The state of breaking and depression. Depressed mood or chanda

When a woman gives too much, it leads it to the most common symptom of serotonin-deficiency syndrome: to the feeling of depression. In the past, the feeling of depression was not so common among women. This is a pretty new phenomenon. As DV and DVG, the boys began to take the scale of the epidemic, relatively recently, and the female equivalent of these disorders gave itself to know only lately. For thirty years, working as a psychologist-consultant, I watched as the word "depression" (Overwhelmed)gradually was part of the general consistent vocabulary. Instead of saying: "I am unhappy and dissatisfied with my life," the women are now talking about depression.

Word depressedit has a more positive emotional shade and more accurately describes the corresponding state. If you are unhappy, you can easily assume that in your heart lacks love to appreciate what you have. If you are suppressed, it means that you are so much love that you are trying to pay yourself all. Women are alien to attitude: "I need to do too much, so it's a hurry to hurry - in any case I will not have time." From a biochemical point of view, the situation is as follows: when a woman with a low level of Serotonin is trying to show his love, she tends to doubt that he can do everything you need. It seems to her that she will not receive the support needed in order to do everything outlined.

Word depressionvery accurately describes the state of a person experiencing a shortage of serotonin.

Millions of women say every day that they need to do too much and there is absolutely time for it. These women believe that the feeling of depression is caused by stress. But it is not. There is no lack of time. There were always twenty-four hours in the days. The feeling of depression is caused by non-stressful situations - it is caused by a disadvantage of serotonin.

Millions of women say every day that they need to do too much and there is absolutely time for it.

The lack of serotonin forces you too worry about what other people think. When you are too worried, you have the need to do everything that is possible. If a person pays excessive attention to what others think, he does not have enough time to figure out what he thinks and what he wants himself. It is worth a little reduced pace and find out what you like what you want and what you need, and your life will become much calmer.

The lack of serotonin forces you too worry about what other people think.

The feeling of depression is just a soft neural form obsessive stateswhich arises due to over-excitation of the brain experiencing a lack of serotonin. Instead of relaxing at the end of the day, a woman can spend a whole evening in experiences about what she needs to do what she didn't do that she could not do what to do what would happen if something won't be done etc. If a woman eats food, stimulating the production of serotonin, her brain acquires the ability to relax, and the tendency is too worried about everything gradually disappears. When the brain is relaxed, a woman can get rid of too high demands to itself and desire to please everyone around. Now she can live a balanced life, paying enough attention and others, and herself.

With a normal level of serotonin, a woman can relax and decide what it is necessary to make first of all. One of the symptoms of the depression is the aggravated awareness of many problems and potential problems, as a result of which a person simply cannot decide where to start.

A person suffering from Serotonin's deficiency is difficult to make decisions. Thoughts are overcrowded to commitments and promises that need to be performed. At the normal level of serotonin, the brain can easily relax and choose the most important things, without having a need to do everything else.

In most cases, such an depressed condition is accompanied by Handrea, despondency, apathy, depression and even thoughts of suicide.

Such a gloomy mood is very dangerous for the human body, since it adversely affects not only mental health, but also affects the work of all internal organs and systems. In this article we will tell you what reasons can cause an depressed mood, and how to get rid of it, without resorting to the help of a professional psychologist.

What mental state suppresses any mental and physical activity of man?

As a rule, such an depressed state is called depression. In fact, this term has a different meaning. From the point of view of medicine, the word "depression" is serious diseasewhich requires compulsory treatment, and in absence it leads to suicide. If there is a hopeless situation, various psychological techniques and folk remedies. Most often, the sick person is placed in the hospital, where it receives a comprehensive treatment, which includes the necessary medications and physiotherapeutic methods.

At the same time, hopeless sadness and the gloomy depressed state of the spirit are not always manifestations of depression. Such a violation of mental equilibrium occurs quite often and is always the result of certain disadvantaged factors. This state is called "reactive psychosis." It always proceeds in different ways depending on the degree of human equilibrium, the constitutional features of his personality and the presence of psychological problems, as well as from the force of negative external influence.

Reactive psychosis is almost always a reversible state, to exit a certain amount of time. Despite the fact that in difficult situations, this disease is accompanied by the permanent of consciousness, the occurrence of nonsense and hallucinations, as well as affective and motor disorders, in most cases it is perfectly treatable and disappears without a trace, after which a person returns to his usual life and work.

Symptoms and signs of depression

In most cases, the depressed state of the spirit is accompanied by the following features:

  • a person has a bad mood constantly, he is tense and annoyed on trifles;
  • there is a sense of anxiety, excessive conversion and excessive sensitivity;
  • self-esteem decreases, a sense of uncertainty in itself appears;
  • a person ceases to be interested in his hobby, can not be engaged in his favorite work, loses interest in everything that he had previously liked;
  • there are sleep disorders, such as excessive drowsiness or insomnia;
  • appetite is also violated, in most cases a depressed person does not eat almost nothing, however, in some situations appetite, on the contrary, it is significantly intensified;
  • women cease to monitor themselves, lose interest in their appearance, do not care about the figure;
  • the sick person is constantly experiencing a sense of fatigue and decay;
  • in addition, he tries to avoid communicating with friends, relatives and loved ones - any careless statements of other people are able to raise and strongly offend the depressed person, which often leads to quarrels and conflicts.

Causes of depression

The reasons for this condition, in which you do not want to do anything, and the future seems exclusively in the gloomy light, can be very and very much. In most cases, it is a consequence of the so-called black strip, in which a person happens in all spheres of life.

Often, despondency, sadness and Kandra arise as a result of a serious quarrel with the most close people. In some situations, his cause becomes dismissal from work or conflicts with colleagues. In addition, especially sensitive people There may be terrible excitement and depression on the eve of a very important event, such as introductory or final exams or their own wedding.

Sometimes even bad weather may cause lightweight chanders and despondency.

In addition, a very often depressed state is celebrated in women during pregnancy. In most cases, during pregnancy, this is connected with fear before childbirth, poor physical well-being, restricting the usual lifestyle, material difficulties. Also, sometimes the state of apathy and despondency during the waiting period of the child are associated with hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman and a disruption of metabolism, which, in turn, has an impact on the work of vegetative nervous system Future mom.

What to do and how to deal with the Handrea with the depressed state of the Spirit?

In severe cases when a person cannot independently cope with the depressed state of the spirit and bad moodIt is necessary to refer to a psychologist or psychotherapist. Qualified specialist The general condition of the body will object to the overall state, will understand the causes of despondency and will help you get rid of exhausting chanders using various methods of psychocorrection and the use of necessary medicines.

As a rule, cope with reactive psychosis, depression and other mental disorders, leading to the state of depression, in the initial stage can be independently.

To do this, follow such useful recommendations, as:

  • "Know yourself" - they say many famous psychologists in response to the question of how to get rid of

oppressive mood and unpleasant feeling of depression. This means that, first of all, it is necessary to understand yourself and determine what a negative action caused your reluctance to live, communicate with other people and to engage in familiar business. You may need to make a close man or, on the contrary, break the relationship that you are. In some cases, it is useful to change the work and business of activity at all. Do not forget that no specialist will be able to figure out your feelings and thoughts, better than you yourself;

  • In addition, it should be organized right mode Nutrition. Drink small portions 4-5 times a day. At the same time, the daily menu must include fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, nuts, various varieties Meat, dairy products and bitter chocolate. All these products are an excellent tool to improve and maintain a good mood and arrangement of the Spirit;
  • In any weather at least 2 hours a day, walk in the fresh air. Walks are eliminated from stress and contribute to the production of nutrients responsible for the feeling of pleasure and joy;
  • Finally, you need to constantly force yourself to do something. So you can strengthen your willpower and get rid of bad thoughts. Remember your affairs you need to do in the near future, and slowly fulfill them all.
  • Some psychologists argue that the state of depression, anxiety and hopeless sadness arises from a man from idleness. Of course, this opinion is controversial, however, there is a certain meaning in this statement. After all, if a person is constantly engaged in his favorite thing, he has no time for Handru and despondency, which means that he can distract from all his problems and not think about them.

    Thus, if you felt unwillingness to communicate and work, remember all the affairs that could deliver true pleasure to you, and try to highlight for some time. You will see all the alarms, fears and depressive moods will instantly go to the background.

    Invisited state

    When the oppressed state overtakes, people feel trapped, which cuts them off from the familiar medium, thus preventing them to respond to it accordingly and interact with other people. Chalays for people in such a state are the loss of joy of life, sadness, wine and worthlessness. They experience, - loss of energy and interest, sleep impairment, disruption of appetite and weight, a disturbed sense of time, there is no desire to communicate with other people, as a result of which intra-family relationships are destroyed, as well as personal and social relations, as a rule, crash, so As a person feels insecure in all areas of life, and sometimes it is not able to leave his imprisonment, or this is given to him by very much effort on himself, which depends on the degree of state of depression.

    Since there are written sources, there are instructions on what people have suffered from all times by depressions. Back in the VIII century before the Nativity, Homer described depressive suffering in Iliade. He told how Bellerofont wandered aimlessly and wall in longing and despair:

    Depressed, the oppressed state of frustration

    I wished, I wanted, sought, but did not reach the state of frustration, I can't achieve the goal - the problem is an depressed state

    When a person does not reach any goal, albeit the smallest, he appears an depressed, oppressedly incredible psychological state - frustration.

    Greetings to you, dear readers of the blog of psychoanalyst Matveev Oleg, I wish you mental health.

    Depressed oppressed and decadent status of frustration due to unreadable purposes

    Depending on the significance of the target achieved for a person, his relationship to it and the obstacles themselves have a state of frustration, i.e. Mental experiences various character In connection with the purpose not achieved - depression, depression, the decline of the forces (see the negative emotions of a person - overcoming discharge)

    Based on the psychophysiology of a person, its temperament, character and other personality properties, as well as the frequency of state of depression, decline, oppressions - frustrations, there is a risk of neurosis.

    To avoid this, it is necessary to actively use different techniques and techniques for overcoming and the prevention of depressed, oppressed vests of frustration when the purpose is not achieving.

    Frustation state - depression, depression, decay

    In order to overcome the frustration and associated state of depression (depression, stress, anger, irritation, mental excitement, etc.), it is necessary to overcome psychological protection.

    It is also useful to do psychotraining and autotraining, helping to exit the status of frustration.

    In extreme cases, you need to turn to a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.

    Frank conversations with friends, family also contribute to the discharge of psychologically depressed, oppressed states (frustrations).

    Finally, for the prevention, in order not to appear frustration, do not say "I can't reach the goal," you need to set goals that can actually achieve, i.e. The level of claims must correspond to the level of the possibilities of the individual, and for this should be adequate self-esteem.

    I wish you all psychological well-being!

    Many useful you will find in the site of psychological help Oleg Matveyeva

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    Psychological assistance, psychologist's advice Online: psychoanalysis, psychotherapy

    Depression: Causes, Types, Treatment Help in Moscow Clinic Transfiguration

    Depression is a mental state that is accompanied by sadness, poor mood, the lack of desire to do something. The reasons for the depression may be several: an unresolved conflict, strong excitement about the upcoming important event, bad weather, a quarrel with loved ones.

    What if you are depressed?

    It is important not to escape from depression, but finding its causes and solve issues that provoked the emergence of such a mental condition. Depression is one of the reactions of your body to unknown or low-controlled events. Usually, before this, a person made a lot of effort and fought, including with himself, until he came to despair. To start climbing - it is necessary, first of all, regret ourselves. And so much so you can cry. And then you need to remember that the depression, apathy, grief, the depression is destroying in your body, soul and youth. Get frightened and start looking for a loophole for recovery.

    And get angry: how could you bring yourself to such a state! Start walking, stumping your feet and swear. And even remember those people who once touched and handed you and shout on them, mentally posing them next. Climbing the stairs of emotional tones must be gradually, not ahead and not missing a single step. It is better to do this with an experienced psychotherapist.

    Anyone may encounter depression or depression.

    It is important to remember that there are specialists who will help to cope with your problems. Feel free to contact them.

    Psychological minimal

    Not always new events and changes are welcome and pleasant. As a result, fear may arise before change, regenerate appears. It can be a natural reaction to unwanted events, if accompanies a person with a short time. If it is not possible to achieve your goal or implement the planned plans, frustration often develops. Also frustration appears when losing valuable things close people. When the person's endurance does not withstand changes, the depressed state develops. If you do not attend a psychologist at such a moment, the depression can easily grow into depression or apathy.

    Emotional minimal

    Inability to express your emotions can be the cause of emotional depression and a common bad state. Your parents or other important adults told you in childhood phrases: "Calm down", "stop crying, you're an adult", "Stop your hysteria, otherwise I will get a belt," forbidden to show your emotions? If so, then you should not be surprised at your current mental state. Despite the fact that you are already an adult man, parental "settings" still act, causing emotional depression. Of course, you should not blame the parents in the fact that they misunderstood you. They did it as they knew how. Often behavior in crisis situations and reactions on them we are studying precisely in our parent family. In some families there is a ban on the manifestation of some emotions. For example, anger or fear. And the person at any stress has to fall in grief or depression. Essential families and working groups, where to even rejoice and loudly laugh forbidden, and enthusiasm is simply suppressed.

    In this situation, it is important to understand: charges and regret only exacerbate the current state of affairs. It is necessary to accept what was and to work on that your emotions learned to "be friends" with you. Then you can get rid of emotional depression. How to determine if you have this condition?

    How do you behave in difficult situations? If you have emotions in response to unexpected changes and you can express them creatively, without harmful for yourself and others, then you are "friends" with your emotions. If in a difficult situation you do not feel any emotions or lose control over them, you will have to find with them "Common Language". And then emotional depression and bad spiritual health will not be disturbed to live.

    Inner minor

    There may be several reasons for such a state: unpleasant events in life, loss of loved ones, failures in important affairs, depressed emotions, inability to understand themselves and their feelings. The inner depression is accompanied by: a bad mood, a steady desire to escape from everyone and, above all, from himself.

    If you have one or even a few such signs, you do not need to wait until everything decides. Contact a psychologist or psychotherapist who will help you get rid of inner depression and return the ability to enjoy life.

    How to deal with depression?

    To get rid of this unpleasant state, you must use two effective method: Appeal to a psychologist, psychotherapist and independent work on yourself, using professional advice.

    "Are you looking for a person who would hand out for your hand help? Remember that you already have two hands, "the author of the method of positive psychotherapy Nossrat Pesheshkian.

    The specialist will help you find the causes of the development of such a mental state and select the optimal methods to get rid of the depression. Your task in this case is the fulfillment of all regulations and regular work on yourself.

    Do not wait for the depression by itself. Such a state can signal the development of severe diseases (mental or somatic). Contact your specialist today. And tomorrow you will be better.

    Treatment of depression

    It is not always the cause of the development of an depressed state are psychological factors. Sometimes this spiritual health provoke mental and bodily diseases, as well as organic changes in the brain. So, long-term infections exhausting chronic diseases, acute or household stress, leading to a decrease in serotonin, hormonal changes and avitinosis can cause bad mood, the development of depression and even depression without any adverse external events.

    Getting rid of an unpleasant mental condition includes:

    Preparations and medicines from depression

    After consultation, the specialists of the clinic will be able to appoint a course of treatment. And, if necessary, you will select antidepressants, tranquilizers, vitamins and other drugs for the treatment of depression. As well as prescribe the necessary examination and analyzes to identify the cause of depression.

    Treatment in the clinic "Transfiguration"

    The clinic employs doctors, psychologists and rehabilitologists with extensive experience in treating different psychological problems and psyche disorders. The "Transfiguration" clinic uses various methods of treating depression, and experts prescribe an individual course for each client. The complex methods that use psychotherapists and psychiatrists of the clinic include:

    • medical treatment (antidepressants, neuroleptics, etc.);
    • psychotherapeutic techniques;
    • massage;

    On the doctors of the clinic "Transfiguration"

    Our psychologists, psychotherapists or, if necessary, psychiatrists of the clinic will help you to get rid of the depression. An integrated treatment approach will help you solve your mental problems, cope with difficult life situations, gain harmony and mental comfort. Here you will find support and assistance that will return to you the joy of a full-fledged life and will help solve your exciting questions.

    If you have a psychological discomfort, you can not get rid of the bad mood yourself, you have redundance or frustration, contact our clinic. We will help you to return the spiritual comfort and gain the joy of life.

    Contacts Clinic "Transfiguration"

    Specialists of the clinic "Transfiguration" are waiting for you at:

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    (on the territory of the Russian Federation the call is free)

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    about our professionals

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    Depressed Condition

    Daily stressful situationsThe lack of sleep, vitamins and sunlights can provoke the appearance of an depressed psychological state in each person, regardless of its age.

    Types of depressed mental state

    1. Emotional. Do not blame the person in the fact that he does not show any emotions. After all, the option is not excluded that now in life it is experiencing emotional depression. The nature of such a state is hidden in childhood. There is a category of parents who are just a day in their baby: "What are you crying? Who do you look like now? What are these emotions? " As a result, the absence of emotional manifestations is considered the norm.
    2. Interior. In short, the ability to enjoy life is lost. This may be caused by loss close manfailure in vital affairs for a person. In addition, all this is accompanied by the desire to hide from the surrounding world, from himself.
    3. Psychological. The oppressed depressed state may be a testimony of fear for his own life, the fear of what is so nothing will be able to achieve in life, the fear that the planned so does not happen.

    Invalued, depressed, low-cost state - how to deal with it?

    There is always a way out. First of all, it is necessary to work on our own "I". Do not wait for this state to leave without any help. It, unfortunately, can paint into something more disagreeable. So, the great psychologist A. Adler always spoke to his disciples: "If you want to get rid of the depressed state, Handra, despondency, you need to remind yourself every day that you wish to please someone." What causes a feeling of depression? Permanent thoughts of their personality, and when a person takes care of others, gives them a smile, it helps him to find peace and get rid of oppressive depression.

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    Depressed (oppressed) condition: why arises and how to cope with it

    The depressed state (oppressed state) is the pathological state of the psyche, characterized by a decrease in mood, lack of interest and deterioration general status. The oppressed state can be one of the symptoms of neurosis, depression or arising as independent pathology.

    The reasons

    Periodically, such a state arises from absolutely healthy mentally people who are experiencing or survived a severe emotional state, mental injury or protracted stress.

    Pathological this state can be when the symptoms are preserved for several months, the appearance of symptoms of others mental diseases or the appearance of suicidal thoughts and intentions.

    There may be an oppressed state due to:

    1. Fast injury - any psychological trauma: death or severe disease of a loved one, divorce, loss of work and so on, causes the oppression of the human psyche. He takes time to survive this and start living with ordinary life again. Sometimes, especially if the patient has to hide his feelings or he refuses to admit and accept them, such a state continues for too long and the psyche of a person cannot recover.
    2. Constant stress - negative emotions, regularly experienced by a person, cause strong depletion of the psyche, as a result its oppression develops. This is a protective reaction of the body, which thus tries to protect the nervous system from excessive load. Depression may occur even with a slight, constant stress - in high school students before exams, in people who are forced to constantly communicate with people and so on.
    3. Many problems - the inability to solve one large or many small problems also causes the depletion of the nervous system and the human psyche. Finding in such a state for a long time can lead to problems with the psyche, including the depression.
    4. Guilt. Another powerful negative factor that has a greater impact on the state of the psyche.
    5. No plans and goals. Low motivation or its absence leads to a general dissatisfaction with his life and can provoke the development of psychopathology.
    6. Low self-esteem. Another important factor in the development of depression. Low self-esteem, as a rule, is accompanied by uncertainty in its abilities, fear of something new and inability to realize its desires.


    Experienced stress or psychological injury can cause a state of depression, which lasts from several days to several weeks and does not require special treatment. A man in an depressed state continues to perform daily responsibilities, communicates with others and does not refuse to help. In more severe cases, a person's psyche cannot cope with unpleasant experiences, and he "stuck" in this state.

    Several forms of pathological depression are isolated:

    • psychological depression;
    • emotional depression;
    • internal depression.

    Psychological minimal

    It occurs most often due to the internal conflict, the inability to carry out the desired, achieve the goal and so on. A person spends too much strength and domestic resources on the planned or on the experience of any failure and cannot cope with it. As a result, it closes in himself, ceases to achieve the goal, feels the decline of strength and motivation. In such a state, people can stop communicating with people, visit any entertainment events, and in difficult situations - even refuse to leave the house.

    Emotional minimal

    Her appearance can provoke psychological injury, heavy stress or other experience. The inability to worry and "live" negative emotions leads to what they accumulate, block the consciousness of a person and become the cause of the development of psychosomatic diseases or emotional depression.

    Such pathology is most often bottled from those people who, in childhood, forbidden to openly show their emotions, shaped them for tears, fear or weakness. In adulthood, the ability to cope with their feelings can cause many problems with the psyche - if negative emotions will be too strong, they can cause a nervous breakdown or severe depression.

    With this form of the disease, a person seems to be "frozen", it becomes little emotional, ceases to enjoy life and be interested in anything. Non-futured emotions can cause problems with sleep, appetite, headaches, heart pain or stomach, as well as general deterioration.

    Inner minor

    The cause of its development can be any negative experience or psychological trauma. Internal depression arises due to severe experiences or negative emotions that "dig" inside a person.

    There is an internal depression constantly poor mood, lack of motivation, desire to avoid contact with others. Such a person can completely stop attempts to achieve anything, in general to perform any actions and simply "sail for the flow." Internal depression is dangerous in that the patients can start taking alcohol, drugs, play in gambling Or to deal with something dangerous or illegal, in attempts to somehow fill the inner emptiness.

    Danger and consequences of this state

    Depression or oppressed state may cause the development of depression, neurosis, lead patient to alcoholism or drug addiction. Also, the lack of motivation and desire to achieve something leads to the fact that a person does not develop, agrees to exist in any conditions and does not try to achieve something better.


    You can cope with the depressed state yourself or with the help of a specialist. If a person is aware of his problem and wants to change his condition, psychoanalysis will help cope with the depression, changing the lifestyle or reception of plant sedatives.

    In more complex cases, it is recommended to contact a specialist, since only a doctor will be able to accurately assess the patient's condition, the risk of diseases such as depression or neurosis and to designate correct medication and psychotherapy.

    Medicia treatment

    Treatment of depression and apathy usually includes a reception:

    1. Sedative preparations - Novopasit, Palm Forte, Valerian tincture and others. These drugs are characterized by the softness of the action, almost do not have side effects and are recommended by patients who experience unbearable anxiety, irritation or those who have problems with sleep and appetite. Take sedative preparations will have to have several weeks or months.
    2. Antidepressants - amitriptyline, fluoxetine, sertraline and others. Antidepressants are used with pronounced apathy, reduced mood and emotional devastation. Modern drugs Remote minimum side effects, dose and remedy are selected by the doctor individually. All antidepressants begin to act only after a while after the start of reception - from 5 to 20 days, so the course of treatment should be at least 6 weeks.


    Psychotherapeutic treatment helps the patient to realize the causes of depression and cope with internal problems.

    Most often use cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, rational, psychoanalysis and auxiliary techniques: dance gerapets, art therapy, music therapy, and so on.

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    "I am a young attractive girl, work in a good company, in absentia by finishing the institute, I have good friends and a close beloved person with whom I have serious plans for your future life. The surrounding emphasize my goodwill, sense of humor. I am sure that none of my surroundings can guess about my problems. Somewhere 5 years ago, the attacks of a strong (reaching up to panic), voltages, which lead to a terribly depressed state occur. In childhood (in school years), the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia, other diseases relating to my problem, were not found. For the first time with me it happened in 19 years. Without visible reasons My well-being worsened, and Kandra has sharply. Life seemed to stop, I changed dramatically. The depressed mood was tormented, I was constantly rooted, I thought I was going crazy. Then I have not yet understood what happens to me. I rushed, I had a feeling of despair, hopelessness, I could not eat, there was a very strong weakness, nausea, trembling, constantly frozen. I then sat for days (or rather, lying) at home, could not go to work. My family was very worried about me, but did not know what to help, the father vinyl in all of me. A month later I began to walk in doctors and I found hypoteriosis thyroid gland (Very small deviation from the norm), and I decided that all problems because of this. Assigned light hormones for the thyroid gland, and I gradually came out of this state.

    Although sometimes continued to experience despondency, Handra and anxiety. Later, when I was 21 years old, the situation was repeated. I again have a sharply increased anxiety, the depressed mood strengthened, could not fall asleep, began panic attacks. There was a huge phobia to go crazy, sometimes it seemed that I was already crazy. From this thought I experienced a strong depressive condition, and gradually came to full helplessness with her ailment. I did not know what was happening to me, there was a strong feeling of fear, hopelessness, thoughts about suicide. Handra diluted with again. I seemed to die. And then I first turned to the regional psychiatrist, thinking that I had schizophrenia (I was sure of that).

    He spent a conversation with me, said that I didn't have such a disease, prescribed medication. At that time, I did not satisfy me, I did not see the exit from my situation, and for me then (and now) it is most important to return the harmony and peace of mind in my life, stop doing and suffer, start living normally, stop being afraid. It took six months, and there were no visible improvements, I was in a state of fear and hopelessness. Kandra has ever overwhelmed me. And then I turned to a psychotherapist doctor. He spent several conversations with me (5 sessions for 5 days), for more time, unfortunately, I could not stay.

    He diagnosed depression. The doctor advised me to go through the course complex therapy In the outpatient office. But at that time, I could not do it. His consultations and pills helped me very much at that time, the former life came back to me, I began to start urgent plans and questions again. A young man appeared, and the goal for the future. But a sense of depression remained, I was not fully sure that I was not crazy, could not get rid of the thought of schizophrenia. I lived with some inner anxiety, sometimes she poured into tears and despair. And now - I, an externally prosperous girl, staying in a state of constant inner tension, Handry, anxiety, fear for the fact that I will never be able to live normally. I have again apathy for everything, I need a roar every day because of my fears and experiences, it seems to me that something is wrong with me, that I can not be like everything, i.e. Quietly live and not cheat, do not inflate problems.

    I am also very clear and, as it turned out, jealous (with jealousy, I more or less cope, because I understand that not the right). After a large break again, I started taking pills discharged by the doctor who helped, but now the feeling of anxiety and the depressed mood does not completely disappear.

    I also still have a feeling of the unreality of what is happening, sometimes it seems that I am not me (I'm afraid to approach the mirror and not to know myself). Plus, I'm still experiencing problems with sleep (I wake up in fear at night or early in the morning), I have a rapid heartbeat, problems with the intestine (recently started). Recently, it became a very scattered, fussy-tier, and when breakdowns happen, then, on the contrary, I begin to roar and at the end, I fall into a stupor. So it happens almost every day and, as you understand, he oppresses me very much.

    I understand that the more I launch my problem, the worse it becomes and the harder it will get rid of this problem. My goal, my meaning and my hope is to get rid of this state of fear and depression, start to live normally, and not to spend all the strength and nerves on these endless flour! I wish it all the soul, ready to do everything you need for this! I want and, I hope that I can live normally! I have no longer forces to live. "

    How to deal with the depressed mood

    It is very dangerous to fight the Handrea. This state of the nervous system is associated with many different processes of the body. For proper treatment Such a mental state is required to consider both individual formation parameters and features exchange processes Whole organism.

    Therefore, for the treatment of an depressed mood, it is necessary not to the surface definition of symptoms, but the clarification of all parameters affecting the formation and manifestation of the Handra.

    The depressed mood or the Kandra, it is suffocating, unprecedented and heavy feeling that suddenly falls on and is completely unknown when it goes away.

    Handra and its manifestation
    • Almost daily loss of vital energy;
    • Fast fatiguability;
    • Oscillations in the choice, indecision, the difficulty of concentration;
    • Daily increased drowsiness And at the same time, insomnia can manifest itself;
    • Loss of interest in hobbies, beloved classes;
    • Loss or increase in appetite
    • Weight change (both loss and weight gain);
    • Inhibition or psychomotor excitation (restlessness);
    • Coming thoughts of death or suicide.

    Very often, the depressed mood and the Handra "sees". A man is trying to raise his mood by eating, most often consumed chocolate or other sweets, fatty, high-calorie food. This is due to the fact that meals are always accompanied by any living being, a sense of satisfaction, joy, pleasure. Therefore, the brain is thus trying to get out of the exhausting feeling of repression, Handra.


    If life on earth does not change, then in 5-7 years mental disorders, among other things, will become the most common diseases of the residents of the Earth. This was announced at the first global ministerial conference on healthy image Life that took recently in Moscow. And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), today every fourth resident of the Earth suffers from mental disorders. Further will be even worse, specialists prophesy.
    So - all the earthlings will be patients with psychiatric clinics? But after all, it was sad before - without such catastrophic consequences for their own mental health. How much does Kandra are really dangerous for life?

    Some psychologists having a weak idea of mental processes, love to pervert various scientific achievements In psychiatry and unequivocally to slow down medicine, arguing that in the twentieth century Psychiatry managed to turn normal sadness into pathological depression.
    This is far from the truth, as in order to diagnose "Depression", a psychiatrist, psychotherapist (psychotherapist), not enough complaints only for the presence of depressed mood and Handra.

    I would like to repeat once again that the presence of an depressed mood and Handra cannot be the main component, so that the psychotherapist makes a diagnosis of "depression", since these mental reactions are value as symptoms, signs, the presence of any Changes in the highest reactions nervous activity. And only on the basis of a number of signs that are determined in the process of pathopsychological examination, a psychotherapist can conclude about the true state of human mental health. At the same time, the presence of an depressed mood, Handra, does not always talk about the development of any mental disorder, including early talking about the presence of depression.


    In the case of a girl who so brightly described its problems related to the quality of life due to the sensations of the feeling of depression, it can be said that it did not pass the complete, the necessary course of complex therapy, so its torment not only did not completely end, but also repeated Somewhat later, and with more pronounced symptoms. Naturally, the previously selected treatment has now become not effective and does not bring the effect that she expected. Mental disorder is developing and passes to a higher level, requiring other approaches to treatment, the use of other techniques and their combinations.

    The girl is in vain worrying that she is sick of schizophrenia. Judging by the description, most likely to assume the development of one of the forms of depression, with severe anxiety and vegetative dysfunction.
    Various mental disorders in which the suppressed mood and the Kandra may be integrated treatmentwhich individually picks up and conducts an experienced psychotherapist.
    The girl was recommended to still not waste time and undergo treatment over an outpatient program, not throwing treatment for half a threaters, and strictly fulfill all the recommendations of her attending physician. She passed a complete course of therapy in Brain Clinic and for more than a year lives full life Do not complaining about past symptoms.

    Handra and the depressed mood should not worry again and again.

    These mental states Good treatable.

    We will be able to provide you with the necessary and safe assistance.

    Although modern medicine Right moving forward, and technology has already achieved enough high levelBut we, ordinary people, are increasingly meeting with new ailments.

    Very many women living in big cities feel depressed.

    The high patem of life and a huge number of stress - all this adversely affects the human psyche. With such issues, we often appeal to various specialists, but sometimes it only worsens the situation. What to do with this ailment of modernity and which exist effective methods exit from the depressed state?

    What is the state of depression?

    The depressed state is the loss of interest in everything around and staying because of this in deep depression. Every woman is familiar - there is no strength and energy, and do not want to do anything. I don't even want to rest, meet with friends, there are no hobbies and hobbies, lost the joy of life.

    There are several factors that can cause the depression state:

    • many unsolved problems;
    • illusion of an unprotected and hopeless future;
    • unfulfilled dreams;
    • overvoltage or overwork, stress;
    • feeling of guilt before someone;
    • envy and anger;
    • lack of goals and plans for the future;
    • black stripe in life;
    • feeling incorrectly chosen life path or its complete absence;
    • disappointment in someone or something;
    • fear.

    Many of us are not particularly recognized by the existing problem and, as a result, do not try to solve it. In such cases, internal stress and discomfort grow in a rapid pace. Some try to "drown" these sensations harmful habits: Start drinking, smoking, etc. But it can remove the problem only for a while, after which it appears again.

    What is the depressed state?

    In total, experts allocate three types of depressed state:

    1. Emotional depression. The person does not show his emotions properly, but it is impossible to reproach him and blame. It is possible, it is in an emotionally depressed state.

    2. Internal depression. This state occurs when suddenly the ability to enjoy life disappears and is lost somewhere in the past. There may be failures, insecurity or even loss of loved ones. At such moments, many want to hide from everyone, including yourself.

    3. Psychological depression. This type of depressed state is usually caused by fear. Fear for your life, fear that the next failure in life awaits you, that the plans are not destined to come true.

    What are the consequences?

    The absence of cases can lead to depression and apathy, human activity becomes minimal. Nothing pleases, as before. The time seems to stop. Probably, the depressed state and dangerous.

    If a person does not possess completely no clear goals, it is unlikely to lead to results and achievements. What used to seem to be a dream, now it is unlikely to bring joy if suddenly comes true.

    All this, in the end, leads to a very deep depression, to get out with which one almost impossible, it will be necessary to help a specialist.

    Effective ways of struggle

    In severe and launched cases, it is not without the help of a good specialist, for example, a psychotherapist or a psychologist. It will appreciate the situation and the degree of its seriousness, will give delivel advice in the fight against the depressed state, will find its reason and will write the necessary medicines.

    Fortunately, if the depressed condition is on initial stages And until it has time to develop in something serious, then you can quite cope with it yourself. There are many recommendations useful in such cases. The following tips include the most highlights.

    To begin with, you simply must understand for the very reason, to understand that it was the depressed state that caused you, the unwillingness to communicate, act, to act with something useful. You can immediately try to solve the problem if there is such an opportunity. For example, to come together with a close person, to make it, to decide the question that caused it. Maybe the opposite, when a person needs to break relations and communications, if communicating with it and led you to such a state. Sometimes it is necessary to change the work and in general to change the type of activity.

    Among other things, it is worth watching your power regimen and make some changes to it. It is recommended to have 4-5 food meals per day. In the daily diet, it is important to include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, black chocolate and dairy products. All this together is a huge step towards a good mood.

    Despite the weather nuances, walk in the fresh air, even alone. This will noticeably improve the condition of the entire body, will save from stress and give a huge number of positive, bright emotions.

    Work and favorite hobbies are important factors in the fight against the depressed state. Many psychologists say that many have a problem occurs just because of idleness. In women of active, employed beloved things, the state of depression occurs extremely rarely. All problems depart into the background when you do what you love. Make a list of cases you have to do exactly today, and immediately proceed to their execution. Already very soon you will notice that you get real pleasure from entertaining classes, and the depressed state puts on you not as before.

    Is it worth taking antidepressants?

    Very many "well-wishers" advise in such cases to take antidepressants, but is it worth going to it? Below we have collected everything for both against, so you can already solve you.

    Usually antidepressants are taken when depressed, as they improve the mood and remove apathy, fear, voltage. We cannot but recognize that they lead to the norm appetite and sleep, increase activity. But despite all these beneficial featuresThe need for their admission is still quite controversial.

    Scientists of the Medical Columbia University conducted a study, as a result of which it turned out that antidepressants do not give the desired effect for almost 50% of patients who accept them. Because of them, the volume of serotonin in the body increases uncontrollable, and this may adversely affect functions such as breathing, heartbeat and others.

    Among other things, such drugs are harmful to the brain. They lead to a violation of cognitive and motor function. There are side effects consisting in the difficulty of performing conventional daily work, movement and lowering common reaction. People who take antidepressants are more often falling in the accident, since their attention is significantly reduced. The longer the period of drug reception, the more noticeable all these side effects.

    The depressed state is a fairly serious problem. And if you failed to overcome it yourself, do not tighten, and refer to experienced specialists. We, in turn, wish you health, activity and cheerfulness. Let the depressed state not meet you on the life path!

    Pokidin Svetlana
    for women's magazine www.Syt

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    Many people do not observe what is an depressed state and how much it oppresses. To get out of it, you need to understand why it arose. Only by eliminating the factors that call it, you can again enjoy life.

    What is an depressed state?

    When a person loses interest in the world around, feels the decline of strength, mental equilibrium disappears, we can say that it "captured" the oppressed state. He does not want to go to work, to meet with friends, he is not fond of anything, stressful situations are knocked out of the gauge.

    Such apathy arises due to certain reasons:

    Some people do not recognize their problems for a long time, and therefore do not solve them. Over time, internal discomfort and fallen state grow up and get rid of it much more difficult. A person begins to "eat" his anxiety or drowning it with other bad habits. But they bring temporary relief, so it is important to recognize the problem and find the "root of evil."

    What is the danger of such a state?

    When the emotional cargo becomes near, it is injected by hopelessness. This blocks human activity and leads to apathy and depression. He "sink" in his inaction and life ceases to delight him. This is dangerous depressed and oppressed mental state.

    When a person lives on inertia, without putting his goals, he is unlikely to achieve any results. He ceases to dream, he does not need anything, it becomes indifferent to what previously caused sincere joy.

    It leads to heavy protracted depressions, with which a person cannot cope with independently.

    Reset the cargo

    It is from it that all problems begin. When the cargo of unresolved issues becomes hot, it is necessary to get rid of it. The swarm of impossible thoughts leads to anxious state and uncertainty, provokes an emotional disorder.

    Believe in good!

    A pessimistic prediction, as a rule, appears due to the fact that the person is too concentrated on something bad, melting everything is good from the look, which happens to it.

    The imaginary anxiety can disturb the person even more than the real one, because he coars himself and cherishes his experiences.

    When there are many such forecasts, this condition occurs over time. A person is not looking for ways to solve problems and justifies itself to the fact that anyway will not work. He shifts responsibility for his life on others or fate, accusing in all adversities random coincidences.

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