Methods of testing tests for the temperature of the dog. Know each owner: a psychological test for determining the temperament of a dog

Temperament of dogs, as well as temperament of people, is the result of a combination of genetic data and environmental influences. It shows how your dog reacts to people and other objects of its environment, including other animals and various noises. The demonstrated reactions are mostly instinctive, but also depend on the external environment. Determining the temperament of your pet will allow you to learn better and understand it. Usually, the definition of the temperament of an adult dog is better to entrust professionals, but if at the same time you will know the test procedure itself, then it will be easier for you to understand its results. The definition of temperament usually takes about 15 minutes.


Preparation for checking the temperature of the dog

    Decide on the purpose of checking the temperament of the dog. There are a wide variety of tests for checking the temperament of dogs, so the first thing you need to understand what you want to check. You may be required to check the dog on how well she led to children or whether it can become a guide dog. When you will know exactly what verification you need, the list of organizations conducted by the appropriate types of tests will be significantly reduced.

    Show the dog veterinarian. Before passing testing to temperament, the dog should be reduced to the inspection to the veterinarian. Some medical problems (for example, arthritis) during testing can affect the reaction demonstrated by the dog. If health problems do not reveal in advance, then conducting testing a person may incorrect to evaluate the results of testing.

    Get full from the doctor medical history Your dog. The more information about the dog will know the person responsible for testing a person, the more objective will be its assessment. You must inform him the dog breed, age, gender and reproductive status (presence or absence of castration or sterilization). In addition, it will not be superfluous to record information about how the dog usually responds to people and other animals, as well as the passage of any training courses.

    Write down information about yourself. In addition to the full history of your dog, the tester will also need to know some information and about you, this especially concerns your experience in the upbringing and training of dogs. Also, information on the situation in the family will also be useful (the presence of children, other pets) and the possibility of passing additional training of the dog according to the results of testing its temperament.

    Prepare the necessary accessories for testing. Before starting testing, check the collar and leash strength. The tester will suit your dog a number of test exercises, for which the reliability of the collar and the leash will be important. If your equipment has already been worn out, acquire a new one in advance, so that the dog can get used to it before passing testing.

    Choose a place to test the dog temperament. Testing should be carried out on a controlled territory where there are no distracting factors. The territory must be unfamiliar to the dog. If you are not sure what place to choose for testing, you can suggest a veterinarian.

    Choose a tester and who will control the dog instead of you. It is very important that the dog is not familiar with these people. This increases the overall objectivity of the testing. It is also important to choose an experienced expert who has passed the appropriate training under the Dog Tempement Test Program.

    See how the dog moves along an unfamiliar surface. During this test, the dog will have to go through two types of unfamiliar surface for it: on a plastic track (4.5 m x 2 m) and lattice laid on the ground from the folding playpen (4 m x 1 m). In this case, how the dog moves along the unusual surface will be evaluated. Is she afraid of? Is it able to overcome your fear? Are there signs of curiosity when walking on a new surface?

    Check self-defense dog qualities and aggression. This check consists of several steps that make it possible to observe the reaction of the dog on an increasing threat. At the first stage, your dog and her person controlling her will stop at a specified point, and a weirdly dressed man will pass 12 m in front of them. The tester will look, whether the dog will see something unusual in it.

    Use test results to adjust the subsequent dog training program. No dog can manifest itself perfect in all situations. Something can be perfect, and something will not get very good. Fortunately, the testing of temperament will help you to identify problems. In the future, you can concentrate training on what needs to be corrected.

Checking the puppy temperament

    Spend a test with turning the puppy on your back. Checking the puppy temperament can be carried out independently or entrust it to someone who is familiar with the genetic pedigree of all litter puppies. For this check, you must turn the puppy on the back and hold it with a hand for the chest for about 15 seconds. Check will make it possible to look at how much a puppy will resist such a position.

    Carefully press the puppy's paws. When the puppy stands on all four paws, put your hands on his front paws and slightly pressed. Keep his paws pressed for about a minute, then do the same with the rear paws. Press the foot should only be so to immobilize them, but not to make a puppy hurt. As in the dough with turning onto the back, in this case the degree of puppy resistance is checked.

    • If the pain occurs, the puppy will resist in any case, be it in the nature of the dominant or subject, so it is very important not to make a puppy painfully during this test.
  1. Check the response to touch throughout the body. Carefully take up your ears, paws, stomach, and so on. Slightly pull the puppy behind the ears. Carefully watch how the puppy reacts to you. Does it like your actions, is trying to escape from you or bite, all this will give a good idea of \u200b\u200bits temperament.

    Take a puppy on hand. To take a puppy, let down the palm under its stomach and lift into the air. Hold it for about 30 seconds. If the puppy begins to break down and clearly wants to return back to the ground, it is sufficiently dominantine and independent. If the puppy suits everything when you hold it, then it is quite humble, while he can even try to lick you.

Testing dogs Testing dogs

Chapter 1. Test Goals
Chapter 2. Test composition.

- General provisions
- Inspection
- Checking social adaptation
- Sound Test (Shot)
- Dog valuation technique
§ 2. ZTP.
- Evaluation of exterior
- Evaluation of temperament
§ 3. Korung.

- Baby
- Puppies
- Adult dogs
- the relationship of testing, training and testing in the system of selection of service dogs
§ 5. Testing VB Vysotsky for Protective Guard Dogs

- Telecommunication scale
- Testing


An animal, like a person, individually. It has a unique genotype. Individual genotypic properties in the process of living are developing and transformed, becoming phenotypic. As individuals, animals differ from each other not only by morphophysiological features, but also psychological properties - abilities, temperament, emotionality.
The abilities are defined as the individual psychological features of the body, which express its readiness to master certain types of activities and to their successful implementation. Abilities are transmitted genetically as deposit. The implementation of the deposits is determined by many factors. Experiments set on various animals, where "smart" with "smart" and "stupid" with "stupid" showed about the possibility of accumulation genetic predisposition to successful learning.
When growing an animal, it is impossible to underestimate the value of the cultivation conditions for the formation of abilities. It is important to take into account that environmental factors have a weight, commensurate with a heredity factor, and can sometimes completely compensate or, on the contrary, level the action of the latter.
Under the working qualities of the dogs understand the presence of specific psycho-physiological characteristics, skills, a certain degree of performance, reflecting the readiness of the dog to carry out any work. Of great importance for the practical application of the dog has performance, as the body's ability to effectively fulfill the specified activities within a certain time. Workability depends on external conditions, as well as mental and physiological characteristics of the body. The working qualities of the dog are diagnosed and evaluated using testing and the degree of development of various training courses.
An useful purpose defines the requirements for the dog. Requirements can be very specific, but necessarily include such three general components: the exterior of the exterior and condition, the approach to the desired type of constitution, specific workers (official) quality of the dog. There are no unambiguous interconnection between the properties of these components, but they are closely interrelated because they are based on innate natural qualities of the dog. Clarification and correct assessment of natural qualities provide right choice and raising dogs, achieving successful results in training.
Natural qualities are a complex of anatomical, biological and physiological characteristics of the body associated with the way and the living conditions of the animal constantly manifested in his behavior. The behavior of dogs of different breeds can be very different. Each breed along with common, steadily manifested, species signs have typical, predominant in manifestation, behavioral forms and movements. The breed signs of behavior are hereditary, forming phylogenetically based on congenital forms of behavior, the simplest adaptive reactions and stereotypical motion sequences, primarily under the influence of environmental conditions and content, and artificial selection. But even among representatives of one breed, due to the genetic basis - the presence of different genotypes - behavior is manifested in different ways.

Chapter 1. Test Goals

Testing dogs It is used to select a person for specific purposes - for example, to carry any service or for breeding. Testing dogs It is necessary to determine their physical and behavioral characteristics. It is carried out within the framework of tribal reviews, and the successful passage of test tests in the manner prescribed by the directives is a prerequisite for the admission of a dog to participate in the open and working classes of specialized exhibitions, as well as to the exterior evaluation as part of a tribal review.
Initial testing that estimated hereditary or acquired skills and skills has a purely functional destination. In most cases, the environment was sufficiently homogeneous (for example, in dog military military schools), so the results showed that coaches and breeders start successfully predicting the "courage" or "training" (the ability to quickly learn the implementation of ordinary teams) of certain individuals.
Testingat different stages of ontogenesis (at different stages of life and individual development of the organism), it allows the most fully to identify the natural properties of the dog, to determine the features of the formation and manifestation of behavioral reactions, the further specialization of the application and the main approaches in the dog training. The behavior of the dog is congenital not in the sense of performing specific actions, but in the possible limits of their manifestation in accordance with the conditions of the environment. That is, the manifestation of behavioral reactions depends on the degree of neurophysiological development and the maturity of the neuropsychiatric activity of the dog, the conditions of detention, education and training of the dog. That is why tests reflecting genetically determined, hereditary, dog performance have the greatest interest in the development of the official direction of canine.
The Russian cynological federation introduced mandatory testing for tribal suitability, psychological tests for social adaptation and aggression.
In general, you can highlight two categories of tests:
1) for the accumulation of statistical material;
2) Tests that make it possible to predict a possible result and ways to achieve it.
The testing system that allows not only to identify, but also to form the desired behavior of the dog, should rely on the tests of the predictive type. Its practical implementation can be submitted in the first approximation below. The required service qualities corresponding to them the nature and temperament of dog behavior are an impact core, and age tests and an assessment of the official skills of the dog's special training - the determining elements of the system of choice, education, training and dilution of service dogs. It is a cyclic-closed structure of the system functioning that also allows it to consider it as one of the methods of selection in official dog breeding. The impact of the original ideas about the appointment and official qualities of the dog for analysis and evaluation of test results, on the one hand, scientific validity and detailed study of testing programs for each age period, on the other hand, make it possible to improve and modify the system of selection and preparation of dogs .
Any scheme remains only an idealized process model or method of obtaining the desired result, until its correctness and efficiency is tested by practical implementation. But should be remembered about the "livestock paradox" in dog breeding. Many of the dogs of primitive and semi-faced rocks have advantageous qualities (albeit very specific) higher than that of cultured, or rather "stocked", man breeds of dogs. Mentioned more than a hundred years ago in essays on the history of the origin of the rocks Russian naturalist, Hytovoye and Kinologist L.P. Sabaneyev, who he wrote to complete the publication of the book "Dogs of hunting, indoor and guard". He noted the fading of important breed behavioral characteristics during breeding of dogs only by exterior indicators Finnish Zoologist Eran Bergman, the author of the unique-popular book "Dog Behavior". The laureate of the Nobel Prize, the most outstanding from the founders of the modern Etology of Conrad 3. Lorenz warned that only very few of the thoroughbred dogs differ in good natural mental qualities, and in the smallest of the rocks that at times became "new things", and therefore attracted excessive attention To its external signs. Animals of each such breed, subjected to purely external improvement, at the same time suffered spiritual and mental damage. " Now many people understand that the same consequences leading the development of one exhibition destination in Cynology. With a weakly controlled and even arbitrary dilution of private dogs, the selection system inevitably acts inevitably, including along with a natural other no less hard factor - artificial selection. Dogs that do not meet the needs of a person are destroyed, or dying, having lost guardianship and human support.
The testing and selection system is designed not only to determine the suitability of the dog to any type of use, but also to promote the creation of whole tribal lines with special distinctive properties while maintaining, of course, the main breeding qualities. The desire of breeders to increase the average level of quality of the breed population should not lead to the leveling of distinctive and even more prominent features of its representatives.

Chapter 2. Testing Composition

§ 1. Regulatory documents of the Russian Cynological Federation

Regulations on the testing of dog behavior for admission to tribal breeding
Accepted Tribal Commission RKF 18.04.2000. and approved by the Presidium of the RKF 10.05.2000

1. General Provisions
Select for tribal work full-fledged on behavioral reactions of dogs that meet the requirements of the standard, reveal and prevent the breeding of dogs that have obvious deviations in psyche and behavior (cowardiness, excessive aggressiveness).
This test is designed to assess the natural behavioral reactions of the dog.
Testing is conducted by the Commission of Experienced Specialists in the breed, which includes an expert RKF on working qualities and an expert on this breed.
The Commission authorized to assess the dogs on this Regulation should be collected at least once a quarter so that every wishes could pass with a dog testing at a convenient time for it.
Dogs who have reached the age of 12 months and having stigma are allowed to pass this test.
The owner of the dog is obliged to present the Commission the original pedigree.
Estimates: Positive (T1 and T2) and negative (-).

2. Inspection
The expert checks the number of stamps on the dog with the number of stigma specified in the pedigree. Then the dog inspection is carried out. The obligatory requirement is to test the bite and dental formula, as well as the presence of seeds from males. Manual inspection conducts the expert in the breed.

Evaluation System:

severe timid behavior (-)
short-term aggressive, timid or expressed approximate behavior, easily adjusted by the owner (T2)
indebid attitude or short-term approximate behavior (T1)
pronounced aggressive behavior (-)

3. Check social adaptation
The owner with a dog on a free (provisible) leash with a length of 1-1.5 meters passes through a group of people (at least 5 people). The behavior of people should be natural, without aggression and fear. They must move in different directions, can gessulate, talk loudly, laugh, lean, squat. At the same time, they do not pay attention to the tested dog and do not attempt to scare it. The owner is allowed to communicate with the dog and adjust its behavior.
The number of passes through a group of people should be sufficient to assess the nature of the dog behavior (minimum 3 times).
Then the expert approaches the owner of the dog, shakes his hand, talking to him for a while.

Evaluation System:

difficulty timid behavior (-)
robust, aggressive, expressed approximate behavior, easily adjusted by the owner (T2)
calm, friendly or indifferent relationship (T1)
difficult aggressive behavior (-)

4. Sound test (shot)
Dog during a dough on a free leash. According to the expert signal from a distance of 20-25 meters from the dog, a shot of a starting gun is made. It is possible to check the group of dogs at the same time, but not more than 5 dogs.

Evaluation System:

pronounced timid or long (more than 30 seconds) Approximate behavior (-)
short-term (no more than 30 seconds) Approximate reaction (T2)
indebid attitude (T1)
aggressive behavior (-)

5. Dog valuation technique
1. Final assessment of dogs is displayed according to the results of three tests.
During the predominance of estimates, the dog is considered successfully tested.
Dogs that have been estimated T1, most accurately comply with the requirements of the standard of breed for natural behavioral reactions.
With the predominance of estimates of T2, the dog is considered to be the following test. It has a permissible, although not quite complying with the requirements of the standard of breed behavior. In case of tribal use, such a dog should pay attention to the correct selection of the pair, so as not to secure unwanted behavioral reactions in the breed.
The final testing of testing is fixed in the estimated sheet, a copy of which is issued to the owner of the dog. In addition, the owner of the dog is issued a diploma of a special sample, or test results are entered into a qualifying book.
The diploma must contain the following information: breed, nickname, floor, date of birth, number of pedigree and stigma, color, surname of the owner, score for all three tests, final assessment, test date, surname and name of the expert and members of the Commission.
Estimated sheets must be transferred to register in RKF.
If the dog passed tests with a T2 estimate, then it should take testing every two years.
2. When receiving a negative assessment on any of the stages of this test, the dog is removed from the tests and is considered not given this test.
The expert makes the mark "Test not passed" in the estimated sheet of the dog.
Dogs that have received a negative assessment can be allowed to re-test, but not earlier than in 3 months. Repeated testing is carried out no more than two times.
Dogs, three times the evaluation "test is not passed", disqualified and are considered unsuitable for breeding, since their behavior does not meet the requirements of the breed standard. This mark fits into the pedigree dog and is noted in the database.
This position can be used for all breeds, except for the German shepherd dog, which is based on the standard mandatory tests on working qualities. To admit the German shepherd in tribal breeding, Kurung is required.
This test (in part 1-3) is necessarily driven dogs.

§ 2. ZTP.

The most famous ZTP tests in Europe are (suitable for breeding) and Korung, which were originally developed in Germany, and are currently distributed in some other countries.
The ZTP test can be used for the first time to go through the age of 14 months reaching. Only dogs that meet certain requirements and the preliminary examination are allowed to pass the test. First, the dog should have a clearly readable tattoo (usually it is done in early age on the inner surface of the ear or in groin). The tattoo number must match the number in the pedigree. Secondly, X-rays for the displascence of hip joints should be made and presented. Permissible results are HD-1 (free from dysplasia) and HD-2 (transitional degree to dysplasia).
Testing is carried out in two stages: an assessment of the exterior of a dog and temperament, which includes an assessment of the degree of social adaptation of the dog and its work on protection and protection.

1. Evaluation of the exterior.
The judge assesses the anatomical structure and physical development of the dog, comparing its status with the description given in the breed standard. The rules provide for five degrees of exterior assessment:
V - excellent
SG - very good
G - Good
BEF - satisfactory
UNGN - unsatisfactory
To successfully pass this stage and go to the next one, the dog should get an estimate not lower than "good" - for the bitches, "very good" - for males. All dogs must have a correct bite and a complete tooth formula (minimum 42 respectively located tooth).

2. Evaluation of temperament.
At this stage, the judge assesses the character and temperament of the dog, that is, it determines how quickly the dog is able to recover from shock exposure, as far as the instinct of protection and spirit of the struggle is developed, whether it has courage, hardness, reaction speed, What is her threshold of excitability and contact with the owner, whether she is afraid of shots.
Testing involves the simulation of various unexpected extreme situations for the dog, in which it should demonstrate the correct behavior - composure and exposure, adequate reactions, obedience, etc. When estimating the daughter's temperament, it takes into account how it reacts to the situation has arisen and how quickly it can To cope with it.
To evaluate the degree of social adaptation, the dog is carried out through a group of unfamiliar people moving in different directions, which provide various provoking psychological impacts on the dog: talk loudly, gesturing, open umbrellas in front of a dog, etc. Inadequate reactions characterizing the unbalanced dog temperament, are wary , "prickly", "sophisticated" view, nervous licking of lips, trembling, raised wool, hysterical bark, sharp jerks; The noticeable desire of the dog "Torture", "cringe from fear, hide behind the owner or, on the contrary, aggressiveness (omitism and attempt to bite). The dog should not look a concerned, agitated, unsure, or behave threateningly. Any manifestations of uncertainty, nervousness, fear, Unrest or other inadequate reactions to the stimuli used are entered into a special form.
The measurement of temperament also includes checking the abilities of the dog to work on protection and protection. For such a check, extraordinary psychologically stressful situations can identify the slightest nuances in the behavior of the dog, reveal its weak and strengths. For example, the depth and strength of the "grip" are in direct dependence on the nervous system (weak or strong). If the dog cannot immediately grab the offender "and hold it for the time (before the owner's approach), or begins to" intercept ", what is called" playing in harmonica ", or trying to" grasp "only the front teeth - this means that the dog means It does not have sufficient courage to pass the test and she has a weak nervous system. To withstand this test is a matter of honor for the dog of any "working" breed.
Many owners are trying to prepare (as far as possible) of their pets to pass this test, but there are tests that cannot be prepared, as they include many unexpected situations requiring an instantaneous response. Therefore, the final result depends rather from the genetically determined characteristics of the dog than on the degree of its preparedness.
Testing usually takes a whole day. During this time, no more than twenty dogs pass check. The test results are recorded in a special form (questionnaire of a tested dog) and may be the following (according to the degree of decrease): V-1A; V-1B; SG-1A; SG-1B; 3 MON. ZuruckgeSellt.
Marking V (excellent) and SG (very good) - evaluation of the exterior of the dog.
Markings IA and IB - Estimation of temperament:
1A - the dog has a magnificent temperament;
1B - the temperament of the dog is at an acceptable level in order to pass the test and be allowed to dilute, but still not excellent to all nuances of its manifestation.
If, as a result of testing, the dog received an estimate of "3 MON. ZURUCKGESELT", which means that the test is not commissioned, but after 3 months another attempt can be taken to pass the test. If the result and re-attempt will be negative, the dog is forever excluded from the number of applicants for the following testing and is recognized as unsuitable for breeding. Dogs that have not surrendered this test are not allowed to breed.

§ 3. Korung.

After the successful delivery of ZTP only dogs in which harmoniously combine a great character with an excellent exterior, have the opportunity to try to go through another test - "Korung". To get the title "Korung", it is necessary to successfully pass the following tests:
- careful analysis (evaluation) of the exterior (articles) of the dog;
- Testing of temperament (character).
The test can be handed over twice, and if the dog succeeds twice successfully pass testing (re-testing can be done at least 2 years after the first), then it gets the title of Angekort (Agekurt) for life. Testing is always conducted by a special Kerung Commission, which includes the president of the club responsible for breeding breeding and judge on working qualities.
1. The exterior of the dog is estimated very strictly, while it is necessary to accurately measure the main received parameters: growth (height in withers), breast depth, body length, head length, chest girth, skull girth. Practice shows that it makes sense to conduct other measurements: the grumps of the peasant, the length of the front limb from the elbow (shepherd) to the ground, as well as the gripping of the muzzle in the chin area.
2. Testing temperament in the Kerung test is much more complicated than in ZTP and Schutzhund III tests (Schutzhund III). The focus is on the choice of magnificent copies, combining courage, character hardness and fighting qualities.
For each checked dog, psychologically and physically stressful situations are created, a successful way out of which can be due only to natural behavioral reactions, but in no way formal training.
Testing temperament usually begins with checking the reaction of a dog to a shot, then the dog is released on a free walking and at this time there are 2 more shots, which the dog should not react.
Then the conductor with a dog must go through a group of people moving in different directions. They produce various extraordinary actions: one opens the umbrella, the other waves the grid with empty bottles, etc.
During testing, the dog should not be nervous and showing uncertainty or fright.
The next stage of character testing is to check the security qualities of the dog. The "criminal" hides behind the fence or somewhere in shelter, then unexpectedly attacks the conductor (the owner of the dog or trainer). The dog must respond and attack the "criminal" without delay, make a strong grip and keep it for the time.
After the conductor recalls the dog, her courage and martial spirit are checked again as follows: "Criminal" is located at a distance of 45 m from the conductor with a dog and trying to run, the conductor loudly and with a threat orders the running to stop. The "criminal" does not obey the order - and then the conductor sends him a dog in the distance, giving her a team to delay the "criminal". When the dog almost overtakes the "criminal", he sharply turns and heads towards the dog, trying to psychologically suppress her attack by threats, "take on the fright", shouting and shouting with a stick or a rod. The dog must confront the frontal attack of the "Criminal" (which can even drive 2 strikes), - without relaxing the grip, to hold the "criminal" before approaching the conductor and only by his team release the "sleeve".
The behavior of the dog in this situation will truly identify its character. The dog should act without delaying and the slightest manifestation of timidity or uncertainty; To show how much she can control the situation until the master of the judge will allow her to let go of the "criminal". But then the dog should stay near him in constant readiness to recover again, demonstrating its security qualities and excitement in work.

§ 4. Testing dogs by age groups

Baby (6-10 weeks)
Testing puppies is carried out at the imprinting stage - rapidly captured during the period of primary adaptation and socialization, in its exaltational, critical read activity with the surrounding world, phase. Puppies can be subjected to tests only after the final extinction of the signs of puppy caution and primary fear that are maximized from the 3rd to the 6th week of life. Usually puppies are tested at the age of 8-10 weeks. Some puppies after 9-10 weeks of life can temporarily manifest a specific fear of person. Therefore, a number of kinologists prefer to test puppies aged 6-8 weeks.
Puppies (7-9 months)
The second age group is puppies who have reached puberty. The young people are tested at the age of 7-9 months, because complex changes in the behavior of the dog occur in the pubertal period. This is due to the development of the analytical synthetic functions of the brain, allowing the puppy to more subtly differentiate the effects of complex external stimuli, which makes it difficult and slows down the process of adaptation, but as a result makes it more perfect. The intensity of research behavior decreases, replacing 3-4 months of life with a more legible and wickingitious attitude towards the world around the world, the so-called secondary period of fear. At the same time, the rules of hierarchical relationships and stadium order are mastered. By 5-6 months, the dog already manifests itself as an individual: looking for his place in society and seeks to assert themselves. It can exercise enhanced independence and independence, externally not motivated disobedience, lines and even aggressiveness. Often it is caused by insufficient addictive to the new owner, changes in conditions or expansion of the territory of walking. This contributes to this further development somatic and activating sexual functions. Only with the onset of puberty, the behavior of the dog becomes more even projected. At the end of this period, the foundations of the typological characteristics of the nervous system are laid, the nature of the defensive reaction begins to appear quite steadily.
Adult dogs (14-16 months)
Third stage - testing of normally physically developed young dogs. After the achievement of puberty, the physiological development of the body does not stop. By the main parameters, physiological maturation occurs in 14-16 months. At this stage of development, short-term recurrence of fear may occur, cases of non-obstinateness in the form of a refusal to perform previously learned teams or familiar actions. In addition, the dog may try to change the installed domination, especially males after early mating. But at the same stage, the owner's devotion is developing, security and protection instincts. Install psycho-emotional contact and the habit of interacting with a person.
In general, this is the period of the final formation of the properties of the nervous system, the nature of reactions and the type of external behavior, individual manner and stereotypes of behavioral acts. Therefore, in particular, dogs are not allowed to test the ZTP. However, to clarify congenital qualities, dogs should not be trained in special skills. Direction of service training, basic methods and receptions of training must be determined by the results of tests. Good conditions Contents, full-fledged feeding, providing normal development to growing, proper education contributes to the implementation of inherited dog abilities to official work after appropriate training. Along with the right taking into account physiological patterns, special physical and physiotherapeutic, pharmacophysiological and pharmacological effects make it possible to essentially influence the formation of the psyche and the physical condition of the dog at different stages of development.

The relationship of testing, preparation and testing in the system of selection of service dogs
Cynological publications and publications provide testing programs for various age groupspracticed by individual schools, nurseries, relevant organizations and departments. Big recognition in the West received testing of puppies of service breeds according to the program of W. Kermplala. For juniors, it is possible to successfully apply the tests proposed by V. Varlakov, or use them when drawing up testing programs. These programs fully allow the main character traits and mental features of the dog's behavior. But to testing young dogs preceding special training, the approach should be higher. Such tests should not only show the presence of the necessary natural deposits, but also to identify the degree of their severity, that is, to determine the possibilities of a dog for official use and the direction of its further preparation. So, they must be focused on specific training programs for certain types of services. Preferably, therefore, so that the testing programs of all age groups are developed in the complex, complementing each other and contributing to the phased achievement.

la Protective Guard Dogs

1. Contact with the owner
Suggest the owner to let go from the leash, and then to suggest the dog. After that, ask the owner to give one or two commands and carefully watch the process of feeding and executing commands. Check:
- Dog subordination;
- What is it based on this submission;
- Who is a dog for the owner;
- Who is the owner for the dog.
2. The desire to protect the host is checked as follows:
Stretch your hand to the owner holding a dog on a short leash or for a collar.
If the dog does not react to you, help her with a sharp drop toward the owner. With this check, you can determine if the dog has an instinctive desire to protect the owner. At the same time, always consider the condition of the dog, the weather and the parameters defined by the first stage of the test.
3. Congenital alertness check, trying to stroke the dog.
Excessive contact of the dog can be explained by "humane education", which can be eliminated in the future.
If you see Rolappie, submission or derogatory infantion, manifested in the desire to lick in the face or roll over to the back - be careful!
4. This stage is called the "unexpected surprise."
The essence of the experiment comes down to a blank bench dropped from the staircase. Pay special attention not to the first reaction of the dog, but on its subsequent behavior: it will be interested in the driving barrel after a second confusion or flatly refuses to get closer.
As a last resort, this check can be reduced to the shot from a distance of 20-25 meters or movement along the plastic film rustling in the wind.
5. Invite the dog a piece of feed and apply 3-4 easy impacts with a protective shield. In this way, you can once again check the contact of the dog and her desire to bite (ability to grip).
You can estimate each step by three positions:
1 - "+"; 2 - "-"; 3 - "+" "-"
The presence of three "+" or only one "-" makes it possible to hope for a good end result.
A weaker combination of positions allows you to guarantee the willingness of a dog with certain reservations, namely: the lack of a security zone, contact with the team for defeat or provocation, etc.
According to VB Vysotsky, the protective dog must comply with the following requirements:
1) be active-aggressive;
2) wary, but without fear react to any strong sound or light stimuli;
3) the aggressiveness of the dog should "suppress" the braking factors;
4) the dog should strive to protect the territory and host even without the necessary skill or experience;
5) The dog should react to an "unexpected surprise" with fast adaptation.

§ 6. Testing K.F. Dewet and D. Dewet for assessing protective abilities of dogs

1. The owner stands with a dog, holding it on a 2-meter leash, fastened to the "policeman" collar (5 centimeters width).
2. The owner strokes and encourages the dog to give her confidence. Meanwhile, the "criminal" hides in shelter or in the bushes at a distance of approximately 15 meters. Assistant's retreat gives a dog confidence.
3. At the "Criminal" signal with a stick or whip begins to produce sounds that can alert the dog. At the same time he remains in shelter.
4. As soon as these sounds are heard, the owner stops physical contact with the dog, thereby inspiring it an additional suspicion. At the same time, he walvorously says: "What's there?" The owner watches a dog that should be alerted.
5. The "criminal" strengthens their sounds. As soon as the dog is alarming, he jumps out of shelter and quickly jumps back. It gives a dog confidence and at the same time causes curiosity.
6. As soon as the dog is fastened or deals with a willingness to attack, it needs to praise. You can stroke the dog only after the excitement falls.
7. Now the dog sees a "criminal", which is hidden in shelter, then quickly appears again. And in shelter, and outside it he knocks a stick, hits, etc.
8. The owner should be enthusiastic and be not only a viewer, but also a member of what is happening. But at the same time, he should not adjust the behavior of the dog. Motivation should also be very limited.
9. Instructor, given how the dog reacts to the "criminal" at a distance, makes a decision: to continue or not.
10. If the verification continues, the next step is to begin to put pressure on the dog. Now the "criminal" moves forward and throws her a direct challenge - he sneaks to the dog sideways, makes various movements towards it, but so as not to suppress over. His hand is stretched forward as if in an attempt to touch the dog or the owner.
11. Once the dog makes the slightest movement in his direction, the "criminal" quickly removes his hand and runs away.
12. The dog wins this round, which enhances its defensive activity.
13. The owner praises a dog for a well-done business.
14. Instructor, taking into account the reaction of the dog, decides whether it is not overwritten and is it possible to go further.
15. If it is decided to continue, the "criminal" again approaches the "security zone", while remaining outside the reach of the doghood, and begins to tease it. The "criminal" runs away as soon as the dog shows the willingness to defend themselves.
16. The owner reinforces such a dog behavior energetic and sincere praise.
17. The instructor gives the dog the final rating and decides whether it matured to start security training or need to wait.
The more the dog's dogs, the more she is suitable for the role of a protective dog.

§ 7. Testing and definition of temperament in V.V. Gritsenko

Selling scale

1-3 - major problems
1 - mental and / or physical backwardness. Such a dog is not a lesser. It does not perceive the teams, correction or praise.
2 - cured cases. Such dogs can help consistent therapy and training.
2-3 - choleric (extremely aggressive, easily excitable and unrestrained). This is genetic and, possibly, medical problems. Such a dog has an extremely low stress threshold, on any stressful situation (Loud sound, the appearance of a stranger) She meets aggression. Correction may awaken an uncontrolled attack caused by panic. The subject postures are combined with aggressive. This is a classic type of cowardly aggressive behavior. Such dogs bite out of fear. There is almost no contact with the look.
This is most likely a genetic problem - the result of poor selective selection. Such dogs cannot stay in the same position for a long time, do not fully execute teams, almost do not look into the eyes, constantly in motion.
4-6 - balanced dogs that can be trained.
4 - Sanguines (with the lack of motivation). Such a dog is able to execute teams, but she has no motivation and desire to do something for the owner. She can work for encouraging delicacy, because Basic motivation - selflessly. The dog of this type is cheerful, but lazy and does not require much attention. She does not particularly like to play, prefers to keep a mansion. Contact with a look is minimal (25%).
5 - Sanguines (medium motivation). This is an ordinary social dog. She welcomes you with interest, but she has no defensive reaction. She does not have energies beating through the edge, although she is glad to play, but not long, quickly switches to anything else. Good dog for children. Easily perceives teams, with even and stable motivation to work. Contact with a look 30-40%.
6 - Sanguines (good motivation). A wonderful candidate for obedience champions, learning to find drugs, search and rescue service, etc. She is superoxy, playing, meets with proudly raised head and a fun look, thoroughly sniffing. Ready to play endlessly. It works well for everything - delicacy, toy, praise. But her Lai rather talking about excitation, and not about protective instinct. Contact with a look of 50%.
7-9 balanced (with defensive-defensive instinct).
7 - balanced (weak protective instinct). Dogs of this type are funny, but people are slightly face, show a weakly pronounced proprietary attitude to toys, owners and houses. Hunting instinct is moderately expressed, so they often demonstrate voice aggression. But in the provision of physical and psychological pressure losing confidence and tend to retreat. Can master the security training only at the first level. This is a good watchman. Contact with a look of 60-70%.
8 - balanced (normal protective instinct). These are dogs dominant type, but willingly obey the experienced owners. Have a good hunting instinct and easily pass all 3 levels of security training with attack and detention. They are good for the protection of shops, families, personal security. From nature, they are wary of people, but not too aggressive to them, on the team, will be happy to be thrown on defending. Always ready to work. Contact with a look of 60-70%.
9 - balanced (strong protective instinct). This is an extremely dominant dog focused on life in a flock. It constantly seeks to prove its leadership, but will obey the owner with a firm character that can conquer its respect. The protective instinct is strongly developed, which prevents it from working among people, but this is an excellent patrol or guard dog. Very incredulous, does not allow strangers to him. Looks straight into the eyes, contact with a look 80-90%.
10 - poorly leaning: "Alpha" (extremely aggressive).
The dog of this type is called "Alpha" -Lider. She will soon die than someone will obey. She needs the owner also with the character of the leader of the Alpha type. She will bite his own owner, she is antisocial. From such a dog will get a good watchman. The eyes are frozen, cold, looks straight into the eyes, appearance threatening. Contact with a look 90-100%.


The temperature check is the process of assessing and studying the dog, during which you notice its reaction to the environment, stressful situation, etc. tests. The assessment is made both in separate parameters and all together.
The purpose of the assessment
Dog temperament must be known for two reasons. First, to make sure its suitability for a certain type of work. Secondly, different dogs Various methods of training are required, therefore, having information about temperament, it is possible to teach it correctly, and by targeted training best result.
Dog score
Attention should be paid to how the dog responds to your approach. Start with the simplest team "Sitting!" And notify the reaction of the dog:
1. Does not notice you. Does not detect any reaction, unresponsible to other people.
2. Coward. Rolls eyes, shows signs of a cowardly aggressive reaction.
3. Extremely excitable. Focus on all and nothing.
4. Contradictive reaction. Barks on you, but not interested.
5. Cheerful. Not too excited, confident in herself, waves his tail.
6. Will work with pleasure. Active, susceptible, sniffs you.
7. Confident. Good contact with a look, the tail is not omitted, good-natured.
8. Confident, but keeps alienately. Works willingly, but wary.
9. Confident. Good defensive reaction, but works willingly.
10. Shows uncontrolled aggression. Full contact with a look, ready to attack at the slightest reason.
The easiest way to know the temperament of the dog in contact with a look (in the focus). The more she looks into the eyes, the easier it is to train (with the exception of dogs that seek to "overweight"). Good temperament rate - television language.
Check dog
You need to know how the dog responds to encouragement and correction, as well as how quickly grabs teams, whether unexpected sounds, hands or feet are afraid and will not be distracted during class. You should evaluate the stress threshold of the dog.
Fear of sharp sounds
Take the magazine and slap them down. If the dog jumps off, throws his head or closes his eyes, ask the owner, did not punish it with a magazine or newspaper.
Hand or legs
Sharply lower your hand over the head of the dog, as if going to hit it. Whether she flinched? Covered eyes? Duck up? If she napped to the ground, it means it was beaten.
Dragically move the foot towards the dog, but do not be sure. Will it be afraid? Duck up? Recaped? If she took the croup aside and jumped, he also beat her legs.
Sensitivity to touch
Depending on the degree of fear of a dog tested in previous tests, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity to contact. If the dog seems excessively sensitive, pinch her the skin between the fingers. If she turned out to be a high pain threshold, take it for the withers and raise.
Awareness of surrounding
A good security dog \u200b\u200bshould be curious. Take the steering toy, remove it behind your back and squeeze it several times. The reaction is considered good if the dog is trying to find the sound source. Move the toy, the dog must go beyond her.
After the dog relaxed, ask someone who she did not see, hide, and repeat the trick with a toy. Perspective protective dog should be immediately interested in sound.
Contact view
The frank dog looks into the eyes, the higher the category of its temperament.
When you watch the dog in the eyes, you need to evaluate the percentage of contact, pose and television, and what looks like it: soft and good-natured or hard and evil.
Test for fitness to protective work

Three qualities are checked: protection in the attack, hunting instinct (the desire of persecution) and the stress threshold. Dog holds the owner on the leash.
Protection at the attack
The dog's aggressiveness is checked towards the attacker.
1. I noticed it from afar and was alerted?
2. Warns Laem to do not fit?
3. When the attacker approached close, continues to show aggressiveness?
4. With hunting will bite the assistant when he starts to put pressure on him?
Hunting instinct
Checked the mood of the dog for pursuit.
1. He will hit the ball?
2. He will hit the toy that fiber on the ground?
3. Will it take "prey"?
4. Will it protect it?
Sharp sounds and fear of touch
What reactions show a dog when you do the following:
1. Skate the gun at a distance.
2. Taken close to the dog with a metal object.
3. Take the skin on the side or back of the dog.
4. Hand over the head of a dog with hand or stick.
The dog should not be cowardly or too angry.
Points and "Profitability" of the dog
6 - only feeding anxiety. Does not have sufficient defensive behavior for protective service.
7-7.5 - Dual-destination dog: work as a guard, in the store, etc.
The main function is to warn and scare potential criminals, the second is to serve as a "alarm system".
8-8.5 - VIP bodyguards, sales of outlets and the like.
9-9.5 - Patrol Service. The main function is to protect the person and help in active detention.
9.5-10 - Protection of ownership: Watchdog on free regulatory.
Their task is to prevent people in a protected area.

Chapter 3. How much the valuation shows reality

The behavior of the dog mainly depends on the typological properties of its highest nervous activity. School of Physiology of the nervous activity I.P. Pavlova installed four main types of higher nervous activity. Taking into account the strength, equilibrium and mobility of nerve processes, 120 varieties in the typology of higher nervous activity are currently highlighted. Modern research Describe the new properties of the nervous system, such as the lability and dynamism of nervous processes. The definition of the type of nervous activity in itself is a complex task, which is solved only by laboratory studies. For research by the big test standard I.P. Pavlova must be spent about two years. The accelerated method for a small test standard developed by the student Pavlova V.A. Trošihin, requires at least six months. Historically, the most pressing and more convenient in practical activity, especially with a large number of livestock, is a zootechnical approach. It comes from the concept of the "Constitution" of the animal, which was developed by centuries-old practice and in the light of modern scientific knowledge was in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe system of types of constitution. It is based on a classification proposed by an outstanding Russian scientist-zootechnic professor P.N. Kuleshov. His works are developed and complemented by the works of Professor E.A. Bogdanova and Academician M.F. Ivanova. Supported by the teachings on the physiology of higher nervous activity, they constitute the basis of modern science on constitutional types.
The constitutional type represents a combination of anatomical-physiological features of the structure and functioning of the body, which have developed on a hereditary basis under the influence of the external environmental conditions, genetically related to the properties of the nervous system and expressed in the manifestation of natural properties, productivity and official qualities of the dog. In dog breeding, five main types of constitution, characteristic of behavior, exterior and suitability for use are adopted. In practice, the type of constitution is determined by exterior features, a number of interior indicators and temperament of animal behavior. Such an approach always gives positive results during mass selection, but not always effective in individual cases. An animal phenotype only under favorable conditions for the development of the body's properties and certain combinations of the influence of polygenic complexes in fairly fully reflects the corresponding genotype. In addition, in addition to the main types of the Constitution, taking into account the two rows of variability of signs distinguish another 16 transitional constitutional type, which are also considered model. Therefore, it is difficult to define the type of constitution to determine the type of constitution, and in several signs, even well-pronounced, is simply impossible. The approach to the type of constitution can still be considered the fact that the dog has a corresponding type of higher nervous activity and the necessary deposit information.
Famous Soviet cynologist A.P. Orlov believed that "the existing system of testing dogs to identify the type of higher nervous activity (the reaction of dogs on shots, outsiders, etc.), as well as competitions various types The official use does not open the features of dog behavior, especially hereditaryly transmitted, and require scientifically based, deeper and detailed development. "Today there is a question of developing in addition to certainly necessary and valuable tests for the tests of dogs of peculiar" tests "for which On a scientific basis, according to practically feasible in clubs, the methods should determine the main, innate, important properties (natural deposits) of dogs, "wrote E.I. Shereshevsky. To such conclusions they came back at the turn of the 80s, but Already at sunset of your professional activity.
Western experts recognize that developed in Germany and the most common test ZTr - test for tribal breeding - does not fully reflect innate, genetically inherited dog's official capabilities, since it includes elements of positive emotional coloring and learning in the behavior of the dog, determined to a large extent art training. At the same time, it is impossible to diminish the importance of expertise and evaluating the official qualities of pressed dogs, showing also professionalism of trainers and the correctness of the techniques used. Tests for any official use programs are deliberately suggesting special training and training dog training. On the contrary, now they should be an indicator of the quality of testing and efficiency of the entire selection system. On the other hand, skeptical dog breeders believe that the evaluation of test results is very subjective. They are convinced that it is hardly possible to reliably anticipate the final result, since it is impossible to take into account all the factors affecting the processes of development, the nature of which is richer and more difficult for our ideas about them. It is impossible not to reckon with the fact that every dog \u200b\u200bbreeding has its own, subjective idea of \u200b\u200bthe qualities of a service dog. Therefore, to obtain more reliable examination results, especially in quality issues, specialists seek to use existing methods of objective assessment.
Such such objective methods Special psychological tests, held taking into account the age periods of the development of neuropsychic features of the dog behavior. Developed the basic principles and the first applied testing during the selection of puppies to prepare dogs-guides of the blind American trainer Ts. Plaffenberger. For the selection of puppies, intended for protective and watchdogs, these tests recycled the German cynologist F. Ganz. In the domestic practice of the 70s, developed by Yu.N. Pilacic methods of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the manifestation of aggression to man in dogs of service breeds, the basis for which the studies of Professor L.V. were served Krushinsky.
Currently, testing issues are not yet sufficiently covered, but in recent years they are increasingly affected in the cynological literature, for example, the ZoopSihologist V.V. Gritsenko. The increasing interest in the tests caused by the accumulated information about the stages of the development of the dog and the formation of its behavior in more than half a century of research in the field of ethology, zoopsychology and neurophysiology. As the results show, the effectiveness of the use of tests is sufficiently high. According to experts, after passing tests, the desired level of training is achieved in 80-90% of selected dogs, in comparison with 10-20% with an arbitrary set, and even selection on the qualities of parents, manifestation of individual behavioral reactions, or dog behavior in an extreme situation.

"Commissioner Rex - a sofa dog?" Under such a heading, the German newspaper Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung in December 2001 placed the statements of Manfred Willynat, heads of the Hessian Police Academy in Mühlheim on Main:

"Labor and less German shepherders are suitable for police work. Neither a pedigree nor the standard of rocks decide whether this four-legged good police dog will be or not. According to the Police of the Earth of Hessen, less and less German shepherders of German tribal lines are suitable for use as police dogs ... Only every fifth dog passes the suitability test as a policeman - beauty is clearly worth the functionality. As a result, the Commissioner Rex is increasingly and more often from the countries of Eastern Europe, where German shepherds, as a general opinion, are less spoiled. " And further: "We need a working dog, not a family dog," the coaches say. They need hardness, courage, instinct of struggle and a certain natural energy ... Among 320 Hesse's service dogs approximately 260 are German shepherds. It cannot be said that it is wonderful from the point of view of the exterior of the dog: the wool in some of them are too long, the teeth are not in order or there is only one seed. "

Unfortunately, despite the flattering words of a specialist about German shepherds from Eastern Europe, in our country, they are increasingly talking about the low level of dogs of service breeds. There are several reasons for this. Among the mains, it is possible to name the lack of testing for working qualities when admitting to tribal breeding, as well as the desire to earn on the sale of popular breed puppies to the detriment of any tribal logic. The import of tribal dogs from abroad has been submitted and imported from abroad. better quality. Today is the one who buys a dog service breedis increasingly at risk to acquire instead of a long-awaited protector unsuitable for any service. Well, if a person needs homemade favorite, and what is the fate of dogs, which because of the "professional deliberation" become a burden for their owners? Therefore, it is necessary to have at least some information on how to determine the nature of your future dog, how to choose the right puppy, which with a lot of probability will justify your hopes. Discussion of this topic should be interested in people who decided to train their dog's training or just going to buy a puppy or an adult trained dog. We will start with recommendations for choosing the desired dog, consider all phases of learning, starting from two months of age. Of course, it will not make you an expert on training immediately. However, using these knowledge, you can more competently approach the choice of training instructor and to the most dog training system, if you have already started training. In preparing the article, the practical experience of the author (law enforcement officer in stock), as well as guidelines And the practical developments of specialists of various services: the border troops of Ukraine, the police, the SBU, the experience of the preparation and application of dogs in special units of the Army of France and the United States police.

Favoring this article lovers of sports competitions must approach her with understanding. Although some of the methods we offer are the same as in sports training, the prospect and goals we have others, which means that the requirements that we place the choice of dog and its training are distinguished. The protection of the owner and its property is the main goal of the training of a security dog. Therefore, first of all, such a dog should be suspicious, do not trust anyone, except for its owner. Its main difference from sports dogs prepared, for example, for "Susterund" (German sports training), - attitude towards the protective equipment of the assistant. Sports dogs work only on this equipment or its appearance and will attack the equipment of the equipment dressed on the helper or left on Earth with the same activity. Such dogs work mainly on hunting instinct (or instinct games, mining and persecution, as they are called in Europe). Of course, among them sometimes there are dogs with developed protective instinct, but, as a rule, it is not the key to successful speeches in sports competitions.

On the other hand, it cannot get a good dog to protect property and ensure security, if she has a protective instinct prevails over the hunting. Their ratio should be at least 60:40. If the percentage of hunting instinct rises, and the protective - decreases, the dog can work very well on the tests, but in a real situation it is impossible to rely on it. And vice versa, if the percentage of protective instinct rises, from such a dog there will be a wonderful guard, but it will not be able to communicate with unauthorized people.

Choosing a dog with the desired temperament

Temperament is the most important characteristic when choosing a future security dog. In service dog breeding, under temperament, the method of thinking, behavior and reactions to stimuli characteristic of each individual are understood. The temperament is one of the most important features of the dog also because it is not a changing factor. The puppy is born with certain features that we call "personal features" (a set of distinctive qualities inherent in individual). If you acquire a dog for a certain type of activity, for example, protection, then the decisive factor is the temperament of the dog. This means that in some cases the dog must be antisocial (evil), in others - very "soft" and contact. It is best to ask to help in choosing a puppy or adult dog professional trainer. His trained eye recognizes invisible inexperienced individual character traits. In addition, a professional will carefully ask the potential buyer about the appointment of a dog to avoid misunderstandings and possible problems in the future.

"Hard" and "soft" - terms of professional trainers, under which the willingness of the dog will be ready to join the fight. If you force the dog to defend, she either retreat or run away, or will fight. "Hard" dog will not retreat. They do not get it up with loud sounds, nor unfamiliar subjects, nor a stack or whip nor kicks. When applied, such a dog will fight even greater rage. Such a dog prevails an active-defensive reaction. The stack (bamboo stick split at the end or flexible rod, covered with skin or cloth) is not used in order to cause pain an animal, but to have a stronger psychological pressure and teach how to act when aggression from a person. The "soft" dog may seem very aggressive: it will rock, throw, growl and bark, but under the pressure of the trainer will retreat or run away. This means that she prevails a passive defensive reaction. Some retreat immediately as soon as they realize that deception with a roar and teeth showing did not pass. Soft dogs can suddenly show signs of fear, folding her ears, bowing her head and prying the tail. Some of them can bite, but an experienced trainer will still make such a dog surrender. The softness of the dog temperament may be the result of an unbalanced character, insufficient protective instinct, (low-modular or inert type of higher nervous activity (GNI). The reason is genetically inherited signs as a result of the incorrect tribal selection of parents, or self-satisfaction due to the incorrect appeal of the owner or trainer.

To determine the behavioral type of the dog, you can use the testing of its temperament on a ten-ball scale. The more the dog's scores, the more it is suitable for the role of security or protective. However, the estimate of 10 points does not mean that the dog is best suited for security work, but allows you to determine that it has a dominant character - self-confident and energetic.

Selling scale

1 - 3 - major problems
1 - mental and / or physical backwardness. The dog as a result of severe injury, early illness or hereditary factors is extremely lagging behind in development. This dog is impossible to train. She does not perceive the teams, correction and praise. In many cases, such dogs were saved at birth and maintain viability due to medicines and intensive care. Such a dog is not a lesser.
2 - choleric (extremely aggressive, with an unbalanced type of GNI - easily excitable and unrestrained). This is a genetic and, possibly, a medical problem. Such a dog has an extremely low stress threshold. On any stressful situation (loud sound, the appearance of an unfamiliar person) she meets aggression. An attempt to adjust its behavior can provoke an uncontrolled attack on the trainer or an extraneous caused by panic. Such an animal is very dangerous to keep in the house, leave with children, since during fright or pain its reaction - aggression and bites. Poses of submission are combined with such a dog with aggressive. This is a classic type of cowardly aggressive behavior (weak type of GNI). We say that such dogs are "biting their fear."
3 - Melancholics (extremely weak excited type of LD). It is rather a genetic problem - the result of poor selective selection. Such dogs cannot stay in the same position for a long time (for example, sit), do not play well. They almost do not look into the eyes, are in constant chaotic movement.

4 - 6 - balanced dogs, leaving for training
4 - Sanguines (balanced mobile type of GNI with a lack of motivation). Such a dog keeps away. She is capable of performing teams, but she has no motivation and a desire to do something for the trainer. She works well for the delicacy, since its main motivation - selflessly. This dog is active, but lazy and does not require special attention. She does not like to play and chase the ball. Contact with eyes is minimal - 20 - 25%.
5 - Sanguines (medium motivation). This is an ordinary social (sociable) dog. She welcomes you with interest, but there is no defensive reaction. She is not typical of excessively energetic behavior, although she gladly play and runs behind toys. Nevertheless, the game is bored soon, and it switches to something else or resting to relax. This is very good dog For the house in which there are children. She easily, without excitement perceives teams, she has even stable motivation to work. Contact with a look - 30 - 40%.
6 - Sanguines (good motivation). This is a wonderful candidate for champions on obedience testing, learning to special services: the search for narcotic and explosives, mine-search, search and rescue, etc. She is super-society, playing, meets people with a cheerful look with proudly raised head, carefully their sniffing. Having a high motivation, this dog is ready to execute instructor commands for any encouragement - a treat, game, praise. Contact with a look - 50 - 60%. She will readily give an alarm, but her Lai rather talks about excitation, and not about protective instinct.

7 - 9 - balanced with defensive-defensive instinct
7 - balanced (weak protective instinct). Dogs of this type are funny, but people are slightly face and show a weak-owned attitude to toys, owners and houses. The hunting instinct is expressed moderately, often demonstrate voice aggression (climbing), which makes them good worshipers and a means of warning and scaring. However, when providing very intense or long-term physical and psychological pressure can retreat. They are social, but alert. Contact with a look - 60 - 70%. These dogs are able to master the security training only in the basic initial version; Good guard and companion dogs.
8 - balanced (normal protective instinct). Dominant animals, but willingly obey experienced trainers. This type of dogs protective and hunting instincts are balanced, so they are better suited for the protection of kiosk or shop, family, personal protection. Easily master all three levels of security training, where the attack on man and detention is required. Such dogs from nature are wary of people, but not too aggressively. They are not looking for confrontation, however, in the threat of family members or on a team, they will rather ride in defense. Contact with a look - 60 - 70%; The television language is less pronounced than in category 7 dogs. Always ready to work.
9 - balanced (strong protective instinct). These dogs are extremely dominant and focused on the leading position in the flock. Although they strive for leadership all the time, such dogs will obey the owner with a firm character. The protective instinct is pronounced, which prevents them from working among people, for example, when guarding the store, but these are excellent patrol (police dogs). Their successfully can be used to protect the plots. Look straight into the eyes, contact with a look - 80 - 90%. Very incredulous, do not let me in unfamiliar people. The instructor and the owner must have sufficient hardness to conquer respect and mutual understanding of the dog of this type.

10 - "Alpha", not leaving for training (extremely aggressive). Such dogs are called "Alpha" - the leader. They will rather die than someone will obey. The best is to stay away from them, they need Handler with the same character of Alpha. They are antisocial, will bite everyone, including their own owner, so their such dogs have good guard dogs. You need to communicate with them with extreme caution! For use in other services, they are not suitable! It is a walking trouble, so it is necessary to contain only in the aviary, under strict control. Never use on security work surrounded by people, but only for self-oculion of external and internal perimeters of objects on the leash. Contact with a look - up to 100%, practically does not take a look, looks straight into the eyes. The eyes of frozen, cold, television traffic are not expressed, the external pose threatening.

Checking temperament

Dog temperament must be known for two reasons. First, to make sure its suitability for a certain type of work. Secondly, various dogs require various trained methods. Knowing temperament, you can choose the method of training and correctly teach the dog, developing, and, without quenching its innate qualities. If you acquire a teenager or an adult dog, for security purposes, first of all, learn from the owner, whether she was trained, whether unwill unposted pieces of unfamiliar people. However, you should not fully rely on the words of the owner you see for the first time. Ask him to put two jerk chains on the dog and fasten two leashes to them. One leash reliably tie a dog to a tough support - a tree, a post, the other take in the hands. Please note how the dog reacts to your actions. Give her a few simple teams, for example, "Sitting!" And observe the reaction. You can observe the following:

1. Does not notice you. Does not detect any reaction, unresponsible to other people.
2. Coward. Closes his eyes, subordinate posture, can affect the tail.
3. Extremely excitable. Focus on all and nothing.
4. Contradictive reaction. Barks on you, but not interested.
5. Cheerful. Not too excited, confident in herself, waves his tail.
6. Active, susceptible, actively monitors you, sniffs you. Will work with pleasure.
7. Confident. Good contact with a look. The tail is not omitted, good-natured look.
8. Confident, keeps alienately. Works with hunting, but alert.
9. Confident. The defensive reaction is well expressed, but the team performs with desire.
10. Uncontrolled aggression, full contact with a look, with the slightest movement is ready to attack.

Warning. If the dog is adult and has a strong protective instinct, do not spend a test without a leash - the dog should be securely tied.

Contact view

The easiest way to know the temperament in contact with the look. The frankly the dog looks into the eyes of a person, the higher the category of its temperament, the easier it is to train (except for the look at the focus of the dog "Alpha" -Lider). When approaching, pay attention to the behavior of the dog. Is she afraid of? Calm? Curious? Aggressive? Is the wool raised on the withers? Raised or pressed the tail and ears?

The reaction in your opinion can be anything: submission, indifference, interest or frank malice. Accordingly, the look is soft and good-natured or tough and evil. When you look into the eyes of the dog, you need to evaluate the percentage of contact, posture and television. A little experience, and you can predict her behavior.

1 - 3 categories - in the eye practically does not look, takes a look, does not pay attention to you or what you do. He is very distracted. Constantly wants to escape.
4 - 6 - 25-50% contact with a look. I will look at you, then turns away. Quiet, relaxed, everything is interested in, open, your presence does not bother her, sniffing with curiosity, does not try to escape.
7 - 9 - 60-90% contact with a look. Long looks into the eyes. The incredulum is attentive, but without signs of uncertainty and fear. The body can be intense or relaxed. It may exhibit an active defensive reaction.
10 - 100% contact with a look. The eyes are very cold, do not express anything or anger. The body is intense. The intention is to rush at any moment.

Now you can estimate the stress threshold of the dog, i.e. check the power of the nervous system. The reaction of the dog for a stressful situation is associated with genetic predisposition and previous life experience.

Take the folder or folded newspaper and hit her by my leg. If the dog jumps out or closes his eyes, ask the owner if it was punished with a puppy aged by a folder or a newspaper.

Coldfully wait for your hand and lower it above the head of the dog, as if you are going to hit. Covered eyes? Squeezed? Put to the ground? Duck up? If she took the croup to the side, maybe she was punished or beat her legs.

If the dog seems excessively sensitive, spend another test (for puppies and very young dogs) for fearness and sensitivity to touch: pinch the skin between the palm trees. How does the dog transfers pain? Hardened his paw? Drew? Tried to bite you? Take her free skin on the withers or back and pull it away. How did the dog responded? With fear and screech? Show a passive defensive reaction? A good future security dog \u200b\u200bshould be curious. Take the steering toy, remove it behind your back and squeeze it several times. The dog became interested in sound? The reaction is good if the dog tries to find the sound source. Move the toy - the dog should go beyond her. Hide not far behind the bushes or machine and repeat the trick with a toy. A good future security dog \u200b\u200bof any level will immediately be interested in sound.

From everything written it is clear that dogs are more suitable for security work, starting with the sixth category. Now you can potentially determine their capabilities.

6 - only feeding anxiety. There is no sufficient protective instinct for the protective service.
7 - 8 - dog to prevent and scare out foreign, anxiety submission; like a dog - a companion or "Talisman" in in public placesstores.
8 - 9 - a dog to work in a team with Handler as a security service for objects with the presence of people, bodyguards of high-ranking persons, politicians and businessmen. Requirements: high intelligence; Tolerant attitude to unauthorized people, combined with constant alertness.
9 - "Terminator". Suitable for patrol service. In dogs, a defensive reaction is clearly expressed, a strong type of GNI. This is "hard" dogs. Their main function is the protection of the conductor and the active opposition to the attack, the detention of the criminal.
10 - Protection of the property: the protection of the car, the internal space of the warehouse, the security perimeter of any object, etc. Independent, pose a threat to others. They work extremely aggressively both in the presence of a cynologist and independently.


When you try to correctly assess the temperament of a certain dog, it is important to remember that you determine by no means hunting and non-protective instincts. When estimating temperament, we determine its assertion, the desire to lead. In our case, this means the ability to stand up for himself or impose its own will (dominance of the dog). Hunting instinct makes the dog pursue and grab. With security training, it is used to bite. But do not think that a dog with a strong hunting instinct is more dominant than a dog with a less powerful is a common error. For example, think about what is capable of hounds or retrievers who adore chasing the ball or play with a dragging rag. Dominacy and hunting instinct are not directly connected. It is from the temperament depends the degree of protective instinct. Instinct makes the dog to protect the territory, owner and his property. You might think that the most dominant dog of the one that rocks and grope is growing, but it is not. In many cases, it is only the visibility of aggression and such a dog is really unlikely to bite you. Conversely, a dog who does not show up aggression, before the attack simply looks at you. At the best security dogs, balanced temperament (high score), balanced protective and hunting instincts (percentage of 50:50, 60:40) and strong nerves - the quality due to the genetic factor.

Dmitry Lapushkin.
Art. Instructor Center "Academy of Works Dogs"

Article from the magazine "Your dog", No. 5-6 / 2002 (since 2004, the magazine is called "You and Dog")

Raising and Training Dogs

Choosing a puppy, you should know that you have acquired only its deposits, and it depends on you how much they will develop and reveal. For example, if a promising puppy to educate as a "lady for all", then for him in fact everyone surrounding will be best friends, and can not be any security and speech. True, herself such a dog can always protect. You can scare or beat the puppy that, that the rest of my life does not risk shutting the fangs. Or, put it, with the psyche of PSA everything is fine, but his physical development leaves much to be desired, and after a couple of minutes to fight a person, he will simply refuse her because of fatigue. And obedience? It is extremely necessary. Otherwise, it is possible that your superal dog will decide to flicken with a dormant-dock-drankey in the most inappropriate moment for this. So in front of you is a challenging task - to raise a good and obedient dog.

A lot of books are written about the upbringing and general training, so attention here will be accentued only on the most important aspects.


Education of a person, for example, includes psychological, sociological, physiological and physical aspects. Unlike special learning, which is implemented in professional activities, education is manifested in the skills of social behavior.

According to the "Dictionary of the Russian Language" S. I. Ozhegova, to raise it - which means: 1) grow, giving education, having learned the rules of conduct; 2) by systematic impact, the influence to form one character; 3) instill, inspire something to someone. To be brought up - it means to be able to behave well in the family, on the street, in the team, in relation to the world around.

If we talk about the social aspect of raising a dog, then in human society it has to play a few social roles:

Family member of a person;

Member of the Society of People;

Member of society of other animals;

Partner in a pair "Man (owner) - Sobaka";

Biological creature in the world of physical stimulation;

Contractor special functions (Storam, defender, companion, hunter, etc.).

The dog should behave adequately in relation to family members, passersby on the street, fellow travelers in public transport, to other animals, as well as in relation to the owner in the process of training or a cynologist when performing special functions. It should adequately react to nebiological environmental factors.

The ability to communicate with living creatures, to live and act jointly with them is called socialization. During socialization, the dog learns to define, recognize and memorize potential partners and the rules of interaction with them. Lack of socialization, incomplete or improper socialization lead to the development of alertness in relation to person and animals or to fear them and serve as the basis for forming unwanted behavior: cowards, increased anxiety, caution, phobias with respect to some types of people or animal species. And this causes difficulties in managing a dog, its training and use. Sometimes, on the contrary, an increased aggressiveness is developing.

Like a person, the dog belongs to the invisible species. The process of ripening the nervous system (the final morphological and physiological formation) occurs already in the process of early ontogenesis in the active participation of environmental factors. So nature has conceived, suggesting a certain optimal level of interaction of a young organism with the environment. If this level is distorted, for example, the body lack the sensory stimulation, the process of forming the nervous system is broken. It was experimentally established that in the conditions of sensory insulation, the brain is atrophy or vice versa, develops above average possibilities in hypersulating with noise, odors, taste and visual stimuli, affective impacts, etc. It is known to all the "nursery syndrome", and in the present time you have to talk about The appearance of the "apartment syndrome".

Early sensory deprivation, which can manifest itself in conditions of limited content (in the nursery, apartment, on the cottage site), with monotonous factors of the external environment, reduced motor activity, a low level of social contacts (in one degree or another of pronounced social insulation), causes noncompensated In the future deficiencies of behavior.

Early sensory derivation leads to the following consequences varying degrees of severity:

Morphological changes of the CNS, which are expressed in reducing the volume of the gray matter of the brain in the animal contained in the depleted conditions compared with the animals contained under normal conditions (in animals growing in the enriched medium, there is an increase in the body of nerve cells, the number of dendritic siebs and synapses, new axon processes and an increase in the diameter of the brain capillaries);

Inhibition of the formation (ripening) of analyzers, which further leads to a deterioration in the learning with their use;

Preservation of the dephlation of alertness;

Slowing down the extinction of approximately research behavior and addictive to the new environment;

Deterioration of sensory and motor coordination, which is expressed in the difficulty of mastering animal skills;

Activating the nerve formations of negative reinforcement, as a result of which the animal seeks to exclude the possibility of obtaining a negative reinforcement even by refusing to obtain a positive;

Reduce stress resistance and deterioration of the state of constitutional (natural) immunity.

Thus, the psycho-physiological side of the raising of the dog is to ensure adequate ripening (formation) of the CNS.

In relation to the animal, it is not customary to talk about the character, more often use the concept of temperament under which the totality of the mental properties of the individual from its dynamic features is meant: intensity, speed, pace, the rhythm of mental processes and states characterizing the degree of activity and emotionality and manifest themselves to Environmental reality, in the power of feelings, behavior.

As soon as the animal is born, genetically inherited its properties begin to interact with the environment (by the way, a person is an element of the environment in relation to a dog, even a very active, but element) and in the process of interaction are changed. However, they vary not indefinitely, but within the framework of the genetically predetermined variation of the feature, and in the aggregate determines the temperament of the animal. The properties of the body are most plastic to its puberty. This does not mean that the properties of temperament remain unchanged after that, but their changes in adult state are no longer so significant.

Of course, temperament can be formed and without the participation of a person and even contrary to his desire, since this process is biologically logical. The human task is to form a temperament with given properties (within the framework of the genetic variation of this animal), which are determined by the purpose of using the dog. Thus, education is also the formation of temperament.

Education, like training, is also learning and forming behavior, but social. If during training we highlight the nervous aspect of acts of behavior, then when raising, we will focus on the social side of the behavioral act, that is, the formation of knowledge and concepts. For example, the laying of the dog's dog is a simple nevivo-muscular act, and it is not possible to form it. And the development of the skill of laying on the team - SFA-RA competence of the trainer. However, the social significance of the laying is quite high: to go to Keto - it means to take a submission posture, to recognize a higher rank of this someone. In some cases, styling can be considered as a realization of social behavior. From the point of view of the dog, to obey (i.e., you can only carry out the dominant social partner with respect to it. Only a high-edge animal can regulate and adjust behavior. This is the point where parenting and training come into contact. To correct the social behavior of adult dogs, they often advise them to train them and, on the contrary, the training takes place much more successful if the dog is properly raised, that is, in order to educate, we can use training as a reception of upbringing, but upbringing is not training at all. Education and training unites the fact that both of these processes are involved in the formation of behavior. And their relationship can be compared with the relationship between the form and content in behavior as in general.

Thus, education is a focused and methodological activity of a person to form temperament and social norms of dog behavior, which corresponds to the goals and objectives of its use in the future. Education should ensure the normal completion of the development of the nervous system, adequate socialization, the formation of the given properties of temperament and social behavior, guaranteeing efficient management of the dog, its training and use.

So, as soon as possible, start to walk your puppy, because the "nursery syndrome" is possible and in the content in the apartment. Limit, if you can not exclude, the arrival of foreign people into your apartment and never (!) Do not let strangers to play, caress or feed your dog. From 6 months of age, it is possible to start preparing (game) classes with a puppy for the development of managing techniques for man, unnecessary, snustal and shocks, but necessarily under the supervision of the instructor.

Special training is better to deal with the one-year-old age of your dog, not earlier. Do not confuse special courses of sports training (ZKS, IPO) with what you need. Explain the training instructors, what would you like to see your dog. Depending on the task, they will offer you an individual technique of classes.

As a rule, training begins on the site, but the final testing of skills is completed in places where the dog has to work. Like a person, it is characterized by forgetfulness, so it will be not bad, if once in 2-3 months you will arrange training classes.

Physical training

A dog, intended for protection, should be mentally and physically healthy. She should not have genetic anomalies, vices, diseases and disadvantages that exclude it special application. In addition, physical fitness is of great importance - it is precisely it determines the performance and effectiveness of the use of an animal.

The main means of physical training dogs - a variety of exercise performed during walks. Sometimes they resort to special types of workouts using special simulators. As a result of physical exercises in the body of the animal, significant functional, morphological and biochemical restructuring occur. Exercise affects simultaneously to many indicators of the physical condition of the dog, since all system systems are interconnected.

Regular physical training provides primarily to strengthen the system of movement organs (lengthening, thickening and increasing bone strength; increase strength and increase the elasticity of ligaments; strengthening and increasing the mass of muscles). Under the influence of exercises, the circle and mobility of the chest increases, the work of lungs and hearts improves, the appetite and the intensity of metabolism increases. Improving the physical condition creates the necessary prerequisites for the full functioning of all organs and animal organism systems, has a positive effect on the manifestation and development of dog motor abilities.

Exercise increases the power of reducing the heart muscle and increase its endurance, as a result of which the overall performance of the heart increases, the blood supply is significantly improved, and the nutrition of tissues, organs and systems with it. The activity of respiratory organs becomes more economical at rest and effective at large loads. At the same time, their backup capabilities increase with maximum activity and reduces the recovery period after physical and mental loads.

The physical exercises have a significant impact on the activity of the nervous system. This is expressed in increasing the strength of the processes of excitation, as well as in the braking of their mobility and balance, which ensures more perfect regulation of all other organs and systems of the body.

In the aggregate, all the above changes occurring under the influence of physical exercises contribute to health promotion and ensure the high efficiency of the animal.

In the process of general physical training, endurance, strength, speed and dexterity of the dog are rising, neuromuscular coordination is improved, the formation of stable and efficient motor skills is ensured. However, sometimes it is not enough, and in this case they resort to special classes.

Development development. Pone endurance is understood as the ability to prolonged any exercise, reception and action without reducing their effectiveness. It can be described and as the body's ability to resist physical and sensory fatigue.

Endurance is due to the efficiency of exchange processes, the presence of energy reserves, aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of the animal organism, the degree of efficiency of the respective skills, the level of coordination of movements, the ability of nerve cells for a long time Maintain an excitation, condition of the circulatory and respiratory system. To increase the endurance of the dog, it is brought in the process of performing exercises to the state of fatigue and work for some time in conditions of such a state. In this case, the body is adapting to such a state, which is expressed in increasing endurance.

As the initial and general means of development of endurance, the trainer is recommended with a cross-country dog, a viscous soil, deep snow, and in the future - the jogging of the trainer, running dogs in the harness, in a drowning collar (up to 1.5-2 kg) or With burden, running up the mountain behind the rating subject, running for motor vehicles, cycling crosses, accompanied by a dog, swimming a dog for a typing item and a boat.

Daily jogging dog should be at least 6-8 km. Once a week, she should run from 10 to 20 km at a speed of 1 km in 4-5 minutes. The duration of operation is set from a few minutes to several hours. The main trend of the load is an increase in the duration of work. It is necessary to take into account age, the preparedness and purpose of the dog, the nature and magnitude of it exercise During the day, weeks, months, climatic conditions and other circumstances (time and fullness of feeding, etc.).

The production of endurance among service dogs in the conditions of the town can be carried out with the help of special technical devices - treadmills, "carousels", etc.

The development of speed. Pthe speed is understood as the ability of a dog to make long Actions At minimal time. The speed depends on the reactivity of the nervous system, the mobility of nerve processes, the morphological structure of the muscles, the rate of transmission of excitation by nerves, the speed of reducing muscle fibers, the elasticity of the muscles, the features of training and probably from a number of other factors.

The speed can be achieved by performing exercise such as the detention of the runaway intruder, the reflection of the frontal attack, overcoming obstacles, aportication under the mountain, running to short distances.

The most effective for the development of speed (3-4 times) jogging by 30-40 m with a maximum speed and recreation intervals of 4-5 min is most effective.

Development of force. WITHel - the ability of the dog to overcome or resist resistance due to muscle stresses. The greatest training effect is achieved when the exercises are performed by a tireless dog. It is advisable to start either at the beginning of a powerful nature or at the end of the training session. Repeat exercises can be 10-15.

When choosing exercise and determining the nature of their implementation, it is important to be guided by the similarity of these exercises with the mode of operation in the activity that provides a dog's office.

The means of force training includes a variety of exercises affecting either the entire muscular apparatus or on separate muscle groups. The most effective exercises, techniques and actions of the general and special course of training, in particular jumping through various obstacles, the fight against the personnel, etc. It is possible to develop strength using very simple, but effective devices accessible to every filmologist. One of these devices is a device for the development of force of the jaw muscles depicted in the figure. It is made of a rubber shock absorber (a), ropes (b) and a thick-seen hose (B), through which the rope is passed. The ring is suspended at such a height from the ground so that the dog, putting on the hind paws, could grab his teeth and hang.

Interest in work on this shell is embraced dogs in different ways. Some make it the object of games in puppy age, others - aptive subject, etc. In addition to the development of the force of jaw muscles, the power of the neck and back muscles develop when working on the ring, the ability to breathe at high loads with a closed seal.

Common exercises that do not require complex technical devices include horizontal and vertical jumps. When performing the first exercise, the dog is tied for a sturgeon with a solid rubber shock absorber, and its other end is attached to a tree or post. At an inaccessible distance they put delicacy, put a bowl of food or there is a teasing dog's teasing. Such exercises increase the strength of the muscles of the front and rear limbs, develop the chest and shoulders, strengthen the lower back. The occupation starts with horizontal jumps (5-10 minutes), after which they alternate with vertical for a clearer and most comprehensive study of muscles and ligaments of the hind limbs. There are various options for vertical jumps. With the most simple target to hang on the branches of the tree or on the crossbar, adjusting the rope distance from the ground - it should be a little more height of the maximum dog jump. The time of classes is set as the same as with horizontal jumps.

Defense development. Pone dexterity should be understood the ability of a dog to perform complex coordinated movements, quickly switch from some motor acts to others and respond to unexpectedly changing external conditions. Dextercy effectively develops when performing such exercises as a reflection of the attack of two or more violators, the development of a strong grip with intercepting for two sleeves and when a quick change of performing various skills.


Before starting the dog training, it is necessary to determine the level of its ability to protect service, the features of temperament and total preparedness for special training. The information obtained will allow you to determine to what extent the dog can master the protective service. This is very important, since the owner must first know what his dog is capable and to what degree can be rejected. At the same time, the ethical side of the interaction of the trainer and the owner is important: one should not be given to the owner of empty promises, swaying the price. In addition, the test results will determine the training technique, select the appropriate methods and methods of exposure to the dog.

In practical activities, dogs for simplicity are often characterized by a "rigid-soft" scale.

"Tough" dog is the one that will not retreat. They do not get it up with loud sounds, nor unfamiliar subjects, nor a stack or whip nor kicks. When strikes stack, she will attack even greater rage. Such a dog prevails an aggressive defensive reaction. The "soft" dog seems to appear very aggressive: it will rock, throw, bark and growl, but under pressure the trainer will retreat, i.e., it will prevail an active or passive-defensive reaction. The "soft" dogs may unexpectedly show signs of fear, folding ears or bowing their heads and prying the tail. Other "soft" dogs can and bite, but the assistant of the trainer with a stack (Figurant) or training sleeve will still make her surrender. Under pressure, she lets grip. The softness of the temperament may be the result of an unbalanced nature, insufficient pronounced abilities for defensive behavior, or insecurity due to the wrong handle to the dog owner or trainer.

When conducting testing, it is necessary to remember that some dogs can behave "softly" on an unfamiliar territory simply as a result of unpreparedness to the resolution of the proposed situation (instrumental narotic) or because unhealthy. Usually, for more or less reliable assessment of the abilities, several training sessions must be carried out.

To check the abilities of the dog to the protective service, there are quite a few tests (from the most simple to very complex) to choose from them the most suitable, from the point of view of the owner. The main disadvantage of known tests is the absence of a single classification of both temperament types and the categories of the dog's protective abilities.

As one of the most simple tests of the dog's suitability for the protective service, a scheme of checking it to carry a special service, adopted in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (described in the book "Tutorial for Cynologists for Internal Affairs Specialists"): "For service in the bodies Internal affairs are needed bold, moderately evil dogs that are not lost in the action of strong stimuli and know how to "let go into the course of the teeth".

Mental properties of dogs are determined by the behavior of an animal in certain situations specially created.

The most common psychic disadvantage, eliminating the possibility of their official use, is cowardice. The cowardly animal with the approach of the inspection rises to the foot of the owner, it is frightened by "threatening" gestures, sharp movements of someone else's person. It should be borne in mind that some animals are quite confidently leading themselves at the place of their permanent stay (in the yard, in the apartment), there are cowardice in a new, unfamiliar situation. Therefore, the checking must necessarily see the behavior of a dog on lively streets with availability vehicleworking mechanisms.

Poorly leaving for excessively evil dogs. Such animals, being on a short leash near the owner, at the approach of someone else's person, without any reason, begin to break out, they make attempts to attack in a stranger. Excessively evil dogs with difficulty get used to the new owner and can not always be used even in the guard service.

Bold, moderately evil dogs relax in other people's people. However, when simulating an attack on her or host, such an animal without hesitation throws on the "offender". A bold animal behaves freely in any atmosphere.

If the dog does not have the above negative qualities (cowardice, unrestrained angry), it is subjected to more serious verification.

The owner binds the dog to the pole or wood, and then leaves it and hides in the shelter, located 10-20 m from the animal. The checking comes out of shelter with a stick in his hand and, threatening with her, moves to the dog. A bold evil dog, having left without a host, watches without fear for an approaching person. At the same time, it actively climbs or silently, carefully monitors its actions. After the approach of the person, the animal makes attempts to pounce on the "enemy". When the checking whale on a dog with a rag or clothes, the dog captures the specified things in the mouth and trepal. At the time of the dog's attack on a person, the owner of the dog (or another person in shelter) produces 1-2 shot from the starting gun. If the shots were used in the study of the search qualities of the dog, then the reaction of the dog on a loud sound is no longer checked. Dogs with a strong nervous system, having heard the sound of a shot, do not stop their actions or resume them after a short stop.

Dogs experiencing fear of threats from an unfamiliar person who show strong concern after a shot, are not suitable for official use. "

As V. B. Vysotsky notes in the book "Dog of accompaniment", only active-aggressive dogs are suitable for the role of guards, seeking to protect the owner on the instinctive level. To determine the ability to protect the Protective Service V. B. Vysotsky offered by the developed and tested five-step test below:

"one. Contact with the owner. Suggest the owner to let go from the leash, and then to suggest the dog. After that, ask the owner to give 1-2 commands and watch the process of feeding and executing commands.


Dog subordination;

What is it is based on this submission;

Who is a dog for the owner;

Who is the owner for the dog.

2. The desire to protect the owner is checked as follows. Stretch your hand to the owner holding a dog on a short leash or for a collar, in the reliability of which you need to make sure.

If the dog does not react to you, help her with a sharp drop toward the owner. With this simple check, you can define an instinctive desire of a dog to protect the owner. However, not too rushing with the conclusions. Always take into account the condition of the dog, the weather and the 1st stage of the proposed test.

3. Congenital alertness check, trying to stroke the dog. After conversation with the owner, try to figure out whether there is no excessive contact of the dog to explain to "humane education", - in this case it is possible to eliminate this upbringing.

If you see Rastapiece, subdivision or derogatory infantility, manifested in the desire to lick in the face "Uncle" or roll over in front of him - be careful!

4. This step is called the "unexpected surprise." The essence of the experiment comes down to a blank bench dropped from the staircase. Pay special attention not to the first reaction of the dog, but on its subsequent behavior: it will be interested in the driving barrel after a second confusion or flatly refuses to get closer.

As a last resort, this check can be reduced to the shot from a distance of 20-25 meters or movement along the plastic film rustling in the wind.

5. Invite the dog a piece of feed and apply 3-4 easy impacts with a protective shield. In this way, you can once again check the contact of the dog and her desire to bite (ability to grip).

You can estimate each step by three positions:

3 - “+” “–”

The presence of three "+" or only one "-" makes it possible to hope for a good end result.

A weaker combination of positions allows you to guarantee the willingness of a dog with certain reservations, namely: the lack of a security zone, contact to the team for defeat or provocations, etc.. "

According to V. B. Vysotsky, the protective dog must comply with the following requirements:

Be active, aggressive, evidence that may be the impossibility of finding in a free state in the presence of outsiders;

Wary, but without fear react to any strong sound or light stimuli;

The aggressiveness of the dog should suppress the braking factors;

Strive to protect the territory and the owner even without the necessary skill or experience;

React to "unexpected surprise" fast adaptation.

To evaluate protective abilities, a simple test, proposed by KF Dewet and D. Dewets, can also be used in the book "Dog - Defender of the House and Family". Check includes a test for balance, psychological stability and instinctive reactions.

1. The owner stands with a dog, holding it on a 2-meter leash, fastened to the "policeman" collar (5 cm wide).

2. The owner strokes and encourages the dog to give her confidence. In the meantime, the "criminal" hides in shelter or in the bushes at a distance of approximately 15 m. The assistant retreat gives the dog confidence.

3. At the "Criminal" signal with a stick or whip begins to produce sounds that can alert the dog. At the same time he remains in shelter.

4. As soon as these sounds are heard, the owner stops physical contact with the dog, thereby inspiring her additional suspicions. At the same time he is wary of himself: "What is there? Listen! ". The owner watches a dog that should be alerted.

5. The "criminal" strengthens their sounds. As soon as the dog is alarming, he jumps out of shelter and quickly jumps back. It gives a dog confidence and at the same time causes curiosity.

6. As soon as the dog is fastened or deals with a willingness to attack, it needs to praise. You can stroke the dog only after the excitement falls.

7. Now the dog sees a "criminal", which is hidden in shelter, then quickly appears again. And in shelter, and outside it he knocks a stick, hits, etc.

8. The owner should be enthusiastic and be not only a viewer, but also a member of what is happening. But at the same time, he should not adjust the behavior of the dog. Motivation should also be very limited.

9. Instructor, given how the dog reacts to the "criminal" at a distance, makes a decision, continue checking or not.

10. If the verification continues, the next step is to provide pressure on the dog. Now the "criminal" moves forward and throws her a direct challenge - he sneaks to the dog sideways, makes various movements towards it, but so as not to suppress it excessively. His hand is stretched forward as if in an attempt to touch the dog or the owner.

11. As soon as the dog makes the slightest movement in his direction, the "criminal" quickly removes his hand and runs away as a cowardly hare.

12. The dog wins this round, which enhances its defensive activity.

13. The owner immediately praises a dog for a well-done business.

14. Instructor, taking into account the reaction of the dog, decides whether it is not overwritten and is it possible to go further.

15. If it is decided to continue, the "criminal" again approaches the "security zone", while remaining outside the reach of the doghood, and begins to tease it. It lasts long. The "criminal" runs away as soon as the dog shows the willingness to defend themselves.

16. The owner reinforces such a dog behavior energetic and sincere praise.

17. The instructor gives the dog the final rating and decides whether it matured to start security training or need to wait.

For a more complex test from the book K. F. Dewubet and D. Dewbet "K-9 - a dog for protecting and protecting property and business" on the basis of the performance characteristics, each dog award from 1 to 10 points. If the dog has features of borderline categories, such as 8 and 9, it means that it receives 8.5 points.

Rating 10 does not mean that the dog is best suited for a protective service, it is simply a dominant character - self-confident and energetic. The more the dog's dog, the more she is suitable for the role of a protective dog (with the exception of the 10th category, which includes representatives, too dominant to obey the person, are better suited for independent irradiation of the territory).

Selling scale

1-3 - major problems:

1 - mental and (or) physical backwardness. Such a dog as a result of severe injury, early illness or hereditary factors is extremely lagging behind in development. In many cases, the mental retardation is accompanied by a physical, which is not difficult to immediately notice. This dog cannot learn. It does not perceive the teams, correction or praise. In many cases, such dogs saved the owners, they survived only thanks to medicines and intensive home care. Sometimes they have to wear them on hand or drive, because they themselves can not find a way out of the house or a bowl with food. The unit on the temperament scale means that the dog is not a lesser;

2.5 - healing cases. Such a dog can somehow help consistent therapy and training. Need careful inspection, blood test and constant observation of the veterinarian to make sure that medical point Vision has done all possible;

2-3 - choleric (extremely aggressive, easily excitable and unrestrained). This is a genetic and, possibly, a medical problem. Such a dog has an extremely low stress threshold, on any stressful situation - such as a loud sound or the appearance of an unfamiliar person - it meets aggression. The correction applied to this dog may awaken an uncontrolled attack caused by panic. It is very dangerous to keep in the house and especially leave with children, since on a fright or pain, before thinking, reacts aggression. The subject postures and television flow are combined with aggressive. This is a classic type of cowardly aggressive behavior. Such dogs bite out of fear.

This is most likely a genetic problem, the result of poor breeding selection. Such a dog cannot stay in one position for a long time (for example, sitting), does not perform well commands. She almost does not look into the eyes, is in constant movement. As well as in the case of hyperactive children, this dog can be treated with medication tools, a diet or improving living conditions.

4-6 - balanced dogs that can be trained:

4 - Sanguine (with a lack of motivation). Such a dog keeps away. She is capable of performing teams, but she has no motivation and desire to do something for the owner. She can work for encouraging a delicacy because its main motivation is selflessly. The dog of this type is cheerful, but lazy and does not require much attention. Contact with a look is minimal (approximately 25%);

5 - Sanguine (average motivation). This is an ordinary social dog. She welcomes you with interest, but she has no defensive reaction. She has no energy beating through the edge, although she gladly chases the ball. Nevertheless, the game is bored soon, and it switches to something other or resting to relax. This is a very good dog for children. It is easy, without excitement perceives teams with even and stable motivation to work. Contact with a look is 30-40%;

6 - Sanguine (good motivation). This is a wonderful candidate for champions on obedience testing, learning to find drugs, search and rescue service, and the like, if you have a good little. She is superoxy, playing, meets people with proudly raised head and a fun look, carefully their sniffing. Having high motivation, the dog of this type is ready to chase a ball without end. She works well for everything - delicacy, toy, praise. Contact with a look - about 50%. Such a dog readily takes anxiety, but her Lai rather talks about excitation, and not about protective instinct.

7-9 - balanced dogs (with defensive-defensive instinct):

7 - balanced (weak protective instinct). The dog of this type is cheerful, but the people will break slightly and show a weakly pronounced proprietary attitude to toys, owners and house. Hunting instinct is expressed moderately, and therefore it often demonstrates voice aggression (climbing), which makes it a good home career and the means of scaring offenders. However, this dog in the provision of physical and psychological pressure loses confidence and is inclined to retreat. She is social, but alert. Contact with a look - from 60 to 70%. It is capable of mastering security training only at the first level. This is a good watchman;

8 - balanced (normal protective instinct). This is a dominant type dog, but willingly obey the experienced owner. It has a good hunting instinct and easily passes all three levels of security training, where the attack on man and detention are required. The dog of this type is protective and hunting instincts balanced, so it is better than others suitable for the protection of the store, family, personal and VIP-security. This dog from nature is wary of people, but not too aggressive to them. It is not looking for confrontation, but in the threat of family members or a team, will be happy to be defended. Contact with a look - about 60-70%. The television language is expressed slightly less than that of dogs with temperament of category 7. Always ready to work;

9 - balanced (strong protective instinct). This dog is extremely dominant and focused on life in a flock. Although she constantly seeks to prove his leadership, such a dog will obey the owner with a strongly solid character. She is very developed by the protective instinct, which prevents it from working in the store or among people, but it will turn out an excellent patrol or guard dog. She can successfully be used to protect the plots. Looks straight into the eyes, contact with a look - 80-90%. She is very incredulous, does not allow unfamiliar people to him. The owner of such a dog should have sufficient hardness to conquer its respect.

10 - poorly leaning, alpha (extremely aggressive). The dog of this type is called alpha leader. She will soon die than someone will obey. The best thing you can do is stay away from it, she needs the owner also with the character of the leader of the alpha type. She will bite his own owner, she is antisocial, and therefore from such a dog will get a good watchman, and only. You should handle it with extreme caution!

This dog is a walking trouble. If you do not sleep, then you must contain only in the aviary, under the strictest control, using a leash, collar and muzzle. In no case should it be used on security work surrounded by people - such as the guard of the store or at home from the inside.

Contact with a look - from 90 to 100%. The eyes are frozen, cold, looks straight into the eyes, the television is not expressed, the appearance of threatening.

Checking temperament

The temperature check is the process of assessing and studying the dog, during which you notice its reaction to the surrounding situation, stressful situation and other tests. The assessment is made both in separate parameters and all together. If you evaluate many dogs, after a while it turns out that on the basis of the similarity of the behavior of all they can be divided into several groups. That is why numbered categories are used. An experienced trainer after 5-10 minutes of dating with a dog will easily determine which category it applies.

The purpose of the assessment.'s earmarket need to know for two reasons. First, you should simply make sure of its suitability for a specific type of work. Secondly, different dogs require various training methods, therefore, having information about temperament, it is possible to teach it correctly. We need to understand how hard the owner must be, what a dog has a timid or brave, whether she has motivation to work. All this is necessary in order to make the best result by targeted work and training.

Approach to the dog.To appreciate the dog, you need to approach it and take a leash. Prior to this, it should be found out if she passed the course of training, whether she had unwill bite of strangers, veterinarians or someone else.

At the same time, it is impossible to rely on the words of the person you see for the first time and may never see anymore. If you are trying to appreciate the dog, use a double leash.

Double leash. Give the dog owner two leashes and two training collar so that he put them on her. Before taking the second leash, tie the first to a tree or a pillar to be sure that she will not attack you. Two trains can work with two leashes.

Dog score. ATthe beginning should pay attention to how the dog responds to your approach. Start with the simplest teams "Sit!" And notify the reaction of the dog, which can be different:

I do not notice you, does not detect any reaction, unresponsible to the stranger;

A cowardly dog \u200b\u200brolls his eyes, shows signs of a cowardly aggressive reaction;

An extremely excitable dog focuses on all and at the same time;

Contradictive reaction: the dog is barking on you, but not interested;

Cheerful dog, not too excited, confident in herself, waves his tail;

Work with pleasure will be active, susceptible, sniffing your dog;

A confident dog has a good contact with a look, the tail is not omitted, it is good;

The dog can be confident, but to keep alienately, work with hunting, but be wary;

The dog is confident, with a good defensive reaction, but works with hunting;

The dog shows uncontrolled aggression, she has a full contact with her contact and she is ready to attack the slightest occasion.

The easiest way to know the temperament of the dog by her look (in the emphasis). As a rule, the longer she looks into the eyes of a person, the easier it is to train it (with the exception of dogs who seek you to "overlook"). Good temperament rate - television language. When approaching the dog, pay attention to its behavior. Is she afraid of? Calm? Curious? Aggressive? Will the wool fluffed on the withers? Strained? Trying to escape? All of this you need to be commemorated. If the dog reacts immediately, you also have to think quickly. Take it away from the owner, so that she does not try to look for him.

If, when approaching the dog, everything went well, then before continuing, give her time to get used to you. Talk to her, but at the same time do not lower the tone of the voice. In friendship you can scratch her chest. If there is at least the slightest suspicion of an aggressive reaction, do not touch the head and withers, as the dog estimates this desire to dominate her. When you try on a bit to each other, you can start checking.

Check dog. ATaM to figure out some things important for subsequent training. You need to know how it will respond to encouragement and correction and how quickly will grab teams. It is necessary to check whether it is afraid of unexpected sounds, writing hands or legs (perhaps this is the result of bad circulation) and will not be distracted during class.

In order to appreciate all this, start with a simple team "Sitting!" And see how long the dog will remain in this position. Give this command and encourage the PSA for obedience or, if necessary, correct it if it tries to change the position. Then start shooting in front of it in a semicircle back and forth (approximately 1 m in each direction). Usually the dog remains on guard and follows you, because on a dog language it is a dominant process. At this point, look at what a dog is taking a dog - subordinate, neutral or dominant. Check includes many other things that you need to know.


Nickname: T.oR

Age:18 months

Breed: N.emetskaya Shepherd

Excited _____

Calm _____

Indifferent _____

Incredulous _____

2. How does the torus react to the correction?

Straightened immediately _____

Afraid correction _____

3. How to react to commands?

Works willingly _____

Well extended _____

Not paying attention to you _____

When submitting the team shows signs of fear _____

Shows a defensive reaction _____

4. How does the torus react to training?

Stubborn _____


Works willingly _____

Distracting _____


5. Contact a look

6. What does the Torah Pose tell you?

I don't look straight in the eye _____

Calm, relaxed _____

Well subordinate _____

Afraid, worries _____

Aggressive _____

7. How much time is required for training teams "Sit!", "Waiting!"?

Quickly sits down and remains in place _____

For learning you need to repeat the exercise _____ several times

Stubborn, work does not want _____

Shows a defensive reaction _____

Low level of attention _____

Before completing the check, you should evaluate the stressful threshold of the dog. This test is also called the inspection of the nervous system. The reaction of the dog on the stressful situation may be associated with genetic predisposition or previous experience. In some cases, it is also due to both.

Fear of sharp sounds. ATlog or folder and slap it on my leg. If the dog jumps off, throws his head or closes his eyes, ask the owner, whether it was not punished with a journal or a newspaper in puppy age. It will take a lot of strength to make a truly protective dog from a timid or fearful dog. Sometimes it fails.

Fear of crazy hands or feet. Ri want to lower my hand over your head of the dog, as if you are going to hit it. Whether she flinched? Covered eyes? Duck up? If she napped to the ground, then it was beaten. If you doubt, ask the owner about the reason for such a reaction.

Dragly move the foot towards the dog, but do not beat it. Was she scared? Duck up? Recaped? If she took the croup to the side and donned, then she was kicking her legs. Ask the owner about the reason for such a reaction.

Sensitivity to touch. AT Depending on the degree of feasibility of a dog tested in two previous tests, it is necessary to determine its sensitivity to touch. If the dog seems to be excessively sensitive, pinch her from your fingers. How did the dog bring it? Hardened his paw? Drew? If she had a high pain threshold, take it for loose skin on the withers or on the back and lift. How did she respond? With fear? Show a passive defensive reaction?

Test for the awareness of the surrounding.A good security dog \u200b\u200bshould be curious. Take the steering toy, remove it behind your back and squeeze it a few times or just skip behind the nails. Is the dog interested? The reaction is considered good if it tries to find the sound source. Move the toy, the dog must go beyond her.

After the dog relaxed, ask someone who she did not see, hide behind the bushes or for the car and repeat the trick with a toy. Perspective protective dog should be immediately interested in sound.

Contact with a look. frankly dog \u200b\u200blooks into the eyes, the higher the category of its temperament. A straight out-of-one dog's eye look is a challenge from the dominant individual. Your glance can cause anything: submission, indifference, aggression. When you look into the eyes of a dog, you need to appreciate the percentage of contact, posture and television, and what looks it is soft and good-natured or hard and evil.

Contact with a look is undoubtedly the best way to understand the dog. A little experience - and you will be able to predict her behavior, read the intentions, notice the sharpness or softness of the view and understand whether you achieve the targets with it.

Evaluation of temperament

1-3 - almost no contact with a look. The dog takes a look, does not pay attention to any of you, nor on what you do. Not meets with you a look. He is very distracted. Constantly wants to escape.

4-6 - 25-50% contact with a look. The dog looks at you, then turns away. Quiet, relaxed, open, everything is interested, your presence does not bother her, and not trying to escape, sniffing, curious.

7-9 - 60-90% of contact with a look. The dog looks into the eyes for a long time, sometimes can turn away. The incredulum is attentive. The body can be intense or relaxed. It may exhibit a defensive reaction.

10-100% contact with a look. The dog's look is very cold. The body is strongly intense. It is clearly expressed intent to pounce.

Test for fitness to protective work. Pthree qualities check: protection in the attack, hunting instinct (the desire of persecution) and the stress threshold, and in all three cases the dog holds the owner on the leash.

Protection at the attack

The dog's aggressiveness is checked towards the attacker:

Noticed it from afar and was alerted;

Warns the lament so that he does not fit;

When the striker approached close, continues to show aggressiveness;

With hunting will bite the assistant when he starts to put pressure on it.

Hunting instinct

Checked the mood dog for pursuit:

Will shave behind the ball;

He will take a toy that fiber on the ground;

Will be carried out "Prey";

Will guard it.

Fear of sharp sounds and touches

Is afraid of loud sounds? Throws, if not too delicately touch? What reactions will show a dog when you do the following:

Whether it is afraid if you shoot from the starting gun at a distance;

Whether or he will dare, if we climb nearby the metal plate or any other similar subject;

Whether the attack of fear causes the skin on her side or back;

Dyens up or evincible, if you wave over your head or stick.

The dog should not be neither a cowardly malicious.

From temperament (estimate is given in points) to the work description

6 - only feeding anxiety. The dog does not have sufficient defensive behavior for the protective service.

7-7.5 - Dual-purpose dog, can work in the office, store, as a guard, etc.

The dog, which is without taking there, where people are constantly walking and someone can stop and talk to her or to climb her, should be more restrained than a security dog. Its first function is to warn and scare potential criminals, and the second is to serve as a "alarm system". For example, a dog on the plot is usually barking, warning the owners that someone came.

To scare up dogs are used in many areas of business and, as a rule, such dogs are fluent in the territory. A large dog is a caution of attackers, small - gives an alarm when the strangers is approaching, especially in extracurricular clock.

8-8.5 - VIP-bodyguards, hotel security service and hospitals, jewelry and gift shops, etc.

A dog accompanying a man, i.e., a bodyguard dog, should be able to behave in the presence of foreign people. This also applies to dogs that spend the day, guarding shops. It is necessary tolerant of them to treat people and at the same time constantly be on guard.

9-9.5 - Patrol Service.

The patrol dog should have a clear defensive reaction, since it has to deal with "bad guys" in the conditions of urban "jungle." It must be a "tough" dog that can impose a fight and get out of it the winner. The main function is to protect the person and help in active detention of suspects.

9.5-10 - Protection of the property: Watchdog in free propulsion, car protection, etc.

Watchdow dogs must be independent and pose a threat to others. The only task of their task is to prevent people in the protected area. Since they work independently, it is necessary that they are equally aggressive as in the presence of a film, and without it.

It is imperative that you realize the leading point of temperament when choosing a protective dog. If you make an incorrect choice, then you risk getting either too aggressive, or too soft dog for the work you have chosen. Both errors may be dangerous for you and for your customers.

Completed in 1975 William Campbell For puppies from 30 to 49 days in order to identify suitable for family content. Tests should be carried out by a competent specialist, whom (in the perfect case) puppies have never seen.

The test should be carried out in unfamiliar puppies of the hall of Will, such a day when they are most active. Each puppy is checked separately, it will help to avoid distortion, because otherwise the confidence will affect the result that the presence of fellow leads can be given to the result.

Tests are carried out on five separate areas of behavior. For each of them, the verification gives an assessment as follows:

Strong leader 1 point
Leader 2 points
Obedient 3 points
Very obedient 4 points
Independent 5 points

Dogs, which are mostly "units", are suitable for the security and search service, provided that they will have an experienced conductor and a dog is capable of such work on their physical data. (I think, very authoritarian chihuahua would have to become a police dog - a secret agent.) Under no circumstances a dog of this type cannot be sold to an inexperienced person for keeping in the family. Combinations from "Two" and "Trok" with the predominance of "twos" indicates the opportunity to grow a good service dog from a puppy with such points.

They are, i.e. Those who have "Two" and "Troika" with the predominance of "bodies" can be both homemade dogs, but it is desirable that they come to experienced people in a family without children or with older children. Dogs who prevail "Troika", and "bodies" are not enough for families with children of younger. "Troechniki" and "Quarters" should get into a very sensitive and relaxing environment.

A puppy who scored a lot of "fours" can easily become a dog that bites from fear. Dogs who get the main "five" will well safely live in the nursery, but it is unlikely that they can become homemade dogs who deliver the joy to their owners.

The test must be carried out as follows:

1. The desire for communication.

The puppy put on the floor in the middle of the room, where the test is carried out, then the testing should attract his attention and encourage you to get closer to the unfamiliar room into the depraid. Willingness to come up, hagging and poses that the puppy will demonstrate approaching, and its attitude to the testing - everything should be considered.

If the puppy comes with readiness, keeps the tail high, jumps and bits the hands of the test, it gets 1 point. If suits uncertainly, prying the tail, and then makes the puddle, it gets 4 points. If the puppy ignores the test and deals with its affairs, then it receives 5 points.

2. Persecution.

Putting the puppy for what came up, or approaching him and standing, if he himself did not fit, the testing departs from the puppy and watches how fast he comes next. A puppy with the male leader will follow him willingly, maybe he will run forward and be confused under his feet or even tries to bite. Very submissive Shanka will have to be affectionately to persuade, and maybe he will follow, but it is not numbered, falling on his back whenever the testing stops or leans to stroke it. "Pyateron" will still be engaged in his business.

3. Reception (restriction of freedom).

Testing gently turns the puppy on the back and holds it in this position for about 30 seconds.

The assessment that in this test is from 1 to 4 points will depend on:

a) whether the puppy resisted violently, trying to bite;
b) just resisted, but did not bite;
c) resisted, but gradually calmed down;
d) did not resist and licked hand hand test.

4. Social leadership.

The areas of the head, neck and shoulders in the dog are zones that determine the leadership. Watch the meeting of two dogs, which occupy a high position in their surroundings, and you will probably see that the dog holding a higher position (or applying for it), puts the paw or chin on the walker of another dog. Singing squatting, testing must stroke the puppy with a solid hand from the head to the withers and continue to iron within about 30 seconds. 1 The score receives a puppy that opposes, for example, growls and tries to change the situation of dominance to the opposite, jumping on the test. "Quirtist" is likely to be squeezed into a lump and make a puddle. "Five-hander" will just go away, completely ignoring everything that is happening.

5. Impact of height.

Furring and folding his hands into a cradle under a puppy's belief, testing gently picks up a puppy to a height of several inches (10-20 cm) from the floor and keeps it about this position within about 30 seconds. The testing fully controls the situation, and the puppy falls into full dependence. The way the puppy perceives what is happening is to resist or conjugate - determines the estimate from 1 to 4 points. As in the third test (restriction of freedom), it is impossible to estimate estimate in 5 points, since the puppy is deprived of the ability to demonstrate its independent nature.

In the six-week aged puppy, in essence, "clean sheet", with the exception of some acquired habits.

The way puppies react shows us their true genetic potential. Later, the environment in which they will increase probably somehow affect their temperament, finally formed by the time of adult age (maturity), but, correctly assessing their potential at a six-week age, the breeder can make the puppies to go to suitable For them, owners. "

© 2008-2011 John Fisher "What your dog thinks about"

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