Epileptic seizures in adults. Symptoms of epilepsy in adults: the first signs

Epilepsy as a disease has been known to mankind for more than several hundred years. This multifactorial disease develops under the influence of many various reasons, which are divided into internal and external. Specialists in the field of psychiatry say that the clinical picture can be so pronounced that even minor changes can cause a deterioration in the patient's well-being. According to experts, epilepsy is a hereditary disease that develops against the background of the influence external factors... Let's look at the causes of epilepsy in adults and the methods of treatment for this pathology.

Epilepsy is a disease nervous systemin which patients suffer from sudden seizures

Epilepsy, which manifests itself in adulthood, is a neurological disease. During the diagnostic activities, the main task of specialists is to identify the main cause of the crisis. Today, epileptic seizures fall into two categories:

  1. Symptomatic - manifests itself under the influence of craniocerebral trauma and various diseases. Quite interesting is the fact that with this form of pathology, an epileptic seizure can begin after certain external phenomena (loud sound, bright light).
  2. Cryptogenic - single attacks of unknown nature.

The presence of epileptic seizures is a clear reason for the need for a thorough diagnostic examination of the body. Why epilepsy occurs in adults, the question is so complex that it is not always possible for specialists to find the correct answer. According to doctors, this disease may be associated with organic damage to the brain. Benign tumors and cysts located in this area are the most common causes of a crisis. Often, the clinical picture characteristic of epilepsy is manifested under the influence of infectious diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis and brain abscess.

It should also be mentioned that such phenomena can be a consequence of stroke, antiphospholipid disorders, atherosclerosis and a rapid increase in intracranial pressure. Often, epileptic seizures develop against the background of prolonged use of drugs from the category of bronchodilators and immunosuppressants. It should be noted that the development of epilepsy in adults can be caused by an abrupt cessation of the use of potent sleeping pills. In addition, such symptoms can be caused by acute intoxication of the body with toxic substances, low-quality alcohol or drugs.

The nature of the manifestation

Treatment methods and strategies are selected based on the type of disease. Experts distinguish the following types of epilepsy in adults:

  • non-convulsive seizures;
  • night crises;
  • seizures with alcohol consumption;
  • seizures;
  • epilepsy against the background of trauma.

Unfortunately, the specific causes of convulsions are still unknown to doctors.

According to experts, there are only two main reasons for the development of the disease under consideration in adults: hereditary predisposition and organic brain damage. The severity of the severity of the epileptic crisis is influenced by various factors, among which mental disorders, degenerative diseases, metabolic disorders, oncological diseases and toxin poisoning should be distinguished.

Factors provoking the appearance of an epileptic crisis

An epileptic seizure can be triggered by various factors, which are classified as internal and external. Among the internal factors, one should highlight infectious diseasesaffecting certain parts of the brain, vascular abnormalities, cancer and genetic predisposition. In addition, an epileptic crisis can be caused by disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease and cysticercosis. Often, symptoms characteristic of epilepsy appear due to toxicosis during pregnancy.

Among external factors, experts distinguish acute intoxication of the body caused by the action of toxic substances. Also, an epileptic seizure can be caused by certain drugs, drugs, and alcohol. Much less often, the symptoms characteristic of the ailment in question are manifested against the background of craniocerebral trauma.

What is the danger of seizures

The frequency of episodes of epileptic crisis is of particular importance in the diagnosis of the disease. Each such seizure leads to the destruction of a large number of neural connections, which becomes the cause of personality changes. Often, seizures of epilepsy in adulthood cause character changes, the development of insomnia and memory problems. Epileptic seizures that occur once a month are rare. The average frequency of episodes is about three over thirty days.

Status epilepticus is assigned to a patient in the presence of a constant crisis and the absence of a "light" gap. In the event that the duration of an attack exceeds thirty minutes, there is a high risk of developing catastrophic consequences for the patient's body. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, informing the dispatcher about the illness.

The most characteristic feature this disease is a seizure

Clinical picture

The first signs of epilepsy in adult men are most often latent. Often, patients fall into a second of confusion, accompanied by the commission of uncontrolled movements. In certain phases of the crisis, the perception of smell and taste changes in patients. Loss of connection with the real world results in a series of repetitive body movements. It should be mentioned that sudden attacks can cause injury, which will negatively affect the patient's well-being.

Among the obvious signs of epilepsy, one should highlight an increase in pupils, loss of consciousness, tremors of the limbs and convulsions, erratic gestures and body movements. In addition, during an acute epileptic crisis, uncontrolled bowel movements occur. The development of an epileptic seizure is preceded by feelings of drowsiness, lethargy, extreme fatigue and difficulty concentrating. The listed symptoms may be temporary or permanent. Against the background of an epileptic seizure, the patient may lose consciousness and lose mobility. In such a situation, there is an increase in muscle tone and uncontrolled cramps in the leg area.

Features of diagnostic measures

The symptoms of epilepsy in adults are so pronounced that in most cases, the correct diagnosis can be made without the use of complex diagnostic techniques. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the examination should be carried out no earlier than two weeks after the first attack. During diagnostic measures, it is very important to identify the fact that there are no diseases that cause similar symptoms. Most often, this disease manifests itself in people who have reached old age.

Epileptic seizures in people between the ages of thirty and forty-five are observed in only fifteen percent of cases.

In order to identify the cause of the onset of the disease, you should consult a doctor who will not only take care of the history, but also conduct a thorough diagnosis of the whole organism. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must study the clinical picture, identify the frequency of seizures and conduct magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. Since, depending on the form of pathology, the clinical manifestations of the disease can vary significantly, it is very important to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body and identify the main cause of the development of epilepsy.

What to do during an attack

Considering how epilepsy manifests itself in adults, special attention should be paid to the rules of first aid. In most cases, an epileptic seizure begins with muscle spasmwhich leads to uncontrolled body movements and... Often in such a state, the patient loses consciousness. The appearance of the above symptoms is a good reason to contact ambulance... Before the arrival of doctors, the patient must be in a horizontal state, with his head lowered below the body itself.

During an attack, the epileptic does not react even to the strongest stimuli, the reaction of the pupils to light is completely absent

Often, epileptic seizures are accompanied by bouts of vomiting. In this case, the patient should be in sitting position... It is very important to support the epileptic's head in order to prevent the ingress of vomit into the respiratory system. After the patient wakes up, he should be given a small amount of liquid.

Drug treatment

In order to prevent a relapse of this condition, it is very important to approach the issue of therapy correctly. To achieve long-term remission, the patient must take medication for a long time. Using medications only in moments of crisis - unacceptable, due to the high risk of complications.

You can use potent medications that stop the development of seizures only after consulting your doctor. It is very important to notify the doctor of any health related changes. Most patients manage to successfully avoid relapse of the epileptic crisis, thanks to the right medication. In this case, the average duration of remission can be up to five years. However, at the first stage of treatment, it is very important to choose the right treatment strategy and adhere to it.

Treatment of epilepsy involves close attention to the patient's condition by the doctor. At the initial stage of treatment, medications are used only in small doses. Only in the case when the use of drugs does not contribute to positive dynamics, an increase in dosage is allowed. Part complex treatment partial seizures of epilepsy include drugs from the group of phonitoins, valproates and carboxamides. With generalized epileptic seizures and idiopathic seizures, the patient is prescribed valproate, because of their mild effect on the body.

The average duration of therapy is about five years of regular medication intake. You can stop treatment only if during the above period there are no manifestations characteristic of the disease. Since during the treatment of the ailment in question, potent drugs are used, treatment should be completed gradually. Over the past six months of taking medications, the dosage is gradually reduced.

Epilepsy comes from the Greek epilepsia - caught, taken by surprise

Possible complications

The main danger of epileptic seizures is severe depression of the central nervous system. Among possible complications of this disease, mention should be made of the possibility of recurrence of the disease. In addition, there is a danger of developing aspiration pneumonia, against the background of the penetration of vomit into the respiratory organs.

Convulsive fit while taking water treatments can be fatal. It should also be highlighted the fact that epileptic seizures during gestation can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby.


With a single occurrence of epilepsy in adulthood and timely seeking medical help, we can talk about a favorable prognosis. In about seventy percent of cases, patients who regularly use special drugs have a long-term remission. In the event that the crisis phenomena recur, the patients are prescribed the use of anticonvulsant drugs.

Epilepsy is serious illnessaffecting the nervous system human body... In order to avoid catastrophic consequences for the body, you should focus as much as possible on your own health. Otherwise, one of the epileptic seizures can be fatal.

A seizure of epilepsy in humans is a sudden onset, rarely occurring, spontaneous seizures. Epilepsy is a pathology of the brain, the main symptom of which is convulsions. The described ailment is considered a very common disorder that affects not only human subjects, but also animals. According to statistical monitoring, one in every twentieth individual suffers from a single epileptic seizure. Five percent of the total population suffered a first episode of epilepsy, followed by no other seizures. A convulsive seizure can be caused by various factors, such as intoxication, high fever, stress, alcohol, sleep deprivation, metabolic disorders, overwork, long-term computer games, and prolonged TV viewing.

Causes of epileptic seizures

Until now, experts are struggling to find out the exact reasons that provoke the occurrence of epileptic seizures.

Epileptic seizures can periodically occur in people who do not suffer from the ailment in question. According to the testimony of most scientists, epileptic signs in humans appear only if a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe brain is damaged. Affected, but retaining some vitality, the structures of the brain turn into sources of pathological discharges, which cause "epilepsy" disease. Sometimes the consequence of an epileptic seizure can be new brain damage, leading to the development of new foci of the pathology in question.

Scientists to this day do not know with 100% accuracy what it is, why some patients suffer from her seizures, while others have no manifestations at all. They also cannot find an explanation for why some subjects have a seizure as an isolated case, while others have a persistent symptom.

Some experts are convinced of the genetic origin of epileptic seizures. However, the development of the ailment in question can be hereditary in nature, as well as be the result of a number of diseases suffered by the epileptic, the impact of aggressive environmental factors and trauma.

Thus, among the reasons for the onset of epileptic seizures, the following diseases can be distinguished: tumor processes in the brain, meningococcal infection and brain abscess, encephalitis, vascular disorders and inflammatory granulomas.

The reasons for the occurrence of the pathology in question in the early age or puberty period are either impossible to establish, or they are genetically determined.

The older the patient is, the more likely it is that epileptic seizures develop against the background of severe brain damage. Often, seizures can be caused by a febrile condition. About four percent of those who have a severe febrile condition develop epilepsy later.

The true reason for the development of this pathology is the electrical impulses that arise in the neurons of the brain, which cause states, the appearance of convulsions, and the performance of an individual action unusual for him. The main brain areas of the brain do not have time to process electrical impulses sent in large quantities, especially those that are responsible for cognitive functions, as a result of which epilepsy arises.

Typical risk factors for epileptic seizures are:

- birth trauma (for example, hypoxia) or premature birth and associated low birth weight;

- thromboembolism;

- abnormalities of brain structures or cerebral vessels at birth;

- cerebral bleeding;

cerebral paralysis;

- the presence of epilepsy in family members;

- abuse of alcoholic beverages or the use of drugs;

Epileptic seizure symptoms

The appearance of seizures depends on a combination of two factors: the activity of the epileptic (convulsive) focus and the general convulsive readiness of the brain.

Epilepsy can often be preceded by an aura ("breeze" or "breath" in translation from Greek). Its manifestations are quite diverse and are determined by the localization of the brain area, the functioning of which is impaired. In other words, the manifestations of the aura depend on the location of the epileptic focus.

In addition, some conditions of the body can become "provocateurs" that cause epi seizures. For example, an attack may occur due to the onset of menstruation. There are also seizures that appear only during dreams.

In addition to physiological conditions, epileptic seizures can be triggered by a number of external factors (for example, flickering light).

Seizures in epilepsy are characterized by a variety of manifestations that depend on the location of the lesion, etiology (causes of occurrence), electroencephalographic indicators of the degree of maturity of the patient's nervous system at the time of the onset of the attack.

There are many different classifications seizures, which are based on the above and other characteristics. There are about thirty types of seizures. The international classification of seizures distinguishes two groups: partial seizures of epilepsy (focal seizures) and generalized convulsions (spreading to all areas of the brain).

Generalized seizure of epilepsy is characterized by bilateral symmetry. At the time of occurrence, no focal manifestations are observed. This category of seizures includes: large and small tonic-clonic seizures, absences (short periods of loss), vegetative-visceral seizures, and status epilepticus.

Tonic-clonic convulsions are accompanied by tension of the limbs and trunk (tonic convulsions), twitching (clonic convulsions). In this case, consciousness is lost. Quite often, a short-term breath holding is possible without the occurrence of suffocation. The seizure usually lasts no more than five minutes.

After an epileptic seizure, the patient may fall asleep for a while, feel stunned, apathetic, less often - headaches.

A large tonic-clonic seizure begins with a sudden loss of consciousness and is characterized by a short tonic phase with muscle tension in the trunk, face, and limbs. The epileptic falls, as if knocked down, due to the contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm and spasm of the glottis, a moan or scream occurs. The patient's face at first becomes deathly pale, and then acquires a bluish tint, the jaws are tightly compressed, the head is thrown back, there is no breathing, the pupils are dilated, there is no reaction to light, the eyeballs are either turned up or to the side. The duration of this phase is usually no more than thirty seconds.

With the escalation of symptoms of a large tonic-clonic seizure, the tonic phase is followed by a clonic one, lasting from one to three minutes. It begins with a convulsive sigh, followed by clonic convulsions and gradually intensifying. At the same time, breathing is quickened, hyperemia replaces cyanosis of the facial skin, there is no consciousness. During this phase, it is possible to bite the patient's tongue, involuntary urination and the act of defecation.

The epileptic seizure ends with muscle relaxation and deep sleep. In almost all cases, such attacks are noted.

After convulsions for several hours, weakness, headaches, decreased performance, muscle algia, mood and speech disorders may occur. In some cases, confusion of consciousness, a state of stunning, less often - twilight remains for a short time.

A large seizure can have precursors that herald the onset of an epileptic seizure. These include:

- malaise;

- mood changes;

- headache;

- somatovegetative disorders.

Usually, precursors are stereotyped and individual, that is, each epileptic has its own precursors. In some cases, the type of attack in question may begin with an aura. It happens:

- auditory, for example, pseudo-hallucinations;

- vegetative, for example, vasomotor disorders;

- gustatory;

- visceral, for example, discomfort inside the body;

- visual (either in the form of simple visual sensations, or in the form of complex hallucinatory pictures);

- olfactory;

- psychosensory, for example, the sensation of changing the shape of one's own body

- mental, manifested in a change in mood, inexplicable;

- motor, characterized by convulsive vibrational contractions of individual muscles.

Absancies are short periods of blackout (lasting from one to thirty seconds). With small absences, the convulsive component is absent or mild. At the same time, they, as well as other epileptic paroxysms, are characterized by a sudden onset, a short duration of a seizure (limited time), a disorder of consciousness, and amnesia.

Absences are considered the first sign of developing epilepsy in children. Such short-term periods of loss of consciousness can occur several times a day, often reaching three hundred seizures. At the same time, they are practically invisible to others, since people often write off such manifestations as a pensive state. This type of seizure is not preceded by an aura. During a seizure, the patient's movement is abruptly cut off, the gaze becomes lifeless and empty (as if it freezes), there is no response to the outside world. Occasionally, there may be eye rolling, discoloration of the skin on the face. Following this kind of "pause", the person, as if nothing had happened, continues to move.

A simple absence is characterized by a sudden loss of consciousness, lasting a few seconds. At the same time, a person seems to freeze in one position with a frozen gaze. Sometimes rhythmic contractions may be noted eyeballs or twitching of the eyelids, vegetative-vascular dysfunction (dilated pupils, increased heart rate and respiration, pallor of the skin). At the end of the attack, the person continues the interrupted work or speech.

A complex absence is characterized by a change in muscle tone, movement disorders with elements of automatism, autonomic disorders (paleness or hyperemia of the face, urination, coughing).

Vegetative-visceral seizures are characterized by various vegetative-visceral disorders and vegetative-vascular dysfunction: nausea, pain in the peritoneal region, heart, polyuria, changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, vaso-vegetative disorders, hyperhidrosis. The end of the seizure is as sudden as its onset. Malaise or stunnedness does not accompany an epilepsy attack. Status epilepticus is manifested by seizures that follow continuously one after another and is characterized by a rapidly increasing coma with vital dysfunctions. Status epilepticus occurs as a result of irregular or inadequate treatment, abrupt withdrawal of long-term drugs, intoxication, acute somatic diseases. It can be focal (unilateral convulsions, often tonic-clonic) or generalized.

Focal or partial seizures of epilepsy are considered the most common manifestations of the pathology under consideration. They are caused by damage to neurons in a specific area of \u200b\u200bone of the cerebral hemispheres. These seizures are divided into simple and complex partial convulsions, as well as secondary generalized convulsions. With simple seizures, consciousness is not impaired. They are manifested by discomfort or twitching in certain areas of the body. Often, simple partial convulsions are similar to an aura. Complex seizures are characterized by a disorder or change in consciousness, as well as severe movement disorders. They are caused by overexcitation sites of various locations. Quite often complex partial seizures can transform into generalized ones. The considered type of convulsions occurs in about sixty percent of people with epilepsy.

Secondary generalized seizure of epilepsy initially has the form of a convulsive or non-convulsive partial seizure or absence, then a bilateral spread of convulsive motor activity develops.

First aid for an epileptic seizure

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions today. It has been known since the time of Hippocrates. As we studied the symptoms, signs and manifestations of this "epileptic" disease, epilepsy was overgrown with many myths, prejudices and mysteries. For example, until the 1970s, UK laws prevented people with epilepsy from getting married. Even today, many countries do not allow people with well-controlled manifestations of epilepsy to choose certain professions and drive a car. Although there are no grounds for such prohibitions.

Since epileptic seizures are not uncommon, everyone needs to know what can help an epileptic in a sudden seizure, and what will harm.

So, if a colleague or a passerby has an epileptic seizure, what to do in this case, how to help him avoid serious consequences? First, you need to stop panicking. It is necessary to understand that the health and further life of another person depends on the calmness and clarity of the mind. In addition, it is imperative to time the onset of the seizure.

Epileptic seizure first aid includes such actions. You should look around. If there are objects that can injure the epileptic during the seizure, they should be removed to a sufficient distance. It is better not to move the person himself, if possible. It is recommended to put something soft under his head, for example, a roller made of clothes. You should also turn your head to the side. It is impossible to keep the patient motionless. The muscles of the epileptic are tense during the seizure, so holding the person's body motionless by force can lead to injury. You should free the patient's neck from items of clothing that may obstruct breathing.

Contrary to the previously accepted recommendations and conventional wisdom on the topic of "seizure of epilepsy, what to do", one should not try to force open a person's jaw if they are compressed, because there is a risk of injury. Also, you should not try to insert solid objects into the patient's mouth, as there is a possibility of harm caused by such actions, up to the breaking of teeth. There is no need to try to water a person through force. If the epileptic fell asleep after the seizure, then you should not wake him up.

During convulsions, you must constantly monitor the time, because if the seizure lasts more than five minutes, then you should call an ambulance, since prolonged seizures can lead to irreversible consequences.

You should not leave a person alone until his condition improves to normal.

All actions aimed at helping with epileptic seizures should be quick, clear, without unnecessary fuss and sudden movements. You need to be there throughout your epileptic seizure.

After an epileptic seizure, you should try to turn the patient on his side to avoid sinking the relaxed tongue. For the psychological comfort of a person who has had a seizure, it is recommended to clear the room of bystanders and "onlookers". Only those persons who are able to provide real assistance to the victim should remain in the room. After an epileptic seizure, minor twitching of the trunk or limbs may be observed, therefore, if a person tries to stand up, he needs to be helped and held while walking. If the seizure has caught the epileptic in an area of \u200b\u200bincreased danger, for example, on a steep river bank, then it is better to convince the patient to maintain a supine position until the twitching completely stops and consciousness returns.

It usually takes no more than fifteen minutes to achieve normalization of consciousness. Upon the return of consciousness, the epileptic can himself decide on the need for his hospitalization. Most patients have thoroughly studied the features of their condition, disease and know what they need to do. You should not try to feed a person with drugs. If this is the first seizure of epilepsy, then a thorough diagnosis is necessary, laboratory research and a medical opinion, and if it is repeated, then the person himself is well aware of what medications need to be taken.

There are a number of precursors that signal the imminent onset of an attack:

- elevated human;

- Changes in habitual behavior, such as being too active or too sleepy;

- dilated pupils;

- short-term, self-passing muscle twitching;

- lack of response to others;

- tearfulness and anxiety are rarely possible.

Providing improper or untimely care for a seizure is quite dangerous for an epileptic. The following dangerous consequences are possible: ingestion of food, blood, saliva into the respiratory canals, due to difficulty in breathing - hypoxia, impaired functioning of the brain, with prolonged epilepsy - coma, and death is also possible.

Treatment of epileptic seizures

A persistent therapeutic effect of the treatment of the pathology in question is achieved mainly by means of medication. The following basic principles of adequate treatment of epileptic seizures can be distinguished: individual approach, differentiated selection of pharmacopoeial drugs and their doses, duration and continuity of therapy, complexity and continuity.

Treatment of this ailment is carried out for at least four years, the cancellation of the drug intake is practiced exclusively with the normalization of the electroencephalogram indicators.

For the treatment of epilepsy, it is recommended to prescribe drugs different spectrum of action. In this case, it is necessary to take into account certain etiological factors, pathogenetic data and clinical indicators. Basically, the practice of prescribing such groups of drugs as corticosteroids, antipsychotics, antiepileptic drugs, antibiotics, substances with dehydrating, anti-inflammatory and resorbing effects.

Among anticonvulsants, derivatives of barbituric acid (for example, Phenobarbital), valproic acid (Depakin), hydantoic acid (Diphenin) are successfully used.

Treatment of epileptic seizures must begin with the selection of the most effective, as well as well tolerated drug... The construction of a treatment regimen should be based on the nature of clinical symptoms and manifestations of the disease. So, for example, with generalized tonic-clonic convulsions, the appointment of Phenobarbital, Hexamidine, Diphenin, Clonazepam is indicated, with myoclonic convulsions - Hexamidine, valproic acid preparations.

Treatment for an epileptic seizure should be done in three stages. In this case, the first stage involves the selection of drugs that will meet the required therapeutic efficacy, and will be well tolerated by the patient.

At the beginning treatment measures it is necessary to adhere to the principles of monotherapy. In other words, one drug should be prescribed in the minimum dosage. As the pathology develops, the prescription of drug combinations is practiced. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the mutually potentiating effect of the prescribed drugs. The result of the first stage is the achievement of remission.

At the next stage, therapeutic remission must be deepened by the systematic use of one or a combination of drugs. The duration of this stage is at least three years under the control of electroencephalography indicators.

The third stage is to reduce the doses of drugs, subject to the normalization of the electroencephalography data and the presence of stable remission. Drugs are phased out gradually over ten to twelve years.

If negative dynamics appear on the electroencephalogram, dosages should be increased.

The information provided in this article is intended solely for information and cannot replace professional advice and qualified medical assistance... At the slightest suspicion of the presence of this disease, be sure to consult a doctor!

Each of us has heard about epilepsy, however, not everyone knows what this disease is, how it manifests itself and why it occurs. For most people, epilepsy is associated with an epileptic seizure, during which the patient has convulsions and foaming at the mouth. In reality, everything is not quite so - there are many manifestations of epilepsy, in some cases the seizures go differently.

Epilepsy has been known for a long time, perhaps it is one of the oldest recognized conditions in the world - descriptions of a disease that are several thousand years old have been discovered. People with epilepsy and their family members preferred to hide their diagnosis - this often happens today. Experts from the World Health Organization note that “for centuries epilepsy has been surrounded by fear, misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma. In many countries, some forms of stigma continue to this day and can affect the quality of life of those affected and their families. ”

March 26 - World Day of People with Epilepsy or, as it is also called, Purple Day. It was invented in 2008 by nine-year-old Cassidy Megan, who decided to prove to society that, despite her diagnosis, she is no different from everyone else. There are now about 50 million people worldwide with epilepsy, which is considered one of the most common neurological diseases. They say very different things about the disease, patients and methods of treatment, often people are at the mercy of stereotypes, myths and misconceptions. Let's figure out what epilepsy is, how it is treated and where many of us are mistaken.

Epilepsy is not a mental illness

Indeed, several decades ago it was believed that the treatment of epilepsy was the prerogative of psychiatrists. And even earlier, there was an opinion that epilepsy is one of the forms of insanity. Patients with seizures were placed in insane asylums and isolated from society. In addition, there was a widespread view that such people should not marry and have children.

There are various forms epilepsy and not in all cases they are hereditary. Most people with this disease do not suffer from dementia or lack of intelligence - the diagnosis does not prevent them from leading a fully fulfilling life.

In cases where the patient does have mental retardation, epilepsy is most often combined with other disorders, such as severe brain disease.

Now it is absolutely certain that this disease is not mental, and people with epilepsy are referred to a neurologist or an epileptologist - a specialist in this particular disease.

Epilepsy can also debut in adults

Epilepsy can develop at any age, but in 70% of cases, the disease is first diagnosed in children or adolescents. In addition, the disease often affects the elderly. The causes of epilepsy can be very different: past infections, neurological diseases, such as strokes.

Epilepsy can be cured

Many people think that people diagnosed with epilepsy are doomed to suffering for life. It's not like that at all. Currently, about 70% of epilepsy cases are treatable and in many cases remission is achieved. In this case, the patient's adherence to treatment is important, that is, the timely intake of the prescribed drugs and the absence of violations of the regime (for example, a ban on alcohol is imposed).

There is a widespread misconception that antiepileptic drugs are associated with a number of serious complications, and therefore people are suspicious of these drugs. Of course, these drugs are quite serious and are taken only with the appointment of a doctor and under his control, but you do not need to refuse to take them - the consequences of attacks are much more dangerous for the body. Reception of any prescribed drug begins with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it to the one that is suitable for each individual patient.

Various factors can trigger an attack.

There are many irritants that can cause seizures in patients with epilepsy. Among them are flickering light, violation of the regime of the day (lack of sleep, change of time zones) and nutrition, stress, alcohol, drugs and certain medications.

Living with epilepsy requires a lot of self-control from the patient. Fortunately, most of the irritants that trigger seizures can be dealt with or avoided.

An epileptic seizure is not always characterized by seizures and loss of consciousness

Many are convinced that the attacks pass according to the only possible scenario - a person loses consciousness, fights in convulsions, foam appears around the mouth. It's not like that at all.

“Attacks can be any sudden events that happen to a person. His task in this case is to see a doctor, and the doctor's task is to qualify the event. That is, it is up to the doctor to recognize what has happened, "notes Kira Vladimirovna Voronkova, professor, MD, neurologist, epileptologist, vice president of the Association of Epileptologists and Patients of Russia.

What can alert a person and make them come to the doctor? “An attack of freezing, freezing, stopping of gaze and speech without falling, but with possible fingering or smacking,” adds Kira Vladimirovna. “There may be attacks of twitching of the upper and / or lower extremities. Then objects can even fall out of the hands and squats with backward falls occur. "

Other strange, from the philistine point of view, things can also arise. According to the expert, these are visual images (not to be confused with migraines!), Sometimes very simple, as well as auditory, olfactory, gustatory hallucinations; local numbness and twitching in one limb, sometimes with the transition to other areas (for example, a hand may "tremble" or numbness in the face may occur). There may be a sensation of a strange situation, some strange thoughts and feelings, distortions of reality. All these phenomena and others should make the patient think about going to a neurologist. It is important that any sudden strange attacks should alert the person, but only a doctor can assess what is happening.

Knowing how to help someone with an epileptic seizure

If a person has the most famous type of epileptic seizure nearby - with falls, convulsions and loss of consciousness, sometimes with biting the tongue, foaming at the mouth, then the most important thing in this case is not to harm.

“A person needs to be put on his side, put a soft object under his head (clothes or a bag, for example) and time the time,” explains Kira Vladimirovna. Attacks usually start and end on their own, and consciousness after an attack can be confused. Sometimes you need to call an ambulance, especially if the attack is prolonged - more than a few minutes. However, if the above-described seizures occur without falling, then it is enough to just be with a person, to watch so that he does not get into a traumatic situation. "

A disease such as epilepsy is known for symptoms in which a person faints with seizures and seizures. The disease is chronic in nature, but, depending on the severity, it can manifest itself in different ways. When epilepsy is accompanied by seizures, it is life-threatening and requires immediate treatment.

In addition, the disease can cause complications in which various functions are impaired in the body.


This disease is considered common and, according to statistics, about 5% of the population have had an attack at least once in their life. But it is worth clarifying that a seizure that happened once in a lifetime is not a reason for a diagnosis.

In this disease, seizures tend to recur at intervals. In addition, the cause of the occurrence is not the effect of any factors, that is, high body temperature or intoxication, as a result of which a person loses consciousness.

For many, epilepsy is a disease in which a person loses consciousness, there is foam from the mouth, and the body beats in convulsions. In fact, the symptoms of epilepsy in adults are quite varied. They can be expressed in auditory or visual attacks, there can also be a violation of taste or olfactory receptors.

It can be a mental attack or a violation of the motor systems. The patient may have autonomic or sensitive disorders, all seizures may be with loss of consciousness, or the person may be conscious.

These seizures do not occur in every patient, one may have a symptom in the form of impaired consciousness, the other - movement disorders. This variety of symptoms presents some difficulties in diagnosing the disease.

It is very important to understand that the disease is a pathology of the brain and without treatment and the help of specialists, its development can bring complications and personality changes. It can lead to psychoses, which are manifested by aggression, hallucinations, delusions, possibly melancholy or fear.

Quite often there are seizures that are invisible to others and to the patient himself. At such moments, the patient loses contact with outside world, sometimes you can observe a slight twitching of the eyelid or the muscles of the patient's face.

Since the disease may not carry pronounced symptoms and attacks are not accompanied by pain, quite often the patient does not seek help, which is absolutely wrong, since the disease is very life-threatening.


It is customary to divide this disease into groups that have their own form of the disease. Each group has its own causes of epilepsy in adults, which determines the future diagnosis and treatment.


The disease is inherited, it tends to manifest itself after several generations. With this form of the disease, there is no organic damage to the brain, but there is a special reaction of neurons, for this reason, signs of epilepsy are observed.

This group is characterized by inconsistent manifestation of symptoms, attacks occur suddenly without any accompanying factor.


The occurrence of a disease is possible due to the effect on the body of a certain factor. With this group, it is impossible to predict in advance the appearance and development of the disease.

Signs of this group with the same trauma or intoxication can manifest themselves in different ways. An irritant such as stress or an injection can contribute to the onset of the attack, which is also impossible to predict.


With these forms of the disease, it is impossible to determine the true causes of epilepsy in adults and to establish why uncharacteristic impulse foci have arisen.

Risk factors

In addition to the above reasons, there are factors that can increase the risk of disease. This does not mean that if a person has these factors, he is susceptible to disease. These factors affect development when a person has one of the causes of occurrence, and the factor is able to increase the risk of manifestation:

  • Floor. Most often, the disease occurs in men, than women.
  • Age. Most often, children and people over 65 are sick. But it can appear at any age.
  • Heredity. If relatives have this disease, it can occur in any family member.
  • Vascular diseases stroke.
  • Diseases of the head or spinal brain.
  • Seizures in childhood, for example, the child had a fever from high temperature, she can remind of herself at a fairly adult age.
  • Trauma heads. This is not the cause, but with such injuries, the possibility of manifestation increases significantly.

In order to protect yourself from illness, you should take into account all the factors and try to exclude them from life.


The main manifestation of the disease is epileptic seizures. In essence, they act as a clinical reflection of the functions of neurons, which include excitation processes. The duration of seizures usually lasts from two seconds to two minutes.

Each adult has different symptoms, and treatment may vary. Epileptic seizures occur with some frequency. An important point is that the number of seizures over a certain period of time is of no small importance.

This is due to the fact that any seizure of epilepsy is accompanied by neuronal damage, as well as a decrease in their metabolism, which leads to dysfunction between brain cells. This, of course, cannot pass without an imprint on the state of the organism.

Over time, this affects a person's behavior, character, and even thinking. Only a physician can determine the correct treatment, taking into account the frequency of seizures, which will affect the effectiveness of treatment.

By frequency, seizures are divided into:

  • Rare, which happen no more than once a month.
  • Co average frequency, from 2 to 4 times a month.
  • Frequent, which occur at least 4 times a month.

Partial seizures

This type of seizure occurs both with impaired consciousness and without impairment. While retaining consciousness, the patient does not forget his feelings that accompanied the attack. This type is called partial simple. This attack is divided into:

  • Motor, which is accompanied by muscle twitching in small parts of the body.
  • Sensitive, which is accompanied by a burning sensation, tingling sensation. Sparks in the eyes, tinnitus, and even smell and taste changes may appear.
  • Vegetative-visceral, in which a person feels emptiness, unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen, displacement of organs in relation to each other. Increased salivation, blood pressure, thirst are possible.
  • Mental, which is characterized by unexpected impairment of memory, thinking and a sharp change in mood.

This type of seizure can be complex, meaning loss of consciousness. It is characterized by the erasure of memories of the attack itself.

From the outside it seems that a person simply freezes and a reaction to external stimuli is excluded. But at the same time, he can maintain chewing and swallowing reflexes. It will also be possible to show a certain gesture or say a certain phrase without stopping.

There is another type of complex seizures that last for hours, days. A person in this state looks like a thoughtful person, but at the same time makes the right actions that will not harm health.

Generalized seizures

This seizure is characterized by a violation of the person's consciousness, in which he does not remember the seizure that has occurred. They are divided into:

  • Absance, which consists in an unexpected loss of consciousness for about a few seconds, but not more than 15. In a single case, this is a simple absence. It can manifest itself as a person freezing during a conversation. If the loss of consciousness is accompanied by twitching of the eyelids, the wings of the nose, rolling eyes, gesturing, licking the lips, falling of the raised arms, rapid heartbeat and breathing, and passing urine, this is already a difficult absence.
  • Myoclonic. A type that is accompanied by massive muscle contractions, twitches and jerks.
  • Tonic-clonic. With this attack, the patient falls, and then tonic convulsions occur, which turn into clonic.
  • Tonic, which is determined by muscle spasms. It can be accompanied by extension of the neck, trunk or limbs, but not more than 30 seconds.
  • Clonic, which is characterized by alternating muscle contractions.
  • Atonic. A type in which muscles lose their tone.


To begin with, the doctor gets acquainted with the picture of the disease, the patient must describe the attacks, his condition before and after the attack, the duration of the attacks.

Then they use such methods:

  • Electroencephalography, with which you can get data about brain activity.
  • MRI, which is used to determine if there are changes in the structure of the brain.
  • CT, for research bone structure brain.

Diagnosis is one of the key points in the treatment of epilepsy. Through modern methods the doctor will be able to choose the right treatment program.

Modern methods of treatment

Treatment can be medication, the purpose of which is to stop the seizures. This method involves the adoption of antiepileptic drugs, which are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account many aspects, from the type of seizure to the age and gender of the patient.

Alternative methods are also known that do not cure but may relieve the condition, the level of evidence is low. One of them is the ketogenic diet, which is prescribed by a doctor, as it involves a severe restriction in the diet. This diet consists in a strict restriction on the intake of certain substances into the body.

Change in physical activity

The condition of the patient depends on how often and with what duration seizures appear. If they become more frequent, this will affect the behavior, the character will change, and irritability will appear. In addition, thinking and memory deteriorate, such changes do not come immediately, but they can develop, and the condition worsen.

It is customary to divide seizures into rare, frequent and moderate. If we talk about rare ones, they appear no more than once a month. For the average, the manifestation of seizures is characteristic from 2 to 4 times a month.

And frequent ones appear with a frequency of more than 4 times. It is also possible that the patient has seizures one after another, and in the interim he does not regain consciousness. This condition is called status epilepticus and is very dangerous to humans.

If such a situation occurs, you need to immediately call an ambulance and be sure to tell about the person's condition. If not accept necessary measures, a person can fall into a coma, this can be fatal.

It is also worth considering that it is possible to get injured during an attack, since the patient does not control his movements. Therefore, in the apartment where the person lives, you need to secure the space as much as possible.

Do not leave glass materials low and in accessible places. It is worth taking care of the corners of the furniture. You need to get rid of the locks in the toilet and bathroom from the inside.


The most dangerous and unpredictable consequences can arise from an attack in which the patient is alone and no one can provide first aid.

Also, people with this disease have a very high emotional stress. They are capable of experiencing fear, disappointment, self-doubt. They are afraid of the state in which they find themselves and sudden attacks, which are not only life-threatening, but also cause misunderstanding among strangers.

It is necessary to support such people in every possible way, to protect them from possible nervous tension and to prove to them that they are not left alone with their problem. It must be explained that the treatment will help to return to a normal and calm life and will be no different from everyone else.

Thanks to correct treatment, you can completely get rid of seizures, which will ensure a normal and fulfilling life.

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that manifests itself in recurrent seizures in the form of movement and / or sensory disturbances. The most common symptom of the disease is seizures. The disease is characterized by a wave-like course, after the attack comes the stage of remission. Treatment has several directions - providing first aid during an attack, reducing the seizure activity of the brain and preventing complications of the disease.

What it is

Epilepsy is a disease characterized by increased convulsive readiness of the brain. Every year around the world, the disease is diagnosed in 2.4 million people. Anyone can get sick, both a child and an adult. The incidence of epilepsy is up to 10 cases per 1000 people.

The disease is based on the occurrence of paroxysmal discharges (excessive activity) in the cells of the brain. Such a discharge becomes the cause of convulsive syndrome, loss of consciousness, or other manifestations of an epileptic seizure. Pathological discharges can occur in different parts of the brain: the temporal, frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, or they can completely capture both hemispheres.

Epilepsy: causes of

In most cases, the disease occurs without apparent reasons (idiopathic form), plays a role genetic predisposition... If the cause of epilepsy can be established, then we are talking about a secondary form of the disease.

Why secondary epilepsy occurs:

  1. Traumatic brain injury (traumatic brain injury).
  2. Intranasal pathology - acute fetal hypoxia at birth, birth trauma.
  3. Brain tumors.
  4. Central nervous system infections: meningitis, encephalitis.
  5. Postponed ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.

With epilepsy, seizures are repeated, their occurrence may be associated with a number of factors - the menstrual cycle, fatigue, physical strain, strong emotions and stress, alcohol or drug use, lack of sleep.

Disease symptoms

The course of epilepsy is paroxysmal in nature, after the end of the seizure, signs of the disease are usually absent, but cognitive disorders and other nonspecific symptoms may be observed. Clinical manifestations depend mainly on the type of seizures - a partial or generalized seizure. The severity of epilepsy (mild, moderate, severe) and the localization of the focus also affect. Epilepsy is indicated by the occurrence of more than two seizures; in one person, both partial and generalized seizures may recur.

Partial seizure

A partial seizure is usually preceded by the appearance of an aura (nausea, dizziness, general weakness, ringing in the ears, etc.), that is, the patient has a premonition of another exacerbation. Partial seizures are of two types - simple and complex. With a simple attack, the patient is conscious, and a complex one is characterized by loss of consciousness. A partial attack is accompanied by motor, sensory and vegetative-visceral and mental manifestations.

Partial seizure component

What's happening


Local convulsions appear. For example, only the left or right arm twitches, while other parts of the body remain motionless. Local seizures can be localized in any part of the body, but more often affect the upper or lower limbs, face.


The sensitive component often manifests itself in the form of unusual sensations in the body (numbness, creeping sensation). Gustatory, olfactory, auditory, or visual hallucinations may also appear.


The vegetative-visceral component manifests itself in the form of redness or paleness of the skin, excessive sweating, dizziness, a lump in the throat, a feeling of squeezing in the chest.


Attacks with impaired mental functions are manifested in the form of derealization (feeling of a change in the real world), unusual thoughts and fears, and aggression.

A pathological focus in the brain can spread, in this case, a partial attack turns into a generalized one.

Generalized seizure

A generalized seizure often appears suddenly, without a preceding aura. A pathological discharge in a generalized seizure covers both hemispheres of the brain completely. The patient is unconscious, that is, not aware of what is happening, most often (but not always) the seizure is accompanied by convulsions. Generalized seizures are convulsive - tonic, clonic, tonic-clonic, and non-convulsive (absences).

Type of attack

Characteristic how it looks



Tonic seizures are rare (about 1% of cases). The muscle tone increases, the muscles become as if stone. Tonic cramps affect all muscle groups, so the patient often falls.



Clonic seizures appear in the form of rapid and rhythmic twitching, all muscle groups are affected.



A tonic-clonic seizure occurs most often, it consists of two phases - tonic and clonic. In the tonic phase, there is a strong muscle tension. The patient often falls, breathing stops, tongue biting may occur. Then comes the clonic phase - twitching of all muscles occurs. Gradually the seizures stop, involuntary urination may occur, after which the patient usually falls asleep.


Absance is a non-convulsive form of generalized seizure that develops in most cases in children and adolescents. When absence develops, the child suddenly freezes. There may be eyelid tremors, throwing the head back, with a difficult absence, the child can make automatic movements. The attacks last for a few seconds and may long time go unnoticed.

Disrupted but not completely shut down

Diagnostic methods

The presence of the disease can be suspected by the characteristic clinical picture (recurrent seizures), but a complete examination is required to make a definitive diagnosis. The main diagnostic method is electroencephalography (EEG), in addition, MRI and CT of the brain, a number of general clinical studies can be prescribed.

How to be treated

Epilepsy treatment includes several directions - first aid, prevention of new seizures and complications. For this, non-drug methods are used, medications, and in some cases, surgery.

First aid

In case of an epileptic seizure, it is necessary to protect a person from possible injuries and complications (injuries during a fall, asphyxia). The main thing to do is to soften the fall during the seizure. If a person begins to lose consciousness, it is necessary to try to pick him up, put a soft object under his head. If the attack is accompanied by profuse salivation, you need to turn the person on their side, this will allow him not to choke.

  • to restrict the patient's convulsive movements by force;
  • try to open the jaw;
  • give water or medicine.
It is recommended to time the attack onset, which usually lasts from 30 seconds to several minutes. If, after its completion, the patient does not regain consciousness, but another seizure begins, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, most likely, we are talking about status epilepticus.

Drug treatment

Specific drug treatment consists in taking anticonvulsants. Treatment should be selected by a doctor after a complete examination, but drugs can be taken at home.

An important principle of epilepsy therapy is monotherapy, that is, if possible, treatment is carried out with one drug. The main antiepileptic drugs are valproate (a derivative of valproic acid) and carbamazepine. Valproic acid derivatives are used advantageously in generalized epilepsy, and carbamazepine in partial epilepsy.

Other, more modern anticonvulsants can be used to treat epilepsy:

  • pregabalin ( tradename Lyrics);
  • lamotrigine (Lamictal, Lamitor);
  • topiramate (Topamax);
  • gabapentin (Neurontin).

The drugs are selected depending on the form of epilepsy. The patient's age, the presence of concomitant diseases and drug tolerance are also taken into account. The antiepileptic drug should be taken with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it.


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