Neurasthenia: in whom it occurs, the symptoms and treatment of this disease. Cerebral neurasthenia: causes, symptoms and treatment of neurasthenia as manifested

Article author: Maria Barnikova (psychiatrist)

Neurasthenia: how to overcome the state of neuropsychic weakness?


Maria Barnikova

Neurasthenia affects both men and women equally. The causes, signs, and coping methods of the disorder are described in this article.

A separate group of non-psychotic level disorders includes pathological conditions with not pronounced changes in the mental sphere -. All disorders of this group can be described as a debilitating neuropsychic weakness, the development and course of which, as well as the methods of compensation, are due to the action of psychogenic factors.

There are various divisions of neuroses into separate types. The most common type of neurotic disorder is neurasthenia., also called asthenoneurotic syndrome or asthenic neurosis. In some sources of neurasthenia, due to the similarity of the symptoms manifested, it is equated to the syndrome chronic fatigue, although according to the latest scientific research, these two psychogenic conditions have completely different pathogenesis and require different treatment.

What is neurasthenia? Description

Neurasthenia implies severe depletion of the nervous system, which is clinically accompanied by a number of specific signs. The leading symptoms of asthenic syndrome are a decline in endurance to physical and mental stress, fatigue from habitual activity, increased irritability, instability and rapid mood swings. Neurasthenia manifests itself as unpleasant somatic and neurological symptoms: cephalalgia, muscle pain of a psychogenic nature, autonomic dysfunctions, disruptions in the sleep-wake mode.

At the heart of neurasthenia is a breakdown of the higher nervous activity, which is reversible regardless of the intensity and duration of the symptoms shown. Neurasthenia differs from psychosis by the complete absence of psychotic syndrome: manifestations of personality disorders do not reach the level at which a critical attitude towards their condition is lost and the adaptation of an individual in society is disrupted. This disorder proceeds without any signs when a person is fully aware of his illness. Neurasthenia is subjectively perceived by a person as a severe pathology. This asthenic disorder can significantly impair a person's quality of life.

Unlike psychopathies and psychosis, neurasthenia occurs after a real traumatic situation, which is combined with an excessive overload of the body and a lack of physiological amenities, for example: regular lack of sleep. The development of asthenic syndrome is facilitated by viral and bacterial infections, chronic intoxication of the body and other painful conditions of organs and systems.

Asthenic neurosis is determined with equal frequency in representatives of both sexes, while the overwhelming number of patients are mature people of working age over 25 years old. In women, the symptoms of neurasthenia are much more severe; in them, this disorder is often aggravated by more serious pathologies. In the last decade, neurasthenia has often been recorded in children and adolescents who are overloaded with educational activities, extracurricular sports or intellectual activity.

Most of the people who have been diagnosed with neurasthenia are residents of large metropolitan areas. However, it is not entirely fair to say that asthenic neurosis is the result of a busy life in industrial centers, since until now the mentality of villagers is used to attributing the symptoms of asthenic disorders to banal passing fatigue. In addition, not every village hospital has a vacancy for a neurologist and psychiatrist who can carry out competent diagnostic measures and differentiate this type of neurosis from other painful conditions.

Causes of neurasthenia

The greatest recognition to date has received a polyfactorial model of the etiological causes of neurasthenia. This construction is based on a comprehensive study of various factors, the impact of which initiates the onset of asthenic neurosis.

Among the most likely causes of the disease is a group of biological factors. Among them unfavorable heredity - a family history of neurotic and psychotic disorders that were recorded in close relatives of the patient. It also presents the difficult course of pregnancy of the patient's mother, serious infectious diseases that she suffered during this period, a complex course generic activity and birth trauma to the infant. Among the biological reasons - the innate constitution of a person: features of the functioning of the nervous system.

The psychological foundations of neurasthenia include premorbid personality traits. Weighty the reason for the development of pathology arereceived in childhood... An extremely negative factor that creates the basis for the formation of neuroses is the long stay of the individual in a traumatic situation. A sudden onset of the disease is often recorded after intense, sudden stress, the circumstances of which are extremely relevant and important for a person.

Scientists also name the social causes of asthenic disorder. In this group: features of the psychological climate in the parental family, the conditions for upbringing and growing up... Plays a significant role and patient's social environment: social circle of a person, sphere of his interests, degree of satisfaction of personal aspirations.

Forms of neurasthenia

In clinical practice neurotic disorders conventionally divided into three separate forms:

  • hypersthenic (excitable);
  • irritable weakness;
  • hyposthenic (inhibitory).

All these forms reflect the severity of the course of neurasthenia, being the specific stages of this disorder. Since asthenic neurosis is characterized by a gradual increase in the intensity of symptoms, that is, an aggravation of pathology, the above forms convey the sequence of phases of the disease. However, in many patients, the painful condition is fixed in one specific form: at the first or second stage, that is, there is virtually no negative dynamics. For this reason, the diagnosis is often formulated as follows: hypersthenic or hyposthenic neurasthenia, asthenic neurosis in the form of irritable weakness.

Symptoms of certain forms of pathology

The initial phase of the disease - the hypersthenic form is the most common type recorded in clinical practice. The main symptoms of this stage are: increased excitability of the central nervous system, excessive irritability and nervousness.

The individual exhibits inadequately strong responses to a minor stimulus. He is unnerved by the slightest noise, sharp and loud sounds, bright light, the ticking of a clock, the creak of doors. A person is unbalanced by the presence of people, their conversations and movements. For an accidental and insignificant reason, a person has outbursts of irritation and anger. The patient feels that he cannot control his emotions and restrain his impulses. He is able to offend and offend others, while he himself does not understand the nature of his aggression.

No less pronounced symptoms of a hypersthenic form: fussiness, impatience, impetuosity of actions. A patient with neurasthenia cannot wait, seeks to do everything at once, grabs several things at the same time. However, the individual's performance deteriorates significantly. At the same time, the decline in labor productivity is not due to rapid fatigue, but as a result of dispersion, inconsistency, inability to concentrate on the action being performed. Having started something, a person cannot be collected long time, because he is constantly distracted by external stimuli.

The leading symptoms of neurasthenia also include significant interruptions in the sleep-wake mode. In the daytime, the individual is lethargic and sleepy, and sleeps at night. restless sleep with sudden awakenings. He is overcome by nightmares, the plot of which often reflects the real efforts of a person. With neurasthenia, both the process of falling asleep and the stage of awakening change to some extent. During the evening hours, the subject is unable to sleep for a long time. In the morning, he either wakes up much earlier than usual, or wakes up very late with a feeling of heaviness and weakness.

The constant symptoms of neurosthenia are debilitating headaches of a squeezing, constricting nature. There is even a special name for cephalalgia - "neurasthenic helmet". When tilting and turning the head, pain spreads to the back, as if descending along the spine. The intensity of pain increases after physical exertion or mental stress.

Intermediate stage of the disease is called " irritable weakness". This phase reflects the clinical essence of neurasthenia: a combination of increased irritability with a very rapid depletion of the body's resources. During this period, sudden bouts of irritation reach their maximum intensity. Excessive excitability is accompanied by tearfulness unusual for a person. From outbursts of anger, the patient easily passes to tears that arise due to the fact that he is not able to overcome the obsessive feeling of "global" discontent. Lability of mood is pronounced: gaiety is quickly replaced by a depressive state. There are signs of mental depletion: the individual becomes lethargic, gloomy, apathetic to everything that happens.

Decreases or completely disappears appetite. A variety of digestive problems appear: constipation or diarrhea, heartburn and belching. Among vegetative symptoms, a frequent companion of neurasthenia is: fluctuations in blood pressure, increased heart rate, pulse lability.

Often, sympathoadrenal crises are recorded: the appearance of "flies" in front of the eyes, a feeling of instability and unsteadiness, a feeling of weakness in the limbs. At the slightest excitement, a person turns red or pale, feels chills or hot flashes. Frequent complaints of frequent urge to urinate, which are observed with anxiety. The attraction to the opposite sex is significantly reduced, men can find problems with potency.

The third stage of neurasthenia - hyposthenic phase - characterized by lethargy and weakness, overwhelming apathy, depression and gloomy mood. A person cannot motivate himself to perform any actions, since all his thoughts are focused on unpleasant somatic sensations. However, in the emotional background there are no affects of melancholy, no pathological one is observed.


Distinguishing neurasthenia from other pathological disorders is not difficult. An experienced physician is able to quickly differentiate asthenic disorder from other pathological states of the psyche. The main task is to exclude any organic lesions of the central nervous system and oncological pathologies accompanied by asthenic syndrome.


In the treatment of neurasthenia, the leading role is played by measures aimed at eliminating or at least minimizing negatively influencing factors. The main emphasis in treatment is placed on preventing overloads, optimizing the work and rest schedule, and ensuring a good night's rest.

During a conversation with a patient, the doctor explains to the patient the features of his condition and indicates the conditions, the creation of which is necessary to normalize the state of the psyche. Psychotherapeutic work also aims at teaching a person constructive forms of counteraction and motivating the patient to make radical changes in his lifestyle. The goal of the doctor: to explain that the symptoms of neurasthenia are not a sentence, but surmountable circumstances with the exclusion of harmful factors. The task of the doctor is to identify negative circumstances together with the patient and take constructive measures to overcome their impact. Recommended interventions to treat the disorder include:

  • strict adherence to the daily routine;
  • sufficient and quality night rest;
  • revision of the diet and drawing up a menu of products with the most useful substances;
  • sufficient physical activity;
  • daily stay in the fresh air;
  • breathing exercises;
  • water procedures, in particular: tonic contrast shower.

Of particular importance for getting rid of neurasthenia is teaching the patient relaxation skills: autogenous training, self-hypnosis, techniques for relieving emotional stress. Among the fortifying measures: physiotherapy, massage, electrosleep.

The basis of drug treatment: natural adaptogens, stimulants, vitamin and mineral complexes. A patient with neurasthenia must be prescribed B vitamins and magnesium preparations.

From sedatives, preference is given to drugs vegetable origin, for example: persen (Persen). As a general tonic in the treatment of neurasthenia, agents that improve tissue metabolism are used, for example: calcium glycerophosphate (Calciiglycerophosphas). From medicines with a tonic effect, it is advisable to use a stimulant of the central nervous system - Pantocrinum (Pantocrinum).

With hypersthenic neurasthenia, muscle relaxant (Elenium) is often used in treatment. The hyposthenic form of neurosis often requires the use of tranquilizers, for example: Rudotel. For any form of neurasthenia, the antipsychotic thioridazine can be used in treatment, but taking this antipsychotic requires careful study of the patient's history due to a wide range of side effects.

The prognosis of neurasthenia with a correctly selected treatment regimen and patient compliance with all medical measures is favorable. However, there is always a risk of recurrence of neurosis, therefore, it is of particular importance to carry out preventive and restorative measures.

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Neurasthenic syndrome, or neurasthenia, is an ailment associated with diseases of the central nervous system (central nervous system) of a person. It represents the depletion of the body resulting from prolonged mental and physical stress. Most often, people with a mobile lifestyle suffer from neurasthenia, who react violently to setbacks and take everything to heart. According to statistics, men over the age of 20 are prone to this disease most often. This is due to work overload, lack of rest, personal problems and stress.

Neurasthenic syndrome: what is it?

Neurasthenia is a painful condition of the nervous system resulting from its depletion. Doctors often call this ailment "irritable fatigue." This term accurately characterizes neurasthenic syndrome.

A person who suffers from it, feels at the same time severe fatigue, and at the same time incredible nervous excitability. People who prioritize social activities are especially prone to neurasthenia. They try to be in time in everything, which leads to chronic fatigue, for which there is no cure. In other words, neither sleep nor prolonged rest can rid a person of this feeling. It remains only to completely change consciousness, and then, perhaps, life will change.

Causes of neurasthenia

The appearance of this ailment can be caused by a large number of reasons. For example, they often refer to a lack of vitamins in the body, a decrease in the level of immunity, the impact toxic substances etc. Sometimes the disorder occurs as a result of a violation metabolic processes... However, the main cause of neurasthenic syndrome is the wrong alignment and overestimation of the capabilities of the psyche. The development of the disease occurs due to constant stress, depression, anxiety, etc.

A person who works hard sooner or later will feel excessive fatigue. The body simply stops resting, because of this, depletion of the body's nervous system is formed. Neurasthenic syndrome (ICD code 10 - F48.0) contributes to insomnia, irritability, and incomprehensible irascibility. By overloading your body, a person is exposed to significant risks, which in most cases are not justified.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of neurasthenia include:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • weakness of the body;
  • high irritability;
  • sleep disturbance and lack of appetite.

You also need to pay attention to heart problems, especially if there is a lack of air. The patient will feel that the heart is working very slowly and may stop at any time, although the cardiogram often shows no abnormalities. Arise sharp pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, as well as intolerance to public transport, regular swaying and bouts of nausea.

Symptoms of neurasthenic syndrome are manifested in dizziness and dizziness. Perhaps the development of phobias, such as fear of a closed room, fear of public speaking, etc. The person is constantly irritated, loses sleep, panic fear without a reason.

Stages of neurasthenic syndrome. Hypersthenic form

There are three stages of this disease, the most common of which is hypersthenic. At this stage, most patients feel completely healthy, and irritability and irritability are attributed to lack of sleep.

However, this develops a neurasthenic syndrome, and you need to take a closer look at this factor. Usually the patient gets angry at the slightest noise, he is annoyed by the sound of conversations of passers-by, signals of passing cars, etc. He often shouts at his interlocutors, turning to insults.

At the same time, the mental component is also not happy. The patient is unable to concentrate, as a result of which the level of performance decreases. Sleep problems, heavy morning rises, a feeling of weakness, headaches are characteristic of the hypersthenic form of the disease.

Irritable weakness

This stage occurs if the patient has not made some effort to treat the first. In this case, the disease turns into pathology, life becomes simply unbearable. Neurasthenic syndrome is an exhaustion of the body, which is perfectly manifested at this stage of the development of the disease. Moreover, in energetic people, this ailment manifests itself quite clearly. This is because they put a lot of effort in the wrong direction.

At this stage, the patient is no longer ready to take on work. Insecure attempts do not lead to positive results. On the contrary, fatigue and powerlessness immediately appear, which cannot be overcome. Lunch breaks or rest breaks cannot help a person recover. Mood swings occur. Neurasthenic syndrome is characterized by irritation and weakness. Here, there is a feeling of resentment due to the inability to do something, and sometimes tears come through. A person feels helpless, and therefore there is stress, depression.

Hyposthenic neurasthenia

This form is characterized by long lasting lethargy and passivity of the body. There is apathy, indifference, the patient does not want to start work. Especially dangerous is neurasthenic syndrome against the background arterial hypertension, since high pressure acts on the body not from the most favorable side. Symptoms of neurasthenia, supplemented by an increase in pressure levels, have a detrimental effect on the human body.

The hyposthenic form of the disease can lead to complete recovery. Due to weakness and inaction, the body rests and gradually accumulates strength. At one point, it is restored, and the person can return to normal life. Situations often occur when the patient, who has got rid of neurasthenia, again behaves in the same way as before. Because of this, a relapse occurs, and the disease returns in a more severe form. A person becomes inadequate, and causeless depression is replaced by an increase in the general tone of the body and excessive optimism.

Neurasthenia in women

It is rather difficult to accurately determine the picture of this disease in the fairer sex, since the symptoms manifest themselves in different ways, in very rare cases the disease develops in the same way. Of common features indifference, bitchiness, as well as momentary mood swings can be distinguished.

Most often, a woman suffering from neurasthenic syndrome outwardly looks quite calm and does not show her emotions. She is hard on failures, does not want to listen and understand anything, often tries to prove her case. In this regard, problems arise both at home and at work. The inability to rest normally leads to chronic fatigue. Then there is a dullness in thoughts and uncertainty.

In addition, it is sometimes observed which is characterized by difficulties in the sexual sphere due to nerves. It appears due to sexual dissatisfaction or distrust of a partner.

Neurasthenic syndrome in children

Despite the fact that children in most cases are not exposed to the same level of workload as adults, the child can also develop neurasthenia. There are the following forms of this disease in childhood:

Neurasthenic syndrome in children has many manifestations, and its treatment directly depends on the correctly identified cause.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is quite difficult to correctly determine the exact diagnosis of neurasthenia. The decision is based on the patient's complaints, a thorough external examination, as well as the use instrumental methods... With their help, you can weed out immediately chronic diseases, various infections, somatic lesions. However, you need to make sure that there was no brain injury. For this, a computed tomography should be performed.

The diagnosis of neurasthenic syndrome is based on complete trust between the patient and the doctor. In this case, the doctor acts as a psychologist. The patient needs to be told about everything that bothers and torments him. The fact is that the analysis of neurasthenia cannot be carried out with the help of special studies; the diagnosis is made solely on the patient's stories and some criteria.


There are several ways to treat neurasthenic syndrome. The most effective are those that are aimed at restoring the patient's mental state. An excellent solution would be to conduct a hypnosis and relaxation session. Here the patient learns to think positively, as well as to control his actions and deeds.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes medication to treat neurasthenic syndrome. A certain course of therapy is created, which includes an appointment drugs... Most often these are antidepressants and biological stimulants.

Treatment must be accompanied by proper nutrition, as well as minimizing mental and physical stress. It is necessary to explain to the patient that he needs rest and rest, and daily walks and outdoor games have not harmed anyone yet.

At home, therapy is often not as effective as in a special institution. The fact is that the household component irritates the patient, reminds him of problems. Therefore, if possible, it is better to undergo treatment outside of home.

Folk remedies for treatment

Self-therapy is usually not encouraged without a doctor's approval. Neurasthenic syndrome is no exception. However, you can use the following remedies in the early stages of the disease or together with complex treatment:

  • Herbal decoction. Thyme, bony or bearberry are commonly used because they have soothing properties. Grass (dry and chopped) must be poured with boiling water and cooked for about 5 minutes. This broth is used in 1 tbsp. spoon several times a day.
  • Infusion of herbs. The principle of cooking is the same, only this solution does not need to be boiled, but just cover and let it brew. Hawthorn fruits and lingonberry leaves are perfect here.
  • Tincture. This liquid is insisted on quality vodka. Such a medicine stands in a dark place for about 10 days before being ready for use. 15-20 drops before meals, 3 times a day.

Massage as a treatment

This method of therapy is not the main one, but it is perfect in combination with the main course of treatment. The main purpose of the massage is to relax the body, improve blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs.

Movements should be smooth so that the patient feels relaxed. It is not recommended to use claps and punches with the edge of the palm. The average duration of a massage course is about two weeks, 20 minutes daily. Sometimes it is appropriate to conduct a session in a dark room if the patient is very tired, both mentally and physically.


According to ICD 10, neurasthenic syndrome manifests itself in severe fatigue after overload. Therefore, the main preventive measure will be compliance with the daily routine, a clear distinction between work and rest. If a stressful situation has occurred, you need to find a way out and no longer be exposed to this risk.

When composing a daily routine, you need to pay attention to setting the time of rest. It is desirable that a full sleep lasts 8 hours, and it is recommended to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Conflict should be avoided, not trying to do all the work in one day. It must be remembered that avid workaholics are considered the main candidates for the development of neurasthenic syndrome.

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) is a common mental disorder from the group of neuroses. It manifests itself in increased fatigue, irritability, inability to prolonged stress (physical or mental).

Asthenic neurosis most often occurs in young men, but it also occurs in women. It develops with prolonged physical or emotional stress, prolonged conflicts or frequent stressful situations, personal tragedies.


  1. The main cause of neurasthenia is exhaustion of the nervous system due to overwork of any kind. It most often occurs when trauma is combined with hard work and hardship.
  2. Modern people are constantly in tension, waiting for something, doing boring work of the same type that requires responsibility and attention.
  3. Factors contributing to asthenic neurosis:

  • somatic diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • inadequate nutrition and lack of vitamins;
  • irregular working hours;
  • frequent conflicts in the environment;
  • infections and intoxication;
  • bad habits;
  • increased anxiety;
  • heredity.


Symptoms of asthenic neurosis are diverse.

Physiological manifestations of neurasthenia:

  • diffuse headache, aggravated in the evening, a feeling of squeezing ("neurasthenic helmet");
  • dizziness without feeling of rotation;
  • palpitations, tingling, or constriction in the heart area;
  • rapid onset of redness or pallor;
  • rapid pulse;
  • high blood pressure;
  • poor appetite;
  • pressure in the epigastric region;
  • heartburn and belching;
  • bloating;
  • constipation or unreasonable diarrhea;
  • increased urge to urinate, aggravated by excitement.

Neurological and psychological symptoms neurasthenia:

  • Decreased efficiency - a neurasthenic quickly develops a feeling of weakness, fatigue, concentration of attention decreases, productivity of work decreases.
  • Irritability - the patient is quick-tempered, starts with a half-turn. Everything annoys him.
  • Fatigue - the neurasthenic wakes up tired in the morning.
  • Impatience - a person becomes unrestrained, loses all ability to wait.
  • Weakness - it seems to the patient that every movement requires exorbitant effort.
  • Fog in the head - a person perceives everything that happens through some kind of veil. The head is filled with cotton wool, and the ability to think is sharply reduced.
  • Inability to concentrate - everything distracts a person, he "jumps" from one case to another.
  • The appearance of anxiety and fears - doubts, phobias and anxiety arise for any reason.
  • Increased sensitivity - any light seems too bright and sounds unpleasantly loud. People become sentimental: anything can cause tears.
  • Sleep disturbance - neurasthenics fall asleep long and hard. Sleep - superficial, accompanied by disturbing dreams. Upon awakening, the person feels completely overwhelmed.
  • Decreased sexual desire - men often suffer from premature ejaculation, impotence may develop. In women, anorgasmia.
  • Low self-esteem - such a person considers himself a failure and a weak personality.
  • Hypochondriac syndrome - the neurasthenic is suspicious, constantly finds everything possible diseases... Always consults with doctors.
  • Psychosomatic disorders and exacerbation of chronic diseases - a feeling of pain in the spine, chest tightness, heaviness in the heart. The manifestations of allergies, psoriasis, tremors, herpes, pain in the eyes and joints, deterioration of vision, aggravation of the condition of hair, nails and teeth may increase.

Forms of adult neurasthenia

The forms of asthenic neurosis are manifested as phases of the course of the disease.

  1. Hypersthenic phase. It is manifested by severe irritability and high mental excitability. Working capacity is reduced due to the primary weakness of active attention. Various sleep disorders are always expressed. There is a shingles headache, bad memory, general weakness, discomfort in the body.
  2. Irritable weakness is the second phase. It is characterized by a combination of high irritability and excitability with rapid exhaustion and fatigue. Outbursts of excitement pass quickly, but occur frequently. Painful intolerance to bright light, noise, loud sounds, strong odors is characteristic. The person is unable to control their emotions. He complains of distraction and poor memorization. The mood background is unstable, with a pronounced tendency to depression. Sleep disturbance. Decrease or lack of appetite, exacerbation of physiological symptoms, disorders of sexual function.
  3. Hyposthenic phase. Exhaustion and weakness predominate. The main symptoms are apathy, lethargy, depression, increased sleepiness... Constant feeling of extreme tiredness. The background of the mood is reduced, anxious, with a significant weakening of interests, the patient is characterized by emotional lability and tearfulness. Hypochondriac complaints are frequent, fixation on their painful sensations.

Features of neurasthenia in children

Neurasthenia in children is usually diagnosed in primary school and adolescence, although it also occurs in preschoolers. According to the Ministry of Health, from 15 to 25% of schoolchildren suffer from neurasthenia.

The main difference between childhood neurasthenia is that it is usually accompanied by motor disinhibition.

Childhood neurasthenia occurs due to unfavorable social or psychological conditions, most often the wrong pedagogical approach is to blame. If the disease develops as a result of general physical weakness of the body, "pseudo-neurasthenia" or false neurasthenia is diagnosed.

Causes of asthenic neurosis in children:

  • acute and chronic psychological trauma;
  • weakening of somatic diseases;
  • wrong attitude of parents and teachers;
  • separation from loved ones, divorce of parents;
  • accentuation of character in adolescents;
  • relocation, placement in a new situation, transfer to another school;
  • increased anxiety;
  • hereditary burden.

There are two types of neurasthenia in children:

  1. Asthenic form (weak type of nervous system) - the child is weakened, fearful, whiny. More common in preschoolers.
  2. Hypersthenic form (unbalanced type of nervous system) - the child is very noisy, restless, quick-tempered. More often it happens in younger students and adolescents.

The diagnosis can be easily established by a neurologist and is based on patient complaints and clinical examination.

During clinical examination and diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude:

  • the presence of chronic infections, intoxications, somatic diseases;
  • organic brain damage (tumors, neuroinfections, inflammatory diseases).

The causes of asthenic neurosis often require the attention of a psychotherapist. With neurasthenia, immunity falls, vision worsens, worsens chronic diseases... However, if you remove the cause of the disease, then the body is gradually restored. Therefore, only a competent psychotherapist or psychosomatologist can effectively cure the cause and consequences of this disease.


To cure asthenic neurosis, you need to find out and neutralize its cause.

Treatment of initial neurasthenia:

  • streamlining the daily routine;
  • elimination of the cause of emotional overstrain;
  • general strengthening of the body;
  • stay in the fresh air;
  • autogenous training.

With severe neurosis, it is shown:

  • inpatient treatment;
  • the use of tranquilizers and antidepressants;
  • for cardiovascular disorders - bromine preparations;
  • psychotherapy.

Folk remedies for neurasthenia:

  1. Treatment with plant juices - beet juice with honey.
  2. Treatment with decoctions, tinctures and infusions: from oregano, blackberry, sage, thyme, ginseng root, St. John's wort, viburnum, hawthorn.
  3. Teas and medicinal drinks from valerian, chamomile, sweet clover, lemon balm, linden and strawberries, motherwort.
  4. Healing baths - coniferous, with calamus, with bran.
  5. Pranayama is a cleansing breath from yoga.


The prognosis for neurasthenia is favorable. With proper treatment and elimination of the original cause, asthenic neurosis disappears without a trace in most cases.

In the video, the psychotherapist talks about how to get rid of neurasthenia without medication:

Before telling how to treat neurasthenia, you first need to figure out what it is and what are the symptoms of this pathological condition.

Neurasthenia or asthenoneurotic syndrome is the most common type of mental disorder with mild changes (neurosis). In essence, this is a severe depletion of the nervous system. Due to the similarity of symptoms, it is sometimes equated with chronic fatigue syndrome, however, as recent studies have shown, these conditions have different origins, therefore, the treatment should be different.

Disruption of the nervous system, which is neurasthenia, is a reversible phenomenon, regardless of how intensely and for a long time the manifestations of this syndrome were observed. It proceeds without severe personality disorders and psychosis. But a person is well aware of his condition and suffers it rather hard, which worsens the quality of his life.

Asthenic neurosis arises on the basis of any situation that traumatizes the psyche, coupled with chronic "lack of sleep" or lack of other physiological needs, as well as an overload of the body. To these factors are added various painful conditions, including infections.

This disorder is not picky: men and women are equally susceptible to them, but in the latter, due to the burden of various pathologies, it is more severe. As for the age limit, most of the cases are people over 25 years old. This disease has even received the "popular" name "manager's syndrome". But our fast-moving era has made its own adjustments: due to the complex school curriculum, intellectual and sports activity, neurasthenia also began to be diagnosed in the representatives of the current younger generation.

It would be a delusion to believe that asthenoneurotic syndrome is inherent only in the inhabitants of large cities. It's just that people living in small settlements, including villages, are accustomed to attributing all such health problems to simple fatigue, laziness, and bad character. Meanwhile, neurasthenia lies in wait for every person.

Causes of the breakdown of the nervous system

The development of the disease is facilitated by many factors that can be divided into groups.

Biological factors, first of all, include poor heredity. The list also includes:

  • severe pregnancy of the mother, infectious diseasestransferred by her at this time;
  • difficult childbirth associated with trauma to the baby;
  • features of the nervous system;
  • lack of sleep;
  • physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • lack of rest, relaxation;
  • intoxication of the body with alcohol, tobacco or other substances;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • somatic diseases.

Psychological reasons for the development of neurasthenia are psychotraumas received in childhood. In addition, it contributes to:

  • sudden stress under circumstances important to the individual, personal tragedy;
  • long-term traumatic situation, conflict;
  • pessimistic mood.

Not without social factors:

  • features of the family environment in childhood, upbringing, growing up conditions;
  • receiving a large flow of information, which requires special conditions and a lot of time to process;
  • originality of the circle of communication, interests;
  • dissatisfaction with personal claims.


Neurasthenia manifests itself in such signs:

  1. Excessive irritability even because of little things, hot temper, anger, constant discontent.
  2. Impatience - the desire to get everything at once, the impossibility of waiting - it literally "kills".
  3. Constant feeling of tiredness, weakness.
  4. Pain in the temples or a girdle, compressive headache.
  5. The inability to concentrate, to do one thing for a long time.
  6. Violation of the sequence of thoughts, general perception of the environment.

Speaking in more detail about the symptoms of asthenoneurotic syndrome, it is more correct to consider the disorder in phases, since the intensity of its manifestation is gradually increasing. But more often the disease stops at a certain phase, that is, its development does not occur, which is reflected in the diagnosis.

Hypersthenic (excitable) form

It - initial stage disease, which is fixed most often. It is characterized by nervousness, irritability, excitability.

The patient is unnerved by any, even quiet, sounds (creak and light knock of the door, whisper, clock, dripping water, etc.), bright light, the presence of people nearby and their movement. The smallest occasion triggers a flash of emotion, irrepressible irritation, or even anger. Without realizing the reasons for the aggression, a person can offend or offend someone.

The patient is impatient, seeks to do several things at once, fusses, but his performance leaves much to be desired. This is not to blame for weakness or quick fatigue, but dispersal, problems with concentration, constant distraction.

The sleep regimen is disturbed: during the day the patient is lethargic, and at night he falls asleep with difficulty and does not sleep well, with nightmares, often wakes up. Awakening happens either earlier than usual or later.

Constant headaches are called "neurasthenic helmet" - they are squeezing, very exhausting. Pain sensations when turning and tilting the head, they move along the spine to the back. Mental or physical stress makes them more intense.

Irritable weakness (intermediate)

This phase combines severe irritability with a rapid decrease in the body's resources. In principle, this is a reflection of the clinical nature of the disorder.

Attacks of irritation are the most intense, outbursts of anger instantly turn into a stream of tears, completely unusual for an individual. Such tearfulness arises from the failure of the patient to overcome the all-consuming discontent. The mood changes instantly: now gloom, then fun.

The patient is often lethargic, he is not interested in anything, the appetite becomes worse or disappears altogether. Digestion suffers, which is reflected by diarrhea, constipation, belching, heartburn. Heart rate quickens, pulse and blood pressure fluctuates. The limbs become lethargic, instability appears and the so-called flies before the eyes, the hot flush is replaced by chills, the redness of the skin is pallor. Reduced libido, men may have problems with erectile function. Frequent urge to urinate is possible.

Hyposthenic (inhibitory) form

At this stage, depression, weakness, gloom, lethargy are especially pronounced. I do not want to do anything, but I do not feel anxiety and longing. The patient's thoughts are focused only on his own unpleasant sensations in the body, and he, assuming he has some kind of serious illness, turns to doctors who, of course, do not find it.

Very often neurasthenia can be eliminated with good rest. But if this does not help and the disease has gone too far, then you will have to surrender to the hands of professionals.

Diagnosis and treatment

An experienced physician - a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist, will not present much difficulty in determining asthenic neurosis, separating it from other pathological disorders. Considering all of the above, he needs to exclude the presence of somatic diseases, oncology and organic lesions of the central nervous system in the patient.

The specialist will collect anamnesis, talk with the patient. In the case of classic symptoms with a predominance of arousal reaction

the diagnosis of "hypersthenic neurasthenia" is made. If there are more inhibitory reactions, including drowsiness, then there is reason to believe that this is hyposthenic neurasthenia.

Comprehensive treatment of the disorder implies, first of all, the normalization of the patient's life, as well as the use of psychotherapy and medications.

It should be noted right away that one cannot "prescribe" drugs for oneself, especially psychostimulating drugs - they can lead to dependence and intensification of the manifestations of the disorder.

The doctor selects medicinesBased on the presence and severity of certain symptoms (form of neurasthenia), the dose and duration of admission are prescribed individually for each patient. These are tonic or sedative drugs that normalize work of cardio-vascular system, tranquilizers. It is mandatory to include general strengthening, restoring body functions, improving metabolism, as well as vitamins of groups C and B, antioxidants, neurorubin, etc. Plant extracts will not interfere either.

Psychotherapy includes psychoanalysis, individual and group sessions, conversations with a psychotherapist, trainings. This allows you to identify and eliminate the causes of the disorder, change the patient's attitude towards them, gain the skills to separate the main from the secondary and the ability to enjoy life.

Autogenic training will teach self-education and self-hypnosis, and hypnosis will help normalize the heartbeat, blood supply, and muscle tone.

A disease such as neurasthenia does not require hospitalization. Specialists carrying out therapeutic and drug treatmentusually give patients such advice:

  • change the environment, walk more often in the fresh air, have a good time, travel;
  • take a vacation, do not check e-mail, turn off the phone - to fully relax, do what you love that brings pleasure;
  • reduce emotional stress that negatively affects the psyche;
  • establish such a daily routine with a clear schedule in which enough time for rest and sleep would be allocated;
  • strengthen immunity, introduce a balanced diet, take vitamins;
  • reestablish vegetative function through massage, acupuncture, warm foot baths, hot scented baths.

A good option for treating neurasthenia is using folk methods, but before that, you should consult with your doctor. Of the most effective options that have a beneficial effect on the autonomic and central nervous systems, we can recommend the following:

  1. Motherwort decoction. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, allowed to cool and filtered. Take 3 times a day for a month.
  2. Hawthorn decoction. Brew berries (1 tablespoon) with boiling water (glass), filter after 45 minutes.
  3. Lemon balm and mint tea. Brewed like ordinary tea - this drink soothes and promotes good sleep.
  4. Alcohol tincture of valerian - 30 drops are added to a small amount of water and drunk before going to bed.
  5. Lavender bath. Dried inflorescences (200 gr.) Are placed in boiling water (5 l) and simmer for 7 minutes on the fire. The broth is filtered and poured into a bathroom filled with warm water. You need to lie down in it for 20 minutes.
  6. Fortifying fees with raspberries, calamus root, birch leaves, chicory, strawberries, rose hips, oregano.

Prevention of a nervous breakdown

To prevent neurasthenia, you should plan your working day correctly. His schedule should be such that there is time for the calm fulfillment of the assigned tasks and, in case of unforeseen situations, their normal solution.

The nervous system is not iron - it needs recovery. Therefore, workaholics should hack into their noses: working days must be interspersed with weekends and vacations. You should rest systematically, fully, slowly, eat, get enough sleep.

It is also necessary to go in for sports, improve health. In general, it is useful to learn how to properly manage your time.

Since one of the causes of neurasthenia is physical inactivity - a lack of movement, the doctor will definitely advise you to introduce physical activity. They should not be very strong, but strictly dosed. Swimming is a great option.

As for the diet, it is required to eat foods that can quickly restore the body. Food should be consumed regularly, not overeat.

Warm baths with herbal decoctions and essential oils are very useful.

Hypnosis is often used to treat the wasting of the nervous system, which relieves tension on the nerves, obsessive thoughts, anxiety. Just an hour of hypnosis replaces the usual many hours, while you can achieve deep relaxation and activate the body's forces for healing.

Drug therapy involves the use of vasodilators, nootropics, antidepressants, drugs that improve brain metabolism, and sedative drugs. Certain vitamins are also very important and are prescribed at different stages of treatment.

As for psychotherapy, it allows you to eliminate the causes that led to the disease, to analyze mistakes and find ways to correct them.

Correctly selected professional treatment makes it possible to cure neurasthenia in a short time. Full recovery comes, and the person can again enjoy life and get pleasure from it.

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) is a pathological condition of the human nervous system resulting from its exhaustion during prolonged mental or physical overload. The appearance of pathology may be preceded by long-term chronic diseases or exposure to toxic substances. Pathology is treatable depending on the type of disease.

What is neurasthenia

Neurasthenia is a neurosis characterized by a combination of increased excitability with irritable weakness, increased exhaustion, disorders of the functions of the autonomic nervous system. Neurasthenia develops as a result of prolonged exposure to physical overload (for example, strenuous work), frequent stressful situations, protracted conflicts or personal tragedies. It is also possible to single out factors that may favor the onset of neurasthenia - these are diseases of a somatic nature and chronic intoxication.

Asthenic neurosis is recorded in students, businessmen, programmers and other people whose activities are associated with the active work of the brain.

Who is a neurasthenic

A neurasthenic is a person suffering from neurasthenia. It is of two types:

  1. The first to suffer is mainly the working-age population in the age range from 20 to 45-50 years. This type of neurasthenics "appears" due to excessive fatigue at work (both mental and physical). Professionals call this condition "exhaustion neurosis."
  2. The second type of neurasthenia is reactive. Any trauma becomes the reason for its occurrence: the death of a relative, termination love relationship, divorce of parents, etc. Neurasthenic in this situation can become both a child and an adult.


In the appearance of neurasthenic disorders, a whole list of reasons of all kinds is of great importance. Among them, for example, exposure to toxic substances, vitamin deficiencies, immune disorders, oncological processes, etc.

Often, the disease occurs against the background of metabolic disorders. However, the main reasons are hidden in the wrong arrangement and overestimation of the capabilities of the human psyche.

Neurasthenia is a fairly common pathology, the disease occurs in 1.2-5% of people.

Man pays for rhythm with neurasthenia modern life and the demands of society. The style of life that he leads, his work, communication with others leaves an imprint on the human psyche. And vice versa, how a person will exist in the surrounding world largely depends on the psyche.

Most often, this disorder affects women, as well as young people starting an independent life. Untrained, poorly tolerant people are prone to the occurrence of this disease. And also people with an asthenic constitution - thin people with a poorly developed muscular system, thin bones and a narrow chest.

Forms and stages of development of the disease

There are a number of successive stages of development, according to which there are three clinical forms of the course of neurasthenia.

Hypersthenic form It manifests itself at the very beginning of the disease and is quite rarely regarded as a pathology: most often the symptoms are attributed to ordinary fatigue or character traits. In this phase, the most common signs of neurasthenia are agitation, irritability, and sleep disturbances. A person in this state can be driven out of patience by literally every little thing: too loud sounds or speech, bright colors, the desire of people to communicate with him, the need to do some work, etc.
Irritable weakness The main symptom of this phase of neurasthenia is irritable weakness, which manifests itself in persons with a choleric temperament, as well as in those who have a strong and fairly balanced type of nervous system, but have not been cured at the hypersthenic stage, as a result of which the pathogenic situation is preserved. In this case, the patient with great efforts forces himself to start this or that business, he manages to concentrate on the task being performed, but at the same time he gets tired extremely quickly, which is manifested not only by the inability to think logically, but also by the intensification of the headache. The result: a feeling of nervous weakness and, as a rule, the cessation of work.
Hyposthenic form The hypersthenic form of neurasthenia is characterized by increased irritability, tearfulness, increased sensitivity to small stimuli, impatience, incontinence, impaired attention, etc. The reverse form of neurasthenia - hyposthenic (or asthenic) - is distinguished by a brighter component of asthenia itself, both mental and physical. Working capacity and interest in the environment decrease, a feeling of staleness, lethargy, fatigue, and sometimes drowsiness appears.

Symptoms of neurasthenia

For clinical picture neurasthenia is very characteristic of general neurotic disorders, headache and, as well as various vegetative-visceral signs.

The main symptoms and signs of neurasthenia:

  1. The feeling is characteristic pressure on the headas if the head were being squeezed by a heavy helmet ("neurasthenic helmet").
  2. The second complaint of patients with neurasthenia is dizziness, which consists in a sensation of rotation in the head, but not accompanied by a feeling of rotation of the surrounding objects. Most often occurs with strong excitement, physical activity, weather changes, etc.
  3. Characterized by symptoms associated with cardiovascular disorders: increased heart rate (tachycardia), palpitations, pressing or stabbing pain in the heart, redness or pallor of the skin. They can appear at the slightest excitement of the patient, even during a lively conversation.
  4. The most important sign of neurasthenia - decreased performance. Usually, in the process of work, patients quickly develop a feeling of fatigue, weakness, decreased attention, and therefore the productivity of work decreases.
  5. Sleep disturbance is one of the main symptoms of neurasthenia: the patient has difficulty falling asleep, often wakes up, sleep is short. After sleep, the patient does not feel rested, feels weak. Increased drowsiness is possible. Due to absent-mindedness, instability of attention, the memorization process becomes difficult, and patients often complain of a weakening of memory.
  6. Anxiety, fears - the soul is tormented by various fears, doubts, anxiety at the slightest pretext.
  7. Low self-esteem - a person perceives himself as a failure, insignificance, weak personality ... Often he finds in himself a lot of bodily diseases and endlessly undergoes examinations by doctors - therapists.
  8. Impatience - all ability to wait, to restrain oneself is lost.

Neurasthenia should be considered as a psychogenic disease, which is characterized by various variations in the course. It can flow in the form neurotic reaction and continue for several months, and in a protracted form, often lasting for many years.

The duration of the disease in each individual case is determined by the ratio of several factors, such as features of the clinical picture, characteristic personality traits, concomitant bodily diseases, features of the pathogenic situation, etc.

What are the signs of neurasthenia in women?

Neurasthenia in women is a fairly common phenomenon today. Genital neurasthenia, the symptoms of which are the loss of mental and physical performance, irritability, is also characterized by problems in the intimate sphere. In women, as a rule, this is a decrease or complete loss of libido, low self-esteem and other changes in the nervous system.

It should be noted that the signs of neurasthenia in women are not monotonous, and therefore it is rather difficult to single out the main ones. If we consider the symptoms of the disease, then the first step is to pay attention to mental condition human. Often in this case, there is:

  • quick mood swings,
  • lack of joy,
  • women with neurasthenia do not like something all the time,
  • everything is indifferent
  • i don't want to do anything.

Signs of neurasthenia in men that you should pay attention to

In men, the signs of neurasthenia are to a greater extent associated not with the psychological, but with the functional aspect. These include increased irritability, weakness and persistent aching pain in the muscle area. According to medical statistics, it is in men that the II form of the disease, which is of a chronic nature, often develops. To a greater extent, choleric people and those who are actively involved in sports are susceptible to this.

In men, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • inability to concentrate on something for more than 5-10 minutes;
  • increased physical and psychological fatigue;
  • frequent and prolonged headaches;
  • signs of nervous weakness;
  • a man has difficulties with the simplest, at first glance, logical operations.

How is the disease diagnosed

Diagnostics is straightforward. The diagnosis is based on the underlying symptoms. However, before diagnosing neurasthenia, a neuropathologist must exclude an organic disease of the central nervous system. There is a tendency towards a chronic course, however, among this is the prognostically most favorable disease.

Treating people with neurasthenia

It is difficult to describe how to treat neurasthenia, since the disease manifests itself individually in each patient. Various methods can be applied today such as medications, folk recipes, water procedures, yoga, acupuncture, etc. However, they relieve symptoms only for a short period of time.

First of all, you need to find out the cause that caused the neurosis, and, if possible, neutralize it. An important condition for a favorable cure for neurasthenia is a change in lifestyle, which consists in the elimination of unfavorable factors that cause or provoke neurasthenia. Such factors, for example, include:

  1. nervous work,
  2. chronic lack of sleep
  3. excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Often, due to the unwillingness of people to change their lifestyle, it is not possible to cure neurasthenia. And this result will not depend on the chosen treatment method.

With all forms of neurasthenia, the appointment of a sonapax is possible. In small doses, it acts as an antidepressant and has a stimulating effect on nervous system, therefore, it is used in hyposthenic form. In large doses, it manifests itself sedation, which allows its use in the treatment of hypersthenic forms.

In practice, former neurasthenic patients note that it helps to get rid of asthenic neurosis by changing traditional behavior and rejecting bad habits... Pay attention to nervous work, alcohol use, and chronic sleep deprivation. Eliminate negative factors to alleviate the condition.

Try to look at life not with your eyes, but with your mind. If you carefully deal with the causes of certain negative reactions, you can get rid of the disease yourself.

By the way, one should not be ashamed of a psychotherapist. Neurasthenia is a reality of modern life. In schools and institutes, they are not taught to live in conditions of increased mental and physical activity. The rhythm of life is constantly accelerating and you need to calmly react to it.


Complications of neurasthenic syndrome can occur in the absence of treatment, or in cases where treatment is carried out, and the cause that provoked the disease remains.

  • Loss of the ability to socially adapt - an enduring inner feeling of discomfort blocks the establishment of social ties, a person no longer needs to communicate with other people.
  • Depressive state is a gradually developing extreme degree of lowering of the emotional mood.

The main point preventive measures can be considered compliance with a well-thought-out daily routine, with a clear demarcation of time for work, rest and sleep. Any potential patient should determine for himself the most suitable relaxing techniques that he can use in case of nervous or physical stress - this can be swimming, massage and relaxation procedures, yoga or breathing exercises, etc.

Do not use alcohol and other harmful substances as relaxation.

In conclusion, we describe some important principlesthat a person must observe in order to get rid of neurasthenia:

  1. Avoid overvoltage;
  2. Observe the mode of work and rest;
  3. Change of activity should completely "disconnect" from work;
  4. Relax and be outdoors more often.

This is all about neurasthenia in women and men: what kind of disease it is, what are its causes, signs and symptoms, methods of treatment, is it possible to treat at home. Be healthy!

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