Hydrocortison Purpose. Hydrocortison Eye: Ointment, Gel, Cream, Balm

Hydrocortisone, ointment for outdoor use - this is a homogeneous ointment of a white with a yellowish tinge or a light yellow color, intended for use only on the skin. It contains hydrocortisone, which refers to one of the groups of drugs - corticosteroids.
The hydrocortisone ointment is used to facilitate itching and inflammation with such skin diseases as an eczema (light and moderate severity), allergic and contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis, skin reactions to insect bites.

Do not use hydrocortisone

special instructions and precautions "Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Special instructions and precautions

Use with caution when sugar diabetes.
Do not cover the application area of \u200b\u200bthe bandage of any kind after applying the hydrocortisone.
Be very careful, applying ointment in children due to sensitive thin skin.
The treatment of children should not exceed 7 days.
The use of the drug in children up to 2 years is contraindicated!
It is not recommended to apply ointment on the skin of the face and an ao-genital area. Try to avoid falling ointment into the eyes, do not apply an ointment due to the possible getting of ointment on the conjunctival, which increases the risk of developing violations.
If the condition does not improve, a deterioration is observed existing symptoms Or the appearance of new, you should consult with your doctor.
The risk of developing systemic unwanted reactions increases with long-term treatment, applying to a large area, use in the field of skin folds, the use of an occlusal bandage (bandages, which prevents free air circulation in the field of application of the preparation).
Use a drug with extreme caution if you have psoriasis.

Other preparations and drug hydrocortisone

Notify your doctor if you receive, recently received or are going to apply any other drugs. It also applies to any drugs that you bought without appointing a doctor.

breast-feeding and fertility "Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility

If you are pregnant or breastfeed, you think that you can be pregnant, or you are planning a pregnancy, before the use of the drug, consult your attending physician.
Do not use the drug during pregnancy without the appointment of the doctor. There is a very small risk of the appearance of anomalies in the fetus when using the drug hydrocortisone during pregnancy.
If you are breastfeeding, do not apply the drug to the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands.

vehicles and work with the mechanisms "Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Transportation of vehicles and work with mechanisms

The drug hydrocortisone does not affect the ability to control vehicles and other mechanisms requiring increased concentration.


Always take this drug in full compliance with the information in the liner. When doubt, consult with the attending physician.
The drug hydrocortisone is intended only for outdoor use.
Do not exceed the specified dose.
The use of the drug in children under 2 is contraindicated. Do not use hydrocortisone in children under 10 years old without consulting a doctor.
When using the drug in children, care should be taken, because children's skin is more subtle and sensitive, and therefore the risk of developing serious unwanted reactions is higher than in adults. The total duration of the treatment of children should not exceed 7 days, the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed skin area should not exceed 20% of the body surface area.
For applying only on the skin surface:
1. Before use, thoroughly wash your hands.
2. Apply ointment economically to the affected area from one to three times a day. no more than one week. Gently wrap the ointment in the affected area to help the skin to absorb.
3. After putting ointment do not cover Processed bandage.
4. After using ointment, wipe your hands thoroughly.
If, by mistake, you used more than the drug than, as well as in case of random swallowing, it should be consulted with a doctor.
If you forget to apply an ointment at the time, it should be done as soon as possible, you should not use a double dose to compensate for the missed.
Before discontining the use of the drug, you must consult with your doctor.
If the condition has not improved or worsened after 7 days of the use of hydrocortisone, consult your doctor.
If there are questions on the use of the drug, contact your doctor.

Possible unwanted reactions

Like all drugs, hydrocortisone can cause undesirable reactions, but they do not occur.
In the event of the following unwanted reactions, stop taking the drug and immediately consult your doctor.
Allergic reaction (for example, skin rash, red or sprinkling skin, lip edema, eye, language, or difficulty breathing, deterioration of the state you treat).
It was rarely observed skin irritation or itching in the place of application of ointment, an increase in hair growth, a change in skin color, thinning and lightness of the skin, slow healing wounds, expansion of skin vessels, the appearance of ordinary or pink acne, the development of infection.
In very rare cases, the development of allergic reactions was reported, as well as an increase in intraocular pressure and violations of violations (as a rule, when used in the eye area).
With prolonged use, applying to large areas of the skin, the use of occlusal dressings is possible a violation of the adrenal function, an increase in weight, a rounding of a person, an increase in blood glucose levels, an increase in blood pressure.
Message about unwanted reactions
If you have unwanted reactions, report it to your doctor. It also refers to any unwanted reactions that are not specified in this liner. You can also report unwanted reactions to the information database of unwanted reactions (actions) for drugs, including reports of the ineffectiveness of drugs identified in the state of the state (UE "Center for Expertise and Health Testing M3 RB", RCeth.BY). Reporting about unwanted reactions, you help to get more information about the safety of the drug.

- Pharmacological preparation appointed for outdoor use in cases of treating various pathological disorders. It is also successfully used as a cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles.

Dosage form

If, when prescribing a drug in the form of Mazi, the improvement is absent at the initial stage of use (1-2 days), it is necessary to contact the doctor to clarify the diagnosis and reassignment. medicinal preparation.


Overdose when applying a local drug is unlikely. At the same time, the excess of the duration of the use of the means (10 days or more) can lead to a number of unwanted consequences:

  • inflated glucose concentrations in blood;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • growth delays when using the drug for children;
  • hypofunction of the adrenal glands;
  • the development of allergic reactions to the drug;
  • reducing regenerative function skin Pokrov.

In addition to these changes, in rare cases, there is a persistent increase in blood pressure indicators, disorders of the electrolyte balance in the body and the development of vascular-like syndromes.

Storage conditions

Storage of the pharmacological agent requires compliance with the temperature regime in the range from 5˚ to 20˚C. It is also necessary to ensure the inaccessibility of the specified ointment for children. The suitability period is limited to a period of 24 months from the date of manufacture (indicated on the tube).

Hydrocortisone. For the eye is used its separate form - Maxidge. The main component of the composition is.


This means contains in its own composition of the derivative of the active component of the ointment - butirate (2 line). This component has a higher efficiency in the launched forms of diseases or inefficiency 1 of the category of funds.

This version of the drug based on the derivative of the glucocorticosteroid 3 of the line is clobetasol. Among the whole group of funds, this option is the most effective in the treatment of heavy forms of pathology.


The cost of ointments averages 80 rubles. Prices fluctuate from 21 to 297 rubles.

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the use of the drug. Hydrotisut. Presented reviews of site visitors - consumers this medicine, as well as the views of the doctors of specialists in the use of hydrocortisone in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Analogs of hydrocortisone in the presence of available structural analogs. Use for the treatment of allergic and inflammatory diseases In adults, children, as well as in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Hydrotisut- glucocorticosteroid, has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect. Reduces inflammatory cell infiltrates, reduces leukocyte migration, incl. lymphocytes in the inflammation area. Stabilizes cell and subcellular, including lysosomal membranes and membranes of fat cells. Reduces the binding of immunoglobulins with receptors on the cell surface and inhibits the synthesis or release of cytokines (interleukins and interferons) from lymphocytes and macrophages.

Reduces the release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids and the synthesis of its metabolites (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thrombooxane).

Reduces the exudative reaction, it helps to reduce the permeability of capillaries. Reduces the severity of the early immunological response.

It has antimetabolic effects and inhibits development connective tissue and scarring.

Designed for intramuscular, intra-and okolosal administration, in order to provide systemic or local anti-inflammatory, as well as antiallergic action. With intra-articular administration therapeutic effect It occurs within 6-24 hours and lasts a few days or weeks.


With intra-articular and turning administration, hydrocortisone penetrates the systemic blood flow. Metabolized in the liver into tetrahydrocortisone and tetrahydrocortisol, which are removed by the kidneys in the conjugated form. Penetrates through a placental barrier.


  • rheumatic diseases accompanied by arthritis, incl. Osteoarthritis in the presence of synovitis (with the exception of tuberculous, gonomic, purulent and other infectious arthritis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • shoulderPath Periatritis;
  • bursitis;
  • epicondylitis;
  • tendovaginit;
  • allergic eye diseases (blessing dermatitis, blufarites, conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis);
  • inflammatory diseases front department eyes in the absence of a violation of the integrity of the corneal epithelium (blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis);
  • thermal and chemical eye burn (after complete epithelization of corneal defects);
  • acute adrenal insufficiency;
  • allergic reactions of instant type;
  • asthmatic status;
  • prevention and treatment of shock;
  • myocardial infarction complicated with cardiogenic shock;
  • thyrotoxic crisis;
  • thyroiditis;
  • congenital hyperplasia of adrenal glands;
  • hypercalcemia due to the tumor disease, short or additional therapy in the acute period of rheumatic diseases;
  • collagen diseases;
  • pemphigus;
  • bullosis herpetyiform dermatitis (Durring disease);
  • polymorphic bullous erythema;
  • exfoliative dermatitis;
  • mushroom micaosis;
  • severe forms of psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • heavy sharp and chronic allergic and inflammatory processes with eye damage;
  • symptomatic sarcoidosis;
  • lefeler Syndrome, not amenable to other types of therapy;
  • beryallio;
  • the focal or disseminated form of tuberculosis with simultaneous anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy;
  • aspiration pneumonitis;
  • secondary thrombocytopenia of adults;
  • acquired (autoimmune) hemolytic anemia;
  • erythroblasting;
  • congenital (erythroidish) hypoplastic anemia;
  • paliative therapy for leukemia and adult lymphomas;
  • with sharp leukemia in children;
  • to enhance the diurus or to reduce proteinuria with nephrotic syndrome without uremia, with an nephrotic syndrome of idiopathic type or with a red lolly;
  • in the critical stage of ulcerative colitis;
  • tuberculous meningitis with the development of the subarachnoid block or with its threat (in combination with anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy);
  • trichinelle with lesion nervous system or myocardium;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the Front Department eyeball with the naked corneal epithelium and after injury and surgical interventions on the eyeball;
  • neurodermit;
  • psoriasis;
  • scratch;
  • red flat warthog deprived.

Forms of release

Ointment Eye 0.5%.

Suspension for intramuscular and intra-articular administration (injections in ampoules for injections).

Outdoor application ointment 1% (ear, skin, nose).

Other forms be something tablet or drops of hydrocortisone does not exist, perhaps these drugs are fakes.

Instructions for use and dosage

Eye ointment

In the conjunctival bag, 1 cm of the eye ointment is introduced 2-3 times a day.

Suspension for injection

Intra and periarticular (in the joint).

One day can be introduced no more than 3 joints. Repeated administration Injection is possible when complying with a 3-week interval. The introduction directly into the joint can have an adverse effect on the hyaline cartilage, so the same joint can be treated for no more than 3 times a year.

If the injection is trend, the tendon should be entered into the vagina - it is impossible to enter directly into the tendon. Not acceptable for systemic treatment and for the treatment of Achilles tendon.

Adults: Depending on the size of the joint and severity of the disease, 5-50 mg intra- and periarticularly. V / M Adults The drug is introduced deep into the buttock muscle at a dose of 125-250 mg per day.

Children: 5-30 mg per day, dividing into several doses. One-time dose with periarticular administration to children aged 3 to 1 year: 25 mg, from 1 year to 6 years: 25-50 mg, from 6 to 14 years: 50-75 mg.


For parenteral application. Dosing mode individual. Apply intravenously inkjet, intravenously drip (in droppers), rarely intramuscularly. For urgent therapy, it is recommended to / in the introduction. The initial dose is 100 mg (introduced in 30 seconds) - 500 mg (introduced in 10 minutes), then repeated every 2-6 hours, depending on the clinical situation. High doses should be applied only before stabilizing the state of the patient, but usually not more than 48-72 hours, since It is possible to develop hypernatremia. Children - at least 25 mg / kg per day. In the form of a depot-shape, administered intra- or periarticular at a dose of 5-50 mg once with an interval of 1-3 weeks. Intramuscularly - 125-250 mg per day.

Outdoor ointment

Externally - 1-3 times a day.

Side effect

  • steroid diabetes or manifestation of latent diabetes;
  • inhibition of adrenal function;
  • incenko-Cushing syndrome (including the luno-like face, the obesity of the pituitary type, girsutism, an increase in blood pressure, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, miastic, strry);
  • delay in sexual development in children;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • improving body weight;
  • increased sweating;
  • delay of fluid and sodium ions (peripheral swelling);
  • disorientation;
  • euphoria;
  • hallucinations;
  • affective insanity;
  • depression;
  • paranoia;
  • an increase in intracranial pressure;
  • nervousness or anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • arrhythmias;
  • bradycardia (right up to the heart stop);
  • development (in predisposed patients) or enhancing the severity of chronic heart failure;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • with intracranial administration (in the nose) - nasal bleeding;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • steroid ulcer stomach and duodenal gut;
  • bleeding and perforation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase or decrease in appetite, flatulence;
  • ikota;
  • sudden loss of view (with parenteral administration in the head, neck, nasal shells, scalp skin, it is possible to deposition of the drug crystals in the eye vessels);
  • a tendency to the development of secondary bacterial, fungal or viral infections eye;
  • slowdown in the growth and processes of ossification in children (premature closure of epiphyseal growth zones);
  • osteoporosis (very rarely - pathological fractures of bones, aseptic necrosis of the head of the shoulder and femur);
  • breaking muscle tendons;
  • reduced muscular mass (atrophy);
  • with intra-articular administration - increased pain in the joint;
  • steroid eels;
  • strya;
  • generalized (including skin rash, itching of the skin, anaphylactic shock) allergic reactions;
  • local allergic reactions;
  • in parenteral administration - burning, numbness, pain, paresthesia and infections at the place of administration, necrosis of the surrounding tissues, the formation of scars at the injection site;
  • for intramuscular administration (especially in the deltoid muscle) - skin atrophy and subcutaneous fiber;
  • cancellation syndrome;
  • hyperemia;
  • burning;
  • dryness;
  • allergic dermatitis.


For intra-articular administration and administration directly into the lesion center:

  • preceding arthroplasty;
  • pathological bleeding (endogenous or caused by the use of anticoagulants);
  • intra-art bone fracture;
  • infectious (septic) inflammatory process in the joint and periarticular infections (including in history), as well as a general infectious disease;
  • pronounced inclusive osteoporosis;
  • lack of signs of inflammation in the joint ("dry" joint, for example, with osteoarthritis without synovitis);
  • pronounced bone destruction and deformation of the joint (sharp narrowing of the articular gap, ankylosis);
  • sustain instability as an outcome of arthritis;
  • aseptic necrosis forming the joint epiphysis bones.

For outdoor use:

  • bacterial, viral, fungal skin diseases;
  • lupus;
  • safilis skin manifestations;
  • skin tumors;
  • posting period;
  • impaired integrity of the skin (ulcers, wounds);
  • children's age (up to 2 years, with itching in the anus area - up to 12 years);
  • rosacea;
  • vulgar acne;
  • periioral dermatitis.

For use in ophthalmology:

  • bacterial, viral, fungal eye diseases;
  • tuberculous eye damage;
  • trachoma;
  • violation of the integrity of the eye epithelium.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Application during pregnancy is possible only when the estimated benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus; It is recommended to use minimum doses and short-term therapy. Children whose mother in pregnancy received hydrocortisone is subject to careful observation to identify signs of lack of adrenal cortex.

If you need to use during the lactation period, it is necessary to resolve the issue of cessation of breastfeeding.

In experimental studies, it is shown that glucocorticosteroids (GKS) can cause disruption of the development of the fetus. Currently, there is no clear confirmation of this data in humans.

special instructions

With caution to use for 8 weeks before and 2 weeks after vaccination, during lymphadenitis after vaccinations BCG., P. immunodeficiency states (including AIDS or HIV infection).

With caution to apply with gastrointestinal diseases: peptic disease Stomach and duodenum, esophagitis, gastritis, acute or latent peptic peptic ulcers, recently created intestinal anastomose, non-specific ulcerative colitis with a threat of perforation or abscess, diverticulite.

With caution to apply in diseases of the cardiovascular system, incl. After the recently suffered myocardial infarction (in patients with acute and subacute myocardial infarction, it is possible to spread the focus of necrosis, slowing down the formation of scar tissue and as a result of this, the gap of the heart muscle), with decompensited chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemias), in endocrine diseases - diabetes mellitus (including violations of carbohydrate tolerance), thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, siconomo-kushing disease, with severe chronic renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, nephroolithiasis, during hypoalbumine and states predisposing to Its occurrence, with systemic osteoporosis, myasthenia, acute psychosis, obesity (3-4 degrees), with polio (with the exception of the shape of bulbar encephalitis), open and closed-coronal glaucoma, pregnancy, lactation.

If it is necessary to use intra-articular administration to be used in patients with a general difficult condition, inefficiency (or short-term) actions of 2 previous administrations (taking into account the individual properties of the GKS).

With insufficient efficacy of the hydrocortisone for 48-72 hours and the need for longer therapy is advisable to replace the hydrocortisone to another glucocorticoid preparation, not causing sodium delays in the body. During treatment with hydrocortisone, it is recommended to assign a diet with a sodium limitation and increased content potassium.

A relative adrenal insufficiency caused by hydrocortisone can persist within a few months after its cancellation. Considering this, with stressful situationsarising in the specified period, hormonal therapy resumes simultaneously appointing salts and / or mineralocorticoids.

In patients with an active form of tuberculosis, hydrocortisone should be used in combination with the corresponding anti-tuberculosis therapy. With the latent form of tuberculosis or in a period of viysray of tuberculin samples, the patient's condition should be carefully monitored, and if necessary, carry out chemoprophylaxis.

Medicinal interaction

With simultaneous use, hydrocortisone increases the toxicity of cardiac glycosides (due to emerging hypokalemia, the risk of developing arrhythmias increases); from acetylsalicylic acid - accelerates its removal and reduces its concentration in the blood plasma (with the abolition of hydrocortisone, the concentration of salicylates in the blood increases and the risk of development increases and increases side phenomena); with paracetamol - an increase in the risk of developing the hepatotoxic effect of paracetamol (induction of hepatic enzymes and the formation of toxic paracetamol metabolite); with cyclosporin - strengthening side Effects hydrocortisone due to the oppression of its metabolism; With ketoconazole - enhance the side effects of the hydrocortisone due to the decline in its clearance.

Hydrocortisone reduces the effectiveness of hypoglycemic agents; Enhances the action indirect anticoagulantov Cumarine derivatives.

Hydrocortisone reduces the effect of vitamin D to the absorption of calcium ions in the intestinal lumen. Ergocalciferol and pararathgamon prevent the development of osteopathy caused by GKS.

Hydrocortisis enhances the metabolism of isoniazide, Mexyleletine (especially in "fast acetyluoris"), which leads to a decrease in their plasma concentrations; increases (with long therapy) content folic acid; Reduces the concentration of the prazicvantel in the blood.

Hydrocortisone in high doses reduces the effect of somatropin.

Hypokalemia caused by GKS may increase the severity and duration of muscle blockade against the background of the muscle relaxants.

With simultaneous use with GKS thiazide diuretics, carbonic henchridez inhibitors, other GKS, amphotericin in raising the risk of hypokalemia, preparations containing sodium ions - swelling and increase blood pressure.

NSAIDs and ethanol (alcohol) increase the risk of developing the ulceration of the mucous membrane of the tract and bleeding, in combination with the NSAID for the treatment of arthritis it is possible to reduce the dose of GCS due to the summary therapeutic effect. Indomethacin, displacing the GKS from communication with albumin, increases the risk of developing its side effects.

The therapeutic effect of GKS is decreasing under the influence of inductors of microsomal liver enzymes (including phenyotine, barbiturates, ephedrine, theophylline, rifampicin) due to the increase in the metabolic rate of these substances.

Inhibitors of the function of the adrenal cortex (including mitanka) can determine the need to increase the dose of GKS.

GKS clearance increases against the background of thyroid hormone preparations.

Immunosuppressants increase the risk of developing infections and lymphoma or other lymphoproliferative violations related to Epstein-Barra virus.

Estrogens (including oral estrogen-containing contraceptives) reduce GCS clearance, lengthen T1 / 2 and their therapeutic and toxic effects. The appearance of hirsutism and eels contributes to the simultaneous use of other steroids hormonal means - Androgen, estrogen, anabolics, oral contraceptives.

Tricyclic antidepressants can enhance the severity of depression caused by the GCS reception (not shown for therapy of the side effects).

The risk of cataract development increases when applied against the background of other GCS, antipsychotic means (neuroleptics), carbututamide and azatiotric. Simultaneous administration with M-cholinoblockers, as well as with means with a M-choline-blocking effect (including antihistamine preparations, tricyclic antidepressants), with nitrates contributes to an increase in intraocular pressure.

With the simultaneous use of GKS with alive antiviral vaccines and against the background of other types of immunization, the risk of virus activation and the development of infections increases.

Analogs of the drug Hydrocortisone

Structural analogues for the acting substance:

  • Aqortin;
  • Hydrocortisone nicomed;
  • Hydrocortisone richter;
  • Hydrocortisone-pace;
  • Hydrocortisone acetate;
  • Dress;
  • Cortef;
  • Latikort;
  • LockOd Kield;
  • Lipocrem lock;
  • Salu Cortef;
  • Sopolocort N.

In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

Instructions for ointments with hydrocortisone recommends carefully refer to the use of hormonal drugs for children. Eye hydrocortisone ointment, as well as other preparations with hydrocortisone, used in children only strong manifestations allergies to remove which non-corporal means It is impossible. Why are pharmacists insist in careful use of hormonal treatment? How is the outer hormonal ointment act and how to use the drug?

Hydrocortisone - Mazi hormonal component

The main active substance of ointment is human adrenal hormone - hydrocortisone (or rather, its chemical compound of hydrocortisone acetate). In addition to the hydrocortisone acetate, as part of the ointment contains the formative components (Vaseline and Lanolin), as well as preservatives.

The action of the hydrocortisone is manifested in the rapid blocking of the development of inflammation. Hydrocortisone slows down the selection of exudate and limits the development of an inflammatory edema, and also launches the processes of life and derives the body from the shock state. Therefore, hydrocortisone is widely used in medicine to relieve a strong allergic reaction, attacks of asthmatic suffocation, strong edema, renal and liver failure - In general, to save the life of a person. Hydrocortisone allows you to maintain viability even in such complex states as brain hemorrhage, liver failure, allergic drug, heart attack, as well as the bites of poisonous reptiles, insects, strong hypoints.

Based on this hormone, several forms of the drug (for general action on the body and for local treatment) are produced. These are suspensions and powders for the preparation of injections (intramuscular, intra-articular), as well as tablets, eye drops and outdoor ointment (ordinary and eye).

Hydrocortisone ointment: instructions for use

Hydrocortisone-based ointment is antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-voice Outdoor preparation. When applying ointments, hormone enters surface layers of the skin and inhibits the development of inflammation mediators. Thanks to which the symptoms of inflammation decrease (the total area of \u200b\u200bredness is reduced, it becomes less pain, the degree of ethnicity is reduced).

Testimony to the outer hormonal treatment There are various noncommunicable inflammation.

What is used ointment hydrocortisone:

  • Allergic reactionswhich cause skin inflammatory processes (urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).
  • Post-traumatic states without open wounds. Hydrocortisone ointment during injuries is applied in such a way that the composition does not fall on open wounds (did not penetrate the overall bloodstream). In case of possible infection, the action of hormonal ointments is complemented by anti-infectious means (antibiotics or antiviral drugs).

What helps hydrocortic ointment: allergy treatment

The main use of hormonal ointment - removing the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Hydrocortisone ointment for outdoor use is actively used with different allergic inflammations (skin redness, rash, itching, edema). Given the hormonal composition of ointment, it is worth using it when allergic inflammation proceeds very painfully.

Important feature: Ointment is used to treat abnormalities of a non-microbial nature, that is, those that are not the result of viral, bacterial or fungal infection. In case of infectious inflammation, the suppression of symptoms without the treatment of the cause (infection) is dangerous to the body.

Features of treatment:

  • Ointment use within 1-2 weeks. Sometimes they extend the course to 3 weeks. Longer use hormonal drug fraught with addiction. With the subsequent abolition of ointments, reactions occur similar to allergic (edema, redness, skin inflammation).
  • The number of application per day is 2 or 3 times. In the instructions for ointments, it is emphasized that its excessive frequent application can cause systemic (common, spreading on the whole organism) side effects.
  • Ointment can be used under the bandage (adults) and it is not recommended to apply for a bandage to children. You can leave a dressing with hormonal ointment for a short time. Otherwise, it is fraught with the penetration of a large number of hormones in the overall blood flow.
  • Hormonal ointment treatment can be supplemented with antibacterial or antifungal agents - If there is a danger of infection of irritable skin.
Note: Hydrocortisone is a stress hormone. It is synthesized by adrenal glands in stressful situations and is consumed at the reaction of the device. Therefore B. drug form Hydrocortisone is also used to accommodate the organism to stress.

Hydrocortisone eye ointment

Hydrocortisone (eye ointment) - used for the treatment of eye allergic reaction. The pharmaceutical market offers three ointments, which differ in the concentration of the active substance:

  • Hydrocortisone pos (Eye ointment of German and Swedish pharmaceutical companies) contains either 1% or 2.5% hormone.
  • Poland's ointment manufacturer It contains only 0.5% (in this eye hydrocortion of ointments - 5 mg of hydrocortisone in each gram).

The widespread use of hydrocortisone in ophthalmology is explained by its effectiveness for therapy of mucous membranes. It does not penetrate through the horny layer, it does not fall into systemic blood flow or brain cells. At the same time removes the symptoms of inflammation (redness, itching, ethnicity). For example, removes redness of the eyelids and inflammation of the conjunction during the period of the flowering period of the poplar (lea popolina Pooh). Or redness from eye irritation chemical substances (in harmful production).

Inflammation reactions eye eyelids Got the name blofarites. This is the general name of inflammation that can occur in the presence of infection and without its presence. If blepharitis infectious (For example, staphylococcal), For his treatment, an antibiotic ointment is needed. If the blepharitis is allergic, then for its treatment requires a hormonal ointment with hydrocortisone.

Inflammation of the outer shell of the eye (conjunctivitis) may also be allergic. Such conjunctivitis is treated with an allergen contact restriction, as well as hydrocortisone (eye ointment of 0.5% concentration).

In addition to the main action (against allergies), ointment is used:

  • For the treatment of the eyes after eye operations (in the stage of complete etching).
  • For the treatment of burns (chemical, thermal - also after full epithelization).

Hydrocortisone yachd ointment is used if the transparent inflammation was an allergic reaction. Barley itself is an infectious process. The hormonal drug does not treat infection, but only removes the symptoms of inflammation. With the eye barley, hydrocortisone can be used as an anesthetics, and necessarily together with antibacterial ointment.

The eye ointment with the hydrocortisone is not used in the treatment of fungal conjunctivitis and blufarites, as well as when glauer and trach. Also it is impossible to make it under the eyelid in violation of the integrity of the horny shell. Two options of tubes with hydrocortisone ointment are produced - 5 g and 3 g. In the treatment of the tube, about 1 cm composition is squeezed, which is placed under the eyelid (in a conjunction bag). Ointment lay 2-3 times a day, a course of treatment - up to 10 days.

The same composition is used in an allergic cold. Hydrocortisone ointment in the nose is applied with a strong ethnic rhine.

Note: Long-term use of ointments weakens protective reactions. It becomes possible to access bacterial infection, increasing intraocular pressure, formation of cataracts, glaucoma, other violations of vision.

Hormonal ointment for children

Hydrocortisone ointment for children is used with valid need. There are several features of the use of hydrocortisone in pediatrics:

  • Ointment is used to treat children over two years old, sometimes prescribe the ointment of children after the year. Children under the year hormonal ointment do not appoint.
  • The course of the treatment of children, compared with the terms of the treatment of adults, is reduced. It should not exceed 2 weeks. With this ointment, if there is a visible improvement result. If there is no improvement in improvements - the ointment is canceled.

Any use of hormonal composition (internal or outer) must be justified special indications (For example, a strong allergic skin reaction, which is not removed by other drugs).

Interesting: English doctors conducted research and came to the conclusion that hydrocortisone - best tool from vast atopic dermatitis in children. At the same time, the British pediatricians treated inflamed skin sections 1 time per day. Within two weeks, 74 out of 100 children had a complete recovery. However, it is necessary to remember that hydrocortisone is a powerful weapon with strong side effects, and it can only be used only if there are no other ways to solve the problem.

Cosmetology: Hormones against old age

Recommendations Use hydrocortisone facial ointment often do not take into account the hormonal composition and the possibility of addiction. On the one hand, hormonal drugs give an unexpected result, allow you to noticeably rejuvenate appearance, visually "tighten" the skin. However, they are a slow motion bomb. After too frequent use, ointments when trying to cancel it will occur unexpected redness and rapid composition of the skin of the face.

Use the composition with the hydrocortisone to rejuvenate is necessary, occasionally, to prevent unwanted consequences. Recipe for ointments: Apply 1 time per week with a thin layer.

the main thing side effect Hydrocortisone is the possibility of the so-called "Addiction". As a result, the body ceases to maintain a healthy skin type without daily application of ointment (no longer produce a sufficient amount of hormone independently). Also among undesirable consequences, we highlight the strengthening of an allergic reaction, an increase in blood sugar, osteoporosis, hormonal obesity. Therefore, it is possible to use hormonal ointment with a hydrocortisone only by the appointment of a doctor and if there are really serious readings.

Caution: Contraindications!

We list contraindications to the use of ointment with hydrocortisone:

  • Contraindicated to children under 2 years old.
  • You can not use immediately after vaccinations.
  • It is impossible for skin injuries, which violated its integrity (with cuts, burns).
  • The eye ointment is impossible in injuries of the horny shell and with elevated intraocular pressure.
  • It is impossible if inflammation is caused by infection - viral, bacterial, fungal, and also against the background of other infections (for example, it is impossible for tuberculosis).
  • It is impossible at echoes on the face and dermatitis around the mouth.
  • Not recommended for diabetes, high pressure and mental disorders.

In the question - the use of ointments during pregnancy and feeding.

Analogs of hydrocortisone ointment

The price of the hormonal drug makes it look for his analogues. They do not always find themselves cheaper, but sometimes they are used as a less allergic means. What does pharmaceutics offer:

  • Other Preparations with hydrocortisone - Cortimicin (ointment), Oxycort (aerosol).
  • Preparations with dexametazone - synthetic hormone with anti-inflammatory effect. It - dexapos. (eye drops), pharmadex. (also eye drops).

Hormonal anti-inflammatory drug.

Pricefrom 27 rub.

Hormonal anti-inflammatory drug.

Application - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis.

Analogs - Latikort, lockOd, hydrocortisone acetate. More about the analogues, prices for them, and whether they are substitutes, you can find out at the end of this article.

Today we will talk about ointment hydrocortisone. What kind of means, how does the body act? What does the testimony and contraindications have? How and in what doses is used? What can be replaced?

What kind of ointment

Hormonal medicine steroid type. Contains an element generated by adrenal cortex and participating in carbohydrate and protein exchanges.

Its action has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

It is used to reduce leukocyte activities, stabilizes the work of various cellular structures, inhibits the synthesis of harmful trace elements.

Active substance

the main thing active substance - hormone hydrocortisone, so the effect of the drug is due to the fact that it is hormonal.

It has a counter-toxic, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. It is hardly absorbed in the body in large quantities.

The composition of hydrocortisone ointments is quite varied, which causes a wide range of drug use.

The composition includes:

Hydrocortisone eye ointment contains additional non-medical binding components to reduce the absorption of the active substance (to prevent century edema).

Hydrocortic ointment for children due to its composition is assigned in extremely rare cases, babies up to 2 years are not appointed at all.

How valid

The main active substance in ointments is contained at a concentration of 1%, which indicates a strong action. When applied, the element is quickly absorbed into the blood, which speeds up the time of the medical effect.

Due to the actions of the substance provocateurs inflammatory process removed from the body, while the blood cells are "distilled" from the disease, which significantly reduces the swelling and painfulness Subsequently.

Components from the composition of the hydrocortisone have a local hypothermic impact, reduce capillary activity in the field of application.

Anti-inflammatory action is achieved by slowing blood cells (phagocytes and leukocytes) in the field of inflammation. Contrary to the opinion that it harms the body, no negative effects Subsequently will not.

The metabolism of active ingredients occurs in the liver, after which they are derived naturally. The ointment is absorbed into the skin and enters the bloodstream.


What is the hydrocortisone ointment applies? Doctors recommend it to use with many diseases accompanied by inflammation or allergic skin reactions.

Due to the form of release in the form of injections, the substance may be more effectively affected by the body (due to its greater content in the blood).

Used with eyes related to eyes:

  • will take away;
  • iridooclite.

Candles with hydrocortisone are prescribed in rare cases to eliminate the gastrointestinal diseases, but before applying it is worth consulting from a specialist about their effectiveness.

In some cases, the use of the drug is appointed by a doctor for systemic rehabilitation of the body after and during:

Analogs of hydrocortisone ointments cannot affect simultaneously in all listed areas, but this drug has many side effects.


The main and most important contraindication is the increased sensitivity to the active substance (hydrocortisone). In other cases, it is forbidden to use the medicine only if there is an allergic reaction to any component from the composition.

A number of unwanted diseases, after which the doctor's ointment does not recommend:

  • fungus, viral or bacterial skin diseases;
  • upper epithelium;
  • skin tumor;
  • vulgar acne.
It is also not recommended to apply the drug by local way, if vaccination was recently carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe disease. This can lead to the development of strong side effects.

Method of application and dosage

Ointment is applied with a thin layer 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is prescribed by a doctor, undesirable if it lasts more than a month, since the concentration of hydrocortisone in the blood will be quite large.

Before use, rinse the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of water, after which it is thoroughly dry and apply an ointment circular movements.

Children apply an ointment under the close attention of the doctor, since in the developing body, hydrocortisone can lead to a decrease in the production of growth hormone and problems with adrenal functions.

In childhood, during pregnancy and gv

Any steroid drug quickly absorbs into the body and can lead to undesirable consequences.

For pregnant and nursing

In future mothers, this drug is prescribed only if the benefit for it is less than the damage for the fetus.

The hydrocortisone during pregnancy is extremely not recommended, since the effect of the active substance on the children's fruit is quite strong (can lead to the development of pathologies).

If the drug is prescribed to a nursing woman, then this process should be stopped, otherwise the substance falls into the milk.

In childhood

Contraindicated to children under 2 years of age. The guys are older than appointed with caution and subject to permanent observation by the doctor.

When breaching the kidney and liver

Active substance metabolized in the liver and exported with kidney, so if there is chronic diseases These organs are not prescribed. These may be the following problems:

  • cirrhosis;
  • renal failure.

Side effects

In the field of local application may appear:

  • itching and redness;
  • peeling of extensive skin;
  • development of short-term symptoms of an allergic reaction.

When using ointments for the eyes there is a risk of appearance:

  • exophthalma;
  • cataracts;
  • glaucoma.

In rare cases, patients were fixed:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • migraine;
  • strong;
  • sharp increase in temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Many aspects depend on the individual tolerance of the active substance, so before the beginning of the course of treatment, the doctor's consultation is obligatory.

special instructions

For a more rapid achievement of a medical effect, caution rules must be followed.

1 Avoid getting a substance in the eye. If this situation arose, it is necessary to immediately rinse the mucous membrane with conventional water from under the tap.

2 If there is no apparent changes after a week of receiving the drug, the treatment should stop and consult a doctor.

3 With phonophoresis with hydrocortisone at home it is worth abandoning alcohol and other medical preparationsSince hydrocortisone penetrates blood flow in large quantities, which can cause the strengthening of some side effects and the pain in the field of liver. Alcohol interferes with the suction of the active substance.


During clinical trials, the symptoms of overdose during local application was not detected.

If the substance is inserted into the body (if it is not special pills), it is necessary to immediately cause vomiting with a large amount of water and soda.

If after the procedure remains increased temperature, strong pain In the stomach, you should immediately call an ambulance, since these are symptoms of strong poisoning.

Instructions for using ointment hydrocortisone should be followed, in such cases the number of such incidents will be zero.

Medicinal interaction

For long use The drug may arise a decrease in the effectiveness of the following elements:

  • insulin;
  • various anticoagulants.

The use of other steroid drugs will lead to an increase in the number of side effects and to enhance them. Also undesirable to apply various potent antibiotics, which are metabolized in the liver and are output through the renal system by urine.

Comparison with Salus Cortef

The release form is only in the form of injections, which is quite uncomfortable to people with a weak manifestation of diseases. Additionally, it can be used to treat diseases of the nervous system, but the number of side effects at the same time is significantly higher.

A. Specialty: Therapy, Cardiology, Family Medicine.


Hydrocortisone is the only drug based on the same-name substance. However, the following medicines have a similar medical effect:

  • Latikort;
  • Locoid;
  • Hydrocortisone acetate.
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