Pektasin from the throat. How to effectively treat the cold nursing mom

Medical use instructions for the drug

Description of pharmacological action

PEKETUSINE components when entering the oral cavity, peripheral nerve endings (affective action) are irritated, which reduces the inflammatory response in the top respiratory tract And facilitates the cleanement. It has just as a minor antibacterial effect.

Indications for use

Faringitis, laryngitis, tracheites, tonsillitis, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Form release

Tablets 10 pieces in the package.


Combined drug.

Menthol is a local radiating agent, the effect of which is mainly due to reflex reactions associated with irritation of sensitive receptors of mucous membranes.

It has a light topichesthese ("distracting") action, has weak antiseptic properties.

Eucalyptus oil has a stimulating effect on the mucous membranes receptors and has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is allowed to use pregnant and nursing after determining the ratio of potential benefits / possible risks.

Contraindications for use

Bronchial asthma;
age up to 7 years;
stenping laryngitis;
allergic reactions Menthol and eucalyptus oil, as well as other pectacing components.

Side effects

There are very rarely observed (itching in the face of the face, urticaria). If these symptoms occur, as well as in the case of the emergence of any other unusual reactions, you should consult a doctor.

Method of application and dose

Pectacin is taken sublingual (keep in the oral cavity under the tongue, until it disrupts completely). Dosing mode for children over 7 years old and adults - 1 tablet 3-4 p / day.

The duration of treatment depends on clinical manifestations cold illness and therapeutic response of the patient.


Signs of overdose are not described.

Interactions with other drugs

Interaction with others medicinal substances not installed.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, at a temperature not higher than 15 ° C.

Shelf life

Belonging to ATX classification:

** Drug reference is intended exclusively for informational purposes. For more information, please contact the manufacturer's annotation. Do not self-medicate; Before the use of the drug Pektusin, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace the consultation of the doctor and cannot serve as a guarantee positive effect Drug.

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** Attention! The information presented in this reference book is intended for medical professionals and should not be the basis for self-treatment. The description of the drug Pektusin is given to be familiarized and is not intended to appoint treatment without the participation of the doctor. Patients need a specialist consultation!

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Pectacin - combined drugThe basis of which are plant components with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It is used in dental and ENT practice. He is a representative of a group of sexy-sexy drugs, stimulates motor function respiratory tract in combinations. The active constitues of this drug are menthol and oil of the eucalyptus of the eucalyptus of prettovoid.

Release form and composition

Pektusin is produced exclusively in the form of tablets white colorhaving a sweet refreshing taste and specific smell of menthol and eucalyptus. The composition of each tablet contains 4 μg of menthol and 0.5 μg of eucalyptus. In addition, there are auxiliary substances: crystalline sugar, purified talc, sodium salt CMC, calcium stearate. In contour packages, there are 10 tablets. Such packages are folded into cardboard packs. In packs - one, two, three, five contour packages.

Pektasin in the form of syrup

Pectacin is not produced in the form of a syrup. Patients who ask the pharmacy similar form form, often confuse this drug with Pershotssign children's syrup, which has a different composition: its main components are potassium bromide and vacam extract (or thyme). Perptissine is a cough syrup with an expectorant action.

pharmachologic effect

The main action of drugs is the relief and elimination of cough. Pektusin components fall into purph cavity And they affect the role of an irritant on the peripheral nerve endings (applying influence). Due to this, the inflammatory response in the field of the upper respiratory tract is significantly reduced, and it becomes easier to flick. The drug also produces a partial antibacterial effect.

The effect of the drug as a whole occurs as a consequence of the activity of its components. Menthol has a partial irritant impact due to reflex reactions that develop due to irritation of sufficiently sensitive receptors of mucous membranes. In addition, Menthol acts as a light local anesthetic and a weak antiseptic. Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect by stimulating mucous membranes receptors.

All about the use of Lazolyvan, effective means for the treatment of cough and bronchitis, read here.

Indications and contraindications

Pectacin can be used with bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, trachetes, laryngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This drug is an excellent means against cough, and also significantly helps with chronic and acute rhinestones.

Pectacine is contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions to eucalyptus oil, menthol and other components of the drug, as well as in the presence of the following diseases: bronchial asthma, lubricatilia, stenzing laryngitis, diabetes. Also, the use of the drug is contraindicated to children under 7 years old.

Method of application and dosage

Pektusin is accepted as follows: the tablet is placed under the tongue and is there until full of its absorption.

The drug is appointed for children over 7 years old and adults 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The period of treatment with pectacing is determined individually depending on the degree of complexity of the case of the disease, as well as on the effectiveness of current treatment.


To date, this medicinal drug has not been revealed.

Side effects

The use of pectacing extremely rarely causes side effects. Among them: urticaria, itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face. In the occurrence of allergic reactions or any non-standard changes in well-being, you must immediately call a doctor.

Medicinal interaction

Features of the interaction of pectacine with other drugs were not studied. With simultaneous reception of several medicines In mandatory, consult with the attending physician.

special instructions

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation period, but it is worth it only to appoint the attending specialist after determining the lack of a threat to the fetus or newborn. Pecetusin can be taken to people whose activities require quick psychomotor reactions.

Terms and Storage Terms

The shelf life of the drug is three years. It is necessary to store it in a dry and dark, inaccessible to children at room temperature.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is released without a recipe.


From structural analogs by active substance You can select Evanol. The most common analogues on therapeutic effect are: Ascoril's syrups ascoril, Eucabal, Pertissin, Tusavit; Drops bronchostop and broncho tysus.

I would like to note an effective means that removes the sore throat facilitates the cough, see the inhalipt aerosol and instructions for use.

Another drug that I would like to mention this theraflu of the LAR All details read the http link: //Site/teraflyu-lar.html.


The cost of one contour packaging (10 tablets) of this drug varies in the range of 25-45 rubles.

Personal Opinion - Review

The main advantage of the drug is that it always helps and immediately. Disadvantages are quite difficult to allocate. Perhaps the only minus can be called that Pektusin is usually sold in contour packages and the instructions are not attached to them. But it is already fault of manufacturers and pharmacists.

We use the drug for a long time since school. It is worth it a little money, and the effect is excellent. In addition, Pectacin has a very pleasant taste. As soon as the throat begins to hurt, take a tablet, and the symptoms are almost immediately forgotten.

My whole family enjoys this medicinal product.

Of course, now in pharmacies offer a variety of diverse drugs. And therefore we use other means. However, Pektusin has proven itself extremely positively for for a long time treating him. He as helped, it helps. And addiction does not cause. It is very important.

Pektasin treatment - very convenient way Get rid of turning and sore throat.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!


Pektasin - This is a combined antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug, which includes oil from eucalyptus leaves. Another name of this medicine - Evanotol.. It is used for sharp respiratory diseases ( Orz) To facilitate cough.


Active substances: Menthol, oil from eucalyptus leaves.
Excipients: Crystal sugar, calcium stearate, sodium salt, talc.

The drug is produced in the form of white tablets of 10 pieces in a blister. Tablets have a specific flavor of menthol and eucalyptus. Taste - sweetish, mint, cooling.


Menthol has a local irritant action, which is associated with reflex reactions receptors located on mucous membranes. Menthol has a light antiseptic property, topless "distracting" and refreshing effect, and a small antibacterial effect. When irritating receptors, the flipping is facilitated.


  • Laryngitis.
1. Pharyngitis - this is a disease that occurs when chemical stimuli ( alcohol, Nicotine); The contaminated or cold air - affect the mucous surface of the upper respiratory tract, and cause inflammation of the pharynx. Also the cause of the disease can serve as microbial infection. Often this infection is secondary - in the case when a chronic focus of inflammation, located near the pharynx, shifts directly to it. Such foci can be caries, sinusitis and other diseases.

Patients complain that "hard to shake saliva"; on cough - first dry dura, then wet; On the release of mucosa or purulent sputum.

2. Inflamed Glow (Larygitis) - this is related symptom Corey, cough or scarletin. Sometimes laryngitis proceeds as an independent disease.
The causes of the occurrence may be:

  • Overvoltage of voice ligaments.
  • Breathing through the mouth.
  • Dusting air.
  • Supercooling.
Laringhotrachite - This is an inflammatory process in which the lads are involved, and trachea. Common symptoms for these two diseases is the problem of voice, an allocation, pain in the throat, increasing pain when swallowing, dry cough. In this disease, the patient is desirable to be silent as much as possible - because even the conversation with a whisper leads to the tension of the ligaments.

Samoa hazardous form Diseases is stenping laryngotrachite ( or false croup as it is also called). In the larynx, the voice gap is strongly understood, and this leads to difficulty breathing. This condition is especially dangerous for children.

3. Tracheitis (inflamed trachea) - It can be both an autonomous disease and accompanying. Development acute form Diseases contributes to inhalation of cold, dry or contaminated air, toxic substances. The chronic shape of tracheite develops from acute.
Risk group: Persons abusing alcoholic beverages; avid smokers; Persons with diseases of the nasal cavity, nasal sinuses, kidneys, lungs, hearts.

4. Tonsillitis - This is a disease in which the inflammatory process is striking the silicon almonds. Usually in everyday life this disease is called angina.
Symptoms: weakness, sore throat when shrinking saliva, elevated temperature, increased lymph nodes. With the feeling of lymph nodes under the chin, soreness is observed. As a complication of the disease, abscess can develop - this is a newly formed purulent cavity in the throat. Pump contains many microbes and their livelihoods. Walking with blood flow, pus infects organs and fabrics and causes such diseases as meningitis, sepsis, infectious-toxic shock.

5. When the mucosa of the tracheoobronchial tree is inflated, it develops bronchitis . They cause such inflammation of bacteria and viruses, less often - mushrooms. The pathogen is striking the epithelium on the mucosa of the bronchi and penetrates the bronchial tissue. The cough in the beginning of the disease can be dry, then transformed into wet with a separation of greenish or yellowish viscous sputum.


Tablets take sublingual ( that is, under the tongue, until they dissolve). Children from seven years old and adults are prescribed on one tablet four times a day. The duration of the course of treatment depends on such a fact: does it comes to relief in the patient and whether it is amended.

Side effects

In exceptional cases, urticaria and itching on the skin of the face can occur.


  • Age criterion - up to seven years.
  • Spasofilia.
  • Stenzing laryngitis.
  • Allergies to eucalyptus oil and menthol.

Sugar diabetes develops due to the deficit in insulin organism ( hormone produced by the pancreas). Insulin reduces blood glucose concentration.

Due to insulin deficiency is formed hyperglycemia - This is a condition in which in the blood of excess glucose. Diabetes ceases to function normally, the metabolism is functioning, which leads to various pathologies. If in the blood is very high level Glucose - then later glucose can be detected in the urine. There is another form of the disease - nonachar diabetes .

Nonachar diabetes occurs when the pituitary work is violated. It is characterized by two basic signs - the unattricible thirst and frequent urination. In antiquity, it was believed that a person suffering from this ailment is similar to a vessel that does not hold water. A lot of water is poured into it - and it does not hold out inside, follows.

Spasofilius - It is a pathology associated with another disease - Rakhit. It is manifested in the tendency of the child in the first year of life to spastic states and convulsions, to the emergence of increased neuromuscular excitability. The disease is developing when the child gets unnecessary doses of vitamin D. . An excess of this vitamin, as well as its disadvantage in the body, leads to difficult conditions. Therefore, an undesirable child is for a long time to substitute for direct sunlight. Such a "tan" is very harmful to him.

Application of the drug during pregnancy and feeding

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers on objective readings.


The interaction of pectacing with other drugs is not proven.


There is no data on overdose of pectacing.


Store in a dark place at room temperature. The shelf life of Pektusin is three years.

Petusin tablets - medicinal product from the line of phytopreparats with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Pektusin is widely used in a field of medicine as otolaryngology and is used in the treatment of colds.

This drug not only helps relieve inflammation, reduce pain, but also works as a powerful antiseptic. Means vegetable origin Related to the group of secretolithic, in combination with other medications, pectacine stimulates the motor function of the respiratory tract and facilitates the state during the rope, the cough, inflammatory processes in the nasophal.

Petsusin tablets: description, composition

Pektasin is a combined vegetable agent. The therapeutic effect of its use is due to the action of active substances that are part of the drug.

Eucalyptus oil activates the receptors of mucous membranes and contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. Due to its bactericidal and antimicrobial properties, the inflammatory process is effective.

Menthol - has a weak anesthetic and antiseptic effect and shows a ceiling effect, launching reflex reactions associated with irritation of sensitive receptors of mucous membranes.

Petsusin tablets have an antitussive effect, increase the volume of the discharge sputum and contribute to its removal from the bronchi. Falling into the oral cavity active substances The drug irritate the peripheral nervous endings and facilitate the process of flipping, at the same time reducing the inflammatory process and showing a weak antibacterial effect.

Form release

Pektusin preparation is produced in a single form - as white plane-cylindrical tablets with the smell of eucalyptus and menthol. Tablets are designed to dissolve in the oral cavity, they have a pleasant, fresh mint taste and show the cooling effect, which is beneficially reflected in the state of the inflamed mucous membrane.

Each pectacine tablet contains 4 mg of L-menthol (levomentole) and 0.5 mg of eucalyptus oil. From the auxiliary components there are talc, sucrose, calcium stearate, sodium salt. Tablets are packaged by 10 pieces into contour cellular packages and placed in cardboard packs. The pack may contain 2, 3 or 5 packs with tablets.

Many patients are asked in a pharmacy Syrup Pektasin, this medicine with a popular and inexpensive preparation from cough - Pertissin syrup. The names of these drugs are similar, but their composition is absolutely different. Remember that the preparation of Pectacin is released only in the form of tablets for resorption, such a form, as the syrup of this medication does not exist.


Petsin tablets are prescribed as part of the complex treatment of inflammatory lesions of the upper respiratory tract. They make it easier for diseases such as:

  • tonsillitis (inflammation of almonds or simply, angina),
  • pharyngitis (inflammation of mucous membranes and lymphoid tissues of the pharynx),
  • larygit (inflammation of the mucous membrane),
  • tracheitis (inflammatory process in the trachea).
  • Well helps Pektasin from cough (especially dry), facilitates the condition when bronchitis, acute or chronic cold (ritin).


As with any medicinal product, Pektusin tablets have certain restrictions on use. The list of contraindications includes diseases such as bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus. A sucrose is present in the composition of the tablets, so the drug intake can provoke a sharp increase in blood sugar levels in diabetics.

For bronchial asthma An irritating effect can provoke coughing And the next attack of the disease, so that for these categories of patients, the doctor should pick up more secure medicines. Pektusin is not prescribed if the patient suffers from fructose intolerance, a shortage of sugar or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

In addition, the drug is prohibited for use in spasmophilia, stenling laryngitis and individual intolerance to the components of phytosteria. Pectacin for children is prescribed with caution and only after reaching a certain age (7 years). The fact is that the tablets are designed for resorption, and the kids are difficult to keep them in the mouth until complete dissolution. There is a risk that the child is suppressed or the tablet will accidentally fall into the breathing throat.

Otherwise, there is no contraindications to the use of pectacing, this vegetable age can significantly alleviate well-being in the treatment of colds. The drug well softens cough, facilitates the expectoration and the introduction of sputum, soothes and cools the inflamed throat due to the content of menthol.

How to take Pektasin?

The instruction on the use of pectacin indicates that the drug needs to take sublingual, that is, to keep a tablet under the tongue until complete resorption. Tablets should not be chewed or driving water. For adults, the maximum dosage of the drug is up to 4 tablets per day, for teens and children over 7 years old daily rate - 2-3 pectacine tablets. The drug can be taken during the day regardless of food.

The duration of treatment and the optimal dosage of the medication should choose the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the symptoms of a cold illness, general status Patient and efficiency of complex therapy.

Possible side effects

Pectacin is a vegetable agent, there are no toxic chemical components in its composition, therefore adverse reactions It is extremely rare on his reception. The phytopreparation can provoke allergic reactions in individuals with increased sensitivity to menthol or eucalyptus.

In this case, redness and rashes on the type of urticaria appear on the skin, sometimes patients marked the appearance of itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face. In the event of such manifestations, the reception of Pektusin tablets stop and seeking consultation to the doctor in order to adjust the further course of treatment.

special instructions

In the instructions for the drug, there is no indication of the possibility of using the medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so at this time there is only a doctor to take Pektusin for the appointment of a doctor who will take into account possible potential risks for the mother and the child.

The drug interaction of pectacing with other drugs was not detected, therefore it can be included in the complex treatment along with other medical facilities.

The reception of the tablets does not affect the reaction rate, the concentration of attention and control ability vehicles and dangerous mechanisms. Therefore, the drug can be taken regardless of the type of professional activity.

Each tablet pectacine contains up to 750 mg. simple carbohydrateswhich is 0.05 bread units (xE). This information must be taken into account in patients suffering diabetes.

The drug is stored in light-protected place and at room temperature for no more than 3 years. In case of incorrect storage may change physical and chemical Characteristics of tablets. These changes are manifested in changing the color of the phytopreparation, in addition, when stored in conditions of high humidity, the tablets can become loose, easily crumbling. In this form, the medicine cannot be taken, the pills will have to throw out.

Analogs of Pektusin;

  • Omnitus;
  • Faliment.
  • If Pektusin tablets are not suitable for you for any reason, the doctor can always choose a drug with a similar action from an extensive list of medicines intended for the treatment of cough and inflammatory diseases respiratory tract. It should not be replaced independently, as each drug has its own characteristics, contraindications and side effects. Only a doctor can find an optimal agent taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the concomitant diseases. This approach will help to avoid unwanted complications.

    The phytopreparation refers to budget funds and is quite inexpensive. The price of Pektasin in the pharmacy network leaves from 35 to 55 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package. Availability - Another advantage of this vegetable agent, buy pectacin can a wide range of patients, regardless of material wealth.

    Colds that are especially common in childhoodAlmost always accompanied by cough. This protective mechanism helps to clean the bronchi and the lungs from the accumulated mucus. Pektusin cough syrup is an excellent medication to facilitate this unpleasant symptom. Before using the drug should be familiar with its instructions for use.

    Release form, composition and description of the drug

    Pektasin in the form of medicine is an excellent treatment option for patients who receive medication in the form of tablets for some reason is contraindicated. Most often, the remedy is appointed pediatricians to children under 6 years and at an older age.

    The medicine is produced in vials with different dosage, has a pleasant sweet taste, a hard framework and a rather specific smell. Usually, children with pleasure take the drug, well tolerate it. In addition to syrup, there are also tablets for resorption. Often they are prescribed in sore throat. What do Pektasin do? The composition includes several active ingredients and auxiliary substances.

    Tyme grass extract

    This plant is widely used in folk and traditional medicine. Thyme is used as an enveloping, antiseptic and expectorant for pneumonia, bronchitis, angina, laryngitis and other walled diseases. Thanks to this, the cough quickly acquires productive character, the mucus is well removed from the respiratory tract.

    Potassium bromide

    Gently and safely oppressing excessive excitation of a cough center in the central nervous systemWhat leads to a decrease in cough. Thanks to its properties of potassium, bromide has a certain sedative effect. In the syrup Pektusin, the content of this component is insignificant, so during the treatment of children, it does not cause complications and does not bear the risk of overdose.

    Auxiliary components

    As additional substances, the drug includes such components as components as ethanol, Purified Water, Sugar.

    Due to the fact that the tool contains ethyl alcohol, during treatment, the dosage of the medication specified in the instructions for use should be clearly followed.

    Pektasin Price

    How much is syrup? Buy medication You can in any pharmacy. Its undoubted advantage is a relatively low cost. In pharmacies of Russia, the drug can be purchased for 60-70 rubles.

    In Ukraine, it costs approximately 20-25 UAH. During the purchase, do not hesitate to ask the product quality certificate. It will save you and your child from fake.

    Indications for use

    The drug activity of the Pektusin syrup is due to its composition mentioned above in the article. Treatment using the means is shown in the following diseases:

    • bronchitis with acute or chronic flow;
    • ORVI and ORZ;
    • nose diseases and inflammatory phase;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • larygitis.

    Use pektasin in the form of medicine and tablets is recommended strictly by appointment of a doctor. Despite its natural composition, the drug has some serious contraindications.

    With what cough can be used syrup? The large advantage of the medication under consideration is that it is possible to use it both during dry and wet cough. This is due to the fact that besides expectorant and enveloping actions, it has an antitussive effect. This is possible thanks to the potassium of bromide in the composition.

    Adult patients are advised to take syrup three times throughout the day of 15 ml. The course of treatment is usually determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease and the achieved therapeutic effect. Usually the duration of treatment is up to 14 days.

    If after 7 days of using the pectacing, dry cough does not become productive, you should consult a doctor for revising the means for treatment.

    To achieve an optimal therapeutic effect and exclusion of side effects against the background of the use of the means before its use, it is necessary to obtain permission from a specialist for such a type of treatment. The table can find the dosage of the medication for various age groups.

    Very small patients can be given syrup with a syringe. Side Effects Against the background of the use of drugs develop quite rarely. As a rule, they are manifested in the form of a minor allergies. Treatment of children with the help of syrup should be conducted under the control of the pediatrician. This will help exclude many unpleasant situations.

    To achieve the maximum effect, together with the use of pectacing, some auxiliary herbs and plants can be used, for example, licorice root. In combination with Thyme grass, this plant has a good expectorant and soothing effect.

    Tablets in childhood are also used in strict dosage. The use of the drug is allowed only from 7 years. One tablet should be kept in the mouth until complete dissolution. Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

    Possible side effects

    As mentioned earlier, the syrup from cough Pektusin is well tolerated in childhood, rarely provokes side effects. Negative manifestations occur more often if contraindications are non-compliance or due to the use of too much the drug. Wherein clinical picture may be such a character:

    • nausea, rare vomiting;
    • the appearance of heartburn;
    • weakness, malaise;
    • drowsiness;
    • allergic rashes in the form of urticaria.

    When developing side effects, discontinue medication and consult a doctor. The specialist will select similar means or revisits the dosage of Pektusin. Specific treatment in the development of negative consequences against the background of the medicine is not required. It is usually enough to give a child a sorbent, drink it with a large amount of liquid.

    Like many others medications, Pektusin syrup has its own contraindications. First of all, this concerns the cases of personal intolerance to the child of the components included in the medication.

    In addition, treatment with pectacine is not carried out in the following cases:

    • if there is acute or chronic heart failure in a patient;
    • all trimesters of pregnancy;
    • breastfeeding period;
    • with serious pathologies of kidney and liver.

    If the contraindications were not taken into account, the consequences for the body can be the most negative.

    The difference between Pektasin and Perstusin

    Many mothers are interested in whether there is a difference between such medicines like Pektasin and Perstusin? Let's look at what is different from another and is there any serious difference between them. Perstusin is an old and proven tool used by our grandmothers. For a fairly long period, the medicine has won a lot of positive feedback and has proven its effectiveness on several generations. Pektusin syrup was created somewhat later. The tool is a direct analog of pestsin.

    At the same time, this is not only medicinal action on the body, but also their composition. Both drugs are enveloping, expectorant, moderate antitussive, antiseptic effect. Among the testimony to use Perstusin is to highlight:

    • ORVI and ORZ;
    • bronchitis of acute or chronic character;
    • tracheitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • pocklush and other diseases.

    The use of pestsin is shown more when wet cough. Like Pectacin, Perstusin has its own contraindications. These include:

    • personal intolerance to the components of the medication;
    • pathology or brain injuries;
    • epilepsy;
    • pregnancy and lactation period.

    In connection with the sweet taste to give Perstusin to a child better after taking food, as the medicine can reduce appetite. In the modern market, you can meet the syrup of Perstusin and the pertsyn mixture. As we see, the difference is only in one letter.

    Pectacin is appointed by doctors in order to strengthen the mucus of the mucus from the respiratory tract during colds in children and adults. In this regard, it is not recommended to combine the drug with preparations intended for the treatment of dry cough. Such an alliance can lead to wet wet, development inflammatory process In the lungs and bronchi.

    Combine these medicines can only be resolved by a specialist. Make it is strict. For example, syrup is accepted in the first half of the day, and at night an antitochematic agent for suppressing a cough reflex and a normal sleep.

    Application among premature babies

    Birth of a child ahead of time It is not direct contraindication to treatment with Pektasin. Despite this, the use of syrup should be strictly as appointed by the doctor. It's connected with various diseases In premature babies. In addition, the dosage is also selected individually. It is explained by the fact that the weight of the kids born ahead of time is often lower than certain age frameworks.

    Is syrup with diabetes

    In connection with the addition of sugar to the medication, the treatment of children and adults with diabetes of both types is not recommended. It is forbidden to also use the means among patients with intolerance to fructose and sucrose.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    In the instructions for use, it is said that during the toaling of the baby and breastfeeding Pectusin should not drink syrup. The doctor may decide on the appointment of the drug only if the expected benefit to the health of the mother exceeds the risk of side effects for the health of the child. The prohibition of the medication in this period is due to the presence in its composition of potassium bromide and ethanol.

    From what age is applied

    Instructions for use says that it is possible to give syrup to children from three years old, but pediatricians are often prescribed medicine and more early age. Tablets are prescribed from 7 years.

    As already mentioned, the remedy is forbidden during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Syrup can be appointed by a doctor only in the presence of serious indications for use.

    The whole period of therapy, the patient must be under the control of the doctor. If any side effects arise, you should immediately stop taking medication and consult with the doctor.

    Pektasin is well tolerated by children, has a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. The medication is perfectly combined with various drugs. At the same time, do not forget that if the child takes Pektusin, facilitating means pain sensations In the throat should be accepted only after consulting a pediatrician.

    The medicine does not affect the reaction rate and attention. The medication should be stored in the original packaging at a temperature not higher than 23 degrees in places inaccessible to children.

    Opinions of doctors

    Doctors converge that the syrup from cough Pektusin is a proven and safe tool for kids. Many pediatricians prescribe the drug to kids with various infectious colds accompanied by cough. The main advantage of the means to many modern medicine - low cost and excellent efficiency. In addition, the syrup has a minimum number of contraindications and negative effects on children's organism.


    On the shelves of pharmacies you can find many drugs that have similar to the effects. The RLS list includes the following substitutes:

    • Alteka. This drug is used in infectious inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The means is shown to use with cough, bronchitis, tracheake, pneumonia and other diseases. The method of application and dosage are indicated in the instructions.
    • Big syrup. It is used as an antitussive and expectorant drug for colds. Before use, you should consult with your doctor.
    • Broncholex. The medication is based on ivy leaves extract. Appointed with inflammatory walled diseasesaccompanied by a cough in children and adults.
    • Erispirus. It is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. It has bronchhalytic and expectorant action.
    • Gedelix. Used by complex treatment Bronchitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the lungs and other diseases of the respiratory organs. The action is based on an expectorant, enveloping effect.
    • Herbion syrup. Used at Orz and ORVI in children and adults. The herbion is prescribed as an expectorant means when the disease, accompanied by the difficulty of wetting the sputum.

    Having decided to replace Pektusin on his analogue, parents must necessarily consult with the pediatrician, carefully examine the instructions for the use of analog.

    In the photo you can see Pektusin tablets.

    The article is of exceptionally introductory character and is not a motivation to action. Reviews about Pektusin syrup can be read below.

    Video about the treatment of cough in children

    In his lesson, the pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky told about the treatment of cough in childhood with medication.

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