Atrial tachycardia symptoms and treatment. Tachycardia and arrhythmia at the same time

There are cardiac arrhythmias that are potentially dangerous to human health. A striking example of this is flickering tachycardia, which many have heard of, but not everyone knows what it really is and how to stop an attack of heartbeat.

Flickering tachycardia (MT) is better known by terms such as “” or “”. Some doctors use the designation "atrial fibrillation", yet the clinical picture of the pathology is more similar to the characteristics of arrhythmias.

The spread of pathology is extensive, which is confirmed by a statistical indicator - one person in 200 of the world's population experiences attacks of flickering tachycardia. The disease is more common among men, while with age, after 50 years, the risk of developing MT increases.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out without difficulty, since the characteristic clinic of rhythm disturbances, together with instrumental research, helps in this. It is important to start the treatment of flickering tachycardia on time so that there is no concern about whether this disease is dangerous with its complications.

Video Atrial fibrillation - Dr. Kosov advises

Description of flickering tachycardia

Pathology is a violation of rhythm and conduction, which is characterized by the appearance of the effect of "flickering" of tissues. The heartbeat can be in the range of 300-700 beats / min, while the atria contract more often than the ventricles, which is why the disease is called “atrial fibrillation”.
The higher atrial rate is due to the fact that the irregular conduction system delays some of the electrical impulses, so they do not fully reach the ventricles. This is associated with a relatively favorable course of the disease, since despite the disorder in the normal activity of the atria, the heart is partially able to perform the main function - pumping blood.

During MT, the atria twitch chaotically, that is, flicker, hence the name - “atrial fibrillation”.

What is the danger of flickering tachycardia? A long-term attack of MT can deplete organ reserves and lead to heart failure. It can also complicate the course of the underlying disease (ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy), against which the presented rhythm disturbance often occurs.

Flickering tachycardia symptoms

The manifestations of the disease are directly related to the general well-being of the patient and how severe the damage to the cardiovascular apparatus is. Some patients do not feel obvious changes in their state of health during an attack, while others present a number of complaints:

  • discomfort in the heart area;
  • hard breath;
  • severe weakness in various muscle groups;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dizziness, which in some cases comes to fainting;
  • the appearance of an inexplicable feeling of fear;
  • increased urination.

Tachycardia is one of the main symptoms of MT. The heart rate can reach up to 700 beats / min, so the pulse becomes frequent and poorly palpable. Some have the feeling that their heart is beating so hard that they are about to jump out of their chest. Also, during an MT attack, the patient feels irregular heartbeat.

If the disease has not manifested itself, then this does not mean that everything will be formed by itself. There are a number of complications, among which there is thromboembolism of the vessels of various organs, which often become the first signs of a previously occurring atrial fibrillation. Therefore, if you suspect a heart rhythm disorder, you should be examined by a cardiologist.

The causes of the appearance of flickering tachycardia

The disease in most cases is associated with organic pathologies of the heart, when damage to the heart muscle or valve apparatus is observed as a result of the impact of processes such as destruction, ischemia, dystrophy, inflammation. Therefore, MT is often a complication of diseases such as myocardial infarction, ischemic disease heart, myocarditis, valve failure or stenosis.

"Cardiac tachycardia of holidays" - another possible reason the appearance of MT, when, after eating abundant fatty foods and alcoholic beverages the rhythm of the heart is disturbed.

Hormonal disorders are a whole group of diseases that are often complicated by flickering tachycardia. The risk of developing MT is especially high in patients with thyrotoxicosis, when the thyroid gland begins to intensively produce thyroid hormones.

A combination of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and hypertension, since in this case the likelihood of atrial fibrillation is much greater.

Predisposing factors for the development of flickering tachycardia:

  • stressful situations
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • drug intoxication;
  • misuse of certain drugs (diuretics).

Types of flickering tachycardia

The disease can manifest itself in three different forms: persistent, paroxysmal, chronic.

  • Persistent MT - tachycardia attacks occur infrequently, their duration is short, and are stopped by conservative methods of treatment.
  • Paroxysmal MT is a pronounced, first-onset flicker attack that can last up to a day, and in severe cases, up to seven days. It is difficult to stop with standard treatment methods, therefore, electrical impulse therapy may be required.
  • Chronic MT - the disease proceeds constantly, short remissions are observed between attacks.

Diagnostics of the flickering tachycardia

Patients are primarily examined using electrocardiography. The ECG should record, at least in one lead, atrial fibrillation, which is expressed in the replacement of atrial teeth with f-waves, frequent and irregular contraction of the ventricles and normal atrioventricular conduction.

Secondly, echocardiography is done, with the help of which the following indicators are determined:

  • dimensions of the left atrium and left ventricle
  • wall thickness and functional ability of the left ventricle;
  • presence or absence of valvular lesions, cardiomyopathy, or pericardial pathology.

X-ray is taken chest to exclude or confirm the pathology of the pulmonary system. Also, using this method, the contours of the heart, its size, location are determined.

From laboratory tests, analyzes of serum electrolytes, hormones thyroid gland and hemograms.

Additional diagnostics:

  • daily monitoring;
  • exercise tests
  • transesophageal echocardiography.

Treatment and prevention of flickering tachycardia

Starts with use conservative methods treatment. If necessary, operational methods of exposure are used to neutralize the foci of generation of pathological impulses.

Conservative treatment

Today, several directions of therapy for patients with flickering tachycardia are being considered.

  1. Prescribing medications to help lower your heart rate. Calcium channel blockers and beta blockers slow the heart rate. Often used to relieve attacks of tachycardia of other forms of manifestation, and not just flickering.
  2. The use of drugs that control the rhythm of cardiac activity. First of all, these are calcium antagonists, beta-blockers and digitalis also have a similar effect.
  3. The use of thrombolytic therapy, which is based on antiplatelet agents, that is, drugs that prevent blood clotting.

All of these treatment tactics are often used in a hospital, after which the doctor prescribes anti-relapse treatment, taking into account those drugs that have successfully treated a flicker attack in a patient in a hospital. The patient can take the selected medicines independently during an attack of rhythm disturbance.

Prevention of seizures with antiarrhythmic drugs is widely practiced. Some medications, such as propanorm, are used both to relieve seizures and to prevent recurrent attacks. You can take the drug only after a preliminary medical consultation.

Operative treatment

It is used when antiarrhythmic drugs do not allow to achieve the desired effect. One of the following methods can be selected according to the indication.

  • Pacemaker implantation. Surgical intervention characterized by low trauma. The patient's skin is dissected on the chest and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pectoral muscle, while maintaining the integrity of the ribs, an artificial pacemaker is implanted. With its help, the acceleration of the rhythm is not allowed, which normalizes the heartbeat,
  • Radiofrequency ablation. With the help of special equipment, the pathological area in the myocardium is determined, which is involved in the formation of flickering tachycardia, after which its destruction is carried out with other instruments. The entire operation is performed through several small incisions, therefore it is considered minimally invasive and atraumatic.

The highest percentage of recovery is observed in patients after catheter ablation, therefore this method of treating flickering tachycardia is most often used.

The heart is important organ, which largely determines the duration of a person's life. Having a very complex structure, it reacts to any changes, diseases. At rest, the heart rate is usually even. The sinus node, a special heart organ, is responsible for heart contractions and normal functioning. In it, electrical impulses are set that contribute to rhythmic work. Frequent disruptions in work of cardio-vascular system (CCC) is arrhythmia and tachycardia.

What it is?

The heart is the first to react to a disturbance in the body. Frequent stress, nervous experiences, the development of serious diseases contribute to the disruption of the work of this most important organ. Its rhythm becomes disordered, contractions become irregular. The reason for this is arrhythmia and tachycardia. Failures in the work of the CCS often occur simultaneously. Symptoms of only one of the diseases are often observed.

Tachycardia and arrhythmia - these conditions are often confused, but the pathogenetic mechanisms of both nosological forms differ significantly

What are arrhythmias and tachycardia, how to distinguish between these conditions and how to effectively cope with rhythm disturbances? Arrhythmia is a violation of the main indicators of the heart rate. The rhythm of contractions changes, the regularity of impulses decreases or, conversely, increases. Normal heart rate ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute. In critical situations, electrical impulses are distributed uncoordinated, so the heart rhythm changes dramatically.

Signs of tachycardia are observed when the heart rate increases. The patient feels a rapid heartbeat. And when it reaches a certain maximum, the work of the heart departments returns to normal.

How is one disease different from another?

In order to choose the optimal treatment for a particular ailment, one should understand what is the difference between arrhythmia and tachycardia. Everything you need to know about tachycardia:

  1. Feelings of frequent heartbeat do not stand out as a separate disease. Tachycardic impulses can be characterized as a symptom of a serious malfunction of the body.
  2. At the moment of the peak, the heart works faster and it seems that it is ready to "jump" out of the chest. And when a person calms down, the organ's work is normalized.
  3. Heart palpitations occur in a special section that produces nerve impulses. As a result, the myocardium is stimulated, the ventricles and atria begin to contract and relax.
  4. The duration of the attacks depends on the underlying disease, as well as on the presence of nervous disorders and stressful situations.

Excessive stimulation of the myocardium leads to an increase in the rate of contraction of the ventricles and atria

Arrhythmia is different:

  1. It differs from tachycardia in that heartbeats do not always become more frequent. Irregular heartbeats and inconsistent heart work are observed.
  2. In milder forms, the patient may not feel attacks of an asynchronous rhythm, his condition does not worsen. All people are susceptible to arrhythmias to one degree or another.
  3. Danger to life can exist with atrial fibrillation. This is the most dangerous species, which requires comprehensive treatment and timely assistance.

It is not uncommon for a person to have symptoms of tachycardia and arrhythmia at the same time. In this case, the patient feels strong beating heart, irregular beats appear. The complex of symptoms can be very life-threatening.

These pathologies are very difficult to treat at the same time. Therefore, the difference in the effect of drugs is significant. Comprehensive treatment it is almost impossible to pick up, because medicines applied from different groups, their dosage is also different.

Causes of rapid heartbeat

In medicine, there are 2 types of diseases:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Pathological.

Clinical disorders in the above nosologies may be asymptomatic or accompanied by severe manifestations

The physiological form appears due to an active lifestyle, as well as due to stressful situations. Can be distinguished the following reasons this type of heart disorder:

  • the rise physical activity;
  • going in for sports;
  • a state of stress;
  • an increase in body temperature due to illness or a reaction to changes in the temperature regime in the environment;
  • the use of fatty foods, alcohol.

In general, physiological disruptions occur in our daily life and are a natural reaction to external stimuli.

Pathological heart rhythm disturbance is a dangerous condition that should be detected immediately and treated in a hospital setting. Pathological tachycardia occurs with calm emotional states... If, while at rest, you notice an active heartbeat, this may indicate the onset of the development of dangerous diseases. Such diseases include myocardial infarction, heart defects. The pathological activity of the heart in this case will not be a separate disease, but as a symptom indicates some internal problems of the body.

Symptoms of atrial tachycardia must be distinguished from sinus tachycardia

The symptoms and treatment of the disease must be interrelated. After all, only the presence of symptoms and its analysis can reveal the severity of the condition and provide adequate assistance. There are several symptoms that may indicate the severity of the tachycardia and the need for immediate treatment. The following symptoms require a mandatory visit to a doctor:

  • interruptions and irregularities in the work of the heart, too frequent and palpable tremors in the chest area;
  • weakness, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. These symptoms can appear repeatedly;
  • at rest becomes more frequent, you feel anxious. This condition does not go away for a long time;
  • confident angina, which is characterized by severe pain.

Treatment of tachycardia and arrhythmia

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor determines the cause of the disorder. For the treatment to be effective and timely, every person suffering from heart disease needs to know how tachycardia differs from arrhythmia. Accurate identification of symptoms, as well as correct diagnostics, will allow you to start effective therapy as soon as possible.

Treatment begins with the diagnosis of the whole body, as well as the identification of pathologies of internal organs. Specialists prescribe the following examinations:

  1. Electrocardiography.
  2. Ultrasound of the heart.
  3. Angiography.

For correct diagnosis, an electrocardiogram is taken over a long interval

These studies allow you to analyze the work of the heart organ. In mild forms of disorders, the patient is shown the use of sedatives. You can take them yourself at home. With more serious forms of arrhythmia and tachycardia, and especially with the simultaneous symptoms of both diseases, treatment is required in a hospital setting.

How to treat tachycardia:

  1. If it is caused by another disease, it is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying pathology. For this, it is advisable to visit, along with a cardiologist, other specialists.
  2. With tachycardia, drugs based on valerian and motherwort are used, which have a sedative effect on the heart and help to normalize the heart rate.

Often the speed of healing and elimination of serious symptoms depends on the patient himself. For this:

  • try to normalize sleep. Sleep more than 8 hours a day, get more rest;
  • walk in the parks. Walking in the fresh air will saturate the body with oxygen;
  • avoid stress and emotional overload, adhere to a calm lifestyle;
  • adjust your diet. Eliminate the intake of fatty foods, give up strong coffee and alcohol. These drinks are arousing;
  • quit smoking and alcohol.

Arrhythmia also requires serious diagnosis:

  • if the doctor has established the cause of heart rate disorders, it is necessary to take medications that help eliminate the underlying problem;
  • physiotherapy and attending physical therapy classes will be useful. Physiotherapy and various breathing exercises contribute not only to the normalization of the cardiovascular system, but also perfectly strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Possible surgical interventionsif the violations are caused not by external factors, but by serious heart pathologies. Operative treatment with arrhythmias, they are carried out only when drug treatment does not help. In this case, the implantation of pacemakers or defibrillators is performed, which help the heart and help to normalize the rhythm of its contractions.

The heart is a very complex and vital organ in human body... In its normal state, it beats rhythmically, and electrical impulses, which are set by the sinus node, a special part of the heart, make it contract.

If something goes wrong in the body or any diseases develop, then the work of the heart is disrupted. It starts to beat incorrectly, or rather, its rhythm is broken.

Therefore, conditions such as arrhythmia and tachycardia often occur. But before looking for methods of treatment for these ailments, you need to understand what tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia are. Depending on the main causes of pathogenesis, different patients may experience symptoms of one of these conditions. In some cases, there is a combination of tachycardia.

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  • Provide an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only a DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Arrhythmia - this term in medicine means a violation of the main indicators of the heart rhythm, while the frequency of its contractions, regularity and the source of impulses can change.

In a healthy person, the heart rate varies between 60-80 beats per minute. However, if the electrical impulses arising in the heart are excessively active or spread to different parts of the heart in an uncoordinated manner, then the rhythm of the heart also changes.

In addition to arrhythmias, tachycardia can occur, which is also one of the forms of heart rhythm disturbances. The only thing that distinguishes tachycardia from arrhythmia is that it is manifested by an increase in the frequency of heart contractions.

A person begins to feel how his heart is beating, while at the time of an attack, the heartbeat gradually picks up speed, and when the frequency of beats reaches a peak, the work of the heart also gradually normalizes.

Such violations can indicate both the presence of diseases of internal organs, disruption of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and serious pathologies in the heart. That is why, at the first unpleasant symptoms, you need to see a doctor and undergo examinations to determine the main reason that makes the heart work incorrectly.

Description of pathologies

Heart problems such as arrhythmia and tachycardia are often confused, but they are not the same thing, they differ from each other not only in pathogenetic mechanisms, but also in the forms of manifestation. If during arrhythmia there is a violation of the sequence of heart contractions, they can be irregular or extraordinary, then tachycardia is characterized by an acceleration of the heart rate. But first things first.

  • Tachycardia is not an independent disease, it is rather a symptom that suggests a violation of any processes in the body. Usually appears at the moment of fright, fear and in stressful situations.
  • The heart begins to accelerate, beat faster, and when a person calms down, the heart rate returns to normal. However, tachycardia can occur even at rest, and the frequency of contractions per minute can be over 90 beats.
  • The main focus of tachycardia is a special part of the heart that actively produces nerve impulses. As a result of stimulation of the myocardium (muscular layer of the heart), such parts as the ventricles and atria come into active movement (contraction).
  • The duration and nature of tachycardia directly depend on the localization of the pathological process, as well as on the extent of the muscle lesion.
  • Arrhythmia is characterized by an inconsistent or irregular heartbeat.
  • Mild forms of this disease may not be felt at all, so most often general state the sick does not get worse. However, doctors distinguish about 20 different ones, and each of them manifests itself in different ways.
  • Atrial fibrillation is considered the most dangerous for the patient's life.

Tachycardia and arrhythmia are not uncommon at the same time. In this condition, not only the heart rate increases, but also asynchronous or extraordinary beats appear, which is very life-threatening.

But the most difficult thing in the treatment of both pathologies is the difference in the action of the drugs and their dosage. It is very difficult to choose drugs from different groups when the patient has signs of arrhythmia and tachycardia.

What is the difference between tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia

Arrhythmia and tachycardia of mild forms can appear unnoticed by the patient. The main difference between these pathologies is determined only when full examination the patient.

If there are two types of cardiac dysfunction, while pronounced, then the symptoms may differ. So, for example, arrhythmia manifests itself in the form of an alternation of strong and weak beats of the heart. Sometimes patients feel temporary cardiac arrest followed by increased beats.

Tachycardia is a condition that is almost impossible to miss. The fact is that the acceleration of contractions of the heart muscle is very noticeable and may be accompanied by additional symptoms. Often, a rapid heartbeat, which has arisen suddenly and without any reason, frightens a person, there is fear for their health and even life. As a result, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, which makes the heart beat even faster.

With serious types of arrhythmias and tachycardia, symptoms such as:

  • feeling your heart;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dyspnea;
  • darkening in the eyes or the appearance of "flies";
  • short-term loss of consciousness;
  • less often chest pain.

However, arrhythmia and tachycardia differ from each other not only in external manifestations. Often, it is difficult to determine what exactly the patient has (this or that type of heart disorder) based on symptoms alone.

To determine the exact pathology, it is necessary to make a cardiogram. According to the method of treatment, arrhythmia and tachycardia are also different. That is why it is by no means possible to self-medicate, otherwise you can harm your health even more.


Before prescribing treatment, any doctor must always determine the exact cause of the onset of the disease. In order to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to understand what exactly bothers the patient - arrhythmia or tachycardia.

For this, the patient is referred for diagnostic measures such as electrocardiography, ultrasound procedure heart, as well as angiography.

When the diagnosis is made, the patient is assigned a specific one. In both cases, drugs are selected that are aimed both at eliminating the symptoms and at eliminating the underlying cause. Medications may also be prescribed to help strengthen the heart muscle.

To help your body quickly overcome the disease, it is recommended to adhere to a certain lifestyle, namely:

  • stop drinking alcohol and quit smoking;
  • exclude drinks that contain caffeine and other stimulants (coffee, cocoa, strong black tea, coca-cola, energy drinks);
  • adhere to a calm lifestyle, do not conflict, avoid stressful situations;
  • rest more, get enough sleep;
  • take daily walks in the fresh air.

If prevails light form arrhythmias or tachycardia, the patient is advised to take tinctures of valerian, motherwort, any sedatives, as well as Corvalol at home.

If the arrhythmia or tachycardia is caused by more serious cardiac or noncardiac pathologies, then more effective drugs and long-term treatment.

  • Any form of tachycardia requires immediate action on the part of the patient. The fact is that the presence of such a violation forces the heart to work at an accelerated rate, which means that over time the heart wears out, losing its ability to function correctly.
  • With a rapid heartbeat, such parts of the heart as the ventricles and atria are poorly washed with blood, there is a deficiency of oxygen in the heart muscle, which also negatively affects the work of this organ.
  • What, in this case, needs to be done and how to treat tachycardia? The most important thing here is to choose those drugs that are aimed not so much at normalizing the heart rate as at eliminating the root cause of tachycardia.
  • As a rule, such reasons can be various diseases, including endocrine. Therefore, treatment is prescribed not only by a cardiologist, but also by other specialists.
  • Medicines are selected exclusively on the basis of the results obtained after examining the patient.
  • It is worth noting that tachycardia happens different types... For example, sinus tachycardia is a consequence of a complication of a disease. Therefore, it requires treatment, which is aimed not only at eliminating the underlying ailment, but also at normalizing many processes in the body.
  • With tachycardia, drugs such as cardiac glycosides, drugs that control the excitation process in the sinus node, can be prescribed, sedatives (tinctures of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort).
  • During treatment, it is very important to normalize sleep, nutrition should be balanced. Ambulance It is called only in cases where the attack of tachycardia does not go away for a long time, and the rapid heartbeat cannot be normalized on its own.
  • is determined depending on the type of disease. In each case, the selection of drugs is individual. In no case should you take the pills that your friends have advised.
  • Also, do not trust information provided from other sources. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a cardiologist, he prescribes the necessary drugs and advises you to adhere to the dosage that is needed in your case.
  • During treatment, it is important not to interrupt the course of taking medications, while you need to periodically undergo an examination, take all the necessary tests and do an electrocardiogram in order to monitor improvements. Also, the doctor may advise you to do special exercises; when prescribing them, the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the disease, the nature and degree of manifestation of arrhythmia.
  • Physical therapy includes not only physical exercisesbut also breathing exercises. It must be performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevent recurrence of arrhythmia. If the patient has a serious cardiac pathology, a decision may be made about surgical intervention.

- you need to lie down and take a sedative. Further actions depend on the patient's history and well-being.

Characteristic you will find supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia.

Cardiovascular pathologies are among the most common. It is difficult to find a country in which heart pathologies would not be found among the list of leading diseases. Every person in his life encounters the problems of heart rhythm disturbances as with one of the heart diseases. Moreover, in some cases, these changes are of a compensatory and physiological nature.

Tachycardia and arrhythmia are concepts that many often confuse with each other, but it is important to understand how they differ. In common is the fact that both of these pathologies are directly related to heart rate. However, they differ in many ways.

To understand what is the difference between tachycardia and arrhythmia, it is necessary to initially give the correct definition of these disorders. They differ in etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, possible diagnostic methods and treatment tactics.


Arrhythmia is a broad term that includes various nosological units such as:

  • sinus tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia;
  • the formation of ectopic rhythms - slow, accelerated;
  • migration of the supraventricular pacemaker;
  • extrasystole;
  • attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • atrial or ventricular flutter;
  • atrial fibrillation (fibrillation) of the atria or ventricles;
  • conduction disturbance - different kinds heart block, asystole, ventricular premature excitation syndromes.

Atrial fibrillation

Based on the names of all these nosological units, one can imagine that arrhythmia is not one specific disease, but a whole group. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics in the mechanism of development, clinical picture, electrocardiographic diagnostic signs, as well as in the choice of treatment tactics.

So what is arrhythmia? This pathology implies a violation of all basic functions of the heart, in particular - the sequence of excitation and contraction of the heart muscle, the frequency and rhythm of its contractions, conduction, automatism and excitability of the heart. We can say that arrhythmia is characterized by a different rhythm of the heart, which differs from the physiological sinus rhythm.

Tachycardia is an increase in heart rate above the physiological norm, which is 60-80 beats per minute. Moreover, it is one of the nosological subspecies of arrhythmias. It cannot be attributed to a specific, specific disease, since tachycardia is a single symptom. There are two main types of it:

  • pathological;
  • physiological.

Physiology of tachycardia

Every person has met with physiological tachycardia at least once in his life. Its essence is an increase in heart rate under the influence of the release of catecholamines as a compensatory reaction in response to an external stimulus. This type of tachycardia is reversible. Pathological - associated directly with a specific disease and, if untreated, the heart rate will not be able to return to normal values.

Causes of diseases

The onset of one or another type of tachycardia and arrhythmia can be preceded by many diseases. Not all of them are necessarily associated with the pathology of the cardiovascular system; nevertheless, they affect its functioning.

Causes of arrhythmias and pathological tachycardias:

The causes of physiological tachycardia:

  • increased psycho-emotional stress - stress, overexcitation, hyperreactivity;
  • increased physical activity - various types of cardio training;
  • childhood sympathicotomy;
  • change of body position from vertical to horizontal;
  • third trimester of pregnancy.

Pathogenetic differences

The pathogenesis of arrhythmias and pathological tachycardia is based on the following processes:

At the heart of the occurrence of physiological tachycardia is an increase in the level of catecholamines, which activate the sympathoadrenal system and lead to a narrowing of the vascular lumen. The blood flow to the heart is accelerated, as a result of which the heart rate is increased. The above reasons contribute to the release of catecholamines. That is, tachycardia occurs under the influence of external factors. And it is reversible. As soon as the trigger has ceased to exert its effect, the heart rate returns to normal values.

Distinctive symptoms

How arrhythmias differ from tachycardias is easy to determine. In fact, the symptoms of tachycardia and arrhythmias differ in their variety, but they also have similar parameters.

It should be remembered that tachycardia is a symptom, not a disease. Therefore, we can say with confidence that tachycardia is manifested only by an increase in heart rate. In view of the fact that the triggering mechanism of this condition is the activation of the sympathoadrenal system, it is possible to draw a simple conclusion that catecholamines affect not only the heart and blood vessels, but also other organs and tissues.

Manifestations of tachycardia

For example, catecholamines also increase tissue oxygen consumption, increase basal metabolism, increase the formation of heat in the body, increase sugar levels due to the breakdown of glycogen, contribute to the lipolytic effect and increase the activity of the cerebral cortex, ACTH.

Therefore, in addition to an increase in heart rate, with tachycardia, other symptoms may occur - increased breathing and a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, hyperreactivity of the central nervous system, feeling of heat, sweating, dilated pupils, mood swings, sleep disturbances. But all these symptoms are not a manifestation of tachycardia, but its accompaniment and are based on their own mechanism of occurrence. Tachycardia is a symptom, not a separate disease.

Arrhythmia is more like a complex of symptoms that can be brought to a syndrome. But no one uses the phrase "atrial fibrillation syndrome" in the medical literature. This formulation can be applied only when describing the clinic of one or another type of arrhythmia.

Arrhythmia is a manifestation of a certain disease of the cardiovascular system, but it can also be a consequence of the effects of various etiological factors and is represented by a complex of such symptoms:

  • a clear sensation of palpitations;
  • tachycardia;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • feeling of fear;
  • chest pain;
  • fainting;
  • decline blood pressure;
  • cardiac asthma;
  • state of shock.

It is also worth emphasizing that, in addition to the above symptoms, there may be manifestations of the disease that caused the arrhythmia.

Treatment activities

In the treatment of arrhythmia and its symptoms, a complex is prescribed drugs, the action of which is aimed not only at normalizing rhythms, but also at treating the underlying pathology that caused the appearance of arrhythmias. Depending on the underlying disease, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Normalization of the rhythm is one of the most important criteria for treatment. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to normalize the work of the heart and prevent complications.

The main group of drugs is antiarrhythmic drugs. It is a fairly large group and includes 4 main classes of drugs:

  1. Sodium channel blockers (Novocainamide, Ritmonorm, Lidocaine).
  2. Beta blockers (Metoprolol,).
  3. Means for lengthening the action potential, as well as the refractoriness of the heart muscle (Bretilium).
  4. Calcium channel blockers (, Dithiazem).

Each has its own indications and contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use them on your own without a doctor's prescription. Self-medication can cause extremely undesirable side effects, among which there may even be a lethal outcome.

Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs

Physiological changes in rhythm are reversible when the action is removed external factor... But if this is possible with difficulty, then with psycho-emotional stress, it is possible to use sedatives, with physical ones - you should go to a slower pace and reduce the intensity.

It is also important to normalize the lifestyle, eliminate harmful exogenous factors: stress, bad habits, excessive physical exertion. If you have any complaints, you should immediately consult a doctor for help and treat diseases in a timely manner.

Some types of arrhythmias represent serious threat the patient's life and can be fatal - ventricular fibrillation, atrial fibrillation, flutter.

When the rhythm is disturbed, the heart works for wear and tear and compensatory reactions weaken over time. All this can lead to further progression of the disease.

Thus, arrhythmia is a violation of the coordinated work of various parts of the heart, tachycardia is an increase in the frequency of its contractions. Even in their minimal manifestations, these pathologies can be dangerous to human health and life. Should not be neglected characteristic symptoms... You need to consult a doctor for advice to check your health.

Tachycardia and arrhythmia - these conditions are often confused, but the pathogenetic mechanisms of both nosological forms are significantly different. With the first, only an acceleration of the heart rate is traced, with the second, the rhythm is irregular and irregular.

Heart tachycardia - what is it

Cardiac tachycardia is a condition in which the heart rate increases above 90 beats per minute. The basis of the pathogenesis of the disease is the presence of a focus of hyperexcitability of the heart muscle, which intensively produces nerve impulses. Excessive stimulation of the myocardium leads to an increase in the rate of contraction of the ventricles and atria. The nature and severity of the condition depends directly on the localization of the pathological focus, the extent of the muscle lesion.

Arrhythmia is a violation of the sequence, frequency, and strength of heartbeats. The difference between nosologies is significant not only in clinical symptoms. The tactics of treating diseases are different. Heart diseases cannot be treated on their own, as this will not lead to anything good.

The collective concept is tachyarrhythmia, which combines clinical manifestations both nosological forms. Let's consider the symptoms of pathologies in more detail. The condition is life-threatening, since in addition to an increased heart rate, asynchronous beats also appear. Tachycardia and arrhythmias are treated with excellent drugs. The difference between the therapy of pathologies lies not only in the dose of drugs, but also in the selection of drug groups.

Arrhythmia of the heart - what is it

Mild cardiac arrhythmias rarely lead to changes in a person's well-being. We only note that the clinical symptoms of the disease depend on the morphological type of the disease. Doctors identify about 20 different forms of arrhythmic conditions. Atrial fibrillation is considered the most dangerous of them.

Common classification of cardiac arrhythmias:

  • Tachycardia - increased excitement of the ventricles or atria;
  • Bradycardia - weakening of the excitability of the myocardium;
  • Arrhythmia - changes in the strength, frequency and duration of contractions;
  • Blockade - conduction disturbance;
  • Extrasystole - extraordinary contractions.

Clinical disorders in the above nosologies may be asymptomatic or be accompanied by severe manifestations.

These states, when the heart goes into a rhythmic gallop or starts to tap dance; are familiar to many. However, many of us relate to the signals from our fiery motor; irresponsible. It is important to understand when coffee or alcohol is drunk or out of breath, and when your heart is pounding; ; reports on health problems.

How to recognize true alarm signals, calm the heart and establish its rhythm; NANAYEVA NATALIA VLADIMIROVNA will tell; general practitioner, cardiologist of the Academy VIP Diagnostic and Treatment Center;

Natalya Vladimirovna, hello. First question; what is the difference between tachycardia and arrhythmia? Tachycardia and arrhythmia; the most common cardiologic symptoms. They can meet as well as completely healthy people, and can often complicate the course of many diseases, both cardiovascular and non-cardiac. Tachycardia; not a pathology, but a symptom, it is an increase in heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute. And here is the arrhythmia; this is a more complex violation, a violation of the rhythm of cardiac contractions, a sequence of excitation, conduction disturbances, arrhythmia can manifest itself by extraordinary contractions, or, conversely, by sensations of fading; hearts, pauses in rhythm. That is, arrhythmia; it is any heart rhythm that differs from the normal sinus rhythm. When are arrhythmia and tachycardia not a cause for concern? Both tachycardia and arrhythmia can occur in perfectly healthy people. Tachycardia often occurs when experiencing strong emotions, with nervous overstrain, with overwork, in the case of hypersensitivity to nicotine, coffee, alcohol, strong tea. With physical exertion, the so-called stress sinus tachycardia occurs, it usually occurs in those who do not regularly engage in heavy physical labor or sports. It is considered the norm when the symptoms of tachycardia and arrhythmias themselves quickly go away after the cause is eliminated and do not leave any traces behind; in the form of a decrease in pressure, weakness, sweating. Tachycardia and arrhythmia can also occur in healthy people and with hormonal shifts; in particular, in women during pregnancy, in menopause, during puberty in adolescents. Some types of arrhythmias (for example, a single rare extrasystole) can occur in 60% of healthy people and do not manifest themselves in any way. And in what cases can you suspect you have a pathology and you need to see a doctor? If tachycardia and arrhythmia appear often and for a long time, accompanied by unpleasant sensations of shortness of breath, shortness of breath, if you are thrown into sweat, dizziness appears, polyuria (increased urine production), there is a feeling of fear, sometimes there are pains in the heart area; then in these cases, of course, you need to think about whether tachycardia and arrhythmia are symptoms of some pathology, and consult a doctor. Which doctor should I go to with such complaints? What tests do you need to undergo besides an electrocardiogram? First of all, you need to contact a therapist and cardiologist. Ideally, an ECG should be taken at the time of complaints. Daily ECG monitoring is more informative. If the monitoring reveals the presence of problems, CPEFI is carried out; transesophageal electrophysiological examination of the heart and bicycle ergometric tests, when the electrocardiogram is taken at the height of the loads, when the patient is on a special exercise bike. It; the main instrumental research, but, if we consider that the causes of tachycardia and arrhythmias can be extracardiac, it is also necessary to study the hormonal profile, especially the thyroid hormone, a blood test for potassium, magnesium, and a study of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist and gastroenterologist. Is it only heart problems that can cause tachyardia or arrhythmias? Not only. In addition to cardiovascular diseases, frequent causes are disorders of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine diseases; primarily thyroid dysfunction; thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism, low hemoglobin, massive blood loss leading to hypoxia; oxygen starvation of organs and tissues. May be a consequence of the developed myocardial dystrophy, which, in turn, can be triggered by frequent tonsillitis, other infections respiratory tract. Common causes; inflammatory diseases heart muscle, pericardium, reflex effects in diseases of the stomach, especially with erosion or peptic ulcer, with gallstone disease, the so-called casts; bile into the esophagus, a hernia of the alimentary opening of the diaphragm can also manifest in the form of arrhythmias. Pathology may also be the cause. thoracic spine. What are the consequences of pathological tachycardia or arrhythmia? Pathological tachycardia or arrhythmia, especially in the form of sudden attacks, leads to a decrease in blood pressure, oxygen starvation of organs and tissues, which, in turn, increases the risk of coronary heart disease and even myocardial infarction. What can you do if you have a sudden onset of tachycardia before going to the doctor? You need to lie down or sit down, try to relax as much as possible. There are so-called vagal tests, with their help, the sinus rhythm will either be restored or not, but at least they will not harm anything. You can press several times eyeballs, rinse your face cold water or even immerse your face in the water completely. There is the so-called Valsalva test; you need to take a deep breath, and then exhale deeply through your nose with your mouth closed and hold your breath for 15-20 seconds. You can induce a gag reflex (two fingers in the mouth), squat down, cough. You can take an herbal sedative; effective mint, lemon balm, hawthorn, motherwort, valerian. If it does not help, it is mandatory to consult a doctor and an examination with the aim of prescribing antiarrhythmic drug therapy. If there is a threat to life, it is possible to prescribe electrical impulse therapy, install pacemakers, surgery... What are the pulse rates for people in different ages? The pulse rate ranges from 6o to 80 beats per minute, but the number may depend on age, gender, body temperature and environment, physical stress. If you take the ideal; conditions, then, for example, in newborns; the most frequent pulse; 110-140 beats per minute. By the age of eight, it is reduced to 85-90 beats per minute. Between the ages of 25 and 60, the heart rate remains stable at 60-80 beats per minute. I note that in women, the pulse is more frequent by about 7-8 beats. After 50-60 years of age, pulse; 64-84 beats / min, at 60-80 years old; 69-89 strokes / min. What kind preventive measures exist for those suffering from tachycardia, arrhythmia? If the cause of these conditions is known, treat the underlying disease under medical supervision. Eliminate caffeinated foods, including energy drinks and cola, alcohol. Do not overeat, especially before bed. You can take an infusion of soothing herbs before going to bed. By the way, to prevent nighttime attacks, you can put dried mint leaves or dry valerian root in a bag and put it under your pillow. The optimal diet is vegetable and dairy, the use of vegetable and fruit juices. Heavy physical activity is unacceptable. On the other hand, complete inactivity detrains the cervical muscle, so light dynamic loads are good, ideal; hiking.


Higher education:


Kuban State Medical University (KubSMU, KubGMA, KubGMI)

Education level - Specialist

Additional education:

"Cardiology", "Course on magnetic resonance imaging of the cardiovascular system"

Research Institute of Cardiology. A.L. Myasnikova

"Course in functional diagnostics"

NTSSSH them. A. N. Bakuleva

"Course in Clinical Pharmacology"

Russian medical Academy postgraduate education

"Emergency cardiology"

Geneva Cantonal Hospital, Geneva (Switzerland)

"Course in therapy"

Russian State Medical Institute Roszdrav

There are many heart failures. They can be similar to each other in terms of symptoms and frequency of manifestations, but they cause different causes. These diseases include tachycardia and arrhythmia. Patients tend to confuse these ailments, assuming that they have exactly one of these pathologies. Therefore, today we will consider how arrhythmia and tachycardia differ.

Distinctive features of these diseases

Arrhythmia differs from tachycardia in the features of pulse rhythm disturbances. With tachycardia, the rhythm simply increases, and the arrhythmia includes a whole complex of symptoms. Hearts can beat weak or too hard. Doctors classify tachycardia as a type of arrhythmia. The main signs of these ailments are:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakness;
  • light-headedness;
  • persistent dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • squeezing sensations in the chest area.

As you can see from the description, the symptoms of these diseases do not differ from each other, therefore, the doctor will be able to establish your arrhythmia or tachycardia after analyzing the ECG.

Arrhythmia: features

Any irregularities in the frequency of organ contractions automatically indicate that you have an arrhythmia. Constant disruptions in frequency and rhythms indicate that the patient is suffering from this ailment. There are the following types of arrhythmias:

  • Tachycardia. The patient suffers from the fact that the pulse goes off scale for 90 beats per minute. There are several varieties of this pathology, but most often they indicate that some kind of serious deviation... The main symptoms of this type of arrhythmia are considered to be an increase in the number of heartbeats, dizziness, loss of consciousness and pressure in the chest. With tachycardia, the risk of heart attack or cardiac arrest increases.
  • Bracardia. This condition is characterized by a slow heart rate. For people who are professionally involved in sports, this condition is normal, because they are used to putting a lot of stress on their cardiovascular system. But if you haven't done aerobic exercise since childhood, then you suffer from bracardia. This condition is dangerous because it can cause heart failure. The patient is constantly feeling weak, blood pressure readings jump.
  • Extrasystole. Patients have additional organ contractions. This disorder is common among people of all ages. It's okay if you experience this type of arrhythmia from time to time, but persistent attacks can trigger cardiac arrest.
  • Flickering. It is characterized by an increase in the number of heart contractions and poor atrial function. It is always provoked by violations in the work of the organ, it does not arise by itself. Alcohol poisoning or increased blood pressure can be a catalyst for its development. Patients feel pain in the chest, the rhythm increases and decreases.
  • Heart block. They are characterized by inhibition of the passage of impulses through the heart or complete cessation of their passage. It can provoke a heart attack, angina pectoris. Patients experience convulsions, loss of consciousness. If you do not resort to therapy, then the patient may die.

As for the features of the treatment of diseases, it all depends on what caused them. Therefore, before prescribing medications, patients are fully examined and carefully studied the blood. It is impossible to prescribe treatment to patients on their own, because not only can it aggravate symptoms, but it can also lead to death.

Varieties of tachycardia

As we said above, tachycardia is a type of arrhythmia, but it also has its own subclasses. Its type is determined by the reasons that caused its appearance:

  • Sinus. This violation occurs due to abnormalities in the sinus node. Because of this, a pulse of high and ultra-high frequency is observed. This phenomenon may be due to the physiological characteristics of the body and various pathologies. For example, during physical exertion or due to severe stress, heart rate readings begin to change. This is considered normal because after eliminating the stimulus, it will return to normal. But if you are sitting on a sofa or just drinking tea in the kitchen, but at the same time the pulse rate suddenly increased, then some pathology develops in the body.
  • Parkosismal. The problem lies not in the sinus node, but in some other segment of the organ. This disease is characterized by sudden attacks. Their duration can also fluctuate. In some patients, it is 10 minutes, while others suffer from this tachycardia for days. Depending on where the impulses are formed, ventricular, atrioventricular and atrial tachycardia are isolated. It is in these parts of the organ that various problems are most often formed, leading to failures.

Angina pectoris and tachycardia are very rare together. The first ailment is more often manifested with extrasystole. Tachycardia can be chronic, acute, or recurrent. Doctors recommend contacting the clinic when you first encounter rhythm disturbances. This will help prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form and the progression of other ailments. Treatment of the disease also depends on the reasons that provoked it. Sometimes medication is not required, it is enough to normalize the daily regimen.

Prevention of ailments

Disease prevention should begin with the normalization of the patient's lifestyle. If there is constant stress at work, then it is recommended to change the occupation to a more relaxed one. It is necessary to start adjusting the menu. Patients with a tendency to arrhythmias should avoid fatty foods saturated with cholesterol. Because of it, the vessels suffer. Plaques appear on them, which can provoke rhythm disturbances and loss of elasticity of the arteries.

It is recommended to pay attention to physical activity. Aerobic training is considered more beneficial when the exercise is performed at high intensity. Such loads activate the blood flow through the body, make the heart muscles contract more intensively. More oxygen enters the organ, which contributes to its health. But you should be careful when designing your workouts. with congenital heart anomalies, they can aggravate the patient's condition.

IN modern world heart problems are becoming more common. Knowing the symptoms allows you to see a doctor in time. How tachycardia differs from arrhythmia is a question that we will consider in more detail in this article.

For many reasons, the heart can malfunction. But not always the patient can determine what kind of violation is peculiar to him. A rather important question is what is the difference between arrhythmia and tachycardia? Knowledge of such information will eliminate the likelihood of problems with the definition of a problem that leads to a change in the rhythm of the heartbeat. There are two main heart problems: arrhythmias and tachycardia. These diseases are somewhat similar, however, there is a difference, and not one.

Description of pathologies

The main difference between tachycardia and arrhythmia is the violation of the pulse rhythm. It should be borne in mind that tachycardia is manifested exclusively by an increase in the heart rate. But the symptoms of arrhythmia indicate various disorders. Arrhythmia is characterized by an increased or weakened, uneven heart rate. In other words, tachycardia is a type of arrhythmia. The above points determine that tachycardia and arrhythmia are treated with the same methods.

Tachycardia is characterized as follows:

  1. In medicine, the problem under consideration is not considered a separate disease. Many believe that this problem is a symptom of a heart disorder. In some cases, the symptom manifests itself with strong fear, in a stressful situation, at the time of severe fear. Arrhythmia and tachycardia affect the human body in different ways.
  2. By various reasons the heart can speed up. After the external influencing factor disappears, the patient's condition is normalized. But tachycardia develops due to changes in the heart muscle, the frequency of contraction is more than 90 beats per minute.
  3. The problem of this type arises in the part of the heart, which is responsible for the production of impulses. This results in stimulation of the myocardium, which causes the ventricles and atria to be actively moved.
  4. Tachycardia can be characterized by the duration of the attack and the nature of the manifestation of the problem. These moments depend on the localization of the pathological process. Another important point that indicates the manifestation of tachycardia is the extent of the manifestation of muscle damage.

Arrhythmia has the following features:

Dovo flax, you can often find a situation where arrhythmia and tachycardia appear simultaneously. Such a combination of diseases leads to the fact that asynchronous and extraordinary strokes are still accompanied by an increase in rhythm. Such deviations in the work of the heart are life-threatening.

Signs of heart problems

The signs that characterize arrhythmia and tachycardia include:

  1. Fast fatiguability.
  2. The onset of weakness.
  3. Abnormal heart rhythm.
  4. Constant dizziness, especially with heavy exertion.
  5. Frequent occurrence of light-headedness.
  6. Loss of consciousness.
  7. Severe shortness of breath.
  8. Discomfort in the chest or heart.

The symptoms of the diseases under consideration are practically the same. An accurate diagnosis can only be carried out by a doctor, for which he prescribes an ECG.

Treatment and prevention

The doctor can correctly prescribe treatment only after accurately determining the cause of the onset of the disease.

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to determine whether arrhythmia or tachycardia develops. To obtain data for making an accurate diagnosis, various studies are carried out: angiography, electrocardiography.

After an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo treatment, which consists in using drugs or undergoing certain procedures. With the development of both diseases under consideration, drugs are selected to eliminate the symptoms and the causes of their occurrence. Certain medications are prescribed to support the heart muscle, which is not working properly.

Before the onset of the ailments under consideration, as well as with their development, doctors recommend giving up bad habits and slightly changing your lifestyle. These recommendations include:

  1. You must not drink alcohol and smoke. These bad habits are bad for the state of the body.
  2. If the composition contains caffeine, then this drink should not be consumed. Heart rate stimulants and caffeine are found in cocoa, coffee, coca-cola, strong tea, and energy.
  3. It is necessary to exclude the likelihood of stressful situations. For this, it is recommended to avoid conflicts, adhere to a calm lifestyle.
  4. A good sleep will also help medication.
  5. Rest in the fresh air, without physical activity, determines the saturation of the body with oxygen. Oxygen is needed for the proper functioning of all organs, as it is delivered to all cells of the body.
  6. Do not allow exposure to high physical exertion. When playing sports, physical work in a natural way, the heart rate can be significantly increased. If tachycardia or arrhythmia has developed, then a significant acceleration of the heart rate can lead to serious problems.

The above points determine what is the difference between arrhythmia and tachycardia. Knowing the main symptoms and main differences allows you to consult a doctor in time to prescribe treatment. If the treatment is prescribed correctly and in a timely manner, then there is a possibility that the changes in the heart muscle will be insignificant.

Cardiovascular pathologies are among the most common. It is difficult to find a country in which heart pathologies would not be found among the list of leading diseases. Every person in his life encounters the problems of heart rhythm disturbances as with one of the heart diseases. Moreover, in some cases, these changes are of a compensatory and physiological nature.

Tachycardia and arrhythmia are concepts that many often confuse with each other, but it is important to understand how they differ. In common is the fact that both of these pathologies are directly related to heart rate. However, they differ in many ways.

To understand what is the difference between tachycardia and arrhythmia, it is necessary to initially give the correct definition of these disorders. They differ in etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, possible diagnostic methods and treatment tactics.


Arrhythmia is a broad term that includes various nosological units such as:

  • sinus tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia;
  • the formation of ectopic rhythms - slow, accelerated;
  • migration of the supraventricular pacemaker;
  • extrasystole;
  • attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • atrial or ventricular flutter;
  • atrial fibrillation (fibrillation) of the atria or ventricles;
  • conduction disturbance - various types of heart block, asystole, premature ventricular excitation syndromes.

Based on the names of all these nosological units, one can imagine that arrhythmia is not one specific disease, but a whole group. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics in the mechanism of development, clinical picture, electrocardiographic diagnostic signs, as well as in the choice of treatment tactics.

So what is arrhythmia? This pathology implies a violation of all basic functions of the heart, in particular - the sequence of excitation and contraction of the heart muscle, the frequency and rhythm of its contractions, conduction, automatism and excitability of the heart. We can say that arrhythmia is characterized by a different rhythm of the heart, which differs from the physiological sinus rhythm.


Tachycardia is an increase in heart rate above the physiological norm, which is 60-80 beats per minute. Moreover, it is one of the nosological subspecies of arrhythmias. It cannot be attributed to a specific, specific disease, since tachycardia is a single symptom. There are two main types of it:

  • pathological;
  • physiological.

Every person has met with physiological tachycardia at least once in his life. Its essence is an increase in heart rate under the influence of the release of catecholamines as a compensatory reaction in response to an external stimulus. This type of tachycardia is reversible. Pathological - associated directly with a specific disease and, if untreated, the heart rate will not be able to return to normal values.

Causes of diseases

The onset of one or another type of tachycardia and arrhythmia can be preceded by many diseases. Not all of them are necessarily associated with the pathology of the cardiovascular system; nevertheless, they affect its functioning.

Causes of arrhythmias and pathological tachycardias:

  • structural and metabolic changes in the myocardium - ischemic heart disease, rheumatism, arterial hypertension, cardiosclerosis, muscle necrosis, dystrophic lesions, dysfunction of the heart valve apparatus;
  • heart failure;
  • congenital malformations of the heart and blood vessels;
  • noncardiac pathology - thyrotoxicosis, diaphragmatic hernia, cholelithiasis, damage to the central nervous system. Intoxication of various origins;
  • arrhythmogenic effect of drugs (for example, cardiac glycosides, beta-agonists, anticholinergics, diuretics);
  • increased body temperature;
  • decreased oxygen supply to the body;
  • physical factors: traumatic vibrations, ionizing radiation;
  • taking caffeine, nicotine, alcohol;
  • dehydration;
  • compensatory reaction with hypovolemia, shock;
  • respiratory failure, an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • violation of the balance of the electrolyte composition of the body;
  • anemia.

The causes of physiological tachycardia:

  • increased psycho-emotional stress - stress, overexcitation, hyperreactivity;
  • increased physical activity - various types of cardio training;
  • childhood sympathicotomy;
  • change of body position from vertical to horizontal;
  • third trimester of pregnancy.

Pathogenetic differences

The pathogenesis of arrhythmias and pathological tachycardia is based on the following processes:

  1. Violation of the formation of impulses due to:
  • failure of the automatism of the sinoatrial node and latent centers of automatism - ectopic foci arise as a result of a slowdown or sudden cessation of repolarization;
  • the formation of pathological automatism - a potential difference arises between a healthy tissue and a damaged one;
  • launching trigger activity mechanisms.
  1. Violation of impulse conduction:
  • lengthening of refractoriness and fading conduction in the cardiac conduction system;
  • organic damage to the conducting system;
  • the phenomenon of the reverse entry of excitation (re-entry) - repeated, multiple entry into a certain part of the conducting system when there are two ways of conducting excitation (functional and anatomical) or when blocking the conduction of an impulse in one of the pathways. It is also possible to preserve the conduction of the rhythm only in the retrograde direction.
  1. Combined disorders of education and impulse conduction.

At the heart of the occurrence of physiological tachycardia is an increase in the level of catecholamines, which activate the sympathoadrenal system and lead to a narrowing of the vascular lumen. The blood flow to the heart is accelerated, as a result of which the heart rate is increased. The above reasons contribute to the release of catecholamines. That is, tachycardia occurs under the influence of external factors. And it is reversible. As soon as the trigger has ceased to exert its effect, the heart rate returns to normal values.

Distinctive symptoms

How arrhythmias differ from tachycardias is easy to determine. In fact, the symptoms of tachycardia and arrhythmias differ in their variety, but they also have similar parameters.

It should be remembered that tachycardia is a symptom, not a disease. Therefore, we can say with confidence that tachycardia is manifested only by an increase in heart rate. In view of the fact that the triggering mechanism of this condition is the activation of the sympathoadrenal system, it is possible to draw a simple conclusion that catecholamines affect not only the heart and blood vessels, but also other organs and tissues.

For example, catecholamines also increase tissue oxygen consumption, increase basal metabolism, increase the formation of heat in the body, increase sugar levels due to the breakdown of glycogen, contribute to the lipolytic effect and increase the activity of the cerebral cortex, ACTH.

Therefore, in addition to an increase in heart rate, other symptoms may occur with tachycardia - increased breathing and a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, hyperresponsiveness of the central nervous system, a feeling of heat, sweating, dilated pupils, mood swings, sleep disturbances. But all these symptoms are not a manifestation of tachycardia, but its accompaniment and are based on their own mechanism of occurrence. Tachycardia is a symptom, not a separate disease.

Arrhythmia is more like a complex of symptoms that can be brought to a syndrome. But no one uses the phrase "atrial fibrillation syndrome" in the medical literature. This formulation can be applied only when describing the clinic of one or another type of arrhythmia.

Arrhythmia is a manifestation of a certain disease of the cardiovascular system, but it can also be a consequence of the effects of various etiological factors and is represented by a complex of such symptoms:

  • a clear sensation of palpitations;
  • tachycardia;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • feeling of fear;
  • chest pain;
  • fainting;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • cardiac asthma;
  • state of shock.

It is also worth emphasizing that, in addition to the above symptoms, there may be manifestations of the disease that caused the arrhythmia.

Treatment activities

In the treatment of arrhythmia and its symptoms, a complex of drugs is prescribed, the action of which is aimed not only at normalizing the rhythms, but also at treating the underlying pathology that caused the appearance of arrhythmia. Depending on the underlying disease, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Normalization of the rhythm is one of the most important criteria for treatment. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to normalize the work of the heart and prevent complications.

The main group of drugs is antiarrhythmic drugs. It is a fairly large group and includes 4 main classes of drugs:

  1. Sodium channel blockers (Novocainamide, Ritmonorm, Lidocaine).
  2. Beta blockers (Metoprolol,).
  3. Means for lengthening the action potential, as well as the refractoriness of the heart muscle (Bretilium).
  4. Calcium channel blockers (, Dithiazem).

Each has its own indications and contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use them on your own without a doctor's prescription. Self-medication can cause extremely undesirable side effects, including death.

Physiological changes in rhythm are reversible when the action of an external factor is eliminated. But if this is possible with difficulty, then with psycho-emotional stress, it is possible to use sedatives, with physical ones - you should go to a slower pace and reduce the intensity.

Equally important is the normalization of the lifestyle, the elimination of harmful exogenous factors: stress, bad habits, excessive physical exertion. If you have any complaints, you should immediately consult a doctor for help and treat diseases in a timely manner.

Some types of arrhythmias pose a serious threat to the patient's life and can be fatal - ventricular fibrillation, atrial fibrillation, flutter. When the rhythm is disturbed, the heart works for wear and tear and compensatory reactions weaken over time. All this can lead to further progression of the disease.

Thus, arrhythmia is a violation of the coordinated work of various parts of the heart, tachycardia is an increase in the frequency of its contractions. Even in their minimal manifestations, these pathologies can be dangerous to human health and life. Do not neglect the characteristic symptoms. You need to consult a doctor for advice to check your health.

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