The child was found to have lice what to do. What to do if a child has lice? How to use the triple drug

Apply to hair, wait for the time indicated in the instructions, rinse. A photo of how it looks can be seen below.


The second group of effective pharmaceutical preparations for lice and nits includes medicines for external use. This includes:

  • boric ointment;
  • : lavender, ylang-ylang.

The child's hair is processed according to the instructions, put on a special hat or plastic bag on his head, and wait 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. It is necessary to treat in 2 doses with a break of 10-14 days. If adults continue to detect lice in a child after two treatments, it is necessary to seek help from specialists.

Folk remedies

An extensive group whose recipes have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of them are as effective as professional drugs. Strongly smelling substances, juices of berries, fruits, vegetables, decoctions of plants, oils, and other natural ingredients are the active ingredients.

  • ... In 250 ml of wine, apple cider vinegar add 50 g of salt, 5 ml of alcohol. Moisten gauze, cover the head. Repeat throughout the day as the gauze dries. Acts on lice, nits.
  • Elecampane. The plant is crushed together with the root. 5 tbsp. spoons of the potion pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist half an hour. They process the scalp and hair. Put on the package. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  • Geranium oil. Add 5 drops to your regular shampoo. They wash their hair. The procedure is carried out daily for a week.
  • Pomegranate juice. 2 tbsp. spoons of peppermint pour 200 ml of pomegranate juice. Boil for 10 minutes. Cool, treat the head. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  • ... Moisten hair, lather with plenty of soap, put on a bag, leave for 30 minutes. It is used in a similar way, but due to its strong toxicity, it was no longer produced.
  • ... Diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Moisten hair. Leave under the bag for 20 minutes. The product is more suitable for teenage girls with blond hair. Quickly destroys the sticky substance of nits.
  • Oils. Either anise is used. Diluted in a ratio of 1: 8 with olive, sunflower oil. Apply to hair, wrap up for 40 minutes.

On a note!

To relieve the child's hair, rinse with a vinegar, citric acid solution. For 1 liter add 200 ml of vinegar or lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of acid.

Features of the fight against head lice in children

Lice in an adult appear much less frequently than in children. Several factors contribute to this - adults are more careful, they know what to do after contact with an infected person.

Remove lice and nits from a child on initial stage fails, because he does not attach much importance to itching on his head, and he perceives a louse caught by chance as an ordinary insect. Mom starts sounding the alarm when the child is already scratching badly, wounds appear on the head.

The shell of the egg is so dense that no insecticidal agent gives the desired effect. The only one effective method from nits - combing out.

High effective remedy and a careful combing procedure does not give a 100% guarantee after a single treatment. The size of the nits is only 1 mm. You can skip a couple of pieces, after 14 days a new population of lice will appear. To avoid this, regardless of which agent was used to control insects, re-treatment is carried out after 7 days.

Additional activities

Lives only on the head, but can travel from time to time. In 1 minute adult louse is capable of covering a distance of 35 cm. If lice are found in a child, the whole family will be infected within a few days.

What to do with the bed:

  • bedding must be thoroughly washed in water above 65 ° C, dried, ironed with steam. at temperatures over 45 ° C.
  • Change the bedding on the bed 7 days after the head is re-treated.

What to do with things - it is not necessary to unload everything from the cabinets, wash everything, iron if a louse appears on the head. It is necessary to pay attention to those little things that the child wore for 1 month before the detection of the disease.

What to do with the house - lice are not able to live, lay eggs in pillows, carpets, furniture, interior items. It is worth carrying out a full-fledged one with washing the floors on the day of head treatment, again after 7 days. In case the louse falls.

With pediculosis in children, adults are at risk of infection. It is necessary to take timely measures, not to let the situation get out of control.

Lice in the whole family

Lasts about 2 weeks. While 1 louse lives on the head, its bites are practically not felt. Periodic itching on the head does not bother anyone, until unpleasant symptoms begin to worsen over time.

All members need to fight head lice at the same time. It is also necessary to process the head for those individuals on whose head a live louse was not found, there are no signs of nits. The method is chosen based on the individual characteristics of the organism, age.

Lice removal procedure

Whatever remedy the mother chooses for the child, you must first conduct a sensitivity test. The delicate baby skin can react to any component with a strong allergic reaction.

  • Apply a small amount of the product to the elbow bend, leave for 60 minutes. Monitor the condition of the skin, the well-being of the child. If you have any unusual manifestations, you should stop using the drug.
  • During the treatment of the head, care must be taken that the product does not get into the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose. It is necessary to put on a special cloth bandage on your forehead or make it yourself from a scarf.
  • It is necessary to handle the head in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. Open the window, window. The strong smell of the drug can cause dizziness, nausea.
  • Pre-comb hair, divide into strands. Work from roots to ends.
  • Put on a plastic cap, a bag. Tie a towel on top. The high temperature activates the reaction of the active components, blocks the oxygen for insects.
  • Do not keep the mixture on your hair longer than the specified time. On average, the procedure takes 30 minutes. When a strong burning sensation, itching, and other unpleasant symptoms appear, you must immediately wash off the composition, without waiting for the end of the recommended time.

Dry your hair, start the procedure for combing out the nits. Lice on a child's long hair are removed in a similar way. But you have to tinker more with the procedure for getting rid of the eggs.

The procedure for removing nits

In a child, nits are located at a distance of 1-5 cm from the hair roots. The combing procedure can be very painful and lengthy. To alleviate the fate of a small child, you must first prepare your hair. Use means to break down the sticky substance of nits.

  • use only your comb;
  • do not change things, hats;
  • hang outerwear, turning it inside out;
  • go to bed with clean, washed linen.

If lice are found in a child, you should not remember how pediculosis was brought out under Tsar Peas. There are many modern drugs, allowing you to get rid of lice in 2 procedures with a frequency of 1 week. You can comb out nits, dead lice with a special comb.

If the lice are not getting out, it is worth contacting a pediatrician for help. Frequent infections indicate a child's weak immunity, an unfavorable environment. The source of infection should be looked for by the relevant organs.

The assumption that the disease called "head lice" is a thing of the past is deeply mistaken. Outbreaks of head lice in children also occur in real time, often leading parents to a state of confusion. The problem is so widespread that in practice almost every family has faced it. And if earlier it was customary to believe that pathology accompanies unclean people, then modern research prove otherwise.

Lice in children are found in different social strata, regardless of living conditions, cleanliness. On the contrary, causative agents of the disease give preference to children with well-groomed hair and clean epithelium of the head. Under such conditions, lice are easier to feed on human blood. Therefore, the treatment of head lice at home is now a very relevant topic of interest to many.

Varieties of head lice

Science knows a huge number of types of lice, people have become victims of three of them. Based on this, conditionally, the disease can be divided into three types:

  • head lice;
  • pubic lice;
  • wardrobe head lice.

Carrion is the name of the lice that cause pubic lice. They affect the epithelium of the scrotum and pubis. Photos of them can be found on the Internet or in various publications.

There are known cases of damage to the axillary areas, eyelashes and eyebrows of a person; an unpleasant sight, like the disease itself as a whole. Infection occurs through sexual contact, through personal hygiene products, bedding.

The body louse lives in the folds of fabrics from which linen and clothes are made. The areas of the lesion are the areas of the skin in contact with the matter.

The first signs of head lice

It can take about a week from the moment of infection with head lice to the onset of obvious symptoms, which is why it is important to regularly check children.

The symptoms of the disease are simple, the presence of lice in a child is characterized by:

  • Itching and redness in the occipital and temple areas, behind the auricles.
  • Rash due to skin damage from bites.
  • Scratching, which then become covered with a purulent crust and dry out.

Nits are found on the hair. Outwardly, they resemble small silvery scales. In order not to confuse lice eggs with dandruff, you should see the photo. Also, unlike dandruff, which is easy to shake off, removing nits from hair is not easy. They are attached to it using a special sticky substance secreted by an adult during reproduction.

Methods of transmission of head lice

How can a child get lice?

The main methods of infection include:

You should remember about preventive measures:

If, on examination, you find a louse or nits in a child's head, do not panic. Children's head lice is a common phenomenon, it is necessary to treat lice immediately.

Basic rules and points in the treatment of head lice at home

It takes time and persistence to get the lice out. It is impossible to get rid of an illness by sprinkling with a "wonderful remedy"; this process is not simple.

If you adhere to the basic rules, the question of how to cure head lice will not be so acute, and the result will not be long in coming.

The sooner you start treating lice, the more chances you have to get rid of the disease in a short time. In laboratory conditions, a lot of funds have been developed that have been empirically tested on lice. When treating lice in children at home, it is necessary to use A complex approach, combine application medications and mechanical stress (combing out).

You can get rid of your child's lice chemical substances that have an insecticidal effect. These are preparations based on permethrin, benzyl benzoate. Medicines presented in the form of sprays, shampoos, oily emulsions, each of which cures the disease well.

Treatment of head lice with folk remedies is possible, but do not forget that in terms of effectiveness and safety, these funds are much inferior to drugs developed in laboratory conditions.

Another folk remedy for lice is a mixture of mustard, rapeseed or corn oil with mustard powder. If you incorrectly calculate the time for applying such a mixture, you can get burned. skin heads. Therefore, having found lice in children, treatment at home should not be carried out with such dangerous means.

Prevention of head lice

It should be remembered about the prevention of the disease. Parents should instill in their child hygiene skills, conduct conversations on the topic of why it is impossible to use other people's hygiene products and personal belongings.

Teach your child to maintain the minimum distance between him and the people around him, so you can reduce the possibility of infection at times.

If a girl is growing up in your family, it is better not to let her out of the house with her hair loose, the hairstyle should be carefully tidied up, or braiding is an option.

At the time of treatment, the child's visit to childcare facilities should be limited, since the risk of spreading the disease among peers is likely.

Very often, one child can infect an entire class or group.

It is impossible to unconditionally exclude the risk of contracting head lice, but if you adhere to generally accepted norms and rules, it is possible to significantly reduce this risk and protect your household from contracting such an unpleasant disease.

Lice in a child is a disease that has a long history and a clear name: "head lice". Within any children's institution(kindergarten, school, summer camp, hospital, etc.) lice spreads "at the speed of light." But to be very precise - at a speed of about 40 cm per minute.

Does my child have lice? Are you kidding! Where?!

But, alas, no! Lice can happen to absolutely all children and adults indiscriminately, even children from rich and famous families, students of the most elite, privileged boarding schools, etc. are not insured.

The head louse attaches to the scalp and bites and sucks blood. But it does not reproduce on the skin, but on the hair. Given this feature, at all times the most effective, efficient and cheap way to rid a child of lice was considered to be shaving his head.

Despite the fact that lice are incredibly annoying to their "owner" - the scalp constantly itches and itches terribly - this is not the worst threat they pose to a child. Alas, lice can sometimes infect a person with dangerous diseases.

One of the worst diseases that head lice carry is typhus.

How to prevent a child from getting head lice

Unfortunately, most domestic childcare facilities today do not provide separate locker rooms, sealed lockers for storing clothes and other household items that could reduce the risk of lice spreading in children. And if a child infected with lice comes to this or that children's group, then soon in this kindergarten, school, summer camp (or any other similar institution) you can already observe an outbreak of head lice.

Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the most effective way to prevent head lice in a child today is to regularly examine his head. In addition, parents can teach their children to "correctly" hang outerwear in a common wardrobe - hats, scarves, gloves must be put away in a separate bag, and a jacket, down jacket, raincoat or fur coat must be hung on a hanger turned inside out, that is, lined out (to fortunately, lice cannot move on slippery fabric).

Ways to combat head lice in children

Fortunately for us, in modern society, few people, when faced with lice, grab a hair clipper "to zero" - just go to the pharmacy and buy one or another remedy to combat head lice.

Strictly speaking, there are two types of drugs for the fight against lice: means for external treatment of the head and drugs for oral administration (for a while, they change the composition of the child's blood and the louse, feeding on this blood, dies).

Naturally, anti-lice remedies for external use - special shampoos, gels, hair sprays - many times safer and easier to use.

Therefore, it is extremely important to strictly observe the instructions indicated on the packaging of the drug, where (most often in a recommendatory, and not in a mandatory form) it is proposed to repeat the procedure after 7 days. Only two treatments with a weekly difference give a truly effective result - first they kill all adults and larvae, and after 7 days they also destroy those lice that had survived before, while still embryos in the egg.

After a similar two-time treatment of the child's head special means the probability of getting rid of lice is 99.9%.

Why shouldn't you use kerosene?

Modern mothers and fathers probably remember how in the era of their childhood kerosene was the most common and effective remedy for combating lice in children - frightened children were invited to special rooms for sanitation in whole classes, nurses smeared children's heads with burning kerosene and offered to be patient for about a quarter hours, wrapped in a scarf ...

Indeed, kerosene kills adult lice and their larvae as effectively as the current good-smelling and harmless pharmaceutical head lice shampoos. But there is also a significant difference: kerosene is incredibly toxic, it can cause not only severe irritation on the scalp, but also damage to internal organs.

Don't be humble, be healthy!

If you notice lice in your child, it is not enough "on the sly" to purchase an anti-lice shampoo at the pharmacy and treat your baby twice. After all, you again let him go to the same kindergarten or the same school - which means, with a high degree of probability, in a week or two, you will again find lice in the “same place”.

The scheme should be different: no matter how uncomfortable, uncomfortable, "ashamed" (it is true - it is not clear why!) without hustle and bustle, but sure!) to the most adequate health worker in the kindergarten or school where your child goes every day.

In this case, the health workers have a special plan of action - they examine all the children after hours (literally - without exception!) And inform the parents of those who need urgent treatment. After 2-3 weeks, doctors re-examine the children. And then, after another month, they are examined again. So (and only so!) It is possible to remove lice not from one child's head, but from all at once - and only this can guarantee that the outbreak of head lice will be successfully eliminated.

This is interesting: There is still an opinion that insects get turned on from strong emotional experiences or from rarely washing their hair. This statement has no scientific basis, it is false.

Insects can get on the hair of children in only one way - to crawl off the head of another person. Infection is possible when using a common comb, hairpins, elastic bands. Babies, especially girls, can exchange hats, panama hats, scarves for fitting, which also becomes the cause of the development of head lice. The most rare household way of transmission of insects from person to person is to visit public places:

  • baths;
  • pool;
  • saunas.
  • it is easy to fix eggs (nits) on clean hair, and it is much more convenient to pierce the washed skin with a proboscis to extract fresh blood;
  • messy and matted hair is the perfect setting for active reproduction, because you can hide and disguise in them itchy skin from bites under the symptoms of seborrhea.

The hardest thing is for the parents of girls. First, the louse easily clings to long hair... Secondly, the boy can simply be shaved bald and the treatment can be completed on this.

How does head lice manifest

Suspecting pediculosis in a child, inexperienced parents look for signs of the vital activity of insects on the child's head for a long time. Contacting medical institution would help to quickly diagnose the disease and take measures to eliminate it. The dermatologist's office is equipped with special lamps that emit fluorescent light. When the device is pointed at the hair, adults and larvae turn blue. But even at home, it is not difficult to detect blood-sucking insects with a careful study of the hair. Here are the main signs of head lice in a child:

  • when biting through the skin, insects secrete saliva that is toxic to the human body, which prevents blood from clotting. Under its influence, the strongest itching occurs -;
  • after contact with the waste products of lice on the skin, erythema, vesicles, papules are quickly formed. They appear as small red bumps and sometimes appear as bluish blue patches;
  • when examining the strands, nits can disguise themselves as oily dandruff. But trying to remove the whitish scales from the hair will not do the trick. The nit is tightly attached by a special substance produced by the female insect;
  • if you look at the hair for a long time, you can catch the movement of lice on the scalp. They are constantly looking for intact sites for blood saturation. Adults are yellowish-brown in color, and when you hover over them with an ordinary table lamp, they can shine dimly.

If it was possible to remove a living nit from the hair, then when squeezed between the nail plates, it emits a sharp characteristic crackle. Dead eggs will not "click", and their detection indirectly indicates advanced head lice.

Scalp scratching is also a sign of contagious pathology. Their swelling and severe redness of neighboring areas signal that they have joined bacterial infection(staphylococcal, streptococcal) requiring urgent additional treatment.

Warning: If head lice therapy is not carried out or does not bring a positive result, then after a short time erythema and papules will take the form of chronic dermatitis.

Many parents in prosperous families simply cannot believe that their child has lice. Therefore, when the baby complains of severe itching, they wash his head once again, making it easier for insects to all life processes. This leads to a loss of the baby's appetite, nervous disorders, sleep problems. As a rule, head lice is diagnosed with regular check-ups medical staff in children's institutions.


Pharmacists and pharmacists in pharmacies often listen to customer complaints about the ineffectiveness of the treatment of head lice with the most modern and expensive drugs. Of course, there is a small chance that this particular agent will not show therapeutic activity, but it is minimal. Usually, parents neglect to read the annotation attached to the spray or solution package. Having processed the hair once, and then upon examination, did not find living insects, they consider the problem to be solved. Not surprisingly, after a couple of weeks, the baby starts combing his head again.

Recommendation: No lice remedy can kill all lice and their eggs after a single application. A week later, young insects will appear from living nits, provoking a new round of negative signs of infection.

The use of the drug may also be ineffective as a result of re-infection in the following way:
  • without informing the management of the child care institution about the discovered head lice, parents risk sending the treated child to a kindergarten or school. It is possible that other babies are still infected;
  • moms and dads love to play with children, kiss and hug them. With close contact, there is a high likelihood of developing head lice in parents. They can re-infect an already healthy baby.

In attempts to stop the spread of blood-sucking insects in the family circle, pets are often treated with anti-lice preparations. This method of prevention will only cause an allergic reaction in a cat or dog, since head lice do not live on animals.

Folk remedies

Often, parents are embarrassed to go to the pharmacy with what they think is a delicate problem, therefore they are used for the treatment of head lice. On the Internet, you can find a wide variety of ways to treat lice in children. Practicing the use of essential oils, decoction onion peel and even cranberry juice. It is not surprising that this "therapy" continues for a very long time and ends with a visit to a pharmacy or hospital. But the most common traditional methods of treatment include the following:

  • ... It's hard to believe, but this method of disposal is still used today. At best, it renders therapeutic action, however, along with the blood-sucking insects, the child gets rid of most of the hair as a result of total damage to the bulbs. In the worst case, doctors diagnose a severe skin burn, an acute allergic reaction or general intoxication of the baby's body with poisonous kerosene compounds;
  • With vinegar. , but ineffective. A positive result can only be achieved with a combination of rinsing the hair with diluted vinegar and frequent combing out of nits and live insects. Dead adults are missing due to incapacity food product destroy lice.

Radical folk methods of getting rid of insects also include the use of hair dye with aggressive chemical compounds or curling irons, irons, and hot rollers. Such techniques take a lot of time, effort and health for both children and parents.

Mechanical methods

What to do if lice are found in a child - comb the hair as often as possible. Correct implementation of this procedure 1-2 times a day brings very good results. Lice eggs are bound to the hair by a sticky and very strong substance that prevents them from separating. Before combing out lice and nits, rinse the strands thoroughly with any acidic solution. In this case, both cranberry juice and a weak (1-2%) dilution of apple cider or table vinegar will come in handy. After rinsing, the procedure can be started in 15-20 minutes. During this time, softening and partial dissolution of the adhesive that holds the nit to the hair will occur. How to comb out lice correctly:

  • spread a light-colored cloth or thick sheets of white paper under the hair;
  • for combing, you need to use a special comb, which is sold in a pharmacy or a hygiene store;
  • combing must start from the very root, gradually moving towards the tips;
  • The scallop needs to be constantly rinsed to get rid of nits and live lice that have accumulated between the teeth.

Paper or cloth containing insects should be rolled up and, if possible, burned. No matter how carefully combing is carried out, there is a high probability that nits will remain on the hair - a source of re-infection. Most best result provides manual sampling of insects and eggs with subsequent destruction. They can be crushed between nails or dipped in a container of water. This procedure takes a lot of time, so the child needs to be distracted by reading or watching your favorite cartoons.

The removal of nits should start from the temples and the back of the head. In this place there is a thin and delicate skin, which lice easily bite. Carefully examining each hair, it is necessary to carefully separate the egg, smoothly sliding it down. In this way, the entire head of the child is examined.

Tip: If you combine this technique with the use of anti-lice drugs, you can quickly get rid of nits and lice.

Pharmacological preparations

When purchasing a lice remedy for children from a pharmacy, you should take into account age restrictions. For example, the popular drug Para-Plus is not intended for children under 2.5 months of age. Anti-lice medicines are available in the form of lotions, solutions. As a rule, all products are applied to dry hair and evenly distributed with a comb. After a while, indicated in the annotation, the drug is thoroughly washed off with a stream of warm water. To secure therapeutic effect, you can rinse your hair with a mild vinegar solution and comb out dead insects thoroughly.

Warning: Do not cover your hair with cellophane or keep the product longer than the time indicated by the instructions for use in the hope of strengthening curative action... This can cause the development of an allergic reaction or the manifestation of symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

When buying any drug for the destruction of lice, parents, first of all, read the colorful inscriptions on the packaging. Manufacturers often indicate that the product they produce destroys eggs and adult insects at once. This is just a common advertising gimmick - a drug with such effectiveness has not yet been synthesized. If the manufacturer's approval was true, then it would not be required secondary processing hair. And in each annotation to the anti-pediculosis agent, the need to reapply the lotion or solution after 5-7 days is necessarily indicated.

The drugs for lice for children that show the greatest therapeutic activity include the following drugs:

  • Full Marks. The solution contains isopropyl myristate and cyclomethicone, which have pronounced anti-pediculosis properties. The packaging is completed with a special;
  • Medifox. It is produced in the form of a concentrate, which is diluted with boiled water before use. One of the advantages of the remedy is the possibility of using the drug in children from 12 months;
  • Pediculen. The lotion contains ethanol and anise essential oil. The drug has a specific odor, and the presence of the herbal component makes it possible to use the product only from the age of five;
  • Paranoid. The shampoo contains Clearol, which exhibits dehydrating and asphyxiant activity in relation to adult lice;
  • Veda. A cheap and effective product with permethine and additional ingredients that prevent hair damage from an aggressive chemical compound;
  • Pedilin. Time-tested anti-lice drug with malathion, a substance that is a powerful insecticide;
  • A couple plus. The high efficiency of the spray is provided by the combination of three active ingredients - malathion, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide.

Recommendation: After recovery, wash the baby's bed linen, clothes, scarf and hat in hot water. If possible, it is better to get rid of combs, hairpins and rubber bands to prevent re-infection.

Doctors note: those who have not reached the age of 14 are most susceptible to head lice. Babies also get infected. Let's find out what methods of infection exist in order to prevent them in a timely manner.

Usually children are under the control of their parents, especially those who are under three years old. Adults try to protect the child from lice, viruses, infections.

But it is impossible to completely isolate the child from the outside world. This can lead to serious mental impairment.

As a result of interaction with peers, hair lice often appears in children. Don't worry, this normal phenomenon and there is nothing shameful in it.

They do have a higher risk of infection, but insects prefer clean hair. They have better access to oxygen and are also easier to move around.

Lyuba, 33 years old: “My Anfisa got lice after she went to her friend's birthday party. A girl from a wealthy family, we could not even imagine that it was she who would become the source. "

Signs of the disease

In time, the following symptoms will help to identify head lice in a child:

  • itchy skin;
  • redness at the bite sites;
  • a kind of dandruff, which turns out to be nits.

Please note: a child has similar symptoms after an inappropriate hair wash, allergies to natural phenomena, and poor personal hygiene. Be sure, in case of the first fears, check the curls for the presence of adults and nits.

The latter are usually tightly attached in the root zone with the help of a special enzyme, which is rather difficult to destroy.

Arseniy, 27 years old: “At first, my wife and I noticed: my son began to sleep restlessly. Because he was only two years old, could not understand and attributed it to growth spikes or bad dreams... He himself could not determine the reasons for the discomfort. But after 1 - 2 days I noticed a louse in my hair. I had to carry out pest control of the whole family and even the apartment. "

How to find insects in your hair?

It is easier to determine head lice in children in wet hair, because their movement in a humid environment is difficult. So dampen your strands with plain water or conditioner.

Please note: It is difficult to identify the problem in low light. So, search in a well-lit room or put a little man under a table lamp that is on.

To better see the combed out blood-sucking animals, and also in order to prevent them from spreading in different directions, lay a light sheet or ordinary sheets of white paper on the table in front of the infected.

When using the towel, make sure: it must be lint-free, otherwise the pests will immediately hide in it. Do not forget to wipe the comb with a wet cloth after each combing in order not to spread the nits into the remaining curls.

In order to get the maximum effect from mechanical influences, divide the shock into separate small strands and comb them in turn. In this case, you need to be careful not to miss the nits, which will soon turn into adults.

After you have been able to recognize the presence of lice in children, you should immediately protect yourself from them. Do not use insecticides for prophylaxis, there is a risk of skin damage due to chemical composition drugs.

Pediculosis at an early age

Pediculosis is rarely found in infants, because they have special hygienic care, as well as a close social circle. But this also happens.

Parents and siblings are usually the source of infection. The disease can appear in two days, or maybe in a few weeks, when the incubation period has passed.

Due to the peculiarities of the skin of babies, pests are easily able to cling to it, bite through, fix the nits on the curls.

Because of high level immune reactivity at an early age, the symptoms of head lice are more pronounced:

  • rashes;
  • combs;
  • scabies and itching.

Nits and adults are more noticeable in a one-year-old child: the hairline is not yet fully developed.

If you find a problem, so as not to harm the baby, seek help from a specialist. The doctor will pick up optimal drug which does not call allergic reactions and other side effects.

Remember: the wrong thing can lead the baby to chemical burns, dryness of the integument, acute poisoning, liver and kidney damage and even bronchial asthma.

Natalia, 34 years old: “When Liza was 2 years old, we went to the sea. It turns out that you can get lice there. I recommend removing it with a weak solution of permethrin. Adverse Reactions did not arise. "

Protection methods

To protect your baby from the spread of head lice and serious consequences, you need to follow the generally accepted rules, which have already become a kind of reminder for parents.

For girls, braid tight braids, it is difficult for blood-sucking ones to move around. A bun on the top of the head is also suitable.

Remember to wash and comb your hair regularly. Do not allow to play with friends who have the first signs of head lice.

Remember: essential oils tea tree, ylang-ylang and lavender will repel pests. It is recommended that you periodically add a few drops to your regular shampoo.

How to prevent infection

Be sure to conduct an educational conversation about the danger of infection, possible consequences and ways to prevent. For little people early age you will have to follow up on your own, but thanks to knowledge, schoolchildren will avoid an unpleasant illness.

Larisa, 35 years old: “I do not allow to exchange any things with others, explaining it to the terrible popular belief... Children believe in this, so they obey. And when I talked about lice, it didn’t work. You have to be a little trickier. "

Simultaneously with the treatment of the baby, measures should be taken to prevent lice in contacting family members.

Whether to treat only the hair of an obviously infected baby, in a week all residents of the apartment will suffer. You can also use pediculicidal shampoos, sprays, and lotions.

Pregnant women should be especially careful. If insects appear in their hair, it will not harm their physical health. But due to excessive emotionality, nerves and upset feelings, complications can arise.

The difficulty also lies in the following: drugs not desirable because they contain toxic components. Better to resort to effective folk way- combing out.

Christina, 27 years old: “Out of inexperience, I only poisoned the lice of my daughter, who brought them from the kindergarten. She examined her hair on her own, did not touch her husband at all. As a result, after a week and a half, everyone itched together. In order to get rid of it, I had to spend a lot of time and effort. "

Lice from stress: myth or reality?

There is an assumption, allegedly, lice constantly appear on nerves. Where did the belief come from, is there scientific evidence and why is it dangerous? Consider all the known statements and find out how well they are substantiated.

The proposed myths often appear after visiting traditional healers without medical education... Such would-be healers are not able to scientifically explain the appearance and reproduction of nits and lice, therefore they tell patients stories.

Can pubic lice develop?

Doctors classify pubic lice as a sexually transmitted disease. So the thought that it can appear in a little person is puzzling.

Everything is explained simply: the infection in children occurs through contact and everyday life in places with a large crowd of people.

  • It's better not to live in hostels and hostels. Choose other conditions for him, otherwise he will often suffer from blood-sucking insects.
  • Pools are beneficial for the development of physical health. But remember: in water, pubic adults have the ability to live for two days, and while swimming, they are actively looking for new sources of food.
  • Public toilets are not always cleaned properly: train your toddler to cover the headband with clean napkins or avoid touching surfaces. After all, an insect cannot jump, which means that it will not be possible to crawl without direct contact.
  • Trains are sanitized and washed regularly at high temperatures... But pest control services do not distribute insecticides as often as they would like, so the risk of disease is increased.

Do you sleep with your child in the same bed? Check your skin for insects first. Most often, infection occurs precisely due to contact with a sick person.

Considering that nits are adapted to be fixed on linen for 1 - 2 months, it is possible for insects to suck after games or sleep in an adult's bed. The eggs can be found all over the body, including the eyebrows, eyelashes, and even the head. But most often the armpits and genital areas are affected.

Since pubic lice cannot be seen without magnifying devices due to their suction power, pay attention to your baby's behavior. The main signs that a child has lice include:

  • the appearance of small blue spots on the skin as a result of hemorrhage after a bite;
  • irritation;
  • blisters.

Due to damage to the eyelashes and eyebrows, the baby may develop chronic blepharitis. Be sure to consult a doctor if you suspect the presence of unwanted animals on your body.

Where to go in case of infection?

If lice are found on a child's hair during a school check-up, the healthcare professional will notify the parents. Usually, he gives professional advice on treatment, as well as the number of days that you can skip and not attend school.

Parents carry out the disinfection procedure independently for their personal savings. The doctor decides on admission to classes, who monitors the recovery process.

Please note: if your child becomes infected at school, then you must notify the administration about it. The nurse notifies the SES to register the case. After that, quarantine is carried out, during which every 10 days throughout the month all students are examined by experts.

A weekly strict quarantine is possible only in cases when the disease has become widespread (this often happens in small educational institutions), or the directorate did not respond in time to an outbreak of head lice, allowing it to spread.

But in fact it turns out that it is the parents who are responsible for the baby's health. Responsibles grapple with a massive problem on one's own. As soon as they let you know that the school or kindergarten is infected, take urgent action.

Natalya, 30 years old: “When I found lice in my daughter, I immediately informed the class teacher. It turned out that they had already found the source, but they could not get through to me. They would have said earlier, maybe they would have prevented the trouble. "

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