What dandruff appears how to treat. Dandruff - not winter snowflakes on shoulders

According to statistical data, a third of the Earth's population face the problem of dandruff. Snow-white flakes in hair significantly spoil the appearance, the head begins to be hung ... In a word, it can not continue for so long, and beauties are ready to go to any sacrifices to quickly get rid of the problem. How to deal with dandruff in women and prevent her appearance in the future? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.

Why women appear dandruff

Dandress on the head in women is found quite often. The appearance of a cosmetic defect indicates a violation of coherent work song hardware and the body as a whole, and sometimes signals serious health problems.

What is dandruff? The life of the epidermis cell lasts only 28 days, after this time, it devies, a new one appears in her place. Such a process is called regeneration. If all indicators of the work of the organs and systems of women are normal, then such changes pass unnoticed without delivering discomfort.

As soon as the balance is broken, the cells begin to accelerately share, old epidermis particles accumulate on the surface. Such clusters are called dandruff. They can be white or yellowish (owners of fatty hair).

We'll figure it out why dandruff appears on the head. The reasons for its appearance are quite a lot, we denote the main:

  • disturbed metabolism that weakens the durability of the body to pathogenetic factors;
  • the unstable hormonal background is also reflected in the skin condition, this may be due to the reception of hormonal drugs;
  • diseases of organs or systems of organs, in particular, nervous and endocrine Systems, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • weak immunity;
  • heredity;
  • changes in the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • development of dermatological diseases (sores, corros, seborrhea, allergic dermatitis and others);
  • frequent staining, exposure to various chemical compositions;
  • lack of vitamins, trace elements and other important components in the body of a woman;
  • frequent stress, overvoltage in physical and emotional plan;
  • increased drying of the scalp due to improper care, frequent styling of the catch, iron;
  • cosmetics for hair care do not correspond to the type of champions, chosen incorrectly;
  • activation of the activity of the yeast fungus PityROSPORUM OVALE, which led to a violation of the microflora of the scalp of the head;
  • external factors (weather, bad ecology).

Note, Incorrect use of natural domestic masks can cause dandruff in women. With special care, experts recommend relate to masks aimed at accelerated curl growth.

First signs

Not necessarily wait until the unpleasant "snow" covers the whole head, you can foresee the problem at an early stage.This will greatly facilitate the treatment process and gives beauty less chagrin.

The main symptoms of dandruff appearance:

  • a small amount of white scales on her hair, clothes, shoulders after combing hair;
  • locks have become more dry, brittle, natural shine is lost, radiance;
  • skin covers become irritable, redness appear;
  • the head begins to hide;
  • corks can form;

If you have noticed such signs, immediately go to the reception to a dermatologist, a dermakostologist or a trichologist. Do not self-medicate.Dandruff can be not only a cosmetic defect, but also a sign of complex diseases, it is impossible to delay with its treatment (psoriasis, dermatitis).

Methods of struggle

Dandruff in women requires comprehensive treatment, appoints which only a specialist. First of all, he performs a thorough inspection of the head of the head to determine from which the dandruff appears in the patient. Only after the diagnosis is prescribed, appropriate drugs are prescribed.

There are several directions of eliminating a cosmetic defect: drug (using ointments, special shampoos), the use of modern techniques (for example, mesotherapy, leech therapy) and folk remedies.

Medicia treatment

The main method of eliminating the "snow" in the hair is considered to use therapeutic shampoos, lotions and ointments.They have antifungal, exhausting effect, the active components of the means stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands, filled with epidermis cells with vitamins and nutritional components.

Among the dandruff shampoos are especially popular:

  • Loworded.The active substance uses ketoconazole. It is distinguished high antifungal action, It is used to treat seborrheic dermatitis, seven-party deprivation and dandruff. After the first use, the means significantly reduces itching, the peeling of the cover. Used for the prevention and treatment of illness. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks, you need to wash your head every 3 days. If you use shampoo in preventive purposes, it is enough to wash your head every week or a week later. The cost of funds is 430-800 rubles, depending on the volume and manufacturer.

  • Dragged - analogue naked.Ketakonazole is also used as a valid component. The medical course lasts up to 8 weeks, you need to wash your hair 2 times a week. For the price, the tool is cheaper than loword.

  • Sulsen Forte (Sulsen Shampoo 2%). Active substance - Sulsen. Deeply cleanses the cover, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, enhances the blood flow, is used for the treatment and prevention of dandruff. It contains a complex of natural additives, thanks to which it quickly disappears, irritability of the scalp. Does not require an air conditioner after washing, because the air-conditioning additive is included.

  • Bioderma Node DS. Excellent doctor during seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, eliminates dandruff. Active components of the means, in particular salicylic acid, ichthyol, laminarial extract, favorably affect the microflora of the cover, contribute to the rapid destruction of fungi, provoked the appearance of dandruff. As part of the funds there is no dispatch, harmful flavors. The course of treatment is 3 weeks subject to the use of shampoo to 4 times a week. Bioderma Nodep DS can be used as a preventive tool, for this wash the head of this means several times a week. The cost of the product is about 1,500 rubles for 125 ml. In addition, the manufacturer offers a series of medical cosmetics to combat dandruff and concomitant diseases.

  • Intense shampoo Vichy Dercos from dandruff.The product does not contain parabens, dyes, sulfates. The unique formula of the means includes Pyricton Olamin, acid salicylic and thermal water Vichy SPA. In the complex, they actively affect the problem, guarantee a decent result after the first application. The company offers several shampoo options: for sensitive skin, dry and fatty hair type. The cost of funds is 800-850 rubles.

Medical treatment involves the use of medicinal ointments. It is worth noting that ointments are considered more efficient, although the cost is inferior to shampoos and dandruff lotions.

  • Zinc ointment.The tool reduces inflammation, has high antiseptic properties. For the owners of dry hair, the drug is complemented by several drops of vegetable oil. You can use ointment even during pregnancy and during lactation without risk to harm the baby. To get rid of dandruffs, it is recommended to apply a moderate layer on the affected heads of the head twice a week. The duration of the course of treatment is 1-2 months, it depends on the severity of the problem.

  • Paste Sulsena.It is considered an effective and affordable tool to combat dandruff, seborrhea of \u200b\u200bthe scalp, psoriasis. A competently selected composition has a high antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, eliminates the problem of hair loss. The paste is applied to the root part after washing the hair, after 15 minutes the tool is washed off. The medical course lasts 1 month, the ointment is applied 2 times a week. The price of Sulsen-Forte paste is 60-100 rubles.

  • Ointment sulfur.Differs high efficiency and a longer course of treatment. The drug is applied to the clean and dry skin of the head for 5 minutes, after which the remnants are removed. Throw ointment is 2-3 times a day for 5-10 days, depending on the diagnosis. After the medical course, it is recommended to use the result to secure the result. special shampoos With the addition of tar, zinc, based on ketoconazole. It is unacceptable to use the drug pregnant women during lactation. The cost of the Mazi tube (25 g) is on average 50 rubles.

Separate category medicines From dandruff take masks. As part of masks there are vitamin and nutritious additives that improve the status of the curls, strengthen their structure and eliminate unpleasant snow on the head.

Funds remain popular in the modern market:

  • Mask Hair Vital against dandruff.The tool has high antifungal and antimicrobial properties, quickly copes with itching and increased fatty scalp. The mask includes Pyricton Olamin, burdock extract and other active ingredients that contribute to the rapid elimination of the problem and strengthen the hair onion. The mask from the Italian manufacturer is rubbed into the skin of the head, the time of action is 10-15 minutes. Repeated procedure needed 1-2 times a week, the course of therapy is 3-5 weeks. It is recommended to use a mask simultaneously with shampoo and lotion from the specified series. This will noticeably speed up the recovery process. The cost of the mask is about 350 rubles.

  • Mud mask Hair & Scalp Mud Mask Dolmen.Means for hair from a well-known Jordanian company is characterized by a rich, natural composition. It has medicinal dirt of the Dead Sea, vegetable oils and extracts of medicinal herbs. The tool moisturizes, nourishes the dry skin of the head, eliminates itching and peeling. It is recommended to make a mask on clean hair 1-2 times a week, the procedure takes only 5 minutes. The regular execution of the mask will make hair with silky, obedient and shining health, even without hints on dandruff. Mask price - 750 rubles.

  • Mascarilla Mascarilla Head Skin Pilling Mask.It can be used to combat illness or in order to prevent its appearance in the future. Special microparticles, competently chosen acids in combination with a complex of active nutritional additives allow you to quickly eliminate the defect and irritability of the cover, normalize water balance Skin. Applied on a dry surface without pre-washing hair for 15 minutes. After the specified time, washed with warm water. The manufacturer recommends applying a peeling mask for hair with shampoo from the same line. The cost of hair for hair is 850 rubles.

Attention!Before applying a mask, shampoo, or ointment, spend a sensitivity test. It will save on the complication of problems and irritation, allergic rash.

Folk remedies

Folk medicine offers a lot of recipes for compositions, they will reduce the itching and symptoms of the unpleasant skin of the head. Choose to you but note that one people would not be able to get rid of the problem.They are used in a complex with medication treatment.

Options folk remedies For hair, which will be useful for eliminating dandruff, set.

We offer some effective and demanded recipes.

  1. Mask of burdock. About strengthening, restoring and wound-healing properties of burdocks know everything. It can be used in the fight against "snowflakes" in the hair. You need to pour 1 tbsp. l. The crushed rapic root is a glass of unrefined, better olive oil. Closely close the lid and insist in a dark, but warm place for 2 weeks. Through time, rub 2 times a week before the hair washing. After 1 hour, rinse the remnants of the burdock emulsion using shampoo.
  2. Air conditioning from nettle. The nettle has long been known for high anti-inflammatory properties, it is an excellent antiseptic. In addition, the plant is rich in nutritious components and vitamins, after the course of therapeutic procedures, hair becomes strong, silky, less fall out. You will need fresh leaves of the plant (5 tbsp. L.) And dry leaves of nettle (2 art. L.), Pour them with boiling water (200 ml). Capacity with decoction Send a 10-minute water bath. After the specified time, the decoction is resolved. After each head washing, rinse the hair with a cooked decoction. It is allowed to rub the tool before washing the head.
  3. Oil compositions- Another option to strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff. Mix in equal proportions Favorite vegetable oils (tea tree, mint, mirra, lemon, patchouli or chamomile). Slip the mixture into the skin of the head for 2-3 minutes while the tool does not apply. An hour later, you can wash your hair. The procedure is recommended to repeat up to 3 times a week.
  4. Mask with black bread. Slice of bread crush, pour boiling water. Give the mixture cool and proceed to rubbing. After 3-5 minutes, rinse the hair with clean, cool water. The remedy is harmless to the chapels, it is addictive.
  5. Egg mask. We take 1 egg before the formation of foam, add the same amount of kefir (yogurt) to the egg mass. Pretty stir the mask, and rub into the skin of the head. Take the lap in a polyethylene, a warm towel. After 1 hour, wash the remnants of the mask with cool water. Perform an egg mask no more than 3 times a week.

Alternative methods

Eliminate the skin problem with modern methods,they are performed in the cosmetology office or beauty salon, under the guidance of an experienced specialist. These include:

  • darsonvalization (massage using the darsonval portable instrument);
  • hirudotherapy (procedure for the effects of leeches on acupuncture points);
  • cryoissage (massage of the surface of the head of dry ice or liquid nitrogen);
  • laser region (impact on the problem of the laser);
  • mesotherapy (the process of administering nutrients, drugs by means of intradermal injections).

Attention!To quickly and for a long time to get rid of dandruff, one method is not enough. Experts insist on complex treatment, compliance with a strict diet.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of dandruff in women during the treatment period, it is important to adhere to these rules:

  1. Insecrably follow the instructions, instructions of the attending physician.
  2. Remember, the alcohol-containing means are strongly dried by the skin, they only complicate the problem.
  3. Do not scratch, do not cake head so as not to injure the covers. Through the wounds you can make an infection, provoke suppuration.
  4. Use soft comb, non-metallic.
  5. Draw drying with a hairdryer, laying by forceps, iron.
  6. Use quality, healing shampoos.
  7. It is impossible to paint hair to use aggressive styling products. Pay more attention to nutrition, moisturizing covers.
  8. Review meals, add more useful food, fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet. Refuse alcoholic, roasted, salt and smoked. Such a diet allows you to normalize the metabolism, will speed up recovery.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the manifestation of the dandruff in the future, experts recommend periodically using medicinal shampoos, lotions and masks. Particular attention is paid to nutrition. More useful, healthy food! Forget about unhealthy food and fastofuds.

And finally, watch your meals, relax more, do not be nervous. Disorders in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, constant stress in most cases cause the development of cosmetic ailments.

Useful videos

Causes of dandruff and what she hides.

Dandruff - causes and treatment. How to get rid of dandruff.

Interesting Facts

  • According to statistics, dandruff is most often observed in young people from 14 to 25 years.
  • In 1874, French Anatas and Histologist Louis Charles Malacase with the help of a microscope found an unknown fungus as part of a dandruff. This discovery made it possible to identify one of the causes of dandruff.
  • In 90% of people suffering from seborrhea and dandruff, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are also observed ( gastrointestinal tract).
  • According to the statistics of each second person, at least once in his life there were problems with dandruff.

The structure of the skin and appendages of the skin

The skin serves as an obstacle between the environment and the human body.

The main functions of the skin are:

  • temoregulation (consumption and heat release occurs);
  • protective (protects the body from chemical and mechanical impacts);
  • separation (selects skin fat, water and decay products);
  • immune (T-lymphocytes and Langerhans cells are struggling with infection in the skin);
  • respiratory (the skin absorbs oxygen, and highlights carbon dioxide);
  • resorption (skin can absorb various medicinal and cosmetics).
The skin consists of the following layers:
  • epidermis;
  • dermis;
  • hydrometer ( subcutaneous fat fiber).


The epidermis is a surface layer of the skin, in which continuous reproduction of new cells and the energization of the old one occurs.

The epidermis contains the following types of cells:

  • keratinocytes - produce keratin;
  • langerhans cells - macrophages performing a protective function;
  • melanocytes - produce melanin;
  • merkel cells - Tangible cells.

Description of layers of epidermis

Name of the layer Description of the layer
Basal The basal layer consists of one row of cells, which are arranged directly on the border with the derma. The cells of this layer are characterized by the fact that they are continuously multiplied by forming new skin cells. Also in the cells of the basal layer contains a pigment melanin, which determines the color of the skin, protects it from the effect of ultraviolet rays and causes the effect of tanning. The existing Merkel cells in the basal layer are involved in the sale of skin sensitivity.
Spikeful The cellular cell layer is located three to eight rows. A feature of this layer is that new skin cells formed in the basal layer are bonded here by cytoplasmic growth.
Grainy The grain layer consists of one - five rows of tight adjacent cells. After a hipged cell of the cell bonded by special increases, the process of oroging is beginning here. Also in this layer contains epidermal macrophages - these are cells, the main function of which is the struggle with the infection inwards.
Brilliant The brilliant layer is observed in such areas of the body as palms and feet, where the layer of the epidermis is quite dense. Also in this layer continues the process of oroging epithelial cells.


The horny layer is direct contact with the environment and performs a barrier function, preventing the penetration of microbes inside the skin. This layer consists of damaged cells tightly adjacent to each other and containing keratin ( protein substance).

Updating the upper layers of skin on the head through an invisible exfoliation of dead cells occurs every three to four weeks, which is a normal physiological process. In people suffering from dandruff, the rate of cell death increases due to the increased production of new skin cells, that is, the process of cell oroging the corporal of cells is significantly increased in the horn. As a result, the accumulation of dead cells occurs, and their frequent exfoliation occurs. For this reason, in most cases, dry dandruff develops.


Derma is represented connective tissue and consists of two layers.

In this layer of leather is contained sebaceous glands, the strengthening of which makes it difficult to exfoliate the burned cells from the skin surface, which can later lead to the formation of dandruff. Skin fat, not allowing already dead skin particles disappear, in the end leads to the emergence of conglomerates ( sloped pieces of oroging skin). For this reason, in most cases, greasy dandruff develops.


Subcutaneous fat fiber is represented by fatty clusters and a connecting cloth. This layer provides movable skin attachment to organs and tissues, and also creates additional protection of the body from mechanical damage.

Skin appendages

Skin appendages include:
  • Sebaceous glands. We produce a secret - skin fat, which lubricates the hair and protects the skin.
  • Sweet glands. Water and decay products are isolated, as well as an important component in the process of thermoregulation.
  • Hair. They are derived from the epidermis and cover almost the whole body.
  • Nails. Nail bed covers a nail plate consisting of a horn.

Causes of dandruff

The main reasons for the development of dandruff are:
  • violation of the skin of the skin;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • fungus;


Disruption of the work glands may occur due to the following reasons:
  • Nervous stress. The excitement provokes the increased productivity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Heavy and fatty food. Leads to a change in the composition of the skin.
  • Hot food. Hot causes a tide of blood to the stomach, as a result of which the reinforced work of the sebaceous glands and skin is caused.
  • Hormonal disbalance. It entails a change in the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as a change in the consistency of the skin.
These factors, increasing the work of the sebaceous glands, contribute to the formation or exacerbation of the dandruff.

Violation of hormonal background

The skin and hair complex consists of hair onion, greasy and sweat glands, which highlight lubricant ( sebum), which helps to exfoliate the damaged particles of the skin. An increase in androgen levels ( group of hormones produced by the seeds and ovaries) In men or women provokes an increase in skin products. These violations lead to a change in the quality of the skin, which ceases to be fluid, and becomes more dense.

The thick skin salty provokes the gluing of the skin of the skin, not allowing them to disappear, which subsequently leads to their exfoliation by the layers ( dandruff).
Violation of the selection and changing the consistency of the skin can lead to the development of such a disease as Seborrhea.

Seboro, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • itching the scalp;
  • rashes on the skin in the form of redness covered with fatty or dry scales that are capable of merging;
  • gnove on the scalp.

Also, the causes of seborrhea may be:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body.


The human skin is covered with an invisible water-lipid lubricant having a sour Wednesday. This lubricant protects the body from the set of microbes, which come to the surface of the skin, destroying them. However, in case of contacting data of microbes, the rejection process begins in the skin, that is, the body begins to produce skin fat to produce. This protective mechanism makes it difficult to detect scheels from the skin surface, which subsequently leads to dandruff.

With increasing skin products, fungi play a major role ( Pitirosporum Ovale), which normally live on the surface of the skin, they in this period begin to multiply and grow with greater intensity. The sensitivity of the skin of the head is exacerbated to the rivalry products of the fungus, which results in fungal defeat Skin. Subsequently, fungi covered with skin fat and extremely scales, form plaques that are exfoliating cause itching and constant dandruff.

Normally on the surface of the head, a person has 45% of fungal flora, however, in disruption of the sebaceous glands, this indicator may increase to 70%.

It should be noted that these fungi have a beneficial effect on the skin of the skin, as they participate in maintaining its microflora, protecting against penetration into the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Also fungi support a normal pH ( acid Alkaline Balance) Skin.

Skin disease

Dandruff, for example, maybe early sign psoriasis. This disease is autoimmune and lies in the fact that its own immune cells ( macrofagi) Affect surface layers of the skin, causing them with a death. This phenomenon leads to leather exfoliation by large layers in the form of dandruff. However, there are differences that allow you to quickly determine the presence of psoriasis in humans, for example, the appearance of psoriatic plaques of reddish color.

Predisposing factors

There are also predisposing factors that can provoke the development of dandruff.

Endogenous factors:

  • avitaminosis ( for example, lack of vitamins A);
  • reducing the protective forces of the body ( for example, after transferred acute respiratory viral infection (ORVI));
  • intestine dysbiosis ( for example, after treatment with antibiotics);
  • genetic predisposition (if parents have a dandruff).
Exogenous factors:
  • daily head washing inappropriate shampoo ( washed off the natural lubricant that covers the scalp);
  • regular use of a hair dryer with hot air leads to skin cuts ( hair dryer should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the hair and use gentle mode);
  • frequent stresses ( provoke the work of the sebaceous glands);
  • smoking ( chemicals that are in tobacco contribute to the weakening of the body's protective forces);
  • disadvantage in the body of vitamins and minerals ( can lead to dry skin or to strengthen the work of the sebaceous glands);
  • chronic overwork ( leads to the weakening of immunity);
  • frequent hair coloring ( leads to damage and development of dry skin).

What areas do dandruff appear more often?

Most often, dandruff appears on the scalp of the head in the grinding and dark areas, as in this place there is an increased selection of sebum. Also, the occurrence of the dandruff in this area may be due to increasing the number of pityrosporum ovale fungus. This fungus is a conditional pathogenic and asymptomaticly on the skin of most people ( in those places where the greatest accumulation of the sebaceous glands occurs).

Also dandruff can be observed in the following sections:
  • eyebrows;
  • eyelashes;
  • middleweach;
  • pubis.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff consists of dead skin cells, which due to excessive exfoliation are manifested in the form of grayish-white scraps.

Normally, a person occurs in a person during the month, the process of motioning a certain number of skin cells occurs. In people suffering from dandruff, this process is observed much more often, approximately every ten days. This happens because of the decline or, on the contrary, increase the production of sebum.

Depending on the type of hair dandruff, it is customary to divide into two types:

  • dry dandruff;
  • fat dandruff.

Dry dandruff

Fat dandruff

Dandruff treatment

Currently, there is a large spectrum of dandruff drugs, however, it should be noted that this kind of means must be selected individually depending on clinical picture and the causes of dandruff.

The means used in the masks below possess the following therapeutic properties:

  • Egg yolk It contains beta-keratin, rich in fatty acids that are deeply powered and moisturized the scalp.
  • Olive oil It feeds and moisturizes the skin.
  • Lemon juice Stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands and acid-and-alkaline equilibrium, also has a keratolytic effect, helping to peel the damaged skin particles.
  • Kefir. The kefir includes vitamins of groups B, a, calcium and protein, which moisturize, feed the scalp, and also strengthen the roots of the hair.
  • Castor oil Moisturizes and strengthens hair, contributes to leather exhaustion.

  1. To prepare a mask, you need to take one egg yolk, a tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and then rub into the skin of the head along the probor lines. After applying the mask, the head should be covered with a cap and keep for forty minutes, after which it is necessary to wash your head. This mask is recommended to be used twice a week for one month.
  1. For the preparation of masks, four tablespoons of kefir will need, one tablespoon of olive oil and one egg yolk. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly, after which they apply the resulting tool on the scalp ( hair washing) And leave for an hour - one and a half. This mask should be used twice a week for a month and a half - two months.
  1. In two egg yolk need to add one tablespoon castor Oil and lemon juice, after which mix thoroughly. The cooked mask should be applied on the scalp ( hair washing) For one hour with periodicity twice a week. The duration of treatment is one - a month and a half.
  • It is necessary to mix salicylic acid ( two grams), Castor oil ( five gram) and vodka ( one hundred gram). A cooked lotion should be applied to the skin of the head for a half - two hours before the head wash. This remedy should be applied every other day to complete recovery.
  • Birch tar (five gram), Castor oil ( ten gram) and vodka ( one hundred gram) You should mix and apply to the skin in two hours before the head washing. This lotion should be used two - three times a week until complete recovery.
These funds will help eliminate fatty, itching heads, and will also contribute to leather exfoliation.


Beam name Therapeutic action Cooking method Application
Beet rich in vitamin C, beta-carotine, reduces the inflammatory process It is necessary to cook beets, after which the resulting beetted juice should rinse the hair. This decoction should be used two - three times a week for a month.
Plate nettle Contains vitamin A and E, strengthens hair, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands Two tablespoons of dry nettle Add to 400 ml of hot water and put on a slow fire for fifteen - twenty minutes. After cooking, the decoction must be strain and cool. The cooked tool should rinse the hair after washing the head twice a week. The duration of treatment is one to two months.
Decoration of calendula Eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair, reduces hair fatty Two tablespoons of calendula must be pouring 400 ml of hot water, and then put on a slow fire for fifteen minutes. After cooking, the resulting decoction must be strain and cool. The finished decoction should rinse the hair after washing the head one - twice a week for one to one and a half months.

Dandruff prevention

The following dandruff prevention methods are distinguished:
  • hygiene of the scalp;
  • protection of the scalp from the effects of not high and low temperatures;
  • diet and abundant drink;
  • prevention of stress and strengthening immunity.

Hygiene of the scalp

To maintain the hygiene of the skin and hairproof, the following recommendations must be followed:
  • remember that such items and personal belongings like comb, urine, as well as hats are intended exclusively for individual use;
  • it is necessary to contain all personal hygiene objects clean and replace them as wear.
  • shampoos and cosmetics should be selected according to the type of hair;
  • wash your head is recommended as contamination;
  • it is not recommended to wash your head very hot water, since heat contributes to increased production of skin saline;
  • during drying hair, it is necessary to put a gentle mode on devices ( warm air).
As prevention, it is recommended to use the following healing agents from dandruff:
  1. Shampoo nipped. The composition of this means includes antifungal agents ( ketokonazole.).
Note: Any prophylactic shampoos must be used more often than once every two weeks.
  1. Paste Sulsen 2%. The paste includes a sulfur compound, as well as useful additives, due to which the function of the fat secretion of the skin is normalized. Paste need to rub circular movements In the roots of the hair. After a ten-minute break, the remedy should be washed with warm water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week.
Note: before applying paste, hair should be washed with shampoo.

Protection of the scalp from the effects of not high and low temperatures

Knowing and straight solar rays are tantamount, as the cold have a negative effect on the state of the scalp, thereby provoking the appearance of dandruff. As prevention in this case, it is recommended to wear seasonal hats.

Diet and abundant drink

Quality and full nutrition plays a key role in the prevention of many skin disease, Including when manifesting dandruff.

In order to avoid any pathological changes from the skin, it is recommended to use those foods that contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and Minerals Food Affective
Vitamin B6. walnuts Fish, liver, bananas
Pecoming the skin from adverse effects from the environment, and also contribute to skin moisturizing.
Vitamin PP. Cheese, Tomatoes, Cabbage Restores skin protective functions.
Zinc Nuts, seeds, beef Participates in the process of updating skin cells.
Calcium Bean, greens, dairy and dairy products Participates in the secretion of the sebaceous glands
With a lack of calcium, the elasticity of the skin is reduced.

It is also necessary to reduce the flow of that food that can contribute to the occurrence of dandruff. For example, oily, sweet, acute and salted food.

As for abundant drinking, this is explained by the fact that a sufficient amount of fluid entering the body contributes to the normalization of metabolism.

Prevention of stress and strengthening immunity

Weak immunity and stressful situations can negatively affect the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as on the quality of the skin, making it more dry. These factors can contribute to the development of dandruff. Based on this, you should avoid stressful situations And, if possible, to spend as much free time in the fresh air.

Dandruff is the visible manifestation of the head of the head of the head. Normally, the cycle of cell development is about a month and occurs imperceptibly to humans. With dandruff, it decreases to the week, and then peeling flakes are clearly visible on her hair and clothing. Dandruff, causes and treatment of which will be considered in the article, is an early sign and the easiest clinical form of seborrheic dermatitis.

Symptoms and dandruff

This pathology is difficult. Easy dry scales of white or grayish color are easily satisted with the skin of the head, pollute hair, comb, clothing. Hair can become dull, quickly planting, thinning. Frequently often, with a man's dandruff, it bothers the skin of the scalp, but the inflammatory processes are usually absent.

Against the background of the hypersecretion of large which is quite a lot on such a plot, like the skin of the head, dandruff can become fat. Displaced particles of the epidermis are combined into sufficiently large yellowish flakes. They are greasy, hardly separated from the skin surface, can form layers. The hair very quickly acquire a dirty look, weaken, begin to sneeze and fall out.

Dandruff is a fairly common problem. Some people have this pathology becomes chronic, others suffer from it only from time to time. One way or another, but with this phenomenon, at least once in his life, each person came across. Attempts to get rid of the problem will not be effective if you do not find the answer to the question: "What did Dandruff appear?"

Fungus - the main cause of dandruff

Most people perceive the appearance of dandruff solely as a cosmetic problem. Indeed, its presence is little aesthetic and can spoil any outfit and hairstyle. However, the occurrence of the dandruff primarily signals the existing disorders in the body, although it is not an independent disease. The assumption that the main perch of dandruff is fungal infection PityRosporum Ovale, there was still a hundred years ago. The same opinion, dermatologists are held at present.

Causes of active breeding fungus

Interestingly, the notorious microorganism is a representative of a normal microflora of a person and can inhabit a long time miscellaneous Heads and not cause dandruff. The problem occurs when the protective properties of the skin are reduced, the composition of the skin sludge changes and the conditions for uncontrolled reproduction of the fungus are created. And this happens under the influence of a number of factors, including:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • some diseases, and, as a result, reducing immunity;
  • overvoltage, both physical and emotional;
  • improper nutrition, hypovitaminosis;
  • errors in the care of hair and skin of the head: the use of aggressive chemicals, drying hairdryer, hypothermia as a result of neglecting the headdress in winter;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Most often to give an unequivocal answer to the question, from which dandruff appeared is impossible. Any of the listed causes, and sometimes their complex, can provoke its occurrence. As an additional factor acts age. Practically never happens, and teenagers it can be a phenomenon with transient. There is a certain dependence of the gender and the frequency of this pathology. So, in men dandruff appears more often than women. In the autumn-winter period, the problem is inclined to exacerbate.

Dandruff treatment: changes in lifestyle

To understand what dandruff appeared, sometimes it is enough to analyze its own menu and the day of the day. Perhaps corrections should be subjected to the system, limiting the use of oily, acute and fried food, alcohol and sweets. It is necessary to use a sufficient number of products rich in fiber, vitamins A and group B, fermented milk products. The normalization of the drinking mode is important.

The lack of physical overloads, stress, sufficient time for sleep and rest will definitely affect the body of the body as a whole and the scalp in particular.

Right and hair

If dandruff appeared, it is at least for the treatment of the time to exclude aggressive hairdressers: staining, chemical twist, drying hairdryer, use of varnish and hair gel. You can temporarily replace chemical hair paints on natural: hu nu and bass, walnuts shell. If you wish and the means for laying, you can use natural, based on flax seeds, gelatin, egg protein, sugar.

Special attention should be paid to the issue of hygiene. It is recommended that you use natural wood from a natural tree and regularly replace them with new ones.

Tools from perchot

It is logical that to ensure the direct impact on the hair and the scalp's skin is the easiest way with the help of shampoos, masks and lotions. Not so important, from what dandruff appeared: effective means should always be in their composition antifungal component. Even if the root cause of the dandruff is not a fungus, then most often he joins the problem of problems later. In addition, it is good if the remedy has regenerating and bactericidal properties, and also regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. In this case, the impact will be complex.

In any cosmetic store there is a wide selection of dandruff shampoos. Consumer reviews about them are different: someone such means helped once and forever get rid of the problem, and someone remained disappointed. But, as practice shows, special medical dermatological shampoos are more effective. Yes, and the composition of the means that can be purchased exclusively in the pharmacy, much more natural.

Active components of dandruff

Most often, ketoconazole, selenium disulfide, cyclopirox, bifonazole, climbazol are used as antifungal components in dandruff agents. They have a pronounced exhausting effect of dispatch, sulfur, salicylic acid. These substances are well cleansed by the skin of the scalp from skin scales. Slow accelerated vital activity of octopiilx cells, tar, ichthyol. Most of the listed components have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is better when the drug is not one, but several active ingredients, and additionally they contain natural additives: herbs extracts (nettle, buckthorn, chamomile) and essential oils (Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus). Sometimes such ingredients themselves are capable of defeating itching and dandruff.

Features of the use of healing dandruff shampoos

All nuances of using one or another dandruff are indicated in the attached instruction. There are some common moments. As a rule, in order to active substance In the shampoo, it worked as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to withstand on the skin of the head for a while, doing a light massage. Therapeutic means for washing hair most often almost do not imply. This indicates their useful composition.

Dandruff shampoos in the first month of use should be used at least twice a week, and in the future, for prevention, twice a month. You can alternate pharmacy With a suitable shampoo from the cosmetic series.

Therapeutic for different taste and wallet set: "Loword", "Frieders", "Fitoval", "Sebazol", "Dermazole", "Keto Plus", "Sulsen", "Sebiprox", "Vichy". Well, the cosmetic is in almost every line of shampoos of most well-known brands buyer. If dandruff, the causes and treatment of it - the question is individual. In the absence of the possibility to consult with a trichologist, select the therapeutic shampoo will have to be sampled and errors.

Folk remedies

Many recipes suggests ethnoscience Those who encountered such a nuisance as dandruff. What to do people disappointed in pharmaceutical preparations or fearful side effects? Select the option of the recipe for the soul and try, the benefit of them is much, and they differ simplicity and availability.

Phytotherapy proposes to use brazers and tinnitus of herbs: root of burdock, nettle, ribs, chamomile, calendula, mother-and-stepmother, oak bark. They can be how to rinse the head after washing, and rub into the skin of the head.

Oil masks are often offered as an effective olive or castor oil can be used independently, and can be combined with lemon juice. Of course, after half an eye exposure to such a mask, the hair must be rinsed with shampoo.

Another interesting recipe: take a chicken egg, add vodka and kefir on the tablespoon and labeled the scalp. After half an hour, washed off. You can combine an egg with natural honey.

It is worth trying to do with a shallow food salt before washing. It is argued that this is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of dandruff. But with salt you should be careful if there are foci of inflammation on the skin.

So, it should be remembered that this seemingly harmless problem, like dandruff, should not be ignored at least because it is worth a certain disorder in the body. Launched dandruff not only spoils appearance, but also can lead to more serious consequences, right up to baldness.

There are other reasons for the appearance of ailment - mental, spiritual e. If you are angry with the worldOr you do not arrange your position, you want to change the people around you and think that they do not listen to you, do not understand, then you will probably have this problem.

The main types of dandruff on the head

White flakes are two types : Dry and fat. Consider what happens at these states with the scalp, how to distinguish these two types.

Dry dandruff

The main difference of this type - the appearance of itching after washing the head . If you do not stop in time, Seborive dermatitis may appear. Fortunately, I did not come to him. But my head was exactly the same - dry, white particles covered their heads and were almost not cleaned.

The causes of dry dandruff are internal disorders occurring in the body . Usually cells are able to update for 2-4 weeks, but if there are failures, this process occurs in 5 days.

This species is reflected, as a rule, on the hair. If they highly after going, they can see large "snowflakes" , then dandruff fat. Usually white snow can not be hidden. It will be noticeable on the hair very much. Such dandruff is formed on the head with big pieces around the follicle of the hair, they injure them, so your hairdry can fall out .

The reasons for such a problem can be a violation of metabolism, sebaceous glands, or incorrect or insufficient care..

So, now, deciding with the view, you can start it to destroy it. I noted in my own domestic and external causes, because of which the skin of the head can suffer. Of course, at first I turned to the existing means and methods, and then consulted with an experienced trichologist .

How to cure dandruff on the head at home - methods of treatment and my reviews

Clear with this disease can not. If not cured, serious disorders in the body may occur which we can even do not guess. There is a huge amount of way to get rid of this ailment. I will list the very following effective and checked for themselves .

Shampoos and soap against dandruff

Masks against dandruff

With a fatty type, the masks will be effective that can be prepared at home:

  • Honey . Add in an equal number of honey, ray oil, lemon juice, egg protein. The resulting mixture rub into the scalp and hair. You can keep within an hour.
  • Study with salt . It is necessary to prepare the cashis from 1 cup of nettle leaves, it is desirable to grind them, and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. You need to rub the mask and keep no more than 15 minut on your head.
  • Stretch with vinegar . Prepare spooles of nettle from 8 tablespoons, mix it with 1 tablespoon of vinegar. It is best to rub the solution with a cotton disk. You can keep the mask within 2-3 hours. Wash should be slightly acidified.
  • Beetter . Make fresh beet juice and rub into the skin. But the blondes are better not to apply it, as it can paint the hair.

With a dry type, I used excellent masks once a week, which helped me:

  • Oil . You can rub ray or sunflower oil. I kept for about 30-40 minutes. Of course, the effect was noticeable. Dry skin ceased to hide, "snow" particles began to disappear.
  • Lemon . It should be mixed with 1 lemon juice, 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon of oil. You can keep a mask for 1 hour.
  • Lukova . It should be insisted with a lucco husk, and then the resulting solution to rub into the head. I kept a mask for half an hour. I note that the mask is effective, but with every wash was nasty smell Luke.

Pasta against dandruff

No less effective means pasta Sulsena . It is produced in two types: for treatment and for prevention.

They differ in the percentage of deulfada selenium, thanks to which you can forget about:

  • Itching
  • Excessive seeds.
  • Thin and dry hair.

Pasta will restore hair of any type , give them a healthy appearance and shine. Apply it is very simple : After washing the head of shampoo, apply it on the skin of the head, rub in the circular movements, after 10-15 minutes, rinse.

Despite the rapid result and efficiency, paste contraindicated pregnant women and also those who have allergies Or does not tolerate the components included in the means.

Note that this method of deliverance is suitable for blondes.

Dandruff treatment by folk remedies

List a few folk methods From the excess appearance of scales on the skin:

  • . It is necessary to insist 1 tbsp. This plant for 2 hours, strain through the gauze, and then after washing the head, apply the resulting decoction on the hair and skin. You can use the tool within 1 month. After applying not to flush.
  • Special mix Of the 10 grams of birch tar, 100 ml of alcohol and 20 ml of castor oil is also applied after washing the head and is not washed away.
  • Kefir - A great way to help eliminate this problem. It follows to washing, apply kefir on the hair and scalp, and then rinse everything with shampoo after 15 minutes. A mask can be applied daily if "snowflakes" is very much. For prevention, I use it once a month.
  • Nastura tea mushroom Also used to get rid of the illness. After washing the head, we apply a tincture for 2-3 minutes. You do not need to flush.

Drugs for the treatment of dandruff

Pharmacy means quite a lot. Their action is directed Not only for cleansing the heads from scales, but also to normalize the rigorous, body balance at the cellular level, as well as the strengthening of hair follicles and the prevention of loss of hairs.

The most popular and effective pharmacy drugs are ointment, cream, tablets . Perfectly copble with their task cream or pills Alpine, hydrocortisone and sulfur-salicyl ointment . All drugs should be taken and used in accordance with the instructions.

Other treatments for dandruff

If you are tired of fighting yourself with this ailment, then refer to experienced specialists.

Cosmetologists today offer vocational treatment:

  • Ozone therapy . The method frees cells from toxins, improves metabolism by exposure to oxygen molecules.
  • Mesotherapy . This method is the most effective: the skin of the head, the hair is covered and feed on vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Due to this, immunity increases, the Silic fat balance is normalized.
  • Physiotherapy . Could kill microbes, save skin cuts from fungi, and then activate biochemical processes at the cellular level.
  • Laser impact . An antiseptic method that removes irritation, redness, reduce itching, and also restore blood circulation.
  • Adjustments of related diseases .

The action of all methods is effective. Usually follows complete at least 10 sessions To completely get rid of dandruff.

Removing the problem, I decided change a little about your lifestyle And follow the advice of a doctor.

  1. I used All means that were selected in my type of hair.
  2. Refused From too fat, acute food.
  3. Start taking Complex of vitamins.
  4. Saw Clean, profiled, non-carbonated water.
  5. Tried do not be nervous.
  6. Did not wear other people's hats.

So, I listed you the best funds, which in the shortest term will eliminate dandruff. Remember that dandruff will not appear just like that.

In addition to the elimination, check the condition of your body qualified specialist, identify possible violations and cure them. Then you will never have white snowflakes on your head.

"Snow" on the head or white raid, which can be found under the nails, if scratching his head - causes little pleasant emotions. On dandruff, they often do not pay attention, believing that white or yellowish flakes are caused by incorrectly chosen shampoo, and it is only worth changing the brand of detergent, as everything will be fine. Is it so?

Dandruff: Features

Dandruff is a syndrome that causes an intensive exfoliation of scalp leather scales for a long time (there is a disruption of dead cells). Memorial particles can have white, yellow or grayish color. Most often dandruff appears in young guys and girls from 14 to 25 years.

The main factors that cause dandruff appearance:

  • Daily stress;
  • High calorie, fatty food, fast food, too acute or hot food (provokes reinforced sebaceous glands);
  • Hormonal failures, climax;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Heredity;
  • Weakened immune system after viral diseases.

Additional, but important factors include frequent use of the catch, hair dryer, the choice of low-quality shampoos or mousses (it is important to select the means depending on the type of skin), as well as the long effect of direct sunlight or overdose medicinal preparations. If dandruff is chronic, then the reason lies in the gastrointestinal failures. Any malfunction problems, for example, a disorder of intestinal microflora or dysbacteriosis, lead to the formation of scales. The diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are the most common cause that causes a "snowy" attack, but there are other reasons - developing psoriasis, skin fungus, light form Seborrhea (malfunction in the functioning of the skin glands), which can go to seborrheic dermatitis.

A hormonal background failure due to a sharp increase in the level of androgen - hormone in the ovaries, is due to the large production of the bass. The skin fat is thick, the burned flakes glued together and fall off with layers. If you do not pay attention to the problem, you can provoke the development of seborrhea.


The disharmonium caused by seborrhea violates the chemical composition of the skin secretion and the production of lad formation (increasing or, on the contrary, reducing the number of rigorous discharges) and simultaneously disrupting the metabolism. There are fatty sedias - when the hair has greasy, bold, strands are often sticking out, and the skin of the head is glad and periodically covered with penettes, and dry seborr - when the hair is brittle, dull and lifeless, the skin is dry, irritated. Dry dandruff consists of small white particles that can not only be on the head, but also sprinkle eyebrows, eyelashes and even the pubic area. When driving, burned cells can be dug clothes, falling on the shoulders (traces of dandruff on black clothes are especially clearly visible. The fatty dandruff resembles yellowish, purulent spools glued together. The hair is arched very quickly, even if the head washing an hour ago. Seborrhea symptoms: rash, ulcers on the skin, burning and itching of the skin, fall out hair.

If the skin of the head is amazed by fungus - the growths of skin scales are formed, which cause discomfort - itching or burning with every scratch. The main reason why fungal arises - insufficient production of sebaceous glands, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins (in particular vitamin A). The fungal flora can increase to 70%, instead of the optimal 45%.


The first thing to be done is to abandon the chemical curling, painting hair, the use of gel, varnish or foam, as well as cosmetic sequins. Any means containing chemicals can provoke even greater irritation of the skin. Review your lifestyle - it is possible, it's time to correct meals, abandon alcohol and cigarettes. The alcohol strongly affects the thermoregulation - the abuse of drinks and the dose speed is accelerating the work of the sebaceous glands, which negatively affects the whole body. It is possible to change the hair with a slightly to change a bit with natural tools - Henna or bass. If dandruff does not pass, or is observed in too large quantities, it is necessary to consult a specialist in a trichologist. After the inspection, physiotics, cryoissage, darsonialization, and hirudotherapy can be appointed. Treatment with leeches is very popular and efficient, it is possible to learn more about the hirudotherapy.

Popular shampoos and ointments

"Loword" (contains an active substance ketoconazole). Kills fungi, Seborin dermatitis treats, deprive. After 1 use, burning and itching is reduced. Washing heads spend three times a week, within a month or two weeks.

"Dooped" - more cheap analog. Washing heads - twice a week.

"Bioderma Node DS" - suitable for the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, effectively removes dandruff, fungus. As part of ichthyol, salicylic acid, sea cabbage extract (laminaria). Wash your head 21 days 4 times a week.

"Pasta Sulsen" inexpensive and effective, in addition to the treatment of seborrhea, psoriasis and dandruff, restores the structure of the hair onion, preventing its loss. The paste is applied to wet roots (immediately after washing the head), washed off after 10-15 minutes.

Sulfuric ointment. Apply an ointment on the skin of the head to a smooth layer and rub the massage movements of 4-5 minutes. The tool is applied in the morning, day and evening to clean and dry head. Course of treatment 10 days.

It is possible to use such funds as "naphtaderm", "Sebazol", "Keto Plus", Cortizon cream (relieves inflammation), "Dermazole", "Algopiles", a fabric shampoo, zinc ointment (Removes inflammation), "Friterm Zinc", Panthenol spray (restores damaged tissues, relieves irritation).

Homemade dandruff recipes

Against fatty type. Mix 2 tbsp. mustard powder with water to form a viscous casket, add 2 tbsp. Lemon juice. The mask is evenly distributed on the skin. It is better to post your head with a food film, and to hide the towel from above. After 8-9 minutes, wash the mask with warm water. Watch that there is no burning path, with the slightest discomfort, wash the mixture. It is worth noting that in some cases, it is homemade masks that can cause dandruff.

Fill the finely skewed burdock (1 pc.) Olive oil (2 tbsp.), Give the mixture to breed 14 days. I need to rub the remedy 2 times in 7 days, wash off after 60 minutes.

Sattail on the grater middle of the onion brake, put the sketchy crawl into a gauze fabric, soda the head of the head. Peeling into the pores, onion juice will not only cure dandruff, but also accelerate hair growth. After 25-30 minutes, wash the head of the shampoo, rinse the hair by Romashkovy Nasty.

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