Causes of kidney hypertrophy, main manifestations of pathology and its treatment. Terms and definitions in computer tomography kidney hypertrophied column Bertini

Internal organs A person due to physiological and pathological processes may increase in the amount of what is called hypertrophy. Hypertrophy of the kidney is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs due to the timing and violation of the normal functioning of the organ. How dangerous is this phenomenon and what causes it is caused by it is necessary to figure out, so doctor cannot do without consulting the doctor.

What it is?

Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of the body due to its overload or violation of normal operation. This phenomenon is characterized by an increase in the size and mass of the organ with the unchanged number of cells in the composition. In medicine there is such a concept as vicinal kidney hypertrophy. This anomaly occurs due to the surgical process of cutting or death of one of the pair of organ, after which one kidney works for two, taking additional load on itself. This hypertrophy is manifested in the first 40-50 days after cutting out one of the kidneys, and is a normal process of adapting one kidney to work for two. Vicar hypertrophy is two types:

  • False. It is manifested due to the growing in the body of fat and connecting tissues.
  • True. It is characterized by the development of adaptive functions.

An increase in the size of the body may occur due to the presence of metastases or accumulation in the blood of an excessive hormone.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The causes of hypertrophic changes depend on the latitude of the spread of pathology. The number of nephrons in hypertrophied kidney does not change, only the density of nephron cells changes. Hypertrophy of both organs is formed as a result acute pyelonephritis, amyloid dystrophy, nephrotic symptom. Hypertrophy of the left or right kidney can occur under the action of such factors:

Pathology can develop after a kidney removal operation.
  • surgical removal of one kidney, after which the second bears on itself a double load;
  • congenital absence of one kidney;
  • incorrect congenital location;
  • chronic inflammation;
  • uneven development of the body.

Manifestation of hypertrophy kidney

Vicar hypertrophy has no clearly expressed manifestations or pain. Externally, no changes occur, therefore it is quite difficult to determine the diagnosis. With such pathology, a person can fully live, observing certain privals of prevention. If hypertrophy occurs due to pathological actions, then the main symptoms are:

  • general weakness;
  • pulling back pain;
  • pain when urination;
  • changing the color of urin.

Hyperehogenic inclusions are usually detected during the ultrasound of the kidneys. They are a certain kind of tissue areas with large acoustic seals that may be simple stones from urolithiasis either be hazardous formations in the form of a benign or malignant tumor. These are structures, more dense compared to the surrounding tissues of the body, perfectly blending ultrasound and thereby creating hyperhehogenicity. On the monitor of the Uzi apparatus, they are indicated by white spots.

What are hyperheogenic inclusions?

On the ultrasound of the kidneys, such neoplasms are visualized in the form of small linear, point or volumetric structures with a high indicator of echogenicity. They are located within renal fabric. IN medical practice It is noted that such hyperheogenic inclusions are peculiar calcifications from which microcalcifications are distinguished - point particles without accompanying acoustic shadow. If the presence of microcalcification is diagnosed in the nodule formation, many doctors talk about the development of a malignant tumor.

Quite often, experts come precisely to such a view, since hyperehogenic formations are mainly beginning to manifest themselves in tumors of malignant orientation. In a malignant tumor, three varieties of structures are distinguished:

  1. pesammomy Taurus - make up half of echogenic education;
  2. calcificent - only 30%;
  3. sections of sclerosis - 70%.

IN benign tumor The kidneys are completely absent, the psammomy tales, calcifications can also be found quite rare. These are mainly sclerosis.

Varieties of hyperechogenic inclusions. Diagnostics

Only a specialist is able to detect hyperehogenic inclusions in the kidney during diagnostics. It can be stones or sand in the kidneys. Today, several varieties of such inclusions are known:

  1. spot inclusions that are visualized quite brightly: they are small and do not have acoustic shadow;
  2. large education, which also lacks an acoustic shadow. In kidneys, they are rarely formed, doctors mainly diagnose them during the ultrasound of the kidneys. They can be localized not only in malignant, but also a benign tumor;
  3. large formations, which contains an acoustic shadow. They fully correspond to sclerotic parts.

Hyperehogenic inclusions in the kidneys can be found with the help of kidney ultrasound or suspect their presence by pronounced symptoms:

  • elevated temperature
  • a change in urine color
  • frequent coliks in the field of kidneys
  • strong pain in the stomach or below the belt or permanent pain in the groin,
  • vomiting and nausea.

These symptoms are similar to the manifestations of other diseases, so at first suspicions of kidney stones, you should immediately consult a doctor. In order not to launch the disease, it takes every six months to pass a full examination, donate blood, urine, cal. Thus, it is possible not only to prevent the development of any diseases, but also to avoid some diseases.

For the prevention of stones in the stomach, it is necessary to use liquid more often: water, rosehip, tea with herbs (mint, oregano, rowan, etc.). This will make it possible to clean the body from slags and salts by means of frequent urination.

Diseases caused by hyperahogenic inclusions of the kidneys. Treatment

In most cases, hyperheogenic kidney inclusions are manifested in the form:

  • inflammatory process: carbuncoon, kidney abscess.
  • cystricular growths (usually in its composition have liquid).
  • kidney hemorrhage (peculiar hematomas).
  • kidney tumors (benign or malignant).

If the doctor suspected the above diseases, he sends the patient to a comprehensive examination with the use of MRI. In some severe cases, kidney biopsy is required.

Hyperehogenic inclusions cure not easy, but perhaps. Stones are displayed in two main ways. The first method is based on frequent urination, for which special diuretic herbs are applied or medicinal productswho prescribe a doctor. The second method is the removal of stones using laser rays when their crushing occurs. Using the first method, you can treat small formation of stones, not more than 5 mm. In case of running disease, the kidney is removed, then prescribed chemotherapy in order to remove the remaining formations. In such radical situations it is necessary to constantly comply with the diet.

Remember: only a specialist will be able to put an accurate diagnosis. Based on the ultrasound of the kidneys and analyzes, it will assign appropriate treatment. Never engage in self-medication - so you can exacerbate the situation.

Parenchima kidney and its pathology

It happens that you heard the word and even intuitively understand what we are talking about, but you can't clearly formulate your knowledge. It seems to me that "Parenchima" is just from such words.

The emerging uncertainty can be understood, because this term does not indicate something defined. Historically, it was so far that the term "parenchyma" was introduced for the differences between the tissue of tissues that fill the organ, from its outer shell and internal jumpers, which depart from this shell. This term describes the different structure or functionality of the structure that are located in the space between the connecting jannabase of the organ, which is called the stroma. Schematically, the structure of the organ can be represented as: outside the organ is covered with a shell of connecting tissue, often containing smooth muscle fibers.

From this shell in the thickness of the organ, partitions are departed - trabecules, for which the nerves, lymphatic and blood vessels. The lumen between these partitions is filled with a working part of the organ - Parenkhima. It is different in different kinds of organs: the liver parenchyma is a glanded fabric, the spleen is a reticular coupling. Parenchima can have various structure and within the same organ, for example, as a cork and brain layer. Parenchima rich organs are called parenchymal.

Internal kidney organization

Based on the above, you can say for sure that the kidney is a parenchymal organ. Outside, she has a fibrous capsule containing many myocytes and elastic fibers. From above of this shell there are still capsule from fatty fiber. All this complex together with adrenal glands is surrounded by a finely connected fascia.

Parenhim kidney, what is it? On the longitudinal section you can see that the flesh of the organ is presented as if two layers, different in color. Outside there is a lighter cortical layer, and the darker brain is located closer to the center. These layers mutually penetrate each other. Piece of the brainstant in cortex is called "Pyramids" - they look like rays, and parts of the cortical parenchyma forms between them "Burten poles". With its wide part of the pyramid addressed to the cortical layer, and a narrow part (renal papilla) - to the inner space. If you take one pyramid with the adjacent cortical substance, then we will get a renal share. For up to 2-3 years old, due to the fact that the cortical layer is still not developed sufficiently, the slices are well defined, i.e. The kidney has a prayer structure. Adults almost disappear in adults.

Both renal parenchyma layers are formed by various departments of nephron.

Nephron is a mini filter consisting of different functional departments:

  • renal calf (tank in the capsule - "Bowman capsule");
  • the tube (it defines the proximal department, a loop with a downward and upward part - "Loop Genla" and the distal department).

The cortical substance is formed by renal calves, proximal and distal parts of the nephron. The brain layer and its protrusion in the form of rays is formed by descending and rising parts of the loops of cortical nephrons.

In the middle you can see a cup-loaning system. After filtration and reverse absorption occurring in nephrons, urine through the renal papillas falls into small, and then into large renal cups and a locher, moving in the ureter. These structures are formed by mucosa, muscle and serous tissues. They are located in a special shower, which has the name "renal sinus".

Measured indicators

Like any body, the kidneys have their own norms of health indicators. And if the kidney functionality is used to assess laboratory methods urine research and observation of urination rhythm, then the integrity of the body, its acquired or congenital anomalies It can be judged according to the survey of the ultrasound, CT (computed tomography) or MRI. If the obtained indicators fit into the norm, it means that the renal fabric did not suffer, but it does not make an occasion to talk about the preservation of its functions.

Normally, the size of this organ of an adult is reached 10-120 mm in length and 40-60 mm wide. Often the dimensions of the right kidney are less than the left. With a non-standard physique (too large or fragile), it is estimated not to size, but the volume of kidney. Its normal indicator in digital expression should twice the mass of body ± 20 ml. For example, when weighing in 80 kg, the volume rate of 140 to 180 ml.

Kidney echostructure

Ultrasound evaluates organs and fabrics by their ability to reflect or miss ultra sound waves. If the waves are freely passing (the structure of the hollow or liquid is filled), then they are talking about its anechogenicity, echonegability. The more denser the cloth, the better it reflects the ultrasound, the better its echogenicity. Stones, for example, show themselves as structures in which echogenicity is increased (hyperhekin).

Normally on ultrasound kidney inhomogeneous structure:

  • pyramids - hypooechogenne;
  • cork substance and pillars - isohogen (the same interchangeable);
  • sinuses - hyperhekinny due to connective, fibrous, adipose tissues and vessels located there and vertices of the pyramids. A cup and male complex is normal not visualized.


In some cases, with ultrasound, the fact that, at first glance, it seems pathology, it is not. So, often enlarged Burten pillars are deeply overlooking the parenchyma into the renal sinus. It seems that this parenchymal jumper literally divides the kidney in half. However, all the structures from which the jumper consists are a normal kidney tissue. Often enlarged BERTEN pillars or such jumpers are taken for the tumor.

Different variants of the structure of the cup-laughter system should not be attributed to pathology. The options for their configuration are a great set, even one person has the structure of the right and left kidney - individually. This applies to anatomical structure Parenhima kidney.

In ambiguous can be considered partial doubling of the kidney. At the same time, the parenchymal hauling divides sinus into two as part of the separated departments, but the whole split of the loching does not occur. This condition is considered an option for the norm and mainly discomfort does not bring.

Diseases reflected in kidney parenchyma


Usually defeat kidneys occurs on the background common disease organism. Mycobactercerezes is in the kidneys with a blood current, less often lymph or through the urinary tract. As a rule, the disease affects both organs at once and when it progresses in one of the kidneys, then at this time is in a dormant state.

The specific change in parenchyma is characterized by the appearance of tuberculous tuberculos in the cortical matter. Next, the process goes to the brainstatus and renal nipples. Fabrics are ulcerated, cavity (cavities) are formed, tuberculous tuberculos continue around these cavities, creating an even greater area of \u200b\u200bthe decay of the tissue. When this process is transferred to the renal sinus and ureter, the kidney functions are turned off with impairment of urinary.

In addition to direct defeat of kidney parenchyma, tuberculosis provokes the formation of calcinates. Calcinate is the process of replacing damaged tissue, an irreversible change due to the deposition of calcium salts.

The treatment of calcinates does not imply its "crushing" or drug destruction. They themselves are able to resolve after cure from the main disease that caused damage to the tissues.

Therapy of the kidney tuberculosis involves anti-tuberculosis preparations - isoniazide, streptomycin and rifampicindl intravenous administration, With the transition to oral forms. Treatment is long-year-and-a half. At the same time, surgical removal of damaged kidney fabric.

Tumor process

The kidney tumor is quite common because it can cause a variety of reasons:

Regarding the nature of the kidney tumor can be primary - occur in the kidney itself or secondary - germinate from other organs. By the nature of the growth of the tumor is divided into benign and malignant. Among malignant neoplasms The kidneys first occupies a hypernefroid (renal-cell-cell) cancer, which is mainly in the cortical layer. However, it may also be in the brainstant and sinus. Also isolated non-hypernephroid cancer and sarcoma. The difference is in the nature of the tissue from which the tumor develops.

Separately stand mixed tumors. They are most often found in children, since they develop from even undifferentiated tissues in the embryonic stage. In such mixed tumors at the cellular level, the sections of fat, muscular and nervous tissues are determined.

At ultrasound, malignant education has an irregular shape, without clear boundaries with the possible inclusion of vessels. Calcinates and cysts may also be present in Parenhim necrosis places.

It is possible to reliably to distinguish benign swollen from malignant, perhaps only with the help of biopsy.

Urolithiasis disease

The formation of stones is a physico-chemical process, during which from the oversaturated salt solution Crystals are formed. In the kidneys, this process is regulated by special enzymes, in the absence of which the function of the nephron tubes is disturbed, there is an increase in the salts in the urine, the conditions of their dissolution are changed and they fall out as a precipitate. Stones cause sclerosis and atrophy of kidney pellets, from where the process can spread to a parenchyma. Its functional units are dying and replaced by a fatty cloth, and the kidney capsule is thickened.

Large stones are capable of blocking the outflow of urine from a loyalty through a ureter. Due to the growing intravenous pressure, the ureter expansion occurs, and then the cup-pyrene complex. With long blockage of the ureter's duct, not only the affected kidney loses its functional ability, but also the second organ too.

Symptoms of the defeat of parenchyma and treatment perspectives

Damage to the renal parenchyma affects its functions - filtering and excretory, which is immediately displayed in the state of the whole organism.

Weakness and signs of intoxication appear; The temperature rises; The skin color changes, it becomes dry; violated rhythm and urination volume; blood pressure increases; Evenkers on the face, hands and legs are formed; Laboratory urine indicators change, and the naked view in it is determined by turbidity, pus or blood.

A urologist has a variety of instrumental and laboratory research methods in his arsenal to determine the cause of the kidney disease and appoint adequate treatment.

The best news is that the kidney is capable of functioning while maintaining even 1/3 of the body. The recovery of parenchyma occurs not due to the formation of new nephrons, but by increasing the preserved under the action of neurohumoral regulation. To do this, it is necessary to stop the damage to the damage. Then the organs create conditions for the restoration of microcirculation and hemodynamics, which underlies the resumption of the kidney function. Unfortunately, if the kidney cloth is sclerized and there is no possibility of its vascularization (vessel germination), then it is impossible to restore the functions.

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Pyramids of the kidneys are called certain zones through which the waterproofing of the liquid from the blood flow falls into the cup of the liquid from the aircraft. Already from the CHLS urine moving along the ureter and falls into bladder. Disorders of pyramids can be observed both in one and both kidneys, which leads to the dysfunction of the body and requires compulsory treatment. The identification of pathological changes is made through an ultrasound and only after examination and diagnosis, the Doctor assigns the necessary therapy.

What does the hyperochogenic of pyramids mean?

Pyramids of the kidneys are called certain zones through which the waterproofing system falls after filtering the liquid from the blood flow

Normal healthy kidney state means the correct form, the uniformity of the structure, the symmetric location, and at the same time the ultrasound waves on the echogram - the study, carried out in suspected disease, are not reflected. Pathology varies the structure, type of kidneys and have special characteristics that speak of the severity of the disease and the state of inclusions.

For example, organs can be asymmetrically enlarged / reduced, have internal degenerative changes Parenchimato tissue - everything leads to poor permeability of the ultrasonic wave. In addition, echogenicity is disturbed due to the presence of stones in the kidney, sand.

Important! Echogenicity is the ability of wave reflection of sound from a solid or liquid substance. All organs are echogenic, which allows you to do ultrasound. Hyperehogeneity is a reflection of increased force that detects inclusions in the organs. Based on the monitor testimony, the specialist identifies the presence of an acoustic shadow, which is a defining inclusion density factor. Thus, if the kidneys and pyramids are healthy, the study will not show any wave deviations

Symptoms of hyperehochogenicity

Hyperhehogenic pyramids of the kidney cause painful feelings in the lower back of the cutting, cruising

Hyperehogenic pyramids syndrome has a number of signs:

  • Temperature changes in the body;
  • Pain in the cruel lumbar, stinging;
  • Changing the color, the smell of urine, sometimes there are blood droplets;
  • Stool violation;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Syndrome and symptoms are talking about the obvious disease of the kidneys that must be treated. The selection of pyramids may be caused various diseases organs: jade, nephrosis, neoplasms and tumors. Required additional diagnostics, inspection of the doctor and holding laboratory studies To establish the main disease. After that, the specialist appoints therapeutic treatment measures.

Types of hyperheogenic inclusions

All formations are divided into three types, based on what kind of painting is visible on the ultrasound

All formations are divided into three types, based on how the picture is visible on the ultrasound:

  • A large inclusion having an acoustic shadow most often indicates the presence of stones, focal inflammation, violations of the lymphatic system;
  • Large formation without shadow can be provoked by cysts, fat layers in kidney sinus, tumors various character or small concretions;
  • Small inclusions without shadow are microcalcyvicates, psammomy tales.
  • Possible diseases depending on the size of the inclusions:

  • Urolithiasis or inflammation - manifest themselves large echogenous inclusions.
  • Single inclusions without shade signals:
    • hematomas;
    • sclerotic changes of vessels;
    • sand and small format concrevents;
    • scarring of body tissues, for example, parenchymal fabrics, where the scarring occurred due to the unrealized diseases;
    • fat seals in kidney sinus;
    • cystroid, tumors, neoplasms.

    Important! If the instrument monitor shows obvious sparkles without a shadow, the kidney can observe the compounds (psammamnny) protein-fat, framed by calcium or calcificate salts. It is not recommended to skip this symptom, as it may be the beginning of the development of malignant tumors. In particular, oncological formations include in 30% of calcifications, in 50% psammonic tales.

    Turn on the echocomplex of the kidneys on the ultrasound is a study that allows you to reveal abnormal development All parts of the body, the dynamics of diseases and parenchymal changes. Depending on the echogenic indicators, the characteristic of the disease is determined, the therapeutic and other treatment is selected.

    As for the symptoms, even knowing about the pyramids in the kidneys that this, about which pathologies there are changes in the structure and echogenicity, the implicit of signs of illness often does not cause anxiety. Patients are humbled by S. painful sensations And delay a visit to the doctor. It is not recommended to do this: if the disease has grown the pyramid, it means that pathological changes have entered far enough and can turn into not only purulent inflammatory processes, but also chronic diseasesFor the treatment of which will require a lot of time and finance.

    A source

    Structure and destination Parenhim

    Under the capsule, there are several layers of a dense substance of parenchyma, characterized in both their colors, and according to the consistency - in accordance with the presence of structures in them that allow you to perform the problem facing the problem.

    In addition to its most famous destination - to be part of the excretory (excretory) system, the kidney also performs the functions of the organ:

    • endocrine (intrasecrete);
    • oSMO and ion-regulating;
    • participating in the body both in the overall metabolism (metabolism) and in blood formation - in particular.

    This means that the kidney performs not only blood filtering, but also regulates its saline, it supports the water content optimal for the needs of the body, affects blood pressure levels, and in addition - produces erythropoietin (biologically active substancegoverning the rate of erythrocyte formation).

    Cork and brain layers

    According to the generally accepted position, two kidney layers are customary:

    • cortical;
    • brain.

    The layer that occurs directly under the density capsule, the most outdoor in relation to the center of the organ, the most dense and most light-cooled, is called cortical, the same under it, the more dark and close to the center is a cerebral layer.

    Fresh longitudinal cut is even an unarmed tear.

    In the purely external monolithization, the kidney is characteristic of the pyramid, due to the existence of pyramids, delivered by natural structures - renal pillars formed by the cortical substance separating the brain on the share.

    Urine Treecuffs and Education

    For the possibility of cleaning (filtration) of blood in the kidney, there are zones of direct natural contact of vascular formations with tubular (hollow) structures, the structure of which allows the use of osmosis and hydrodynamic laws (resulting in fluid current) pressure. These are nephrons whose arterial system forms several capillary networks.

    The first is a capillary tangler, fully immersed in a bowl-shaped deepening in the center of the flask-shaped expanded primary element of the nephron - Capsules of the Sillyan-Bowman.

    The outer surface of the capillaries consisting of one layer of endothelial cells here is almost completely covered by intimately firmly adjacent cytopodies. These are numerous sandy processes, the beginning of its boring cytotracks from the centrally passable beam, in turn, which is the cell of the cell-undercite.

    They arise due to the walking of the "legs" of some kind of noise in the intervals between the same proceedings of other, neighboring cells with the formation of a structure resembling a lock-zipper.

    The narrowness of filtration (or slit diaphragms), due to the degree of abbreviation of the "legs" of the noise, serves as a purely mechanical obstacle for large-sized molecules, which does not allow them to leave the capillary channel.

    The second wonderful mechanism that ensures the subtlety of filtration is the presence of proteins with electrical charges on the surface of the slit diaphragm, which has a charge of the molecules approaching them in the filter blood. Such an electric "curtain" also prevents unwanted unwanted components into the primary urine.

    The mechanism for the formation of secondary urine in other departments of the renal channel is due to the presence of osmotic pressure directed from the capillaries into the lumen of the station, braided by these capillaries to the state of the "sticking" of their walls to each other.

    Parenchym thickness at different ages

    In connection with the onset of age-related changes, the fabric arthrophy occurs with the thinning of both the cortical and cerebral layer. If at a young age, the thickness of the parenchyma is from 1.5 to 2.5 cm, then by reaching 60 or more years, it is thinned up to 1.1 cm, leading to a decrease in the size of the kidney (its wrinkling, usually amused).

    Atrophic kidney processes are associated with both a certain lifestyle, and with the progression of disease acquired during the life.

    To states causing a decrease in the volume and mass of the renal tissue, they lead both overall diseases of the sclerosing type and the loss of renal structures the ability to carry out their functions in mind:

    • voluntary chronic intoxication;
    • lifeline lifestyle;
    • the nature of activities related to stress and production harm;
    • accommodation in a certain climate.

    Column Bertini

    Also referred to as bertinium columns, or renal pillars, or Burten pillars, these having a view of the beams connective tissue, passing between the pyramids of the kidney from the cortical layer to the brain, divide the organ on the shares in the most natural way.

    Because within each of them there are blood vessels that ensure the metabolism in the body - renal artery and vein, at this level of their branching having the name of the interdolevous (and the next - dolkov).

    Thus, the presence of berten columns, differing in a longitudinal section from the pyramids by a completely different structure (with the presence of sections of the tubules passing in various directions), allows the connection between all zones and the formations of the renal parenchyma.

    Despite the possibility of existence within a particularly powerful BREDEN post, the fully formed pyramid, the same intensity of the vascular pattern in it and in the cortical layer of parenchyma indicates their single origin and purpose.

    Parenchimato jumper

    The kidney is a body that can take any form: from the classic besebid to the horseshoe or even more unusual.

    Sometimes the ultrasound of the organ reveals the presence of a parenchymathous jumper - a connective tank in it, which, starting at its dorsal (rear) surface, reaches the level of the median renal complex, as if making the kidney across two more or less equal "semi-infansolines". Such a phenomenon is explained too strong inclusion of Burten pillars to the kidney cavity.

    With all the apparent unnaturalness of this appearance of the organ with the unability of its vascular and filter structures, this structure is considered an option for the norm (pseudopathology) and the indication for operational treatment It is also not, as well as the presence of a parenchymal hawk, dividing the renal sinus into two as if individual details, but without the full doubling of the loch.

    Regeneration ability

    The regeneration of the kidney parenchyma is not only possible, but also safely carried out by the body in the presence of certain conditions, which has been proven by long-term observation of patients, transferred glomerulonephritis - an infectious-allergic-toxic disease of the kidney with mass damage to the kidney taurus (nephrons).

    Studies have shown that the restoration of the organ function does not occur due to the creation of new ones, and by the mobilization of already existing nephrons, which were in a canned state. Their blood supply remained sufficient solely to maintain minimal activity in them.

    But the activation of neurohumoral regulation after the eknation of the acute inflammatory process led to the restoration of microcirculation in zones, where the renal tissue was not subjected to diffuse sclerosis.

    These observations make it possible to conclude that the key point for the possibility of regeneration of the renal parenchyma is the ability to restore blood supply in areas where it for any reason has decreased significantly.

    Diffuse changes and echogenicity

    In addition to glomerulonephritis, there are other diseases that can lead to the emergence of focal atrophy of the renal tissue having a different degree of extensity, referred to medical term: diffuse changes In the structure of the kidneys.

    These are all diseases and conditions leading to the sclerosis of the vessels.

    The list can be started with infectious processes in the body (influenza, streptococcal infection) and chronic (familiar household) intoxications: alcohol reception, tobacco.

    Its production and non-carrying noble service (in the form of work in an electrochemical, electroplating workshop, activities with regular contact with high-oxic lead compounds, mercury, as well as associated with high-frequency electromagnetic and ionizing radiation).

    The concept of echogenicity implies the heterogeneity of the structure of the body with different degrees of permeability of its individual zones for ultrasound research (ultrasound).

    Just like the density of various fabrics is different for "translucent" by X-rays, on the way of ultrasonic ray, both the formation of hollow and areas with high tissue density are also found, depending on which an ultrasound picture will differ in a large variety, giving an idea of inner structure organ

    As a result, the ultrasound method is a truly unique and valuable diagnostic study, which is not able to be replaced by any other, allowing to give a complete picture of the structure and work of the kidneys, without resorting to an opening or other traumatic actions against the patient.

    Also outstanding ability to restore in case of damage, it is possible to largely regulate the life of the body (as by way of its savings by the owner of the kidney itself, and by providing medical care In requiring interventions of cases).


    Hyperehogenic pyramid syndrome

    If long, then CPN, if sharply, then the OPN. The poisoning may be the cause of both. Kidneys play an important role in human organismand on their normal functionality depends general state Health. Therefore, when the first signs of malaise appears, it is recommended to immediately render required help kidney.

    Characteristic symptoms that cause kidney problems

    When these symptoms appear, it is important to immediately appeal to your doctor who will appoint an immediate survey and the surrendance of the necessary analyzes. Also, these symptoms may indicate that the patient has one kidney more than another, so it is necessary to undergo an additional examination, including kidney clearance. In the event that, after the supercooling, the kidney began to root, only one conclusion began to be made - this means that the development of the inflammatory process began earlier.

    Symptoms associated with kidney disease

    Closed kidney injuries Man can get with car accidents, when falling from height and even during sports. Each of these types of diseases has its own dangers, so in no case should be experimenting on itself and engage in self-medication. Often patients who actually have a kidney carbuncoon fall into the hospital under absolutely different diagnoses.

    Types of hyperheogenic inclusions and diagnostics

    In this disease, it is also highlighted and pus, so it is very dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient in medical institution. Proved that diet nutrition It has a very beneficial effect on many renal diseases and allows them to work in a gentle mode.

    The kidneys are a pair of organ and in the human body perform several functions at the same time. Therefore, with diagnostic ultrasound examination There is a mandatory inspection of both kidneys. Violation of the function can begin on one side and affect the second. Hyperehogenic inclusions in the kidneys can be observed both in one and two. The location of inclusions is the most diverse and depends on the predisposing adverse factors.

    Site about kidney diseases

    The pathological processes of different etiologies change the structure and type of kidneys, depending on the severity of the disease and the state of inclusions. Hyperehogenicity means a superstal reflection, indicating that there are any inclusions in the kidneys. There are several types of echogenic inclusions, according to which the pathological state of the kidneys is determined. Hyperehogenic inclusions and divided into two large groups: Stones (sand) and neoplasms.

    Large inclusions in the kidneys. This can also be confirmed by the presence of calcifications and psammomamine taurus in the tumor, as well as sclerized areas. In the course of the examination may be discovered several different species Echogenic inclusions. Disruption of the kidney work is always accompanied by weakness and fast fatigue. Such a state is inherent acute Development diseases or phase of exacerbation of chronic pathological processes in the kidneys.

    Medical measures and prevention

    It is necessary to assess the state of the kidney parenchyma on the background of the posted pyramids. Depending on the launches of the state and type of pathological process, treatment may be a therapeutic or surgical.

    Pyelonephritis is inflammatory processwhich proceeds only in a cup of kidney cup, is accompanied by pronounced laboratory changes. Fig. 1 Visualization of the right kidney. The sensor is located in the rear axillary line on the right.

    Necessary treatment

    As with the full study of any other bodies, you need to examine the kidney in the second projection to explore its cross section. The sensor can be installed directly under the rib arc or in the region of the last intercostal.

    Clinical manifestations

    The left kidney is also located in a certain triangle, the sides of which serve as a spine, muscles and spleen. The echographic characteristics of the renal capsule and the parenchyma of normal kidney are generally accepted.

    A partial or complete gap of the image of a collecting system in the same place indicates the doubling of the kidney with separate ureters and blood supply for each half.

    Kidney Distopia is an anomaly for the development of the kidney, in which the kidney in the process of embryogenesis does not rise to a regular level. At the same time, options for heterolateral dystopia with a kidney battle and without a fight. In the echographic detection of an abnormally located kidney, difficulties usually occur differential diagnosis Nephropotosis and dystopia. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the kidney in nephroptosis has a normal ureter length and a vascular leg located at the usual level (level L1-L2 of lumbar vertebrae).

    As for increasing the echogenicity of Parenhim and the standing pyramids, here the reasons for this state may be different. The newborn is estimated by the structure and condition of the pyramids themselves and allocating liquids through them. The base of the triangle is the border between the bark and the pyramid along the periphery of the pyramid cut. The syndrome itself is not life-threatening and is a symptom of the disease that is established after a complete comprehensive examination.

    Concepts - hyperachege and acoustic shadow?

    Echogenicity refer to the possibility of fluid and solid consistency to beat ultrasound waves. All organs located inside a person are echogenic, this is what allows ultrasound procedure. Uzi helps to study the kidney activities, determine their integrity and confirm or eliminate the presence of neoplasms of malignant or benign nature. W. healthy man The organ of the round shape with a symmetric location and inability to reflect sound waves. In cases of pathologies, the kidney changes the size, the location becomes asymmetric and there are inclusions that can knock out sound waves.

    On the ultrasound, hyperheogenic inclusions look like white spots.

    Under the word "hyper" imply an increased ability of echogenic tissues to reflect ultrasound waves. During the ultrasound, the specialist sees white spots on the screen and establishes whether they have an acoustic shadow, more precisely, the accumulation of ultrasonic waves that have not passed through it. Waves have a much greater density than air, therefore, they can not pass exclusively through a dense object. Hyperehogenicity is not a separate disease, but a symptom that talks about the appearance of various kinds of pathologies inside the kidneys.

    Aplasia kidney It takes 35% of all malformations. The kidney does not have lochanks and formed legs, a fibromatous mass of 2-3cm diameter is determined at the kidney.

    • no parenchyma,
    • there are no elements of a cup and glass complex,
    • no vascular structures.

    For agenesia. - At the place of the kidney is not determined by the alleged organ. With this, we pay on the existing single kidney.

    Hypoplasia kidney

    Kidney hypoplasia - is a N-formed organ in miniature. On MRI and CT, a vascular leg, a loyal and a ureter is determined. With a contrasting bolus strengthening in the kidney parenchyma, even the cork and a brain layer differ. Most often, the process is one-sided, 2-storied process is most often found in girls. The opposite kidney is usually increased in size (vicarial increase), while its function is sufficient.

    Two kidney

    Double kidney - with CT and MRI diagnose quite conveniently. There is a jumper between the upper and lower cups, when the parenchyma is strengthened and the jumper contrasts evenly equally. Double kidney - when there are two veins and two artery, if the vessels are not doubled, then this is the doubling of the loch. Two kidney, as a rule, has large sizes.

    Local Hypertrophy of the Central Column (Bertini)

    Local hypertrophy of the renal parenchyma (hypertrophy of the central column of bertini) is the most common option of the building of the renal parenchyma, which causes suspicion of tumor kidney damage. These false conclusions are often found after patients with ultrasound or lattice-tomographic studies. The possibility of MRI transmit cortico medullary differentiation of parenchyma in most such cases removes the assumption of the kidney tumor.

    • differentiation of parenchyma is preserved,
    • no signs of destruction of parenchyma,
    • there are no signs of deformation of a cup of a celiac complex.

    Horseshoe kidney

    Horseshoe kidney - the kidneys are growing with the lower or upper ends. The kidneys are located below normal and are determined at 4-5 lumbar vertebrae. Half kidneys may be the unequal sizes of the experiencing, most often represented by a parenchymal cloth, less often fibrous (when the strengthens is contrably). In most cases, the experienses are located above the aorta, but maybe behind the aorta, the pits of the kidneys are located ventral. The kidneys have multiple vessels (up to 20 pieces). Horseshoe kidney manifests itself after 50 years (arteries sclerosis -\u003e Kidney Ischemia -\u003e acute pain). Men meet 2.5 times more often than women.

    Distopia kidney

    • gomolateral,
    • heterolateral (cross dystonia).

    Homolateral dystonia - the kidneys in its embryogenesis did not rise up and did not make a turn along the longitudinal axis.

    Distinguish between dystopia:

    • breast (kidneys are determined under the diaphragm),
    • lumbay
    • iliac
    • pelvis.

    The dimensions of the dystonized kidneys are reduced, a pronounced strongerness is observed and in most cases hypoplassed (especially pelvis), the cups are addressed to the kid, the vessels are multiple, they do not always penetrate the kidney from the side of the gate and often the vessels around the kidneys form a plexus that gives it bizarre outlines.

    The pelvic dystopia is more often observed on the right, the adrenal glance is always in its place, because The adrenal gland Embrygenesis passes its own, separately from the kidney.

    Heterolateral dystopia - the kidneys are located on one side, cross-dystonia is located above ordinary kidneys have a more embryonic type of structure (pronounced lolver).

    When evaluating anechogenic focal education kidney sonographic must make sure diagnostic criteriacorresponding to a simple cyst. If education does not match these criteria, it is not a simple cyst. The cyst is diagnosed as complicated, if it has signs indicating the presence of partitions, suspension or thickening of the wall. A complex cyst may have signs of infection, hemorrhage, the growing tumor, which in turn will require additional research. In the study of a complex cyst, the doctor must hold several consecutive ultrasound scanning, as well as relate ultrasound data and computer tomography or aspiration biopsy.

    Polycystic kidney. Polycystic kidney in adults is often accompanied by their bilateral magnification. At the same time, multiple cysts are determined in the kidneys. Cysts are detected in the liver (in 33% of cases), less often - in the pancreas and spleen. Some cysts are complex and contain echogenic complexes due to infection or hemorrhage.

    Columns Berten. Burten columns are one of the variants of normal kidney anatomy. They look like a continuation of the cortical layer of the kidney into the renal sinus. These structures should not be mistaken for kidney tumors. The columns are a continuation of the kidney cortical substance, and their echostructure is the same as the cortical ehostructure. In these columns, the pyramids of the medullary layer can be seen.

    Hydronephrosis. Moderate expansion of a cup of kidney, with an expansion of large and small cups, is expressed in the appearance of anechogenic finan-shaped structures throughout the entire renal sinus. The cause of hydroephrosis can be the stones of the ureter, swelling of its walls or neoplasms. The ureter is usually not visualized even with a significant hydronephrosis.

    Kidney carcinoma. Most of Kidney carcinus looks like a solid focal education. These tumors may be isoachogenic or hypochogen; Small kidney carcinomas are often hyperhekin. Less often, such formations are determined in the form of complex cyst. When conducting an ultrasound of the kidney containing education, it is necessary to visualize the renal veins and the lower hollow vein to eliminate the presence in their lumen of the tumor thrombus. The combination of ultrasound data and CT data increases the accuracy of the tumor description.

    During ultrasound Careful and systematic scanning is carried out. When scanning in a longitudinal plane, always move the sensor from one edge of the kidney to another (from the medial to lateral, from the lateral to the medial); In addition, visualize and appreciate all the structures when scanning in the transverse plane. Such a research methodology reduces the likelihood that the focal buds of the kidney will be missed.

    Lower pole kidney Not fully visualized due to the shadow falling from the edge. With insufficient visualization, move the sensor (and / or patient) in order to achieve a full-fledged type of lower pole. After that, a large solid education is visualized in the lower pole of the kidneys.

    Educational video ultrasound kidneys

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