Sound cavitation. Cavitation acoustic

Acoustic cavitation



Cavitation is called the phenomenon of formation in the liquid of cavities filled with gas, steam or their mixture (cavitation bubbles or cavity). Kavitational bubbles are formed in those places where the pressure in the fluid becomes below the critical value of the PCR (in the real liquid RCr approximately equal to the pressure of the saturated pair of this fluid at a given temperature).

Acoustic cavitation, in contrast to the hydrodynamic (due to the decrease in pressure due to the large local values \u200b\u200bof the speed in the flow of a moving fluid), occurs when the sound waves of high intensity and the amplitude of the sound pressure, which is superior to some threshold value. Cavitation bubbles occur during a half-period of the vacuum on the so-called cavitation embryos, which are most often the gas inclusions contained in the liquid and on the oscillating surface of the acoustic emitter.

Therefore, the cavitation threshold increases with a reduction in the gas content in the liquid, with an increase in the hydrostatic pressure, after the "compression" of the gas in the liquid (~ 108 pa) hydrostatic pressure and during the cooler of the fluid, and in addition, with an increase in the sound frequency and while reducing the duration of the sound.

The threshold for the running acoustic wave is higher than for standing. Bubbles are slammed during compression semideiodes, creating a short-term (duration of ~ 10-6 c) pressure pulses (up to 108 pa and higher), capable of destroying even very durable materials. Such destruction takes place on the surface of powerful acoustic emitters operating in liquid.

At a temperature of a liquid close to the boiling point, dominating the contribution to the formation of bubbles makes evaporation of the liquid; Such processes are observed, for example, in the occurrence of cavitation in cryogenic liquids.

The sound field in a liquid causing cavitation is usually inhomogeneously in space. This leads to the fact that along with pulsations, the bubble is moving progressively. In a standing ultrasonic wave, the direction of movement of the bubble depends on the ratio between its radius of the Renk bubble, the frequency of its own oscillations coincides with the ultra frequency sound wave. When the bubble size is less than resonant (R Rress) Bubbles move to pressure nodes.

The rate of N of translational (translational) movements of the bubbles of radius R 0 during hydrostatic pressure P 0, which are in an ultrasonic field with sound pressure P A is equal to:


where H is the coefficient of the kinematic viscosity of the liquid;

s is the surface tension coefficient;

x i - spatial coordinate (i \u003d 1,2,3 ...).

The transmission movement of bubbles is the cause of the coagulation mechanism for the growth of the Kavern. For example, cavitation cavity in the focus of the ultrasonic hub may form as a result of coagulation (that is, compounds together) moving centripetally bubbles. At the same time, bubbles may be emitted from the focal area, the dimensions of which exceed the resonant, forming frequently observed fluorocating fans ("fluttering") bubble streams.

Quantifying the moment of cavitation and the degree of its development is characterized cavitation:

c \u003d (p 0 -p s) / p a,

where P S is a saturated pair pressure;

P a - amplitude of sound pressure;

P 0 - hydrostatic pressure, i.e. The amplitude of the pressure drop in the liquid.

The moment of cavitation occurs is characterized by a critical number C to which corresponds to the critical value of the sound pressure of the P K; Both of these values \u200b\u200bdepend on many parameters characterizing as a state of fluid - gas content (Fig. 1) for water, temperature, the presence of impurities and the sound field - the frequency (Fig. 2) for water, the duration of the radiated pulse, etc.

The dependence of critical sound pressure from gas content in fluid

Fig. one

The dependence of the critical sound pressure of the frequency of sound oscillations

Fig. 2.

Temporary characteristics

Initiation time (log to 0 to 1);

Existence time (Log Tc from 0 to 5);

Degradation time (Log TD from -1 to 0);

Optimum manifestation time (Log TK from 1 to 4).


Technical implementation effect

Technical implementation effect

Acoustic cavitation is easy to observe in a conventional laboratory ultrasonic bath with an increase in the power of ultrasound or water heating.

Application effect


1. Ultrasound / Ed. I.P. Holovna. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1979.

2.Bookovsky L.M., Goncharov V.V. Introduction to the mechanics of solid media. - M.: Science, 1982.


  • acoustic oscillations
  • ultrasound
  • sound pressure
  • hydrostatic pressure
  • boiling
  • cavitation
  • bubbles

Sections of the Natural Sciences:

Used in scientific and technical effects:

Full title / (Summary)

In aesthetic cosmetology, so called a new methodology for combating fatty deposits. It is used in a complex with a lymphatic drainage massage. The weight after the press is not returned.

Cavitation in terms of its action is comparable to, conducted without surgical intervention.

The essence of the cavitation technique

The essence of the cavitation technique is to effect the low frequencies of ultrasonic waves, directly on the fat layer and the further natural removal of its contents from the body, as well as effective cure.

The acoustic wave caused by ultrasound acts on fat cells, forming cavitation bubbles that contribute to an increase in the size of the cells and displacing fat molecules with their subsequent output from them. The main part of the contents, approximately 90% is derived in lymph, and the remaining part is in blood, transforming into glucose.

This procedure has an action only on the structure of fat cells, other cells are not exposed to ultrasound, because they have sufficient strength and elasticity.

Studies of scientists and the experience of cavitation, specialists aesthetic medicine, proved that this is a completely safe and extremely effective method.

Indications and main advantages

Main indications for use:

  • cellulite treatment;
  • correction of defects from operating liposuction;

Advantages of the procedure:

  • does not violate integrity skin Pokrov;
  • the color does not change, the hematomas do not appear;
  • a completely painless procedure;
  • good aesthetic effect;
  • it remains unchanged tissue sensitivity.

Video: "Ultrasonic cavitation or non-operational liposuction"

Preparation and procedure for the procedure

Three days before the start of the procedure, a diet is recommended, with the exception of roasted, acute and fat. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to drink a lot of clean water on the day of ultrasonic liposuction and a few days after it, to display the contents of fat cells.

Before starting cavitation liposuction, the skin is lubricated with gel lipolytic, which reduces the friction process between the skin surface and the workshop. The gel is a conductor of ultrasonic waves, quickly penetrates the skin, accelerating the process of decay of adipose tissue.

For the procedure, the apparatus for ultrasonic cavitation is used with the optimal effect of ultrasound up to 40 kHz and a set of two special nozzles (manipulation) - flat and concave species. The first is applicable for small surfaces, and the second to handle more extensive problem areas.

A cosmetologist, in accordance with the size of the patient's treated surface, selects the necessary program and a suitable nozzle (manipula), which works on the desired zone.

In the process of treatment, the following sensations are observed:

  • an unpleasant sound from ultrasonic waves similar to whistle;
  • feeling of burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed area;
  • tingling, reminiscent needles needles.

All sensations are unpleasant for the patient, but completely tolerant.

Session time, including lymphatic drainage massage, from 60 to 90 minutes.

Results and necessary number procedures

Cavitation is inherently ultrasonic liposuction, only without the use of scalpel, anesthesia and the need for postoperative rehabilitation. The removal of a fat stupor with problem areas, with the help of ultrasonic waves, does not leave after hematoma, and the result achieved during the procedure is pretty long.

One-two sessions are enough so that the patient becomes noticeable to changes that will occur with the figure. Since fat is very lightweight, the patient weight is practically not changed, but the volume is from 2 to 3 cm in one session. During the week, the conclusion of fats continues and the volume decreases accordingly.

After conducting ultrasonic liposuction by cavitation method, the patient returns to the familiar lifestyle for him, since this method does not require rehabilitation period.

Conduct procedures recommended with periodicity once every 10 days, the duration of treatment ranges from 4 to 5 visits. If this is not enough, after 6 months it is possible to carry out an additional course, durability from 1 to 3 sessions.

Cavitation before and after: photo results

How to strengthen cavitation effect?

What is cavitation for the body is effective method Simulation of the figure, which does not require surgical intervention.

To enhance the effect, doctors cosmetologists recommend the use of lymphatic drainage massage. This massage is held immediately after the procedure, it is beneficial to lymphatic system The body contributes to the rapid conclusion of the contents of fat cells, removes edema. It is possible to carry out a vacuum-roller massage, which helps to fight cellulite, and in combination with cavitation liposuction doubles its action.

Applying ultrasonic liposuction for large problem areas, we can expect stretch marks and folds. Remove these defects will help thermalifting - RF lifting. Thermalifting uses the effect of electric current in the radio frequency range, due to which its own collagen is accelerated. The effect is comparable to surgical intervention.

To achieve the greatest effect and consolidation of the result, it is advisable to observe proper nutrition, do fitness and gymnastics.

Approximate prices for ultrasound cavitation procedure

The average price per session is quite acceptable for people who wish to get rid of excess weight And his satellite is cellulite.

The cost of cavitation is negligible compared with the effect achieved and the guarantee that fat will not return to the ultrasound treated zone.

Zones of application Session duration (minutes) Cost (USD)
Stomach 45 87
Back, waist and belly 60 110
Galife 45 87
60 109
Buttocks 45 87
60 175
Buttocks and Galife 90 175
Hands 30 65
Top of hips 45 87
Inner part of the hip 60 109
High completely 60 131
90 175

The modern cavitation method is the only way in the aesthetic cosmetology of non-surgical intervention, which affects fatty tissue. It quickly and effectively eliminates excess weight and cellulite. The advantages of this method include: the absence of a rehabilitation period and aesthetic defects, an effective result achieved by the non-operative method, which is also important.

The powerful sound field in the liquid generates small vapor bubbles, which under the action of this field can grow slap and cause effects such as chemical reactions, erosion, sound-soundiness and radiation of sound (noise) in a wide frequency band. These effects characterize the physical phenomenon called acoustic cavitation. Hydrodynamic cavitation, or formation and slamming of the vapor bubbles (cavities), or the formation of breaks in the liquid in places of local pressure under the flow of bodies, flows in the pipes, in the roundabout jet, etc., differs only by the method of excitation and has a lot of common with the phenomenon Acoustic cavitation.

The importance of the study of cavitation was understood at the beginning of our century, when shipbuilders faced the rapid destruction of ship screws due to cavitation erosion. The first mathematical description of the behavior of the cavitation cavity in the fluid was given by Raylem in 1917. The model of a spherical empty cavity slammed in an incompressible liquid proposed to them helps to partially understand the erosion effect of cavitation bubbles. Further studies of acoustic cavitation were caused by widespread sound and ultrasound in technological processeswhere cavitation is one of the highly active factors, as well as the need to increase the capacity of acoustic converters in hydroacoustics, where cavitation puts the limit of the maximum intensity of the sound emitted by acoustic antennas.

In general terms, acoustic cavitation can be imagined as follows. In the phase of the praise of the sound wave on the microfubbers existing in the liquid, a break is formed in the form of a cavity, which is filled with a saturated ferry and diffusing with dissolved gas. In the compression phase, steam is condensed, and the gas available in cavity is exposed to strong adiabatic compression. At the time of slamming, the pressure and temperature of the gas reach large values, which generates in the close neighborhood of the pulse bubble high pressure. Acoustic cavitation is effective mechanism Energy concentrations. When cavitation is a relatively low average energy density

the sound field is transformed into a high energy density in a small volume inside and near the slamming bubble. The total energy of the slamming bubble is small, but the spherical convergence of the bubble leads to the formation of very large local energy densities, and therefore high temperatures and pressures.

The theory of education, growth and slamming of gas bubbles (gas cavitation) originally developed for an incompressible ideal fluid for the case of a single spherical bubble. Next, the equations of the dynamics of the bubble taking into account the compressibility, viscosity and thermal conductivity, the limb amplitude of the vibration of the wall of the bubble. Finally, in this theory, the unperidity of the vibrations of the bubble was taken into account, especially near its resonant frequencies and with sufficiently large amplitudes of sound. It was shown that non-flority of oscillations and the occurrence of liquid pips in slamming bubbles, if they are near the solid surface, is one of the causes of cavitation erosion of solids. Theoretical studies Next began to develop in relation to the dynamics of steam bubbles (steam cavitation), which has a lot in common with the dynamics of the gas bubble, however there are significant differences.

Most of the theoretical works are devoted to the theory of the movement of a single bubble, whereas in experimental studies and applications have to deal mainly with the cavitation area, i.e., a set of a large number of interacting bubbles that differ in their sizes.

The propagation of sound in heterophase media, such as a liquid with gas or steam bubbles, cavitation region, a brilliant jet, the upper layers of the ocean, containing a large amount of gas bubbles of various radius, a cryogenic liquid containing steam bubbles, and so on, differs Features: Gas, steam or vapor bubbles lead to sound scattering, cause an increase in sound absorption and dispersion.

Acoustic cavitation and the propagation of sound in the bubble (and generally a heterophase) medium is a large and complex area of \u200b\u200bresearch having a significant application value. This chapter will be affected only the main aspects of acoustic cavitation: the dynamics of gas and steam bubbles, cavitation region, cavitation strength of liquids, phenomena, accompanying cavitation, as well as a number of issues of propagation of acoustic waves in liquid with bubbles.

Cavitation Acoustic, occurrence in liquid bubbles filled with gas, ferry and / or their mixture, under the action of acoustic waves. Cavitational bubbles (KP) are formed in the liquid in the phase of the vacuum of the acoustic wave if the amplitude of the sound pressure exceeds a certain critical value called the cavitation threshold. The breaking of the surrounding at cavitation acoustic is possible only in carefully degasiated, purified liquids and with very high ultrasound intensities. It is much more likely to increase already available microbubbles and other inhomogeneities in the liquid - the so-called cavitation embryos. The behavior of the CP is characterized by pulsation, oscillation, growth, splitting, etc. In the acoustic fields of the ultrasonic frequency of the CP, very small (10 -1 -10 -4 cm); In the powerful speakers of low frequencies (10-200 Hz), the size of the KP can reach 1-2 cm.

After turning on the U3 field, the number of KP occurs and the stationary process of multi-tier cavitation with a constant number of bubbles (the so-called developed cavitation) is established for the fraction of a second. In this case, the deformation of bubbles, their crushing, grouping with the formation of areas of complex, volatile form is occurring. Such "cavitation clouds" near the surfaces of emitters limit the intensity of their radiation. In the cavitation field, powerful hydrodynamic perturbations occur: microflows are formed, causing intensive mixing of the liquid; In the compression phase, microatic waves occur capable of destroying very durable materials.

The thermal theory of cavitation phenomena was widespread, according to which KP pulsates, sucks some amount of gas, and then collapsed. When compressing KP at high speed, local warming up to high temperatures; Thus, many physico-chemical phenomena caused by cavitation acoustic can be explained. However, studies have shown that in a multi-tier cavitation field, the interaction and deformation of the KP play a significant role, as well as their translational movement. Taking into account these effects, the maximum achievable temperature in real KP does not exceed 700 ° C, i.e. it turns out to be significantly lower than the thermal theory requires. The thermal theory cannot explain many experimental facts: sound and sonochemical reactions at low ultrasound intensities (about 10 -3 W / cm 2), sound-sensitive in very viscous fluids and in polymers at the time of their melting, etc.

The most suitable for understanding the nature of sounderiness and sonochemical reactions is the theory of local electrification. According to this theory, the pulsation of bubbles leads to their growth, deformation and cleavage. In the liquid in the surface of the section with a bubble, a double electric layer is formed, as a result of the "flushing" of the diffuse part of which an uncompensated electrical charge occurs. When the critical tension of the electric field is reached, an electric breakdown is occurred inside the bubble, which explains the sound and sonoochemical reaction in the "cold" KP.

At the end of the 20th century, in a symmetric standing wave in a degazed liquid, the occurrence of single-tie cavitation acoustic, in which, in contrast to the usual multi-tier cavitation acoustic, higher temperatures are achieved. In this regard, studies aimed at creating down thermonuclear plant.

Cavitation Acoustic and related physico-chemical phenomena are widely used in various technological processes in order to disperse solid bodies, degassing fluid, emulsifying non-heating fluids, initiation and acceleration of chemical reactions, etc. Special distribution received the use of cavitation acoustic to clean the surfaces of parts , for ul-soldering and welding. Cavitation acoustic applies in biology and medicine to neutralize and sterilize liquids, biologically selection active substances from plant cells as well as surgical operations Using focusing y3 converters.

Lit.: Pernik A. D. Cavitation problems. 2nd ed. L., 1966; Physics and technique of powerful ultrasound / edited by L. D. Rosenberg. M., 1968. KN. 2: Powerful ultrasound fields; Margulis M. A. Soundkochemical reactions and sonoluminescence. M., 1986; YOUNG F. R. CAVITATION. L.; N. Y., 1989.

Fat deposits consist of a fabric that has a form of small bubbles related to each other. Cells as weight gains increase in volume. When a person holds a strict diet or deals exercise, bubbles decrease. The body larger has a tendency to accumulate fatty tissues, and not to a decrease in the number of strategic reserves.

Therefore, it is much easier to recover than reset overweight. Solved the complex problem is called new method Hardware cosmetology, which is called ultrasonic cavitation.

What is ultrasonic cavitation?

This is a know-how, who has made a real coup in modern cosmetology. The method allows a person to get rid of unwanted fat deposits. Translated by S. latin language Cavitas means emptiness, bubbles. As a result, the procedure of adipose tissue is breaking, lipid deposits are reduced faster in volume.

Types of cavitation:

  • hydrodynamic;
  • acoustic.

The first option is due to a decrease in pressure in a liquid medium, as a result of which the speed of fluid movement increases. In cosmetology purposes, the method of acoustic cavitation is used. It appears when penetrating an ultrasonic wave with a huge intensity, through a liquid medium.

The essence of the method:

  1. Ultrasound with low frequencies affects adipocytes (fat cells).
  2. A small bubble appears inside the cell, which increases in volume. Sometimes several bubbles are formed.
  3. The softened fat is not placed in the middle of the cell. The membrane is broken, and it is supplanted with a neoplasm outside.
  4. Major cells are most susceptible to ultrasonic waves, since high voltage is stronger than them.
  5. Disintegration products fall into lymphatic ducts (about 90%), liver.
  6. 10% of substances are absorbed into blood vessels. Over time, they are transformed into glucose.

Ultrasonic waves do not affect the normal functioning of muscle fibers, skin cells and vessels. This is due to the strength and elasticity of fabrics.

During the experiments, it was discovered interesting fact: Ultrasonic waves of low frequency from 30 to 70 kHz and pressure parameters 0.6 kPa contribute to the formation of a certain stream in adipocytes, as a result of which small bubbles arise (cavitation).

Under the influence of high frequency, bubbles of small size are formed, and under the influence of low frequency - large. The optimal option is the parameters from 37 to 42 kHz. This frequency contributes to the formation of bubbles of suitable size. They gradually become greater, squeeze fat from the cell. Bubbles burst, resulting in a kind of explosion at the molecular level and, energy emissions.

Cell membranes are destroyed due to high voltage. The first are damaged the most filled adipocytes. Disintegration products - triglycerides fall into the intercellular space. As a result of natural exchange processes 90% fall into lymphatic ducts, and 10% in the bloodstream.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

The advantages of this procedure are:

  • Large area of \u200b\u200bapplication.
  • No need to use anesthesia and painkillers.
  • Fully non-invasive way of correction of the figure.
  • There is no rehabilitation period.
  • No need to wear compression underwear.
  • The body is losing weight evenly.
  • After the procedure there are no scars and hematomas.
  • The body is tightened, there is no effect by sagging skin. It is explained by the fact that ultrasound is capable of tightening the flabby skin.
  • On the plot where cavitation was carried out, sensitivity remains.
  • The result is achieved quickly, keeps long.

The procedure is carried out in a comfortable environment, outpatient. Immediately after the session, it is allowed to deal with everyday affairs, lead a normal lifestyle.

Interestingly, under the influence of Uz-waves, the cell of the adipose tissue is completely destroyed, and does not decrease in size. This ensures the preservation of new body shapes. for a long time.

Disadvantages of cavitation.

Since the method of cavitation began to be applied not so long ago, it is not yet fully studied. The use of this procedure is recommended if you have an obese high degree (more than 15-20 extra kilograms). For people who want to get rid of excess weight to 15 kilograms, more suitable ways are lymphatic or needlipolysis.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for this procedure:

  • problem zones (so-called local fat deposits): belly, barrels, knees;
  • cellulite of varying degrees of severity;
  • chegny skin surface postoperative (consequence of invasive liposuction);
  • lipoma (wen);
  • in dental practice: the presence of a dental stone and plaque;
  • in nephrology: the presence of stones in the kidneys;
  • in surgery for the treatment and purification of purulent wounds;
  • preparation of mixtures for inhalation;
  • disinfection of the solution, its emulsification.

Contraindication for cavitation is:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • malfunctions in the immune system;
  • liver pathology (hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular failure);
  • renal failure;
  • cancer;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • acute allergic reaction;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system (heart disease, cardiac insufficiency);
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • blood blood clotting;
  • packing hernia, hernia of a white belly line;
  • aggravation of the disease (any);
  • disorder of the integrity of the skin in the zone of the apparatus;
  • the presence of prostheses or other metal items on the site where the procedure is carried out.

Procedure - Step-by-step instructions

  1. Enabling the device, selection of the program. The optimal option is the impact of ultrasound with frequency parameters from 37 to 42 kHz. A cosmetologist chooses a suitable manipula. There are two working nozzles: one flat, the other is a bit curved. The first processes the problem areas with a small area, another - extensive parts of the body (for example, abdomen, barrels).
  2. The client falls on a couch in a half-row or a stay (depending on the exposure zone of ultrasound).
  3. A special gel for cavitation is applied to the selected body. In the absence of a drug, it is permissible to use any gel for ultrasound. It allows you to prevent friction between the skin and the nozzle of the device. Gel falls deep into the fabrics, thereby helping to accelerate the splitting of fat deposits.
  4. The manipulation is processed by the problem zone of 20-40 minutes. The doctor spends the rotational hand or circular motions. A fatty fold is formed on the desired area and is carefully so worked out (belly, barrels).
  5. After the procedure, remnants of the product from the skin surface are wiped.
  6. To enhance the resulting effect, it is recommended to make a lymphenage or a pressureherapy.

During the session, the client can hear an unpleasant whistling sound, feel warm and burning in place of contacting the manipulas with the body. Sometimes tingling, like a needle injection.

The session lasts about 30-45 minutes. If after the procedure is carried out lymphatic or pressotherapy time increases to an hour and a half. The course consists of 5 or 7 sessions, with a frequency once every 3-5 days. A cosmetologist is allowed once every 10 days. To maintain the result obtained, it is recommended to re-treat with the amount of up to 3 sessions in six months.

  • Within 3 days before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to refrain from eating fried dishes, smoked, calorie and spices.
  • The client inform about the need to provide the body with liquid on the appointed day. To do this, it is recommended to increase the daily volume of the liquid to 2 - 3 liters of purified non-carbonated water.
  • It should be refracted from the use of alcoholic beverages. These recommendations contribute to the early conclusion of metabolic products liver.
  • To secure the result, doctors advise adhere to the basics of rational food, lead an active lifestyle, drink up to 1.5 liters per day.
  • To strengthen the resulting effect, experts advise to apply a lymphatic drainage massage. If you do it immediately after the cavitation session, the decay products of adipocytes are faster out of the body, swelling decreases.
  • Also shows the vacuum roller massage, which contributes to the disappearance of cellulite.
  • Due to the use of ultrasonic liposuction on extensive parts of the body, there is a risk of stretch marks and folds. To combat these defects, thermalifting is shown - a method based on the effects of electric flow in the radio frequency range. As a result, the production of its own collagen is stimulated.

Effect and results from the procedure

At the end of the first cavitation session, it becomes noticeable positive effectEven with a naked look. One procedure is able to destroy 15 cm3 adipose tissue. If the waist circle is measured before and after hardware exposure, the difference is up to 5 cm. The weight decreases. It must be borne in mind that fat deposits are sufficiently light and loose. Initially, the client pays attention to a decrease in body volumes, subsequently on the loss of total weight.

Possible complications and side effects

Cavitation - the method of non-operational liposuction is considered safe in use. May appear adverse Reactions when:

  • the presence of ultrasound intolerance;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases (incorrect or incomplete collection of anamnestic data).

In European countries (Germany, Finland, France), doctors negatively relate to the method of ultrasonic liposuction with frequency parameters below 40 kHz, since they were treated for them medical help People after cavitation sessions course.

Patients presented the following complaints:

  • aggravation of diseases of the kidneys and the urogenital system;
  • increased bone fragility;
  • pain in joints, tendons.

Low-frequency ultrasonic waves are capable of penetrating to 10 cm deep into the body. This circumstance can have a negative impact on internal organs, bones and joints.

In rare cases, patients complain about:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • tinnitus;
  • labored breathing.

In this case, the procedure is immediately interrupted, the patient consults with the attending physician.

List of possible side effects:

  • Dehydrate fabrics on the site where ultrasonic cavitation was carried out. This is explained by the fact that in the destruction of adipocytes, the amount of intracellular fluid is significantly reduced. Metabolism products are adsorbed by blood and lymphatic vessels. This is a kind of protective reaction of the organism for the presence of toxins.
  • Pancreatic chair. During the liposuction session, the pancreas and intestines are experiencing a strong load. Poorly produced special enzyme lipase, which splits sophisticated fats to simpler, processing liver.
  • Skin burns. During the procedure, a small body portion is processed for a long time. Tissue is heated before high temperatures As a result, the protein is denatured and burns.

Cost of procedure

On average, one session of the uninteroidal liposuction is estimated from 4 thousand to 9 thousand rubles. Lymphatic drainage massage, which is recommended to do after the procedure costs from 650 to 2 thousand rubles. The total cost of the course is from 50 to 120 thousand rubles.

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