Laennec (Lanenek, Linek) The drug in cosmetology for skin rejuvenation. Lanenek: droppers or injections? Indications and contraindications to the procedure, influence on the human body, treatment diagram; composition, shape, packaging and description

Lanennek (human placenta hydrolyzate) - Innovative medicinal original injection preparation.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:
Immunomodulating and hepatoprotective agent.
Lanenek in ampoules 2 ml is produced.

Registration certificate Drugs №013851 / 01 dated October 24, 2008

Clinical effects of Lanenek:

  • immunomodulating and immunostimulating effects;
  • antitoxic and powerful hepatoprotective effect;
  • stimulation of the regenerative activity of tissues;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • antifibrotic action;
  • improving the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system;
  • reducing the activity of processes provoked by free radicals;
  • mitigation of radiation impact on man;
  • the effect of harmonization of structures and systems of the body.
Lanenek regulates the activities of human physiological systems, stimulating in the cellular leveling, stagnant, fading due to various diseases or age-related changes Life processes, and, on the contrary, adjusts and draws pathological states.

The composition of "Laennek"

The history of the preparation of the drug "Laennek"

The use of the placenta in medicine in our country began when in 1934 the Soviet ophthalmologist, Professor Founder of the Odessa Medical Institute, Filatov began to use the frozen components of the human placenta for the treatment of wounds, burns, operational adhesions internal organs

In experiments on plant tissues and placenta, it found that when freezing in the tissues, the concentration of biologically active substances, which can be separated and used in medicine are sharply increased. This tissue therapy enhances protective forces, activates the self-regulation of the body and allows you to successfully resist the diseases. During the Second World War, when there was not enough fundamental funds, doctors recalled the forgotten way of treatment of wounds with placenta active substances. Of course, in those years, this method did not receive this method, however, for research in the field of tissue therapy in 1945, Professor Filatov was awarded the Lenin Prize. IN THE USSR liquid extract The placenta was used to restore the immunity of astronauts.

After the tragedy in Hiroshima and Nagasaki question effective recoveryFor example, such a complex in the treatment of the organ, as a liver, has become very relevant. In 1953, the Japanese scientist Hyad Cantaro developed a unique placental drug for the treatment of liver.

Medicine still has no analogues in the international pharmaceutical

  1. Cytokines (active centers)
    1. Cell growth factors (36):
      HGF (FRG Hepatocyte Growth Factor)
      NGF (FRN nerve growth factor)
      EGF (FRE Epidermal Growth Factor)
      FGF (FRF Fibroblast Growth Factor)
      CSF (FRK Growth Factor Colonies)
      IGF (IFR insulin-like growth factor)
      TGF (TFR transforming growth factor)
      VEGF (Fed Factor Growth Endothelium Vessels)
    2. Interleukins 1-6, 8, 10, 12
    3. Erythropoetin
    4. Interferon Gamma
  1. Amino acids, including indispensable (only 18)
  2. Nucleosides, nucleotides
  3. Peptide Dna.
  4. Glycosaminoglycans
  5. Macroelements:
    N, P, C, S, NA, MG, CA, K
  6. Trace elements:
    Zn, Br, Si, Fe, Mn, SC, SE, CR, V, CU, LI, B, CO
  7. Vitamins:
    B1, B2, B3, C, D, PR
  8. Enzymes

Indications for use

The drug is used in complex therapy Next diseases:
  • chronic recurrent herpes;
  • atopic dermatitis of medium-heavy and severe flow (including complicated);
In the form of monotherapy when chronic diseases Liver:
  • steatogeatites (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology).


  • hypersensitivity;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.
The complex natural composition of the drug, first of all, the presence of active factors of growth factors and interleukins, the high biological availability of its components determine a wide range therapeutic effects Lanennek and variety of therapeutic "application points".

Production of "Laennek"

Japanese scientists have developed in 1954 a truly unique technology of placenta processing, obtaining a purified, stable and efficient drug of Lanenek. It was tested for toxicity, pyrhyness, sterility and viral safety, while all low molecular weight bioactive components are preserved in the preparation and there are no hormones and stem cells. Careful compliance with the preparation technology complies with the GMP standard, and the degree of cleaning allows you to enter the lanene in the patient's body. different ways: intravenously, intramuscularly and pharmacupuncture method.


  • Laneneck's safety has been proven to 60 years of experience in Japan.
  • Controlled in Japan by the State Program of Placementary Recovery.
  • He is supervised and subsidized by the Medical Department and is the State Insurance Medicine of Japan.

Advantage of lanenek in front of other drugs

  • Lanenek has a significant advantage over chemical medicinal preparations Due to the absence of side effects in the form of various sensitizations, up to drugs and other numerous complications.
  • Experimental I. clinical studies The practical harmlessness of therapy of Laennek is established, the lack of adverse effects on the body, its oncological safety.
  • Therapy of Lanenek does not cause allergies, addiction, does not possess histamic and cumulative effect. It does not reduce, but, on the contrary, increases the antitoxic function of the liver.

Advantages of therapy of Lanenek:

  • A rich component composition (more than 300 components, cytokines, interleukins, interferon, amino acids, etc.), which provides a complex of clinical effects.
  • Naturality of the composition, "recognition" by cells, authenticity. The base of the Lanenek is a complex of biomolecules (not a cell), which cannot be created by artificially.
  • Lanes contain all biodactors and biomolecules Homologic healthy tissue and when entering organs and tissues implement the effect of replenishment, i.e. The deficiency of biocomponents arisen as a result of the effects of pathogenic factors, eliminating disorders at molecular and biochemical levels.
  • Potentiation effects in complex therapy.

Lanenek Pharmacopuncture administration

Biologically active points - these are special zones on the skin surface. The diseases feed signals into biologically active points that become painful. During the impact on these points, already therapeutic signals are sent back.
Pharmacopuncture (biopuncture, pharmopleopuncture) is a complex method of therapeutic effect on the body by injection of drugs into biologically active points of the human body.

The effectiveness of pharmacopuncture is due to the fact that it combines organically synergistically:

  1. Reflex impact.
    The impact is carried out on biologically active points (projections of internal organs, trigger points, traditional points of Chinese medicine).
  2. Energy action point.

Traditional medicine

Injection method for the introduction of drugs is borrowed from traditional medicineThe treatment is carried out only on the basis of the diagnosis and clinical examination in the best traditions of official medicine.
Lanennek When introduced into biologically active points, the systemically affects the body, adjusting the activity of human physiological systems, stimulating in the cellular leveling, stagnant, fading due to various diseases or age changes, and, on the contrary, adjusts and draws pathological conditions.

Rhana Corporation

Leontiev Pereulok.
house 2a, Building 1

monday Friday

2 ml of the drug contains 112 mg of human placenta hydrolyzate, water for injection, polar corrector (sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid hydroxide).

Injection. 2 ml in the ampoules of dark glass of hydrolytic class 2. Each ampoule has a stain white colordenoting the place of donomas ampoules. 10 or 50 ampoules in a cardboard pack with cardboard partitions with instructions for use.

Description of the dosage form

Transparent liquid from light yellow to brown with a characteristic smell.

pharmachologic effect

Immunomodulating and hepatoprotective agent.

Lanenek exhibits immunomodulatory properties due to the ability to stimulate humoral immunity and increase the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killers; Increases the bactericidal activity of peripheral blood leukocytes, manifested in their ability to destroy the captured pathogen. Cytokines included in the preparation activate the metabolic and supervisory functions of skin cells.

Biology active substancesIn hydrolyzate, stimulate regeneration (proliferation) of hepatocytes, deoxication properties are displayed, reduce lipid and cholesterol in hepatic cells, increase the activity of tissue respiration, activate the metabolism in the liver, reduce the intensity of development. connective tissue In the liver.


Lanenek exhibits immunomodulatory properties due to the ability to stimulate humoral immunity and increase the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killers; Increases the bactericidal activity of peripheral blood leukocytes, manifested in their ability to destroy the captured pathogen. Cytokines included in the preparation activate the metabolic and supervisory functions of skin cells. Biologically active substances in hydrolyzate stimulate regeneration (proliferation) of hepatocytes, disinfection properties are displayed, reduce lipid and cholesterol in hepatic cells, increase the activity of tissue respiration, activate the metabolism in the liver, reduce the intensity of the development of connective tissue in the liver.

Indications for the use of lanenek

The drug is used in the complex therapy of the following diseases: chronic recurrent herpes, atopic dermatitis of medium and severe and severe (including complicated).

In the form of monotherapy in chronic liver diseases: steatogeatites (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology).

Contraindications for the use of lanenek

Hypersensitivity, children's age, pregnancy, lactation period.

Lanenek application for pregnancy and children

Application of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding contraindicated.

Application of the drug in children

Studies on the safety of Laennec with premature babies, newborn breast and minors were not conducted. Application in children is not recommended.

Lanenek side effects

It is observed in 3.7% of patients.

Clinically significant unwanted reactions.

Possible allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock.

Other unwanted phenomena

Painness at the injection site 2.56%

Allergic reactions (redness, itchy skin) 0.37%

Numbness at the injection site 0.37%

Gynecomastia (causal relationship with the introduction of the drug is not established) 0.37%

Overdose: Currently, the cases of overdose of Laennec did not communicate.

Medicinal interaction

When mixing the Laennec with other drugs that are strong bases (pH above 8.5), as a result of pharmaceutical interaction, its activity is reduced. Information about any other clinically significant interactions of the Lennec to date is absent.

Dosage Lanenek

With chronic recurrent herpes and atopic dermatitis: intravenous drip administration: 10 ml (560 mg of the hydrolyzate of the placenta) of the preparation (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of a 5% solution of dextrose or saline and administered through the elbow vein for 1.5 to 2 hours. Injections spend 3 times a week with an interval of 2 days. Course treatment 10 injections.

In chronic liver diseases: steatogeatites (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology): intramuscularly: 2 ml per day (112 mg of placenta hydrolyzate). Depending on the severity of the disease, the frequency of injections can be increased to 2-3 times (up to 6 ml) per day; Intravenous drip administration: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the preparation (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of a 5% solution of dextrose or saline and administered through the elbow vein for 1.5 to 2 hours.

Injections are carried out daily. Course of treatment for 2-3 weeks.


Currently, Laennec's overdose cases were not reported.

Precautionary measures

With caution, the drug should be applied in patients suffering from polyvalent allergies to drugs, as well as in elderly people.

Registration number: N №013851 / 01

Tradename: Lanenek

Dosage form: injection


In 2 ml of the drug, it contains -112 mg of hydrolyzate of human placenta, water for injection, pool corrector (sodium hydroxide or acid hydrochloric acid).


Transparent liquid from light yellow to brown with a characteristic smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Immunomodulating and hepatoprotective agent.

ATH code: L03, a05

Pharmacological properties

Lanenek exhibits immunomodulatory properties due to the ability to stimulate humoral immunity and increase the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killers; Increases the bactericidal activity of peripheral blood leukocytes, manifested in their ability to destroy the captured pathogen. Cytokines included in the preparation activate the metabolic and supervisory functions of skin cells.

Biologically active substances in hydrolyzate stimulate regeneration (proliferation) of hepatocytes, disinfection properties are displayed, reduce lipid and cholesterol in hepatic cells, increase the activity of tissue respiration, activate the metabolism in the liver, reduce the intensity of the development of connective tissue in the liver.

Indications for use

The drug is used in comprehensive therapy of the following diseases:
chronic recurrent herpes, atopic dermatitis of medium-heavy and severe flow (including complicated).

In the form of monotherapy in chronic liver diseases: steatogeatites (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology).


Hypersensitivity, children's age, pregnancy, lactation period.


With caution, the drug should be applied in patients suffering from polyvalent allergies to drugs, as well as in elderly people.

Method of application and dose

With chronic recurrent herpes and atopic dermatitis:

intravenous drip administration: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the preparation (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of a 5% solution of dextrose or saline and administered through the elbow vein for 1.5 to 2 hours. Injections spend 3 times a week with an interval of 2 days. Course treatment 10 injections.

In chronic liver diseases: steatogeatites (alcohol, metabolic and mixed etiology):

  • intramuscularly: 2 ml per day (112 mg of placenta hydrolyzate). Depending on the severity of the disease, the frequency of injections can be increased to 2-3 times (up to 6 ml) per day;
  • intravenous drip administration: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the preparation (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of a 5% solution of dextrose or saline and administered through the elbow vein for 1.5 to 2 hours.

Injections are carried out daily. Course of treatment for 2-3 weeks.

Side effect

It is observed in 3.7% of patients.
Clinically significant unwanted reactions.
Allergic reactions are possible, including anaphylactic shock.

Other unwanted phenomena

Overdose: Currently, the cases of overdose of Laennec did not communicate.

Interaction with other medicines

When mixing the Laennec with other drugs that are strong bases (pH above 8.5), as a result of pharmaceutical interaction, its activity is reduced.

Information about any other clinically significant interactions of the Lennec to date is absent.

Application during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Application of the drug in children

Studies on the safety of Laennec with premature babies, newborn breast and minors were not conducted. Application in children is not recommended.

Application of the drug in the elderly

According to currently available data elderly age It is not a contraindication for the appointment of Laennec. However, since physiological functions in the elderly worsen, the use of the drug should be carried out under careful control.

Information about the possible impact on the ability to control vehicles, mechanisms

Impact on the ability to control vehicles, not installed mechanisms.

Form release

Injection. 2 ml in the ampoules of dark glass of hydrolytic class 2. Each ampoule has a stain of white, denoting the place of the ampoules. 10 or 50 ampoules in a cardboard pack with cardboard partitions with instructions for use.

Packaging for the hospital: 200 ampoules in a cardboard pack with partitions from cardboard with instructions for use.

Shelf life

3 years.
Do not apply after the expiration date indicated on the package.

A sedentary lifestyle that is combined with improper nutrition, alcohol and narcotic drugs, as well as with regular stresses, have a colossal impact on the body, and in particular the digestive organs, because The main blow accounts for them.

As a result of this impact, human gastrointestinal diseases begin to develop. For treating organs digestive tract The doctor may appoint medicine

Lanenek. What is this drug, and what should I remember when taking it?

1. Instructions for use

The insert with the instruction contains information on the testimony, drug interaction with other drugs, the necessary dosage, as well as contraindications.

In addition to the data listed, the article also contains data on the approximate cost of the drug, as well as similar preparationswhich can be replaced with Laennek tool. This whole information should be carefully read that there are no unforeseen consequences in the future.

pharmachologic effect

The basis of the Laennec is hydrolyzate human placenta. The drug comprehensively affects the body and normalizes the operation of the internal systems. The effect of the medication applies to immunity and functional state Liver. It can be used in the composition of the complex and monotherapy of herpes, atopic dermatitis and during some liver pathologies.

The active acting component from the composition of the medication is quickly embedded in cells and tissues, improving regenerative processes and increasing their protective functions.

Pharmacological properties:


Indications for the use of this agent are such conditions in the patient as:

  • Chronic form of recurrent herpes (used only in comprehensive treatment);
  • The chronic stage of steatohepatitis (mixed, alcoholic, metabolic etiology). This remedy is used in the form of monotherapy.

In addition, this drug is also used to treat atopic dermatitis heavy, as well as middle severity, incl. and complications (applied in comprehensive treatment).

Mode of application

In the presence of a chronic form of a recurrent herpes, and the dermatitis is prescribed by the drug Laennek intravenously drip in 10 ml dosage, which is dissolved in 250-500 ml dextrose solution.

Insert the medicine is necessary in the elbow vein for two hours. Injections need to be done 3 times a week, the break between the receptions is 2 days. Treatment is no more than 10 injections.

In chronic liver diseases, prescribed intramuscular administration The drug is 2 ml per day. Based on the severity of the disease, the inclusion frequency of injection to 2-3 times can be increased, i.e. Up to 6 ml of the drug per day. An intravenous drip administration of medication in a dosage of 10 ml is allowed, which should be dissolved in 500 ml in a physiological solution.

The drug should be introduced into the elbow vein for 2 hours. Injections can be administered 2 times a week. The course of therapy should not exceed 3 weeks.

Form release

This drug can be found only in the form of a solution for injections. The drug lanene includes hydrolysis of human placenta, as well as acid hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide, water for injection.

Interaction with other drugs

Before starting treatment, it is important to prevent your doctor about the reception of any other drugs. With the simultaneous reception of the means of Laennek with other drugs, which are strong bases, the activity of the drug under consideration is reduced several times.

To date, any other significant time medicinal interaction It was not revealed.

2. Side events

The drug is transferred pretty well, however, sometimes the patient may appear sideflineswhich are usually expressed in states such as:

  • Sweep quinque, cough, redness on the skin, itching, nasal congestion, urticaria, as well as any other manifestations of allergies;
  • Pain sensations at the injection site, temporary injecting the injection site, gynecomastia, alopecia (in isolated cases).

There were no cases of overdose, however, the doctors are still recommended when introducing the drug in large dosages to hold symptomatic treatment Or contact the doctor.


  • Allergies to the individual components of the drug Lanenek;
  • Childhood.

In addition, this remedy may be carefully appointed at easy kidney lesions, however, if there is a severe lesion form, then the means of receiving the means should be refused. The dosage should also be adjusted to the elderly.


At this time, it is better to refuse to receive any drugs at all, incl. and the drug Lanenek. The fact is that this drug has the ability to penetrate the placenta, having a negative impact on the fetus. The tool must be replaced by a safe analogue.

During the feeding of his baby, the breasts from the use of this fund also better refuse. This is due to the fact that the drug Laennek has the ability to penetrate breast milk, damaging the baby.

If it is impossible to choose a safe analogue or abandon treatment at all, the baby must be translated from natural feed on artificial.

3. Special instructions

Impact on the ability of vehicle driving and managing mechanisms

Lanenek does not affect nervous system. Reception of the drug does not imply risks when driving vehicle. At the concentration of attention or the speed of psychomotor reactions, the medication also does not affect.

Pregnancy and lactation

In the lanenek lanenek, or during pregnancy, can provoke a negative reaction of the body. The manufacturer limits the use of the drug when entering the fetus and breastfeeding.


Lanenek is not intended for use in pediatrics.

With violations of the kidney function

Needs to adjust the dosing mode in the manual is not marked.

When violations of the liver function

Restrictions in the reception of the drug in the instructions are not marked. The list of readings includes chronic diseases Liver of different etiology.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Recipe required.

4. Storage period

The drug Laennek must be stored at room temperature in a place where small children will not be able to get, as well as pets. In addition, it is very important that moisture or sun rays do not fall into the medicine.

When complying with all storage conditions, the drug can be used for three years. After the shelf life of the medication was released, the further use of the means of Laennek is prohibited. It should be disposed of, throwing into a trash can.

5. Price

The cost of the drug Laennec is developing, based on the cost of transportation, city of sales, as well as an individual discharge of pharmaceutical points. It is worth understanding that different countries The price will be very different. For example, consider Russia and Ukraine. The instructions present the approximate cost, the exact price of the price should be recognized in each particular pharmacy.


In the city of Moscow for the drug Laennec on average, 14850 rubles will have to pay.


For the medicine of Laennek in Kiev pharmacies with a patient will be asked to 5990 - 8687.64 hryvnia.

Video on the topic: Details about Laennek

6. Analogs

Only a specialist can choose a safe analog.

The drug Laennek has no direct analogues, however, it is possible to choose a drug with a similar mechanism of action. Among such funds can be allocated:

Larnene, Tioktic Acid, Urozofalk, Phosphycial, Suslyial Forte, Ornilatex, Lipoic Acid,

Lanenek (shape - solution) refers to pharmacological group Preparations for the treatment of liver disease and biliary tract. The instructions for use allocate the following drug features:

  • For sale only by prescription doctor
  • During pregnancy: contraindicated
  • When breastfeeding: contraindicated
  • AT childhood: contraindicasan
  • With violations of the liver function: you can
  • In old age: with caution



One Laennec Ampoule contains 112 mg of human placenta hydrolyzate (cellular factors HGF, EGF, FGF, IGF-1, TGF-β, NGF, 18 amino acids, interleukins, low molecular weight peptides, vitamins E, C, D, B2, B1, PP , about 100 enzymes and over 40 minerals).

Additional substances: sodium hydroxide, water.

Form release

Laennec is available in darkened glass ampoules, 10 such ampoules with a paper pack.

pharmachologic effect

Immunomodulating and hepatoprotective.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug has an immunomodulatory effect due to the ability to activate humoral immunity and increase the activity of phagocytes and natural killers. Increases the bactericidal activity of leukocytes, manifested in their ability to eliminate the captured pathogen. Cytokines included in the drug stimulate metabolic and barrier skin functions.

The substances present in the hydrolyzate stimulate the recovery of liver cells, antitoxic properties exhibit, reduce the accumulation of lipids and cholesterol in hepatocytes, activate tissue respiration and metabolism, inhibit the development of connective tissue in the liver parenchyma.

Indications for use

  • recurrent chronic herpes (as part of polycomponent therapy);
  • severe atopic dermatitis, including complicated (in the composition of polycomponent therapy);
  • chronic liver damage: steatogeatite (metabolic, alcoholic and mixed nature);
  • using Lanenek in cosmetology: Improving high-quality skin indicators, reducing pigmentation and wrinkles, RN-Balance normalization, creation of a lifting effect.


Contraindications for reception drug:

  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • childhood;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

With caution to apply in elderly people and persons with polyvalent allergies to pharmaceuticals.

Side effects

Clinically significant reactions: allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock is possible).

Other phenomena: pain at the injection site, anesthesia at the injection site, gynecomastia (connection with the reception of the drug has not been proven).

Instruction on Lanenek

With atopic dermatitis and recurrent chronichemicals, the tool is injected drip intravenously: 10 ml (five ampoules) is dissolved in 260-500 ml of saline or 5% dextrose solution. Injections are made with an interval of 2 days. The course of therapy includes 10 such administrations.

In chronic liver lesions, the tool is recommended to introduce intramuscularly 2 ml per day. The multiplicity of injection can be brought to 3 times a day. The tool is also allowed to introduce intravenously drip along the scheme described above. The course of therapy is up to 3 weeks.


There are no data on overdose cases.


When mixing the Laennec with other drugs - strong bases (alkalinity above 8.5), the effect of the drug is reduced.

Terms of sale

You can only purchase a prescription.

Storage conditions

Take care of children. Store in an inaccessible place at 18 ° -25 ° C.

Shelf life

Three years.

special instructions

Does not affect the ability to drive a car or other vehicles.


At present, analogues of this drug are not available.

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