What is the most effective ointment for neurodermatitis? List of effective ointments for neurodermatitis The best ointment for neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin disease. Skin rashes are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning. The disease occurs in periods, there are stages of exacerbation and remission. The disease can be hereditary, exacerbated in stressful situations, with emotional and physical overload.


Healing activities carried out with the use of special medications... The active ingredients that make up the drugs help quick withdrawal unpleasant sensations accompanying the disease. Experts recommend using ointments and tablets for neurodermatitis. Treatment with ointments can take place at home.

Conditionally skin ointments are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Dermaprotective ointments.
  2. Anti-inflammatory skin ointments.
  3. Hormonal ointments.

Drugs last generation quickly penetrate the skin, so ointments are preferred. The composition of ointments for neurodermatitis in adults contains an uncritical amount of preservatives, which avoids allergic reactions.

Dermaprotectors and moisturizers

With neurodermatitis, it is necessary to use special moisturizing and skin-protecting creams. Dehydration of the skin can aggravate the course of neurodermatitis, so the use of dermaprotectors is mandatory. Popular moisturizing ointments:

Name Description Composition
AflokremOintment approved for use for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for dermatitis. The product restores water balance, moisturizes and protects the epidermis.The composition contains: paraffin, mineral white oil, cetomacrogol, sodium hydroxide, purified water.
LipikarEliminates the feeling of dryness with neurodermatitis. Promotes the restoration of water balance at the cellular level.The cream contains: glycerin, niacinamide, shea butter (oil), thermal water.
TopicreamThe ointment for neurodermatitis is non-hormonal. Regenerates damaged tissues and moisturizes the epidermisThe composition contains: lactic acid, olamine piroctone, mineral oil, beeswax, carbopol, sodium sulfate, isolinone

Patient feedback:

5 years ago I was diagnosed with neurodermatitis. The disease is greatly exacerbated by stress, the skin itches and cracks unbearably. The dermatologist advised to smear the combs with moisturizers as often as possible. Topikrem and Aflokrem creams approached me the most. I have sensitive skin, these products do not cause irritation and allergies.

Marianna Pyryeva

Anti-inflammatory ointments

Anti-inflammation agents are non-hormonal... The drugs help relieve inflammation and kill pathogenic bacteria. Most anti-inflammatory drugs contain extracts of medicinal plants. Medicines in this category:

Consumer feedback:

Neurodermatitis was transmitted to me from my father, the disease manifested itself in adolescence. During periods of exacerbation from itching, I cannot sleep, the wounds itch and begin to fester. I asked for help, the specialist advised the use of anti-inflammatory ointments.

I use Desitin, before that I used Gistan. Gistan helped me very well, the itching disappeared within 5-7 minutes after application. They stopped importing the drug to our village, we had to look for something else effective remedy... The choice fell on Desitin. I have been using the ointment for six months now, no irritation or burning sensation was noticed.

Grigory Lemeshov.

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal medications, when used, can cause a number of side effects, the most common of which are:

  • acne;
  • cutaneous atrophy;
  • excessive pigmentation.

The use of ointments should begin with the approval of the attending physician. Hormonal medications:

Hormonal medications are prescribed exclusively by a specialist. When prescribing, the doctor should take into account the age and general state the patient.

Neurodermatitis is neurological disorderwhich is accompanied by chronic itching and scratching. Skin damage occurs as a result of scratching due to endless itching, which usually begins with an exacerbation and lasts even after the stress subsides. The condition is typical for middle-aged people (women are more likely to suffer from the disease than men), it is very rare in children. Ointment for neurodermatitis helps to stop inflammation, eliminate unpleasant symptoms and moisturize the body, since dry skin is a constant companion of the disease.

Rules for the selection and use of ointments for neurodermatitis

Ointments for the treatment of neurodermatitis are central to the treatment of the disease. These drugs are divided into two large groups:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

Hormonal ointments and gels are applied to the affected areas. They penetrate deeply into the skin, while the active ingredients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This makes them highly effective in treating neurodermatitis. They have antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

The disadvantages of steroid drugs include:

  • quick addiction to a certain dosage, which requires a gradual increase;
  • thinning of the skin due to prolonged use;
  • limited selection of products for application on the face;
  • many steroids cannot be used by children or pregnant women.

Hormonal agents should be used with particular caution during pregnancy and lactation, because their active components can penetrate the placenta and accumulate in breast milk.

Non-hormonal ointments have a milder effect on the epidermis. Therefore, they are often prescribed for the treatment of childhood neurodermatitis, as well as for women during gestation and lactation. Due to the absence of hormones in them, they are used for a long time. They are practically free of harmful side reactions.

Examples of effective remedies

Treatment of neurodermatitis requires an integrated approach. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of the best treatments for the disease. This includes anti-itch medications with and without hormones, ointments to relieve inflammation and to moisturize.

Neurodermatitis can be accompanied by bacterial and viral infections skin, which is associated with the loss of its protective function due to dryness and trauma from scratching.

If, when combing, fungal or bacterial infection, you will need ointments containing antimycotic and antibacterial components.


Hormonal ointments for neurodermatitis in adults can only be used as directed by a doctor. Low-dose, that is, with a small amount of hormones, corticosteroids are used early in the disease. But over time, you have to increase the dosage.

  • Prednisolone is an ointment with an active substance of the same name, which effectively removes the symptoms of allergy and inflammation in neurodermatitis. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, due to which the effect is noticeable already in the first days of treatment. The ointment is applied in a thin layer up to 2 times a day.
  • Fluorocort is an ointment based on triamcinolone. Two weeks of treatment with the drug is enough to relieve itching and pain. Overdose can cause hyperthyroidism and skin redness.
  • Trimistin - this ointment is also based on the action of triamcinolone, but it contains miramistin, which destroys pathogenic microbes.
  • Advantan is a hormonal drug with antibacterial action. Well removes itching, swelling and redness with neurodermatitis. It has a significant moisturizing effect.
  • Prednicarb is an ointment based on prednisolone and urea. It is prescribed in the late stages of neurodermatitis, when the skin is thickened and heavily flaky.
  • Hydrocortisone is an inexpensive hormonal medicine that contains small amounts of hormones, so it can be used for a long time without compromising health. Usually it is recommended for early and unreleased forms of neurodermatitis.
  • Elokom is a hormonal agent based on mometasone, with a minimum set of side effects. The ointment can be prescribed for neurodermatitis even for children from two years old.

Moisturizing and Protecting

Only well-hydrated skin is able to fulfill its barrier function. During periods of remission, you can moisturize the body with a simple baby cream, but if the symptoms of the disease worsen, you should use the following ointment for neurodermatitis on your hands, which will prevent moisture loss:

  • Bepanten is a non-hormonal ointment with panthenol, which has a wound healing and regenerating effect. In case of drug intolerance, you can use its analogues - Korneregel or D-Panthenol moisturizers. They can even be given to babies.
  • Gistan is a cream containing extracts from the string, Japanese sophora and birch buds. Due to its natural composition, it is prescribed for neurodermatitis even for children from 2 years old. The cream can be applied to areas with thin skin, it effectively eliminates itching, severe flaking and redness.
  • Skin-cap - the cream is effective against fungal and microbial pathogens of infection, has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and is approved for use by children over one year old. The analogs of the drug are Friederm zinc, Pyriton zinc and Tsinocap.
  • We see - active drug based on vitamin A, actively regenerates and softens the epithelium, prevents its thickening.


An anti-inflammatory cream for neurodermatitis is prescribed before proceeding to hormone therapy, at the very beginning of the disease and as a component complex therapy.

  • Eplan is a cream for relieving itching, pain and inflammation, has a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Radevit - ointment eliminates itching, quickly softens and restores inflamed epithelial foci. The ointment is prohibited for use during pregnancy.
  • Naphtaderm is an effective anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and regenerating drug.
  • Desitin - zinc in the composition of the drug has an antiseptic effect on the affected skin, and petroleum jelly and cod liver oil allow even babies to use it.

Calcineurin inhibitors

The skin affected by neurodermatitis contains a large amount of anti-inflammatory cytokines that cause itching, redness and various kinds of inflammation on the skin. Calcineurin inhibitors are a class of non-steroidal immunomodulators that stop the process of their formation in the epidermis.

Dermatologists use 2 calcineurin inhibitors for the treatment of neurodermatitis - pimecrolimus and tacrolimus.

  • Elidel cream is made on the basis of pimecrolimus. It is allowed to be used in babies from 3 months.
  • Tacrolimus is the main active ingredient in Protopic ointment used against neurodermatitis on the legs and arms. It has a different concentration, which the doctor selects individually. For children, the drug is prescribed from 2 years of age. It is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers, since there are no studies confirming its safety for this category of patients.

Compared to glucocorticosteroids, these drugs have the following advantages:

  • they can be applied for such forms of the disease as neurodermatitis on the skin of the eyelids, around the eyes and mouth, on the folds and in the genital area;
  • they are approved for long-term use;
  • have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Drugs in this group should not be used for immunodeficiency, in the presence of a bacterial, fungal or viral infection.

Due to insufficient knowledge, these ointments should not be used for more than 1 year. According to some medical studies, long-term use of these ointments is associated with the occurrence of skin cancer.

What ointments can children

For the treatment of pediatric dermatitis, elimination of oozing and edema, pediatricians prefer hormonal drugs of the latest generation, such as Advantan, Afloderm and Elokom. This is due to relatively few side effects. If the ointment needs to be applied to the groin folds, neck or face, it is better to mix it with baby cream.

  • If the child's dermatitis goes away mild form or now the stage of post-hormonal treatment, children's doctors prescribe ointments with active ingredients in the form of tar, naphthalan, ichthyol. They can be smeared up to 2 times a day, no more than 7 days.
  • When moderate neurodermatitis is prescribed Glutamol - it relieves inflammation, removes itching and moisturizes the body. The medicine can be used for no more than 1 month.
  • The specificity of children's neurodermatitis is such that the child is constantly itching, and there is a risk of infection in the affected areas of the body. In such cases, ointments for fungus and bacteria are prescribed - Pimafukort, Fucidin, Lincomycin and Gentamicin.
  • During the period of remission, delicate baby skin requires no less careful care. Special children's products for skin rehabilitation after a course of treatment for neurodermatitis are presented in the line of cosmetic brands Vichy, Topicrem, Uriage, Mustela and Avene. These products will help soften and moisturize the body and reduce its susceptibility to allergens and harmful external influences.

Since the disease is protracted, it is important to assess the risks of long-term use hormonal agents... Therefore, a doctor should deal with the treatment of neurodermatitis at any age. In addition to external treatments, complex therapy includes antihistamines, vitamin complexes, enzymes, as well as adherence to a healthy diet.


Allergic diseases increasingly occur in humans different ages... This is due to poor ecology, stress, wrong lifestyle and genetic predisposition... When neurodermatitis appears, which manifests itself constantly with itchy rashes, the disease does not allow a person to lead a normal life. Therefore, the question of the selection of a hormonal ointment for neurodermatitis for the treatment of the skin is relevant.

What is neurodermatitis

Autoimmune diseases are the scourge of our time. People are born with allergies to animal dander, dust, and even human dandruff. Neurodermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of an allergic nature. IN medical practice this ailment is often called atopic dermatitis... The two are not synonymous. Neurodermatitis is the second stage of the disease that develops in adults. The first stage of the disease manifested in children is called diathesis.

How to treat neurodermatitis

The disease is very specific, so it will not be possible to find the means to eliminate it on your own. The attending physician must decide how to treat neurodermatitis in a particular patient. The therapy is complex. Adults at work are advised to avoid stressful situations... If the disease is in the acute stage, then patients are prescribed:

  • antihistamines;
  • drugs that help restore functions nervous system;
  • vitamins A, E, P, B;
  • ointments for neurodermatitis and special creams;
  • preparations containing digestive enzymes;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet food.

Get rid of synthetic clothing. It does not allow moisture to pass through, which promotes sweat production and the formation of irritations in the inflamed areas. The location of the rash plays an important role in the choice of treatment. If the papules are located in the perineal region, then the doctors give preference to topical corticosteroid drugs. It is not recommended to use calendula and other herbs for antimicrobial treatment. they can irritate and injure the mucous membranes of the genitals.

On hands

The limbs are more likely to develop skin rashes than other parts of the body. This is due to the fact that the hands and feet are constantly in contact with various stimuli. It all starts with the appearance of small spots, and ends with a full-fledged epidermal infection. Therefore, before treating neurodermatitis on the hands, it is necessary to exclude all contact with allergens. If you are unsure why you have rashes on your hands and fingers, see your doctor. Self-medication for this disease is dangerous.

It helps well zinc ointment with neurodermatitis on the hands. It has an antipruritic effect. If the places affected by allergies itch intolerably, then you need to purchase an antiseptic cream. It will restore cellular metabolism, speed up the healing process and prevent wound infection. Calcineurin is a good substitute hormonal drugs... It can be used to treat dermatitis in adults and children.

On the body

With a mild degree of the disease, inflammation is concentrated in a specific area. They do not spread beyond its borders, which greatly facilitates the selection of funds for their elimination. But few people with allergies know how to treat neurodermatitis on the body. Nessesary to use antifungal drugs... In order to prevent infections, you need to take baths with chamomile or calendula flowers. If you notice a rash on your body, you should:

  • give yourself a separate towel, shampoo and soap, because the likelihood of catching fungus and other skin infections increases;
  • go to see a dermatologist.

Ointment for neurodermatitis on the body will help if hypertrophic processes have not begun. You can use Akriderm, Hydrocortisone or Butyrate. If atrophy develops skin, it is necessary to take vitamins and drugs that correct the immune response to allergens. The doctor prescribes ointments against neurodermatitis and the medications listed above. Make sure to stick with diet food... Mild dermatitis will go away after applying Eplan or Glycolan.

On the face

Physiotherapy works well for rashes around the scalp and chin. Before treating neurodermatitis on the face with all kinds of creams, remove fatty and sugary foods from your diet. If the rash is localized in the eye area, then the ointment cannot be used. It remains only to wash your face more often, using soft antibacterial agents... Ointments for neurodermatitis in adults, such as Dexpanthenol and Lanolin, will reduce inflammation.

Ointments for neurodermatitis

Medicines for skin diseases of an allergic nature can be with or without hormones. An ointment for neurodermatitis based on corticosteroids will help to quickly remove inflammation, itching and any visual manifestations of the disease. But you cannot use them for a long time, because they lower the body's immune functions. Non-hormonal drugs made from petroleum jelly, glycerin and vitamins. Such preparations accelerate the natural process of cell regeneration and restore the protective functions of the skin.


The main active ingredients of Betnowate, Palmitate and Propionate are vitamins. They accelerate the wound healing process without affecting the patient's hormones. These drugs can be considered universal, because they are suitable for children and adults. Therefore, a non-hormonal neurodermatitis ointment can be selected for yourself on your own, if the need arises. She helps a lot with initial stages disease, but remove strong allergic itching can not.


Dexamethasone and other corticosteroid derivatives cope well with a strong immune response to allergens. Ointment for neurodermatitis hormonal is indicated for patients if the disease is severe. In such situations, drugs of this type help prevent infection, peeling of the skin. The doctor should prescribe hormonal medications in the form of ointments after taking a blood test.

Price for neurodermatitis ointment

The average cost of Akriderm is 250 rubles. Glycerin can be purchased for 60 rubles. The price of a neurodermatitis ointment is determined by its composition. The more glucocorticosteroids it contains, the more expensive it will be. But not only hormonal ointments are expensive. Betulin, which is 85% natural, costs 2,000 rubles. The average cost of Clobetasol in pharmacies is 400 rubles. Betnovate ointment can be bought for 300 rubles.

Neurodermatitis is inflammatory disease skin, which occurs due to nervous shocks, chronic stress and constant overload of the body. Often, the disease is recorded in adolescence and young age and today accounts for about 35-45% of all cases of visits to a dermatologist.

It is a mistake to consider neurodermatitis only as a cosmetic problem - it is a disease that can lead to serious complications. The use of ointments for neurodermatitis is one of the key aspects in therapy, which is why it is important to know what they are and how to choose them correctly.

Types of neurodermatitis

In order to choose the right treatment, you first need to diagnose the type of neurodermatitis.

There are 2 main forms of the disease according to the prevalence of the pathological process:

  1. Limited... The skin lesion manifests itself only in one area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, has clear boundaries, the elements of the rash are represented by papules, which can merge and turn into plaques.
  2. Diffuse... Several areas of the body are involved in the process, while there is no clear boundary between healthy and affected skin, areas of lichenization - thickening, as well as multiple scratching can be observed.

Scientists also identify 5 more forms (depending on the nature of the course of the disease):

  1. Hypertrophic... The appearance of wetness is observed, which is replaced by the formation of crusts. Further, thickening of the skin (hypertrophy) is observed. The process is often localized to the groin and perineum.
  2. Psoriasiform... With this form of neurodermatitis, you can notice pronounced dryness of the skin and peeling. The typical localization of the rash is the scalp and face.
  3. Linear... The appearance of furrows is characteristic, the skin becomes rough, dry, begins to peel off. Most often, this type of neurodermatitis is localized on the limbs.
  4. Decalvating... Leads to alopecia (hair loss). The skin of the scalp, limbs, trunk is affected.
  5. Follicular... With this type of disease, pointed nodules appear on the skin. Any part of the body can be affected.

What drugs are used for various types of neurodermatitis

Despite the fact that several forms of neurodemitis have been identified, they all have the same origin (etiology) and pathogenesis. Therefore, several main groups of ointments and creams are used for treatment. The selection of treatment depends on gender, age, severity of the process, its duration, therefore it should be carried out a qualified specialist on an individual basis.

To date, the following types of topical medications are used in clinical practice:

  1. Hormonal agents... They are used for prolonged and severe course of all forms of neurodermatitis, they are highly effective, but they have many side effects and contraindications, therefore, should be used only under medical supervision. Most often, Ecolorm, Advantan, Ftorocort, Trimestin, Prednisolone, Prednicarb, Hydrocortisone are prescribed.
  2. Emollients (moisturizers). It is used to eliminate dryness, for example, with linear and psoriasiform neurodermatitis. The advantage of these creams is that they have almost no side effects, therefore they can be used to treat a disease in childhood... The most effective emollients are considered Panthenol, Pantestin and Bepanten.
  3. Anti-inflammatory ointments... You can use this series of drugs for almost all types of neurodermatitis, if there are no contraindications. Medicines such as Betasalik, Radevit, Ichthyol ointment have a good anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Wound healing agents... Recommended for all types of disease, at a stage when it is gone acute manifestations diseases. Often Solcoseryl, Levosin, Videstim are used to heal skin lesions.
  5. Antipruritic agents... Since severe itching accompanies all types and forms of neurodermatitis, agents from this group are often used. The following drugs help well against burning and itching - Gistan N, Mesoderm, Boromentol, Nezulin.
  6. Drying ointments... Recommended for neurodermatitis with symptoms of oozing, for example, with hypertrophic neurodermatitis. Zinc ointment, Desitin and Tsindol effectively dry the skin.
  7. Antimicrobial agents (containing antibiotics). The doctor prescribes these drugs in case of a protracted course of the disease, if a secondary infection has joined. Apply Erythromycin ointment, Levomekol, Baneocin.
  8. Local anesthetics. They are prescribed for extensive skin lesions, if the patient complains of pain, burning sensation and severe itching. Such drugs as Anestezin, Vishnevsky's ointment, Procaine are highly effective.
  9. Complex meansthat have several effects at the same time. In clinical practice, Losterin, Skin-Cap, Triderm, Protopic, Fenistil-gel are used. They can be used for any form of neurodermatitis.

Despite the fact that pharmacies offer a wide range of different ointments and creams for dermatitis, they can be used only after consulting a doctor.

It should also be borne in mind that with severe neurodermatitis, it is not enough just to use topical medications. In addition, the doctor prescribes antihistamines in tablets, as well as enterosorbents, vitamins, minerals and sedatives... Only with the use of complex therapy, you can avoid further relapses of the disease and get rid of all the symptoms.

The best ointment for the disease according to reviews of those who applied

According to reviews of patients who have cured neurodermatitis, drugs that have a complex effect are recognized as the best remedies. Their advantage lies in the fact that you do not need to buy several expensive drugs - it is enough to apply an ointment or cream to the affected skin areas several times a day, which has several effects at once.

The following list is based on patient reviews:

  1. Losterin... It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and disinfectant effects. It is important to use this drug for at least 12 weeks - if this condition is met, more than 90% of patients notice an improvement in their condition.
  2. Naftaderm... Reduces inflammation, itching, edema, accelerates the healing of ulcers and erosions on the skin, has disinfecting properties, helps with skin peeling.
  3. Skin Cap... The ointment has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. The effectiveness of this drug is noted by about 85% of patients.
  4. Protopicus... The tool relieves the intensity of itching, inflammation and swelling.
  5. Fenistil-gel... This drug contains an antihistamine that causes local vasoconstriction, which leads to a decrease in redness, swelling, pain and itching. Acts quickly enough, which is another advantage of this drug.
  6. Triderm... The drug acts very quickly and produces a pronounced effect. It includes 3 active ingredientsthat suppress the growth of fungi and bacteria, and also reduce the intensity inflammatory process... Use with caution, as this drug belongs to the group of topical glucocorticosteroids.
  7. ... This drug contains an antibiotic and a corticosteroid, so the ointment has a pronounced effect. The recommended course is no more than 10 days under the supervision of a doctor.
  8. Sinaflan... It has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects, relieves the unpleasant symptoms of neurodermatitis, and helps skin regeneration.
  9. Lorinden... Contains a corticosteroid and an antiseptic, suitable for use with extensive skin lesions, as well as for the prevention of secondary infections.

There is no universal medicine that would help all patients with each type of neurodermatitis. Undoubtedly, each drug has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you can be 100% sure of its effectiveness only by using it.

How to apply the ointment correctly to achieve a therapeutic effect

The main goal when using topical preparations is to achieve a result in which the required amount of the product is absorbed into the skin and begins to act. In order to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect, experts recommend following a number of the following recommendations:

  1. Any topical drug should be applied on clean skin (if there are residues of another drug on the skin, they must be removed with a sterile napkin).
  2. Before applying the ointment, you need to carefully wash your hands with soap.
  3. Method of application usually described in the instructions - some products need to be distributed evenly, others need to be rubbed into the skin.
  4. If the product must be applied to the skin, and not rubbed, then it is recommended to use sterile gauze pad... You need to apply a small amount of cream to it, and then apply a napkin to the skin. With blotting movements, you need to achieve a uniform application of the product (no more than 1 mm thick).
  5. If the drug needs to be rubbed into the skin, then it is recommended to apply small amount in the palm, after which, with gentle movements, distribute the product in the desired area.
  6. Do not increase the amount of the drug yourself or the frequency of its use.
  7. Not recommended independently extend the course of treatment (This is especially true for drugs that include glucocorticosteroids).

If you follow the above rules, you can achieve the maximum result from the use of ointments and quickly get rid of the manifestations of neurodermatitis.

Remember that neurodermatitis is not only an aesthetic, but, first of all, a medical problem. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of this disease should be carried out by a specialist. Untimely and uncontrolled treatment can aggravate the patient's condition and lead to undesirable consequences. Remember that the sooner you contact medical institution, the greater the chance to permanently get rid of the symptoms of this neurodermatitis.

chronic illness, which is characterized by numerous allergic skin rashes and severe itching. In the treatment, external preparations are used. All of them are subdivided into non-hormonal (can be used by children) and corticosteroid drugs (prescribed only for adult patients).

Effective ointments for neurodermatitis

Ointments for neurodermatitis are selected depending on the degree of damage, the form of the disease, its causes and individual characteristics of a person.

Similar drugs are made on the basis of:

Effective ointments for neurodermatitis are discussed in the table below.

Drug name Features:
, "D-Panthenol", "Korneregel" Heals and moisturizes damaged skin. "Bepanten" is absolutely safe, it is used immediately after birth.
"Gistan" Not discharged until 2 years. The drug is made on the basis of string and birch buds. There are contraindications.
Eplan The ointment for neurodermatitis is not addictive. There is no age limit. Removes inflammation, flaking and itching.
"Skin-cap", "Friederm", "Zinc", "Tsinocap", "Pyrithion Zinc" Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents. It is used for infections and fungal diseases accompanying neurodermatitis. Appointed from 1 year.
"Epidel" Discharged from 3 months. Relieves inflammation and itching.
"Radevit", "Videstim", "Adaklin", "Differin", "Isotrexin" Not prescribed for children under 2 years of age and pregnant women. Soothes and heals the skin, relieves itching.
"Glutamol" Ointment for neurodermatitis. There are contraindications. Relieves inflammation and itching.
Ecolorm Discharged from the age of 2. Apply no more than 3 weeks.
Discharged from 4 months. The duration of therapy is no more than a month.
"Prednisolone ointment" Hormonal ointment. Apply no more than 2 weeks. Provides anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects
"Sinaflan" Not prescribed for children under 2 years old and teenage girls. There are many contraindications.
"Celestoderm V" Not applicable until 6 months of age. There are contraindications.
Hormonal drug ( low concentration). Can be used for a long time. Not prescribed for children.
"Deimoveit" Use only after consulting a doctor. Children under 1 year old are not discharged. Cannot be used with others skin pathologies (see memo).
"Ftorocort" Relieves inflammation, itching and allergic reactions. Do not use for more than a month. Strong drug, there is side effects... It is discharged with "weeping crusts".
"Trimistin" Applies when infectious diseasesthat accompany neurodermatitis. A means of combined action.
"Prendicarb" Removes inflammation, itching, allergic manifestations, and also prevents keratinization of the skin (with very strong peeling and drying of the epidermis - a strong remedy).

Cheap ointments for neurodermatitis

The choice of ointments for the treatment of allergic skin reactions is huge. The cheapest are the following drugs:

  • "Sinaflan" (from 13 rubles);
  • (from 30 rubles);
  • “Hydrocortisone” (from 30 rubles);
  • Eplan (from 105 rubles);
  • Trimistin (from 125 rubles).

You can make your own medicine using recipes traditional medicine, namely:

  1. Ointment based on lard and sulfur (2: 1).
  2. Ointment based on lard, fir oil and aloe juice (10: 1: 10).
  3. Ointment based on bird fat and plants (eucalyptus, calendula, lily of the valley, valerian). Mixes in a ratio of 5: 1: 1: 1: 1.

Means for the treatment of neurodermatitis cannot be chosen on their own, especially for the treatment of a child. The misuse of certain drugs can make the disease worse. If she is not cured in infancy, she will remain with the person for life.

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