Fortune telling Lenormand - the meaning of the cards, practical developments. Meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts Meaning of Madame Lenormand cards combination

  1. HORSEMAN: in divination, it means news, contacts, love passion, progress.
  2. CLOVER: when fortune-telling is not Lenomran, this is a small success and reward, a pleasant time, a little happiness, prosperity, but not for long. A successful outcome, resolution of controversial issues, favor of fortune, but very small or fleeting.
  3. SHIP: a short journey, a profitable partnership, success and progress, new paths and favorable opportunities, successful development and the beginning of a new stage in life.
  4. HOUSE: hearth, environment, protection, security, stable state of affairs, prosperous existence.
  5. TREE: stability, strengthening relationships, a strong state of affairs, roots, origin, stability, protection, patronage, power, strength, health, vitality, unprecedented growth, confidence and steadfastness in any situation. Something is bound to happen.
  6. CLOUDS: ambiguities, inability to tell and understand or explain. Difficulties will overshadow life and mood. Making an important decision to find balance, impenetrability, no visibility, thick veil. Storm clouds are moving in. The card calls for clarity of thought and the desire to win.
  7. SNAKE: mother, friend, ex-wife, colleague, beloved woman. Desire to twist and sting, strong disappointment. You risk becoming a victim of numerous problems. A wise decision.
  8. COFFIN: in fortune-telling, it means the end, deterioration in health, illness, a “deadly” test, delays, delays, tension within a couple, a change in the type of activity.
  9. BOUQUET: great luck, fun, a gift, a new impulse, a lot of chances, a fresh warm wind in any area of ​​​​life.
  10. KOSA: sudden end, new beginning, fulfillment, parting with the past, surprise. Surgery.
  11. BROOM AND ROD: negative card. Trouble, quarrel, conflict, complete disagreement, destruction, attacks, anger, rage, anger.
  12. BIRDS: temporary problems or worries. Movement, running around, vanity, grief, chatter, conversations, empty chatter.
  13. CHILD(personal card): child, girlfriend, boy, girl, colleague. The onset of a period of renewal, a fresh breeze in all areas. The emergence of new opportunities. Light flirting.
  14. FOX: dexterity, cunning, intelligence, cunning. A climate of distrust. Next to a positive card - mind, intelligence, flexibility, resourcefulness, quick wit.
  15. BEAR: power and strength, influence, father, friend, ex-husband, colleague, boss, loved one, help and support, ending difficult period, finance.
  16. STARS: aspiration, sensitivity, intuition, spiritual awakening, successful plans, the end of all problems and a return to full balance. Star of captivating happiness.
  17. STORK: changes, changes, transformations, new life lessons, success, profit, overcoming obstacles.
  18. DOG: son, friend, young man, colleague, sincere friendship, stability, fidelity, devotion.
  19. TOWER: government agency, work, school, education, shelter, stability, career growth, loneliness, isolation.
  20. GARDEN/PARK): communication, public, gathering of people, flourishing life, well-being, balance. Expansion of contacts, a place of pleasant pastime.
  21. MOUNTAIN: obstacle, blockades on the road of life, delays in the implementation of projects. Conflicts due to slander and rudeness. Difficult but lofty goals.
  22. FORK: solutions, new start, short-term budget problems, distance between people, separation. The card indicates something new, a change or a choice.
  23. RAT/MOUSE: loss, loss, disappearance of objects, fear of breach of trust, difficulties in relationships. Disease map. Something gnaws, worries, gnaws at the person who turns to the cards.
  24. HEART: love, tenderness, understanding, the ability to give and receive. Successful development in any area of ​​life. Heartiness, good mood, warmth.
  25. RING: contracts, communication, cooperation, return, marriage, running in circles, reconciliation, cooperation.
  26. BOOK: secret. Collection of information. Finding the right solution to problems. Good chances, the ability to listen to the opinions of others. Knowledge of objects hidden from us or hidden by ourselves. Help from a more experienced person. The card calls for caution and reflection. This is a very good card for creative people, mystics, writers, soothsayers.

  27. LETTER: map of official documents. Written contract, message, fax, mail, mobile phone, paper.
  28. MAN: if the consultant is a man, this card symbolizes him. Husband or most significant man, partner. Order, systematization, promotion, stability, balance in life.
  29. WOMAN: represents a counselor and can also symbolize a woman intervening in life. Wife, partner, most significant woman.
  30. LILY: help, prosperity, career growth, sex, motivation. Surrounded by negative cards - anxiety, turmoil, conflicts, pressure from a strong person.
  31. SUN(strong card): success, recognition, good life circumstances. Sun, heat, summer, complete satisfaction, a period of bliss and high praise, recognition, success.
  32. MOON Keywords: creativity, creative imagination, hypersensitivity to the environment, night, hidden, secret, recognition, physical attractiveness, motherhood.
  33. KEY: activity, energy, confidence and openness, search for a solution in achieving the desired, satisfaction.
  34. FISH: money, finance, profit, deep feelings. Activity card in business and with cash. Deep feelings and relationships.
  35. ANCHOR: stability, comfort, reliability, confidence, strength, significator of work, protection, safe haven, stagnation.
  36. CROSS: future, faith in the future, faith, longing and melancholy, difficult life trials, loss of balance in all areas of life, some complications in life, karmic relationships.
In a small deck Lenormand 36 cards. When divining, they can be arranged in the following groups, with the corresponding meanings:

divine skies

Sky- this is the place where we turn our eyes, hopes, from where signs descend. It is what is above us, what is above us. The group combines cards with celestial bodies and atmospheric phenomena - SUN, MOON, STARS, CLOUDS.

Sun and the Moon according to Jung are two components of our thinking. The sun is daytime, visible, active, rational consciousness. Moon - nocturnal, secret, passive, irrational subconscious. In a similar way, one constructs and interprets


The SUN is happiness, visible and social success, correct, rational actions.

MOON- susceptibility, intuition, the burden of the past, which requires reflection. Sometimes here: the MOON card indicates the need for rest and reflection, that is, immersion in your inner world.

SWEZDY- both in a dream and in divination, they predict the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, inspiration, high ideals. As the source of light in the night sky, the stars are a symbol of the spiritual light that penetrates the darkness.

Symbolism CLOUDS- these are external dangers, unfavorable changes in the world around us that do not depend on us. This card has one interpretational nuance. In many decks on the map, CLOUDS are depicted only in half of the sky, thereby introducing an optimistic mood. The coming troubles will not be global. They affect only part of life. In some layouts, the direction of the cloud is even used. If clouds are directed towards the questioner's card, this is a big trouble, and if part of the bright sky is turned towards the questioner's card, then troubles will pass by.


Water in dreams means well-being, liberation, the general course, the course of life. Jung viewed water as a symbol of the unconscious. There are three cards in the deck that are semantically related to water. These are FISH, SHIP, ANCHOR.

FISH represent the deep essence of the element of water as the basis of life, as a nutrient medium for all living things. In a dream, seeing live fish is a sign of good luck, success and wealth. Psychologically, Pisces symbolize what lives in the subconscious. Here we can recall that Pisces is a symbol of Christ, a sign of pure faith. Pisces is something that goes beyond the rational mind, but also something that forms the basis of life.

SHIP in divination, it is a symbol of communication, the elements of water with the elements of air. This symbol represents water as a constantly changing and flowing substance. The interpretation of the ship in the dream book exactly matches the meaning of the card. These are important changes, new beginnings, hopes or just a trip. In psychological terms, these are the external manifestations of our subconscious desires.

ANCHOR represents the union of the elements of water with the elements of earth. This is something that can hold against spontaneous changes in the flow of water. This is a rational principle that restrains and controls the manifestations of subconscious drives. Look at the image of the map - the anchor lies on the ground, and its chain is lowered into the water. It seems to hold the element of water, does not allow it to rage. This card always speaks of stability and security.

Earthin the oracle deck of Madame Lenormand

It includes two cards - RAZVILKA, MOUNTAIN.

Earth is the most passive of all the elements. Such concepts as slowness, immersion in the inner world, conservatism, stagnation can be associated with it.

The cards of this group are very static in nature, they carry all sorts of delays and stops, but, on the other hand, they can be called "rest before the decisive battle." The stops that they bring are usually extremely necessary in order to make the right decision, gather strength or test their convictions (intentions) for strength.

FORK- a synonym for choice before making a decision. Psychologically, the card should be viewed as a stop to reflect on some important decision.

MOUNTAIN- in dreams, mountains are always interpreted as obstacles. For Jung, in psychoanalysis, Hora means a mystical, spiritual ascent upward, to the place where revelation takes place, where the spirit is present. In many world religions, prophets received revelation on a mountain. And the MOUNTAIN card on one level gives possible obstacles, and on the other - spiritual ascent through thorns to the stars.

Flowersin the oracle deck of Madame Lenormand

WITHconsists of three cards CLOVER, BOUQUET, LILY. The symbolism of the flower can be seen as a prototype of the soul, which can flourish in three different planes.

CLEVER- simple wild flower which is in natural harmony with the environment. It means when fortune telling a small, pleasant surprise.

BOUQUET- made up of garden plants grown by human labor. This is a very social card, representing interaction with your own kind. The state of the soul symbolized by the bouquet is service to people, help to one's neighbor, philanthropy. If Clover completely dissolves in the outside world, then the Bouquet strives in every possible way to attract attention to itself, to be in the center of ongoing events. Means - either a girl / guy, as a new hobby, or some pleasant moment in life.

LILY is a symbol of purity and sinlessness, as well as chosenness. Flower of the Virgin Mary, as well as royal dynasties. It symbolizes access to a higher spiritual plane or the achievement of a special, privileged position.

Birds in the oracle deck of Madame Lenormand

The next group, called "Birds", includes two cards - STORKS, OWLS / BIRDS.

In almost all myths, birds are intermediaries between the gods and the human world. But at the same time, the noise and bustle of bird flocks irritated people. The human mind also associates such concepts as vanity, everyday worries, pettiness, "much ado about nothing" with birds. Two cards from this group reveal two different sides of the image of birds.

STORK got all the best from the feathered family. A beautiful, graceful bird evokes extremely positive emotions. And who does not know that the stork brings us all into this world? And the AIST card always brings with it changes in life for the better.

OWLS(in some decks, the card is simply called "BIRDS") represents the nocturnal, dark side of bird life. The owl is the bird of the goddess of wisdom and witches, she is feared and respected. The display range of the map is quite wide. From vanity, doubt and depression to deep inner wisdom.

Animals in Madame Lenormand's Oracle Card Deck

The Animals group, which uses images of living beings, is the most numerous. It includes cards BEAR, FOX, RAT, DOG, SNAKE.

Living beings in dreams symbolize our sensual, emotional part of life. They represent different states souls, attitudes to reality and to other people. In various projective psychological tests images of animals are used so that a person can calmly transfer his thoughts and feelings to them. Thus, it turns out that the cards of this group can have two layers of values. First - these cards reveal one of the facets of our personality, a certain quality that we are ready to show at the moment. Secondly, they can symbolize specific people who play certain roles in our lives.

BEAR speaks of nobility, strength and power, but may indicate a person who plays the role of a patron (boss, father) in our life.

DOG- friend of human. Since man tamed this animal, it has become a symbol of faithful service and devotion, and now also friendship. The appearance of this card in the layout can be considered as the participation or help of a friend.

FOX- Another famous liar and cheat from fairy tales. Symbolizes cunning and deceit. She will point to a person endowed with all these "dignities."

Rats always evoked squeamishness and disgust. A century ago, these small rodents were a real disaster. They caused great damage by eating food supplies, and, worst of all, they were the distributors of terrible epidemics. Hence the meaning of the RAT card - loss, theft, damage to property, illness. And the person denoted by this card is a contagious person, a source of all sorts of troubles.

SNAKE more complex and less clear. On the one hand, a person has a genetic fear of reptiles. For most peoples, a snake is a creeping reptile, an insidious enemy, ready to strike on the sly. But there is also a high hypostasis of the manifestation of the image of a snake. This is a symbol of secret knowledge and wisdom, although most often the Serpent is seen as a warning about impending intrigues, as an indication of a lurking snake under the deck, ready at any moment to deliver its mortal blow. And while our actions are controlled by subconscious desires and instincts, the SNAKE card will continue to manifest the worst aspects. But it is worth rising above selfishness and anger yourself, and the snake will symbolize wisdom and secret knowledge.

People with Consists of three cards: MAN, WOMAN, CHILD. In addition to the fact that all these three cards are used as the main significator, each of them can be associated with one of the three principles of the human personality. These beginnings, or states of the soul, may have different names in different classifications.

MAN- this is the mind, the state of "adult", superego, spirit.

WOMAN- this is intuition, the state of "parent", ego, soul.

CHILD- this is spontaneity, the state of "child", the body.

Female archetype - e then a group that combines, at first glance, very different cards, such as HOUSE, TOWER, TREE, COFFIN. In the psychoanalytic tradition, the female archetype is associated with the concepts of "matter" and "containment", "acceptance" and "absorption".

HOUSE most people associate with mother, warmth and care. Feeling of safety and comfort. The family and the home in our culture have always been considered women's household. In Freudian psychoanalysis, the house is traditional symbol body.

TOWER- this is the "state" form of the house. This card represents society, the state as a big mother - that is, caring, reliable, but ignoring individuality. The significance of the individual is devalued, the achievement has value only in the context of life in society.

TREE- this is matter, material for creating any forms. The archetype of mother nature, who loves all her children and gives them vitality.

COFFIN is death, the second face of mother nature. "Everything came from dust, and everything will return to dust."

Interaction: it includes the cards GARDEN, HEART, RING. These cards have a common beginning. All of them are interpreted in the plane of interaction and human relationships.

GARDEN (PARK)- in the symbolism of dreams, walking in a park or in a forest means a fun pastime, romantic affairs, new acquaintances. The Garden card is associated with the acquisition of life experience of interpersonal communication.

HEART connected with love, and love is the most powerful channel of interaction.

RING associated with the concept of duty, limitation and mutual obligations in any form of relationship. It brings a stabilizing beginning, giving a sense of reliability and strength of the union. The ring is also a symbol of formality in love, turning a love affair into a marriage, and two lovers into a cell of society.

Cognition: represented by the cards HORSEMAN, LETTER, BOOK, KEY. These are symbols associated with intellectual activity.

RIDER- this is swiftness, speed, superficiality. This card brings important, but very concise, news, often related to everyday affairs. Nowadays, the Horseman card is mainly associated with phone calls, faxes, e-mail. This is fast, actionable information. In the process of cognition, it corresponds to the phase of information gathering.

LETTER is a written word, it is a thought put into form. There is a lot of accuracy and pedantry in this image. The card symbolizes all kinds of securities and documents. In the process of cognition, it corresponds to the phase of systematization, the search for patterns.

BOOK is the keeper of secrets and secret knowledge. This is the most static, calm image from this group of cards. It symbolizes the accumulation of experience and knowledge, as well as the transfer of knowledge to subsequent generations. In the process of cognition, it corresponds to the preservation of information.

KEY is classified in this category, as it provides an opportunity for qualitative change and rethinking of a simple sum of accumulated experience and collected knowledge. KEY - "Uranic" card, symbolizing a sudden insight or breakthrough to a new level. This is a discovery, an invention, an exit to a new stage of development.

Punishment. This group includes the cards Broom, Braid, CROSS. These images are associated with what is called "reaping the rewards" with retribution for the mistakes made. But it is also purification, liberation from unnecessary burden, ballast that prevents you from moving forward.

BROOM associated with the element of air. And it is not for nothing that in some decks on card No. 11 a sword is depicted - an ancient magical symbol of this element. Its scope is the mental plane. It is connected with the consciousness of a person who seeks to get rid of all garbage. The broom frees us from the accumulated "dirty", negative energy and from unnecessary connections.

KOSA- an ancient symbol of Saturn and an indispensable attribute of death. She warns of the harvest, when everyone will be rewarded according to his deeds. This card portends events that are caused by our negative karma. The scythe makes it possible to manifest the accumulated negative energy. It is an abrupt and painful release. The scythe is like a surgeon's sharp scalpel, which, in order to save a person's life, cuts off a diseased organ. Often the appearance of this card indicates the need for decisive action to get rid of a malicious element.

CROSS- the hardest card. “Carry your cross” means to humbly go through all the severe trials that fate sends.

From this article you will learn:

    What is the history of the appearance of Lenormand cards

    How are they different from other divination cards?

    What is the interpretation of each card of the Lenormand deck

Show a person who would not want to know what awaits him in the future. If there are, they are very few. Therefore, people who can predict fate will be popular at all times - fortune telling. Most often, fortunetellers use cards. The most common are Tarot and Lenormand, and the soothsayers agree that the latter take less energy from the fortuneteller and can give answers to a wide variety of questions. We will talk about what the interpretation of Lenormand cards is in our article.

The cards got their name from the famous French soothsayer Marie Lenormand. As a teenager, she very accurately gave an interpretation of the future. Some of the most influential and wealthy people in France turned to her for answers to their questions, including Josephine Beauharnais, the first wife of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

At the first session, Marie Lenormand told Josephine that very soon she would become the emperor's wife. Soon Napoleon himself visited her salon, to whom the soothsayer predicted the imperial future. The fortune-telling came true after 10 years.

Lenormand also warned Napoleon that the war with Russia would put an end to his reign. For this interpretation of the future, Bonaparte tried to expel the soothsayer from Paris, but at that time she was already too popular not only in France, but also abroad.

There are 36 cards in the Lenormand deck. In her divination, Maria used an ordinary playing deck, but she interpreted the meanings of the cards in her own way, mainly based on the rules of divination, which were once introduced by the famous French occultist and tarot reader Jean-Baptiste Allette (his literary pseudonym Ettailla).

When Lenormand died in 1843, no special maps or divination notes were found, only her philosophical discourses on the fate of France and her memoirs of meetings with famous people. Until now, her methods of divination are not known for certain - they were restored by followers only to some extent.

The Lenormand deck received its modern look in the 1960s thanks to the Flemish fortuneteller Erne Drusbeke. She is an artist and has been fond of drawing maps since childhood. Erne became interested in the divination system of Maria Lenormand, and she made an attempt to reconstruct her system of interpretation, which ended very successfully. In 1987, in Antwerp, the publishing house "Parsifal" published her book "Guessing Together with Lenormand".

At the heart of the predictive power of Lenormand's cards is their relative position and proximity to the "Asker's card" - the blank. The closer other cards fell to her, the more they affect her fate. The ones drawn by Drusbeke now have drawings that now make the top and bottom of the cards different.

The success of an oracle using the interpretation of Lenormand cards depends on his talent, on how inspirationally he interprets their meaning. Often the predictor is more focused not only on the meaning of the cards, but also on his intuition.

Most often in divination, a regular deck of 36 cards is used. It is also called the Small Deck (Small Oracle). Professional soothsayers use a large deck of 54 cards (Maria Lenorman herself used her famous "Astromythological deck" of 52 cards on special occasions). Large, unlike Small, is inherently closer to the Tarot cards. In very rare cases, they guess on a deck of 78 cards.

Symbolism of Lenormand cards and basic interpretations

Today there are many variants of the Lenormand deck. The meanings of the cards are interpreted in different ways, depending on the plots and images depicted on them. For example, somewhere the "Book" is shown open, somewhere closed. But the basic meanings for interpretation converge.

Usually brings good news. The closer the nine of worms lay to the "Asker's card", the closer the source from which the news will come.

Another meaning of this card is a message of paramount importance. It can be a telegram, parcel, phone call, etc.

It happens that the interpretation is interpreted as connections with foreign states.

The dropped "Horseman" promises excellent prospects if it is surrounded by such favorable cards as "Clover", "Ship".

If the soothsayer talks about what happened in the past, then the nine of worms means the news received once, if it talks about the future, then the Horseman promises hope, means new ideas, plans, confirms the resolution of problem situations.

The card lay on top - soon you will receive some news, turned out to be from below - the information received will turn out to be unnecessary, insignificant.

It is considered a good card of the Lenormand deck, a harbinger of success and a happy life. If she lies next to the "Asker's card", then the interpretation will be as follows: "All problem situations will soon be resolved, desires will come true."

If favorable cards fall out along with Clover, therefore, hopes will come true, a white streak will come in life. If the six tambourine came out unfavorable (“Coffin”, “Clouds”, “Scythe”), then the interpretation refers to the collapse of plans, disappointment, material losses.

It is favorable, most often means excellent prospects, success in business, improvement of the situation, serves as a symbol of readiness for self-improvement.

In addition, a dozen peaks from the Lenormand deck can mean profit, a trip, a move, a journey, including an internal one, that is, meditation.

If "Ship" is combined with "Book", it symbolizes success after an unforeseen trip.

The combination with unfavorable cards speaks of misfortune.

It means the house, apartment, family, business of the one who asks the question, as well as his security, solidity, self-confidence, peace.

The fallen king of worms of the Lenormand deck symbolizes good luck, the successful completion of an event, indicates that the questioner knows how to feel at home everywhere.

If the card falls in the position of the past, then when interpreting it, they focus on the fact that for the questioner, the family, parents are of great importance. In the position of the future, she is a symbol of her own home, family.

With the "House" came "Ship" and "Aist", which means that a move is ahead.

The King of Hearts weakens the effect of those unfavorable cards that are in the neighborhood.

It is a symbol of vitality, good health, excellent state of affairs, opportunities for the fulfillment of desires. When interpreting the "Tree" from the Lenormand deck, they say that the questioner is a mature, wise person, able to analyze facts and improve himself.

If unfavorable cards fell next to the seven of worms, then this means an illness, it says that you should not neglect your health and you need to rest more. In combination with the "Coffin" symbolizes the deterioration of the situation in the very near future.

The “tree” fell out at the bottom of the “Asker's card” - a person feels pain (spiritual or physical), but suppresses it.

The seven of worms at the top of the "Questor's card" - a person strives for development, wants to change his way of thinking.

The interpretation of the "Tree" in the position of the past - a person lives in peace with himself, knows in which direction he should move.

In combination with "Key" means that the questioner is close to the goal.

It means grief, disappointment, discord, illness, an extremely tense situation that can lead to a quarrel.

However, at the same time, the interpretation of this card from the Lenormand deck also contains a cheerful beginning: the events that she predicts will allow the questioner to cleanse himself internally, move on to the next stage of self-improvement.

The king of clubs is also a symbol of inconstancy, frivolity, lack of moral principles. The map shows two clouds - dark and light. If dark is closer to the "Asker's card", then this means a quarrel, trouble. A closer location of a light cloud means that all bad things will pass by.

Much more accurately, the cards located in the neighborhood will tell about the cause of unpleasant events in the fate of the questioner.

Usually warns that in the environment of the one who asks the question, there is a person who can betray, and one must be careful with him. Do not talk about your plans, control your actions.

"Snake" is a symbol of treason, jealousy, hypocrisy.

But this card can be both a symbol of sin and a sign of wisdom. This is precisely the difficulty in interpreting the lady of clubs: it is necessary to consider all the conditions as carefully as possible, not forgetting about prudence.

In combination with other cards, the queen of clubs means:

    with the "Ring" - all sorts of intrigues;

    with the "Bear" - double-dealing, prudence;

    with "Dog" - betrayal, lies, false friendship.

The nine of tambourines refers to the unfavorable cards of the Lenormand deck. It is a symbol of serious illness, death, bankruptcy.

But if we draw an analogy with the 13th lasso of Tarot cards (meaning death), then the “Coffin” may indicate a qualitatively new stage in life.

However, the closer the nine of tambourines fell to the "Asker's card", the more significant problems he will have to solve.

When interpreting the Lenormand card in combination with others, one must be very careful. So, the combination of "Coffin" can mean:

    with the "Ring" - the questioner will break off relations with someone;

    with the "Heart" - personal troubles, unhappy love;

    with "Pisces" - financial difficulties;

    with "Park" - go to the clinic;

    with the "Moon" - discouragement, dejection.

A rather favorable card of the Lenormand deck, its interpretation for the fair sex is especially pleasant. It has the meaning of a happy fate and joy, prophesies success in business, in love relationships - the questioner can meet a new love or reconcile with a former partner.

In addition, this card is a symbol of a serene life, excellent mood, getting rid of an illness, harmonious relations with the outside world.

Softens the effect of unfavorable cards that fell next to her.

If this card fell out, then something not very good, possibly dangerous, awaits the questioner. It can be an injury, an accident, an accident, a serious illness, a serious quarrel, termination of a relationship. But "Scythe" does not mean that you can not change fate. Everything is in the hands of the one who asks the question, because it’s not in vain that they say: “Forewarned, then armed,” this is the interpretation of this card.

Favorable cards of the Lenormand deck soften the effect of the jack of tambourines.

When interpreting the fallen "Broom", they say that the questioner is waiting for a major quarrel, one of the reasons for which is the lack of harmonious relations in the family. Also, this card from the Lenormand deck is a symbol of punishment.

In a situation where the "Broom" lay close to the "Asker's card", it is a symbol of false friendship, unhappy marriage, internal problems of a person, metamorphosis in life or at work.

"Scythe" next to the "Tree" is a harbinger of illness.

This card is a symbol of everyday small problems that need to be addressed and keep moving forward.

The interpretation of Lenormand cards in combination with others requires a thoughtful attitude. "Owls" falling out with the following cards means:

    with the "Tree" - the questioner needs to pay more attention to his health, otherwise he will have problems with him;

    with "Park" - misunderstanding, longing;

    with "Lily" - a tarnished reputation;

    with the "Mountain" - the need for a deliberate, carefully considered decision.

It can mean the birth of a child, the beginning of a journey, great opportunities, good prospects. When interpreting this card, they say that the questioner is a respected person with well-deserved authority.

If the jack of spades from the Lenormand deck fell next to unfavorable cards, then it symbolizes the excessive gullibility of the questioner, his innocence.

In combination with other jack of spades, it has the following meanings:

    with the "Ring" - love for the child;

    with "Heart" - the one who asks the question has a secret admirer;

    with "Rats" - the child is ready to "fly out of the nest", to take the first independent steps in adulthood;

    with "Aist" - new in business, pregnancy.

When interpreting this card from the Lenormand deck, it must be said that the questioner can be deceived.

"Fox" is a symbol of slyness, resourcefulness, lies and malicious deceit, so the one who asks the question needs to be very careful.

Nine of clubs in combination with others means:

    with "Letter" - fraud;

    with "Park" - there are self-interested people surrounded by the questioner;

    with "Dog" - the betrayal of an old friend;

    with "Child" - inept lies or ingenuous fawning;

    with the "Key" - a lie will be revealed;

    with "Tree" - the probability of a doctor's mistake, an incorrect diagnosis.

It means generosity, courage, strength, aimed at serving high goals. If a dozen of clubs from the Lenormand deck lay next to the "Questor's card", then it means his power or a high-ranking patron.

The “bear”, which fell out with unfavorable cards, indicates that those around the questioner are ready to harm him because of jealousy and anger, that a friend is actually an enemy who can strike in time. Therefore, the questioner needs to be extremely careful not to tell anyone about his plans.

The interpretation of the cards of Maria Lenormand involves an explanation of not only one card, but also in conjunction with others. So, "Bear" can mean in combination:

    with "Bouquet" - a rich gift;

    with "Pisces" - disinterested support, sponsor, patron;

    with the "Tree" - good health and long years life;

    with "Scythe" or "Broom" - unskilled help that will only bring harm;

    with the "Snake" - duplicity, commercialism.

Favorable card, which is a symbol of faith, enthusiasm, excellent prospects. But at the same time, she says that one cannot be conceited and one must set goals that can be achieved.

The Six of Hearts, together with favorable cards, predicts good luck, with unfavorable ones, bad luck.

The situation when the "Asker's card" is far from the "Star" card means that the wish of the questioner will come true.

Falling out with others, the six of hearts has the following interpretations:

    with "Bouquet" - the foresight of the questioner will help him;

    with "Pisces" - income, well-being;

    with "Fox" - self-deception, incorrectly chosen goals and dreams;

    with the "Book" - writing talent;

    with "Park" - good comrades;

    with the "Ring" - a happy marriage or a lucrative contract.

It symbolizes happy moments of life, love for the motherland, cyclical changes, constancy of worldview, loyalty to traditions.

If the "Stork" is next to the "Asker's card", then the questioner's life will somehow change. For the fair sex, this card is considered a harbinger of the birth of a child. In combination with unfavorable cards, the Queen of Hearts indicates that the life situation will change for the worse.

The interpretation of the Lenormand "Stork" card in combination with others may mean the following:

    with the "Ring" - wedding celebrations or a long-awaited guest;

    with "Child" - pregnancy;

    with the "Tower" - a strong family union;

    with "Letter" - significant news that will change what was planned;

    with "Park" - friends will come to visit;

    with "House" - change of residence;

    with the "Ship" - a long road;

    with the "Stars" - happy changes.

"Dog" indicates friendship, support, loyalty, protection.

A dozen of hearts means in combination:

    with favorable cards - success;

    with unfavorable ones - betrayal of friends, business partners, possible bad luck.

    with "Lilia" - excellent relationships with loved ones;

    with "Heart" - true friendship;

    with the "Tree" - friendship forever;

    with "Clouds" - possible misconceptions;

    with the "Mountain" - difficulties in relations with other people;

    with "House" - immersion in family life;

    with the "Ship" - a long road;

    with the "Horseman" - support from afar or not at the moment when it is needed;

    with the "Snake" - betrayal by false friends;

    with the "Stars" - a spiritual or other lofty goal.

It means constancy, reliability of the position, the result of something (long work, work begun, etc.), portends a happy and long life. But if it falls out with unfavorable cards, then it indicates malaise, bankruptcy, failure.

So, in combination with others, the "Tower" can have the following interpretations:

    with "Clouds" - a painful condition;

    with the "Ring" - the probability of divorce;

    with the "Mountain" - excessive selfishness;

    with the "Coffin" - you need to pay close attention to your health.

The cards that fell between the "Tower" and "Snake" are related to the mother of the one who asks the question.

When the "Tower" lay close to the "Questioner's card", this means that the result will be soon.

On the one hand, "Park" means festive events, a pleasant pastime in the company of friends, relaxation, on the other hand, unrealizable dreams, inflated conceit and aplomb. The eight of spades from the Lenormand deck signals that you need to more realistically assess your strengths.

If the "Park" falls next to the "Asker's card", then this means a creative upsurge, good luck. In combination with unfavorable cards, it indicates a bad company, vain efforts, warns of the betrayal of false friends.

He says that someone or something is interfering on the way to achieving the goal, which means that you need to be patient and wait or make an attempt to solve the problem that has arisen, carefully considering each of your actions. Only in this case will success await.

The interpretation of the Lenormand "Mountain" card in combination with others can mean:

    with the "Park" - a secluded lifestyle;

    with "Letter" - difficulties in processing business papers;

    with the "Book" - problems in learning;

    with "Owls" - the need for careful consideration of the decision.

Indicates that the questioner is faced with a difficult choice, and the responsibility for the decision lies with the questioner. In combination with the unfavorable cards of the Lenormand "Fork" deck, it means that the choice was not entirely correct, but it is not too late to change it. In combination with favorable ones, it indicates that the right decision has been made.

The lady of the tambourine can have the following interpretations in combination:

    with "Pisces" - the one who asks the question is moving in the right direction;

    with the "Heart" - there is someone third in a love union;

    with the "Stars" - you have to rely on intuition.

It is a symbol of damage, loss, theft, the likelihood of illness.

If it falls out with favorable cards, then the missing one will be found, with unfavorable ones, the loss will be irreparable.

The combination of the seven clubs has the following interpretations:

    with "House" - accident, injury;

    with "Pisces" - high costs, possible bankruptcy;

    with the "Cross" - a significant loss that can happen again.

It is considered one of the most favorable cards of the Lenormand deck. It is a symbol of friendship and love relationships, happiness, joy.

Jack of hearts predicts support, luck, career growth.

With unfavorable cards, "Heart" means discord, anxiety.

Interpretations of the Jack of Hearts in combination:

    with the "Cross" or "Coffin" - unhappy love relationship, spat;

    with "Scythe" - mental trauma, a state of shock;

    with the "Ring" - a happy marriage.

When the "Heart" falls between the cards of Men and Women, this means that there is a loving harmonious relationship between them.

It is a harbinger of marital relations, as well as those where it will be necessary to take responsibility.

When interpreting, it indicates that the questioner belongs to some kind of religious union or to a beginning feeling if it falls near the “Asker's card”.

If the "Ring" is located next to other cards, then this combination may mean:

    with "Child" - love for children;

    with the "Book" - a secret matter or connection;

    with "Lily" - sublime, most likely platonic relations;

    with "Derevo" - long-term partnership;

    with the "Letter" - the formalization of relationships;

    with the "Sun" - a successful marriage;

    with "Coffin", "Scythe", "Broom" - unhappy marriage, divorce;

    with "Fork" - making a decision depending on personal relationships;

    with "Clouds" - a signal that extreme caution must be exercised;

    with the "Snake" - malicious intent.

"Book" is a symbol of secret knowledge, initiation of some spiritual teaching, may indicate information that is hidden from the questioner, and the need to study something.

A dozen tambourines from the Lenormand deck can be a harbinger that the questioner will soon find out something secret.

When interpreting combinations with other cards, one must keep in mind that it can mean:

    with "Ship" - success after an unexpected journey;

    with "Fox" - unprofessionalism;

    with the "Park" - the result of the plan depends on the secret forces;

    with the "Tree" - it is not possible to find out the secret;

    with the "Horseman" - the one who asks the question will be revealed the secret;

    with the "Fork" - in order to understand the situation, the questioner will need some information;

    with the "Cross" - the questioner will face a turning point that will require him to make the right decision.

It is a symbol of any official document (contract, agenda, notice, etc.). The closer the “Letter” is to the “Asker's card”, the more important business papers are. In addition, the seven of spades from the Lenormand deck can be a harbinger important message, such as a declaration of love, a notice of death, and other important information for the questioner.

Interpretations of "Letters" in combination:

    with the "Coffin" - probable news of death;

    with "Heart" - a message from a friend;

    with the "Ring" - a proposal to create a family;

    with "Tree" - a hitch in receiving the long-awaited news;

    with the "Tower" - officially issued papers;

    with "Dom" - registration of documents for real estate;

    with "Anchor" - officially secured rights.

The card indicates the questioner if the question is asked by a man. If it falls out during fortune-telling to a woman, then it indicates enough loved one husband, father, son, lover. If in the layout of the cards Men and Women are located far away, then the relationship between them is very weak or completely absent.

When divining a woman, she means asking. If a man is guessing, then the ace of spades indicates a very close person - a mother, wife, daughter, lover. If in the layout of the cards Men and Women fell far apart, then the relationship between them is rather weak or there is none at all.

One of the most favorable cards of the Lenormand deck, symbolizes chastity, high social status. The king of spades can be a harbinger of a happy long life, career growth. If it lies near the “Asker’s card”, it means that the one who asks the question is surrounded by good people, loyal friends, he has a patron.

In alliance with unfavorable cards means the likelihood of quarrels, troubles.

In combination with other cards, it has the following interpretations:

    with "Fox" - family quarrels;

    with the "Coffin" - loss of virginity, disgrace;

    with "Razvilka" - support of friends.

It is one of the happiest cards. Its main semantic content is similar to the essence of the corresponding Tarot card, which also denotes the Sun. It also indicates well-being, luck, the fulfillment of a dream.

Ace of diamonds is a symbol of vitality, optimism, independence, health.

In combination with unfavorable cards, the "Sun" makes their action softer, suggests that troubles are fleeting and the questioner has the strength to cope with them.

Its meaning is different from the meaning of the Tarot card of the same name (Moon). The Eight of Hearts from the Lenormand deck is a symbol of loud popularity, a predisposition to adventure, and at the same time it indicates that the time has come to relax.

In addition, the “Moon” card in the Lenormand deck means probable transformations, less often indicates a time period equal to one month.

In combination with favorable cards, "Moon" means competence, respect, reward. With unfavorable - symbolizes indifference, lack of understanding on the part of society.

If the "Moon" fell close to the "Questor's card", then it's time to analyze your actions.

Interpretations of the "Moon" in combination with other cards:

    with the "Cross" - the impact of karma on the fate of the questioner;

    with "Owls" - super suspiciousness;

    with "House" - the dependence of the fate of the questioner on previous actions;

    with "Clouds" - a misperception of the situation due to excessive impressionability;

    with "Fox" - removal from reality;

    with the "Sun" or "Stars" - the mental development of the individual.

A lucky card that means the right decision, the right way out of the situation and further movement forward.

With unfavorable cards, the eight tambourine symbolizes closed doors, the wrong decision, procrastination.

In combination with other cards, the "Key" has the following interpretations:

    with the "Book" - the need for secrecy;

    with "Heart" - it is better for men to be careful, for women portends a dream come true.

It symbolizes life, success, well-being, spirituality, new ideas, material well-being. He says that the desires and dreams of the questioner will soon come true.

If "Pisces" is close to unfavorable cards, then this indicates plans that are dubious or far from reality, as well as an unsuccessfully chosen partner.

Interpretations in combination:

    with the "Coffin" - mental illness, madness;

    with "Rats" - the futility of the actions performed, fatigue;

    with "Owls" and "Clouds" - plans far from reality.

This is a very good card of the Lenormand deck, it is always favorable, regardless of which cards fell next to it.

"Anchor" is a symbol of faithful, reliable and permanent relationships, lack of danger, solvency.

In addition, the nine of spades symbolizes faith and hope, and therefore top part anchors are made in the form of the ancient Ankh symbol, denoting the cross of life.

If the “Questioner’s card” is located far from the “Anchor” or the nine of spades falls with unfavorable cards, then this means frivolity, often changing principles.

In combination with others, "Anchor" has the following interpretations:

    with "House" - a probable change of residence;

    with "Rats" - too pronounced conservatism, adherence to dogmatism, waywardness.

It is a symbol of a difficult test that the questioner has to go through, a conscious sacrifice in the name of a high goal. In this, the meaning of the "Cross" is consonant with the Tarot lasso ("the hanged man"). It differs from Tarot in that the six of clubs always predicts only the bad.

In combination with other cards means:

    with the "Tree" - you need to pay attention to your health;

    with "Clouds" - no decision has been made regarding some important plan;

    with "Heart" - cessation of communication with someone.

The interpretation of Lenormand cards can be used, as they say, "for all occasions." Their interpretation depends on the alignment chosen by the questioner, and the place of the "Asker's card" in relation to others.

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Marie Lenormand French fortune teller of the late 18th - early XIX century. She combined the meanings of the major and minor Arcana Tarot in her deck, simplifying the meanings of the elders.

1. HORSEMAN - Nine of Hearts

News, news, information, messages, travel.

The card portends good news or useful information for the fortuneteller that will play importance. The card can also mean a telegram, a phone call, a package, a visit from a guest, or a journey.

Sometimes the card portends a trip to a foreign country.

Upside down - bad news, possibly related to injury; a warning of impending failure, a risky, short-sighted enterprise, or the betrayal of false friends. Forced trip, business trip.

Surrounded by favorable cards (Clover, Ship), the Rider promises good prospects.

In the position of the past - the Rider symbolizes the message already received.

In the position of the future - hope, new plans, ideas, accomplishments, problem solving.

2. CLOVER - Six of tambourines

Luck, happy accident, wonderful opportunity, discovery, gift of fate, twist of fate, surprise, optimism, gain, carelessness, happiness.

Clover is an auspicious card, a symbol of good luck and happiness, unexpected luck and favor of fate. Problems will soon be solved, dreams will come true. Happiness stands on the threshold and fills you with its light.

In an inverted position - portends the collapse of plans, disappointment, loss or illness. Or it is a sign that exactly those events that the fortuneteller fears will occur.

If the card falls next to the card of the questioner, this is a sure sign that all problems will soon be solved, all dreams will come true.

In combination with favorable cards, it also means the fulfillment of hopes, profit, the end of a black streak in life.

In combination with unfavorable cards (Coffin, Scythe, Clouds with a dark cloud to the card) - the meaning changes to the opposite: the card portends the collapse of plans, disappointment, losses. This is a sign that exactly the events that the fortuneteller fears will occur.

3. SHIP - Ten of spades

Travel, wealth, foreign countries, any vehicle, exchange, trade.

The card promises new perspectives, plans, opportunities for good luck and success in business. May mean a successful trip or journey. Something new will enter your life, the changes will be significant and will noticeably affect your personality. A ship under sail is a symbol of movement, showing initiative, breaking the existing balance in your favor. The ship indicates the acquisition of wealth through trade or travel. You will be able to improve your financial affairs and make profitable business connections. A good deal or a profitable acquaintance on the road. Favorable financial changes, perhaps a long-awaited money transfer. Good luck in some enterprise or expedition.

An inverted Ship means impending financial troubles. Broken deal or losses in money matters, unsuccessful research. Unsuccessful trip or journey.

In combination with unfavorable cards, it can mean bad luck.

4. HOUSE - King of Hearts

House, household or hearth, real estate, property, refuge, shelter, emotional security, family and family values, comfort.

The card denotes your own home in all its manifestations, safety and reliability. What a person gives time and energy to: family, apartment. You will not be alone in life, the card symbolizes the traditional seiyu, following the traditions of the family and your family, pleasant household chores. This card gives a sense of security and reliability. Everything that everyone dreams of and strives for.

Inverted House indicates some kind of trouble at home or with the house. Possible difficulties in family life, quarrels with relatives or illness of relatives.

In the position of the past, he says that parents, family, traditions are of great importance to the fortuneteller.

In the position of the future - your home, family.

In combination with the Ship or Storks - may indicate a move.

The card softens the effect of unfavorable cards that are nearby.

With the Book - good luck after an unexpected trip.

5. WOOD - Seven of hearts

Health, longevity, well-being of the soul and body, spiritual growth, maturity, vitality, development, opportunities.

This card depicts the tree of life - a symbol of strength, health and longevity. Its firmness and stability symbolizes maturity, the wisdom of life, prudence and the ability to introspect. Adherence to traditions and family way of life. The tree symbolizes growth, development, a strong state of affairs of a person.

Reversed indicates health problems or problems with older relatives (ancestors). May indicate overload, stress, the need for rest.

The appearance of the card in the position of the past indicates that the person has already successfully solved internal problems and knows both his place in life and the direction in which to move on.

Next to the map, the Coffin indicates changes for the worse that will follow in the near future.

Next to the Key says that the goal is close.

6. CLOUDS - King of Clubs

Impending troubles, a premonition of a thunderstorm, doubts and uncertainty about the future.

Lenormand clouds mean unforeseen circumstances that, as a rule, violate your plans and bring a short mess into your life. Sometimes the situation is so heated that a storm can break out at any moment, so this card also indicates emotional swings and mental instability.

However, we must remember that the rain washes away all the dirt, everything superfluous, alluvial and unnatural. This is the cathartic meaning of the card. It may very well be that the upcoming events will help you shed unnecessary ballast and start a new stage in your life.

Clouds can dissolve as quickly as they appear. This makes them a symbol of mental inconstancy.

The dual meaning of the card also lies in the fact that troubles are not fatal and they can be completely avoided by correcting one's behavior or perception. The fortuneteller is quite capable of nullifying the whole difficult situation. Which side life will turn to you: a black cloud or a white cloud depends only on you.

This card has light and dark side. She extends her unfavorable influence to the card or cards adjacent to her dark side. If the black clouds are turned towards the fortuneteller's card, the prospects are gloomy and you will find discord in something. It will be difficult and will require patience. If the bright side of the clouds is turned towards the fortuneteller's card, this is a good omen. Misfortune will pass by, and life will go on as usual.

In the inverted position, the meaning of the card does not change and corresponds to the direct one.

7. SNAKE - Queen of clubs

Betrayal, deceit, dishonest rivalry, envy.

Do not underestimate human envy and all the negative consequences that this vice bears. The snake is an enemy, an ill-wisher, in relation to which one must be careful. This card symbolizes betrayal and deceit. Be careful in your affairs and conversations. The snake has a forked tongue. Therefore, the card portends jealousy, deceit and duplicity. The snake is seen as a threat. Be careful in everything you do. You must use all your intelligence so as not to suffer from envy and malice.

Lenormand snake can mean fatal or elderly woman, envious and evil, experiencing strong dislike for the fortuneteller and wishing evil. For a woman, it can mean an insidious rival or a homemaker.

Reversed Snake means that you are very jealous of someone. You are like a snake biting its own tail, doing great harm to yourself with this feeling.

It is worth overcoming the base qualities in yourself. Take up meditation, switch to positive or have fun, you need to stop spinning resentment in your head and dreaming of revenge. Otherwise, harm yourself, health may suffer.

with the Ring - conspiracy, intrigue.

with the Bear - a double game, selfless help.

with the Dog - treachery, deceit, false friendship.

8. Coffin - Nine of tambourines

Completion of a certain stage, end, death, transformation.

Bad card. It means illness, death of relatives or friends, other serious problems. Denotes a turning point in life preceded by symptoms of a crisis.

Without a doubt, the Coffin card refers to an inner understanding and acceptance of the life cycle of birth and death. Inherited values ​​and property lose their importance and must give way to a new idea about life. While change is mostly experienced as a burden, new opportunities for personal growth will emerge from it.

The coffin of Lenormand means the end of a certain phase of your life. This is not about death, but about some life stage that is coming to an end, or about the end of some project. In meaning, the card is similar to the 13th Arcana of the tarot (Death).

In an inverted position, the Groob card shows that the crisis events were and have already passed, but you can’t get out of this state, especially emotionally, which slows down the onset of positive changes. Turn this page of your life and start moving forward. Stop plunging yourself into mourning, it's time to move on.

The closer the Coffin is from the fortuneteller's card, the more serious problems it portends.

Of particular importance are the cards that are in the neighborhood. So, if a card fell out next to the Coffin:

The ring is in front of the questioner breaking off relations with someone;

Heart - personal troubles, unhappy love

Pisces - financial problems.

Moon - depression, despondency, depression.

The park is a hospital.

9. BOUQUET - Queen of spades

Gifts, awards, beauty, abundance, grace, luck.

This card depicts a bouquet of bright flowers and symbolizes happiness and contentment. Good luck in all daily affairs. Good card, especially for women. It means love and attention from a partner, possibly a gift. In general, it means a good, smooth flow of affairs, maintaining success, improving well-being and a great mood.

The flower is a symbol of beauty, growth, happiness and sweetness. The card brings good news in matters of the heart. Relationships can start between two people or they can get a new impetus. But since the beauty of a flower fades quickly, this card is also a symbol of temporality.

Unlike other flower cards of Lily and Clover, the Bouquet card carries a lot of pomp and pomp.

In an inverted position, it shows that luck and success have come to you, but you do not feel complete happiness. Mixed feelings cover you, it seems like you should be happy, but you can’t, something worries and haunts you. The victory was given at a high price, or something expensive and valuable had to be sacrificed. And, perhaps, on the way to success, you are very tired and overworked.

In the event that there are unfavorable cards next to it, their effect is softened.

10. KOSA - Jack of tambourine

Loss reduction, break, separation, danger, destruction, accident, accident. Time to make important decisions.

This card is the main warning. It portends a great danger and warns of the need to respond quickly and adequately to unforeseen circumstances. A dangerous card, meaning the possibility of an accident, injury, accident. Unhappiness can be dealt with if the questioner is forewarned and accepts the challenge of fate. Sometimes it means a conflict, a break in relations with someone.

In the inverted position - the dangers and problems are small. You are quite capable of coping with all the vicissitudes of fate without much damage to your health and wallet.

In the event that there are favorable cards in the neighborhood, the influence of the Scythe is reduced.

11. Broom - Jack of clubs

Quarrel, conflict.

This card portends quarrels with loved ones, less often problems at work. The reason may be disharmony, strife and conflicts in the family. A broom may indicate a lack of friends, associates, understanding with others. The card can also mean punishment. Sometimes a card can mean unhappy love.

In an inverted position - quarrels and conflicts in the past, an unpleasant aftertaste remains, time must pass and everything will calm down and recover.

Next to the Tree card can mean illness.

12. OWLS - Seven of tambourines

Difficulties with learning, temporary difficulties, communication, gossip.

The two owls on the card indicate casual small talk or any other oral form of communication such as discussion, dialogue, or telephone conversation. Birds also speak of an increase, for example, in income or popularity, and often indicate a couple or a group of people, establishing contacts and communications.

The two owls depicted on this card, in an inverted position, symbolize small, everyday difficulties, not very serious problems. Don't give up, don't give up.

Birds symbolize gossip, rumors or conversations. They are also indicative of the fuss, irritability, or stressful situations that arise when things are not going well.

With the Tree - health problems and the need to pay more attention to it.

With the Park - misunderstanding, boredom.

With Lilia - a dubious reputation.

With the Mountain - the need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

13. CHILD - Jack of Spades

Child, young man, childish naivety, vulnerability.

This is a favorable card, most general meaning which is the beginning of the path and a rich choice of opportunities. In the event that you keep up with the times, are receptive to new ideas, then the prospects are great. The card also symbolizes trust, harmony, speaks of the authority of the fortuneteller, that he enjoys well-deserved respect. Quite naturally, this card can portend the birth of a child.

In an inverted position, it indicates the excessive gullibility and naivety of the fortuneteller. Deception is possible or there will be those who want to take advantage of your kindness and sit on your neck.

In the neighborhood with unfavorable cards indicates the excessive gullibility and naivety of the fortuneteller.

With the Ring - attachment to the child.

With Heart - someone is not indifferent to the questioner.

With Rats - the possible departure of a grown child, the beginning of his independent life.

With Storks - pregnancy, new business plans.

14. FOX - Nine of clubs

Betrayal, bribe, fraud, lies, theft, deceit.

Beware of empty talk, share your plans and prospects less. Do not show your cards for the time being and you will be rewarded for your caution. Prudent behavior did not allow you to become a victim of other people's intrigues or deceit.

A smart Fox is able to survive in any situation, dodging and getting out, kidnapping in broad daylight, acting solely in her own interests and skillfully manipulating circumstances. The Lenormand Fox card can characterize the ethics of labor relations, employment and the working environment. In addition, it means the desire for prudence, the struggle for survival and the manifestation of vigilance in any situation, as well as developed instincts - determination and cunning.

Cunning and resourcefulness, which is good for trading. Take the appearance of this card as advice to keep your nose to the wind and your ears.

In an inverted position, dishonesty in relationships, family troubles and scandals. Possible secret romance on the side.

The fortuneteller should be especially careful in conversations.

With the Letter - forgery, falsification.

With the Park - the questioner is surrounded by selfless people.

With the Dog - betrayal or deceit by an old friend.

With the Child - inept deception or naive flattery.

With the Key - exposure, deception will come out.

With the Tree - the possibility of a medical error, an incorrect diagnosis.

15. BEAR - Ten of clubs

Strength, power, possessiveness, suppression, power, responsibility.

The card symbolizes nobility, courage, strength, serving high goals. The bear indicates the strength of a fortuneteller or a strong patron.

The bear is a symbol of strength, which should be understood as protection and help, but which can also dominate, suppress or humiliate. The Bear card means something big and frightening, such as the duties that we perform. A bear in divination can symbolize the material benefits that money gives us. This outstanding personality, which can demonstrate both the desire to possess and boundless generosity. It has a huge impact, and it is characterized by stability and duration.

This card indicates the ability to cope with any ailment due to the internal reserves of the body.

An inverted Bear card means pretense caused by envy. The card can talk about the desire of others to harm the fortuneteller because of jealousy, envy, or personal hostility. The enemy is cunning and pretends to be a friend, but at a certain moment he will strike. You need to be more secretive, in no case should you dedicate others to your plans.

With a Bouquet - a generous gift.

With Pisces - gratuitous help, philanthropist, sponsor.

With the House - the presence of influential parents.

With the Tree - good health and longevity.

With a Scythe or a Broom - inept help, from which there will be more harm than good.

With the Snake - a double game, selfless help.

16. STARS - Six of Hearts

Inspiration, guidance, fate, healing, divine providence, space, universe, laws of the universe, spiritual aspirations.

This is a lucky card that, like the corresponding tarot card (Arcanum 17, The Star), symbolizes hope, inspiration, and future success. At the same time, the card warns of possible dizziness and star disease, reminds of the need to remain modest in any case.

Lenormand stars symbolize fate, prosperity and the implementation of planned projects. Venus, being both a morning and evening star, protects our planet. In this map, Lenormand traces Divine providence and spiritual influence. It allows us to shed light on what has been hidden, but it can also reveal what we ourselves would like to keep secret. The Star Card helps us find ourselves and become who we really are, as well as realize our potential.

In the reversed position, all the favorable meanings of this card are preserved.

With a Bouquet - the insight of a fortuneteller will play an important role.

With Pisces - profit, prosperity.

With the Fox - delusions, false goals and ideals.

With the Book - a literary gift.

Park is good friends.

With the Ring - a successful marriage or deal.

17. STORK - Lady of worms

Change of internal beliefs, process of self-purification, love for everything new and progressive.

The stork is a symbol of happiness, homeland, cyclical changes. It can also symbolize loyalty to principles, adherence to traditions. Storks symbolize important changes in life, for a woman it is a symbol of the birth of a child.

The Lenormand stork is a symbol of favorable life changes and active transformations, and also indicates the end of a period of stagnation.

An inverted Stork indicates possible changes for the worse.

With the Ring - a wedding or a welcome guest.

With a child - pregnancy.

With the Tower - a strong family that will always come to the rescue at a difficult moment.

With a Letter - important news that will change plans.

With the Park - friends will come to visit.

With the House - moving.

With the Stars - a successful change in something.

18. DOG - Ten of hearts

Loyalty, trust, fidelity, reliability, support.

The dog is a symbol of friendship, help and constancy. Also, this card can express the idea of ​​security. The card symbolizes a true friend, a reliable partner, a person who can be trusted and who can always be relied upon. The dog portends good luck.

Dog Lenormand advises to follow and trust your instincts, which warns of dangers and upcoming difficulties. It is the instinct of self-preservation that helps us survive in dangerous situations, but we often neglect it.

Reversed: The dog indicates bad friends and their possible betrayal, or unreliable partners who can let you down at the most crucial moment.

With Lily - good relations with relatives.

With the Heart - true friendship.

With the Tree - friendship forever.

With Clouds - the likelihood of deception.

With the Mountain - problems in relationships.

With the House - unnecessarily deep care in family affairs.

With the Ship - a long journey.

With the Rider - help from afar or not immediately.

With the Snake - treachery and deception on the part of false friends.

With the Stars - a religious or other high idea.

19. TOWER - Six of Spades

Big buildings, promotion, promotion, ambition, status, discoveries.

This card has nothing to do with the similar Tarot card (Arcanum 16, The Tower). While the Tower of the Tarot portends all sorts of troubles, the Tower of the Lenormand deck symbolizes the result. This may be the result of a case, many years of work or even a lifetime. The tower is a symbol of stability, strength, stability of position. Very often this card predicts longevity and happiness.

Tower Lenormant Tower means any large building or institution, a large city or administrative center. With its grandeur, the Tower can sometimes scare, enslave or disarm. The Tower card separates the higher forms from the lower ones. This is a divination card for those who seek to achieve professional heights, fame and recognition.

Another aspect of this card in Lenormand is solitude, because it can be interpreted as parting and possible isolation. The tower does not take into account the human factor, it is a symbol of inviolability, rigidity and authoritarianism; may represent an elder or a father.

Reversed: in this case, the Tower symbolizes failure, illness, lack of funds.

If the Tower fell next to the fortuneteller's card, the result is close.

With Clouds - a slight malaise, a slight deterioration in health.

With the Ring - the possibility of divorce.

With the Mountain - selfishness, hypertrophied pride.

With the Coffin - you should seriously take care of your health.

20. GARDEN - Eight of spades

Village, countryside, social events, public interest, group, club, meeting place, recreation, entertainment, leisure, culture.

The Garden card symbolizes everything related to outdoor recreation, from festivals and street parties to city parks and outdoor stadiums. It is associated with society and the public, so it can mean a large crowd of people, gatherings and public events. The Garden card personifies what is connected with communication between people and the public, public opinion and professionalism.

Reversed: The garden can be a symbol of unfounded illusions, eccentricity, excessive complacency and self-confidence, bad company, excessive fuss. False friendship warning. An inverted card may warn of the need for a more realistic self-assessment.

Nearby with a fortuneteller's card, it can portend creative success, inspiration.

Surrounded by unfavorable cards - a symbol of bad company, excessive fuss, a warning about the danger of false friendship.

21. MOUNTAIN - Eight of clubs

Obstacles, dead end, height, emergency, burden, challenge.

The main meaning of this card is an obstacle on the way to the realization of the goal. Both people and external circumstances can prevent its achievement.

You should not force events - you must either wait, or try to get around the difficulties that have arisen. At the same time, you should not be overly self-confident - in this case it will not help. On the contrary, each action must be carefully considered - only then success awaits ahead.

The inverted Mount Lenormand is a long and tedious work, but in the end it will bear fruit.

With the Park - self-isolation, remoteness from people, seclusion.

With the Letter - problems in paperwork.

With the Book - learning difficulties.

With Owls - the need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

22. FORK - Lady Tambourine

The need for choice, the key decision.

The fork card symbolizes the crossroads on the path of life. The card indicates the need to choose one of several mutually exclusive options. An important decision or turning point, new opportunities and a variety of options. The responsibility for choosing the right decision lies with the fortuneteller. The Lenormand fork indicates that a person has additional sources of income or works two jobs, is indecisive, or plays a double game, but has not decided which side he is on, or simply assesses the situation from two sides.

An inverted Fork card indicates that the choice made is not the best option. If it's not too late, you should change your mind.

With Pisces - the questioner is on the right track.

With the Heart - a love triangle.

With the Stars - you should listen to the inner voice.

23. RAT - Seven of clubs

Destruction, fading, diminution, devouring, debt, disease, loss.

Lenormand Rats portend theft, loss or damage to property. Loss or loss is not fatal and can be found. The card can also warn of the possibility of getting into debt or financial scams. Sometimes the card symbolizes a possible illness.

An inverted Rat card is a big loss or destruction of a fatal property, it will be difficult to correct the situation. There is no loss. The stolen will not be returned.

With the House - a breakdown.

With Pisces - big losses, big monetary losses.

With the Cross - a very big loss that can happen again.

24. HEART - Jack of Hearts

Love, devotion, connection, friendship, happiness.

This is one of the happiest cards, symbolizing friendship, love, joy and happiness, comfort and empathy. The card portends help, support, a happy occasion.

Also, the Heart can say that the fortuneteller has good prospects for professional growth.

In an inverted position, the Heart card portends a quarrel, conflict, difficult experiences.

Perhaps unrequited love.

With Scythe - moral trauma, crisis, shock.

With the Ring - a successful, happy marriage.

25. RING - Ace of clubs

Union, connection, agreement, contract, oaths, vows, promises.

The ring means a successful marriage or a profitable contract with reliable partners. The main meaning of this card is marriage, as well as relationships in which it will be necessary to assume certain obligations.

The card can symbolize faith, eternity, belonging to some kind of brotherhood, society.

The inverted Ring means a secret alliance, a secret treaty or a secret society. All that is hidden from the public eye.

Irregular marriage (in the vulgar sense - civil).

With the Child - attachment to the child.

With the Book - a secret affair or alliance.

With Lilia - high, perhaps platonic love.

With the Tree - a long-term partnership.

With a Letter - the official registration of relations.

With the Sun - a happy marriage.

With a coffin, a scythe, a broom - an unsuccessful marriage, termination of the agreement.

With Fork - personal relationships will determine the decision made.

With Clouds - a warning to be careful.

With the Snake - a conspiracy, intrigue.

26. BOOK - Ten of tambourines

Knowledge, information, mystery, teaching.

The card shows the need for training for a fortuneteller. And symbolizes the process of knowledge, education, learning something. It can also be a symbol of familiarization with a certain doctrine, knowledge of the secrets of being, discovery.

Sometimes the card indicates the presence of information hidden from the fortuneteller. It can also talk about the need to study something. The book may indicate the imminent discovery of some secret or mystery.

The inverted Book reports that the fortuneteller is not a diligent enough student. You are too lazy to study, the desire to relax is too great. You spare yourself too much.

With the Ship - good luck after an unexpected trip.

With Fox - incompetence, profanity.

With the Park - the outcome of affairs depends on the influence of hidden forces.

With the Tree - it will not be possible to reveal the secret.

With the Horseman - the questioner will be entrusted with a secret.

With Fork - in order to understand all the circumstances, the questioner needs additional knowledge.

With the Cross - there is an important moment ahead in life that requires the right decision.

27. LETTER - Seven of spades

Documents, message, letter, contract.

This card can mean a business letter, agenda, notice, contract, any other official document. Also, the card may indicate a declaration of love, or other information that is extremely important for a fortuneteller.

Lenormand card A letter in an inverted position means unpleasant or sad information or a message. Message about someone's death or illness, about recovery or penalties, subpoenas, etc.

With the Coffin - a possible message of death.

With Heart - a letter from a friend.

With the Ring - a marriage proposal.

With the Tree - a delay in the expected news.

With the Tower - official documents.

With the House - paperwork for real estate.

With Anchor - official confirmation of rights.

28. MAN - Ace of hearts

Male relative.

The card is used to indicate a fortune-telling man. In the case when a woman is guessing, the card means a husband, lover, father, son - i.e. very close person.

The inverted meaning of the card is the same as the direct one. The card is used to indicate a fortune-telling man. In the case when a woman is guessing, the card means a husband, lover, father, son - i.e. very close person.

29. WOMAN - Ace of spades

Woman, relative.

The card is used to denote a fortune-telling woman. In the case when a man is guessing, the card means a wife, lover, mother, daughter - i.e. very close person.

The inverted meaning of the card is the same as the direct one. The card is used to denote a fortune-telling woman. In the case when a man is guessing, the card means a wife, lover, mother, daughter - i.e. very close person.

30. LILY - King of Spades

Virtue, symbol of purity, virginity, high social position.

Lily can portend happiness, joy, long life, good prospects for the future. The fortuneteller is surrounded by good people, real friends. It can also serve as a symbol of the fact that the fortuneteller has a patron protecting him.

In an inverted position, the Lily card means that conflicts, failures, grief, and other troubles are possible ahead.

With Fox - conflicts in the family.

With the Coffin - disgrace, loss of influence or position, loss of innocence.

With Fork - indicates that in work you can count on the help of friends.

31. SUN - Ace of diamonds

Luck, fate, happiness.

One of the most favorable cards. Its meaning is very similar to that of the corresponding tarot card (the Sun). Just like the Nineteenth Arcana, the Sun of the Lenormand deck portends good luck and success, fame, wealth, recognition, fulfillment of desires. The sun symbolizes vital energy, a person's ability to act independently, health and optimism.

The sun symbolizes vital energy, a person's ability to act independently, health and optimism. Reversed position softens positive action, indicating that the troubles will be temporary and the strength of the fortuneteller will be enough to successfully overcome them.

Combined with good cards enhances them favorable meaning and softens the meaning of negative cards.

32. MOON - Eight of Hearts

Honor, recognition, fame, career.

Unlike a similar Tarot card (18 Arcana, Moon), this card symbolizes recognition, fame, and sometimes a penchant for adventure. Its second meaning is an indication that the time has come to delve into oneself, retire from business, and relax.

Also, the Moon of the Lenormand deck is a symbol of change, transformation, transformation.

In rare cases, a chart of the Moon can be interpreted as indicating a period of time approximately equal to one month. The moon speaks of respect and authority, perhaps a reward.

In an inverted position, the Moon is a symbol of indifference, rejection and misunderstanding on the part of others.

Also, the Moon is an indication of the need for introspection and reflection.

With the Cross - a karmic influence on the fate of the questioner - the burden of a past life.

With Owls - excessive suspiciousness.

With the House - much in the fate of the questioner is determined by the past.

With Clouds - an incorrect assessment of events due to excessive susceptibility.

With Fox - an escape from reality.

With the Sun or Stars - growth in the mental plane.

33. KEY - Eight tambourine

New beginnings, luck, solutions, answers, clue, password.

Key Lenormand is a favorable card. The key symbolizes the right decision, the found way out of a difficult situation and the subsequent movement towards new goals.

The doors to a new stage are opening before you, you are given the opportunity to reach a new level of development.

In an inverted position, the Key is a symbol of closed doors, a false path, a wrong decision, a delay.

With the Book - the need to keep secrets.

With Heart - for men: you have to be careful; for women: the fulfillment of hopes.

34. PISCES - King of Tambourines

Money, income, luxury, property, short trip, catch.

This is a favorable card, a symbol of life, prosperity, spirituality, new ideas, good luck and success. As a rule, Pisces indicates that the fulfillment of the fortuneteller's desires is just around the corner, and the result will exceed his expectations.

Pisces can also symbolize the successful completion of a business, a reward, material acquisitions.

In an inverted position, the Pisces card indicates the unrealistic or doubtful plans, an unsuccessful choice of partners.

Or no income.

In combination with unfavorable cards - Pisces indicate unrealistic or dubious plans, an unsuccessful choice of partners.

With the Coffin - a mental disorder, insanity.

With Rats - ineffectiveness, fatigue.

With Owls and Clouds - castles in the air, utopian, unrealistic plans.

35. ANCHOR - Nine of Spades

Stability, reliability, safety, durability.

This card is always favorable, no matter what cards are in the neighborhood. The anchor symbolizes the strength and constancy of relationships, security, security, trust and well-being. Anchor is also a symbol of faith and hope. It is no coincidence that the upper part of the anchor resembles the ancient Ankh symbol - the cross of life.

An inverted Anchor card speaks of your frivolity, inconstancy of beliefs and frivolity of your intentions.

With the House - a possible move.

With Rats - excessive conservatism and blind adherence to traditions, dogmatism, excessive stubbornness.

36. CROSS - Six of clubs

Fatal, inevitable, heavy, necessary, suffering, trial.

The symbol of the cross to be carried. A tough test to pass. The fortuneteller must be ready to accept the challenge of fate. The cross can also mean a conscious sacrifice, deprivation and suffering in the name of higher goals. In this regard, the meaning of the Cross echoes the 12th Arcanum of the Tarot (The Hanged Man). However, unlike the Tarot, regardless of position, this card always portends something bad.

In the upside down and upright position, the meanings are the same.

With the Tree - you need to pay more attention to your health.

With the Clouds - there is still no certainty in some important plan.

With the Heart - ahead of a break in relations with someone.

The Lenormand Tarot deck is perfect for those who are just starting to get acquainted with cards and do not know where to start. There are several reasons for this:

  • The layouts are simple and do not require a large number kart;
  • The drawings are intuitive and suggest interpretations;
  • There is no division into a direct and inverted position;
  • There is no division into senior and minor arcana and traditional tarot card suits, it is perceived as a whole;
  • There are 36 sheets in the deck instead of 78 arcana.

Interpretation of tarot cards Lenormand

Consider what each card is individually by serial number:

Number Arcana Interpretation
1 Rider Sign of travel, business trips.
2 Clover Little luck. For women - success in love affairs.
3 Ship Travel, movement. May mean the distance of partners from each other
4 House Home, family.
5 Tree Serious intentions, strong relationships, gender, family.
6 clouds Difficulties, delays, doubts.
7 Snake Fraud, friend. But the interpretation is not always negative. Can mean a wise woman, usually dark-haired, with psychic powers and intuition.
8 Coffin It symbolizes fatigue, illness, it is necessary to take time to rest.
9 Bouquet A sign of attention from the opposite sex, attractiveness, youth
10 Spit The card sums it up, time to harvest. In combination with fish - making a monetary profit.
11 rods Quarrels, conflicts
12 owls Anxiety, doubt, news. With a ring - a marriage proposal.
13 Child A sign of renewal, sincerity, purity. For a married couple - a child, a son or daughter.
14 Fox A sign of insincerity, cunning.
15 Bear The desire to protect, help, patronize.
16 Stars Plans, dreams, creative inspiration.
17 Stork Love, care, addition to the family, home.
18 Dog Loyalty, devotion to a partner, desire to start a family.
19 Tower It may symbolize some government agency. In the layouts for relationships - stability, sometimes shows that a person has a family.
20 A park Joy, ease of communication, holiday.
21 Mountain Obstacles, after passing which, the fortuneteller will receive success and recognition.
22 Fork Choice sign. For love alignments - treason.
23 Rats Show losses. Trouble, worry. The fortuneteller "gnaws" from the inside.
24 Heart Mutual love
25 Ring Engagement, marriage, partnership agreement.
26 Book Secret, hidden from view. For professional layouts - training and gaining knowledge.
27 Letter Letter, news, message.
28 Monsieur The card shows a man.
29 Lady Significator of a Woman
30 lilies High, noble feelings, aspirations, procreation, sexuality.
31 Sun Clarification of relations, truce, joy.
32 Moon Fear, doubt, illusion.
33 Key Problem solving.
34 Fish Depth of feelings, fulfillment of desires, profit.
35 Anchor Reliability, stability, stop.
36 Cross Difficulties, trials.

Numerology in cards and interpretations

Each of the Lenormand cards is numbered and in addition to the main image on the lasso, there is a card that corresponds to the lasso in the usual deck. The numbering was not introduced by chance. In layouts, it is used as an additional prediction.

For example, the question: How will the relationship between Mary and Alexander develop in the next three months? The layout is done on three cards, which can be drawn randomly, or can be laid out in order.

Let the card 11 fall in the first position, 27 in the second, and 18 in the third. Interpretations:

  • Card 11 depicts a rod, and usually portends a quarrel, a showdown.
  • 27 card - letter.
  • 18 card - dog. A symbol of fidelity, the seriousness of family relationships.

In the near future there will be a showdown, but then the partner will make contact and the couple will reconcile, maintaining the relationship and perhaps they will be able to reach a new level. Let's look at the result: let's calculate the sum of all positions: 11+27+18 = 56. If the sum of the cards is more than 36, then this value must be subtracted: 56-36=20. The card symbolizes the holiday, the ease of spending time together.


Maria Lenormand was called the Black Widow completely unfairly. She knew how to predict not only death. And a series of terrible predictions is justified by the no less terrible time of revolution and wars. The soothsayer saw her death, like many others.

The day before, she predicted that she would be killed by black-gloved hands and did not lock the door. The last years of her life, Maria did not accept anyone and blamed herself for the death of a young lover who burned down in her house. She left with dignity and left behind cards, the mystery of which has not yet been solved.

[Total: 1 Average: 1/5]

Each divination card of the Lenormand Mystical Oracle has two images: the main symbol is placed in the center, and above it is the image of a playing card. While you are learning to guess, focus on the symbols depicted in the center. Later you will learn to understand and interpret the secret meaning of playing cards.

Lenormand fortune-telling cards are always interpreted upright and never upside down, because each card initially has several meanings at once. Thus, the Child card can be interpreted as something new, for example, the birth of a child, the appearance young man, naive view of things, immaturity, excessive gullibility or spontaneity.

In addition, depending on the question you want to answer, each card can represent a person, an object, a way of life, or an action. You will learn to determine each specific meaning based on the question posed, as soon as you remember the main keywords and phrases corresponding to each card. As a result, they will help you understand the essence of the layout.

For example, the Stork in itself means change, and the Moon characterizes work or reputation. If these two cards fell out together, then the second, as a rule, describes the first. Thus, their location in the layout affects the interpretation: Stork + Moon does not mean the same as Moon + Stork. If the Stork falls first in the layout, it affects the Moon card, the meaning of which becomes secondary: this combination can be interpreted as upcoming changes at work - perhaps career advancement. If the Moon falls first, the meaning of the Stork card becomes secondary, and this combination can be interpreted as a change of job or a change in reputation. The next additional card can show in which direction these changes will be - for better or worse.

In the table below, in the "Name" column, the number and name of the Lenormand card, as well as the corresponding playing card, are indicated. The "Near" and "Far" columns indicate temporary values. If your key card was at a distance of 1-2 cards from the significator, select the "close" column; if it was at a distance of 3 or more from the significator, see the column "far away". Also, each playing card has its own eigenvalue to help you associate it with the image.

Name Basic meaning Close Far The meaning of playing cards
1. (9 hearts)News, announcements, mediator, updates, messages. Soon, within a week.Within a few monthsFulfillment of desire.
2. (6 tambourines)Luck, opportunity, risk, hope, carefree, happiness. Now or immediately.Temporary.Multiplication.
3. (10 spades)Traveler, transport, abroad, visionary, navigation, longing. Within a few months.It's not time yetRunning on the waves.
4. (King of hearts)Home, hearth, family, hospitality, shelter, shelter, domestic. December.Sometimes.Keeps the family hearth.
5. (7 hearts)Health, environment, peace of mind, nutrition, roots. Now.Very slow, chronic.Health is flourishing.
6. (King of clubs)Confusion, uncertainty, doubt, protect, hide, emotional swings, depression, illogical behavior. November.Changes are possible.Darken the mood of the King of clubs.
7. (Queen of clubs)Jealousy, temptation, difficulties, alternatives, manipulation, unreliable, envy, unconventional.February.Caprice.Stands firmly on his own.
8. (9 tambourines)Ending, closing, final, stuck, dead end, sickness. Midnight, a few months later.Earlier than you would like.Weep for what has passed.
9. (Queen of spades)Gifts, awards, beauty, gratitude, abundance, grace. Spring.Fashion trend.Give everyone a flower.
10. (Jack of tambourine)Reap the benefits, sudden loss, breakup, separation, necessity. Autumn.Very suddenly.Mows everything with a scythe.
11. (Jack of clubs)Sweep, clean, discuss, quarrel, brush off. September.DisagreementsKnight of the Round Table.
12. (7 tambourines)Gossip, fashion, street chatter, couple, excitement, topic of conversation. Anytime now.You can forget.Sings and chirps.
13. (Jack of Spades)Child, young person, innocence, naivety, spontaneity, new perspectives, immature, naive. August.Unlikely.Protects the child.
14. (9 clubs)Cunning, deceit, vigilance, subterfuge, lies, freedom of action, clever. Noon, a few months later.On the sly, soon.Sneaking through the forest like a fox.
15. (10 clubs)Strength, power, possessive, protection, overwhelming, mother. Not very soon.Period 10-20 years.A symbol of strength and power.
16. (6 hearts)Inspiration, vision, guidance, destiny, healing, improvement. At night, very soon.(not forever.Illuminates the path.
17. (Queen of hearts)Change, migration, nesting, caring, promotion, adoption. March.Changes are possible.It flies to its nest.
18. (10 hearts)Loyalty, trustworthy, friendship, patience, support. Not soon.Not in the near future.Loyal dogs follow your trail.
19. (6 spades)Inside, institution, ambition, profession, personal interest. In the near future.Difficult to achieve.Crowns the top.
20. (8 spades)Outside the home, countryside, social events, public interest. Next month.Will be cancelled.Resting in the garden.
21. (8 clubs)Obstacles, delays, dead end, height, difficult task. Next month.Difficult to implement.Climbing uphill.
22. (Lady tambourine)Choice, decision, options, justice, voluntary. April.Get off the right track.She chooses her own path.
23. (7 clubs)Gradual loss, decrease, stress, debt, illness, poor conditions. Right now, soon.If possible.Eats food.
24. (Jack of hearts)Love, romance, nobility, emotions, sympathy, compassion. October.Changes are possible.Protects the heart.
25. (Ace of clubs)Union, contracts, marriage, agreement, bonds, obligations. June.Long period of time.Unity symbol.
26. (10 tambourines)Knowledge, secrets, information, history, experience, research, learning, education, secret. Suddenly.Wait a short time.Reads books.
27. (7 spades)Communication, correspondence, documents, forms of written communication, certificate, mail, newspapers. with you soon.Delay.Sent a message.
28. (Ace of hearts)Man, men's business, friend, lover, partner. July.Indifference.Engaged man.
29. (Ace of Spades)Woman, women's business, friend, lover, partner. May.Changes are possible.Strong woman.
30. (King of spades)Maturity, harmony, peace, wisdom, passion, intention. Winter.So slow.Protects the world.
31. (Ace of diamonds)Lighting, happiness, vitality, success, conscious, charisma, day. Daytime, daily, summer.World events.Day light.
32. (8 hearts)Honor, work, creativity, dreams, unconscious, night. At night, at night, next month.Reason for fear.Leads into the night.
33. (8 tambourines)Decisions, revelation, opening and closing, breakthrough, escape, significant. Next month.Access.Key to the door.
34. (King of tambourines)Money, financial flows, circulation, exchange, income, luxury. January.circulation or flow.Lots of coins in stock.
35. (9 spades)Security, building a foundation, goals, livelihood, good conditions, security. At dawn, in the next few months.Unfinished business.Calm harbour.
36. (6 clubs)Spirituality, sadness, fate, trials, suffering, crisis, overcoming. Arrives earlier than you would like.Delay.Follows holy law.

(all suits)
Divination, cards, essentials, true, esoteric, holistic, evocation. - - -

Basic meaning. Describes the properties and capabilities of each divination card in the layout.

Keywords. This is a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable for interpretation in the layout.

People. The people, occupation, or personality traits associated with this card.

Love. Aspects related to love, romance and relationships between people.

Job. Aspects related to work and service.

Finance and business. Aspects related to money, cash flows, and exchanges and trading transactions.

well-being. Description of your general condition (physical, mental, psychological and spiritual), health and lifestyle.

Comparison. List of cards whose main meanings are closely related; it is provided for comparison purposes to help you interpret more accurately.

Playing card. The main value of the corresponding playing card, indicating the number of points for calculating the final farewell.

Connection with myths and legends. Reflection of the main meaning in folklore, myths and legends.

Combination with other Lenormand cards. When in a spread one card falls in front of another, together they form a combination. In the description of each card, the meanings of several combinations are indicated so that you have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to interpret them yourself. Full list there are no combinations, otherwise you will constantly be guided by someone else's interpretation and will not learn to think on your own. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations, try to analyze them in each specific context of the question for the one you are guessing.

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