I can feel a strong heartbeat. Feel the heartbeat all over my body

Normally, a person does not feel his own heartbeat.

The feeling of a heartbeat is a condition in which a person is aware of every beat of his heart. This may be because the heart has difficulty pumping blood, or the heart beats too slowly, too quickly, or irregularly.

This article examines the causes of flutter, methods of diagnosis and treatment of the disease.


The manifestations of a heartbeat can vary greatly depending on how the person is feeling.

Common descriptions include:

1. Vibration

2. Skipped or extra rhythm (also known as ectopic beats)

3. As if after training

4. Rapid pulse

5. "Heavy" heart beats

Palpitations can also be felt in the neck, throat, abdominal cavity and ears.

In some people, the heartbeat lasts only a few seconds, while in others it can last a minute in one episode.

Generally, it is not common for people to experience palpitations. But in most cases, it is harmless and does not signal a serious problem.

Common Causes

Many things can cause heart palpitations. Some of the more common reasons can be categorized:

Emotional factors

These include:

1. Anxiety
2. Stress
3. Panic
4. Nervousness

Drug treatment

Some medications can cause heart palpitations. These include:

1. Inhalers for asthma
2. Antihistamines
3. Drugs that replace thyroid hormones
4. Antiarrhythmic drugs
5. Antibiotics
6. Antidepressants
7. Antifungal drugs
8. Certain cough medicines
9. Certain herbal or nutritional supplements


Diseases can cause heart palpitations. These include:

1. Hyperglycemia
2. Anemia
3. Low blood sugar
4. Low potassium levels
5. Dehydration
6. High fever and fever
7. Loss of blood
8. Shock
9. Low levels of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the blood

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes are another possible reason heart palpitations. Hormonal changes can be caused by:

1. Menstruation
2. Pregnancy
3. Menopause

Heart diseases

A feeling of heartbeat can be caused by heart conditions:

1. Arrhythmia
2. Diseases of the coronary artery
3. Problems with the heart valve
4. Heart failure
5. Heart defects at birth
6. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (when muscle wall heart becomes thick and enlarged) or other types of cardiomyopathy


Lifestyle factors that can cause fluttering heart include:

1. Caffeine (found in tea, coffee and energy drinks)
2. Alcohol
3. Smoking
4. Physical activity
5. Drugs (such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and amphetamine)
6. Spicy food


While most cases of heart fractures are harmless. But if they are a sign of heart disease, then serious complications can arise.

Complications include:

1. Fainting
2. Stroke
3. Supraventricular tachycardia
4. Atrial fibrillation
5. Ventricular tachycardia
6. Ventricular fibrillation
7. Cardiac arrest
8. Heart failure.


Palpitations that are harmless often resolve quickly and are rare. Treatment, in such cases, is not needed.

However, in some situations, it is necessary to talk to your doctor about the arising sensations of heart flutter:

1. If a person has heart disease
2. If the heartbeat does not improve or gets worse
3. If symptoms are severe
4. If the person has other health problems

Of course, palpitations come and go, and often don't occur in the doctor's office. Therefore, it is important to write down:

1. Your feelings
2. How often do they happen
3. When they happen

The doctor will examine the patient, review the medical history, and order an EKG.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment for the resulting palpitations will depend on the symptoms and the cause.

In general, treatment is divided into three categories:


Lifestyle changes, avoiding triggers can help reduce or stop your heartbeat. These changes include:

1. Reducing caffeine intake
2. Quitting smoking
3. Avoiding alcohol
4. Proper nutrition
5. Exercise
6. Avoiding medications that can cause heart palpitations
7. Reducing stress and anxiety (yoga, meditation, breathing exercises)

Drug treatment

The doctor may decide that the person needs to take prescription antiarrhythmic drugs, such as a beta blocker.

Beta blockers slow your heart rate in addition to lowering blood pressure.

Medical procedures

Three main types of medical procedures are used in cases of palpitations:

1. Catheter ablation
2. Synchronized cardioversion
3. Implantation of a pacemaker or defibrillator

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Disruption of work of cardio-vascular system- a frequent occurrence. People are intimidated by the onset of disorders associated with the main motor. Patients go to the doctor every day with complaints of heart failure. An uneven heartbeat is felt, which can slow down and become more frequent chaotically. After repeated examinations and tests, a diagnosis is made - arrhythmia. But what if symptoms worsen while lying down? How to get rid of this?

What is the essence of the disease?

Arrhythmia occurs when the frequency, rhythm, or sequence of myocardial contractions changes. Each of us at rest feels light beats of the heart, not noticing its rhythm. Patients with atrial fibrillation clearly experience disruptions in the rhythm of the main motor.

Arrhythmia is a deviation of the heart rate from the normal value.

This condition does not always threaten a person's life. After all, such a reaction can be the physiological response of the body to physical activity, intimacy. But there is a type of disease that carries a great danger to life - nocturnal attacks of arrhythmias.

Causes of the onset of the disease

There are several types of ailment, the development of which is caused by certain reasons. Many factors can provoke the appearance of the disease:

  • Heredity.
  • Wrong way of life.
  • Frequent stress, emotional and physical fatigue.
  • Bad habits.
  • Thyroid dysfunctions.
  • Apnea.
  • Hypertension.
  • Violation of the water-salt balance in the body.
  • Diabetes.

But why do arrhythmia attacks appear at night or in the supine position, when a person is relaxed?

Arrhythmia processes can occur in different areas heart: in the atrium and in the ventricles

Symptoms of the disease

Each patient is characterized by individual manifestations of the disease. Many people who do not feel discomfort in the area of ​​the heart begin to feel a strong heartbeat while lying on their left side. In healthy people, this condition goes away by itself when changing position. And in a patient with pathology, this symptom will recur repeatedly. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the following signs, which differ for each type of ailment:

  • Sinus tachycardia. The frequency of myocardial contractions reaches 90 beats per minute or more. There is an increased heartbeat, shortness of breath, fatigue, lack of vitality. This type of ailment is often complicated by atrial fibrillation.
  • Sinus bradycardia. Heart rate per minute - 55 and below. This type of disease is characterized by hypotension, dizziness and fainting, aching pains in the sternum, general weakness.
  • Extrasystole. Often the patient does not feel alarming signals. Sometimes intensified heart beats are noted, but rare cases of this phenomenon are not dangerous.
  • Sinus arrhythmia. This type is characterized by an increase in heart rate during exhalation and a significant decrease during inhalation.
  • Atrial fibrillation. Characterized by incomplete contraction of the atria and frequent contraction of the ventricles. This condition is harmful to the body, because the heart does not pump enough blood through the body.

The main symptom of arrhythmia is a feeling of heartbeat when lying on the left side.

All of these symptoms are a serious signal from the body that requires an urgent visit to the doctor. Complications that develop against the background of an ailment carry a great danger to life.

What explains the attack?

In people with heart pathologies, heartbeats are clearly felt while resting on the left side. This is due to the increased load on the heart. When you lie down on the side of the heart, the myocardium contracts, increasing stress and adverse symptoms. Therefore, cardiologists recommend getting rid of this habit by changing your leisure preferences. Better to sleep on your back. So the body completely relaxes, without creating additional loads on the main motor. Arrhythmia attacks in this position will not bother. People with high blood pressure should also avoid the left-sided position. Positioning on the right side will not pinch the heart, but will pinch the right side of the lung. Therefore, having diseases of the cardiovascular system, constantly monitor the position of the body during rest, train yourself to fall asleep on your back.

Healthy people can also feel a heartbeat. Most often it is felt when lying down, on the left side

Diagnosis of the disease

If you experience symptoms that indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to exclude organic heart damage, thyroid diseases. After a detailed examination, a complete collection of anamnesis, clarification of the reasons that caused the development of the disease, the correct diagnosis will be established and adequate therapy prescribed. The main methods for diagnosing the disease include:

  • Electrocardiogram. Determines the intervals and duration of the contraction phase.
  • Holter's technique. Daily monitoring of the electrocardiogram is carried out. The electrodes that measure the heart rate are attached to the body and remain on it even during a night's sleep.
  • Echocardiogram. Diagnostics is carried out with an ultrasound device. The state of the organ is determined, the size of the heart chambers is measured. The valves are monitored.

The main way to detect abnormal heart rhythms is with a cardiogram.

Physical activity is used to provoke arrhythmic attacks. Effective way diagnosis is the introduction of sensitive thin electrodes into the heart chambers. With their help, pulse conduction is monitored and arrhythmia is detected. Thanks to this technique, the pathology in a certain area is determined, the effectiveness of the drugs used for arrhythmia is assessed. This method is the most informative, it makes it possible to accurately establish a diagnosis.

Nocturnal attacks of arrhythmias are considered a serious disorder that is triggered by multiple factors. To select an effective treatment, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the causes that caused the pathology. Therefore, consulting a doctor at the first sign of an illness is extremely important.

Therapeutic measures

Depending on the form, severity and type of arrhythmia, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Self-medication is life-threatening. Therefore, only a qualified specialist has the right to prescribe medications. The mainstay of treatment is to eliminate the root cause and reduce severe symptoms. Modern medicine offers medicinal and surgical techniques treatment of the disease.

Drug therapy involves the use of special antiarrhythmic medicines... They are divided into 3 groups: drugs for the treatment of atrial type of disease, for the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias and drugs of a universal nature for all types of disease.

The therapy is selected individually, taking into account all side effects drugs and their dosage

Surgical methods of therapy are used in the case of other pathologies and heart defects, when drug treatment stopped giving results. It is possible to completely relieve the patient of the disease with the help of radiofrequency ablation. The manipulation is performed using a specialized catheter that cauterizes the pathological area that generates arrhythmia attacks. Subsequently, impulse conduction is blocked.

For the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, the introduction of pacemakers is used. They are able to keep the frequency of systoles under control.


It is always more expedient to prevent the development of the disease than to cure it later. In the case of arrhythmia preventive measures includes a wide range of activities. The main points of prevention of the disease:

  • Timely therapy of concomitant diseases that provoke heartbeat disorders.
  • Avoiding unhealthy foods and bad habits.
  • Constant monitoring of cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
  • Getting rid of extra pounds.
  • Enrichment of the diet with fortified plant foods.

Our heart is designed in such a way that when any physical or emotional stress (stress) occurs, it must pump a larger volume of blood in order to meet the oxygen demand of skeletal muscles. This is necessary because the “animal”, biological part of human nature under stress follows the ancient principle of “fight, fear, run” in order to survive. For this, the heart begins to contract more often, thus increasing the pumped blood. There is, or an increase in heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute, which may or may not be felt by the person in the form of a feeling of a rapid heartbeat.

heart palpitations (tachycardia) on an ECG

But, not always an increase in heart rate is a normal physiological reaction of the body to stress, since it can occur at rest and be a consequence of functional or organic pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of heartbeat

Among all the conditions that can cause an accelerated heart rate, physiological, that is, acting temporarily with independent restoration of normal heart rate, and pathological, that is, based on various violations of the activity of the heart or other organs, can be distinguished.

Physiological causes

  1. Physical activity - running, brisk long walking, swimming, playing sports,
  2. Psychoemotional stress - acute and chronic stress, panic attack, severe fright, mental strain,
  3. Strong emotions - anger, joy, rage, etc.
  4. Pregnancy - due to a general increase in blood volume in the body of a pregnant woman, as well as due to an increased load on her heart, an increase in heart rate occurs, which does not require treatment if no other pathological reasons are identified, and the woman tolerates a frequent rhythm satisfactorily.

Pathological conditions

1) Cardiological

a) Functional dysregulation of the CVS:

  • ,) - disturbances in the regulation of vascular tone, as a result of which a reflex increase in heart rate occurs,
  • (pacemaker), which manifests itself,
  • Sharp changes in the level (within the framework of the VSD, that is, due to the functional characteristics of the body), as a result of which the heart reflexively responds with an accelerated rhythm in response to low blood pressure.

b) Organic myocardial damage:

  • , acute or transferred some time ago,
  • , congenital or acquired nature,
  • , especially long-term, or with high numbers of blood pressure,
  • , that is, the formation of scar tissue at the site of the normal heart muscle, for example, after inflammation of the myocardium () or acute myocardial infarction,
  • - diseases accompanied by changes in the structure of the heart muscle - (an increase in myocardial mass) or (thinning of the heart muscle and expansion of the heart cavities).

With such diseases, palpitations can be manifested by tachycardia, when the heart contracts frequently, but correctly, as well as atrial fibrillation or other types, when the rhythm is frequent and abnormal, that is, the heart contracts irregularly.

2) Non-cardiological

Diseases of other organs and systems:

  1. Diseases of the thyroid gland, in particular, autoimmune damage or goiter, accompanied by increased level hormones in the blood - hyperthyroidism,
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, gastric ulcer, diaphragmatic hernia etc,
  3. Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, especially if the patient uses inhalers, active substance which accelerates the heart rate (berodual, salbutamol, berotek, etc.),
  4. Fever,
  5. Acute infectious and purulent diseases,
  6. Alcoholic, nicotine, narcotic and other types of intoxication,
  7. Acute poisoning
  8. Eating disorders with dystrophy,
  9. , mediastinum, terminal stage of oncological processes in the body,
  10. Many types of shock (burn, traumatic, hemorrhagic, etc.).

Symptoms and manifestations of a rapid heartbeat

Clinically, the sensations of a heartbeat can vary greatly in different patients, depending on the causative factor, as well as on psychoemotional characteristics and on the general sensitivity of the body. In some cases, the accelerated rhythm is felt by the patient as a weak unpleasant feeling of discomfort in the chest, in others - as strong beats of the heart with various “overturns, fading, stops,” etc. With a very rapid pulse (more than 100-120 per minute), patients can describe their feelings in this way - "the heart flutters, shakes, like a hare's tail." Sometimes patients do not feel the accelerated heart rate at all.

As a rule, a rapid heartbeat manifests itself paroxysm, and disappears as the triggering factors are eliminated in the case of their physiological nature within a few minutes, but sometimes such an attack can drag on for hours, days and even weeks.

In the case when the patient does not have diseases of the heart or other organs, and the rapid pulse is caused by transient factors, then after eliminating the cause (rest, cessation of physical activity, exclusion stressful situation) heart rate indicators come in norm (60-90 per minute)... If you have a specific medical condition, you may need to use medication or treat the condition to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

What other symptoms can a heartbeat be associated with?

In persons with vegetative-vascular dystonia an increased heart rate can be combined with severe psychoemotional manifestations, such as tearfulness, irritability, aggressiveness, as well as with autonomic reactions - sweating, pallor, trembling limbs, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure numbers. In pronounced cases, in such patients, an accelerated heart rate accompanies.

In the presence of high level thyroid hormones(hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis) the patient notes attacks of strong heartbeat, combined with sweating, internal tremors throughout the body, weight loss with increased appetite, visually apparent enlargement of the eye slits and "bulging" eyeballs.

If we talk about the interconnection of triggers in various diseases, then anything can provoke tachycardia - physical activity or stress with heart failure, taking a horizontal position after eating (especially at night) with stomach diseases, overdose inhalation drugs with bronchial asthma, etc.

Dangerous symptoms to watch out for!

Tachycardia can be a symptom of some life-threatening conditions, for example, if interruptions in the heart and a feeling of palpitations are combined with severe pain in the left side chest, between the shoulder blades or behind the sternum, and are also accompanied by a sudden sharp deterioration of the condition with cold sweat, shortness of breath, can be suspected in the patient acute heart attack myocardium.

With a combination of a rapid heartbeat, a feeling of shortness of breath, a suffocating cough with or without pink frothy sputum, you can think about the onset of acute left ventricular. These symptoms can be especially severe at night, when they increase in the lungs, and cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema can develop.

In the case when a rapid pulse is accompanied by a sensation of irregular heartbeat, one can think of dangerous rhythm disturbances, such as, frequent, “takhi-brady” syndrome in sick sinus syndrome, which can lead to loss of consciousness and even cardiac arrest.

Particularly dangerous are considered ventricular tachycardia and frequent ventricular premature beats, which are manifested by a very rapid heart rate and are accompanied by sweating, darkening of the eyes, severe shortness of breath and a feeling of shortness of breath. The danger of such conditions is that they can lead to and to.

Thus, in the presence of such pronounced symptoms and a deterioration in general well-being during attacks of a rapid heartbeat, you should immediately consult a doctor(in the clinic or in the ambulance medical care), because sometimes only on the basis of ECG results it is possible to determine the cause and degree of danger of conditions manifested by an increased heart rate.

Rapid heart rate diagnostics

As you can see from the part of the article that describes the causes of rapid heartbeat, there are a lot of triggers and causal diseases. Therefore, if the patient cannot independently determine the condition, as a result of which the heart rate increases, and, even more so, if such symptoms are difficult for the patient, he should consult a doctor in a timely manner, to make a plan of examination and treatment, if necessary.

From the consultations of specialists, in addition to the therapist, you may need examinations by an endocrinologist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist and other doctors.

Of the most informative studies, the following can be shown:

  1. - for a decrease in the level of hemoglobin or the presence of an inflammatory process,
  2. General urinalysis for exclusion chronic inflammation kidneys, as well as kidney damage in hypertension, diabetes, etc.,
  3. - the indicators of kidney and liver function are examined,
  4. Blood test for infectious diseases - viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis,
  5. Blood test for thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones,
  6. Glycemic profile and glucose tolerance test for suspected diabetes mellitus,
  7. Determination of the level of sex hormones in pregnant women, especially if there were serious endocrinological diseases before pregnancy,
  8. , combined with Holter, and ECG after dosed physical activity in the office of functional research methods,
  9. for the diagnosis of defects, violations of the contractile function of the myocardium and many other heart diseases,
  10. In case of serious arrhythmias, the presumable cause of which is coronary heart disease, the patient can perform - "examination from the inside" of the coronary arteries that feed the heart muscle,
  11. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, internal organs, pelvic organs, with suspicion of the corresponding pathology,
  12. Fibrogastroscopy (examination of the gastric mucosa using a gastroscope), analysis of gastric juice if a peptic ulcer is suspected, fluoroscopy of the esophagus and stomach with barium if a diaphragm hernia is suspected, etc.
  13. Function exploration external respiration may be needed if the patient describes the symptoms of attacks of tachycardia and suffocation, reminiscent of attacks of bronchial asthma,
  14. MRI of the brain, if a neurologist suspects cardiac abnormalities as a result of a brain catastrophe, such as a stroke, as well as due to a brain tumor or other diseases.

It is unlikely that one patient will need complete list of the above studies, since in most cases, attacks of isolated tachycardia without other symptoms appear as a result of physiological reasons. If the reason is pathological, then of the symptoms, as a rule, several more will be observed, therefore the doctor will be able to orient the patient at the first examination in which diagnostic direction they should move.


The answer to the question of how and for how long to treat attacks of rapid heartbeat, only a specialist is able to give an answer at a face-to-face appointment. In some cases, only rest, good sleep and proper nutrition, and in some you cannot do without an ambulance team with further observation in a hospital.

First aid for an attack of rapid heartbeat

At the stage first aid A patient with a seizure can be helped by:

  • Calm the patient
  • Open the window, open the collar for fresh air,
  • Help to lie down or sit down if the patient is gasping for breath while lying down,
  • Call an ambulance,
  • Measure and blood pressure,
  • Apply - ask the patient to strain, cough, so that the pressure in the chest cavity increases, and the rhythm decreases slightly; you can wet your face cold water and feel the pressure on eyeballs within three to five minutes,
  • Take half or a whole tablet of anaprilin under the tongue, or drink inside a tablet of egilok, concor or coronal, if the patient has previously taken similar drugs, but only in accordance with the blood pressure level - at a pressure below 90/60 mm Hg, such drugs are categorically contraindicated, and the rhythm is reduced only by health workers with the help of intravenous administration of drugs, coupled with cardiotonic drugs.

Similar recommendations are applicable for patients with a history of cardiac diseases, because in the case of another severe pathology, for example, for a patient in a state of severe poisoning or traumatic shock life-saving and stabilization measures will be completely different.

So, in this material, only some of the reasons and approximate schemes of what can be thought of with various combinations of a rapid heartbeat with other symptoms are given. Therefore, for a person far from medicine, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, but to seek help from a doctor who not only diagnoses the disease on time, if any, but also prescribes competent treatment that will prevent the disease from starting.

Video: Frequent heartbeat in the program “Life is great!”

Heart palpitations - a feeling that your heart is beating too fast or beating too hard - a reason to see a doctor.

- this is a patient's complaint about a subjective feeling of a rapid, arrhythmic or heavy heartbeat. Normally, we do not notice our heartbeat. But any deviation from the norm becomes immediately noticeable. Palpitations are usually described by patients as follows: the heart beats too hard (or "loud") in the chest, the heart "jumps" out of the chest, pounds hard, "twitches", "turns" or "flutters". An increased heartbeat may be accompanied by a throbbing sensation in the neck, temples, epigastric region, or fingertips. Tinnitus may also accompany the palpitations pain in the area of ​​the heart, a feeling of tightness in the chest or shortness of breath. Similar symptoms may indicate a pathology of the heart, but in most cases, complaints of increased heart rate with accompanying symptoms instrumental research no signs of heart damage are detected.

Palpitations should be distinguished from tachycardia. Tachycardia Is an objective increase in heart rate. The normal pulse in an adult at rest is 60-80 beats per minute. If more than 90 beats per minute are recorded, then tachycardia is diagnosed. However, at the same time, the patient may not feel that his heartbeat is rapid.

Common Causes of Rapid Heartbeat

Even healthy person may feel an increased heartbeat. This is most characteristic of people with increased nervous sensitivity. Can lead to a rapid heartbeat:

  • significant physical effort;
  • quick ascent to the height;
  • physical activity in a hot and stuffy environment (lack of oxygen leads to increased work of the heart);
  • sharp mental stress (fear, excitement, etc.);
  • use a large number foods high in caffeine (coffee, tea, coca-cola);
  • some medications(in particular, remedies for the common cold);
  • digestive disorders (for example, flatulence, due to which the diaphragm is somewhat raised).

A strong heartbeat may be felt when high temperature(people with fever often feel palpitations).

Heart palpitations with increased blood pressure

An increased heart rate is often accompanied by high blood pressure. In this case, the more often the heart beats, the higher the pressure in the arteries. The dependence here is just this ... Therefore, it is wrong to consider high blood pressure to be the cause of increased heartbeat. Another thing is that an increase in pressure, accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being, can make you notice how hard your heart is beating.

Heart palpitations and high blood pressure can be caused by the same reasons. In this case therapeutic measures, aimed at normalizing blood pressure, will also contribute to the normalization of the heartbeat.

Rapid heartbeat with low blood pressure

An increased heart rate is also possible with reduced blood pressure. A sharp drop in pressure can be observed in shock conditions (anaphylactic, traumatic, infectious-toxic, psychogenic and other types of shock). The body responds to this by accelerating the contraction of the heart muscle to restore pressure. A similar compensatory nature of the increased heartbeat occurs with large blood loss.

Rapid heartbeat at normal pressure

However, an increased heart rate can be felt regardless of the pressure. The pressure can be either low or normal, and the patient complains of palpitations. This is possible with vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia, thyroid diseases and a number of other diseases. You should not try to determine what you are sick with, and even more so start treatment only on the basis of a comparison of heartbeat and pressure. In all cases, when you are worried about an increased heart rate, it is necessary to undergo an examination as directed by a doctor.

When is a heartbeat a reason to see a doctor?

Rapid heartbeat is a reason to see a doctor if it:

  • too intense;
  • is protracted (does not go away for a long time);
  • occurs with less and less influence of the above factors;
  • arises out of connection with the above factors;
  • is uneven (arrhythmia can be assumed - a violation of the heart rhythm).

In these cases, heart palpitations can be a manifestation of serious disorders and diseases, such as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia (low levels of hemoglobin and iron in the blood);
  • tetany (a condition caused by a lack of calcium);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • cardiac pathologies.

However, as a rule, in the case of myocarditis, other heart diseases, and hyperthyroidism, increased heart rate is not the main complaint. With such diseases, first of all, they complain of pain in the region of the heart and shortness of breath.

It is necessary to react promptly if dizziness, shortness of breath, pale skin, sweating are observed against the background of an increased heartbeat. In this case, you should call ambulance.


Causes of heartbeat

Among all the conditions that can cause an accelerated heart rate, physiological, that is, acting temporarily with independent restoration of normal heart rate, and pathological, that is, based on various violations of the activity of the heart or other organs, can be distinguished.

Physiological causes

  1. Physical activity - running, brisk long walking, swimming, playing sports,
  2. Psychoemotional stress - acute and chronic stress, panic attack, severe fright, mental strain,
  3. Strong emotions - anger, joy, rage, etc.
  4. Pregnancy - due to a general increase in blood volume in the body of a pregnant woman, as well as due to an increased load on her heart, an increase in heart rate occurs, which does not require treatment if no other pathological reasons are identified, and the woman tolerates a frequent rhythm satisfactorily.

Pathological conditions

1) Cardiological

a) Functional dysregulation of the CVS:

  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia (VVD, neurocirculatory dystonia) - disturbances in the regulation of vascular tone, as a result of which a reflex increase in heart rate occurs,
  • Dysfunction of the sinus node (pacemaker), which is manifested by sinus tachycardia,
  • Sharp changes in the level of blood pressure (within the framework of the VSD, that is, due to the functional characteristics of the body), as a result of which the heart reflexively responds with an accelerated rhythm in response to low pressure.

b) Organic myocardial damage:

  • Myocardial infarction, acute or suffered some time ago,
  • Heart defects, congenital or acquired nature,
  • Arterial hypertension, especially long-term, or with high blood pressure,
  • Cardiosclerosis, that is, the formation of scar tissue in place of the normal heart muscle, for example, after myocardial inflammation (myocarditis) or acute myocardial infarction,
  • Cardiomyopathies are diseases accompanied by changes in the structure of the heart muscle - hypertrophy (increase in myocardial mass) or dilatation (thinning of the heart muscle and expansion of cardiac cavities).

With such diseases, palpitations can be manifested by tachycardia, when the heart contracts frequently, but correctly, as well as atrial fibrillation or other types of tachyarrhythmias, when the rhythm is frequent and abnormal, that is, the heart beats irregularly.

2) Non-cardiological

Diseases of other organs and systems:

  1. Diseases of the thyroid gland, in particular, autoimmune damage or goiter, accompanied by an increased level of hormones in the blood - hyperthyroidism,
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, gastric ulcer, diaphragmatic hernia, etc.,
  3. Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, especially if the patient uses inhalers, the active substance of which increases the heart rate (berodual, salbutamol, berotek, etc.),
  4. Fever,
  5. Acute infectious and purulent diseases,
  6. Anemia,
  7. Alcoholic, nicotine, narcotic and other types of intoxication,
  8. Acute poisoning
  9. Eating disorders with dystrophy,
  10. Tumors of the brain, mediastinum, terminal stage of oncological processes in the body,
  11. Many types of shock (burn, traumatic, hemorrhagic, etc.).

Symptoms and manifestations of a rapid heartbeat

Clinically, the sensations of a heartbeat can vary greatly in different patients, depending on the causative factor, as well as on psychoemotional characteristics and on the general sensitivity of the body. In some cases, the accelerated rhythm is felt by the patient as a weak unpleasant feeling of discomfort in the chest, in others - as strong beats of the heart with various "overturns, fading, stops", etc. With a strongly accelerated pulse (more than 100-120 per minute), patients can describe their feelings in this way - "the heart flutters, shakes like a hare's tail." Sometimes patients do not feel the accelerated heart rate at all.

As a rule, a rapid heartbeat manifests itself paroxysm, and disappears as the triggering factors are eliminated in the case of their physiological nature within a few minutes, but sometimes such an attack can drag on for hours, days and even weeks.

In the case when the patient does not have diseases of the heart or other organs, and the frequent pulse is caused by transient factors, then after the elimination of the cause (rest, cessation of physical activity, exclusion of a stressful situation), the heart rate indicators come to norm (60-90 per minute)... If you have a specific medical condition, you may need to use medication or treat the condition to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

What other symptoms can a heartbeat be associated with?

In persons with vegetative-vascular dystonia an increased heart rate can be combined with severe psychoemotional manifestations, such as tearfulness, irritability, aggressiveness, as well as with autonomic reactions - sweating, pallor, trembling limbs, headache, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure numbers. In pronounced cases, in such patients, an accelerated heart rate accompanies a panic attack.

If you have high thyroid hormone levels(hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis) the patient notes attacks of strong heartbeat, combined with sweating, internal tremors throughout the body, weight loss with increased appetite, visually apparent enlargement of the eye slits and "bulging" eyeballs.

If we talk about the interconnection of triggers in various diseases, then anything can provoke tachycardia - physical activity or stress with heart failure, taking a horizontal position after eating (especially at night) with stomach diseases, overdose of inhaled drugs for bronchial asthma, etc.

Dangerous symptoms to watch out for!

Tachycardia can be a symptom of some life-threatening conditions, for example, if interruptions in the heart and a feeling of strong heartbeat are combined with severe pain in the left side of the chest, between the shoulder blades or behind the sternum, and are also accompanied by a sudden sharp deterioration in the condition with cold sweat, shortness of breath, can be suspected in patient with acute myocardial infarction.

With a combination of a rapid heartbeat with shortness of breath, a feeling of shortness of breath, a suffocating cough with or without pink frothy sputum, one might think about the onset of acute left ventricular heart failure. Such symptoms can appear especially sharply at night, when venous congestion of blood in the lungs increases, and cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema can develop.

In the case when a rapid pulse is accompanied by a sensation of irregular heartbeat, one can think of dangerous rhythm disturbances such as atrial fibrillation, frequent extrasystoles, tachy-brady syndrome with sick sinus syndrome, which can lead to loss of consciousness and even cardiac arrest.

Particularly dangerous are ventricular tachycardia and frequent ventricular premature beats, which are manifested by a very rapid heart rate and are accompanied by sweating, darkening of the eyes, severe shortness of breath and a feeling of shortness of breath. The danger of such conditions is that they can lead to ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest (asystole).

Thus, in the presence of such pronounced symptoms and a deterioration in general well-being during attacks of a palpitations increased heart rate.

Rapid heart rate diagnostics

As you can see from the part of the article that describes the causes of rapid heartbeat, there are a lot of triggers and causal diseases. Therefore, if the patient cannot independently determine the condition, as a result of which the heart rate increases, and, even more so, if such symptoms are difficult for the patient, he should consult a doctor in a timely manner, to make a plan of examination and treatment, if necessary.

From the consultations of specialists, in addition to the therapist, you may need examinations by an endocrinologist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist and other doctors.

Of the most informative studies, the following can be shown:

  1. Complete blood count - for a decrease in hemoglobin levels or the presence of an inflammatory process,
  2. General urine analysis to exclude chronic inflammation of the kidneys, as well as kidney damage in hypertension, diabetes, etc.,
  3. Biochemical blood test - the indicators of kidney and liver function are examined,
  4. Blood test for infectious diseases - viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis,
  5. Blood test for thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones,
  6. Glycemic profile and glucose tolerance test for suspected diabetes mellitus,
  7. Determination of the level of sex hormones in pregnant women, especially if there were serious endocrinological diseases before pregnancy,
  8. ECG, in combination with Holter monitoring of ECG and blood pressure per day, as well as ECG after dosed physical activity in the office of functional research methods,
  9. Echocardioscopy (ultrasound of the heart) for the diagnosis of defects, impaired myocardial contractile function and many other heart diseases,
  10. In case of serious rhythm disturbances, the presumable cause of which is coronary heart disease, the patient can undergo coronary angiography - an "examination from the inside" of the coronary arteries that feed the heart muscle,
  11. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, internal organs, pelvic organs, if a corresponding pathology is suspected,
  12. Fibrogastroscopy (examination of the gastric mucosa using a gastroscope), analysis of gastric juice if a peptic ulcer is suspected, fluoroscopy of the esophagus and stomach with barium if a diaphragm hernia is suspected, etc.
  13. A study of the functions of external respiration may be necessary if the patient describes the symptoms of attacks of tachycardia and suffocation, reminiscent of attacks of bronchial asthma,
  14. MRI of the brain, if a neurologist suspects cardiac abnormalities as a result of a brain catastrophe, such as a stroke, as well as due to a brain tumor or other diseases.

It is unlikely that one patient will need a complete list of the above studies, since in most cases, attacks of isolated tachycardia without other symptoms appear as a result of physiological reasons. If the cause is pathological, then of the symptoms, as a rule, several more will be observed, so the doctor will be able to orient the patient at the first examination in which diagnostic direction they should move.


The answer to the question of how and for how long to treat attacks of rapid heartbeat, can only be answered by a specialist at a face-to-face appointment. In some cases, only rest, good sleep and proper nutrition are shown, and in some cases you cannot do without an ambulance team with further observation in a hospital setting.

First aid for an attack of rapid heartbeat

At the stage of first aid, a patient with an attack can be helped as follows:

  • Calm the patient
  • Open the window, open the collar for fresh air,
  • Help to lie down or sit down if the patient is gasping for breath while lying down,
  • Call an ambulance,
  • Measure pulse and blood pressure,
  • Apply vagal tests, or Valsalva tests - ask the patient to strain, cough, so that the pressure in the chest cavity increases, and the rhythm decreases slightly; you can moisten your face with cold water and apply pressure on the eyeballs for three to five minutes,
  • Take half or a whole tablet of anaprilin under the tongue, or drink inside a tablet of egilok, concor or coronal, if the patient has previously taken similar drugs, but only in accordance with the blood pressure level - at a pressure below 90/60 mm Hg, such drugs are categorically contraindicated, and the rhythm is reduced only by health workers with the help of intravenous administration of drugs, coupled with cardiotonic drugs.

Such recommendations are applicable for patients with a history of cardiac diseases, because in the case of another severe pathology, for example, for a patient in a state of severe poisoning or traumatic shock, life-saving and stabilization measures will be completely different.

So, in this material, only some of the reasons and approximate schemes of what can be thought of with various combinations of a rapid heartbeat with other symptoms are given. Therefore, for a person far from medicine, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, but to seek help from a doctor who not only diagnoses the disease on time, if any, but also prescribes competent treatment that will prevent the disease from starting.


Causes and symptoms of increased heartbeat

An increased heart rate, in which the heart rate exceeds 100 beats, is called tachycardia. Some doctors consider an increase in heart rate up to 90 beats per minute as a sign of tachycardia.

Even people without health problems sometimes experience fast heartbeats. The heart can pound heavily for a variety of reasons. Distinguish between physiological and pathological tachycardia. Physiological - is not a symptom of diseases and can be observed in people who do not have health problems.

For example, tachycardia is considered normal in children under 6 years of age. Physiological tachycardia can also be observed in the following cases:

  • Experiences, emotions, stress.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (overeating, flatulence).
  • Increased physical activity (climbing stairs, outdoor activities, etc.).
  • With an increase in body temperature (an increase in temperature by 1 degree increases the heart rate by 10 beats per minute).
  • Excessive consumption of coffee and drinks that contain caffeine.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Drug use (cocaine, etc.).
  • Intoxication of the body (alcohol, nicotine, nitrates).

Symptoms for which you should see a doctor:

  • heart palpitations last more than 5 minutes and does not go away, even if the person is in a calm position;
  • tremors are painful;
  • palpitations are accompanied by dizziness, fainting;
  • intervals, "gaps" between heartbeats;
  • shortness of breath, lack of air;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • palpitations are accompanied by darkening in the eyes, rush of blood to the face;
  • if the cause is not found and the tachycardia is persistent.

Why is my heart beating fast? There can be many reasons for this condition. Tachycardia is rarely an independent disease and is not always caused by diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Tachycardia is observed in some diseases endocrine system, in the presence of tumors, infections in the body. The causes of pathological tachycardia may be a lack of certain substances in the body.

Types of tachycardia

Normal physiological reactions - exercise, emotion - cause sinus tachycardia. Normally, the heart makes up to 150 beats per minute, maintaining a normal rhythm.

Sinus tachycardia occurs in everyone and does not require any action. It needs treatment if it manifests itself in a state of rest. Sinus tachycardia is sometimes a symptom of heart failure, thyroid disease.

Paroxysmal tachycardia has a clear clinical picture... The heart suddenly starts beating too hard. The attack ends just as instantly. With a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, noise in the head, weakness, and sometimes loss of consciousness are observed. The pulse rate can reach 140 and even 220 beats per minute, rarely more.

Paroxysmal tachycardia is:

  • atrial;
  • ventricular.

Atrial tachycardia can occur due to impaired activity of the autonomic nervous system. Then a strong heartbeat may be accompanied by an increase in pressure, urine output after an attack.

Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia can be caused by smoking, prolonged use of alcohol, coffee, stimulants. It is enough to exclude the factor that causes the attacks, and the heart will stop beating too quickly.

Ventricular tachycardia, as a rule, develops against the background of pathological heart diseases. Its reasons may be:

  • congestive heart failure;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • heart defects;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • arterial hypertension.

Patients with paroxysmal tachycardia should definitely consult with a cardiologist and undergo cardiography to find out the cause of frequent heartbeats.

The heart beats when the rhythm of work is disturbed. Among the many arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation is the most common. With arrhythmias of this type, the frequency of atrial contractions can reach 150–300 beats per minute. Arrhythmia can be felt as a "flutter" of the heart.

The symptoms of arrhythmia are:

  • weakness of the pulse with frequent strokes;
  • chest pain and tingling;
  • dyspnea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • sweating;
  • attacks of fear and panic;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Atrial fibrillation is observed in older people with heart disease, and in young people with heart disease. Atrial fibrillation is a symptom of thyroid diseases, intoxication of the body with alcohol, drugs, etc.

For arrhythmias, only a doctor prescribes drugs. Some medicines used to treat heart disease can cause an attack of the heart.

When is a heartbeat a symptom of a hidden disease?

If the palpitations are accompanied by a decrease in performance, fatigue, weakness, pallor of the skin, then all the signs indicate anemia. Iron deficiency in the body and a decrease in hemoglobin content affect the work of the heart and cause tachycardia.

Iron deficiency anemia is often latent in nature, and patients may not be aware of this pathology. An increased heart rate is one of the symptoms of iron deficiency. This condition may occur due to:

  • pregnancy;
  • profuse menstruation;
  • frequent bleeding from the nose, with ulcerative processes in the stomach, with hemorrhoids;
  • multiple donation;
  • disorders of iron absorption (with enteritis and some other diseases).

The heart often beats due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Palpitations are accompanied by weight loss, irritability, insomnia, and trembling fingers. Hyperthyroidism - a dysfunction of the thyroid gland - is often seen in women. Patients with hyperthyroidism are worried about fast pulse, chest pains, shortness of breath, rhythm disturbances.

To eliminate tachycardia caused by interruptions in the work of the thyroid gland, they take medications that block the synthesis of hormones. In some cases, applies surgery... With a decrease in the level of hormones of this endocrine organ, the symptoms of tachycardia disappear without a trace.

The heart beats too hard, and panic arises, symptoms are often accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, and less often chest pain. These signs are characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia of the cardiac type. The attacks are accompanied by pulsation in the temples, the pulse can be felt in the vessels in the neck.

VSD is a frequent companion of depression. Often, with attacks of tachycardia, patients are haunted by the fear of death. Vegetovascular dystonia is not a dangerous disease. The main thing is to understand if it is hiding behind symptoms of VSD more serious pathology.

Rapid heartbeat is a symptom of a disease such as leukemia. But the likelihood of contracting any form of leukemia is very small. There are only 35 cases per million people.

If the heartbeat overtakes suddenly

  • you need to go out into the fresh air or open windows;
  • tighten your abdominal muscles for 15 seconds, repeat every 1-2 minutes;
  • dip your face in cool water for a few seconds;
  • put a cold object on your forehead;
  • If, after five minutes, your heart is still beating strongly, call an ambulance.

If the heart beats too hard, then this may indicate the development of the disease. And only the doctor during the examination will determine the cause and prescribe treatment. Self-medication for rapid heartbeats is dangerous because medications that are effective in one condition can have a negative effect on the heart in another.


Why arises

The causes of palpitations are varied. It can occur at normal, high or low pressure.

Heart palpitations are normal if:

  • With physical activity: playing sports, physical work, lifting weights, walking fast, running, and so on.
  • With emotional stress: fear, excitement, joy, anger, irritation, etc.
  • With an increase in body temperature, for example, with infectious diseases... With an increase in t by 1 degree, the heart rate increases by 10 beats per minute.
  • In case of an allergic reaction.
  • Overeating.
  • From the use of energy drinks.
  • With menopause.

The causes of pathological tachycardia are various diseases, including:

  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • anemia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine system;
  • hypoxia;
  • heart defects.

Finding the exact cause of the increase in heart rate is possible only through comprehensive diagnostics.

How to help yourself with palpitations

If an attack of tachycardia happened in a person for the first time, and he does not suspect that he has pathologies, he needs to do the following:

  • open a window in the room;
  • unbutton the collar of the clothes;
  • wash your face with cool water;
  • if possible, you must definitely lie down or at least sit down, but not stay on your feet.
  • take medicine (it can be corvalol, valocordin, validol, valerian, motherwort).

Many people panic during an attack of tachycardia, especially if it happened at night. You need to calm down and start breathing correctly. With a rapid heartbeat, you need to take a deep breath, then hold your breath, push and exhale slowly. Relief does not come immediately, so it is recommended to do the exercise for about five minutes.

If your heart is palpitating, you can try coughing.

Another remedy that helps to stop attacks of tachycardia, accompanied by dizziness and impaired coordination of movement, is an eye massage. It is very simple to do it:

  • close your eyes and press on the eyeballs with your fingertips;
  • keep your fingers in front of your eyes for about 10 seconds, then release;
  • repeat after 10 seconds.

The effect on biologically active points on the fingers helps with tachycardia. The little finger is responsible for the work of the cardiovascular system and thumb... With a rapid heartbeat, you need to press the tip of the little finger on the base of the thumbnail on both hands.

Traditional medicine suggests rubbing the back of the wrists, where the active points associated with the work of the cardiovascular system are located.

A strong heartbeat can be a harbinger of a stroke or heart attack. In this case, immediate assistance is required. You need to call an ambulance and take sedatives.

Strong heartbeat and increased blood pressure

Often, tachycardia is characterized not only by a rapid heartbeat, but also by hypertension. If during an attack high blood pressure, the following measures are required:

  • Comfortably sit or lie down and try to completely relax.
  • Drink some cold water. When passing through the esophagus, it puts pressure on the heart, thereby normalizing its work.
  • Sometimes washing your face with cold water can help.
  • Another way to lower your heart rate if your BP is high is to take a deep breath, hold your hand over your nose and mouth, and try to exhale.
  • If the attack is caused by stress, relaxation, aromatherapy, and meditation can help.
  • With a pronounced heartbeat, doctors advise taking anaprilin.
  • The menu should include more seafood and fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Vitamin complexes should be taken by those who have high blood pressure tachycardia caused by a lack of magnesium in the body.

Low blood pressure palpitations

In hypotonic patients, tachycardia is quite common. Signs such as rapid heart rate and low blood pressure are characteristic of such pathological conditions:

  • shock (anaphylactic, traumatic);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • profuse bleeding.

When tachycardia develops against a background of hypotension, the following symptoms are often observed:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • pain in the heart and stomach;
  • a feeling of fear, increased anxiety.

Tachycardia in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes and it begins to work in a different mode. Rapid heartbeat (up to 100 beats per minute or more) - normal phenomenon in this period. Often, tachycardia during gestation occurs in mild form and is not dangerous. But it happens that it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • chest pain;
  • sometimes fainting.
  • rest more;
  • avoid stress;
  • drink more clean water.

Fetal tachycardia

During an ultrasound scan in the fifth week of gestation, the doctor can diagnose tachycardia in the fetus. Heart rate is a very important indicator by which it is determined how the unborn child is developing. A strong heartbeat in the fetus can be caused by hypoxia, the causes of which can be as follows:

  • finding the expectant mother in a stuffy room;
  • anemia in a woman;
  • physical activity of a pregnant woman.

Rapid heartbeat in a child

Children have a higher heart rate than adults. Moreover, the younger the child, the more often his heart beats. Usually, a heartbeat in children has the following causes:

  • fear, joy, stressful situation;
  • heart and non-cardiac diseases;
  • change of weather.

If the increase in heart rate is associated with emotional or physical stress, then it will normalize on its own.

But tachycardia is not always harmless. It can be a sign of a serious illness, for example, heart failure, arrhythmias, myocarditis.

The child may have acute attacks heart palpitations, which are called paroxysmal tachycardia. Sometimes they last for several hours and are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, chest pain, seizures, cold sweats, and fainting.

How to treat

Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of the onset. It is important to save the patient from unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, fainting.

Two methods are commonly used: drug therapy and folk remedies.

Drug treatment

To combat tachycardia, you need to take the following medications:

  • Sedatives. These include natural remedies based on medicinal herbs... These are motherwort, valerian, Novo-passite. They can be produced in tablets, drops, tinctures.
  • Antiarrhythmic. These pills normalize the heartbeat. You cannot drink them on your own, only as directed by a doctor. These include Flecainide, Verapamil and others.

For the treatment of tachycardia, tablets of four groups are taken:

  • Cardiac glycosides (Dogoxin).
  • Beta blockers (Atenolol, Concor).
  • Sedatives (Novo-passit).
  • Antioxidants (Mexicor, Preductal).

Herbal treatment

Most often, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, St. John's wort, motherwort and others are used to treat palpitations at home.

To normalize heart rate and pressure, you can prepare an infusion of herbs. To do this, you need to take a spoonful of dried valerian root, yarrow herb and lemon balm. Mix the components, pour boiling water over and put in a water bath for 40 minutes. When cool, strain and drink.

One more effective remedy- hawthorn. The aqueous extract of the fruit should be taken three times a day, 20 drops per ¼ glass of water before meals. For cooking, you will need a tablespoon of crushed fruits, which you need to pour with a glass of boiling water, put on low heat and cook until half of the original volume remains.

From hawthorn flowers, you can prepare an infusion. To do this, pour the flowers (teaspoon) with a glass of boiling water and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take half a glass twice a day before meals.

As a preventive measure

In order to prevent tachycardia attacks, it is recommended:

  • Avoid stress and high physical exertion.
  • Refuse or limit consumption of black tea and coffee, give preference to green tea.
  • Instead of tea, you can drink an infusion of hawthorn and rose hips, which helps to normalize heart rate. For its preparation, the fruits of these plants are mixed in equal proportions, poured over with boiling water and insisted.
  • If tachycardia develops against a background of hypertension, green oat juice (drink 50 g three times a day) or an infusion of blue cornflower flowers (take ½ cup three times a day) helps. With a tendency to palpitations with high blood pressure, it is recommended to take a tablespoon on the day of adonis infusion and drink green tea with mint or lemon balm leaves.
  • Single supraventricular extrasystoles what is it

Any change in the usual state scares a person with its unusualness and symptoms, especially when it comes to heartbeat. In a normal state, a person does not feel and does not pay attention to the fact that his heart is constantly beating.

If this attracts his attention, then we can talk about physiological reasons an increase or decrease in heart rate or existing disease... If symptoms persist or worsen, a visit to the doctor becomes vital.

A person begins to experience the feeling of a heartbeat when his state changes, which is a physiological state and eventually passes on its own.

This happens in the following situations:

  1. Great excitement, stress. It is not for nothing that people say, overwhelmed, that their heart literally jumps out of their chest. This is due to the increased release of the stress hormone cortisol. Having calmed down, the person ceases to feel the rapid heartbeat that has so agitated him.
  2. Fatigue, overwork. In this situation, the human body begins to experience a lack of oxygen, and the heart begins to work in an enhanced mode in order to drive the blood faster, delivering oxygen to organs and tissues.
  3. Great physical activity. The condition is very similar to fatigue, it is also associated with the need to more actively supply the tissues of the body with blood, enriched with oxygen.
  4. Sexual arousal. And in this state, people feel their heart beating faster. This is the "work" of hormones that enhance the movement of blood.

If an increase in heart rate is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, nausea, dizziness, this may indicate the presence of diseases. Most often they are associated with dysfunction of the heart, which can pose a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the patient.

Sometimes the reason that the heartbeat suddenly begins to feel like severe discomfort may be intoxication.

It includes as usual food poisoning and an overdose of medications, alcohol or drugs, as well as inhalation or ingestion of poisonous and harmful substances in any other way. In such a situation, an immediate response is required and a visit to a doctor for a full examination and identification of the true cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms and danger signs

The following symptoms can pose a threat to health and even life:

  • The heartbeat does not return to normal on its own after 10-15 minutes, intensifies or is accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath, breathing disorders, dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  • The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, he turns pale or reddens, his limbs tremble.
  • The patient experiences the strongest fear of death. This condition most often indicates a developing heart attack.
  • A slow heartbeat (bradycardia) can be just as dangerous as tachycardia. It threatens cardiac arrest.

These and other threatening symptoms require an immediate response, in most cases it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. If after a while such signs decrease or disappear after taking Nitroglycerin (attention can be drastically reduced!), The patient needs to visit a doctor for a full in-depth examination and identify the cause of changes in the heartbeat.

Heartbeat disorders associated with a change in body position or atmospheric phenomena are characteristic of VSD. it rather a state than a disease, therefore, treatment here will require a complex, related for the most part with a way of life and strengthening the immune system, general health and the state of blood vessels and the nervous system.

What to do with an increased heartbeat

If the feeling of palpitations appears as a result of fright, stress, joy, fatigue, or other natural causes, and then gradually disappears and carries a pronounced painful condition, there is nothing to worry about. Everything will go away on its own, with strong excitement and discomfort, you can take a mild sedative.

In situations where the symptoms do not disappear, but deepen and intensify, you need to visit a doctor. First, it is worth contacting a therapist, and then, after receiving the results of examinations and analyzes, he will send the patient, if necessary, to a cardiologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist or other specialized specialist to prescribe treatment for a specific disease.

Self-medication, especially in the case of heart disease, can lead to irreparably missed situations, when a precious moment is missed, giving a chance for a complete cure.

Treatment method

Treatment of diseases in which the patient notes a bright sensation of heartbeat depends on what exactly caused this condition. If this is provoked by the developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the doctor should not only prescribe the correct complex treatment, but also to explain to your patient the importance of adhering to a rational balanced diet and maintaining a measured lifestyle.

In addition to highly specialized treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the body's defenses, maintain immunity with vitamin preparations, moderately and feasibly engage in sports, be more outdoors, and temper. It is especially useful to change the type and rhythm of life for people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Much attention should be paid to the health of the nervous system for people who are often nervous and frightened over trifles, then suffering from a rapid heart rate.

Controlling your condition, taking mild sedatives as recommended by your healthcare professional, and filtering out situations that trigger nervous tension can help manage nervousness and reduce the incidence of sudden heartbeats.

Possible complications

Ignoring heart disease can cause dangerous complications!

The most dangerous thing that can hide the sensation of a heartbeat is the passage unnoticed by such dangerous disease how . It can occur in the form of microinfarctions, the symptoms of which can be easily missed, mistaken for malaise, overwork, heart pain due to a nervous and tense environment.

But violations of the blood supply to the heart muscle do not disappear, they do not disappear, and the problem remains. As a result, the patient's heart actually becomes a time bomb - at any moment, each subsequent stress or excitement can lead to the development of a full-fledged heart attack. Its treatment is much more complicated, time-consuming and more expensive than with the opportunity to "capture" the process at the very beginning. And if we also take into account the high risk of disability or death, it becomes clear that not paying attention to heartbeat disorders, as they say, is “more expensive”.

Measures to prevent changes in heartbeat consist in maintaining a normal healthy lifestyle.

In order for the heart muscle to be in good shape, you need to load it, but not overload it. Regular exercise without strain and fanaticism, taking into account age and physical capabilities, will perfectly help in this.

Proper nutrition is very important in preventing diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems. An excess of "bad" cholesterol and a lack of "good" cholesterol leads to clogging of blood vessels, a decrease in blood flow and a disruption in the supply of the heart, brain and other vital important organs oxygen. All this causes a chain of disorders, which in the early stages can be manifested by an acceleration or deceleration of the heartbeat, angina pectoris and other heart problems.

More information about heart rate can be found in the video:

Nutrition should not only be harmonious, it should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals and be natural.Any "chemical" food itself can serve as a source of sudden heartbeat. This also applies to such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee. All these substances cause a sharp expansion of blood vessels, then leading to their equally vigorous spasm. Gradually, such a "swing" wears out the blood vessels, and there it is not far from a heart attack with a stroke. Coffee also provokes a strong addiction, overloads the heart muscle, forcing it to work with great stress and overload.

In addition to sports and diet, the daily routine and the absence of stress factors are very important for human health. Some of them can be completely avoided, for example, by refusing to watch traumatic programs or films. Guarding his nervous system, you will provide yourself restful sleep and healthy body, protect yourself from dangerous consequences and diseases.

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