Medicines Hofithol Indications. Hofitol for children

Hofitol - medical preparation, the action of which is aimed at reducing azotemia, as well as the removal of bile and urine from the body, reducing swelling.

The drug was created on the basis of active substances of its main ingredient - field artichoke leaves. It has a diuretic and choleretic impact, promotes the normalization of the liver. In addition, plant extract assists a decrease in cholesterol and urea in the body, affects the synthesis of lipids and coenzymes, which leads to the normal state of the organism metabolism.

As part of the chofitol, there are also related components that contribute to the removal of toxins from the body, which provide general, strengthening and restoring the impact on the kidneys and the liver. Hofithol tablets are enriched with group vitamins and insulin, due to which their use allows metabolic processes to normal.

The use of the drug makes it possible to effectively clean the body from salts of heavy metals and toxins, nitrates and alkaloids.

The total effect that is achieved due to the active action of the field artichoke does not make it possible in the process of testing by biological analysis to determine the amount of metabolites in the body.

Release form:

  • Hofitol tablets contain 200 mg of active substance, they are made in the form of a bob bob bob, they have a brown sheath. In addition to the extract from the leaves of the plant, the tablets contain additional ingredients: talc and gelatin, gummarabic and corn starch, carnab wax and calcium carbonate, magnesium stearate, etc.
  • Hofithol drops are manufactured based on the same components that are used to produce tablets, and distilled water is included in the drop in the drops.
  • Hofitol Syrup is produced on an alcohol basis (a tile alcohol is used), comprises in a milliliter 200 mg of the active substance, and also supplemented with distilled water and glycerol, alcohol citrus juice solution.

Instructions for use

The maximum effect of the use of this drug is achieved, due to the clear consequence of the scheme of its application assigned to the attending physician, regardless of which age category There is a patient, as well as in what form this medication is shown to use it.


The dosage of the drug is appointed individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's anamnesis. It is not recommended to use hofitola in patients with patients who have not reached an eighteen-year-old age.

As the hofitol is prescribed, depending on the form of release:

  • Hofitol in tablets is prescribed to patients rendered 18 years at the rate of body weight and features of the history. They need to drink 1-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  • Hofitola syrup is prescribed orally 5 ml three times a day for half an hour before drinking food. The therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks, but can be extended by the attending physician, depending on general status patient. It should be emphasized that it is necessary to apply the drug in the form of a syrup, having barely stabbed the suspension.
  • Hofitol in the form of droplets begins to take uniformly 30 drops, gradually increasing the dose, depending on the history of the patient and the reaction of its body to the drug. How much will be the course of treatment with drops - determines the attending physician, but it should also be at least two weeks.


Fully natural active ingredient medication Unique in its influence on the body as a whole, therefore, the hood is shown both for children and pregnant women. On the body of the latter, this drug has a number of useful influences that contribute to the normal course of pregnancy, maintaining the body of the mother and the fetus.

Hofitol contributes to:

  • A normal bile outflow, which can be difficult in the last trimester due to the fact that the size of the uterus and its pressure on the surrounding organs increase significantly.
  • The diuretic effect allows it to be painlessly get rid of the swelling, without harming the fetus and mother.
  • Regeneration and restoration of the liver. The drug is enriched with all vitamins and microelements, minerals that are part of the leaf of the main component - field artichoke, which allows the exchange of substances in the body of the future mother to normal.
  • The use of the drug contributes to the disinfection of the body: early toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, becomes less noticeable or disappears at all, appetite in a pregnant woman is improving, decreases the body's liner (creatinines and urea) are reduced).
  • The preparation of the drug includes flavonoids and ascorbic acid, the action of which is aimed at protecting the body from the influence of nitroxyl and free radicals.
  • The composition of the drug also allows you to clean the walls. blood vessels, normalize blood circulation in the uterus and reduce cholesterol levels in the body of a pregnant woman.

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women if there are such diagnoses in their history as: swelling, pyelonephritis, prestitosis, cholecystitis, bacteriuria, hepatitis and diseases of biliary and breech-forming paths. Hofithol pregnant women is accepted strictly in the form of release and in that dosage, which is prescribed by the attending physician.


In pediatrics, the hofitol is prescribed to the patient, in the history of which there is one of the following diagnoses: hepatitis (chronic or acute), baby jaundice, hepatosis or cholecystitis, renal failure or cirrhosis of the liver, dysfunction of biliary organs and dyskinesia, chronic or acute renal failure, high acetone, as well as dermatological problems and some cases of poisoning.

The drug is safe even for newborn children. If it is strictly followed by all the prescriptions of the attending physician and observe the dosage, then the side effects from the use of this drug will not be observed. As a rule, there are no contraindications to the use of the drug in newborns, they, along with the dosage, are determined by the doctor.

Dosage Hofitola Children:

  • Powdlicas of the first year of life and children under six years prescribe drops of hofitol at the rate of 5 drops of the drug on 10 ml of water. Apply 3 times a day before meals;
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old the drug is shown to use in tablets that take one three times a day before meals. In some cases, a hood is prescribed in the form of a syrup or drops. In this form, the drug should be taken an hour before eating;
  • For children, over 12 years old, the dose of hofitola increases to two tablets three times a day.

Is it possible to increase the dose of the drug yourself? Of course, to increase the dosage of the use of any medicinal product only under the control of the attending physician, since the careless handling of medicines may aggravate the situation. Despite the fact that Hofitol is completely natural preparation, self-treatment is not desirable.

For weight loss

Despite the fact that many patients notice weight loss after the use of hofitola, it is not recommended to use it for weight loss as the main preparation. Slimming is achieved in a patient who drank Hofitol due to the cleansing of the body from stacking. Intestinal walls and everything digestive tract cleared nutrients Freely penetrate the body enriching it with all the necessary minerals, vitamins and microelements. Metabolic processes are accelerated, due to which the body absorbs the required amount of beneficial substances, efficiently getting rid of all over.

Interaction with medicines

The composition of the hood contains a small amount of ethanol, in this regard, it is not recommended to use with this drug such drugs that can provoke a disulfira-like reaction (cause nausea, dizziness and vomiting, heat and redness of the skin, tachycardia).

  • Cephalosporin antibiotics (cefamandol, cefoperasazon, latamochef);
  • Antifungal agents (ketoconazole and others);
  • Chloramphenicol, Zamarbazin, Ornidazole, Disulfiram.

Concerning medicinal preparationswho oppress the center function nervous system, their use must be carried out under the strict control of the attending physician.


  • Allohol. The drug-analogue based on natural components vegetable origin. Its impact is aimed at withdrawal of unnecessary bile from the body and normalization of its formation, stabilization of liver functions and preventing stone formation in borcharging and biliary organs. The price of the drug is insignificant, but it has a number of contraindications.
  • Balikur. An analogue of hofitola that has a choleretic effect on the body. Its main ingredient - cinarin contributes to the suppression of disorders, restoring the normal functioning of borcharging and biliary organs. It is not recommended to take to patients who have not reached 12 years.
  • The extract of artichoke is an analogue of hofitola, in the manufacture of which was used exclusively components of plant origin. The drug is prescribed with all the forms of hepatitis and cholecystitis, dysfunction of bore-forming and biliary organs, in certain diseases of the kidney and intoxication of the body. The drug of side effects does not have, but use during pregnancy and lactation is recommended only under the control of the attending physician in the hospital.
  • Hepabel. An analogue of hofitola, is produced in tablets and is prescribed in liver cirrhosis, all forms of hepatitis and jade, acute renal failure and intrication of the organism, chronic cholecystitis. The price of the drug varies, depending on the region. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as contraindicated patients suffering from hypoglycemia and diabetes.

The active ingredient in the hofitole is a dry water extract from field artichoke leaves - Cynara Scolymus. Its biologically active ingredients have a pronounced hepatoprotective, choleretic and diuretic effect.

Composition and form of release

The pills covered with the shell are of the shape of a leaky grain of brown color, contain 200 mg of the active substance.

  • Active ingredient: dry aqueous extract of field leaf field.
  • Auxiliary components: Hummyiabik, Talc, corn starch, magnesium stearate, gelatin, sucrose, calcium carbonate, rosin, trisilicate magnesium, carnab wax.

Syrup. 1 ml of the substance contains 200 mg of the active component. Capacity of one bottle - 200 ml. For ease of dispensing, the drug is produced in the form of droplets.

  • Active ingredient: extract of artichoke leaves.
  • Auxiliary components: Glieceol, alcohol solution Juice of sweet oranges, ethanol 95%, methylpaultsibenzoate, distilled water.

Injection. 1 ml contains 200 mg of active substance. Packaging content: 5 ampoules, 5 ml volume.

  • Active ingredient: purified juice extract fresh artichoke leaves.
  • Auxiliary components: water distilled water.

pharmachologic effect

Hofithol use leads to a decrease in the level of urea in serum, increases the ability of hepatocytes to synthesize coenzymes, and this improves the metabolic processes of lipids, cholesterol and metabolism of ketone bodies. Concomitant antibiotic therapy has a disinfecting effect on the liver and kidney parenchyma. Vitamins of group B (B1, B2), insulin, which make up the basis of the biologically active field of field artichoke contribute to normalization exchange processes in organism.

When taking chofitol quickly and effectively displays toxins: salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, nitrogenation. The principle of operation is caused by the summation of the effect that the components of the plant possess. Based on this, the determination of metabolites in the body, the study of kinetic parameters through biological testing is not possible.

Indications for the use of Hofitola

Instructions for use in the number of indications for receiving this means indicates the following diseases:

  • hepatitis ( chronic inflammation liver), including caused excessive use alcohol;
  • fat hepatosis ( initial stage cirrhosis);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • besamen cholecystitis;
  • hykokinetic type of dyskinesia of the gallbladder;
  • insufficient urine release for diseases of the liver and heart;
  • liambalosis;
  • overweight;
  • chronic kidney inflammation;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • open with "sour" and "rotten" air.


Hofitol is contraindicated in severe pathology of the liver, biliary disease, individual sensitivity to the main components of the drug (methyl aprichedroxybenzoate, ethylpaultsibenzoate), with urinary, biliary tract, kidney and liver disease acute stage. Medication is not prescribed with the obstruction of the biliary tract. There are no data on the safety of hofitola in early pregnancy.

For complex therapy Preeclampsia Hofitol significantly improves the overall and clinical condition of patients. In the first trimester pregnancy, it allows preventing late gestosis in the timely diagnosis of risk factors for its formation. There are no research on the safety of hofithol during lactation. Dosage during pregnancy is determined individually depending on the state of the patient and the nature of the disease.

Prolonged treatment can provoke a diarrhea syndrome. During the reception of the drug substance should be abused alcoholic beverages. Content ethyl alcohol It provides for the need to comply with caution when using the drug with patients with alcoholism, cranial and brain injuries, epilepsy.

Instructions for use

The use of the drug in one or another form of release is determined by the patient's age and the nature of the disease.

Method and dosage

Tablet It is shown from 18 years of age 1-3 tablets (depending on the condition and mass of the patient's body) 3 times a day. The duration of the course of the use of the drug substance is 2-3 weeks.

Syrup Heats before eating 1 teaspoon (5 ml of solution) 3 times a day. The duration of the course of therapy is 21-28 days. If necessary, the attending physician may extend the course of treatment for 1 week. Pay attention to the use of hofitola, syrup must be stolen.

Solution for injection. Pricks should be produced intramuscularly or intravenously 1-2 ampoule per day. An increase in the daily dosage of up to 3 ampoules with a deterioration in the patient's condition. The average course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Hofitol for children

The medicine is successfully used in pediatric practice for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. jaundice of infants;
  2. acute and chronic hepatitis;
  3. non-calculous cholecystitis;
  4. adhesive hepatosis;
  5. gallbladder dyskinesia;
  6. cirrhosis of the liver;
  7. an increase in the level of acetone in the blood;
  8. poisoning (nitrates, salts of heavy metals, etc.);
  9. chronic renal failure;
  10. skin diseases.

For newborn children, Hofitol is absolutely harmless. Subject to proper dosing, the drug does not provoke development adverse Reactions. Jaundice newborn decreases during the day, and completely disappears after 2-3 days of therapy. The dosage is determined by the child's age.

Dosage for children

  • Children under 6 years of age, the hofitol is not shown.
  • From 6 years to 12 years, 1 tablet is prescribed 3 times a day.
  • Children over 12 years old - 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • In the first year of life, the kids are shown the purpose of Hofitola in the form of droplets. For internal use, it is necessary to add 5-10 drops of a solution to 5 ml of water, to give a child on an empty stomach 3 times a day.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old, chofitol is prescribed by ½ teaspoon (2-3 ml or 40-60 drops) with 15 ml of water. Inside an hour before meals.
  • Children from 12 to 18 years old taking medication is shown on 1 teaspoon, diluted in 15 ml of water 3 times a day.
  • Injections of Hofitola to children up to 15 years old: 2,5 ml of substance (half ampoules half) is provided or 5 ml 1 time per day.

If you need to increase the dose, treatment should be carried out under the control of specialists in the hospital. The average course of treatment with Hofitol is 2-3 weeks. Despite the seeming safety of the medicine, it is not recommended to engage in the self-medication.

During pregnancy and lactation

Vegetable hofitol has a unique combination of useful characteristics for the body of a pregnant woman:

  1. choleretic - normalization of bile outflow, violated by increasing the size of the uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  2. glorious diuretic - enhanced fluid removal effectively solves the problem of puffiness without causing harm to the mother and the future child;
  3. hepatoprotective - vitamins, minerals and microelements of the medicinal plant contribute to the normalization of metabolism, which is a powerful factor in the protection of the liver;
  4. disinfection - terminated nausea, provoked by early toxicosis, improving appetite. The release of nitrogenaceous slags from the body (urea and creatinine) increases;
  5. antioxidant - ascorbic acid and flavonoids contained in the leaves of artichoke protect the body of a woman from the negative effects of free radicals;
  6. hypocholesteromemic - a decrease in cholesterol in the blood leads to an improvement in the state of the walls of blood vessels and the normalization of the uterine-placental circulatory circulation.

Indications for the use of hofitola during pregnancy are: chronic pyelonephritis, bacteruria, tendency to edema and fluid delay, nausea and vomiting, pre-visionary severity, prevention of exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, changing cholecystitis, dyskinesia biliary tract.

Instructions for the use of Hofitola recommends pregnant to take 2-3 tablets before eating once every 8 hours. A solution for receiving inside: 2.5 - 5 ml 3 times a day. The average duration of the course of treatment is 3 weeks. Hofithol solution for intravenous drip or inkjet slow administration is prescribed to the attending physician. The duration of therapy can be from 10 to 14 days: in a day 1-2 ampoules in 200 ml of saline.

Interaction with other drugs

The interaction of hofitola with other drugs is due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in its composition (0. 13 g in a teaspoon). With preparations provoking a disulfiram-like reaction, the patient can feel the heat, nausea, tachycardia, redness skin Pokrov. Cefalosporins Group Antibiotics, Cefalosporins Group Antibiotics (Cephamandol, Latamoksef), Hypoglycemic Means - Sulfonylurea derivatives (chlorpropamide, glipisid, glyibenklamide, tolbatamide), 5-nitroimidazole derivatives (Orinidazole, Metronidazole, Tinidazole), Antiforbic medicines (ketoconazole , griseofullvin), cytostatic substance (prostrbazin).

Joint taking hofitol with medicinal substanceswho depress the functions of the CNS should be carried out under the control of the specialist.

Domestic and overseas analogs

  • Allohol - choleretic vegetable origin, normalizes bortying, reduces the likelihood of rock formation in the gallbladder and improves the liver operation. Release form - shell tablets. More affordable analogue. It has a list of contraindications.
  • Artichoke extract - medicine of plant origin. According to the instructions, it is shown in dyskinesia of biliary tract, chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, chronic intoxication, renal failure. Artichoke extract has practically no side effects. Eating during pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed if the benefit significantly exceeds the risk.
  • Balikur is the main active substance - cinarin, has a choleretic effect. It is prescribed for dyspeptic disorders, disorders of the outflow of the bile and dyskinesia of the biliary tract on the hypotonic-hypokinetic type. Showing children over 12 years old.
  • Hepabel - release form - tablets. Indications: chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, renal failure, jade, intoxication. Unlike the hofitola, this analogue is not shown in the process of pregnancy and breastfeeding. It should be cautious to prescribe hepabel to patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia.

Before taking any of the analogues, you need to familiarize yourself with the detailed annotation on the use of all these drugs.

Price in Pharmacies

The price of hofitol in different pharmacies can differ significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policies of the pharmacy network.

Familiarize yourself with the official information about the drug Hofitol, the instructions for the use of which includes general and treatment scheme. The text is provided solely to familiarize and cannot serve as a substitute for a doctor's consultation.

A phytopreparation with a choleretic and diuretic effect that reduces azotemia.
Preparation: Hofitol.
The active substance of the drug: Cynara.
ATH encoding: A05BA
KFG: a phytopreparation with a choleretic and diuretic effect that reduces azotemia
Registration number: P №013320 / 02
Registration date: 11.12.07
Owner reg. Entregnation: Laboratoires Rosa-Phytopharma (France)

Release form Hofitol, packaging of the drug and composition.

Tablets covered with brown shell, round, double-screwed.

1 tab.
Dry water extract of fresh field artichoke leaf
200 mg

Auxiliary substances: magnesium trisilicate, corn starch, talc, magnesium stearate.

Composition of the shell: Hummilak, rosin, talc, gelatin, acacia gum, sucrose, calcium carbonate, carnabe wax, polysorbate 80, dispersion dye (sucrose, iron oxides of yellow, black and brown (E172), methyl aprichedroxybenzoate (E218), etilpagidroxybenzoate (E214) ).

12 pcs. - Blister (5) - Cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - Blisters (2) - packs cardboard.
30 pcs. - Blister (6) - Cardboard packs.
180 pcs. - Polypropylene tubes (1) - packs cardboard.

A solution for intake of dark brown, opaque, with a light yellowish sediment; Perhaps the presence of a small sediment during storage.
1 ml
thick water extract fresh leaves field artichoke
200 mg

Auxiliary substances: ethanol, aroma of orange, glycerol, methylpaultsibenzoate, propyl aprichedroxybenzoate, purified water.

120 ml - Dark Glass Vials (1) - Cardboard packs.

The solution for V / B and V / m introduction is transparent, from colorless to dark yellow.
1 ml
1 AMP.
Purified Fresh Flood Artichoke Leaf Extract
20 mg
100 mg

Auxiliary substances: purified water.

5 ml - ampoules Glass (5) - packs cardboard.

Description of the drug is based on officially approved instructions for use

Pharmacological effect Hofitol

Preparation of plant origin. Pharmacological effect The drug is due to the complex of field biologically active substances that are part of the leaf of the artichoke. Cinaran in combination with phenolocosloids has a choleretic, as well as hepatoproteek effect. Ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B1 and B2, Inulin contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

It also has diuretic action And strengthens the derivation of urea.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

The effect of the drug Hofitol is a cumulative effect of its components, therefore, the conduct of kinetic observations is not possible; All together, the components cannot be traced with the help of markers or biosvestments. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect the metabolites of the drug.

Indications for use:

As part of comprehensive therapy:

Dyskinesia biliary tract for hypokinetic type;

Chronic non-calculous cholecystitis;

Chronic hepatitis;

Cirrhosis of the liver;

Chronic jade;

Chronic renal failure.

Dosage and method of use of the drug.

Adults are prescribed 2-3 tab. Or 2.5-5 ml of a solution for receiving inside 3 times / day before meals. Course of treatment - 2-3 weeks.

When in / in or per / m, the introduction is prescribed 5 ml of 1-2 times / day. The duration of treatment is 8-15 days. The dose can be enlarged, especially with inpatient treatment.

Children over 6 years old, depending on age, are prescribed 1-2 tab. 3 times / day before meals. The solution for receiving inside, depending on age, is prescribed 1 / 4-1 / 2 doses used in adults, 3 times / day before meals. Course of treatment - 2-3 weeks.

When in / in or in / m, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 2.5-3 mg / kg of body weight 1 time / day.

The need for repeated courses of therapy The doctor determines individually.

Side effect Hofitol:

From side digestive system: The development of diarrhea is possible with long-term reception of the drug in high doses.

Others: Allergic reactions.

Contraindications for the drug:


Obstruction of the biliary tract;

Acute diseases of the liver, kidneys, bile and urinary tract;

Children's age up to 6 years (for tablets);

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Application during pregnancy and lactation.

There are reports that the use of hofitola in the complex treatment of preeclampsia contributes to improving clinical flow Diseases. Hofitol is used in the complex preventive events With the risk of developing gestosis with early deadlines pregnancy.

Data on the safety of the use of the drug Hofitol during lactation ( breastfeeding) Not provided.

Special guidelines for the use of Hofitol.

With long-term reception of the drug in high doses, the risk of developing diarrhea increases.

In 1 teaspoon of solution for intake, 130 mg of ethyl alcohol is contained.

Overdose by the drug:

Symptoms: It is possible to enhance the manifestations of side effects.

The interaction of hofithol with other drugs.

Medicinal interaction The drug hofitol is not described.

Terms of sale in pharmacies.

Hofitol in the form of tablets coated with a shell, and a solution for receiving inside is allowed to use as a means of a non-receptible vacation.

Hofitol in the form of a solution for injections is released by prescription.

Terms in the condition of the preparation of the drug Hofitol.

The drug should be stored in an unavailable place for children at a temperature of no less than 25 ° C. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years, the solution for receiving inside - 4 years, the solution for injection is 2 years.

Hofitol - vegetable preparation With the main component in the form of artichoke extract field. It contains trace elements and vitamins that contribute to the improvement of biochemical processes in the body.

As a result, Hofitol, the instructions for the use of which gives an explanation of the correct use of this medication, has a choleretic, diuretic and hepatoprotective effect. Provides liver protection against toxins and improves their excretion.

In this article, we will consider for what doctors prescribe the drug Hofitol, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this medicine in pharmacies. If you have already taken advantage of Hofitol, leave feedback in the comments.

Composition and form of release

The drug Hofitol is produced in the following forms:

  1. Tablets Hofitol covered with shell. They have the shape of a leaky grain of brown color. Each tablet contains 200 mg of the active substance. Active ingredient: dry aqueous extract of field leaf field.
  2. Syrup Hofitol. 1 ml of the substance contains 200 mg of the active component. Capacity of one bottle - 200 ml. For ease of dosing, the drug is produced in the form of droplets. Active ingredient: thick water extract of field artichoke field.
  3. Hofitol injection solution. 1 ml of chofitola contains 200 mg of active substance. Package content: 5 ampoules, 5 ml each. Active ingredient: purified juice extract. Field leaf leaves.

Clinical and Pharmacological Group: Phytopreparation with a choleretic and diuretic effect that reduces azotemia.

What is the Hofitol applied for?

The drug is used in the complex therapy of dyskinesia of biliary tract of the TSO Hyokinetic type, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic jade, chronic renal failure.

The drug is used in comprehensive therapy various diseases and states:

  1. Biliary dyskinesia;
  2. Chronic bubble cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation);
  3. Chronic hepatitis;
  4. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  5. Chronic renal failure.
  6. Chronic jade.

pharmachologic effect

Preparation of plant origin. The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the complex of the artichoke of field biologically active substances.

Cinaran in combination with phenolocosloids has a choleretic, as well as hepatoproteek effect. Ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B1 and B2, Inulin contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

It also has a diuretic effect and enhances the removal of urea.

Instructions for use

The use of the drug in one or another form of release is determined by the patient's age and the nature of the disease.

  • Children over 6 years old Assign 1-2 tablets 3 times / day before meals. The solution for receiving inside, depending on age, is prescribed in a dose of 1/4 to 1/2 dose used in adults. Course of treatment - 2-3 weeks.
  • Adults prescribe 2-3 tablets or 2.5-5 ml solution for receiving inside 3 times / day before meals. Course of treatment - 2-3 weeks.

The need for re-courses of therapy by the drug is determined individually, depending on the indications.


Hofitol and analogs of the drug are usually transferred well, but some groups are contraindicated. Their list is below:

  • patients with biliary disease;
  • patients with obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • patients with diagnosed acute diseases kidneys, liver, urine and biliary tract;
  • patients S. increased sensitivity To the components of the drug.

The instruction for the hofithol in the form of tablets warns the impossibility of prescribing the drug to children under 6 years.

Side effects

From the digestive system: the development of diarrhea is possible with a long-term reception of the drug in high doses. Others: Allergic reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of hofithol during pregnancy and during lactation (breastfeeding) is possible only under the control of the doctor.

special instructions

Hofitol must be used with extremely caution in pathologies that can potentially provoke the obstruction of the biliary tract, as well as with severe liver pathologies.

The occurrence of abdominal pain and / or diarrhea should serve as a reason for the cessation of treatment and appeal to the doctor.


Similar preparations with a close mechanism of action: Allohol, Arnika tincture, Berberin, hepaben, convaflavin, lepton, olielide, Pijmas Flowers, Glocker collect, Tanatschol, Phytohepatol №2 and №3, Flamin, Holyagol, Kevelakh, Holly, Holyas, Kavechol, Cycvalon, Rosehip Fruits.


The average price of Hofitol in pharmacies (Moscow) 300 rubles.

Terms and Storage Terms

Hofitol should be stored at room temperature. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years. The shelf life of a solution to inside - 4 years. The shelf life of the injection solution is 2 years.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Hofitol in the form of tablets and a solution for receiving inside is allowed to use as a means of a non-receptible vacation. Hofitol in the form of a solution for injections is released by prescription.

"Hofitol" is one of the very popular choleretic medicines on a vegetable basis. Adults take such medicines in hepatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases that manifest themselves in the abdomen, exhaust, nausea, constipation and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Thanks to several dosage forms Medication prescribe and children of different ages, including just new babies. The drug is considered safe for kids, but it is recommended to give a doctor only to prescribeAfter all, he, like other medicines, there is a lot of contraindications.

Form release

Hofitol is produced in three different forms:

  • Solution . Such a medicine is an opaque brown liquid, in which you can see the yellow precipitate (this is normal and is not a sign of damage to the drug). The solution is placed in a dark-colored glass bottle in an amount of 120 milliliters.
  • Pills. They differ in convex round shape and brown dense shell. Such "Hofitol" is packaged in blisters of 12-30 pieces or plastic tubes. There are 60 or 180 tablets in one pack.
  • Ampoules. They are sold at 5 or 12 pieces in a pack and accommodate 5 ml of transparent solution. Such a liquid is usually a yellow shade, which can also be barely visible (the solution seems colorless), and darker.


All forms of "Hofitola" as the main component contain an extract from the artichoke of the field, which is obtained from fresh leaves of this plant. At 100 ml of solution for receiving inside accounted for 20 g water extractAnd one tablet contains 200 mg of dry extract from the artichoke. As for the injection solution, then in 1 ml there are 20 mg of the purified extract from the artichoke leaves, that is, one ampoule contains 100 mg of the active substance.

Auxiliary Ingredients B. different types "Hofitola" is distinguished. In a liquid preparation, this is ethanol in a small amount, methyl and propyl-parahydroxybenzoate, orange flavoring, water and glycerin, in a solution for injections are only sterile water. The kernel of the tablets, in addition to the dry extract, contains talc, corn starch, magnesium trisilicate and magnesium stearate. For the manufacture of the shell use sucrose, calcium carbonate, gummilak, carnab wax and some other substances.

Operating principle

Therapeutic influence of any of the forms of "Hofitola" on the human body is associated with the presence in the leaves of the artichoke of active compounds, among which there are vitamins (especially a lot ascorbic acid and vitamins of group B), inulin, cinarine, carotene, phenolocuslots and other substances. Reception of the drug leads to such effects:

  • accelerates the selection of bile, because the main action of "Hofitola" is choleretic;
  • helps hepatocytes to recover faster after the impact of various damaging factors, and also protects hepatic cells from adverse conditions (this effect is called hepatoprotective);
  • it has a positive effect on the flow of metabolic processes in the liver and other organs, especially on the metabolism of cholesterol and fat exchange;
  • helps remove heavy metals, nitrates and other toxic substances from the body;
  • it has a diuretic effect and contributes to the removal of urea, which is important when the kidney function is violated.


The reason for the purpose of "Hofitola" children can be:

  • physiological jaundice, which develops in a newborn baby;
  • unpleasant symptoms on the part of the digestive tract (dyspeptic) - belching, bloating, nausea and others;
  • elevated level of acetone in the blood;
  • reducing the function of the biliary tract (it is called dyskinesia), which leads to stagnation of bile and increases the risk of cholecystitis or cholangitis;
  • chronic inflammatory process in the bustling bubble (the medication is discharged subject to the absence of stone formation);
  • hepatitis with chronic flow caused by which is viral infection, liver damage to toxins or other factors;

  • constipation that provoked the diseases of the gallbladder;
  • intoxication that occurred in poisoning or infectious disease;
  • skin diseases, including acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and others;
  • cirrhosis of the liver in the initial stage;
  • diagnosing infection;
  • kidney diseases, due to which the patient began renal failure in mild or moderately;
  • obesity.

How old are children?

The liquid form of the drug is permitted for patients of any age. Such "Hofitol" is written out even newborn kids if there are grounds for this.

Tableled medicine can be given from 6 years of age, and injections are shown by adults, so they are used only in patients over 15 years old.


Treatment "Hofitol" is not prescribed if:

  • surveys found stones in a bile bubble or ducts;
  • there is a suspicion of the obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • a small patient has hepatitis or cholecystitis in the acute phase;
  • kidney or liver failure The child has a severe degree;
  • the kid has hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

Since the solution contains ethanol, then with diseases of the brain or crank-brain injuries, such a form of "Hofitola" can be given only under the control of the doctor. The preparation in tablets is additionally contraindicated in glucose-galactose malabsorption, nonility of isomaltase, fructose intolerance and shortage of sucrose.

Side effects

In some patients, after taking the "Hofitola", the chair becomes more liquid. This reaction of the digestive system is usually observed with long therapy or at elevated dosages. Since the basis of "Hofitola" is active substances from the plant, sometimes a medication causes allergic reaction, for example, urticaria. In this case, treatment must be immediately refused to give the child an antihistamine tool and consult a doctor.

Instructions for use

Before you give a solution to a child, it is necessary to mix it, it is necessary to mix the bottle rushing, because when stored, the extract of the artichoke settles on the bottom. The tablet should be swallowed by drinking water. Since its active substances are hidden under a dense shell, it is impossible to rip such a drug. If the child has difficulty swallowing the tablet, it is better not to share the medicine on the part, but to switch to the use of the solution.

Both liquid, and the Tableted form of "Hofitola" should be taken before meals. Usually, the medication is prescribed to drink three times, and the duration of the drug is determined by the reason why "Hofitol" is assigned to the baby. Often the medicine is appointed by a course duration of 14-21 days, but sometimes the doctor may write a medicine for a month or longer. Repeated therapy courses can be carried out only after the doctor's prescription.

The dosage of the medication depends primarily on the age of the patient:

  • Children of the first year of life give only a solution. It doses in drops and divorces in 5 ml of water, after which the drug needs to give a baby on an empty stomach from a bottle or spoon. Baby from birth to 12 months prescribed no more than 10 drops for one reception.
  • Little patients aged 1 to 5 years You can also give only the liquid form of "Hofitola". The dosage for such kids increases slightly and ranges from 10 to 20 drops, and more water is taken to dilute the drug - about 15 ml.
  • Child older than 6 yearsyou can continue to give liquid "Hofitol". A single dose for patients of such age is 40-60 drops, which are dissolved in 15 ml of water. You can also dose with a teaspoon solution (half a spoons for one reception) or a syringe without a needle (a single dose is considered 2-3 ml). If it is more convenient to use a solid medicine, then such a drug is usually given one tablet on the reception.
  • Children over 12 years oldmost often prescribed a tablet drug. Depending on the disease, the child takes such a medication on one tablet or drinks 2 tablets at a time. If a teenager is hard to swallow the medicine, you can give "Hofitol" in a solution of 0.5-1 teaspoon on reception. Usually before swallowing such a solution, as well as for children, is mixed with 15 ml of water.

Khofitola injections are appointed less often than other forms of medicine. Usually they perform one of the funds comprehensive treatment In the hospital, for example, in chronic cholecystitis. They can be intramuscularly either slowly enter the medicine in Vienna. One-time dose injection preparation For a teenager is usually 2.5-5 ml, but more accurate dosage Must prescribe a doctor taking into account the mass of the patient's body. The injection of "Hofitola" is done once a day, and the treatment lasts an average of 8 to 15 days.

Application in newborns

As noted above, one of the testimony for the appointment of "Hofitola" in the mortar of infants from the first days of life is physiological jaundice, the cause of which is the decay of hemoglobin after birth. Many kids with such a problem no treatment is required, but sometimes at all high level Bilirubin baby prescribe medication drugs and phototherapy sessions. In this case, Hofitol can be used, because this is a vegetable drug that has proven itself in the treatment of small patients.

With a hemolytic jaundice, such a medicine will contribute to a faster removal of the associated bilirubin through gallways And at the same time protect the hepatic cells from the toxic effect of indirect bilirubin. The dosage for each particular newborn is selected individually and can be from one to ten drops of the solution. The drug is divorced in water and is given a karapuzu on an empty stomach.

The use of "Hofitola" in the newborn is shown to the complete disappearance of the manifestations of jaundice. In many kids, improvements are celebrated within 7-8 days, after which the drug is canceled.

Even if the jaundice began to leave after two or three days of reception, the medication is recommended to give a baby at least a week. Medicine tolerance newborn is usually good.


If the child accidentally drinks a solution in a big dose or swallows several tablets at once, it will lead to the appearance of diarrhea. In the case of a significant overdose, when the threat of dehydration appears, it is necessary to give the child rehydration solutions to fill the lost liquid and mineral substances. Other negative symptoms when the dose of Hofitola is exceeded, it is often not detected.

Medicinal interaction

The drug can be used with any other medicines. Instructions on the incompatibility of a solution or tablets with other drugs in the instructions for "Hofithol" are absent.

Terms of sale

To buy "Hofitola" in tablets or in a solution for intake, the recipe from the doctor is not needed, but the inspection of the specialist is recommended. Injection shape Sell \u200b\u200bby recipe. On average, one bottle of liquid medicine costs 400 rubles, for 60 tablets you need to pay approximately 300 rubles, and in 180 pieces - about 750 rubles.

Storage features

The shelf life of "Hofitola" is different from different forms of the drug. A solution for receiving inside can be stored up to 4 years from the date of manufacture, the tableted medicine is 3 years, the ampoules with the solution for injections - only 2 years. To keep the medicine at home at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees of heat in a dry place. The drug should not be freely access for young children.

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