Rosehip infusion for a nursing mother. Is it possible to drink rose hips during lactation - recipes for a nursing mother

Traditional recipes for health and beauty are very popular even in our modern world.

Rosehip tea breastfeeding occupies a separate place among folk decoctions, because it is incredibly good for health - it is a real storehouse of vitamins. We will find out in more detail why this fragrant infusion is so good, with what problems it can help a nursing mother and how to cook it correctly.

Rosehip is a unique plant. In medicine, its fruits are widely used - they are oval, small in size, have a rich crimson color and are distinguished by a pleasant sourness. Most people talk about rose hips as a remedy for colds and a drink to increase immunity. But this is not all the useful properties of the plant.

Of course, for a nursing mother, rose hips are a great find and an alternative to chemical pills.

If you regularly take rosehip tea, you can not only insure yourself against seasonal flu epidemics, but even improve skin health.

The only thing that is important to remember when breastfeeding is that any product can cause an unexpected reaction in the crumbs, so if you are going to prepare rosehip decoctions for yourself, first make sure that your baby is not allergic to it.

Benefits of rosehip tea while breastfeeding

These small fruits contain a lot of natural micro and macro elements and substances indispensable for health - calcium, potassium and sodium, iron, phosphorus and zinc, as well as vitamins C, B6, E, A and others. All this makes rose hips natural and safe means for the health of the whole body.

Protecting a breastfeeding mother and her baby from cancer

According to one study, rosehip extract reduced the growth and migration of breast cancer cells. It has been scientifically proven that the highest concentrations of rosehip extract reduced the migration of breast cancer cells by as much as 45%.

The herbal concentrate also prevented the growth of cancer cells in the brain, an area where damaged breast cells tend to metastasize.

The sour fruits also have an anti-inflammatory effect, which allows the use of rose hips in a number of different diseases. The plant contains certain biologically active compounds called phenols, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), beta-carotene, tannins and pectins - all of which help curb oxidative stress, which in some cases can lead to cancer.

Japanese medical scientists have also emphasized the effectiveness of these healing fruits in suppressing inflammation and preventing the spread of cancer cells. One large flavonoid in rose hips, called tyroside, has commendable anti-inflammatory effects that modern scientists are taking advantage of.

For a nursing woman, this tea is a cheap and safe alternative to improve her health and prevent many formidable diseases.

The fruits of the plant also contain other active substances called carotenoids, which, as doctors know, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and even completely cure patients from certain types of cancer.

Rose hips also contain lycopene (the compound that gives the fruit its red color). Lycopene is well known in the medical community for its antitumor activity. It stimulates communication between cells whose damage leads to growth malignant tumors thus protecting against cancer.

In addition, most of the useful and active substances from tea with rose hips is able to penetrate into breast milk, strengthening at the same time the body of a newborn baby. People believe that if you drink two cups of a strong decoction of crimson fruits every day, then no tumors will be terrible.

Reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood of a woman with HB

Cholesterol is a chemical compound whose high concentration in the blood is very dangerous for human life. Most heart disease develops precisely because of this substance.

Rose hips, as well studied, perfectly reduce the level of bad cholesterol, thereby healing the whole cardiovascular system and preventing the formation of plaques in the vessels.

Among other things, rosehip drinks can be recommended to women during breastfeeding as an effective but safe replacement for anti-cholesterol drugs (such as statins), which can have side effects.

Natural source of vitamin C for breastfeeding mothers

This plant is so rich in vitamin C that it deserves special mention for this reason. By the way, did you know that rose hips contain 60 times more ascorbic acid than oranges?

One of the most important tasks of vitamin C is the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein that makes connective tissue in organism.

  • Vitamin C is also great for treating inflammation and improving immunity.
  • The ascorbic acid in rose hips prevents scurvy, a disease that can cause muscle weakness, joint pain, rashes, and even tooth loss.
  • Vitamin C in rose hips also helps maintain health blood vessels. It was because of the high levels of this vitamin that American Indian tribes once used rosehip tea to treat respiratory problems and the common cold.
  • The vitamin C in these red sour berries will also help your body absorb iron better. This is an indispensable cheat sheet for those women who have persistent anemia (iron deficiency in the blood) during lactation.

That is why for women during lactation, rose hips are a true ally in the struggle for beauty and a fresh appearance.

Support for the body with diabetes or protection from its occurrence after childbirth

Fragrant red rosehip tea has another important effect - it significantly reduces blood sugar levels, thereby contributing to the treatment diabetes and constantly insuring the body against any possibility of developing this disease.

This is a particularly valuable property of the plant for those women who have had cases of diabetes in their family.

Only 40 grams of burgundy berries per day will help to avoid the development of the disease and will control blood sugar levels.

Safe treatment of inflammatory processes during breastfeeding

Rosehip is an amazing plant also because, thanks to the flavonoids and antioxidants that are part of the berries, it is able to quickly stop any inflammatory process, be it external or internal.

It is because of this property that rosehip tea is recommended for nursing mothers to drink during the period of illness, and especially for colds. Also, red fruits protect the cells of cartilage and joints, thereby healing them and protecting them from arthritis.

Normalization of blood pressure after childbirth

As you know, not all medications. And if a woman is periodically tormented by high blood pressure, then an ordinary dog ​​rose will come to the rescue here.

As the latest research shows, this aromatic tea not only has a good effect on the functioning of the heart and strengthens blood vessels, while cleansing them, but also, when consumed regularly, lowers blood pressure and helps maintain it at a healthy level for the body.

Beautiful and healthy skin in a nursing mother thanks to rosehip oils

Few of modern women like the typical metamorphoses that happen during the period when the baby is born - not only that constant lack of sleep and stress instantly spoil feminine beauty, so also most of the nutrients go into breast milk.

However, if a young mother drinks infusions of wild rose and its berries every day, then she will be able not only to protect her skin from the appearance of early wrinkles, dryness and peeling, but also maintain its elasticity and youth.

So, rose hips contain many nutritious oils that accelerate the production of collagen and perfectly nourish skin cells.

Rosehip for the health of the kidneys and urinary system in mom

Teas from rose hips, brewed in the right way, perfectly stimulate the kidneys and help neutralize inflammation in them. So, warm decoctions from this healing plant can be used by women during breastfeeding to prevent the occurrence of cystitis or its exacerbation.

How to brew rose hips during lactation

In order for the decoction to bring many benefits, it is necessary to steam it correctly. This is especially important when a young mother drinks. healthy tea not just for pleasure, but also as a treatment or prevention of a certain disease.

Since rose hips are incredibly rich in vitamin C, it is important to remember that when brewing a drink, you must avoid any contact with metal utensils, and especially with aluminum.

Otherwise, ascorbic acid will quickly break down, and tea will no longer be so useful.

  • It is best to steam rosehips in earthenware or glassware, pouring boiling water that is not too steep in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances.
  • Rosehip tea is infused for 15-25 minutes and drunk without fail warm.

As you can see, rosehip tea during breastfeeding is a real pantry of benefits for female body, because berries not only help strengthen the immune system and maintain normal blood sugar levels, cleanse blood vessels and treat inflammation, but such tea also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face.

Rosehip used by adepts traditional medicine literally from roots to leaves. A lot of medicines with rose hips are also produced by pharmaceuticals. This plant also found its niche in the food industry (kissels, compotes, jams, tea surrogates, soft drinks and liqueurs). Rosehip deserved such a wide use for a reason: it has long been famous as an effective and at the same time tasty remedy against a whole bunch of ailments. But can rose hips be taken while breastfeeding? And if possible, in what form will it bring maximum benefit and be safe for the child in the first months of life?


Rosehip, hand on heart, can be called a unique plant, since it is the leader among all existing products in terms of the mass fraction of vitamin C per 100 g of substance. Yes, cover daily allowance of this vitamin can be eaten only 9 grams of dry fruit or 14 grams of fresh. For comparison, a lemon contains 16 times less of this vitamin.

In addition, the vitamin composition of the plant includes beta-carotene (an analogue of vitamin A), vitamin A directly, vitamins E, B2, B1 and PP. Among the micro- and macronutrients, rosehip contains large amounts of molybdenum, magnesium, copper, as well as zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sodium.

The plant is rich in phytoncides and antioxidants, due to which rosehip has the following effects:

  • tonic;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory and bactericidal;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • choleretic;
  • regulating carbon metabolism and hormone synthesis.

The most famous use of rose hips is the treatment of infectious and especially colds.

As for the lactation period, nursing mothers and pregnant women, for whom certain drugs are strictly prohibited, successfully treat hypovitaminosis, diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys, endocrine disorders, cholecystitis, hepatitis, atherosclerosis, using rosehip teas, decoctions, infusions and compotes. anemia and ulcers.

Reviews of nursing mothers indicate the successful prevention of colds with the help of rose hips and the elimination of vitamin C deficiency with regular use.

Use during lactation

Rosehip decoction has long been used as a medicine for the prevention of colds in children. However, in the first months of life, it should not be given to babies. The strong diuretic effect of this plant, together with water, will remove many useful substances from the child's body.

For the nursing mother herself, rosehip decoction, infusion, tea or syrup, when used correctly, will bring exceptional benefits. So, for example, the stimulating effect of wild rose on lactation was noticed. It is able to intensify the waste of excess fluid, normalize the functioning of the kidneys, and accelerate the stop of bleeding.

What about allergies?

For babies, rose hip products can be powerful allergens. This requires special care and gradualness when using rosehip decoctions and teas for nursing mothers. The risk is especially high if one of the parents or even the child's grandmother (grandfather) suffers from rosehip allergy.

You should start with one teaspoon of decoction, infusion or tea per day, gradually increasing the volume of the drink to 1 liter (if necessary). At the first sign of an allergy (anxiety, skin rash, itching), you should postpone taking rose hips and try again in a couple of months. And if the baby is allergic to many products, then most likely it will be necessary to exclude the possibility of further use of rose hips until the end of breastfeeding.

What is the best way to use it?

Every person who is fond of traditional medicine needs to know and remember that vitamin C is the most temperature-resistant vitamin, which only vitamin B1 can compete with in this regard. Thus, the decoction has the least benefit of all rosehip products. Much more sense in the use of infusion, tea, juice, syrup, as well as raw peeled fruits (up to 15 g per day). If it was not possible to find juice or syrup on sale, they can be replaced with infusions and decoctions in accordance with the recipes below.

Fruit infusion

Place 4 tablespoons of ground rose hips in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Let it brew for 10-12 hours. Then, if desired, sweeten, add sugar or honey and drink half a glass half an hour before each feeding.

A decoction of the roots

No less useful are the rhizomes of this plant, from which you can also prepare a decoction. 1 tablespoon of dried ground rosehip roots should be poured with 200-250 ml of water and boiled over moderate heat for a quarter of an hour. Let stand until the liquid cools down. Strain. Drink immediately, still warm, or store in a thermos.

petal jam

Rinse 200 g rosehip petals in a colander. Scald with boiling water and transfer to a saucepan. Pour the petals with 140 g of sugar and squeeze half a lemon. Stir the petals, trying to better crush them. Then hide the pan in the refrigerator. After that, it is necessary to cook sugar syrup: boil 350 g of sugar and the same amount of milliliters of water until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the syrup over the petals. Bring the jam to a boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Turn off and let it brew for 12 hours. Bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Leave for 6-12 hours. The third time, the jam must be boiled for about 20 minutes - until the desired consistency.


A few handfuls of dry berries are lightly ground in a mortar. Pour the fruits with 1.5 liters of water, put on medium heat. Add honey or sugar to taste. Cook for 5-7 minutes, remove the pan and let the compote brew. You can add any fruits and dried fruits if you like.

Rosehip is a product with an incredibly high content of vitamin C, which can serve not only as a medicine, but also as a prophylactic to prevent colds and many other diseases. However, during lactation, it can become the strongest allergen for baby, therefore, mother should start using it with the smallest doses.

Many of us have seen beautiful flowering rosehip bushes, covered with scarlet or orange fruits by autumn. Rosehip branches are covered with prickly thorns, hence its name.

It turns out that this relative of the garden rose is not only beautiful, but also useful. Its fruits contain vitamin C and carotene, as well as other vitamins and minerals that are important for humans. Therefore, the benefits of wild rose are undeniable. But nursing mothers carefully “scan” every product they eat - is it not harmful to the baby? Is it possible to use rose hips while breastfeeding - let's figure it out.

What is useful rosehip?

Since ancient times, with the help of wild rose, the organs of the digestive and urinary systems, blood vessels, gallbladder diseases and anemia have been treated. It is drunk with a general loss of strength, after a debilitating illness. Pharmacy rosehip syrup "Holosas" has a choleretic effect, it is prescribed after Botkin's disease, restoring liver function.

Rosehip has such useful properties:

  • Fights pathogenic bacteria
  • Improves metabolism in the body, helping to fight extra pounds,
  • Has anti-inflammatory and healing effect,
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Increases immunity to diseases, improves work immune system.
  • Has a general strengthening effect,
  • Helps with bleeding and anemia.

Rosehip petals contain essential oil, flavonoids, tannins and sugars, leaves - catechin, saponin, phenolcarboxylic acid, seeds - vitamin E.

Dried rosehip retains all its useful qualities. It is brewed in winter and drunk as a healing drink that helps replenish the body with vitamins and microelements wasted during the cold season. It is necessary to dry the wild rose in the air in the shade or in the oven at 80 degrees. Rose hips are well stored in paper or woven bags and do not lose their useful qualities for two years.

Does rosehip have contraindications for breastfeeding?

  • Rosehip tincture for alcohol should not be drunk by hypertensive patients, it is recommended for hypotensive patients. Rosehip decoctions reduce pressure, so it’s not safe for hypotensive patients to drink them.
  • Rosehip has a large amount of ascorbic acid, so it should be drunk with great care for those who are prone to gastritis or have peptic ulcers.
  • A strong decoction of wild rose can harm the teeth, it is better to rinse your mouth after taking it.
  • Rosehip teas are contraindicated for people suffering from thrombophlebitis.
  • Rose hips are used with caution in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Means based on the rosehip root slow down the production of bile, their intake may affect the functions of the liver. Those who suffer from constipation should not aggravate their troubles by taking rosehip root decoction. Rosehip can cause increased gas formation, therefore, it is better to neutralize this effect by eating celery or dill.
  • Dermatological problems also require careful use of wild rose.

Nursing mothers who have any of the listed ailments should take this into account when intending to drink a glass or two of rosehip broth. If not available these diseases, dogrose during breastfeeding in itself does not carry harm.

Rosehip - for children

Rosehip tea is given to children as an immunostimulating and tonic, protecting against colds. Rosehip syrup is given, calculating the amount by the weight of the child. Water decoction - a glass a day.

Rosehip drinks for newborns are undesirable, as they have a strong diuretic effect, washing out all the beneficial substances from the baby's body. Rosehip can be an allergen, so a nursing mother needs to take this moment into account when drinking the drink herself.

How to use rosehip while breastfeeding?

There are some rules for brewing rose hips:

  1. Before brewing, the rose hips are washed well.
  2. About 100 grams of rose hips are taken per liter of water.
  3. Most of the vitamins are found in its pulp, so the rosehip must be mashed or ground.
  4. Infusion and decoction are prepared in a sealed container. The broth is infused for about 5 hours.
  5. Before use, a decoction or infusion of wild rose is filtered.

Rosehip can be used when preparing multi-component drinks: with blackcurrant, mountain ash or dried fruits. This drink will not only give energy, but also help quench your thirst on a hot day.

Rosehip oil can be used as part of industrial cosmetic creams or as an independent remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy and lactation, as a means of combating problematic skin, protecting the epidermis from drying out and preventing aging. Rosehip oil helps regenerate mucous membranes and skin, makes the skin soft and smooth, without wrinkles.

As you can see, rose hips during breastfeeding can be useful, it is only important to observe the measure.

Rosehip is a well-known popular medicinal plant, which is used in the fight against many ailments. Substances contained in berries, roots, rosehip leaves can be both treated and prevented. This plant is used in the culinary industry, cosmetology, pharmaceuticals, the medical field and many other industries, and in each of these areas, rose hips are used only due to the content of many useful substances for the body.

Useful properties of rosehip as a medicine for nursing mothers

To understand how useful this variety of rosaceae is, you should understand what useful elements contains rose hips:

  • vitamin C;
  • lemon acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • folic acid;
  • carotene;
  • essential oils;

  • minerals such as zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron;
  • riboflavin;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides;
  • thiamine;
  • active phytoncides.

Rosehip has the following positive effects on the body:

  • bactericidal;
  • regulatory;
  • hypotensive;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • regenerating;
  • antihelminthic.

With such a huge number of positive moments, taking rose hips for nursing mothers should only be done in a few cases:

  • seasonal colds;
  • Improving the immune system in mom and baby;
  • increase in the amount of milk during feeding;
  • violations in nursing mothers of the balance of trace elements and vitamins;
  • violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • as a diuretic for edema;
  • with a regenerating purpose after childbirth;
  • a slight inflammatory process in the body.

How will this affect the baby?

On a baby who is breastfed, the use of rose hips will have a rather positive effect. The presence of vitamin C and other substances will help boost immunity during cold epidemics. Upon receipt of these trace elements, the metabolism of the baby will improve, and the impact on the development of the child will also be favorable.

Since rose hips are rich in vitamins, the baby receiving them with breast milk will have a balanced amount of the substances that he needs for growth and normal functioning. internal organs, iron. The child's vessels will be strong due to ascorbic and folic acids.

Can the use of wild rose be harmful?

Any product, any harmless plant and medicine can bring harm, if it is used incorrectly and in the wrong doses - everyone should understand this. Taking rose hips can cause an allergic reaction in both mother and baby, so without knowing if you are allergic to rose hips, you should not try it for the first time in your life during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Also in the first months of a child's life, you should not use decoctions or infusions of wild rose, since the baby's body is not at all adapted to receive such a large amount of vitamins and trace elements. At the same time, rose hips have a diuretic effect, which can affect the baby.

In general, medical personnel do not limit nursing mothers in the use of rosehip decoction, and sometimes even advises him to drink. But you should not drink a concentrated drink, it is better to dilute it with mineral water or add it to tea if you have a newborn baby.

Please note that rose hips have contraindications, the neglect of which can provoke an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Contraindications are as follows:

  • hypotension;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer, duodenitis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • some dermatovenereological diseases;
  • blood diseases.

Where can I buy?

The most obvious option is pharmacies, which usually carry different kinds wild rose. Here you can find rose hips in tea bags, which is convenient for use, dried fruits, finely chopped roots.

Manufacturers write on the packaging how to properly prepare the product they produce. They are also required to indicate the method of harvesting and cleaning, the day of packaging and the expiration date. Usually this medicinal raw material is good for two years. Rosehip tea, which is already ready to drink, is popular.

The market is the place where you can find anything, especially rose hips. The material collected in the forest or even grown at home is more useful, since it has not been subjected to any thermal and chemical treatments. most trusted and effective way is one in which the necessary parts of the rosehip are collected independently, and a drink is made from them.

If you decide to use last method, then the following rules must be observed:

  • rose hips are best harvested in the fall, since any part of it is most fortified precisely in the autumn-winter period;
  • rose hips should be harvested after the first frost, then the concentration of vitamins and minerals increases significantly;
  • the rosehip root should not be uprooted entirely, it is enough to cut off additional roots;
  • after collecting the material, it should be doused with barely warm water to remove dust particles, earth and dirt;
  • it is important to dry the collected raw materials well so that moisture during subsequent storage does not contribute to rotting;
  • carefully dried fruits or roots must be placed in a cotton bag or glass jar for further storage;
  • if you decide to make jam from the petals, then you need to gently pick them, rinse, dry, and then use in cooking.

In what form to use?

Various decoctions, infusions, compotes can be prepared both from the fruits, and from the roots and petals of wild rose, and from the petals you can cook jam. The preparation of the decoction is very simple, the process does not require much effort. You will need a tablespoon of fruits or a dried root and a glass of hot water, it should be filled with raw materials. After that, the broth should be allowed to stand for about 30-40 minutes, then you can add it to tea or dilute with mineral water and drink a little.

Perhaps, for a breastfeeding woman, this is not the most useful drink, because due to boiling water, vitamin C is not preserved in its original amount, so there will be no particular effect.

The infusion is best prepared from the fruit, but if you have roots, you can use them. Four tablespoons of rose hips should be placed in a jar, pour a liter of boiling water, close tightly and let it brew for at least a day. The brewed infusion should not be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, as it can turn sour. You can pour sugar into the drink to taste and add it to tea or drink it in its pure form at the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

To prepare compote, you can take both whole and ground fruits.

The method of preparation is as follows: pour a handful of fruits with two liters of water and cook over low or medium heat. To enhance the taste, add a pinch of salt, then sugar or honey, you can put mint or a slice of lemon for smell. This composition is cooked for 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to let the compote brew, and then you can pour it into glasses and taste it.

Since this is a compote, the recipe depends on your imagination: you can add dried fruits, spices and whatever you want, the main thing is that the additives are combined with rose hips to taste.

Petal jam is a very delicate in texture and color useful delicacy.

You will need fresh petals, which you need to carefully wash and place in a container. Approximately 400 grams of petals are covered with 300 grams of sugar and the juice of half a lemon is added. All this must be mixed well and put in the refrigerator. At a low temperature, the petals will give juice, but this will not be enough, so sugar or honey syrup can be added before boiling. The workpiece is placed on medium or low heat and boiled. After it boils, they detect 15 minutes and after this time they turn it off. The jam is allowed to stand for a day, then boiled again and poured into jars.

This useful sweetness can be added to tea, confectionery, sweets. Products with such additives acquire not only benefits, but also a pleasant smell and delicate taste.

If you are a nursing mother, it is necessary to consult a family doctor, because it is important to use any medicinal plant correctly, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. Mom is directly connected with her baby, because she breastfeeds him.

In order not to risk, consult how to properly use such a harmless plant for your own benefit and the benefit of the child, because only a healthy mother will have truly healthy children. Additionally, it is worth taking tests to find out if you have rosehip intolerance, since in some cases, along with pregnancy, a woman receives a “bouquet” of new food allergies, plant pollen.

More about useful properties ah rose hips and contraindications, see the next video.

After the birth of a baby, the fragile shoulders of nursing mothers are fully responsible for the baby. A separate point is the quality breast milk, because at the moment it is the only food for babies. For this reason, young mothers try to eat as many healthy foods as possible. One of them is rosehip when breastfeeding. Can he help mom to improve lactation? And what effect does this plant have on the organisms of mother and baby?

For a nursing mother, rosehip (its other name is wild rose) is necessary for vitamin replenishment. In terms of vitamin content, these inconspicuous-looking fruits have left behind lemon, carrots and other vegetables and fruits.

So, in the composition of the fruits of wild roses you can find:

  • vitamins of groups A, E, B and PP;
  • minerals: potassium, iron, sodium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, etc.;
  • acids: malic and citric;
  • antioxidants, phytoncides;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins.

The diverse composition determines the beneficial effect of wild rose:

  • Anti-sclerotic. As a result, the vessels become stronger and better tolerate loads. Vitamin C is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Many mothers notice that with regular intake of decoctions, the gums become less inflamed and stop bleeding.
  • Tonic. The decoction has a beneficial effect on all body systems, bringing them into tone and contributing to the overall strengthening of immunity.
  • Anti-inflammatory and regenerating. The plant copes well with inflammatory diseases, and also promotes the healing of small wounds.
  • Diuretic and choleretic. Helps mother with HS effectively cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.
  • Normalization of hormonal background. This has the best effect on the general condition of the female body.

By the way, rose hips are also useful for lactation. With proper brewing, such a drink helps to increase the amount of mother's milk.

Can it harm a nursing mother and baby

Rosehip during lactation is undoubtedly a very useful product. However, a nursing mother should not forget that each new product introduced into the diet can have a negative impact on the baby. So, dishes and drinks based on wild roses may well act as strong allergens in relation to the baby.

To avoid possible manifestations allergies to rose hips, before using it, you should follow some recommendations:

  • During breastfeeding, rose hips are used exclusively in dried form. Fresh fruits can cause allergic manifestations and colic in a newborn.
  • Immediately before use, the fruits must be thoroughly washed and wiped.
  • The best option would be to pick and dry the fruits yourself. Thus, mom can be sure of their quality.
  • When breastfeeding, rose hips must be consumed, in parallel, observing the reaction of the crumbs. If any negative manifestations have not made themselves felt, the drink can be consumed further.
  • If the baby has any manifestations of allergies while taking a syrup or decoction, it is worth stopping taking this product for a while.
  • Rosehip decoction during breastfeeding, due to its acidic composition, can have an adverse effect on tooth enamel. For this reason, it is recommended to rinse your mouth after each drink.
  • Wild rose is also contraindicated for people suffering from jumps blood pressure.
  • Do not forget that due to the large amount of vitamin K, rose hips and its derivatives are not recommended for use in heart disease and circulatory system. Too much vitamin C can cause gastrointestinal problems. For this reason, the decoction is contraindicated in people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer.
  • Due to its diuretic effect, rose hips are often used for kidney disorders. However, such cases require additional consultation with the attending physician.

Attention! It is better for mom not to use rose hips in the first month of a breastfed baby's life. It is also unacceptable to give this drink to the newborn himself. Rosehip should be introduced into the diet of the baby only with the approval of the pediatrician and only after 6 months.

How to cook and drink rose hips during lactation

Rosehip during breastfeeding is an almost universal product. With it, you can prepare a variety of drinks: decoction, tea, syrup, infusion and even juice. At the same time, juice and syrup are much easier to find in pharmacies or stores, but the rest of the drinks can be prepared at home.


Most often, the fruit parts of the plant are brewed. But rosehip roots also have a number of useful properties. To prepare a decoction of rosehip roots, dried and crushed rhizomes of the plant (1 tablespoon) are poured with 200 ml of water and boiled over medium heat for about 15 minutes. The liquid is infused until completely cooled, then decanted. The decoction can be consumed immediately or during the day (it is better to store in a thermos).

For a nursing mother, rosehip infusion can also be prepared using the fruits of the plant. To do this, grind the berries (4 tablespoons) with a blender or in other ways. Place the resulting slurry in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse the liquid for 10-12 hours. Sweeten the finished drink (you can use honey or sugar to taste). Take half a glass before each feeding.

By the way. Vitamin C, which is part of the dog rose, is considered very unstable to the action of temperatures. For this reason, a decoction (when the liquid boils) is considered the least useful of all drinks prepared with rose hips.


In order to prepare healthy and fragrant tea, dried fruits are ground in a coffee grinder, mortar or blender. 1-2 tbsp. l. the resulting slurry is placed in a teapot along with the usual tea for drinking. The mixture is poured with hot water, left to infuse. Sugar can be added to the finished drink to taste. Before drinking, tea can be filtered through a fine sieve, because rose hips contain multiple villi.

Another tea recipe is longer in preparation time. Pounded fruits are placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water. This liquid is infused for several hours, then decanted. In this case, neither black nor green tea, otherwise the drink will turn out too bitter.


Rosehip can be used as a raw material for tasty and extremely healthy compote. Grind a few handfuls of dried fruits in a blender or mortar. Pour the resulting mass with 1.5 liters of water and put on medium heat. You can add sugar or honey to taste. Boil the compote for 5-7 minutes, then remove the dishes from the stove and let the liquid brew. Also, in addition to rose hips, you can add any fruit (both fresh and dried) to the compote.

Rosehip during breastfeeding should be used correctly. So, there are several basic basic rules for the safe drinking of such drinks:

  • The initial dose is half a glass per day. In the absence of side effects, the amount of alcohol consumed is gradually increased.
  • The maximum daily dose is 1 liter.
  • Drinks are consumed 30-30 minutes before each feeding.
  • If the decoction did not fit the baby, a new attempt to introduce the baby to the rosehip through mother's milk can be made in two months.

Warm drinks are one way to stimulate lactation. Doubly useful will be the consumption of healthy drinks based on natural ingredients. One of these "helpers of nature" is the wild rose. Multiple vitamins, elements and other useful components make it a suitable treat for both mom and her baby. However, do not forget about the precautions. In the first months of a baby's life, a mother should carefully monitor her diet, even if it includes only healthy foods. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy in a baby, the mother should exclude the drink from her menu at least for a while.

Many gifts of nature allow a young mother to diversify her table and quickly restore her body after pregnancy and childbirth. Among the most useful plants, most experts call wild rose.

This fruit has been successfully used in folk medicine for many years. Berries are recommended to be consumed in their natural form or to prepare teas, decoctions and syrups from them.

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The basis of the therapeutic effect of wild rose on a person, of course, is ascorbic acid, and the plant contains at least 5%, and sometimes even up to 20%. It is she who helps to strengthen the work of the woman's immune system, remove waste products from the body.

It is no coincidence that immediately after the operation C-section women are advised to drink a decoction of these berries.

In addition to ascorbic acid, the fruits contain a large number of others necessary for a nursing mother. They help with the following issues:

  • A complete set of B vitamins improves the functioning of the intestines of a woman and a child, stimulates the development of the central nervous system in a baby, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamins rutin and carotene take an active part in cellular metabolism, improve vision, restore the functioning of the liver and biliary tract. In addition, the influence of the latter on the improvement of the blood coagulation system should be highlighted, which is very useful for mothers for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage.
  • It is impossible not to recall that rose hips contain a large amount of vitamin E, which, in addition to a positive effect on the immune system of the child's matter, takes an active part in most metabolic processes and stimulates the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

In addition to vitamins, rose hips contain a wide variety of minerals. This plant is able to saturate a woman's tissues with potassium, magnesium and manganese.

Especially it is necessary to highlight the presence of iron and phosphorus in the berry. If the first trace element is necessary to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, accordingly, improve oxygen transport, then the presence of phosphorus helps the development of brain cells in a baby, which is the basis for timely mental development child.

It should be noted that the plant also contains a set essential oils and tannins. Due to this, rose hips in folk medicine are considered an excellent remedy for various bacteria and microbes. However, these substances can cause a ban on the unlimited use of berries during lactation, since they can provoke the baby.

Is it possible to have rose hips while breastfeeding

With regard to the use of this gift of nature during breastfeeding as a food or medicine, the opinions of experts differ at the present time.

Most pediatricians believe that it is necessary to widely use all the beneficial properties of this plant. Especially valuable for a nursing mother, they consider:

  • The active participation of wild rose in the restoration of the immune system of a woman who has significantly weakened during pregnancy.
  • Many medications for young mothers are banned, therefore, for treatment and various viral infections the use of decoctions and tinctures from these berries is recommended.
  • Rosehip is successfully used for the speedy normalization of the liver and kidneys, since it is these organs that usually require attention after childbirth and during lactation.
  • The berry and drinks made from it have on the central nervous system of a woman, which is important, since in the early postpartum period nervous breakdowns are quite common. Of course, this gift of nature is inferior in its pharmacological power to ordinary tranquilizers, but rose hips do not have a depressing effect on the baby's nervous system.
  • It should also be remembered that the fetus is able to positively influence lactation.

However, enough large group experts advises not to forget about some of the negative aspects when including a plant in the diet of a nursing mother. First of all, this is the effect of the fetus on the gastrointestinal tract of the mother.

Berries increase the secretion of gastric juice, which often causes discomfort in the stomach. In addition, doctors noticed that rose hips can lead to women, that is, strengthen one of the main problems of a nursing mother.

General practitioners are well aware of the ability of drinks made from this plant to cause vasospasm, which often leads to an increase in blood pressure. Especially care should be taken for those ladies who have had problems with the rise in blood pressure during pregnancy or childbirth.

Young mothers should remember that before the baby reaches 3 months, the fresh fruits of the plant will most often cause digestive disorders in the baby, accompanied by colic and bloating. At the same time, some experts noted possible skin allergic manifestations from dry berries.

To include rose hips in your diet or not, to use infusions and decoctions from fruits or to refrain - each lactating woman should decide these issues individually. A consultation with a specialist will help a young mother make the right choice.

Watch the video about the beneficial properties of rose hips:

Contraindications to rose hips during breastfeeding

Despite all positive traits of this plant, there are a number of restrictions on its inclusion in the diet of a woman during breastfeeding:

  • The most dangerous for mom and baby are possible allergic reactions, so rose hips are limited to use in the first 3-6 months after childbirth.
  • The berry is contraindicated in women who have a history of gastritis or peptic ulcer caused by acidity.
  • Rosehip affects the blood coagulation system, therefore, when eating it, an increased risk of blood clots should be taken into account.
  • Hypertension and VVD of the hypertensive type are also a contraindication for the use of rose hips in any form by lactating women.

A non-critical, but rather unpleasant feature of this berry is also considered to be an increased content of tannins in it, which often leads to damage to the teeth when using rosehip infusions and decoctions. It should be borne in mind that the teeth of many women after childbirth are already in a rather deplorable state.

Effect on lactation

Most experts note that rosehip infusion and decoction perfectly stimulate the production of breast milk. The mechanism of this process has not yet been sufficiently studied: some doctors believe that the plant enhances the work of female sex hormones, others emphasize the ability of these fruits to enhance the excretion of fluid from tissues into the vascular bed.

How lactation increases is not so important, the main thing is that with the help of a properly prepared drink, you can achieve a significant result:

  • They start with the fact that 50 - 100 grams of fruits are finely ground with a blender or mixer, the resulting mass is immersed in an ordinary thermos and poured with 1 - 2 liters of boiling water. The dishes are covered with a tight lid, and the mixture is infused for 12 hours. Sugar can be added to the resulting drink and drunk 30 minutes before each feeding session, 150 ml.

If a young mother has no contraindications to the use of rose hips, and the product itself does not cause allergies in a baby and a woman, then this remedy will significantly increase lactation, in addition, an infusion of rose hips will help a nursing mother restore kidney function, remove excess fluid from the body and at the same time cope overweight.

When preparing a drink, be sure to use a thermos or other utensils that can reflect sunlight. It is known that ultraviolet rays, when they hit the product directly, can destroy up to 80% of all useful substances that it contains.

How to cook fruits

In folk medicine, there are a large number of original recipes for making healthy dishes and drinks from rose hips.

Rosehip tea

Usually, fresh or dried berries are used to make this drink. Tea from fresh fruits is prepared as follows:

  • 50 grams of fruits are finely ground together and placed in a warm teapot. There also add 10 - 15 grams of black leafy tea. The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water, allowed to brew for no more than 1 minute and poured into tea cups, it is advisable to use a tea strainer. Adding sugar to this drink is not recommended.

The preparation of tea from dried fruits practically does not differ in the recipe. However, it should be noted that for a nursing mother, a drink made from crushed dry rosehip berries is considered safer, most often without the addition of ordinary black or green tea.

In addition to the berries themselves, rosehip flower petals, small branches and leaves of the plant can be used to prepare an invigorating and healthy drink. Such tea will have a completely original taste and aroma, however, a nursing mother can drink such a drink no earlier than 6 months after childbirth and in very moderate doses.


When preparing the infusion, you can use not only the fruits of the plant, excellent medicinal drinks are obtained from the petals or roots of this plant. However, for nursing mothers, with their increased allergic dependence, one should dwell on the classic recipe for an infusion of dried berries:

  • Dry fruits are crushed and poured into a thermos. Usually recommend a proportion of 50 grams of wild rose per 1 liter of boiling water. The drink is infused for 12 hours, after which it is ready to drink. This remedy can help a woman who has problems with lactation.

If the child does not show concern for a new drink in his mother's diet, then you can add crushed leaves and roots of the plant to the classic recipe. Such a drink will be useful for mothers suffering from diseases of the liver and biliary tract.


Rosehip compote is considered a healthy and tasty drink. Since rose hips are afraid of prolonged heat treatment, cooking will not take much time:

  • 200 grams of fresh or dry berries are pre-crushed and dipped in boiling sweet water. The container should be a maximum of 2 liters. The drink is brewed for no more than 7-8 minutes, after which it is cooled to room temperature in a dark, cool place.

Compote can be used instead of water, adding lemon or orange for taste. There are a large number of recipes when rose hips are mixed with apples, dried fruits or raisins to complete the palette. However, for a nursing mother, any new food product can become dangerous, so such culinary delights are left for 7-8 months after childbirth.


Most ladies usually met rosehip syrup in the pharmacy chain. This remedy is widely used to treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract, restore the blood coagulation system, diseases of the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.

Of course, you can make a similar healing drink at home, but there is one problem. Rosehip syrup is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

This is due to the high concentration of all active substances contained in rose hips and their negative impact on the body of a young mother and her baby. Therefore, throughout breastfeeding, a woman should refuse to use this delicacy.


Most often, doctors do not recommend eating this delicacy for nursing mothers. However, unlike syrup, where the concentration of active ingredients exceeds the norms allowed for the lactation period, when preparing this sweet dish, the number of berries can be adjusted.

When jam is cooked, cooked, washed and crushed fruits are placed in ready-made sugar syrup. The cooking process usually continues until the moment when the finished berries sink to the bottom of the pan.

After that, the boiled fruits are put in jars and poured with syrup, after bringing it to a boil. The fewer berries in the jar, the lower the concentration of allergens in the dish, the safer the jam for a nursing mother.

However, it should be noted that even with a strong desire to enjoy delicious rosehip jam, most experts advise to wait with such an experiment until the baby reaches 1 year old. It makes sense for young mothers to listen to such recommendations.

The plant is one of the few representatives of the flora that most experts recommend using for the nutrition and treatment of lactating women. However, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • During lactation, it is better to use dry fruits of the plant for the preparation of infusions, compote and tea, since fresh rose hips much more often cause various problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the baby.
  • Many doctors advise collecting fruits on their own or purchasing them from trusted sellers, as this plant is able to absorb harmful substances from the surrounding atmosphere. Gathering place plays big role for the safety of the child.
  • Before preparing drinks, the fruits should be thoroughly washed: first, you can pour boiling water over them, and then rinse them in running water.
  • For a greater concentration of vitamins and other nutrients in an infusion or tea, the fruits should be crushed with a mixer or blender. Experts advise to observe a simple proportion for infusions: 1 liter of boiling water - 100 grams of chopped fruits.
  • The drink itself should be infused in a dark place, hidden from direct sunlight. Before serving, it must be filtered through a double layer of gauze.

Rosehip during breastfeeding can be a serious help to a young mother. It will help in the fight against various diseases, enhance lactation, make the table of a nursing woman more diverse.

It should be remembered that this gift of nature should be treated with the same care as other garden products that a young mother includes in her diet. And at the first negative reaction of the baby to a new food product, a woman should immediately consult a doctor.

Breast milk is undoubtedly better than any substitute, even the most expensive one. But if it suddenly happened that a nursing mother fell ill with a cold, what should I do? After all, she can’t take many medicines, they will get into the baby’s food, otherwise she doesn’t want to switch to dry mixes. In this case, many try to recover faster medicinal herbs, forgetting that they can also contain substances that are useful for the mother, but not always suitable for a newborn baby. Rose hips are often drunk as they contain vitamin C, which helps the body fight the flu. But can rose hips be taken while breastfeeding? We will tell you about it in this article.

Rosehip: general information

Rosehip, wild rose - a multi-stemmed shrub from the Rosaceae family. Grows profusely throughout Europe and Russia, Iran and the islands of Honshu.

The most characteristic morphological features of wild rose:

  1. stems: creeping, of different heights, sometimes up to 8-10 meters. In dwarf plants - no more than 5 centimeters.
  2. Branches: erect and arcuate, giving numerous shoots with thorns arranged in pairs or scattered. Plants need them to protect themselves from harmful insects and animals.
  3. Leaves: summer green, semi-deciduous or evergreen. The shape resembles an ellipse with a wedge-shaped, rounded base.
  4. flowers: solitary, have a pleasant aroma. Flowering occurs in May-June.
  5. Fruit: small, like a nut. When ripe, they are red, orange, pink-purple, sometimes black. The red color is due to the presence of carotene in the composition.

Excavations of ancient settlements have shown that our distant ancestors used rose hips in the Ice Age.

The benefits and harms of berries

Rose hips are dried and brewed as a tea drink, they are used to make puree and paste, jam and marmalade, and many people eat it just like that. On an industrial scale - the main component for vitamin complexes.

What is the benefit, and can everyone take them? They have bactericidal properties and contain antioxidants, a large amount of digestible vitamins, which is beneficial:

  • For prevention pathological conditions arising from insufficient amounts of vitamins.
  • With exhaustion of the body and anemia.
  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • During colds.
  • Favorably affect carbohydrate metabolism.
  • With inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

This is an extremely effective general tonic for all occasions. But, nevertheless, it is not always beneficial:

  • It should not be taken by those who are prone to blood clots.
  • It is not allowed to use when hyperacidity stomach, gastritis.
  • This is a strong allergen, with special care you need to treat it to those who are diagnosed with dermatitis, eczema, urticaria.

Its negative effect on the body is usually associated with excessive use. Therefore, the main thing here is to observe dosages.

Is it possible to drink rose hips while breastfeeding?

Rosehip is really useful. Given all of the above, he can help a young mother to maintain strength during feeding and daily care for the baby, having a huge vitamin supply.

There are, however, some "buts":

  1. Do not forget that all your food is now food for the child, albeit in the form of milk. He may have an individual reaction to a particular product. And vitamin C and carotene are strong allergens, if they do not act on you, they can irritate the baby. Try a small dose of a healthy fruit first, follow the reaction.
  2. In some babies, it causes problems with stool and leads to constipation.

On the whole, rosehip is good for children. It is even recommended to drink to nursing mothers to improve their own immunity, and the immunity of the baby. Rosehip is added to teas that can improve lactation. In children's tea drinks. It is especially good to take the fruits of a wild rose at a time when the risk of getting sick with the flu is high or if there are children in the house who can bring it from an educational institution.

If you control how your child reacts to the appearance of a new product in the mother's diet, you will get a good helper for yourself and for the baby.

Rosehip decoction while breastfeeding

If wild rose bushes grow in your country house, you can prepare the decoction yourself. But, since the plant is often planted in parks and courtyards of large cities for decoration, resist the temptation to collect it here. It won't do you any good it is better to buy in a pharmacy.

So, with prolonged heat treatment, we can lose some of the benefits, so it's better to prepare the infusion.

  • We take a thermos, throw a few berries into it. If they are crushed, 4 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiled water. We close. Leave for the night and go to bed. We drink before morning feeding 100 ml or half a mug. You can add sugar.
  • Fresh wild rose berries must be washed well, put in a saucepan and boiled for at least 5 minutes. Do not drink immediately after this, let it brew for about 2 hours. Strain through a fine sieve and your tea is ready. You can figure out the proportions yourself. Depending on the reaction of the body of the mother and baby, the decoction can be made more concentrated and vice versa.

Remember that alcohol tinctures will not work for you while you are breastfeeding.

Other recipes

The constant use of the same drink can get boring, and you don’t want to give up natural vitamins. There are many different recipes with rose hips.

  1. Kissel.
    • You will need 50 g of dried fruit, which you need to pour in two glasses of cool water to soak, then strain.
    • Next, the rose hips need to be crushed and pour another 3 glasses of water.
    • Put on the stove for 15 minutes.
    • Add there 5 tablespoons of sugar (more or less, to taste), a pinch of citric acid, bring to a boil.
    • Add starch to get desired consistency.

To avoid the formation of lumps of starch, stir constantly. For nursing mothers, it is better to pour jelly for yourself, while citric acid has not yet been put into it, in a separate mug.

  1. A drink made from dried blueberries, rose hips, honey and sea buckthorn juice. Everything can be bought at the pharmacy and grocery store.
  • We take the crushed berries of a wild rose, a spoonful of dried blueberries, pour boiling water.
  • We insist 30 minutes, filter, mix sea buckthorn juice with sugar (or add sugar separately), honey.
  • We stir well.

We get an excellent winter remedy to cheer up, maintain health. For nursing mothers, start with half a teaspoon and watch the baby's reaction, if there is no allergy, you can slowly increase the volume.

Thus, it becomes clear that rosehip during breastfeeding is useful and irreplaceable. You just have to take it seriously.

Video about the benefits of rose hips for nursing mothers

In this video, Lilia Boyko will tell you how to eat properly for a nursing mother and whether rosehip is good for breastfeeding:

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Rosehip decoction is traditionally considered a source of vitamins and is invariably recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. But is it safe to consume rose hips while breastfeeding? This question worries many women who are afraid of harming the baby, and as a result, they sharply limit the variety of products, especially in the initial period of breastfeeding.

Rosehip during breastfeeding can and should be drunk, it not only has a positive effect on the immunity of mother and baby, but is also able to increase lactation. The benefits of a decoction of such berries are due to the high content of vitamin C - in this, rose hips are ahead of apples and even lemons. In addition, it is worth noting the astringent properties, which allows the use of berry decoction as a prevention of loose stools in both mother and baby.

As for increasing lactation, the so-called Buryat tea, consisting of a strong decoction of fruits and hot milk, has gained great popularity. Such folk remedy tested over the years and consistently receives positive ratings for efficiency and accessibility. Young mothers successfully use this tea to increase the amount of milk - such an alternative to all kinds of pharmacy fees is not only more economical, but also tastier. It is enough to drink such tea 30 minutes before the start of feeding, so that the milk begins to actively arrive.

It is also worth noting the diuretic properties of wild rose. This effect allows you to maintain a normal water-salt balance, get rid of puffiness and generally improve your mood due to a feeling of lightness in the body, rid of excess fluid. At the same time, you should not worry about milk production - the water necessary for the production of breast milk does not leave the body, the diuretic effect involves getting rid of excess fluid that accumulates in cells due to the use of large amounts of salt.

The effect of rose hips on body systems

The rich chemical composition of berries determines the intake of a mineral complex and a complex of vitamins into the body of mother and baby, which have a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis and at the same time eliminate bleeding gums, which is especially important for pregnant and lactating mothers. Decoctions and extracts of rose hips have the following effect:

Contraindications to taking rose hips

  • Increased thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • Individual intolerance of both the mother and the child's body - an allergic reaction to this product is most often expressed as a rash on the skin of the abdomen;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - ulcer, high acidity of gastric juice;
  • Tendency to constipation.

When choosing a dog rose for a nursing mother, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • Fruits must be thoroughly washed before brewing;
  • When preparing a decoction for a nursing mother, it is necessary to use only dried fruits - fresh berries can provoke increased gas formation, which will be painful for the baby;
  • When preparing a decoction, it is better not to crush the fruits, as this can cause skin irritation.

How to prepare a decoction?

To prepare a decoction and at the same time keep all the vitamins and minerals in the drink, you should proceed as follows. Brewing is carried out in a thermos - per liter of water you need to put 4 tablespoons in a flask. fruits - they should first be crushed as desired. Berries are poured with boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, add a little sugar to the resulting drink and take half a glass half an hour before feeding. The strong recommendation to use a thermos is due to the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation on vitamins, which are destroyed in the light. If there is no thermos, then the infusion can be prepared in a closed aluminum pan and keep the drink under a closed lid during the day.

No one doubts the value of rose hips, but the environmental friendliness of raw materials is often questioned. The fact is that often the collection of fruits is carried out along the highways, which causes the saturation of dry fruits with carcinogens. Ideally, you should collect the fruits yourself - only in this case you can be sure of the quality of the resulting drink.

The first intake of rosehip infusion should be done in the morning - half a glass a day is enough to track the presence of an allergic reaction. If there are cases of allergies in the family of one of the parents, then it is worth taking the infusion for the first time from 1 teaspoon. If an allergy manifests itself, then during the day it will be obvious. Itching, burning and redness on the baby's body will notify you that acquaintance with rose hips should be postponed for several months. If no allergic reaction is detected, then you can drink an infusion to increase lactation up to 1 liter per day.

If there is enough milk, then rose hips can also be used as a source of vitamin C. In this regard, the fruits of the rose bush are much healthier than lemons and are better absorbed, since rose hips are a local plant for Russians. This allows it to be absorbed by the body without problems, unlike citrus fruits, which, with a lower content of ascorbic acid, cause an allergic reaction much more often.

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Rosehip is one of the most popular plants among adherents of traditional medicine. With it, you can treat and prevent not only colds, but also many other ailments. Is it possible to use rosehip while breastfeeding? Will it harm the chest? How to use this plant for a nursing mother?

Rosehip during GV: benefit or harm?

Medicinal rosehip makes a rich composition of nutrients and trace elements that are found in fruits, roots and leaves:

  • Vitamins of groups B, A, C, etc.
  • Minerals (iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.).
  • Carotene.
  • Tannins.
  • Phytoncides.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Apple acid.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Essential oils.

Thanks to all these components, the plant has many useful properties:

  • Bactericidal and regenerating action.
  • Immunity boost.
  • Raising the general tone of the body.
  • Choleretic action.
  • Regulation of hormonal balance.
  • Improved carbohydrate metabolism
  • Anti-sclerotic property.

Most often, rose hips are taken in the treatment and prevention of colds, especially during exacerbations in winter and autumn. Most of those who have tried this method of therapy note its effectiveness, simplicity and low cost.

Sometimes you can find advice on how to give a rosehip decoction to newborns from a bottle or from a spoon to prevent colds from viral diseases. This cannot be done! The manifestation of allergic reactions in this case will be ten times more difficult than when the same decoction is used by a nursing mother.

In addition to colds, traditional healers offer rose hips in the treatment of the genitourinary system and kidneys, peptic ulcer and endocrine diseases, beriberi, diseases of the liver and biliary system, atherosclerosis, etc.

How can rose hips be useful for nursing mothers? positive sides weight:

  • Restoring the balance of vitamins and trace elements in the body after pregnancy.
  • Prevention of seasonal colds.
  • Immunity boost for mom and baby.
  • Increased lactation.
  • The restoration of carbohydrate metabolism contributes to a more rapid decrease excess weight.
  • The general strengthening of the body and raising the tone gives strength to care for the child.
  • The diuretic property of the plant will help get rid of puffiness.

Despite the impressive list of valuable qualities of rose hips, if used carelessly during breastfeeding, it can harm both the nursing mother and the baby.

Rose hips are a strong allergen due to their high content of bright pigment. If the child is prone to allergic reactions, then it is likely that harmless rosehip tea will lead to undesirable consequences in the form of rashes, intestinal discomfort or swelling in the baby.

And also rosehip tea is not recommended for children under one year old. This is due not only to possible allergies, but also to the diuretic properties of the plant, as a result of which children's body can lose a lot of nutrients and get dehydrated.

You can start giving such a drink only after the baby is 1 year old. It is better to add a little broth (start with 1 teaspoon) to the baby’s usual compote or juice, rather than offering a concentrated rosehip drink.

Experts do not limit the use of decoctions and teas on rose hips for nursing mothers. You can not drink such drinks only to those whose babies are too sensitive to the allergens of the fruits of this plant.

How to brew wild rose with HB

To get the maximum benefit, rose hips must be brewed correctly.

  • Boiling kills most useful vitamins and minerals, so it is better to use the infusion method.
  • To prepare the infusion, it is better to take a thermos with a glass flask or an enamel saucepan.
  • It is better to use the fruits that are harvested on their own, since it is not known where the pharmacy wild rose was collected.
  • 3-4 tablespoons of berries are taken per liter of boiled hot water.
  • You need to insist a healthy drink for at least 12 hours. It is better to pour the fruits in the evening, and in the morning a fragrant healthy drink will be ready.
  • To make the taste of the broth more pleasant, you can put a spoonful of sugar or honey in a glass. Nursing mothers need to be careful with these components so as not to harm the baby.

Rosehip infusion can be drunk as an independent drink, added to the usual tea or compote.

Another useful recipe is a decoction of rosehip roots. The rhizomes of the plant have no less useful properties than the fruits. Another advantage of the roots is that they are much less allergenic. Drinking such a drink will also bring a lot of benefits to a nursing mother and baby, and the risk of a reaction in a crumb will be much lower.

For a glass of water (250 ml), you need to take a tablespoon of dried, crushed rosehip roots. The rhizomes are filled with water and boiled over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. Then you need to remove the drink from the fire, let it cool completely and only then strain. It is better to drink such a decoction immediately. You can store it in a thermos, but it is better to prepare a new portion each time.

Rosehip broth is not the best way to make a drink, since vitamin C is destroyed at high temperatures, and it is he who is responsible for the prevention and treatment of colds and strengthening the immune system. It is better to use infusion, juice or syrup. It is acceptable to eat raw fruits (no more than 10-20 g per day)

How much rosehip-based drink can a nursing mother drink

Since the fruits of this plant are quite a strong allergen, you should not be zealous with their use. For starters, it is enough to drink 50-100 ml of the drink. If there was no negative reaction from the baby, then you can gradually increase the amount of infusion to 1 liter per day.

A decoction based on rosehip roots can be drunk no more than a glass a day - this amount is quite enough to saturate the body with useful substances.

Rosehip is a unique plant that will be very useful for a young nursing woman, but you need to remember about possible risks, observe the measure and be attentive to the reactions of the crumbs to new foods in the mother's diet.

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