Neurotic reactions in a child of 3 years. Types of neurosis in children

Negrosis is a functional impairment in the work. nervous systemwhich is formed against the background of long-term emotional overvoltage. The disease is manifested in the form of unstable mood, increased anxiety, rapid fatigue and vegetative disorders. Experts note that the main group of patients with neurotic disorders make up children aged four to fifteen years. Many parents pay critically little attention to the manifestation of the disease, which leads to the appearance of more serious mental diseases. In this article we propose to discuss the causes and types of neurosis in children.

Neurosis is a functional reversible disorder of the nervous system

Anxious neurotic disorder manifests itself in the form of a pathological feeling of fear. In some cases, this form of the disease may be accompanied by the attacks of hallucinations. The severity of fear has a close relationship with the age of a child. Most children preschool age Featuring loneliness and darkness. The reason for the emergence of this fear can be a viewed film or a heard story. Some children are afraid of mythical characters that parents use in educational purposes.

At school age, the reason for fear is the strict teacher, the need to adhere to the discipline and difficulties in studying. Under the influence of neurosis, children make various rapid deeds, run away from lessons or from home. This shape of the neurasthenic disorder is manifested in the form of frequent changes in the mood. In some cases, children have a day enuresis. According to experts, children who did not attend pre-school are most often faced with such difficulties. educational institutions or kindergartens.

Neurotic reactions can manifest itself in the form of obsessive states. This form of the disease is divided into two subgroups:

  1. Obsessive actions - obsessive neurotic disorder.
  2. Phobic neurosis.

In rare cases, small patients have the presence of symptoms characteristic of both the first and second type of obsessive states. Obsessive actions are manifested in the form of reflex movements, which are produced with a certain periodicity. Such actions include winking, cough, cotton on various surfaces and teaks, having a different form of severity. The term "tick" means muscle spasmscaused by emotional overvoltage.

The phobic form of neurosis can be expressed in the form of obsessive fear of closed premises, various actions, situations and objects. Children approaching adolescent age are experiencing pathological fear of death, various diseases and other negative situations. Quite often in the mind of the child, thoughts appear that contradict social values. The emergence of such thoughts can only increase anxiety and emotional experiences.

The main causes of children's neurosis are emotional mental trauma, heredity, transferred diseases, family relationships of parents

Neuroses in children and adolescents often have a depressive form of severity. The development of the disease leads to a decrease in self-esteem, increased emotional sensitivity and sharp drops in the mood. Depressive neurosis is manifested in the form of insomnia, a decrease in physical activity and appetite, as well as the desire for social isolation.

The hysterical form of neurotic disorders is more characteristic of preschoolers. Such a state is manifested in the form of screams and screams, which are accompanied by impacts of limbs or heads about solid items. Significantly less often in children are observed by suffocations. The reason for their appearance lies a refusal to fulfill the requirements of a baby or punishment for his behavior. More than adulthood, in children with hysterical neurons there are changes in the sensitivity of mucous membranes and skin Pokrov. In rare cases, a hysterical blindness can be one of the complications of the disease.

Neilstation in children, more known as an asthenic shape of a neurotic disorder, is most often manifested in adolescence. According to psychologists, the cause of the development of this form of the disease is the difficulty of mastering the school program. Most often, this ailment is diagnosed in children with weak health. Children's nestration manifests itself in the form:

  • high emotional sensitivity;
  • bakeless irritability;
  • insomnia and loss of appetite;
  • syndron chronic fatigue and attention deficit.

The hypochondria form of neurosis is as well as the previous one, common among adolescents. This type of disease is manifested in the form of a pathological care for the state of their own health, and anonymous fear of the occurrence of diseases that cannot be treated.

Signs of neurotic disorders

In most cases, neurotic reactions in children appear in the form of stuttering. This sign of violations of the nervous system is characteristic of children aged two to five years. The emergence of a symptom is associated with acute psychotrauming circumstances, the result of which has become a strong fright. In some cases, the cause of problems in the work of the speech apparatus can be an incorrect approach to the educational process, when parents intentionally overload the child's consciousness with various information.

According to doctors, nervous ticks are a specific symptom of neurotic disorders. This symptom is more characteristic of strong sex. The causes of the occurrence of nervous twitching are associated with the negative effect of both mental and physiological factors. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other somatic diseases can provoke the appearance of various obsessive movements. In the early stages of the development of pathology, these movements have expediency and validity, but at a certain period of time they acquire the nature of reflexes.

Parents and teachers do not always recognize early symptoms neurosis or underestimate seriousness neurotic state child

Problems associated with sleep are manifested in the form of nightmares, bouts of somnambulism, disorders of sleep quality, anxiety and difficulties associated with falling asleep. According to experts, the reason for the appearance of Somnambulism is closely related to the scenario of dreams. This neurotic reaction is more characteristic of children aged from three to ten years. To date, there are no accurate information regarding the causes of the development of Lunatism.

Anorexia, as one of the manifestations of the absence of appetite, is more characteristic of girls aged from seven to fifteen years. According to psychologists, the reason for the violation of the appetite can be persistent attempts of parents to have a physical impact in order to force the child. Much less often, the cause of the development of anorexia is the impact of various events having a negative color, closely interconnected with the process of food intake. This neurotic reaction may manifest itself in the form of selective or complete abandonment of food. An attempt to force the child to raise the mood, the hysterical attack and the development of vomiting attacks.

Typical manifestations of neurotic reactions are considered to be sucking the fingers, nail sprinkling, chaotic or targeted limbs, constant attention to their hairstyle. Most of such signs are more characteristic of the kids of the bilateral age, however, as they grow up, this psychological installation may consolidate in the mind of the child.

Symptoms of neurosis in children in the form of the following psychological and physiological signs:

  1. Increase anxiety and high emotional sensitivity.
  2. The tendency to the plasticity and the expansion of the effects of stress factors.
  3. Unfortunate aggressive behavior and sense of despair.
  4. Disorders in the intellectual sphere, reducing the level of concentration of attention.
  5. Increased susceptibility to loud sounds and bright light.
  6. Insomnia and disorders of sleep, daylight drowsiness.
  7. Increased sweating, overestimated indicators arterial pressure, Tachycardia.

Provoking factors

The causes of neurosis are closely related to the form of severity of the disease. According to experts, provoking factors can be divided into three conventional groups:

  1. Biological reasons - various violations during the period of intrauterine development, problems with sleep, excessive physical activity, emotional overvoltage, genetic predisposition and complications of the suffering diseases.
  2. Psychological factors - Features of the temperament and identity of the child, as well as psychotrambulating circumstances with which the child has encountered aged several months to five years.
  3. Social group of factors: Frequent conflicts and quarrels between parents, a tough approach to the education process.

Neurosis does not pass "by itself", it requires timely recognition and proper treatment

According to psychologists, it is the psychotracting circumstances that are the main ground for the development of neurotic disorders. It is important to note that the one-time impact of such negative events in the child's life rarely leads to the formation of a neurotic reaction. In most cases, psychotrauming factors affect the consciousness of the baby for a long period of time. It is the inability to resist stress to the root cause of the appearance of pathology.

It should also be noted that far from always psychotrambulating circumstances should have a scale. The presence of a tendency to alarming disorders can contribute to the emergence of neurosis even with the most minor conflict situations.

The unfair attitude of the teacher, fright caused by a street dog or a car signal - can contribute to the development of the disease. According to psychologists, the tendency to neurotic disorders has a relationship with the age of a child. Aged from several months to two years, even short separation with parents can cause a neurotic reaction. Scientists suggest that critical intervals in children's development are observed between the ages of two to seven years. Most often, the disease under consideration is formed in children of the five-year-old age.

Psychological injuries that were obtained in childhood, leave a clear imprint on the mind of the child. Just one episode is enough to ensure a clear installation in the head of the child. Neurotic disorders arising in childhood are a consequence of complex intra-family relationships, an incorrect approach to the upbringing and insolvency of the CNS. Conflicts inside the family, the divorce of parents or the care of one of them is seriously perceived by children, as they have no opportunity to influence the development of events.

Preventive measures and therapy

Nebrosis treatment in children is based on therapeutic effects aimed at eliminating factors provoked by the development of the disease. Among the psychotherapeutic techniques, the effectiveness of homeopathic agents, hypnosis, game treatment and tale therapy should be allocated. The methods of psychotherapeutic effects are selected on the basis of the individual characteristics of the kid temperament.

Excessive care for the child's condition can create a favorable ground for the formation of negative features in character and hypochondria.

Manifestations of neurosis can be depression, stuttering and violation of speech, fears and phobias, nervous tick, sleep disorder, loss of appetite, emotional instability

Parents of a child suffering from neurosis should be avoided. The prevention of neuroses in children is completely on the shoulders of parents.

In order to eliminate the alarm and fear of the baby, you should render as much attention as possible. Psychology does not recommend cultivating the image of their child and consider it exceptional. Such attitude towards the baby can cause emotional overvoltage. The appearance of this symptom indicates the beginning of the development of the hysterical form of neurosis.

The task of a psychologist includes finding a solution of intra-family conflicts and parenting of parents to raising children. Treatment of neurotic disorders is based, first of all, on psychotherapeutic correction and elimination of installations in the child's consciousness caused by errors in the process of education.

Functional psyche disorder, which develops as a result of long emotional experiences is called neurosis. This pathology is reversible. Children's neurosis, unfortunately, not uncommon in modern world. Undage is accompanied by frequent mood shifts, fatigue, vegetative disorders etc.

Types of neurosis

Types of neuroses are quite varied:

  • anxiety neurosis;
  • neurosis obsessive states;
  • depressive;
  • hysterical neurosis;
  • hypochondria
  • neurotic stuttering;
  • respiratory neurosis;
  • neurasthenia or asthenic form;
  • anorexia - food neurosis;
  • neurotic ticks;
  • neurotic sleep disorders;
  • neuroticEnperez or Encuprex.

Neurosis in children can develop at any age - both in the child in 2 years and in adolescents.


Neuroses in preschool children are most often observed in the form of hysteria. This condition is manifested in falling on the floor and kicks or heads about the floor, at this time the child screams and crying.

Not so often, but there are attacks of imaginary suffocation, which are observed when refused to fulfill the requirements of the baby or, when the child is punishable. Especially this common phenomenon in children is 3 years old. In adolescence, hysteria can manifest itself in sensory disorders - the so-called hysterical blindness, deterioration of the sensitivity of skin receptors and mucous membranes.


More often observed in children 10 years and adolescents. This state may be a consequence of excessive loads at school, additional classes, but in most cases there are physically weak children. It is manifested in irritability, disorders of sleep, plasticity, nonsense, fast fatigue.

Neurosis of obsessive state

This type of pathology is divided into 2 subspecies - neurosis of obsessive movements and phobias. However, mixed forms are encountered. The first subspecies occur more often from a child for 4 years - it is expressed in involuntary shudders, the lines of the nose, twitching, the movements of the brushes, tops of the legs, and so on. Such phenomena are observed in psychological tension. The movements involuntary and arise in addition to the baby's desire. Phobic neurosis represents various fears - closed space, darkness, in children of 7-8 years old can be observed phobias to respond at the board and so on.


Bed-wetting. In most cases, children with hereditary predisposition, psychotracting factors, alarms suffer from this ailment.

Important! Physical punishments do not decide, and further exacerbate the problem.

After 5 years, the child begins to worry because of this pathology, he drops self-confidence, trying to prevent unconscious urination, the child is trying not to sleep, as a result of which the neurosis is also joined by others - the plasticity, phobias, ticks.

Food neurosis

It is expressed in violation of appetite - the child can very slowly take food, to chew for a long time, jump off, there is a plasticity during meals, as well as abundant vomiting.

In some cases, neurosis of the pharynx can take place - the child cannot swallow the food com, as a result of which vomiting or suffocating state is possible.

Reference! The immediate cause of this form of neurosis can be a violent attempt to parents to feed the child or strong overproampulation.

Causes of neuroses in children

The reasons for the development of children's neurosis lies in varying the children's nervous system. The psyche of the child is not yet enough formed, children do not have the experience of reaction to stress, and cannot clearly formulate and express their emotional state.

The greater value in the development of children's neuroses is the growth of cases of the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, especially when the intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus is observed.

The impetus for neurosis can be:

  • inherited from parents a predisposition to nervous diseases;
  • stress;
  • situations that may be injured by immature children's psyche.

Also launch the pathology development mechanism can:

  • severe diseases;
  • lackless;
  • unhealthy family climate;
  • excessive physical or psycho-emotional tension.

Who is more prone to this problem?

Signs of neurosis are more often observed in children who are in the risk group, this is:

  • children 2-5 and 7 years since these periods have specific features - an attempt to realize and defend its place in the world and acute response to the circumstances;
  • children who have a very pronounced position of their own "I";
  • physically weak children;
  • children who for a long time Forced to be in difficult situations.

Symptomatic manifestations

Symptoms of pathology largely depend on the nature of the child, its upbringing, the behavior of adults, which he has before the eyes, as well as from the type of psyche violation.

As neurosis is manifested, and to pay attention to parents:

  • the presence of pronounced children's fears;
  • stuttering;
  • stupor;
  • tears and change of facial expressions;
  • bad appetite;
  • irritability;
  • various sleep disturbances;
  • the child wants to be alone, no society;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • high suggestibility;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • headaches;
  • indecision;
  • hysterical seizures;
  • imperidity;
  • injection of urine or feces.

Diagnosis of neurosis

It is extremely important to diagnose neurosis and start its treatment in early age. Diagnostic measures are held in several stages:

  • analysis of the life of a child from a psychological point of view;
  • analysis of the family climate and assessment of relations between the child and other children and adults;
  • conversation with a child in a game form, during which a specialist will ask specially designed issues;
  • monitoring the child during the game;
  • evaluation and analysis of the picture of the child, according to which it is possible to understand his desires and experiences;
  • collect family anamnesis.

When you need to consult a doctor and how to treat a child

If at least one of the symptoms listed above are detected, parents should contact the pediatrician and tell about their concerns. With suspected neurosis children's doctor It can give a direction to a children's neuropathologist who will tell how to treat and add drugs, removing headaches, normalizing sleep and eliminate irritability. It may be assigned a massage that can be received in specialized institutions or at home. If such treatment is not effective, the assistance of a psychotherapist will be required.

Medicase treatment includes the reception of the tustling agents, herbal sedatives or tranquilizers.

The purpose of psychotherapeutic sessions is the normalization of family relations and parents' relationships with a child during which parents acquire the skills of smelting interaction with the child.

As for neurological stuttering, after the work of a psychologist, a specialist in speech defects is connected to the process, he will be engaged in its own method that implies respiratory gymnastics, therapeutic massage, game formation.

Preventive measures and what should not be done with neurosis

The main preventive moment that is aimed at preventing the development of neurosis in the child is the understanding of the parents of the causes capable of give impetus for such pathology. When parents are fairly aware of this issue, they will be able to pay closer attention to the education of the child, and will be able to bypass the "sharp corners" in this matter.

The family should have the most favorable weather for the growth and development of the child, for this it is necessary:

  • adequately organize physical exertion for the child;
  • in time to treat possible diseases;
  • balance the nutrition;
  • make sure that the child fully rested and slept at night;
  • organize the right educational events to form a strong person in the child.

The prevention of neuroses is much more simple than their subsequent elimination.

  • contradictory installations to give a child - for the same act, then to punish, Ignore,
  • make fun of the child's flaws;
  • ignore the child's questions about your own actions;
  • scare a child with doctors, police, orphanage, fabulous heroes;
  • compare a child with his friends, especially not in favor of your child;
  • for any subsidity, without finding out the reason to immediately apply punishment;
  • practice corporal punishment.

Neurosis in a child is a situation that cannot be caught, and think that everything will be held by itself. Perhaps with the age of manifestation of neurosis will not be so bright, but neurotic will be much more difficult to adapt to the world around the world and achieve success in it and self-realization.

Neuroses are a functional reversible disorder of the nervous system (psyche) due to long-term experiences, accompanied by an unstable mood, increased fatigue, a sense of anxiety and vegetative impairment (palpitations, sweating, etc.).

Unfortunately, in our time, the neurons are increasingly suffering from children. Some parents do not pay the necessary attention to the manifestations of the nervous disorder in the child, considering their whims and phenomena passing with age. But the mothers and dads come correctly, trying to figure out the child's condition and help him.

Types of neurosis in childhood

Fear of the child can be a manifestation of neurosis.
  1. Anxiety neurosis (alarms). It is manifested by the appearance of an approaching emerging (often at the time of falling asleep) of fear, sometimes accompanied by hallucinations. Depending on the age, the content of fear can be different.

In preschool age, the fear of darkness occurs more often, fearful to stay alone in the room, a fairy tale character or a viewed film. Sometimes the baby is afraid of the appearance of a mythical being invented by the parents (with an educational purpose): black mage, evil fairies, "Babai", etc.

In the younger school age, fear of schools with a strict teacher, discipline, "bad" estimates can occur. In this case, the child can run away from school (sometimes even from home). The disease is manifested by a reduced mood, sometimes - daily enuresis. More often, this type of neurosis develops in children who did not attend kindergarten in preschool age.

  1. Neuroses of obsessive states. It is divided into 2 types: obsessive neurosis (neurosis of obsessive actions) and phobic neurosis, but there may be mixed forms with manifestation and phobias, and obsessions.

Oblosis of obsessive actions is manifested by those arising besides desire, involuntary movements, like a nose, blinking, shuddering, migrating the nose, top of your feet, patting with tassels on the table, shaking or different types of ticks. Tiki (twitching) usually occur with emotional voltage.

Phobic neurosis is expressed in an obsessive fear of a closed space, stitching items, pollution. An older children may have obsessive fears of illness, death, oral answers in school, etc. Sometimes children arise obsessive performances or thoughts contrary to the moral principles and raising a child, which gives him negative experiences and anxiety.

  1. Depressive neurosis More characteristic of adolescence. His manifestations are depressed mood, tear, understated self-esteem. Scuntful Mimic, a quiet speech, sad expression of the face, sleep disorder (insomnia), worsening appetite and reduced activity, the desire to stay alone create a more complete picture of the behavior of such a child.
  1. Hysterical neurosis More characteristic of preschool children. The manifestations of this state are falling on the floor with cry and screams, shocks head or limbs about the floor or other solid surface.

More rarely there are affective respiratory attacks (imaginary suffocation) when refusing any child's demand or with his punishment. Extremely rarely, adolescents may occur sensory hysterical disorders: an increase or decrease in skin sensitivity or mucous membranes and even hysterical blindness.

Children suffering from neurasthenia - Plaks and irritable.
  1. Asthenic neurosis, or neurasthenia,also more characteristic of school age and adolescents. We provoke the manifestations of neurasthenia excessive loads of the school program and additional classes, more often manifests in physically weakened children.

Clinical manifestations are weakness, irritability, poor appetite and sleep disorders, increased fatigue, non-perfection.

  1. Hypochondria neurosis Also more characteristic of adolescence. The manifestations of this state are excessive concern about the state of their health, the unreasonable fear of the occurrence of various diseases.
  1. Neurotic stuttering More often occurs in boys during the period of speech development: its formation or formation of phrase speech (from 2 to 5 years). Provocate its appearance strong fright, sharp or chronic mental injuries (separation with parents, family scandals, etc.). But the cause can be the information overload during the forcing by the parents of the intellectual or speech development of the kid.
  1. Neurotic ticks Also more characteristic for boys. The cause of the occurrence can be both a mental factor and some diseases: for example, diseases such as chronic blepharitis, will cause and fix the habit of unreasonably often rub eyes or blink, and frequent inflammation Upper respiratory tract Make the usual shaking or "grunting" sounds through the nose. Such, initially reasonable and appropriate, protective actions are then fixed.

These same type of actions and movements can be intrusive or simply become familiar who do not cause a child with a sense of tension and stiffness. Neurotic ticks aged from 5 to 12 years old are more often. Tychi is usually dominated in the muscles of the face, shoulder belt, neck, respiratory ticks. Often they are combined with enuresis and stuttering.

  1. Neurotic disorders of sleepthey manifest themselves in children with such symptoms: difficulties in falling asleep, anxious, restless sleep with awakening, night fears and nightmarish dreams, sleepwalking, conversation in a dream. Walking and conversation in a dream are associated with the character of dreams. This kind of neurosis is more often observed in children in preschool and younger school age. The reasons for it are not fully studied.
  1. Anorexia,or a neurotic disruption of appetite is more characteristic of early and preschool age. The immediate cause may be overproampulation, an insistent attempt of a mother to feed the child or coincide with the feeding of any unpleasant event (sharp shock, family scandal, fright, etc.).

Neuroses can manifest itself to the refusal to take any food or selective type of products, slowness during food intake, prolonged chewing, tightening or abundant vomiting, reduced mood, whims and federation during meals.

  1. Neurotic enuresis - Unconscious urination (more often at night). Night incontinence of urine is more often noted in children with disturbing traits. Matter psychotrauming factors and hereditary predisposition. Physical and psychological punishments further exacerbate manifestations.

By the beginning of the school age, the child is tormented by the experiences of their drawback, self-esteem is underestimated, the expectation of night urine leads to a breakdown of sleep. Other neurotic symptoms are also manifested: irritability, plasticity, ticks, phobias.

  1. Neurotic enchnoprez - involuntary, without a call for defecation, the release of feces (without the intestinal and spinal cord). It is observed 10 times less than enuresis. They suffer from this type of neurosis more often boys of younger school age. The mechanism of development is not fully studied. The reason is more often too strict educational measures towards child and family conflicts. It is usually combined with weakness, irritability, and often with neurotic enuresis.
  1. The usual pathological actions:drying nails, sucking fingers, irritation by the hands of genitals, hair pulling and rhythmic rocking of the body or individual parts of the body during falling asleep. It is more often manifested in children up to 2 years of age, but can be fixed and manifest itself at high age.

In neurosis, the nature and behavior of children is changing. Most often, parents may notice such changes:

  • floodiness and excessive sensitivity to stressful situation: Even with minor psychotrauming events, the child reacts with aggression or despair;
  • alarming character, light vulnerability and syradiability;
  • cancellation on a conflict situation;
  • reduction of memory and attention, intellectual abilities;
  • increased intolerance to loud sounds and bright light;
  • hard fall asleep, superficial, disturbing sleep and drowsiness in the morning;
  • increased sweating, rapid heartbeat ,.

Causes of neuroses in children

Essential importance for neurosis in childhood have such factors:

  • biological: hereditary predisposition, intrauterine development and pregnancy in mothers, sex of the child, age, transferred diseases, features of the constitution, mental and physical overvoltage, constant lack of sleep, etc.;
  • psychological: psychotrauming situations in childhood and personal features child;
  • social: family relationships, parenting education methods.

Mental injury has the main importance for neurosis development. But in rare cases, the disease develops as a direct reaction to any unfavorable psychotrarming fact. Most often, the reason is a long-affirming situation and the inability of the child to adapt to it.

Psychotrayma is a sensual reflection in the consciousness of a child of any meaningful events for him that affect him the oppressive, disturbing, that is, a negative effect. For different children, traumatic situations may be different.

Not always psychotrauma is large-scale. The more the child is predisposed to the development of neurosis due to the presence of various factors contributing to this, the smaller psychotrauma will be sufficient for the appearance of neurosis. In such cases, the most insignificant conflict situation can provoke neurosis manifestations: a sharp signal of the car, injustice from the teacher, a dog, and others.

The nature of the psychotrauma capable of causeing neurosis depends on the age of children. So, for the baby in 1.5-2 years, the separation will be sufficiently injured with mom when visiting children's nurses and problems with adaptation in the new setting. The most vulnerable age is 2, 3, 5, 7 years. The average age of the beginning of neurotic manifestations is 5 years for boys and 5-6 years old for girls.

Psychotramium, obtained at an early age, can be fixed for a long time: a child who did not have time to take a timely timely from kindergarten, with great reluctance can leave home and in adolescence.

The main cause of children's neurosis is errors of education, complex family relationships, and not the imperfection or failure of the child's nervous system. Family troubles, parental divorce Children are hard to worry, without having the opportunity to resolve the situation.

Special attention deserves children with bright severity "I". Because of its emotional sensitivity, they experience an increased need for love and attention of loved ones, emotional coloring relationships with them. If this need dissolves this need, the child has a fear of loneliness and emotional isolation.

Such children early show self-esteem, independence in actions and actions, expressing their own opinions. They do not tolerate dictates and restrictions on their actions, excessive guardianship and control from the first years of life. Their protest and opposition to such relationships parents perceive as stubbornness and are trying to fight it by punishment and restrictions than and contribute to the development of neurosis.

More others are at risk of developing neurosis weakened. In this case, not only the weakening of their nervous system is important, but also the problems of education of a often ill child.

Neuroses are developing, as a rule, in children, for a long time in a difficult life situation (in orphanages, in families of parents of alcoholics, etc.)

Treatment and prevention of children's neurosis

The most successful is the treatment in eliminating the cause of neurosis. Psychotherapists, namely they are treating neurosis, own many treatments: hypnosis, homeopathy, tale treatment, game therapy. In some cases, it is necessary to apply medication tools. For each specific child, an individual approach to treatment is selected.

But the main medicine is a favorable climate in the family without quarrels and conflicts. Laughter, joy, feeling of happiness will erase the available stereotypes. It is impossible to let parents start the process on Samotek: maybe it will pass. Neurosis must be treated with love and laughter. The more often the child will laugh, the more successful the treatment will be faster.

The cause of neurosis is in the family. In matters of child education, adult family members should come to a reasonable general opinion. This does not mean that you should indulge with all the pleasures of the child or provide him with excessive freedom of action. But the unlimited dictate and deprivation of all independence, hyperophec and pressure of parental authority will be wrong, control over each other's step. Such education generates a closure and absolute dryness - and this is also a manifestation of neurosis. It should be found a golden middle.

Nothing good leads to panic parents about the slightest disease of the child. Most likely, he will grow by a hypochondrick with constant complaints and a bad character.

Nearness are classified in medicine as a reversible dysfunctional state of the nervous system, provoked by experiences, unstable emotions, chronic fatigue and other factors. This diagnosis is often made by adult patients, which is not surprising in modern conditions Fights, turmoil, problems and troubles. But doctors disturb the fact that neurosis became "young" - more and more often children lead to specialists with symptoms of this disease.

Classification of neurosis in childhood

Doctors differentiate several types of neuroses that can manifest themselves in childhood. Each of them has its own characteristics, is characterized by individual signs and must be subject to professional treatment.

Alarms (neurosis of fears)

Anxieties are distinguished by an approached character - they occur only at certain situations. Preschoolers are very often afraid of darkness, this anxiety can intensify from parents - small children scare "Baba, black old". The attack occurs only before the night bed, during the rest of the day there is no fear of neurosis.

The younger school age is subjected to fear in front of the teacher, a new team of children, bad estimates. According to statistics, this kind of child neurosis is more often diagnosed with those children who have not visited the kindergarten and from the home environment immediately got into a large, school team with their rules and responsibilities.

note: Fear neuroses In this case, it is manifested not only by stiffness, tears and whims, but also an active resistance to the offensive "An hour of X" - children run out of the house, stroll lessons, a steady lies appear.

Children's neurosis obsessive states

The neurosis of this type in childhood is manifested by involuntary movements, which are absolutely not controlled - for example, shuddering, flashing one or two eyes, shoe, sharp turn of the neck, flaking palms on their knees or table and other. With neurosis of the obsessive state, nervous ticks may occur, but they are characteristic only during negative / positive emotional bursts.

The category of obsessive states includes phobic neurosis - this is a condition in which the child develops fear before the challenge to the board in school, teacher, visiting the doctor, or fear of a closed space, height or depth. Very dangerous state when the child suffers from phobic neurosis, and parents perceive this neurosis as a whim - reproaches, mockery can lead to nervous breakdowns.

More than O. obsessive neurosis Specialist says:

Psychosis of depressive character

Depressive psychosis is more inherent in children in adolescence, it differs very characteristic features:

  • constantly depressed state;
  • quiet speech;
  • always sad expression of the face;
  • physical activity reduced;
  • at night there is an insomnia, and in the afternoon - drowsiness;
  • privacy.

The psychologist says about the ways to combat depression in adolescents:

Neurosis hysterical character

Well familiar hysterics of young children in the form of falling on the floor, knocking down on the floor, shouts and crying are a manifestation of hysterical neurosis. There is such a condition to children of preschool age, can first appear at the age of 2 years.


Children's neurosis manifested by irritability bad appetite, Sleep impairment and nonsense, doctors classify as neurasthenia, or asthenic neurosis.

note: A similar type of reversible violation under consideration occurs due to excessive load at school, kindergarten or at additional classes.

Neurosis of hypochondria character

Hypochondriki is a constant people and doubting everything. A similar name of neurosis suggests that children are impaired in relation to themselves, their mental and physical abilities, health. Patients experience strong fear about identifying any complex, life-threatening disease.

Stuttering neurotic etiology

Neurotic stuttering may occur from 2 to 5 years - the period when the child is being formed. It is noteworthy that more often the stuttering of neurotic etiology is diagnosed in boys and can be caused by an excessive mental load.

About the causes of stuttering and correction methods - in a video review:

Neurotic ticks

They are also more inherent to boys, can be caused not only by a mental factor, but also diseases. For example, with a long time of the current conjunctivitis, the habit of hard to rub eyes. The disease is eventually cured, and the habit remains - a steady nerozen tick will be diagnosed. It can also relate to the constant "crushing" of the nose or dry cadia.

Such motions of the same type do not make discomfort into the usual life of the child, but can be combined with Enurrez (night incontinence of urine).

Sleep disorders neurotic etiology

The reasons for such neuroses are still not clarified, but it is assumed that a neurotic sleep disorders may be due to Lunaticism, talking in a dream, restless sleep With frequent awakening. The same signs are the symptoms of neurosis of sleep disorders.

Enuresis and Enchnoprez

Neurose in preschool children can wear a purely physiological character:

  • enuresis - night incontinence of urine, more often diagnosed under the age of 12 years, is more characteristic of boys;
  • encuprex - incontinence of feces, is extremely rare and almost always accompanied by Enurpec.

Doctors argue that neurosis, accompanied by Enurrez and / or Encuprement, is excessively strict upbringing and large demands from parents.

The pediatrician tells the pediatrician on the methods of treatment.

Pathological actions of the usual nature

It is about serving the fingertips, nail sprinkling, hair pulling, rocking the body with rhythmic movements. This kind of neurosis in children is diagnosed up to 2 years and is very rarely fixed at an older age.

Causes of children's neurosis

It is believed that the main reasons for the development of neurosis in childhood lie in the family, in relations between the child and his parents. The following factors are distinguished that can provoke the formation of sustainable child neurosis:

  1. Biological. These include the features of the intrauterine development of the child (oxygen deficiency), age (critical for the occurrence of neurosis are the first 2-3 years of life), chronic lack of sleep, overload in mental and physical development.
  2. Social. Complex relations in the family, the continued authority of one of the parents, the pronounced tyranc of the father or mother, the characteristics of the child as a person.
  3. Psychological. These factors include any psychological impact on a child of a negative nature.

note: The listed factors are very conditional. The fact is that for each child, the concepts of "psychological impact, psychotrauma" have an individual emotional color. For example, many boys and girls will not even pay attention, if parents will increase their voice, and some children begin to experience panic fear Before your own mothers / dads.

The main causes of neuroses in children:

  • wrong education
  • complex relationships between parents;
  • parental divorce;
  • family troubles are even domestic nature.

Pathogenesis of neurosis in children and adolescents:

In no case cannot be accused of a child that he has neurosis of any kind - he is not to blame for this, you should look for the cause in the family, specifically - in parents.

note: More susceptible to the emergence of neuroses Children with a pronounced "I", which from small years can have their own opinion, they are independent and not tolerate the manifestations even a hint of dictates from parents. Such is the behavior and self-expression of the child, parents perceive, like stubbornness and whims, try to influence force - this is a direct path to neurosis.

How to help the child

Neurosis is considered a reversible process, but still this disease is to be treated at a professional level. Doctors engaged in the problem of children's neurosis have the qualifications of the psychotherapist and use hypnotherapy in their work, gaming classes, tale treatment, homeopathy. But first of all, it is necessary to restore order in the family, to establish the relationship between the child and parents.

Very rarely neurosis in childhood require the appointment of specific medicines, usually a competent specialist will find an option to assist at a psycho-emotional correction level.

As a rule, the results of the treatment of children's neurosis will only if not only a child goes to the psychotherapist, but his parents. Healing a child from neurosis will contribute:

  • drawing up a clear routine of the day and compliance with the recommended regime;
  • physical education class - often the sport helps to bring the child from the neurotic state;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • cutting free time is not in front of a computer or TV, but in communication with parents or friends.

Very effective in the treatment of neurosis of childhood hippotherapy (horse riding), dolphinotherapy, artherapy - generally any unconventional methods for the correction of the psycho-emotional state of the child.

note: It is very important that parents get up on the path of treatment - in the case of selection of therapy, it is necessary to take into account parental errors and try to level the stressful environment in the family. Only by collaboration of parents / psychotherapist / child can be achieved good results.

Children's neurosis is considered whims, pampering and character characteristics. In fact, this reversible state can be exacerbated and over time to grow into serious problems with psycho-emotional state. Patients of neuropathologists often admit that in childhood, fears often experienced, shy large companies and preferred privacy. So that such problems have not arise from your child, it is worth an extreme effort to professional overcoming children's neurosis. And no matter how it would not sound it, but only moderate love, the desire to understand the baby and the willingness to come to him for help in a difficult moment will be able to complete.

Children's neurosis is quite frequent, which, with a timely handling of a specialist, is treatable. Unfortunately, many parents do not consider neurosis serious diseaseAnd believe that with age everything will be held in itself. This erroneous opinion may seriously harm the baby, because even a small mental deflection requires consultation of a specialist and a caring relationship from parents.

What is children's neurosis and why he arises

Neurotic disorders in children are a variety of mental diseases of a reversible nature, without distorting susceptibility to real world. According to statistics, by the time the end elementary schoolMore than half of children experience problems with the nervous system. This is primarily due to elevated loads on children's psyche.

For kids up to three years old, a neurotic disorder occurs in physiological reasons, and later, the sea of \u200b\u200badulthood of the child is connected and psychological factors. The causes of neuroses in young children can be:

  • Hypoxia of the fetus during pregnancy resulting from severe pregnancy or the presence of other chronic diseases of the future mother;
  • Defeat the central nervous system of the baby during childbirth;
  • Frequent kid's diseases in infancy lowered immunity.

The psychological disorder in children after three years has occurs under the influence of not only physiological causes, but also psychological:

  • Unfavorable furnishings in the family, frequent scandals and quarrels of parents. According to statistics, the divorce of parents is one of the main factors for the emergence of children's neurosis;
  • Long and severe addictive to the kindergarten.

Psychologists argue that the neurotic state most often occurs in children, with certain features of the psychological state:

  • Hypersensitivity and emotionality. Such children are too hard to carry out parting with mom even for a short period.
  • Defenseless.
  • Next to fear and concerns.
  • Closedness. All the insults and experiences of the kid hides deep inside itself, not splashing emotions out.
  • Impressionability.
  • The need to self-apparent.

Children with such character characteristics are more susceptible to psychological disorders.

Neurosis in children and teenagers arise in the same way: on the basis of psycho-emotional and physiological factors. Physiological reasons for adolescents are the following: Heavy births, chronic diseases nervous system, low immunity. And here psychological reasons neurosis in the teenager depends on age groupin which he dwells.

The first age crisis in the child comes around three years, when a small person begins to realize as a separate person, with its needs and desires. Also at this age, children usually begin to attend kindergarten, which is a kind of emotional test. According to statistics, it is for this period of the child's life of the child most often falls the divorce of parents. At the age of three years, the child is most vulnerable, and it is never needed by the care of parents.

The next age crisis accounts for about seven years. During this period, the school epoch begins, in which the first teacher plays an important role. For the most part it depends on it how quickly the child will get used to the learning process, as adaptation in the school team will occur. Social significance is now manifested through achievements. Do not miss attention and increased information load on the child. The totality of all factors can cause a psychologically weak child a nervous disorder.

Neuroses in children and adolescents after twelve years are mainly arising against the background of hormonal rebuilding of the body. Permanent mood changes, conflicts with others, depressed - most frequent signs of this age.

Thus, neurosis in children may occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • Unwillingness of adults find a compromise in communicating with the younger generation;
  • An excess or deficiency of attention from parents;
  • Complex family atmosphere;
  • Imposing by adults of his behavior model, excessive guardianship;
  • Intimidation in childhood fabulous heroes;
  • Lack of a full-fledged rest;
  • Accommodation in bad housing conditions;
  • Round-the-clock employment of parents, upbringing outsiders;
  • Incomplete family;
  • Chronic diseases, including the nervous system;
  • Genetic predisposition to neurasthenia;
  • Mental and physical overvoltage, lack of sleep.


Children's neurosis have physiological and psychological signs. Physiological symptoms include:

  • Sleep disturbance. The first manifestations of neurosis in children is intermittent sleep or insomnia, the appearance of nightmares.
  • Reduced appetite. The baby increasingly refuses to eat, psyched reflexes are possible during meals. In adolescents, anorexia is sometimes recorded.
  • Frequent dizziness, headaches.
  • There is a weakness in the body, increased fatigue.
  • Neuroses in preschool children are often manifested in the form of urinary incontinence, nervous cough.
  • Nervous twitching limbs, the appearance of convulsion.

In addition to physiological symptoms, the neurosis is accompanied by psychological signs:

  • Frequent hysterics, young children can fall on the floor and sob.
  • Irritability.
  • The appearance of all sorts of phobias.
  • Proterent depression (most often found in adolescence).

Parents should not disregard the listed symptoms than before you seek help from a specialist, the faster you can cure children's neurosis.

Types of children's neurosis

Depending on the symptoms manifest, neurosis in adolescents and young children are the following types:

  • Hysterical.
  • The hysterical view of neurosis is characterized by falling off on the floor with a wild cry and crying.
  • Asthenic.

Asthenic mental disorder Accompanied by increased incontinence of a child, irritability, fooling. The slightest emotional overvoltage provokes a neurotic attack, breaking sleep and appetite.

Neuroses of obsessive states

This type of neurosis is manifested in two varieties: phobic neurosis (fear of darkness and closed space) and obsessive neurosis (obsessive movements in the form of hatching lip or shrimp nose).


Depressive neurosis is more often observed in the younger generation. A teenager wishes to retire, to be alone with him. The voice in this case is always quiet, calm, without unnecessary emotions.


In the manifestation of a hypochondriatic disorder, children are very worried about their health, the thought of any disease becomes a real nightmare for them.


Appetite disorder on the background neurological disease accompanied by shinking, vomiting. This state may occur with the violent attempts of adults to feed the baby.

Neurotic stuttering

Stuttering may occur at the kid with strong stress, fright, strong psychological injury. Often, children begin to stutter when parents are trying to intensify the mental and speech development of the child.


Of great importance in the treatment of neurosis in children is his early diagnosis. The earlier the doctor diagnosed the disease, the easier it is amenable to therapy. Diagnosis in children is as follows:

  • The study of relations in the family, the interaction of parents and children.
  • Detection genetic predisposition to neurological diseases.
  • A psychologist's conversation with a child, during which a specialist should identify the causes of the neurotic state. To identify the cause, special therapy can be used, based on drawing the baby of his fears.
  • Summing up and main answer to the question: how to treat neurosis in a child.

Most often, the diagnosis begins with a conversation with parents who outlines general situation. Only trust relationships between a psychologist and parents are pledged successful treatment Children's neurosis. Do not forget that the prevention of children's neuroses mostly depends on the parents. Timely prevention allows you to prevent serious complications and the need to treat a psychotherapist.


Treatment of neurosis in children is rarely beginning with medical therapy, and this is the main difference from adults psychological disorders. Almost all sedatives have contraindications of children's age. Therefore, the main task of therapy is to identify the main cause of the neurological disease, and eliminate it. If the reason is not found - the disease will progress with deteriorating symptoms. Using medicinesI allowed in childhood, only temporary relief will bring, but the baby will not cure.

Conditionally, psychotherapy of children's neurosis can be divided into two types.

Family therapy

At first, the psychologist talks with family members, the general intramearial situation is revealed, relations between parents, children and the oldest generation. Then conversations pass with the participation of the child. During the interaction, the psychologist reveals conflict situations and monitors the reaction to the baby. Thus, the cause of neurosis is revealed.

Individual psychotherapy

First of all, the psychologist settles close spiritual contact with a small patient and trust relationships. The doctor further explains the teenager that he has a psychological problem with which it is necessary to fight. Very often with drawing, a small patient expresses its true emotions, character traits, creative potential.

Prevention of neuroses of children has no less importance than the treatment itself. The main role in this case is the parents playing, which should normalize the ratio of sleep and recreation of their offspring, reduce emotional and physical Load. Prevention of children's neurosis should be carried out at the slightest suspicion of neurological disorder and after the complex medical events. The favorable furnishings in the family, love and understanding are able to overcome any difficulties as the younger generation mature.

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