The degree of hearing loss and treatment methods. Headowness: Causes and types of neurosensory hearing loss 4 degrees treatment in adults

Hearing is a decrease in hearingin which it is difficult but communication with the surrounding people. Child's hearing loss is usuallyleads to the scoldpsychoretory Development LCD, after all, ON.he learns to speak, imitating heard, and the "notaded" words lead to speech defects.

The more hearing is reduced, the roughest delay in psychorette development.

Therefore, children with hearing loss for normal development is important:

  • Reveal the cause of the hearing loss.
  • Eliminate or to have therapeutic effect on the very cause of hearing loss.
  • If necessary, pick up the auditory apparatus.
  • And also to provide an integrated effect on the delay in speech development.

Diagnosis of hearing loss.

To identify hearing loss children right in the maternity hospital
- Hearing caused potentials.
However, in this case, only congenital hearing loss is identified. This type of hearing thoughts develops at the kid, if, during pregnancy, his mother suffered such a disease as flu, rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis. The degree of congenital hearing loss is usually heavy, but in real life She is rare. Healthy hearing thoughties are also rare.
Many children have heaviness after birth and diagnose it already at later stages. For example, in 3-4 years, when they begin to seek the reason for the development of speech development by the baby, and it turns out that this is a reduced rumor.
To determine the degree of hearing reduction, children at such age carry an audiogram.

Headupiness in children is divided into neurosensory touginess (similar term - sensorsheral hearing loss) I. conductive hearing loss.

Causes of hearing loss

Conductive hearing loss in a child

Reducing the hearing is caused by a violation of sound waves - for the auditory passage, damaged by the eardrum or inflamed hearing bones of the middle ear.

The most harmless cause of conductive hearing loss - Sulfur plug (washed out by saline at the reception at the ENT doctor). But in children, chronic otitis (inflammation of the middle ear) becomes much more often, and adenoids 3-4 degrees can lead to otitis, chronic focus of infection in the nasopharynx and reduced immunity.

Neurosensory (sensuously) hearing loss in a child

Reducing the hearing is caused by the damage to the auditory analyzer of the nervous system: the defeat of the snail (organ of hearing) or hearing nerve, conducting paths and zones of hearing brain. The cause of neurosensory touginess Most often lies in generic injury, deep presence, hydrocephalus, perinatal pathology, ischemic damage to the central nervous system.

Snail (hearing body) often suffers from the use of overoxy antibiotics - aminoglycosides (gentamicin, streptomycin, kanamycin, amikacin, monomicine, etc.).

In children with hydrocephalus, they usually suffer from conducting paths (demyelinization) and the snail "hears" sounds, but they "do not reach" to the brain on damaged conductive paths. With hydrocephalus, elevated intracranial pressure presses the hearing nerve, conducting paths and on the hearing zones of the cerebral cortex, preventing them in normal operation.
The lack of oxygen during pregnancy and childbirth leads to the hypoxic-ischemic damage of hearing areas in the cerebral cortex.
In case of generic injury of the cervical spine, the normal flow of blood is disturbed according to the spinal arteries, as a result of which the blood supply to the snail and auditory nerve suffers.
Many children have mixed touginess. That is, the nervous system has been injured in childbirth and there is for example chronic otitis.

Tougoms 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees.

1, 2, 3, 4 degree of neurosensory hearing loss:

Neurosensory hearing loss 1 degree (26-40 dB) The child does not hear the quiet sounds, can not disassemble human speech in a noisy setting. It distinguishes the speaking speech at a distance of no more than 6 meters, but "whisper" - from a distance of 1-3 meters. In children with 1 degree of neurosensory hearing loss, pronunciation often suffers and sometimes ask.
Neurosensory hearing age 2 degrees (40-55DB) is the cause of "inadmissing" quiet and medium on the volume of sounds. Conversational speech is perceived at a distance of 4 meters, and the whisper is captured only by the ear. In kids with 2 degree of hearing loss, speech development is delayed, the child reluctantly comes into speech contact, if we are talking, then it is usually poor, the child answers questions one (yes, no, etc.) incorrectly pronounces many words due to "Indoching".
Neurosensory hearing loss 3 degrees (55-70 dB) is characterized by the inability to distinguish between most sounds, the child's communication with the surrounding people is sharply difficult. "Shepotny" is not perceived at all, but a conversational only from a distance of 1 meter, if it speaks loudly. In children with 3 degree of hearing, as a rule, a rough delay in psychorette development is formed, he does not understand and does not fulfill requests and does not try to talk.
Neurosensory tightness 4 degrees (70-90 dB) The child can hear only very loud sounds, the condition borders with the deafness. In children with 4 degree of hearing loss - it is not developing at all. If the auditory apparatus does not improve the hearing, then at 4 degrees resort to complex surgical intervention - cochlear implantation.

Treatment of hearing loss in the child.

Treatment 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees of neurosensory tightness.

It is important to identify and treat the chuck's hearing loss.
The ENT doctor treats chronic otitis, the laser can remove the increasing adenoids (laser reduction of adenoids).
If the child suffered a generic injury at birth, the improvement of the hearing methods will contribute to the improvement of the central nervous system:

Microtok reflagotherapy with neurosensory hearing loss is carried out by an individual program:
1. Improving the blood supply of snail and auditory nerve
(due to the removal of spasm of the vertebral arteries).
2. Stimulation of the auditory nerve to improve the conductivity on it of nervous pulses.
3. Activation of hearing zones and understanding the speech of the cerebral cortex.
4. Activation of brain speech zones responsible for

  • understanding speech
  • the desire to join speech contact
  • set vocabulary,
  • skill construction of proposals.
5. Normalization of the tone of the brain vessels leads to a decrease in the production of liquor (intrachealed liquid) and intracranial pressure stabilizes.
6. Reducing the excitability in neurotic, deficient and aggressive children improves their adaptation in children's garden and increases the effectiveness of classes with the speech therapist.

Vitamins of group B and drugs containing phospholipids (lecithin, cerakson, glatchin, etc.) are necessary to restore the affected conducting ways of the nervous system and auditory nerve.
- Vascular preparations - improve the blood supply to the snail, auditory nerve.
- Nootrops (Cortexin, Mexidol, Ceraxon, Actovegin, etc.) - nourish and restore the affected nervous system.
- To stabilize intracranial pressure in kids, it is preferable to use diakarb, but a diuretic herbs (horsetail, fennel, lonely sheet). As well as " horse chestnut"(Eskusan), which strengthens venous plexus vessels that produce liquor and thus reduces intracranial pressure.

Medical therapy Each child is selected strictly individually, depending on the causes of neurosensory hearing loss after a course of basic treatment - microtonal reflexotherapy.

The purpose of the treatment of hearing loss: Not only improve hearing But most importantly run ravil development of speech and training skills.

Children with neurosensory hearing loss are also necessary -
Classes with a speech copure-defectologist and children's psychologist:
Developing classes are aimed at expanding the horizons, the development of small motility, thinking, the study of such concepts as color, size, formation of account skills, reading and writing.
Part of the children in classrooms can do without a hearing aid, others without a hearing aid are heard not well enough to develop properly.
In this case, wearing the hearing aid must.
But improving hearing and speech against the background of complex treatment will still be.

If a child has 4 degree of hearing loss and an operation has already been carried out cochlear implantationBut the speech did not develop to the age rate, the child will excite and poorly absorbs the educational material, microcurrent reflexotherapy can help him.

Treatment of children with a cochlear implant is carried out only in the central branch of the reactor in Samara.

It is important to take a timely treatment of hearing loss

More information about the treatment of hearing loss you can get
by phone 8-800-22-22-602 (Call in Russia is free)
Microtecting reflexology for treating hearing loss 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees,and also, other problems with hearing are carried out only in the divisions of the Recentra in the cities: Samara, Kazan, Volgograd, Orenburg, Tolyatti, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Izhevsk, Ufa, Astrakhan, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Kemerovo, Kaliningrad, Barnaul, Chelyabinsk, Almaty, Tashkent.

Neuro-sensor hearing loss (sensuously hearing loss, cochlear neuropathy) is a disease in which a progressive reduction of hearing takes up to its fullest loss. The loss of the hearing function is associated with the defeat of any site on the way of transmitting sound from the external environment to the analyzer - from the ear shell to the cortex of the head of the brain. With neurosensory hearing loss the main body inner ear - Snail - loses the ability to perceive and transmit sound waves into the hearing center.

Sensorsheral hearing loss can be both independent (no circumstances) of the disease, and to accompany other diseases, contributing to the weighting of the patient's condition.

The main sign of the occurrence of neurosensory hearing loss is to reduce the number of sensitive nerve cells responsible for the transfer of a hearing impulse from the ear to the brain.

Most often, the process begins with sensitive (hairs) snail cells - the structure of the inner ear, which catches the sounds from the external environment, transforms them into nervous impulses and transfers into the bark of the head of the brain (hearing center) into the bark.

Damage to the inner ear can become damage to the inner ear mechanically (random hit of foreign bodies in the auditory passage) or due to a sharp drop of high and low atmospheric pressure (for example, with a quick immersion at depth), professional harm (work in conditions of constant loud noise in the absence personal protective equipment).

In some cases, the hearing loss can be the first manifestation of benign or malignant tumor Hearing nerve when it is difficult to have a nervous impulse to the brain.

Several risk factors for the development of neurosensory touginess in adults are distinguished:

  • viral infections (flu, pig, cortex, endemic encephalitis transmitted through tick bites);
  • bacterial infections (meningitis, scarletten, abdominal typhoid, diphtheria);
  • the effect of toxic for the organ of hearing substances (industrial means, overoxy chemicals, some antibiotics - "streptomycin", "Kanamycin", "gentamicin", nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of cancer);
  • disease organs of cardio-vascular systemwhich can lead to blood concentration and reduction of blood current by brain arteries (hypertension, stroke, angina);
  • degenerative diseases of the spine with the involvement of the nerve roots of the cervical, which impede the normal carrying out of the nerve pulse in the brain.

In adults, deafness is more often two-way, since all risk factors act on the whole organism. As therapy in the first line in adults, an ear blockade with a solution of "Lidocaine" or "Prezero" can be used to facilitate symptoms.

The reasons for sensucleon hearing loss in children can be combined into two groups: hereditary and non-treating.

Inheritance reasons include gene mutations encoding structural proteins of the inner ear. Defective cells appear that cannot perform their function. The result of these mutations becomes congenital deafness.

In addition, hypoxic states at birth can be influenced by the hearing function (for example, the delayed childbirth, premature oral influence, umbilical campus), hyperbilirubinemia, prematurity (birth up to 32 weeks with weight of less than 1500 g).

Congenital deafness in children can be both ear (bilateral) or one ear (left-sided, right-sided).

Classification of the disease

Depending on the affected organ, the hearing loss is classified for sensoryvoral, conductive and mixed.

Depending on the occurrence of sensucleon hearing loss, it may be acquired as a result of any impact or congenital. Acquired differentials into several types with different clinical manifestations: sudden, acute, undercase and chronic.

On the side of the lesion, one-sided and bilateral (symmetric and asymmetric) hearing loss is isolated.


In this form, the disease develops sharply, for 12 hours. The receptor apparatus of the snail quickly loses its function. When the exact cause of the appearance of complaints is unable to find out, idiopathic hearing loss is diagnosed.

A sudden decrease in hearing is characterized by one or both ear, the patient becomes difficult to disassemble the speech of the interlocutor and the sounds of the environment, sometimes a complete deafness may occur. Subjective noise in the ears of constant character, nausea, dizziness, high sweating, tachycardia can accompany the deterioration of hearing.


Mixed hearing loss is a disease of both the recipe apparatus of the snail and the outer ear, that is, a combination of sensorsulene tightness with conductive.


Conductive hearing loss is a deterioration in the hearing in the presence of pathology in the outer, middle or inner ear, in which the conduct of sound oscillations for snail is disturbed. In the outer hearing aisle or. Such hearing loss of light or moderate gravity is well corrected using medication and surgical treatment.


Sessionure deafness is due to the pathology of the sensitive apparatus of the snail (hairs cell). In this case, there is a violation of sensory and neural functions: the sound is not perceived and is not transmitted to the analyzer - the bore of the temporal lobe of the brain.


Under acute form, the decline in hearing happens quickly, in 1-3 days. The disease reversibly: within 1 month, the rumor comes back to normal. A sharp form has a favorable forecast - more than 90% of patients are fully cured.


The deterioration of hearing is preserved for more than 3 months. In this case, the hearing loss can be stable (the level of hearing remains constant, without any dynamic), progressive (with a gradual deterioration, up to a complete deafness), fluctuating (with improvement periods). Chronic form is not amenable to conservative treatment, it is possible to get rid of it only with the help of a cochlear implantation operation (complete snail replacement).


The shape of the hearing loss implies the deterioration of hearing in the interval from 1 to 3 months. With adequate therapy in the future it is possible to complete hearing recovery. In some patients, this form goes into chronic. The shape is treated in 30-40% of patients.

Degrees of hearing loss

Based on the results of audiography and definition of the average threshold of hearingness (decabel), the doctor can differentiate the stage of the disease on which the further tactic of the patient will depend on. Post-traumatic secondary hearing loss (damage to the hearing body after acoustic, vibration and barotraums) also requires determining the degree of damage to objectify the diagnosis.


With 1 degree (26-40 dB), a person does not distinguish between quiet sounds, he does not hear in a noisy atmosphere. The words of standard volume understands from a distance of less than 6 meters, and the whisper - from 1-3 m. With a light decrease in hearing, the patient does not always appeal to the doctor, so the disease begins to progress. Younger to reveal quite difficult.


With 2 degrees (40-55 dB), the conversational speech is perceived at a distance of 4 m, whispering is distinguished only at the ear itself. Parents may notice that the child does not respond to her name, does not turn head towards the sound source.


With a worsening of hearing to 3 degrees (55-70 dB), the conversational speech is perceived only at a distance of less than 1 m to the speaker, whisper is not distinguishable. Only at this stage most patients appeal to a specialist.


4 degree (70-90 dB) is the most severe form of hearing loss and borders with a complete deafness. The patient hears only the loud sounds pronounced at the earliest shell.

Symptoms of the disease

The first manifestation of neurosensory peeliness is a decrease in hearing, gradual and progressive, sometimes reaching a complete deafness. The second typical symptom is the appearance of noise in the ears. The noise is permanent, subjective, high-frequency, can be described by the patient as a whistle, rustling, grinding in the ears. To appeal to the doctor.

In children

In young children, hearing thoughts appear in the form of a lack of or dubious reaction to sounds, according to parents. The older the child becomes, the stronger the delay in mental and speech development is manifested, the harder it is to conduct training. Attentive parents may notice changes in the behavior of a child with hearing loss in infant age.

In adults

Symptoms in adults may arise suddenly, and can progress for several months and years. Reducing the hearing is accompanied by the advent of permanent high-frequency noise in the ears. Vegetative symptoms are possible: increase and decline arterial pressure, the increase in the pulse, high sweating, nystagm (controversy eye pupils).

Diagnostic methods

Sensorsheral hearing loss in adults is diagnosed based on the following research methods:

  1. Collecting anamnesis (suddenness of the hearing impairment, which preceded the disease, the presence of risk factors).
  2. Otoscopy (a study of the outer ear is carried out using the device - the otoscope).
  3. Akume (in a special noise-absorbing room, the doctor utters words with different volume).
  4. Audiometry (evaluation of sound through air and through temple Bone skull).
  5. Magnetic resonant tomography of bones and a ligament apparatus of hearing organs, brain.
  6. Laboratory tests of blood, consultation of specialists, if necessary.

In children, the identification of irregularities is carried out in a sound-absorbing room. The doctor utters interesting sounds for a child with different volumes (for example, the child's name) and observes the reaction.


Treatment of neurosensory hearing loss is quite complex. It must be complex, consistent, began to begin as early as possible, preferably at the first stage of reduction of hearing.

With suddenly emerging sensuously hearing loss, an emergency hospitalization is shown, protective mode (eliminate all loud noises and sounds). Subacute and chronic shapes are treated in an outpatient basis (under the supervision of a clinic physician).

With all the forms of hearing loss, physical it is effective. Used electrophoresis on collar zone With "but-shpoy", nicotinic acid, "Euphillin", magnesium, "Dimedrol". Physiotherapy helps to improve blood circulation in the brain and activation of the nerve cells of the cervical spinal cord.

To reduce noise in the ears, therapeutic massage of the collar, near-dry and occipital zone, modulated currents on the cervical the lymph nodes and carotid artery. Recovery of damaged nerve fibers contributes to electrophoresis with group vitamins B, balneotherapy (radon, chloro-sodium baths). Immediately on the ear, they act with the help of a vibroacoustic apparatus, which activates blood and lymphotok.

Physiotherapy is carried out by 3-4 courses with a break in 2 weeks.

This treatment method is applied at a heavy 3-4 stage, when a doctor understands that you cannot save auditory receptors with medicines. Instead of the affected snail, a special device is implanted, performing all its functions, the patient notes the recovery of hearing.

The cochlear implant consists of two parts: the outer is attached above the ear and serves as a signal receiver, the inner is installed directly into the ear and transmits a signal to a rumor nerve. The implantation operation is high-tech and must be performed only in qualified institutions.

In case of light or moderate defeat, only one ear can be applied by the technology of rumor transition, which allows to improve the hearing. The special apparatus catches the sounds from the outside, converts them into the waves and enhances the volume by sending to the middle ear. The auditory apparatus is attached for the ear shell, if necessary, it can be removed. After turning on the device, the patient begins to hear both ears equally well.


With a suddenly started disease in the treatment, intravenous drugs are used: glucocorticosteroids, agents that improve cerebral circulation, antioxidants, vitamins. After discharge from the patient's hospital, it is possible to be treated with tableted drugs that are accepted by courses under regular observation of the ENT doctor.

In chronic form, there is enough course reception of drugs to improve blood circulation 1-2 times a year.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of hearing loss used to use decoction of chips of hops, bay leaf, instillation of almond oil in a hearing pass, therapy garlic and onions.

However, the people's methods for treating neurosensory touginess did not prove their effectiveness in the restoration of hearing. When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately turn to a specialist, and not to be treated independently.


With a long flow of neurosensory hearing loss, several complications are possible, the most severe of them is a complete loss of hearing. In this case, drugs and external auditory prostheses become ineffective. The only method of treatment with full deafness is a cochlear implantation.

To prevent deafness, it is necessary to contact the ENT doctor at the first signs of the deterioration of hearing.


For the prevention of neurosensory hearing loss in children, audio screening is applied. In the first years of life, a child is at least twice with a pediatrician with an assessment of the reaction to sounds. If parents notice the insufficient activity of the child in response to the sounds of interest and noises, it is also necessary to inform the pediatrician. If you suspect a decline in rumor, the child is sent to the consultation of a specialist - a children's otorinolaryngologist.

For adults, prevention lies in the campaign auditory: the prevention of high-profile and long sounds and timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ears. It is necessary to avoid trauma of hearing organs, sharp drops of high and low atmospheric pressure, the effects of intensive vibration.

Neurosensory hearing loss is a disease of the sounding apparatus of the inner ear, accompanied by the damage to the auditory nerve. Headowness is characterized by a deterioration of hearing and the occurrence of noise in the ears. The development of hearing loss is not excluded at any age, but as the nerve endings in the snail are gradually atrophy, and the ear will deteriorate to one degree or another for each person. A distinctive feature neurosensory hearing loss is the lack of effective treatment and the impossibility of recovery of hearing.

The disease is classified by the type of flow into three stages:

  1. Acute neurosensory hearing loss occurs if the reduction of hearing occurred over the past 4 weeks before the diagnosis;
  2. Prostulating neurosensory hearing loss - ranging from 1 to 3 months;
  3. After the third month, the touginess acquires a chronic course.

In the first stage, treatment measures are possible, the effectiveness of which varies from 70 to 90%. With a subacute flow, the effect of treatment is reduced, but remains high enough (30-70%). Treatment of chronic neurosensory hearing loss is inappropriate, since such effective methods allowing to replace complex sounding organs currently does not exist.

Detection of hearing at neurosensory touginess

Among provoking factors for the development of the disease in the first place are infectious processes. The risk of developing hearing loss is significantly increased in people susceptible to frequent infectious and viral diseases (influenza, otitis, vapotitis). Much in this case is given to the state of the immune system. Reduced immunity affects the severity of diseases, leading to the development of complications, including defeats of various departments of the auditory system. To the same group referred autoimmune diseasesaffecting the inner ear.

According to studies conducted, from 13 to 30% of patients who have undergone meningitis suffer from hearing loss. The hearing impairment is associated with the addition of labyrinthitis - the inflammatory disease of the structures of the inner ear. Also, syphilis can also be brought to loss of hearing.

The reasons for neurosensory hearing loss include states that cause violation of the nutrition of hearing organs and the nervous system. These include diseases of the cardiovascular system: thrombosis, atherosclerosis of vessels. Frequent stresses for such patients are a predisposing factor. It should be maximally limited the impact of stimuli, change the lifestyle, it may be possible to change the scope of activity.

The cause of hearing loss can be a heavy acoustic injury and the so-called acoustic injury, in which a sharp increase in pressure in the inner ear occurs due to excessively loud sound (sounded in the immediate vicinity of the beep, shot).

Damage to hearing organs may be caused by exposure toxic substances (Domestic and industrial chemicals, overoxy antibacterial agents from the Aminoglycoside Group, malaria, salicylate medications).

In some cases, rumor in the patient disappears without any visible cause. As a main factor, short-term vascular disorders suspect, but it is not possible to confirm this tool. Neurosensory hearing loss, the cause of the development of which could not be established, called idiopathic.

The risk factors include:

  • Elderly age;
  • Congenital or acquired anomalies of the structure of hearing organs;
  • Hearing impairment in relatives;
  • Oncological diseases in the ear;
  • Otosclerosis.

As it turned out, obesity, diabetes and hypertension do not affect the frequency of development of neurosensory touginess.

Acoustic injury can cause the development of hearing loss

The main symptoms of neurosensory hearing loss are the deterioration of hearing and the appearance of noise in the ears, which can be undefined to strengthen or subside. Noise is present constantly and has a high frequency, so among the complaints of the patient you can hear a comparison with a whistle, a piscuing or ringing. Further development of the disease is characterized by the addition of dizziness and vestibular disorders.

The rapid development of hearing loss can occur within 12 hours and is characterized by a complete or almost complete absence of hearing. This option is called sudden neurosensory hearing loss. Its reason is usually a viral infection, which has a favorable forecast with timely treatment.

When developing acute neurosensory hearing loss (up to 1 month), the symptoms are growing gradually, starting with a slight congestion in the ear, which periodically passes, but soon appears again. The first manifestations include noise in the ears, which increases with the progression of the disease, until a resistant reduction in hearing.

In chronic neurosensory hearing loss, the decline in hearing occurs gradually for several years. At the same time, the noise in the ears remains constantly and is the main symptom that is disturbing the patient.


The main method of diagnosing hearing loss is to determine the ability to perceive the sound of various volumes. Audiogram for neurosensory hearing loss characterizes the degree of perception of sound waves and allows you to establish the severity of the disease. This research method provides 100 percent accuracy of diagnosis.

  1. Neurosensory hearing loss of 1 degree is characterized by an increase in the height of the sound perception by 20-40 dB. In this case, the patient is able to perceive speech at a distance of 6 meters;
  2. When the threshold increases at 41-55 dB, the disease is characterized as neurosensory hearing loss of 2 degrees. At the same time, a person is able to perceive speech at a distance of up to 3 meters;
  3. If the patient has neurosensory hearing thoughts of 3 degrees, then its threshold of hearingness is increased by 56-70 dB. Such patients are able to understand speaking only at a very close distance, provided that the interlocutor utters words very loudly;
  4. The neurosensory hearing loss of 4 degrees is developing when the threshold of hearingness increases by 71-90 dB. At the same time, the patient does not distinguish between almost no sounds and is not able to recognize speech and maintain a conversation.

Further progression of the disease and an increase in the threshold above 91 dB leads to absolute deafness.

Additional research methods include diagnostic measures aimed at identifying the cause of hearing loss. Among them: Determination of the pathogen of infectious processes, visualization methods for identifying tumor formations, additional chain-chain samples, etc.

Treatment of neurosensory hearing loss must begin at an early stage, providing maximum effectiveness of the therapy. If noise appears in the ears and the deterioration of the rumor, contact your help for a few hours. Patients are subject to hospitalization and inpatient treatment, as affordable diagnostic equipment and drug support may not be enough.

Treatment and causes of neurosensory hearing loss are closely related. To improve the patient's condition, it is often sufficient to eliminate the pathogen or cure the underlying disease, after which the hearing comes to normal. Medicase therapy includes:

  1. the use of drugs that improve cerebral circulation and stimulating metabolic processes in nerve cells (Trental, Actovegin, Tanakan);
  2. additionally, the complex includes hormonal agents, as well as diuretics and vitamin preparations of Group B.

The reduction of hearing during neurosensory hearing loss is often partially due, since the deafness is caused by the death of nerve fibers that are not able to regenerate. In this case medical events Planned in such a way as to maximize the harmful effects of etiological factors and prevent further progression of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies for neurosensory tightness is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the underlying disease. Enhance immunity and get rid of infection will help the use of garlic, cranberries, lingers. Improve catabolism in brain tissue will help germinated wheat grains, seafood, blueberries. In general, many doctors recommend comprehensive treatmentIn the course of which folk recipes are combined with the use of effective drugs. As a result, getting rid of the cause of hearing loss becomes possible in a substantially compressed period, which increases the possibility full recovery hearing.

With the ineffectiveness of drugs carried out by medication, patients are shown operational treatment. In the process of operation, the patient is implanted by a special device (cochlear implant), which is responsible for the perception of surrounding sounds and transmit them to the surviving neurons in the snail. This is an electronic device equipped with a microphone and a receiver with an amplifier, from which the sound of a special electrode enters the snail. This is how hearing is restored in patients with severe heaviness.

Preventive measures to prevent neurosensory hearing loss include improving immunity (timely rehabilitation of foci of infection, reception of immunomodulators, vitamins, full-fledged nutrition).

Special caution should be exercised by working with increased hazard (in the production of a noisy place, employees of the chemical industry). People of this category should regularly undergo a survey of the ENT doctor and observe the regime of labor and recreation.

Neurosensory Headuffs I degree: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Disease

Neurosensory hearing loss is a disease that is characterized by a decrease in hearing. Patients with such a disease very badly perceive the clarity of the voice on medium and large distances. With neurosensory touginess, the patient may not hear the whisper or even a loud voice.

Neurosensory Headowness 1 degree: Disease Description

With neurosensory hearing loss of 1 degree, the person most often heard and perceives conversational speech. At the same time, the distance from the interlocutor should be no more than six meters. When talking the interlocutor, he heard his patient with a whisper can only be a distance of several meters. If there are foreign sounds during a conversation, the hearingness of a person with neurosensory touginess is significantly reduced.

The main cause of the neurosensory hearing loss of the first degree is the violation of the work of the auditory nerve. If the performance of nerve cells is reduced, the location of which is the inner ear, or the auditory system, then the development of this disease is very often observed.

The reason for this disease is most common:

  • Stressful situations
  • Diseases of infectious character
  • Disorders of the vascular system
  • Internal ear injuries

Sometimes neurosensory hearing loss occurs as a result of the impact of various chemical substances or drug drugs.

The manifestation of neurosensory hearing loss is carried out in the form of a decrease in hearing.

In the presence of this disease, patients are very often complaining about the appearance of headaches, nausea or vomiting. Some patients say that they often appear noise in the ears. In the presence of this disease, patients can not carry very loud sounds.

Causes of the disease

This disease has different reasons, depending on the age of a person. In childhood, neurosensory hearing loss of the first degree may result in:

If these diseases were incorrect, that is, the probability of the development of the disease. Most often, this is made as a result of disease treatment. antibacterial drugswhich have a dysotoxic effect.

In adults, hearing loss may arise as a result of acute infectious diseases that arose as a result of the impact on the human body of various dangerous pathogens: syphilis, meningitis, cytomegalovirus, flu. The reason for the occurrence of this ailment can also be allergic to a variety of factors.

Among the causes of the appearance of neurosensory hearing loss, doctors are distinguished by acoustic injuries.

Various neoplasms may also cause the presence of this disease that have a benign or malignant character. The location of the data dislocation of the neoplasms is the head cavity. The cause of the neurosensory hearing loss of the first degree can also be different injuries not only ear, but also heads.

In adults, this ailment may occur as a result of various production noise and vibrations associated with their kind of activity. The main causes of the occurrence of this disease are injuries and weakly cured various infectious diseases. To avoid neurosensory hearing loss, it is necessary to follow their health as carefully.

Symptomatics of the disease

Symptoms of neurosensory hearing loss 1 degree

The main symptom of neurosensory peeliness is to reduce hearing. This symptom is manifested absolutely in all patients. Most patients complain about the noise in the ears, which can appear without visible reasons and increase or subside.

Patients on neurosensory hearing thoughts say that they always have noise in the ears. When it enhances it, you might think that a whistle appears in the ears. At an early stage of the disease, symptoms of dizziness are very rarely manifested. In some patients, doctors state a violation of the vestibular apparatus in the later stages of the disease.

Neurosensory hearing thoughts develop very quickly, it can manifest itself within 12 hours.

In the development of the disease, in this way, doctors are diagnosed with sudden neurosensory hearing loss. The reason for the occurrence of such a disease is the impact of viruses.

Video about what is heaviness, symptoms and treatment.

The symptoms of this disease are characterized by a gradual increase. Clearly and obviously they can manifest themselves only after the month. Initially, the patient feels insignificant earnings in the field of ear. It passes periodic, but after a certain time expired again. The first sign of this disease is the noise in the ears, which is characterized by constant increasing.

The neurosensory hearing loss of the first degree has a pleasant forecast only if its treatment is started when the first symptoms appear.

Diagnostic methods

When visiting the patients of the otolaryngologist, it originally produces a patient's inspection, during which he checks the degree of perception of sounds of patients. To this end, the audiogram is used, with which you can determine the degree of neurosensory touginess. When using this diagnostic method, the doctor will be able to put one hundred and correct diagnosis.

For neurosensory hearing loss of the first degree:

  • The speakers perception threshold will be increased by 20-40 decibels.
  • In the presence of this disease, the patients will be perceived by the sounds that are pronounced at a distance of six meters.
  • Also during the diagnosis of this disease, special events can be carried out, with which the cause of their appearance will be established.
  • Thanks to these research, the Doctor defines the pathogens of various diseases that are infectious.
  • If the patient has a suspicion for the presence of tumors of a benign or malignant character, then certain visualization methods are used.
  • Very often, the patient take tube samples to identify technical damage.

Diagnosis of the disease should be done very carefully. This will allow the doctor to properly diagnose and assign optimal treatment for the patient, depending on the causes of neurosensory touginess.

Features of disease treatment

Neurosensory hearing loss is a disease that is characterized by a very rapid development. That is why his treatment must begin immediately. If the patient had noise in the ears and the feeling of their congestion, then he must necessarily seem like a doctor than before, the better. It is desirable that a visit to the doctor was produced within a few hours after the appearance of these signs.

After inspection of the otolaryngologist and the resolution of the preliminary diagnosis of the patient is immediately hospitalized. In order to improve the patient's condition, the elimination of the pathogen and the treatment of the underlying disease is carried out. Treatment of neurosensory hearing loss directly depends on the reasons for its appearance.

Treatment of neurosensory hearing loss can be carried out by such methods:

  1. Surgical intervention in the presence of this disease is made if the hearing bones and / or the eardrum are characterized by the presence of damage. Depending on the peculiarities of the course of the disease, experts can assign miningoplastic or tympanoplasty. Thanks to this operation, the patient can restore hearing. Sometimes its recovery is performed completely, and sometimes partially.
  2. The most effective in the presence of neurosensory hearing loss is a therapeutic treatment. Very often the cause of the appearance of hearing loss is a decrease in blood circulation in the field of middle and inner ear. This leads to oxygen starvation, which is the cause of neurosensory hearing loss. In this case, the patient prescribe drugs that are able to improve blood circulation in the brain. Depending on the peculiarities of the disease of the disease, the patient can be made of semax, pentoxyphhelin, flaming, piracetam, cinnarizine. With these drugs, the resistance of the average and internal ear is significantly improved. In the presence of a patient nausea, vomiting, etc. Beastigin, Bellataminal prescribe him. With the help of these drugs, blood circulation in the capillaries is significantly improved, which has a beneficial effect on the rumor. The purpose of drugs directly depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Therapeutic treatment is ineffective only if the patient has mechanical damage to the ear.
  3. To maximize the effectiveness of the treatment of neurosensory hearing, therapeutic and surgical methods are very often used by non-drug therapy. The most effective method of treatment in this case is reflexotherapy, which is a type of acupuncture. To this end, ordinary needles or laser beam can be used.

Reflexotherapy is carried out by a patient ten courses, which has a charitable effect on the treatment process. If there is a need, the patient can extend the treatment with this method. At the same time, the break between the courses should be one month.

Also, an auditory apparatus can be used to treat neurosensory hearing, hyperbaric oxygenation.

Neurosensory hearing loss is a very severe disease that is capable of rapid development. That is why when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately seek help for the doctor. He will diagnose and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Treatment of neurosensory hearing loss 1 degree

Headowness of 1 degree is a serious illness that every year "younger". Accompanied by noise in the ears, obstacles to the recognition of sounds are observed. Most often appears in the elderly, as a result of which hearing deteriorates significantly.

Headup is divided into the following types:

  • conductive (arising from obstacles in sound perception);
  • neurosensory (there are violations of transformations of mechanical oscillation into electrical impulses);
  • mixed (the first and second above mentioned violations occur).

In addition, there are the following degrees of the disease:

  • the first degree (the patient perceives the sounds of 26-40 dB and more, it is difficult for him to perceive a quiet and remote speech);
  • the second degree (sounds are only louder than 41-55 dB)
  • the third degree (the sounds of 56-70 dB are perceived)
  • the fourth degree (in this severe stage, only a loud speech is recognized from 71-90 dB);
  • deafness (patients are distinguishable only sounds of more than 91 dB).

Each type and degree of hearing loss corresponds to certain causes, symptoms and treatment methods. The doctor takes into account all the features of the disease and soberly assesses all possible consequences.


The disease is characterized by a hearing impairment. It is expressed by the predicary transmission of sound waves from the outer ear to the inner.

To the main reasons for the occurrence of this ailment include:

  • the presence of sulfur traffic jams;
  • various types of otites;
  • congenital pathology of the auditory, including its complete absence;
  • the angry walls of the auditory canal due to injuries;
  • scampering;
  • the emergence of sclerotic formations in the field of eardrum;
  • deformation of the eardrum;
  • pressure drops under the influence of changing conditions of the external environment (flight, immersion under water, etc.);
  • ear tumors;
  • production and other types of noise exceeding permissible norms.

All reasons carry a significant impact on the state of the aurists. To fully refine the reasons for the conductive hearing loss and the appointment of the appropriate treatment, a specialist is needed.


Neurosensory hearing loss of 1 degree is expressed by dysfunction of the work of the inner ear, the auditory nerve and the auditory parts of the brain. At the same time, there is a violation of a reliable perception of sound, the susceptibility of sounds increases, which causes the strongest discomfort, it becomes difficult to be distinguishable, which appears in a noisy atmosphere.

The main reasons for the occurrence of this disease include:

  • age changes;
  • acoustic injuries, including industrial nature;
  • piggy;
  • meningitis;
  • mignyar's disease;
  • the side effect of the use of antibiotics and other drugs in non-compliance with testimony and dosages;
  • neuritis;
  • krasnuha pregnant, as a result of which auditory pathology develops in the fetus.

Unfortunately, this disease is not amenable to treatment. A hearing aid can be excellent to the patient. In any case, its use is possible only after the studies conducted by the doctor and accurate diagnosis.

The main reasons of hearing loss include the following:

  • congenital disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the consequences of other aurous diseases;
  • chronic diseases vascular, neurological and endocrine systems;
  • the effect of acoustic or mechanical injury;
  • the consequences of professional noise pollution;
  • medication poisoning;
  • progressive tumors.

Attention! Each of the reasons may carry individual consequences, about the nature of which must be advised in a timely manner with the attending physician.

Chronic hearing loss 1 degree

Chronic hearing loss as a sharp deterioration in hearing, which is chronic, is divided into the following types:

Causes of this disease:

  • chronic oha inflammation, including chronic otitis;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • deformation of the eardrum.

The process can occupy from one to several months. The exact cause of the disease that has emerged, the more chronic form, can only determine the doctor.

The main symptoms of hearing loss of 1 degree is the following symptoms:

  • the patient barely recognizes the harsh sounds in 26-40 dB;
  • regular or partially arising noise in the ears;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness and failure in coordination of movements;
  • internal ears.

Attention! When one of the symptoms is detected, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of hearing loss 1 degree

To bring the disease at least in the remission stage, especially in situations of bilateral hearing loss, the following recommendations are assigned to the patient:

  • a complete revision of the working conditions if there is a fact of noise impact;
  • changing living conditions;
  • regular observation of the patient with the attending physician;

Treatment of hearing loss 1 degree is usually carried out under stationary observation. Medical effects are appointed with trial, duuters and other concomitant drugs. In some cases, surgical treatment is carried out: an implant is established to improve the quality of sound transmission and its recognition by hearing organs.

In no case do not self-medicate. It may be dangerous and aggravated by the situation, it is extremely negative in the state of patients.


Treatment includes funds that affect blood circulation and improve metabolism in cells.

Among these drugs are used for acegin, tanakan. Practical treatment includes hormones and vitamins.

Treatment lasts from week to several months. Dosages are prescribed only by the doctor and to achieve the effect it is necessary to accurately comply with their observance.


Physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out by different methods:

  • electric currents with different voltage amplitude;
  • electroplating (using DC);
  • with electroplating current (patients emerges "burning" and goosebumps throughout the body during treatment).

The methodology uses calcium, iodine and bromine ions. Dosages and the number of sessions are defined only by the attending physician.

Folk remedies

Among the abundance of the recipes of traditional medicine there are those that are particularly popular and have proven themselves as the most efficient:

  • tampons with propolis (for cooking Take 45 g of propolis, pour 75 ml of alcohol, then it is necessary to insist for 2 weeks and the filtered solution is to omit the cotton, making a swab from it; put in a user pass for 12 hours within two weeks);
  • drops from the laurel sheet (5 laurel leaves to grind and pour 150 ml of alcohol, adding a tablespoon of 9% vinegar, insist two weeks, and then bury 1-3 drops 4 times a day one week and 2-3 drops 4 times a day - the second week; next one can take a break in one week and continue treatment to complete recovery according to the proposed scheme);
  • therapeutic rye cake (150g of rye flour mixed with a pinch of juniper berries and 5 g of cumin seeds, crowded and cook a cake, remove the crust and put alcohol into the soft core; it is gently putting a cake in a hot sink, wait for cooling, after which it is cool Tampon made of wool and almond oil).

All methods are good and give an excellent auxiliary effect. Do not get involved in self-medication. Treatment of hearing loss trust experienced specialists, and these recipes use as an additional means to achieve a better result.


In order to security and protect your health, it is recommended to use the following recommendations for the prevention of hearing loss:

  • avoid noise pollution (eliminating places in high vibration, sharp noise, when visiting them, use the means of protection of the abnormals);
  • take care of head injuries and ears;
  • avoid intoxication by drugs, do not engage in self-medication;
  • timely to cure rhinitis, otitis and other purulent inflammatory diseases;
  • to regularly visit a specialist and carefully follow your health.

Passing these measures of risks of the occurrence of hearing loss at any age is significantly reduced. Remember this and do not be lazy to exercise.

Be carefull

Timely appeal to the doctor and the adoption of all measures can significantly mitigate the course of this dangerous disease. Of course, the hearing loss of 1 degree is easier to prevent than to treat, but even in case of detection of the first signs there are chances of almost complete removal heavy symptoms and return to the high quality of life. Be cheerful and healthy.

Treatment of hearing loss 1 degree

Human ear is a rather subtle organism. Inside it contains many small elements that work simply and give each opportunity to enjoy the singing of birds, the rust of foliage and the noise of the surf. The ear makes it possible to live in society, hear and disassemble human speech. But it happens that the hearing suddenly begins to fall and arises the hearing loss of 1 degree. His treatment is not easy. But there is a chance of complete recovery of hearing.

Degrees and causes of hearing loss

Headup is a term denoting a partial decline in hearing in humans. The degrees of hearing loss are several:

  • 1 degree. A minor hearing loss, in which a person does not distinguish sounds within 25-40 dB. In other words, he is quite clearly hears everything that happens around him, but in the presence of extraneous sounds, may not distinguish a quiet speech. There may be noise in the ears.
  • 2 degree. Hearing loss at which the sounds of 41-55 dB do not distinguish. Headowness of the 2 degree is characterized by the fact that the quiet sounds are indistinguishable in complete silence. Normal speech becomes difficult to disassemble. If at this moment a person does not consult a doctor and will not begin treatment, the consequences can be very deplorable.
  • 3 degree. Do not distinguish sounds up to 70 dB. This means that a person will hear only in close proximity and only if the interlocutor speaks quite clearly and loudly. At this stage, there is a significant reduction in the quality of life of the patient, but there are still chances for treating tougoms.
  • 4 degree. It is almost complete hearing loss. The effectiveness of any therapy will be quite low, but if you do nothing, then 4 degree of hearing loss will very quickly begin to progress. In the end the absolute deafness comes.

Before proceeding with therapy in hearing loss, it should be recognized by its varieties. There are only three types of them:

Conductive hearing loss is characterized by changes in the outer or middle ear, as a result of which the problem arises with the audio waves to the inner ear. Reasons include physical damage, sharp and chronic otites, sulfur tubes and various tumor processes. Not excluded congenital anomalies. Treatment of hearing loss of this species is quite simple and prognosis is favorable.

Neurosensory hearing loss occurs due to the dieting of hairs cells in the snail, which are responsible for the perception of sounds. The disease can develop due to a variety of viruses or bacteria, infectious diseases, as well as be the consequence of the reception of some drugs, in particular antibiotics. Treatment of hearing loss is often medicated, but, unfortunately, it often does not lead to the desired result. In the most difficult cases used prosthetics.

The most harmless form is the hearing loss of 1 degree. Its treatment is most often a favorable outcome. But to recognize the hearing loss and in time to diagnose until it switched to 2 degree, sometimes it is very difficult. The thing is that many people themselves do not notice the problems with hearing or write them off on temporary inflammatory processes or serous tubes. Fortunately, in most cases it happens. But sometimes, the 1 degree's hearing loss is hidden more serious illness.

Depending on the variety of the disease, the causes of problems with hearing may be quite a lot. Otitis and tobethites, infectious diseases of ear and nose, meningitis, tumor processes, STDs, in particular syphilis, taking antibiotics and other medicines, thrombosis and atherosclerosis, and severe injuries can lead to gaps.

Suspension of hearing loss, you should immediately refer to the specialists. How to cure the disease will tell the otolaryngologist and the surrowologist. For diagnosis, a variety of instrumental and hardware studies are used. Audiogram and testing with akton, and, with insufficiency of information, the diagnosis is carried out when using a pneumatic funnel Siegla. These studies will not only help determine the degree of the disease, but also to establish the permeability between the outer and the inner ear, thus determining the type of hearing loss.

The diagnosis of the disease in children is particularly difficult. The child cannot describe his feelings, and Mom, sometimes, is aware of the problem when the right moment is already missed. However, one should not worry. Treatment in children of hearing loss often occurs successfully and the rumor is pretty rapidly restored when the concomitant diseases are eliminated.

Features of treatment

How to treat hearing loss, and what methods to use depends on the form of the disease. If we talk about conductive form, the treatment is aimed at eliminating problems in the passability of the middle ear. Most often, drugs are used to eliminate the focus of inflammation, treat medium or catarrhal otitis, get rid of the accumulated fluid, if available. Often use antibiotics, corticosteroids and antihistamines. Fizwards and electrophoresis will be useful.

Unfortunately, you can not always do among the medications. In case of violation of the structure of the ear, injuries, breakpoint breakpoint, violation of the mobility of auditory bones or tumor processes, recommend surgery. Operations on the ear have long been practiced in modern medicine and make it possible to completely get rid of hearing problems.

In the case of neurosensory form, everything is not so simple. Surgery here is almost powerless. Therefore, when establishing such a diagnosis, the treatment of hearing loss is carried out using medications aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, which led to the emergence of a problem. If the loss of hearing is associated with vascular disorders, it is necessary to improve hemodynamics not only in the inner ear, but also in brain vessels (spasmodics, dibazole, nicotinic acid are used). In the case of acute intoxication, mannitol, adenosyntrifosphoric acid (ATP) in large doses, magnesium sulfate, and dihydration therapy, hyperbarico oxygenation, is recommended to use mannitol.

Also shown sedatives. Physiotherapeutic procedures (acupuncture, reflexotherapy and many others) will be useful.

With installed neurosensory hearing loss of 1 degree, the treatment prediction by such methods will be favorable. But if the moment will be missed and the reactive inflammatory changes in the cells of the auditory nerve will begin, the chances of full recovery of hearing are reduced. In particularly running forms, it is possible to use prosthetics.

Treatment of children and adults practically does not differ. The only thing for the smallest patients is used preparations and methods allowed in pediatrics and not having serious side Effects. With early diagnosis, forecasts are favorable. But it happens that the hearing loss is developing in the intrauterine period or is a hereditary disease and actively begins to develop in the first year of life. In this case, the disease is hardly diagnosed and is difficult to be treated due to the fact that the child has not yet managed to learn to recognize the speech, but, it means to hear and tell him much more difficult. That is why the child is so important to examine the specialists in time and with the slightest suspicions to carry out the deployed diagnosis.

Folk remedies

If insignificant hearing loss is diagnosed, the treatment of folk remedies is also applicable. In the case of dialing otitis or vascular disorders, you can try to cook ear drops With propolis or garlic. In 10%, the tincture of propolis is added vegetable oil At the rate of 1 part of propolis and 3 oils. Next, the resulting solution wactive or gauze tampons and insert them into the ears for a day for 2-3 weeks. Instead of propolis, you can use garlic juice. Only then must be bought, the resulting agent in the auditory passage overnight.

With sulfur traffic jams, you can use almond oil. 7 drops of this miraculous means in heated form will help withdraw the plug and forget the problem for a long time. In the treatment of hearing loss, Kalina, decoction of linden and oak bark and many others are used. Some argue that one of the ways to improve the rumor is pranayama. Thanks to this breathing exercise of yogis, the noise in the ears leaves, and the rumor becomes more sensitive.

All these methods are not confirmed by official medicine, it means that there are unproved efficiency, as well as the treatment of homeopaths and herbalists. In addition, inaccurate adherence of the recipe or the presence of individual intolerance to many components can cause irreparable harm to the body. Treatment by folk remedies may simply do not undertake due effect, and then official medicine will be already powerless to return the lost hearing.

The answer to the question is whether it is possible to cure hearing, obvious. Modern medicine has a sufficient amount of funds and methods in its arsenal to completely return the hearing, and restore the quality of the patient's life with this type of disease. The main thing is to contact a specialist in time, and then accurately perform his appointments and then the result will not wait long.

Headowing 1 degree: how not to miss dangerous symptoms

In case of hearing, the worsening of the hearing appears and noise in the ears, which prevents clearly distinguish between speech and sounds. The development of hearing loss is possible at any age, in the elderly, the nerve fibers in the snail are atrophy, and the rumor becomes worse to a certain extent in everyone.


In case of conductive hearing loss, tumors, malformations and sulfur tubes lead to impairment of hearing. The conducting and strengthening of sound waves is disturbed when passing into the inner ear through the outer and middle department of the hearing body.

Such violations may occur after otites and damage to the auditory bones. This type of hearing loss is well treatable.

In the picture, zones are indicated where the conductive hearing loss occurs


Neurosensory hearing loss is characterized by damage to the auditory nerve due to diseases of the inner ear. It is affected by the audio-visible apparatus.

A specific factor in neurosensory hearing loss is the lack of effective treatment that gives one hundred percent effect, and the impossibility of recovery of hearing during chronic type.

In the treatment of this type of hearing, it is important to notice the changes in time and seek advice.

The subacute flow has a longer period from 1 to 3 months, but the cure is reduced to 30-60%. If a person appeals for help after 3 months, hearing loss acquires chronic character and does not make sense in treatment.

With mixed hearing loss (sensuously), correction is carried out when using a hearing aid, surgical interventions and medicia treatment.

Symptoms and reasons

Symptoms of hearing loss are deterioration of perception of rumor and noise in ears, permanent or periodic. The noise is similar to whistle, squeak, ringing and hum, it interferes with the patient and often serves as the appearance of headaches. There may be dizziness and disruption of coordination of movements.

Among the main reasons leading to a decrease in hearing and the development of hearing loss are as follows:

  • infectious and viral diseases (influenza, otitis, vapotitis);
  • problems with immune system, imminent immunity;
  • autoimmune diseases with the defeat of the inner ear;
  • meningitis and labyrinthitis;
  • syphilis;
  • cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, thrombosis);
  • card-brain and acoustic injury (occurs with a sharp increase in pressure in the inner ear);
  • the effects of toxic substances (chemicals, antibacterial agents, salicylates, preparations from malaria);
  • frequent stress and nerve overvoltage.

The risk factors of the development of hearing thugs include:

Diagnostic methods

The main way to diagnose the hearing loss is an audiogram, or the ability to perceive various sounds. The degree of illness is established on the perception of sound waves. With 1 degree of hearing loss, the threshold increases by 20-40 dB and the patient perceives speech at a distance of up to 6 m.

Additionally conduct studies to identify the cause of hearing loss. For example:

  • identifying the cause of infectious processes;
  • impedanceometry;
  • otoscopy;
  • methods for identifying tumor formations;
  • tambleton samples.

Treatment of hearing loss 1 degree

Sometimes for effective impact on the causes that served as the development of the hearing loss, especially two-way, patients account for not only to change the lifestyle and attitude towards themselves, but also change the scope of activity.

Treatment should be carried out after careful diagnosis in the hospital. It is necessary to find out the cause of the hearing loss, cure the main disease and the rumor will return.

In some types of disease, or ineffective treatment is operational. In the course of which the implant is implant responsible for the perception and transmission of sounds to active neurons. This electronic device has a microphone and amplifier, which allows people not to be cut off from the surrounding world.

Children show classes with a speech therapist and a psychoneurologist.


Use preparations that improve cerebral circulation capable of stimulating metabolic processes in nerve cells and improve hemodynamics (Actovegin, Trental, Tanakan). Additional means In complex therapy, hormonal agents, diuretics and vitamins of B. are hormonal.

Children give drugs with phospholipids and vitamins of group B, vascular preparations and nootropics, rugged preparations based on herbs.


Electrostimulation and oxygenobarotherapy applies. Conducted needleflexotherapy, turn to acupuncture, use magnetic therapy and phoorekelectrophoresis. Children spend microtonal reflexology according to the scheme.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the underlying disease. Improved immunity and elimination of infection. Here will help the use of garlic and berries of cranberries, lingers.

Improving catabolism in brain tissue implements germinated wheat grains, seafood and blueberries.

Thus, forget about the cause of hearing loss is possible in a short period, which increases the chances of complete recovery of hearing.

How to diagnose hearing loss See in our video:


With regular inspections of the ENT doctor, compliance with the sound regime, the exclusion of injuries and irritating triggers can be avoided. It can be cured after the first symptoms, fully restore the hearing and avoid the hearing aid.

Only a chronic course and later appeal to specialists can lead to a significant or complete loss of hearing.

Touginess 1 degree: Is it possible to cure this disease?

Tougham and deafness - various concepts. In the first case, a person suffers from hearing insufficiency, and deafness means that no sound hears the patient.

Hearing insufficiency can also appear in varying degrees. There are only 4 degrees of hearing loss. What are the signs of the first degree hearing loss? Is it possible to cure this disease?

Determination of the disease

In medicine, hearing loss is understood as a violation of the hearing function of the body, manifested by a deterioration in the perception of sounds. With this pathological state, the hearing nerves are defeated, as a result of which the rumor decreases, there is noise in the ears and the speech is disturbed. The diagnosis of "Headup" is diagnosed in most cases in older people due to atrophy of the nerve endings of the eared snail. The defeat at an earlier age is not excluded in the presence of provoking factors (injuries, heredity, harmful working conditions, etc.).

Tights and degrees of hearing loss

Headup is 3 species:

  • Neurosensory hearing loss. It arises due to the defeat of the inner ear after transferring infectious diseases, vascular diseases, injuries.
  • Conductive hearing loss. The causes of the disease lies in pathological changes, such as tumors and various injuries in hearing organs. Also, inflammatory processes are also promoted (external, middle Otitis) and age violations.
  • Mixed hearing loss. It provoke mixed reasons. Most often, this type is not amenable to treatment.

Reducing the hearing function is divided into several degrees depending on the functionality and development of the disease. There are 4 stages of worsening hearing.

A more easy course of hearing loss is considered a disease of the first degree. In this case, only a minor hearing deterioration is observed. Symptoms are practically not manifested. Patients are well perceived sounds as part of the range of 26-40 decibels.

The second and third degrees of the development of the disease are considered heavier. Additional symptoms appear, such as noise in the ears, changing the nature of speech. The patient distinguishes the sound range at 41-70 decibels.

The fourth stage is considered to be the most severe and can lead to the final deafness. Sounds are practically not recognized by patients.

With timely treatment of hearing loss of 1 degree, there is an opportunity to achieve quite high results and stop the further development of pathology. With the first degree, the person quite well perceives the sounds spoken up to 3-5 meters away. In the absence of adequate treatment, the symptoms deteriorate, in the presence of extraneous noise, is not clearly perceived by the patient.

Causes of occurrence

The development of hearing loss can be caused by various factors of both internal and external origin. All these factors can be combined into 2 groups:

  • Congenital and hereditary defects of the auditory structure of the apparatus that do not allow it to function normally.
  • Acquired hearing loss, which arises as a result of damage to the hearing aid (these may be infectious diseases - otitis, mastoid, etc.)

Congenital hearing loss may occur due to mechanical damage, the effects of infectious diseases and toxic substances on a woman during pregnancy and childbirth, when the hearing apparatus at the kid has not yet been fully formed. Often, the impairment of hearing is diagnosed by premature children and children with a small weight.

If the hearing insufficiency was observed at the parents, then there is a high probability of diagnosing hearing loss in children. The genetic impairment of hearing is responsible for genes: recessive and dominant. If the disease is laid in a recessive gene, it will not appear in each generation. Otherwise, the pathology of the auditory will be observed in each generation.

Acquired hearing loss may arise due to a number of reasons:

  • Injury to the hearing aid or brain centers responsible for the hearing. In this case, injury may have a mechanical, infectious, bacterial or toxic nature.
  • Long exposure to loud noise. People living near train stations, airports or highways are exposed to the influence of noise by force 55-75 dB. In such conditions, they often develop hearing thugs.
  • Various diseases, such as meningitis, pig, autoimmune pathology, AIDS, chlamydia, otosclerosis, leukemia, etc.
  • Old age. From age, many people develop hearing loss.
  • Reception of some drugs, such as gentamicin, aspirin, diuretic drugs, antibiotics. These drugs can lead to irreversible or reversible hearing impairment.
  • Often, the hearing loss of 1 degree may occur with the cervical osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of hearing loss 1 degree - this is a slight hearing deterioration. At the same time, other signs of hearing insufficiency may not be observed. Sometimes the clinical picture is complemented by such symptoms as:

  • The feeling of the congestion of the ear.
  • Foreign noise (whistling, clicks, ringing, rustling, etc.).
  • The deterioration of the perception of speech, the emergence of the need to asked to clarify the response said.
  • Lack of high frequency perception.

The hearing loss of 1 degree is considered in medicine with an easy form of pathology: the threshold of hearingness is 26-40 dB. With 1 degree, the disability of the patient is not given.

In case of hearing loss of 1 degree, patients experience periodic or constant difficulties in conversation. It is very annoying and distracting from full-fledged communication, does not give qualified work. People suffering from this pathology are constantly in voltage when talking. This disease delivers quite a few trouble. Often, actions are accompanied by noise and ringing in the ears, which enhances the tension in communication with people.

Possible complications

The hearing loss of 1 degree during late treatment can go into a chronic shape, and then in full deafness. At the same time, the loss of hearing is irreversible.

If the hearing loss of 1 degree is diagnosed, it should be treated as early as possible.

It is necessary to realize the fact that no wonderful preparations or procedures that can solve the problem once and for all - does not exist. But this does not mean that it is impossible to do anything.

With 1 degree of hearing loss, modern therapeutic and prophylactic methods help restore hearing in 90% of cases.

Medical therapy

Treatment should be aimed at identifying the causative agent of the disease and is based on medication therapy, which includes:

  • Reception of drugs that contribute to improving the cerebral circulation and stimulation of metabolic processes in the nervous system.
  • Use of hormonal drugs.
  • Admission course of vitamins of group V.
  • Reception of drugs of a group of diuretics.

If the loss of hearing is provoked by vascular disorders, drugs that improve hemodynamics are prescribed:

In case of hearing loss, resulting from intoxication, use:

With hearing loss of 1 degree, which passed into a chronic form, treatment is aimed at improving tissue exchange and includes the reception of the following drugs:

Physiotherapy with hearing loss 1 degree

The use of physioprocessor effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease, in particular the noise in the ears. Treatment methods:

Physiotherapy is associated with drug treatment, with 1-2 degrees of hearing loss. In more complex cases, conservative treatment, including physiotherapy, is not effective.

With ineffective treatment of hearing loss, an operation is shown, during which the implant is implanted responsible for the perception and transmission of sounds to active neurons. The auditory apparatus has a microphone and an amplifier, which allows people not to be cut off from the surrounding world.

Children with hearing loss of 1 and other degrees show classes with a speech therapist and a psychoneurologist.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of hearing loss 1 degree people's methods It is aimed at increasing the immune forces of the body, withdrawing the inflammatory process and facilitate the feeling of pain. Treatment at home can be divided into 3 methods:

  1. Installing funds in the ears.
  2. Application of ointments, compresses.
  3. Reception of funds inside.

The recipes below can become a good addition to therapy. In the diet of the patient, it is necessary to include products containing vitamins of group E, B, C, which positively affect the state of the auditory nerve. Also, traditional medicine recommends using the following recipes:

  • Eat half lemon with a leather daily.
  • Cotton tours, moistened in a mixture of propolis tincture and invested in the ear (repeat daily).
  • Installing ears with juice from geranium leaves.
  • Drops with butter and garlic. Olive or corn oil Mix with garlic juice in a 3: 1 proportion. Install daily in the morning for 2 weeks.
  • Installing almond oil. A day later, dripped to a temperature of 37º with oil into the ear shell of 3 drops.
  • Broth of laurel leaves. Take 2 tablespoons of leaves, pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist the decoction within a few hours and drip in the morning and in the evening of 3 drops.
  • Compress from garlic and camphor oil. Caps a few drops of camphor oil to the fluttered cloth of garlic and enter half an hour in the walled turund. Course take 10 days.
  • Treatment with bread compress. Move the fruits of juniper and cumin so that it turned out 2 tbsp. Spoons of the mixture. Mix with 10 tbsp. Spoons of rye flour and pour with warm water. Prepare the dough, bake bread. Skuff the crumb of the resulting bread in alcohol and apply for 25 minutes daily, for a week.
  • For reception inside, apply champs of such plants like a rosehip, Air Bolotnaya, Дигилел.

Allergic tracheit - what is this disease and how to deal with him

Acute tonsillit or agnus: diagnosis and treatment of the disease are described here.


Primary prophylaxis of hearing loss lies in the following measures:

  • Careful pregnancy, prevention of infectious diseases.
  • Protection of hearing organs from noise during professional or other activities.
  • Timely treatment of ARVI, influenza, infectious diseases and their complications.
  • Exclusion of the abuse of toxic medicines and alcohol.

Even after the effective treatment of hearing thoughts of 1, the degree of hearing can again deteriorate under stress conditions, during the exhaustion of the body and after the virus diseases suffered. Therefore, after treatment, it is necessary to avoid factors provoking the aggravation of the disease, and take drugs that improve blood microcirculation.

The hearing loss of the first degree is not yet a sentence. If timely consult a doctor, the disease can be fully or partially eliminated without consequences for the patient. In the first degree, drug treatment and the use of traditional medicine are still allowed. High probability of complete recovery of hearing. Remember that the hearing impairment revealed on the early term is reversible. If the problem is ignored, the hearing loss of 1 degree in the process of progression will turn into deafness.

(bradyiacusia or giPocacusia) It is a deterioration in hearing of varying degrees of severity (from insignificant to deeply), which arises suddenly or developing gradually, and caused by the disorder of the functioning of sound surprising or sound conducting structures of the auditory analyzer (EH). In case of hearing loss, the person does not hear various sounds, including the speech, as a result of which normal communication and any communications with other people are difficult, which leads to its desocialization.

Deafness It is a kind of end stage of the hearing loss and is an almost complete loss of the ability to hear different sounds. With deafness, a person does not even hear very loud sounds, which normally cause pain in the ears.

Deafness and hearing loss can affect only one or immediately both ear. Moreover, the hearing loss of different ears can have a different severity. That is, one ear can hear better, and the other worse.

Deafness and Headup - Quick Feature

Headupiness and deafness are options for a hearing disorder, in which a person loses the ability to hear different sounds. Depending on the severity of the hearing loss, a person can hear a larger or smaller spectrum of sounds, and with deafness marks the complete inability to hear any sounds. In general, deafness can be viewed as the last stage of the hearing loss, which takes place a complete hearing loss. Under the term "touginess" usually imply a deterioration in the hearing of varying degrees of severity, in which a person can hear at least a very loud speech. And the deafness is called a condition at which a person is no longer able to hear even a very long speech.

Headowing or deafness can affect one or both ear, and the degree of its severity may be different on the right and left ear. Since development mechanisms, reasons, as well as methods of therapy of hearing loss and deafness are the same, they are combined into one nosology, considering them as consecutive stages of one pathological process of human hearing.

Heaviness or deafness may be due to the damage to the sound-conducting structures (organs of the middle and outer ear) or the sound-by-obstinate apparatus (internal ear and brain structure). In some cases, hearing loss or deafness may be due to simultaneous lesion and sound-conducting structures, and the audio analysis of the auditory analyzer. To clearly imagine, which means the defeat of a particular apparatus of the auditory analyzer, it is necessary to know its structure and functions.

So, the auditory analyzer consists of ear, auditory nerve and hearing cortex of the brain. With the help of the ears, a person perceives the sounds that further in a rumor nerve are transmitted in the encoded form in the brain where the resulting signal and the "recognition" of sound occurs. Due to the complex structure, the ear not only captures the sounds, but also produces their "transcoding" into the nerve impulses, which are transmitted to the brain in the auditory nerve. The perception of sounds and their "transcoding" into nerve impulses are made by various ear structures.

Thus, the perception of sounds correspond to the structure of the outer and middle ear, such as the drum membrane and hearing bones (hammer, anvil and rapidly). It is these parts of the ear to perceive the sound and conduct it to the structures of the inner ear (snail, intense and semicircular channels). And in the inner ear, the structures of which are located in the temporal bone of the skull, occurs "recoding" of sound waves into electrical nerve impulses, in the future transmitted to the brain according to the corresponding nerve fibers. The brain has a processing and "recognition" of sounds.

Accordingly, the structure of the outer and middle ear belongs to the sound conducting, and the internal ear organs, the auditory nerve and the cortex of the brain are to soundly observing. Therefore, the entire set of rumor reduction options is divided into two large groups - associated with the damage to the sound-conducting structures of the ear or the audio-visible apparatus of the auditory analyzer.

Headowness or deafness can be acquired or congenital, and depending on the time of occurrence - early or late. The earlyness is considered tortured, acquired before reaching the child of the age of 3 - 5 years. If the hearing loss or deafness appeared after 5 years of age, then it refers to late.

Acquired hearing loss or deafness is usually associated with the negative impact of various external factors, such as ear injuries, suffered infections, complicated by damage to the auditory analyzer, constant noise effect, etc. Separately, the acquired hearing loss due to age-related changes in the structure of the auditory analyzer, which Not related to any negative impacts on the organ of hearing. Congenital hearing loss is usually due to definitions of development, genetic anomalies of the fetus or by the mother during pregnancy by some infectious diseases (rubella, syphilis, etc.).

A specific causing hearing reduction factor is determined in the course of a special composite survey conducted by the ENT doctor, a sorcelologist or neurologist. In order to choose the optimal method of reduced hearing therapy, it is necessary to find out what caused the hearing loss - the lesion of the sound-conducting or sound-visible apparatus.

Treatment of hearing loss and deafness is made by various methods, among which there are both conservative and operational. Conservative methods are usually used to restore a sharply deteriorating hearing against the background of a known causal factor (for example, under the hearing loss after taking antibiotics, after the cranopy and cerebral injury, etc.). In such cases, with timely therapy, the hearing can be restored by 90%. If conservative therapy was not conducted as soon as possible after the deterioration of hearing, its effectiveness is extremely low. In such situations, conservative treatment techniques are considered and used exclusively as auxiliary.

Operational treatment methods are variable and allow us to return to human hearing overwhelmingly. Most of the operational methods for treating hearing thugs are associated with the selection, installation and adjustment of hearing aids that allow a person to perceive sounds, hear speech and interact normally with others. Another large group of methods of operational treatment of hearing lies is to carry out very complex operations on the installation of cochlear implants, allowing you to return the ability to perceive sounds to people who cannot use hearing aids.

The problem of hearing loss and deafness is very important, since poorly hearing person turns out to be isolated from society, he has sharply limited the possibilities of employment and self-realization, which, of course, imposes a negative imprint for the whole life of the hearing impaired. The most difficult are the consequences of hearing loss in children, since they have a bad hearing to lead to gentle. After all, the child has not yet mastered the speech very well, he needs a permanent practice and further development of the speech apparatus, which are achieved only with the help of a constant perception of new revolutions, words, etc. And when a child does not hear speech, he can completely lose even Available ability to speak, becoming not just a taguhim, but also dumb.

It must be remembered that about 50% of cases of hearing thugs can be prevented in properly compliance with prevention measures. So, effective preventive measures is the vaccination of children, adolescents and women of childbearing age dangerous infections, such as measles, rubella, meningitis, pig, pertussus, etc., which can cause complications in the form of otites and other ear diseases. Also effective prophylactic measures of the warning of hearing loss are high-quality obstetric care for pregnant women and women in labor, proper hygiene of the oars, timely and adequate therapy of ENT diseases, avoiding the use of toxic for the hearing analyzer of drugs, as well as minimizing the noise effect on the ears in industrial and other rooms (for example When working in noisy premises, it is necessary to wear earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, etc.).

Deafness and notch

Deafness and notch are often combined, and the second is a consequence of the first. The fact is that a person is mastering and then constantly supports the ability to speak, to pronounce the self-consistent sounds only if they constantly hear those from other people and from themselves. When a person ceases to hear sounds and speech, it becomes difficult to speak, as a result of which the speech skill is reduced (worsen). The pronounced reduction of speech skills leads to the general.

Particularly susceptible to the secondary development of the little children who have become taguhi under the age of 5 years. Such children gradually lose already learned speech skills, and they become dumb due to the fact that they do not hear. Children, deaf from birth, almost always dumb, as they cannot master the speech, simply do not hear her. After all, the child learns to speak, listening to other people and trying to pronounce self-imitating sounds. And the deaf toddler does not hear sounds, as a result of which he simply cannot even try to say something, imitating others. It is because of the inability to hear the deaf from the birth of children remain dumb.

Adults who acquired hearing loss, in very rare cases become dumb, because speech skills are well developed and lost very slowly. A deaf or a taguhih adult can weird talking, stretching words or pronouncing them very loudly, but completely the ability to play speech is not lost almost never.

Deafness for one ear

Deafness on one ear, as a rule, it happens acquired and is found quite often. Such situations usually occur when influencing negative factors only on one ear, as a result of which it ceases to perceive sounds, and the second remains quite normal and fully functional. Deafness on one ear does not necessarily provoke a worsening of hearing from the second ear, moreover, a person can live the rest of his life with the only functioning ear, retaining his hearing in the norm. However, if there is a deafness to one ear, it is necessary to take care of the second organ, because with his defeat, a person will cease to hear at all.

Deafness to one ear in development mechanisms, reasons and methods of treatment are no different from any variant of acquired hearing loss.

With a congenital deafness, the pathological process usually affects both ears, since it is associated with systemic violations of the work of the entire auditory analyzer.


Consider various forms Both the types of hearing loss and deafness, which allocate depending on the leading feature based on the classification. Since the leading signs and characteristics of hearing loss and deafness are somewhat, then there is also a variety of disease allocated on their basis.

Depending on which the structure of the auditory analyzer is amazed - sound conductive or sound, the entire set of various variants of the hearing loss and deafness is divided into three large groups:
1. Neurosensory (sensuously) hearing loss or deafness.
2. Conductive hearing loss or deafness.
3. Mixed hearing loss or deafness.

Neurosensory (sensuously) hearing loss and deafness

The neurosensory is called hearing loss or deafness due to the lesion of the audio-visible apparatus of the auditory analyzer. With neurosensory hearing loss, a person catches the sounds, but the brain does not perceive them and does not recognize them, as a result of which hearing has a decrease in the practice.

Neurosensory hearing loss is not a single disease, but a whole group of various pathologies, which lead to a violation of the functioning of the hearing nerve, the inner ear or the hearing area of \u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex. But since all the pathology data affect the sound of the auditory analyzer, and therefore have a similar pathogenesis, they are combined into one large group neurosensory touginess. Morphologically neurosensory deafness and hearing loss can be due to the disorder of the functioning of the hearing nerve and the cortex of the brain, as well as the anomalies of the structure of the inner ear (for example, atrophy of the sensory apparatus of the snail, changing the structure of the vascular cavity, spiral ganglium, etc.) arising due to genetic disorders or due to transferred diseases and injuries.

That is, if the hearing loss is associated with the impairment of the functioning of the internal ear structures (snail, the run-up or semicircular channels), the auditory nerve (VIII pair of cranknyh brain nerves) or the cerebral cortex sites responsible for the perception and recognition of sounds, from which it is neurosensory reducing options. hearing.

By origin, neurosensory touginess and deafness can be congenital or acquired. Moreover, congenital cases of gentlenevial \u200b\u200bhearing loss are 20%, and acquired, respectively - 80%.

Cases of congenital hearing loss can be due to either genetic disorders of the fetus, or anomalies for the development of an auditory analyzer, arising from the adverse effects of environmental factors during the period of intrauterine development. Genetic disorders in the fetus are originally available, that is, they are transmitted from parents at the time of fertilization of the egg spermatozooid. If at the same time the sperm or egg cells have any genetic anomalies, then the fetal during the period of intrauterine development does not form a full-fledged hearing analyzer, which will lead to congenital sensorsulene hearing loss. But the anomalies for the development of the auditory analyzer in the fetus, which can also cause congenital hearing loss, occur during the period of tooling the child with initially normal genes. That is, the fetus received normal genes from parents, but during the period of intrauterine growth, there were any adverse factors (for example, infectious diseases or poisoning suffered by a woman, etc.), which violated the course of its normal development, which was due to Anomalous formation of a hearing analyzer manifested by congenital hearing loss.

Congenital hearing loss in most cases is one of the symptoms of any genetic disease (for example, trother-call syndromes, alport, clippel-fale, pendlers, etc.), due to mutations in genes. Congenital hearing loss, as the only violation, which is not combined with any other disorders of the functions of different organs and systems and caused by the anomalies of development, is relatively rare, no more than 20% of cases.

The causes of congenital sensucleular hearing loss, which is emerging as an anomaly of development, may be severe infectious diseases (rubella, typhus, meningitis, etc.), transferred by a woman during pregnancy (especially for 3 months gestation), intrauterine infection of the fetus with various infections (for example, Toxoplasmosis, herpes, HIV, etc.), as well as the poisoning of the mother toxic substances (alcohol, drugs, industrial emissions, etc.). The causes of the congenital hearing thoughts caused by genetic disorders are the presence of genetic anomalies in one or both parents, a nearby marriage, etc.

Acquired hearing thoughts always occurs against the background of initially normal hearing, which is reduced due to the negative impact of any environmental factors. Sensorsheral hearing loss of acquired genesis can be provoked by damage to the brain (crank-brain injury, hemorrhage, generic injury in a child, etc.), diseases of the inner ear (Meniery disease, labyrinthitis, complications of pigs, otitis, measles, syphilis, herpes, etc. d.), a non-neuro hearing nerve, a long-term exposure to noise on the ears, as well as the reception of medicines toxic for the structures of the auditory analyzer (for example, levomycetin, gentamicin, canamycin, furosemide, etc.).

Separately, the variant of neurosensory touginess, which is called presbyhakuzisAnd lies in the gradual decline in hearing as agreed or aging. With the presbyacuise, the rumor is slowly lost, and first the child or adult ceases to hear high frequencies (bird singing, a peak, phone call, etc.), but the low tones are well perceived (the knock of the hammer passing the truck, etc.). Gradually, the spectrum of perceived frequencies of sounds is narrowed by an increasing deterioration in the hearing at higher tones, and, ultimately, a person ceases to hear at all.

Conductive hearing loss and deafness

The group of conductive hearing loss and deafness includes various states and diseases, leading to the functioning of the sound system of the auditory analyzer. That is, if the hearing lubricants are associated with any disease affecting the audio system of the ear (drummers, an outer hearing pass, ear sink, auditory bones), then it belongs to the conductive group.

It is necessary to understand that the conductive hearing loss and deafness is not one pathology, but a whole group of a variety of diseases and states, united by the fact that they affect the auditory system of the auditory analyzer.

In case of conductive hearing loss and deafness, the sounds of the surrounding world do not reach the inner ear, where they will be "recoded" into the nerve impulses and from where they come to the brain. Thus, a person does not hear because the sound does not reach that organ that can pass it into the brain.

As a rule, all cases of conductive hearing thugs are acquired and due to various diseases and injuries that violate the structure of the outer and middle ear (for example, sulfur tubes, tumors, otitis, otosclerosis, damage to the eardrum, etc.). Congenital conductive hearing loss is rare and is usually one of the manifestations of any genetic disease due to the anomalies of genes. Constrative type congenital hearing loss is always associated with anomalies of the structure of the exterior and middle ear.

Mixed hearing loss and deafness

Mixed hearing loss and deafness are a decrease in hearing against the background of a combination of conductive and sensuous disorders.

Depending on which the human life has a deterioration in hearing, there is a congenital, hereditary and acquired hearing loss or deafness.

Hereditary hearing loss and deafness

Hereditary hearing loss and deafness are the options of the deterioration of hearing, arising from the available genetic anomalies in the person who were transferred to the parents. In other words, in hereditary hearing loss and a deafness, a person receives genes from parents who sooner or later lead to a deterioration in hearing.

Hereditary hearing loss can manifest itself at different ages, i.e. It is not necessarily congenital. Thus, during hereditary hearing loss, only 20% of children are already born with deaf, 40% begin to lose hearing in childhood and the remaining 40% note the sudden and unfortunate decline in hearing only in adulthood.

Hereditary hearing loss is due to certain genes, which, as a rule, are recessive. This means that the child will have a hearing loss only if it receives the deuchota recessive genes from both parents. If, from one of the parents, the child will receive a dominant gene of normal hearing, and from the second - a recessive deafness gene, it will hear normally.

Since the hereditary deafness genes are recessive, this species Hearing disorders, as a rule, occurs in closely related marriages, as well as during the unions of people whose relatives or they themselves suffered precisely hereditary hearing loss.

The morphological substrate of hereditary deafness can be various violations of the structure of the inner ear, which arise due to defective genes transferred to the child parents.

Hereditary deafness is usually not the only health disorder available in humans, and in the overwhelming majority of cases combined with other pathologies, also wearing genetic character. That is, the hereditary deafness is usually combined with other pathologies, which also developed due to anomalies in the genes transferred to the child parents. The most often hereditary deafness is one of the symptoms of genetic diseases that manifest themselves with a whole complex of features.

Currently, hereditary deafness, as one of the symptoms of the genetic anomaly, is found in the following diseases associated with anomalies in genes:

  • Trucher Collins Syndrome (deformation of the bones of the skull);
  • Alport syndrome (glomerulonephritis, hearing loss, reduced functional activity of the vestibular apparatus);
  • Syndrome Pendredred (violation of the exchange of hormones of the thyroid gland, a big head, short hands and legs, increased language, disorder of the vestibular apparatus, deafness and notch);
  • Leopard syndrome (cardiopulmonary failure, body anomalies of genital organs, freckles and pigment stains throughout the body, deafness or hearing loss);
  • Cleppel Feil Syndrome (violation of the structure of the spine, arms and legs, not fully formed an outer hearing pass, hearing loss).

Gena deafness

Currently, more than 100 genes were found, which can lead to hereditary hearing loss. These genes are located in various chromosomes, and some of them are associated with genetic syndromes, while others are not. That is, some deafness genes are an integral part of various genetic diseases that manifest themselves a whole complex of disorders, and not just a hearing disorder. And other genes cause only insulated deafness, without any other genetic anomalies.

The most common deafness genes are the following:

  • OTOF. (the gene is in 2 chromosome and if it is presented, a person suffers with hearing loss);
  • GJB2. (When mutations in this gene, called 35 Del G, a person has heaviness).
Mutations in these genes can be revealed during a genetic survey.

Congenital hearing loss and deafness

These cases of reduction of hearing occur during the intrauterine development of the child when exposed to various adverse factors. In other words, the child is already born with hearing loss, which occurred not due to genetic mutations and anomalies, but due to the impact of adverse factors that violated the normal formation of the auditory analyzer. It is in the absence of genetic disorders that the fundamental difference of congenital hearing loss against hereditary has been listed.

Congenital hearing loss may occur when exposed to the body of a pregnant woman of the following adverse factors:

  • Damage to the central nervous system of the child due to the generic injury (for example, hypoxia due to the cordhouse of umbilical cords, compression of the bones of the skull due to the imposition of obstetric tongs, etc.) or anesthesia. In these situations, hemorrhages occur in the structure of the auditory analyzer, as a result of which the latter is damaged and the child appears hearing loss.
  • Infectious diseases transferred to a woman during pregnancy , especially for 3-4 months of gestation, capable of violating the normal formation of the hearing aid of the fetus (for example, influenza, cortex, windmill, pig, meningitis, cytomegalovirus infection, rubella, syphilis, herpes, encephalitis, abdominal typhoid, middle otitis, toxoplasmosis, scarlatina, HIV). The causative agents of these infections are able to penetrate the fetus through the placenta and violate the normal course of the formation of the ear and auditory nerve, which will result in the newborn baby.
  • Hemolytic disease of newborns. With this pathology, hearing thoughts arise due to the violation of the blood supply to the central nervous system of the fetus.
  • Severe somatic diseases of the pregnant woman accompanied by damage to vessels (for example, diabetes mellitus, nephritis, thyrotoxicosis, cardiovascular diseases). In these diseases, hearing loss occurs due to lack of blood supply to the fetus during pregnancy.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
  • Constant impact on the body of a pregnant woman of various industrial poisons and toxic substances (for example, for accommodation in the region with an unfavorable environmental situation or work in harmful production).
  • Application during pregnancy drugs toxic for the auditory analyzer (for example, streptomycin, gentamicin, monomocin, neomycin, kanamycin, levomycetin, furosemid, tobramycin, cycisplastine, endoxan, chinin, laziks, yekit, aspirin, etcrinic acid, etc.).

Acquired hearing loss and deafness

Acquired hearing loss and deafness arise in people of different ages during life under the influence of various adverse factors that violate the work of the auditory analyzer. This means that the acquired hearing loss may occur at any time under the action of a possible caused factor.

So, possible causes of acquired hearing loss or deafness are any factors leading to a violation of the structure of the ear, the auditory nerve or the cerebral cortex. Such factors include heavy or chronic diseases of the ENT organs, complications of infections (for example, meningitis, typhus, herpes, pigs, toxoplasmosis, etc.), head injuries, contusion (for example, a kiss or a loud cry right in the ear), tumors and inflammation of the auditory nerve, prolonged impact of noise, circulatory disruption in the vertebobasilar basin (for example, stroke, hematoma, etc.), as well as the reception of drugs toxic for the auditory analyzer.

According to the nature and duration of the flow of the pathological process, the hearing loss is divided into acute, subacute and chronic.

Acute hearing loss

Acute hearing loss is a significant impairment of hearing over a short period of time for a duration of no more than 1 month. In other words, if the loss of hearing happened during the maximum of the month, then it is about acute hearing loss.

Acute hearing loss is not developing simultaneously, but gradually, and at the initial stage, a person feels mortgage in the ear or noise in the ears, and not a worsening hearing. The feeling of congestion or noise in the ears can periodically appear and disappear, being preliminary signs of the upcoming hearing loss. And only some time after the appearance of the feeling of plow or noise in the ears, a persistent hearing deterioration occurs.

The causes of acute hearing loss are various factors, damaging the structure of the ear and the cerebral cortex section responsible for the recognition of sounds. A sharp decline in hearing may occur after the head injury, after transferring infectious diseases (for example, otites, measles, rubella, pigs, etc.), after hemorrhages or blood circulation disorders in the structures of the inner ear or brain, as well as after receiving toxic for ear drugs (for example, furosemide, quinine, gentamicin), etc.

Acute hearing loss is amenable to conservative therapy, and the success of treatment depends on how quickly it has begun on the emergence of the first signs of the disease. That is, the earlier the treatment of hearing thoughts began, the greater the likelihood of hearing normalization. It must be remembered that the successful seraction of acute hearing loss is most likely at the beginning of therapy during the first month after a decrease in hearing. If more than a month has passed since the loss of hearing, then conservative therapy, as a rule, is ineffective and allows only to support the rumor at the current level, without letting it worsen even stronger.

Among cases of acute hearing loss in a separate group, a sudden deafness is also distinguished, in which a person has a sharp deterioration in hearing for 12 hours. Sudden deafness appears sharply, without any preliminary signs, against the background of complete well-being, when a person simply ceases to hear sounds.

As a rule, a sudden deafness is one-sided, that is, the ability to hear sounds is reduced only by one ear, and the second remains normal. In addition, for a sudden deafness, a strong worsening of hearing is characterized. Such a form of hearing loss is due viral infectionsAnd therefore is prognostically more favorable compared to other varieties of deafness. Sudden hearing loss is well amenable to conservative treatment, thanks to which it is possible to completely restore the hearing in more than 95% of cases.

Tightening tightness

Prostulating the hearing loss, in fact, is an accurate deafness option, since they have the same causes, development mechanisms, the course and principles of therapy. Therefore, the separation of adhesions of hearing loss in a separate form of the disease does not have a high practical significance. As a result, doctors often share hearing loss to acute and chronic, and subacute options refer to acute. The subacute, from the position of academic knowledge, is considered tortured, the development of which occurs within 1 - 3 months.

Chronic hearing loss

With this form, the deterioration of hearing occurs gradually, for a long period of time, which is ongoing for more than 3 months. That is, for several months or years, a person faces a steady, but slow worsening of hearing. When the hearing ceases to deteriorate and begins to hold on the same level for six months, the hearing loss is considered to be fully formed.

For chronic hearing loss The deterioration of hearing is combined with a constant noise or a ringing in the ears, which is not heard around, but it is very hard to transferred to the person himself.

Deafness and hearing loss in a child

Children of different ages can suffer from any kind and forms of hearing loss or deafness. Most often in children there are cases of congenital and genetic hearing loss, the acquired deafness is developing less often. Among cases of the acquired deafness, most is due to the intake of drugs toxic for the ear and complications of infectious diseases.

The course, development mechanisms and treatment of deafness and hearing loss in children are the same as in adults. However, the treatment of hearing loss in children is given more importance than in adults, because for this age category category, the hearing is critically important for mastering and maintaining speech skills, without which the child will become not only deaf, but also dumb. Otherwise, any fundamental differences in the course, the causes and treatment of hearing loss in children and adults are not.

The reasons

To avoid confusion, consider separately the causes of congenital and acquired hearing loss and deafness.

The causative factors of congenital hearing loss are various negative impacts on a pregnant woman who lead, in turn, to violating the normal growth and development of the fetal. Therefore, the reasons for congenital hearing loss are factors that affect not so much the fruit as a pregnant woman. So, possible causes of congenital and genetic hearing loss are the following factors:

  • Damage to the central nervous system of the child due to the generic injury (for example, hypoxia against the background of the cordness of the umbilicals, compression of the bones of the skull when applying obstetric tongs, etc.);
  • Damage to the CNS child with drugs for anesthesia, introduced a woman during childbirth;
  • Infectious diseases transferred to a woman during pregnancy, which can violate the normal formation of the hearing aid of the fetus (for example, influenza, cortex, windmill, pig, meningitis, cytomegalovirus infection, rubella, syphilis, herpes, encephalitis, abdominal typhoid, medium otitis, toxoplasmosis, scarlet , HIV);
  • Hemolytic disease of newborns;
  • Pregnancy leaking against the background of severe somatic diseases in a woman accompanied by damage to vessels (for example, diabetes, nephritis, thyrotoxicosis, cardiovascular diseases);
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol or narcotic drugs during pregnancy;
  • Constant impact on the body of a pregnant woman of various industrial poisons (for example, permanent finding in the region with unfavorable environmental situation or work in harmful industries);
  • Use during pregnancy drugs toxic for the auditory analyzer (for example, streptomycin, gentamicin, monomitin, neomycin, kanamycin, levomycetin, furosemide, tobramycin, cycisplastine, endoxan, chinin, lazyx, yekit, aspirin, etcrinic acid, etc.);
  • Pathological heredity (the transfer of deafness genes to the child);
  • Nearby marriage;
  • The birth of a child prematurely or low body weight.
Possible causes of acquired hearing loss in people of any age can be the following factors:
  • Generic injury (child during labor can be obtained by the ZNS injury, which will subsequently lead to hearing loss or deafness);
  • Hemorrhage or hematoma in the middle or inner ear or in the cerebral cortex;
  • Blood impairment in the vertebobasilar basin (combustion of vessels, blood supply to all skull structures);
  • Any damage to the central nervous system (for example, brain injury, brain tumors, etc.);
  • Operations on hearing or brain;
  • Complications on the structure of the ear after transferred inflammatory diseases, such as, for example, labyrinthitis, otitis, cortex, scarletin, syphilis, pig, herpes, Menieret's disease, etc.;
  • Nevnoma of auditory nerve;
  • The long action of noise on the ears (for example, frequent listening to loud music, work in noisy shops, etc.);
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the ears, throat and nose (for example, sinusitis, otitis, eustichi, etc.);
  • Chronic ear pathology (Menieret's disease, Otosclerosis, etc.);
  • Hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormones in blood);
  • Reception of drugs toxic for a hearing analyzer (for example, streptomycin, gentamicin, monomitin, neomycin, kanamycin, levomycetin, furosemide, tobramycin, cisplastine, endoxan, chinin, lazyx, yekit, aspirin, etcrinic acid, etc.);
  • Sulfur tubes;
  • Damage to drummers;
  • Age worsening hearing (presbyacuise) associated with atrophic processes in the body.

Signs (symptoms) deafness and hearing loss

The main sign of hearing loss is the deterioration of the ability to hear, perceive and distinguish between various sounds. Suffering with hearing loss does not hear some of the sounds, which normally catches a person. The smaller the severity of the hearing thoughts, the greater the spectrum of sounds man continues to hear. Accordingly, the harder the hearing loss, the greater the number of sounds of man, on the contrary, does not hear.

It is necessary to know that in the hearing loss of various degrees of gravity, a person loses the ability to perceive certain spectra of sounds. So, at easy hearing loss, the ability to hear high and quiet sounds, such as whisper, squeak, phone call, bird singing. When weighing the hearing loss disappears the ability to hear the sound of the sound spectra, that is, a soft speech, the rustle of the wind, etc. As the hearing thoughts progress, the ability to hear sounds belonging to the upper spectrum of perceived tones are disappeared, and there remains the distinction of low sound oscillations, such as a crash truck, etc.

A person, especially in childhood, does not always understand that he has a hearing loss, since the perception of a large spectrum of sounds remains. That's why to identify hearing, it is necessary to take into account the following indirect signs of this pathology:

  • Frequent asking;
  • The absolute lack of reaction to the sounds of high tones (for example, trill birds, a peak of a call or phone, etc.);
  • Monotonous speech, incorrect staging;
  • Too loud speech;
  • Scrolling;
  • Difficulties in keeping equilibrium (marked with neurosensory hearing loss due to partial lesion of the vestibular apparatus);
  • Lack of reaction to sounds, voices, music, etc. (Normally, the person instinctively turns toward the sound source);
  • Complaints on the feeling of discomfort, noise or stall in the ears;
  • The complete absence of any published sounds in infants (with congenital hearing loss).

Deductible degree (hearing loss)

The degree of deafness (hearing loss) reflect how much the hearing of a person is degraded. Depending on the ability to perceive the sounds of different volumes, the following segments of hearing loss are isolated:
  • I Degree - Easy (Headowness 1) - A person does not hear sounds whose volume is less than 20 - 40 dB. At a given degree of hearing loss, the person hears the whisper from the distance of 1 to 3 meters, and the usual speech is from 4 to 6 meters;
  • II degree - average (hearing loss 2) - A person does not hear sounds whose volume is less than 41 - 55 dB. With medium hearing loss, a person hears the speech of normal volume from a distance of 1 to 4 meters, and the whisper is a maximum of 1 meter;
  • III degree - heavy (Headowness 3) - A person does not hear sounds whose volume is less than 56 - 70 dB. With medium hearing loss, a person hears the speech of normal volume from a distance of no more than 1 meter, and the whisper is no longer hears at all;
  • IV degree - Very heavy (Headowness 4) - A person does not hear sounds whose volume is less than 71 to 90 dB. With medium hearing loss, a person does not hear the speech of normal volume;
  • V Degree - deafness (hearing loss 5) - A person does not hear sounds whose volume is less than 91 dB. In this case, a person hears only a loud cry, which in normal can be painful for the ears.

How to determine the deafness?

To diagnose hearing loss and deafness at the stage primary examination Apply a simple method, during which the doctor pronounces words in a whisper, and the examiner must repeat them. If a person does not hear a whisper speech, then the hearing loss is diagnosed and a further specialized survey is carried out, aimed at identifying the type of pathology and finding out its possible reason, which is important for the subsequent selection of the most effective treatment.

To determine the form, degree and specific characteristics of hearing loss, the following methods are used:

  • Audiometry (The person's ability to hear sounds of different heights is investigated);
  • Timpanometry (The bone and air conduction of the middle ear is investigated;
  • Test Weber (allows you to identify one or both ears involved in the pathological process);
  • Tamblen Sample - Test Schwabach (allows you to identify the type of hearing loss - conductive or neurosensory);
  • Impedancemetry (allows you to identify the localization of the pathological process, which led to the hearing loss);
  • Otoscopy. (Inspection of the EU structures with special tools in order to identify defects of the structure of the eardrum, external auditory passage, etc.);
  • MRI or CT (caused by the cause of hearing loss).
In each case, to confirm the hearing loss and finding out the degree of gravity, a different number of surveys may be needed. For example, one person will have enough audiometry, and the other will have to, in addition to this survey, the other tests are also.

The greatest problem is to identify hearing loss in infants, since they, in principle, do not yet own a speech. In relation to breast-age children, an adapted audiometry is used, the essence of which is that the child must respond to the sounds of head turns, various movements, etc. If the baby does not respond to sounds, then he suffers with hearing loss. In addition to the audiometry, to identify hearing loss in children early age Methods of impedanceometry, tympanometry and otoscopy use.


General principles of therapy

Treatment of hearing loss and deafness is comprehensive and is to carry out therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the causal factor (if possible), the normalization of the structures of the ear, disinfection, as well as to improve blood circulation in the structures of the auditory analyzer. To achieve all the goals of therapy, various methods are used, such as:
  • Medical therapy (used for disintellation, improving the blood circulation of the brain and ear structures, eliminating the causal factor);
  • Physiotherapeutic methods (apply to improving hearing, disintellation);
  • Hearing exercises (apply to maintain hearing levels and improving speech skills);
  • Operational treatment (operations to restore the normal structure of the middle and outdoor ear, as well as on the installation of a hearing aid or a cochlear implant).
In case of conductive hearing loss, the optimal, as a rule, is the operational treatment, as a result of which the normal structure of the medium or outdoor ear is restored, after which the hearing is completely returned. Currently, a wide range of operations (for example, miningoplasty, tympanoflasty, etc.), is currently being carried out to eliminate the conductive hearing loss. The operation allows you to return the hearing even with a complete conductive deafness in the overwhelming majority, as a result of which this type of hearing loss is considered prognostically favorable and relatively simple in terms of treatment.

Neurosensory hearing loss is much more difficult to amenable to therapy, and therefore all possible methods and combinations are used for its treatment. Moreover, there are some differences in tactics treatment of acute and chronic neurosensory touginess. Thus, with acute human hearing loss, it is necessary to hospitalize the hospital as soon as possible to the profile branch and conduct medication and physiotherapy to restore the normal structure of the inner ear and, thus, return the rumor. Specific methods of treatment are chosen depending on the nature of the causal factor (viral infection, intoxication, etc.) of acute neurosensory touginess. In chronic hearing loss, a person periodically takes treatment courses aimed at maintaining the level of perception of sounds and preventing possible hearing deterioration. That is, with acute hearing loss, treatment is aimed at restoring hearing, and when chronic - to maintain the existing level of sound recognition and to prevent hearing deterioration.

Therapy of acute hearing loss is carried out depending on the nature of the provoked caused factor. Thus, today there are four types of acute neurosensory hearing loss depending on the nature of the causal factor:

  • Vascular tightness - provoked by a circulatory impairment in the skull vessels (as a rule, the violation data is associated with vertebro-basilar insufficiency, hypertensive disease, strokes, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cervical spine);
  • Viral touginess - Provoked by viral infections (infection causes inflammatory processes in the field of inner ear, auditory nerve, cerebral cortex, etc.);
  • Toxic hearing loss - provoked by poisoning with various poisonous substances (alcohol, industrial emissions, etc.);
  • Traumatic hearing loss - Provocosed by the injuries of the skull.
Depending on how the nature of the causative factor of acute hearing loss, the optimal medicines are selected for its treatment. If the nature of the causal factor factor could not be accurately installed, then by default, acute hearing loss is referred to vascular.
pressure Eufillin, Papaverin, Nicoshpan, Compliment, Apron, etc.) and improving metabolism in CNS cells (solkossyril, nootropyl, pantokalcin, etc.), as well as preventive inflammatory process in brain tissues.

Chronic neurosensory hearing thugs are treated with complex, periodically conducting courses of drug and physiotherapy. If conservative methods are ineffective, and the hearing loss reached III-V degree, then surgical treatment, which consists in installing a hearing aid or a cochlear implant. From medications for the treatment of chronic neurosensory hearing loss, vitamins of groups B (Milgamma, neuromulititis, etc.) are used, aloe extract, as well as means that improves metabolism in brain tissues (solkossyril, actovegin, precomple, riboxin, nootropyl, cerebralizin, pantokalcin, etc. ). Periodically, in addition to the specified drugs, prozerne and galantamine are used to treat chronic hearing loss and deafness, as well as homeopathic remedies (for example, cerebrum composites, spasquocel, etc.).

Among physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of chronic hearing loss are as follows:

  • Laser blood irradiation (helium-neon laser);
  • Stimulation by fluctuating currents;
  • Quantum hemotherapy;
  • Fouroelectroporesis endoral.
If, against the background of any type of hearing loss, the person appears disorders of the vestibular apparatus, the antagonists of H1-histamine receptors are used, such as Betaderk, Maesherk, Tagista, etc.

Operational treatment of deafness (hearing loss)

Currently, operations are carried out for the treatment of conductive and neurosensory hearing loss and deafness.

Operations for the treatment of conductive deafness are to restore the normal structure and organs of the middle and outdoor ear, due to which the person has a rumor again. Depending on which structure is restored, the operations are relevant names. For example, miningoplasty is operations for the restoration of the eardrum, tympanoplasty - the restoration of the hearing bones of the middle ear (Spirit, hammer and anvil), etc. After such operations, as a rule, hearing is restored in 100% of cases.

Operations for the treatment of neurosensory deafness only two are installation of a hearing aid or a cochlear implant. Both options for operational intervention are made only in the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy and during severe hearing loss, when a person does not hear normal speech even from close range.

Installation of a hearing aid is a relatively simple operation, but, unfortunately, it will not help return the hearing those who have the sensitive cells of the snail of the inner ear. In such cases, the effective method of recovery of hearing is the installation of a cochlear implant. The operation on the installation of implant is technically very complex, so it is carried out in a limited number medical institutions And, accordingly, it is expensive, as a result, not everyone is available.

The essence of a cochlear prosthesis is as follows: mini-electrodes will be introduced into the structure of the inner ear, which will recode sounds into nerve pulses and transmit to the hearing nerve. These electrodes are connected to a mini-microphone placed in the temporal bone that catches the sounds. After installing such a system, the microphone captures the sounds and transmits them to the electrodes, which, in turn, recode them into the nerve pulses and are issued to the hearing nerve, transmitting signals into the brain where sounds are recognized. That is, cochlear implantation is, in fact, the formation of new structures that perform the functions of all EH structures.

Hearing machines for the treatment of hearing loss

Currently, there are two main varieties of hearing aids - these are analog and digital.

Analog hearing aids are known to many devices that are visible behind the ear in the elderly. They are pretty simple in circulation, but cumbersome, not very comfortable and very rude in ensuring the amplification of the beep. Analog auditory machine can be purchased and start using independently without special configuration from a specialist, since the device has only several modes of operation, the switching of which is performed by a special lever. Thanks to this lever, a person can independently determine the optimal mode of operation of the auditory apparatus and use it in the future. However, the analog hearing aid often creates interference, reinforces different frequencies, and not just those that a person hears poorly, as a result of which its use is not too comfortable.

The digital auditory apparatus, unlike analog, is configured exclusively by a survival specialist, which increases only those sounds that a person hears poorly. Thanks to the accuracy of the setting, the digital hearing aid allows a person to be perfectly heard without interference and noise, restoring sensitivity to the lost spectrum of sounds and without affecting all other tones. Therefore, from the point of view of comfort, convenience and accuracy of correction, digital hearing aids are superior to analog. Unfortunately, for the selection and configuration of the digital apparatus, it is necessary to visit the audit center, which is not available to everyone. Currently, there are various models of digital hearing aids, so you can choose the optimal option for each particular person.

Treatment of deafness by the method of cochlear implantation: the device and principle of operation of the cochlear implant, comment of the doctor-surgeon - video

Neurosensory Touginess: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostics (Audiometry), Treatment, Soviets-otorinolaryngologist Tips - Video

Neurosensory and conductive hearing loss: reasons, diagnostics (audiometry, endoscopy), treatment and prevention, hearing aids (Opinion of the ENT doctor and Surdian) - Video

Headup and deafness: how the hearing analyzer is arranged, the causes and symptoms of the loss of hearing, the auditory (hearing aids, cochlear implantation in children) - video

Headup and deafness: Exercises for improving hearing and elimination of the stall in the ears - Video

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Heaviness is the phenomenon of an incomplete impairment of hearing, in which the patient with difficulty perceives and understands the sounds. Heaviness makes it difficult to communicate and is characterized by the inability to catch the sound whose source is located near the ear. There are various degrees of hearing loss, in addition, this disease is classified at the stage of development.

What is heaviness?

Headup is a resistant weakness of hearing, in which the perception of the sounds of the surrounding world and speech communication is disturbed. The degree of hearing loss may vary from a minor reduction of hearing to a complete deafness. .

It is terrible to lose the opportunity to hear this world, however, 360 million people suffer today with deafness or various hearing impairments. 165 million of them are faces over the age of 65. Headowness is the most common hearing disorder associated with age-related changes.

The reasons

O say when a person has a deterioration in the perception of those sounds that are usually perceived by other people. The degree of violation is determined by the fact that the sound should be louder compared to the normal level so that the listener began to distinguish it.

In cases of deep deafness, the listener cannot even distinguish the loudest sounds published by the audiometer.

In most cases, hearing loss is not congenital, but acquired disease. A lot of factors can lead to a decrease in hearing:

  • viral infections. Complications for rumors can give the following infectious diseases: ARVI, AIDS, HIV infection, pig.
  • inflammatory processes of the middle and inner ear;
  • poisoning;
  • reception of some drugs;
  • circulatory disorder in the vessels of the inner ear;
  • age changes of the auditory analyzer;
  • long impact of noise. Inhabitants of megacities, especially those living in industrial zones, near airfields or near large highways are subject to increased noise load.
  • sulfur tubes;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tumors;
  • outitis outdoor;
  • various injuries of the eardrum and others.

Depending on the cause, the hearing loss can occur in easy form Or have expanded clinical picture With a rapid transition to a serious degree.

Symptoms of hearing loss

The main sign of hearing loss is the deterioration of the ability to hear, perceive and distinguish between various sounds. Suffering with hearing loss does not hear some of the sounds, which normally catches a person.

The smaller the severity of the hearing thoughts, the greater the spectrum of sounds man continues to hear. Accordingly, the harder the hearing loss, the greater the number of sounds of man, on the contrary, does not hear.

The main symptoms of hearing thumps include:

  • noise in ears;
  • an increase in the volume of the TV or radio;
  • asking;
  • conducting a conversation by phone listening only to a certain ear;
  • reducing the perception of children's votes and female.

The indirect signs of hearing loss is difficult to concentrate when talking with the interlocutor in a crowded or a noisy place, the inability to recognize the radio or beeps of the machines when the car engine is turned on.

Classification by lesion

There are classifications of hearing loss, taking into account the level of damage, the degree of hearing impairment and the period of time during which auditory violations develop. With all types of hearing loss, various degrees of rumor reduction can be observed - from mild hearing loss to a complete deafness.

Types of tightness Description and symptoms
Conductive tightness Hearing impairment, characterized by problems with patency and amplification of sound through the external and secondary ear. These obstacles are formed in the outer ear. These may include: improper development of organs, sulfur tubes, various tumors, as well as initial.
Neurosensory (sensuously) hearing loss This is a hearing impairment caused by dysfunction of the inner ear, the hearing centers of the brain, the sentence-snelled nerve. Unlike conductive hearing loss, neurosensory arises due to the wrong work of the sound-by-penetrating device.
Mixed Hearing disorders occur with the simultaneous influence of factors causing conductive and neurosensory touginess. The most common symptoms of the disease are hissing, a peak, hum, ringing in the ears, the difficulties of perception of speech in a noisy setting, poor hearing, a false feeling of rotation or movement of the body in space.
Sudden deafness Sudden hearing loss - acute one or, less often, bilateral decrease in hearing (less than deafness), which occurs suddenly, for seconds or minutes, with general good condition. The disease appears at any time of the day, more often when we wake up, in any setting. Most patients have ear noise of different nature and intensity, often the breadths of the ear.
Acute form Acute hearing loss is a significant impairment of hearing over a short period of time for a duration of no more than 1 month. In other words, if the loss of hearing happened during the maximum of the month, then it is about acute hearing loss. At the initial stage, a person feels mortgaged in the ear or noise in the ears, and not a worsening hearing. The feeling of congestion or noise in the ears can periodically appear and disappear, being preliminary signs of the upcoming hearing loss.
Chronic hearing loss The most dangerous type of hearing thoughts, as the hearing impairment occurs gradually: you can talk about the period of time from several months to several years. There are stable and progressive stages.

Thus, all the above species of this disease have several degrees of reduction of hearing. They can be both light and heavy shape.

The degree of hearing loss: 1, 2, 3, 4

Depending on the threshold of hearingness (the minimum level of sound, which is capable of capturing the human hearing aid) in the patient, it is customary to distinguish between 4 degrees of chronic disease.

Distinguish between several degrees of hearing loss:

1 degree

  • 1 degree - loss of hearing, which is characterized by the absence of susceptibility to sounds from 26 to 40 dB;

At a distance of several meters, subject to the absence of extraneous sounds, a person does not have any problems with hearing, distinguishes all words in a conversation. However, in a noisy environment, the opportunity to hear the speech speech clearly worsens. It also gets hard to hear whisper at a distance of more than 2 meters.

2 degree of hearing loss

  • 2 degree - loss of hearing, which is characterized by the absence of susceptibility to sounds from 41 to 55 dB;

People at this stage the ear begins to fall rapidly, they can no longer hear even in the absence of extraneous noises. Whisper they cannot distinguish between the meter at a distance, and the usual speech is more than 4 meters away.

How it can manifest itself in everyday life: the patient will be much more likely to ask the interlocutor. Accompanied by noise, he may not even hear the speech.

3 degree

  • 3 degree - loss of hearing, which is characterized by the absence of susceptibility to sounds from 56 to 70 dB;

If the patient has observed a gradual increase in problems and proper treatment was not carried out, in this case the decline in hearing progresses and manifests 3 degrees.

Such a serious defeat significantly affects communication, human communication delivers great difficulties and without a special auditory apparatus, he will not be able to continue normal communication. A person is prescribed with disabilities for 3 degrees.

Heaviness 4 degrees

  • 4 degree - loss of hearing, which is characterized by the absence of susceptibility to sounds from 71 to 90 dB.

In this stage, the patient does not hear at all, and the conversational speech is distinguished with difficulty only at a distance of no further than 1 meter.

Headowing in children

The child loss in the child is a violation of a hearing function, in which the perception of sounds is difficult, but to one degree or another is preserved. Symptoms of hearing loss in children can serve:

  • lack of reaction to the sound of toys, maternal voice, call, requests, whispering;
  • lack of humoring and leptay;
  • violation of speech I. mental Development and etc.

Currently, there are no accurate data regarding the reasons that can cause hearing loss in children. At the same time, as this pathological condition studies, a number of predisposing factors were revealed.

  • Negative influence of external factors for intrauterine fetal development.
  • Somatic diseases at the mother. Such diseases include diabetes mellitus, jade, etc.
  • Unhealthy mother's lifestyle during pregnancy.
  • Complications after transferred diseases. Most often in children developing hearing loss after transferred, influenza infection, measles, syphilis, herpes, etc.

In order for the child to suffer from hearing loss, such rules should be followed:

  • Attentive attitude to the state of health during pregnancy
  • Qualified treatment and subsequent care in medium ear infections
  • Avoiding the impact of very loud sounds

All methods of treating and rehabilitation of children with hearing loss are divided into drug, physiotherapeutic, functional and surgical. In some cases, it is enough to carry out simple procedures (removing the sulfur tube or the removal of the ear bodies) to restore hearing.

Disability with hearing loss

Special hearing restoration techniques, developed and affordable, allow you to return the rumors to people suffering from 1-2 degree hearing, as quickly as possible. As for the treatment of hearing loss of 2 degrees, here the recovery process looks much more complicated and is longer. Patients with 3 or 4 degree of hearing loss are the auditory apparatus.

3 A group of disability is established in the diagnosis of bilateral hearing loss of 4 degrees. If the patient found 3 degree of the disease, and the hearing aids provide satisfactory compensation, the disability in most cases is not determined. Children with hearing loss 3 and 4 degrees disability assigned.


Timely diagnosis of rumor reduction and the beginning of therapy at an early stage allows you to save it. Otherwise, as a result, a persistent deafness is developing, which is not amenable to correction.

When problems with hearing, it is necessary to apply a wide range of diagnostic tools, find out, firstly, why the hearing loss occurs, the symptoms of this disease may also indicate the possible character of partial deafness.

Before doctors, the task is to fully describe what nature of the occurrence and flow, the type and class has hearing loss; Treatment can be appointed only after such a comprehensive approach to analysis.

How to treat hearing loss? Treatment of hearing loss is selected depending on its shape. In the case of conductive hearing loss, if the patient has a violation of the integrity or functionality of the eardrum or auditory bones, the doctor may assign an operation.

Today, a lot of operational methods of recovery of hearing recovery during conductive hearing loss are developed and practically introduced: miningoplastic, tympanoplasty, hearing aid prosthetics. Sometimes it is possible to restore the rumor even with deafness.

Neurosensory hearing loss is amenable to conservative treatment. Apply medical preparationswhich improves blood supply in the inner ear (piracetam, cerebrolysis, etc.) Treatment of hearing thoughts involves the reception of drugs that save from dizziness (betagistry). Also use physiotherapy and reflexotherapy. In chronic neurosensory hearing loss, it is used by a hearing end.

Medicase treatment of hearing loss may include such funds:

  • Nootrops (glycine, Vinpocetin, Luceta, piracetam, pentoxifillin). Improve the blood supply to the brain and the area of \u200b\u200bthe auditory analyzer, stimulate the restoration of the cells of the inner ear and the nerve roots.
  • Vitamins G in (pyridoxine, thiamine, cyancobalamin in the form of Milgamma preparations, benfothiamine). Have a focused action - improve nervous conductivity, are indispensable to optimize the activities of the hearing branch of the facial nerve.
  • Antibiotics (cefexim, supraks, azithoks, amoxiclav) and NSAIDs (ketonal, nurofen, ibuklin). Prescribed when purulent otitis becomes the cause of hearing loss - inflammation of the middle ear, as well as other acute bacterial diseases of hearing organs.
  • Antihistamines and anti-essay preparations (zyrtek, diazoline, suprastin, furosemid). Help to eliminate swelling and reduce the production of transudate with the inflammatory pathologies of the ear leading to the deterioration of hearing.


There are several types of operations used in the treatment of pathology:

  • If the hearing loss is caused by a violation of the hearing bones, make the latter prosthetics operation by replacing the synthetic counterparts. As a result, the mobility of the bone rises, the rumor in a person is restored.
  • If the hearing loss is caused by a violation of the integrity of the eardrum, then the operation is made by the milningoplastic, replacing the pathologically modified membrane on synthetic.

How to treat hearing loss by folk remedies

Folk remedies have acquired a lot of distribution in the treatment of hearing thugs. To date, many of them show amazing efficiency. Before applying any folk recipes, it is necessary to talk to the doctor to avoid negative consequences of self-medication.

  1. The infusion of the roots of Aira Bolotnaya. A dessert spoonful of dry crushed roots of the AIR is torn 0.5 liters of steep boiling water in a glass or ceramic vessel, covered with a lid, wrapped and lifted for three hours. An infusion is filtered by 60-65 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, which is repeated after a two-week break.
  2. You need to bury 3 drops of natural almond oil, alternating ears every day. The course of treatment lasts a month. Such a procedure helps to improve the rumor.
  3. Onion compress. A piece of the onion onion heats up and wraps into the gauze. Such a mini-compress is inserted into the ear for the whole night.
  4. The infusion of the root of AIRA: crushed root (1 tbsp. L.) 600 ml of boiling water with insistence of at least 2.5 hours - drinks 50 ml before each meal intake.
  5. You can also in the treatment with folk remedies of sensuously hearing loss, use garlic in grated form in combination with camphor oil. You will need one small clove of garlic and 5 drops of oil. They need to be thoroughly mixed, moisten the resulting mixture of bandage flagellas and put them in a hearing pass for 6-7 hours.


The main rule of the prevention of rumor reduction is to prevent dangerous situations and risk factors. It is important to identify the diseases of the upper respiratory tract and conduct their treatment. The reception of any drugs should be carried out only by the appointment of a specialist, which will help to avoid the development of many complications.

This is all about the hearing loss: what is this disease, what are its causes and symptoms, features of treatment. Be healthy!

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