Resorcin in cosmetology. Resorcin: Instructions for the use of ointments and solutions

Characteristics of the drug

Release form: Solution, ointment

Indications for use:seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, fungal defeat, acne

Side effects:burns, cramps, spasms, headache, dizziness

Contraindications:children's age up to 18 years old, pregnancy, breastfeeding, burns, renal, liver failureDeep wounds

Price: solution 100 rub., ointment 300-400 rubles.

Resorcin - medicinewhich has a powerful antiseptic, antibacterial and wound healing effects. The basis of the formula of this drug is resorcinol - chemical substancewhich is actively used in medicine.

This agent is produced as alcohol solution And ointment. They effectively cope with fungal lesions, delivered several days from discomfort. The greatest popularity in the fight against mikosami has a resorcinic ointment.

Indications for use

Resorcin - an extremely toxic substance that is applied

Mode of application

exclusively externally and only on small surfaces. Most often doctors prescribe it for treatment:

Apply resorcin is very simple. It is produced in the form of a solution and ointment, the concentration of the active substance in which 2% and 10%, respectively. It is necessary to apply the tool in a small amount of strictly affected areas. It is not necessary to handle large surfaces to them so as not to cause intoxicating the body.

To get rid of seborrheic dermatitis or neurodermatitis, use resorcin formalin ointment. It is treated by the affected areas every night for 10 days.

For the treatment of the skin, you can wipe the plot with discomfort 2 times a day, before that I first clean it from dirt. In the fight against acne, high efficiency has this solution. Every morning, wipe the face with such a liquid. It is very important to clean the face before that, otherwise it can purchase a red color. When using medication, follow it to do not fall into airways, on mucous and digestive tract.

Treatment of fungus

With the help of a resorcin, you can easily get rid of fungal lesion. IN medical practice The same popularity has both ointment and mortar. Topics handled damaged skin Covers or nail plates every day 2 times. In the treatment of Mikosa, the length of therapy takes about 10-14 days, with onchomicosis - 3-4 months.


Resorcin is enough safe toolthat carefully kills fungal infection. Despite this, the manufacturer is one of the full contraindications:

  • deep damage to the skin;
  • burns of different nature;
  • increased sensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 18 years;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • sensitive skin;
  • time of hormone therapy.

Side effects

Resorcin is a very toxic substance in which there is a large amount of phenol. Be sure to discuss with your therapist treatment with this means in order to minimize the risk of complications.

The instruction on the use of resorcin says that a solution or ointment can lead to burns, cramps, spasms, headaches and dizziness. In rare cases, the use of the tool leads to the loss of consciousness. When allergic reaction The components of the drug is faced with redness, itching, dermatitis and even angioedema edema.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Experts say that the solution and ointment of the resorcin is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Funds are extremely toxic, active substances quickly penetrate the body and fall into the blood of the child through the placenta or breast milk. Can disrupt the development and cause the destruction of the nervous system.


Resorcin has a sufficiently large number of analogues. You can always notice this solution with neo-anusol, fucheptom or fuccinic. If you are looking for ointment, you can try to use viosepta, amol, azulentine, hexadpy, dermatol ointment. Also, you can always handle the affected areas with a liquid chamomile extract, hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant.


Resorcin is enough available toolYou can easily find in any pharmacy. The cost of the bottle with a solution on average is 80-100 Russian rubles. Such an ointment will cost you slightly more expensive, somewhere in 270-400 Russian rubles.

Resorcin is an antiseptic agent having a powerful antimicrobial effect and having anti-eraine and dermatoprotective properties. Most often used for disinfection in the treatment of skin diseases.

Antiseptic (disinfection) means stored in light-protected place

The active component of the resorcin is meta-dioxibenzene. The drug is intended for outdoor use and is available in such forms as:

  1. Powder, dosage - 1 g.
  2. Alcohol or water solution Resorcin, which may have a concentration of the main component of 1-5%.
  3. Ointment - 5, 10 or 20% concentration of the main active substance.

Pharmacological properties

The solution of this drug has healing and epithelial action. It stimulates tissue regeneration, contributing to the effective elimination of the inflammatory process. Impacting the lesion foci, the solution manifests itself as an antiseptic and astringent.

Resorcin is often used in cosmetology, where its migrating and exfoliating properties are highly appreciated. Used as a scrub, it allows to carry out deep cleaning of the skin. The drug can also be successfully applied for disinfection purposes.

Indications for use

The use of resorcin is shown under a number of viral, infectious and inflammatory skin disease. We are talking about the following pathologies:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • sycosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • mycosis;
  • fungal lesions;
  • skin itch.

Resorcines can be used in a complex with hormones and antibiotics in the treatment of alopecia or acne disease.


Under the age of 12 years of reception of the drug is contraindicated

Absolute contraindications to the use of this fund are:

  • increased sensitivity to the components of the means;
  • chemical or thermal burns;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • deep skin damage.

Patients with sensitive skin should be used resorcin with caution. It also applies to adolescents during reinforced hormonal development.

Side effects

As well as phenol, formalin resorcin with improper use can cause a number of unwanted reactions from the body. Most often the following effects arise:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • strong headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • increased sweating;
  • cyanosis;
  • pulse care;
  • spasms and convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

In rare cases, after taking a resorcin of formalin, the development of allergic reactions, such as dermatitis, itching and redness of the skin, urticaria, bronchospasm and angioedema swelling.

Medicinal interaction

Before the start of taking the drug, resorcin should be carefully familiar with the instructions for availability medicinal interaction with other drugs

Formalin resorcin is absolutely incompatible with the following drugs:

  • Antipyrine.
  • Camphor.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Menthol.
  • Phenylsalicylate phenol.

If we are talking about alcoholic solution or a powder form of the means, then it is incompatible with substances having an alkaline reaction. In the form of Mazi, the means cannot be used together with the yellow oxide of mercury, since the latter completely loses efficiency.

Instructions for use

The alcohol solution of resorcin is designed for external application to the affected skin. This applies cotton swab. Mazi application is carried out overnight and requires bandages. The dosage is individual and determined depending on the specific disease.

For the treatment of diseases, the instruction on the use of resorcin is as follows:

  1. To remove the red acne, 1% alcohol solution of resorcin is used.
  2. For the treatment of fatty seborrhea, 1 or 2% alcohol solution is rubbed into the head of the head. The treatment of eczema and dermatitis is made by the same scheme. For seborrheic therapy, the drug can be used in conjunction with gray. Such a combination allows you to achieve the most pronounced effect.
  3. With vulgar eel, the ointment is used for the purpose of exfoliation. As a rule, a composition with a 10-15 percent content of the active ingredient is used.
  4. Local therapy of pointed rooter requires the use of powder in pure form, which is used as a suprusion.
  5. Due to the fact that the formalin resorcin is an excellent antiseptic, it is used in medicine not only as an independent means, but also as an active ingredient of a number of drugs. For example, the resorcin is contained in a solution of focicin and rectal candles, is part of the Castellani liquid and Ointment of Andriasyan - means actively used in therapy of pyodermia and mycoses.
  6. To clean the skin from oily seborrhea, water-alcohol products based on boring and salicylic acids mixed with resorcin are used.
  7. This remedy has been applied in dentistry. Here uses a resorcin-formaldehyde paste, by means of which channels are carried out as a result of incomplete extirpation of the pulp. At the moment, this composition is used quite rarely due to its toxicity.
  8. There are also lotions with a pronounced keratolytic effect, which includes salicylic acid, resorcin and allantoin.


An overdose of drug causes weakness, lethargy and drowsiness

As a result, long local application Resorcin on large areas of leather may occur overdose. In this case, the patient may have the following states:

  • noise in ears;
  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • dizziness;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • rapid pulse;
  • convulsions;
  • cyanosis.

If there are at least one of the described signs of overdose of the patient, you must contact a specialist. It will choose the fastest and safest method of rehabilitation, assigning another means to the patient.

Analogs and the cost of resorcin

There are several drugs having a similar effect with a resorcin. The most popular of them is resorcinol. This tool has the same active ingredient and has a similar effect.

The average price of resorcin in powder form is 200 rubles per pack.

Resorcinol is a phenol derivative. Resorcinol coagulates proteins and causes the death of vegetative forms of microorganisms. Resorcinol has a weak effect on disputes. Resorcinol has keratolytic properties.


Skin diseases (seborrhea, eczema, fungal lesions), itching, diseases of the anorectal region.

The use of resorcinol and dose

Resorcinol is used externally, in the form of 1 - 2% of alcohol solutions. The dosage is established individually, depending on the testimony and the combined drug used.
Resorcinol is easily sorbed by food products.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Restrictions on application

Disorders of the integrity of the skin, extensive lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of resorcinol is contraindicated in pregnancy and during breastfeeding period.

Side effects of resorcinol

Allergic reactions, improving the skin sensitivity at the place of application, irritating.

Resorcinol interaction with other substances

A alcohol solution of salicylic acid is pharmaceutically incompatible with a resorcin (forms melted mixtures).
Caution is needed when sharing adapal in the form of a gel or cream for outdoor use with medicinal preparationswhich contain resorcinol and have a drying or irritant (possibly increased adverse reactions).
Resorcinol is pharmaceutically incompatible with mercury preparations, alkaline substances, hydrogen peroxide.
Resorcinol forms melted mixtures with phenylsalicylate, fenadone, anesthesia, camphor, antipyrin, acetyl salicylic acid, Bromommofloh, chloralhydrate, menthol, phenol.
Resorcinol forms a rejection mixture with metamizole, thymoltol, benzonafol, thermal hydrate, aminophenazone, hexamethyleneteramine.


There is no data.

Trade names of drugs with an active substance resorcinol

Resorcin alcohol solution

Combined drugs:
Bismuth subnutrate + iodine + methylene blue + resorcinol + tanin + zinc oxide: neo-anused;
Phenol +. Boric acid + Resorcinol + Fuchene Main: Fuccin, Fukaceptol.

Characteristics of the drug

Release form: Solution, ointment

Indications for use:seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, fungal lesion, acne rash

Side effects:burns, cramps, spasms, headache, dizziness

Contraindications:children's age up to 18 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding, burns, renal, liver failure, deep wounds

Price: solution 100 rub., ointment 300-400 rubles.

Resorcin is a drug that has powerful antiseptic, antibacterial and wound-healing effects. The basis of the formula of this drug is a resorcinol - a chemical that is actively used in medicine.

This agent is produced as an alcohol solution and ointment. They effectively cope with fungal lesions, delivered several days from discomfort. The greatest popularity in the fight against mikosami has a resorcinic ointment.

Indications for use

Resorcin - an extremely toxic substance that is applied

  • seborrheic dermatitis and neurodermit;
  • eczema, skin ferry, sicosis;
  • fungal lesion;
  • alopecia;
  • acne.

Mode of application

exclusively externally and only on small surfaces. Most often doctors prescribe it for treatment:

Apply resorcin is very simple. It is produced in the form of a solution and ointment, the concentration of the active substance in which 2% and 10%, respectively. It is necessary to apply the tool in a small amount of strictly affected areas. It is not necessary to handle large surfaces to them so as not to cause intoxicating the body.

To get rid of seborrheic dermatitis or neurodermatitis, use resorcin formalin ointment. It is treated by the affected areas every night for 10 days.

For the treatment of the skin, you can wipe the plot with discomfort 2 times a day, before that I first clean it from dirt. In the fight against acne, high efficiency has this solution. Every morning, wipe the face with such a liquid. It is very important to clean the face before that, otherwise it can purchase a red color. When using the medication, follow that it does not fall into the respiratory tract, on the mucous membranes and the digestive tract.

Treatment of fungus

With the help of a resorcin, you can easily get rid of fungal lesion. In medical practice, both ointment and mortar are the same popularity. Such means are treated with damaged skin or nail plates every day 2 times. In the treatment of Mikosa, the length of therapy takes about 10-14 days, with onchomicosis - 3-4 months.


Resorcin is a fairly safe tool that gently kills fungal infection. Despite this, the manufacturer is one of the full contraindications:

  • deep damage to the skin;
  • burns of different nature;
  • increased sensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 18 years;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • sensitive skin;
  • time of hormone therapy.

Side effects

Resorcin is a very toxic substance in which there is a large amount of phenol. Be sure to discuss with your therapist treatment with this means in order to minimize the risk of complications.

The instruction on the use of resorcin says that a solution or ointment can lead to burns, cramps, spasms, headaches and dizziness. In rare cases, the use of the tool leads to the loss of consciousness. In the case of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, a person faces redness, itching, dermatitis and even angioedema edema.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Experts say that the solution and ointment of the resorcin is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The means are extremely toxic, the active substances quickly penetrate the body and fall into the blood of the child through the placenta or breast milk. Can disrupt the development and cause the destruction of the nervous system.


Resorcin has a sufficiently large number of analogues. You can always notice this solution with neo-anusol, fucheptom or fuccinic. If you are looking for ointment, you can try to use viosepta, amol, azulentine, hexadpy, dermatol ointment. Also, you can always handle the affected areas with a liquid chamomile extract, hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant.


Resorcin is a fairly affordable tool that you can easily find in any pharmacy. The cost of the bottle with a solution on average is 80-100 Russian rubles. Such an ointment will cost you slightly more expensive, somewhere in 270-400 Russian rubles.


RP. Resorcini 1.0 Vaselini 10.0

RP. SOL. Resorcini 2% 100.0

DS. Lotion.

RP. Resorcini 0,1

Spiritus Vini 95 ° 5.0

AQ. DESTILL. 15.0.

MDS. Ear drops. 1-2 drops in the ear.

Acidi Salicylici AA 2.0

Spiritus Vini 70 ° AD 100.0

MDS. Outdoor (for wiping during sekosis).

Acidi Salicylici AA 15.0

pharmachologic effect

Resorcin, as a disinfectant is used in a weak concentration, such as 0.254 - 1.5 percentage solution. Such a solution has a healing and epithelisional effect, and in addition, it also stimulates the process of tissue regeneration, reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process to a minimum, and it is completely destroyed.
In the focus of inflammation, this solution acts as a binder and antiseptic preparation.

Mode of application

According to the instructions, the resorcin is used externally as a 2% alcohol solution or 5-10% ointment. With acne, the drug is applied in a small amount overnight with the addition of special resorcinic alcohol (especially alcohol is needed during pink eels).
When applying a resorcin on crude skin, it can purchase red or purple color. The drug has strong antiseptic properties, so it is unacceptable to enter the mucous membranes, in digestive system and respiratory tract.

If the resorcin is inserted into the eyes, it is necessary to wash the mucous membranes with an abundant amount of water, and during poisoning of digestive organs, it is necessary to wash the stomach immediately. Resorcines should not be used in conjunction with salicylic acid, magnesium oxide and sodium bicarbonate. Medical properties The drug disappear when interacting with the oxide of yellow mercury, phenylsalicylate and antipyrin. In accordance with the instruction of resorcin in the form of ointments, it is necessary to breed in solution ethyl alcohol And water, as well as you can add ethyl ether.


Resorcin is appointed by the attending physician at various infectious, viral and inflammatory diseases Skin: eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea, sicosis, fungal lesions of the skin, micaosis, skin itch. The drug may be part complex therapy (Together with antibiotics and hormones) for the treatment of acne and alopecia.


Resorcin is contraindicated in individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, chemical and thermal burns, deep skin damage, pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood. With caution, the drug should be applied to patients with sensitive skin, as well as in adolescence in the period of enhanced hormonal development.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Form release

Preparation substance dosage forms.


Information on the page you will be viewed exclusively for informational purposes and does not promote self-treatment. Resource is intended to familiarize health officers with additional information About certain medications, thereby increasing their level of professionalism. The use of the drug "" necessarily provides for advice with a specialist, as well as its recommendations for the method of application and dosage of the medicine you have chosen.

Resorcin is an antiseptic agent having a powerful antimicrobial effect and having anti-eraine and dermatoprotective properties. Most often used for disinfection in the treatment of skin diseases.

Antiseptic (disinfection) means stored in light-protected place

The active component of the resorcin is meta-dioxibenzene. The drug is intended for outdoor use and is available in such forms as:

  1. Powder, dosage - 1 g.
  2. Alcohol or aqueous solution of resorcin, which may have a concentration of the main component of 1-5%.
  3. Ointment - 5, 10 or 20% concentration of the main active substance.

Pharmacological properties

The solution of this drug has healing and epithelial action. It stimulates tissue regeneration, contributing to the effective elimination of the inflammatory process. Impacting the lesion foci, the solution manifests itself as an antiseptic and astringent.

Resorcin is often used in cosmetology, where its migrating and exfoliating properties are highly appreciated. Used as a scrub, it allows to carry out deep cleaning of the skin. The drug can also be successfully applied for disinfection purposes.

Indications for use

The use of resorcin is shown under a number of viral, infectious and inflammatory skin diseases. We are talking about the following pathologies:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • sycosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • mycosis;
  • fungal lesions;
  • skin itch.

Resorcines can be used in a complex with hormones and antibiotics in the treatment of alopecia or acne disease.


Under the age of 12 years of reception of the drug is contraindicated

Absolute contraindications to the use of this fund are:

  • increased sensitivity to the components of the means;
  • chemical or thermal burns;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • deep skin damage.

Patients with sensitive skin should be used resorcin with caution. It also applies to adolescents during reinforced hormonal development.

Side effects

As well as phenol, formalin resorcin with improper use can cause a number of unwanted reactions from the body. Most often the following effects arise:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • strong headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • increased sweating;
  • cyanosis;
  • pulse care;
  • spasms and convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

In rare cases, after taking a resorcin of formalin, the development of allergic reactions, such as dermatitis, itching and redness of the skin, urticaria, bronchospasm and angioedema swelling.

Medicinal interaction

Before receiving the drug, resorcin should be carefully familiar with the instructions for the presence of drug interaction with other drugs

Formalin resorcin is absolutely incompatible with the following drugs:

  • Antipyrine.
  • Camphor.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Menthol.
  • Phenylsalicylate phenol.

If we are talking about alcoholic solution or a powder form of the means, then it is incompatible with substances having an alkaline reaction. In the form of Mazi, the means cannot be used together with the yellow oxide of mercury, since the latter completely loses efficiency.

Instructions for use

The alcohol solution of resorcin is designed for external application to the affected skin. This applies cotton swab. Mazi application is carried out overnight and requires bandages. The dosage is individual and determined depending on the specific disease.

For the treatment of diseases, the instruction on the use of resorcin is as follows:

  1. To remove the red acne, 1% alcohol solution of resorcin is used.
  2. For the treatment of fatty seborrhea, 1 or 2% alcohol solution is rubbed into the head of the head. The treatment of eczema and dermatitis is made by the same scheme. For seborrheic therapy, the drug can be used in conjunction with gray. Such a combination allows you to achieve the most pronounced effect.
  3. With vulgar eel, the ointment is used for the purpose of exfoliation. As a rule, a composition with a 10-15 percent content of the active ingredient is used.
  4. Local therapy of pointed rooter requires the use of powder in pure form, which is used as a suprusion.
  5. Due to the fact that the formalin resorcin is an excellent antiseptic, it is used in medicine not only as an independent means, but also as an active ingredient of a number of drugs. For example, the resorcin is contained in a solution of focicin and rectal candles, is part of the Castellani liquid and Ointment of Andriasyan - means actively used in therapy of pyodermia and mycoses.
  6. To clean the skin from oily seborrhea, water-alcohol products based on boring and salicylic acids mixed with resorcin are used.
  7. This remedy has been applied in dentistry. Here uses a resorcin-formaldehyde paste, by means of which channels are carried out as a result of incomplete extirpation of the pulp. At the moment, this composition is used quite rarely due to its toxicity.
  8. There are also lotions with a pronounced keratolytic effect, which includes salicylic acid, resorcin and allantoin.


An overdose of drug causes weakness, lethargy and drowsiness

As a result of the long-term local application of the resorcin in large areas of the skin, an overdose may occur. In this case, the patient may have the following states:

  • noise in ears;
  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • dizziness;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • rapid pulse;
  • convulsions;
  • cyanosis.

If there are at least one of the described signs of overdose of the patient, you must contact a specialist. It will choose the fastest and safest method of rehabilitation, assigning another means to the patient.

Analogs and the cost of resorcin

There are several drugs having a similar effect with a resorcin. The most popular of them is resorcinol. This tool has the same active ingredient and has a similar effect.

The average price of resorcin in powder form is 200 rubles per pack.

What therapeutic properties are characteristic of the drug "Resorcin"? Instructions for use, photos and features of this medication are shown below.

Composition manufactured forms

What is resorcin? Instructions for use argues that this substance is a crystalline powder with a characteristic odor, which is designed to prepare various dosage forms. It is quite easily dissolved in oily oils, as well as in water and alcohol.

In pharmacy chains, the drug "Resorcin", the instruction on the use of which is presented in the article, is sold in the form of a 1-5% solution based on alcohol and water for outdoor use. Also with this substance can be obtained 5, 20 or 10% ointment.

Therapeutic properties

What is resorcin? Instructions for use says, this is a derivative of phenol. It can form compounds with polysaccharides, negatively affecting the walls of microorganisms, as well as violate their properties and exhibit an antiseptic effect.

Thus, it can be obvious that the tool in question causes the death of vegetative forms of bacteria, but there is no effect on disputes.

In small concentrations (about 0.25-2%), this drug manifests epithelial properties. In the composition of the bums, it is prescribed for processing mocking foci, as a result of which the inflammation eliminates and stimulates regenerative processes.

If this medication was used in high concentrations (for example, 5-10%), it has an ignition and keratolytic effect. At a resorcin concentration of 30-50%, it exhibits only pronounced moxge effects.

Indication for appointment

In which cases can be used by the drug "Resorcin"? Instructions for use says that this agent is prescribed for combination therapy:

  • with eczema and neurodimer;
  • sicosis, skin ferry and eels;
  • seborin dermatitis;
  • diseases of the anorectal region;
  • fungal diseases;
  • alopecia (as an irritant).

Bans for appointment

Under what states do not use the "resorcin" medicine? The application instruction indicates the following contraindications to the use of this tool:

  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • pregnancy period;
  • deep damage to the covers;
  • childhood.

Preparation "Resorcin": instructions for use

Drops, or rather, the alcohol solution of "resorcin" is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab. If you decide to use ointment, it should be applied before bedtime.

The dispensing mode of the drug under consideration is determined individually and depends on the course of the disease.

For treatment with eczema and dermatitis, 1-2% solution is used.

With local treatment of pointed wings (for example, the chemical coagulant) uses the pure powder.

The antiseptic properties of "resorcin" allow it not only as an independent means, but also as part of other medicines. This substance is part of rectal candles, Fuccin solution, Castellanian liquids and Andriasyan Mazi, which are actively used to treat pyodermia and mycoses.

Side effects of a local medicine

The product under consideration can cause allergic reactions such as angioedema edema, bronchospasm and urticaria. Also, this drug often provokes skin irritation at the application site.

Interaction, overdose

Overdose this drug is possible only when it long use In extensive areas. Under such cases, patients appear weakness, dizziness, noise in the ears, a faint condition, respiratory disorder, pulse, convulsions and cyanosis.

In the form of powder, this medication is incompatible with camphor, antipyrin, phenylsalicylate, phenol and menthol. It can not be used in solutions together with substances having an alkaline reaction. In the form of ointments, he is incompatible with mercury oxide, as it loses its action.


Resorcin ( international name - resorcinol) belongs to the group of antiseptic agents, has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, and also has a dermatoprotective and anti-erase effect. The main use of resorcin has as a disinfectant in the treatment of skin diseases.

Resorcines has properties similar to phenol and sharp smell, and is also not allowed to use on mucous membranes.

Composition and form of release

The main active substance is meta-dioxibenzene.

Resorcines is available as a powder for external use in a cardboard package of 1 g and ointment 5-10% in a tube placed in cardboard packaging.

Pharmacological properties of resorcin

The use of resorcin as a disinfectant must be carried out in weak concentrations - 0.25-1.5%. The drug solution has an epithelial and healing effect, and also stimulates tissue regeneration and eliminates inflammatory process. Also on the foci of inflammation, the solution acts as a binder and antiseptic agent.

In cosmetology, resorcin is used as a means with exfoliating and migrating property acting as a scrub for deep cleansing of the skin.

According to pharmacology, resorcin is incompatible with hydrogen peroxide, camphor, menthol and alkaline type substances.

Indications for use

Resorcin is appointed by the attending physician with various infectious, viral and inflammatory skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea, sicosis, fungal skin lesions, micaosis, skin itch.

The drug may be part of complex therapy (together with antibiotics and hormones) for the treatment of acne and alopecia.

Instructions for the use of resorcin

According to the instructions, the resorcin is used externally as a 2% alcohol solution or 5-10% ointment. With acne, the drug is applied in a small amount overnight with the addition of special resorcinic alcohol (especially alcohol is needed during pink eels).

When applying a resorcin on crude skin, it can purchase red or purple color.

The drug has strong antiseptic properties, so it is unacceptable to enter the mucous membranes, in the digestive system and the respiratory tract. If the resorcin is inserted into the eyes, it is necessary to wash the mucous membranes with an abundant amount of water, and during poisoning of digestive organs, it is necessary to wash the stomach immediately.

Resorcines should not be used in conjunction with salicylic acid, magnesium oxide and sodium bicarbonate. Therapeutic properties of the drug disappear when interacting with the oxide of yellow mercury, phenylsalicylate and antipyrin.

In accordance with the instruction of resorcin in the form of ointments, it is necessary to breed in a solution of ethyl alcohol and water, and you can also add ethyl ether.


Resorcin is contraindicated in individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, chemical and thermal burns, deep damage to skin, pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood.

With caution, the drug should be applied to patients with sensitive skin, as well as in adolescence in the period of enhanced hormonal development.

Side effects of resorcin

Resorcin as a toxic substance (like phenol) with incorrect concentration can cause Burns, headache and dizziness, nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, pulse, cyanosis, cramps and spasms, loss of consciousness.

In some cases, patients may have allergic reactions - redness and itching of the skin, dermatitis, bronchospasm, urticaria, angioedema edema.

Characteristics of the drug

Release form: Solution, ointment

Indications for use: seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, fungal lesion, acne rash

Side effects: burns, cramps, spasms, headache, dizziness

Contraindications: children's age up to 18 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding, burns, renal, liver failure, deep wounds

Price: solution 100 rub., ointment 300-400 rubles.

Resorcin is a drug that has powerful antiseptic, antibacterial and wound-healing effects. The basis of the formula of this drug is a resorcinol - a chemical that is actively used in medicine.

This agent is produced as an alcohol solution and ointment. They effectively cope with fungal lesions, delivered several days from discomfort. The greatest popularity in the fight against mikosami has a resorcinic ointment.

Indications for use

Resorcin - an extremely toxic substance that is applied

  • seborrheic dermatitis and neurodermit;
  • eczema, skin ferry, sicosis;
  • fungal lesion;
  • alopecia;
  • acne.

Mode of application

exclusively externally and only on small surfaces. Most often doctors prescribe it for treatment:

Apply resorcin is very simple. It is produced in the form of a solution and ointment, the concentration of the active substance in which 2% and 10%, respectively. It is necessary to apply the tool in a small amount of strictly affected areas. It is not necessary to handle large surfaces to them so as not to cause intoxicating the body.

To get rid of seborrheic dermatitis or neurodermatitis, use resorcin formalin ointment. It is treated by the affected areas every night for 10 days.

For the treatment of the skin, you can wipe the plot with discomfort 2 times a day, before that I first clean it from dirt. In the fight against acne, high efficiency has this solution. Every morning, wipe the face with such a liquid. It is very important to clean the face before that, otherwise it can purchase a red color. When using the medication, follow that it does not fall into the respiratory tract, on the mucous membranes and the digestive tract.

Treatment of fungus

With the help of a resorcin, you can easily get rid of fungal lesion. In medical practice, both ointment and mortar are the same popularity. Such means are treated with damaged skin or nail plates every day 2 times. In the treatment of Mikosa, the length of therapy takes about 10-14 days, with onchomicosis - 3-4 months.


Resorcin is a fairly safe tool that gently kills fungal infection. Despite this, the manufacturer is one of the full contraindications:

  • deep damage to the skin;
  • burns of different nature;
  • increased sensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 18 years;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • sensitive skin;
  • time of hormone therapy.

Side effects

Resorcin is a very toxic substance in which there is a large amount of phenol. Be sure to discuss with your therapist treatment with this means in order to minimize the risk of complications.

The instruction on the use of resorcin says that a solution or ointment can lead to burns, cramps, spasms, headaches and dizziness. In rare cases, the use of the tool leads to the loss of consciousness. In the case of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, a person faces redness, itching, dermatitis and even angioedema edema.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Experts say that the solution and ointment of the resorcin is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The means are extremely toxic, the active substances quickly penetrate the body and fall into the blood of the child through the placenta or breast milk. Can disrupt the development and cause the destruction of the nervous system.


Resorcin has a sufficiently large number of analogues. You can always notice this solution with neo-anusol, fucheptom or fuccinic. If you are looking for ointment, you can try to use viosepta, amol, azulentine, hexadpy, dermatol ointment. Also, you can always handle the affected areas with a liquid chamomile extract, hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant.


Resorcin is a fairly affordable tool that you can easily find in any pharmacy. The cost of the bottle with a solution on average is 80-100 Russian rubles. Such an ointment will cost you slightly more expensive, somewhere in 270-400 Russian rubles.

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