employment wounds (including heads);
  • support for taking corticosteroids.

Many girls pass the circulation rate immediately after noting that the condition of the hair has deteriorated. In the pharmacy they are released without a recipe, since no substances capable of harming the body in it. A positive effect will be observed in everyone who will take the drug correctly.

Instructions for use

The daily dosage of the zincter has depends on the problem you need to cure. In Akrodmetmatit, it is necessary to take the drug three times a day 1 tablet, then reduce the frequency up to 2 times with notable improvements. By graduation, it is recommended to take 1 tablet 1 time per day.

For skin diseases and zinc deficiency - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

It is impossible to crush or discern a pill. It is necessary to swallow it entirely, because zinc getting on the mucous meal or stomach can cause adverse reactions.

Zincteral is prescribed to children aged 4 years in the amount of 1 tablets per day. Reception 2-3 times a day is allowed only to adults. We must not forget that it is medical preparation And intentionally, without consulting the doctor, raise the dose in the hope that the hair will grow faster, it is not worth it. In most clinical cases, this leads to the opposite effect.

How to take zincter when having hair loss

With baldness, which took a malignant form, intensive treatment is necessary. The instructions indicate that the doctor can increase the daily dose of up to 6 tablets that are accepted 2-3 times a day for 2 pieces. The course of treatment is also individual, but it should last at least two weeks.

In the first improvements and termination of strong hair loss, you can reduce the dosage of up to 1 tablet three times a day. It is advisable to put the drug for 1 month. Many are taking the reception of the zincTer after the first improvements, but you need to give the result to consolidate.

Receiving a zincTer to improve hair growth

In the absence of obvious problems with the skin of the head and avoid excessive seasonal hair loss, it is allowed to take a zincter as a prophylactic agent. In such cases, the recommended dose is one tablet per day you need to take during meals.

Is the zincTer really helps from hair loss

Properties zinc I. pharmacological properties ZincTer has long been proven scientifically. The benefits of reception during hair loss is noticeable in each case. People suffering from focal alopeciamay immediately appreciate the effect of the drug. When receiving a zincTell during seasonal dropping, the effect will not be so noticeable.

Numerous reviews on Otzoviki sites and forums suggest that most people are satisfied with the reception.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication is the individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Allergies should be careful and carefully study the composition before buying.

Among the side actions are observed:

  • metal taste in the mouth;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • weakness;
  • lack of copper;
  • increased temperature Body.

You should not drink alcohol during the course of treatment, as it is possible a negative reaction of the body.

Analogs of the drug

Despite the large number of medications produced, there are very few analogs of the zincteral:

  • Zinc Sulfat. - analogue with identical action, which additionally contains boric acid To remove inflammation and drying action to skin wounds.
  • - refers to biologically active additives and produced in the form of soluble tablets, which simplifies its use. The active ingredient is zinc sulfate.
  • Seltsink Plus - In addition to zinc, it contains vitamin E, ascorbic acid, selenium and beta-carotene. Improves skin condition, hair and nails.
  • Zinc Picolinat - Bad used as a zinc source. Differs good suction.

The zincteral drug is designed to replenish the zinc microelerant deficit in the human body. The main active component of the zincter is zinc sulfate (this substance is a zinc in the form of a zinc salt of sulfuric acid).

In this article, we will consider for what doctors appoint zincteral, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this medicine in pharmacies. Real Reviews People who have already used zincter can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Zincteral - a drug that helps to fill the lack of zinc in the body, which is based on a valid under the name zinc sulfate. Each tablet preparation contains 45 μg of zinc, which significantly exceeds the daily dose.

  • The drug zincter is intended only for oral application. When taking the drug inside about 20-30% of the single dose of zinc sulfate, absorbed into the blood, disintegrates, with the toxic elements for the body are not formed.

Clinical and Pharmacological Group: The drug compensating for zinc deficiency in the body.

From which zincter

Diseases associated with zinc deficiency in the body, as well as complex therapy diseases and conditions leading to the development of lack of zinc:

  • Acrodermatitis Enteropathica (Enteropathic Aquarmatitis);
  • Alopecia AreaTa (nest baldness) and Alopeciamaligna (malignant baldness);
  • Acne Pustulosa and Acne Phlegmonosa (Pustulatory and purulent eels);
  • as auxiliary treatment employment wounds;
  • with long-term treatment with corticosteroids, especially at the time of the abolition of drugs.
  • as part comprehensive treatment diseases leading to the development of zinc deficiency in the body.

pharmachologic effect

Zinc is one of the most important trace elements. It is part of almost 200 enzymes that determine the course of various metabolic processes, including protein synthesis and carbohydrate exchange.

Zinc stimulates the synthesis of collagen and protein in the regenerating tissue, has a drying and astringent action; Stimulates insulin synthesis.

Activates carboangerase and superoxidismutase of red blood cells, superoxidismutase of cytosol, glutamate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphotase hydrolase, aminoptidases, neutral proteases.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for applying the zincter, they are taken inward, during or after eating (entirely, the tablets cannot be divided or cheered).

  • Enteropathic acrodermatitis, nest baldness. Adults and children over 4 years old - 1 tab. 3 times in day during or after meals. Upon reaching a clinical improvement, the dose is reduced to 1 table. 2 times in day, and then 1 tab. In court until the symptoms of the disease are completely disappeared.
  • Malignant baldness. Adults - 1-2 table. 3 times in day; Children over 4 years old - 1 tab. 3 times in day.
  • Pustular and purulent eels. Adults - 1-2 table. in day; Children over 4 years old - 1 tab. in day.
  • For states associated with zinc lack. Adults - 1 tab. 3 times in days during or after eating, as the symptoms disappeared, the dose can be reduced to 1 table. in day; Children over 4 years old - 1 tab. in day.


Before use, be sure to learn the instructions, consider all contraindications to use:

  • children under 4 years old are contraindicated with the reception of the drug;
  • it is not recommended to combine reception with other polyvitamin facilities, the risk of overdose of zinc;
  • also, patients who have lactose intolerance should not be treated with hairs with zincteral;
  • it is impossible to take people with the individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug;
  • the active ingredients are able to penetrate the placenta, so during pregnancy before the reception of the zincTela doctor assesses the benefit and harm for the future baby, only then prescribes the dosage.

Side effects

When using the drug, such adverse reactions may occur as dyspepsia, headache, nausea, metal taste in the mouth, heartburn. Hematological disorders due to the insufficiency of copper, including neutropenia, leukopenia, sideroblast anemia can also develop.

When receiving overestimated doses of the drug, the patients had the development of heartburn, diarrhea (including watery and bloody feces), painful urges for defecation, belching, jaundice, reduction arterial pressure and vomiting. With a further increase in the dose of the drug, the drug is possible by the development of Anururia, hematuria, edema of light, hemolysis, collapse and seizures.

◊ Tab., Pok. film shell, 124 mg: 25 or 150 pcs. Reg. No: N011693 / 01-2001

Clinical and Pharmacological Group:

The drug replenishing zinc deficiency in the body

Release form, composition and packaging

Tablets covered with film shell Pink-purple color, round, double-screwed.

Excipients: Starch potato, povedium, talc, magnesium stearate, monohydrate lactose.

The composition of the shell: Hypromellos (oxypropylmethyl cellulose), macrogol (polyoxyethylene glycol), titanium dioxide, varnish azorubine (E122).

25 pcs. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.
150 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.

A description of the active components of the drug " Zincter ®.»

pharmachologic effect

Zinc preparation participating in metabolism and stabilization of cell membranes.

It is part of enzymes, participates in various biochemical reactions.

Zinc is a factor affecting regeneration processes, the transmission of nerve impulses. Enhances the effect of insulin, contributes to the synthesis of cortisol.


- as part of the complex treatment of diseases leading to the development of zinc deficiency in the body;

- Acrodermatitis Enteropathica (Enteropathic Akrodermatitis);

- Alopecia AreaTa (nest baldness) and Alopecia Maligna (malignant baldness);

- Acne Pustulosa and Acne Phlegmonosa (Pustulatse and purulent eels);

- with long-term treatment with corticosteroids, especially at the time of the abolition of drugs;

- as auxiliary treatment of employment wounds.

Dosing mode

Inside. Tablets can not be divided or chewed.

Enteropathic acrodermatitis, nest baldness

Adults and children over 4 years old - 1 tab. 3 times in day during or after meals.

Upon reaching a clinical improvement, the dose is reduced to 1 table. 2 times in day, and then 1 tab. In court until the symptoms of the disease are completely disappeared.

Malignant baldness

Adults - 1-2 table. 3 times in day;

Children over 4 years old - 1 tab. 3 times in day.

Pustulatory and purulent acne

Adults - 1-2 table. in day;

Under the states associated with zinc disadvantage

Adults - 1 tab. 3 times in days during or after eating, as the symptoms disappeared, the dose can be reduced to 1 table. in day;

Children over 4 years old - 1 tab. in day.

Side effect

May be marked (especially at large doses) nausea; diarrhea; heartburn; leukopenia, accompanied by increasing temperature, chills, sore throat; Sideroblastic anemia accompanied by weakness, decreased copper level in blood plasma. Rarely there are headaches, a metal taste in the mouth.


increased sensitivity To the components of the drug.

Cautions:for long use Zinc drugs should take into account the risk of disadvantage of copper; The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicle; Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Application for children

Appointed children over 4 years old.


Symptoms:haging pain in the oral cavity and throat, watery or bloody diarrhea, belching, vomiting, arterial hypotension, lung edema.

It may also be observed: hematuria, anouria, collapse, cramps, hemolysis.

Medicinal interaction

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Terms and Storage Terms

The drug should be stored at room temperature (15-20 ° C) in a dry, inaccessible place for children.

Shelf life for 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Medicinal interaction

Zinc salts reduce the absorption of tetracycline, copper (the drug should be applied no earlier than 2 hours after taking these drugs).

Tiazide diuretics enhance zinc removal with urine.

Folic acid can be a small degree to break zinc suction.

High doses of iron, penicillamine and other complexing products significantly reduce zinc absorption (should be applied not earlier than 2 hours after taking these drugs).

In some cases, the use of zinc drugs is possible in combination with vitamin and mineral complexes.

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