How to cook birch tar at home. Detailed instructions for using birch tar to cleanse the body

Marina Maximova

The use of tar against various diseases has been known for a long time. The essential oils included in the composition have wide range therapeutic effects on the human body. The drug has bad smell, however, quickly eliminates symptoms, does not require a long period of treatment.

Like any type of drug, tar requires compliance with certain characteristics in the treatment. Instructions for the use of birch tar contain general recommendations for treatment, for more correct application you should contact your doctor to prescribe a dosage, depending on the type of disease.

Release form

Birch tar is produced in the form of a liquid of medium density with a sharp specific odor. It can be dark brown to black in color. Most often it is produced in glass bottles made of dark glass.

Components of the drug:

  • refined tar;
  • phenol;
  • xylene;
  • betulin;
  • essential oils;
  • resin.

Tar has the following properties beneficial to the body:

In addition to its medicinal properties, birch tar is widely used for cosmetic purposes to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has natural antiseptic properties, reduces inflammation, eliminates unpleasant itching symptoms. The drug improves tissue repair processes and accelerates blood circulation in damaged areas.

Birch tar is widely used, but is most often prescribed for the following situations:

In addition to all of the above indications, tar is widely used to cleanse the body, prevent the occurrence of diseases.


The drug is well tolerated by the body and has practically no contraindications for treatment:

  • However, tar is forbidden to use during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  • Also, experts prohibit the use of the substance in case of impaired renal function. Otherwise, an exacerbation of the disease may occur.
  • Tar is strictly prohibited in the presence of an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also, before starting treatment, a test for individual sensitivity to the constituent components should be performed.

Method of administration and dosage

Outdoor use

Tar is used to eliminate a large number of problems, but immediately before use it is recommended to dilute it with certain ingredients, depending on the type of disease.

The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Elimination of psoriasis - it is necessary to take a liquid substance and mix in equal proportions with butter. Add half the dose of copper sulfate and boil the resulting composition. Apply with a cotton swab directly to the plaques once a day, the course of treatment is determined individually.
  2. Elimination of ulcers and lichen skin lesions... It is necessary to mix tar and petroleum jelly in equal proportions, apply to the damaged area with a cotton swab once a day. A bandage can be used if necessary. Duration of treatment is 7 days.
  3. Elimination of foot and nail fungus - It is recommended to use applications impregnated with birch tar. Before applying, it is recommended that the surface be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dried for the duration of treatment until the symptoms disappear completely.

Depending on the degree of damage, the drug can have a different intensity of use. Experts recommend applying the substance before bedtime, and fixing with bandages. In the morning, the skin surface should be cleaned soapy water and a special cleanser.


Great results in treatment can be achieved if birch tar is used internally, however, with this type of treatment, careful adherence to the dosage is required to prevent cases of poisoning.

When using birch tar, you should consult a doctor, and select an individual dosage in accordance with the characteristics of the body.

Tar water

Birch tar has a rather unpleasant smell and taste, so not everyone can use this type of substance. If necessary, you can use tar water, which has medicinal qualities, is used for both internal and external use.

Tar water is prepared as follows:

  • it is necessary to mix 3 liters of purified water and 150 ml of tar substance;
  • mix the resulting composition and close tightly with a lid, put in a dark, cool place;
  • Mix water daily with a wooden spoon;
  • After 3 days, remove the top layer, and drain the liquid into a glass container and use as needed.

Care should be taken to ensure that the top layer is removed, otherwise symptoms of poisoning and other negative consequences may form.

The liquid should be transparent, without any impurities. Such a liquid is stored in a tightly closed vessel for no more than 3 days. If any sediment appears, water should not be used for treatment.

Birch tar in cosmetology

There are a large number of different cosmetic preparations that are made on the basis of birch tar. However, if necessary, it is possible to use a pure substance that is available in the pharmacy.

Using tar can eliminate the following problems:

In the presence of inflammatory and purulent formations it is recommended to apply the substance with a point method until the unpleasant symptom disappears completely.

When using birch tar, first of all, determine the type of skin and do not use in large quantities with dry skin, since the substance tends to dry the epidermis, which can lead to additional problems.

Recipes for cleansing the body

The use of birch tar to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body allows you to quickly and harmlessly cleanse the body, improve work internal organs.

You can use the following methods of cleaning the body:

Use for weight loss

Reducing excess weight with birch tar is achieved due to the following beneficial qualities:

For weight loss, it is recommended to use tar water. Before eating, it is recommended to drink 20 grams of water, twice a day. The duration of such use is no more than 10 days. Then it is recommended to take a break for 10 days and repeat the therapy. However, it should be noted that it is recommended to combine this method of weight loss with physical activity, otherwise the result will not be observed.

It is forbidden to use tar for weight loss in the following situations:

  • age up to 18 years;
  • chronic diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • weakened immunity;
  • increased sensitivity of the body.

To prevent education feeling unwell it is recommended to visit a specialist who will select proper nutrition to strengthen the resulting effect from the use of tar, reduce the likelihood of indigestion.

Side effects

The use of birch tar can manifest itself in the following types of side reactions of the body:

If such unpleasant symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop using birch tar and consult with your doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Experts categorically prohibit the use of birch tar during the period of childbearing and breastfeeding. The active components of the substance tend to penetrate deeply into soft tissue and negatively affect the development of the fetus.

The ability to spread through the bloodstream allows the substance to penetrate breast milk and passed on to the child. Medical staff recommend that you stop using birch tar a few months before planning a pregnancy.

Application for children

special instructions

The use of birch tar requires compliance with the following features:

  • it is necessary to carefully monitor the absence of contact of the substance with the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • use with caution in old age;
  • when applied in a thick layer may cause clogging of the pores resulting in acne;
  • if long-term treatment is necessary, it is recommended to monitor the state of urine, since prolonged use of birch tar can negatively affect the state of the kidneys;
  • it is not recommended to use birch tar on open areas of the body in the summer, since the substance tends to increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun's rays;
  • if itching forms on the skin, the drug must be removed, the epidermis should be washed with soapy water.

Following the directions will help reduce the likelihood of adverse reaction and accelerate the achievement of the result.


With external use, cases of overdose have not been noted. However, improper use of the substance inside the body can cause poisoning and stomach upset.

The most common overdose is vomiting and nausea. In the presence of this kind of symptoms, it is recommended to rinse the stomach and contact the nearest medical institution.

Drug interactions

The drug is not recommended for use with other types of substances with similar effects on the body. Preparations containing sulfur and salicylic acid, tend to enhance the effect of birch tar on the body. Therefore, this feature should be considered before use.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store birch tar in a dark place out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the substance is 5 years from the date marked on the package. Do not use after the expiration date. When heated or frozen, it tends to lose its medicinal qualities.

The cost


Birch tar refers to natural preparations, therefore, there are no analogues that would coincide in composition and effect on the human body.

Each type of drug may have its own characteristics of use and cause individual side effects... Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor and get an individual dosage, depending on the type of disease.

The use of birch tar can eliminate a large number of problems and improve the functioning of human internal organs. It is widely used for cosmetic purposes, against skin diseases.

Birch tar is obtained from birch bark of newly felled young trees by distillation. To do this, at the end of June, birch bark is collected, placed in a vessel with a tube for the outflow of liquid. A low fire is made under the container. When heated, tar is released from the birch bark, which flows down a tube into a cup. It is currently on sale in a pharmacy.
The use of birch tar is indicated for dandruff, psoriasis, urolithiasis, ear infections, scaly lichen, bedsores and many others. The range of using birch bark tar is very wide: from skin pathologies to diseases of internal organs.
Birch tar is a natural remedy that is a dark oily liquid with a characteristic odor. It contains the most important components: phenol, benzene, xylene, toluene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.
Besides medicine, birch tar is quite often used in cosmetology, veterinary medicine and industry.

Application of birch tar

The widespread use of birch tar in folk medicine due to its many healing properties.
Among them:

Water made from birch tar is used to treat respiratory pathology. Prepare it like this: pour half a liter of pure tar into a three-liter jar, and fill the rest in the jar with hot water, close the lid.
Nine days later active substances the tar will go into the water and it will be ready for use. Apply it one tablespoon at a time without drinking water. In severe cases of the disease, the dose of water is increased up to three times a day.
Choking cough with pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma passes after a course of treatment with tar water. The drug purchased in a pharmacy is diluted in boiled water. To do this, take eight parts of water for one part of the tar, gently mix with a wooden spoon and insist for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the water and carefully pour it into another container. Received remedy stored in the refrigerator.
Patients drink one tablespoon of tar water before going to bed, and then wrap their throat with a woolen scarf. In some cases, the dose is increased to three tablespoons. Already after the first procedure, the frequency of coughing attacks decreases markedly.

Cardiovascular pathology

Tar water is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, improve the functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the body and as a diuretic. Children are given it once a day after meals for two teaspoons, and for adults - once a day for two tablespoons. Treatment is carried out for ten days, then a ten-day break is taken and the course is repeated.
Atherosclerosis is treated by using birch tar inside, which is dissolved in a glass of warm milk. For forty-five days, an hour before meals, the patient drinks a glass of such milk three times a day, and then take a break for a month. Patients undergo three to four courses of treatment per year.

Here are the main ones:
  • Grate an apple or carrot, mix a teaspoon of puree with a drop of tar and eat it before bedtime with water. This procedure is repeated every evening for two weeks.
  • Six drops of tar are added to a glass of milk and taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is ten days.

Women's diseases

Birch tar is widely used in gynecology to treat female diseasesas well as mastopathy. There is a special treatment regimen gynecological pathologies: take fifty milliliters of milk and add to it in the first three days - three drops of tar, from the fourth day to the sixth - five drops, from the seventh day to the ninth - seven drops. They drink the remedy three times a day every five hours, then take a ten-day break and continue the treatment, adding drops of tar to the milk in the reverse order: from seven to three. After about sixty days, the course of treatment is repeated.

For hair and problem skin

Birch tar helps to get rid of acne and also improves the condition of oily and problem skin. To do this, the drug is applied to the affected skin with a cotton swab.
Currently, the effectiveness of using birch tar for hair has been proven. A mask is prepared from it to get rid of dandruff.
To do this, mix ten grams of tar, thirty grams burdock oil and one hundred milliliters of vodka. The resulting composition is treated with the scalp and left on the hair for two hours, and then washed off with shampoo.
For improvement appearance and hair structures use tar water, which is used to wash the hair. Birch tar is very beneficial for hair, it makes it shiny and thick.

Psoriasis and eczema

Birch tar has been used to treat psoriasis and eczema with amazing results. Treatment begins by applying the product to a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe affected skin and leaving it for twenty minutes. If complications and allergic reactions do not occur, then a larger area is lubricated and the exposure time is increased. Apply pure tar with a wooden stick with cotton wool, and then sprinkle the treated area with an indifferent powder or leave it open.

Acute inflammation skin and the presence of erosions on it can cause itching and burning immediately after applying clean tar. These unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own in about ten minutes. After twenty to thirty minutes, the tar is removed with a gauze swab dipped in vegetable oil, fish oil or vaseline. At the site of application, an area of \u200b\u200bhyperemia and edema may form. After removing the tar, the affected area is left open all day and overnight. Reapply the remedy after three days, and in between procedures use indifferent therapy.
Such treatment for psoriasis and eczema gives a quick and good effect even in acute stage diseases. Gradually, the symptoms disappear: edema and hyperemia decrease, erosion disappears, and only an infiltrate remains on the skin. Further treatment consists in lightly rubbing the tar with a wooden stick with cotton wool into the lesions for twenty seconds.
In demodicosis, birch tar is very effective due to its keratolytic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tanning and drying effect. It is used in the form of masks alone or in the form of ointments and solutions in combination with other drugs.

Tar soap is the most famous remedy for the treatment of skin pathologies.


The use of birch tar for the treatment of hemorrhoids is very important at the present time. This folk remedy helps to get rid of both external and internal types of ailment. To eliminate external hemorrhoids use lotions with this natural medicine. They are also smeared with undiluted tar.
Internal hemorrhoids are treated with tar and manganese baths. The patient should be in a bath with hot rose water until it cools completely. Then, with a cotton or gauze swab, smear the anus with clean tar, inject it into the anus and leave it overnight. They use such a folk remedy until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

The use of pure tar can cause burning of the mucous membrane. This is a normal reaction as it kills the germs that exist in the anus. Thus, itching and burning are not side effect and not a reason to stop treatment.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids with birch tar is carried out by introducing into the anus candles made independently from a tampon and Vishnevsky's ointment. This method quickly removes swelling and pain, and also softens the knots. Such a therapeutic effect is associated precisely with the healing properties of birch tar, which is part of the ointment.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The history of using tar for medical and cosmetic purposes goes back more than one millennium. Its beneficial properties have been used for centuries in various areas of life in America and Eurasia. Having not lost its relevance, this natural product and today successfully competes with many manufactured drugs.


Tar is traditionally called a substance obtained by dry distillation of birch bark. A viscous black liquid with a blue or greenish tint, it has a strong specific odor. Its production process has not changed over the past centuries. Like many years ago, this substance is obtained from the outer part of the birch bark, separated from the wood. Technological process is a slow heating of birch bark to a temperature of 200-300 ° C in metal containers without air access, as a result of which the feedstock is separated into tar, water and a gas mixture. As a result, about 20 kg of the final product is obtained from 70 kg of birch bark.

Birch tar contains many useful components. However, special attention deserves:

  • phenol (has pronounced antiseptic properties);
  • guaiacol (determines the antibacterial characteristics of the product);
  • betulin (characterized by anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant effects);
  • phytoncides (prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria);
  • catechin (is a powerful natural antioxidant);
  • xylene (has an anti-febrile effect).

This natural product is rich in tannins (content reaches 15%) and essential oils. It also contains benzene, cresols and organic acids in a certain amount. Many components contained in the preparation have a toxic effect and are carcinogenic, prone to accumulation in the human body. therefore long-term use of tar products should be alternated with periods of use of other drugs.

The spheres of application of birch tar are very diverse. It:

  • pharmaceuticals,
  • the medicine,
  • veterinary medicine,
  • cosmetology,
  • construction.

Beneficial features

The most outstanding properties of birch tar are antiseptic and antimicrobial. That is why it is effectively used in the preparation of many drugs... Tar is the main component of Vishnevsky, Konkov and Wilkinson's ointments, reliable remedies for the treatment of many medical and dermatological problems.

The anti-inflammatory properties of this natural substance have found their application in treatment of tonsillitis and bronchitis... It has been used successfully both undiluted to lubricate the tonsils and to prepare rinses and decoctions for oral administration.

Due to its antimicrobial properties, the drug is effectively used in treatment of inflammatory and purulent processes... It quickly dries the affected surface and accelerates healing by preventing inflammation.

Cosmetologists note high efficiency tar ointments vs acne, acne, acne.

Dermatologists successfully use the pure substance in the fight against eczema, erysipelas, psoriasis, fungal diseases... It is highly effective in treating head lice they are processed bedsores and trophic ulcers.

The antihistamine properties of birch tar are widely known. It effectively eliminates itching, peeling, swelling and has absolutely no sedative effect.

This natural substance improves metabolic processes at the cellular level. Thanks to this, an intense skin cell regeneration... It is successfully applied in complex treatment mastopathy and candidiasis.


Birch tar is indicated for external and internal use.
... The drug is used as in pure form, and as part of various ointments for application to affected skin areas, for sanitation of wounds, ulcers, bedsores. In the fight against head lice, it is prescribed compress from an undiluted substance on the scalp, used for preventive purposes tar soap.

For indoor use pure tar is not used. It is added to water, milk, juice, food. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage prescribed by the recipe, which is no more than 10 drops per dose due to the high toxicity of the drug.


Like any drug, the use of birch tar can have a number of contraindications. Both with external and internal use, allergic reactions may occur. An individual tolerance test is recommended before starting treatment..

For external use, a small amount of the substance should be applied to the elbow or wrist, grind and wait about an hour. In the absence of itching, rash or other undesirable reactions, you can proceed with the procedure.

Ingestion must also begin with minimum dosage in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

It is forbidden to use the drug during pregnancy, lactation, in the presence of severe liver and gastrointestinal tract diseases. Taking in childhood, as well as long-term use of products containing tar.

Tar recipes

From sore throat

In the treatment of tonsillitis and tonsillitis, tar is used both undiluted and as part of rinsing solutions.

On initial stage diseases an excellent effect is given by the lubrication of the tonsils with a substance in its pure form. In the presence of plaque, it is successfully removed with a cotton swab dipped in the preparation.

To quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease will help rinse broth... To prepare it, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort, oak bark, licorice, 1 each - nettle, tansy and pine buds, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, add 2 tbsp. fly in the ointment, drain. Rinsing should be performed 3-4 times a day for several days.

For colds and coughs

Cleansing the body

Birch tar is perfect for normalizing metabolism and removing toxins from the body. The simplest, but at the same time the most effective methods are the intake of tar water or bread, enriched with the drug. Experts have developed efficient scheme, calculated for 24 days. The first one should be eaten at night small piece bread soaked in 5 drops of tar. On the following days, add 1 drop to the bread, gradually bringing their number to 10. Within ten days, take 10 drops, and then begin to gradually reduce the amount, bringing it to 5. It is recommended to repeat the course after 6 months.

From fungus

Getting rid of a fungal infection of feet and nails will not be difficult with the help of preparations based on tar. The procedure is recommended before going to bed for a week. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your feet and nails, wipe dry, lather generously with tar soap and bandage. In the morning, thoroughly rinse off the dried mixture, removing the affected areas of nails and skin.

For acne

To get rid of acne of various origins, cosmetologists recommend point applications with pharmaceutical tar. The substance is applied to the affected areas of the skin for 20 minutes, then the excess is removed with paper towels. The success of the procedure is due to the drying and anti-inflammatory properties of the agent. Due to its high toxicity, it is not recommended to apply it to the entire surface of the face.

For psoriasis

Even such a complex disease as psoriasis can be treated with birch tar. Homemade ointment, prepared from the simplest ingredients, helps to significantly reduce the visual manifestations of the disease and eliminate itching. Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of castor oil, honey and tar, add beaten egg white and mix thoroughly. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

For seborrhea and dandruff

To get rid and prevent seborrhea, it is recommended to wash the head with tar shampoos. In the presence of profuse dandruff, dermatologists prescribe special lotions. For preparation, stir in a glass of water 1 teaspoon of calendula tincture and 10 drops of tar. The composition is applied to the scalp, the exposure time is 1 hour. In order to avoid quick drying, it is recommended to cover the head with a film and wrap it with a towel.

From mastopathy

On early stages the development of the disease and as a prophylactic agent, the effectiveness of birch tar is recognized by the majority of mammologists. The following dosage regimen is recommended: 3 drops of tar are added to half a glass of milk, the mixture is taken three times over 3 days. From 4 to 6 days, 5 drops are added to milk, from 7 to 9 days - 7 drops, the medicine is also taken 3 times a day. After a ten-day break, taking the drug is resumed in the reverse order (7–5 - 3).

Medicines and hygiene products with tar

Tar is used in a number of medicines and cosmetics. The widely known vishnevsky ointment is effectively used in the treatment of wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores. Wilkinson's ointment prescribed for fungal diseases of the skin and nails. Konkov ointment copes well with foci of pustular rash and wound healing.

Application tar soap helps to treat acne, reduce the number of skin rashes, including allergic etiology. It serves as a means for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is actively used for intimate hygiene.

Sulfur tar soap has a noticeable antifungal effect, is also actively used in treatment lichen, eczema.

Tar shampoos significantly improve hair condition. They regulate the production of sebum, destroy disease-causing bacteria and fungi. As a result of their use, dandruff and itching completely disappear, the hair acquires strength and a healthy look.

Birch tar in pure form can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. However, its use in the treatment of certain diseases requires professional medical advice.

Video about the treatment of tar for various diseases

Competent use of tar allows you to solve many cosmetic and medical problems without resorting to expensive medical treatment.

Birch tar - a dark, oily liquid with a pungent characteristic odor, it contains more than 10 thousand useful elements, which makes it possible to use it to eliminate signs various diseases, which we will talk about below. This substance has a high concentration, therefore, when using it, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosages in order to avoid the occurrence of negative reactions.

Useful properties of birch tar

Tar is obtained by distilling birch bark, when heated, and an oily liquid is formed. The tool is used to treat various diseases, you can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription. average price - 60–70 rubles.

You can apply a natural product internally and externally, oh a similar method therapy has many positive reviews. The effectiveness and medicinal properties of the remedy are also recognized by official medicine, it is added to Wilkinson's ointment and.

Why birch tar is useful:

  • accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, which allows you to effectively use it for burns, wounds, bedsores;
  • has an effect, eliminates itching;
  • helps to eliminate psoriatic plaques;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes, pain syndrome, restores blood circulation, has an antiseptic effect;
  • help cleanse and rejuvenate the body;
  • improves hair condition, prevents development;
  • removes toxins, slags, stones from the body, is effective for helminthic invasions;
  • reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms in the ovaries and mammary glands.

Treatment with birch tar is indicated for heart disease, - with regular use, the risk of developing

Note! In its pure form, birch tar from the fungus can be used, for the treatment of all other diseases, it is allowed to add no more than 20% of the product to water, vodka, a few drops can be added to ointments, creams, shampoos.

Many people value the biological ability of this product to rejuvenate the skin and the entire body.

Indications for use

Due to its rich composition, tar has a complex effect on the body, it can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

What birch tar treats, for what diseases to use:

  • dermatological pathologies of various origins - diathesis, psoriasis, fungal infections skin, burns;
  • deterioration of the heart muscle, arterial hypertension;
  • , bronchial;
  • metabolic disease, excess weight, allows you to quickly cleanse the body of toxic substances;
  • , seborrhea of \u200b\u200bvarious types;
  • malfunctions in the organs of the digestive tract;
  • ulcers, gastritis,;
  • insomnia, vitamin deficiency.

Advice! Tar soap is considered safer than a concentrated solution. When choosing it, one should focus on color - a dark product has a pronounced healing effect, but it can leave marks on clothes.

How to take birch tar topically

A product based on birch bark helps to cope with inflammation, bleeding, mycoses, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Treatment with birch tar for various diseases:

  1. Bleeding with... Add 15 ml of tar to 2 liters of warm water, take a sitz bath for 15 minutes.
  2. , acne... Mix 30 ml and 10 g of crushed tar soap, apply the mixture to the inflamed areas, rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. The procedure should be carried out every day until complete recovery.
  3. Birch tar for psoriasis helps to eliminate the manifestations of the disease, to prolong the stage of remission. Mix fresh chicken protein, 30 ml castor oil, 45 ml and 50 ml of tar. Leave the ointment for 72 hours, apply every day to the affected area.

Note! With very oily skin, enlarged pores, it is necessary to wipe the face with tar water, or wash with soap based on birch tar.

Birch tar for hair

Tar is one of better means to treat dandruff, seborrhea, strengthen hair, prevent baldness, this fact is confirmed by many positive reviews.

How to use hair tar:

  1. Add 3-4 drops of tar to a portion of shampoo - this will help make the strands thicker and shinier.
  2. For the treatment of dandruff, seborrhea, you need to mix 10 ml of tar, 30 ml of burdock oil, 120 ml of vodka, mix the mass, rub into the root area, leave for 2-3 hours. Wash your hair in the usual way.
  3. If strong, mix in equal parts tar and glycerin, apply the composition to the skin, warm the head. After 40 minutes, wash off the residues in the usual way.

Advice! To eliminate the unpleasant odor after using tar, you can rinse your hair with water with the addition of 3-5 drops essential oil, or 15 ml of lemon juice.

The use of tar for fungal infections

Thanks to its medicinal properties, tar helps to quickly eliminate all manifestations different types mycosis. Funds based on it eliminate itching, promote the early restoration of damaged nails and skin, inflammation and pain disappear.

Recipes for mycoses:

  1. In its pure form, tar can only be applied to nails. The feet should be pre-steamed, dried thoroughly, and a fat cream should be applied to the skin. Process the plates, after 2 hours rinse the feet with cool water.
  2. With extensive lesions and skin, it is necessary to steam the feet in a soap and soda solution, dry them, treat problem areas with tar soap, and put on thin socks made of natural fabric. The procedure is done before going to bed, in the morning thoroughly wash your feet with warm water.
  3. Grate 50 g of tar soap, add 10 g of soda, dilute with water until thick sour cream. With the composition, treat the skin between the toes, nail plates, wrap the feet with cling film, put on socks, wash off the mixture after 4 hours.

Advice! To prevent fungal infections, put a cotton pad with a few drops of tar in your shoes overnight.

Is it possible to take tar inside

The birch product can be taken orally, in pure form in a few drops, or in the form of tar water.

Note! To avoid the appearance of negative reactions, you must always start taking tar inside with 1 drop, gradually increasing the dosage.

How to use tar for weight loss and body cleansing

Overweight often occurs due to a violation metabolic processes in the body, accumulation of toxins and toxic waste - birch tar helps to effectively eliminate the problem, reduce appetite, and normalize cholesterol levels. Cleansing is best done with tar water.

For weight loss, you need to prepare tar water - mix 50 ml of tar and 400 ml of water, remove the mixture in a dark place for 48 hours, remove the film, filter. Drink 30 ml of the product in the morning before breakfast. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks. During the year, you can carry out such a cleansing three times, the interval between courses should be at least a month.

How to drink birch tar with high cholesterol, signs:

  1. The amount of birch means is 1–12 drops, the dose should be increased by 1 unit daily.
  2. The tar should be dissolved in 75 ml of milk.
  3. The duration of the course is 7-14 days.

To cleanse the body and improve overall health, you need to drink tar water for 10 days, 15 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.

Contraindications and side effects

Birch tar can bring the body not only benefits, but also harm, especially if you do not follow the rules that are indicated in the instructions for use. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the product. If you are prone to allergies, you need to do a sensitivity test - apply a small amount of the product to the wrist or the inner surface of the elbow.

Harm and contraindications when using birch tar:

  • when using the product in high concentration, the aging process is accelerated skin;
  • the use of tar is prohibited during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • tar is used to prevent cancer, in the composition complex therapy with oncopathologies, but if the dosages are not observed, it can provoke the appearance of malignant neoplasms;
  • it is not recommended to carry out treatment during an exacerbation of dermatological diseases;
  • internal use is contraindicated in severe kidney disease.

Birch tar cannot be taken constantly, you should definitely take breaks for at least 2 weeks. In case of an overdose, vomiting, nausea, convulsions, and dizziness may occur.

Note! Official medicine categorically prohibits taking tar inside due to the content of carcinogenic elements in the product. All people who drink this remedy should regularly take tests for tumor markers.

Birch tar is an effective and inexpensive remedy for the treatment of many diseases, with its help you can carry out a general cleaning of the body. But, despite the fact that the remedy is natural, has a unique composition and many healing properties, it should be taken with caution, clearly following all the recommendations.

Indications for use

It is used for the manufacture of cosmetic, cosmetic and perfumery, veterinary products.

In veterinary medicine, it is used to treat large horned livestock and horses.

Mode of application

Externally applied in a thin layer to the affected skin 1-2 times a day. For scalp dandruff, birch tar is added to shampoos.


Individual intolerance.

Side effect

When long-term use possible skin irritation and allergic reactions.


For external use only, in case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.

Date of manufacture and batch number: indicated on the package, the batch number corresponds to the date of manufacture.

Shelf life

5 years from the date of manufacture.

Storage conditions

From +5 ° C to +25 ° C in tightly closed containers in original packaging.

Volume:100 ml in a plastic bottle.

On the video: Birch tar. Tar treatment (psoriasis, fungus, oncology,
5. Ed. G.L. Vyshkovsky - System of reference books "Register of Medicines of Russia" (Radar "Doctor") 2013-2015.
6. Pharmacy and pharmacology. Pavlova I.I. (compiler) - Medicines... The newest reference book 2012.

Everyone knows about the use of sap, leaves, buds and a birch mushroom, but the least information about the areas of application birch tar.

It just so happened that the current generation knows about him only as one of the components of popular healing ointments.

This product, presented to man by nature itself, has been used in folk medicine for a long time. And therefore, the beneficial properties of birch tar, as an independent natural medicine, were forgotten quite undeservedly.

Application of birch tar

Birch tar belongs to natural natural preparations.

The method for its production is dry distillation of birch bark- the light part of the bark in the upper part of a young tree, for which it is also called birch bark tar.

Externally birch tar looks like an ordinary oily liquid with a specific odor and dark color.

The composition of birch tar contains more than 10,000 useful components, including cresols and phytocind, known for their disinfecting properties, as well as benzene, toluene, xylene, organic acids, resinous substances, antiseptic phenol and guaiacol, which has anti-rotting and disinfecting properties.

There is birch tar as part of the famous Konkov, Wilkinson and Vishnevsky ointments.

The use of birch tar for medicinal purposes improves blood circulation, accelerates the process of skin regeneration and provides a reflex effect on skin receptors.

In addition, birch tar is effective in combating the effects of chemotherapy, cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful waste products, and also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

This substance, unique in its properties, has found its application in cosmetology... So, cleansing with birch tar is quite effective not only for the body, but also for the skin.

Birch tar has been used since ancient times. Then he was an indispensable tool in many spheres of life. Armor and leather shoes were lubricated with them to prevent them from getting wet in the rain or dry out.

In folk medicine, it once ranked first in terms of the scale of use and the number of applications.

Healers used to heal wounds in humans and animals, and also prepared drugs to treat tumors and get rid of worms.

By the way, refined tar really has the ability to suppress the growth of "bad" cells in mastopathy, adenoma, ovarian cyst and prevent transformation benign tumors into malignant.

Today, birch tar is also popular, although not to the same extent. Basically, it acts as one of the components for the manufacture of wound healing and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is known that it is possible to treat with birch tar such diseases as:

bronchial asthma;

chronic otitis media;



metabolic disorders;

frostbite or burns;


fungal infections of the skin;



hair loss;



tumors, etc.

Many people use birch tar for acne, knowing about its unique composition and beneficial properties. Yes, the smell of tar may be very repulsive, but the effect of its use is really impressive.

Acne tar can be used in a variety of ways:

Tar milk

To prepare it, it is enough to take ordinary milk for the face or body, add to it no more than 1 ml of birch tar and a couple of drops of lemon or jojoba essential oil. This milk is applied to the affected skin every day.

Washing with birch tar

It should be noted right away that tar soap is not suitable for washing your face, since it dries the skin too much. It is better to take regular liquid soap or gel for washing and add 1 ml of tar to it. Washing your face with this remedy for two weeks, you can get rid of acne not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders, arms.

Tar cream

The principle of its preparation is the same as in the previous two products with the addition of tar for acne. To make a cream from tar at home, a light cream is suitable that is quickly absorbed and does not clog pores. It is enough to add a couple of drops of birch tar to a tube with such a cream and apply to the foci of inflammation every day.

Birch Tar Lotion for Acne

Up to 50 g ethyl alcohol add 5 g of tar and two drops of salicylic alcohol. This lotion is applied to the skin every day.

Taking birch tar inside

The use of birch tar inside helps to remove toxic substances from the body and, as a result, relieves acne.

They spread five drops of tar on the bread and eat it at night,daily increasing the dose of tar by one drop until the amount of tar reaches ten drops.

As we approach the fourteenth day, each time they reduce the dose of tar by one drop until there are five of them.

The application of tar inside is usually carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring.

In order for the hated acne to go away, and the skin becomes velvety and clean, it is enough to take birch tar for 24 days. By the way, this substance is able to eradicate the cause of acne, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin.

Honey mask with tar

For its preparation, birch tar is mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1: 3, applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes, and then washed off with water at room temperature.

On a note

Taking birch tar internally is extremely beneficial. It helps to strengthen the heart muscle, normalize blood pressure, activation of metabolic processes in the body.

You can use tar from acne and in its pure form.

To do this, apply it to cleansed skin with a cotton swab and leave for 20 minutes. It should be remembered that this dark substance with an oily structure leaves stubborn stains on clothes, so it is better to lie still with such a mask.

The beneficial properties of tar for hair are often used.

From regular application of it in its pure form, the hair can lose its attractive appearance, and the smell is not the most pleasant.

Better to add a few drops of tar to your shampoo or conditioner - it is a proven remedy for hair loss.

By the way, contrary to the myths about the effect of birch tar on hair growth rate, you will have to disappoint. You can cure the scalp from dandruff and other types of fungus, but, alas, it will not work to accelerate hair growth.

Often used to treat many diseases tar water.

To prepare it, it is necessary to dilute one part of the tar in eight parts cold water... Such a composition is infused at room temperature for at least two days.

Then tar water is carefully poured over a bottle with dark glass so that the sediment does not rise. The consistency should be slightly oily, and the color should be lemon.

It is necessary to drink tar in this form, one tablespoon at night. for all types of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma and dry cough.

To enhance the effect, you can wrap a warm scarf around your throat, and a positive result will come the next morning.

If you drink such a remedy in 2 teaspoons immediately after a meal for ten days, then you can get rid from diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, blood vessels and bladder. For the treatment of atherosclerosiswithin 45 days they drink warm milk with the addition of 10 drops of birch tar.

But with mastopathyit is necessary to adhere to the following scheme for taking tar inside: the first three days for one glass of warm milk - three drops of tar, the next three days - five drops each, and the last three - seven drops of tar per glass of milk. After a nine-day course, you should take a break for at least 10 days, and then repeat the treatment.

Birch bark tar is often used for the treatment of diathesis in children... It can be applied to the affected skin along with butter or baby cream.

You should know that birch tar and preparations based on it are capable of provoking allergic reactions and skin irritations, including dermatitis. Before using it, of course, you need to consult a doctor and conduct an allergy test.

During an exacerbation chronic diseases skin, individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, the use of birch tar is unacceptable. It should be used with caution in acute eczema, exudative psoriasis and folliculitis.

Usually, after applying funds with the addition of birch tar, a burning sensation appears, but at the same time the itching disappears. If the burning sensation passes after 15 minutes, then the tar treatment can be continued.

But it is better, before using, apply a drop of tar on the skin in the elbow area and wait, and also examine the urine.

The fact is that the use of birch tar for a long time can cause toxic effects on the kidneys. As a result of an overdose, a person will experience nausea, diarrhea, convulsions, and dizziness.

Purification with tar

Unfortunately, few people know that birch tar is an excellent way to cleanse the body.

Birch tar is effective for cleansing the body of not only humans, but also animals. So, if you mix a little bit of birch bark tar into food or water, you can successfully remove the worms.

Another way to cleanse the body with tar - eat a drop of this natural substance, spread on a small piece rye breadgradually increasing the dose to ten drops and then decreasing again to one. It is important to swallow such a sandwich quickly, as well as to be systematic and accurate, so as not to be mistaken in the number of drops of tar. It is best to cleanse the body with tar in early spring.

Many modern medicines on a chemical basis, solving one problem, have an adverse effect on other organs.

Birch tar- one of the most effective healing substances that a person can use without any negative effect on the body.published

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