Which is better rezalut Essentiale or Phosphogliv. Essentiale or Phosphogliv - what to choose for the treatment of liver diseases

The liver is important body a person who takes on activities in hematopoiesis, metabolic processes involving enzymes, hormones, bile production, saving energy reserves (glycogen), maintaining lipid balance. But a particularly important function of the liver is the binding and elimination of toxins from the human body. Medicines from the hepatoprotector series are aimed at supporting or alleviating painful conditions of the liver. Patients are often interested in which drug is better - Phosphogliv or Essentiale, Phosphogliv and Phosphogliv Forte, what's the difference? The drugs have enough differences, so it is not easy to answer the question unambiguously.

Both drugs are hepatoprotective drugs, with the same active ingredient - phospholipids, which have a beneficial effect on the regeneration and strengthening of liver cells. How to choose the right medication, Phosphogliv or Essentiale - which is better, patient reviews about drug treatment.

It should be noted the differences in the composition of Phosphogliv - in addition to the main active ingredient, the drug contains glycyrrhizic acid, which differs from all other hepatoprotectors. This acid helps to influence the cause of the pathological condition of the liver and exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug is prescribed to support the liver in case of serious infectious and toxic lesions of the organ. Patients note that while taking Phosphogliv not only improves liver function, but also reduces symptoms acne, psoriasis.

According to patients, the drug Phosphogliv has such positive sides:

  • affordable price;
  • improved composition of the drug;
  • quickly restores normal performance blood test;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

The drug is produced in Russia, has minimal contraindications and a relatively low price. Some patients note that Phosphogliv, unlike Essentiale, has a higher treatment efficiency.

Essentiale is made on the basis of soy lecithin, therefore it is considered completely natural preparation with minimal contraindications. Essential phospholipids take part in the structure of the membrane of hepatocytes, which are the first to suffer in various toxic liver lesions.

Benefits of using Essentiale Forte N:

  • can be prescribed to pregnant women with liver pathologies;
  • quickly restores liver function;
  • has minimal side effects;
  • provides good support for the liver during serious drug therapies.

Patients respond well to taking Essentiale, but with a clarification - the drug has more effect on the effect, and not on the cause of the disease. Therefore, the drug can only be used in the form complex treatment and liver recovery.

Instructions for the use of medicines

The action of Phosphogliv or Essentiale is aimed at restoring the integrity of hepatocytes, which are directly involved in the process of cleaning the blood from poisons. During an increased toxic load, hepatocytes begin to break down, and the liver fails to quickly regenerate its tissues.

Therefore, the destroyed areas begin to be replaced by adipose or connective tissue, which can lead to fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver. The main task of medicines is to support the regenerative function of the liver, as well as in the membrane protection of the organ from damage.

Essentiale is considered effective drug to restore liver function. The medicine has a beneficial effect on the regenerative function, a positive effect on the processes of blood purification.

But this effect will be full only if the cause of liver disease is established and neutralized. That's why independent application Essentiale will not bring the desired result to the patient. It is necessary to contact a specialist to clarify the causes of the disease and undergo a full drug therapy.

Glycyrrhizic acid in the composition of Phosphogliv has an effect that reduces inflammatory processes in the tissues of the parenchyma, and also stops the growth of connective cells and improves the function of binding and removing toxins from the body.

Therefore, Phosphogliv affects not only the recovery mechanisms in the body, but also removes the cause of the degenerative process - inflammation. Both active components allow Phosphogliv to act more effectively on liver cells, so the drug was included in the list of important hepatoprotective agents.

There are several options for the drug in pharmacies, and patients are interested in how Phosphogliv differs from Phosphogliv Forte? Both drugs work in a similar way, since they have the same composition. But the medicine with the prefix Forte has a large supply of active ingredients, so the effect of taking it will be noticeable faster.

In the preparation Forte:

  • the amount of phospholipids is 4 or more times higher than in the usual version of the drug - 60 milligrams versus 300 milligrams;
  • the composition of glycerrisic acid is doubled - 35 milligrams versus 65 milligrams.

In other parameters: indications, method of use, mechanism of influence and pharmacology - Phosphogliv and Phosphogliv Forte are identical.

Both drugs are liver repair drugs, so they have similar indications for use.

Phosphogliv is used as an independent agent or as part of complex therapy with such pathologies:

  • viral hepatitis in acute and chronic form, alcoholic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • damage to the liver parenchyma by toxic and poisonous substances;
  • hepatosis of non-alcoholic nature;
  • as part of therapy skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema);
  • for therapy aimed at removing toxins from the blood and liver.

Phosphogliv and Phosphogliv Forte are two-component drugs that contain phospholipids and sodium glycyrrhizinate.

The latter is produced from licorice, so Phosphogliv also exhibits anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, activates the protective functions of the body and cellular immune mechanisms exposure to pathogenic proteins.

The preparations are available in pharmacies in the form of capsules or lyophilisate for injection. Not for use in pregnant or lactating women. Medicines are produced in Russia.

Essentiale is prescribed as a complex therapy with anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs during such diseases:

  • destructive processes in the liver, aimed at fat accumulation;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis of various nature in chronic or acute forms;
  • toxic damage to the parenchyma of various etiologies;
  • during a period of severe toxicosis in women in position;
  • as part of therapy for the treatment of psoriasis.

Essentiale contains carefully purified essential phospholipids, which are also produced by the body, but are less functional and active.

Essentiale helps to improve the protective functions of the liver, has a positive effect on regeneration processes, restores the wrong mechanisms of enzyme and protein metabolism. This allows the liver to regulate fat and enzyme metabolism and restore all cleansing functions.

Produced in the form of capsules and injections. In severe liver damage, an injection type of medication is first used, after a pronounced relief of symptoms, you can switch to the capsule form of the drug. The medicine is made in Germany.

For better absorption of the active ingredients, the capsules or tablets should be taken with meals with a small amount of water. The medicine can not be cracked, the capsules are swallowed whole.

Phosphogliv and Essentiale as a whole differ in the average time of taking the medicine. If Essentiale must be taken for at least 90 days for a tangible effect, then Phosphogliv has an average course for acute manifestations illness is about a month. For chronic and severe liver damage, treatment may be more long time or be appointed in several stages with breaks.

The rules for taking Essentiale look like this:

  1. Usually taken the same way for the treatment of various diseases- 2 capsules 2 or 3 times a day or 5-10 mg once or twice a day. The solution for injection is administered only intravenously at a slow pace, not more than 1 ml per minute.
  2. The maximum dosage of the drug is 6 capsules or 1800 mg of the drug per day, or 20 mg (4 ampoules).
  3. Medicine in the form of capsules is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age or weighing up to 43 kg. Children are given only injections strictly as prescribed by the doctor, 1 time per day.
  4. The correct schedule for taking medications is determined by the doctor, but usually chronic forms of diseases require therapy lasting from 6 months, while acute diseases require 3 months.
  5. Intravenous administration the medication lasts about 10-30 days, further therapy is possible with the help of tablets. The chronic form of the disease requires therapy from 6 months, acute diseases - from 1-3 months. How preventive measure– from 90 days.

General rules to use the drug Phosphogliv:

  1. Take 1-2 capsules 3 or 4 times a day, washed down with plain water. Treatment of acute forms of diseases lasts a month, chronic forms - six months of continuous use or two courses of 2-3 months with a break of 30 days.
  2. The average duration of therapy is 30 days, in chronic forms of the disease it is possible to use the drug in courses of 2-3 months.
  3. Capsules are used to treat adults and children from 12 years of age.
  4. Injections are administered only into a vein, the term for taking droppers is 10 days, in further treatment a capsule form of the drug is used. The method of drug administration is slow. acute illness requires the use of the drug 1-2 times a day for a month, the chronic form - three times a week for 6-12 months.

During treatment with both Essentiale and Phosphogliv, alcohol is contraindicated. Although the drugs do not enter into chemical reactions with alcohol, but by its action, alcohol increases the toxic load on the liver, completely leveling healing effect drugs.

Some patients believe that if Phosphogliv is an anti-inflammatory drug, it can be used to treat hepatitis C. But this is a viral disease, so antiviral therapy is necessary for full relief. Phosphogliv will help reduce negative impact hepatitis, as well as support the cleansing function of the liver.

For the appointment of the drug Phosphogliv, the following situations will be a contraindication:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic manifestations to the composition of the drug;
  • patients with hormonal imbalance.

Contraindications for taking Essentiale:

  • allergy to any of the components of the drug;
  • for capsule form, age up to 12 years, for injections, age up to 3 years;
  • lactation period in women.

The use of Phosphogliv in women in position is not an absolute contraindication, since studies on the effect of the drug have not been conducted.

Relative contraindication for the use of Phosphogliv in pregnant patients. The prohibition is caused by the activation of immune processes in the body of a woman from taking medications, which can threaten a miscarriage.

Therefore, in exceptional cases, treatment is prescribed for women in position, but under the strict supervision of specialists. If a pregnant woman requires the appointment of Phosphogliv, an analogue of Essliver is possible.

This drug has been successfully used to reduce the negative symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy, as well as various liver pathologies. Available in capsule form.

In most cases, drugs are well tolerated by patients, the occurrence of adverse reactions is not observed.

In exceptional cases, Essentiale can cause the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • diarrhea
  • allergic manifestations on the skin.

The side effects of Phosphogliv are somewhat different:

  • allergic rash, rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • increased blood pressure, possible swelling;
  • various phenomena of a dyspeptic nature;
  • abdominal discomfort.

If such discomfort occurs, the patient should stop treatment and consult a specialist to clarify therapeutic therapy.

The composition of the preparations

The main active ingredient of Essentiale N is essential phospholipids, and if there is no prefix “H” in the name of the drug, then B vitamins are added to the composition.

As part of Phosphogliv, the main active ingredients are phospholipids and trisodium salt (glycyrrhizic acid). The second component has an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which inflammatory processes in the liver are reduced, which adversely affect the parenchyma of the organ. Therefore, Phosphogliv can be used not only as part of complex therapy, but also as an independent treatment.

There are a considerable number of hepatoprotective drugs on the market, so you can pick up analogues of Phosphogliv or Essentiale, for example, Essliver Forte, Heptral, Karsil.

Essliver Forte has a similar active substance- phospholipids, trace elements are also present in the composition. The drug stabilizes the protective membrane of the liver, activates the saturation of hepatocytes with oxygen, improves energy and enzyme metabolism. It has been successfully used to treat liver pathologies in pregnant women.

Heptral was created on the basis of adementionine, has a bright tonic effect. It relieves manifestations of depression, improves liver regeneration, as well as the elimination of dangerous toxins.

Karsil with the active plant component silymarin. Stabilizes the cell membrane, reduces toxic damage to hepatocytes, activates the regeneration process.

There are many analogues of hepatoprotectors on the market, but you should not self-medicate. Each drug has its own contraindications and side effects, and only a specialist will be able to choose the treatment with the optimal dosage.

If we compare both drugs, then the main difference between Essentiale's medication is the need complex application with antiviral or other drugs that will have an effect on the root cause of the disease. The action of Essentiale is aimed at supporting and restoring the functioning of the liver, but will not be able to remove the cause of the pathology.

Advantages and disadvantages of medicines

To determine which is better - the drug Phosphogliv or Essentiale Forte, it is necessary to understand the differences in the composition and work of these drugs. Both medicines are based on the same active ingredient, they are hepatoprotective agents, but they have different actions.

Based on the feedback from patients and physicians, Phosphogliv is more effective, but this is more of a generalization. Only the attending physician will be able to accurately determine the correct medicine.

Both drugs have several differences:

  1. Composition. Phosphogliv also contains trisodium salt, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, Phosphogliv has a wider application than Essentiale.
  2. Clinical researches. Scientists have proven that the use of Phosphogliv significantly improves liver performance when compared with a pure drug based on phospholipids.
  3. Treatment price. Since Essentiale is an imported drug, its price is higher and not every patient is available for long-term therapies. Phosphogliv domestic production, so the drug is more accessible to patients.
  4. Gynecologists use Essentiale, while gastroenterologists prescribe Phosphogliv more to treat patients.

Also, both medications have a different therapeutic course of treatment. The correct medicine and the way it is used is determined only by the attending physician. Appointment directly depends on the disease, stage of development, as well as overall indicators patient.

Preparations from the group of hepatoprotectors based on a phospholipid complex, such as Phosphogliv or Essliver Forte, are designed to restore liver cells and protect them from harmful factors, treatment of viral lesions of the organ, its degeneration and changes of a dystrophic nature. They are prescribed for liver diseases caused by malnutrition, alcohol abuse, and medication. They have a similar effect on the body, but have some differences in composition and indications.

Phosphogliv is a hepatoprotector with an antiviral effect and a slight immunostimulating effect. Increases the natural activity of killer cells that inhibit pathogenic elements. Produced in the form of capsules and lyophilisate for diluting a solution for intravenous administration.

It contains phospholipids, the main components of which are phosphatidylcholine and glycyrrhizic acid. These substances reinforce each other, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Phosphatidylchonin, which enters the body, restores the structure of liver cells and normalizes their activity, establishes a healthy metabolism of proteins and fats, and prevents the loss of enzymes and other substances useful for hepatocytes. Prevents overgrowth connective tissue leading to the development of fibrosis. Protects the cells of the body from negative influences that can provoke pathological processes.

Glycyrrhizic acid has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties.

The immunostimulating effect is achieved due to the inhibition of mediators that provoke inflammation. Sodium glycyrrhizinate activates innate immunity, preventing organ damage during inflammatory and autoimmune processes. Stimulates the production of proteins necessary to combat viral and non-viral hepatitis, has an antitumor effect.

The drug is prescribed in such situations:

  • acute, chronic hepatitis of viral origin;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • cirrhosis;
  • other pathological processes in the liver caused by alcohol abuse, toxic substances, drug therapy, somatic diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis.

Contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with antiphospholipid syndrome, children under 12 years of age.

As side effects in some cases, allergic reactions are possible in the form of cough, skin rash, conjunctivitis, nasal congestion, as well as increased blood pressure, nausea, bloating.

Phosphogliv in the form of capsules is taken orally as a whole, washed down with water. The recommended dosage for adults and adolescents over 12 years old is 2 capsules 3 times a day. The duration of the treatment course should be from 3 to 6 months.

How does Essliver Forte work?

Hepatoprotector Essliver Forte is designed to quickly restore liver function. Created on the basis of phospholipids, consisting of phosphatidylcholines and phosphadylethanalomines. Contains vitamins E and group B. Available in capsule and injectable forms.

Phospholipids regulate the carrying capacity of hepatocyte membranes, ensuring healthy oxidative processes. Embedded in cell membranes, preventing their destruction and neutralizing the effects of toxins.

The vitamin complex improves metabolic processes, stabilizes cellular respiration and prevents lipid oxidation.

Due to the combined action of phospholipids and a number of vitamins, the drug has a pronounced restorative effect on the structure of liver cells.

It is prescribed for such pathologies:

  • fatty degeneration of the liver of various origins;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • toxic liver damage of an alcoholic, drug, narcotic nature;
  • psoriasis;
  • radiation syndrome.

Contraindicated in persons with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, children under 12 years of age.

Under the supervision of a physician, use by pregnant and lactating women is allowed.

Be wary appoint persons suffering from severe heart disease.

Despite good tolerance, in rare cases, side effects are possible in the form of allergic reactions and discomfort in the epigastric region.

Essliver Forte capsules are taken orally during meals, without chewing and with liquid. The recommended dosage for adults is 2 capsules 3 times a day, for children from 12 to 18 years old - 1 capsule 3 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 3 months, longer treatment with the drug is possible only on prescription.

Comparison of Phosphogliv and Essliver Forte


Both drugs are aimed at normalizing hepatic activity, metabolic processes in the body and directly in hepatocytes. They remove toxins that have a toxic effect on the body, increase the resistance of liver cells to a destructive factor, and contribute to accelerated regeneration of the structure of liver tissues.

Medicines contain phospholipids necessary for the construction of hepatocyte membranes, transportation nutrients, division and reproduction of cells, activation of enzymatic activity.

They are prescribed for the growth of scar, adipose and connective tissues in the liver as part of the complex therapy of psoriasis.

They have 2 forms of release: capsule and injection.

They are characterized by a small number of contraindications and are well tolerated by the body. The recommended duration of taking 2 drugs is 3-6 months. The scheme of use is also identical - 2 capsules 3 times a day.

Not prescribed for the treatment of children under 12 years of age. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.

What is the difference?

Both drugs contain phosphatylcholine, but its concentration in Phosphogliv is more than 2 times higher than in Essliver.

Phosphogliv is included in the state register of medicines as the only hepatoprotector containing glycyrrhizinate. Included in the delivery standards medical care. Thanks to the properties of glycyrrhizic acid, it provides good absorption of medicinal components.

Essliver contains vitamins that speed up metabolism. But uncontrolled intake of the drug in large dosages can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Phosphogliv, unlike its analogue, has a proven anti-inflammatory effect, is prescribed to remove the decay products of harmful elements after an overdose of medications or ethanol poisoning.

Essliver is prescribed for toxicosis of pregnant women, intoxication with high doses of radiation. Due to the presence of a number of vitamins, the drug is effective in preparing the body for surgical procedures and in rehabilitation period after operations.

Phosphogliv is a domestic drug, Essliver Forte is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company.

What is cheaper?

Essliver is slightly cheaper than Phosphogliv, it is available in 2 packages. A package of Essliver Forte containing 30 capsules costs about 267-387 rubles, 50 capsules - 419-553 rubles. A pack of Phosphogliv, including 50 tablets, can be purchased for 493-580 rubles, the cost depends on the concentration of the active substance in 1 pc.

What is better Phosphogliv or Essliver Forte?

The drugs are based on phospholipids, so the drugs are effective in hepatosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis.

But taking into account the existing differences in the composition of Phosphogliv, it has antiviral and antitumor effects, it is advisable for viral liver lesions, for the prevention of liver carcinoma.

Getting what you want therapeutic effect to a greater extent depends on the correct prescription of the drug, depending on the nature of the disease, the patient's tolerance of certain components of the composition. Therefore, when choosing a remedy, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist who will diagnose and select the optimal treatment regimen.

In liver diseases, doctors prescribe drugs to restore the cells of the organ and protect them from toxins. What to buy: Phosphogliv or Essentiale? Both drugs belong to the group of hepatoprotectors, are popular among doctors and patients.

Main differences

Since the drugs belong to hepatoprotectors, it can be assumed that they have an identical effect. But it's not. What is the difference between Phosphogliv and Essentiale?

The main differences in the table.

Compound 1 capsule contains 500 mg of phospholipids and 65 mg of sodium glycyrrhizinate. Glycyrrhizic acid reduces inflammation, stops the development of fibrosis and cirrhosis. Thanks to this composition, the drug helps in the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis, as well as as a prophylaxis in the severe stage of hepatocyte damage. 1 tablet contains 300 mg of essential phospholipids in the form in which they are produced by the human body.
Efficiency Studies have shown that the drug is 50% more effective in treating fatty disease compared to other drugs. Effective, because it contains phospholipids.
Application in official medicine The drug is widely popular among doctors, is used to treat patients in the hospital. It is an adjuvant in the treatment of liver diseases.
Contraindications and side effects Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, patients with hypertension. Rarely, a skin rash occurs. Allowed for children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components in the composition. Adverse reactions are nausea, abdominal pain, allergies and pruritus.
Price The drug is produced in Russia. The price is available. The country of origin is Germany, so the cost of the drug is high.

Before buying Phosphogliv or Essentiale, you should consult a doctor, read the instructions for use and the treatment regimen.

The similarity of these drugs

Both drugs are hepatoprotective. They protect and repair liver cells. But which drug is more effective: Phosphogliv or Essentiale? What are their similarities?

The drugs have the same active substance - phospholipids. These are organic compounds that are embedded in hepatocytes and restore them from the inside. They are composed of phosphoric and fatty acids. The intake of phospholipids has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver as a whole.

Indications for the use of medicines are:

  • cirrhosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • viral and chronic hepatitis;
  • hepatosis;
  • cholestasis;
  • infectious cholangitis;
  • liver damage (including toxic, alcoholic and drug-induced).

Both medications are used as maintenance therapy after an infectious or viral disease.

It is important to remember that the consequences of a toxic or infectious lesion are eliminated, and not the cause of inflammation. They are not effective means monotherapy for or hepatitis.

To understand what is better than Phosphogliv or Essentiale, it is necessary to study the effects of each remedy and undergo an examination. After passing the necessary tests, the doctor will assess the state of health and the severity of the violations. Based on this, the drug is selected.

Which drug is more effective?

What to choose Phosphogliv or Essentiale, which restores hepatocytes more effectively? Both medications are effective.

Essentiale restores the integrity and structure of liver cells, improves metabolic processes on cellular level and normalizes the functioning of hepatocytes.

Phosphogliv, in addition to the main components - phospholipids, contains glycyrrhizic acid. Its structure is similar to the hormone that is produced by the adrenal cortex and regulates the functioning of the liver.

Due to the component, the drug has a wide range actions:

  • Anti-inflammatory. Eliminates inflammatory processes that are triggered by toxic damage.
  • Antioxidant. It inhibits oxidative reactions leading to the destruction of hepatocytes, since it neutralizes active oxygen.
  • Antiviral. Kills viruses that damage cells, in particular, the herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus.
  • Anti-sclerotic. Prevents the growth of connective tissue in place of hepatocytes. This is an important property for the prevention of cirrhosis.
  • Antitoxic. Inhibits the action of toxins.
  • Antitumor. It does not allow atypical cells to grow, which can turn into cancerous ones.
  • Immunomodulating. Activates the immune response, inhibits autoimmune reactions.

Essentiale also has its advantages. It has a milder effect, well tolerated by adults and children.

If the choice is to take Phosphogliv or Essentiale when you need to use high doses of phospholipids, then you should give preference to the latter medicine. It's safer.

To take the final correct solution, to purchase Phosphogliv or Essentiale, you need to consult a doctor.

Phosphogliv or Essentiale hepatoprotectors: which one works best and which drug to buy, you can decide after reading the instructions for using these medicines. The composition of Essentiale forte N includes phospholipids from soybeans containing choline, which helps to restore liver cells. An oily paste medicinal properties, is packaged in brown gelatin hard capsules that need to be taken for a long time. The more active substance will enter the body, the better will be the recovery and metabolic processes.

Phosphogliv is an enhanced formula of Essentiale.

In that medicine the manufacturer combined the phospholipids with glycyrrhizic acid. To find out which drug will bring more benefit, you need to understand why it was necessary to add the trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid to the phospholipids and whether this supplement improved the effect of Phosphogliv on the affected liver in comparison with Essentiale.

Soy-derived phospholipids are identical to the chemical structures of cell membranes and cell organelles. Once in the human body, they become a building material that binds the destroyed receptor systems and restores the ability of liver cells to regenerate.

Phospholipids derived from soybeans have superior characteristics compared to human cells.

This phenomenon explains the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in soybeans, which have another name: essential acids. IN human body they are often lacking, but they are constantly needed to do the painstaking work of restoring the health of the liver.

Essential acids are able to easily integrate at the molecular level and well restore the integrity of liver cells damaged during:

  • alcohol intake;
  • use a large number medicines;
  • transferred hepatitis;
  • other causes that destroy the liver.

With long-term regular intake of phospholipids plant origin metabolic processes in the body are significantly improved, and the newly formed functional blocks increase the activity of enzymes.

This whole process contributes to the improvement of the physiological course of the most important biochemical processes in the body, which leads to a general recovery.

Normalization of the work of one of the main digestive organs leads to the stabilization of bile and slowing down the formation gallstones. Phospholipids, affecting the metabolism of lipoproteins, transfer neutral fats and cholesterol to the sites of oxidation and prevent the formation of connective tissue.

Trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid

Glycyrrhizic acid is obtained from licorice root. The mechanism of its action has not been thoroughly studied, but it has been found that the trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • antiviral;
  • immunostimulating.

Clinical studies have shown that the use of this substance for the treatment of patients with chronic form hepatitis C helped reduce the risk of developing oncological neoplasms liver.

Phosphogliv, containing in its composition glycyrrhizic acid and phospholipids, is able not only to restore damaged cells, but also to fight various hepatitis viruses that affect the liver.

When choosing between Phosphogliv and Essentiale, you need to consider the reasons that led to the disease. In some cases, you can opt for Essentiale Forte N to alleviate the course cholelithiasis or restore cells after a long use of drugs, alcohol, overeating.

With cirrhosis or the presence of herpes and hepatitis viruses in the body, Phosphogliv should be chosen to support the body in the fight against viruses and restore damaged liver cells.

When choosing a drug, you should always listen to the recommendation of the attending physician, despite the fact that they do not always explain their long-term prescriptions, but simply send their patients for expensive medicines.

Phosphogliv or Essliver - what is better than Phosphogliv differs from Essliver, patient reviews of drugs, which is more effective - Phosphogliv or Essliver.

You may not know anything about your liver disease. The liver is the largest gland in the body and at the same time the most “quiet”. She has no nerve endings, so she starts to get sick only with severe lesions (cirrhosis, tumor). The rest of the time, the symptoms of liver disease are so mild that there is not even a thought to see a doctor.

But there is good news: the liver has a unique ability to regenerate. There are cases when the liver could be cured with 70% damage.

Since the liver performs the function of a "filter", purifying the blood of harmful substances, any of your actions affect it directly. Fatty foods, alcohol, drugs - all this deals a direct blow to the liver, since these factors, with their constant exposure in larger volumes than the liver can tolerate, cause inflammation - hepatitis.

The liver needs to be helped to cope with all these problems. Don't wait pathological conditions. Why get sick when you can prevent unpleasant consequences?

For this there is good medicines, it remains only to choose the most effective and safe. And in this article, we suggest you choose from two drugs - Phosphogliv or Essliver.

What is the difference between Phosphogliv and Essliver?

Both drugs belong to the same group of drugs, for the treatment and protection of the liver - hepatoprotectors. Although both drugs contain essential phospholipids, there are still fundamental differences between Phosphogliv and Essliver. But first, about what unites them - about essential phospholipids.

Essential phospholipids are embedded in the membranes of liver cells - hepatocytes and restore damaged areas of the membrane (membrane) of the cell. That is, they restore the liver. But the inflammation itself is not removed. This property is possessed by the component that distinguishes Phosphogliv from Essliver.

Phosphogliv has a second active ingredient in its composition - glycyrrhizic acid, which just has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as an antioxidant and antifibrotic effect. Phospholipids enhance the action of glycyrrhizic acid, which makes Phosphogliv more bioavailable and, as a result, effective.

In Essliver, the excipients are B vitamins. They help the liver in regulating the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But some people are allergic to these vitamins, and there are more than enough of them in food, so you should take Essliver with increased care.


Main active ingredient

- glycyrrhizic acid

Essential phospholipids

Essential phospholipids


Fatty degeneration of the liver (hepatosis), alcoholic, toxic, including medicinal, liver damage;

As part of complex therapy viral hepatitis(acute and chronic), liver cirrhosis and psoriasis.

Fatty degeneration of the liver

Sharp and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis

Poisoning, drug intoxication



Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Age up to 12 years.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Side effects

allergic reactions

Increase in blood pressure

Discomfort in the abdomen


allergic reactions

Feeling of discomfort in the epigastric region

Patient reviews about drugs

Personal experience patients using Phosphogliv or Essliver can give a clear picture of the effectiveness of these drugs.

Patient reviews about Phospholiv

Konstantin, 53 years old

I always liked to drink, but at my age it already takes a toll on the liver. I began to feel a slight malaise, heaviness in my side. The doctor advised me to take a course of medication. It was important for me that I didn’t have to stop traveling by car (I work as a taxi driver), and I didn’t want to give up alcohol altogether. The best option seemed to me Phosphogliv. Worked pretty quickly and started to feel better. And there was nothing to give up!

Ekaterina, 20 years old.

For health reasons, I often have to take medication. And they added another medicine for the liver, to neutralize the results of previous treatments. The doctor chose Phosphogliv for me - it is perfectly combined with other drugs. According to the results of the examination, there are no problems with the liver.

Elena, 38 years old

I was very worried about my husband during the New Year holidays. And a plentiful table, and alcohol. I was looking for a medicine that would help preventively, and with a minimum of side effects. On the advice of a doctor friend, I bought Phosphogliv. My husband drank the course and even felt better, although he had not complained before.

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