Hair mask with bee poison. Bee poison against baldness

The bee poison (apicoxin) from time immemorial is known for its healing qualities. There are cases of healing from chronic ailments of some historical personalities with the help of Potion, for example, Ivan Grozny was cured from gout. And in the present time, interest in this drug is increasing. Explain this fact can be relatively low product costs and the fact that treatment bee poison Shows excellent results with a minimum of side effects.

In the treatment of bee poison, it is observed as a local therapeutic actionand general. This substance has a beneficial effect on the health and condition of the body, increasing the tone and performance, improving the appetite and normalizing human sleep.

In addition, apicoxin has the following effect on the internal systems of the body:

  • expands brain vessels, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure;
  • stimulates the work of the heart muscle;
  • diluted blood;
  • increases the concentration in the blood of erythrocytes and the content of hemoglobin;
  • stimulates the activity of the intestine, the production of digestive enzymes, bile and gastric juice;
  • expanding bronons and dilutes the sputum, improving its exit;
  • improves pituitary functions;
  • reduces blood glucose levels;
  • normalizes the functions of the thyroid and sex glands;
  • small doses improve the protective functions of the body;
  • normalizes exchange processes, reduces cholesterol;
  • reduces pain syndrome;
  • removes edema, has a resinking effect.

Even a healthy person when using the bee poison begins to feel much better, it feels a new wave of the tide of strength and vigor.

Indications for apitherapy

  • bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, including chronic;
  • hypertension, stroke and its consequences, ischemia;
  • neuritis and neuralgia;
  • arrhythmia, angina, heart attack and status after it;
  • pain syndromes of various origin, paralysis and paresis;
  • hysteria, phobia, neurasthenia, depression, cerebral palsy;
  • thrombophlebitis vessels varicose extension veins;
  • alcoholism, toxicizing, drug addiction and tobacco;
  • migraine;
  • schizophrenia, epilepsy;
  • ulcerative diseases of the intestine and stomach, gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis;
  • obesity, anorexia, metabolic disorders;
  • sugar diabetes of the type of type;
  • gout;
  • postoperative scars, sepsis, breakdown;
  • violations menstrual cycle and gynecological diseases;
  • dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • immune disorders and allergic conditions;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • chronic pharyngitis, otitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatic diseases.

The spectrum is very wide, correctly chosen doses of this drug allow you to cope with large number ailments and severe states. Effective, this tool is even in cases where the traditional medical therapy Does not give a positive result.

Treatment by bee ukuusami

The treatment of bee poison can be done different waysOne of the most common is the direct polention of bees. Many people are experiencing panic fear Before the bite of these insects, but do it completely in vain. Firstly, the pain from the polention is short and not so strong, as it seems, secondly, after a few sessions, these unpleasant sensations are dulled and almost not noticeable.

The apithethet finds out for the beginning of the overall picture of the disease and the peculiarities of its flow, based on this data, the specialist selects the treatment and dosage diagram. Approximately the process of treatment with fuckers looks like this:

  1. on the first day of the patient, only one bee joined;
  2. next, each session is added another insect;
  3. such treatment lasts 10-15 days, and then a break for 3-4 days;
  4. after rest, the course is repeated anew, but the bees will be 3 times more.

In the process of such therapy, it is necessarily observed the dynamics of blood and urine indicators, depending on this information, the course can be adjusted. In the treatment of bee poison, it is necessary to completely abandon alcohol and smoking, as well as abundant and heavy food, reduce the time of walking and the number of water procedures.

Drugs based on bee poison

Despite the fact that the fucked method is used with deep antiquity, such therapy is associated with several difficulties: it is necessary to clearly select the dosages of the poison in the bite, determine the places of the polenium, and the patient experiences unpleasant sensations and fear.

Modern pharmaceutical industry produces various forms medicinescontaining apitoxin. These drugs are more convenient when applied, can be used in various situations, have clear dosages and high efficiency.

The main methods of treatment through bee poison are:

  1. rubbing ointments - simple and convenient way Applications of apitoxine, but when the substance is introduced through skin Covers The effectiveness of its action is reduced, since not the entire dose falls inside the body, it is impossible to apply funds to the affected areas of the epidermis;
  2. inhalation is a fairly effective and easy way of therapy, it consists in the fact that the patient is inhaled by a pair of water along with the drugs of the poison;
  3. injection - treatment begins with the introduction of small doses of drugs, sometimes injections are made directly into sore places, for example, in joints;
  4. electrophoresis - procedures are distinguished by painlessness, and the constant current increases the efficiency of drugs;
  5. receiving inside of tableted drugs is a convenient way to use poison bees, but ineffective, as the gastric juice and digestive enzymes destroy Apitoxin.

The reaction of the body on the poison

We must not forget that apicoxin is essentially a poisonous substance and on different people It affects different. In any case, the polention and treatment of the bee poison cause a response from the body, a common or local. An important value in this matter is age, gender, body constitution and human health.

The norm is considered to be 5-10 poleniums, they cause exclusively local irritation in the form of burning and pain, subsequent reddening of the skin, edema, itching and an increase in temperature by 2-3 degrees. The same reaction may be caused and injections with a preparation based on aputoxin. Poisoning occurs while simultaneously sulfing 100-300 bees.

Allergies are characteristic only for 1-2% of the world's population, and the risk of developing anaphylactic shock is estimated as 1: 5000. However, treatment with the help of bee poison should be started with trials or the introduction of minimum doses of drugs, this is done to test the individual reaction to the substance.

Contraindications to apitherapy

Passage treatment of bee poison is strictly prohibited in individual intolerance. With maximum caution, you should use this tool in relation to pregnant women, children and people of old age.

Apitoxin is contraindicated at:

  • heart rate;
  • type 1 diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • sclerosis of vessels;
  • malignant tumors;
  • the exacerbation of infectious diseases and stomach ulcers.

With a special responsibility, it is necessary to approach the choice of a person who will conduct therapy. Treating with the help of bee poison can exclusively a specialist with medical education.

Effective hair care tool, unique and unparalleled product in the world, as part of wheat germ oil to strengthen hair structure, burr oil - famous folk remedy To stimulate the growth and increasing the thickness of the hair, the Peloid Osinovo-Osper is therapeutic dirt, the combination of which with the bee poison allows it to repeatedly strengthen its effect.

Bee poison is one of the most effective natural hair growth stimulants. It is able to penetrate into the bulb of the hair and resume the natural processes of development and growth. Microhodosis of the bee poison contained in Hair mask Tentatorium, blood flow to the roots of the hair is restored, as a result, the oxygen supply and the necessary trace elements are enhanced and the hair onion is awakening.

This mask is simple and, at the same time, a very effective means for intensive hair care - it effectively restores the hair structure, nourishes them, gives them elasticity and healthy shine, stimulates growth, prevents hair loss and the formation of split tips. (Trichologist N. Slasheva)

The main properties of components:

  • the bee poison stimulates hair growth due to irritant effect on the bulbs of hair;
  • peloid Osinovoozersky, rich in microelements, nourishes and heals the roots of the hair and scalp;
  • wheat germ oil contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, protects hair and scalp from the harmful effects of free radicals, stimulates the removal of slags and toxins, has a soothing, softening, healing effect, increases the skin resistance to external influences, strengthens hair, stimulates rehabilitation processes;
  • the ray oil improves the nutrition of hair bulbs, contributes to rapid hair growth, eliminates dandruff, itching and peeling.

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Indications for applying hair mask with bee poison Ttem

Hair mask with bee poison Tentorium Effective in the following cases:

  • hair loss;
  • broken hair structure;
  • insufficient growth;
  • fragile, secant, dull hair;
  • dandruff, itching and peeling of the skin.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

The composition of the hair mask with bee poison Tentineum

Part Hair masks with bee poison Tentorium Includes: Water Purified, Alcohol CetylShearil, Dipalmitic HydroxyethylMonic Metosulfate, Centairt-20, Amonymicone, Burning Extract, Mineral Water 2/76, Polykvaternium-44, Glycerin, Wheat Emded Oil, Honey, Peloid, Panfum Poison, Panthenol , methyl chloroisalinone, methizotiazolinone, propylene glycol, diazolidinyl urea, methylparaben, propylparaben, sodium hydroxide.

Bee poison (apicoxin) - biologically active substancewhich is produced by a large poisonous iron working bee connected to a sting. In the uterus and the working bees at the end of the abdomen there is a stinging device - the main body of insect protection. Pieces in the skin included in the skin are equipped with jazbins that interfere with its light extraction. The main purpose of the poison is the protection of the bee family and the expulsion of enemies from the hive. Strong uterus usually kills a weaker rival with a poison.

The unit dose of the isolated poison is about 0.2 mg. The bee poison is a thick transparent liquid without color, having a specific strong smell of honey, very bitter and burning in taste. When interacting with air, the product solidifies rather quickly, freeing from the volatile fraction. The main biological properties of poison are preserved for several decades. From one insect is obtained up to 0.8 mg of poison, depending on the time of year, the power of the bee and its age.

Bee poison - action on the body

Apitoxin has a multifaceted effect on the human body, depending on the doses of the poison. The number of seening, the place of dislocation of bites, the individual sensitivity of the person, age and many factors affect the reaction of the body in each case. Many healthy people It is easily tolerated from 5 to 10 simultaneous seen, while in separate situations, and one bee bite can lead to a fatal outcome.

Symptoms of light intoxication in the bite of bees: general ailment, weakness, dizziness, a slight increase in body temperature, headache, the appearance of rash on the skin (urticaria). With more severe poisoning by the bee poison to the listed symptoms join: stomach disorder (diarrhea), nausea, vomiting, breathing problems, shortness of breath, reduction arterial pressure. Possible time loss of hearing and the appearance of convulsion. Stop breathing in exceptional cases causes death.

It is believed that the critical dose for an adult - 450 and more perenia, from 180 and above the bites lead to the severe form of the body poisoning. There are particularly dangerous insect bites in the region of mucous (eyes, throat, soft sky, almonds), as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe side surfaces of the neck. The most sensitive categories of people to the bee poison are children, older people, women in the period of tooling the child and menstruation.

How do the bee poison get?

To obtain a sufficient amount of raw materials, a large number of bees is required. Idai's intake technology is: at the entrance to the Beehive (at the flyer) there is a glass equipped with a mesh of thin electrodes, with a substrate (a special coating for the product fence), a weak current passes through the electrodes, when exposed to the bees, their protective reaction is activated and Substrates.

A session of the collection lasts about half an hour, after which the glass with stamps left in the coating with drops of poison is transferred to a special laboratory. Furious in air substance having a type of powder white color, collected with a spatula. Next, the poison is cleaned, processed and used for medical purposes.

There is also a mechanical method for producing apitoxin: by pressing the insect to breast with the help of a special tweezers - at the same time, a droplet of a poison is distinguished on the tip of the sting, which is also collected in the capillary pipette, after which they are transferred to glass or sterile cotton swab.

Composition of bee poison

The biochemical composition of the poison is unique, complicated and fully studied, despite numerous studies. It is present in it with polypeptides (protein compounds), in particular protein hydrochdoride, resistant to temperature, amino acids (18 of 20 irreplaceable), acid lipoids (group of sterols), enzymes, biogenic amines, aliphatic and aromatic compounds and bases.

Also in the bee poison there are carbohydrates, glucose and fructose (in small doses), calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, hydrogen, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur, iodine, chlorine and other chemical elements. From inorganic acids in the composition there are hydrochloric, ant, orthophosphorous and acetylcholine, which cause a sense of strong burning in the bee.

Use of bee poison

The use of apicoxine for therapeutic purposes is based on powerful anti -ols, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties of the product. The bee poison refers to one of the strongest antibacterial substances. The product has a destructive impact against many microorganisms, including: intestinal sticks, pathogens of tuberculosis, typhoid, diphtheria, staphylococcal, streptococci, etc.

The bee poison has a beneficial effect on general state Health, strengthens the body's tone, increases endurance, performance, normalizes sleep, strengthens appetite, stabilizes the state of the central nervous system, has an expanding effect on the vessels and capillaries, activates the blood supply to patients, relieves pain.

Significant improvements in the quality of blood were noted using bee poison-based funds - an increase in the amount of hemoglobin and leukocytosis (both in common and local), the decrease in the ESO, the reduction of blood (viscosity) of the blood. Apitoxin is favorably acting on the heart, has a hypotensive effect, activates metabolism, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is the main cause of the development of atherosclerosis.

The bee poison is effective in rheumatic polyarthritis, vascular diseases, sluggish granulating wounds and trophic ulcers, migranes, bronchial asthma, hypertension I and II degree, peripheral diseases nervous system, in particular, with inflammation of the sedlication nerve, polyneuritis, intercostal neuralgia, with the radiculitis of the lumbosacral spine.

In some cases, during the treatment of poison, the bees is manifested by a diuretic effect. Activities using apitoxine reduce the sensitivity of the body, which makes it appropriate for the use of the means in the treatment of allergies. Healing bees directly into scar or nearby fabric leads to gradual sinking of scars.

Good results with apicoxin can be achieved in the treatment of bruises, muscle breaks and ligaments, injuries, cuts, hernia of intervertebral discs and their savings, spinal osteochondrosis.

Application in medicine

The most popular method of apitherapy is a fucker. After pressed to the skin of the bee with a tweezers, it sting in the upper layers of the epidermis. After a certain time (depends on the selected dosage and methodology of treatment), the sting is neatly removed by tweezers. The bee bite is most effectively in acupuncture points in which a large number of nerve endings are concentrated.

Basic methods for treating apitoxin:

  • fucked;
  • subcutaneous injections of finished preparations with bee poison;
  • rubbing compositions (cream, ointment) with apitoxin;

  • inhalation;
  • ionophoresis (admission to the body of a substance using special devices that feed the weak discharges of electricity);
  • resorption under the pylul language with apitoxine;
  • local baths with bee poison (used in the treatment of injuries, atherosclerosis, vegetative and neurocirculatory diseases);
  • phonophoresis (apicoxin comes with ultrasound).

The choice of the drug, the dose of bee toxin, the treatment method must be prescribed a competent specialist. The treatment of bee poison is carried out only under the supervision of the doctor-apithette.

Bioenergetic Podmor's potential

According to scientific and practical studies, preparations made from the bee submoise have high efficiency. Tincture, decays, extracts, linimins, powders based on this means are used to treat many diseases.

For the manufacture of therapeutic product, fresh, without mold and foreign odors, screeching bees are taken. Use the finished drug inside for blood purification, with eye diseases, colic in the abdomen, dysentery, as well as with rheumatism, gout, the presence of stones in the kidneys. Podor Bee has pronounced:

  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-sized;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • hemostatic;
  • toning action.

Popular beauty recipes

Successfully applied bee submority in cosmetology. Cuts and tinctures help women look fresh and young at any age. Many fair sex representatives experience a wonderful "weighty" effect of a submorm, which restores the metabolism in the body, fills losses nutrientsnecessary for health, contributes to a decrease in appetite.

For the preparation of infusion, 2 tablespoons of a high-quality primor take 2 tablespoons are poured with hot water (0.5 l) and boiled for 2 hours on slow heat. After polling and cooling the infusion is ready: it is consumed 2 times a day on a tablespoon for 3-4 weeks. The mixture can be repeated after a monthly break.

The alcohol tincture of the rear helps perfectly with baldness. To return the thickness of the hair takes 1 table. A spoon of dried bees, grind into powder and poured 200 ml of food alcohol. For 3 weeks, the product insists in a dark place, periodically scolding. They are taken in drops, in a diluted with water, it is possible with a spoonful of honey. The number of drops corresponds to the number of years. Tincture gives best resultIf it is used in combination with a water infusion, which is rubbed into the hair roots.

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Bee subormy, it's nothing but just the dead bees. But you should not neglect this product. Yes, yes, it is very interesting, but undoubtedly important information.

Availability active substance Chitina in the primory indicates the ability to influence the decline high level Cholesterol in the blood, chitin cleans and normalizes the intestinal function, contributing to the reduction of suction of toxins, prevents atherosclerosis, has a prophylactic effect in the risk of diseases of diabetes. And all this thanks to Chitosan - the melanin complex contained in the reform. Chitosan It has an anesthetic and bloodstream effect, capable of activating the healing of the wound and burn surface without the formation of scars and scars. It is believed that chitosan has the ability to influence the body as a means cleansing from radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.

Many people think that the pets are: tincture, ointments, decoctions are all myths and non-residents. But it is not necessary to be mistaken, the effectiveness of this product is proved by science.

Nothing mysterious, everything is argued by research. Besides chitosan in bee reform There is a substance that contributes to the discharge of blood, which in minor quantities is produced in the human liver. This substance is called heparin. But the generation of heparin in the human body due to adverse factors with age decreases, blood is thick, and sclerotic plaques are formed. With the right approach to the power mode, moderate cholesterol level, plus a peak secret and bee submorAs a result, atherosclerotic plaques may disperse, because such a mode will contribute to the purification of blood.

The problem of modernity, baldness, familiar, both men and women. Permanent stress, ecology, hormonal disorders, heredity, here are a number of reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. It is known that no shampoos and ointments do not help here, as it is possible to stimulate hair growth only with increasing blood circulation. Of course, the newest technologies are capable of transplanting hair and the use of stem cells, which is quite expensive and unavailable to many people. Such an effect can be achieved with the help of a bee replacement tincture. Perhaps this is a new generation of baldness from baldness, which is available to simple masses, because it is very cheap and almost no contraindications.

The substance referred to as early, heparin, preventing blood clotting, is contained not only in the bee of the primor, but also in the peak secretion! The accompanying component of these materials is a girudine.

About the action Identically heparin. Modern technologies Allow heparin from liver healthy animals, cattle. The effect of the preparation obtained has the function of anticoagulant, the substance affecting the coagulation than valuable and is widely used in modern medicine. Such drugs are used in cases of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and stagnation.

The girudine is also contained in salivary glands Vehives, so we are talking about the utility of the two of these components created by nature itself, which are indisputably important for humanity. Similar components of different origins can replace each other in cases of individual intolerance to the person of them. It is possible to apply them to prevent the formation of thromboms, and suspend the growth of existing ones, to maintain blood consistency within the normal range, to reduce cholesterol in the blood, improving microcirculation.

Recipes with bee subormal

Oddly enough but bee submor You can cook and fry, and soar, and do ointment based on it! Very easy can be done at home medical agent From the bee submora. Dead individuals need to be collected, go through and dry. It is very easy to prepare a alcohol 5% solution that can be applied to therapeutic purposes when sugar diabetes 15 drops before meals. The same solution can be used as a row with bruises.

If you prepare a 60-70% alcohol infusion, surrounded 2 weeks in a dark place, strain it and take 1 tbsp. spoon for a month before meals, then you can solve problems in the urinary system.

Pouring 2 liters of water 200g procor, boil on low heat 40min, cool, filter and can take into 50 ml inside for 15 days before eating, as a means when hypertension.

The tincture of 2-tablespoons and one glass of water is insisted for 2 weeks, it is used to increase vital tone.For 2 months 2 times a day, 20 drops.

If you board the chopped bees submore one glass of hot vegetable oil, then get a means for rubbing joints and muscles from pain and in periods of exacerbations. Store it in the refrigerator and rub into the skin at the first appearances of pain.

This tincture of the rear is prepared for alcohol and is applied within a month every day after eating 25 drops.

There are weights of cases from the practice of beekeepers that you can take a note. So, they use the usual alcohol solution Podluor with tension of the ligaments, applying a bummer to the patient on the body. There is a very unpleasant, but familiar problem when a spin hurts after lifting gravity, heavy physical Loads. If you rub the back with tincture, in a few days you can feel the long-awaited relief, and soon to forget about pain. By the way, the bee infusion is saved by the bee infusion in many cases after bone fractures, using it as a rehabilitation preparation.

In a word, bee submor just a storage area of \u200b\u200bunique healing substances having wide spectrum actions! And all because the body of the bee is rich in biologically active complexes. It includes not only chitin and heparin, but also pollen, honey, uterine milk, wax, beelosan and propolis! Podluorous food fibers can act as a sorbent for human organism And to withdraw from it poisons and toxins. And the value of fat is much surpassed by fish oil!

Highly important factpodmors It has such antioxidant properties that can neutralize toxic compounds of different origin and prevent mutation at the cellular level. That is, you can say podmors This is a means for preventing cancer and preventing aging processes in the human body.

But you need to know that starting to treat a subormal, it is advisable to clean the organism (intestines). Throughout the human body, deposits containing carte masses, toxins and undigested foods, which rot, poisoning the entire body accumulate. To purify the body, a few days should be given, settling meals for this time, refusing fried, oily, smoked, sweet and bakery products. There are a large set of body cleaning methods, but it is better to give preference to something softer, for example, to use phytosborg.

Hair loss

The problem of hair loss is very complex, since the reasons that cause baldness is very much. In the skin of the head, microcirculation is broken, the water-fat balance is disturbed, as a result, the nutrition and the growth of hair bulbs deteriorates, which ultimately leads to hair loss. The causes of hair loss are a decrease in immunity, hormonal disorders, lack of vitamins and trace elements, lack of nutrition, stress, lack in the body of iron, infringement of blood supply, due to the reception of drugs.
Today there are a variety of methods for solving this problem, cosmetole, surgery. But we will talk about how to cure hair loss using apifito products.
Apifitovoproducts are unique, natural food. They affect all organs and systems of the body, possessing a wide wellness effect. All apifitovoproducts are cooked from the raw materials of two types: on the one hand, these are products of beekeeping, on the other - extracts of medicinal herbs.

And so, what are the products of the company "Tentorium" need to be used when losing hair?


1. Shampoo "Firming". The shampoo includes the extract of propolis "PEGUS", bee honey, perfume composition, hydrolyzing wheat protein. Wheat amino acids give hair softness and glitter, elasticity, and also prevent and slow down hair loss. Honey valuable product, which contains more than 400 nutrients, as well as a large amount of vitamins. Honey nourishes and strengthens hair roots, contributes to their growth, gives softness and shine even strongly damaged hairs. Propolis contributes to restoration of hair growth, and antimicrobial action helps removing dandruff, as well as its appearance. Vitamin B5 strengthens hair, reinforcing metabolic processes. Since the lack of this vitamin leads to a violation of hair growth and early gray.

2. "Rinse Balm" with bee poison. "Balm-rinse" contains a natural hair growth stimulator - a bee poison in micro. It restores blood flow to the hair roots, enhances the supply of oxygen, nourishes and regenerates the hair low. Honey nourishes and strengthens hair roots, contributes to their growth.
Elite conditioning additives protect hair from dehydration, remove static voltage from hair, substantially making combing and care for them, tones fills the hair with honey force.

3. "Hair mask" with bee poison. Hair mask - strengthens and feeds hair roots, contributes to their growth. The mask includes honey, bee poison, Peloid Osinovo, wheat germs, ray oil, panthenol. Oil extract from burdock root optimizes song hardware, warns the joining of fungal and bacterial flora, stops inflammatory processes, promotes drainage; Wheat embryos oil promotes skin regeneration, neutralizes the effect of free radicals, feeds the skin with vitamins, stimulates hair growth. Honey softens, moisturizes the skin of the scalp, has a stimulating and regenerating effect, relieves inflammation, accelerates healing damaged skin, improves its tone, increases elasticity. The bee poison causes blood flow to the hair onion, improving the root nutrition, normalizes metabolic processes, increases the viability of the hair, has an antiseptic effect, which is important for hair. Peloid OsinovoOzersky saturates skin by microelements. Possesses stimulating and anti-inflammatory action, creates favorable conditions For the formation of a toned strong hair in the hair bulb.

4. "Osinovo-Owned Peloid" Pre-heated peleoid linen in the roots of the hair, cover the plastic hat for the shower and wrapped with a terry towel for 5-15 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water, using the "Tentorium" shampoo and balm rinse with the bee poison "Tentorium". The procedure can be repeated up to 2 times a week.

To avoid hair loss, there should be a sufficient amount of vitamins (especially group B) and trace elements in nutrition. To provide the body by all necessary vitamins The following products will help you:

1. Dragee "Tentorium-Plus".
Ingredients: Vitamined floral pollen with adding vitamin C, high-quality honey, "PEGUS" - a component of propolis, a microphospheric wax sheath. Flower pollen is a valuable food. Flower pollen contains proteins, many vitamins, valuable minerals and microelements and a complete set of essential free amino acids.

2. Dragee "Hlebin".
Ingredients: Perga, honey, microphospheric sugar-wax shell and vitamin C. Perga - It was canned with honey Flower pollen, folded, rammed by bees in honeycomb sealing with wax and past milky fermentation.
Perga is rich in amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and products of lactic fermentation, with high antimicrobial properties. According to food value Perga exceeds the bees rank of 3-5 times.
The protein composition of Perga is represented by all indispensable amino acidswhich are the necessary elements of hormone synthesis, antibodies, hemoglobin, vitamins and enzymes in the body.

3. Drying "Trutnevoy Milk".
Composition: drinner, lactose breakdown, glucose. The drone-rolled homogenate (drone milk) is the most valuable biologically active product, since, in addition to the protein, the content of which it approaches meat and mushrooms, contains a rich set of beneficial substances: amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, trace elements, etc. Dronenev The breakdown contains a large number of functional groups of enzymes, sulfhydryl groups, as well as testosteroid hormones, progesterone and estradiol.

4. Honeycomb composition "Apifitotonus".
Ingredients: high-quality Natural Honey "Parma", Royal Milk, Bees Floor (Flower Pollen), recycled using ultrasound technology.
The royal milk is the most important product of beekeeping. This is a very saturated nutritional mixture of a unique composition - there are all amino acids, greasy acids, more than 100 different mineral compounds, vitamins.
This is a unique tool for maintaining health in the most complex periods - spring and autumn, as well as for the nutrition of the body and the prevention of severe diseases.

5. The aqueous solution of the "hey-pi-vi" propolis.
Composition: 5% liquid extract Purified dark type of propolis on shuned water, ionized silver. Water, passed through the mineral shungite, changes its field structure and becomes a healing - the so-called phenomenon of "live water" - which repeatedly enhances the therapeutic effect of propolis. Silver is a vital element for normal functioning immune system man.

During the reception of the "Tentorium" products, it is necessary to observe the water regime - 1.5-2 liters of raw pure water, comfortable temperature, per day.
Relative contraindication - intolerance to beekeeping products.

Hair mask Honey with bee poison 200 ml


The rinser balsam softens the hair and provides easy-to-leak. The bee poison as part of the Balzam stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, promotes hair strengthening, natural honey actively nourishes and moisturizes hair. With regular use, hair acquire a healthy shine and unusual softness.

Water Purified, Glycerin, D-Panthenol, Dimethiconol, Didrium Salt EDTA, Dipalmityleteyl HydroxyethylMonic Hydosulfate, DMDM-Gidantoin, Honey, Perfume Composition, Polykvaternium-44, Alcohol Cetylstearile Centaars-20, Cyclopentasiloxane, Cyclopentasiloxane


Bee poison is one of the most reliable natural hair growth stimulants. It can penetrate the heart of the hair - a bulb - and resume natural processes. The microindose of the bee poison contained in the MED hair mask, restore blood flow to the roots of the hair, as a result, the flow of oxygen and the necessary trace elements is enhanced, and the "awakening" of the hair onion.

Apply the rinse balsam on clean wet hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with water. Suitable for daily use.

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