Haded cough in a child what to do. Treatment of hoarse cough in a child

17940 09/06/2019 5 min.

Harry voice is a common and unpleasant phenomenon. In this case, it does not always indicate the presence of a disease. Very often diagnose witness voices in young children. Before you begin to treat, it is necessary to understand that it was the reason for the hoarse voice in a child. Only so you can get the maximum effect of treatment and rendered therapy.

Causes of hoarseness

Silent voice if there is cough

  1. Bronchial asthma. In the development of the attack, hoarse arises, after the elimination of which the voice returns.
  2. Viral infections. If the sip was struck by viruses, then edema and inflammation is formed. With this condition, cough arises.
  3. Lung and Bronchi diseases. They are characterized by the presence of a coarse and painful cough, as a result of which there is an impudent voice.
  4. Acute laryngitis. This disease is characterized by a husky voice, which is accompanied by a casual effect. It happens that Larygitis is accompanied by a complete loss of voice and gets suffocity.

Hoarseness if there is no cough

A hoarse voice may arise without cough due to the reception of certain medicines that influence the voice as a result of the cut of the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx. Such drugs should include those that are used to treat asthma and allergies.

Even the voices without cough may occur as a result of overloading ligaments during a screaming, long singing or loud crying. Create to such an unpleasant symptom of various kinds of larynx injury. Often, the swelling is formed after a person was deposited in front of the neck. In this case, it will be necessary as quickly as possible ambulance And go to the hospital.

Treatment of hoarse voices

With raising temperature

Hispid voice in a child who is accompanied by an increase in temperature can be treated with various methods. But it is possible to get an instant effect, provided that the medication receiving will be combined with folk remedies. Doctors can prescribe to small patients preparations in the form of loosening for resorption, sprays, aerosols.

When choosing a medication from a sipal voice, it is necessary to take into account that in their composition there are components that have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms. An excellent effect is achieved if we use such drugs in progression in the child's body of various kinds of infectious pathologies.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy, find out.

The most effective are the drugs:

  • Proposol;
  • Miramistin.

With instructions for use of tablets for resorption, the hexoral can be found.

Often, witheredness of the child occurs against the background of Larygitis. To stop it, you need to use comprehensive treatment. Larygitis is not a separate disease and may be the result of ARVI, treatment should include anti-virus drugs.

Since the witness of the voice is accompanied by the rise in temperature, then the doctor will definitely appoint it antipyretic drugs - Nurofen and Paracetamol. In the case of pronounced spasms, bronighting drugs are introduced into the treatment. Thanks to them, it is possible to stop the swelling of the larynx.

People's treatment of huskness

  • Hot milk. With the help of this, it is possible to quickly stop the hoarseness of the voice. To obtain it, you need to take 200 ml of milk, warm it up and add a couple of iodine droplets, 5 g of soda. Mix everything thoroughly and give a drink to the baby. You need to drink small sips.
  • Honey comb. It needs to be given to a child for chewing. Such treatment makes it possible to mitigate the mucous throat and over the short period of time to stop voices. You can add honey into tea or in milk.
  • When the almond inflammation remains the cause of peculiarity, then you can make a medicine from water and vinegar. You need to connect the indicated components in the proportion of 3.5: 1. Use almond treatment solution. It is necessary to form a gauze tampon, swallow it in the composition and process almonds.
  • To restore heap voice, a child can use warm rinsing. To obtain them, it is necessary to use decoction of chamomile, soda solution and pharmacy collection. The process of recovery can be accelerated, provided that rinsings are often performed, 5-6 times a day.

How to use ginger when cold is indicated.

No temperature

In the presence of an encouraging voice, which is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, the treatment is also divided into medication and folk. Throughout the therapy, it is necessary to give a child a lot of drink. Thanks to him, it is possible to soften the mucous membrane of the throat and stop the pathogenic microorganisms.

Even the treatment in children should include champs and tinkers. Thanks to them, it is possible to stop inflammation, eliminate the destructive microorganisms and soften vocal cords.

You can restore the harsh voice with help water procedures for legs. It is necessary to pour warm water into the container, add mustard as a powder. The child must lower the legs and soar them for 10 minutes. As water cool it, you need to add hot.

If a child has an Osip, the voice and cough manifests themselves together with the happiness, this is a reason for the concern of many moms. Voice's probing is characterized by the inability to speak loudly (or to make sounds, which is characteristic of kids). A big mistake is that many of the moms ignore this manifestation, hoping that it will be held in itself. In such cases, sometimes soothes themselves by the fact that the baby is simply "butted". Yes, sometimes a strong cry can provoke hoarseness of the voice, but often such manifestations are characteristic of bacterial infections and chronic diseases of the pharynx. And to eliminate these symptoms, appropriate treatment may be required.

The very first thing that needs to be taken in the child's probing is to appeal to a children's doctor who can determine the cause of such a phenomenon and appoint competent treatment. The pediatrician will advise what measures to take, if the votes are not a consequence of the disease.

Causes of Voting Causes

  1. Laryngitis (inflammatory processes in the larynx) in acute formcaused by viral or bacterial infection. This disease causes an error in the throat and cough, the body temperature may increase, especially dangerous when Laring is the development of such manifestation as a false croup. Therefore, it is very important to timely appeal to the doctor with the slightest changes in the child's state. False croup is dangerous for life.
  2. Any pathological changes in the larynx (for example, cysts or polyps).
  3. Aneurysm of the chest aorta (the most common cause of voting spelliness).
  4. Colds. This is the most common cause of a hoarse voice. In the event of a child's illness, you need to combine treatment with the rest of the voice ligaments (the eldest child needs to be explained so as not to talk loudly and did not shout, and the baby, if possible, do not scream for a long time).
  5. Such a phenomenon may occur due to the reception of certain drugswhich influence the voice through the cutting of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx (lubricating voice ligaments). This includes medicines for the treatment of allergies and asthma (antihistamine drugs).
  6. Votes malfunction can provoke increased adenoids.
  7. Acute laryngitis (during him, insight accompanies the barking and penetrating cough).
  8. Long load on voice ligaments (for example, after a scream or singing). It often happens that inexperienced parents do not take into account the baby's cry, believing that it should not be accepted him to hand, etc. A long cry can lead to the fact that the crumbs will disappear.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the trachea. Such a disease occurs due to supercooling or under the influence of bacterial infection. May be chronic, sharp or allergic.
  10. Can provoke such a phenomenon various larynx injuries. For example, edema may occur after a random strike from the front of the neck or in the front of the neck. In this case, immediately needs to cause ambulance and not abandon the subsequent hospitalization.
  11. It happens in the case of falling into the throat and trachea of \u200b\u200bthe foreign body. So there is an impudent voice and in the future it is fraught with overlapping respiratory tract (It is dangerous with death). Symptoms in the throat of a foreign object are cough, changing color skin Pokrov And the complete shutdown of consciousness.

What else could be the cause of mastering?

If the hoarse voice appears in children breast-age, you need to know that during this period, children may have such a problem due to various congenital anomalies In the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer rings of the larynx. When the crumb is sleeping, this problem is not manifested, but when the baby's cry call, a characteristic sound that increases periodically can occur. Under normal conditions, this problem passes by age itself and does not require correction.

An arising sipid voice and cough arising from a cold signal about starting laryngitis. In this case, treatment relies on the use of various means, for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat. Very important in the treatment is spraying sprays on the breath.

Rinse the throat in cases of an ineffective voice (if such a phenomenon is not accompanied by pain in the throat and redness of its surface). A very important point in the treatment of hoarseness is a "voice diet", (when you do not need to strain the bundles and do not talk, do not shout, do not whisper without a special need). The harsh voice in the child and the baby needs special attention and treatment. It is necessary to remember that chronic bellish is not cured completely.

Symptoms causing concerns and errors

Due to the fact that the lumen in the larynx in children is still too narrow, with strong swelling, this gap can overlap completely. There are dangerous manifestations that accompany the votes and who require immediate appeal to medical help. This, first of all, a low and deep voice, cough, resembling Lai, difficulty breathing accompanied by a whistle and unnatural movements chest. These symptoms can be supplemented with difficulty swallowing and enhanced saliva.

The child can complain about the lack of air, general state The body can worsen (the body temperature will increase, can dizziness, dizziness occurs). Such manifestations require appeal to emergency assistance.

The most common mistakes during treatment cold illness are the procedures for sipping a baby with hot drinks (for example, hot milk with honey or hot tea with lemon). The only effect of such procedures will burn the mucous membrane of the throat, increase the level of irritation of the mucous membranes with acid from lemon.

Recommended for any manifestations of voting mastering will turn to the doctor, which after the inspection and additional analyzes will appoint competent treatment (especially important timely appeal to the specialist, if the child is allergy).

Treatment of glance

For baby The basic principle of treating such a manifestation is frequent applying to the chest or (if the child is on artificial feeding) with frequent heat drink. During the illness, remember that the baby needs additional attention, it needs to be more common in his arms, hugging, soothing, prevent hysterics.

It is necessary to strain voice ligaments as little as possible, do not talk loudly, do not shout, do not whisper. Breasts need to calm down in time, and the older child can already understand if he explains what to do. The treatment of husk of the throat is medication and homely.

It takes often to eat a baby with warm drink (it can be herbal teas, fruit, the navar, sugar can be replaced with honey). If the cause of such a problem is laryngitis, it is treated by the prescribed physician drugs, you can add the rinse of the throat (for a child older).

If hoarseness arises due to a cold, effective way Treatment is steam inhalations. In the case of a bacterial infection, antibiotic therapy may need. The treatment regimen includes anti-inflammatory drugs, a tool is assigned to the spa, which expands bronchi.

Assigns tools that increase the protective functions of the body (immunomodulators) and help the body resist the negative impact of various pathogens of microorganisms. It is recommended to adjust the child's diet during treatment. Limit the consumption of acidic, salt and acute food. No need to give too hot or cold dishes. Very good for mucous broths.

Useful is honey for the treatment of such a disease.

Voice of voice can have different reasons, and timely appeal to the doctor will contribute successful treatment Such a problem will not allow the development of complications and the transition of the disease in chronic form.

Cough is the first symptom of the disease. It may be hoarse, dry, wet or convulsive. In case of a hoarse cough, a voice is sometimes lost, can go swells, because of which oxygen will not come to the lungs.

In order for cough to go, you need to make foot baths with hot water and mustard powder. You can only make them if there is no temperature. If there is no mustard powder, you can add sage or chamomile in water.

If a hoarse cough in a child does not breathe him, you need to call an ambulance. After all, the kid can suffocate, and parents will not help him help him. Before the arrival of the doctor, the attack can be removed as follows. You need to have a baby in the bathroom, close the bath tube, pour food soda and turn on the shower on hot water. The task of parents is to achieve the maximum number of steam. The child must breathe a couple of about ten minutes. As soon as he becomes easier, you can wipe it out and get out of the bathroom. You can still go into the kitchen and put a saucepan with water on the plate when the water starts to boil, remove the lid and breathe in pairs that will appear above the pan. Close to the pot is better not to approach, as the child can behave unpredictably, hesitates and burns.

Hoarse cough in adult

Occasion in the throat, hoarse voice and dry cough are signs of laryngitis. If you immediately begin treatment, Larygitis will be held in a week. What to do? First, you need to exclude salted, hot, cold and spicy products from the diet. Secondly, it is impossible to talk, even whisper and smoking.

Hoarse cough u. adult will passif it is treated with the following drugs: "bioparox", "Kameton", "Inhalipte", "Erispal" and others. You need to drink tea, frost and compotes as much as possible. In the room you can put an air humidifier (today humidifiers are sold in every home appliance store). Do not forget about the ventilation of the room, because without fresh air, recovery is impossible.

Dry hoarse cough

Children often catchy. The cold is a disease that begins due to a virus from entering the body. In children's institutions, a cold is the character of the epidemic. The cold is transmitted by air-droplet. On the first day, runny nose, cough, tear, voice becomes hoarse. Children begin to breathe hard, they rises the temperature and the dry hoarse cough begins.

Cough appears due to the infection of the lower or upper respiratory tract. If the infection fell into the upper respiratory tract, such diseases appear as rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis and others. Under the damage to the lower respiratory tract, pneumonia may occur, bronchitis, abscess and so on. Chronic cough often occurs with those who smoke a lot or lives next to a multi-fiction man.

Half constrained, ripped and painful cough happens with dry pleurisy, which accompanies pneumonia. Productive and indomitable cough is a sign of asthma or cystic fibrosis.

Cough and hoarse voice

When a person cannot sound and he is tormented by a dry cough, it is believed that he has some kind of larynx disease. Cough and hoarse voice may appear due to acute laryngita, tumors voice folds, fibrome, polyps or cysts.

Most often, laryngitis appears on an ARVI background. In this situation, the sprays "Camming" and "Bioparox" will help. Injecting should be performed at the moment of deep breath. Of great importance is the voice rest - it is impossible to pronounce anything, even in a whisper.

Drinking hot milk with honey or hot tea with lemon in no way, it is not enough that it will not help, so also harm. It is better to go to the therapist or the ENT doctor. The specialist will determine the nature of the disease and prescribe competent treatment.

When it is necessary to worry: 7 kinds of "bad" cough in children

In the cold, our households can be repeatedly subjected to easy colds and ailments. But if you noticed that the child appeared an uncharacteric cough, it's time to beat the alarm. Surely this is something more serious than a banal cold. What cases should worry? Let's talk about this in the materials of the next publication.


Your child went to bed with a laid nose and slept peacefully for several hours. But in the middle of the night you were awakened by a loud sound, resembling a littered bark of dogs. You jump up to bed and see that the baby is unable to breathe.

This symptom may indicate a viral disease, affecting young children (from 6 months to 3 years). This ailment causes inflammation of the larynx and trachea, firmly in the cold period (from October to March). The day, as a rule, cough disappears. Having hoping, he seems to await his hour. With the onset of night heavy attacks Repeated. Sometimes, when inhaling, a shrill whistle is heard from the larynx of the child. A similar occasion is more likely to overtake children who live in a cold apartment.

Immediate relief will bring a walk around the frost. Cold air relaxes the respiratory tract. If there is no desire to go outside in the middle of the night, then place the coupling kid for 20 minutes in the bathroom filled with hot water. Warm wet air improves breathing. If the situation does not improve, call the ambulance carriage.

Mucous cough

You noticed that a mucus is distinguished with a cough of a child. This is accompanied by a runny nose, throat pain, bad appetite and tear. Such symptoms may indicate a long-term (two-week) cold or are its initial stage. On average, children may be subjected to colds from six to ten times annually.

Sign up for a reception to the pediatrician, but do not insist at the reception of antibiotics. In this case, they are powerless. The mucous cough will disappear as soon as you clean the nasal channels. If the child is unmumbered, use salt solutions for washing and special devices for pumping mucus.

Dry cough at night

Regular dry cough at night may indicate asthma or chronic diseases respiratory tract. The lungs are inflamed, which leads to narrowing channels and excess mucus, as a result of which cough is formed. Some parents mistakenly believe that the characteristic wheels of the throat indicate on asthma. However, sometimes the only symptom of this illness can be a dry night cough.

If you suspect asthma, contact your pediatrician. Already at 5 years old, it is possible to identify this disease. The child blows into a special tube verifying the functions of the lungs. Todders shame difficult to confirm the diagnosis immediately. Usually after inspection, the crumbs interview the parents in detail and raise the history of allergic diseases of relatives.

Weak cough

The child for the first time in life refuses games and excessively depressed? It is accompanied by a weak, slightly hoarse cough, high temperatures, muscular pain and runny nose. The kid's body has seen an acute viral disease (flu) affecting the respiratory system. Remember that the influenza virus in children has long incubation period. They can be infected for several days before the symptoms will manifest as clearly. This disease can move from a classmate, who chicked away. Through microscopic droplets, the influenza virus will quickly spread all over the room.

Before the inspection of the pediatrician, let the kid as much as possible liquid and antipyretic agents. If the child often sicks, it is better to be reinforced and resort to vaccination.

A few days later, after the child was caught up, he appears a hoarse cough, accompanied by whistle sounds. At the same time, breathing can be intermittent and rapidly. Such symptoms may be signs of bronchipolitis, inflammation of the smallest pathways of the lower respiratory tract. When swelling bronchioles are filled with mucus. This makes it difficult to breathe a baby. Ailments are spread from kids under the age of one year.

If such manifestations are detected, it is impossible to slow. It is necessary to refer to the pediatrician on the direction of the X-ray examination. In this case, blood tests are also shown. In particularly serious cases, the baby must be placed on treatment in the hospital.

Whooping cough

Such attacks can be marked in children who have already sharpened more than one week. The attacks of a convulsive cough are observed with a high frequency on one breath (up to 20 spasms). Batties themselves accompanied by strange sounds. The most likely cause of these symptoms is pertussus. Children under 6 years old dosed vaccine from this ailment. However, in the breaks between vaccinations, until immunity was developed, the child risks "pick up" the cough. Especially in the risk group are babies under the age of half a year, since their lungs do not yet have sufficient strength. In this regard, the symptoms of the disease do not have such a pronounced character, which makes it difficult to detect.

With a suspicion of cough, the child needs urgent hospitalization to six months. Older children recover from treatment with antibiotics. However, other family members will require prophylactic agents in order to avoid this disease. Remember that the cough is infectious, and the immunity begins to weaken in 5 years after vaccination.

Moist cough

With a long cold, the child can become worse and worse. At the same time, the baby is tormented by a wet cough with sputum and mucus, the increased body temperature does not fall, and the breath is rapidly. Probably, crumbling overtook the inflammation of the lungs. With pneumonia, the virus or bacteria affect this organ, completely filling it with fluid. Pediatricians can not always visually diagnose this disease, therefore, to display a complete picture, you will need an x-ray or a test for the level of oxygen content. Unlike viral, bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. Most often, the child is required hospitalization.

Haspid voice when coughing - what is the reason how to treat?

Sometimes people suddenly disappear the ability to sound. Instead, a husky voice appears and cough. Many are in vain belong to such symptoms, as something unpervently, they believe that they just shouted loudly, laughed or talked. However, they are often mistaken. Cough, a sipid voice, as well as a runny nose can be signs of a very large number of diseases. Sometimes very dangerous.

Why does the cough appear and the voice disappears (or becoming inseparable)?

The appearance of unpleasant symptoms may indicate the development of laryngitis. Deals appear against the background of various diseases:

Reflex respiratory tract spasms in this case will first be unproductive (without wetting). In addition to husky sounds, it is observed:

  • Hoarseness.
  • Irritation in the throat.
  • Temperature.
  • Painfulness when swallowing.

An indispensable admission for the weakening of unpleasant signs of laryngitis is various rinsing.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the husky voice, cough pass immediately after the disease is cured. However, if symptoms continue to be observed for a long time and go to the chronic stage, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

There are several more reasons for the simultaneous appearance of sharp spastic exhalations and speech asset.

There was a cough and a voice: Chemical intoxication

In case of poisoning, the chlorine is very often observed by the spectacle and dry crackling reflector exhalations. This is due to the spasms of the voice slot. Very often the cause of such poisoning becomes household detergents.

  • Paints arising behind the sternum.
  • Wet mucosa.
  • Overflow in the mouth.

There are cases when such states go into lung edema.

  • Cramp.
  • Brad.
  • Diarrhea with blood.

Osip Voice, Cough (infectious and inflammatory diseases

Unpleasant symptoms may occur due to various ailments, causing changes in ligaments, larynx swelling. These include:

  • Adenoviral infection.
  • Cysts, polyps, tumors of voice ligaments.
  • Bacterial diseases of the throat caused by pneumococci, bidellars, gemophilic chopsticks, fungi and yeast.
  • Flu.
  • Infectious diseases.

Cough and bellish, as a manifestation of allergies

The reflex spasms of the respiratory tract and changes in the tonality of pronunciations may be symptoms of the body's hypersensitivity to different stimuli. This is how the swelling of Quinke begins (one of the most dangerous allergic reactions), which can even end with a fatal outcome. Immediately call an ambulance should be subject if an unexpected cough, votes loss are accompanied by:

  • Oversions.
  • Pallorial or scinting skin.
  • Slow or exconstructation.
  • Fainting.

Voice and cough due to violation of metabolism

Unpleasant symptoms can be caused by a decrease in hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Such dysfunction endocrine system caused by various factors:

  • Removing the gland due to goiter or neoplasm.
  • Tharedite.
  • Passing irradiation.
  • Iodine deficiency in the body.

For patients with similar anomaly, the manifestations of additional symptoms are characteristic:

  • Inhibition.
  • Pallhood.
  • Even.
  • Apathy.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Dysfots.
  • Slow heartbeat.
  • Dry skin.
  • Thirst.
  • Failure in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Disorders of consciousness.

Voice and cough disappears: burns

Hispal speech and bronchospasms can be observed with the direct contact of the mucous membranes of larynx and ligaments with various stimuli. Impact can be both single and periodic. The most often sharp spastic exhalations and the heaven speech arise:

Cough and husky voice due to overvoltage of ligaments

Unpleasant symptoms are very often characteristic sign people of certain professions. Haspid voice and cough periodically observed from:

  • Teachers.
  • Actors.
  • Singers.

These symptoms appear due to the overvoltage of the voice apparatus, which can lead to expanding on the bundles of nodules and formations. Sometimes to remove them, it is necessary to even resort to surgical intervention.

Cough and husky voice due to injuries

The reasons mechanical damage Bundles are not too numerous. These include:

  • Dry trachea if you need tracheotomy.
  • Injurization of the return nerve innervating voice ligaments during the operations on the thyroid gland.
  • Scratching trachea during intubation after general anesthesia.

Cough and husky voice due to larynx tumors

The reason for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms may be the emergence of various neoplasms:

  • Benign.
  • Malignant.
  • Fiber.
  • Angiom.
  • Cyst.
  • Lipom.
  • Chondrom.
  • Polyps.
  • Papillom.

These benign tumors Grow from:

  • Connective tissues.
  • Vessels.
  • Mucous membranes.

IN initial stage Their development is characterized by the appearance of cough and an inappropriate voice, which at the later stages of the development of the ailment may disappear at all. Sometimes tumors can induce.

Lane cancer may not manifest in the early stages. Cough and husky voice are observed only when malignant tumorslocalized in the area of \u200b\u200bvoice ligaments. If the neoplasms are located in other areas of the larynx, their signs may first be absent. In the later stages, pains and intoxication may appear.

What if there is an impudence of voice, cough?

With the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, certain prophylactic measures should be taken:

  • Constantly moisturize the air indoors.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Drink hot milk with honey.
  • Use herbal teas.

Since weakness, cough may be the symptoms of a very large number of dangerous diseases, it is not necessary to get involved preventive measuresdirected only for a temporary decrease in the intensity of unpleasant phenomena. You should visit the doctor as soon as possible. To cure cough, the otolaryngologist will help the adult voice, and the pediatrician children will help.

A rare mommy will remain calm if the child got a voice and cough appeared. Homemade means - warming up, sipping the baby with hot milk with butter and honey, tea with lemon. These measures can cause the opposite effect - the state will deteriorate and the temperature will rise.

To know what happened to the child and how to treat it, you need to contact the pediatrician. The only symptoms - the husky voice and cough - cannot be the basis for diagnosis. The condition is estimated at the clinical picture: how coughing coughs, whether the sputum is distinguished, whether the temperature rose, there is a rash on the body or not.

In the preparation of the therapeutic scheme, all signs of the disease are taken into account.

Why appear cough and an atponed voice in a child?

A hoarse cough appears not only because of a cold.

The same symptoms arise:

  • due to congenital anomalies and underdevelopment of the Gundy Ring - in babies;
  • with anomalous formations in the nasopharynk - cyst, polyps, increasing adenoids;
  • due to the aneurysm of the chest aorta of a congenital character;
  • when receiving medical preparations - if the side effect is to reduce the production of saliva and protective secrets of the mucous membrane;
  • with allergies;
  • due to the injuries of the larynx - impact on the neck or damage to the throat in the throat from the inside, the mucous burn;
  • after the increased load on the voice ligaments - that is, when the baby screened or applied.

And yet the frequent cause The fact that the child unexpectedly hoarse or spoke to bass and often coughs, is a cold. The patient may have tracheitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. The symptoms of these diseases are similar, but the treatment has some nuances.


During the disease, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is inflamed, lymph nodes and almonds may be affected. Causes a disease introduction of infection of various etiology, often respiratory, or respiratory contact with an allergen.

Signs of the disease:

  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • swallowing pain;
  • feeling of the foreign body in the larynx;
  • dry cough.

In children, the disease may occur against the background of various infections - during the crust, rubella, scarletin.


Etiology and signs of tracheitis are largely coincided with symptoms and clinical picture Pharyngitis, only the inflammatory process involves the mucous membrane of the trachea. If you do not start treatment at this stage, the infection will fall deeper and amaze bronchi.

In children, it happens more often - in their rare cases of ORVI with the defeat of the nasopharynk, without the appearance of complications - bronchitis. Kids have increased metabolism.


The most dangerous cold illness, in which the voice hoarsely and the barking hoarse cough in children appears - it is Larygit. During the disease, the ladies amazed, voice ligaments are involved in the inflammatory process.

Under the action of the pathoral flora there are inflammation at which they appear:

  • swelling of mucous membranes and ligaments;
  • infiltration of the mucous membrane;
  • hyperemia.

The lumen of the larynium is narrowed, a hemorrhagic rash can appear, the mucus production increases.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe nastestrian and trachea is affected, then the disease is called laryngotracy. Dry cough for 2-3 days is replaced by wet, but the voice is stubble. If you begin to treat the disease at the first symptoms, then in 7-10 days it can be completely eliminated.

Larygitis for children is especially dangerous - it can provoke a dangerous complication - false croup. The kid at any time may suffocate - the voice gap is very narrow, when the edema occurs, it quickly overlaps. Full voices loss with false cruel in babies does not occur.

The true croup is developing gradually:

  • first, the timbre of sound - the voice becomes hoarse;
  • then the barking cough appears;
  • then Afony comes - a little;
  • stenosis develops.

Already at 2 stages of stenosis due to respiratory failure, hypoxia and cyanosis of the skin appear in children.

At the first signs of false or true cereal - masculousness and barking cough - it is necessary to urgently cause an ambulance. Stop stenosis with homemade means is impossible - the child may suffocate.

How to treat a child who hoarse and coughs?

In order to prevent a dangerous state, the treatment should be started, as soon as the voice begins to hear the hoarse and passing, testifying to the tribium in the throat.

Larygitis is not an independent disease - it occurs on the background of ARVI or allergies. Therefore, it is possible to tune in to comprehensive therapeutic measures.


  • antihistamines - they have an anti-ethnic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antipyretic - if there is a temperature;
  • antiviral or antibiotics - depending on the etiology of the disease.

It is necessary to use the means of local action that will be stopped by the activity of the pathoral flora and eliminate the irritation of the larynx.

The most common means in the swelling of the larynx: "Hexoral", "Inhalipte", "Kameton", "Tantuum Verde". They are produced in the form of aerosols. You can rinse the throat with solutions Miramistina, "Chlorophyllip", "Chlorhexidine".

Mitigate the larynx and eliminate the dryness of the pill for resorption - "Dr. Mom", "Lisobakt", "Strepsils", "Septolte".

Most effective action Remove lollipops with menthol or mint. You can handle the larynx "Lugolam" and oil mortar "Chlorophyllip".

All drinks must be warm:

  • milk;
  • infusion of rosehip;
  • alkaline mineral water;
  • chamomile beams, currant and raspberry leaves, lime color, violet leaves ...

When purchasing a ready-made collection from laryngitis, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition: it must have components of anti-inflammatory and musolithic action. The faster the dry unproductive cough change wet, the easier it will be the patient's condition.

You should not use a soda solution or decoction of the oak bark for rinsing the throat - these tools have a drying effect. Also should not be abused with honey - in large quantities it annoys the mucous membrane.

Inhalation effectively help. Contraindications for procedures - High temperature, tachycardia and increased pressure.

Choose heading adenoids angina non-heading Moist cough Wet cough in children sinusitis cough cough in children Largitis ENT disease Folk Methods Hymanita treatment Folk remedies from cough Folk remedies Rubber Rubber Rubber in pregnant women Rubber in adult runny nose in children Review of drugs otitis preparations from cough procedures for swinging cough procedures Procedures from a cold Symptoms Spring Syrup from cough dry cough dry cough in children Temperature Tonasillit Tracity

  • Rubble
    • Rubber in children
    • Folk remedies
    • Rubber in pregnant women
    • Rubber in adults
    • Normal procedures
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Hymorit
    • People's methods for the treatment of hymorite
    • Symptoms of hymorita
    • Gaymorita procedures
  • ENT disease
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Parents are very worried when the child is sick. If a child has an Osip voice, cough appeared, mom begins to check the temperature, ask the child, where and what hurts. Often, such a guard is not superfluous. It is better to stop the disease in time than to deal with its consequences.

Waking up early in the morning, your child can not even say words. The harsh voice in the child (cough) appear unexpectedly and only then parents begin to remember what caused the disease. Children are very sensitive to colds and viral diseases. A sipid voice without cough in a child arises because of the edema of ligaments, the inflammation of the mucous membrane and the trachea. Haying he has time at night, when voice ligaments do not work.

When trying to talk in the morning with native ligaments strain, and instead of words, a sapper cough crashes from a larynx. Parents on this occasion begins real panic, and the child perceives its condition in different ways. Sometimes it cries, sometimes tolerates. It becomes very bad from obvious symptoms of the disease:

  • lack of voice;
  • mascost;
  • dry cough.

What if the master of the voice, the child speaks, hoarse, does the cough begins to torment him? An experienced person is immediately clear that the child fell ill and will not go to kindergarten or school. He will have a long treatment to restore ligaments. Any voice voltage can only worsen the patient's condition.

Causes of voice and cough

Any disease has its own nature. Anxious voice in a child and cough may arise for various reasons:

  • Inhibition of viral infection on the mucous membrane;
  • Complication from other diseases (ARVI, angina, pharyngitis, bronchitis, influenza);
  • Allergic reactions;
  • The supercooling of the body when the cough and the husky voice appears even in an adult;
  • Transition of colds in chronic form ( bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis).

Recently, small children and adolescents are especially susceptible to viral infections. Relaxed immunity, improper nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, the absence of outdoor walks create the soil for a sudden disease, the appearance of a sipal voice and cough in a child. "Greenhouse" education can also be one of the causes of the disease.

The disease is especially difficult for the kid to 1 year, as well as children from 1 to 6 years old. Ensure in the throat, cough without temperature, a sipid voice scare a small little man. He does not understand what happens to him, and all the time crying, showing her throat. And the dry cough does not allow him to sleep at night. Parents must be found to find the cause of the disease, consulting with the doctor. With the right diagnosis, treatment can be accelerated, not allowing the transition of the disease in chronic form.

Symptoms of the disease

Dry cough, witness, can be indicators of different diseases. Stenosis of the larynx leads to the spasms of the respiratory tract. It becomes dangerous for the baby, especially between the ages of 0 to the year. The child's cough in a child leads to the fact that he does not sleep at night, chips, loses the appetite, becomes nervous and irritable.

Such symptoms may indicate the development of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Little child can be aspid if swallowed foreign body Or with reflux in the stomach. In the field of peculiarity of the voice and the appearance of a dry cough in a child can come asphyxia at all. It is not worth experimenting with the treatment of a child, since everything can only be complicated.

What to do if a child has an instance voice and cough marks

It is necessary to take into account the overall standing of the patient and the conditions under which the inhalation is prohibited. These can be asthmatic, allergic symptoms, heart failure, individual intolerance to drugs, epilepsy and other chronic diseases.

Popular treatment

Folk healers have a whole complex of therapeutic herbs, ointments, tinctures that can help parents cure voices of voice and dry cough without the intervention of official medicine.

If there are no diseases of asphyxia and serious complications of the disease, you can use folk recipes:

  • Dry mucosa requires mitigation, so you can drink a child with warm milk with honey, dissolving a piece of butter.
  • Therapeutic infusions from dry cough should be drunk in warm form 4-5 times a day. The composition includes:
  • col-stepmother leaves;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • tricolor violets;
  • souls;
  • calendulas;
  • big;
  • the root of Aira;
  • the root of licorice.

You can safely add vitamin berries of rosehip, dry raspberry or blueberries. The drink will restore immunity, will increase the vital tone, soften the dry cough. Herbs can be insisted separately or mix if the child has no allergies to individual components.

  • Honey is used separately by 1 teaspoon. It has a softening effect on the inflamed mucosa.
  • In the morning they drink a glass of warm grape juice with a spoonful of honey.
  • Frequently uses black radish juice with honey or sugar. To do this, take a big root root, make a deepening and fall asleep with sugar or honey. The juice formed is taken on a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
  • If the child coughed to exhaustion, take a spoonful of sugar, melt on a hot pan, pour 100 ml of water. Give the resulting solution to the child to remove the larynx spasms.

There are still many suggestions on healing from hoarseness and cough, but you need to choose your recipe, based on the symptoms of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the child's body.


IN folk medicine There are many tips, how to treat wheezing and cough with compresses and rubbing. The method is effective, but does not apply when high temperatures and allergic reactions on the skin.

For compresses you can take:

  • Cabbage sheet, lubricated honey, which is applied on the chest and the back of the child. Place the compress must be insulated.
  • Soften boiled potatoes (up to 30 ° C), which is applied by 40-50 minutes to the chest.
  • Small pelp from the boiled crushed bow, vegetable and camphor oil, dry mustard and flour. It should be attached to the back and chest are no more than a couple of hours. Watch that there is no strong burning from mustard.

Using ordinary mustard pieces, various tinctures, vegetable oils For rubbing. The choice is also individual.


Can not be allowed to small child Sick. Therefore, loving parents must take care of improving their baby's health from a minute of birth. The prevention of colds is as follows:

  • Parents completely revise the diet of their child. Replace sweets and buns on apples, oranges, bananas, grenades, not forgetting about carrots, bows, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables. The deterioration of the environmental situation requires the reception of vitamin preparations that may assign children's doctor additionally.
  • The immobility for the growing organism is unacceptable. Therefore, for walking with a child in the fresh air, parents should always find time.
  • It is advisable to record a child in the pool, a sports section.
  • On the street to wear children in the weather so that the body is hardened.
  • The child should not flaw or overheat. If he is still frozen on the street, you need to immediately make a warm bath for legs with mustard.

In the young years, children are passing cycles of colds with all typical symptoms, like cough and runny nose. Over time the immune system Growing, developing pathogens mechanisms. Despite the fact that Krach's cough can at different harmless circumstances, a hoarse cough in a child must pay attention to his parents.

Changing voice timbre, extraneous noises during inhalation, exhalation with a large probability indicate the problems of viral or bacterial etiology in some kind of respiratory tract, even if the patient is without temperature.

Noticing troubles and wheezing with breathing, be sure to show the baby to the pediatrician or children's otolaryngologist. The doctor will serve the sternum, will determine the localization of noise, possible inflammatory process. The cluster of sputum in respiratory facilities carries a certain threat to a child, so it is necessary to respond quickly.

If a child suddenly in the process of food, drinking or games coughed, suffocates, most likely, he choked in pieces of food, liquid. Maybe some kind of item stuck in the throat, does not breathe it. Immediately appreciate the likelihood that the kid flies off himself. If he pale, shines, faints, urgently help him help. The release of air tract will immediately help stop coughing, start breathing calmly.

If the point is not that the Karapuz suppressed, watch the following features of his condition, they can say a lot to a doctor about the source of ailment:

  1. The term of manifestation of this symptom. The acute state of the disease lasts no longer than twenty-one days, the cough has already been talking about the chronic form of the disease.
  2. The time of day in which the cough is exacerbated.
  3. Cough catalysts: it is more manifested during meals, when moving, in the fresh air, indoors, when communicating, etc.
  4. Does the throat or the throat hurt during the cough, whether the pain is choking, whether the color of the voice changed, whether the head turns.
  5. Excrace whether the sick sputum or cough is unproductive, defecting the throat.

Hazardous quality cough

Be sure to call the doctor, examine the child if his breathing accompany the intense loud swords, the baby suffocates, it is difficult for him to swallow, the saliva flows abundantly.

There must be alarmed circumstances in which the voice of the village became coarse, cough attacks overcome at night, in the wet, the traces of blood are visible, the selection is expressed green, the cough began together with the cold, no more than 21 days. Anxious manifestations can be complemented by a common bitty, hyperthermia, loss of consciousness.

Causes of Voting Causes

With damage to the virus or bacterium can develop acute inflammation Gundy region. Larygitis leads to dryness, tickling in the throat, wish to pump off, sometimes hyperthermia. The patient may change, sit down, right up to the inability to speak.

Dangerous consequence of laryngitis - larynx stenosis, the so-called false croup. The walls of the aircraft swell, scatter, cough acquires the barking characteristics. Attacks are exacerbated at night. This condition carries a direct threat to the patient's life. It requires urgent medical intervention.

Inflammation can affect the thair of trachea. Tracheit is capable of starting from hypothermia or due to infection with bacteria. With this disease, cough attacks are observed in the morning. It is dangerous by the fact that pathology can shift deeper into the bronchial area and lungs.

If the child fell ill with cough, he will also torment the attacks of an adsadous, exhausting cough against the background of an inappropriate voice, right up to the vomiting urges. On the breath of the patient deep, noisily sucks the air. Cautious isolation may be present. Face and eyelids kid swell. Treat the disease is necessarily in the hospital under the medical supervision.

Almost all respiratory infections accompany hoarse breathing, a sipp cough. You need to try to convey to the crumbs, as important for recovery does not shout, do not talk a lot and loud. The cooler reflex provocateur becomes snot. Viscous allocations irritate the walls of the pharynx, provoking the desire to flip them off. First of all, it should be treated from a cold, which will lead to stopping cough. Lor will be able to inspect the nasal moves, will appoint proper treatment.

Additional circumstances

To the list of circumstances provoking the decline in voice timbre, the hoarse character of cough should add the following:

  • Neoplasms or growths in the Gundal region (cyst, tumor, polyp).
  • Casting air in the lungs, tuberculosis.
  • Spacing or multiple extensions of the diameter of the aorta in the chest.
  • Side effects From treatment with some drugs due to drying the mucous membrane (most often these are histamine blockers).
  • Pathological growth of adenoid vegetation;
  • Long load on the bale of the larynx (when a person sang a lot, talked, shouted). In this case, the body temperature does not increase, the general condition is satisfactory, probably a small cumaging.
  • If the kid picked up the throat into something or was injured with laryngeal in a different way, it can lead to a edema. Urgently call the ambulance brigade;
  • The allergic attack is dangerous with the compression of the gains of the respiratory tract, you need to urgently apply the Blocator of histamines, hospitalize the child.

The exhausting cough has an excessive load on all respiratory organs and muscles. There is also a danger of transition of infection in the lower respiratory departments. It is important to determine as quickly as possible and begin to treat the source of this anxiety symptom. Diagnostic inspection, listening to the sternum can be complemented common analyzes, X-ray, examination (if necessary).

Feature Breasts

Babies have not fully developed respiratory organs. Morphological features Lained cause characteristic sounds when the kid crying or shouting. Usually the child will develop these ailments. Problems with voice and breathing in breast kids require close attention, complete cure so that chronic throat pathology does not develop.

Erroneous action

Typical harmful recommendations are in an inaudent sneaking of sick children with hot drink with honey or citrus, with any signs of a cold. The sad consequence of this can be an allergic attack or burn damage to the mucous membrane. Drinks and food in the treatment must be warm, not annoying.

The list of unwanted actions can be attributed:

  • Use for inhalation of herbal infusions or essential oils Without the confidence that the baby does not react allergic and bronchospasm.
  • Singing a small temperature, subsequent hot compresses.
  • Processing the baby's mucosa with antiseptics that do not penetrate further, therefore, it is useless in this case, can cause allergies.
  • The irrigation of the throat with liquids. Kids can breathe her and choke.
  • The use of antibiotics without an accurate diagnosis. When viral infection, this class of drugs is useless, can harm the body.

Do not self-medicate, contact a specialist, take care of your children.

Therapy with a heaven voice and cough

Sick babies need to offer breasts, artificials - warm neutral drink. Surround the baby care, tenderness, take care of his nerves, voice ligaments, do not allow long Cry.

The doctor will appoint adequate therapy by age, reasons, other factors. In the bacterial nature of the disease, he will select the antibiotic, the desired dosage that should be strictly observed. The therapeutic list may include anti-inflammatory medicines, bronchophyters, immunomodulating, immunostimulating drugs.

In the event of a cold character, steam inhalations will be effective. It is best to use an inhaler with dispersed spraying. It forms a stable directional stream of safe microparticles medicinal preparation and droplets moisture. Therapeutic effect Even spreads to the lower respiratory departments and organs, nasal sinuses. The benefits of this grows.

Overly thick secret needs to be larger. You can apply both ready-made pharmacy musolithic preparations and affordable delicious agents in the form of teas with raspberry jam, honey, milk with an alkaline mineralka. Drinking should be frequent, warm, not annoying throat.

Exclude all sharp, sour, salt dishes from the children's menu. Broths, dishes with tender consistency will be useful. Be sure to moisturize the air with any available ways, often wipe dust, wash the floors, ventilate the living rooms.

Reaglement on the deterioration of well-being and unusual manifestations in the behavior of your baby. And thanks to you will be your healthy and active child.

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