Is ascorbic acid with glucose useful? Ascorbic acid with glucose

Ascorbic acid with glucose contains in one tablet:

    main ingredients - one hundred milligrams of ascorbic acid, 877 mg of glucose;

    auxiliary components: talc, potato starch and stearic acid.

It is produced in the form of flat-cylindrical tablets of white color, with a chamfer and a score. They are packaged in ten pieces in a blister strip packaging. There are two blisters in a cardboard box. Instructions for using the drug are also placed there. Also, the box may contain one contoured cell-free package, which contains ten tablets of ascorbic acid with glucose.

pharmachologic effect

Vitamin C with glucose is a vitamin preparation that has a metabolic effect, participates in the regulation of redox processes, has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, affects blood clotting, tissue regeneration. Takes part in the synthesis of steroid hormones. The drug significantly increases the body's resistance to various infections, significantly reduces capillary permeability, and also reduces the body's need for B, E, A vitamins, pantothenic and folic acid.

Ascorbic acid is best absorbed in the duodenum and jejunum... Thirty minutes after taking the drug, the content of ascorbic acid in the blood increases significantly. Then it is intensively captured by the cells of the tissues of the body. Initially, ascorbic acid is converted into dehydroascorbic acid, which is able to penetrate cell membranes without significant energy costs and to be restored rather quickly in the cell. In the cells of various tissues, ascorbic acid is determined in three different forms - ascorbigen (bound form), ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids. Ascorbic acid, introduced into the body together with glucose, is distributed very unevenly between the organs: more of the drug is found in the adrenal glands and other glands internal secretion, much less of it in the brain, liver, kidneys, skeletal and cardiac muscles. Ninety percent of ascorbic acid is partially metabolized in the kidneys and excreted in the urine in the form of oxalates, and partially in free form.

Glucose, which enters the human body with ascorbic acid, is easily absorbed. Its metabolism is carried out in two main ways: glycolysis and aerobic oxidation, as a result of which carbon dioxide and water are formed, as well as adenosine triphosphoric acid and other high-energy compounds are released.


Ascorbic acid with glucose is used in the following patient conditions:

    hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis C;


    increased need for ascorbic acid;

    during a period of intensive growth;

    during lactation; during the period of convalescence;


Absolute contraindications for taking ascorbic acid with glucose are hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, thrombophlebitis and a tendency to thrombosis. The drug is also not prescribed for children under six years of age. With caution, ascorbic acid with glucose should be taken in diabetes mellitus, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

In large doses, the drug should not be taken by patients suffering from hemochromatosis, sideroblastic anemia, thalassemia, as well as hyperoxaluria and nephrourolithiasis.

Side effect

The drug can have the following side effects:

    local and general allergic reactions;

    severe irritation of the mucous membrane of organs digestive system, which is manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, spasm of the gastrointestinal tract;

    inhibition of insulin synthesis by the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, resulting in hyperglycemia and glucosuria;

    when using the drug in high doses for a long time, hyperoxaluria or oxalate nephrocalcinosis develops.

In some cases, laboratory parameters change: thrombocytosis, hypokalemia, erythropenia, hyperprombinemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis may occur.


When using more than one gram of ascorbic acid with glucose per day, patients complain of headache, they increase the excitability of the central nervous system and insomnia develops. Also, people also complain of nausea and vomiting. They develop diarrhea, gastritis with increased acid-forming function, and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas may be inhibited, hyperglycemia and glucosuria occur.

When large doses of ascorbic acid are taken in the urine, hyperoxaluria (increased content of oxalates) is determined, stones are formed from calcium oxalate in the kidneys (nephrolithiasis). The glomerular apparatus of the kidneys is damaged, with the intake of more than six hundred milligrams of ascorbic acid per day, moderate pollakiuria develops. With ascorbic poisoning, capillary permeability decreases, tissue trophism worsens, blood pressure rises, hypercoagulation and microangiopathy develop.

Interaction with other medicinal products

When prescribing ascorbic acid with glucose together with antibiotics, it should be borne in mind that ascorbic acid significantly increases the concentration of tetracyclines and benzylpenicillins in the blood. When more than one gram of ascorbic acid with glucose is taken per day, the bioavailability of ethinyl estradiol (including that which is part of oral contraceptives) increases.

When taking ascorbic acid with glucose, the absorption of iron ions in the intestine is improved. There may also be an increase in the excretion of iron preparations with the simultaneous use of ascorbic acid with a drug such as deferoxamine.

Ascorbic acid with glucose reduces the effectiveness of direct, and also indirect anticoagulants... With the combined use of acetylsalicylic acid, oral contraceptives, fresh juices and alkalis, the absorption and assimilation of ascorbic acid decreases.

When oral administration ascorbic acid increases the risk of crystalluria during treatment with salicylates and short-acting sulfa drugs. It also slows down the rate of excretion of acids by the kidneys, promotes faster excretion of drugs that have an alkaline reaction (including alkaloids), and also significantly reduces the concentration of oral contraceptives in the blood.

When taking ascorbic acid, the total clearance of ethanol alcohol increases, which in turn reduces the level of ascorbic acid in the body. In high doses, ascorbic acid increases renal excretion of mexiletine. Barbiturates can increase urinary excretion of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid reduces the therapeutic effect of neuroleptics - (antipsychotic drugs) phenothiazine derivatives. It also reduces tubular reabsorption of amphetamine as well as tricyclic antidepressants.

Special instructions and precautions

Due to the fact that ascorbic acid with glucose stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones, when taking it, it is necessary to monitor kidney function and regularly measure blood pressure. Since when using large doses of the drug for a long time, the function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas may be inhibited, during therapy with ascorbic acid it is necessary to regularly determine the level of glucose in the blood.

For patients with an increased iron content in the body, ascorbic acid with glucose should be used in minimal doses. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug to patients who are diagnosed with rapidly proliferating and metastatic tumors, since this can only aggravate the course of the process.

When conducting laboratory tests, it should be taken into account that the drug as a reducing agent can significantly distort the results. laboratory research... During administration, the blood glucose content, the activity of "hepatic" transaminases and LDH, as well as bilirubin, may change.

Ascorbic acid with glucose during pregnancy and lactation can be used only when the intended benefit to the mother is significantly higher than the harm to the fetus and child. For such patients, the drug can only be taken as directed by a doctor. In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the daily requirement for ascorbic acid ranges from 90 to 100 mg.

It should not be forgotten that the fetus can adapt to fairly high doses of ascorbic acid. This leads to the fact that later the newborn sometimes develops a withdrawal syndrome. Ascorbic acid with glucose for children should be prescribed by a doctor. There is also a theoretical danger to a child when high doses of the drug are consumed by a nursing mother. The daily requirement for ascorbic acid for the mother during breastfeeding should in no way be exceeded. During lactation, a woman is recommended to take no more than 120 mg of the drug, so as not to harm the child.

Ascorbic acid with glucose refers to vitamin preparations that have a metabolic effect. The use of the drug allows you to normalize redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, tissue regeneration, and the synthesis of hormonal substances.

Ascorbic acid with glucose is produced in tablet form. White tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape, a special risk and a chamfer.

Each tablet contains:

  • - 100 mg. Increases the body's resistance to viral infections, normalizes metabolic processes, reduces capillary permeability;
  • Glucose - 877 mg It has a detoxifying effect, supplies cells with energy.

Potato starch, talc, stearic acid are used as auxiliary ingredients.

Who needs to drink Ascorbic acid with glucose

Many patients are interested in why they are prescribed Ascorbic acid with glucose in tablets. The vitamin preparation is used in the following cases:

  • While carrying a child, during breastfeeding;
  • During the intensive growth of the child;
  • With hypo- or avitaminosis C;
  • During the recovery period after severe infections or surgery;
  • Within the complex therapy pathologies that develop against the background of stressful situations;
  • With an unbalanced diet and strict diets;
  • Within the complex treatment alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction;
  • In case of an overdose of blood thinners and iron preparations;
  • With anemia;
  • For the prevention of colds;
  • In case of poisoning;
  • If wounds and fractures heal slowly.

Method of administration and dosage

According to the instructions for use, the tablets should be drunk after meal... For preventive purposes, adults are prescribed 0.5-1 tablets per day, for children, the daily dose is 0.5 tablets. The duration of admission should not exceed 2 weeks.

As part of therapy, adults are prescribed 1 tablet up to 5 times a day. For pediatric patients - 0.5 tablets 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, based on clinical manifestations and the severity of the disease, diagnostic results.

When to not use the drug

The drug has the following absolute contraindications:

  • The child's age is under 6 years old;
  • The presence of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug;
  • Tendency to develop thrombophlebitis.

A vitamin preparation should be used with caution in such cases:

  • Patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • With a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • The presence of hemochromatosis;
  • With thalassemia;
  • Patients with urolithiasis.

Possible side effects and symptoms of overdose

Ascorbic acid with glucose is well tolerated. However, some patients note the development of such symptoms:

  • A rash on the skin or mucous membranes;
  • Itching and burning of separate areas of the skin;
  • Increased pressure;
  • Irritation of the stomach lining, which leads to painful sensations in the upper abdomen;
  • Irritability, increased fatigue, depression;
  • Hyperglycemia;
  • Dyspeptic disorders: nausea and vomiting, stool disorders, flatulence.

Excess therapeutic dose can provoke the development of headaches and signs of gastritis, hyperexcitability, sleep disturbance, diarrhea. In some cases, the functionality of the insular apparatus decreases, therefore, the level of glucose in urine and bloodstream rises.

Features of the use of Ascorbic acid with glucose

Vitamin C is able to increase the concentration in the bloodstream of certain antibiotics (Tetracycline, Benzylpenicillin), improve the absorption of iron in the intestine. Therefore, patients with increased content iron should reduce the dose of Ascorbic acid.

Doctors recommend eliminating the joint use of Ascorbic acid with Aspirin, oral contraceptives, fresh juices, alkaline drinks, which will reduce the effectiveness of vitamin C. With simultaneous therapy with salicylates and Ascorbic acid with glucose, the risk of crystalluria increases. The vitamin preparation increases the production of corticosteroids, therefore, during therapy, it is recommended to monitor the change blood pressure, kidney functionality.

Unlike ordinary ascorbic acid, Ascorbic acid with glucose has a pleasant sweet taste. The preparation contains important carbohydrates that the body uses as energy for all metabolic processes. However, Ascorbic acid with glucose is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus and other pathologies accompanied by increased level sugar in the bloodstream.


The drug belongs to the budget vitamin preparations. The average price is 25 rubles. The drug is highly effective, rarely causes adverse reactions... Similar therapeutic effect possess the following medicines:

  • Ascorbic acid with dextrose;
  • Asvitol;
  • Askovit;
  • Ascorbic acid with sucrose;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Citravit;
  • Multi-tabs.
  • With iodine
  • With lecithin
  • All mothers know about the usefulness of vitamin C, so its intake in children's organism attention is paid from the very birth, making up a rational menu for the baby. If it is not possible to provide the child with a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid with food, they resort to vitamin supplements. From how many years it is permissible to give pharmaceutical preparations with vitamin C to prevent its lack and for what diseases they are needed in childhood?

    Release form

    Ascorbic acid is produced by:

    • In tablets.These round tablets can be white, pink, orange or other color depending on the composition. They include 25 mg or 100 mg of ascorbic acid, but they also manufacture a formulation with 50 mg, 75 mg, 300 mg or 500 mg of such a vitamin compound. One pack contains 10, 50 or 100 tablets.
    • In a dragee. These are often small spherical vitamins. yellow color... Each tablet contains 50 mg of vitamin. One package contains 50, 100, 150 or 200 pills.
    • In ampoules. This form of ascorbic acid is intended for vein or intramuscular injection. It is a 5% or 10% clear solution, poured into 1 or 2 ml ampoules. One package contains 5 or 10 ampoules.
    • Powdered. A solution is prepared from it, which must be taken orally. The powder is a colorless or white, odorless crystal. It is packaged in bags of 1 or 2.5 g. One pack contains from 5 to 100 such bags.


    The powder form contains only ascorbic acid. In tablets and pills, in addition to the main substance, there may be sucrose, wax, calcium stearate, dye, dextrose, starch, lactose, talc, crospovidone and other auxiliary ingredients. In addition to vitamin C, the injectable form may contain water, sodium sulfite and bicarbonate, cysteine, disodium edetate.

    Operating principle

    Once in the body, ascorbic acid has the following effect:

    • Normalizes the permeability of small vessels.
    • Protects cells and tissues from toxic substances (antioxidant effect).
    • Strengthens defenses, preventing viral infections and colds by activating the formation of antibodies and interferon.
    • Helps metabolize glucose.
    • It has a positive effect on liver function.
    • Regulates blood clotting.
    • Accelerates skin healing in case of damage.
    • Participates in the formation of collagen.
    • Helps absorb iron and folic acid.
    • It activates digestive enzymes, improves the secretion of bile, the work of the pancreas and thyroid gland.
    • Reduces the manifestations of allergies and inflammation by inhibiting the formation of mediators involved in these pathological processes.

    How vitamin C affects the body and what are the indications and contraindications for the use of ascorbic acid - see in a short video:


    • If his diet is unbalanced and there is a risk of hypovitaminosis.
    • During the active growth of the child's body.
    • To prevent ARVI. This reason is relevant in the fall, winter cold and early spring.
    • If the child has increased emotional or physical stress.
    • If the baby is recovering from injury or surgery.

    For therapeutic purposes, vitamin C preparations are prescribed:

    • With diagnosed hypovitaminosis C.
    • With hemorrhagic diathesis.
    • With nose and other bleeding.
    • When infectious diseases or intoxications.
    • With excessive use of iron supplements for a long time.
    • With acute radiation sickness.
    • With anemia.
    • With hepatic pathologies.
    • With colitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis or achilia.
    • With cholecystitis.
    • With sluggish healing of burns, ulcers or wounds on the skin.
    • With bone fractures.
    • With dystrophy.
    • With helminthiasis.
    • For chronic dermatoses and some other skin diseases.

    At what age can you give?

    Give drugs with ascorbic acid one year old child it is impossible. Tablets, which contain 25 mg of ascorbic acid, are prescribed from the age of 3. Dragee with a vitamin content in a dose of 50 mg is prescribed for children over 5 years old.

    Such age restrictions are associated with difficulties in swallowing the drug at an early age, as well as the risk of inhaling pills. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe vitamin C earlier, but you should not do this yourself. Even when a child is already 3 years old or more, it is worth consulting a pediatrician about the use of such a vitamin.


    Instructions for use prohibit ascorbic acid in such cases:

    • If the patient has an intolerance to such a vitamin.
    • If there is a tendency to thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is detected.
    • If the child has diabetes mellitus (for forms with sugar).
    • If the blood test showed too high level hemoglobin.
    • If a small patient is diagnosed with severe renal pathology.

    Side effects

    Sometimes the child's body reacts to the intake of ascorbic acid with allergies. These are often skin changes that manifest themselves as redness, itching, and rashes.

    Vitamin C treatment can also lead to:

    • Thrombocytosis, erythropenia, leukocytosis due to neutrophils.
    • Weakness and dizziness (if injected too quickly).
    • Diarrhea (with high dosage).
    • Nausea or vomiting.
    • Damage to tooth enamel (with prolonged absorption in the mouth).
    • Fluid and sodium retention.
    • Formation of oxalate stones in the urinary tract (with prolonged use of high doses).
    • Disruption of metabolic processes.
    • Kidney damage.
    • Soreness at the injection site (if administered intramuscularly).

    Instructions for use and dosage

    • Ascorbic acid tablets with glucose or pills are offered to the child after meal.
    • Prophylactic dose for babies 3-10 years old, it is represented by 1 tablet containing 25 mg of vitamin, and at the age of ten years, this daily dosage is increased to two tablets (50 mg per day).
    • Therapeutic doseis 2 tablets of 25 mg of ascorbic acid per day under the age of 10 years (daily dose of 50 mg) and three to four tablets of the drug over the age of 10 years (daily dose of 75-100 mg).
    • Ascorbic acid prophylactically is recommended to be taken from two weeks to two months... The duration of the treatment course is determined by the doctor.
    • If dosage active substance the tablet contains 100 mg, then such ascorbic acid is given in a dose of 1/2 tablet per day to children over 6 years old.
    • Dragee is given for prophylaxis to children over five years old, 1 piece per day, and for treatment - 1-2 pills up to 3 times a day.
    • Only a doctor should prescribe Ascorbic acid to children in injections.... The daily dosage is 1-2 ml of the drug, but a more accurate dose, route of administration and duration of therapy should be determined by a specialist, taking into account the disease in a particular child.


    Since ascorbic acid is a water-soluble compound, hypervitaminosis does not develop with an overestimated dosage of this vitamin. However, unnecessarily high doses of such a substance can damage the lining of the stomach and intestines, which leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and other negative symptoms.

    Also, poisoning with a very large amount of vitamin C is manifested by weakness, sweating, hot flashes, insomnia, and headaches. In addition, an excess of this substance will reduce capillary permeability, which will impair tissue nutrition, increase blood pressure and can lead to hypercoagulation.

    To prevent ascorbic acid from causing discomfort, you should be aware of the maximum recommended dosages of such a vitamin:

    • For children under 3 years old, this is 400 mg per day.
    • For a child aged 4 to 8 years, the maximum dose per day is called 600 mg.
    • For children between 9 and 13 years old, do not exceed 1200 mg per day.
    • Over the age of 14, the permissible maximum of ascorbic acid per day is 1800 mg of this vitamin.

    Watch an informative video that explains what can happen if you allow an excess of vitamin C in the body:

    Interaction with other drugs

    • The use of ascorbic acid will increase the blood levels of penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics, as well as salicylates.
    • With the combined intake of vitamin C and acetylsalicylic acid, the absorption of ascorbic acid worsens. The same effect is observed when drinking ascorbic acid with an alkaline liquid or fresh juice.
    • Simultaneous use with anticoagulants will reduce their therapeutic effect.
    • Taking vitamin C together with iron supplements promotes better absorption of Fe in the intestine. If ascorbic acid and deferoxamine are prescribed, iron toxicity will increase, which will negatively affect the heart and its work.
    • It is not recommended to mix the injectable form of vitamin C in the same syringe with any drugs, since many drugs enter into chemical reactions with ascorbic acid.
    • With simultaneous treatment with barbiturates, the excretion of ascorbic acid in the urine increases.

    Terms of sale

    You do not need a prescription to buy Ascorbic Acid in pharmacies. The price of 10 ampoules of 2 ml each with a 5% solution of ascorbic acid is about 40 rubles. A jar of 50 mg vitamin C pills costs 20-25 rubles, and a pack of 25 mg tablets containing glucose costs about 10-20 rubles.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    The place where you need to place Ascorbic acid for better preservation should not be very humid, hot or light. In addition, you need to keep the drug where small children cannot get to it.

    The shelf life of tablets with ascorbic acid is 1-3 years from different manufacturers, 5% solution for injections is stored for up to a year, 10% solution and pills - 18 months from the date of release.

    With a diabetic disease of any type, at any age and regardless of gender, including gestational diabetes of pregnant women, the body's need for vitamins and minerals increases significantly. Therefore, many are interested in the questions - is ascorbic acid with glucose allowed in diabetes mellitus, will it cause an attack of hyperglycemia?

    In addition, some diabetics, instead of the recommended "ambulance" for the relief of hypoglycemic conditions - a pair of sweets or a sweet drink, carry vitamin C with glucose. Are they right, and if so, how to take such pills or tablets.

    The benefits of ascorbic acid with glucose for people with diabetes are questionable due to the presence of a "sweet" component in it. For insulin-dependent patients, such a drug will require additional correction of blood sugar levels by recalculating the dose of insulin hormone.

    If a woman does not have a diabetic disease - yes, "extra" sugar will not hurt. If you have gestational or another form of diabetes, this combination is best avoided. It is better to take vitamin and mineral complexes that do not contain sugar.

    For your information. Glucose and ascorbic acid intravenously (10% solution + up to 10 g / day) are rarely used during pregnancy. Such treatment is a hepatoprotective component of infusion-transfusion therapy performed after urgent abdominal delivery in women without diabetes mellitus.

    Ascorbic acid intake rates depending on age and gender

    Rarely does anyone think about how to drink vitamin C correctly. Although the method of application is described in the instructions, few people read it in general and this point in particular.

    Therefore, we remind you that when taking ascorbic acid the following rules must be observed:

    • divide the daily dose indicated in the table below into parts so that no more than 50 mg for adults and 30 mg for children are required per dose;
    • the reception should take place after the main meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner);
    • do not drink tablets or pills with juices and mineral alkaline water;
    • do not take together with aspirin, barbiturates, primidone, isoprenaline, and injections of deferoxamine should be performed only after 2 hours.

    The daily dosage of ascorbic acid is the norm for prevention and treatment:

    Age category Prophylactic dose (mg) Therapeutic dose (mg)
    up to 6 months 40* by doctor's prescription
    from 7 to 12 months 50* by doctor's prescription
    1-3 years 40* by doctor's prescription
    4-7 years old 45 50-100
    8-10 years old 50 100
    11-14 years old 55 100-150
    Girls 14-20 years old 65 100-150
    Boys 14-20 years old 75 100-150
    Women 80 150-500
    Men 90 150-500
    Pregnant 100 14 days x 300
    Breastfeeding 130 14 days x 300
    Tobacco smokers and / or frequent drinkers 125 250
    Women taking oral contraceptives 150 300

    Note. Note - *. Children under 4 years of age should not take vitamin C in tablets, dragees, or solutions. It is necessary to adhere to the indicated daily norms with the help breast milk, vegetables, fruits, purees and juices.

    With regard to the dosage of tablets and dragees of ascorbic acid with glucose, in the absence of diabetes, it is the same as that of "pure" drugs.


    Vitamin therapy should not be taken lightly. Prevention and treatment with ascorbic acid is no exception.

    Side effects

    For most, taking vitamin C does not cause problems, but for some, the following side effects are possible:

    • increased excitability;
    • heartburn, pain like gastritis, attacks of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
    • itching, rashes, urticaria, Quincke's edema;
    • hyperglycemic signs - dry mouth, intense thirst, fog in the eyes, frequent urination;
    • headache attacks;
    • sleep disorders.

    Warning. Before passing some blood tests, it is necessary to suspend the intake of ascorbic acid and significantly reduce the consumption of foods containing vitamin C. For example, this applies to tests for determining glucose levels, studies of bilirubin levels.


    It is quite difficult to get poisoned with ascorbic-glucose tablets, but still possible. Quite often, a one-time overdose of ascorbic acid with glucose occurs in adolescence, when children, secretly from their parents, spend their pocket money on sweet and sour cheap "washers", mindlessly eating them without measure.

    Parents should be wary, and carefully ask the child if he accidentally overestimated ascorbic acid, with the following symptoms:

    • strong nervous excitement;
    • the stomach is swollen and painful;
    • nausea, nausea, urge or vomiting;
    • the skin is itchy, rash and blisters are possible.

    If you are sure that these symptoms are caused by a high dose of ascorbic acid, then you should:

    1. Flush the stomach.
    2. To accept activated carbon or another sorbent, for example Enterosgel.
    3. Drink a lot of soda or mineral alkaline water without gas.

    Archived. Parents of children suffering from diabetes mellitus need to have a serious explanatory conversation with them. It should be told in detail why they are prohibited from ascorbic acid with glucose and why it is dangerous.

    If an overdose occurs for a long time, then the following consequences may occur:

    • suppression of the pancreas;
    • cystitis;
    • manifestation or acceleration of the formation of oxalate and urate stones in the bladder;
    • steady increase in blood pressure.

    Treatment of the consequences of prolonged overdose consists of discontinuation of the drug and symptomatic treatment.

    Prohibitions for use

    The instructions for the use of ascorbic acid with glucose indicate the following contraindications:

    • hypersensitivity to active or excipients;
    • individual intolerance to glucose or fructose;
    • hereditary defect in the glucose and galactose transporter protein;
    • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
    • renal failure and severe kidney pathologies;
    • at urolithiasis special doctor's permission is required, while the dose should not exceed 1 g per day;
    • diabetes.

    Relief of attacks of hypoglycemia

    Taking ascorbic acid with glucose, as a prophylaxis or for treatment, is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus. And the calories of glucose, and even starch, which in a 3-gram tablet containing 100 mg of ascorbic acid, according to the pharmaceutical standard is 2 g, has nothing to do with it. Their sum is not even equal to 1 calorie.

    This is because 877 mg of glucose and 2000 mg of potato starch corresponds to 0.11 Bread Units. It would seem a little, but in practice, even such a content of carbohydrates in a vitamin preparation, put it in the category of prohibited in diabetes, and in some cases can cause an attack of hyperglycemia.

    Diabetes - a disease in which, without appropriate discipline of treatment, it is rather difficult to avoid fluctuations in blood sugar, attacks of hypo- or hyperglycemia, the syndrome of "morning dawn", ketoacidosis. Sooner or later, every diabetic becomes familiar with such conditions.

    Moreover, both healthy person sugar levels can drop dramatically. This is possible with significant physical overload, starvation, excessive alcohol addiction, stressful situations.

    A person's well-being sharply worsens when blood glucose falls below 2.8 mmol / l:

    • limbs begin to tremble, hands and feet become sweaty and cold, cramps are possible;
    • attention is scattered;
    • there are attacks of dizziness;
    • children are capricious, and adults fall into apathy;
    • headache, nausea, but the feeling of hunger does not disappear.

    In this case, doctors recommend - for diabetics, first, quickly make sure with the help of a test strip that the blood glucose has really dropped, and for everyone else, simply focusing on the characteristic signs listed above, eat a few sweets or pieces of refined sugar, drink half a glass of sweet compote , in general, consume 10-20 grams of fast carbs.

    Attention. To bring a diabetic from a state close to hypoglycemic coma, he will need to quickly eat almost 15-30 (!) Ascorbic-glucose washers! therefore given view vitamin preparation is not suitable for these purposes.

    With regards to intravenous administration glucose with ascorbic acid, then they do it in extreme cases, when providing emergency, prehospital and hospital care, taking a person out of a hypoglycemic, hungry, alcoholic or hypocorticoid coma. The same components are added to diffusion solutions during treatment of children with type 1 diabetes after exiting diabetic ketoacidotic coma.

    And to conclude this article, before you watch the video, which clearly demonstrates the results of mindless addiction to ascorbic acid.

    Ascorbic acid is a vitamin with a sour taste, familiar to everyone from childhood. But not everyone knows what the daily dose of this substance is and how it affects the body. Has ascorbic acid with glucose contraindications, and overdose can lead to serious problems.

    In contact with

    The origin of ascorbic acid

    Vitamin C is found in many plants and fruits. With its help occurs oxidation and reduction processes... With a lack of this substance, vitamin deficiency begins, which leads to disruption of the proper functioning of the body.

    For the first time in its pure form, the substance was discovered in 1928 by the English chemist Zilva. The scientist synthesized it from lemon, in the form of transparent crystals that had a sour taste. After doing a lot of research, he proved that crystals, combining with oxygen, produces dehydroascorbic acid, which is beneficial to the human body.

    Vitamin C is found in many plants and fruits.

    Functions performed by the vitamin

    Ascorbic acid with glucose has a positive effect on all body systems:

    • immune;
    • cardiovascular;
    • gastrointestinal tract;
    • endocrine.

    The sour dragee helps fight viral infections and is very useful for colds.

    It is often prescribed to patients with heart problems, as the components help remove toxins from the blood and improve its clotting. The tablets improve the absorption of iron through the intestines, normalize the process of bile formation.

    The benefits and harms of ascorbic acid

    In pharmacies, you can find the substance in its pure form, but most often it is sold in tablets with added glucose. Like any medicine, such pills have their positive and negative qualities that everyone should know.

    Beneficial features

    The combination of glucose and ascorbic acid in one tablet leads to the creation useful medicine, improves liver function.

    Ascorbinka has the following indications:

    • increased vascular permeability;
    • weakness and fatigue;
    • the presence of hemorrhage in the tissue, with damage to the gums;
    • reduced immunity;
    • liver problems, especially during the period of poisoning;
    • decreased hemoglobin levels;
    • weakness of the human skeletal system, pain in the limbs.

    Talk about positive qualities Ascorbic acid can be used for a long time, the main advantage is that the sweetish medicine is available to everyone, and you can even buy it in the supermarket.

    Despite all the advantages of this vitamin, ascorbic acid with glucose also has contraindications, but there are not so many of them.

    Important! This acid is strictly prohibited for people suffering from poor blood clotting. Also, it is not recommended to use it before surgery or going to the dentist. In general, this vitamin is not harmful if taken in moderation.

    Ascorbic acid is useful for people leading an active lifestyle.

    Daily rate and overdose

    In pharmacies, the vitamin is sold in the form of tablets or pills. The composition is very simple - acid and glucose. Thanks to the last component, the taste is not so sour.

    The daily dose ranges from 0.06 grams to 100 mg. For people who lead an active lifestyle and play sports, this amount increases to 170 mg per day.

    For preventive purposes, an adult it is recommended to consume no more than 120 mg, and for children, this figure is 25 mg - from three to five years, and after that this dose can be increased to 50 mg per day. Depending on the problem and disease, the doctor may increase the amount.

    Only a doctor can tell you how to take pills, but there is one important rule - you need to use the vitamin only after eating, so that the beneficial components begin their positive effect.

    Ascorbic acid overdose and symptoms

    An overdose may occur due to the intake of a large amount of ascorbic acid. The same phenomenon is observed while taking ascorbic acid and, for example, oranges or lemons.

    The main symptoms of an overdose:

    • heartburn;
    • diarrhea;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • strong headache;
    • apathy, weakness, dizziness;
    • temperature increase;
    • rash on the body;
    • high blood pressure.

    All this suggests that urgent action is needed. Doctors recommend rinse the stomach first, you can do a cleansing enema. You must take activated charcoal or any other absorbent. If after a day the condition has not improved, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

    The daily dose ranges from 0.06 grams to 100 mg.

    Acid with glucose during pregnancy

    It is believed that taking ascorbic acid leads to the threat of miscarriage, but this is not true. In fact, vitamins can and should be consumed, but in a certain trimester of pregnancy.

    In the first three months, the child forms organs, tissues, vascular system, and therefore doctors do not recommend women to abuse vitamin complexes, which are full in every pharmacy. The reason is that they can disrupt the natural development of the fetus. Better to give preference to apples, pears, plums.

    The correct intake of ascorbic acid will not bring any harm to either the child or the woman, but in any case no need to self-medicate, and taking any drugs, even the usual ascorbic acid, should be coordinated with your doctor.

    Not knowing and not understanding why to take ascorbic acid and whether it is necessary to use it at all, you can cause great damage to the fetus.

    Taking ascorbic acid during pregnancy is necessary, but only in a certain trimester.

    Ascorbic acid with glucose for children

    For preventive purposes, pills will bring benefits for the child's body in the cold seasonwhen the fruit is lost most vitamins. Also, some mothers give vitamin C to their children when poor appetite and great physical exertion.

    For medicinal purposes, a drug is prescribed for such pathologies:

    Do not forget that a large dose of ascorbic acid with glucose can harm the child's body, therefore, during treatment it is important to accurately observe the reception accuracy.

    When a vitamin is contraindicated

    • vitamin intolerance;
    • an increased level of hemoglobin in the blood;
    • diabetes;
    • tendency to develop thrombosis;
    • kidney disease.

    Every mother should know that you can get useful substances not only in tablets from the pharmacy, but also by eating vegetables and fruits.

    A large dose of ascorbic acid with glucose can harm the child's body.

    Negative effect on the body

    Sweet pills are not always good for children. Long-term use of such a harmless pill can lead to a number of different diseases.

    In some cases renal failure may develop - the organ ceases to fully filter the blood, and as a result, the urine stagnates. All this leads to pathologies such as anuria, the appearance of stones.

    Reception of ascorbic acid in large quantities inflames the gastric mucosa, for this reason, peptic ulcer disease begins to develop.

    Attention!Long-term use is very dangerous for children prone to allergies. In addition to a rash on the body, some babies have a reaction so strong that Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock appears, and this is very dangerous.

    Overdose and first aid methods

    An overdose can happen by accident, for example, the mother left the pills on the table, and the baby took out and ate everything. Therefore, never leave any medicine in a place accessible to the child, because he may confuse them with sweets.

    If the dose of ascorbic acid with glucose is exceeded, the child's body reacts to it much worse than the adult. In children there are rashes on the bodythat itch a lot. At the same time, the body temperature rises, severe diarrhea and vomiting begin.

    Children have rashes on the body.

    If there is an overdose of ascorbic acid with the above symptoms, you need to urgently call a doctor, and then start performing a number of such actions:

    Treatment method Description Instructions for implementation
    Colon cleansing An enema is needed in order to reduce the intoxication of the body. Enema should be done until the water is completely clear.

    It is necessary to use enema pears from 100 to 500 ml.

    Gastric lavage After gastric lavage, vitamin C will no longer be absorbed and will no longer enter the bloodstream. After such manipulation, the general the child's condition should improve. It is necessary to give the patient 500-750 ml of just water to drink, and then press down on the root of the tongue, provoking vomiting. Repeat this procedure several times.
    Drink The body needs fluid to remove ascorbic acid from the kidneys. It is recommended to drink both pure water and sweet black tea, rosehip infusion and alkaline water.
    Sorbents You cannot do without sorbents in case of an overdose. They help to neutralize excess substances and quickly remove them from the body. The simplest sorbent is activated carbon. Will help and drugs such as Sorbex, Atoxil, Regidron, Smecta. In every mother's first aid kit, in any case there is one of them.

    Video Ascorbic acid - is its use necessary

    Ascorbic acid is a vitamin necessary for every organism, without which normal development is simply impossible, but do not forget that this is not candy or sweetness, but a medicine. Remember that ascorbic acid also comes with instructions for use, which must be strictly followed.

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