If the delay in menstruation a. Delayed menstruation, and the test is negative - what could it be? Than frequent delays in menstruation threaten

Menstruation is the final stage menstrual cycle women. Represents difficult process rejection of the inner lining of the uterine cavity - the endometrium. This change in the reproductive system is accompanied by the release of bloody masses.

Normally, this process should last 3 - 5 days, and the volume of blood lost should not exceed 150 ml for the entire period. The process is normally painless.

If these processes do not occur, then you should seek the advice of a specialist. The interval between the previous and the beginning of the present menstruation should be from 28 to 35 days.

The menstrual cycle and its role in a woman's body

The menstrual cycle is a whole complex of complex biochemical processes in a woman's body. It is he who provides one of the main functions inherent in the female body - pregnancy. And its manifestation is menstruation.

For the first time, a woman's menstruation signals the beginning of the reproductive system. For the girl, this means that the work of the ovaries begins and her body is preparing to perform the reproductive function. Normally, the menstrual cycle appears between the ages of 13 and 15.

For some time it is irregular, and normally, within a year, a woman should form a full-fledged reproductive function. If for a longer time your period does not become regular, then this means that you need to see a specialist.

Cycle phases:

In the event that pregnancy does not occur, the involution of this formation occurs, hormonal changes and rejection of the formed endometrium. Normally, these processes should take place synchronously.

Causes of delayed menstruation


This is one of the most favorable reasons for a delay in menstruation. It is associated with the fertilization of a mature egg and the formation of an embryo.

Before the onset of menstruation, the ovum is introduced into the uterine cavity.

From the moment of fertilization, the hormonal background of a woman changes dramatically.

In this case, great importance is given to progesterone, it prevents endometrial rejection and the onset of menstruation.

Normally, women should not have any bloody discharge until the period of childbirth.

In some cases, a woman even after childbirth notes a delay in menstruation, this is associated with both breastfeeding and the restoration of the ovaries, which long time were in an inactive state.

Some women who become pregnant may note the appearance on the days of the expected menstruation, insignificant, more often single spotting. This may be due to insufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood, as well as to implantation of the ovum into the uterine cavity.


A stressful situation is one of the major reasons for delayed periods.

It may be associated with the excessive production of hormones responsible for the body's resistance to a stressful situation.

In such a case, not only a serious hormonal disruption and malfunction of the ovaries can occur, but also their depletion due to a sharp surge of hormones or circulatory disorders against the background of increased work.

A woman may face a delay in menstruation and, as a result, with the subsequent malfunction of the ovaries. Several cycles later, menstrual function is restored again.

Hormonal disbalance

The reason for the delay in menstruation may also be associated with hormonal imbalance.

Moreover, the problem does not always lie in the hormones of the reproductive system. Thyroid hormones can also lead to a delay in menstruation.

With their insufficient production, a woman may notice cycle failures, as well as uncontrolled constant weight gain.

A woman should pay special attention to the state of the hormonal background of the reproductive system; conditions such as abortion or miscarriages can also lead to further delays.

As a result, there is a sharp change in the work of the ovaries and they need a long time to recover.

Fasting is one of the factors that can cause hormonal disruption. A strict diet with inadequate intake of essential nutrients can also cause delayed periods.


The inflammatory process is one of the most frequent reasons development of delayed menstruation.

Moreover, its localization can be different, it is both the uterus and the ovaries.

The most dangerous in terms of the development of a delay in menstruation is inflammation of the ovaries.

It is with this organ that the development of the endometrium and the onset of menstruation are associated. Most often, the delay occurs in the cycle when infection or recurrence of the inflammatory process occurs.

In some cases, the process may affect more than one menstrual cycle, and this is precisely the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment, especially in persons of reproductive age.

The inflammatory process of the uterus can lead to the inferiority of the formation of the endometrium, and it is after such a reason that a woman can notice a change in the nature of menstruation. After a delay, they may be more abundant or, conversely, suspiciously scarce.

The nature of the discharge remains brown and smeared for a long time. The next cycle after the delay will be more painful. In this case, the delay usually does not exceed two weeks.

Physical exercise

This is one of the serious factors leading to malfunction of the ovaries, and disruption of the arrival of menstruation.

Women who regularly experience heavy physical activity, for example, related to work, or irrationally approached the outposts of losing weight, or who are fond of exercise, experience problems with the menstrual cycle.

There can be many reasons leading to a delay in menstruation against the background of physical activity, one of them is a violation of the blood circulation of an organ and increased pressure on it.


Recently, there has been a tendency to change the menstrual cycle in women against the background of increasing body weight.

It should be noted, however, that the weight should exceed the values \u200b\u200bsuitable for obesity.

A similar problem is associated with the fact that adipose tissue itself is a source of the production of certain hormones, and as a result, can significantly change the natural hormonal background of a woman. Also the problem excess weight may be associated with hyperandrogenism.

Consequently, menstrual irregularities with excess body weight is more of an endocrinological problem, and requires a careful check of the whole body and many hormones.

Taking medicines

In some cases, menstruation may not occur or may be delayed due to medication.

To a greater extent, hormonal drugs aimed at a woman's reproductive function have an effect.

The most common groups are oral contraceptives or drugs that help prevent unwanted pregnancies.

This may not always be associated with the reception of funds in a given cycle.

Many women face this problem after several cycles.

Such changes are associated not only with disruption of the ovary, but also with the abnormal development of the endometrium. In this case, pathological changes are most often encountered with improper intake. medicines.

How long can there be a delay in menstruation if the test is negative?

Delay times for negative test:

When to see a doctor?

Since the normal deviations of the menstrual cycle are within three days, in this time interval there is no need to contact a specialist, provided there are no complaints.

If a woman is worried about any symptoms, the lower abdomen begins to hurt, pulls the lower back, feels sick or the temperature rises, you should immediately contact a specialist for further diagnosis and, if necessary, select a thorough treatment.

It is the untimely appeal of girls to a doctor that can threaten the development of complications.


Diagnostic methods will depend on the alleged cause of the development of cycle disorders:


Therapy for delayed menstruation will largely depend on the reason for which it is associated:


Prevention of an irregular menstrual cycle is a fairly large section in gynecology. It includes primary and secondary activities.

With the primary, you should prevent the occurrence of diseases that result in menstrual irregularities.

Secondary prevention includes timely treatment of the revealed signs of gynecological and endocrinological pathology. Passage of courses of anti-relapse therapy in the presence of foci of chronic infection.

Any woman knows her individual rate of delayed menstruation. The absence of monthly delays indicates a normal healthy state of the reproductive system. Women and girls of different ages may have their own permissible period of delay in menstrual flow.

According to doctors, a delay in bloody vaginal discharge can be considered normal for 1-7 days if, against this background, the female body does not experience "side symptoms". If the fairer sex feels good, does not suffer from discomfort, then such delays are considered acceptable. But each age segment has its own limit for this expectation.

Note! In girls, menarche (first regulations) is expected in age category 11-15 years old. And during the first two years it will be difficult to expect the regularity of these secretions. At a young age, a 5-day delay in discharge should not be a cause for concern.

If, after two years, the menstruation has not stabilized, then you should contact your gynecologist to determine the normal functioning of the uterus and ovaries. The dry period of a healthy woman and a girl is 28-35 days. It is after this time that bloody discharge appears monthly.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

In older women, the extinction of sexual function occurs, which is a natural and inevitable process. With each new month, there will be a delay in menstruation, which will gradually increase until it stops altogether.

The average indicator of the arrival of menopause in women is the age of 44-50 years. But there are exceptions to menopausal ovarian dysfunction in one direction or the other.

Reasons for delayed menstruation

Delayed menstruation (main reasons, except for pregnancy, why there is a delay in menstruation):

  • Gynecological reasons;
  • Not gynecological reasons.

The reasons for the long wait for menstruation are gynecological (with the exception of pregnancy) and non-gynecological in nature.

The delay in menstruation can have gynecological and non-gynecological reasons

Gynecological reasons:

  1. puberty;
  2. diseases (polycystic ovary disease, uterine myoma, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst);
  3. menopause;
  4. long-term use of contraceptive drugs;
  5. lactation.

Non-gynecological reasons:

  1. stress;
  2. climate change;
  3. diet;
  4. anorexia;
  5. bad ecology;
  6. diseases (ARVI, gastritis, thyroid and kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus);
  7. intoxication;
  8. excessive physical activity;
  9. excess weight.

Important to remember! Some medications used in treatment can delay menstruation. genitourinary system, stomach ulcers and depression.

Leading unhealthy lifestyles, using drugs, high doses of alcohol and smoking can all change your monthly regular menses.

There are times when, with a negative test result, there is a significant cycle delay. A similar failure, lasting more than 7-15 days, may be the result of taking hormonal drugs.

A test error is also possible if the delay in menstruation and the test is negative.

Reasons why menstruation is delayed and the test is negative

As soon as there is a delay in regulation, women use express tests to determine pregnancy. All tests work according to the same principle - they determine the level of hCG in female urine. If this indicator is normal, the result does not exceed 5 Mme / ml. Starting from the 7th day of pregnancy, this figure increases 5 times.

Errors during testing can be primarily from non-compliance with instructions, and a poor-quality product. There are many tests that give errors in kidney disease and hormonal imbalance. Violation of the integrity of the packaging and the expired shelf life also do not promise a reliable test result.

A woman may receive a false negative test result with a slight delay, when not 3 days have passed after the delay in menstruation. Another reason for false information may be late ovulation of the previous cycle. Insufficient concentration of the urine composition gives an unreliable result.

Therefore, testing should be performed at the first daily urination. Pregnancy with pathology (frozen or ectopic) will not indicate an increase in the level of hCG in the blood.

False positive is less common than false negative. Such a result may be in the case of a very early termination of pregnancy, which showed the actual level of hCG at the time of pregnancy. Tumors formed against a background of hormonal disruption contribute to the production of hCG, which can mislead a woman.

A positive answer when testing can be in the case of a recent termination of pregnancy (miscarriage, abortion). The use of certain drugs in the treatment of infertility can also cause false results.

A pale and indistinct second strip of test gives a reason to retest after 3-5 days, and in the case of IVF, you will need to wait 10-15 days. The error of the test is undoubtedly possible, so doctors recommend that the result be double-checked without fail.

How many days can there be a delay in menstruation without pregnancy?

Not causing concern, the delay in regulation is 5-7 days in a woman of young and middle reproductive age. In the case of older women against the background of menopause, the maximum delay period can be about six months. The permissible period of delay in the arrival of menstruation after the first intercourse is 2-4 days.

What and how affects the menstrual period in women

On women Health many factors affect: the external environment, age, physiological state and others. The table below shows the factors, conditions and moments and how they affect the regularity and nature of menstruation in women.

Taking antibiotics, antidepressants, hormones, and other powerful medicationsIf the hormonal drug is chosen incorrectly, a delay in menstruation may occur. Only those pills that contain exclusively progestogen do not affect the cycle length. Long-term use of an oral contraceptive will reduce the intensity of discharge. Antidepressants, according to doctors, rarely cause a delay in menstruation. This group of drugs reduces the intensity of menstrual blood flow. In the course of treatment with antiulcer medications, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is sometimes disrupted.
Homeopathic remediesHomeopathic medicines are often prescribed by gynecologists to their patients in order to normalize the hormonal background of a woman. Such a group of drugs rarely causes a delay in menstruation, since they do not contain potent substances and hormones. Most often, menstruation is delayed due to a pathological condition in which a specialist prescribes a homeopathic remedy - a depressive state, severe stress, etc.
Borovaya uterusThe composition of the boron uterus contains phytohormones (phyto progesterone and phytoestrogen), so the plant affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. With the help of such a tool, you can normalize the hormonal background of a woman, eliminate inflammation in the pelvic region and increase local immunity. If you approach the treatment process irresponsibly, then side effects may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of hormonal disruption and a deterioration in general well-being. The girls claim that after the consumption of borax uterus there is a delay due to successful conception. It should be remembered that the herb suppresses ovulation if the therapy with a healing agent is incorrect. The plant is necessary to maintain the second phase of the cycle - progesterone.
TranexamGynecologists say that "Tranexam" refers to effective hemostatic drugs, does not cause delays. Such a medication is prescribed to patients in the event that a hormonal failure occurs. The "delay" of critical days in this situation indicates that the cycle has not yet recovered after therapy with Tranexam.
Premenopausal syndromeViolation of the menstrual cycle is the main sign of menopause for women after 50. Due to extinction reproductive function there is a delay in menstruation. Over time, the volume of blood released during critical days decreases. The main symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, weakness, insomnia, depression. During menopause, there are problems with the absorption of calcium, so the condition of the skeletal system worsens.
Folic acidFolic acid is a vitamin, not a hormone. This drug does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. The medication is absolutely safe and does not provoke the development of side effects. Vitamin B9 strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the state of the circulatory system.
Edas 927The drug "Mastiol Edas 927" refers to homeopathic medicines. Prescribed for mastopathy. Gynecologists say that taking the medication does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Sugar crumbs, calcium fluoride, creosote, spotted hemlock - these are the substances that are part of this product. The elements do not adversely affect the work of the reproductive system of women.
Oxyprogesterone capronateInjections of hydroxyprogesterone capronate are prescribed to those girls who have a long delay in menstruation. Reviews of women indicate that this substance is administered intravenously to patients to normalize hormonal levels. If you self-medicate and choose the wrong dosage of the drug, you may experience a delay in menstruation. Only a doctor should develop an individual therapy regimen - depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient's body and the severity of the pathology.
Mirena hormonal coilLevonorgestrel is a hormonal substance that is contained in the Mirena spiral. This element is secreted into the uterus. Under such conditions, the process of growth and rejection of the endometrium is blocked. Since the action of the hormone occurs only inside the genital organ, the risk of hormonal disruption is reduced. The spiral suppresses sperm motility and blocks ovulation, but does not in any way affect the hormonal background of a woman. Side effects manifest themselves exclusively in the form of headache, acne, heartache. The intrauterine device does not protect against genital infections, which often disrupt the menstrual cycle. The established spiral, in the presence of contraindications, sometimes becomes the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. In this situation, the length of the menstrual cycle may be disrupted.
Sports loadsIf you actively play sports and diet, then a person will rapidly lose weight. Extreme weight loss can cause a delay in your period. A sharp jump in weight for the body is a strong stress. A new and unfamiliar body load sometimes affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. In this case, doctors recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet - after a few months, the cycle will return to normal.
Climate changeThe female body is too vulnerable to any negative environmental influences. Moving to another country sometimes provokes headaches, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, nausea and apathy. The duration of getting used to a new place of residence is 13 days. Air pressure and temperature differences are factors that can cause a delay in your period.
Heat, saunaDue to the sharp increase in atmospheric pressure and temperature, the female body is under stress. Under these conditions, menstruation may be delayed.
StressSystematic stress and anxiety often provoke the development of serious gynecological diseases. Under such conditions, menstruation becomes abundant and accompanied by painful sensations. Due to the hormonal disruption that was caused by emotional stress, problems may arise in the work of the girl's reproductive system. The change in the stability of the lifestyle is reflected in the functioning of the female body.
ColdFlu and colds are very stressful for the body. Under such conditions, the protective function of the body decreases and the regularity of menstruation is disrupted. It will be possible to resume the full functioning of the woman's reproductive system without additional therapy - it takes 1.5 months to normalize.
ThrushIf the protective function of the body has weakened, candidiasis may occur. The disease develops due to pregnancy, exposure medicinal product, overwork, systematic stress - these factors affect the work of the reproductive system of women. If thrush has arisen due to hormonal imbalance, then the duration of the menstrual cycle is disrupted.
CystitisWith cystitis, there is often a delay in menstruation. This is due to generalized inflammation, which affects not only the mucous membranes of the bladder, but also the pelvic organs.
Ovarian cystWhen a follicular cyst occurs, menstruation is delayed. Such a neoplasm is benign. After resorption of the cyst, critical days begin - this process takes from 6 to 20 days.
Cervical erosionThe pathology itself does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. But if the erosion of the cervix develops actively, then the uterus begins to change. Under what conditions can a cycle fail. Attaching an infection can cause a delay.
EndometriosisWith this disease, the endometrium begins to grow. During the development of the disease, there is often a delay in menstruation and pain in the pelvic area. Such ailment often becomes the cause of infertility. Gynecological diseases have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the female genital organs. Under these conditions, hormonal disruption occurs.

No menstruation: wait or act?

The absence of the onset of critical days within 1 week against the background of symptoms of their appearance can be considered the norm. If the delay period has elapsed, action should be taken. Pregnancy testing should be the first on the plan.

If the pregnancy has not been confirmed, and the normal waiting period has passed, you should go to the antenatal clinic without delay. At the reception, you will need to talk about your health, the appearance of new symptoms, be examined and tested.

Doctors pay attention! A significant delay in regulation cannot be attributed to external factors and normal physiological processes. This signals the onset of pathological processes, which should be intervened as quickly as possible.

If the chest hurts, but there is no period - what does this mean?

Before the onset of critical days, a significant number of women notice swelling, painful sensations and sensitivity mammary glands... If the chest hurts, and menstruation has not come, then this can be a signal for the beginning of the birth of a new life.

This happens 70% of the time. If pregnancy has not come, and the mammary glands continue to bother, then in 20% of the problems are associated with mastopathy.

The remaining 10% is attributed to: presence of an infection in the mammary glands:

  • oncology of these organs;
  • ovulation process;
  • the consequence of active physical exercise (muscle strain);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • shingles.

Why does the stomach hurt, but no menstruation?

Also, pain in the abdomen may be troubling in the absence of menstruation. Some women experience painful sensations during ovulation when the follicles rupture. This is a normal process that is attributed to the individual characteristics of the organism.

Gynecological problems can also be accompanied by pain. Women begin to pay attention to inflammatory processes after the appearance severe pain... If ignored and left untreated, such inflammations can give rise to serious illnesses in the future.

The accumulated pain in the stomach can cause fallopian tubes liquid, which will prevent the appearance of menstruation.

Acyclic pain in most cases cause urolithiasis... Adhesions, cystitis, colitis can cause trouble. If, in addition to the abdomen, a woman is worried about a bursting sensation in the mammary glands, one can suspect a fibroid. In case of abdominal pain and lack of regulation, it is worth undergoing an examination to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

How long can you not worry?

Important to remember! Each woman's menstrual cycle can last for a different period of time. Most often, a steady cycle (21-35 days) accompanies a woman throughout her reproductive age from 18 to 45 years.

The countdown starts on the first day of discharge and lasts until the next day.
A healthy woman has no reason to worry for 1-3 days with regular menstruation.

Delay of menstruation 1-4 days: reasons

The most common reasons for the delay (1-4 days) are the following:

  1. recent cold illness;
  2. excessive physical activity;
  3. climate change;
  4. a sharp change in food;
  5. emotional, nervous breakdown.

If your period is 5 days late (test negative): is there a problem or not?

With a 5-day wait for the arrival of menstruation, it is too early to talk about any pathology, because it is within the normal range. The woman has time before taking action.

The reason for the failure of the regularity of the cycle can be the consequences of workaholism., which lead to depletion of the body, lack of sleep and a decrease in vitality. With absence feeling unwell and unpleasant symptoms, we can talk about the absence of a problem.

Delay of menstruation by 6 - 10 days. Reasons other than pregnancy

Doctors pay attention! A delay in menstruation by 6-10 days is the first call for a woman. It can signal a borderline state, pregnancy or illness.

With the exclusion of pregnancy, doctors called this delay secondary amenorrhea. A very dangerous condition of a woman, which should be excluded in the first place, is an ectopic pregnancy.

The symptoms of this pregnancy are:

  • pain in the area lumbar and lower abdomen;
  • feeling weak;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of brown, brown vaginal discharge.

If these symptoms are found, you should immediately visit the antenatal clinic. Ignoring an ectopic pregnancy causes profuse bleeding and infertility.

Delay of menstruation 10 days or more: start looking for the cause together with your doctor!

The good health of a woman and the presence of a partner oblige testing. When the fact of pregnancy has not been confirmed, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination and identification of the reasons.

Based on the survey results, the gynecologist will be able to detect or exclude diseases:

  1. Vaginitis;
  2. Polycystic;
  3. Candidiasis;
  4. Thrush;
  5. Adnexitis;
  6. Myoma, tumors.

If the doctor has not found gynecological problems, you should refer to his colleagues. The delay can be caused by the disease:

  1. Pancreatitis;
  2. Duodenitis;
  3. Chronic gastritis;
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Pyelonephritis;
  6. Diseases of the adrenal glands;
  7. Anorexia.

Delay 2 weeks or more

Waiting for critical days for more than two weeks no longer leaves hope that everything is in order with the woman's body. This condition cannot be ignored, even if the woman is not worried about anything. A visit to the antenatal clinic should be organized as soon as possible.

What to do if there is no monthly 2 (two) months, but not pregnant

If the regulations do not come after 2 months, you need to be examined for ovarian dysfunction. This disease is not independent, as it is caused by such factors as a viral or infectious disease; diseases of the genitals, kidneys, thyroid gland, stomach.

As soon as a woman finds vaginal discharge that does not resemble menstruation, she should be sent to the clinic. After refusing to take contraceptives, critical days should come in 2-3 months, if this has not happened, and discomfort is felt below - they do not postpone the visit to the antenatal clinic.

No period 3 months, but not pregnant

The expectation of the arrival of menstruation within 3-6 months has received the medical name - amenorrhea. Its cause is a serious disease of the gynecological sphere, which obliges to undergo examination and examination by a specialist.

Why there are no periods after an abortion

Important to remember! Every woman's menstrual cycle recovers differently after pregnancy termination.

In this situation, it is worth taking into account the time and method of the terminated pregnancy, the physiological characteristics of the patient. Subject to the normal outcome of the operation, after 1 month. after the abortion, regulations should begin. The first day of the cycle must be considered the date of the operation.

Doctors pay attention! If there are no menses 31 days after the surgical termination of pregnancy, it is recommended to visit a doctor to avoid health problems.

Delayed menstruation while breastfeeding

The return of menstruation in recent women in labor will depend on the lactation process, in which there is a high level of the hormone prolactin in the blood, which is responsible for breast milk... If the natural process of lactation is not realized (caesarean section, refusal to breastfeed, and other reasons), then the cycle will recover in 1 month.

Moreover, the maximum delay after childbirth can last approximately 8 weeks. During lactation, the normalization of the menstrual cycle is a purely individual process. This may take 2-3 years.

Important to remember! To accurately predict the time when the menstrual cycle begins to recover after childbirth, it is necessary to take into account:

  • feeding cycle;
  • type of feeding (mixed, on demand, regular).

If the mother feeds the baby at the request of the baby, then the monthly discharge will recover one year after the birth. With a mixed form of feeding, you can expect the return of menstruation after 3-4 months. In 80% of women in childbirth, critical days come after weaning a baby.

Warning: dangerous reasons for delay

Dangerous reasons for the delay:

  • Andexitis;
  • Polycystic ovary disease;
  • Endometriosis

At risk are diseases of the gynecological and endocrine spheres. Diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands and thyroid gland can be the cause of polycystic ovary syndrome, and lead to infertility.

Adnexitis - the inflammatory process in the uterine appendages causes hormonal disruption. Endometriosis or uterine fibroids is a benign tumor that can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

What are the risks of frequent delays in menstruation?

It is not recommended to ignore periodic delays. And in the event that they have become frequent, and it is not at all possible to show a negligent attitude towards a woman's health.

Gynecologists insist! Ignoring regular and frequent delays is fraught with the appearance of chronic diseases, infertility, and oncology of the genital organs.

What if there is no period?

The delay forces the woman to remain in agonizing anticipation for a week, and then head to medical institution... Any deviation of the menstrual cycle from the norm is a reason for contacting an antenatal clinic.

Together with the gynecologist, the cause of the menstrual cycle failure will be investigated. To do this, you will need to pass tests, be tested for pregnancy, be examined by an endocrinologist and an ultrasound specialist.

In the case of an unstable menstrual cycle in a girl (duration less than 2 years), the onset of menopause in an older woman and an acceptable weekly delay, do not panic and try to cause menstruation.

It is important to know! In women who have not reached menopause and have passed the age of menerche, constant delays in critical days are abnormal. Therefore, having established the reasons for the delay, measures should be taken to restore the cyclicity of the regulation.

Is it possible to cause menstruation with a delay

It is possible to provoke monthly bleeding with a delay both under the supervision of doctors and at home. Almost all medications used to restore the menstrual cycle are hormonal.

You can get the desired effect from taking them if a woman has problems with hormonal levels and a deficiency of a certain substance in the body.

How to cause menstruation with a delay at home

Having established the hormonal picture of the patient, the gynecologist prescribes the intake of special drugs according to the scheme. Often, women use herbal infusions, which provoke the onset of menstruation. At home, menstruation can be caused by medications, decoctions of medicinal herbs, hot baths, a large dose of vitamin C and active physical exercise.

Herbal decoction:

  1. Elecampane;
  2. Oregano;
  3. Nettle;
  4. Rosehip;
  5. Yarrow;
  6. Knotweed.

Herbs taken in 2 tbsp. l., and filled with 1 l. boiling water, consumed after 12 hours of exposure for one day. To call menstruation, they also drink a decoction of onion peel, ginger.

Drugs for hormonal disruption (Duphaston and others with a delay in menstruation)

In the event that no serious health problems have been identified, doctors prescribe special drugs that stimulate the arrival of critical days.

These drugs include:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Postinor;
  • Mifegin.

Duphaston is prescribed 1 tablet twice a day for a course of 5 days. If serious health problems are found, the endocrinologist may prescribe a different treatment regimen. Most often, the long-awaited discharge appears on the 2-3 day of taking the drug.

The expected effect of Duphaston is provided by the concentration of progesterone. In case of pregnancy, this drug will not harm the fetus, and it will not be able to terminate the pregnancy. Duphaston will give a result only if a hormonal disruption is detected.

If the delay occurs due to stress, then Pulsatilla will help speed up the onset of menstruation., 6 granules of which thin the blood. As a matter of urgency, Postinor's reception can cause menstruation.

The arisen problem of delayed menstruation should not provoke women to look for ways to speed them up without determining the cause of this condition.

Important to remember! Any delay in the menstrual cycle is a malfunction, the cause of which should be investigated.

It is imperative to consult a specialist with frequent delays in menstruation in order to exclude serious diseases, including malignant formations, mental disorders, infertility and other gynecological diseases.

Video about the reasons for the delay in menstruation with a negative test

Delayed menstruation test negative. Why and what to do:

On the reasons for the delay in menstruation, if the test is negative in adolescents, in women:

For how long will the pregnancy test show 100% of the exact result:

A complex of changes in a woman's body aimed at the ability to conceive. Its regulation is carried out using a complex hormonal mechanism.

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is. However, its length in healthy women can be shortened to 21 days or lengthened to 35 days.

Ovulation is the process of release of a female reproductive cell from the ovary into a free one abdominal cavity... This event corresponds to the middle of the menstrual cycle - 12-16 days. During ovulation and 1-2 days after it, the female body is ready to conceive a child.

Menarche is the first menstrual cycle in a girl's life, it is the beginning of the reproductive activity of the female body. Usually this event occurs between the ages of 11 and 14 years, but the period from 9 to 16 years is considered the norm. Menarche time depends on many reasons - genetics, physique, diet, general health.

Menopause or menopause is the last menstrual cycle in life. This diagnosis is established after the fact, after 12 months of absence of bleeding. The normal range of the onset of menopause is considered the period from 42 to 61 years, on average - 47-56 years. Its onset depends on the number of pregnancies, the supply of eggs, the use of oral contraceptives, and lifestyle.

Menstruation or menstruation is part of the female cycle, characterized by the development of uterine bleeding. Normally, its duration is from 3 to 7 days, on average - 4-5 days. Menstruation is a rejection of the endometrium of the uterus - its inner mucous layer.

Due to menstruation, the uterine endometrium is renewed. This process is necessary to prepare the organ wall for the next cycle in which conception is possible.

A delay in menstruation is considered its absence for more than 6-7 days with a normal cycle. A shorter period is not considered a pathology. Normally, cycle shifts by 2-3 days are possible. Delayed menstruation can occur in women and girls of any age due to natural (physiological) and pathological reasons.

Reasons for delayed menstruation


The regulation of the menstrual cycle is a complex process that depends on many factors of the internal environment of the body. The work of the hormonal system is very susceptible to stress and emotional turmoil. This feature is the result of close interaction of the endocrine glands and the brain.

Psychological and emotional stress is an unfavorable environment for pregnancy. That is why the brain sends a signal to the endocrine system that conception should not occur. In response, the hormonal glands change their mode of operation, preventing the onset of ovulation.

Various stresses can cause a delay in menstruation. Some women calmly endure severe shocks (death of a loved one, diagnosis of an illness, dismissal from work, etc.). In some patients, the absence of menstruation may be associated with minor experiences.

TO possible reasons delays in menstruation also include severe lack of sleep and overwork. To restore the cycle, a woman should exclude the action of a provoking factor. If this is not possible, the patient is advised to consult a specialist. Usually, the delay in menstruation during stress does not exceed 6-8 days, but in severe cases, it may be absent for a long time - 2 weeks or more.

Heavy physical activity

By its nature, the female body is not adapted to strong physical exertion. Excessive exertion can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Such disorders of the reproductive system are quite often observed in professional athletes.

The reason for the delay in menstruation during heavy physical exertion is the production of an increased amount of testosterone - the male sex hormone. Thanks to him, muscle tissue growth is possible in response to its tension. Normally, the female body has a small amount of testosterone, but its increase leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

High testosterone levels interfere with complex mechanisms between the pituitary gland and the ovaries, which disrupts their interaction. This also leads to a delay in menstrual bleeding.

If there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle, a woman should be excluded power training... They can be replaced with aerobic exercise - dancing, running, yoga.

For what reasons is there a delay in menstruation?

Climate change

Sometimes the human body is hard to adapt to new living conditions. A sudden change in climate can cause menstrual irregularities. Most often, this feature is observed when traveling to hot and humid countries.

Changes in environmental conditions are a signal of the need to prevent conception. This mechanism is similar to the delay in menstruation during emotional stress and shock. The brain sends a signal to the ovaries to block ovulation.

Another reason for delayed periods with a negative pregnancy test is prolonged exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on ovarian function. A delay can be observed with the abuse of the tanning bed.

Usually, the duration of delayed menstrual bleeding when traveling does not exceed 10 days. In case of his longer absence, a woman should consult a specialist.

Hormonal changes

In adolescent girls, jumps in the cycle are possible during the first 2-3 years after menarche. This feature - normal phenomenonassociated with the regulation of ovarian activity. Usually the cycle is established by the age of 14-17, if the delay in menstruation continues after 17-19 years, the girl should consult a specialist.

The reason for the delay in menstruation after 40 years is the onset of menopause, characterized by the extinction of reproductive function. Typically, menopause lasts 5-10 years, with a gradual increase in the period between bleeding. Quite often, menopause is accompanied by other symptoms - a feeling of heat, sweating, nervousness, surges in blood pressure.

Also, a long delay in menstruation is a natural reaction of the body after pregnancy. During breastfeeding, a special hormone called prolactin is produced in the pituitary gland. It causes blockage of ovulation and lack of menstrual bleeding. This reaction is conceived by nature, since the female body must recover after childbirth.

If a woman does not breastfeed immediately after giving birth, her normal cycle returns in about 2 months. If a young mother begins lactation, menstruation will occur after it ends. The total duration of delayed bleeding should not exceed one year.

Natural hormonal changes occur after the abolition of oral contraceptives. During their intake, the ovaries cease to function, so it takes 1-3 months for them to recover. Such a reaction of the body is considered absolutely normal; it does not require medication adjustment.

Another reason for the delay in menstruation for a week or more is taking emergency contraception (Postinor, Escapel). These drugs contain artificial hormones that block the synthesis of their own. Due to this effect, ovulation is blocked and the menstrual cycle is shifted.

Lack of body weight and poor nutrition

In the endocrine metabolism of the female body, not only endocrine glands are involved, but also adipose tissue. Its percentage of body weight should not be lower than 15-17%. Adipose tissue is involved in the synthesis of estrogens - female sex hormones.

Inadequate nutrition is the cause of a lot of weight loss, which leads to amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation. With a strong lack of mass, cyclic bleeding may not be observed for a long period of time. This feature is adaptive in nature - the brain sends signals that the woman will not be able to bear the child.

Constant delays in menstruation may be associated with insufficient intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. These substances are involved in the endocrine function of the ovaries, causing the normal division of female germ cells.

To restore the cycle, a woman should gain the missing pounds and revise her diet. It should include sea fish, red meat, nuts, vegetable oil... If necessary, it is possible to use vitamin E preparations.


Increasing body weight can provoke menstrual irregularities. The mechanism of the pathology of reproductive function is associated with blocking ovulation due to the excessive accumulation of estrogens in adipose tissue.

Also, against the background of obesity, insulin resistance occurs - a condition in which the cells of the human body become less sensitive to insulin. In response to this, the pancreas begins to synthesize an increasing amount of the hormone. A sustained increase in the amount of insulin in the blood increases testosterone levels.

The increased amount of male sex hormones disrupts the normal menstrual cycle. That is why women are advised to monitor their weight and prevent obesity.

Infectious process

Any inflammatory process disrupts the normal course of the female cycle. The body perceives it as a negative background for the onset of conception, therefore, it blocks or shifts ovulation.

One of the most common causes of delayed menstrual bleeding is colds and other upper respiratory tract... Usually, with such pathologies, the cycle is shifted by no more than 7-8 days.

Specific diseases of the genitourinary organs (,) can cause prolonged absence of menstruation due to disruption of the functioning of internal organs. If a woman has pain or pulls in the lower abdomen, pathological discharge from the genital tract, the body temperature rises, pain occurs during intercourse, she should consult a specialist.

This pathology is characterized by multiple changes in hormonal levels, causing blocking of ovulation and a shift in the menstrual cycle. With polycystic ovary syndrome, endocrine function pituitary gland. This leads to the maturation of several follicles, but none of them becomes dominant.

With polycystic ovary syndrome, a woman has an increased amount of male sex hormones in her blood. They aggravate the course of the disease, further inhibiting ovulation. Quite often, against the background of pathology, insulin resistance is observed, which increases the secretion of testosterone.

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to carry out ultrasonography... An ultrasound scan shows enlarged ovaries with many follicles. With pathology, an increase in androgens (male sex hormones) and their derivatives is observed in the blood. Quite often, polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by external symptoms - male-pattern hair growth, acne, seborrhea, and a low tone of voice.

Treatment of pathology includes the use of hormonal contraceptives with antiandrogenic effects. When planning a pregnancy, the expectant mother may be shown to stimulate ovulation with drugs.


Hypothyroidism is a disease characterized by decreased function of the thyroid gland. There are many factors that cause this condition - iodine deficiency, pituitary pathology, trauma, autoimmune damage.

Thyroid hormones are responsible for all metabolic processes in the human body. With their lack, a decrease in reproductive function is observed due to blocking ovulation. That is why, with hypothyroidism, there are often long delays in menstruation up to its absence.

To diagnose pathologies of the thyroid gland, its ultrasound examination and counting the amount of hormones in the blood are used. Treatment is based on the type of disease, and may include iodine supplementation, replacement therapy, and surgery.


This disease is characterized by increased synthesis of the pituitary hormone - prolactin. Excessive amounts of it block ovulation and disrupt the menstrual cycle. Hyperprolactinemia occurs due to trauma, pituitary tumors, medication, or hormonal disruptions.

Diagnosis of pathology includes a blood test for hormones, as well as MRI or CT of the brain. For the treatment of this disease, medications are used - dopamine agonists.

Hyperprolactinemia: the main mechanism of PMS development


A delay in menstruation is considered one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. To confirm conception, the expectant mother can use test strips that determine the level of hCG in the urine. The most modern of them can determine pregnancy even before the delay of menstruation.

In addition to pregnancy, a delay in menstruation can be caused by more rare pathologies and diseases:

  • itsenko-Cushing's disease (hyperproduction of adrenal cortex hormones);
  • addison's disease (hypoproduction of the adrenal cortex);
  • tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • damage to the endometrium of the uterus (as a result of surgery, cleaning, abortion);
  • resistant ovary syndrome (an autoimmune disease);
  • ovarian wasting syndrome (premature menopause);
  • ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome (against the background of prolonged use of oral contraception, radiation).

The main reason for a delay in menstruation is pregnancy, so if menstruation has not come on time, any woman goes to the pharmacy for a test. If the pregnancy is not confirmed and the test is negative, the question arises: why was there a delay in menstruation and what to do now?


Could there be a delay in menstruation if the test is negative?

Maybe in the following cases:

The woman is sick. The menstrual cycle is associated with several organs. The process involves: the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain, ovaries and uterus. The failure of their work leads to the absence of menstruation. The test is not wrong: in this case, the woman is not pregnant. The cause of amenorrhea is problems in the body.

Misuse of the test . The test can fail in several ways. If a woman is pregnant, drank a lot of water in the evening, took a diuretic or has a medical condition urinary tract, which slows down the excretion of hCG.

The test is lying. The work of any rapid test is based on (chorionic gonadotropin). During pregnancy, the level of this hormone in the urine increases, and in less than a month reaches a concentration of 10-25 mIU / ml. This positive result shows the test. An overdue or poor-quality test, even with a high hCG, will show a negative result.

What if the test is negative but there is no period? If there is no period, and the pregnancy test is negative, you need to repeat the test after a week. Urine for testing should be collected early in the morning - the first portion. Do not take diuretic medications, limit yourself to drinking in the evening. If there is a delay, consider the situation carefully - refer to.

Reasons for delayed menstruation with a negative test

The situation can arise for various reasons. They depend on the woman's health status and the true length of the delay. It is important to know exactly when your last period was. In any case, the delay in critical days is not a reason for panic: it is not always pregnancy or illness.

Let's analyze the delay time in more detail.

Delay of menstruation by one day

  • . It is possible with climate change, accumulated fatigue. The cycle also shifts when taking certain medications, in particular antibiotics. A delay of one day is okay. Conclusion: nothing needs to be done on the first day of the delay.
  • You are pregnant but the test is done early... The instructions for the tests say that you can test pregnancy almost from the first day of the delay. Gynecologists say this is not the case. It happens that the level of hCG is low and the test will not feel it even after a week. Sometimes a woman does not know when and on what day the conception took place, so she miscalculates the term.
  • Menstrual flow delays polyp... Blockage of the cervix leads to atresia, which keeps the flow of menstrual blood. Then even if the critical days have begun, the blood will remain inside the uterus for some time. This pathology is called a hematometer. When the uterus fills with blood, it swells, the blood inside stagnates and deteriorates. This condition is a direct threat to life.

If during the period of the menstrual cycle, when menstruation should come, there is no discharge, but at the same time the lower back, lower abdomen hurt, nausea, and at the same time the temperature is increased, you need to urgently make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Delayed menstruation by seven days

Is this condition dangerous and does it always speak of pregnancy? No! The egg can leave the ovary with a delay, so the period is delayed by a week, even if the woman is not pregnant! You need to wait 3-4 days and take a blood test for hCG. Tests will show for sure if there is a pregnancy. If you do the tests twice, you can go online test on hCG

Delayed menstruation by ten days

If the test gives a negative result, but there is still no monthly period, you need to think: most likely there is a pregnancy, but with a negative test, we can say that it develops incorrectly or has stopped altogether, in this regard, the level of gonadotropin is less than usual. After a week, if menstruation does not start, you need to contact a gynecologist, get tested for hCG and go through.

Delay of menstruation by 15 days

If there is no missed period on the 15th day, this is a serious cause for concern. In theory, a new ovulation should take place at this time.

The reason for the long delays is not always a normal pregnancy:

  • ... Low hemoglobin levels lead to the fact that the female body begins to "save" blood, blocking menstruation.
  • Body weight significantly below normal... Having lost 10-15 kg in a month, you can earn amenorrhea.
  • Ovarian inflammation... With inflammation, the release of the egg is disrupted. The production of hormones is disrupted, which causes amenorrhea.
  • Diseases of the uterus... This category includes endometritis, organ atrophy, endometrial hypoplasia. With these pathologies, the functional layer of the endometrium becomes thinner and does not slough off during menstruation. Accordingly, there is no bloody discharge. With inflammation, the temperature rises, the lower back, the stomach in the area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus are sore.
  • Pituitary tumor... The reason is hormonal changes in the body, leading to a temporary cessation of menstruation - amenorrhea. The tumor disrupts the work of the thyroid and adrenal glands - it is in these organs that hormones are produced.
  • Placental insufficiency... Since the fetus does not receive enough nutrients, pregnancy does not develop well.
  • Polycystic ovary... With this disease, cysts form in the ovary. As a result, the secretion of estrogens is disrupted, and the woman's menstrual cycle becomes disordered. Menstrual function can recover, but then it gets lost again.
  • Serious illnesses and infections... A weakened body may not menstruate in the next menstrual cycle

Psychological reasons

  • False pregnancy. In this case, menstruation with a negative test is a regularity. When false pregnancy signs of pregnancy are caused by self-hypnosis. This happens if a woman is afraid of getting pregnant or, on the contrary, really wants to have children.
  • Stress... With a depressed mood, the production of the necessary hormones by the hypothalamic-pituitary system is blocked.

Causes of Long Delayed Critical Days Associated with Abnormal Pregnancy

  • Anembryonic pregnancy... The embryo does not develop inside the ovum.
  • Ectopic pregnancy... With this pathology, the fetus is fixed and develops not in the uterus, but in other reproductive organs: in the ovary, cervix, oviduct, peritoneum.
  • ... The fruit was, but died.

If a repeat pregnancy test is negative and menstruation does not occur, you need to see a doctor, undergo an ultrasound scan and a full examination.

Symptoms that will tell you the reason for the delay

Chest hurts and menstruation is delayed. It is impossible to say for sure whether there is a pregnancy with a delay or not on this basis. The chest often hurts during PMS, before menstruation and during pregnancy. Swollen, painful breasts are in fact associated with tissue edema caused by hormonal changes. If the mammary glands not only hurt, but also increased in size, pregnancy is quite likely. All signs of pregnancy can be viewed.

When menses are delayed, scanty pink or brown discharge. These are symptoms that indicate tubal abortion in an ectopic pregnancy. If the embryo is large, the tube may rupture. This condition is very dangerous. The same symptoms have a habitual early miscarriage. This usually happens for genetic and immunological reasons. Such spotting with a negative test should not remain without diagnosis, regardless of the day of delay.

When delayed, pulls the lower back, stomach. Hurts in the lower abdomen. it characteristic symptoms , ectopic or. The same pain occurs when a tube or ovary ruptures. Light discharge and pain can also be with blood retention in the uterus, genital diseases.

Delay temperature - 37 and higher. An increased body temperature indicates an inflammatory process.

If we are talking about basal temperature (in the rectum), then this is a symptom that ovulation has passed. During pregnancy, the basal temperature is kept within 37-37.2, and with a miscarriage or freezing of pregnancy, the indicator decreases.

Delay in menopause and breastfeeding

Delayed menstruation with menopause (after 40-45 years). The first sign of a premenopausal period in all women is a delay in menstruation. This is due to a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones. Changes in the duration of the menstrual cycle can reach up to 90 days, while the discharge becomes scarce. Menstruation may not come for several months, but then the cycle is restored.

In women over 40, the ability to conceive is reduced, but pregnancy in this case is still possible. The endometrium at this age thickens, which leads to delayed uterine bleeding... If, even with a negative test, you must make an appointment with a gynecologist and do an ultrasound.

Delayed menstruation with breastfeeding. When feeding, menstruation usually does not occur (the so-called lactational amenorrhea), but this does not mean that pregnancy is excluded. Hoping for lactation, a woman does not go to the gynecologist until the fetus begins to move. At this time, abortion is already prohibited, although childbirth with a short interval is undesirable.

How to cause menstruation with a delay: more precisely, how to create big problems for yourself

It is technically possible to cause menstruation on your own, but gynecologists categorically forbid doing this, because the reason for the delay is not clear and most often such amateur performance leads to severe bleeding, deterioration of the condition, increased inflammation, up to peritonitis.

Most often on the Internet, it is advised to call your period as follows:

  • Take a hot water bath... When high blood pressure this method will result in hypertensive crisis... With vein thrombosis - to vasodilation and hemorrhage. In the presence of blood clots, thrombus separation and embolism (blockage of the vessel by a thrombus) are guaranteed.
  • Take high doses of vitamin C. Women suffering from stone formation in bladder and kidneys and bladder (after 30 years, everyone has this problem), after such vitaminization of the body, you can go to the hospital. It is also dangerous for pregnant women - a miscarriage will not happen, but it is difficult to say how such an acid shock will affect the fetus. This also includes the advice to drink concentrated infusions of ginger and parsley. These medicinal plants contain a high dose of ascorbic acid and much more.
  • Enhance intimate life ... Perhaps menstruation and can occur due to a rush of blood during intercourse. But if there is some pathology in the body, then it is better to identify and cure it. The onset of menstruation will only delay the visit to the gynecologist for a month. Then everything will repeat itself.
  • Take medicated tinctures... The range of herbs that stimulate menstruation include: cornflower, oregano, wild rose, yarrow, nettle, elecampane and knotweed. Self-medication can end with urticaria. Do you want to wear red pimples and itch all the time? Go ahead and collect herbs!
  • Drink a decoction of onion peels... Outright disgusting. Whether it helps or not is known, but disgusting sensations for the next day are guaranteed to you.

Gynecologists advise: if there was a delay - do not risk it! See a good gynecologist, get examined, do an ultrasound. Modern gynecology easily and quickly diagnoses the causes of amenorrhea and eliminates it.

Than menstruation delay threatens

It depends on the reason for the delay.

  • Planned pregnancy... The main reason for the delay is pregnancy, for many couples this is a long-awaited event. Assuming a pregnancy, you need to undergo an analysis for hCG and an ultrasound of the uterus to make sure that everything is fine with the fetus.
  • Unwanted pregnancy... Again, you need to visit the gynecologist and clarify the date. Up to 6 weeks, you can make a safe one that will provoke a miscarriage.
  • Unknown reason... First of all, you need to find out what caused the delay in menstruation. Dangerous causes must be treated. Especially dangerous are: frozen and ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, blood retention in the uterus. All this needs to be done in the clinic - diagnosing amenorrhea and treating amenorrhea at home is stupid and dangerous.

Where to go if your period is delayed in St. Petersburg

Treatment of amenorrhea begins with a quality diagnosis. In St. Petersburg, you can undergo all the necessary tests and ultrasound at the address: Zanevsky prospect, 10. Make an appointment at any convenient time: we work seven days a week and lunch.

Few women come to a gynecologist simply to inquire about their health. The most frequent visitors are pregnant women, those who need to undergo a medical commission, as well as patients with certain complaints, including a delay in menstruation.

At the age of 12-14, every girl has a menarche - the first sign of puberty known as menstruation. Menstruation can be irregular for 1.5-2 years, since the girl's hormonal system is still developing.

But in some cases, it happens that by the time the hormonal background is fully mature, the delays continue. This is already a reason to consult a doctor and find out from what this can happen.

Possible causes of delayed menstruation

A regular menstrual cycle helps to keep your sex life under control and to detect the first signs of pregnancy in time. Therefore, a failure is usually alarming and the question is: what could be the delay in menstruation?

Usually women of childbearing age associate this exclusively with pregnancy. Girls in puberty will be calm about menstrual irregularities for 2 years if their mothers explained to them in advance what is happening in their bodies during this period.

Women of mature age may assume that the reason for this phenomenon is the imminent onset of menopause.

In reality, menopause does not come unexpectedly. A few years before menopause, periodic menstrual irregularities are observed. By this, the body warns that it is appropriate to consult a doctor.

The average duration is 28 days. In case of a delay of several days, it is necessary to find out why this happened.

Reasons for the delay in menstruation of a gynecological nature, in addition to pregnancy:

  • Postpartum period.Throughout pregnancy, women do not have periods. After the birth of a child, the resumption occurs in different ways, this process is individual in nature, depends on the physiology, the state of health of the female organs and the whole body. During breastfeeding, the absence of menstruation is due to the fact that the level of prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, rises significantly at this time. In the absence of milk, menstruation occurs after 1.5 months. In some cases, a woman becomes pregnant while breastfeeding, as the egg matures in spite of increased level hormones.
  • Ovarian dysfunction. Dysfunction is understood as a violation of the activity of the ovaries, which regulate hormonal processes. If the timing of the menstrual cycle is shortened or increase, then a malfunction of the ovaries may be the presumed cause of this.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs... Adenomyosis, the appearance of neoplasms, can cause a delay in menstruation.
  • Polycystic ovary disease. One of the external, but optional signs of the disease is abundant hair growth on the face, legs, groin area. This cannot be a fundamental factor in making a diagnosis, since such phenomena can occur physiologically and genetically in any woman. A more significant sign of polycystic disease is a high content of the male hormone - testosterone. Its excess disrupts the menstrual cycle and can eventually lead to infertility.
  • Abortion.After termination of pregnancy, the body needs to restore hormonal levels, so it will take some time before all ovarian functions are restored.

Other reasons:

  • Weight problems. Irregular menstruation and frequent delay in menstruation occurs in those who are obese. All processes in their body are sluggish. Most often, these women have impaired activity endocrine system... Slow metabolism affects the delay in menstruation, which is why all reproductive system is malfunctioning. With a sudden change in diet in order to lose weight and exhausting diets, the body can also respond with a delay in menstruation. With rapid weight loss, eating behavior is disturbed, and an aversion to healthy foods appears. As a result suffers nervous system... In medicine, this condition is called anorexia. This leads to a decrease in the production of hormones in the ovaries.
  • Hard physical labor. Physical activity associated with difficult working conditions affects not only general condition health, but also on the well-being of each organ, therefore, the violation of the menstrual cycle in this case is a fair indignation of the female organs for overwork, which is why the delay in menstruation happens quite often. Slowing down is the only way out of the situation.
  • Stressful situations.Much of the truth is that all diseases come from nerves. During an emotional shock, the brain signals to all organs of danger. At the same time, a delay in menstruation is not excluded.
  • Change of climatic conditions or time zone.In this case, the factor of habituation of the organism to certain living conditions, working hours, rest and sleep is triggered. When the established routine is disrupted, the body reacts to it in different ways.
  • Taking medicines.In the treatment of certain diseases, women are prescribed drugs that can disrupt the intervals between periods. In this situation, you must stop taking them.
  • Chronic diseases.Diseases such as gastritis, diabetes mellitus, pathology in the kidneys and the thyroid gland, make changes in the vital activity of the whole organism, respectively, and affect the genitals. The use of drugs that help alleviate the course of chronic diseases can adversely affect the activity of the ovaries.
  • Application OK... A delay in menstruation can also occur during use or after the withdrawal of contraceptive drugs. The use of oral contraceptives provokes a failure in the cycle, but this is considered normal, since the body is adapting. There may also be a short delay after the end of a medication or an interval between packs. This is because the ovaries take time to rebuild after a long period of inhibition.

Thus, there are many reasons for the delay in menstruation. If your period occurs within a week, you shouldn't worry. It is recommended to see a doctor if the delay lasts more than 7 days.

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