Cases There are bullous rashes in. Bullous rash what is it

Bubble or bullous dermatitis is a multifactorial skin disease, in which bubbles filled with serous fluid appear. Depending on the root cause of the occurrence, the tactics of treatment and prevention differs.

Bullous dermatoses are a large group of nonspecific skin diseases, which are distinguished by the reasons, but are similar in the clinical picture. Since the disease is relatively rare, when inflammatory bubbles appear, few people without medical education He knows what it is.

Bullys can occupy both a slight area of \u200b\u200bleather and large areas, merge, burst, and tend to recurrence. Infectious diseases of the skin only in some cases are a factor of occurrence, despite the fact that the disease is reminded by some kind of infection. Bullys occur spontaneously against the background of hyperemic leather.

On mkb 10 ( International Classification Diseases) Bullous dermatitis enters a group of skin diseases and subcutaneous fiber (code L00-L99), encrypted under the L10-L14 code with the title of bullous disorders. The use of this encryption system allows you to unify the nosological unit, having delivering different countries from duplication of the same diagnosis with different names.

Varieties and shapes

Bullous dermatitis divide into two large groups Due to the impact:

  1. Endogenous factors.
    Despite the fact that this group of diseases is the consequence of the violation of genetic material or metabolism in the human body, to begin with the disease there should be an impact of various external factors.
    - in the group allocate different types Hypersensitivity reactions allergic Urban. or atypical dermatitis.
  2. Exogenous factors.
    - The effect of external environmental factors directly on the skin, which leads to the development of pathology.

The hereditary form is more often manifested in early childhood immediately after birth, and it can provoke a large number of factors:

  • stress;
  • change in feeding a child;
  • infectious diseases;
  • supercooling or exposure to high temperatures.

In a separate form include bullous erythrodermia called the pathology Haley Haley. In this case, bubbles appear intradermal (intraepidermal).

Dermatitis can occur with systemic chronic diseases, such as:

  • system Red Volchanka (SCB);
  • sclerodermia;
  • nodal endarteritic and others.

At the score, the occurrence of subepidermal (subcutaneous) foci of inflammation of the so-called bullous pamphigoid is characterized. In this case, the provoking factor can be the impact of ultraviolet rays on a sensitized lupus skin. More often upper limbs, neck and face, where in the warm period of the year the skin is not protected by clothing from provoking radiation.

In Porphyria, dermatitis arises due to the deposition of pathological endogenous substances in the skin tissue, followed by the reaction of the skin cells on them.

Common reasons

Bullous dermatitis occurs more often due to the violation of the adequate response of the body into normal stimuli.

The cause of the disease is the impact of environmental factors, from which the lesion of the skin is formed.

Most people saw bullous dermatitis in the form of burns, frostbite, when after exposure to high or prolonged exposure to low temperatures against the redness of the skin and its maceration, bubbles with liquid occur. This option is the most common and based on it lies damage to skin cells, followed by necrosis (samples) of tissues when contact with a substance that causes "pathological heat".

When exposed to high temperatures (boiling water, fire, contact with a hot metal, chemical thermal burns) First of all, it is necessary to reduce the temperature at the point of contact (will get rid of the traumatic factor). A sufficiently affected area to immediately put in the water room temperature. Such a maneuver significantly reduces the area and depth of the defeat.

The second frequency is the allergic nature of the occurrence of bubbles.

More often occurs in people with hypersensitivity in the form:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis.

Treatment should be directed to an anti-allergic effect.

In more rare cases, as the cause of occurrence of genetic congenital deviations or systemic automatic diseases.

In some cases, the cause of metabolism may be:

  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pituitary tumors.

Symptomatics depending on the type

Bullous dermatitis is characterized by the formation of Bull on skin Pokrov patient. Bubbles of different sizes are formed from 2mm to 1-2 cm in diameter and placed at different depths.

Mix intraepidermal and subepidermal bulls. They tend to merge and break with the liberation of pathological matter. More often arise against the backdrop of reddened frosting skin, spontaneously appear.

Symptoms in dermatitis are quite specific, and their appearance can provoke different factors.

Therefore, when assessing the condition of the patient, it is worth paying attention primarily to the cause of its occurrence.

Increased body temperature is a non-specific sign and arises only in some cases due to a combination with other pathologies:

  • burn disease;
  • systemic red lupus, etc.

The foci of infection during an allergic version is most often localized on the upper and lower limbs, anterior abdominal wall.

  1. Due to the bubbles, erosions are formed, which over time heal.
  2. In the formation of erosion, painful syndrome may appear full recovery Skin cover.
  3. After erosion, they leave the hyperpigmentation zone which disappears only after a long period of time.

When dermatitis appears on the background genetic diseases The symptoms associated with the main disease often come to the foreground. For example, with early porphyria, the child has anomalous substances not only in the skin, but also in the internal organs. This leads to a delay in development, mental backwardness and combined with various dyshembogenesis stigmas (intestinal stenosis, heart rate malformations or CNS).

In exogenous etiology, for example, in burns, the first background is expressed by pain syndrome. In this case, the Bullas are not formed immediately, but after one or a few days after exposure.


The study of bullous dermatitis in adults begins with the collection of anamnesis.

  1. It is important to know how long the rash has appeared, whether there were such cases earlier and with which the patient will arise their emergence.
  2. It is important to know if your family has similar manifestations.

When inspection, you need to appreciate:

  • lesion area;
  • its localization;
  • approximate aspect ratio.

Important information can be drawn with general analysis blood ( leukocyte formula And this will show the presence or absence of systemic inflammation).

Study of urine can exclude a large number of pathologies, including account and porphyria.

To confirm the autoimmune, allergic or genetic root cause of dermatitis, the analysis of immunofluorescence (IFA) is often used, which with great accuracy determines the etiological factor. At the same time, under special microscopes, antibodies or deposition of anomalous substances are determined.

The Bull composition is also used to diagnose. The liquid is sent to the sowing to eliminate the connection of the secondary infection. After breaking the bubble, dead tissue on the border between inflammation and normal skin can be taken to histological research.


Treatment of bullous dermatitis begins after determining its nature.

For instance:

  • in autoimmune etiology, it is advisable to start with large doses of glucocorticosteroids and antimetabolites;
  • with the allergic nature of pathology, the antiallergic drugs should be used and get rid of the provoking factor.

Medical treatment:

  1. In autoimmune inflammation, prednisone, hydrocortisone, dexomethasis, methotrexate with one-piece use of vitamin B9 is used.
    - Locally use glucocorticosteroid ointments and anti-inflammatory substances.
  2. In case of burns, it is important to carry out early necrectomy - remove dead tissues to healthy.
    - Large limb burns require necrotomy - long skin cuts, because dead cloths can squeeze blood vessels and lead to the finiteness.
  3. In metabolic disorders in the form of diabetes, it is worth taking insulin or sugar-reducing drugs (metformin, glyibenklamide), L-thyroxine, followed by a dose correction with hypothyroidism and so on.
  4. Allergic bullous dermatitis requires treatment with antiharmic drugs (Ebstin, Loratadine, Cleptine) and local ointments with the same action.
    - In more severe cases, it is necessary to carry out therapy with low doses of glucocorticoids.

Therapeutic method:

After impact on the main pathology, it is necessary to create all the conditions for rapid healing The heart itself.

  1. In the form of therapy, local waving bandages with hyperosmolar substances are prescribed.
  2. After opening the bubble, the defect should be treated with antiseptic solutions with the purpose of the prevention of the addition of secondary infections.
  3. Bubble dermatitis is a recurrent disease, so treatment root causes should not end with the elimination of an external defect.

Folk therapy:

Folk Medicine For Treatment, often uses a variety of grasses and brazers from herbs.

  • Strong soothing and anti-inflammatory effect at the site of the defect brings finely grated fresh potatoes in the form of a compression.


This disease does not have much complications.

  1. It is more often inflammation due to the development of infection at the place of the defeat, because the skin is damaged and cannot perform the function of the barrier between the external and internal medium.
  2. With significant zones of the lesion (for example, pain) may develop pain or toxic shock - an important violation of the common homeostasis of the body that threatens life.
  3. Healing of deep defects may be complicated by the formation of scar tissue, including skin contractures.

Features in children

Bullous dermatitis in children and adults is characterized by its overall symptomatics.

Due to functional underdevelopment of nervous and immune system In children, the first plan is an increase in body temperature and intoxication. Even with minor zones of dermatitis, a child may have a febrile body temperature and hectic cramps.

Since the most frequent reasons are genetic deviations or burns, the therapy should be started immediately, because possible pathologies can be dangerous for a small organism.

Where to turn

Bubble dermatitis itself carries a dubious danger to life. What you can not tell about the root cause of its appearance, which can be very dangerous and requires immediate intervention.

Therefore, in the occurrence of dermatitis, you must immediately make a doctor record on a planned reception.

In the case of significant burns and frostbies, it is impossible to wait for the record, and you must immediately contact an emergency care.


  1. Since the bullous dermatitis develops in adults more often in cases with impaired metabolism, it is recommended to spend 2 times a year of measuring blood sugar levels.
  2. People who are ill autoimmune diseasesIt is recommended to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures.
  3. With allergic etiology, for prevention purposes, it is worth getting rid of a trigger - Pet wool, exposure home dust, the effects of dyes and flavors.


Regardless of the degree of severity of bullous dermatitis, even in some cases of occurrence, it is recommended to seek help from specialists. The root cause that caused the formation of bubbles may be much more serious than dermatitis in itself.


Before starting the effective treatment of bullous dermatitis with bubble manifestations on the skin, it is necessary to find out the cause of the acute inflammatory process. The disease can develop with the same degree in an adult and a child, while be a triggered influence of external factors. Bullous rashes are difficult to treat, can grow into a chronic disease of a recurrent nature.

What is a bullous dermatitis

When bubbles filled with liquid appear in the upper layer of the epidermis, the doctor suspects bullous dermatitis. The disease has an allergic nature, but it may be a symptom of impaired metabolic ones, endocrine pathologies, genetic anomalies. Its external manifestations cause moral discomfort, and pain during palpation of the dermis reduces the quality of the patient's life at any age. It is important to treat not only characteristic rash, but also the reason for their occurrence.


Progressive bullous dermatitis differ in the nature of the provocating factor. Characteristics on the body arise spontaneously, have isolated or extensive foci on soft tissues. More often is the hands, shoulders, neck, lower limbs that are covered by blisters and strongly itch. Studying the classification of the pathological process, doctors identify such varieties of bullous dermatitis:

  1. Mechanical. Dermatitis develops against the background of injuries, diaper disposals, corns and skin microcracks.
  2. Phototoxic. Dermatitis progressing against the background of ultraviolet exposure of the dermis.
  3. Contact. Disease, as a result of exposure to alkali, heavy salts, acids.
  4. Allergic. Dermatitis arises due to contact with allergens of different nature.
  5. Temperature. Such a form of dermatitis is preceded by supercooling, frostbite, burns.
  6. Autoimmune dermatitis, as a consequence of body immunity dysfunction.
  7. Diabetic when bubble neoplasms are preceded by a broken blood composition.

Bullous epidermolysis - reasons

The etiology of the pathological process is due to external and internal stimuli, doctors do not exclude a genetic predisposition to a characteristic fear. The main causes of bullous epidermolysis disrupt the integrity of the epidermis, change its chemical composition, reduce functionality. Experts do not exclude such provoking factors:

  • violations of the hormonal background;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious damage dermis;
  • long-term medication;
  • destructive effects of sun rays;
  • prolonged impact of dubious cosmetics;
  • disturbed iron exchange;
  • red lupus, psoriasis, paraneoplastic bubble;
  • herpes and impetigo;
  • the destructive effect of nickel compounds.


The first thing on the skin appears specific rashes that have clearly defined boundaries, an inhomogeneous structure. The bullous rash of the recurrence stage scares its intensity, can be common throughout the body or separate sites. Don't notice dermatosis difficult because characteristic symptoms of this skin disease Deliver internal discomfort and cosmetic defect, become the cause of excessive irritability, aggression. To pay attention is important not only for rash, but also on other signs of bullous dermatitis:

  • dryness, redness of the top layer of the epidermis;
  • soreness of lesion foci;
  • accumulation of serous fluid in the upper layer of epidermis;
  • sensation of skin strut;
  • the formation of scars on the site of healing bubbles;
  • violation of the temperature regime;
  • increased swelling of the dermis.


According to characteristic rash it is difficult to determine the shape of dermatosis, it is even more difficult to appoint relevant and adequate treatment conservative methods. In addition to collecting the history of Anamnese and primary inspection, the doctor strongly recommends a number of clinical and laboratory studies To clarify the final diagnosis. Comprehensive diagnostics Bullous dermatitis includes such activities that can be implemented exclusively in the hospital conditions:

  1. Bacterioscopy. The procedure is carried out in the laboratory, designed to study the composition of the serous fluid of bubbles.
  2. Histology and biopsy are studying affected and nearby fabrics to completely eliminate oncological disease With dangerous health complications.
  3. Reef study is necessary to study the allergic nature of the characteristic ailment, identifying the main provocation.
  4. Electron microscopic examination to confirm either the exclusion of the hereditary provoking factor.
  5. The general and biochemical composition of the blood to determine the index of zinc, iron, other valuable structural components.

Bullous dermatitis - Treatment

With the appearance of the first symptoms of dermatitis of the bullous and identifying the nature of pathology, it is important to immediately begin intensive therapy. Effective treatment Bullous dermatitis provides for compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, elimination of a provocative factor, a healing diet, medications and the implementation of physiotherapy methods in practice. To strengthen common therapeutic effect, it is not necessary without intense vitamin therapy. Also excluded attraction of methods alternative medicineas auxiliary measure during dermatitis.

Therapeutic method

Bubble dermatitis is successfully treated if determine the cause of the attack. When the disease is allergic, the first thing is required to derive allergen from the body, completely get rid of intoxication products. If bullous dermatoses occur due to the hereditary factor, it is carried out symptomatic treatment To extend the remission period. The therapeutic method of treating dermatitis provides the following rules that each patient must follow:

  1. Regular treatment of bubbles on the body by the composition of mangartee or green, so that bubbles dried, he was heal faster.
  2. To eliminate the bailion of the Bully bottom when the foci of pathology is opened, otherwise the acute infectious process in the body is progress.
  3. After gravity, the wounds need to use antiseptic solutions, act according to the rules of general merger practices.


Before purchasing a medicine in a pharmacy, it should be consulted with a dermatologist for the detection of intensive therapy scheme. In the conservative treatment scheme, hormonal, cytostatic, immunosuppressive, sulfonic, lining agents, vitamin complexes are involved. Medicines are prescribed inside and externally. The first tools are removed the root cause of the characteristic illness, the second - remove the external symptoms of dermatosis.

The therapeutic ointment from the bullous dermatitis removes itching, swelling, redness, removes the peeling of the skin and reduces the foci of pathology. Reception of such drugs continues for any week, but before the start of reception, it is required to carefully examine the instructions, consult with a dermatologist. Particularly effective are medical preparations local application:

  • ointment with antibiotic action: gentamicinic, syntomicinic;
  • hormonal drugs Local use: Synaflane, fluorochort, imacort, prednisone;
  • wound-healing ointments: Bepanten, Betapane, Banocin, Beloderterm, Methyluracyl;
  • anti-inflammatory agents in the form of gels or ointments: Voltaren gel, indomethacin, eloc, Radaevit;
  • disinfectants: Lemod;
  • non-uniform ointments: skin-cap, cincap.

In complicated clinical paintings, dermatosis is treated with the participation of sedatives and tranquilizers, antihistamines and cytostatics. For medicinal interaction It is necessary to select analogue in a timely manner, but do not engage in surface self-treatment. Additionally, it is possible to use herbal decoction, which remove severe itching and inflammation from the extensive zones of defeat.


If the disease is joined bacterial infectionsThe rash becomes abundant, progress serious complications in the body. Among them are massive skin infection with subsequent suppuration, chronic diseases With frequent relapses. If a conservative treatment The bullous dermatitis was carried out incorrectly, the top layer of the epidermis changes its structure, discomfort and internal uncertainty in themselves with increasing complexes. The presence of scarring tissues is not prone to regeneration, so intensive therapy is important to carry out without complications.


Clinical outcome with timely conducting therapeutic or preventive events quite favorable. The productive therapy of bullous dermatitis helps restore the integrity and structure of the skin in full. However, the patient must understand that he has fallen into the risk group and must comply with the rules of prevention, avoid contact with provoking attack factors.

Prevention of the disease

In low environmental conditions, the risk of developing bullous dermatitis at times increased. To avoid relapses, it is required to take care of the prevention measures in a timely manner. Each dermatologist at the reception will tell you how to warn dermatitis and avoid its potential complications. The actions are elementary, the main thing is to make them the norm of their daily life. So:

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With the strongest inflammation of the skin, the patient needs special care. But before prescribing treatment, careful diagnosis should be carried out, identify the nature of the disease, its causes. If there are many bubbles, then the disease is called bullous, and with it should be struggling with special ways. Only then the bullous dermatitis can be removed as efficiently as possible and for a long time when the diagnosis and causes are correctly installed. In addition, there are their methods of treating and preventing the disease. To any person, such knowledge will always be useful if he carefully examines the features of dermatitis, which proceeds accompanied by bubbleness.

Bullous dermatitis: general characteristics

When they ask how the bullous dermatitis looks like, what it is, as it is treated and can be avoided by this attack, then the specialists are usually showing photos and explain the general characteristics of the disease. Bullese or bubble dermatitis (vesicular dermatitis) is a pathology related to dermatological varieties of diseases, the flow of which is accompanied by an acute inflammatory state of the skin, the formation of watery bubbles (Bull), which over time are painfully bursting, forming erosion.

Bullas are bubble formations, inside which there is a frantic liquid, most often without smell and which have a property to burst. The meaning of the word "Bulla" comes from Latin "Biulla" - "Print", "Bubble". After the bubbles burst, small yazens are formed, because crusts waving them, and sometimes bleeding wounds. After opening the bullous papules, the wounds should be regularly handled antiseptic solutionsTo eliminate skin self-effects.

Specialists stand out several subspecies of this disease:

  • dermatitis herpetyform in Durring;
  • vulgar (ordinary);
  • pemphigus;
  • herpes (especially in pregnant women);
  • bullese epidermolysis;
  • pemphigoid is the rarest case.

For the first time, the actions officially registered in 1884. Disease in prevalence can be determined exclusively for each single bullous type. For example, according to the World Health Organization, cases of bullous epidermolysis in the United States accounted for 8.2% per 1 million sick. In addition, we still need to not forget that within each species of the disease can be hidden from a dozen subspecies. All this establishes specialists - diagnosticities, endocrinologists, histologists.

How to understand that the patient is a bullous dermatitis?

To immediately it was easy to suspect that bullous dermatitis just look at the sizes of the fuses, remember possible reasonswhich could provoke a disease and understand how such pathology should be attributed to which pathology. Additionally, you can still study dermatitis bubble in the photo to identify the type of illness and correctly assign treatment. Consider the most basic symptoms that accompany the disease.

Specificity symptoms of bullous dermatitis

All symptoms will fully depend on the causes of the disease. Therefore, it makes sense to consider signs of illness in the light of those prerequisites that served as a skin disorder.

Symptoms Bullous dermatitis in a photo or in life can manifest as follows:

  1. If a person had burns, including after the sun, or frostbite, then the bulls will be highlighted in large swollen, sometimes solid bubbles. In addition, the entire period may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, a feeling of burning, pain. The skin is typical after the bubbles are filled. Sometimes there are wounds.
  2. With allergies, bubbles in the form of rashes and appear on the skin only in some way. Bright symptoms are in this case the strongest itching and redness of the skin.
  3. Contact dermatitis is manifested almost without bubbles, but with vesicles - small bubbles in the form of a rash swolley. They usually appear when contact with any substance provoking skin irritation.
  4. When bubble or other dermatoses with chronic stage bubbles, bubbles will occur from time to time with periods of remission and exacerbations. The body temperature can also increase with exacerbations, there is a strong itching and redness of the skin.
  5. When Dermatitis Haley-Hayley, in addition to itching in places of formation of bubbles, there is a feeling of burning and pain.

In addition to these cases, a number of examples can be given, their rather large set. But all of them are characteristic general features - Itching, burning, the presence of swollen, bubbles or vesicles, skin fluor, education early, erosions and dryness of the skin in places of its irritation.

Diagnostic methods

It should be immediately noted that in case of disease, such dermatitis does not always have bubble formations that can be called bullosis. It all depends on what the diameter and the localization of the swolves are. So, if the approximate diameter of one element is less than 0.5 cm, then it is customary called - "Vesicula", "Vesiculs". Vesicles (vesicles) are the smallest pummers, and they are scattered in the form of a rash in the skin. But if the swelling is in size more than 0.5 cm. Then the diagnostic will call them bully. The rash from the bubbles is customary to refer to the bulwery, and from Vezikul - Vezikulse. To better understand what dermatitis bubble, it is enough to consider a photo.

The reasons why pathology may occur can be different. All factors contributing to the beginning and the flow of the disease still in the laboratory conditions are closely studied. All diagnoses and researchers agree in a single opinion that bullous dermatitis can manifest itself due to the following factors:

  • congenital dermatitis;
  • switched to chronic stage;
  • the presence of a major disease classified as an autoimmune or viral (for example, in herpes);
  • disorders of work endocrine system;
  • slowing down the metabolic process;
  • sunny or frosty burns;
  • poisoning;
  • damage to the chemical composition of household detergents or cleaning;
  • burns from some plants.

Methods of diagnostics in the case of identifying a type of bullous dermatitis will be as follows:

  • tank sowing chemical composition content of bubbles;
  • blood test for immunoglobulin E who is responsible for the occurrence allergic reactions or their absence.
  • analysis for a histologist who will check the structure and health of skin cells at the cellular level and tissue;
  • blood test for the presence of zinc level, sugar and other substances;
  • blood test for the presence of either the absence of antibodies that impede the formation of a herpes haying;
  • urine analysis to find Prelfins in it if there are suspicion of porphyria;
  • the sample of iodine Yadasson helps to exclude Durring Disease.

For reference: Diagnosts also help the radiant doctor find the optimal method of treatment. First you need to remove a provocative factor, aggravating health status and causing symptoms, and only then remove the symptoms.

How and what the bullous dermatitis is treated: 2 standard approaches

To understand well what the buncular dermatoses are usually treated, the photos of which can be found in this material, attention should be paid to the most basic techniques of traditional and alternative medicine. All that is connected non-medial, and from the series folk remedies Treatment must be necessarily tested by the attending physician. In short, it is better to first consult with a specialist, and then decide whether to apply or not.

IMPORTANT! Unfortunately, few people remember sterility when they independently open bubbles. But this can lead to infection of tissues and blood. Therefore, to open large bubbles should be solely under the supervision of a specialist or with it.

Bullese dermatitis: treatment of medical remedies

After the diagnosis was properly done, the therapist assigns treatment, which is aimed primarily for eliminating the cause of the disease. Methods of doctors with diseases such as bullous dermatitis are as follows:

  1. Mocking areas of the skin are where bulls or vesicles burst. Therefore, they first dried with antiseptics - greenk, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and other substances.
  2. Large bubbles are neatly revealed, but only in sterile conditions.
  3. As soon as all the tires (troughs of vesicles or Bull) are removed by a doctor, the patient is tied up and treated with its skin with antiseptic drugs.
  4. Those bulls that do not need to open are treated with special hormonal and non-hormonal ointments:
    1. "Zincap" (not hormonal);
    2. "Advance";
    3. "Skit-cap" (not hormonal);
    4. "Trieders";
    5. "Elokom."
  5. Strong itching is soothered by antihistamine - ointments:
    1. "Zirtek";
    2. "Tefast";
    3. "Zetrin".
  6. When the patient cannot fall asleep at night because of itching sensations or pain, then they are prescribed "Persen" (Persen) or "Sedassen".
  7. If the disease proceeds too hard, with complications, then you have to prescribe such doctors strong drugswhich can even reduce the activity of the immune system. It can be:
    1. "Metipred";
    2. "Dexamethasone";
    3. "Azatioprin";
    4. "Methotrexat".

Opening bubbles, cleaning crusts, processing wounds and opened young skin under the bubble - all this is very similar to the operation. Therefore, the patient is kept in the hospital until the condition of its skin is normalized and the formation of new bull is not planned. All dermatitis, which were obtained due to burns with fire, Sun, strong frost, are treated in burn centers or clinics compartments.

NOTE! Remember that if you yourself will take care of the treatment, you will simply smear ointments, which you will advise in the pharmacy, then you will just shoot a symptom, and not to remove the cause of the disease, if it is not so obvious to you, like. For example, sunburn. More depth reasons always need to be explored to those skilled in the art, to prescribe treatment aimed at the reason itself.

Elimination of bullous skin disorder by folk remedies

If the patient wants to connect such a disease to therapy like dermatitis bubble, treatment folk methodsthen they can recommend the following most effective funds:

  1. Homemaking on sea buckthorn. 100 grams of sea buckthorn and 100 ml of olive oil are grinding in the blender. Everything costs 5 days, after which it is mixed and used as ointments when processing the bull or vesicle.
  2. Compresses. One potato of medium size is a clutch on a fine grater and poured a mass of 1 glass of vodka. Everything is insisted for a week, and then compress made from this tincture in patient places.
  3. Ointment on the beast. Plant juice is mixed with butter in proportion 1: 4. You do not need to insist, apply immediately.

Even just lubricating sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil Ranks or opened places, you can already contribute to the speedy healing of damaged skin. Just before processing, you should first lubricate with an antiseptic substance or a preparation (for example, chlorhexin), and after applying oil. Sea buckthorn or other kind of drug is not convenient to apply to the place previously treated with green or iodine. It is better to take advantage of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexin.

What to take as prevention: 5 security rules?

The prevention of the illness should be carried out by all people who may somehow suspect such a disease in themselves, or they managed to predict provoking factors and understand that they can avoid their impact. In short, bullous dermatitis will not appear if you follow 5 rules:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene and even the security organization in the workplace.
  2. Avoid staying under the right rays of the sun or contact with animals, plants, jellyfish and other, which could cause skin burns.
  3. Prevent frostbite, close contact with chemical domestic products.
  4. Work in gloves, glasses and protective suit, if there is a number of chemicals or poisons.
  5. Periodically wash clothes, bedding and underwear and other things hypoallergenic washing powders or a simple economic soap.

Bullese skin disorder is not so easy to cure if you do nothing for a long time and run a disease to a chronic state. It should be remembered that if the patient himself becomes applied to some ointments, without consulting with the doctor, he may even aggravate his disease. Bubbles in no way can not open themselves, because it can be infected with blood and skin. And if an infection falls, it will be harder to clean it. Therefore, each patient should be attentive about self-medication and listen, fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor. Then only success will be on the face, and the sore will disappear after passing the course of therapy.

Video about bullous dermatitis

Bullous dermatitis is a disease of the skin of allergic origin. It is characterized by damage to the skin and the appearance of specific water bubbles on it. As a rule, this disease occurs under the influence of a strong external allergic stimulus. True, bullous dermatitis can be a manifestation of endocrine, genetic or metabolic disorders or diseases. The diagnosis of bullous dermatitis is designed to reveal exactly the factor that led to the development of the inflammatory process, and hold a number of laboratory research, including biopsy. Treatment of the disease is reduced to eliminate the action of allergen.

Bullous dermatitis is manifested in the form of water bubbles. In medicine, education data, depending on the size, is called vesicles or bulges. Veinsicles are less than 5 mm, and Bullas are moreover. A feature of the bullous dermatitis is an insiapidermal (in the epidermis) or subepidermal (under the epidermis) location of bubbles. Intraepidermal bubbles are characteristic of Haley-Hayle's disease and bullous erythrodermia. Subepidermal placing bubbles inherent for other similar diseases

Causes of bullous dermatitis

Modern medicine allocates internal and external factors for the development of bullous dermatitis.

TO external factors The following are:

  • sharp temperature differences;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • exposure to sun rays;
  • severe drugs;
  • aggressive chemical substances (Skipidar, hair paint, ursol and others).

Internal factors:

  • genetic anomalies (congenital erythrodermia, Haley-Haley's disease, bullous epidermolysis);
  • metabolic disorders (Porphyria, Pellagra);
  • inflamed dermatoses (bullous pemphigoid, bubble, bullous systemic lupus, allergic contact dermatitis);
  • infectious diseases (impetigo herpes, bullous dermatophy).

Depending on the cause of development, the following types of bullous dermatitis are distinguished:

  • solar;
  • temperature;
  • diabetic;
  • chemical;
  • metabolic;
  • hereditary.

Accordingly, each of the types of bullous dermatitis has various symptomsthat need to be distinguished.

Symptoms of bullous dermatitis

Long straight effect of the rays of the sun on the skin after a while can cause bullous dermatitis. Initially, skin blushes, then bubbles that have different size and shape appear. Sunny dermatitis is characterized by increasing temperature, itching, deterioration of well-being, burning and other symptoms. Traces of hyperpigmentation remain on the site of bubbles.

A sharp decrease in temperature leads, as it is known to be frostbite, which provokes temperature buncular dermatitis. First of all, the spasm of vessels appears. After some time, the extension of blood vessels is observed, the skin bluses, painful sensations appear. At the same time, swelling and bubbles containing a bloody or serous fluid inside. Erosions arise on the site of bubbles, after healing covered with skins. Also heat May cause burns of varying degrees of complexity. With such damage to the skin, the symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of frostbite, however, bubbles appear almost immediately after contact with the source of fire. Accordingly, the bullous dermatitis may occur both in the case of a burn of II, and when frostbite.

Chemical bullous dermatitis is manifested only on those parts of the skin that were in direct contact with the stimulus. After some time, the defeat can take generalized. For example, Ursol causes bubbles on her neck and face, there is also a strong edema around the eyes.

Violation of exchange, or endocrine disease, causes metabolic dermatitis. Diabetes Any type can provoke the development of diabetic dermatitis. In this case, bubbles are localized on their hands and legs. Enteropathic actuatmatitis, for which zinc insufficiency in the body is characteristic of the organism. That is why bubbles appear around the eyes, in the mouth, on the limbs, lips, and the like.

If you take into account the hereditary bullous dermatitis, then it is usually manifested immediately after birth. On the site of small skin damage can suddenly appear bubbles. For example, Hayle Halei's disease is transmitted at the genetic level, but its symptoms are very similar to a bubble.

Diagnosis of bullous dermatitis

Dermatologist is initially studying clinical picturepaying attention to the number of formations, their size, location, and so on.

It is important in the course of surveys and research to identify provoking factor. In the case of the infectious nature of the disease, it is necessary to take sowing and bacterioscopy contained in liquid bubbles.

Biopsy and histological examination can be called the most information methods in the diagnosis of bullous dermatitis. To do this, take a fresh bubble and the skin around it. Indirect or straight immunofluorescence will help determine the nature of the origin of the disease.

Less dermatitis requires electron microscopic studies. If doctors have suspicion of porphyria, the patient must be handed over to the urine to determine the level of porphyrins. The concentration of zinc in the blood is determined to confirm or refutate the suspicion of enteropathic Akrodermatitis.

Treatment of bullous dermatitis

The main principle in the treatment of bullous dermatitis is called the elimination of the provoking factor. If dermatitis arose under the influence of other diseases, then, accordingly, you need to take care of their treatment.

Symptomatic treatment must be carried out if the hereditary view of the bullous dermatitis was diagnosed.

Internal and external medical therapy. Treatment includes antihistamines, sedatives, anti-inflammatory mixtures, antibacterial and corticosteroid ointments, means for healing erosions, etc. For this, such drugs such as Beloderterm, Betapaan, prednisone, lemoderm, methyluracyl 10% are ideally suited.

Caution may also be needed using ultrasound, magnetic field, laser and electric current. Each procedure for the patient is selected individually.

You may also need to open bubbles, while it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules of sterile processing.

inflammatory process In the skin, accompanied by the formation of bubbles filled with liquid. Most often, this disease develops after contact with any aggressive stimulus. In some cases, bullous dermatitis can be a sign of another dermatological disease, disorders of the endocrine system or metabolism, heredity or genetic predisposition. The main role in the diagnosis of bullous dermatitis plays the determination of an irritant, which caused the reaction of the body. For this, biopsy and laboratory diagnostics are applied.

Bubbles with liquid during bullous dermatitis are located directly in the epidermis or under it. In the first case, Haley-Haley's disease and bullous erythrodermia is diagnosed, in the second case - red lupus, bullous epidermolysis or pemphigoid. Bubbles with liquid can be a diameter of up to 5 mm (Bully) and more than 5 mm (vesicles).

Herpetyform bullous dermatitis

) - Chronic skin damage, which manifests itself in the form of a rash from red spots, papules, bubbles. The rash is accompanied by a strong itching and burning area. The rash with this form of dermatitis is grouped in the same way as in herpes. Diagnose the disease can be diagnosed with the analysis of the contents of bubbles and histological research. For the treatment of Durming dermatitis, corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory agents) and dosage preparations of the sulfonic group are used.

Men are most susceptible to this disease aged 30-40 years. In some cases, it is the reaction of the body on the oncological tumor of one of internal organs. But the main causes of the disease lies in the following:

  • The intolerance to the glitter protein, a large number of which is contained in cereals.
  • Increased sensitivity to iodine and ascariasis.
  • Heredity and hidden inflammatory processes.
  • Violation of the tract and viral diseases.

Durming dermatitis is accompanied by a minor increase in temperature and rash, which may appear on any part of the body, except palms and soles, burning and itching in places of rash. Sharp periods herpetyiform dermatitis Combined with long-term remissions. The exacerbations are accompanied by a worsening general status, temperature lift, sleep impairment.

Symptoms of bullous dermatitis

Bulla - a bubble filled with hemorrhagic or serous fluid. Unlike the usual bubble, its size is 5 mm and more. When frostbite and burns, the bull can be up to 15 cm. Bully - the main symptom of bullous dermatitis, they can be on the surface of the skin and in its layers. After opening, the Bull is formed ulcers, which over time are covered with crusts and heal. Scars will remain or not, depends on the size of the Bull. But in addition to bubbles with liquid, there are a number of other symptoms characteristic of this disease. What looks different symptoms Bullous dermatitis can be seen on the following photos:

The first signs of bullous dermatitis

  • Large bulls filled with serous fluid having a slightly wrinkled or smooth surface, pain and tingling. Signs characteristic of dermatitis caused by frostbite or burns.
  • Bully diameter up to 10 mm, arising after several hours of stay on a bright summer sun, hot and too dry skin, sensation of strut.
  • Blessed bubbles with a fluid with a diameter of up to 5 mm, manifested against the background of redness, accompanied by a strong itching and burning.
  • Bullys up to 10 mm in size, appearing after contact with any irritant. This is a pin or allergic bullous dermatitis.
  • The periodic appearance of bubbles with liquid at different parts of the body, characteristic of chronic dermatitis during the exacerbation period.

Treatment of bullous dermatitis

The main goal of the treatment of bullous dermatitis is to eliminate the cause and control of the manifestations of the disease. After diagnosis, antihistamine and sedative drugs are prescribed, anti-inflammatory and hormonal ointments, dermatitis creams with healing and disinfection properties. In addition to drugs, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed - laser irradiation, magnetic field and ultrasound, ionizing or ultraviolet rays. Welcome to the use of funds folk Medicine For the treatment of bullous dermatitis - brave brands, hops and other medicinal plants that reduce burning and itching.

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