Is it possible to cure a severely rotten tooth. Teeth decay: causes and treatment

Tooth roots are very vulnerable. Inside them there is a sensitive bundle of nerve endings and blood vessels: any disease affecting the roots? leads to unpleasant sensations, hypersensitivity, spread of infection, exacerbation chronic diseases, deterioration of general well-being. All this is a good reason why the removal of a rotten tooth root should be done shortly after the problem is discovered.

Why do the roots rot?

Dentists will identify several diagnoses that are characterized by the formation of pus. Do not forget that diseases also do not arise just like that, so they can be considered a consequence rather than a root cause. The causes of any diseases of the oral cavity are poor hygiene, unhealthy diet, lack of vitamins and minerals, and bad habits. It is very important to always take care of your health, then no dental diseases will disturb you.


This is the name for severe inflammation of the pulp - the nerve and blood endings of the tooth, which we talked about earlier. In most cases, this disease occurs after a violation of the integrity of the crown, for example, in the treatment of caries or the same pulp. If the entire surface of the soft tissue is not carefully treated, an infection can get on it, which will develop even after the filling or ceramic inlay is installed. The nerve of the tooth will become inflamed, and the root in the literal sense of the word will rot from the inside. Purulent pulpitis is the most acute stage diseases, with it the removal of a rotten tooth root is inevitable.

Toxic effects

An incorrectly selected filling, or rather, its material can also cause tooth decay. The most dangerous filling material is plastic. It has a toxic effect, which is generally safe for humans, but given the fact that the seal is in close proximity to the vessels, the harm from such material increases significantly. Of course, the plastic looks very good and takes an honorable third place among all materials in terms of strength, but all these qualities are not worth the possible consequences.


Often, with untimely treatment, pulpitis can develop into a more serious form - periodontitis. This disease affects not only the tooth itself, but also the gums.
The disease is characterized by a violation of the ligaments between the tooth and its hole. The root begins to loosen, cavities form around it, which become a medium for the development of infections. Inflammatory and purulent processes occur.
With such a disease, especially in its acute form, the chances of preserving the crown and root are extremely small. If the source of the problem is not removed in time, the infection can spread throughout the body and lead to irreparable consequences.


When an infection enters the gum and pulp area, it inevitably occurs inflammatory processwhich most patients may not even notice. Soon, such an infection leads to the formation of a cavity with pus.
Modern developments in dentistry make it possible to cure such a disease without affecting the tooth itself, for example, using a laser, however, for the treatment to be effective, it must be carried out on time. This is not always possible, because, as a rule, patients turn to a specialist at the very last moment, when they no longer have the strength to endure pain.
Sometimes people do come to a specialist only after their tooth falls out. The cyst grows all the time and destroys the connective ligaments near the tooth, all the while causing pain to the patient. Soon, the affected tissue reaches such an area that the root of the tooth will no longer be fixed.

In fact, in this case, it is not the root itself that rots, but the space around it.

Can the crown be preserved by removing the root?

The myth that it is possible to remove the roots without affecting the outside is due to a misunderstanding of some dental procedures. Indeed, the root and crown can be removed in different time, but only in this order - first the crown and only then the root.
There is no separate operation to remove the inner part while preserving the outer one: it will be too risky, because for the sake of the root alone, the surgeon will have to cut off the gum and drill through the bone tissue. Due to the high sensitivity of the gums, the operation can only be performed under anesthesia.
Preserving the crown of the tooth in this way does not justify itself, because it will be much easier to completely remove the tooth and use one of the many types of prosthetics, since today it has developed so much that anyone can choose a crown or bridge for themselves.
Moreover, a crown without a root will no longer be a complete tooth. Without nerve endings, it will quickly dry out and darken. Any physical injury will become critical for her.
Removing the crown of a tooth without roots, on the contrary, is possible, and some dentists, especially those who specialize in prosthetics, even insist on this measure. The preserved roots of the teeth will allow to establish the covering removable dentures, which in all respects are ahead of any other type of false teeth. For young people, such a prospect may not seem very interesting, but a couple of ten years will pass and they will change their minds, but for now, the "void" in the dentition can be closed with a bridge.

Is it painful to remove a rotten root?

Removing a single root, especially if it rots, is much more difficult than a simple tooth extraction, because first you need to clear the way to it, then cut off the soft tissue a little, separate the root from the hole and pull it out with forceps, process and sew up the hole.
During the operation, the dentist will touch soft tissues and nerve endings all the time, so patients are often even more afraid than removing the entire tooth, because everything is much simpler there.
In fact, the patient will not feel the difference between removing a root or a tooth or even installing a filling, because today almost any dental intervention is performed under anesthesia. For the most impressionable, dental treatment under anesthesia is even available. Therefore, to the question whether it hurts, you can definitely answer "No".

How is the removal going?

The operation can be divided into several stages:
1) The patient is given an anesthetic injection in the cheek or gum area. After that, you need to wait a few minutes for the anesthetic to work.
2) If the crown and the root itself are intact, the operation is similar to a standard tooth extraction.
3) If the crown of the tooth was previously removed, most likely soft tissue overgrown around the top of the root and closes it. In this case, part of the gum is dissected.
4) The apex of the root is pried off by an elevator - special tools in the form of a thin blade. This is done in order to make it easier to remove the root from the hole.

5) The root is grasped with forceps and pulled out of the hole.
6) The wound is disinfected and sutured. In some cases, implantation can be performed immediately.
7) A few weeks after the operation, examination and removal of stitches is carried out.

What happens if you keep the rotten root?

Even despite the fact that the operation itself is very simple, there are still a lot of people who will be against it. We have already described the reasons why the roots of the teeth should be preserved, but they are all crossed out in case of rotting. During this irreversible process, cells of connective tissue and pulp are destroyed. The root will no longer hold in the hole, even if all damaged tissues are removed, so there is absolutely no point in keeping the rotten root.
In most cases, it can even lead to the development of a host of new diseases, most of which are extremely dangerous to general health.

How much does removal cost?

In terms of the complexity of execution, the operation to remove the root is not much different from the extraction of a tooth, therefore the prices are the same here - from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. There are clinics where this service will cost more and even those in which the roots will be removed for a more affordable price. It all depends on the specific region. Sometimes the price includes anesthesia, consultation with an anesthesiologist and tests. Then the price of the service can increase up to 5,000, or even up to 10,000 rubles.
If you wish, you can independently decide which services you need and pay only those that you have used: for local anesthesia 200-300, for anesthesia - 3500-4500, for specialist advice - from 500, for analyzes - 400-500, for removal of stitches - 300-400 rubles.

Of course, everyone knows the fact that rotten teeth in the mouth are the main cause of bad breath, horrible smiles and become a direct threat to the health of the whole body. There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of rotten teeth. Most importantly, in order not to face such a problem, you need to regularly visit a specialist. The tooth decays gradually, but on early stage destruction can still be restored by eliminating the causes of the problem that began. If you find any manifestations of tooth decay, you can not wait until the tooth completely decays, in order to avoid the development of complications or complete its removal.

When teeth begin to rot in a person's mouth, systemic diseases of the heart and joints occur. After all, the infection that affects them spreads throughout the human body. It is better to prevent such processes at an early stage of the development of the disease.


The disease has a huge number of reasons. Many of them relate to the patient's lifestyle and habits.

Each of the signs is characteristic of a certain category of people. But it's not a fact that teeth won't start to rot even in a decent-looking person. And the reason for this will be only improper oral hygiene or its complete absence. This is primarily important for people with weak immune systems. It is imperative to increase hygiene and take vitamin complexes for diseases, pregnancy or lactation.


It should be remembered that rotten teeth entail dangerous consequences for the whole organism.


Treatment of this kind of disease should be carried out in an integrated manner. First, the doctor must identify the cause of the disease, and then prescribe the necessary therapy. Basically, this is taking antibiotics in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs. Only after treatment can you start filling and restoring, if possible. When restoration is not possible, the tooth is pulped and all canals are treated.

The ideal option would be to refuse any bad habits after treatment. And without fail to eliminate the causes that led to large-scale decay. If the treatment is carried out on time, then there is a chance that such teeth will serve for a long time and may not have to be removed.


Decay, of course, is easier to prevent than to treat it later. People who think that rotten teeth are just a cosmetic flaw are deeply mistaken. In fact, this is a massive accumulation of pathogenic bacteria and various kinds of infections that easily penetrate the bloodstream and sometimes cause irreparable harm to the entire body as a whole. Until the teeth are treated, infection of other organs cannot be ruled out, as bacteria are still in the body. But what if the decay process has already started?

  1. It is imperative to observe the necessary hygiene and take care of the oral cavity with special attention;
  2. Undergo dental check-ups at least 2 times a year. Even in the absence of signs of decay;
  3. If carious cavities are found, it is better to eliminate them immediately, they are the main causes of the onset of decay;
  4. To give needed by the teeth load in the form of solid food. Try to minimize the consumption of sweets.

Strong the immune system and healthy image life is a guarantee not only of healthy teeth, but of the whole organism!

Rotten teeth, as a rule, are not only a clear sign of a spoiled smile, but can also indicate a variety of diseases of the liver, heart and stomach, because all systems and organs in the human body are interconnected.

Contrary to popular belief, rotten teeth aren't just caused by an over-love of foods high in sugar. After all, the disease is often found even in very young children. Rotten teeth are also not a sign of poor hygiene. oral cavity... Of course, if you constantly neglect brushing your teeth, then sooner or later it will still affect the state of the oral cavity.

Nonetheless, the most common causes of decayed teeth are:

The effect of rotten teeth on the body

The appearance of a smile is very important in life. modern man... So, spoiled teeth can leave a negative impression of the interlocutor, and this, in turn, can lead to serious problems at work and in personal life.

However, it is necessary to deal with the treatment of rotten teeth not only because of their unaesthetic appearance. Putrefactive lesions of dental tissues can lead to multiple infectious diseases upper respiratory tract.

The consequences of rotten teeth may differ depending on the location of the pathology. So, if the decay of the tooth began from the root, then the purulent discharge in the process will not be able to come out, which over time can lead to the formation of various cysts. Education data can only be deleted surgical method... Otherwise, the patient may lose the tooth completely.

If the disease begins to develop in the gum area, then this can lead to caries in the cervical region of the adjacent teeth.

If untreated, the patient can completely rot the tooth and nerves. As a rule, only the root of the tooth remains. The problem in this case is the impossibility of further preparing the site for the prosthesis, since it will not be sufficiently stable.

Osler's endocarditis is another consequence of the lack of treatment for rotten teeth. In this disease, bacteria involved in tooth decay with blood are transferred to the heart, where they cause damage to its internal septum. This disease can be cured only with the help surgical intervention... Before the operation, the doctor will have to remove the rotten tooth - the source of infection.

Alopecia can be another consequence of sick teeth. Doctors have long noticed that when the chewing teeth are damaged, the top of a person's head begins to go bald, and when the incisors are damaged, the temporal region.

Often, bad teeth are closely associated with diseases of the skeletal system, for example, arthrosis and polyarthritis.

The huge amount of bacteria found on a decaying tooth can spread through the bloodstream throughout the body and cause infections and diseases of various organs. Since the brain is closest to a decaying tooth, the risk of infection is highest. All this can lead to at least permanent migraines, and maximum to meningitis.

But even if this does not happen, a person would still feel constant malaise, since his body will constantly be poisoned by the products of tissue decay.

Treatment of decayed teeth

Before starting dental treatment, the dentist must find out the cause of the development of the pathology. This is necessary so that a person does not have a relapse of the disease over time. In addition, if the cause of the disease is not eliminated, the tooth treatment itself may be ineffective.

After that, the patient's tooth is treated and the causes that led to the disease are eliminated.

It should be noted that the fear of dentists in most patients has long been a thing of the past. At the moment, doctors use the latest equipment and medicines, as a result of which the treatment becomes absolutely painless.

Therefore, be that as it may, it is not worth starting the problem and postponing the visit to the dentist. You should also not self-medicate, as this can lead to the further spread of the pathological process, as a result of which it will be much more difficult to cure the tooth.

In general, treatment for decayed teeth usually involves the following steps:

But even in the latter case, you should not despair. Modern medicine can offer a huge number of solutions to the problem for patients who as a result had to remove one, several or even all of their teeth.

So, after the healing of the wound formed after tooth extraction, the dentist can recommend the patient to install crowns, removable or fixed dentures. This procedure is performed by a prosthetist. Thanks to modern technologies dentures are difficult to distinguish from real teeth.

Modern dentures have a natural appearance, do not rub or press on the gums, restore the bite and help to achieve an even load distribution during chewing. Thanks to the latter, the patient will be able to avoid many problems with the jaw joints in the future.

For successful treatment a change in lifestyle is required from the patient. The patient must stop smoking and alcohol abuse, regularly carry out oral hygiene, consume large quantities of dairy and meat products, fruits and vegetables, and undergo a dental examination at least once every 6 months.

Rotten teeth are not only the cause of bad breath. The process of rotting in the oral cavity can lead to the loss of the affected dental unit, infection of adjacent teeth and the development of pathologies internal organs... To prevent this from happening, you need to recognize the symptoms of this phenomenon in time and take measures to eliminate it. Everyone who cares about the health of not only the oral cavity, but the whole body, needs to know how to prevent tooth decay and what will happen if you ignore the signs of this process.

Causes of tooth decay

There is no unequivocal opinion about why teeth can rot, since too many factors can influence this process. External causes that provoke rotting include:

  • neglect of regular teeth brushing;
  • bad habits in the form of tobacco smoking, alcohol and drug abuse;
  • a poor diet, leading to a deficiency of trace elements necessary for the body;
  • excessive consumption of sweet and savory foods.

Along with this there are internal reasons... It is customary to refer to them:

  • dental diseases;
  • weakening of the body's defenses;
  • pathology of internal organs;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • pregnancy;
  • living in environmentally unfavorable conditions.

Wisdom teeth are often prone to decay. This is explained by the fact that the "eights" due to being in a hard-to-reach place is extremely difficult to clean from plaque, which eventually provokes the development of caries. In the case of ignoring carious lesions, the wisdom tooth begins to decompose.

Signs and stages of tooth decay

Teeth rot gradually. Depending on the stage of this process, the signs of pathology are manifested in different ways:

  1. At the first stage, there are no painful sensations. As a result of the accumulation of plaque, a putrid odor from the mouth occurs.
  2. After a certain time, the enamel acquires a yellow or brown tint, dark spots appear on its surface.
  3. The next stage is characterized by an increase in the destructive process and the formation of black areas of various areas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tooth neck. However, on a rotten tooth root, they will not be noticeable, since the destruction occurs under the gum. They can only be detected using radiography.
  4. In the absence of treatment, hard tissues begin to rot. Gradually, a hole forms in the tooth, which will only grow over time (we recommend reading: why holes appear in the teeth and how to prevent this?). This stage is accompanied by painful sensations.
  5. Further rot affects the inner part of the tooth - the pulp. In this case, unbearable pains appear, indicating the irreversible death of nerve endings. Some patients, even in such a situation, believe that nothing terrible is happening, and try to stop the painful sensations with the help of painkillers and various rinses.
  6. After the development of the necrotic process, the pain subsides in most cases, but the inflammation spreads to the root of the tooth.
  7. If the unit collapsed before the dental clinic, the surgeon will have to remove it along with the almost completely rotten root.

In difficult situations, the dentition becomes crooked, while the teeth are a terrible sight - the enamel becomes stained, their base becomes black, and the affected units turn yellow-brown. In addition to physiological problems, the patient begins to experience psychological difficulties, especially if the decay process has affected the front units, which are visible during conversation or laughter. Rotting teeth have to be hidden behind closed lips.

Can a rotting tooth be cured?

If the diseased dental unit has not completely rotted, going to the doctor will help save it. To understand if it is treatable, it is prescribed x-ray examination, according to the results of which the cause of the development of the decay process will be determined. The method of treatment is determined taking into account the factor that provoked the destruction of the tooth.

Modern dentistry has a large number of tooth-preserving techniques, the main types of which are subdivided into conservative and conservative-surgical. In the first case, the preservation of the destroyed unit does not provide for the intervention of the surgeon; the restoration of the root is carried out with the help of restoration, in the process of which pin structures, inlays or coronal elements are used.

If there is inflammation at the apex of the tooth root, in this case, a conservative-surgical method of tooth preservation is used. Its resection is performed after preliminary filling of the canals. This procedure is uncomplicated, in most cases it is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts no more than half an hour.

In certain situations, with inflammation of the apex or base of the tooth root, it is possible to do without surgical intervention. An anti-inflammatory drug is injected into the tooth canal for a period of 2–3 months to 1–2 years, which allows you to restore the bone tissue surrounding the apex of the tooth root.

If decay has covered a significant part of the bone, the doctor will most likely prefer the conservative-surgical method as the only way to preserve the affected unit or to reduce the treatment time to several months instead of 1–2 years.

The radical way is removal

Removal of a rotten tooth root is carried out in cases where none of the tooth-preserving techniques can be applied. It will not be possible to avoid the removal of a rotten tooth root if:

  • complex fractures of the dental unit;
  • acute inflammation of the tissues surrounding the decaying root;
  • destruction of the part of the crown of the tooth located significantly below the level of the gums;
  • mobility of the dental root of the third degree;
  • abnormal location of the affected unit.

As for wisdom teeth, in most cases, if they are damaged, they must be removed. Almost all "eights" after eruption cause a lot of problems. Firstly, the inconvenient location significantly complicates their care, as a result of which plaque accumulates on their surface, which provokes the development of caries and subsequent decay.

Secondly, wisdom teeth can shift the dentition, leading to malocclusion. Thirdly, when they erupt, they often injure the cheek from the inside, as a result of which it hurts and bleeds. It makes sense to preserve these teeth only when it becomes necessary to use them as support units during installation. orthodontic structuresused in dental prosthetics.

If a child's teeth rot

Rotten teeth are not only found in adults, babies are also prone to this phenomenon. In the smallest children, teeth often rot before they even have time to fully form. In this case, the main causes of destruction are an excess of sweets in the child's diet and poor oral hygiene.

If the mother did not eat properly during pregnancy or used certain medicationsforbidden to pregnant women, there is a high probability that the future baby will be susceptible to the development of putrefactive processes in the oral cavity. For young patients, the rapid transition of tooth decay to a severe form is characteristic.

If a baby's milk tooth rots, many parents ignore this phenomenon, believing that, since we are talking about a temporary unit, its loss will not cause any consequences. This is a misconception. When rot appears in the tooth, the child should be shown to the pediatric dentist as early as possible.

If possible, the specialist will save the diseased unit, otherwise it must be removed, which will eliminate the likelihood of infection of adjacent teeth and damage to the gums.

How to prevent pathology?

Particular attention should be paid to oral health for those who are at risk of predisposition to the occurrence of various dental problems. These include women during the period of bearing a child, patients with poor heredity, as well as residents of ecologically unfavorable regions.

Parents of babies whose teeth are prone to destruction, the question arises of what needs to be done to eliminate this phenomenon. Experts recommend using various vitamin and mineral complexes that contribute to the proper development of the baby's skeletal system. Before giving a baby a pacifier, some parents or grandmothers dip it in honey, jam, or condensed milk. This is absolutely impossible to do.

Along with this, the child's consumption of sweets should be significantly limited, especially those that contain a large amount of dyes and various additives of artificial origin. An important preventive measure is the timely training of the baby to regularly brush his teeth. The first time you should control this process.

At least a couple of times a month, parents should examine the oral cavity of their children. If blackheads are found on the baby's enamel, you should immediately show the doctor. Effective way protection of children's teeth from caries and its consequences are procedures such as fluoridation and remineralization. In addition, children should regularly visit the dentist in order to carry out a preventive examination. Strict observance of these rules by both adults and children will save their teeth from the development of putrefactive processes and prevent possible removal sick unit.

What happens if you leave everything as it is?

Any pathological processes occurring in the oral cavity, in the absence of treatment, provoke the development of diseases of the internal organs. Ignoring the appearance of rot can lead to:

  • gradual damage to all units of the dentition;
  • activation in children of a hereditary predisposition to tooth decay;
  • complete loss of appetite;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • the development of endocrine diseases;
  • kidney damage;
  • destruction bone tissue and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the entry into the body of pathogens that provoke the development of severe pathologies of internal organs;
  • hair loss from the occipital or temporal region - with damage to the units of the chewing group;
  • frequent attacks of headache and the development of endocarditis - with the destruction of teeth at the base of the root.

Along with this, putrid breath can lead to social isolation of the patient, which will inevitably affect his mental state... In order to avoid these consequences of ignoring the process of rotting in the oral cavity, it is necessary to carefully monitor not only the health of teeth and gums, but also the state of the body as a whole, as well as the way of life.

Despite the fact that almost everyone knows what a threat to health are posed by rotten teeth and how they disfigure their appearance, patients often do not rush to the dental clinic in order to prevent the disease in time and prevent the development of complications.

There is an opinion that tooth decay can be caused by an immoderate love for sweet or poor oral content, but this is a very cursory look at the problem. In fact, if a person has rotten teeth, the reasons for this phenomenon are deeper, because such a disease can occur even at a tender age in very young children.

The development of putrefactive processes can be caused by numerous reasons, which are conventionally divided into three groups:

Local factors

  • adverse effects of alcohol, drugs, smoking and, as a result, decreased immunity, impaired metabolic processes oral cavity, increased reproduction of pathogenic microbes;
  • poor diet with a lot of sour and sweet foods;
  • low quality oral hyena;

External reasons

  • unsatisfactory environmental situation in the patient's area of \u200b\u200bresidence;
  • hereditary factor;
  • drinking water with a low fluoride content;
  • mechanical injury and damage;
  • the specifics of the profession;

  • hormonal imbalance (in adolescence and in pregnant women);
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pathological processes of dental and periodontal tissue (the most dangerous cystic formations purulent character);
  • liver dysfunction;
  • infectious processes;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases.

Rotten teeth, the causes of the pathology of which only a specialist can establish, are subject to immediate treatment in order to block active tissue destruction.

Tooth decay, like any pathological process, proceeds gradually, deepening and moving from a relatively harmless stage to a more aggressive one.

The main stages of the destructive process manifest themselves in different ways and are represented by the following features:

  • the initial accumulation of plaque on the tooth enamel and rare, slightly noticeable yellowish spots that darken as the pathological process grows (the first signs of a putrid odor are noted);
  • the formation of separate black areas on the tooth surface with damaged enamel, painful manifestations are noted when eating products with a low or high temperature regime;

  • tooth decay extends not only to superficial areas, but also to deep tissues, which is indicated by aching pain inflamed pulp, especially when exposed to cold air currents;
  • on last stage rotten teeth suffer from destructive processes in the root, the nerve endings of the inner sections of the segment die off, as a result of which a completely rotten tooth decays to the base and falls out.

Quite often, due to a far-fetched fear of visiting the dentist, the patient can bring the situation to the brink, having lost a whole group of teeth and turning to the doctor at the last stage of the destructive process, when the situation with the help conservative treatment it is already impossible to fix.

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Rotten teeth: consequences and complications of the destructive process

One should not indulge in self-deception and naively think that if a tooth decays, then this is a process isolated from the whole organism, which will not have serious consequences for the general state of health. As you know, our body is a single structure, all elements of which are closely interconnected, and teeth, of course, are no exception. In addition to outward signs, which are extremely negative for a person's overall attractiveness and are fertile ground for low self-esteem and deep psychological problems, there are other more dangerous reasons for concern.

If a person has rotten teeth, the consequences will not be long in coming and will manifest themselves in the most unpleasant way:

  • rotten teeth can negatively affect the state of the heart, causing Osper's endocarditis due to pathogenic microorganisms entering the bloodstream, while the cardiac septum is affected (the disease is treated only by surgery);
  • diseases of the skeletal system develop (arthrosis, polyarthritis);
  • disruption of the digestive tract as a result of the spread of infection with saliva;
  • the processes of decay of the bone of the jaw apparatus can provoke brain damage;
  • a rotten tooth can cause headaches, decreased appetite;
  • the quality of the hairline in the temporal and occipital areas suffers from the presence of destroyed small chewing teeth;
  • rotten teeth in a child indicate an irrational diet of a pregnant woman (a hereditary factor determines the relationship between dental diseases of a mother and a baby).

Rotten teeth, the consequences of which can affect the quality of vision, hearing, skininfluence by circulatory and nervous system on general state internal organs, therefore, it is necessary to prevent the development of inflammation as early as possible.

Rotten teeth: treatment of the pathological process

The question that most often worries patients is if teeth decay, what to do in this case, and what procedure will be most correct. First of all, you should know that for the treatment of decaying segments, a complex technique will be most effective, and before the start of the treatment course it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the development of the pathology, and only then prescribe drugs and procedures. Otherwise, after the end of treatment, you can only count on a short-term effect, since the source of inflammation will not be eliminated.

If the patient has rotten teeth, it is advisable to perform treatment in the following order:

  1. x-ray examination to monitor the condition of all areas inaccessible during visual inspection;
  2. identification of the area of \u200b\u200binflammation (if the teeth rot at the gums, then the periodontal tissues become infected);
  3. taking into account the results of the examination, a treatment plan is drawn up, and the choice of a treatment regimen directly depends on the severity of the pathology (if the segment is in a bad condition, a rotten tooth is removed);
  4. processing of infected tissue antiseptic solutions - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Rotokan);
  5. in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected segments, Cholisal gel or Metrogyl Dent gel with a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect is applied to the gum tissue;
  6. removal of dental plaque in hard and soft form, informational work with the patient on the topic proper care behind the mouth;
  7. based on the results of a smear to identify the pathogen and a test for sensitivity to medicines targeted prescription of an antibiotic that will cope with a specific type of pathogenic microorganisms;
  8. filling carious cavities and applying fluoride varnish on tooth enamel to strengthen it;
  9. the appointment of rinsing with herbal decoctions at home (calendula, oak bark, sage, chamomile).

If the damage to the tissues has reached an extreme degree, then after applying anesthesia, the doctor prepares the coronal part and, in case of more serious damage, grinds the dental canals, removing unusable tissues due to decay.

After the nerves are removed, treatment and filling are performed.

Removing a rotten tooth is radical measurewhen composite restoration is impossible and tooth-preserving technologies are powerless.

Rotten teeth in children

Carious processes that destroy teeth are the most common reason children's dental diseases. At a tender age, the problem arises from overuse sugary drinks, especially at night, when there is practically no saliva (milk mixtures and juices from a bottle).

Huge colonies of bacteria in the oral cavity, fed by sugar, begin, like yeast, to actively multiply. In addition, the enamel of milk teeth is characterized by a thin and weak structure, which quickly becomes porous due to the harmful effects of lactic acid. The main factors that lead to a similar situation:

  • child's heredity;
  • poor oral maintenance;
  • irrational diet (as mentioned above);
  • properties of children's saliva (ability to neutralize acids and alkalis, protective immunoglobulins).

Thus, under the influence of all these circumstances, soft dentin is rapidly destroyed, and neglected caries leads to a problem when it is necessary to see a doctor and treat rotten teeth in a child. The methods of treating the disease are designed for any age, and the safest and most non-traumatic methods are selected for young patients, depending on the degree of dentin damage. The task of parents, first of all, is to prevent the development of pathology, monitor the implementation of simple hygiene rules and observe the diet.

Rotten teeth: disease prevention

In order not to bring the situation to the brink, when a problem arises that the tooth is rotting from the inside, what to do to preserve it, it is much easier and easier to prevent such a development of events. After all, rotten teeth are not just an aesthetic defect, but also a massive accumulation of pathological bacteria, which penetrate into the bloodstream and cause irreparable damage to the body.

  • the correct diet with the maximum exclusion of sweets from the diet, which have an extremely negative effect on the state of enamel and dentin;
  • refusal to use sweet soda with various dyes that spoil the teeth;
  • healthy lifestyle, smoking cessation;
  • regular visits to the dentist for preventive purposes (preferably once every six months).

Strengthening the immune system, giving up bad habits, a good level of hygiene will ensure a healthy condition of the dentition.

Teeth rot, which dentistry is better to contact?

You can get accurate information about the work of specialized clinics, find out reviews, as well as the cost of services, by contacting the "Dentistry Guide".

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  • will select the optimal and comfortable option for treatment and prosthetics for you and will help you make a decision taking into account your requests;
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