Symptoms and methods for the treatment of windmills in children. How to determine that the child is a windmill? Tips for parents on the diagnosis and treatment of chickenpox with a pediatrician doctor first signs of a chickenpox in a child of 6 years

Windmill is infectionwhich is characterized by the appearance of watery bubbles. Herpes virus provokes. The disease is contagious, transmitted by air-drip.

Most people endure a windmill aged 3 to 12 years. At an older age, a chickenpox is carried out very hard: body temperature in a sharp period of the disease is 39 degrees and higher, high risk of developing complications. For this reason, many parents deliberate children in the company with a sick windmill to protect the child from possible complications at an older age.

As a rule, the infection occurs only for 2 days before the appearance of bubbles, as well as for the first 5 days from the beginning of the rashes. On average, quarantine on the chickenpox lasts about 20 days.

Why it is important not to miss the beginning of the disease

Stages of development of rash

If you are sure that your child has in contact with a sick windmill, be alert, as the child's infection is inevitable. The incubation period is from 11 to 25 days.

Most often goes around two weeks before the start of the first signs of the disease.

In this period of time, no changes are observed, there are no symptoms. If possible, protect the child from visiting public seats. If a child is under one of one year in the house, if possible, contact with sicks should be avoided.

Children under the year carry disease hard, it is possible to develop serious complications in which life suffer important organs. For this reason, it is very important to know the first signs of the chicken pox in the child.

Once symptoms windmill They make themselves felt, ensure the sick of separate dishes, as well as bedding and personal hygiene products. Many doctors believe that there is no need to isolate the patient from other children. Children in a shorter age transfer the disease much easier.

An ideal time for chickenpox is considered to be age from 3 to 6 years. Fortunately, after passing wind smallpox, the risk of repeated development of the disease was excluded, since the body generates persistent immunity to this infection.

The first signs of the windmill in children

The first symptoms of the disease are often confirable with a conventional sharp respiratory disease, and the appearance of specks and bubbles - with an allergic reaction (urticule).

Visual change of rash during windmill

To recognize the windmill on time, each parent should know how the rash begins, as well as characteristics Diseases:

The flow period of the diseaseCharacteristic
First dayThe child complains of general malaise: weakness, drowsiness, lubrication in the joints. The child refuses food and constantly capricious. Other features are not observed.
Rash appears on average 2 days after the beginning of the diseaseIf the parents appear, parents are wondering where the windmill begins? In fact, the course of the disease is individually.
  • In most cases, small pinkish points appear on the face or head of the child, which rapidly change in size and distributed throughout the body.
  • Rales can begin with legs and hands, especially by the child. This happens quite rarely, but still it is impossible to exclude this feature.

In the photo below you can see various localization of the rash:

After a dayThe rashes spread throughout the body, the specks become similar to water drip. Usually, during this period, the child is worried about high body temperature and strong itching.
The following few daysWithin a few days, bubbles continue to spread through the body.
After 3-4 days, the liquid in bubbles begins to darken, and bubbles burst.
Next, the fluid flows and gradually dry out. At the site of the bubble, a small crust is formed, which can not be discussed independently. After a few days, the crusts independently disappear and leave no trace on the skin.

The windmill in children lasts about 20 days. It is very important that the child does not comb bubbles. In case of disruption, the shell is a great risk of infection in the wound. In this case, the skin remains the scar that remains for life.

In general, the course of the disease in different age Almost nothing varies. The only difference is the duration of the windmill.

  • Children in the younger age carry the disease much faster than adolescents.
  • Children over 12 can carry the windmill in severe form. In addition to rashes with a temperature, the child can disturb nausea and vomiting.

How the windmill begins in children: photo

Initially, rash is easily confused with allergies.

Photo: The first signs of rash

In the photos below you will see how the windmill begins in children and how the disease develops.

Posted by: Rachael Jess

Komarovsky on how the windmill begins

The Komarovsky doctor believes that every child should be a windmill under 12 years old, so as not to torment him at an older age. In this period of time, the disease is transferred without complications in a lighter form.

Komarovsky claims that the appearance on the body of watery bubbles is not always a wind abscess. In some cases, so manifests itself allergic reaction. The main indicator is to increase body temperature, which can increase to 39 degrees.

In some cases, the temperature fluctuates on subfebral marks (37.0-37.4).

What to do at the first signs of the chicken pox?

Komarovsky recommends contacting the doctor to form an accurate diagnosis. He also believes that the treatment must be appointed by a doctor, the "greenflash" self-medication is not the best option for children, because today there are many medicines that will facilitate the suffering of the patient.

Parent experience

On the basis of reviews, MAM can conclude that the first signs of the starting windmill are bubble rashes on the body. The body temperature rises only by 3-4 days after rashes.

But the opinions of parents differ, as some argue that the development of wind smallpox began with increased temperature Body. 90% of Mom noted that the rashes began with the face and the scalp.

Windshield, known as windmill, is a disease relating to highly disconnected. More often amazing children visiting educational institutions. It is easy to infect the disease in places where many people. Children's treatment is easier than adults: the child has less likely to develop complications. It is important to know how many days a chickenpox, and not to distribute the disease. The patient infects others 2 days before the rash is becoming visible, and is the windmill carrier for the first 5-7 days after the start of the rashes.

Causes of chickenpox

The chickenpox pathogen is a 3rd-type herpesvirus distributed by carriers and transmitted by air-droplet. Having been in one room with sick, it is easy to get infected. After a chickenpox, lifelong immunity is formed, but occasionally there are cases of re-infection. For years, the virus remains in the body of the windmill in the "sleeping" state, and is started simultaneously. "Activator" can be stress. An adult is sickly squeezing, while spreading a classic wind oil.

A draft, any air flow can disseminate the virus to a distance of 20 m. When in one apartment with patients, among others there are infants, you should not worry about it. Baby safe, if he is breastfeeding, and mom has already suffered a windmill. Mother transmits him antibodies with his milk. Otherwise, the grounds for concern remain: the chickenpox in the infants is undergoing hard, can give complications, since the immunity has not yet been formed.

The first signs and symptoms of the disease

Chickenpox in children begins to appear with the fact that the temperature sharply jumps up to 39 or 40 degrees. Begins complaints on headache, weakness, accompanied by a refusal of food. Nausea and diarrhea are possible. Then the rash appears: first it is single small red spots. They are able to recognize those people who have come across this disease earlier. In the coming hours on these spots, bubbles filled with liquid are formed. The rash covers most of the body and mucous membranes, accompanied by unbearable itch.

As the windmill appears on: after 1-2 days, bubbles break through, after them there are yasers. The skin is covered with a crust that itchs and gradually falls off (recovery stage). If you do not comb your crusts, there will be no traces from the rashes. Otherwise, the likelihood of scars and scars is high. Children over two years old and under 12 meet light form Windmills, no temperature and multiple rashes. This is one of the atypical manifestations of illness. Teens tolerate windmill in medium or, in some cases, hard form.


Diagnosed with wind oil, based on outdoor inspection. The diagnosis is made already in the presence of a rash. The rash is a symptom of many diseases, therefore other factors are taken into account. The doctor excludes a patient:

Lab analyzes quickly help confirm the diagnosis. There are specific methods for the diagnosis of windmill:

  • light microscopy of the components of the rash (silvering of reagents is used);
  • serological studies of paired blood serums (RTHA - to detect the virus itself, RSK - to identify the activity of antibodies against the pathogen).

How to treat chickenpox

Children give drugs to normalize temperatures, use drugs to reduce itching. Treatment is to facilitate the symptoms of the course of the disease, there is no such thing as "the cure for the windmill." Best tool - this time. The disease itself completely passes in 10 days. The patient is isolated from others while he does not disappear crust. This happens for approximately the fifth day since the rash of the last pimples.

Children who accidentally contacted the sick and do not have immunity to the windmill, are sent to a three-week quarantine, carefully tracking their condition. In a kindergarten, where the chickenpox is fixed, a 21-day quarantine is also installed. Taking care, attention to the nutrition and hygiene of a small patient. The diet must necessarily include fruits, dairy products and vegetables. Feed the patient is better than soups-mashed puree, decoction, especially with rash in the mouth. One-year-old baby offering semi-liquid kasya, rubbed cottage cheese.

Abundant drink

An important condition required to comply with the treatment of chickenpox in children, providing a sick abundant drinking. Against the background of dehydration, most complications arise, the disease can affect the nervous system. Abundant drink will help bring the decomposition of viruses, toxins. You need to drink boiled water, mineral water without gas, unsweetened compats, faint teas, herbal decoctions. Fresh-heated juices dilute with water half.

Compliance with hygiene

It is common that the patient cannot be contacted with water. This is not true. Hygiene is vital for such a patient. It needs to be bathed, but after the bathroom do not wipe the skin with a towel, but do not scrape in order not to irritate the rash. Do not use washcloth when washing, soap too: There are enough mangartages (weak solution). It is important not to give bubbles to shade, constantly process them. There are options than to smear pimples besides the greenstone. It:

  • aqueous solution of fuccin;
  • a solution of manganese
  • castellani liquid;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Medicia treatment

The use of medicines depends on the severity of the disease. At a temperature of more than 38 degrees, antipyretic agents based on paracetamol, ibuprofena. Unbearable itching often becomes the cause of combs on the skin. Through them, infection falls into the body, and if it happened, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. They do not act on the virus - the causative agent of the windmill, and are straightened only with "newcomers" against the backdrop of the main problem.

Anticherine preparations

Antiviral medicines are almost not prescribed. There are drugs of the antiherpetic group: they are based on acyclovir. They help to cope with the virus, but preschoolers such funds are discharged rarely for two reasons:

  1. High likelihood side Effects.
  2. In the typical course of the disease, without complications, the body little child (2-7 years) quickly copes with the virus independently.

With a complicated course of the disease or lack of immunity, Acyclovir can be assigned, "Lucinferon" - the same interferon, but the next generation, "Vidarabin", the candles "Viferon". When the mucous membrane of the eye is amazed with a rash, prescribe eye gel "Acyclovir". The purpose of interferon in any form helps the body more successfully fight infection and reduces the risk of development after the windmill complications.

Antihistamine drugs

Itching with a wind inspection may be so strong that breaks sleep. To cope with an unpleasant symptom, write out antihistamines, in tablets and ointments. At the same time, use pills against allergies and anti-face ointments is not recommended, an overdose may occur. Children are prescribed:

  1. Preparations of the first generation: "Supratin", "Tueva", "Diazolin". In addition to antiallergenic, they also give sedative effect (soothing). These medicines are given with caution due to probable side effects.
  2. Medicines against allergies 2 and 3 generations: "Loratadine" or his more expensive version - "Claritin" ( active substance - Loratadine), "Cetirizin" or Zirtek.


Children infected with virus often become excitable and capricious. It is allowed to assign light soothing. Choosing them, it is necessary to take into account whether the baby is appointed antihistamines, and what. Perhaps the sedative effect in them is already laid. If not, then it is better to stay on homeopathy, medicinal herbal fees. Popular sedatives for children:

  • "Valerianakhel" - children 2-6 years old - five drops, 6-12 years old - 10 drops, 3 times a day for half an hour before meals;
  • "Nervochel" - children from 1 to 3 years to 1/2 tablets per day (exterminated), from 3 to 6 - 3/4 tablets per day, after 6 years 3 pcs. daily;
  • drops "Notta" - to use 3 times daily, patients aged 1-12 years old to breed in a tablespoon of water 5-7 drops, up to 1 year: 1 drop on a tablespoon of water, milk;
  • syrup "EDAS 306" - three times a day, kids at the age of 1-3 years - 1/2 teaspoon, from 3 to 15 years old - for the whole.

Folk remedies for treating at home

There are a variety of ways to get rid of itching and in traditional medicine:

  1. Plant patient in cool water every 4 hours, 15 minutes. In the water to dissolve the half a cup of food soda, or pour the Hercules in the sock, tie, put in the bath.
  2. In 5 liters of water, pour 200 grams of dry yarrow, insist for 3 hours, pour into the bath. Patient bathe up 15 minutes.
  3. With itching in the mouth, brew 20 grams of dry sage on 2 glasses of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Stretch and rinse your mouth.
  4. Boil 5 liters of water, cook 1 kilogram barley in it, strain. A decoction wipe the child, let it dry, without wiping.
  5. Buckle for bathing from herbs. It will take 3 tablespoons of chamomile (flowers), as much as calendula or celandine, 5-6 drops of ether fir oil. Application:
  • grind grass;
  • pour a liter of water;
  • boil, reduce fire, tomorrow 10 - 15 minutes;
  • strain;
  • pour into the bath, add fir oil;
  • bathing a child for 5-10 minutes twice a day.

Incubation period

Hidden, the initial period of the disease is called incubation. This means that a person will look healthy, but the infection is already distributed by the body. With wind inspection, the incubation period - from 10 to 21 days of infection. It is distinguished by three phases:

  1. The windmill virus falls into the children's body through the mouth, nose, throat.
  2. The causative agent of the disease breeds, accumulates in the body. The primary focus is localized in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, then the infection throws on.
  3. The final stage - the causative agents of the windmill are dealt with the body, appear in the skin, begin to multiply intracellularly, which will later appear rash. In this phase, the person forms the first antibodies to the windmill virus.

Possible complications and consequences

Common complication after chickenpox - secondary bacterial infection. It arises due to combing itching raishes by unwashed hands. Bubbles burst, the surface of the skin is mocking, sills with microorganisms, the child is infected with a secondary infection. Staphylococcus or streptococcus, other bacteria cause purulent inflammationwhich, if not to score alarm, will turn into something serious. At a minimum, scars and scars will remain.

The rare and most serious consequence of the windmill is encephalitis, inflammation of the brain. This disease is developing a week after the appearance of rashes. There are few such cases, but there is a danger. A little percent of the victims of the virus "falls asleep" in nervous systemAfter years, it may suddenly awaken, bringing new troubles.

Methods of prevention

From the windmill virus, it can only protect only the vaccination - the introduction of a weakened virus into the body. This is the main method of preventing the disease. Recreate from air-drip infection to another difficult. The best means of fighting a chickenpox - stable immunity. His strengthening will help the child, infected with the windmill, easier and faster to recover, move the disease without complications.

Windmill in common - in medical directories This disease is called windshish. The pathogen is a common herpes virus, very survive, which, as you know, lives in the cells of each human organism. There is an opinion confirmed by doctors, which is better to overcome in childhood, because children carry this ailment much easier. Nevertheless, when the epidemic period occurs in children's institutions - and this, most often, autumn - parents are worried about the most important questions - how to protect the baby, how to determine the symptoms in children for sure,?

Incubation period in children; What is a windmill, how do children infect?

It is believed that this type of smallpox is the only one viral diseasewhich remains the most common infectious disease contingent children's age until today. Experts argue that a chickenpox can be overcome for all his life once, since the occaving organism in the future produces immunity. Although still sometimes there are cases when people in their lives are hung 2 times.

Most often amazed children age category From 2 to 10 years. As a rule, the disease is most susceptible to those children who stay in kindergartens and schools attend mugs, sections, etc. Newborn kids up to 6 months of age can not be infected, because they have immunity from birth, obtained from mother and supported by breastfeeding.

Virus is very flying, transmission path of infection - air-drip . This virus can settle on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and oral cavity, the whole surface of the respiratory tract, from where it is easily and high penetrated the body.

In children, external manifestations initially with reddish spots on the surface of the skin, which then form small blisters filled with liquid.

It should be noted that this is a steady infection and rapidly quickly spreading the disease - that is why there are seasonal annual epidemics in children's institutions . With air current and dust, the virus freely penetrates the neighboring apartments and rooms. If in kindergarten one pupil fell ill with windmill - it means that all other kids are also susceptible to infection, most likely get sick.
Epidemic pattern of morbidity is due to its duration incubation period from 2 to 3 weeks . In the incubation period, the disease is manifested. Children look absolutely healthy and active. But during this period, a child who does not even have any external manifestations represents an epidemic threat to all people around him and can infect them. When the incubation period passes and the phase of the most active division of the virus in the body begins, the child's health begins to deteriorate, all typical symptoms of chickenpox are appeared. When the disease goes to a decline, The virus stops its activity after 5 days from the appearance of the most recent rashes. on the body.

Symptoms: How does it begin and what does children look like?

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the windmill shows a typical picture, and all children appear, one can say equally.

Among basic Symptoms of Wind Spa You can select the following:

  • Sharply increasing body temperature (up to 40 degrees C);
  • Pain in the head, limbs and muscles;
  • Irritability, plasticity baby, strong weakness and apathy;
  • Unfortunate concern, sleep disorders;
  • Reduced appetite in a child and even rejection of food;
  • Appearance on the entire surface of the body of characteristic rashes Spots and bubbles that do not affect the surfaces of the palms and feet.

Rash They are pink-red spots of small size, which rather rapidly cover the whole body of the child in a very short period of time.

  • After some time, these pink stains begin to turn into bubbles with transparent liquid inside;
  • Bubbles cause severe itch . The child begins to disturb itching, he seeks combing bubbles on the skin - what to do is categorically impossible. Parents must remember this and with all their might prevent combing toddler bubbles on the skin. Otherwise, infection can get into combless wounds, causing severe complication - secondary skin infection;
  • Spots on the skin dried over 3 days and covered with a red color. But in the process of illness on the body, the patient appears next rash, in the typical form of the disease - in a period of 4 to 8 days, accompanied by all the above symptoms of this disease;
  • Crusts covering spots on the skin, begin to disappear after 2 weeks . On the place of rash after the windmill on skin Covers There are also unauthorized traces, which first painted in a pale pink color, then merge in color with healthy skin, without standing out. But, if a child for the time of illness combed bubbles on the skin, on the site of these combs they can form various sizes scars, remaining forever.

Forms of the disease in children; How long does it last?

How long does the windmill last the children? It is not possible to answer unambiguously. The body of each person is individual, and the process in all proceeds in different ways. If you take averaged data, then you can say - The emergence of new spots is suspended in the period 5 - 8 days of the disease . From this time it is believed that the ailment goes to the decline and the child recovers. Footprints on skin seats from spots pass over 3 weeks .

All cases need to be completely various treatment - It is completely dependent on the form of disease.

Exists typical windmillwhich proceeds in light, medium or severe form as well atypical windmill.

Complications in children: what is dangerous for the child?

Subject to all sanitary and hygienic standards does not cause any complications . If in the process of the disease, bubbles on the skin were inflamed or were strongly broken, there are visible scars in their place, which remained for life. More serious consequences of the chickenpox in patients are practically not found. The only formidable complication - which, fortunately, it appears extremely rare - it is encephalomyelitis, the so-called brain inflammation.

Usually, the treatment of chickenpox is carried out at home . Special medicines for the treatment of windmill does not exist, there is no need for them. Doctors recommend a patient to stick a certain diet, drink a lot of fluid, observe a strict bed mode, take antiallergic drugs To prevent strong itching, lubricate the skin with soothing itching lotions, and the bubbles arising are green.

Website site warns: self-medication can harm your health! If you have any doubts about the symptoms and manifestations of a child of a particular disease - for advice, please contact the doctor, do not make a diagnosis yourself!

Chickenpox (windmill), called sharp infectious disease Viral etiology caused by the first-type human herpetic virus - Viocella Zoster. The disease proceeds with feverish and moderate intoxication syndromes, as well as the presence of peculiar plugs, fifthly vesiculous nature on the skin and mucous membranes. Specific rash with windmill is the most important diagnostic sign of the disease. Windmills without rashes do not exist.

According to the classification of the ICD 10 wind pump assigned code B01. If the disease proceeds without complications, the main code of B01. It is complemented by a number 9, with a complication of the disease with meningitis - 0, encephalitis -1, pneumonia -2. Other complications are classified by code B018.

The windmill is an anthroponous disease, that is, the virus is transmitted from man to man. The transmission of the virus is carried out mainly by air-droplet. It should be noted that the windmill is in a group of typical children's drip infections. Chickenpox in children most often meets aged three to six years. There are also peaks of morbidity over the year to two and seven to fourteen years.

By fourteen years most of Patients have immunity to chickenpox. In children, in most cases, the chickenpox proceeds easily and without complications, however, the difficult course of the disease is possible (most often complicated during weakened children or patients with immunodeficiency states). In adults, the disease occurs significantly harder than in children.

The kids who are on natural feeding and born from a mother having immunity to wind pump, up to three months of life, as a rule, do not hurt. This is due to the fact that they are transferred to the passive maternal immunity (antibodies come into their body together with Mother's milk).

The most severe course with the high risk of mortality (more than 30%) is noted in newborns. Congenital windmill is noted approximately 5 patients out of 1000. As a rule, it develops if the mother fell ill with a wind abscess on the 13-20 week of pregnancy. Upon infecting the mother in the late period of pregnancy (especially in the last five days), leads to the development of a chickenpox of newborns in the baby. The later mother was infected, the harder the disease occurs in the child and the higher the risk of fatal outcome.

After the transferred windshield, resistant immunity is formed. However, in patients who hurry the windmill in a light or erased form, there are cases of re-illness.

The vaccination from chickenpox is not included in the list of mandatory, however, it can be carried out on the epidem. Possesses of children (chicken-glacial vaccine children can be introduced from year to year) or adults who have not been sick of chickenpox in childhood.

It should be noted that the virus persists in the human body for life, so in adults this virus can cause the development of herpes of a herpes.

How is the windmill in children?

The disease is transmitted air-droplet. Given the low stability of the pathogen in the external environment (the virus is rapidly destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, however, it is well tolerating low temperature), a contact-household mechanism of infection (through towels, dishes, etc.) is practically not realized.

It is possible to transfer the virus from the mother to the child transplacentar or in childbirth (when the mother is infected shortly before delivery), with the development of a congenital windmill or a chickenpox of a newborn.

It should be noted that the virus is characterized by high contagious and ability to spread over long distances. During the conversation, cough, etc., patients stand out in the environment a huge amount of virus, which is capable of spreading over the air into several floors, penetrating other rooms and apartments.

For chickenpox, a pronounced foci is characteristic. That is, if in kindergarten, school, entrance, etc., one child falls, soon all children who have not sophisticated earlier are sick. Epidemiological danger can also represent adults with jamming deprived. The fact is that these diseases are caused by the same virus, but the chickenpox is the primary reaction of the body for contact with Viocel Zoster.

The virus has a chickenpox, the virus remains in the body for life (Viocella Zoster is distinguished by high tropiness to the nervous tissue, therefore its lifelong persistence in the nerve ganglia) is observed) and in the presence of favorable factors (strong supercooling, repeated contact with a sick chickenpox, a sharp decrease in immunity and etc.), there will be a relapse of infection in the form of a sliding linguing.

Initially, slimping instead of a wind sieves may occur in children with immunodeficiency states.

The incubation period of the windmill in children is from eleven to twenty-one days. However, most often, the disease is developing fourteen days after contact with the patient.

Patient with a chickenpox becomes infectious in one or two days before the end of the incubation period and continues to allocate the virus throughout the period of the plugs and within five days after the appearance of the last vesicles (towering over the skin bubbles in the windmill - these are not acne, as many patients consider And Vesiculi).

It is the liquid in vesicles that contains the greatest amount of the virus, so their damage when combing leads to the appearance of even more rash. Also, when combing large elements, scars can remain.

In turns that remain after dried, the virus is not contained. It should be noted that the point processing is vesicle with a windmill in Children of Fuccinine ® or a single-percent solution of diamond greenery (in addition to greening, single or two-percent solutions of potassium permanganate) are also carried out not only in order to quickly dry bubbles, but also to monitor the number of new plugs . This allows you to determine when the last elements of the rash appeared and start counting five last days Infectivity of the patient. That is why the colorless remedy for the windmill is not used.

How does the windmill begins in children?

The first signs of the chickenpox at the child are not specific and correspond to one or two days of the extended period of the disease. With windmill, children have a slight increase in temperature, not sharply pronounced symptoms of intoxication, weakness, lethargy. In isolated cases, the occurrence of a small-scale examine, which will precede the appearance of a rash during a windmill.

In most patients, the prolrominal period proceeds in a smoothed form or is not available.

How the windmill and windmill symptoms are manifested in the initial stage

Recognize the windmill in the child can be in the period of rashes. This stage lasts up to five days. However, severe forms of the disease can be accompanied by fresh plugs up to ten days.

The beginning of the rash period is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the strengthening of intoxication symptoms, the child becomes a capricious, irritable, complains of itching.

Photo initial stage Windmills in children:

Rash with windmill

The rash with the wind inspection is a specific, fodder-vesiculous. The first elements are noted on the skin of the body, the face, the scalp, the mucous membrane. In the windmill, unlike natural sieves, on the face of rash elements is significantly less than on the skin of the body. Also, after dried, the vesicles and the disappearance of crusts, as a rule, there is no specific OPIN (scars). Scars after chickenpox can remain only with the severe course of the disease with massive sliding, as well as with a constant combing of a child of the skin and "transshipment" vesicles.

The rash during the windmill on the palms and feet is not characteristic (in contrast to the cokes virus, in which the presence of rashes on the palms and feet), the exception is the form of a disease with a difficult flow.

The most indicative feature of the wind sieves is the pronounced polymorphism of rash. There are spots, papules, vesicles and crusts on the skin of the patient. The transformation of vesicles in a crust occupies one or two days. At the same time, vesicula ceases to be tense, its walls become "sluggish" and begin to fall in the center. Formed on the spot vesicle crusts, dry and drop out for four to seven days.

It is impossible to skip crusts, it increases the risk that scars will remain in their place. Also possible bacterial infection In wound.

With a light course, mucous membranes may not be affected. With a moderate and severe course, a rash is noted on the oral mucosa, conjunctiva, genital organs. After opening the rashes on the mucous membranes, there are quickly healing AFTS.

The rash is distinguished by pronounced itch, in some cases, children can complain about burning and soreness (mainly in the presence of rashes on mucous membranes).

Change rash with wind pump

Each slot wave is accompanied by fever.

With a classic wind inspection, the vesicular elements of the rash are small, stressless, non-merging (single fusion of small bubbles) and are filled with transparent content. The formation of massive bulb (extensive, sluggish bubbles) or the suppuration of the rash is observed during atypical flow (bullous, hemorrhagic, pustular, etc. forms).

How many days the windmill lasts in children?

Incubation period - from 11 to the 21st day.

The contagious period is the last 2 days of the incubation period + five days from the end of the plugs.

Fast cure the windmill will not work. The disease has a clear staging. Total duration individual:

  • promotional period - from one to two days;
  • rashes up to five days (with severe current - up to 10 days);
  • the period of reverse development (complete deposit of crusts) from one to two weeks.

Patients for the whole contagious period. The disinfection is not required, quite ordinary wet cleaning and regular ventilation of the room.

Is it possible to wash the child with the windmill?

Wash the child, if there are fresh vesicles not recommended. After graduation, you can bathe baby in warm water. After, you need to get skin with a towel. Terminated skin is prohibited, as the mechanical breaking of the crusts occurs.

After swimming, the crusts should be treated by Calamine ® lotion (with windmill, it effectively removes itching, cools the skin, and also has a disinfecting effect), zinc ointment, Tzindol ®.

After a complete disappearance of crusts, the skin can be processed by Dr. Panthenol ®, Bapten ®, etc. These ointments are not used from a windmill for children, but to accelerate the regeneration of the skin. Therefore, they do not apply if there is vesicles.

Is it possible to walk with windmill?

Walks are allowed after the end of the contagious period. Until the end of this time interval, the child should be isolated. First, the child is contagious, and secondly, contact with additional infection, hypothermia, etc., increase the risk of complications. In addition, vesicular rashes are distinguished by a strong itch, and their children are constantly combing. And on the street, the risk of enhancing infection when combing the skin with dirty hands, much higher.

Is it possible to get a windmill for the second time?

When reactivating the virus, Virusella Zoster or repeated contact with it, adults usually appear hazing herpes.

However, if the chickenpox was carried out in an erased or light form, there are cases of re-illness.

Grafting from chickenpox to children

Windmill vaccination Children are not included in the number of mandatory (according to national calendar preventive vaccinations). In the overwhelming number of cases, in children, the windshield is in a light form, therefore it makes sense to vaccinate the child. The exceptions are patients with:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • acute leukemia;
  • severe chronic pathologies;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Complications after chickenpox in children

As a rule, the windmill proceeds easily and without complications, however, in some cases, the atypical flow (hemorrhagic, pustular, viscerals, etc. forms) and the development of such complications as:

  • veskul's suppuration;
  • inflammation of rash on conjunctivations, with the development of keratitis or conjunctivitis (in severe cases, blindness is possible);
  • the addition of lymphadenitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, sepsis, meningitis, cramps, jade, hepatitis, paralysis or paresis.

How to treat chickenpox in children?

Hospitalization in the hospital (in the Meltzerovsky boxing of the infectious compartment) is shown only with a severe course with a high risk of complications, as well as with a windmill in patients from high-risk groups ( immunodeficiency states, leukemia, etc.). The rest of the patients can be treated at home.

This disease can be called the most common among all infectious ailments, which only come in children. A person can get sick with a windmill only once and in the future he has a persistent immunity for the rest of his life. It is clear that the children have this disease is much easier than adults. But still, if a windmill appeared in children, the symptoms of this infectious disease should know every parent. It is not necessary to worry about the disease, almost all kids pass through this ailment.

Many are interested in how the windmill begins in children and where the child can catch this infection. It is worth noting that it is ill almost all kids aged two to seven years, especially if they go to the kindergarten, because the causative agent of infection is very flying and can penetrate the neighboring rooms and apartments.

Causes of disease

Windmill is an acute infectious disease, it is transmitted by air-droplet through the mucous eye shells and upper airways. Therefore, the name of his own disease received due to the method of transmission - "windmill", since the virus is entered through the air (as if by the wind). It is only one child to catch the virus in children's institutionAs the first windmills symptoms in children of all others appear. Children under six months do not hurt by this disease, as mom even during the intrauterine development of the kid gave him his immunity. Children over seven-ten years are sick with windmill, but much less often than kids are smaller age.

Therefore, it is very important to know what the windmill looks like in children. Adults can also catch an infection, and their disease occurs very hard.

The source of infection is only sick people, because this virus is not adapted to the external environment and almost immediately dies, as soon as it comes out of the human body. The source of infection will be only the person whose disease flows in an active form, it begins in two days before the first signs of the chicken pox appear. This explains the cooking infection if your child has contact with a sick person, then we can say with confidence one hundred percent that it also becomes infected. But on the street, especially in the summer, the virus cannot exist.

Signs of the disease

Of course, every parent wants to know how the windmill is manifested in children to immediately recognize this cunning ailment and start treatment in time. In our country, children suffer from chickenpox are on quarantine, but in many European countries there are no such sick children from peers, since doctors believe that it is better to pass in childhood in childhood than to suffer in adulthood.

So the skin rash looks like windmill

Incubation period

The incubation period of the windmill in children lasts from one to three weeks. At this time, no chance does not show anymore, and the parents do not even suspect that their child is sick, but the child becomes infectious for others from the time of getting into it of the virus and until the latter rash.

It is worth noting that the average duration of the chickenpox incubation period in children is two weeks, and the lowest time is the week.

Further development of the disease

After the end of the incubation period, the first signs of the chicken pox can be:

  • a sharp increase in temperature up to 39 degrees and a little higher. And if there were no skin rashes in the future, the windmill can be confused with ORVI. But it is worth noting that such a sharp increase in temperature is not always, in many cases the temperature does not have more than 37-37.5 degrees. There may be even a windmill without temperature in children;
  • the child begins to hurt the head, the overall feeling of weakness appears;
  • the baby becomes irritable and nothing interests him, he also sleeps badly and eats;
  • almost immediately after increasing the temperature on the body of the child, rash appears. Here it is considered the most important windmill symptom in children. The first rashes arise on the face of the baby, because the virus falls through the respiratory tract, and small capillaries are affected. The shade of rash pinkish, but it does not appear on the palms and feet. These pink-reddish specks are spread throughout the body of the kid very quickly - almost in a couple of hours.

Literally a few hours after the appearance of the first rash, the pins turn into the small bubbles filled with liquid. Together with the advent of bubbles, their unbearable itch begins, the child begins combing rash. Parents must be very attentive and not to give the baby to scratching rashes, because in the wounds you can easily be infected.

For three days, bubbles dries and covered with a dry crust of dark red. But at this time all new rashes arise on the body, and the disease itself is characterized by a waveway. New bubbles occur for four to eight days, while the temperature can rise all the time. After that, the illness goes to the decline, and the signs of the windmill in children become less distinct. Crusts formed in the fields of bubbles must disappear in two weeks. After them, small traces of the pale pinkish shade remain, over time they will pass. If the child constantly combing bubbles or sniffed their crusts - small scars can be on the skin.

Usually the windmill continues for ten days from the date of the first symptoms of the windmill in children.

The symptoms of the windmill in the infants are the same as children are older

Signs of chickenpox in infants

As already mentioned, until half a year, the baby is preserved in the body of an antibody transmitted by the mother during pregnancy, so common immunity during this period of baby growth strong. But hereinafter, while the baby develops his immunity, it can easily get a windmill. Much more chances to resist infection with babies, whom Mother feeds breasts. The chickenpox in children is distinguished almost the same signs as the babies of older, namely:

  1. on the body and the face of the kid appears rash in the form mosquito bites. It quickly applies to the whole body;
  2. on the second day, rashes turn into bubbles with liquid inside;
  3. together with the rash, the infant rises the temperature;
  4. lymph nodes increase.

Five days later, the disease is no longer contagious, the rashes stop, the acne is slowly disappearing. It is worth noting that the kids have a disease in different ways: it is easy, without any complications and with single skin rashes or a disease suffers to crumb to strong heat and itching. The baby can not yet tell you anything, so he sleeps badly, constantly crying, refuses to eat.

In very difficult cases, the rash appears not only on the skin cover, but also on the mucous membranes, and this brings unbearable suffering and infant, and his mother. Therefore, it is very important to know how the windmill manifests itself in children breast-ageTo help your child.

It is worth noting that after this disease, such complications may be complicated as shingle, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and other infectious diseases.

Windmill form

Doctors distinguish the three forms of the windmill, depending on how it proceeds:

  1. light form. The rashes are not massive, some kids are lucky and they are separated only by single pimples. In this case, the windmill occurs in children without a temperature, which does not increase at all, and the duration of acne appearance is two or three days;
  2. the form middle severity . Here the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, a child has a headache, a dream is disturbed, and the rashes are strongly scratched. Rash will be abundant, and acne appear for five to seven days;
  3. heavy form. New rashes raise the temperature even higher, it can be up to forty degrees. There are strong headaches, nausea with vomiting, fever and nonsense. New Blisters arise within seven-ten days. The rash is strong, it appears in the mouth and in the genital organ of the child.

Treatment of windmills in children

It is clear that all parents want to learn how to treat chickenpox in children. But this viral disease is not treated with antibiotics, they are prescribed only if viral infection Bacterial infection is added and bubbles suppuration occurs. This is due to the fact that the child constantly scratches rashes and combing it. That is why if the windmill is diagnosed in children, treatment requires careful observation of the baby parents.

Medication drugs

Initial symptoms - an increase in temperature and if it is big - necessarily knock it down. It will help to facilitate the condition of the baby ibuprofen or paracetamol. Never let the kids aspirin!

The most common drug that struggles with a chickenpox virus - the acyclovir is most often prescribed by adults and adolescents who are sick with windmill. The acyclovir in the windmill in children of preschool and younger school age is prescribed only if the disease occurs in very hard form, then the drug will help children's body Court to cope.

It is prescribed with a congenital windmill, including newborn kids, because this infection in kids up to a year is very hard if there is no immunity. In the windmill in children, the acyclovir is very effective, when ingested the drug penetrates into cells affected by the virus, embedded in the DNA of the virus and prevents its reproduction. Assign it to receive inside one or two tablets up to three times a day, the doctor picks up the doctor. If the treatment is carried out in the hospital, and this is possible with very hard form, the medicine is injected in droppers intravenously.

How to deal with itch

One of the signs of the windmill in children is a strong itching in places of rash. It is the most difficult for the baby, because it is very hard to refrain from combing rash. The possessing sweat makes it even stronger, so you need to maintain the optimum temperature in the room where the patient is located and more often to change the linen. It is best to wear clothes from natural cotton fabrics on a child so that the body "breathing" and the child will sweat less.

Want something interesting?

Bathing the baby in the bath during such an agell, but you can take a quick shower. No one for personal hygiene prohibits, warm souls will even help a little thicker. But here there are some rules:

  • at temperatures, the shower is prohibited;
  • water should be warm, not hot;
  • it is forbidden to rub the baby with a washcloth and use soap;
  • you can not wipe the child with a hard towel - you can contemplate the inadvertently crusts. It is best to get into the soft sheets or a towel;
  • if the doctor has not allowed water treatments - So it is necessary, because he spends the treatment of a windmill in children and see him that can be done, and what is impossible.

Very often, such preparations such as suprastin, diazoline, phenkarol and others are prescribed to remove the itch. But it is impossible to treat them yourself, drugs are taken to appoint a doctor.

How and what to process rashes

You already know that the most basic windmill symptom in children is rash. Previously, she was treated with green, she helped to dry the rashes, and it was visible where new pimples appear. Of course, there is nothing bad in Zelenka, except for her terrible color, which makes the baby look like a frog. But if the child is small and nothing against the greenstone is - proceed by this precipitation. Blange pimples need one times with a cotton wand. After that, wear such a pajama or a T-shirt, which is not sorry to get sorry to greenk.

We proceed with zelenkaya pimples

If you do not want to use this tool - you can safely use other antiseptic drugs. There are a variety of lotions against windmill. If you are interested to learn how to treat the windmill with such drugs, and which one is best to buy, you can purchase Calamine lotion in the pharmacy, which will dry the pimples, remove itching and will have a cooling effect.

Treatment of chickenpox in infants

You already know that children under the year the windmill occurs unexpectedly and develops very quickly. First of all, you need to call a doctor who will write down the drug from allergies, it will reduce itching and facilitates the condition of the crumbs. If the baby has a high temperature - it is reduced by ordinary preparations in the form of antipyretic candles and syrups. It can be nooofen or pandol. The rashes are labeled with green, fuccinic or other drugs that the precinct pediatrician will advise.

As for swimming: at a temperature, it is impossible to bathe baby, but if it is normal, you can buy a baby, just do not twitch pimples and do not use soap.

General windmill treatment rules

The treatment of the windmill is carried out at home, the exception is a very severe form of the disease and then the baby is placed in the hospital. You already know how children look like a windmill and special therapy it does not require. But to strengthen weakened children's immunity, you must follow such simple rules:

  • make short walks with a child. You can walk after stabilizing the state of the baby, and you see that the case went on amendment. Dress it so that he does not sweat, in winter it is enough to walk for about twenty minutes, in the summer it is desirable to walk more, but you do not drive a child under the right sunny rays. Do not let him contact with other children so that he does not infect them;
  • eating liquid. During the windmill, let's drink your chad. It is best formed not acidic natural juices, diluted with water, herbal decoctions and teas;
  • proper nutrition. The symptoms of the windmill in children are such that they can refuse food, especially when high temperatures. Do not make him eat forcibly during the disease, offer the baby a light snack and let him what he loves the most. But this does not mean that the baby must be literally to "fill up" with candy and cakes. Exclude salty, seasoned and acute food, as well as acidic and smoked foods.

It is advisable to give a baby milk porridge and broth. Upper the low-fat fish. Avocado and bananas are suitable from fruits.

Do you need vaccinations against windmill

The grafting from the chickenpox to children appeared a few years ago and they are offered to make kids from a year, who had not previously hurt by this ailment. The vaccine consists of living weakened causative agents of the disease. The first time the vaccination of the child is done at 12-14 months, and after three years or five years it is possible to repeat the vaccinations from chickenpox to children. In adolescence and adults, in the absence of natural immunity, it is necessary to undergo vaccination twice, the break between vaccinations is at least one month.

Some mammies are very worried about this and believe that such vaccination will bring them to the baby only harm. But this is not true, most of the kids tolerate vaccinations are very good and no adverse Reactions They are not noticed. But if a child often sicks, you need to consult with a pediatrician about the vaccination, since weak kids are more often subjected to the negative effect of side effects after vaccination.

Here you learned how the chickenpox begins, as it proceeds and what to treat her. As you can see, there is no need for some complex treatmentThe most important thing is not to give the baby to combing rashes and give a sick child as much attention and care.

This material is exceptionally noticeable, before using the information below, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

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