The norm and reasons for the increase in GGT (gamma-glutamlitranspendase) in the blood. GGTP raised! Causes, treatment why, with alcoholism, an increase in gloved trappeptidase

GGT B. biochemical analysis The blood in the complex with other analyzes is often used to diagnose the liver condition, since its largest concentration is contained in this body. But at least GGT is raised in the blood during many diseases, in which there are damage to the liver and bile passes, other pathologies can also provoke its growth, for example, a heart associated.

Gamma-glutamal of transferaz (GGT or GGTP) is an enzyme that is contained in many tissues of the body. Normally, the content of GGT is low, but if the liver is damaged, the GGTP analysis shows that GGTP is elevated: its level begins to increase immediately, as soon as the passage along the bile canals from the liver to the intestines begins to blocked. Hoping the bile duch may be tumors or the stones formed in the bile canals in which Gamma GGT is almost always increased. Therefore, the definition of GGTP in the blood is one of the most sensitive analyzes, the measurement of which allows for a fairly precisely to identify the disease bile ducts.

However, despite the high sensitivity, blood test on GGT is not specific in distinguishing the causes of liver disease, because it may increase with several diseases of this organ (cancer, viral hepatitis). In addition, its level may increase in some diseases that are not related to liver (for example, acute coronary syndrome). That is why the analysis on GGT is never carried out by itself.

On the other hand, the research of the GGT in plasma is a very useful test when deciphering with other analyzes. It is especially important to clarify the reasons for increasing alkaline phosphatase (ALP), another enzyme produced by the liver.

When the GGT in the blood is elevated, with the disease of the liver, and Alp is increased simultaneously with it. But with diseases bone tissue Only Alp increases, while GGT remains normal. Therefore, deciphering the analysis of Gama-GT with success can be carried out after analysis on Alp, in order to say if high Alp is the result of bone disease or liver disease.

When you need to pass

The biochemical analysis of blood GGT can be used together with other tests of the hepatic panel, such as Alanine aminotransferase (Alat), aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), bilirubin and others. In general, when biochemistry shows an increase in GGTP, this indicates damage to the liver tissues, but does not indicate the specifics of this damage. In addition, the analysis of GGT can be used to monitor the treatment of patients with alcoholism and alcohol hepatitis.

In order for the doctor to give an analysis of GGT, the following signs must be present in the patient:

  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • The tumor in the cavity of the abdomen and / or pain.
  • Jaundice.
  • Urine of dark color.
  • Chair of light color.

Gamma-glutamiltransferase is always increased when alcohol in the blood gets into the blood even in small quantities. Therefore, incorrect preparation for analysis, that is, the use of alcohol per day before the analysis provides incorrect results. Accordingly, very strong gamma-GT is raised in chronic alcoholics and drunks. That is why the blood test of GGTP can be successfully used to determine, at what stage of alcoholism is a patient.

Also, this test can be assigned to patients who were drunk in the past or who passed a course of treatment from alcoholism. Cirrhosis is a very cunning disease, and before it manifests itself, develops about 10-15 years. Raising GGTP Will detect pathology in time, and timely treatment is to delay the development of pathology.

The value of the test results on the GGT

The norm of GGT in women and girls, older one year, ranges from 6 to 29 units / l. It should be noted that women enhanced in women in women. In men, the indicators are slightly higher, and therefore norma GGTP Amount:

  • 1-6 years: 7-19 units;
  • 7-9 years: 9-22 units;
  • 10-13 years: 9-24 units;
  • 14-15 years: 9-26 units;
  • 16-17 years: 9-27 units;
  • 18-35 years: 9-31 units;
  • 36-40 years: 8-35 units;
  • 41-45 years: 9-37 units;
  • 46-50 years: 10-39 units;
  • 51-54 years: 10-42 units;
  • 55 years: 11-45 units;
  • From 56 years: 12-48 units;

As already mentioned, the GGTP rule is usually increased by damage to the liver tissues, but the decoding of the analysis does not indicate the exact cause of pathology. Usually the higher the level of glutamaltranspendase, the stronger damage. In addition, the increase in GGT may indicate cirrhosis or hepatitis, but may also be the result of congenital heart failure, diabetes or pancreatitis. In addition, in GGT in the blood, it is raised due to the use of toxic drugs for the liver.

The elevated level of GGT can talk about cardiovascular diseases and / or hypertension. Fenitoine, carbamazepine, drugs from the barbiturate group (phenobarbital) include drugs that enhance the GGT. In addition, increasing the level of this enzyme can non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, lowering the level of lipids, antibiotics, histamine receptor blockers (used for the treatment of excessive production of gastric acid). Antifungal agents, antidepressants, testosterone also raise the level of GGT.

Low values \u200b\u200bof GGT say that the patient has a liver normally, and it does not use at all alcoholic beverages. If a elevated level Alp is accompanied by high GGT, it eliminates bone disease, but if GGT is normal or lowered, the problem with the bones may be present. In addition to the TGU, the level of GGT can clofibrates and oral contraceptives.

What is a hepatic panel

Since the analysis on GGT should be considered with other tests, it is necessary to keep in mind that this enzyme is usually included in the hepatic panel, which is used to screen damage to the liver. It is especially relevant for patients that are undergoing treatment capable of influencing the liver.

Liver panel or separate parts of it are designed for diagnostics. diseases of the liverIf the patient has symptoms and signs of diseases of this organ. If the disease is established, testing is performed again at certain time intervals to monitor its condition and evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment. For example, a series of bilirubin tests is carried out for jaundice monitoring in newborns.

The hepatic panel consists of several tests that are conducted on the same blood sample. A typical hepatic panel consists of such components:

  • Alp - enzyme related to bulls, as well as produced in the bones, intestines and during pregnancy the pocent. Most often increases when blocking bile ducts.
  • Alt - Enzym, which is mainly in the liver, is best determined by hepatitis.
  • AST is an enzyme in the liver and some other organs, especially in the heart and muscles of the body.
  • Bilirubin is a bile pigment produced by the liver. The overall analysis on bilirubin measures its total amount of blood, direct bilirubin determines the associated form of bilirubin (in combination with other components) of the liver.
  • Albumin - the main blood protein produced by the liver. His level affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The reduction in the level of content of albumin in the blood can affect both the decrease in its liver production and an increase in its output through the kidneys with urine during kidney dysfunction.
  • Common Protein - This test measures albumin and other proteins in general, including antibodies that are struggling with infections.
  • AFP - the appearance of this protein is associated with regeneration or prolipe (the growth of tissues) of liver cells;

Depending on the direction of the attending physician or laboratory, other analyzes are included in the hepatic panel. This may be the definition of prothrombin time to measure the blood coagulation function. Since many enzymes involved in coagulation produces a liver, abnormal values \u200b\u200bcan talk about its damage.

With negative results, the test of the hepatic panel is carried out more than once, and at certain time intervals that may take from several days to weeks. They must be done in order to determine whether there is a decrease or increase in the values \u200b\u200bof chronic character, and whether there is a need for additional analyzes to identify the causes of the liver dysfunction.

Disease Bilirubin Alt and Ast Alpha Albumen Promrombin
Acute liver disease due to infection, toxins or drugs, etc. Normal or higher Strong values \u200b\u200b(\u003e 10 times). Alt is higher than AST Normal value or only slightly increased value Norm Norm
Chronic forms various diseases liver Normal or higher Slightly increased values. Alt has a constant enlarged value Norm or a little higher Norm Norm
Alcohol hepatitis Normal or higher AST is a little more; AST twice as much alt Norm or a little higher Norm Norm
Cirrhosis First above the norm, but decreases in the later stages AST is more than Alt, but their levels are less than with disease caused by alcoholism, since the destroyed liver ceases to produce them Norm or a little higher Normal or less Usually above the norm
Blocking ducts, cholestasis Normal or more, especially high values \u200b\u200bat full blocking Normal or a little more 4 times higher than the norm Usually the norm, but if the disease is chronic, may be below the norm Norm
Cancer, distributed metastases on the liver Norm Normal or a little more Highly enlarged Norm Norm
Liver cancer May be increased value, especially if the disease progresses AST is higher than Alt Normal or higher Normal or less Long norm
Autoimmune diseases Normal or more slightly increased value; Alt more than AST

Instead of a hepatic panel also a doctor may assign a comprehensive metabolic panel as part general research Patient states. It provides for the passage of most analyzes that are included in the hepatic panel, but also includes other tests necessary for evaluating organs and systems.

Gamma GlutamylTranspendaz (GGTP, GTP, GGT) is an enzyme (natural chemical reaction catalyst) involved in the process of exchanging amino acids. GTR is contained in the cells of many organs characterized by the active release and absorption of various substances (absorption and secretion). This enzyme is localized and accumulates this enzyme in the kidneys, where its concentration of seven thousand times more than in the blood. Also, the content of GGTP is raised in the liver (the level exceeds the concentration in serum from 200 to 500 times) and in the pancreas.

The enzyme in cells is synthesized. When it is accumulated, the cells are destroyed, and a certain amount of GGTP falls into the blood.

The concentration of this enzyme is used as a marker of stagnation of bile - cholestasis and other diseases of the liver and biliary system.

Bile plays a very important role in the human digestive system. It is synthesized in the liver and is assembled in special biliary liver ducts and from there sent to duodenal gut For digesting food. With the help of bile, the processes of suction of fats from food and the removal of excess biologically active substances (drugs). It is synthesized in the liver continuously, but is consumed by the intestine only if necessary, when the digestive process is started. In order not to have the irrational use of the body's energy resources, excess bile accumulates in bile bubble.


Causes of increasing GGTP

If the norm of the enzyme is exceeded, the doctor may assume the following diseasesthat can be divided into two groups:

  1. diseases associated with the damage to the liver and biliary tract;
  2. other reasons.

The following disease can be attributed to the first group:

  • Chronic alcoholism. With alcoholism, enzyme synthesis processes are activated. If you refuse to eat alcohol, the analysis comes back in approximately one month later. It is worth noting that a certain percentage of alcoholics (about 30%), the gamma enzyme is not increased.
  • Oncological diseases of the liver and metastases of tumors in the liver from other organs.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. This pathological process of replacing tissues on the rucrotable is directly related to the first paragraph. Its flowing is characterized by the weakening of all functions of the liver, which entails and an increase in the concentration of GGTP.
  • Hepatitis Any genesis, including alcoholic.
  • Infectious mononucleosis (Inflammatory process, partially affecting the liver).
  • Mechanical jaundicecharacterized by blocking bile ducts (among the perpetrators of clogging can be distinguished by stones, scars, tumors of bile ducts, varieties of cancer affecting digestive system). It is worth noting that when blocking bile ducts, the level of the enzyme rises faster than alkaline phosphatase;
  • Autoimmune damage to bile.

The second group includes diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • heart failure;
  • an autoimmune disease affecting its own fabrics is a systemic red lupus;
  • hyperthyroidism (intensification of functioning thyroid gland);
  • pancreatitis (inflammatory process affecting the pancreas), this pathological state can be caused by alcohol abuse.

Analysis on gamma GTP

Analysis on Gamma GlutamylTranspendaz is prescribed for the following reasons:

  1. The main reason for the direction on such a study is to diagnose, confirmation and monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment of liver diseases, biliary ducts. Among such diseases, you can highlight the blockage of these passes, biliary cirrhosis.
  2. To diagnose alcoholism and control over its therapy.
  3. To form a correct diagnosis, if the level of alkaline phosphatase is increased.

For analysis, venous or capillary blood is taken. The study is carried out using a kinetic calorimetric method. Before analysis is recommended:

  • do not eat eight hours before research;
  • refrain from smoking;
  • eliminate the strong physical and emotional tension for half an hour before the study.

It is worth noting that the analysis for this enzyme is not specific. The results of such an analysis cannot be used to form a specific diagnosis.

Such data should be used only in a complex with other studies that assess the functioning of the liver, otherwise the likelihood of an error is increased.

The result of the study may show incorrect results. This contributes to:

  • Obesity. In this case, the activity of the enzyme is increased.
  • Reception of drugs (oral contraceptives, testosterone, aspirin, histaginoblocators, antifungal medications, paracetamol and a number of other medicines).
  • Regular reception of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) It may lead to the oppression of the activity of the enzyme.

It is worth noting that because of large number Diseases that are able to influence the level of GGT, deciphering the results of the study and the diagnosis is carried out by a doctor based on the test complex. Independent treatment and self-diagnosis may entail unwanted therapy results.

Among these enzymes, it is not lasting an enzyme with a long name: Gamma-glutamylTranspend of gamma or briefly referred to - GGT or GGTP.

The significance of the GGTP

The difficult name of this enzyme for him is not the only one, so most often in the conversation and in the form of biochemical analysis of blood can be found - GGT (γ-glutamlitransferase) or GHTP (gamma (depth) glutamytranspendase).

GGT - participating in the exchange of amino acids a membrane-binding enzyme, which is located on cells of various organs (mainly - liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallways, spleen, etc.), where the location of its localization is the outer membrane.

GGTP - an active member of the "construction" of new protein molecules, catalyst of important biochemical reactions and a significant diagnostic test, indicating the presence of cholestasis, therefore, along with other enzymes (ALT, AST, SFF) and Bilirubin, it is included in the biochemical blood test, called "Hepatic samples."

Especially high the role of γ-glutamiltransferase in the search for pathology, which it seems to be attributed to inflammatory hepatic parenchyma processes, and it seems - and no (symptoms indicating hepatitis, not enough for diagnostics, but some clinical manifestations already have a place). This diagnostic test is well suited for observing the course of a chronic process localized in the liver parenchyma.

Analysis and table of normal GGTP values

To determine such an indicator as GGTP, the test material is blood taken in the morning of a strictly on-line (enzymes, including the digestive process, increase their activity, so it is better not only not, but not to drink).

The activity of gamma-glutamlitranspendase is determined by different methods and at different temperatures of the sample incubation, however, as the activity of other enzymes, so in the form before the result you can see the stubble temperature (for example, 37ºС or 30ºС). This is done in order not to accept the norm for pathology, since the results at different temperatures differ significantly, but for recalculation there is a special coefficient, so the problems of doctors, as a rule, do not have. The results may pose a patient who does not have the necessary set of knowledge, but trying to independently understand the blood test.

The rules of the GGT differ in gender and depend on age. In confirmation of the above, we consider it expedient to place the data of normal values \u200b\u200bin the table:

Boys, men older than 17 years

Girls, women older than 17 years old

from 6 to 12 months

It should be reminded the reader that the reference values \u200b\u200badopted in the same laboratory may differ from the indicators used by another laboratories, so the results should always be specified in medical institutionin which blood test was performed. Although, most likely, not stacked the result, will be emphasized in red (as accepted in the laboratory service) to stand out against the background of other, normal, indicators.

GGTP reacts to increasing activity

On reduced values \u200b\u200bof γ-glutamiltransferase, it can only be transformed on the decompensated liver cirrhosis, but on elevated results of analyzes is mentioned quite often, since the liver diseases, biliary tract and myocardial infarction are leading among other diseases.

The reasons for increasing the activity of γ-glutamotransferase are hidden behind a rather impressive list. pathological conditionsFor which the enzyme response will certainly follow:

  1. Mechanical, stagnant jaundice (cholestasis, formed due to blockage of intra-and extrahepatic bile ducts, except GGT, 5-nucleotidases and alkaline phosphatase react to this pathology);
  2. Cholelithiasis;
  3. Cholecystitis;
  4. Acute viral hepatitis (increasing activity of the GGT coincides with the beginning of a decrease in the activity of "alatov" and "astes";
  5. Chronic hepatitis current;
  6. Postgepatitite (compensated) liver cirrhosis;
  7. Toxic or radiation damage to hepatic parenchyma;
  8. Liver alcoholic cirrhosis;
  9. Adhesive hepatosis;
  10. Primary liver cancer;
  11. Metastase malignant neoplasms in the liver;
  12. Kidney disease (chronic glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis);
  13. Myocardial infarction (the increase begins after 4 days of the disease, the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the enzyme activity are noted after 2 - 3 weeks) - the cause raising GGT After it is the activation of restoration processes in myocardium and liver parenchyma;
  14. Alcoholism (ethanol induces the production of cell enzymes, and GGT reacts among the first) - norma enzymes come in 2 - 3 weeks after complete cessation of alcohol use;
  15. Treatment of epilepsy (phenobarbital, phenytoin) and tuberculosis (rafampicin);
  16. The use of hormonal contraceptives;
  17. Use of various groups medicinal preparations, negatively affecting the tender parenchyma of the liver (anticonvulsant, thyaretical, anabolic steroid, thiazid diuretics, some antidepressants, cytostatic, antiperscript, anti-tuberculosis drugs).

Thus, primarily the reason for increasing the activity of gamma-glutamylTranspend of the liver and bile moves. Arising due to the influence of various factors (viruses, toxic substances, radiation, treatment with various drugs pharmacological groups And many other impacts that "does not like" liver). Very often the enzyme activity helps to identify the degree alcoholic intoxication And discover how far the chronic destroyer the body has entered.

Instead of imprisonment

The role in the exchange of substances of such an organ, as a liver, is determined by its anatomical position. The liver is an intermediary between the gastrointestinal tract, where the outside receives various substances (and useful, and harmful), and all organism, that is, by other organs, tissues, cells, to which, one way or another, reach human consumed by man.

Thanks to its enzymes (AST, AST, GGT) and their abilities, the liver is often able to neutralize the substances that can be poisons in certain doses. After all, people while the liver is healthy, do not notice her and do not shy. Some trying to defeat the incurable chronic pathology or at least reduce its manifestations, "etching" long years His organ medical means, Others, without thinking about the suffering of the liver, are regularly looked into the peteral institution every day, and some simply systematically "kill" tender liver fabric of harmful food.

Maybe it is worth thinking, finding the elevated values \u200b\u200bof gamma-glutamyltranspendase and other hepatic enzymes in blood analysis? Increased GGT, Alt, Ast and other indicators reflecting the work of the liver, kidneys, hearts already hints to man that something goes wrong.

GGT in blood increased: causes, treatment, diet

Raising GGT may be observed for diseases internal organs, taking alcohol or drugs. Externally, such a state may accompany certain symptoms. For example, if Gamma-glutamilTransferase is raised due to liver disease, nausea, vomiting, itching and skin yellowing, urine darkening, very light feces can be marked.

Increased GGT in the blood: what causes

Changing the level of gamma glutamiltransferase can be temporary and return to the norm (table with norms) after eliminating the causes of such changes. These include: Reception of drugs that are constructed bile or slow down the speed of its elimination (phenobarbital, furosemide, heparin, etc.), obesity, low physical activity, smoking, alcohol intake, even in small quantities.

Causes of increasing gamma-glutamiltransferase 10 times and above:

  • jaundice as a result of the violation of the outflow of the bile and growth of intraporetum pressure;
  • poisoning and toxic liver damage;
  • novoy formation of the liver and pancreas, men - prostate;
  • diabetes;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • chronic alcoholism and a number of other diseases.

With long-term use of alcohol, the GGT level is increased by an influence (ratio of gamma-glutamiltransferase to AST about 6). The content of this enzyme in the blood is affected by the amount, duration and frequency of alcohol-containing products.

Improved GGT and other enzymes (AST, Alt)

Since the elevated level of GGT in the blood does not allow you to accurately diagnose the disease and may be caused by other reasons, the doctor prescribes an additional survey of the liver.

GGT in biochemical blood test exceeds 100, ALT less than 80 and alkaline phosphatase over 200 is observed at:

  • slowdown in bile outflow against the background of excessive alcohol consumption;
  • reduction of bile outflow as a result of the liver cirrhosis;
  • difficulty bile outflow due to stones in a gallbladder or squeezing bile ducts with neoplasms;
  • other reasons.

Improving the level of gamma-glutamiltransferase up to 100, with Alt and AST above 80 and the SFF less than 200 may mean:

  • the presence of viral hepatitis (A, B or C) or Epstein-Barra virus (sometimes viral hepatitis proceed without increasing the level of hepatic enzymes);
  • excessive effect on the liver alcohol;
  • fat hepatosis.

The indicator of GGT is increased to 100, the Alt exceeds 80 and the SFF more than 200. This means that the otfok bile is difficult, and the liver cells are damaged. Among the causes of this condition:

  • chronic hepatitis of alcohol or viral nature;
  • autoimmune hepatitis;
  • neoplasms in the liver field;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

For the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, an additional examination and full-time doctor consultation is necessary!

The indicator of GGT in biochemical analysis of blood diagnoses bile stars. This is a very sensitive marker with cholanthitis (inflammation of bile ducts) and cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation) - it increases earlier than other hepatic enzymes (ALT, ACT). Moderate increase in GGT is observed in infectious hepatitis and obesity of the liver (2-5 times higher than the norm).

Treatment of increased GGT in the blood: how to downgrade and lead to normal

Treatment of elevated levels of GGT begin with the diagnosis of the body's condition and identify the exact cause of increasing this enzyme. Treatment of diseases, as a result of which gamma-glutamiltransferase increased, reduces its level.

It is necessary to refuse smoking and drinking alcohol. Getting rid of these habits will help recommendations of Vozo on how to quit smoking and how to quit drinking. It will also reduce the increased GGT.

More on this topic

Other analyzes indicators:

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Causes of increasing GGT in the blood and methods of normalization

Many patients have ever heard the phrase of the attending physician that the level of gamma glutamiltransferase is increased. However, not everyone knows what it means, for what reason such a deviation arose, it is possible to return the normal indicators of GGT, and how to do it.

GGT is a specific protein that accumulates in hepatic fabrics, spleen, kidneys and prostate gland (in men). However, the highest percentage of the concentration of this substance is observed in the liver, so when the doctor tries to find out the exact reasons for the fact that Gamma GTP is raised, it, first of all, sends the patient to the survey of the functioning of this particular body. Hepatic samples are one of the most informative and frequent assays. It is with its help that the level of GGT is determined and the necessary treatment is appointed.

Problems with the liver as a reason for raising the level of GGTP

The reasons are the fact that Gamma GT is raised, there is quite a lot, and quite often they are associated with violations of the liver. These include:

  • cholestasis;
  • cytolysis;
  • prolonged impact of alcoholic toxins on the body;
  • uncontrolled or long-term reception of medication drugs, violating the work of the liver;
  • the presence of an oncological process in the liver.

It should briefly consider the most common causes of increasing GGT in the blood separately.

Cholestasis, or stagnation bile

Gamma glutamotransferase is raised due to the stagnation of bile - what does this mean? This means that the patient's body occurred in the patient's body, a bubble bubble or its ducts occurred. At the same time, cholestasis is not a separate disease - this is a symptom of one of the numerous hepatic ailments. These are:

  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • sclerosing cholangitis (primary or recurrent);
  • defeat cookies with food decay of ethanol;
  • liver dysfunction due to medicines.

These are just the reasons that Gamma Globulin is raised in adults who are directly related to the functioning of the liver. If other factors are able to cause the development of cholestasis syndrome. These include:

  • GCB (biliary disease);
  • the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the region of the gallbladder or its ducts;
  • oncology of the gastric or pancreatic head.

Note. Treatment of cholestasis depends on the cause of its development. Until it is accurately installed, it is impossible to accept any actions.


Cytolysis is another reason that level GGTP Can be enhanced. This is another symptom that arises as a result:

To find out what of the above reasons is increased by the indicator of GGT, maybe only the doctor, and only after receiving the results for hepatic enzymes, as well as after tool Research (in particular, ultrasound liver and LP).

Alcoholic intoxication

Even the highest quality alcohol products may cause serious intoxication of the body if the hot drinks were taken in excessive amounts. Even a small dose stimulates the process of producing gamma GT, so it is not difficult to imagine what is happening in the body when entering a large amount of ethanol.

Therefore, before painting and wondering what it means, if the level of gamma glutamaltransferase, or GGT, in biochemistry of blood is increased, remember whether you have taken alcohol on the eve or 2-3 days before delivery.

Reception of medicines

If GGT in biochemical blood test is increased, but there is no deviations in the patient's health, then a sharp increase in the level of this protein may be a consequence of the effects of drug drugs related to groups:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds;
  • antimicrobial drugs;
  • antimicose agents;
  • anesthetics;
  • hypotonic drugs;
  • anticoagulants;
  • diuretics;
  • statins;
  • antianginal preparations;
  • immunosuppressines, etc.

And this is not the entire list of drugs of drugs, which may lead to the fact that the level of GGT in blood biochemistry will be increased. To find out exactly what kind of substance led to a similar deviation, it is possible on the basis of the patient's information about the previously adopted drugs, as well as after laboratory research blood.

Tumor processes

If the GGTP analysis is elevated 2 or 3 times, this may indicate the occurrence of tumor-like neoplasm in the liver, bustling bubble or its ducts. At the same time, the level can increase further if the phase of metastasis has. During the period of remission, the gamma glutamaltransferase rates are reduced to normal indicatorsBut when the exacerbation again happens again the jump of this protein.


If the protein level is increased by 2 times or more in the GGTP analysis, it can talk about a patient infection with viral hepatitis. In this case, the patient is carried out additional instrumental and clinical researcheswhich either confirm the diagnosis or completely refute it.

Other reasons for increasing

If Gamma Glothrattransferase is raised several times, it can say:

  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitute;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • heart failure flowing in severe form and promoting the development of cardiac liver cirrhosis;
  • renal pathologies: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, accompanied by nephrectic syndrome, CPN;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • pathologies of um;
  • burns 3-4 degrees of gravity;
  • taking hormonal medical preparations assigned to normalize the imaging function.

And yet, according to doctors, if the level of gamma GT is increased by 2 times or more, the reason should be found in the liver. Many liver pathologies for a long period of time may not produce themselves, so they are the only way to detect them is the analysis on the GGTP.

In men

If the GGT level is elevated in the blood biological analysis in men, then in most cases it speaks of disorders of the prostate gland. However, it is worth considering the fact that if we compare the indicators of this protein in the blood in the male and female patients, then the first they are always much higher. This is explained by the physiological characteristics of the male body. The fact is that gamma glutamiltransferase is accumulated in prostate glands, kidneys and liver, which cannot but be displayed on the results of a biochemical blood test.

But if there is a pathological process, then explain why the level of gamma GT in the analysis of blood in men is raised by several factors:

  • prostate cancer;
  • violations in the work of the prostate;
  • transferred or latent the course of liver diseases;
  • chronic alcoholism.

On a note. High level of GGT in men can be a consequence of abuse hormonal drugs To enhance potency. In order not to harm the liver, and not lead to a serious impaired of the balance of hormones in the body, the reception of such drugs and their dosage should be coordinated with the doctor.

Among women

The reasons are the level of gamma GT elevated in women can be hidden in disorders of the mammary glands, thyroid gland or kidney. However, it is impossible to exclude from this list of problems with the functioning of the gallbladder, and malfunction in a hormonal background.

So, if the GGT is raised several times, it can talk about the development of a malignant tumor in the milk glands of the patient. The level of this protein in the blood will grow as the carcinogenic process is distributed. Particularly high indicators are noted at the stage of breast cancer metastasis, and such a state is already potentially dangerous to the life of a woman.

If the gamma of glutamiltransferase is increased, but there was no deviations in the work of the internal organs, the patient can be assigned a test for hormones. It is especially important to hold in the event that a woman takes oral hormonal contraceptives for a long period of time. With the termination of the reception, the level of gamma GT comes to normal after 7-14 days.

It is proved that women suffer from such pathology as thyrotoxicosis, twice as much as men. Therefore, if the blood test showed that GMMA GT is improved, it is necessary to carefully examine the patient for the presence of deviations (in this case - hyperfunction) of the thyroid gland.

In pregnant women, the level of this protein in the blood can also be increased significantly. First of all, it is associated with the burden on the kidneys. In addition, the development of pyelonephritis or Glomeluronephritis in future mothers, alas, far from uncommon.

There are no problems with the liver, a sharp gain in weight and violations in the work of the heart muscle. All these factors can also lead to the fact that the gamma GTP in the blood will be improved.

Is it possible to normalize the level of protein GGT?

In most cases, it is impossible to independently normalize the level of GGT in the blood without carrying out the treatment of the pathology that caused its deviation from the norm. But if the factors of the fact that GGT in the blood test is elevated, steel:

  • obesity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • unbearable physical exercise;
  • abuse of hormonal drugs to enhance potency or prevent unwanted pregnancy;
  • excessive alcohol consumption

the situation is completely corrected, and does not threatens to man with serious consequences. To fix it, you just need to revise and change the lifestyle and diet.

But if GGT in blood test is increased with pancreatitis, heart attack, or renal diseases, without the help of a doctor, it will be impossible to reduce these indicators. One diet, excluding all the harmful food, in this case it will not be possible to do. It is quite possible, the patient will need immediate hospitalization with the subsequent conduct of therapeutic procedures aimed at the complete cure of the disease or its transfer to the phase of long-term remission. In the presence of malignant tumors Emergency surgical intervention can be conducted in the patient.

If GGT and ALT are raised several times, which indicates the presence of serious liver problems, the patient requires medical therapy. In parallel, he is also appointed a therapeutic diet that will reduce the impact. harmful food On the liver and gallbladder.

To avoid raising the GGTP level in the future, it is necessary to carefully monitor its health and regularly undergo preventive medical examinations. Do not challenge the rules of the head and proper nutrition. This does not mean that you need to abandon all your favorite dishes or classes with preferred sports. It should just pay due attention to your body, give him the opportunity to relax and recover. Only then, health problems will not cause a significant reduction in the quality of human life.

  • Urine analysis (46)
  • Biochemical blood test (82)
    • Proteins (26)
    • Ionogram (19)
    • Lipidogram (20)
    • Enzymes (13)
  • Hormones (29)
    • Pituitary gland (6)
    • Thyroid gland (23)
  • Common blood test (82)
    • Hemoglobin (14)
    • Leukocyte formula (12)
    • Leukocytes (9)
    • Lymphocytes (6)
    • General (8)
    • SE (9)
    • Platelets (10)
    • Erythrocytes (8)

The pituitary hormone prolactin plays one of the key roles in women's body. He is not only responsible for the process breastfeedingBut also has the immediate one.

Hyperprolactinemia, or excess prolactin in women - deviation, which in some cases requires immediate intervention. If the increase in the level of this.

Prolactin is one of the main female hormones regulating the functioning of the reproductive system. But the most main function is to provide.

What is prolactin in women? This is a hormonal component, whose main task is to stimulate production breast milk. Consequently, it contributes.

Conducting a test to identify the concentration of prolactin in the body of women is a very important procedure. It helps to detect deviations in the work of the reproductive organs.

Disease cancer of various types today is one of the most heavier and bitter diseases of our century. Cancer cells can not give for a long time.

Blood is the most important component of a living organism, it represents a liquid fabric consisting of plasma and uniform elements. Under uniform elements Message.

Poikilocytosis is a condition or blood disease, in which the form of erythrocytes is in one degree or another is modified or deformed. Erythrocytes are responsible.

Already long ago, science explores human blood. Today, in any modern clinic, based on the results of blood test, you can reveal general state The organism is available.

The blood test may give if not complete, then a sufficient amount of information on the health status of the body. Therefore, it is very important to pass it right, because even small.

Looking at the results general analysis Blood, any experienced doctor will be able to pre-assess the patient's condition. Soe is an abbreviation, meaning "deposition speed.

GGT in biochemical blood test

Gamma GlutamilTransferase or abbreviated GGT last years Received popularity in the diagnosis of diseases such as jaundice, cholangitis, cholecystitis. On the reliability of the results of the diagnosis of GGT preferably indicators of enzymes such as Alt and AST.

Given the functional importance of the liver, without a clear work of which, the body remains actually without protection in case of failures in its work. And in recent years, it turned out that the sensitivity to slowing the movement of bile in the liver itself, as well as in biliary ducts above it is at the GGT.

For this reason, the analysis on GGT was introduced into a mandatory set of hepatic samples. By the way, chronic alcoholism is also determined using the same sample.

What is a GGT in blood test

In the intestinal cells, brain, heart, spleen and prostate, there is a small activity of gamma-glutamlitranspendase (abbreviated GGTP or GGT). W. healthy man GGT is found in blood cells in a minimum quantity, this is associated with the normal process of updating the cell cells. However, increasing the number of this enzyme in the bloodstream is always associated with pathological processes and indicates the destruction of the cells in which it is contained.

Considering the high concentration of GGT in kidney tissue, liver and pancreas, it is considered a sensitive marker of diseases of these organs. The most quickly and bright gamma of glutamiltransferase responds to the defeat of the hepatobillic system.

Functions GGT

Gamma GlothratilTransferase ends in the processes:

  • sharing amino acids;
  • metabolism of mediators of inflammatory reactions.

Despite the fact that the concentration of GGT in the renal epithelium is higher than in the liver, whey concentrations (determined in the blood) predominantly liver origin. Most of Destroyed in the kidneys GGT is displayed with urine.

In what cases is assisted on the GGTP

Study of the indicators of this serum enzyme, informative with:

  • alcoholism monitoring;
  • diagnosis of liver diseases, raging bubble and grying ducts;
  • monitoring of malignant tumors, their relapses and distribution of metastases;
  • diagnosis of causes of increasing SHF;
  • controlling the effectiveness of the treatment of diseases of the hepatobillic system;
  • the appearance of complaints pointing to the damage to the liver, gallbladder or ducts (darkening of urine, casing clarification, itching of the skin, jaundice, etc.);
  • diagnosis of extrahepatic pathologies, in combination with other studies.

Causes of GGT in Blood

With a pronounced joy of bile (cholestasy), the level of gamma-glutytranspendase begins to increase earlier than alkaline phosphatase. However, when interpretation of analyzes, it is necessary to take into account that GGT can acute to respond to any diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Therefore, the increase in GGT should always be correlated with Alat and AsaT activity.

When yellow, the ratio of GGT to Alat is a direct indicator of increasing the stagnation of bile regarding the destruction of cellular structures.

The degree of increase in gamma glutamiltransferase will be directly dependent on the dose and frequency of drinking alcohol. Therefore, GGT is often used when controlling alcohol abstinence.

In addition to damage to the liver alcohol, this enzyme also responds to the development of medicinal hepatitis in receiving hepatotoxic drugs (tetracycline, sulfonamides, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory means, diuretics, etc.).

The next reason for the increase in GGT is the primary malignant tumors of the hepatobilline system or metastase in the liver. Benign neoplasmsAs a rule, do not give such changes in the analyzes, since their growth is not accompanied by the destruction of healthy tissue and heavy intoxication. The exception is tumors leading to the obturation (blockage) of greyhound ducts and contributing to the development of mechanical jaundice.

Among other "yellow" reasons for the growth of gamma GT in analyzes, allocate gallgames, acute and chronic cholecystitis.

Also gamma glovedransferase responds to pancreatic cancer and prostate gland.

In addition to toxic (drug, alcoholic) lesion of the liver and malignant tumors, GGT increases with:

  • acute and chronic viral hepatitis;
  • hepatitis of noncommunicable nature;
  • infectious mononucleosome;
  • fat hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • severe poisoning.

In addition to the diseases of the hepatobilline system, GGT can increase with the defeat of other organs and the use of certain medicines, in particular this enzyme enlarged when:

  • myocardial infarction (here the cause is not only the defeat of myocardium, but also the process of activating the rehabilitation processes occurring in the heart muscle and the hepatic parenchyma, in this regard, the maximum increase in GGT accounts for the third week after a heart attack);
  • kidney lesions (chronic glomerulonephritis and amyloidosis);
  • reception of anti-epileptic and anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hypercycolous;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus.

GGT can decrease in hypoteriosis and long-term use of large doses of ascorbic acid.

Analysis on gamma GTP

Unscrew the analysis is needed on an empty stomach. It is important to remember that the enzyme very sensitively reacts to alcohol consumption.

Indicators gamma glovedransferase

It must be remembered that children under six months the normal levels of the enzyme are higher than in adults from 2 to 4 times. This is due to the features of metabolism. Also indicators differ in men and women.

Normal indicators in units are levels to:

  • 185 for kids of the first five days of life;
  • 204s with 5 days to 6 months;
  • 34th from six months to a year;
  • 18 from the year to three years;
  • 23rd from three to six years;
  • 17 from 6 to 12 years;
  • 33 (for women) from 12 to 17 years;
  • 45 (for men) from 12 to 17 years.

The gamma glutamiltransferase gamma for women over 17 years of age ranges from six to 42.

Pay attention to the fact that reference values \u200b\u200b(that is, the average values) can be different in different laboratories. This does not mean that the difference will be cardinal. But, depending on the equipment used, there may be differences. In any case, if there are problems, the result that does not fall into the value of the norm will be highlighted in red.

GGTP is raised. Treatment

Actually general treatment does not exist. It is important to understand that the increase in gamma glutamaltransferase is not an independent disease. This is a sensitive marker of the pathological process in the body. Given the diversity of the reasons for its increase, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and reveal the reason for the increase in GGT.

The general recommendations for the reduction in glutamaltransferase gamma, if they are caused by the lesion of the liver, can be refusing to receive alcoholic beverages and smoking. As well as adherence to a diet that excludes the use of fried, fatty and sharp dishes. If necessary, prescribe a course of hepatoprotective drugs.

The study of the biochemical composition of blood makes it possible to detect dysfunction of internal organs and diagnose the body. So, to assess the liver condition, special liver tests are carried out, which show the number of enzymes produced by this organ. One of the main indicators of the correct liver work is the level of GGT enzyme in the biochemical analysis of blood. Let's figure it out what it is, and what will the doctor tell the virgin analysis?


Gamma GlutamylTranspendaz is protein enzymeParticipated in amino acid exchange. It is involved in complex biochemical reactions, acting as a catalyst when transferring and sharing amino acids between the cells of the body. This protein is contained inside the cell, but when it is destroyed, it penetrates blood. Due to the fact that in the course of the life of the body, the cells are updated, the blood constantly contains a small amount of glutamlitransferase (this name is synonymous with the full name of the protein - gamma-glutamyltranspend of gamma).

However, in the case of the development of any disease, the process of cell destruction is significantly accelerated, which leads to a sharp increase in the number of GGT in the blood plasma.

This protein reacts much faster to damage to liver cells than other hepatic enzymes. With different forms of hepatitis, the amount of GGT increases much earlier than the concentrations of aminotransferase grow.

In addition, he is very susceptible to the effects of alcohol.

For this reason, narcologist usually uses test results to assess the effectiveness of the treatment of alcohol addiction. A month after the last reception of alcoholic beverages, the GGTP level falls twice. It should be noted that according to statistics in 30% of patients with alcoholism of people, the normal level of protein in the blood plasma is preserved.

Testimony for survey

Blood analysis on GGTP is the most accurate and effective tool To assess the functionality of the liver, bile ducts, pancreas. The blood test on gloved trapeptidase is shown in the following situations:

  • if there are symptoms: periodic nausea, frequent vomit, worsening appetite, painfulness under the right ribs
  • if there are suspicion of cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholestasis, jaundice,
  • when determining the reasons for stagnation of bile,
  • in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol addiction,
  • during drug intoxication,
  • when evaluating the liver condition,
  • during a preoperative survey.

This enzyme accumulates the strongest in the kidneys, liver and pancreas, where its level is hundreds of times higher than the blood plasma concentration. At the first signs of violation of the functionality of the liver or biliary tract, the concentration of the enzyme in the blood plasma increases sharply in 90% of cases.

Biochemical blood test on the GGP is carried out in suspected blockage of bile flows, the appearance of stones in the gallbladder or the appearance of formations in the pancreas.

Control of the dynamics of the amount of GGTP's amount can estimate the effectiveness of the treatment of hepatotoxic lesions.

Analysis on GGTP is given on an empty stomach after standard preparation for a biochemical survey, which includes a certain diet for 1-2 days preceding the survey, as well as a temporary limitation of physical exertion, refusal to conduct physiological procedures and diagnostic surveys. Blood is selected from the peripheral vein. Of particular importance should be given to the influence of drugs on the analysis testimony. Even the reception of ordinary ascorbic acid can give false indicators of GGT.


The norm of GGT in the blood varies depending on age, gender and even a person race. In the newborn kids, the amount of GGTP in the blood can reach 185 units, and in children under the age of 6 months, this indicator is able to increase to 200 units. In adults, the indicator of GGT fluctuates within 6-70 units, and the norm in women is significantly lower than for men.

Such a high concentration of gamma GT in the blood plasma is explained by the fact that for several days after birth, the enzyme is practically not produced by the liver, and its main source is a placenta.

There is a higher concentration of GGTP in the biochemical analysis of blood, selected from black people.

Moreover, the indicators may exceed the norm for Europeans almost twice.

Obesity also affects the production of enzymes, and conducts to elevated concentration of GGT in the blood.

In the NORM table, the increased level of protein concentration in the blood in men between the age of 12 is clearly traced in the age of 12 years compared to women age group. Such a break is related to the fact that a certain amount of enzyme accumulates in the prostate gland. It helps to diagnose prostatitis and other diseases of this gland, since in this case the biochemistry shows a sharp jump to the concentration of GGT.

Regular physical exertion, as well as a strict diet, eliminating the use of meat and dairy products, will reduce the content of GGT naturally, without receiving drugs.

Causes of deviations

GGT indicators in the analysis may deviate from the norm in a large or smaller side. The doctor must carefully analyze the obtained data and identify the reasons for the deviation, after which it is possible to assign appropriate treatment.

If GGT is raised, we can talk about the following pathologies:

  • violation of the patency of biliary tract, which can be caused by the appearance of stones, neoplasms, postoperative scars, pancreatic cancer;
  • acute or chronic hepatitis;
  • infectious mononucleosis, with the spread of infection to the liver;
  • pancreatitis
  • some autochemical diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • prostate or breast cancer;
  • heart failure or myocardial infarction, in which the concentration of the enzyme increases by the 4th day after the appearance of the disease;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

The high level of GGTP may be caused by the reception of certain types of drugs: aspirin, paracetamol, antibacterial, hormonal or contraceptive drugs, other medicines.

Low enzyme level can be caused by three reasons:

  • hypoteriosis;
  • reception of some drugs that reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, for example, clofibrate;
  • post-therapeutic effect in patients healing from alcohol addiction. Ethanol stimulates the intensive generation of enzymes by cells of the liver, so the absence of an additional stimulator sharply reduces the synthesis of GGT and, accordingly, affects its concentration in the blood.

The doctor must decipher the biochemical analysis indicators comprehensively, analyzing not only the level of GGT, but also the number of other hepatic enzymes, bilirubin, lipase, etc.

Conducting a biochemical study of blood to the level of GGT will allow to identify liver diseases, pancreas on the most early stages development. Thanks to this, the doctor will be able to appoint effective treatment. And the fulfillment of the recommendations of the doctor will allow in a short time to normalize all blood indicators and the functionality of the body systems.

In contact with

The increase in GGT may be observed in diseases of the internal organs, taking alcohol or drugs. Externally, such a state may accompany certain symptoms. For example, if Gamma-glutamilTransferase is raised due to liver disease, nausea, vomiting, itching and skin yellowing, urine darkening, very light feces can be marked.

Increased GGT level may not have any symptoms. If other blood tests do not detect deviations from the norm, it is possible that the temporary increase and analyzing indicators are normalized. Of course, this does not apply to the cases when gamma-glutamiltransferase is raised to dozens of times.

Increased GGT in the blood: what causes

Changing the level of gamma glutamiltransferase can be temporary and return to the norm (table with norms) after eliminating the causes of such changes. These include: Reception of drugs that are constructed bile or slow down the speed of its elimination (phenobarbital, furosemide, heparin, etc.), obesity, low physical activity, smoking, alcohol intake, even in small quantities.

The moderate increase in GGT in the blood (1-3 times) occurs due to the infection of viral hepatitis (sometimes there is an excess of the norm 6 times), when taking hepatotoxic medical staff (phenytoin, cephalosporins, oral contraceptives, acetoaminofen, barbiturates, estrogens, rifampicin and others) , cholecystitis, pancreatitis, postgepathic cirrhosis, infectious mononucleosome (accompanied by an increase in temperature, increasing lymph nodes).

Causes of increasing gamma-glutamiltransferase 10 times and above:

  • jaundice as a result of the violation of the outflow of the bile and growth of intraporetum pressure;
  • poisoning and toxic liver damage;
  • novoy formation of the liver and pancreas, men - prostate;
  • diabetes;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • chronic alcoholism and a number of other diseases.

With long-term alcohol use, the GGT level is increased 10-30 times (ratio of gamma-glutamiltransferase to AST about 6). The content of this enzyme in the blood is affected by the amount, duration and frequency of alcohol-containing products.

After the cessation of regular alcohol increased indicator GGT returns to normal. The process of reducing gamma-glutamiltransferase to normal values \u200b\u200bcan stretch from several days to several weeks of sober life.

The duration of this period is determined by the type of alcohol used, its number, condition of the liver and other organs, and how long the person consumed alcohol and other factors.

Improved GGT and other enzymes (AST, Alt)

Since the elevated level of GGT in the blood does not allow you to accurately diagnose the disease and may be caused by other reasons, the doctor prescribes an additional survey of the liver.

First of all, it is determined by the level of transaminase - alt (alanynaminotransferase), AST (aspartataminotransferase), as well as alkaline phosphotase. Comparison of the level of GGT with the blood content of Alt and alkaline phosphatase (CFF) can differentiate part of diseases (Additional examination is required to form an accurate diagnosis).

In particular, if GGT is above 100, Alt below 80, alkaline phosphatase is less than 200, may be at:

  • consumption of a large amount of alcohol;
  • admission of narcotic substances;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes in the busty bodies;
  • large overweight;
  • taking some drugs.

GGT in biochemical blood test exceeds 100, ALT less than 80 and alkaline phosphatase over 200 is observed at:

  • slowdown in bile outflow against the background of excessive alcohol consumption;
  • reduction of bile outflow as a result of the liver cirrhosis;
  • difficulty bile outflow due to stones in a gallbladder or squeezing bile ducts with neoplasms;
  • other reasons.

Improving the level of gamma-glutamiltransferase up to 100, with Alt and AST above 80 and the SFF less than 200 may mean:

  • the presence of viral hepatitis (A, B or C) or Epstein-Barra virus (sometimes viral hepatitis proceeds without increasing the level of hepatic enzymes);
  • excessive effect on the liver alcohol;
  • fat hepatosis.

The indicator of GGT is increased to 100, the Alt exceeds 80 and the SFF more than 200. This means that the otfok bile is difficult, and the liver cells are damaged. Among the causes of this condition:

  • chronic hepatitis of alcohol or viral nature;
  • autoimmune hepatitis;
  • neoplasms in the liver field;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

For the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, an additional examination and full-time doctor consultation is necessary!

The indicator of GGT in biochemical analysis of blood diagnoses bile stars. This is a very sensitive marker with cholanthitis (inflammation of bile ducts) and cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation) - it increases earlier than other hepatic enzymes (ALT, ACT). Moderate increase in GGT is observed in infectious hepatitis and obesity of the liver (2-5 times higher than the norm).

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