Acute pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment. Acute and chronic pharyngitis What is pharyngitis?

Acute or chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall, more often of a viral or bacterial nature. Often combined with tonsillitis. It is manifested by sore throat, feeling of a "lump" and sore throat, aggravated by swallowing, dry cough, fever. In most cases, a complete cure is possible, the transition of an acute process to a chronic one is possible. Less often, severe complications can occur: rheumatic heart and joint damage.

General information

Acute or chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall, more often of a viral or bacterial nature. Often combined with tonsillitis. It is manifested by sore throat, feeling of a "lump" and sore throat, aggravated by swallowing, dry cough, fever. In most cases, a complete cure is possible, the transition of an acute process to a chronic one is possible. Less often, severe complications can occur: rheumatic heart and joint damage.

Pharyngitis reasons

The most common cause of development is bacteria or viruses. Viral pharyngitis accounts for about 70% of all inflammatory processes in the pharyngeal mucosa. The causative agent can be adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus, coronovirus or cytomegalovirus. Bacterial pharyngitis is usually caused by streptococci. In some cases, fungal pharyngitis may develop (usually in patients with impaired immunity or after prolonged antibiotic treatment).

Less commonly, the cause of the development of pharyngitis is allergy, trauma (during surgery or a foreign body), or exposure to irritants (radiation, alkalis, acids, steam or hot liquid). The risk of developing pharyngitis increases with hypothermia, impaired immune status, severe chronic diseases, increased content airborne dust and irritating chemicals, smoking and alcohol abuse.

The onset of chronic pharyngitis can be triggered by ingestion of gastric contents into the pharynx with a hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux. Chronic pharyngitis can be caused by chronic inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity (rhinitis) and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). The disease in this case is caused not only by constant breathing through the mouth, but also by the action vasoconstrictor dropsflowing from the nasal cavity into the pharynx.


Pharyngitis can be acute or chronic. Acute pharyngitis usually occurs diffusely and covers all parts of the pharynx. Chronic pharyngitis, as a rule, has a more distinct localization and affects the upper, middle or lower pharynx. However, the allocation of certain types of chronic pharyngitis, depending on the location, is always done with a degree of convention.

Depending on the nature of the pathological process, hypertrophic, atrophic and catarrhal forms of chronic pharyngitis are distinguished.

Pharyngitis symptoms

Symptoms of acute pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis rarely occurs in isolation. It usually develops when infectious diseases upper respiratory tract... Isolated acute pharyngitis can be observed when stimuli are exposed directly to the pharyngeal mucosa (breathing in the cold through the mouth, cold and hot food, alcohol consumption, smoking).

The patient complains of a feeling of perspiration and soreness in the throat, slight pain when swallowing. As a rule, "empty sip" (swallowing saliva) is accompanied by more pain than swallowing food. With the spread of the process to the tubopharyngeal rollers, the irradiation of pain in the ears is possible. Usually the general condition does not suffer or suffers slightly. Body temperature can rise to subfebrile.

Pharyngoscopy reveals hyperemia of the pharyngeal mucosa, extending to the tonsils. The uvula is swollen, in places a mucopurulent plaque is found on the pharynx. In some patients, an increase and soreness of the upper cervical lymph nodes is revealed.

Children under the age of 2 years often have a severe course of acute pharyngitis. The inflammatory process spreads to the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Nasal breathing is violated. The temperature may rise to febrile.

Chronic pharyngitis symptoms

Patients suffering from chronic atrophic pharyngitis are worried about dryness, a scratching or sore throat. Dry cough is possible. On pharyngoscopy, a dry, pale, thinned, shiny (varnish) mucous membrane of the pharynx, in places covered with mucus and crusts, is visible.

With catarrhal and hypertrophic chronic pharyngitis, patients complain of rawness, perspiration, or foreign body in the throat, unsharp pain when swallowing. A thick mucous discharge constantly accumulates in the patient's throat, so the patient constantly clears his throat. The cough is worse in the morning, in some cases accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

On pharyngoscopy with catarrhal pharyngitis, diffuse hyperemia and thickening of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, uvula and soft palate are revealed. The pharynx is in places covered with viscous mucous or mucopurulent discharge. Individual groups of follicles are enlarged. For hypertrophic pharyngitis, more pronounced changes are characteristic. With granular hypertrophic pharyngitis, there is an overgrowth of lymphoid tissue in the posterior pharyngeal wall, with lateral hypertrophic pharyngitis - hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue behind the posterior palatine arches.

Pharyngitis treatment

It is necessary to exclude the factors that cause and maintain inflammation in the pharynx. The patient is advised to refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol and irritating food (salty, spicy, sour, cold or hot). With the established bacterial nature of pharyngitis, in some cases, antibiotic therapy is performed.

Local treatment consists in rinsing with warm antiseptic solutions every half hour or hour. Shown are inhalations with oil preparations and alkaline solutions, the use of aerosol anti-inflammatory drugs.

In chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis, the granules are cauterized with trichloroacetic acid or silver nitrate solution. With severe hypertrophy, cryotherapy is used, laser action on the granules of the pharynx and radio wave suppression of its posterior wall.

Modern medicine classifies pharyngitis as an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the pharynx. This respiratory disease is one of the most common, which is diagnosed in both adults and children. Most often, the main reason for the development of pathology is the penetration of infection into the human body, and the signs are usually combined with symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The physiological feature of the pharynx is its division into several zones:

  • Oropharynx
  • Laryngopharynx

The classification of pharyngitis is based on the area in which the inflammation is located. In the event that an acute form of pharyngitis is diagnosed, then there is a diffuse nature of the infection of the mucous membrane by various viruses and bacteria, which can pass from the nasopharynx to the laryngopharynx.

Pharyngitis of a chronic nature has a more pronounced localization of the inflammatory process and this makes it possible for a specialist to diagnose pathology taking into account the anatomical location of lesions.

Chronic pharyngitis, like other diseases of a chronic nature, is prone to exacerbation with a decrease in the protective functions of the body, with hypothermia of the human body, as well as under the influence of various loads and stress conditions.

In both adults and children, pharyngitis in the body can occur in two forms:acute and chronic.

Most often, chronic pharyngitis develops in the human body as a result of unsuccessful treatment acute form pharyngitis, but its manifestation as an independent disease is possible.

In addition, pharyngitis is divided into:

  • Hypertrophic - with the progression of this form, the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx grows.
  • Atrophic - accompanied by thinning of the mucous membrane.

IN childhood pharyngitis develops as a result of infection in the child's body and often the course of the disease is accompanied by a decrease in immunity.Frequently ill children who are registered with a pediatrician most entries in the card are diagnoses of "acute and chronic pharyngitis."

Most often, the development of pharyngitis in children's body occurs as a result of severe hypothermia or when cold air enters the respiratory system.

Signs of an acute form of the disease

When pharyngitis proceeds in an acute form, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves quite varied, but the main symptom pathological condition the body becomes the appearance of painful sensations during swallowing.

The main form of their manifestation is:

  • Burning sensation
  • Dryness
  • Tickling
  • Perspiration
  • Sensation of a foreign object in the larynx

In addition to the listed manifestations, the patient has such signs of the disease as:

  • General weakness of the body
  • Headaches that occur at regular intervals
  • Body enhancement

In some cases, the course of acute pharyngitis in the human body is accompanied by the development of such unpleasant symptoms asatrial and submandibular lymph nodes increase significantly in size, and slight pressure on them causes pain.

The appearance of congestion in the ears is an alarming signal and requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

This sign is an indicator that the infection has moved to the middle ear from the pharynx. This condition can lead to the fact that as a result of the progression of the inflammatory process in the middle ear, subsequent hearing loss is possible.

Chronic course of the disease

In the case when the patient suffers from chronic pharyngitis, there is no increase in body temperature and pronounced changes in the patient's condition. Most often, the patient complains of perspiration, increased dryness and a feeling of a lump in the throat, which requires constant coughing up or expectoration. The onset is usually and prolonged, which causes irritation of the laryngeal mucosa.

The reason for the main discomfort experienced by the patient is the constant need to swallow the accumulated and its large concentration is in the region of the posterior pharyngeal wall. It delivers to the patient severe discomfort, detaches him from his usual way of life and disrupts restful sleep.

The development of chronic pharyngitis in the human body most often does not occur in isolation, but is combined with various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In the event that, during sleep, the contents of the stomach enter the pharynx, then a disease such as chronic pharyngitis develops.

If the necessary treatment is not carried out and measures are not taken to eliminate the cause of the development of this pathology, it is not possible to cure this form of the disease.

The treatment does not bring the desired result, but positive effect persists for a short time.

More information about pharyngitis can be found in the video.

Atrophic pharyngitis: the main symptoms of the disease

The progression of chronic pharyngitis in the human body occurs in the presence of factors such as:

  • Exposure to the human body for a long time to chemicals, dust, smoke or hot air.
  • The patient has difficulties in organizing correct breathing through the nose.
  • The individual characteristics of the patient associated with anatomical structure gastrointestinal tract and laryngeal mucosa.
  • Propensity to develop allergic reactions.
  • Alcohol and smoking abuse.
  • Insufficient concentration of vitamin A in the patient's body.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system.

Hypertrophic pharyngitis

This disease is one of the forms of chronic pharyngitis, which is characterized by epithelial hypertrophy.

In addition, the following signs of pathology are noted:

  • The appearance of granules and various seals on the affected mucosa.
  • The staining of the mucous membrane is bright red.
  • The inflammatory process does not appear throughout the affected area.
  • Slight irregularities appear on the upper shell.
  • There is an increase in small vessels in some areas of the mucosa, which leads to the appearance of a specific pattern.
  • A sharp thickening of the soft palate and uvula is diagnosed.
  • The lymph nodes are affected by severe hyperplasia, which leads to the formation of large red grains.
  • Symptoms of hypertrophic pharyngitis are especially pronounced in the morning, and the patient complains of severe coughing, which sometimes provokes nausea and vomiting.

Atrophic pharyngitis

With this form of the disease, not only the destruction of the pharyngeal mucosa is noted. The patient develops a viscous and difficult to separate mucus, which forms a dense crust during the process of drying. Patients experience constant pain, anxiety and discomfort.

The accumulation of a large number of crusts in leads to the development of parasthesia, in which a person experiences a feeling of constant presence in the throat of any foreign object... You can try to cleanse such formations, however, this will take a long time. On closer examination of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, one can see that it has become light, dry and with a slight shine, and blood vessels are clearly visible through it.

With the progression of atrophic pharyngitis in the body, there is a complete disappearance of the pharyngeal reflex.

This fact suggests that with such a disease there is a violation of nerve endings, as well as autonomic and sensory nerves. In the event that the pathological state of the body has reached the degree that a malfunction of the nerve endings has occurred, then subsequent treatment will no longer bring the desired result.

Subatrophic pharyngitis

This type of pharyngitis is the last stage chronic pharyngitis, the causal development of which in the human body can be the progression of pathological processes in the nasal cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Often treatment digestive system leads to the fact that throat problems completely disappear. In the event that there is no positive result, then it is necessary to carry out parallel treatment of several existing diseases at once.

Pharyngitis diagnosis and treatment

To identify the pathological condition of the mucous membrane, a thorough examination of the patient with a feringoscopy is carried out. If there are certain indications, the specialist prescribes additional examinations.

Of course, rarely any of the patients who have felt minor painful sensations runs to see a specialist. However, without special knowledge, it is unlikely that it will always be possible to separate the viral infection from the bacterial, therefore, if you suspect the development of chronic pharyngitis in the body, you must visit your doctor who will establish the cause of this condition and prescribe the necessary treatment.

The diagnosis of chronic pharyngitis requires complex treatmentwhich includes:

  • Elimination of the focus of the inflammatory process.
  • Increasing the protective functions of the body.
  • Taking measures to cleanse the respiratory system from increased accumulation of mucus.

An integrated approach to the pathology that has arisen helps to successfully get rid of the existing disease by eliminating the chronic focus of inflammation, and the likelihood of re-development of pharyngitis and other types of respiratory diseases is significantly reduced.

Diagnosing chronic pharyngitis requires treatment with:

  • Physiotherapy procedures and especially warming up.
  • Reflexology, which can be performed in the form of acupuncture, acupressure and moxibustion.
  • or antiseptic agents.
  • Reception with the bacterial nature of the disease.

In the event that the disease proceeds without any complications, then the use of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of pharyngitis is not necessary. The prescription of local antimicrobial therapy, including monotherapy, which involves the administration of one specific drug, has gained wider application.

Antibacterial agents for the treatment of pharyngitis are prescribed in the form of:

  • Absorbable lollipops

The progression of chronic pharyngitis in the body leads to the spread of infection with blood to various organs. That is why the course of such a disease in the body is accompanied by other inflammatory processes. Timely diagnosis and strict implementation of the attending physician's prescriptions will effectively eliminate the inflammatory process in the body without the development of side effects and complications.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the back wall of the throat (inflammation of the pharynx) is called. The throat is top part throat. The pharynx consists of three parts:

  • nasopharynx - starts from the back of the nasal cavity. When examining the throat, it is not visible, since it is hidden by the soft palate;
  • the oropharynx is just that part of the pharynx that we observe when examining the throat;
  • laryngopharynx - the lower part of the pharynx.

In general, the pharynx belongs to two body systems at once. It is part of both the respiratory and food tract. This feature plays an important role in the development and manifestations of pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis reasons

Normally, a person breathes through his nose. The human nose is designed in such a way as to prepare the inhaled air for its further movement inside the body. The nasal passages have a sufficient volume so that the inhaled air flows further with a certain delay; this allows him to keep warm and moisturized - due to interaction with the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. In the nose, the air is also cleared of dust, the particles of which are retained on the mucous membrane and the cilia growing on it.

Oral breathing is a fallback in our body in case breathing through the nose is impossible. At the same time, unprepared air enters the throat, preserving the properties of the external environment. It can be cold, dry, dusty, infectious, etc.

Therefore, the main factor contributing to the development of pharyngitis is violation of nasal breathing... If a person (and this can happen for many reasons, for example, due to overgrowth), then he is forced to breathe through his mouth. In this case, the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, exposed to direct exposure to atmospheric air, quickly dries up, easily supercooled and can be infected with pathogenic microorganisms that are always present in the air.

Quite often, pharyngitis occurs against the background of a runny nose caused by a viral infection (). This happens because the mucus that flows down the nasopharynx with a runny nose contains a virus - the causative agent of the disease, and helps to expand the focus of inflammation.

But mouth breathing alone is not enough to cause pharyngitis. Much depends on the general condition of the body. If the body is weakened as a result of past diseases, overwork, lack of vitamins, poor nutrition, it becomes more vulnerable to infection.

Also, factors contributing to the development of pharyngitis are smoking and alcohol abuse, unfavorable environmental conditions (prolonged exposure to dust, hot and dry air, smoke, chemical fumes, etc.).

The most common pharyngitis of viral origin, more rarely - bacterial, fungal, allergic and traumatic pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis forms

Distinguish between acute and chronic pharyngitis.

For acute pharyngitis the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • dry and sore throat;
  • soreness when swallowing, especially when swallowing saliva (the so-called "empty sip");
  • sometimes observed up to 37.5-38 ° C and.

Chronic pharyngitis usually occurs when normal temperature... Quite often dry, there is a constant desire to cough, "clear" the throat. The patient has to swallow mucus all the time, which causes painful sensations. As a result, irritability increases, attention and performance decrease, and sleep is disturbed.

Pharyngitis course and its possible complications

Acute pharyngitis is usually not dangerous. However, its treatment must be appropriate and timely. If left untreated or treated incorrectly, pharyngitis can be a surprise.

Firstly, it can take on a chronic form, in which the mucous membrane becomes thinner, and then they disappear, then they return again. Secondly, the inflammatory process can, as they say, "go down", that is, go to the larynx (in) and trachea (). It is possible that abscesses (accumulations of pus) form around the tonsils, under the back of the throat, in adipose tissue. And most importantly, a person who decides that he has pharyngitis can easily make a mistake and miss initial stage a more serious illness, for example.

Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment. Sore throat is caused by bacteria and antibiotics may be prescribed to treat it. Pharyngitis, on the other hand, is usually of a viral nature, and antibiotics for pharyngitis will only be harmful - they will destroy the beneficial microflora, and will not stop the development of the disease. On the other hand, there are pharyngitis caused, like tonsillitis, streptococcal infection... The complications they can cause are just as dangerous. These are autoimmune reactions, including rheumatism of the joints and heart valves, as well as kidney damage (glomerulonephritis).

Pharyngitis symptoms

Pharyngitis usually presents with the following symptoms:

Feeling of a lump in the throat

The feeling of a lump in the throat is a rather characteristic symptom of pharyngitis. At first, the throat dries up, then there is a feeling of discomfort, as if something is preventing you from taking a sip.

Sore throat

The development of the disease leads to the fact that the feeling of discomfort in the throat turns into pain. On examination, it is clear that the throat is reddened. The mucous membrane of the throat may be covered with a film or purulent discharge. The tongue can be overlaid ().

A pharyngitis cough usually starts with a sore throat. I would like to constantly clear my throat. The development of the disease leads to a persistent and long-lasting cough. Cough with pharyngitis can be different - dry, throat, bronchial. Quite often, the cough worsens at night. The most common form of cough with pharyngitis is dry cough.

Pharyngitis diagnostic methods

With complaints corresponding to the symptoms of pharyngitis, you can consult a doctor general practice (or) or to a specialized specialist - (ENT).

Children's reception is conducted by qualified pediatricians and children's ENT doctors.

The following methods are used to diagnose pharyngitis:


Pharyngoscopy is a visual examination of the throat mucosa. With pharyngitis, an oropharyngoscopy is performed - an examination of the mouth of the throat. With the help of pharyngoscopy, the doctor discovers the fact of inflammation - redness of the throat and palatine arches; individual inflamed lymphoid granules are visible. It is important for the doctor to make sure that, despite the inflammatory process in the throat, the palatine tonsils do not have signs of inflammation characteristic of tonsillitis, that is, pharyngitis takes place.

Throat swab

A smear is needed in order to determine which infection caused the inflammation - viral or bacterial. Based on the patient's questioning and pharyngoscopy, this cannot be done.

Pharyngitis treatment methods

Pharyngitis is usually treated at home, but if you cannot quickly cope with symptoms of pharyngitis on your own, you should see a doctor. Do not bring the matter to the chronic form of pharyngitis.

The choice of a course of treatment for pharyngitis depends on what is the cause of the disease. With the infectious nature of pharyngitis, the basis of treatment is the suppression of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

It is also important to eliminate the factors that contributed to the development of pharyngitis (first of all, to exclude smoking during the period of treatment). It is imperative to take actions aimed at strengthening the immune system.

In order to prevent pharyngitis, the doctors of the "Family Doctor" advise:

  • make sure that breathing is mainly nasal. When detecting adenoids, polyps in the nose, a curved nasal septum, it is advisable to eliminate the cause of oral breathing;
  • strengthen immunity, temper the body;
  • humidify the air in the room. Normal humidity is 50-60%;
  • change your toothbrush more often. Toothbrush can accumulate harmful microorganisms;
  • if a runny nose or other signs of acute respiratory infections appear, start treatment immediately.

Pharyngitis in adults Is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the back of the throat. The pathological process can be both acute and chronic, most often it is of a viral nature, although bacterial damage is possible. In parallel, it is often found in patients.

Pharyngitis manifestations are diverse and largely depend on the form of the disease. Common clinical signs it is considered to be tickling and sore throat, increased body temperature. Pharyngitis must be treated in a timely manner, as it threatens the development of very serious complications, including and.

Pharyngitis reasons

The causes of pharyngitis are diverse, among them are:

    Damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx with viruses. This is one of the most common causes of inflammation, which provokes pharyngitis in 70% of cases. The causative agents can be rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, parainfluenza virus and, coronavirus,. Often, a viral disease with inadequate and untimely treatment leads to the multiplication of the bacterial flora;

    The defeat of the mucous membrane of the pharynx by bacteria. Most often, pharyngitis in adults is caused;

    Damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx by mycotic microorganisms. Fungal pharyngitis develops most often in patients with weakened immune system, or in the event that prolonged antibiotic therapy was carried out. Treatment with inhaled or systemic glucocorticoids, immunodeficiency negatively affects;

    Perhaps the development of inflammation in the pharynx against the background of allergic reactions;

    Sometimes an injury to the pharynx becomes a provoking factor for pharyngitis. It can be obtained during surgical intervention or if a foreign body enters the throat;

    Various alkalis and acids trapped in the pharynx can injure the mucous membrane. Steam and hot liquid have a similar effect;

    Overcooling of the body can provoke pharyngitis, especially if there are problems with immunity;

    The disease can accompany severe chronic diseases;

    The quality of the air inhaled by a person has a direct impact on the state of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The more irritating chemicals, smoke, dust in the environment, the higher the risk of developing inflammation;

    Excessive reception has a negative impact alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco;

    Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroesophageal reflux and hernia of the esophagus, contribute to the ingestion of acidic gastric contents into the pharynx, which irritates the mucous membrane and can provoke pharyngitis;

    The condition of the nasal cavity directly affects the condition of the pharyngeal mucosa. So, the cause of the development of pharyngitis can be or. Not only constant breathing through the mouth affects, but also the effect of vasoconstrictor drops, which are used for treatment. When instilled into the nasal cavities, they will certainly flow down the back of the pharynx, irritating it;

    Sometimes carious teeth contribute to the maintenance of inflammation in the pharynx;

    Separately, there is radiation pharyngitis, which is formed against the background of exposure to ionizing radiation. For example, this often happens when cancer patients are undergoing radiation therapy.

Pharyngitis symptoms

The symptoms of pharyngitis will largely depend on what form of the disease a person has. However, the patient always has pain, soreness and discomfort in the throat.

Symptoms of acute pharyngitis

The acute form of the disease proceeds diffusely and involves all parts of the pharynx in the process of inflammation: the nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.

    The disease rarely manifests as an isolated inflammation. Most often it begins against the background of other infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract: ARVI, ARI, influenza, etc.

    As an independent disease, pharyngitis develops against the background of exposure to the mucous membrane of the pharynx of cold air, hot liquids, tobacco smoke, etc.

    The patient experiences pain when swallowing, complains of tickling and rawness in the throat. Most often, when swallowing food, there is no pronounced pain, but they are aggravated by the so-called "empty sip" (swallowing saliva).

    The pain will radiate to the ears. This happens when tubopharyngeal ridges were involved in the inflammation process.

    An increase in body temperature to subfebrile values \u200b\u200bis possible. Although often the general condition remains normal, or slightly disturbed.

    During pharyngoscopy, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane lining the pharynx will be noticeable. The swelling extends to the uvula. It is possible to detect areas of the mucous membrane covered with a purulent bloom.

    Sometimes the upper cervical lymph nodes are involved in the process of inflammation, becoming painful and swollen.

    The feeling of a sore throat provokes a constant coughing.

It has been established that chronic pharyngitis has a more distinct localization than acute pharyngitis. In this case, one of the sections of the pharynx is affected. Chronic pharyngitis can be atrophic, catarrhal, granulomatous and hypertrophic.

Often, the chronic form of the disease is not an independent pathology, but a consequence of existing health problems:

    The patient experiences a scratching sensation and a dry throat;

    The unpleasant sensations are accompanied by a dry cough;

    On examination, the mucous membrane of the pharynx is pale, dry, thin, may have a varnish sheen. In some areas, crusts and mucus are found;

    For the catarrhal form of pharyngitis, mild pains are characteristic when swallowing food, the feeling of a foreign body in the pharynx. The cough becomes worse in the morning, may be interspersed with nausea, etc. A person coughs all the time to get rid of mucous phlegm, which constantly accumulates in the pharynx;

    The hypertrophic form of the disease is characterized by pronounced changes in the mucous membrane. The proliferation of lymphoid tissue is possible in that part of the pharynx where inflammation is localized;

    In the atrophic form of the disease, the mucous membrane is thinned, areas covered with a crust are found on it, zones with injected vessels are noticeable. Patients may have bad smell from the mouth, and constant dryness in the throat forces a person to drink a lot of water. At the final stage, the mucous membrane is very thin and painful;

    For granular pharyngitis, a more pronounced manifestation of symptoms is characteristic than for catarrhal and hypertrophic inflammation. The granulomatous form of the disease develops against the background of frequent exacerbations of pharyngitis, as well as in the presence of chronic pathologies of the digestive tract. An accumulation of granules occurs on the back of the pharynx.

Pharyngomycosis symptoms

When the mucous membrane of the pharynx is affected by fungi, discomfort in the throat occurs in the form of perspiration, scratching, dryness and burning; negative feelings are very pronounced. In this case, the pain is moderate, increasing during meals, when saliva is swallowed. An exacerbation of fungal pharyngitis is accompanied.

The pharynx is covered with a white or yellowish coating. It covers the soft palate and palatine arches. If the plaque is removed, then bleeding areas can be visualized under it, which are often the entrance gate for secondary infection.

Complications and consequences of pharyngitis

Complications and consequences of pharyngitis can be quite serious, among them are:

    The transition of an acute form of pharyngitis into a chronic pathology. Get rid of chronic illness very problematic;

    Peritonsillar abscess. This complication is characteristic of bacterial, mainly streptococcal pharyngitis. An increase occurs lymph nodes, sore throat increases, body temperature rises, an unpleasant odor emanates from the mouth. Against the background of an abscess, the risk of infection in the blood increases. Sepsis, in turn, is a condition that directly threatens the patient's life;

    Retropharyngeal abscess. This condition is characterized by extensive purulent inflammation tissue of the pharyngeal space;

    Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. Those bacteria that provoked pharyngitis can enter the kidneys and start the process of inflammation there. However, the older the person, the lower the risk of developing this complication;

    Cervical lymphadenitis... This complication is characterized by inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes;

    Sialoadenitis. A rare complication of pharyngitis that manifests itself in inflammation salivary glands... With a severe course of sialoadenitis, the help of a surgeon is required.

Pharyngitis diagnostics

The diagnosis of pharyngitis is in the competence of the otolaryngologist. During the examination of the throat, which is called pharyngoscopy, the doctor visualizes the signs characteristic of the disease: swelling of the arches and the back of the pharynx, its dryness, etc. In addition, the patient's complaints are taken into account when making a diagnosis.

To identify the causative agent of inflammation, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological and virological study. For analysis, you will need to take a swab from the throat.

How to treat pharyngitis directly depends on the form of the disease. It is important to completely eliminate all factors that contribute to the maintenance of the inflammatory process in the throat mucosa. That is why it is so important a complex approach to pharyngitis therapy.

Treatment of acute pharyngitis

In case of acute pharyngitis, the following points should be considered:

    Food should not irritate the mucous membrane of the inflamed pharynx. Therefore, all sour, pickled, salty foods and drinks are excluded;

    Oral liquids should not be too cold or too hot;

    It is important to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking;

    Gargle your throat after every meal;

    It is useful to do foot baths;

    If there are no allergic reactions, then before going to bed you can drink warm milk with the addition of honey and butter;

    It is possible to carry out steam inhalations with herbal decoctions, or with pharmaceutical preparations;

    Sprays Kameton, Ingalipt, Bicarminth have a disinfecting effect;

    Also, as an antiseptic for the throat, you can use sucking lozenges - Faringosept, Strepsils, Ajisept, as well as Grammidin Neo.

Chronic pharyngitis treatment

Consider the following for chronic pharyngitis:

    It is important to identify the cause that led to chronic inflammation in the pharynx. If this is another infection or disease in the body, then it is important to focus on its treatment;

    Diet food means avoiding spicy, fried, salty and sweet foods. Bad habits should be excluded;

    During treatment, agents with antibacterial activity should be used;

    Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents can be used to gargle the throat. For example, a decoction of chamomile or sage;

    Help to alleviate discomfort in the throat, relieve pain and relieve inflammation lozenges - Grammidin or Grammidin spray;

    Sprays Kameton, Hexoral relieve inflammation;

    From physiotherapy, UHF helps well to fight chronic pharyngitis;

    If indicated, you can take immunostimulating drugs and vitamins.

In the doctor's office, it is possible to carry out such a procedure as moxibustion of granules with trichloroacetic acid or silver nitrate in solution. If tissue hypertrophy is extensive, then cryotherapy, laser therapy, radio wave suppression of the posterior pharyngeal wall are used to remove it.

Treatment for purulent pharyngitis includes:

    Besides compliance diet food and an adequate drinking regimen, you may need to take antipyretic drugs, for example, Paracetamol or Nimesil;

    The room in which the patient is located should be regularly ventilated;

    It is important to give up any physical activity and observe bed rest;

    If sputum is difficult to pass during coughing, then you can use drugs such as Ambrobene, Sinekod, Doctor Mom;

    It is possible to use anti-inflammatory drugs, including Bronchomax;

    Help relieve sore throat strepsils tablets and Ajisept;

    You can gargle the sore throat with a solution of Furacilin, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt;

    Antiseptics based on oil and glycerin should be applied to the affected areas of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of fungal pharyngitis

Treatment for fungal pharyngitis includes the following points:

    Antimycotics must be taken. These drugs include: Nystatin, Levorin, Diflucan, Fluconazole, Pimafucin;

    If there are violations of the intestinal microflora, then the patient is prescribed drugs such as Linex, Baktisubtil, Acipol;

    You should also not forget about local treatment, for which the throat is rinsed with antiseptic solutions, lubricated with Lugol's solution;

    When it is not possible to gargle your throat, you can use sprays, for example, Hexoral and Rotokan;

    Immunostimulants are prescribed for the treatment of fungal pharyngitis almost always, since the disease most often develops against the background of problems with immune defense.

    Minimize contact with people around you. If possible, you should spend a few days at home. This will reduce the risk of infection with other pathogenic agents that will attack the weakened body;

    Food should be light, rich in vitamins and minerals;

    There should be no fried, spicy and fatty dishes on the menu;

    A warm drink will help reduce sore throat;

    During an exacerbation of the disease, you need to protect yourself as much as possible from tobacco smoke, completely abandon alcohol;

    Dishes and hygiene products for the patient must be individual;

    Regular wet cleaning of the room and its ventilation is necessary;

    The throat should be gargled every hour. Ready antiseptic solutions can be purchased at the pharmacy;

    Sprays Ingalipt, Teraflu, Cameton, as well as throat pills Faringosept, Strepsils, Lizobakt help to reduce pain and relieve inflammation;

    If the cough is accompanied by sputum that is difficult to separate, then expectorant syrups and tablets are used.

Pharyngitis - This is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the pharynx of an acute or chronic nature. Pharyngitis is manifested by sore throat, discomfort and pain in the throat.

It is customary to subdivide pharyngitis into types according to the localization of inflammation. The pharynx in humans has three sections - nasopharynx (upper section), oropharynx (middle department) and hypopharynx (lower section). But such a division in most cases will only be conditional, because during the development acute pharyngitis diffuse damage to the mucous membrane occurs. The defeat of bacterial and viral infections occurs in a migratory manner and is mainly of a descending nature. If the patient develops chronic pharyngitis , then inflammation occurs in one of the above sections of the pharynx.

Pharyngitis types

The disease is subdivided into acute and chronic ... In turn, taking into account the etiological factor, they distinguish viral , fungal , bacterial , allergic , traumatic acute as well as pharyngitis triggered by action irritating factors .

Classification chronic pharyngitis carried out according to the nature of the changes that appear in the mucous membrane. Allocate catarrhal (plain), atrophic (subatrophic) and hypertrophic pharyngitis. Quite often there is a combination different types pharyngitis. In this case, a mixed form of the disease is determined.

The most common among acute pharyngitis is the catarrhal form of the disease with. In general, about 70% of pharyngitis occurs as a result of exposure to various viruses - rhinovirus , adenovirus , viruses and parainfluenza ... Most often, pharyngitis develops under the influence of rhinoviruses. However, a viral infection only causes primary development a disease that later develops under the influence bacterial infection... In more rare cases, pharyngitis can develop under the influence of other viruses.

Pharyngitis reasons

Mostly pharyngitis in children and adults occurs due to inhalation of too cold or polluted air. Also, some irritation can provoke the manifestation of pharyngitis. chemicals - tobacco, alcohol, etc. The occurrence of infectious pharyngitis occurs as a result of exposure to microbes - streptococci , staphylococci , pneumococci ... It also develops under the influence of a number of viruses and fungi. Sometimes the manifestation of pharyngitis causes the spread of infection from the focus of inflammation located near the pharynx. Pharyngitis often occurs in patients sinusitis , caries .

In some cases, the development of chronic pharyngitis occurs due to the presence of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. This is possible with , , . Chronic catarrhal pharyngitis manifests itself as a consequence of the ingestion of acidic stomach contents into the pharynx in a dream, if a person progresses. In such a situation, it is important to initially eliminate the underlying ailment. Also, the causes of atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the pharynx often become heavy smoking.

Pharyngitis is often seen in people who suffer from persistent nasal breathing difficulties. The development of pharyngitis is directly affected by constant breathing through the mouth, and the effect of vasoconstrictor drops that drain into the pharynx.

Chronic pharyngitis also sometimes develops as a consequence of allergies, as well as in patients with various endocrine disorders, with and also for hearty , pulmonary and renal insufficiency .

Pharyngitis symptoms

In the process of developing the disease, a person has pronounced symptoms of pharyngitis. This disease is characterized by a pronounced feeling of constant dryness and discomfort. The patient may complain of pain during swallowing, which is most pronounced with an empty throat. Sometimes the development of pharyngitis is associated with severe general malaise, an increase in body temperature. If, with pharyngitis, an inflammatory process of tubopharyngeal ridges occurs, then the patient may feel pain in the ears. During palpation cervical lymph nodes the patient may feel soreness and increase. There is also hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall and palate arches. However, inflammation of the tonsils, which occurs with , not visible.

With chronic pharyngitis, there is no increase in body temperature, and the general well-being of the patient does not significantly deteriorate. A person constantly feels a dry throat, a sore throat and a sensation of a lump in the throat, which makes him constantly want to cough up. With pharyngitis, the patient has a stubborn one, which differs significantly from a cough with bronchitis. The constant feeling of discomfort in the chronic form of pharyngitis also causes the need to constantly swallow mucus, which accumulates on the back of the pharynx mucus. As a result, a person becomes very irritable, cannot sleep normally and do normal activities without being distracted.

Symptoms atrophic pharyngitis expressed by severe dryness of the pharynx. Its mucous membrane is thinned, sometimes it becomes covered with dried mucus. Sometimes the injected vessels are visible on the mucosal surface. For hypertrophic pharyngitis the presence of foci of hyperplastic lymphoid tissue on the posterior wall of the pharynx is characteristic. The tubopharyngeal ridges may also enlarge. With an exacerbation of the disease, hyperemia and edema of the mucous membrane are added to these symptoms of pharyngitis.

Chronic pharyngitis in children is sometimes expressed not only by a constant dry cough, but also by the presence of wheezing rales. Therefore, upon examination, the doctor must clearly differentiate this condition from bronchial asthma.

Pharyngitis diagnostics

An experienced otorhinolaryngologist can diagnose both acute and chronic pharyngitis without any difficulties. Initially, it is necessary to examine the patient. For this, pharyngoscopy - examination of the mucous membrane of the patient's throat. In some cases, the patient is assigned an additional bacteriological or virological study. For its implementation, a swab from the pharynx is used.

It should be noted that in the presence of symptoms of pharyngitis, patients rarely immediately turn to a specialist, preferring to treat the ailment with home remedies or take medications without a doctor's prescription. But even with the onset of some relief of the condition, the cause of pharyngitis will not be eliminated. That is why it is important to conduct a survey on time and prescribe correct therapy pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis treatment

If the patient is diagnosed with acute pharyngitis or there was a sharp exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, and at the same time in general condition a person does not have pronounced disorders, then in this case, symptomatic treatment pharyngitis. It is important that the patient observes for a certain period without eating foods that irritate the mucous membrane. You should not eat hot and very cold foods, sour and salty foods in an acute period. It is equally important to consume a lot of fluids in order to enhance excretion from the body ... You need to drink at least two liters of different drinks per day. Shown are hot foot baths, holding warming compresses, which are placed on the front of the neck. You can use home-made steam inhalation and drink warm milk with honey. It is very important to completely stop smoking during the illness. For uncomplicated pharyngitis treatment not practiced.

Sometimes your doctor will prescribe topical antimicrobial drugs, and antibacterial agents... For pharyngitis, an antiseptic drug is usually prescribed - this may be , etc. Also used are local anesthetics and essential oils (tetracaine , , menthol ). It is possible to use preparations containing natural antiseptics and vitamins.

Antimicrobial agents are used to gargle, in the form , insufflation , pills and lollipops ... It is important that drugs are applied to the mucous membrane that have a wide spectrum of action against microbes and viruses. Moreover, they should not be toxic, irritating and allergic reactions.

Lozenges are usually prescribed for milder pharyngitis. It is important to note that most of these drugs include chlorhexidine which is a toxic substance. Therefore, it is impossible to allow excess doses of drugs and their uncontrolled intake. The latter is especially true for children.

Some drugs containing, for example, propolis , derivatives , sulfonamides may cause allergic reactions. Medicines, which contain essential oils and herbal antiseptics, can also provoke the manifestation of allergies in some patients.

To minimise pain in the throat, you can use non-hot solutions for gargling furacillin , light solution potassium permanganate ... Acute rinses can be practiced every hour.

If pharyngitis occurs in a person too often, then this is direct evidence of problems with the body's defenses. Therefore, the treatment of pharyngitis should in some cases include correction .

Therefore, appoint optimal drug for the treatment of pharyngitis, only a doctor should, guided by his antimicrobial activity, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

The doctors


Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies

How to treat pharyngitis can also tell ethnoscience... There are a number of herbal decoctions that can be used both internally and as a gargle. As a drink in an acute condition, it is advisable to use a decoction of raspberry leaves, tea from chamomile, mint, blackberry.

To prepare an herbal collection that is effective in treating pharyngitis and is used for rinsing, you can take sage and mint leaves, chamomile flowers, fennel fruits in equal parts. One tablespoon of the crushed collection should be poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for twenty minutes.

Similarly, another collection is prepared, which includes calamus root, flax seeds, chamomile flowers, sweet clover grass.

Pharyngitis treatment folk remedies also provides for the use of some decoctions and herbal infusions for inhalation. For this purpose, infusion of chamomile, oak bark, sage, pine buds, calendula is often used. To prepare infusions from herbs that are used for inhalation, you should take 10 g of crushed raw materials for one glass of boiling water. Such inhalations last five minutes and can be done several times a day using different herbs.

In addition, for any form of pharyngitis, traditional medicine recommends gargling with raw potato juice, an infusion of blueberry leaves and a decoction of berries.

If a person suffers from atrophic pharyngitis, then oil inhalations can improve his condition. For such inhalation, peach, olive, ... You can prepare a solution for inhalation at the rate of 5-10 drops of oil per glass of boiling water. Inhale vapors through a funnel-shaped tube several times a day.

Soda inhalation (one teaspoon of baking soda in one glass of water) noticeably softens dry throat.

Pharyngitis prevention

For the prevention of pharyngitis, it is important to provide a general hardening of the body, try to avoid the influence harmful factorsand also get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse. If a person has difficulty in nasal breathing for certain reasons, then this problem it is necessary to adequately treat in order to avoid pharyngitis in the future. It is equally important to fix all dental problems in time and treat them. It is also necessary to restore the impaired defenses of the body, for which, in some cases, the reception of funds with properties .

Complications of pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis often becomes a complication of strep throat that has not been cured in time. At the same time, the chronic form of the disease over time provokes the development of a number of other unpleasant diseases. With streptococcal pharyngitis, a peritonsillar abscess can become a complication, in which there is sore throat, unilateral edema and erythema.

A complication of chronic pharyngitis is often , (respectively, inflammatory processes of the larynx and trachea). It is also possible to manifest chronic .

Some forms of pharyngitis (in particular, the form of the disease that causes b-hemolytic streptococcus group A) subsequently also provoke human development acute articular .

Another unpleasant complication of chronic pharyngitis is a general decrease in the quality of life. A patient with a chronic form of the disease cannot speak long time... Therefore, for people whose profession is associated with the need to read lectures and other types of oratory, such a disease can become a very big problem. In chronic pharyngitis, the removal of the tonsils is contraindicated. Therefore, inflammation can worsen over time, and as a result, the timbre of a person's voice changes markedly.

Diet, nutrition for pharyngitis

List of sources

  • Lopatin A.S. Treatment of acute and chronic pharyngitis // BC. - 2001;
  • Palchun V.T., Luchikhin L.A., Kryukov A.I. Inflammatory diseases pharynx. - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2010;
  • Balyasinskaya G.L. Acute respiratory viral infections in children: prevention of complications. Consilium Provisorum. 2004;
  • Pediatric otorhinolaryngology. T. 1. Guide for doctors / ed. M. R Bogomilsky, V. R Chistyakova and others - M .: Medicine, 2005.
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