It is possible to get an ARVI in the treatment of pneumonia. Feel the difference: how to distinguish pneumonia from ARVI and influenza? Sounds and pain in the body

Viral pneumonia is quite rare, but dangerous disease. As a rule, vulnerable groups of the population are subject to: children, chronic patients, patients with immunodeficiency states. Unlike classic, virus pneumonia has its own characteristics. clinical flow, diagnosis and treatment. Consider detail characteristics Diseases, first signs and symptoms than and how much to be treated with different forms of the disease, as well as is transmitted when infected and how not to infect a healthy person.

Pneumonia is called inflammatory disease pulmonary fabric.

REFERENCE! With pneumonia, the lung parenchyma is involved in the pathological process - a part consisting of Alveol and is responsible for gas exchange.

Despite the fact that it may be due various reasonsThe term "pneumonia" is usually used to indicate an infectious process of acute character. The most common pathogens of pneumonia are bacteria: they cause up to 90% of cases of this pathology. Rightly caused by mushrooms, simplest and viruses.

The infectious agents responsible for the development of pneumonia include the following viruses:

  • influenza;
  • paragrippa;
  • adenoviruses;
  • rinoviruses;
  • respiratory syntial virus;
  • picornavirus;
  • enteroviruses (Echo Groups, Coksaki);
  • less often inflammation of lungs cause measles viruses, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, etc.

Viral pneumonia in adult patients with a normally functioning immune system and without severely concomitant pathology occurs infrequently. Risk group are childrenwhich make up 80-90% of patients.

The source of infection is usually a sick person producing viruses into the environment. The main mechanisms for the spread of viral pneumonia:

  • air-drip (aerosol): the dominant path of transmission of infection, responsible for the overwhelming majority of cases of the disease;
  • contact-household: through general household items;
  • hematogenic and lymphogenic: by penetrating the viral agent into a pulmonary fabric from other sources in a human body with a blood current or lymphatic fluid.

IMPORTANT! Often, with viral pneumonia, combined bacterial and viral infection is observed.

Incubation period in adults and children, i.e. The time interval from the penetration of the pathogen into the body before the first appearance clinical symptomsdepends on the source of infection and can fluctuate in significant limits. With influenza pneumonia, it averages 1-4 days, with adenovirus - from 1 day to 2 weeks, with paragrippe - from 12 hours to 6 days, with cytomegalovirus - up to 2 months.

The inflammation of the lungs is usually preceded by the disorder of the protective functions of the body:

  1. Violation of the work of local and general immune, anti-inflammatory systems: reducing the synthesis of interferon, immunoglobulins, lysozyme.
  2. Defect of Mukiciliary Transport: The removal from the tissue of light pathological substances by the movement of the epithelium cilia and the production of specific mucus.
  3. Violation of the structure and functions of the surfactant: It is a complex surfactant that is necessary to maintain normal operation of the alveoli and providing gas exchange.
  4. Development of immunocipal reactions: promotes the formation of immune complexes that attack the pulmonary parenchyma.
  5. Disorders in the operation of the microcirculatory line and cellular metabolism: causes blood stagnation in the lung capillaries and the accumulation of pathological products of metabolism, which are a favorable environment for infection.

These mechanisms are implemented if the patient has the following predisposing factors:

  • respiratory diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma) and cardiovascular (chronic heart failure) system;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • congenital malformations (bronchiectatic disease, cysts, respiratory tract);
  • defects of work immune system (primary and secondary immunodeficiency);
  • concomitant infectious diseases (HIV infection);
  • senile age;
  • an unfavorable environmental environment and professional harmfulness.

Symptoms when inflammation of the lungs in adults and children

Pneumonia begins, as a rule, with symptoms of banal acute respiratory infection. The patient concerns the nasal congestion, headache, increase body temperature, weakness.

In the presence of risk factors or late treatment, these symptoms are aggravated and the clinical picture of viral pneumonia is developing.

The manifestations of viral inflammation of the lungs depend on the degree of defeat of the parenchyma (focal or pneumonia) and are divided into common and pulmonary. For focal Pneumonia The portion of the pathological process is limited, the entire share of the lung is involved. Viral pneumonia, as a rule, are focal or interstitial (i.e., alveoli and intermediate structures are involved in the pathological process).

REFERENCE! The right lung consists of three pieces (top, middle, bottom), left - of two (top and bottom).

TO general symptoms relate:

  • increased body temperature: fever usually begins acutely from the first days of the disease. For equity pneumonia, a temperature rise up to 39 ° C is characterized and higher with a concomitant chill and a minor increase in the evening. The focal temperature of the temperature reaction is observed, rarely beyond 38.5 ° C;
  • obserinsic syndrome: debuts with appearance general weakness, increased fatigue with normal exercise. Later join the noving, breaking pain in the joints and limbs (Malgia, Arthralgia), headache, sweating at night. Often the patient has an increase in the frequency of heart rate, instability arterial pressure. In severe cases, it is possible to attach neurological symptoms (confusion of consciousness, delusional disorders), damage to urinary (jade), digestive (hepatitis) and other organism systems.

Pulmonary manifestations of viral pneumonia:

  • cough: the most commonly found sign of pneumonia of any etiology. First, it is dry, then it can become productive with a hard-leaving mucous-purulent gnawed greenish color;
  • dyspnea: It can be completely absent or to cause a patient a significant discomfort, causing breathing up to 30-40 per minute. With a pronounced shortness of breath with a compensatory goal, auxiliary respiratory muscles (muscles of neck, back, the front wall of the abdomen) is involved;
  • pain in chest: It bothers the patient alone and amplifies during coughing movement. The reason is irritation of the pleura ( serous shell Lung) and intercostal nerves. With severe pain syndrome, the corresponding half of the chest is lagging behind in the act of breathing. With a slight course, pain may not be absent.

The picture of lung inflammation depends on the causal virus agent of the disease. For adenovirus infection The symptoms of rinofaringitis, cough, increasing and soreness of cervical lymph nodes, fever, signs of conjunctivitis are emerging.

Complicated pneumonia chickenpox It proceeds with a pronounced increase in body temperature, pain in the chest, shortness of breath and, sometimes, hemochking. Core pneumonia can begin before the appearance of rashes and is often complicated by pleurite.

Inflammation of the lungs in the influenza virus is developing a few days after the first symptoms of acute respiratory infection. Influenza pneumonia is characterized by a heavy flow, fever, cough with a mocroid (including blood), chest pain, shortness of breath, blue painting skin Pokrov.

Depending on the degree of severity of clinical manifestations in adults and children, there are 3 severity of viral pneumonia: light, medium and heavy.

Clinical picture lung inflammation in children Much significantly depends on the age of the child. In children of the first years of life, viral pneumonia is one of the most frequent infectious diseases. They are pronounced general symptomatics: fever, change in the color of the skin, intoxication syndrome (lethargy, reduction of motor activity, plasticity). Older children are sick with manifestations characteristic of adult patients. They are more pronounced pulmonary symptoms: cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, etc.

Signs of the disease without symptoms

A fairly widespread version of the development of viral pneumonia is absoligative currentwhich is characterized by scant symptoms. Patient worried weakly pronounced pulmonary manifestations (insignificant cough) on the background of a moderate violation general status. Also, in the absence of symptoms in adults and children, the disease may leak or increase to subfebrile numbers (no more than 38 ° C). The abutient flow of pneumonia is due to a local focus of infection in the pulmonary fabric.


REFERENCE! Therapists, pulmonologists, infectiousists are identified by the identification and treatment of viral pneumonia.

The diagnosis is based on a medical examination with the collection of complaints and detailed anamnesis of the disease. With an objective examination, the doctor can identify the following signs of pneumonia:

  • changes in respiratory noise with the auscultation of the lungs: the most characteristic features are attic ("crackling") during the inhalation, wet wheezing (mainly small) and the weakening of breathing. Thrust is also possible, the appearance of bronchial respiration is also possible;
  • the sinusiness of the patient's skin, the participation of the wings of the nose and the auxiliary muscles in the act of breathing, an increase in the frequency of heart reduction.

In laboratory analyzes, it seems first of all changes in general Analysis blood. There is a decrease in the number of leukocytes with a possible shift of the larding formula to the left, the reduction of lymphocytes and eosinophils, an increase in ESO.

IN biochemical analysis The blood markers concentration of inflammation increases: SRB, LDH, etc.

"Gold Standard" in the diagnosis of pneumonia are radi Methods Studies: chest organs in 2 projections or cT scan. They make it possible to identify the plot of inflammation of the pulmonary fabric, which is visualized in the form of a focus of an enlarged density. Characteristic sign Viral pneumonia - sealing partitions between alveoli, and in connection with which the x-ray diffraction pattern appears a pattern of a mesh structure.

The final definition of viral etiology of inflammation of the lungs is impossible without identifying the causative agent virus. To this end, the selection of the culture of the virus is used using sputum, blood, material from the sewage to special nutrients and serological diagnostics. In the latter case, the blood serum is investigated for the presence of antibodies to various types of viruses that confirm the cause of pneumonia.

IMPORTANT! The diagnosis of viral pneumonia is based on clinical data, the epidemiological picture (that is, the analysis of the overall morbidity), the radiography of the chest organs and the results of serological tests.


With mild or moderate severity treatment is possible in outpatient conditions. With severe - hospitalization in the hospital is obligatory.

Allocate the following main measures for the treatment of viral pneumonia:

IMPORTANT! In some types of viral pneumonia, there are no specific antiviral drugs (adenoviruses, paragripp, korea pneumonia), so their appointment is inappropriate. In this case, only symptomatic treatment.

Principles of viral pneumonia therapy in children are similar. Dosing medicines It is carried out on the basis of the age and mass of the child's body. With the symptomatic treatment of children early age Preparations of the first line to reduce the temperature are ibuprofen and paracetamol (in syrup or candles).


To minimize the risk of developing viral pneumonia, it is necessary to comply with the following recommendations:

  • vaccination: The use of vaccinations against viral agents avoids infection or severe infections such as influenza, measles, chickenpox.

IMPORTANT! Vaccination - the most effective method Prevention of viral pneumonia. In some cases, it provides annual immunity during the epidemic period (flu), in others - lifelong (cortex).

  • with a sufficient number of vitamins and trace elements;
  • timely rehabilitation of chronic infections;
  • restriction of visits to the place of mass accumulation of people into epidemically unfavorable period;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (washing of hands, visiting breathing after public places);
  • using medication (oxolin ointment) and non-drug personal protective equipment (masks).

Useful video

Read the details about viral pneumonia on the video below:

The atypical current of viral pneumonia often leads to the late circulation of the patient to the doctor. This complicates the course of the disease and can lead to the development of adverse effects. On time the diagnosed diagnosis allows you to minimize risk factors and assign adequate treatment.

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Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs, which threatens serious complications in the absence of proper treatment. It can develop as a consequence of cold or allergies, and may also be the result of an injury of the chest.

Pneumonia can be suspected by a number of symptoms, which website And decided to remind.

Who is subject to?

Pneumonia can manifest itself both in children and adults. But, according to specialists, smoking people are most susceptible to it, as well as those who use alcohol.

Close the eyes on the symptoms of lung inflammation is not worth it, but also for panic there is no reason. Modern medicine It perfectly copes with the elimination of the disease, but provided that you turned to the doctor on time. Below we will talk about how signs you can find pneumonia.

Chills and fever

During pneumonia, a person lasts a high temperature longer than 4 days (usually above 38.5 ° C), knocking down very difficult. Against this background, a strong chill appears in the patient.

However, this factor is not determining, because the temperature rise may be caused by a mass of other diseases, and the presence of other symptoms should be checked.

Strong drowsiness

With pneumonia, the body of the patient is weakened, man is cloneing all the time to sleep, often lacking energy even to have a snack.

Specific cough

One of characteristic symptoms Easy inflammation - coughing. It is possible to release rusty or greenish sputum, possibly with small spraces of blood.

Frequent small breath and shortness of breath

Since pneumonia is a disease that affects the lungs, due to the patient, the respiratory frequency is knocked down. It becomes a rapidly, and the patient as if it cannot be sacrificed, because of what dyspnea appears even at rest.

Heart palpitations

Doctors note the change in cardiac rhythm for pneumonia. In a child, check the heart rate of heart abbreviations, it is gently applied for 2 fingers to the carotid artery.

Early autumn is the most cold time. Most of them will be held in five to seven days, surrendered under the onslaught of milk with honey and hot tea with lemon, but in some cases the disease can go to more serious stages and turn into bronchitis, flu, or even pneumonia. It is important not to miss the first disturbing signals and take action on time to capture the disease at the very beginning. Be sure to pay attention to these symptoms - and be healthy!

Sounds and pain in the body

Symptoms of influenza and colds, especially on early stages, surprisingly similar - and that is why it is easy to make a mistake. But there is one signal, which is almost one hundred percent probability warns about the start of the flu - these are pain in the body. And we are talking not only about chickens, but also about pain in internal organs, for example, the stomach. So, if on the backdrop of "cold" symptoms, you feel pain and lobs in other parts of the body, except for the throat or head, you may need treatment from influenza.

Pain in the throat

With a cold, the throat may be hurt (and this disease most often begins with the feeling of the "scratching" throat), but if the pain is unbearable, if at night you wake up from it and you are difficult to eat or drink, most likely you are dealing with Streptococcal angina. Contact your doctor, you may need antibiotic treatment!

Pain in ear

Cold can go to ear infection - And it happens more often than we would like. The fact is that mucus and sputum, which accumulate during a cold and nose, can get into the ear and cause inflammation and secondary infection. So, in time, clean the throat from the mucus and the nose - and be sure to contact the doctor if you feel pain or sputum in the ears.

Cold does not pass

Normal timeFor which the cold must pass, is five to seven days. If there is no relief during this period, this may indicate that the disease has moved to more serious disease - For example, a sinusitis, in which a bacterial infection penetrates into the nasal sinuses and causing terrible headaches. Be sure to inform the doctor if treatment from the cold does not bring results during the week or more!

You can't cure cough

Cough, which does not pass within two weeks and more, can be a sign of bronchitis or even inflammation of the lungs. Be sure to consult a doctor to exclude pneumonia (or in time to receive treatment, if it is still), if it is bronchitis, remember that in most cases this disease causes viruses, and therefore antibiotic treatment will not benefit. And also - necessarily drink a lot, since with both these diseases the body suffers from dehydration.

You have a bloody diarrhea

It is pretty obvious, but, as the experience of many doctors shows, it is worth reminding about it: With a cold, you should not be sick, and your chair should remain normal. Otherwise, most likely, it's not about cold illness, O. food poisoning Or even viral infection with gastroenteritis. Be sure to consult a doctor and drink as much as possible: with such disease, the body quickly loses water.

You have difficulty breathing

Wars, shortness of breath, superficial breathing and shortage of air - all these are signs of a very serious disease, called COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Those who had previously sick pneumonia, as well as older people should be especially careful in case of a cold, as they are higher than the chances of "catch" COPD. Therefore, carefully follow the state of health and loved ones and at first alarming signs urgently contact the doctor.

In connection with the invention and the use of various drugs in the modern world, there have been changes in the viruses and bacteria: mutations, increasing stability. Diseases began to like each other, atypical features appeared, it became harder to distinguish them. In order for the treatment of diseases to be timely and right, it is necessary to know their differences and similarities.

Features of symptoms and pathogens

ORVI (acute respiratory viral infection) - large group Diseases caused by viruses, as described directly in the title. There are influenza diseases caused by viruses. Ortorticsovarus - the so-called group of flu viruses.

Pneumonia is a lung disease, which can be caused by bacteria (for example, pneumococci), viruses, chlamydia, mushrooms (mycoplasmas). 20 years ago, pneumonia had, mostly bacterial character. Steel and pneumonia after influenza are very common - the so-called postgrippose.

Distinctive features clinical picture for ORVI, flu and pneumonia

  • ARVI begins acutely, with an increase in body temperature to febrile numbers, weaknesses, a small chill. In the throat there is a perfense, tickling and dryness. Join a runny nose. Then the cough may appear: dry or with transparent mocody.
  • The influenza has a sudden, sharp. The temperature sharply rises to 39-40 degrees, "awesome" chills, pain and lubricants appear in muscles, photophobia, headache, sharp weakness. There are no catarrhal phenomena, with a classic flu, they are joined by 3-4 days, after lowering the body temperature.
  • The beginning of pneumonia is smoother, the body temperature may be different: from subfebrile to febrile digits, depending on severity. In patient weakness, shortness of breath, pure pain in the chest associated with breathing. Cooking the cough with a wettero. If the pneumonia is a bacterial character, the sputum is transparent or "rusty" color.

Postgrippose pneumonia arise from people with reduced immune status: asocial persons, bums, sick HIV, after organ transplantation, people who have a history of chronic diseases and others.

Postgrippose pneumonia is divided into primary, which begin for 1-2 days of the influenza disease. The cough is first dry, it becomes wet with a branch of bloody sputum.

Secondary starts after 3-4 days of the influenza disease, when connected bacterial infection. Again there is a rise of body temperature to high digits, cough with purulent sputum, appearing for 6 days from the beginning of the disease.

As can be seen from the clinical picture, ORVI and flu begin more sharply than pneumonia, the flu in the first 3 days has no catarrhal, they join later. The nature of sputum also talks about the pathogen: viruses - mucous, serous; Bacteria - purulent.

Inspection of the patient ARVI.

The condition is closer to satisfactory, the pallor of the skin is possible. With increasing temperature, small tachycardia. In the throat it is possible to redness, graininess.

In the lungs, there are usually no changes, breathing free, wheezing there.

Patient with influenza.

When examining the patient, ruddy cheeks, brilliant leaky eyes, he tries to protect them from light. Palms and feet are cold for fever. Tachycardia is expressed depending on the temperature height. There are no changes in light changes, sometimes harsh respiration can be heard. If a bacterial infection is joining, the picture will correspond to it.

Patient inflammation of the lungs.

In a patient with pneumonia, when inspection, shortness of breath is noted, when breathing he "spares" the direction where inflammation, because of pain. The skin is pale, a small sinusiness of the nasolabic triangle.

Auscultatory picture: breathing weakened, small-pushed wheezes, attitudes.

Radiological diagnostics

With ARVI and the non-heavy flow of flu, X-ray is rare enough. No changes on radiographs. When the inflammation of the bronchi can be enhanced by the pulmonary pattern.

There are visible differences in x-ray data for bacterial and postgrippose pneumonia:

  • In case of bacterial pneumonia - infiltrative changes, mainly on the one hand.
  • Postgrippose pneumonia is given on radiographs bilateral focal drain infiltration.

Laboratory data

In the analysis of blood for ORVI and the flu, you can see moderate leukocytosis or leukopenia, raising SEE It happens only when attaching complications.

Pneumonia gives an increase in ESP to 30-40 mm / h, pronounced leukocytosis with a shift of formula.

Difference in treatment

In the treatment of influenza and ARVI, antibiotics are prescribed only under complications (attachment of a bacterial infection). With uncomplicated forms, symptomatic treatment and antiviral drugs are used.

Bacterial and secondary postgrippose pneumonia are treated with antibacterial drugs. Primary postgrippose - antiviral means.

The phrase "inflammation of the lungs" invented by doctors specifically for "not doctors". A disease that will be discussed in this article, doctors refer to pneumonia. Dr. Komarovsky more than once had to hear about such stories: "Our petuta has 2 times the inflammation of the lungs and 1 time pneumonia." That is, in the non-medical environment there is no unambiguous confidence that inflammation of the lungs and pneumonia is the same. I am writing about this consciously, and not in condemnation, perfectly realizing that the foundations of medical knowledge people are not taught in schools.

Inflammation of the lungs is one of the most common human diseases. For some, especially in childhood, it's just a punishment for others - a rarity; Third, such, unfortunately, not much, the inflammation of the lungs did not hurt, but the relatives and acquaintances were in sufficient quantities.

The respiratory system is generally lungs in particular - very vulnerable to infectious diseases. With all the variety of infection methods, the air-drip transmission path is most common. It is not surprising that the advanced detachment of struggle with many viruses and bacteria are the upper respiratory tract. Under certain conditions - the weakness of immunity, the high activity of the microbe, disorders of the high-quality composition of the inhaled air, etc. - The infectious process is not localized only in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynk, larynx, trachea), but applies down. Sometimes the process ends with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi - bronchitis, but, quite often, this is not limited to this. There is inflammation of direct pulmonary fabric - this is pneumonia.

The described path of the occurrence of pneumonia is the most frequent, but not the only one.

Almost any microorganism can cause the development of pneumonia. Which specifically depends on a number of factors. From the age of the patient, from the place where the inflammation of the lungs will arise - at home or in the hospital, if in the hospital, in which separation - in surgery alone microbes, in the therapy others. A huge role is played by the state of health of the body as a whole and the state of immunity in particular.

At the same time, the inflammation of the lungs is quite rarely primary, i.e. there lived yes there was a healthy boy Vasya, suddenly - once! - and fell ill with pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs, as a rule, is secondary and is a complication of another disease.

All these "other diseases" can be solved with confidence into two groups - acute respiratory viral infections (ORVI) and everything else. At the same time, the inflammation of the lungs as a complication of ordinary ARVI (the runny nose, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis) is far more often more often than pneumonia with all other infections, injuries and operations. This is not surprising at all and is not explained by some special "badness" of respiratory viral infections, and their broadest prevalence - "pick up" the ARVI middle person 1-2 times a year succeeds in time, and everything else meets from occasion.

It is extremely important to emphasize the following: regardless of the severity of ARVI or other infection, a particular adult, and specific mom-dads have real opportunities In order to significantly reduce the risk of inflammation of the lungs of his loved one and their children.

Further clarifications may seem the reader too smart. But I would like to achieve understanding very much! Hence the urgent request to read, and when not understanding - reread!

To begin with, we will pay attention to a very important physiological mechanism inherent in the normal functioning of the lungs. The mucous membrane of the bronchi constantly distinguishes the mucus, which is called the sputum. The sputum value is exceptionally large. It contains substances that support the elasticity of pulmonary fabric. The sputum envelops dust particles falling into the lungs. High concentration in the sputum of antimicrobial substances (immunoglobulins, lysozyme) - one of most important ways The fight against causative agents of infections falling into the respiratory tract.

Like any other liquid, the sputum is inherent in certain physicochemical characteristics - density, viscosity, fluidity, and the like. The combination of all these parameters is implemented in such a concept as sputum rheology - i.e. Motica with normal rheology - performs the functions described above, and with not normal rheology, of course, does not fulfill. Kaba simply did not perform - so this is half trouble! Another half of the trouble is as follows: n the ringer of his normal properties leads to the fact that the thick mucus violates the ventilation of the lungs (blurred, bronchi overlap), blood circulation is broken in poorly ventilated areas, and the microbes are deposited, and, as quite logical consequence, begins inflammatory process - that SAMIA pneumonia .

The main reason for the occurrence of pneumonia

The main cause of pneumonia is a violation of sputum rheology, and the importance of the very concept of "wet" becomes obvious. The agenda is the need for a clear knowledge of the factors affecting the properties of sputum.

The formation of sputum is directly related to blood circulation in the pulmonary tissue (i.e., with blood rheology: blood rheology \u003d sputum rheology). The presenter factor contributing to the violation of blood rheology is an increased loss of fluid by the body. Causes: overheating, sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, insufficient water flow, high body temperature.

The intensity of education and the quality of sputum is largely determined by the composition of inhaled air. Than air land, the larger in it dust particles or chemical agents (factors household chemicals, for example), the worse.

The resulting wet is removed all the time, and the removal occurs in two ways. The first way is a well-known - this is cough. The second is as follows: the inner surface of the bronchi is washed with cells, which, in turn, have special grows - cilia. The cilia moves all the time, pushing the sputum from the bottom up - to the trachea and larynx, and there he will make his whole cough. By the way, all factors directly affecting the sputum rheology, to a no less affect the work of the wildlife epithelium (so in the smart medical language, the inner surface of the bronchi is called).

The knowledge we got about what kind of sputum is and for what it is needed, allows you to make two very important outputs: first, without normal sputum, it is impossible to normal fulfillment of their functions and, secondly, the aforementioned normal spree should be removed from the lungs on time.

Cough with pneumonia

Cough - namely the cough removes the sputum - it happens different, and this everyone experienced on himself. The cough can be dry, painful, but maybe wet, when, after the cough episode, a person feels relief because the sputum leaves and becomes noticeably easier. Such a cough is wet, with the disheve of sputum, doctors are called productive.

So, the most important ways of preventing pneumonia - Maintaining adequate sputum and cough rheology.

Pneumonia as a complication of ARVI. How to avoid?

Now consider the "classic" situation - a typical ARVI. Symptoms - runny nose, cough, body temperature increase. The inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract is accompanied by increased sputum generation.

Our main tasks are not to give wet to lose their normal properties and have a productive cough.

How to achieve this?

Basic rule : Clean cool air in the room where the patient is located. The optimal temperature is about 18 ° C. It is very important not to be confused and do not mix such concepts as "cold man" and "the temperature of the air that breathes a man." It is clear that it is necessary to dress warmly. Any sources of dust in the room increase the likelihood of drying the mucus, because with the abundance of carpets and upholstered furniture, the air is quite difficult to moisten the air, and without these dusty sources it is enough to do wet cleaning. When conducting a wet cleaning, in no case add chlorine, chlorine lime to water and other disinfecting chlorine-containing drugs. The smell of chlorine is quite able to cause defeat respiratory tract A completely healthy person (chemical burn).

Any heaters are solely dangerous because the air is dried. We will emphasize once again: optimally 18 ° C, but better 15 ° С than 20 ° С.

In addition to dry and warm air, a high temperature of the body contributes to drying the sputum. It is possible to fight with high temperatures, but the more active to "shoot it down", the less is produced in the body of interferon - a special protein neutralizing viruses. What to do? To try to drink as much as possible - remember the connection of blood rheology and sputum rheology. We drink a lot - it means "thin" blood, it means that we facilitate the removal of liquid sputum.

If the room is hot and stuffy, or on the street, summer, and the patient refuses to drink, the high body temperature becomes extremely dangerous - the antipyretic means should deteriorate.

Now about the cough. In principle, the productive cough is seconded - i.e., if there is a sufficient amount of liquid (undecked) sputum, then the cough, of course, will be productive. But this is in principle. People love a variety of medicines "from cough" and very often actively "help" to stop coughing themselves. This, in turn, contribute to the violation of the dishellion of the sputum and the occurrence of inflammation of the lungs.

It should be clearly understood that how coughing is different and cough medicines are different. Many drugs allegedly "from cough" in fact the cough do not stop, but make it productive - it is very important and very necessary. The composite components of such drugs affect either the epithelium of the bronchi, contributing to the formation of sputum and improving the work of the epithelium cilia, or directly on the sputum itself - the discharge it.

They get them mainly of plants (typical representatives - Mukaltin, bronchicoze), and options for tablets, syrups and mixtures - thousands. There is also a small amount (no more than 10) very effective chemical substances (not vegetable origin), having influence on a sputum, for example, bromgexine or lazolvan.

The drugs mentioned are called "expectorant means", and their use with ARVI significantly reduces the likelihood of inflammation of the lungs, but (!) With the obligatory execution of two prerequisites - abundant drinking and pure cool air (one good heater will easily defeat 1 kg of bromgexin).

At the same time, in addition to expectorant means, there is a sufficiently large group of drugs that promote disappearance or loosening cough. They act in different ways, affect, for example, directly on the cough center in the brain, reducing its activity. They are used in situations where cough, by and large, the body is not needed, it, by virtue of the characteristics of the disease itself, does not bring relief, but only causes suffering to the patient. What are these diseases? For example, cough or chronical bronchitis. What are these drugs? For example, Broncholitin, Glaucine, Stoptussin, Paxeldin. Using these medicines for ORVI and, thus reducing, coughing activity, it is very easy to achieve a cluster of sputum in the lungs and a wide variety of complications - primarily all the same pneumonia.

The loss of the sputter of their properties is not the only reason for pneumonia. After all, no wet by itself causes an inflammatory process in pulmonary fabric. The presence of a particular microbe (streptococcus, pneumococcus, staphylococcal, etc.) is also necessary. These microbes in most people (no matter, an adult is or a child) peacefully inhabited in the nasophaling, and their reproduction is constrained by the factors of local and general immunity. Any ORVI leads to the activation of bacteria, and if this factor is combined with the loss of the moocroty of its protective properties, then this situation is quite sufficient for the emergence of complications.

Information that ORVI is accompanied by the activation of bacteria, leads to very incorrect actions - to the appointment antibacterial drugs, above all antibiotics or sulfanimamides (called preventive antibiotic therapy). These drugs do not act on viruses, but bacteria are activated! Here are the hands of these very bacteria to crush. But it's impossible to crush everyone!

Among the ten bacteria will always be there suchers for which the swordless antibiotic does not work. They will cause inflammation of the lungs, and it will not be just pneumonia, and pneumonia caused by microbes resistant to antibiotics.

But the main thing is not even in this. Bacteria inhabiting the nasopherler form a certain community whose members peacefully coexist with each other and constrain each other's reproduction. Taking antibiotics with viral infections, we contribute to the fact that some members of the microbial community die, and others, having lost their natural rivals, begin to multiply. So it turns out that preventive antibiotic therapy for ARVI 9 times increases the likelihood of pneumonia!

Signs, allowing to suspect the development of lung inflammation.

Cough has become the main symptom of the disease.

Worsening after improvement or any " walled disease", last 7 days.

It is impossible to deeply inhale - such an attempt leads to a bunch of cough.

The pronounced pallor of the skin against the background of other SMI symptoms (temperature, runny nose, cough).

Shortness of breath high temperatures Body.

At high temperature, paracetamol (Panadol, Ehelevgan, Tylenol) does not help at all.

The doctor has sufficiently perfect methods for the identification of pneumonia. In addition to listening and tapping, in doubtful cases use clinical analysis Blood and X-ray examination is almost always allowing all points over I.

Hospital or hospital. Choosing a place of treatment

The choice of treatment site is determined by a number of factors - ranging from the age of the patient and ending with the qualifications of the doctor and his desire to run home every day (despite the fact that the salary does not change from this).

A very significant and most important point is the real severity of the pneumonia itself. Complicated forms of the disease flowing with respiratory or heart failure, with obstructive syndrome (obstruction is just the blockage of bronchi thick moocroty), with pleurrites, are treated exclusively in the hospital. Uncomplicated pneumonia can well be treated at home.

How to treat pneumonia?

All that was important at the prevention stage becomes even more important in the development of pneumonia.

Without the use of pharmacological funds, it is not necessary, and most importantly, it is definitely the choice of antibiotic, its dose and method of entering the body. Regarding the method, it should be noted that the introduction of an antibiotic by sticking the needles to the buttock is not absolutely obligatory - at least 80% of all pneumonia are safely cured using tablets and syrups.

In addition to antibiotics, drugs are used, expanding bronchi, for example, eufillin, vitamins, and, of course, the complex of expectorant means. As soon as the condition begins to improve, at least immediately after the normalization of body temperature, a variety of physiotics and massages are actively used. These events significantly accelerate the process of recovery. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat X-ray examination - in order to make sure that everything is finally "resolved."

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