Panarium treatment. Panarium: Treatment at home

Ocolone-heater Panarium is an unpleasant disease that manifests itself with the inflammatory finger tissue process around the nail. It appears when skin and nail injuries and infection in the wounds. In the initial stages, the disease can be drawn independently, but it is better to consult a doctor to avoid the development of complications and the emergence of relapses.

What is Otolonogery Panarium

Panarium is acute inflammatory processwhich is accompanied by the formation of a glandy at the place of inflammation. Owlogtea Panarium is developed if the skin of the finger around the nail hands or legs is damaged - it can be abrasions, burrs, the enhancing infection during the execution of manicure.

In addition to the nearby existence similar types of Panaritia:

  • Podnogteva The inflammatory process is formed under the nail plate, pus accumulates in this place.
  • Paronichia - inflammation covers nail roller. This species It differs from the incompicuous parania by the fact that it develops on the rollers, and not around the nail.

Causes and symptoms Panaritia

Owlogtee Panarium occurs as a result of injury to the skin of the finger, on condition hit After injury infection. This happens when the manicure is inaccurated with non-supersonentized instruments, as a result of infection in places, scratches, zeros. Increase the likelihood of inflammatory process diabetes, weak immune defense The body, as well as non-compliance with hygienic rules.

Symptoms Panaria

  • Intensive pain syndrome. The pain sharp and strong, determined by the "shooting" character, may also be new.
  • Eveniness of affected areas Skin and nail.
  • Redness of skin cover.
  • Headaches.
  • Chills.
  • General weakness.
  • Temperature rise.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes.

When the first injections are found and related symptoms You should consult a doctor. Without timely treatment, the symptoms are aggravated, they can get the development of lymphadenitis, phlegmon, blood infection.

Panarium treatment and possible complications


at the initial stages Diseases can be produced houses, but after Mandatory consultation attending physician. In most cases, the treatment with the inflammatory process is coping with a conservative way using various medicines.

What drugs are prescribed for medical care purposes:

  • Antibacterial agents - destroy pathogenic bacteria, which gave the origin of infection and inflammation, remove pain syndrome and improve overall well-being.
  • Ichthyolic ointment 10% - It deeply penetrates the fabric, having an effective anti-inflammatory effect, and also destroys microorganisms. Applied in the form of applications, change every 8-10 hours.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means - Push inflammation, reduce pain, remove swelling.
  • Saline - In the salt solution makes the baths, dissolving 1 tablespoon of salts in 200 ml of boiling water. The procedure is carried out for half an hour two - three times a day. The remedy softens the inflammatory process, kills microbes, improves overall well-being.

For the treatment of near-gas and other species, Panaria cannot be used by the ointment of Vishnevsky. It disrupts the Fauce of Poe from Rankov, which is fraught with subsequent complications and recurrences of the disease.

Complications of near-bone panaritia

  • Pandactylitis - Inflammatory process that captures all the fabrics of the finger.
  • Phlegmon bone - acute purulent inflammation, goes to the bone with a protracted panary, especially the subnogue.
  • Sepsis - blood poisoning.
  • Lymphadenit - inflammatory process lymph nodes.
  • Thrombophlebit - Inflammatory veins process and the formation of blood clots.

Running Stages pathology when pus is formed in the rays, you can cure only by surgical intervention.

Do not attempt to independently perform an autopsy of the Narya! Make it can only a surgeon in the hospital.

Skin cover and nail open directly above the venue of the purulent exudate, the nail bed scrapes, pump completely removed. After the work of the operation, the affected place is lubricated with antibacterial ointment or an antiseptic agent, for this apply Betadine Ointment, Gentamicin ointment, as well as Levomecol.

How this operation passes, look at the video:

Features of treatment Panarium in children

Children treatment Panaria conduct ambulatory, for light condition flow Diseases. The main appointments of the doctor are thermal physiotherapy, magnetotherapy. Pain syndrome eliminate anti-inflammatory medicines ( Ibuprofen, paracetamol), with the help of antiseptic means handle the skin and nail ( Iodinol, diamond greens). Antibiotics are prescribed if necessary.

If the condition of the child is worsening, he hospitalization is shown. In this case, the glance is opened, remove the exudate, the wreck is treated with an antiseptic. Antibacterial agents are discharged.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of near-bone Panarium by folk remedies can only be applied on early stages Diseases, but even in this case, preliminary consultation with the doctor is required.


  • Aloe Leaf Compresses. Aloe leaves are purified from the peel, and the pulp is applied to the affected area on the finger. Compress is fixed with gauze, dosage time - 5-6 hours. Compress reduces inflammation.
  • Compresses with bow. Purified vegetable bake in the oven. When it becomes soft, it is cut on the halves and applied to the place of inflammation. Impose a bandage for 4-5 hours. Onions accelerates the ripening of an ulcer, provokes exudate output to the outside.
  • Paraffin musture for a couple, then dip your finger. When the film from the paraffin on the finger will cool, it is removed. Next, the affected area of \u200b\u200bleather and nail is treated with iodine. Such compress you can not do if there is a pus.

Homemade ointment

  • With tar and honey. In equal parts, it takes to tar and honey, as many butter, pine and aloe meat. Ingredients are drowned in a water bath and mix up to uniformity. Ointment cool, and then apply to gauze, make a dressing for several hours.
  • With calendula on cream oil. Dry flowers of plants are crushed, mixed with creamy oil in proportion 1 to 5. The mixture is applied to gauze and applied in the form of a bandage for the whole night.

Tips for the treatment of Panarium at home are presented in this video:

Prevention measures

In order to avoid occurrence, Panaritia needs prevent the occurrence of the wound and cracksfor this you need perform everything Garden, repair works in gloves.

It is equally important to make a manicure correctly, all tools must be treated with alcohol, also disinfector lubricate the cuticle. Compliance with the rules of hygiene Also avoid the appearance of the inflammatory process.

Inflammatory process On the tissues near the nails should be immediately subject to adequate treatment. Panariums are easy to cure if the disease was not running.

The medical term of "Panarias" knows not all, although many had to deal with this disease. In the people, inflammation on the fingers of the hands (less often - legs) is called "hair". How dangerous is the sore and how to treat it?

Panaria - What is it?

Panarium is a sharp inflammatory process in the tissues of the fingers of the hands, but sometimes and the fingers of the legs. Any damage to the skin, even the most significant, can open the road of infection, as a result of which the hearth disease is formed.

More often, Panariums flows in purulent form, much less often - serous. The disease is dangerous in that the surface inflammation can go into deep, hitting tendons, joints and even bones.

This disease has predominantly bacterial nature, but sometimes viral etiology, in this case we are talking about herpetic panaritis. The fungal origin of the disease can also be diagnosed.

Patients are more susceptible to the disease diabetes And those who suffer from the pathologies of blood circulation of small vessels.

Code of the ICD-10

Each medical diagnosis has a certain encoding in the international classification of disease. Its code for the ICD-10 has panarias:

  • L03.0 - so coded several types of Panaritis: skin, subcutaneous, near-gas and subcutaneous;
  • M00.0 - such code in articular panary;
  • M65.0 is the designation of tendon panarium;
  • M86.1 - thus encoded bone variety pathology.

Causes of occurrence

The cause of development Panaritis is the penetration of microbes into the body and the formation of pathogenic microflora. The most frequent pathogens of the disease become bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, and cinema wand.

Also, the occurrence of the disease is provoked by a mixed pathogenic microflora, less often with viruses.

Microorganisms penetrate inside through various damage to the skin in the form of cuts, injections, scratches, burrs.

Prerequisites for education Panaria in children are:

  • inherent non-compliance with hygienic standards and rules;
  • increased activity, which increases the risk of skin injury;
  • tenderness and vulnerability of children's skin, which is not so protected from infections like adult epidermis.

Provoking development factors Panaritization can be:

  • weakened immunity, avitaminosis;
  • harmful effects on the skin of chemicals, mineral oils, other toxic substances;
  • lack of timely antiseptic treatment of skin damage;
  • manicure procedure using non-processed tools;
  • foot damage to close shoes, no foot ventilation due to poor quality shoe materials.

According to psychosomatics of diseases, each of them has not only physical, but also mental cause. For example, purulent lesions arise due to the exciting human thoughts about the evil caused to him and how to take revenge on the offender.

Symptoms and signs of illness

Symptoms Panarium depends on the type of disease. But there is I. general signswho are peculiar to all pathology varieties:

  • in the focus of inflammation, the skin blushes, swells, frides;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe damage, the pain of varying degrees is felt - from weak to intense: tweaking, powder, pulsating;
  • the formation of an affectionant is accompanied by general malaise, fast fatigue, headaches, high temperatures (sometimes to a dangerous mark of 40 °), chills, nausea;
  • with deep forms of illness, the finger swells, becomes fixed due to severe pain:
  • the nail plate in the case of its lesion can be lifted and peeling;
  • the lymph nodes are inflamed and become painful.

Information about the reasons, symptoms and treatment, as well as the photo of herpes on the body at the initial stage will find.

Classification: species, shapes, stages of inflammation

Panarium is superficial (which occurs more often) and deep, striking soft tissues, joints and dice of the finger. Each type of pathology is characterized by symptoms, the severity of leakage and possible consequences:


In place of damage, tingling and weak pain feeling. In the focus of inflammation, the skin blushes, a bubble with serous (transparent liquid content) or pus is formed.

An increase in the size of the bubble indicates the spread of the disease deep into the tissues. But more often there is a spontaneous opening of the skin panaritis, which then heals and goes off.


The blast is formed on the pillow of the finger. The skin is dense there, which is why the pus cannot get out. Therefore, inflammation is propagating deep into the tissues, which is fraught with the defeat of the joints, bones and tendons. Symptoms are first manifested by a feeling of burning, pulsating pain, tissue swelling, increasing temperature.

This kind of disease is the most common. Typically, the patient has to seek medical care to open panaria.

Ocolonogeva (paronychus)

This is the inflammation of the roller surrounding the nail plate. Often, pathology arises after a manicure conducted in improper conditions. As a result, they appear wounds, damage to the sovereigns, the cracks of the nail roller.

Symptoms are not manifested immediately, on the fourth - fifth day, or even later:

  • pain in the focus of inflammation;
  • redness and swelling of the skin in the field of nail roller;
  • nail detachable with deep shape Panaria.


In this case, fabrics are inflated under the nail. The reason for this may be an injection under the nail or by hitting. Pathology makes itself felt a tangible pulsating pain in the place of damage. In the focus of inflammation, swelling is formed, sometimes the purulent contents can be seen through the nail.


The hardest defeat that threatens a violation of the mobility of the brush. The finger will scatter, because of which it becomes painful to them, especially if you try to break it.

Edema develops, symptoms of general intoxication of the body arise. The prerequisite of pathology is usually becoming injury - after that in the finger there is a strong pulsating pain.


It occurs in the case of infections in the body cavity. It is caused by the injury of the skin or the penetration of inflammation from the neighboring focus. Pathology is characterized by:

  • restriction of joint mobility;
  • painful sensations when moving and palpation;
  • finger's swelling;
  • increasing temperature;
  • rapid heartbeat
  • head pains.

If it does not cure the disease in time, the patient threatens the irreversible destruction of the joint.


As a rule, this is a consequence of the further development of articular panary. The purulent process is involved in the binder, cartilage and bone devices. In the affected joint, pathological mobility appears, "breaking." The danger of this type of Panarium is that the patient has no pronounced painAnd he delays with the treatment of the disease.


This is the defeat of the bone tissue of the finger as a result of infection of open fractures or the propagation of the inflammatory process from the adjacent tissues to the bone.

In this case, the destruction of phalanges (partial or complete) may occur. The symptoms manifests itself with a tangible pain in the affected area, swelling of the finger, common malaise.

To which doctor to contact

When symptoms are found, Panaria should contact a surgeon. First of all, the doctor will determine at what stage there is a disease. The specialist will prescribe treatment, depending on the type of pathology and the risk of complications.

Therapy is conservative (compresses, ointments, baths, injections), and in some cases not to do without surgical intervention.

Methods of diagnosis

To make a diagnosis, the doctor must establish a clinical picture of the disease, for which a survey is carried out and examine the patient.

Other diagnostic methods are also used:

  1. A general blood test is assigned to identify signs of inflammation.
  2. To identify the type of causative agent of infection, a bacteriological study of smears from a wound or separated from the focus of inflammation is necessary. Since the results of the analysis will be known not earlier than in 5 days, the patient prescribes the antibiotics of a wide range of action. Then, when the species composition of microorganisms is clarified, drug therapy is adjusted.
  3. If the doctor suspects bone or articular panariums, the patient is carried out radiography.
  4. Also, if necessary, use diaphanoscopy - tissues are shielded using a powerful point light source. The focus of the defeat looks like a dark spot.

The disease should be differentiated from Shankr-Panarium - form of primary syphilis. This special pathology can affect some health workers whose professional activity Requires contact with infected tissues and biological fluids.

Treatment of inflammation of the finger in adults

Panarium treatment technique is determined by the doctor depending on clinical picture Diseases.

In the initial stage there is conservative therapy with the use of baths, compresses, ointments, antibiotics, UHF procedures.


When treating ointments, bandages should be changed in a timely manner. This is due to the fact that infections are accumulated under them, which may worsen the patient's condition:


Most often, antibiotics from a group of cephalosporins and penicillins are used to treat Panaritia. Lincomycin is widely used in the form of ointments, injections, capsules.

Such preparations are effective:

  1. Ampicillin is an antibiotic penicillin row, a daily dose is selected individually. The duration of therapy is at least a week.
  2. Azithromycin - refers to the group of macrolides. It has a wide antimicrobial effect. Course treatment - from 3 to 5 days. Pregnant and children under 5 are not appointed. Based active substance Azithromycin produced another antibiotic macrolide group - Sumamed.
  3. Cephazoline - has a wide range of antimicrobial action. Practiced intravenous I. intramuscular administration. The drug is used to treat children older than 1 month.
  4. Amoxiclav - combined antibacterial drug. More often used in the form of tablets. The tool is allowed for pregnant women and breasts. The medicine is effective in the treatment of chronic infections.
  5. Baneocin is a combination of two antibacterial drugs that enhance each other's action. Effective with respect to staphylococci and streptococci. Applied in the form of powder and ointment.

Antibiotics are used in surgery at the opening of Panaria and as one of the means of conservative treatment of the disease.


Sticks, baths and compresses are used in combination therapy Panaritia:

The use of folk remedies at home

Treatment Panarium at home by folk remedies is permissible at the beginning of the disease, at its first symptoms:

  • baths with a solution of manganese or calendula tincture (10 ml per 100 ml of water);
  • aloe - the fleshy leaf of the plant is cleaned from the barns, cut along and applied to the wound. Then fix the bandage and hold 3 - 4 hours;
  • baked onion - head baked in the oven or boil in milk. Then cut and applied to the patient, secure the bandage. Compress change every 4 - 5 hours;
  • beets - make a cashitz from the root, grinding it on the grater, attach to the wound and slaughter with a sterile bandage;
  • compress from equal parts of honey, flour and baked onions. The mixture is applied to the finger, fixed with a bandage and keep no more than 5 hours. Then prepare a new composition.

Homeopathy is also used in the treatment of Panaritia. Specific drug and scheme of its application appoints a specialist.

Opening (Surgical Operation)

Opening and removal Panarium is carried out if conservative treatment with surface diseases did not give the result. Surgical intervention inevitably at any stage of deep species Panaritia:

  • the doctor conducts local anesthesia (lidocaine or novocaine solution);
  • then the cut and removal of pus and dead tissues are performed;
  • cavity is made by antiseptics;
  • a drainage is installed to ensure complete outflow of purulent content;
  • the aseptic bandage is superimposed.

In the postoperative period, the patient needs anesthesia, taking antibiotics, dried wounds with antiseptics (furacilin, betadine), physiotherapeutic procedures.

We present to your attention a video in which the opening operation is clearly shown. Panaritis:

Peel the nail - what to do?

One of the consequences of Panaritia may be detachment of the nail plate. Gradually, the nails will get off at all. More often happens on the thumb.

It is important during this period to comply with the hygienic rules and fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor:

  • apply local drugs - Radaevit cream, synthomycin emulsion, sea salt, other prescribed medications and procedures;
  • strengthen immunity, take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • carefully coordinate detached parts of the nail.

The new nail plate will gradually grow. How much this process will last, depends on the degree of damage to the nail, the individual characteristics of the organism and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.

How to treat disease in children (newborns and infants)

Even breast child Panaritia's risk is at risk. In young children, the disease occurs due to the incorrectly conducted procedure for cutting the marigolds.

The baby's fingerfish rink needs to be treated with a solution of manganese, hydrogen peroxide or green.

In the older children, the reason for Panaria can be the usual occasion, the ingress of infection into the body through abrasions and scratches, damage to the burr on a finger.

Independent treatment is extremely not desirable. Child need to show a pediatrician. Known children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky warns about hazardous consequences incorrect actions of parents.

Even quite safe ointment of Vishnevsky, salt solutions, soda baths, Fuccin should be applied after consulting a doctor.

Depending on the type and stage, Panaritia, the baby can assign:

  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • outdoor treatment with ointments and compresses;
  • physiotics;
  • reception of antibiotics;
  • operational intervention.

Consequences and complications

Panarium is dangerous in that difficult complications are rapidly developing and progressing, some may lead to the loss of finger functions and even amputations:

  • lymphangitis and lymphadenitis - inflammation of lymph nodes and vessels;
  • phlegmon brushes - inflammatory proceed in deep tissues, more detailed about what kind of illness - phlegmon, read;
  • osteomyelitis - melting brushes in gear;
  • blood infection;
  • pandactylitis - damage to the tissue of the finger: skin cover, subcutaneous tissue, tendons, joints and bones.

What are his methods of treatment? Decide on the link.

On the causes of the occurrence, symptoms with photos, as well as how to treat the blast on the gum near the tooth - in publication.

Prevention of the disease

It is much more difficult to get rid of Panaria than to prevent his appearance. Simple prevention measures will help to avoid unpleasant skin pathology:

  • do not ignore the slightest damage to the skin - immediately process them with antiseptics, after which it is to apply a sterile bandage;
  • maintain clean hands, be sure to wash them with soap After staying outside and in in public places. But at the same time, not allow skin drying, otherwise the infection will easily penetrate through the microcracks;
  • any work, both in everyday life, and in production, which are fraught with risk to damage fingers, should be carried out in protective gloves. If there is no such possibility, you need to handle the skin with an antiseptic before the start of work and moisten the cream after its end;
  • above caution when cutting fish - injections by fins and bones threaten purulent inflammation;
  • do not use other people's tools for manicure, to conduct a procedure with caution, so as not to damage the cuticle (it is better not to crop it, but to move). Cuts in the processing of the separation roller and removing the burr lead to recurrences. Panaritis.

Felon refers to inflammatory diseases Finger tissues. The subcutaneous fiber of the finger on the hand is the most vulnerable tissue for penetrating the purulent infection and in a favorable medium of fat cells rapidly develops suppuration. In the focus of inflammation, swelling appears, the skin bluses and, when pressed to the portion of the finger, there is an acute pulsating pain. Purulent inflammation affects not only skin and subcutaneous tissue, but can spread on tendons, joints, bone tissue of the finger. Most often, Panariums on the hand begins to develop after some microtrauma of the finger (scratching, abrasion, cut, zanozen, the removal of burr). In the open, infection (streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci and others) fall into open, which actively multiplies and after a while the abscess begins as a result of the inflammatory process. When the first signs of the disease are discovered, be sure to seek help to the doctor, so that the specialist estimates the degree of expression of the abscess, revealed an affectionant (if necessary) and appointed a course of treatment at home.

♦ varieties

Out appears on the upper layers of the skin after the microtrauma. The inflamed skin area on the finger blushes and gradually appears a bubble with a turbid liquid, which increases in size as the infection spreads in the deeper layers of the tissue. Painful sensations are moderate, sometimes burning.

If the inflammation develops into a purulent injection, the doctor performs excision of the skin to remove the pus from the abscess and impose a bandage with therapeutic ointment. After 3-4 hours, you can remove the bandage and regularly do homemade baths with manganese and food soda for your fingers. After the bath, you can handle the wreck on the skin with a solution of iodine;

Okolonogeva (paronich).
The infection falls into the subcutaneous layers of the inlet roller and beaten next to the nail. The skin near the nail plate blushes, the swelling of the inflamed roller increases and soon the suppuration appears, which can spread to the soft tissues of the nail bed or on the matrix spike zone. Most often, the paronychus develops on the hands after the cut of a finger roller with a sharp manicure tool or removing burrs.

Treatment: Abscess revealed surgical method And the bandage with the antiseptic is superimposed. At home, the patient independently processes the inflamed separation roller with antibacterial ointments (ichthiol, Vishnevsky, Levomecol);

The inflammatory process develops under the horn plate in soft tissues Nail bed. The development of the subnog-sized Panarium on the leg can provoke a thumb blast with hemorrhage in the nail bed and the infection of infection in the resulting hematoma. Infection under the nail of the finger on hand often falls together with the nearby, stamped in soft fabrics of the nail bed.

Treatment: if the doctor freely release the nail bed from the accumulated blood and disinfected the wreck, the formation of an abscess in the soft tissues of the finger can be prevented. If the purulent inflammation under the nail occurred, the surgeon will have to remove the plate to clean the nail bed from the pus and impose a bandage with an antibacterial tampon. Then the patient independently cares for the nail phalange, changes the dressings, processes the wound antiseptic solutions and ointments;

The abscess develops under the thick layer of the skin of the pillow. Since the pus does not find the road outside, the purulent injection is striking the deep layers of the soft tissue of the finger. When you press the inflamed pillow of the finger, there is a sharp "shooting" pain that permeates the entire phalanx.

Treatment: requires a surgical operation on the finger under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes dissection of phalanges from the side to ensure the outflow of purulent secretions through the bezing jumpers. After surgery, the doctor is washed with an antiseptic wound, and then imposes a bandage with a tampon impregnated with antibacterial and wound-healing drug. After surgery, the patient regularly changes the dressings and processes the wound with special ointments (levomexol, banyocin);

Tendon (purulent tendovaginit).
Refers to one of the most severe forms of purulent inflammation of the phalange of the finger. Tempile Panariums develops after deep cuts of the finger, animal bites, open fractures. The phalanx of the finger evenly swells, the mobility of the brush is worsening, and when trying to break the injured finger felt acute pain.

Treatment: at stationary conditions An experienced surgeon performs a surgical operation. Injectable antibiotics are prescribed;

If the abscess has developed for a long time in the soft tissues of the finger, then the likelihood of infection into bone fabric phalanges is high. Most often, the disease develops as a complication of subcutaneous panary. But sometimes the infection penetrates the bone tissue of the finger during the open fracture.

Treatment: At first, the doctor sends a patient to a x-ray examination of the finger. During surgical operation Liquidated abscess of soft fabrics Falangi, and then removed Pump bone tissue Special tool. After operation, the wound is processed by an antiseptic, and then the bandage with antibacterial ointment is superimposed. Perhaps the doctor will appoint a course of antibiotics (intramuscularly introduced). The bandage must be changed several times a day, and the wound is processed by a special ointment.

- In the photo: Panariums on the finger

♦ Means for home treatment

If you rate for advice to the doctor in time when the first signs are detected, Panaritis on your finger, you can avoid surgical intervention. In any case, the purulent abscess on the finger should open only the doctor, and the subsequent course of treatment is performed at home.

Ointment Levomikol.

An excellent tool that helps get rid of the inflammatory process in the dermis or subcutaneous finger layers at an early stage of panary, and also helps speed up the wound healing process after removing the abscess. Levomikol has an antiseptic effect on the deep layers of soft tissue and destroys the glottering bacteria. Apply an ointment on a skewed skin in the bath;

Vishnevsky ointment.
Balanced composition active substances This ointment will help speed up the healing of the wounds after removing the burrow and prevent recurrence of inflammation of soft finger tissues. Before going to sleep with a woven disk with the ointment of Vishnevsky, fix the bandage on the finger, and in the morning it will remove it and process the finger of hydrogen peroxide;

Tetracyclined ointment.
This antibiotic for outdoor use is very effective at the early stage of the inflammatory process. Tetracycline hydrochloride actively suppresses the ability of microorganisms to reproduction and helps prevent the development of abscesses in soft tissues of the finger. This ointment can be mixed in equal proportions with zinc paste and a thick layer apply to the inflamed skin section 2-3 times a day;

Cream acrider GK.
The cream of a wide range of action, which includes anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicotic substances. The tool not only helps to suppress the activity of gloting bacteria in soft tissues, but also prevents the interface of the secondary infection. Rub cream to the inflamed skin area on the finger twice a day;

Fuccin solution.
After opening the doctor's doctor on the finger and changing the dressings, it is useful to handle the wound with a solution of fucuricine 4 times a day until it eliminates redness in the skin;

Warm baths.

It is useful to supplement the main course of treatment Panaritia on hand or leg water treatments. In the bath for the inflamed finger, add a seabed salt (1 tbsp. A spoon on the floor-liter of warm water), since hypertensive saline It helps pull purulent masses and toxins, isolated by pathogenic microbes. You can add 1 tablespoon of furaciline solution with antimicrobial action to the bath. Keep your finger in the medicinal bath for 15 minutes 1-2 times a day;

Anesthetic compress.
If you turn on the finger to whine and hurts, and you can get to the doctor no earlier than the next day, then make a compress with a solution with a solution of dimexide. We drag the solution in the water in the ratio of 1: 4, we impregnate the gauze tampon to the means and fix the bandt on the finger. The compress with DIMMCID has not only anesthetic effect, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the inflamed portion of the finger;

Compress for pulling in pus.
If in the upper layers of the soft tissue of the finger, there was a recent inflammation with Movement, then you can try to remove the pus using the pulp aloe flesh. We clean a piece of fleshy sheet from the peel, grind the pulp and carry this cleaner to the gauze tampon. Tampon fix the leukoplasty and remove after 2 hours;

Antibacterial compress.
This folk remedy is useful to apply after removing the abscess on the finger every day before bedtime. In equal parts, we mix pine housing, butter, aloe vera juice, pharmacy tar and homogeneous consistency are heated in a water bath. This mixture is transferred to a cotton disk and fix it with a bandage;

Anti-inflammatory compress.
Mooch gauze tampon alcohol tincture Calendules, wrap their finger around the inflamed area, keep the food film and fix the plaster for 3 hours.

According to medical statistics, up to 20-30% of cases of appeal to the surgeons of the outpatient network due to Panaritis. So called acute inflammation Paldon (or plantar) fabrics of fingers and otologery spaces. It often takes purulent character and can be complicated by the spread of infection with the development of phlegmon. In most cases, surface panariums of fingers are diagnosed, although the defeat of the stop and the development of deep forms of the disease is not excluded.

Causes of occurrence

Panariums are bacterially determined nonspecific inflammation. Most often, gloting staphylococci and streptococci are acting as the pathogen. But the participation of other pathogenic microorganisms is not excluded (for example, yeast-like fungi) and mixed infection. Sometimes the herpetic form of the disease is also found.

The path of penetration of pathogens is extremely exogenous. Entrance gates in most cases are small skin damage. Therefore, in history, patients with parania can be injections with sewing needles and spikes of plants, cuts (including nail haircuts), wounds after torn sowing, remote or remaining non-in-bloods.

Increased risk of development Panaritia is celebrated in people whose labor activity Or hobbies are associated with wood processing, metal and other surfaces. The fishermen and employees of fishing shops are prone to such a disease. Less frequently, the infection takes place in the bite of animals, ripped and bombarded wounds, open finger fractures.

Development Panarium promotes:

  • incorrect or late processing of damage obtained;
  • use for manicure for a long time not cleaned tools;
  • excessive circumcision of the edges of the nail plates;
  • wearing close, poorly ventilated shoes;
  • repeated long-existing skin macerations;
  • the presence of diabetes mellitus, polyhypovitaminosis and immunodeficiency states any origin;
  • chronic microcirculation disorders in the fingers caused by vibration, repeated hypoints, the effects of toxic compounds (metals, mineral oils, forged lime).

In most cases, the disease is due to production injuries and existing professional predisposing hazards. On the domestic reasons accounts for 10-15%.


Acute Panarium refers to the classic surgical infectionsAnd the stages of its development correspond to the stages of ordinary purulent inflammation. Penetration and subsequent reproduction of the microbial agent launches the reaction of adjacent tissues with a disruption of microcirculation, edema and migration to the cage immune system. Some of them are trying to phagocytic microorganisms and foreign particles, others are responsible for the release of a variety of inflammation mediators. The accumulation of the exudate and the masses of the dead microbial and immune cells, provided that the continued activity of the bacteria contributes to the transition of catarrhal inflammation into purulent. Panariums on the finger is developing in the same mechanism.

At the same time, the pathological process on the palm surface is distributed mainly inland, which is explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the subcutaneous fiber of the fingers. This causes the severity of pain syndrome under the panarias of such localization. The skin in this area is fixed with a variety of connective tissue partitions separating subcutaneous tissue into individual sections. Therefore, at first the inflammation during panaria is local.

The subsequent purulent melting of connective tissue chips or the transition of the infectious process on the tendons, their vagina, bones and joints is accompanied by a rapid horizontal spread of purulent inflammation. This is fraught not only by the transition of Panaritization in phlegmon brushes, but also the development of a common septic state. This is possible at low immune reactivity, late appeal to the doctor, refusal from the proposed treatment or its unauthorized correction.


Classification Panarium is based on the depth and localization of the purulent inflammatory process. But the type of pathogen does not play a key role, the nature of the flora indicates a diagnosis as a clarification.

The disease may have several clinical forms:

  • skin Panarium;
  • subcutaneous;
  • okolonogteva, it is also called paronychine;
  • subnogric;
  • articular;
  • bone;
  • tendon panarium;
  • pandactite (defeat of all finger tissues).

The articular, bone and tendon panariums belong to the deep form of the disease, as well as pandactive. And all other varieties are superficial, they are diagnosed most often.

a - skin; b - paronichia; in - subnogric; r - subcutaneous; d - tendon; e - bone; J - articular; z - bone-artist; And - Pandactylitis

Some experts refer to Panarilation and purulent-inflammatory diseases of the brush with damage to palm, back surface, interfallated intervals and suppressing formations. But it is correct to attribute them to phlegmon. The inflammation of the rear surfaces of the proximal and average phalanx of the fingers is also not usually considered to be Panaritis, with the exception of cases of their secondary damage with pandactive.

Clinical picture of different forms Panaritia

Symptoms of any form Panarium include local and general appended manifestations. Their severity depends on the depth and localization of the inflammatory process, as well as from the virulence of the pathogen and the activity of the immune response.

The general manifestations of the disease include signs of intoxication (weakness, malaise, headaches, tachycardia), hyperthermia, up to the development of fever. They may occur at the most superficial form when local changes are still limited to the thickness of the skin. It depends on the activity of the causative agent, the nature of the toxins and the reactivity of the body of the disease. It is also possible to develop regional lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.

Local manifestations include skin changes in the field of lesion: pain, redness, swelling (swelling), locally elevated temperature. With surface forms, Panarium At the stage of transition of inflammation into the purulent stage, the accumulation of pus is often seen. And with a percount of a breakthrough, it stands out out. The pronounced soreness and infiltration of tissues lead to limiting the mobility of the affected finger and forced to turn it out of use.

But different types of poanaria have their own characteristics.

Skin and subcutaneous form

The skin form is spoken in the case of the localization of the purulent focus under the epidermis. The accumulating exudate decreases the skin, forming a flat or convex bubble. Its content may be serous, purulent and with hemorrhagic impurity. Patients with skin form are rarely treated. Panariums are revealed spontaneously, many also evacuate the accumulation of pus by puncture a needle or with manicure scissors.

The subcutaneous form is common. It is with such a Panaritia that most often appeal to the doctor, most often already at purulent stage of the disease. The inflammatory focus is located in the subcutaneous tissue and is limited to the sides of connective tanks. The pronounced swelling of the inflamed tissues and the accumulating pussy lead to the tension of the last natural formations. This becomes the cause of a pronounced increasing pain, which acquires a twitching character in the transition of inflammation from the catarrhal into purulent. At the same time, chills are often noted.

Subcutaneous panaria is rarely revealed spontaneously. This is due to the rapid closure of the wound channel (through which infection has penetrated) even before the accumulation of pus and the trend towards the immersion of infiltrate in the course of fibrous partitions. The focus of inflammation can be determined by the zone of enlightenment on a hyperemic and edema background.

A combined form is found when Panarium has an hourglass form with 2 reported foci: skin and subcutaneous. Most often it develops with purulent melting of basal leather layers as a result of inflammation progression. Such an affectionant is also called the swampless.

Owlogte and subnumber

The hearth is often localized in the near-gas rollers. This is due to the prevalence of microtrams of the skin of this area with an excessively diligent cutting manicure or a tendency to burst out. Panariums in a newborn in most cases precisely precisely. After all, non-proper experience young parents often use traumatic ordinary manicure tools or try to crop the angles of nail plates as possible in a child.

Ocolone-hectare panarium is accompanied by thickening and hyperemia of rollers, which soon begins to peel drying serous-purulent liquid. The purulent cavity may not be formed, the inflammation remains at the stage of infiltration. If the pine leads to the melting of deeply lying tissues, the process spreads in a horizontal and vertical direction. At the same time, a branched cavity is formed, each pocket of which can be opened independently.

In the case of the lesion of the upper seaside roller of Panariums, they are called paronymia. Here, the inflammatory hearth is located in close proximity to the base of the nail plate, which can contribute to its detachment. The inflammatory process goes into the subnamed shape, the plate lags behind his bed. Pumping over time can break through with her sides or as the nail grows out from under the edge.

Subcast Panariums can be formed and primary, when the nail plate is dummed or its penetrating injury. But the most common cause of the development of such a form of the disease is zanoz.

Acute paronychia

1. Panarium on the background of the nail fungus
2. Subcast Panarium

Herpetic Panarium

Tendon Panarium

The tendon form of the disease rarely occurs primary. This is possible only with deep penetrating injuries of the fingers. Usually in the process is involved and subcutaneous fiber. The most common tendons (or rather surrounding their vaginal bags) are affected by the progression of surface panaritis. Moreover, at first, the inflammation is of a jet, subsequently, the penetration agent and the suppuration of the already educated transudate occurs.

This form of the disease is also called tendovaginitis. The affected finger sharply edema, reddened, is constantly seated. Practically always manifests intoxication. The patient feels a constant pain, which is sharply enhanced when attempting to an active or passive extension of the inflamed finger. The gential position of the limb quickly leads to the temporary disability of the patient.

The tendon form is the most severe type of illness, which most often leads to complications even with timely early treatment.

Bone variety of illness

Bone Panarium is most often evolving on the end phalange. The bone of the loose, spongy, is located here, does not have an internal channel and is richly liqueurized from substitute vessels. This contributes to a sufficiently light penetration of inflamed fiber infection. In addition, on the end phalange, the bone is located very close to the nail lie, which also facilitates the transformation of the paronychy into bone panariums. With less often, this form of the disease develops with open finger fractures that usually occur with the mislimination and infection of soft tissues.

In fact, the damage to the bone with such a panary is osteomyelitis. Often there is a situation where the destruction of the bone is developing after the autopsy of the subcutaneous or near-ground focus and the period for improving the state. This is due to the insufficient empty of the purulent cavity and the early closure of the operating wound.

Signs of bone panarium is a constant deep pain in the affected phalange and the emergence of bone sequesters (pieces of bone) in the scarce separated from the purulent wound. The body temperature increases, swelling sharply increases. The phalanx acquires a mawed species, the axial load on it becomes painful.

But to existing painful sensations Many patients quickly get used to and do not appeal to the doctor, preferring independent treatment folk remedies. It is fraught with the aggravation of the situation and the further spread of the infection, up to the development of sepsis.

Articular Panarium

Nead, but disabled form of the disease. This is destructive purulent arthritis. The damage to the joints of the fingers is most often occurring after injury to the skin in their dorsal or side surface, where there is little subcutaneous fiber.

Symptoms of the disease are sharp edema and severe painful soreness, leading to a significant limitation of its mobility. The skin over it is reddened, hot, tightly stretched up to the disappearance of natural folds. With late or insufficiently intensive treatment, adjacent tendon bags, cartilage and bones are involved in inflammation, the joint is irreversibly collapsed.


Pandactylitis is not an acutely developing form of the disease. It may be the result of progression different species Panaria, with the spread of the purulent process on all adjacent fabrics. But sometimes pandactite is formed without explicitly defined signs of local inflammation. This is possible when the finger is infected with high-voluminous pathogens, prone to rapid propagation and distinguishing powerful toxins.

Pandactite is accompanied by severe intoxication, purulent axillary lymphadenitis and potentially threatening life with septic state. The finger is sharply eaten, bluish-crimping and sometimes with the spots of the ulceration. The patient is disturbed by constant intense pains, increasing when touched and attempting movements.

Possible complications

Possible complications of Panarium are associated with the spread of purulent infection beyond the limits of the finger or with the consequences of the suffering disease. These include:

  • Sepsis, that is, the generalization of infection to form secondary multiple purulent foci in various organs, the development of DVS-syndrome and polyorgan deficiency.
  • Distribution of the process on synovial bags of brushes and even forearms with the development of appropriate purulent tendovaginites. It is most likely with Panarium I and V fingers of the brush, because the vagina of their flexors continues to the ray-taking joint and even go to the forearm. But the synovial bags of the palm surfaces of the II-IV fingers of the brush end blindly at the level of the Mispan Falane joints.
  • Phlegmons brushes, while the spread of infection from fingers is most often under the aponeurosis.
  • Osteomyelitis of mills and crewty bones.
  • Vessel thrombosis with the development of acute ischemic tissue necrosis, perifelibates and thrombophlebitis limbs.
  • Purulent lymphadenitis of regional lymphatic vessels. At the same time, the so-called lymphatic panarium is diagnosed. This disease is characterized by inconsistency between the moderate severity of signs of inflammation of the finger with the bright symptoms of lymphogenic infection. Moreover, sometimes lymphadenitis and general intoxication are discovered before the manifestation of actually Panaria.
  • Finger contractures, which is a consequence of the articular and tendral forms of the disease.


Diagnostics Panarium is aimed at eliminating other infectious inflammatory diseases of the brush (or foot), to clarify the nature and depth of the destruction of the fingers. Patient survey includes:

  • Inspection. The doctor assesses the external changes of the affected area, identifies signs of intoxication, checks the state of regional (axillary) lymphatic nodes. For a local inspection, a buttial probe is used, which allows you to determine the zone of the greatest pain and, if necessary, the depth of the purulent wound.
  • Taking smears in the presence of separated or open wound. Allows to carry out a bacteriological study with determining the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to the main antibacterial agents. True, the result of such an analysis can be obtained no earlier than 5-7 days, which is due to the need to expect the growth of microorganisms on various environments in the incubator.
  • Radiography Review, targeted, in 2 projections. It is carried out with suspicion of the articular and bone form. But it should be borne in mind that osteomyelitis of the end phalanx in most cases is verified x-ray only for 2-3 weeks of the disease, while small crumb-like bone sequesters are determined from the first days.
  • Diaphoneoscopy - translucent of the fabrics of the affected finger. The focus of inflammation is visible as a dimming, which allows you to determine its exemplary sizes and shape.
  • General blood testing for determining the severity of a general inflammatory response by estimating the level of ESP, leukocytosis and the nature of the leukocytic formula's shift.

The survey plan also often includes analyzes to identify predisposing and aggravating factors. This includes the determination of blood glucose levels (to exclude diabetes) and the exclusion of syphilis.

Clinical Painting Panaria requires differential diagnosis C (especially with damage to the fingers), carbuncles. And sometimes the doctor has to exclude a special pathology, the so-called Shankr-Panarium. This is a rare shape of the primary syphilis, when micro-damage to the epidermis of fingers are becoming the entrance gate for pale treponam. This is possible in health workers, by the nature of the activities in contact with potentially infected biological fluids and tissues. In the risk group there are pathologists, conducting spinal punctures neurologists and anesthesiologists-resuscitative, involved in infusions of the average medical personnel and some others.

How to treat Panarias: Basic principles

If Panarium is developing, treatment at home is carried out exclusively under the control and appointments of the surgeon. It is not excluded to carry out so-called small surgical interventions at outpatient conditions. And at the increase in the symptoms and the inefficiency of the treatment of therapy, hospitalization in the separation of purulent surgery is advisable. Panarician treatment tactics depend primarily on the type of inflammation and depth of tissue damage. Conservative techniques are used on the catarrho-infiltrative stage of the disease. The task of such therapy is the localization of inflammation, the fight against the causative agent, a decrease in the severity of edema and other local manifestations.

The appearance of twigs, wave of hyperthermia and the first sleepless night - signs of transition of inflammation into a purulent form. It requires already surgical treatment For the evacuation of pus, the removal of necrotic tissues and creating a sufficient path of outflow for the formed exudate. The volume and technique of operation is determined by the form of panary. If possible, the wound put drainage, which prevents the injury of the edges of the wound and facilitates the self-election of purulent exudate. The exclusion is a skin form, in this case only a wide opening of the Panarium (subepidermal bubble) is carried out.

Surgical treatment is required to be complemented by conservative measures, washing postoperative wound and dressings with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory means. The use of levomexol under panaria is the most frequent postoperative measure.

If the basic symptoms after the operation does not pass, it is necessary to re-targeted examination to eliminate the development of deep forms of the disease and complications.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment may include:

  • The use of a wide range of action antibiotics, preferably with a bactericidal effect. In most cases, the choice falls on the means of penicillin or cephalosporin row, lincomycin is also used. All other belong to the preparations of choice in the ineffectiveness of the treatment. Antibiotics when finger panicing can be used not only for systemic, but also for local therapy. Practicing the focus of inflammation, washing the purulent wound, appliqués, ointments (for example, offlide). Antibiotics are sometimes used intravenously retrograde (without removal of the harness).
  • Local long hypothermia. It may be effective on the catarrhal stage of the skin and forming subcutaneous panaritis.
  • Receiving NSAIDs with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory purposes. It is rather auxiliary measure.
  • Compresses and appliques using anti-inflammatory funds. Domexide is most often prescribed (in relevant dilution), chlorhexidine, chlorophilipte in the form alcohol solution, Ointment of Vishnevsky, Levomecole. But the ichthyol ointment in the treatment of Panarium is currently considered to be ineffective, the clinically significant effect on its use is noticeable mainly in the herpetic nature of the disease.
  • Warming and alcohol compresses on the inflammation area.
  • Physiotherapy (UHF, ultraviolet, ionophoresis).
  • Immobilization that allows you to create a functional peace of the affected part of the limb. Auxiliary measure.

Conservative therapy is possible in the early stages of deep forms of Panaritia.

Surgical treatment Panaritia

Operation under Panarium is most often aimed at evacuation of pus, the removal of necrotic masses (for example, bone sequesters), the creation of adequate outflow from the purulent focus. But if necessary, radical interventions are carried out - amputation of the affected phalanx or the entire finger.

The main types of intervention include:

  • removal of the nail or at least its parts with purulent subnamed panaria or top roller paronichs;
  • arcuate opening of the skin and subcutaneous parainization of the end phalanx;
  • the imposition of 2 communicating linear cuts on the side surfaces with the defeat of the main and medium phalange;
  • repeated puncture of the joint (under the articular form of the disease) and the affected synovial vagina (in tendon form), permissible only on the catarrhal stage of inflammation;
  • wide side bilateral cuts with panarias with the defeat of synovial vagina, they are superimposed simultaneously on the main and medium phalanx;
  • continuous median incision along the palm surface of the finger with necrosis of the tendon;
  • wide arcuate autopsy of the end phalanx with the removal of sequesters during bone panaritis with incomplete damage;
  • amputation of one or more phalanx with extensive tissue damage or common osteomyelitis;
  • opening of the articular cavity on the side surface, which can be associated with a simple rehabilitation or removal of joint surfaces and the creation of non-heater ankylosis;
  • finger amputation with its exacticulation in the Metal Standogo joint and resection of the cuff head.

How many heirs the finger under the panary, depends on many factors. The faster and most helpful to remove the pus and suppress the activity of the pathogenic flora, the faster the recovery process takes place.


Surface Panariums - Disease, with a fairly favorable forecast. It is possible to complete the patient without the formation of rapid defects of limbs and coarse deforming scars. Occondugery and subnodes usually do not lead to a total irreversible change in the nail sphere zone, so appearance The terminal phalanx is restored over time. And the possible irregularities of the growing nail plate do not require surgical correction And do not disturb the functioning of the finger.

For people of some professions, it can be critical to change the surface sensitivity of the finger pad after transferred to the panaritization of this area and operational intervention. Such a problem, for example, is relevant for typist, shieve, decorators. That is why the opening of the Panarium of the terminal phalanx is trying to produce by the fade arcuate cut, which reduces the traumatic operation.

The forecast for deep forms depends on the volume of damage, the timeliness of the treatment and response of the body to therapy. With pronounced tendovaginites and arthritis, the patient's disability is possible due to the development of bone-artistic contractures, if the leading hand is affected. Disgraceability and when removing phalange or all finger. But you should not forget that operations of such a volume are carried out on the liberation testimony, allowing you to cope with the generalization of infection and prevent a fatal outcome.

Signs of inflammatory damage to the finger on hand, most often, are observed around interphalating joints, which indicates the development of one of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • One of the options for Panaritia;
  • Gout;
  • Erysipelas;
  • Previously suffered injuries;
  • One of the forms of arthritis, including rheumatoid.

A purulent or aseptic inflammatory process can develop, the so-called Panarium. Provice this disease may violate the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, injections, bites), burrs and non-pools. The key factor in the occurrence is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms under the skin. Depending on the location of pathological changes, there are such options for Panaritia:

  • Articular;
  • Subcutaneous;
  • Intradermal;
  • Tendinous;
  • Bone;
  • Kostoy-articular.

The subcutaneous species, most often, is formed on the back of the finger. For the disease, the location in the field of the palp tree finger is characterized. If a person has previously damaged the whole brush or a certain finger, then he can develop articular panaria, involving one of the interphalating joints into the process. The most severe type of this disease is a tendon panarium for which the loss of the brush function is characterized for a long period of time.


Increased attention It is necessary to give the silent inflammation of the skin of the arms, since this disease occurs quite often and develops due to the lesion of soft tissues with streptococcal infection.

For rozhist inflammation In the pathological process all layers of the skin of the finger and between the fingers are involved. Despite the fact that the root cause of this state is the pathogenic microorganisms of streptococcal nature, the disease proceeds without pus. One more characteristic feature It is rapid progression, as a result of which infectious agents penetrate not only in the skin, but also in deeply located fabrics, right up to the periosteum. On the development of a corporate inflammatory process in the field of finger, these symptoms say:

  1. Local redness of the skin, including the zone around the nail cuticle;
  2. The feeling of chills and lobs in the body;
  3. Increasing body temperature;
  4. Increased fatigue and weakness;
  5. In the affected area, the phalanx arises a sense of cutting, burning and signs of peeling of the surface layer of the skin.

Ground inflammation of the finger and nearby sites are often perceived as a manifestation of skin dermatitis. That is why many people come for a consultation to the doctor with a launched form of infectious-indisfactory process.

Purulent inflammation

A sharp inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the accumulation of purulent content, is referred to as Panaritis. This pathological condition is more likely affecting the fingers of the hands, and it applies not only throughout the thickness of the skin, but also affects other tissue elements. It is possible to talk about the development of Panarium only if the purulent-inflammatory changes are localized on the palm part.

The risk of panarium in the field of finger hands increases in people suffering from avitaminosis, diabetes, immunodeficiency, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The greatest role in the development of the purulent-inflammatory process is played by staphylococcis, a blue chopstick and streptococci. The penetration of infectious agents is carried out through small chicken wounds, cuts, small bites, skin cracks and abrasions. The process of life and reproduction of pathogens of microorganisms is accompanied by the accumulation of purulent content, which, in the absence of outward exit, is incubated deep into the tissues, affecting bundles, muscles, tendons, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bbones of interphalating joints.

Depending on the severity of the purulent-inflammatory process, conservative techniques are used to treat the finger panarium, which include medical therapy. and hardware physilation. If conservative events do not help, the operational intervention is used to open Panaritia. Before the opening of the purulent-inflammatory focus, the patient is introduced to the paternal substance in the course of the branches of the nerve, which innervates this area. After that, the surgeon dissects the skin over a purulent focus, removes necrotized areas and purulent elements, drains the wound area, washed with antiseptic solutions, and drugs introduces drugs.

With timely treatment, the functional state and the appearance of the finger is completely restored. In order to suppress the life of the global microorganisms, the antibiotic for panarium is chosen by a wide range of action that can cover the maximum number of bacteria.

Conservative therapy of the purulent-inflammatory process in the finger area includes such items:

  • Antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action used for intake, as well as intramuscular and intravenous injection administration (tetracycline, streptomycin, macroen, ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin, amoxicillin, ampicillin);
  • Ichthyolic ointment 10%, which is used to form applications to the field of a purulent-inflammatory hearth;
  • Baths with a solution of cook or sea salt. The solution for therapeutic baths is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt on 200 ml of boiled water of room temperature;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for internal and local applications (ibuprofen, nimesil, diclofenac, aerial);
  • UHF. This physiotherapy technique is appointed only on condition that the patient does not have clinical manifestations acute inflammatory response and general intoxication of the body.

In addition to the methods of conservative treatment of finger panaritis, the inflammatory focus is applied with ice heating, which is held for half an hour.

Inflammation of Sustav

In the development of such a chronic disease, as arthritis, interfalance joints are involved in the pathological process. Signs of the inflammatory process are especially noticeable in the field of index and middle finger. As progressing inflammatory-destructive changes, the process extends to small joints by nameless and thumb hands. AT practical medicine There are such options for finger arthritis:

  1. Psoriatic. This condition arises in people suffering from the skin form of psoriasis. The reason for its occurrence remains unknown;
  2. Rheumatoid. This form of arthritis refers to the systemic diseases of the connective tissue. At the time of the so-called debut, rheumatoid arthritis amazes the interfalance joints of the middle finger or index finger, while developing on the right and left brush;
  3. Gouty Arthritis arising from the violation of the exchange of purine bases in the body. The main cause of the development of gout arthritis is the accumulation of uric acid crystals in small joints.

In addition to the arthritis forms listed, there are such reasons for the inflammatory process in the field of interphalating joints:

  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Arthrosis.

There is also a list of factors that, when exposed to the human body, are able to cause an acute or chronic inflammatory process in interphalating joints. To such factors include:

  • Prolonged exposure to low temperatures on hand brushes;
  • Previously suffered infectious diseases;
  • Hereditary predisposition to the development of autoimmune diseases;
  • Excessive physical exercise on hand and wearing weights;
  • Insufficient flow of calcium and vitamin D with food.

With basic groups medicines And their names can be found in the table.

To practice popular treatment At home, you can only after establishing the root cause of the inflammatory process. To do this, contact the doctor and go through such diagnostic measures as x-ray study Brushes, overall blood test, as well as blood research on a rheumatoid factor.

If a person was prescribed an ointment of inflammation, which contains a glucocorticosteroid component, then apply this remedy for damaged joints should be no more than 4 days in a row, since with long-term use, glucocorticosteroids cause atrophic changes in the skin.

Outside the exacerbation phase of the inflammatory process, patients prescribe such physiotherapeutic procedures such as magnetotherapy, UHF, as well as electrophoresis using medicinal medicines. But when the sharp pain found a person by surprise, the previously mentioned non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines in the form of tablets, capsules, gels and ointments will help her.

Indomethacin has an effective analgesic effect, which is equally effective in the form of ointments and tablets. The only disadvantage of this fund is gastropotoxicity. An alternative to indomethacin is diclofenac or ibuprofen, which can be purchased in a pharmacy in the form of gels and ointments for outdoor use. If non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have not improved the condition, it is recommended to contact the hospital to perform a novocainel blockade.

Inflammation of nail

With near-thergerate panary, a person is experiencing a painful pain that breaks a dream and prevents the occupation by ordinary affairs. The inflammatory process in soft tissues near the nail, arises for a number of such reasons:

  • Ingrown nail;
  • Diabetes;
  • Non-compliance with sanitary standards when performing a manicure;
  • Circulatory disorders in hand brushes;
  • Nail fungus (onichomicosis);
  • Disruption of the integrity of the skin (cuts, abrasions, injections).

To the main symptoms of near-bone Panaritis include:

  • Redness and swelling of the skin in the near-gas region;
  • Intensive pain that is enhanced when driving with finger and at night. For near-gas, panarium is characterized by a pulsating or twerring pain;
  • In the process of propagation of purulent contents deep into the dermis, a characteristic pale band is formed around the nail;
  • In the field of purulent inflammatory hearth, there is a seal and a local temperature increase;
  • As they involve in the process of subcutaneous fatty fiber, the body temperature and the symptoms of indisposition increase.

For the conservative treatment of near-bone panary, warm baths with a solution of potassium permanganate (manganese) are used, as well as appliques with levomecommium, ointment of Vishnevsky or dioxidine ointment.

Inflammation of the tendon

Inflammation can spread to tendon structures. This purulent-inflammatory disease occurs more often in people of working age, from 20 to 50 years. In 70% of cases, traumatic damages that provoked panaria were obtained in working conditions. In surgical practice, cases are more often recorded when the tendons of the large and index fingers are affected.

In addition to such common symptoms, the tendon form of the disease is characterized by the contracture of Dupyutren. At the same time, the formation of tendons nodes is observed, which over time lead to partial or complete pressing of the damaged finger to the palm. If we talk about how to cure tendon panarium, then medical tactics will be directly dependent on the severity and prevalence of the purulent inflammatory process.

The conservative treatment of inflammatory lesions of the tendon includes compresses and rims with dimexide, appliques with ichthiol ointment and levomecommium, immobilization of the damaged limb with the help of an elastic bandage, antibacterial drugs Wide spectrum of action (ampicillin, amoxicillin, streptomycin, meropenem, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide).

If conservative therapy turned out to be ineffective, then a person recommended surgery in order to remove purulent exudate, sinovial vagina sanation and the introduction of antibiotics. After surgical treatment, a rehabilitation stage has to be held, which includes medical gymnastics and physiotherapy.

Regardless of the cause of the occurrence, this condition should not be ignored. If the process has an infectious nature, then there is a high risk of distributing pathogenic microorganisms to other structures.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treating diseases. This will help take into account individual tolerability, confirm the diagnosis, make sure that the treatment and eliminate the negative interactions of drugs. If you use recipes without a consultation with your doctor, then it is completely for your fear and risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a healing benefit. All responsibility for use lies with you.

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