How to make a waist massage. Home Massage Rules and Technology Basic Rules Massage Spins

Back massage is a non-drug technique for the human body. With it, they are treated and the prevention of many diseases. As a result of a proper massage course, the human well-being is improved, the existing disorders are gradually adjusted, decreases with pain syndrome. But the massage should only do a specialist, and it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications and related diseases.

The right approach is the key to success

Massage is not just rubbing your back. This complex intensive impact affecting the entire body. After all, the tone of surface and deep muscles is changing with a massage, the outflow of venous blood and lymph is enhanced, the blood supply of the skin, oil-star tissues increases and internal organs.

Many receptors and biologically active points are activated, resulting in reflex mechanisms in the nervous system and in various parts of the body. Therefore, it is important to know how to make the back massage. This will help avoid unwanted effects.

Proper position

With a back massage, muscle relaxation is necessary. That is why it is preferable that the patient lay on a stomach on a dense smooth unhealthy base. It can be a massage table, a couch, a sofa or a bed with a fairly rigid mattress or even a blanket on the floor. The body is desirable to give the most symmetrical position. With pronounced side curvatures of the spine with deformation chest Use corrective additional rollers and special positions.

If a person for any reason cannot lie on the stomach, then it is permissible to work with its top of the back and the neck in the sitting position. At the same time, a person should sit on a smooth chair (or a special seat), leaning forward to the angle of almost 45ยบ, leaning off his arms on the back of the chair or a special stand, putting his head to relax the neck muscles. In such a position, massage is carried out in pregnant women and people who feel the deterioration of their condition in a strictly horizontal position.

Help relax

It is necessary to create the maximum comfort for the patient. With a massage, its upper body is broken. Therefore, the room should be warm, but not hot. Under the chest and stomach put a clean cotton fabric with a smooth surface (sheets or diaper), and a soft wide towel or sheets take to the shellation.

The overall situation is important. The room must be quiet, have a closing door and an isolated screening place for changing clothes. You can use soft quiet music and other relaxing techniques. If a person annoys something, he must say about this by a specialist.

Do not harm

In order not to cause unwanted consequences, the massage therapist conducts an impact on a specific scheme. This is the third prerequisite.

The session begins and ends with relaxing movements, and in the middle there are several approaches with intensive impact on the problem area. Movements are carried out smoothly and in the direction of venous and lymphatic outflows, without capturing the location of lymph nodes (on the neck and in armpits).

After the completion of the massage session, it is impossible to get up immediately, making sharp movements, turns, slopes and mahs with hands, go on a draft. It is necessary to lie down for some time by accepting a convenient position.

Therapeutic massage is appointed by courses several times a year (up to 4 times), and the relaxing domestic back massage can be done at least every day. In addition, massage is carried out only in the absence of contraindications.

When massage is undesirable

There are conditions when there is no massage. These include:

  • dermatological diseases and allergic reactions with leaning the skin of the back, as well as any other damage to the soft tissues of the back;

  • acute period of stroke and myocardial infarction;

  • decompensated cardiac, renal or liver failure;

  • osteomyelitis;

  • acute viral and bacterial infections;

  • fevering condition;

  • the pathology of the abdominal bodies, which makes it difficult to adopt the situation lying on the stomach;

  • acute inflammatory processes of any localization, exacerbation of chronic diseases;

  • disorders of coagulation with a tendency to bleeding and thrombosis, blood disease;

  • some systemic diseases in the aggravation stage, especially with damage to the skin and vessels;

  • decompensated hypertonic disease with crisis flow;

  • pronounced vascular and degenerative brain lesions;

  • mental disorders, accompanied by violations of consciousness, psychomotor excitation and psychosis;

  • oncological diseases of any localization.

The patient should know when you can not do a massage.

Conducting a massage in the presence of contraindications can lead to the development of complications of current diseases, and in the case of cancer damage - to metastasis.

And if there are any additional symptoms during the medical course, they should be informed about this to know the masseur and the attending physician. They will decide whether it is possible to continue massage or stand it to temporarily postpone.

What types of back massage exist

A classic view of the massage is a manual way. But often use various devices and fixtures. For example, there is a vibration method with the help of devices of different designs, cans massage and self-massage with a special roller track.

For the purpose of exposure, massage relaxing and therapeutic, which includes several varieties.

  • Relaxing massage People without special education can also be carried out, as it is easy to do it.

It is often used in confidential relations in married couples or friends. This pleasant shallow impact helps relieve tension after a difficult labor day or a long trip, serves as a way to arrange to yourself and feel the closeness of each other. But the relaxing massage is carried out by both professionals for harmonizing the work of the nervous system, with diffusely increased muscle tone, with neurosis and psychosomatic states against the background of chronic stress or internal psychological conflicts.

  • Medical - It is intended for the correction of any existing disorders, this also includes preventive impact to prevent certain states.

Depending on the purpose, it happens:

  • classic, it is also called Swedish;

  • lymphatic (or anti-cellulite);

  • acupuncture, that is, point;

  • specialized for treatment various diseases spine.

  • Separately there is a sports massage.

Its objectives are the preparation of muscles for upcoming high loads, the removal of emerging tonic (spasmodic) cuts and relief of muscle fatigue. With it, you can increase the performance and endurance of athletes, prevent their overwork. Sports massage is training, reducing and preliminary; At the same time, the latter is divided into a pre-site, warm-up and warming.

  • There is also a special type of massage - honey.

Used at the same time natural honey does not reduce friction. On the contrary, it increases the clutch with the skin. It is used to carry out a sufficiently deep impact on a special technique.

Main readings for the course of therapeutic massage:

  • painful syndrome of muscle origin in various impairment of the musculoskeletal system;

  • muscle hypotension (usually due to the lesion of the head or spinal cord);

  • an increase in muscle tone, including asymmetric hypertonus after strokes, injuries, perinatal pathology and other disorders in the central nervous system;

  • rehabilitation period after injuries and severe somatic diseases, forced a sedentary lifestyle;

  • frequent headaches, unstable level of blood pressure;

  • diseases of the respiratory system (for drainage massage).

Spin massage is used in many diseases. After all, its main effects are the improvement of fabric nutrition, reduced their swelling, elimination muscular spasms or activation of muscle work, improving the conductivity of nerve impulses. The work of the peripheral and central nervous system is harmonized, the pain decreases, the volume of possible movements increases. All this helps to improve the state of people with the most different bodily challenges. A competent massage therapist will choose the form of massage, the rhythm of the movements carried out in each case, and will give recommendations on behavior during coupling treatment.

Order of conduct

Most often the classic back massage. The specialist sensates the patient's body response to the manipulations carried out, which allows you to immediately regulate the strength and type of impact.

But in any case, the massage session is carried out according to a specific scheme. Most often a medical course is recommended from 7-10 procedures, but it can be extended to 15 days. Sessions are available daily. This approach will allow consistently affect the problem areas, get a deep and resistant healing effect.

How much time is the massage? For a full-fledged therapeutic session, 40-50 minutes is required. At the same time, the following steps are carried out: relaxation and heating, active impact with alternation and repetition of different techniques and an emphasis on the problem area, soothing. This use strokes, rubbing, vibration, squeezing and kneading. All these techniques have their own varieties and are necessarily used in each massage session.

Massage can be done with dry warm hands or with the use of various means to alleviate the sliding of the hands. It can be oils (vegetable or special cosmetic), children's cream, massage lotion, talc or baby powder. It depends on the preferences of a specialist and the presence of an individual patient reaction for these funds, so it is impossible to answer exactly what is better to make a back massage. The main thing is to be comfortable, comfortable and safe.

The skin of the patient's back should be clean, and the hands of a massage therapist are clean, warm, with short nails. Initially, strokes with smoothly increasing intensity are carried out, relaxing and gradually warming skin. At the same time, the massage therapist also has the ability to gently to the touch to determine the locations of local muscle spasms.

After the skin of the back became elastic and blushed slightly, the next stage begins. All muscle groups are gradually being worked out, as they relax themselves, increasingly deep layers are captured, the impact on painful areas. This can cause a certain discomfort in the patient, but the sensations should not be sharp, lead to a deterioration general status Or cause numbness in remote areas of the body. The intensity of pain in therapeutic massage should not exceed the permissible pain threshold.

Strong techniques alternate with relaxing. Also in a massage session, special postures, movements and exercises may be included. At the last stage, general relaxing strokes are carried out, after which the patient enable the opportunity to lie down for some time.

If there are diseases of the spine or neurological problems, do not save on a massage therapy. Appeal to graduates of various training courses that do not have a special education and experience of therapeutic massage can lead to exacerbation of pathological processes and various complications. You need to contact only qualified specialists.

Massage is one of the very first directions in medicine. Arriving several thousand years ago in the East, this direction did not lose its relevance at all and is able to provide a significant benefit to the patient's body. For proper fulfillment There is not only restoration of physical health, but also sincere equilibrium.

With the current level of medicine, esoteric directions are not recognized in our country. Nevertheless, many use a totality of reflex and mechanical effects on fabric, as a means of recovery after a hard work day. And the desire does not occur to a special salon. In this case, it is best to understand how to learn to make a massage at home.

Houses and walls help. The feeling of protected and intimacy with your favorite people will allow the potential of teases to rub the body to the maximum. The health benefits will be the maximum. The use of the technician also allows you to establish as closely as possible spiritual contact with the partner.

Massage lessons: the introductory part about the benefits of massage and convenience to spend it at home

With regular massage, you can achieve the following positive moments for the patient's health:

  • normalizes blood circulation in the body;
  • the state of fatigue is removed;
  • improves the work of the heart and blood vessels in the body;
  • improves the process of sleep and rest;
  • improved exchange processes;
  • normalizes human mental health;
  • musculatory spasms prevent;
  • many painses cease;
  • the swelling of the limbs and other parts of the body is removed;
  • nervous disorders stop;
  • fit congestion in the body.

A common massage that is performed at home has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. The effect of rejuvenation is achieved. In the absence of contraindications, this method of recovery is one of the best.

When performing the technique of kneading tissues with hands, the risk of developing age chronic pathologies is reduced. The level of subcutaneous fat deposits is reduced. The skin will become elastic and smooth. The process of digestion will become normalized.

A hormone serotonin will be actively produced in the brain. It will most improve the patient's mood and will provide good mood for a long time. Improve the indicators of human immunity.

Massage can be performed both on the patient's body and in a separate area. For example, if a person has a patient spin, then performing health equipment on the spine will ensure improvement in the state of health, will remove pain.

If a person flies legs, the massage performed on the tissues and muscles lower extremitieswill remove the swelling and reduce the amount of puffiness in the future. The same rule also refers to other problem areas of the body that do not give a person well and high quality.

Undoubted use is to improve skin. The skin is the largest human body. Dimensional skin sections are removed during the influence on the tissue. Skin shade becomes healthy and pink. Restores elasticity. Mechanical damage to the skin pass faster. Improves the saturation of the skin with blood and oxygen.

During a session from the body, toxins and harmful chemical substances. If the skin condition is improving, the exchange processes in the tissues become better and more efficient.

At home massage is often used to effect on such parts of the body, as a face, arms, legs. The cosmetic effect occurs, especially if cream and oil are used. The skin is rejuvenated and becomes elastic, strong. The human respiration function is enhanced. Inhale and exhale are becoming deeper.

Preparation of the room to massage

Before you know how to learn to make a massage, you need to understand what the preparation of the massage room is. The place where the procedure passes should be sacred sense. Creating a true atmosphere is performed due to a sufficient amount of light and indoor air.

Free space should be exactly so much so that the massage therapist is able to calmly move around the patient. Next to the place where the patient is lying should be a table or a cabinet, on which wet towels, creams, essential oils will be placed. Everything should be in easy accessibility.

The atmosphere should be placed to hospitality and relaxation. The light should be natural, non-market. If natural light is used, it is better to muffle it. The room temperature must be comfortable for the patient. Since it is in most cases, only the bottom of the clothes is used or used is the best temperature - 25 degrees of heat. Neither hot and not cold. Air must be clean. Sometimes filled with the aromatic smell of essential oils and creams.

To such, the smells are well referred to:

  • Eucalyptus;
  • Incense;
  • Lavender;
  • Pine;
  • Lemon;
  • Sage;
  • Chamomile;
  • Orange;
  • Melissa;
  • Geranium.

The choice of flavoring depends on what effect you need to get. Lemon contributes to the excitation of the nervous system, pine relaxes. The smell can be created by adding a few drops of oil into water and sprayed with a spray with a spacing or an aromatic lamp.

It is important to pre-give the room in order and take care of the absence of dust in the room.

Major Massage Instructions

Massage does not tolerate fuss. Each movement must be properly selected, to the place and with sufficient power of pressure on the body. Therefore, the session time is long: 45-60 minutes.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to establish which effect is desirable after it. If it is planned to achieve a relaxing effect, it is advisable to use receptions relaxing muscles (for example, patting). And do focus on the impact for major muscle groups. On the back it is the muscles of the lower back, on the legs - the area of \u200b\u200bthe thighs, on the hands - biceps.

It is important to understand correctly, on which point is weak, and on which with increased power. Most of The movements are performed on the current limf. The main departments and methods of their massage are shown in the table below:

During the procedure, it is necessary to observe hygiene. The hands of the masseur must be clean. The patient's body is relaxed as much as possible. For more smooth hands on the body, it is recommended to use cream or ointment.

Major Massage Takes

During the session, massage movements of the following types are performed:

  • The kneading - with the action of the skin section takes place. It improves blood circulation
  • Vibration - implies rhythmic movements with finger tips on the skin
  • Rubbing is performed by the movement of palms along the massagered area. Prevents sediments of salts in the joints if the cervical spine is massaged by rubbing
  • Stroking is the most popular reception. The movement of the massage therapist corresponds to the movement of rubbing, but the degree of exposure to the skin area is significantly less
  • Singing - used for impact on muscle tissue. Enhances blood circulation. The movement of hands should be short and spring.

The use of essential oils allows you to increase the efficiency of massage equipment several times. It is important to choose the concentration and proportion of oils. The proportion is 5-10 drops of essential oil on the base spoon of the basic. The oil temperature should be room. If such a temperature is not achieved, warming up on the steam bath.

For of different types The technician uses various essential oils. The table below shows which oils best correspond to each type of massage.

  • Rose flower;
  • Geranium;
  • Sage;
  • Jasmine.
  • Mint;
  • Lavender;
  • Sage.
  • Orange;
  • Lemon;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Geranium;
  • Juniper;
  • Patchouli.
To improve brain activity
  • Mint;
  • Thyme;
  • Bergamot;
  • Lemon.
  • Jasmine;
  • Patchouli;
  • Geranium;
  • Carnation;
  • Sage.
Pain Massage
  • Mint;
  • Melissa;
  • Needles.
To improve the scalp and hair
  • Sandal;
  • Thyme;
  • Orange.
To improve skin condition
  • Orange;
  • Chamomile;
  • Thyme.

Classic Massage Effect

It can be different. It all depends on the purpose of the influence on the tissue. But in any case, an increase in immunity indicators are carried out, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases. A person relaxes both psychologically and physiologically.

Most often, if the massage is performed at home, it wears a cool relaxing character. Rubbing the body as a medical procedure must be carried out by a person who has the appropriate preparation.

It is classically accepted to share an external and internal effect.

External effect

  • Improves the condition of the skin and nerve endings.
  • The level of performance increases.
  • Exchange processes in tissues are enhanced.
  • The level of subcutaneous fat decreases.
  • Increased voltage in the muscles of the body disappears.
  • Headaches disappear.
  • Eliminates the edema of the limbs.

Internal effect

  • Reducing the load on the spine.
  • Disappears back pain.
  • Domestic organs occupy proper positionthat has a beneficial effect on their functioning.
  • Strengthening rehabilitation processes.
  • Reducing rehabilitation time.
  • The pathology of the heart and vessels are eliminated.
  • The neurological disorders are eliminated.


Professional massage is obligatory if the doctor is appointed. This may be part of the complex or independent medical therapy. When performing such a type of procedure, it is recommended to conduct a session with medical education professionals.

These pathologies include:

  1. Cardiovascular disease
  2. Pathology of organs performing respiratory functions
  3. Damage to the patient's musculoskeletal system
  4. Nervous disorders caused by injuries
  5. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  6. Inflammatory processes in the field of genitals
  7. Skin pathology
  8. Violation exchange processes
  9. Ear pathology, throat, nose
  10. Eye pathology


Despite the essential number of positive moments there are a number of contraindications when the procedure is harmful, and not benefit.

These issues include:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes accompanied by increased temperature.
  • Symptoms of fever.
  • The state of nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Malignant neoplasms (cancer).
  • Heart problems.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Increased risk of blood clots.
  • Atherosclerosis of vessels.
  • Neurosis.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Acute form of tuberculosis.
  • Liver failure.
  • Other acute forms Liver lesions.
  • Open fractures.
  • Serious mechanical damage Skin cover.

Contraindications can not be ignored by no means. This can be very negatively affected by a person.


Massage is one of the most common techniques used to treat injuries, chronic pathologies of internal organs, achieve positive dynamics for metabolic processes. It is used as a means of treatment and just to relax after a hard day.

The benefits of the method is undoubted. However, due to the large number of contraindications, it is better to consult a doctor.

During the day, we are experiencing our back for strength every second: keep it in vertical position When standing and walking, tilt, raise, turn, twist the torso, sit in an uncomfortable posture, we carry severity. Our muscles are constantly in a tone, excitement and decline under the influence of impulses coming from the central nervous system, and the spine experiences great overload. Sometimes the reserve of strength laid by nature is not enough, and pain, stiffness, spasms appear, the pathological processes of the musculoskeletal system develop.

So that such painful symptoms do not become familiar, you need to learn how to remove the growing tension on time. And for this there is nothing better massage back.


In the absence of obvious contraindications, the procedure will bring great benefit and completely healthy personAnd to the one who has serious health problems. An injecting observer may seem that the hands of the massage therapist affect only the surface structures of our body. In fact, at this time all components of the body are involved, launched complex mechanisms Self-regulation and recovery. Common massage of the back zone is prescribed to:

Medical science confirms preventive and therapeutic effect This massage procedure recommends it at:

Light strokes of the backs are performed even pregnant women in late terms or women in order to alleviate pain and tension during battles. In such a state, as well as in mastopathy and breastfeeding The procedure cannot be carried out on the stomach: a woman should sit on a chair or lie on the side.


The procedure has no age limit. It is prescribed to a child, starting with seven weeks. The backrest massage for him is an early training, which will help the baby learn to keep your head confidently, strengthen the muscular corset and spine, preparing the child to the seat, crawling, self-standing and first steps. Special daily gymnastics will complement and secure the result.

In which cases you can not make a massage

Massage is a powerful tool that can cause a serious restructuring in the human body. These changes are not always positive and in some cases can lead to serious health deterioration.

  • elevated temperature;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • rickets;
  • tuberculosis bones;
  • pounding of the heart;
  • hepatitis;
  • moma of the uterus;
  • oncology;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • bleeding of different origin;
  • alcoholic and narcotic poisoning;
  • problems with kidneys and a bubble;
  • acute abdominal pain or sternum.

With caution massage places with protruding moles, warts, fresh wounds, scratches. In the kidney stones avoid intensive pressure on.

Young Mama Massage is shown to strengthen and restore the health of the muscles of the back, which all the pregnancy was treated with huge loads. But you can perform the procedure only a month after childbirth or six months after cesarean sectionhaving previously converged to the doctor.

Preparation for session

The history of classical massage with its roots goes to the Buddhist temples of the Ancient East, where the healing procedure was equated with the sacred religious rite. Before the session, the patient and massage therapist should have cleared their heads from extraneous thoughts, read certain mantras and fully concentrate on the exchange of energy in order to achieve the divine state of consciousness.

Now the procedure does not require such complex preparation, but some measures that increase its effectiveness is still worth making:

It is important that the patient mentally configured to the procedure, not belong to it with distrust or skeptically. As the observations showed, the attitude to the result increases many times amplifies the therapeutic effect of massage. It is possible to carry out the procedure in the morning, for cheerfulness, or in the evening to restore energy after the working day.

Anatomy of spinal muscles

So that the procedure has a healing effect, and not turned into ordinary useless stroking, the massage therapist should own knowledge topographic anatomy. Knowledge of the location and structure of the muscles are especially important, since these structures account for the main impact during a session.

Different types, size and functions, on the back, they are a dense multilayer array cover the area from the pelvis to the neck.

Deep muscles paired, located in three layers:

  • below are all inter-sacred, inter-machine and raising edges of the structure;
  • in the center there is a cross-oestous muscle, the broken beams of which form independent functional groups: semi-sufficient, multiple and rotates;
  • the belt muscles of the head and neck are superimposed on top, as well as muscle, straightening the spine; The latter at the level of the lumbar zone is divided into three parts: iliac and rib, longest and sax.

Photo: Deep muscles

All of them make up the basis of the muscles of the back and perform important functions: extension the neck and head, ensure the possibility of their rotation in different directions, are responsible for the stability of the spine, flexing, tilting, turning it, nourish and protect bone and cartilage structures.

Flat Surface muscles of the backattached to the bones of the shoulder belt and are located in two layers:

  • the first formed by trapezoidal and widest muscles;
  • the second is a large and low rhombid, upper and lower gear springs, as well as the muscle that lifts the blade.

Photo: Surface muscles back

These structures lead their hands to the torso, pull up the body with a hang in the sports projectile, deflect the head back, hold back in a vertical position, are responsible for its bending, extension, tilting to the side, raise, rotate and bring the blades to the spine.

Scheme of massage movements

Professional, in contrast to an amateur amateur, will perform all movements on strictly defined massage lines. They are planned taking into account the arrangement of the muscles, the spinal column, internal organs, nerve beams, skin density, blood and lymph density. On the back all movements are carried out according to the scheme shown in the picture:

  1. From the sacrum area (number 9) along the spine through rectifiers and gear muscles (6) to the shoulders.
  2. From the sternosco-cable-deputyid zone (1) to the shovels, covering the top edge of the trapezium.
  3. From the lumbar region through the widest muscles (7) to the armpit zone.
  4. From deltoid structures (4) to shovels.
  5. From the buttocks to the shoulder body, crossing the widest muscles, and back. Such a trajectory is due to the bilateral movement of lymph in this zone.
  6. From the sacrum towards the oblique muscles (10) of the abdomen.
  7. On the lumbar area clockwise.

Massage lines

Usually the masters massage the entire surface of the back, while working on the line on both sides of the spine. But some prefer to share the massaged zone on the plots: standing on the left of the patient, work with the right part His bodies and vice versa.

Oil used

From a variety of massage funds presented in the market, a professional will most likely choose oil. Created on the basis of natural ingredients, it quickly absorbs, moisturizes the skin, provides the necessary slip, has a pleasant smell, heals and relaxes the body. Judging by the reviews, oils are appropriate:

  • olive: rich in vitamins A, C, E, it hoses perfectly and moisturizes the skin, especially dry and sensitive, has hypoallergenic properties;
  • apricot: struggles with cellulite and dermatological problems due to minerals and vitamins that are part of its composition, it smells greatly, it smells like;
  • sesame: The basis of this product is linoleic acid, which is famous for the regenerating effect, eliminates inflammation, removes toxins, restores cells.

Essential oils in pure form can not be applied to the skin. But several drops added to the basic natural basis have their own effect on the human body:

Before use, pay attention to its composition. The basis should be natural mineral, and even better vegetable components. As additives, vitamin complexes and moderate number of essential substances are allowed. The presence of preservatives, thickeners, faddles and other artificial components is not welcome: their impact on the skin, enhanced by massage receivers, can lead to the development of the strongest allergic reactions. Before the first session, test the oil for absorption and individual intolerance, causing a small amount of the composition on the elbow fold.

Auxiliary means

In addition to oils, various cosmetic derivatives are used to prepare the skin: creams, gels, emulsions. During the medical procedure, they are replaced with anti-inflammatory ointments appointed by the doctor. Especially for athletes make drawings from medicinal plants - sports. Red - heats, as it contains pepper and camphor, blue, based on menthol, - cools.

But you can make a massage and folk remedies:

  1. Honey is a product rich in vitamins and microelements, quickly absorbed and has a healing effect on the patient's back. It is applied by a thin layer on the skin, pressed to the sticky surface of the palm, and then sharply take it off. Movements are performed on massage lines, avoiding the impact on lymph nodes and spine. The procedure is struggling with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, nervous system.
  2. Salt is a stone or marine, in a mixture with vegetable oil, has an anti-inflammatory and fat burning effect, struggling with salt sediments and subcutaneous tissue. Massage with this means eliminates the pain during osteochondrosis, removes the stress in the muscles of the back, reduces the withers - education in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra.

The relief occurs after the first procedure, but completely restore the health of the back will help the course of 10-15 sessions.

What are the techniques for the back massage

Historians proved that massage techniques were familiar with even primitive people, as evidenced by the rock paintings found in the places of their parking lots. Already then a person used the power and energy of the hands to get rid of pain and fatigue, rubbing or a warm-up problem. The art of massage did not go into the fly, but, on the contrary, it became even more popular, enriched with new effective techniques that have learned all over the world. Nowadays, popular species are:


This technique is more popular than others. In the absence of explicit contraindications, it will be useful and a baby and an adult person. It is practiced as preventive or medical agent, And the list of readings to the procedure is quite wide.

The execution algorithm is simple and contains basic techniques familiar to all. We begin massage from the study of the sacral and lumbar zones, directing the movement to the nearest lymphatic nodals. Then gradually move up, covering the chest and SWC, the area of \u200b\u200bthe blade, deltoid and trapezoid muscles.

Massage techniques for men and women are the same. But, since the male musculature is more voluminous, then the pressure force, the intensity of movements and the duration of the procedure should be greater.


It is assigned to pain in the back, pathological changes in muscle structures, such problems with the spine, like osteochondrosis, protrusion, spondylosis, hernia, atrophic processes of cartilage tissue, scoliosis. Perform the procedure using classic techniques, strictly adhering to a certain scheme of massage movements, the direction of which coincides with blood and lymph current:

  • from the square muscles of the lumbar movement zone are carried out towards nearby inguinal lymph nodes;
  • from the chest, they are sent to the axillary depression;
  • from the Sheino-collar zone - to the clavical one.

It is worth considering that the main impact should be made on muscle tissue, and not on the bone. Therefore, it is impossible to touch the spine himself in no case: only a manual therapist can edit it.

The first procedure should not last more than 10-15 minutes, after the disappearance of unpleasant sensations, the session is prolonged. Repeat the therapeutic course at least 2 times a year, and when aggravating the problem - every month.


One of the ancient techniques was invented 3,000 years ago in China. Then the monks transported it to Thailand, recycling and adding reflexotherapy and yoga techniques. Heals the body and spirit, restoring energy channels.

Technique procedures differ from European:

  1. Impact is carried out through clothes.
  2. The patient lies not on the couch, but on the floor on mats.
  3. Masseur does not apply neither oils or creams. From the tools at its disposal, only fingers, brushes, elbows, knees and even feet feet (more in the article: "").

According to Eastern Philosophy, the Earth is the main source of energy, therefore, the procedure begins with a relaxing ablution of legs and processing active stop points. Then go to the back, performing soft pressure, kneading and stretching along the energy meridians. Thoroughly worked out painful, problem areas. The massage of the longitudinal muscles of the back allows you to adjust the position of the displaced vertebrae, therefore, the crunch is often heard during the procedure. The effect complements special exercises from yoga.


Eastern philosophers argue that the vital energy of qi permeates the entire universe, including the human body. These streams move along special channels - meridians. Where the current is violated, the problem arises, pathology. The task of massage is to eliminate the obstacle, customize the internal forces of the body to fight diseases. Chinese experts do it with help:

It is believed that this stone is able to learn pain, clean the vessels, accelerate the regeneration of tissues, reassured the excited nerves. His healing effects enhance massage techniques: pressure, rubbing and kneading in the field of active points and along the energy meridians. After such an impact of bruises, redness and bruises become a kind of map, "reading" which the massage therapist will put the correct diagnosis.

Correctly making Chinese muscle massage of the back muscles can only specialist. The procedure made in violation of the technique is likely to cause the opposite effect: the tissue will retain the voltage, which sooner or later lead to overwork, stress, nervous breakdown.

Themed Material:

Bamboo chopsticks

Spin massage not only with his hands. Creoles, the inhabitants of the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, have already been used for this purpose "Cho" - sticks from the bamboo of different diameters.

To begin with the largest sticks. Performing rubbing, pressure and vibration, the wizard warms the back muscles. Then he worms out with them with a smaller diameter chopsticks, increasing the speed and depth of exposure. As a result, the rhythmic tapping is performed up to 120 times a minute, interconnecting palm strokes.

Such a massage often choose girls, as it contributes to weight loss, having a lymphatic ruling effect, eliminating fat deposits, cellulite, making skin beautiful and elastic. Read more in the article: ".

Vacuum banks

This technique is most often used in therapeutic purposes in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, for the improvement of joints, eliminate scars, scars, improved blood circulation, getting rid of subcutaneous fatty fiber. Follow step by step instructionsWith such a procedure will handle any:

  1. We take suction jackets: glass or latex, from 40 to 200 ml are suitable for the back.
  2. Lubricate the massable area of \u200b\u200boil, cream or vaseline for free sliding cans on the body surface.
  3. Creating a vacuum, install banks on your back.
  4. We are loyalty by moving them, following massage lines, circular or spiral movements.

Author techniques

Supporters healthy image Life is confident that the massage is a worthy alternative to expensive medical and even surgical methods of treatment, so new, so popular today, author techniques are learning with interest.


The doctor with the 27-year experience, the head of massage centers is divided by knowledge in a series of special video tutorials, including those held and online. In its method, it combines elements of classical, sports and point massagerecommending it after daily physical LoadsFor example, summer houses.

Mardin's back massaging begins with the impact on the muscles that support the vertebral pole, and then according to the classic scheme: lower back - chest department - Shain-collar zone. At the same time, along with base techniques, specialists are carried out by a deep study of trigger points spoken by pain on the problems in the body. They are developing to the complete disappearance of unpleasant sensations.

The masseur examines the back as a large reflex zone. By affecting it, you can get rid of headaches, relax the nervous system, normalize pressure and breathing, strengthen the immune system.

The experience of Andrei Yakovlev

The unpleasant feeling in the back, according to this master, is the most common disease. The cause of their appearance is a long overvoltage of muscles, which leads to hypertonus and blood supply disorders. Because of what fabrics are degraded, cartilage dried, and ligaments and tendons lose elasticity.

All this creates conditions favorable for the development of osteochondrosis. Andrei Yakovlev is convinced that a massage can be prevented by the appearance of back pain, which can be held regularly at home. Special attention should be paid to the transition zones from moving to fixed structures. These are articulation places:

  • spine and sacrum;
  • skull and cervical department;
  • breast and lumbar zone.

In Pain teaching video "No pains in the back" Yakovlev gives an explanation to the main techniques of impact and shows how to diagnose: feeling muscles, pay attention to problematic painful areas, seals, less mobile skin CoversChanges in their color and temperature.


The technique appeared at the end of the XIX century and wears the name of his author - a dermatologist from France, who developed a special plug-in massage technique. It is based on a deep capture of the back structures, which is brief and quickly performed by the pads of large and index fingers. These techniques alternate with basic stroking, rubbing and kneading.

The procedure eliminates muscle spasms, pathological adhesions and battles in the fibers, cleans the skin, opens the greasy ducts, exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, accelerates cell regeneration.

Cost in salons

Looking into the price list of the salons of Moscow and St. Petersburg, it can be noted that the price of one session varies depending on the type of procedure:

  • classic massage costs from 1200 rubles;
  • therapeutic - from 1500 rubles;
  • segmental - from 800 rubles;
  • honey - from 2000 rubles;
  • vacuum - from 1600 rubles.

For massage muscles of the back with the help of Tibetan singing bowls Price Negotia.

Proper performance at home

Each of us will be useful to learn basic massage techniques to help themselves for free at any time. First of all, you need to adhere to the general procedure scheme:

  1. At the initial stage, classical stroking and squeezing are performed, relaxing the back muscles and preparing them to more intensive elaboration.
  2. The main part is based on rubbing, warm-up, pressing, patting and vibration. There is an impact on the deep muscles and the structure of the back.
  3. The procedure is completed with easy soothing stroking.

During the session, remember that it is always massive, without affecting the spine, and the kidney region and the inter-pumping zone are working on light surface movements.

Special massagers will help make self-massage:

  • roller;
  • rubber balls with spikes;
  • manual vibrator massagers with built-in magnet and IR emitter;
  • butterfly massagers, fastened on problem areas;
  • applicator Kuznetsova in the form of a rug;
  • massage capes on the chair: from the simplest, collected from a variety of rotating wooden balls, to complex electronic devices that imitate classic massage techniques;
  • stands;
  • collars.

Do not be mistaken if at home did nothing like that. For the back massage, you can adapt the remedies: Kitchen Rolls, plastic bottles With water, terry towels for rubbing, tennis balls, brushes with genuine or silicone bristles.


You can learn how to scale your own professionally with your own hands, not even passing courses. It is enough to see training workshops that offer experienced massages. For example, Nikolay Filimonov, practitioner Western and Eastern massage techniques, teaches a simple relaxing technique

  1. To establish contact with the patient, put one hand on his head, another - on the crushes, mentally adjusting to the massage for a minute.
  2. We carry out the "wave" with the right hand, the left at the same time in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sacrum.
  3. Gentle stroking we carry out soft smooth circular movementsdirected first from bottom to top and then in different directions. We work with palms and relaxed fingers.
  4. We smear the tissue, creating a muscular roller and rolling the skin from the loin to the shoulders.
  5. Stretch the muscles diagonally due to burdening to remove stiffness and pain sensations in tissues.

Such techniques will help to relax and reset the fatigue after the working day, will give you the ease of movement, activity and joy of life.

Educational lessons for beginners

Principles of vacuum massage and therapy came from traditional chinese medicine. Today, treatment techniques with banks have a scientific base, the toolkit is complicated and improved. Vacuum massagers are used in the professional sphere and ...

Recognized fact that massage improves health, muscle condition, joints, leather, connective tissueAnd also removes stress and tension. Below are the advice that you need to do before a massage session, and what can not be done, they will help you get a maximum benefit and pleasure:

NEED TO:Decide: For what reason do you go to the massage?

Do you record a massage because you want to remove stress, relax and enjoy? Or does your loin hurt? It is important to express priorities and understand what your body needs more. If you do not know what kind of massage you will fit, we recommend consultation with a specialist and tell you what bothers you. If it is a sharp pain in the back, a massage therapist may first direct you to the doctor. In any case, the masseur must know what you want you to be satisfied.

NEED TO:Come in time

If you are late, a massage therapist, of course, will accept you, but finish you at the time that was planned initially. Why are masseurs like that? If a specialist is delayed with you, then the following clients will also have to wait. Agree, this is wrong. In general, this is just a consequence of late, and not punishment. Think about it ... Everyone was in a situation where you come to the appointed time to the beauty salon behind the manicure or to the service to change the wheels, and your master works with the previous client, and then the meeting is then planned for which you can not be late. Of course, you have a negative, but not to the client, but to the master. Do you come next time to a person who makes you wait?

NEED TO: Go to the toilet

This is a very delicate question, but important. Doesn't matter whether you will do a massage for 30 minutes or an hour and a half, it is important that you will not distract anything and you could relax, and full bladder Obviously it does not contribute to this. In addition, in many techniques, massage therapists use grace movements. Of course, at any time you can interrupt the session, but then you will spend the precious time, which must be spent on the massage.

NEED TO: Turn off the sound of the phone.

We mean not just put the phone on vibration, namely turn off the sound. Every time you call or phone vibrates, you strain, start to worry, etc. When a massage therapist works, he tries to relaxing you and reduce the tension, but if you strain when someone calls, your muscles are unknowingly strained, and the massage therapist is more difficult to work. You do not get good resultIf you are distracted by telephone conversations.

It is impossible: There are less than an hour before the massage

It is important that during the massage you have ease, and your body focused on a massage, and not to digest food. Therefore, we recommend slightly to eat an hour before the massage. It may be some kind of fruit or salad.

It is impossible: Smoking in front of a session

In case you smoke, make sure you do not smoke an hour before the massage session. Massage helps immune system Display toxins through the skin. However, if this process will occur immediately after you smoked a cigarette, you and the massession will be unpleasant the smell. And since the smell is not only from the lungs, but from the pores, he will stay with you for a long time after a massage session.

It is impossible: Come to the massage if you are sick

If you have triggered and you have a temperature, cancel your massage session. There are three main reasons for it:

  • You can infect a massage
  • You can infect other customers.
  • Massage can aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

It is impossible: Taking alcohol in front of the massage

Do not come to the massage if you have consumed alcohol over the past day.
The unpleasant smell of mouth after alcohol is only part of the trouble, the massage itself can aggravate the state. Massage enhances blood circulation, and if you drank a lot on the eve, you will feel drunk again.

Professional masseurs always refuse to work with the client, which is clearly drunk. As for the wine glass, masseurs recommend you to wait at least four hours before reaching the massage.

The loin is a part of the back, which is experiencing a very large load every day. She has to withstand the weight of most of the body daily. And because of the low mobility of a person (and often - the lack of even preventive swelling of the back), the loin often may suffer near the pathologies. At a minimum, with an incorrectly dosed load on it or a sitting lifestyle, a person may feel pain in this area. Massage is an excellent way to prevent a number of diseases. It also helps to eliminate in some cases and painful syndrome, relax muscles and ligaments, and you can do it at home. How to make a waist massage, if there is no time to walk through massage rooms?

The amazing properties of various massage techniques are used to relax and facilitate the state of the back of the Millennium. Massages of China's healers are especially valued and continue to be valued - large fans of the natural ways of treatment. Now massage techniques familiar to many and spread around the world - now every self-respecting salon or honey. The center has in the state of a good experienced massage therapist.

The benefits of massage is obvious:

  • it will help to relax the whole body completely after work;
  • removes stress and provides relaxation, improves mood, restores mental equilibrium.

Body massage oil

However, massages, first of all, are useful in terms of medicine, as:

  • improve the work of the heart;
  • stimulate blood flow;
  • improve the state of the muscles of the back;
  • help improve the state of the spine;
  • stimulate the real exchange, improve the speed and quality of the supply of nutrients in the tissue of the back;
  • improve the condition of the skin, make it more elastic and elastic;
  • eliminate pain syndrome, remove the tension;
  • normalize blood pressure.

On a note! As a rule, it lasts only 30-40 minutes, but during this time you can really have a beneficial effect on the body. If there is a massage regularly, then the pain and overstrain in the back can be forgotten at all.

Indications and contraindications

Massage is recognized as doctors as a healing and preventive agent against a number of diseases. Indications for its holding in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt may be:

Prices for funds folk Medicine with back pain

However, in some cases, massage may cause harm. It can not be done at:

  • oncological diseases;
  • serious problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • internal bleeding;
  • first weeks of pregnancy;
  • high temperature;
  • skin diseases.

Important! In no case is not a massage session by a person who is in a state of alcohol intoxication or under the action of drugs. With a pronounced pain syndrome, a session should only have an experienced specialist.

Techniques and types of massages

Massage is not just stroking the skin. All the movements of the masseur must be carried out according to a specific technique that will have a special impact on the body.

Table. Some massage equipment.

Massage techniqueHolding

With this technique, any massage session begins. Strokes are needed to relax the body. They will prepare it to other, more intensive techniques, warm up the skin and muscle. Performed with palms of the massage therapist. May be careful and easy or more intense.

Performed from the spine to the surface of the sides and in the opposite direction. Help eliminate muscle tension, remove swelling.

Produced palms folded in the shape of a spoon or open. Spring movements, short, are carried out only by muscles. Improve blood flow and stimulate blood circulation.

Made by two hands with a grip of small skin folds. At the same time, the hands are alternately moved towards the sides of the spine. Technique improves vessels, helps to clean the body from toxins.

Performed with the tips of the fingers or ribs of the palms. Help the muscles to relax and improve the metabolism.

On a note! Complete any massage you need soft and relaxing movements.

Types of massage

Now masseuses can use a variety of massages to improve the state of the back. It can be therapeutic, classic, Thai and many others. Each of them has its own characteristics and pursues certain goals.. However, complex massage techniques should not try to spend independently at home, as the body can harm.

It is recommended for the prevention of a number of diseases, helps to take fatigue and improve the condition of the body as a whole. The session is usually not more than 20-30 minutes. The person is placed on the stomach, and under him and in the field of ankle joint, it is recommended to place rollers from towels. The lower body is usually covered with a blanket.

A classic massage begins with strokes with palms (about 20 times), then it is necessary to confuse the skin well before the appearance of light redness. Then the kneading muscles are made with a thorough study of both sides of the body. Also produced a series of palm words, which in no case are performed in the field of kidneys or bones. After that, the massaged plot is subjected to vibration movements - easy-to-pin, batch, tapping the tips of the fingers. Completing massage, it is required to try the surface of the human body with hands.

Attention! During the classic massage, a person should not experience unpleasant sensations! If any, it signals the incorrect massage technique, and the session must be stopped.

It is not carried out for prevention, but to solve an existing problem. This technique is appointed only by a doctor - it is impossible to make a decision on conducting sessions of such a massage. It should only be performed by a qualified specialist.

Therapeutic massage is always done on a solid surface - for holding a couch or a bed with a dense mattress. A session begins with light preparatory movements, and then you can use more intense.

On a note! All massage actions can be used throughout the back. But lumbar department - This is a plot from the lower edge to the buttocks.

Simple rules, mandatory compliance

Massage, although it seems like a simple procedure, is actually quite complicated. And its effectiveness will largely depend on how and under what conditions it is carried out. Compliance with simple rules will make it much better as possible.

If you want to know more about, step by step fulfillment, and also consider contraindications to conduct a massage, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Attention! Strong pressure on the vertebral pillar should not be provided in any case. All movements are performed along it.

Massage wagging house

Step 1. The patient already lies on the couch, which is covered with a clean towel. The massage therapist pre-washed hands. Next, he needs to apply a little massage oil into hand and you can proceed to the procedure.

Step 2. You need to perform a series of strokes. They are carried out across the spine with light alternate movements of the palms, then you can make several movements with palms along the spinal column up and down. It is recommended to perform a series of circular movements.

Attention! Most massage movements in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back need to be done down, this is due to the orientation of lymphatic channels in the body.

Step 3. The edge of the palms is made rubbing the surface of the back along and across the spine, as well as diagonally.

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