Arthrosis of the sacrolling of iliac joints. What is arthrosis of sacrolling and iliac artists and what is it dangerous? Iliac articulation of the spine

With age, constant overload and irregular nutrition may develop diseases that interfere with peaceful life. The pain in the joints is often caused by arthrosis - thinning of cartilage, deformation of the compound. Arthrosis of the sacrilament of iliac joints is developing at the bottom of the spinal column, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe combination of the sacrum and pelvic bones. This is a chronic process, but with proper treatment And preventions can be achieved long remission.

Arthrosis of the sacrilament of iliac articulation.

The combination of sacral and iliac bones of the pelvis is very formed by their articular surfaces. Own and additional joints of the joint, the capsule and the complex relief of bone surfaces make the compound of strong and larger. Both articular surfaces have their own cartilage, preventing friction. Sustav capsule is a dense, tight bag. Configations of the sacrolling and iliac connection are only 2 - front and rear, but it is also strengthened 3 additional, connecting the pelvis with the spine.

Symptomatics of Argroza

The main manifestations of the arthrosis of sacratling of iliac artists are considered:

  • muskaya pain in the lower back, given when moving to the buttocks;
  • swelling swelling;
  • motion restrictions;
  • changing the gait ("Pangguin").

Arthrosis requires rapid, proper treatment. When the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Diagnosis and setting the right diagnosis - the basis successful treatment!

Diagnosis of the disease

Arthrosis of the sacrilament of iliac artists is raised after a number of surveys. The doctor conducts a survey, inspection, appoints laboratory surveys.

  • x-ray;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of vertebral arteries;

Based on the tests conducted, the orthopedist can differentiate arthritis of the tailbone from other diseases with similar manifestations, first of all from arthritis.

How to treat arthrosis of iliac joints?

After passing all surveys, the specialist appoints treatment. Basic goals:

  • removal of pain syndrome;
  • lifting inflammation;
  • support for cartilage fabric;
  • return of mobility by lower limbs.

For these purposes used medical therapy, giving good results. Besides medicinesThe doctor appoints physiotherapy, physiotherapy, home procedures with folk remedies.

Medical therapy

Of paramount importance in the arthrosis of the sacring-operating articulation plays pain syndrome and inflammation. The doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents that will be killed pain and inflammatory process (diclofenac, ibuprofen, phenylbutazone). In addition, the injections of corticosteroids can be used in the cavity capsule.

To support and restore the cartilage tissue of compounds, chondroprotectors containing chondroitin and hyaluronic acid are prescribed. They launch the process of regeneration of cartilage, make them smooth, return elasticity, elasticity.

Ointment, gels help to stop painful syndrome, heat the muscles in the connection area. Pharmacy ointments are divided into 2 groups:

  • Warming (ointment ointment, bee poison, red pepper);
  • Anesthetic (based on anti-inflammatory drugs).

Doctor may appoint vitamins, mineral food additives To maintain the immunity of the body and cartilage tissue.

Physiotherapy and LFK

In addition to medicines, for the treatment and return of mobility during the arthrosis of the sacro
physiotherapy is prescribed by physiotherapy:

  • Massages with healing mud;
  • Wraps;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Magnetic, laser therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Reflexotherapy (acupuncture).

When conducting procedures, do not forget - it is impossible to endure the pain! With the slightest discomfort and painful sensations, immediately inform the physiotherapist doctor. It will interrupt the procedure and choose another physiotherapy method.

Therapeutic physical education during arthrosis is carried out in medical institution, under the control of the correctness of the fulfillment by the doctor, for the correct load on the sacratsovochnychie articulation.

Operational treatment

In the absence of the results of conservative therapy, the doctor assigns the operation. With the help of thermal exposure, the surgeon "turns off" the nerve endings in the sacratsovo iliac region. This is bought by pain syndrome, but the joint himself does not treat himself.

If the deformation of the joint surfaces is strong, irreversible, then the surgeon conducts an operation to replace the connection - endoprosthetics. Old, deformed joint is replaced by artificial.

Home Treatment by folk recipes

At home, compresses, ointments, rubbing of their own preparation can be applied.

With pains in the lumbar department, the cabbage compress with honey helps. Fresh cabbage sheet lubricate honey and applied to the connection area, insulate. Leave such a compress for the night, in the morning washed with honey warm water.

The hardware compress perfectly warms and relaxes the muscles around the joint, enhances the blood circulation and metabolism in the smuggling area. Hurry to grind, heat in a water bath and wrap in cotton fabric. Such a compress to apply the iliac bone overnight.

Herging ointment relieves pain and reduces inflammation. For her preparation, it is necessary to mix equal amounts of chamomile, calendula and root of burdock with a vaseline basis and let it be broken throughout the day. Massage the sacrum and iliac area with light movements.

Honey with mumia helps relieve pain during arthrosis. 3 g mummy mix with honey and apply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe sacrochny joint.

Mumina is a gift of nature with a powerful anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and well-fastened effect.

Rubbing from potato sprouts helps to remove the swelling. Potato sprouts pour alcohol and insist 4-5 hours in a dark place. Roll sore joints before bedtime, after insulation.

Prevention of arthrosis of sacrolling and ileum

Prevention of the prevention of the arthrosis of the spine, including the sackerchikovoy articulation, simple:

  1. Proper nutrition. A sufficient admission to the body of vitamins, minerals help maintain cartilage tissue in good condition.
  2. Motor mode. Workout during the working day, sports, stretching or yoga helps the joints to develop flexibility and mobility.
  3. Fighting overweight. The body weight strongly loads the spine and its joints, which speeds up the development of arthrosis.


With timely treatment of sacratsovochnych articulation, it is possible to achieve persistent results and fully cure arthrosis. Maintaining cartilage fabric and adherence to the Doctor's recommendations will help forget about the disease for a long time. Healthy back and lower back - the basis of a long and happy life!

Arthrosis of a sacral-iliac articulation is often a precursor of such a formidable disease, like Bekhterev's disease. It affects not only the elderly people who are susceptible to natural wear, but also young, leading an active lifestyle.

The cartilage tissues of the joints do not withstand the constant load and are destroyed under its effect. Treatment in this case is prophylactic.

Causes and symptoms

In other words, the arthrosis is diagnosed in cases where the cartridges of the joint and the vertebra are drunk against each other without a "lubricant", which is cartilage. With constant bending of the back, for example, during unloading and lifting work or lifting weights, the sacrats of the spine at the bottom of the back are constantly under pressure.

Chrying in this case is subject to mechanical friction and begins to wear.

The treatment is impossible, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of the back during weight lifting and correctly raise them with a focus on the muscles of the legs.

Symptoms visually do not manifest. It is possible to determine the arthrosis of the sacrolling joint joint articulations only by the method of x-ray examination or when visiting the doctor in the event of disturbing pain or external changes, which are expressed in the bertonation of posture, gait, reducing the tone of the muscles of the back, the mobility of the spine.

An experienced doctor will detect symptoms when palpation of the bottom of the spine. In the field of inflammation of sacratling and iliac joints, the pain of varying degrees of intensity will be felt.

Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the doctor.


Investigate the condition of your spine and determine the presence of a problem in sacral-lumbar and sacral-iliac joints with the help of a simple procedure.

Do the following operations:

  • Squeeze a small pelvis from the sides. If the root of the disease is located in the sacral division, then, with strong compression, no changes are felt, and if in the lumbar, then the pain will increase;
  • Raise the stretched leg from the position lying on the back. If this movement causes you pain, it means that you have no problems in the sacral and iliac joint, you need to pay attention to the spine;
  • Check how it is more convenient for you to lie on my side or on your back. In case of diseases of the sacrum and iliac joints, it is uncomfortable on the side and even painfully;
  • In the position lying on the stomach lift the thigh, from the side of which go painfulnessIf the pain is enhanced, then you definitely have a sacrum disease, not a spine.


First of all, it is necessary to make blood test. With inflammation of the cross-iliac joints, an increase in the level of ESO will be discovered. Radiography will show the condition of the bones and cartilage.

If this is not enough, the doctor will appoint additional research by the method computer tomography and send to the reception to the gynecologist and oncologist if it is necessary to exclude women's and oncological diseases. After inspection, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Causes of the disease

The main reasons for the occurrence of arthrosis and diseases of the sacratral-iliac joints in the field of the back are:

  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Incorrect nutrition, fraught with an increase in body weight and, accordingly, an increase in the burden on the joints;
  • Excessive diligence in training during sports;
  • Wearing bags on the same shoulder;
  • Severe physical work with weight lifting;
  • Long walking;
  • Invalid posture;
  • Launched scoliosis.

In fact, the causes of the arbitration of the cross-iliac joints are much more. That is why it is necessary to carefully examine the painful zones to avoid complications.

Treatment of arthris

Arthrosis of any joint with complete cure is not amenable. You can with the help of certain medicines, herbal infusions, massage to facilitate the course of the disease and remove the symptoms.

Treatment includes the following medical procedures:

  • Drug therapy with analgesics, hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that will be adolent and remove inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs can serve for internal or outdoor use. Injections and pills will help to quickly remove the symptoms, but they have different side effects. Therefore, they are not recommended to be carried away. Resort to the medication method is permissible only in the case of sharp pain and extreme necessity;
  • The blockade of the drugs analgesic action. The use of this method is shown at strong lumbar pains. Most often appoint "Lidokain", "Kenalog", "Diprospan", "Hydrocortisan" and other drugs of a non-steroid group;
  • Treatment of U. manual therapist to get rid of the fallen sackers and putting them into place with the help of hands;
  • Back massage. The method guarantees an improvement in blood circulation in muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the state of sacral-iliac joint joints, improves muscle tone, with which the receipt of the beneficial substances in the body for the regeneration of the cartilage tissue of the joint is stimulated. Massage has a number of contraindications. In order to avoid complications, consultation is needed at the attending physician;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures: Ultra-high-frequency therapy, ultravironmental therapy and SMT;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Hirudotherapy;
  • Igloreflexotherapy (blockade from the course of injection into the inflammation area to build the stratched cartilage);
  • Bishofit (stone treatment);
  • Mud (in specialized medical care and institutions);
  • Wearing a special corset of hard material.


Since the treatment of arthrosis is almost impossible, it is necessary to comply with certain measures in order to avoid sacratling of joint joints. Warn disease is always easier than healing it. One should only pay attention to the symptoms and follow the precautions.

Follow the following rules for maintaining your back in a healthy condition:

  • Try to keep your back smoothly if you have a sitting job. Periodically make small exercises, go through the stairs or make a few slopes to remove the voltage with the cut muscles;
  • Wear heavy bags on different shoulders. Thus, you install the necessary balance of loads on the spine, distributing the pressure on the entire back area. The symptoms of the spinal curvature are visible at the first stages. Try not to allow further development diseases;
  • Observe a balanced power mode, be sure to use a lot of fresh vegetables, fermented milk products and protein light food. Avoid greasy, sharp and sweet dishes. It is not necessary to get involved in carbonated drinks, because they fill with the body by third-party substances that have a harmful effect, including bones;
  • The main reason for the occurrence of arthrosis is overweight. If you can not cope with this problem yourself, refer to the nutritionist. Excess fat negatively affects the state of the joints, including the sacroy-iliac spine, while elastic muscles allow you to keep bones in perfect condition;
  • Periodically, engage in medical and health physical education, and, if possible, daily gymnastics for the development of the elasticity of the joints and maintain them in excellent form. The tempered organism is less susceptible to mechanical damage;
  • Avoid injury and do not ignore the first pain symptoms. The disease in this case itself never passes. With age, inflamed areas will manifest itself in the form of acute pain increasingly.

Arthrosis - serious disease, cure that is impossible. So observe everything preventive measures To prevent erase cartilage on the joints of the spine. So you save the perfect posture and extend your youth.

Arthrosis of the sacrolling and iliac articulation is a rather rare pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which refers to the osteoarthritis group. This degenerative-dystrophic process is striking sacral-iliac joints - one or both, which depends on the spread of the disease. The exacerbations occur most often on the background of supercooling or excessive load on the sacrum area.

If you understand S. anatomical structure Sressy-iliac artists (and the person has two: on the left and right), then it can be understood that five sacral vertebrate segments that are fused into a single sacrilate bone form a durable cassette for mounting the pelvic bones. Moreover, this process of splicing occurs closer to 25 years.

Men crushes are longer and more curved than women. This feature is associated with the function of childbearing in a weak floor. It is worth paying attention to the fact that on each side on the side surfaces, the crushes has internal joints. These sites serve to connect sacral and iliac bones. Caudal-sacral bone passes into the vertebrae of the spherier spine. Sacrilant iliac joint It is a pair and it refers to the tight joints. These joints account for a fairly large load with a human motor activity.

Symptoms of arthrosis of the sacrilament and ileum and diagnosis of the disease

As with the arthrosis of any other joints, the disease has a number of characteristic symptoms, relying on which you can set a preliminary diagnosis. These symptoms include:

  1. Expressed pain syndrome.
  2. Limiting mobility in the joints.
  3. Visible change in the normal configuration of the pelvis when examining from behind.
  4. Visible edema in the lumbar-sacral region.
  5. Signs of osteopying articular bones.

With the defeat of the sacrament and iliac joints, pain when walking becomes unbearable. acute pain Appears after any exercise Or with other movements. Additionally, it is possible to note the appearance of a crunch in the affected joint. These symptoms give grounds for the diagnosis of the diagnosis of the arrangement of sacratling-iliac joints. But for accurate diagnostics it is necessary to perform a number of procedures. The doctor will most likely direct the patient for such research:

  • R-gram;
  • Mp tomography;
  • inspection and patient poll;
  • general laboratory blood test;
  • inspection of the gynecologist (for women).

When polling the patient, the doctor finds out and examines the history of the disease, as well as the reasons that could be provocating the emergence and exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment of the described disease

The therapeutic treatment diagram is very similar to general therapy Arthrosis of large joints. Nevertheless, there are some distinctive moments that cannot be forgotten. In general, it is possible to formulate that treatment includes drugs, massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy and adherence to the orthopedic regime.

All these methods must be appointed by a doctor.Drugs include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds, such as:

  • Diclofenac retard;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketonal;
  • Ketorolak.

Of course, these drugs quickly take pain, but they have a very large amount side Effects. For example, uluterine action, that is, a direct destructive effect on the gastric mucous membrane, which can lead to an ulcer. With arthrosis, anti-iliac joints use analgesics and corticosteroid drugs. In the most difficult cases, blockades with lidocaine, diprospan, hydrocortisone or kenali can be used.

After the poe the sharp process is very good effect Provides therapeutic physical education. Thanks to the implementation of specially selected exercises, it is possible to reduce the load on inflamed joints and transfer it to other bone-muscular blocks. You can still advise to include massage in treatment. This procedure improves metabolic processes in damaged joints and thereby speeds up the process of recovery. Regarding manual therapy, it should be noted that although this treatment method is recognized very effective, it is possible to apply manual therapy only in the acute period of the disease. Additionally, it is recommended to use orthopedic bandages in order to limit the movements of sacral-iliac joints.

Main preventive activities

In order to prevent the exacerbation of the chronic process, it is recommended to follow uncomplicated prevention measures. These include: maintaining normal body weight and mobile lifestyle.

Communicable full refusal of alcohol and smoking.

You also need to follow the normal power mode and follow certain recommendations of nutritionists. Food must contain all the necessary nutrients and trace elements. It is recommended to limit or completely eliminate physical overloads, for example, lifting weights. The implementation of these uncomplicated recommendations allows to achieve a long-term remission of the disease.

The bone-muscular system of our body serves as a frame for all organs of the body, protects them from damage, helps to keep a person stability in vertical position, promotes motor activity. In order for a person to freely perform various movements, the bones of each other are connected to the joints. One of these compounds is a sacrilant articulation. Describe this joint in more detail in more detail and consider which problems with it occur most often.

What is an articulated joint

The joint is always two bones. The sacriven-iliac articulation also consists of two parts: iliac bone and crescents. The crusters are where the vertebral pole ends. The iliac bones are located in the pelvic part. The crushes seems to be squeezed in the opening between the extensive parts of the iliac bone and connects the lower spine and the pelvic department. A plot where this compound occurs, and is called a sacriven-iliac bone articulation, it covered with a joint capsule.

The joint is double, located on both sides of the sacrum. The bone formation itself is enough tight and low-propelled. The strength of the bones of the bones of the pelvis and the sacrum department contributes to the ligaments surrounding the articulation from all sides. They are short and resistant to rupture.

The main purpose of the sacratling and iliac articulation is to ensure the stability of the spinal dock and the pelvis when walking, as well as it supports the body in sitting position And participates in the inclination of the body.

For the prevention and treatment of joint diseases, our permanent reader applies the popularity method of non-operative treatment recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedes. Carefully reading him, we decided to offer him and your attention.

Damage and deformation of such important bone joints entails major consequences.

Types of damage to Sustav

Among the damage to the sacratling and iliac articulation, the following are most often found:

  • Inflammation of the joint or sacroileite. The disease may have an infectious and noncommunicable nature.
  • Degenerative violation or arthrosis.
  • Violation of the functions of the joint (when the bone of the joint can not normally be sized with each other).
  • About each of the listed damage types is worth talking separately.


Development inflammatory process In the field of the CPS, they are called sacroileite or arthritis. Based on the causes of the occurrence, the disease can be classified as follows:

Signs of Sacroileita

Skip the inflammation of the joints of the cross-iliac articulation is difficult. First of all, such signs appear: painful sensations of different intensity. The areas of the appearance of pain: the bottom of the back, the crushes, top part Feet, thigh. When driving and pressing on the joint, unpleasant sensations are enhanced. In addition to painful syndrome, patients may have a rise in temperature, chills, intoxication. So happens acute development Sacroileita.

Sometimes the disease proceeds with low-rise symptoms or manifests itself only with a slight pain in the joint. If you do not start the treatment of sacroileitis on time, such a state can go into a chronic form. This will lead to the spine torsion, violation of the joints of the joint and the subsequent destruction.

Post-tram arthritis is characterized by a very sharp pain, which becomes stronger when performing any movement. Cause such a state can fall from a high height, uncontrolled physical exertion, strong blows during the road accident, complicated childbirth.


Under the arthrosis of the cross-iliac joint, it is understood as a condition that accompanies a long inflammatory process, it leads to pathological changes in the joint (edges osteophytes appear - bone growths, decreases the size of the articular slot, the cartilage disc, binding the surfaces of the joints, is compacted and harden). Forecast: deforming arthrosis causes gradual destruction of the joint. Osteoarthritis contributes to the restriction of motor functions, proceeds in chronic form.


Arthrosis of sacrolling joint joints is manifested magnifying pain In the joint, the constant sensation of discomfort with long-term loads (walking, dancing, long-term sitting position). Provoke osteoarthritis can load on the spine during pregnancy. Arthrosis of sacrolling and iliac joints, characteristic symptoms: It can be hurting both the sacrum area and the top of the leg or the loin. After a long state of peace of movement become compounds. Night pain is not typical, in a lying position, unpleasant symptoms pass.

Dysfunction of sacral and iliac articulation

Potential victims of this condition:

  • Pregnant women. In this case, the ligaments and cartilage tissue begin to relax and soften before childbirth under the action of certain hormones.
  • Elderly people. Changes in the joints are associated with age features organism.
  • Persons who spend a lot of time in a sitting position (working at a computer) or leading inactive lifestyle.

A sign of the violation of the normal functioning of the joint is pain in a sacratling and iliac articulation, lower chassis, groin, hip joint, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sacrum. The painful syndrome occurs usually in the morning and subsides in the evening.

How is the diagnosis of diseases of sacratling and iliac joints

Next to the sacratling and iliac articulation there is a large number of different joints. All of them are very important and perform certain functions. Damage to these bone formations have similar symptoms, so without special examination It is difficult to establish the exact cause of the pain. For example, in some cases, patients with congenital pathology are detected (the fighting of the fifth lumbar and the first sacrilate vertebra), which begin to feel pain in the lumbar department with the onset mature age. And the proposed diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. Consider methods modern diagnosis articular diseases:

  • Radiological research (radiography of sacratling and ileum).
  • The magnetic resonance method is used (MRI of the joints of the sacrator-iliac articulation).
  • Examination with ultrasound (ultrasound).
  • Computed tomography (CT) applies.

Diagnostics help to identify, for example, the following pathologies:

  • Increase the size of the joint cavity.
  • Syndrome by narrowed or disappeared articular slot.
  • The destruction of individual parts of sacral and iliac bones.
  • The formation of edge osteophytes, compacted areas of the surfaces of the joints.

To establish a more accurate diagnosis of the patient's state and then treated it correctly, laboratory tests are prescribed: general analysis Blood and urine, biochemical study of blood, puncture of inflamed joint.

This method is used as a diagnostic blockade of the joints of the sacrum-iliac joint with anasthetics (temporary blocking of pain syndrome).

Therapeutic measures

Arthrosis of sacrolling and iliac joints, treatment in various ways:

  • Reception medicinal preparations (anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, painkillers).
  • Physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, acupuncture, infrared radiation, healing physical education).
  • Massotherapy.
  • Surgical intervention - extraction of pus from the joint, the introduction of drugs into the joint.
  • Therapeutic blockade (arthrosis in the field of sacrator and ileum).

To prevent the appearance of problems with joints, it is worth performing certain recommendations:

  • Take care of strengthening immunity to mobilize protective forces in the fight against the disease,
  • In time eliminate the foci of infection in the body,
  • Avoid long seating in one position, regularly take a warm-up,
  • When entering the child to use the supporting bandage.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, move more.

Turning to the doctor in a timely manner, many problems can be avoided. Thanks to modern methods of treatment and diagnostics (for example, the MRI of the Peace Hospital Migration area), medicine has successfully treats even such complex diseases as various damage to the sacratling and iliac articulation.

The video material will give a presentation, for example, the procedure for periarticular administration of medicines in one of medical centers Cities Cheboksary.

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To understand what is a sacrilate-iliac joint (CPS), as well as for understanding why it is subject to arthrosis and other diseases, we will give the minimum necessary explanations for anatomy and biomechanics of the Ileosacral articulation.

We will also consider the possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of this area.

Anatomical reference - just about complex

First of all, it should be understood that something that is briefly referred to as a joint is not at all - there is no sliding of one surface on another, providing certain freedom and the volume of movements.

On the contrary, the function of paired polusches between the sacral bone and the iliac departments of the pelvic bones is the preservation of the extremely close distance between them. With leaving, however, some of the freedom to be remote from each other on an extremely small distance in such a natural physiological situation as childbirth. In no otherial position, the relaxation of communication between the spine (in the face of the sacrum) and the "Ring-Funcher" from the pelvic bones is unacceptable.

It is precisely a polusstava that says that there is a presence on all indicated structures of flat, truly articular surfaces, each of which has a true articular capsule.

In addition to very short and extremely tightly stretched articular bags, the strength of the sacrilament of iliac joints provide two rows (one on each side) of powerful sacrats and ileal ligaments, in fact, unacceptable, and skeletal muscles, additionally strengthening amphiarrosis.

So, thanks to almost the monolithization of these two joints, the inner surface of the sacrilate "wedge", behind the fastest

Female and male pelvis differ in terms of anatomy

meaning pelvic bones, without any visible transition becomes a continuation of their wide flat internal surfaces.

And the entire design of the region most likely resembles a bucket - the pelvis as if attached to the spine handle "welding-soldering" in the sacrum area. It creates a reliable and solid support of the skeleton and at the same time serves as container for internal organswithout preventing them from moving relative to each other.

What diseases are susceptible to articulation and why?

In accordance with the anatomical features of Ileoshal joints (more often both at once) may be subject to the same diseases and states as full, real joints:

Of common diseases that are affixed by the sacratsovo iliac joint are:

  • sustav dysfunction;
  • development of systemic diseases (psoriasis, Reiter syndrome,).

General clinic and specific symptoms

Symptoms of the most common diseases affecting the sacratsovo iliac articulation.

Osteoarthrosis clinic

Osteoarthritis - pathology manifested by the degeneration of cartilage tissue, causing a change in the shape of the sacratling of iliac joints and a decrease in the already limited mobility of formations. For the disease, pain is characterized both in the polusters themselves and in the sacrum, becoming more intense during a significant load and long stay in the same position (siding, standing) or from walking. The intensity of pain in the lying position is declining, at night they do not bother, and in the morning the patient feels rested.

Other manifestations characteristic of joints with a greater degree of mobility, in the form of clicks and at this state is not noted.

How sacroileitis is manifested

Inflammation of sacratling of iliac joints, which otherwise referred to is the development of the CPS arthritis with painful manifestations of varying degrees of intensity and with a large shaler of their distribution. It includes the entire bottom of the back, completely all the sacrons, also pain irradiate not only in the zone of the buttocks, but also in the hodge and legs.

The intensity of sensations increases when pressing on the articulation area (either), during lateral assignment, either turning the hips, when walking, squatting, and change the poses, and, on the contrary, weakens in the no-voltage position, especially with the body and bent feet.

Very characteristic of the sacroileitis "Duty gait" with walking moving.

Inflammation, provoked by infection (specific or vulgar), is usually unilateral in nature, with a rheumatic or similar nature of the disease, it is bilateral.

In addition to infection, the basis for the occurrence of the disease can be failed in the activity of the immunity system (autoimmune etiology) and upset metabolism. In the first version, the condition is characterized by the "morning stiffness", the appearance of pain in the night and pretty time, a decrease in the mobility of the lumbar spine.

Dysfunction Sustava

Another very common illness of a sacral-iliac compound is its dysfunction, usually arising from middle-aged people or at the moments of pregnancy. In the second case, pathology is due to hormonal impact on connect fabric The polustexts themselves and their ligament apparatus with increasing adhesiveness of the ligaments.

Among the persons described about the age, this dysfunction in various versions is up to 53% of all diseases with pain in the lower spins.

The peculiarities of pain manifestations in such cases is the different degree of intensity severity and the condition of the day of day - the pain is maximal in the first half of the day with a decrease in the night. Localization of them is a sacrum zone with possible irradiation to the region hip joint either in the thigh or groin.

Other diseases

A less significant stake in the structure of morbidity constitutes damage due to bursting of ligaments and articular capsules due to the following factors:

  • overweight loads;
  • strikes;
  • drops from a significant height;
  • due to the violation of the normal course of childbirth.

Pain manifestations in injuries are characterized by a very large force with even greater increase in pain both when performing the usual movement and when changing poses.

Diagnosis and collection of anamnesis

To determine the severity of the sacrilament and iliac dysfunction, a number of sample tests are developed and used, in addition to the flexion test, includes a sample on:

  • elasticity;
  • mobility;
  • pressure.

Samples of Mennel and Patika are also valid.

Methods are applied from the instrumental methods for diagnosing diseases of the sacrum-ileal articulation:

A study with autoimmune sacroilee (in addition to the olokosserts in the embodiment and) reveals various degrees of sclerosis of the articular cartilage. The position of the articular slot depends on the statute of the process: at the beginning of the disease, it is expanded, in the late stage, the picture will be sought (the full splicing of the components of the surfaces of the surfaces) is narrowed.

The cause and degree of activity of the inflammatory process allow these laboratory indicators:

  • OAK (general blood test);
  • OAM (urine general analysis);
  • biochemical blood test;
  • penalty of the articular fluid.

In favor of the infectious nature of inflammation, there is leukocytosis and the acceleration of ESR in the analysis of Korii, in favor of rheumatoid - the detection of the rheumatoid factor. The pus, mined by puncture of the joint, detects microbes-pathogens of pathology, to establish behterev's disease allows the detection of HLA-B27.

Diagnostic blockade with the use of anesthetics is equally contributed to the recognition of inflammation of the sacratsovochnych joint joints and its differentiation from similar pathology.

Arthrosis of Ileosacral Jews

This is a chronic long-term flow disease, wave-like turning into exacerbation.

Arthrosis is a lumbar sacrilate department of the spine develops according to the same laws on which the same process is in other joints, characterizing the same signs: pain, restriction of freedom of movements, disorder of functions of nearby organs.

The aggravation of pain syndrome comes due to episodes of supercooling or due to the overvoltage of the structures forming the articulation or the spinal column as a whole. The sphere covered by the pain includes not only the ileosacral joints themselves, but also the crushes are completely, painful sensations are also noted when the lumbar spine segment is tested and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis.

The region of Ileosacral articulations damaged by arthrosis, on MRI is shown by the arrow

The intensity of the syndrome increases with an increase in physical activity (including fast walking) or while maintaining the same body position for a long time, and, on the contrary, it decreases in the lying position, so the forced restriction of freedom of movements contributes to improved well-being.

Night pains for the disease are uncharacteristic, as well as crunch and "click" typical for.

Chronic diseases of the disease leads to the degeneration of cartilage cloth and the increase in the disorder of the functions of amphiarrosis, up to a sharp limitation of bone mobility relative to each other, which cannot but affect the gait and posture of the patient.

Diagnostic approach

The diagnosis of sacrolling and outer osteoarthrosis is based on:

  • studying anamnesis of the disease;
  • examination of the patient with anthropometric measurements (including the definition of the length of both lower extremities, assessment of gait, biomechanics movements, tone and muscle strength, amplitude of movements in the lumbar department);
  • palpator learning the entire spine and its sacral zone;
  • carrying out the necessary laboratory and tool Research: blood tests, (computed tomography) of the study area, allowing to differentiate the disease from injuries and an oncological process.

For women, the passage of gynecological inspection is obligatory.

Methods of therapy

Treatment of arthrosis of sacrolling and iliac artists includes the use of the entire complex of anti-inflammatory measures and rehabilitation measures, including the use of:

  • drugs;
  • physiotherapy and massage;
  • orthopedic regime.

Reception of medicines, carried out both oral and parenteral method, includes the entire arsenal. affordable funds from to narcotic analgesics.

For strong pain Most effective using hydrocortisone, lidocaine ,.

In order to reduce the intensity of pain manifestations, ethnic and inflammatory phenomena in the compound, as well as to increase the tone of muscles and expand the volume of movements in the spine, the techniques of physiotherapy applies to:

  • laser therapy;
  • UHF therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • use of sulfur and radon baths.

In the absence of contraindications, the use of manual therapy and that improve the blood supply to fabrics and their trophy is used in the doctor, which helps to restore the structure of the cartilage fabric.

The treatment of osteoarthrosis implies the implementation of movements in accordance with their natural biodynamics. Following the prescribed orthopedic regime during the exacerbation of the disease requires the need to contain movements with reasonable restrictions mobility in a sacral-ileal area while creating a support for the spine.

This is achieved by wearing for fixation. lumbar DepartmentThat allows you to unload the lumbosacious segment of the back, especially at the time of pregnancy.

The same functions are inherent and half lumbar corsetu (Allowing to reduce pain manifestations, remove spasms in the muscles of the berry zone and back), if it is recommended for using an orthopist, which selects the tool individually and cancels its wearing after the need for a need for it.

During the exacerbations of arthrosis, limit the duration of hiking and avoid the many hours of seating.

As a result: consequences and prevention

In the absence of measures for the treatment of diseases of the sacral-iliac joint, it is possible to make serious harm to health, which can ultimately lead to a decrease in the degree of spinal mobility, in severe cases, chanting the patient to a wheelchair.

To avoid trouble, compliance with the mobile lifestyle, tracking body weight, preventing the development of chronic infections and timely treatment of sharp. If there are problems in the specified area of \u200b\u200bthe skeleton, an immediate appeal is necessary for help from a specialist doctor (neuropathologist, therapist, vertebrologist or a manual therapist).

Despite the seeming impotence of doctors in solving issues related to the spine, modern methods Treatment make it possible to effectively help today millions of people all over the world.

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