Ataraks ampoules. Ataraks - instructions for use


Atarax (ATARAX)


pharmachologic effect

Diffenylmethane derivative, has moderate anxiolytic activity; Also also has a sedative, anti-height, antihistamine and M-cholinoblocking effect. Blocks central M-cholinoreceptors and histamine H1 receptors and oppress the activity of certain subcortic zones. It does not cause mental dependence and addiction. The clinical effect occurs after 15-30 minutes after taking the drug inside.
It has a positive effect on cognitive abilities, improves memory and attention. Relaxes a skeletal and smooth muscles, has an armored and analgesic effects, moderate inhibiting influence on gastric secretion. Hydroxyzine significantly reduces itching in patients with urticule, eczema and dermatitis. With long-term reception, there is no cancellation and deterioration of cognitive functions. Polysomnography in patients with insomnia and anxiety clearly demonstrates the elongation of sleep duration, reducing the frequency of night awakening after one-time or repeated reception of hydroxyzine at a dose of 50 mg. Reducing muscle stress in patients with anxiety noted when taking the drug in a dose of 50 mg 3


Suction:Hydroxyzine B. high degree Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax is observed 2 hours after taking the drug. After one-time reception of the drug in a single dose of 25 mg or 50 mg in adult plasma concentration is 30 ng / ml and 70 ng / ml, respectively.
Bioavailability when taking inside and in / m administration is 80%.
Distribution: Hydroxyzine is more concentrated in tissues (in particular, in the skin) than in plasma. The distribution coefficient is 7-16 l / kg.
Hydroxyzine penetrates through the BGB and placental barrier, concentrating to a greater extent in the tissues of the fetus than in the mother's body. Metabolites are detected by B. breast milk.
Metabolism and elimination: Hydroxyzine is metabolized in the liver. The main metabolite (45%) is cetirizine, which is a histamine HC-receptor blocker. The total hydroxyzine clearance is 13 ml / min / kg. T1 / 2 in adults is 14 hours. Only 0.8% of the hydroxyzine is excreted unchanged with urine.
Pharmacokinetics in special clinical cases:In children, the overall clearance is 4 times less than in adults, T1 / 2 in children aged 14 is 11 hours, in children aged 1 year - 4 hours.
In elderly patients, T1 / 2 is 29 hours, the distribution coefficient is 22.5 l / kg.
In patients with impaired, the liver function T1 / 2 increases to 37 hours, the concentration of serum metabolites is higher than that of young patients with normal liver function. Antihistamine effect can be maintained for 96 hours.

Indications K.

Adults: to relieve anxiety, psychomotor excitation, internal stress, increased irritability in neurological, mental (including generalized anxiety, disorders of adaptation) and somatic diseases, chronic alcoholism; abstinence syndrome in chronic alcoholism accompanied by psychomotor excitation;
- as sedative during the premedication period;
- skin itch (as symptomatic therapy).

Mode of application:

The drug is taken inward.
For symptomatic treatment itch children aged 12 months to 6 years The drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 1-2.5 mg / kg body weight in several techniques; Children over the age of 6 years - at a dose of 1-2 mg / kg / in several techniques.
For premedication, children are prescribed in a dose of 1 mg / kg body weight 1 hour before surgery, as well as additionally on the night before the operation.
Adults For symptomatic treatment, anxiety is prescribed at a dose of 25-100 mg / in several receptions during the day or at night. The average dose is 50 mg / (12.5 mg in the morning, 12.5 mg during the day and 25 mg per night). If necessary, the dose can be increased to 300 mg.
For symptomatic treatment of itching, the initial dose is 25 mg, if necessary, the dose can be increased 4 times (25 mg 4).
Maximum single dose It should not exceed 200 mg, the maximum daily dose is no more than 300 mg.
In elderly patients, the initial dose should be reduced by 2 times.
Patients with renal insufficiency of medium and severe severity, as well as hepatic insufficiency A dose reduction is necessary.

Side effects:

All possible side effects Ataraks are observed as a result of its action on the CNS In the form of oppression of the function or paradoxical stimulation, the anti-iron effect or possible hypersensitivity.
From side of cardio-vascular system In rare cases, it is possible to increase the heart rate, reduction arterial pressure.
From the view of vision, there may be a transient reduction in the definition of vision, violation of accommodation.
From the gastrointestinal tract, there is often a feeling of dryness in the mouth, less often - nausea, vomiting, disorder of intestinal peristalsis with the development of constipation.
From side immune system Hypersensitivity can often be observed, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock is possible.
TO general violations Against the background of the reception of theraks include total weakness, increased fatigue, increase body temperature to subfebrile numbers.

TO neurological violations The emergence of increased drowsiness, headaches, vertigo, insomnia and tremor fingers are possible, in rare cases the appearance of cramps and diskinesium is possible.
In rare cases are possible mental violations In the form of excitation, confusion of consciousness, disorientation and hallucinations.
From the urinary system, in rare cases, the appearance of urine release delay is possible.
From the side of the respiratory, bronchospasm with the development of choking can be very rare.
From the skin of the skin it is possible different kinds The raw, urticaria, in rare cases, develops angioedema edema, Stephen-Johnson syndrome.


- pregnancy;
- Period generic activity;
- Lactation period ( breastfeeding);
- increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- increased sensitivity to cetirizin and other piperazine derivatives, aminoophylline or ethylenediamine.
It was not recommended to assign Tablets Ataraks® patients with hereditary intolerance to galactose, as well as with impaired glucose and galactose absorption, because The tablet includes lactose.
Carefully The drug should be prescribed during myasthenia, prostatic hyperplasia with clinical manifestations, difficulty urination, constipation, with an increase in intraocular pressure, dementia, inclinations to convulsive supplies; with predisposition to the development of arrhythmia; With the simultaneous use of preparations with arrhythmogenic effects; Simultaneously with other means that depressing the CNS, or cholinoblockers (a dose reduction is required). A decrease in the dose of the drug in patients with renal failure of severe and middle degree, with hepatic insufficiency, in elderly patients when decreasing glomerular filtration.

other medicinal

The effect of the drug is enhanced by simultaneously receiving medicines, overwhelming the function of CNS., or overwhelming anticholinergic properties. If necessary, simultaneous reception of the dose of drugs is selected individually.
The increase in the action of atarax is observed when taking alcohol.
Simultaneous use with drugs belonging to the Mao and cholinoblocators inhibitors are not recommended. Atarax reduces the pressing effect of epinephrine and the anticonvulsant activity of phenytin, limits the action of cholinesterase and betagistic blockers.

With the simultaneous use of cimetidine The concentration of hydroxyzine in plasma increases and the concentration of metabolites is reduced.
Atarax disrupts metabolism medicinal preparationswhich are substrates for uridindiphosphate and glucuronyltransferase.


The preparation has reproductive toxicity, penetrates the placental barrier and accumulates in high concentration in the tissues of the fetus. When taking the drug Mother during pregnancy, after birth, the child has a decrease in blood pressure, impaired motor activity, clonic convulsions, symptoms of oppression of the CNS.
In connection with all the above, Ataraks contraindicated to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If necessary, the appointment of the drug during the lactation period, breastfeeding must be stopped.


As a result of the overdose of the drug is observed Strengthening anticholinergic action, changing the functions of the CNS in the form of oppression or paradoxical stimulation.
Significant overdose of the drug is manifested by the appearance of nausea, vomiting, increase in heart rate and body temperature, increased sleepy, disorders of pupil reflexes, tremor, hallucinations, disorders of consciousness, inhibition of breathing, tonic and clonic convulsions, decrease in blood pressure, the development of heart arrhythmias.
It is possible to develop a cardiorespiratory collapse or a comatose state.

In the case of the development of symptoms of overdose, it is necessary Conducting immediate washing of the stomach, artificial calling of vomiting. To obtain a vasopressor effect, a norepinephrine or metaramenol is recommended. With pronounced symptoms of overdose, it is necessary to conduct a study for alcohol or other drug addicts. As symptomatic therapy, oxygen therapy is prescribed, the introduction of naloxone, thiamine and glucose.

One tablet Ataraks contains:
0.025 g of hydroxyzine
Excipients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon anhydride, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, macrogol and hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose.

Result: negative feedback

Unsafe i. affordable drug

Advantages: Itching passed.

Disadvantages: baked, broken condition, temporary impairment of vision, increased drowsiness.

I went to the picnic and was attacked by mosquitoes. The body is very strong, combed the place of bites to blood and cones. It was just a planned examination (medical examination) and I complained about the therapist on insomnia and at itch mosquito bites. She wrote to me atrax, who, from her words, should help immediately from these two troubles - will remove itching and will help rapidly falling asleep, because it has a sedative effect. Yes, itching passed through somewhere an hour after receiving the Tablet Ataraks. In addition, unbearably wanted to sleep. At work until the end of the day fought with a dream, it was sluggish, coffee did not help to gain vigor and everything was shed. I barely lived until the end of the working day, my car left at the parking lot and came home on the service car. When receiving an atarax, in no case can you get behind the steering wheel, because the confusion of consciousness appears and you can easily get into an accident. In addition, vision temporarily impaired - I saw it seems to be vague, the contours of the objects were vague and fuzzy. I slept after the reception of 14 hours, the sluggish and broken was woken up. Perhaps the attacks I have an individual reaction, but I would recommend to take this drug with caution, because in the side effects of this, as it turned out, the tranquilizer is a lot of side effects, including anaphylactic shock.

Result: neutral feedback

Sleeping pills, not soothing

Advantages: Effective as sleeping bag

Disadvantages: side effects, the anxiety does not save

This tool can be obtained in the pharmacy only on the recipe, and the benefits of it is less than from many sedatives, which are allowed to acquire anyone. The network saw many positive feedback on Ataraks and believed in its effectiveness, but on personal experience made sure about the opposite. Takes two tablets per day, in the morning and in the evening to get rid of neurosis. Ataraks affected not as calming, but as a sleeping pill. In the morning I was hard to get up to work, there was no strength to study and home affairs. The level of anxiety remained there, where before. They made themselves to know and side effects: dry mouth, decline in appetite. Bad preparation.

Result: positive feedback

With skin itching will help

Advantages: Quick response to the problem

Disadvantages: dry mouth, decrease in visibility

My problem has become a terrible skin itching. I just went crazy, I realized that myself could not cope. He turned to the dermatologist, he wrote to me as an atarak. On the arrival of home thuggled, it turns out to be taken not only with such problems, like me, but also constant alarge, irritability, internal stress, but also in chronic alcoholism. It confused me a little, but judging that with alcoholism, there are also these signs. There are many side effects on the package, but I almost did it. There was a decrease in vision and dry mouth. An attributed doctor helped me, literally after a week 2 itch became weaker, and in a month I completely disappeared.

Result: positive feedback

Reassured and brought my nerves in order

Advantages: Removes the alarm, soothes, normalizes sleep

Disadvantages: Sold only on the recipe, was several times headache and much wanted to drink after the reception

I am very close to the heart all the life events, for everything I worry, I think, I do not sleep at night. There were states on the nose. Examines at the institute, then a device for work, interviews, I was all on the nerves. My godfather works a neuropathologist, she recommended to drink an atarax. At first I thought for a long time, buy or not, but I still bought. In fact, literally the next day, I felt that I feel much calmer myself, not such a "jerky", more confident in myself, at night I slept without waking up, respectively, in the morning I slept and was in good mood. I was worried on the exams, but the sensations were not so pronounced. This drug leads to a state of peace of mind. I am not a supporter of drugs, especially at that age, but I think that the nerves need to be kept with the violence.

Result: neutral feedback

Advantages: quick effect

Disadvantages: drowsiness

The usual means from the discharge of soothing. After taking, I had a calm, but apparently this drug is not suitable for everyone. The reason is that after the reception you feel like a vegetable, of course, there is a tranquility at the alarm, and neurodermatitis passes, but I did not like the condition of the vegetable. You can also go to work but there is no joy in life, very hard to put yourself on your feet in the morning, I always want to eat and sleep.

Result: positive feedback

Not bad antidepressant

Advantages: Effective available

Disadvantages: There are contraindications

From depression tried to recover with various drugs, means, it really did not help absolutely nothing. The neurologist prescribed Ataraks, explaining that the cure for a soft action, addiction would not cause, and picked up individually a dosage. He began to drink from the quarter and so, increasing the dosage gradually, reached the whole tablet three times a day. I will say that in the course of a monthly course of treatment, I realized that my condition is improved: apathy disappeared, the mood rose. Then they gradually sued anxiety and fears. I sometimes had drowsiness, which quickly passed after Atarax. And so, the shortcomings in this drug did not notice.

Result: neutral feedback


Advantages: Not Calling

Disadvantages: With a sense of anxiety, I did not cope, incompatible with alcohol

The first time divided the pills in two, very convenient. He saw half the chalk twice, then the dosage increased and began to drink in the morning and before bedtime. Noticed that the treatment of food on the action of the medication does not affect. I don't suffer irritability, I tried to remove the anxiety and fears with the help of the medicine (it was before the operation), but the antitle action did not wait, except that the dream became a little deeper. Headaches or other side manifestations At the same time it did not arise. After some time, it used the drug again, this time to relieve the skin irritation of allergic nature. Helped weakly. The rash decreased, but did not disappear completely, had to be traded with local means.

Result: negative feedback

Advantages: There are no advantages. Grandaxin better

Disadvantages: no effect no

I discharged this drug because of my unstable emotional state. The problem was what was: We did not argue with her husband, constantly, in most cases due to trifles. And most importantly, I understand that the reason for the dispute is nothing, but I can not stop. I still have a sign of the zodiac - Scorpio, we are all very persistent. It was necessary to find a way out as soon as possible, I was afraid that I was hurrying to pay him as my behavior, and he would find someone on the side. I decided to go to a psychologist and a neurologist. Neurologist prescribed this drug. Believe it or not, but it did not help! I did not help at all! I went to the neurologist again, I was pressed, then I was prescribed Grandaxin. Here I have become calmer from him + the number of conflicts has decreased. High quality preparation itself, does not affect activity, I checked on myself. It is quickly excreted from the body, and if there is a lot of water to drink, as everyone is advised now, so at all, there will be no instant, there will be no complications. The flaws for ourselves did not find. The price is also quite adequate: 800 R for packaging 60 tablets, which I was enough for a month. Some advantages!

Therarax preparation has in the composition hydroxyzine hydrochloride (active ingredient) and microcrystalline cellulose , lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate , colloidal silicon anhydride , macroogol , titanium dioxide , hydroxypropylmethylcellulose .

Form release

Produced in the form of a tablet oblong shape with a white shell. They have
Separating transverse risk on both sides. Tablets 25 mg are packaged in blisters 25 pcs., Implemented in cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

The main active substance of the drug Ataraks - dihydrochloride hydroxyzine It is derivative diphenylmethan . The drug is not a CNS depressant, but at the same time can be an inhibitory effect on the activity of some zones of the subcortex region.

Atarax has an armored and antihistamine effect on the body. If you take it in therapeutic doseThe secretory and acid-forming function of influence does not occur.

Has an effective impact in the process of therapy skin itch , allergic dermatitis . If the patient has a liver function, the length of antihistamine increases to 96 hours.

A sympatholytic, antispasmodic, soft analgesic effect is observed. After taking the drug, patients noted an increase in the total duration of the sleep period, a decrease in awakening at night and their period, a decrease in muscle tone. This does not disrupt memory.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug Atarax is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and quickly enters the blood. The greatest concentration in blood plasma is marked 2 hours after the use of tablets. Bioavailability with pericoral reception is 80%. Active substance hydroxyzin It applies throughout the body and mainly accumulates in tissues.

Hydroxyzine can pass through a placental and blood-brain barrier. As a result, it accumulates in the tissues of the fetus in high concentration. Also, metabolites fall into breast milk.

In the process of hydroxyzine metabolism mainly formed zetarizin which has the properties of antagonist histamine receptors.

Metabolites drug From the body are removed unchanged with urine.

It should be borne in mind that the elderly, as well as those who suffer impairment of liver and kidney functions, during treatment with the drug there is an increased concentration of metabolites in the blood. Therefore, in order not to show side effects, you need to reduce the dose. How much can the tablets be taken, should in this case determine the attending physician.

Indications for use

Atarax Tablets are prescribed for the treatment of adult patients in the following cases:

  • In order to eliminate the manifestations of anxiety, internal stress, psychomotor excitation, high irritability in the treatment of patients with neurological, somatic, mental diseases.
  • In chronic alcoholism, as well as to eliminate the abstine syndrome, which is accompanied by psychomotor excitation.
  • As a somatic remedy during premedication.
  • As a symptomatic tool for eliminating .

Indications for the use of atarax determines the attending physician. As a rule, indications for the use of the drug are available with a variety of skin diseaseswhich are accompanied by pronounced skin itch.


Atrax should not be taken if a person has the following diseases or conditions:

  • generic activity;
  • porphyry;
  • high sensitivity to the drug component;
  • high sensitivity K. cetirizin , derivative piperazine as well as to ethylenediamine or .

Due to the fact that there are lactose as part of the funds, the atrax of theraks should not be taken to those who have the hereditary intolerance to galactose, the absorption of glucose and galactose absorption.

Side effects

Atarax can provoke the manifestation of side effects due to the effects of the drug on the CNS. In particular, sometimes it causes oppression of functions, paradoxical stimulation, has an anti-iron effect.

  • Cardiovascular functions : Rarely decreases, the heartbeat increases.
  • Vision functions : Reducing the clarity of view, violation of accommodation.
  • Functions GTC : Feeling dryness in the mouth, rarely - vomiting, nausea, problems with intestinal peristalsis and, as a result,.
  • Functions of the immune system : Hypersensitivity, anaphylactic shock can rarely develop.
  • Functions of the urinary system : It is rarely possible to delay the separation of urine.
  • Functions of breathing organs : Rarely - bronchospasm and choking.
  • Neurological violations : drowsiness, headache, insomnia, rarely - cramps.
  • Mental violations are rarely manifested: it is possible to excite , hallucinations.
  • Skin Covers : Itching, rash, rarely - swelling.
  • General violations : Weakness, temperature rise, fatigue.

Instructions for the use of atarax (method and dosage)

Instructions for Ataras should be clearly respected in the treatment with the drug. The medicine is accepted inside. When treating the alarm, it is recommended to use 0.05 tablets daily. If a patient has a severe anxiety, 0.3 g of the drug can be taken per day.

If it is treated with itching, then initially the patient is recommended to use 0.025 g of medication. If there is a need, such a dose of Ataraks can be taken 3-4 times a day. The greatest dose acceptable at the same time should not exceed 0.2 g, and the dose per day should not exceed 0.3 g.

In the treatment of itching in children preschool age (from 3 years) The daily dose is used 0.001-0.0025 g / kg of the child's weight.

Wikipedia indicates that the dose is most often selected individually. It depends first of all, from how the body responds to treatment.


In case of overdose, such phenomena may be observed:

  • strengthening anticholinergic effects;
  • paradoxical stimulation or depression of the CNS;
  • manifestations of involuntary motor activity;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • violation of consciousness and hallucination;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • in rare cases, with a strong overdose - causes , tremor , .

When taking too much drug, it is important to cause vomiting, rinse the stomach. Activities are practiced that are aimed at supporting the vital functions of the body. The patient is monitored until all the symptoms of intoxication disappear.


The effect of the drug on the body is enhanced if it takes it simultaneously with drugs that suppress the CNS function. If there is a need to take such drugs at the same time, then the selection of doses of the doctor is individually.

It should not be at the same time taken by theraks and drugs that relate to the group. mao inhibitors and cholinoblocators .

If at the same time take Cimetidine Both Ataras, the concentration of hydroxyzine in plasma is enhanced, the concentration of metabolites decreases.

Atarax disrupts the metabolism of substrates for substrates for uridindiphosphate and glucuronlontransferase .

When taking an atarax, the effect of drugs that oppress the CNS: barbituratov , opioid Analgesic , tranquilizers , sleeping pills, ethanol.

Atarax suspends pressing action but (adrenaline ) and anticonvulsant action phenitina , prevents impact and cholinesterase blockers .

Terms of sale

In pharmacies you can purchase a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Store theraks is necessary in a dark and dry place, where the temperature is no more than 25 degrees Celsius.

Shelf life

Store the drug can be 5 years old.

special instructions

If the patient needs to conduct allergological tests, treatment with the drug ceases five days before the study.

Patients who control the car should take into account that the drug may have attention to the reaction rate and the concentration of attention.

If the patient has seizures in the patient, then treatment is needed very carefully.

Considering the fact that the Ataras has an anticholinergic effect, it is necessary to carefully apply it to treat patients with, poll . It is necessary to refrain from the reception of sedatives in the treatment of this drug.

Carefully prescribe a patient with cardiac arrhythmia , Those who apply antiarrhythmic drugs. In the treatment of the elderly, half of the dose of the drug is originally appointed.


In the pharmacy network you can purchase analogues of this medicinal product. One of the analogues of the drug is Hydroxyzin . The price of this drug is lower (about 260 rubles per pack of 25 tablets). Other analogs of the drug have not a completely similar composition.

What is better: Phenibut or Ataraks?


The medicine is used to treat children from one year old age, but it is necessary to clearly adhere to the specified dosage and apply an atrarax only after the doctor's appointment.

With alcohol

Alcohol and the attractors cannot be combined, as the use of alcohol enhances the effect of the drug. The use of atrax with alcohol causes a significant oppression of the CNS functions. Such a combination can enhance the state of intoxication, reduce blood pressure, cause allergic reactions.

During pregnancy and lactation

Atarax can not be used to treat pregnant women, as well as during labor. The drug penetrates through the placenta and falls directly into the body of the fetus. In the process, the drug may disrupt the course of generic activity, as it relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus and prevents its reduction. With breastfeeding, the atrax falls into the mother's milk, and the child under the year is not carried out by this tool.

Catad_pgroup Anxiolitics (Tranquilizers)

Ataraks - instructions for use

(information for specialists)
by medical application drug

Atarax® (ATARAX®)
(HydroxyZine | hydroxyzine)

Registration number:

No. P.N.011405/01 from 10.03.2006.

Commercial proprietary title: Atarax ® (ATARAX ®)

International unpatient name : Hydroxyzine

Chemical name:ethanol, 2 [-2 - [- 4 - [(4-chlorofenyl) phenylmethyl] -1-piperazine] ethoxy] -, dihydrochloride.

Dosage forms:Solution for intramuscular administration; Tablets covered with shell.


Tablets: active substance - hydroxyzine hydrochloride 25 mg; Auxiliary substances: microcrystalline cellulose (Avice pH 102 ®), magnesium stearate, silicon colloidal anhydride (Aerosil 200 ®), monohydrate lactose, Oddrai ® Y-1-7000: Titanium dioxide, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 2910 5CP, macrogol 400.

Solution for I / M Introduction: active substance - hydroxyzine hydrochloride 100 mg in 2 ml; Inactive components: sodium hydroxide, water for injection.


White oblong pills covered with shell, with separation transverse risk on both sides.

The solution for intramuscular administration is a transparent, colorless solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:

anxolytic remedy (tranquilizer).

ATH code:№ 05BB01.

Pharmacological properties

Diffenylmethane derivative, has moderate anxiolytic activity; Also also has a sedative, anti-height, antihistamine and M-cholinoblocking effect. Blocks the central M-cholino - and h 1-histimaging equipment and oppress the activity of certain subcortic zones. It does not cause mental dependence and addiction. The clinical effect occurs 15-30 minutes after taking inside the tablets. It has a positive effect on cognitive abilities, improves memory and attention. Relaxes a skeletal and smooth muscles, has an armored and analgesic effects, moderate inhibiting influence on gastric secretion. Hydroxyzine significantly reduces itching in patients with urticule, eczema and dermatitis. With long-term reception, the cancellation syndrome and deterioration of cognitive functions is not marked. Polysomnography in patients with insomnia and anxiety clearly demonstrate the elongation of sleep duration, reducing the frequency of night awakening after receiving once or re-hydroxyzine at a dose of 50 mg. Reducing muscle tension in patients with anxiety is noted when taking the drug at a dose of 50 mg 3 times a day.

Pharmacokinetics. Absorption is high. Maximum concentration time (T Cmax) after oral reception - 2 h; half-life (T 1/2) in adults - 14 hours. Metabolites are found in breast milk. After reception single dose 25 mg T Cmax in adults is 30 mg / ml and 70 mg / ml after receiving 50 mg of hydroxyzine. Bioavailability when taking inside and intramuscular administration is 80%.

Hydroxyzine is more concentrated in the skin than in the plasma. The distribution coefficient is 7-16 l / kg in adults. Hydroxyzine penetrates through the hematorecephalic barrier and the placenta, concentrating to a greater extent in fetal than in maternal tissues. Hydroxyzine is metabolized in the liver. Cetirizine is the main metabolite (45%), is a pronounced H 1-block. The total hydroxyzine clearance is 13 ml / min / kg. Only 0.8% of hydroxyzine is removed unchanged through the kidneys.

In children, the overall clearance is 4 times shorter than in adults, T 1/2 - 11 hours in children aged 14 and 4 h at the age of 1 year.
In the elderly patients t 1/2 amounted to 29 hours, the distribution coefficient is 22.5 l / kg.
In patients with diseases of the liver T 1/2 increased to 37 hours, the concentration of metabolites in serum is higher than that of young patients with normal liver function. Antihistamine effect can be extended to 96 hours after reception.

Indications for use

  • Adults to relieve anxiety, psychomotor excitation, internal stress, increased irritability in neurological, mental (generalized anxiety and disorder of adaptation) and somatic diseases, as well as in chronic alcoholism, alcoholic withdrawal syndrome, accompanied by symptoms of psychomotor excitation;
  • as a sedative means during the premedication period;
  • symptomatic therapy of itching.

    The drug is contraindicated in patients with increased sensitivity To any of the components of the drug, cetirizin and other piperazine derivatives, aminoophyllin or ethylenediamine. Contraindicated also patients with porphyria; during pregnancy, during the period of generic activity and breastfeeding. Since lactose is included in the tablet, patients with hereditary intolerance to galactose, with impaired glucose-galactose absorption drug is not recommended.


    When miasthenia, prostate hyperplasia with clinical manifestations, difficulty urination, constipation, with an increase in intraocular pressure, dementia, inclinations to convulsive supplies. Patients prone to arrhythmia or receiving drugs that can cause arrhythmia. Patients simultaneously receiving treatment with other means that depress the CNS, or cholinoblockers, the dose should be reduced. Patients with severe and medigative degree of severity renal failure, as well as with hepatic insufficiency, it is necessary to reduce the dose. The elderly patient dose is reduced in the case of reduced glomerular filtration.

    Method of application and dose

    The drug is prescribed inside in the form of tablets or intramuscularly introduced.


    For symptomatic treatment of itch. Aged 12 months to 6 years: 1 mg / kg to 2.5 mg / kg / day in several techniques. Aged 6 years and older: 1 mg / kg to 2.0 mg / kg / day in several techniques. For premedication - 1 mg / kg 1 hour before the operation, as well as additionally on the night before anesthesia.


    For symptomatic treatment of anxiety: 25-100 mg per day in a separate dosage during the day or overnight. Standard dose of 50 mg per day (12.5 mg in the morning, 12.5 mg during the day and 25 mg per night). In serious cases, the dose can be increased to 300 mg per day.

    For premedication in surgical practice: 50-200 mg (1.5-2.5 mg / kg intramuscularly) is introduced in 1 hour before the operation. For symptomatic treatment of itching: the initial dose of 25 mg, if necessary, the dose can be increased four times (25 mg 4 times a day), as well as additionally on the night before anesthesia.

    In the elderly patients, treatment starts with a half dose.

    In renal and / or liver failure, the dose should be reduced.

    The one-time maximum dose should not exceed 200 mg, the maximum daily dose is no more than 300 mg.


    Weakly expressed and transient, as a rule, disappear in a few days from the beginning of treatment or after a reduction in the dose. Side effects are mainly associated with the oppression of the CNS or a paradoxical stimulating effect on the CNS, anticholinergic activity or the reaction of hypersensitivity. Anticholinergic effects: dry mouth, urination delay, constipation or accommodation violation are rarely marked and, mostly in the elderly patients. Drowsiness may occur, general weakness, especially at the beginning of treatment with the drug. If this effect does not disappear in a few days from the start of therapy, the dose of the drug must be reduced. There were reports of other side effects, such as headache, dizziness, increased sweating, arterial hypotension, tachycardia, allergic reactions, nausea, tachycardia, fever, change functional samples Liver, bronchospasm. A clinically significant oppression of respiration when prescribed recommended doses is not marked. Inspected motor activity, including very rare cases of tremor and convulsion, disorientation was observed with significant overdose.


    The manifestation of the drug overdose may be a pronounced anticholinergic effect, oppression or paradoxical stimulation of the CNS. Symptoms of significant overdose can be nausea, vomiting, involuntary motor activity, hallucinations, violation of consciousness, arrhythmia, arterial hypotension. If the spontaneous vomiting is absent, immediate washing of the stomach is recommended. Vomiting must be caused by artificially. General supporting measures are shown, including control over the vital functions of the body and monitor monitoring of patients before the disappearance of symptoms of intoxication and in the next 24 hours. If it is necessary to obtain a vasopressor effect, norepinephrine or metaramenol is prescribed. Epinephrine should not be appointed. Hemodialysis is not effective. Specific antidote does not exist.

    Interaction with other drugs

    It is necessary to take into account the potentiary effect of hydroxyzine when appointed with drugs depressing Central nervous systemsuch as narcotic analgesics, barbiturates, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, alcohol. In this case, their dosages must be selected individually. To avoid sharing with inhibitors of MAO and cholinoblockers. The drug prevents the intricate effect of adrenaline and anticonvulsant activity of phenytoin, and also prevents the action of betagistic and drugs - cholinesterase blockers. The effect of atropine, alkaloids of belladonna, digitalis, hypotensive agents, H 2 antagonists are not changed under the action of hydroxyzine. It is the P450 2D6 inhibitor and high doses may be the cause of interaction with CYP2D6 substrates. Since hydroxyzine is metabolized in the liver, it is possible to expect an increase in its blood concentration during joint appointment with drugs - inhibitors of hepatic enzymes.


    If you need to conduct allergological tests, the reception of the drug must be discontinued 5 days before the study. Since hydroxyzine can affect the attention and speed of psychomotor reactions, patients should be warned by car and mechanisms. Injection forms drugs are intended only for intramuscular injections And it should not be administered intravenously, intraarterially or subcutaneously. With intramuscular administration, make sure that the needle did not hit any vessel. When administered under the skin, the drug may cause damage to the tissues. During treatment with hydroxyzin, alcohol is avoided.

    Form release

    Tablets covered with a shell of 25 mg. 25 tablets in blister; Blister together with the instructions for use is packaged in a cardboard pack. The ampoules for the introduction of 100 mg / 2 ml of a solution of transparent, white glass, 6 ampoules are embedded in a plastic holder, which is packed with the instructions for use in a cardboard pack.


    Tablets - in a dry place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

  • Ampoules - at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Do not take the drug after the expiration date. Keep out of the reach of children.

    Pharmacy leave:

    According to the doctor's prescription.

    Yusb S.A. Farm sector
    Shemet du Fore, Branin L'Ally,
    B-1420 Belgium Representation in Moscow: 117312, Moscow, ul. Gubkin 14-44

    Atarax is a tranquilizer with anxiolytic, anti-ansulistic and sedative effect. Blocks central M-cholinoreceptors and histamine H1 receptors and oppress the activity of certain subcortic zones.

    It does not cause mental dependence and addiction. The clinical effect occurs after 15-30 minutes after taking the drug inside.

    It has a positive effect on cognitive abilities, improves memory and attention. Relaxes a skeletal and smooth muscles, has an armored and analgesic effects, moderate inhibiting influence on gastric secretion. Ataras significantly reduces itching in patients with urticule, eczema and dermatitis.

    With long-term reception, the cancellation syndrome and deterioration of cognitive functions is not marked.

    The main active agent means is hydroxyzine dihydrochloride. Although the drug does not apply to the depressants of the central nervous system, but is able to have an oppressive effect on the activity of some zones of the subcortex region.

    Polysomnography in patients with insomnia and anxiety clearly demonstrates the extension of sleep duration, reducing the frequency of night awakening after one-time or reuse of tablets. The reduction in muscle tension in patients with anxiety was noted when receiving an atarax at a dose of 50 mg 3 times / day.

    Hydroxyzine is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax is observed in 2 hours later the reception of the product. After a single reception of the product in a single dose of 25 mg or 50 mg in adult plasma concentration is 30 ng / ml and 70 ng / ml, respectively. Bioavailability when taking inside and in / m administration is 80%.

    The kids have a total clearance of 4 times less than in adults, T1 / 2 in the kids aged 14 is 11 hours, kids aged 1 year - 4 hours. The elderly patients with T1 / 2 is 29 hours, the distribution coefficient is 22.5 l / kg.

    Indications for use

    What does the Ataraks help? Prescribed a drug to remove irritation, voltage, as a soothing CNS, therefore apply it in the following cases:

    • The main symptomatic indicator is skin itch. The medicine does not eliminate the cause of the disease (eczema, urticaria, dermatitis), but only blocks its manifestations.
    • An abstine syndrome with psychomotor excitation (the so-called "breaking" in the abandonment of alcohol, drugs, nicotine, etc.).
    • Anxiety, tension, psychomotor excitation and irritability, with neurological, somatic and mental disorders.
    • Voltage and concern in the preoperative period.
    • Postpartum depression.

    Atarax is a anti-taking drug, which inhibits the activity of some zones of the subcortex region. It has spasmolytic and antihistamine effect, increases the overall duration of sleep.

    Instructions for applying Ataras and dosage

    The drug is taken inside or injected by an in / m.

    For the symptomatic treatment of itching to children:

    • aged 1 to 6 years, the drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 1-2.5 mg / kg of body weight in several techniques;
    • at the age of 6 years - at a dose of 1-2 mg / kg / day in several techniques.

    For premedication, children are prescribed in a dose of 1 mg / kg body weight 1 hour before surgery, as well as in the evening before the operation.

    Adults for symptomatic treatment of anxiety are prescribed at a dose of 25-100 mg / day in several techniques during the day or night. The average dose is 50 mg / day (12.5 mg in the morning, 12.5 mg during the day and 25 mg per night).

    • If necessary, the dose can be increased to 300 mg / day.

    For premedication in surgical practice, V / m in a dose of 50-200 mg (1.5-2.5 mg / kg) is introduced 1 hour before the operation, as well as in the evening before the operation.

    For the symptomatic treatment of itching, the initial dose is 25 mg, if necessary, the dose can be increased 4 times (25 mg 4 times / day). The maximum one-time dose should not exceed 200 mg, the maximum daily dose is no more than 300 mg.

    In the elderly patients, treatment starts with a half dose. In renal and / or liver failure, the dose should be reduced.

    It should be remembered that the dosage depends on the body's reaction to the therapy conducted and is individually selected by the doctor. The duration of treatment is also determined only by the attending physician, the usual duration is four weeks, but depending on the state of the patient and the diagnosis, the doctor can change these values.

    Contraindications for use

    Appointment of Ataraks is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • increased sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, cetirizin and other piperazine derivatives, aminoophylline or ethylenediamine;
    • porphyry;
    • pregnancy;
    • labor period;
    • breastfeeding period.
    • health intake of galactose, impairment of glucose-galactose absorption (because lactose is included in the tablet).


    • miasti; Prostate hyperplasia with clinical manifestations, incl. difficulty urination, constipation;
    • an increase in intraocular pressure;
    • dementia;
    • a tendency to convulsive supplies;
    • patients prone to arrhythmias or receiving drugs that can cause arrhythmia;
    • patients who are at the same time receiving treatment with other means depressing the CNS, or cholinoblockers (the dose should decrease);
    • patients with severe and moderate degree of severity of renal failure, as well as with hepatic insufficiency (dose reduction);
    • elderly patients (the dose is reduced in the case of reduced glomerular filtration.


    An express anticholinergic effect, depression or paradoxical stimulation of the CNS may be a manifestation of an overdose of the drug. Symptoms of significant overdose can be nausea, vomiting, involuntary motor activity, hallucinations, violation of consciousness, arrhythmia, arterial hypotension.

    If the spontaneous vomiting is absent, immediate washing of the stomach is recommended. Vomiting must be caused by artificially. General supporting measures are shown, including control over the vital functions of the body and monitor monitoring of patients before the disappearance of symptoms of intoxication and in the next 24 hours.

    If it is necessary to obtain a vasopressor effect, norepinephrine or metaramenol is prescribed. Epinephrine should not be appointed. Hemodialysis is not effective. Specific antidote does not exist.

    Side effects

    Possible side effects when appointing Atarax:

    • drowsiness,
    • weakness,
    • dry mouth
    • headache,
    • dizziness,
    • tremor,
    • ataxia,
    • acute increase in intraocular pressure
    • acute urine delay,
    • tachycardia,
    • constipation
    • accommodation violation,
    • reduced blood pressure
    • increased sweating
    • increase the activity of "liver" transaminases,
    • bronchospasm
    • allergic reactions.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    Atarax has reproductive toxicity, penetrates the placental barrier and accumulates in high concentration in the tissues of the fetus. When taking the drug Mother during pregnancy, after birth, the child has a decrease in blood pressure, impaired motor activity, clonic convulsions, symptoms of oppression of the CNS.

    In connection with all the above, Atarax is contraindicated to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    If necessary, the appointment of the drug during the lactation period, breastfeeding must be stopped.

    Interaction with alcohol and other medicines

    • With simultaneous reception of atarax with drugs that have an overwhelming effect on the central nervous system, its influence on the body increases, which must be considered when determining the dosage.
    • Simultaneous reception of atarax with preparations of a group of inhibitors of Mao and cholinoblocators are not allowed.
    • With simultaneous reception of the drug with cimetidine, an increase in plasma hydroxyzine occurs.
    • The simultaneous reception of drugs depressing the CNS function is also not recommended due to the increase in the effect of their reception.
    • It is known that atrax suspends the anticonvulsant effect of phenytoin and the effect of adrenaline.
    • It is noted that when taking alcoholic beverages The effect of the drug is enhanced.

    Analogs and prices Ataraks, list of drugs

    If necessary, it is possible to replace the atarax on a structural analogue is a hydroxyzine preparation.

    The following synonyms and intraarax substitutes are distinguished:

    1. Gydazepam.
    2. Penazepam.
    3. Relanium.
    4. Grandaxin.
    5. Diazepam.
    6. Diazpex.
    7. Solomax.
    8. Strazy.
    9. Vinopotropyl.
    10. Teraulygenis.

    Choosing analogues It is important to understand that the instructions for the use of atrax, the price and reviews of drugs of similar action do not apply. It is important to obtain a doctor's advice and not to produce an independent replacement of the drug.

    In the pharmacies of Russia sold strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The price depends on the pharmacy and form of release, on average, 272-369 rubles per pack of tablets of 25 mg No. 25 are made.

    What is better - Phenibut or Ataraks?

    - This is a drug that has antihypoxic and nootropic effects. This drug effectively removes anxiety, voltage, normalizes sleep. Packing cost of Phenibuta (20 pcs.) Is approximately 160 rubles.

    However, this drug is not full analogueSince the existing substance of the Phoenibuta is an aminophenylmaceanic acid. Therefore, only a doctor can decide on the replacement of one drug by another.

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