Folk remedies from psoriasis on the legs. Folk remedies from psoriasis - an overview of effective recipes

Psoriasis - non-infectious disease, every year amazing an increasing number of people. Official Medicine is not ready to propose effective drugs against the disease - pharmacy Capable only by local treatment (Getting rid of outdoor signs of the disease). After a while there is a relapse - the skin is covered with new rashes. Folk Medicine is more effective methods Reliable psoriasis. Plants of plant origin are capable of fighting the disease from the inside, for their application, the doctor's permission is not necessarily, since most of the domestic drugs are safe for the body.

Causes and symptoms of psoriasis

The complexity of the treatment of psoriasis is that the doctors are not able to determine which pathogen causes skin defeat. The opinions of specialists were divided, but no assumption found official confirmation.

The most common hypotheses of the development of psoriasis:

  • genetic heredity;
  • viral Nature (the most controversial theory)
  • the weakening of the protective forces of the body;
  • harmful ecology;
  • mental disorders.

The disease is not contagious - it is not transmitted through contact. Aerially drip, psoriasis will not work either.

Determine psoriasis simply - signs of illness have bright symptoms:

  • itching on affected skin cover;
  • red plaques with a clearly defined border;
  • in case of damage to the dermis, new peeling spots appear.

In the elderly, the disease is rarely found - the defeat of the dermis is most often found in young people.


Psoriasis - a disease that affects the skin for reasons that even an experienced doctor cannot always determine, so drug-based influence on symptoms is recommended by a complex of drugs and additional measures. Preparations should be appointed by a doctor - self-treatment can lead to dangerous complications, the rapid development of the disease.

Treatment with drugs occurs according to such a scheme:

  • local (Outdoor) Application hormonal means (Psoril, cytopsor, Berestin);
  • diet, normalizing exchange processes in organism;
  • non-immunity drugs with moisturizing, stopping cell dividing by reducing effect (zinc, solidol, salicyl ointment);
  • physiotherapeutic manipulations (UFO blood, excimer laser, cryotherapy);
  • reception of vitamin complexes (Aevit, hepavit).

The disease can cause nervous disorders, treatment is often supplemented with the help of psychologists. Below is a table with hormonal and non-corporal drugs.

Basic rules of treatment

Treatment at home leads to positive results, but provided that the recommendations and rules of alternative medicine are strictly followed. The patient must adhere to the following requirements:

  • treatment to carry out to the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease - 2-4 procedures will remain unsuccessful;
  • fight with the disease complex - the use of funds inside and externally;
  • do not give up the help of the doctor - to combine, if necessary, folk remedies and pharmacy drugs;
  • complement the treatment of the diet;
  • protect the skin from harmful, external influence during the course of treatment (use protective cream, butter).

Applying home tools to advance with the doctor. If there are contraindications to the use of folk methods, refuse treatment and contact the methods of traditional medicine.

Before using any means to test the active components to the body tolerability. To do this, apply 3-5 drops of the prepared medication to the body area with an increased sensitivity (elbow fold, "crescent" behind the ear, wrist) and wait 2 hours. If the body does not give the alarm, allowed to use the tool for outdoor use.

Activated coal against psoriasis

Activated carbon, which has the properties of removing toxins from the body will help to quickly heal at home from the disease. Some doctors believe that the disease provokes intoxication, so the elimination of harmful substances contributes to getting rid of the signs of psoriasis.

The drug dosage is calculated by body weight. 6-8 kg is enough single tablet. The daily portion of activated carbon is recommended to divide into 2 parts and take for two receptions in the evening and in the morning. Put with plenty of liquid.

Treatment is carried out by two courses lasting per month. Break - 25 days. If there are complications for complete deliverance from the disease, up to four courses will take away.

In treatment activated coal Adhere to the diet - limit the use of fatty, salted, replete dishes. Another requirement is to drink during the day from 2 liters of liquid (water, herbal decoctions, tea).

Treatment of soda disease

The use of sodium bugger is recommended for getting rid of the rash on the scalp, hands, other parts of the body. Fighting with Psoriasis National Medicine advises the adoption of the bath with the addition of soda. The results of the manipulations carried out is to get rid of the inflammatory processes on the skin, discomfort (itching, burning), improved blood circulation.


  1. Take a warm soothing shower, which prepares the skin to the procedure.
  2. Fill the bath with warm water.
  3. Add to liquid 450 gr. Food soda.
  4. Stir the solution to completely dissolve the sodium of the bicarbonate.
  5. Take half an hour.

Psoriasis: causes, symptoms, treatment at home, tips in patients with psoriasis, patient reviews about treatment folk remedies.

Psoriasis is non-infectious chronic illness, striking skin cover (with some types of damage, nails and hair are exposed). About 5% of people suffer from psoriasis around the world. Statistics are disappointing: over the past decades, there has been a tendency to increase cases of the disease among the population: if earlier than the psoriasis suffered mainly people over 30 years old, then cases of disease among children and even newborns have been registered. Before today's day It was not possible to develop effective treatment from psoriasis, which would allow to completely get rid of the patient from the ailment. Any dermatologist is capable of reduced symptoms and introduce a disease in the remission.

Causes of psoriasis

Unfortunately, today the causes of the occurrence of psoriasis are not fully understood. In medicine there are several specific theories according to which the disease occurs:

  1. Autoimmune - every organism has special protective cells. Under adverse conditions (enhancing viruses and bacteria), they begin to be activated, highlighting certain substances into the blood. All this leads to the emergence inflammatory process in the body, as a result - increased fission of skin cells;
  2. Individual response of the body. With a number of unfavorable factors, the cells of the epidermis are starting to make their protective functions worse. Immunity also gives a failure, it is expressed in the destruction of the structures of skin cells.

If we talk about the immediate causes of the disease, scientists are allegedly called several at once:

  • Failures in the work of endocrine organs;
  • Systematic stress and nervous overvoltage;
  • Impairment in the work of immunity;
  • Biochemical imbalance in the body.

According to official theory, there are 2 types of psoriasis:

  1. Psoriasis 1 type - transmitted at the gene level by breakdowns in the immune system. More than half of all patients are subject to psoriasis of type 1, and the disease faces mostly youth. With this type of disease, the damage is exposed exclusively to the skin.
  2. Psoriasis type 2 - arises, as a rule, with the improper lifestyle and adverse effects on the body, it occurs most often in adulthood. Psoriasis 2 types are especially dangerous, because The joints and nails are significantly harder and damage.

It is known that healthy skin cells are divided in 21 - 28 days. With psoriasis there is a decrease in this time to 4 - 5 days.

Symptoms of psoriasis. When should the trouble be alarm?

Psoriasis tends to gradual development. The first symptoms of the disease always perform strongly spinning red spots (Papulas), located mainly on the head, on the bends of the body and skin folds.

Psoriase Papulas have their own characteristics, characteristic of exclusively only this disease:

  • On the surface of each papula there is a thin flake, it can be removed without much difficulty with insignificant friction stains;
  • After removing the scales and further friction, pale - pink skin section is exposed;
  • Little blood drops appear on the exposed site.
  • Packed as a chronic disease, its current can be divided into 3 stages:
  • Progressive;
  • Stationary;
  • Regressive.

I would like to stay on each of them in detail.

In the first stage, the disease is quite clearly manifested: inflamed red spots appear on the skin, the patient torments the constant sensation of itching and dryness on damaged skin sections. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the so-called papules (spots) are located in places of the greatest contact with clothing and flexible parts of the body cause severe irritation and depths, bringing the patient's discomfort.

At the initial stage of the disease, Papula have the dimensions of several millimeters, for a long time they may not spread through the body and do not grow in diameter. If the amount of papural begins to increase, then this indicates the beginning of the 2 stage of psoriasis.

At the stage of the stationary stage, under the observance of the appropriate treatment, there is a stop of new races, old papules are stopped to increase in volume, while fully covered with scales. Characteristic feature The stationary stage is the cessation of itching and the enhancement of peeling spots.

The regressive stage is the ultimate in the fight against psoriasis. It is important to consolidate the result. At the last stage, there is a stopping of the inflammatory process and peeling, discoloration of old rashes up to a complete disappearance. Most often no traces on the skin remains.

It is very important to start treatment as early as possible to avoid further complications. Psoriasis can not be ignored and allowed on a samothek, this is a very serious illness requiring emergency treatment. Its manifestation is not limited to the defeat of exclusively skin cover, in the struck stages, the disease passes to the joints, causing their strong inflammation. In the future, psoriatic arthritis develops, which does not yet affect the quality of the patient's life: in most cases, people lose disability, and every fourth becomes disabled. In a special risk group for the development of psoriatic arthritis, people suffering from psoriasis 2 are located.

As already mentioned earlier,
Until today, there is no medicine from psoriasis in the world, which would completely be cured of sick people. Any appointments are made by doctors with one single goal - to remove the aggravation of the disease, introduce it into the step of remission, holding its further flow under control. As a rule, the treatment continues a rather long period of time, including drugs for use inside and local means.

These include:

  1. Tablets for receiving inside;
  2. Hormonal and non-coronal ointments;
  3. Salt baths;
  4. Immunomodulators;
  5. Anti-inflammatory means;
  6. Selective phototherapy.

The use of expensive drugs, of course, has a proper effect, but not every average Russian can afford such long-term treatment. Therefore, people often resort to the treatment of psoriasis at home by various folk methods. It is known that household methods of treatment have been applied in ancient times: people have always come across diseases of the skin, in the absence of current anti-inflammatory funds, plant remedies were used, which were quite effectively coped with the disease.

How to get rid of psoriasis using exclusively home treatments? Let's in more detail on this issue.

How effective is the traditional medicine in the fight against the disease?

Medicinal products based on plant components were used by patients for many hundreds of years, this fact finds its confirmation in a number of historical records. Currently, a huge number of scientific research confirm the safety and effectiveness of people's methods for the treatment of psoriasis.

The use of various means in the fight against psoriasis makes it possible to achieve significant effects both in victory over a specific disease and on the whole body as a whole:

  • Gradual getting rid of the skin from papural;
  • Reduction of itching, tightness, dry skin;
  • Normalization of the function of the skin;
  • Normalization of the work of the immune system;
  • Cleansing the body by eliminating slags and toxins;
  • Easy soothing effect on the CNS.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies, it is important to take into account possible alternative methods for the fight against the ailment and the emergence of side effects from the use of a particular drug, so without consultation with a competent specialist here is not to do.

Basic principles of treatment of psoriasis at home

Ways to combat psoriasis at home are quite diverse, we will return to this topic, but the basic principles for all of them will be:

  1. Systematic use of treatment by folk remedies;
  2. Use of hormonal drugs during periods of exacerbation;
  3. Control over the formation of crusts, their removal as needed;
  4. Full courses, without interrupting treatment and replace one tool to others;
  5. Compliance with the prescribed physician proper skin hygiene;
  6. Support for the need for medical nutrition;
  7. Periodic observation at the attending doctor.

Without complying with all these principles to combat such serious disease As psoriasis is simply inconceivable.

In order to achieve
The maximum effect in the fight against the disease is important to approach this responsibly and to realize that the folk remedies for treatment are a fairly serious complex of events. It is worth aware that any homework is effective only at the initial stage of the disease. In the launched stages of the disease folk Methods Treatment is not recommended to avoid further progression of psoriasis, preference in this case is given by pharmacy funds.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, as mentioned above, it is strongly recommended to visit your attending physician and get advice on treating methods, only in the case of approval by a specialist such approach to therapy.

Let's move directly with people's methods and will deal with the most popular funds in the fight against psoriasis:

  • Turmeric powder is perhaps the most popular of all means. Application It is effective thanks to anti-inflammatory properties. It is quite simple to prepare such a tool, for this you need 100 grams of water to stir 50 g of turmeric powder before receiving a homogeneous consistency. For night, thoroughly handle papulas on the body, and wash in warm water in the morning. The use of turmeric powder in food will be useful, because it contains in its composition a huge vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Coconut oil is very popular among patients with psoriasis. It is simple to use it simple: the oil is applied in a fatty layer on the affected areas of the skin, if possible, as long as possible is not washed away. With proper use, coconut oil will save you from itching and dry skin in a few days.

  • Aloe juice is perhaps such a plant decorates the windowsills of many readers. It is distinguished by a whole near useful properties: Beautifully moisturizes the skin, has an anti-inflammatory property, contains antioxidants. For the treatment of psoriasis, plant juice is used - the leaves are thoroughly washed under water, the peel is removed, and the juice should be squeezed out of the remaining pulp. Every day, after receiving the soul, you need to handle papulas on the body before their complete disappearance.
  • Argon oil is also one of the most popular and effective tools In the fight against the disease. High-quality argon oil is distinguished by the presence of vitamin and fatty acids in a large number of vitamin and fatty acids, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It should be applied to the night with a thin layer, if possible, the affected areas are covered with a clean cloth. Argonova is very very effective in the treatment of psoriasis on the hairproof.

The use of various ointments made at home is an effective way in the fight against the disease. Mazi, made at home, are used in order to moisturize the skin, getting rid of dryness and other unpleasant sensations. Cooking home ointments The process is simple, even an inexperienced person will easily cope with this task. In the use of ointments on natural components, do not forget to observe a number of rules:

  1. They are stored no more than 2 - 3 days at a temperature not higher than + 3 ° C;
  2. It should be applied solely on clean skin;
  3. It is necessary to use to completely disappear the signs of the disease.

Now let's go directly to the recipes of home ointments from psoriasis:

  • "Egg ointment" - 2 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Beat the mixer to form a homogeneous mass, leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The blurred and cooling ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, but not less than 4 - 6 weeks.
  • "Propolis ointment" - 50 g of propolis, 50 gr. Creamy oil. Watch in a blender, let it be in the refrigerator until complete cooling. Processing the affected sections of the bank. The course of treatment should continue at least 6 - 8 weeks.
  • "Ointment from Celandine" - 50 grams of dry grass Celebre, 50 gr Vaseline. The grass was chiilely chopped on a blender, ready to mix with a vaseline before the formation of a homogeneous structure. Apply to affected skin after bathing 1 time per day. Continue treatment until psoriase spots disappear completely.
  • "Scales ointment" - 50 Gy of dried fish, scales should be crushed and thoroughly mix from 100 grams of fish oil. Ointment is applied every other day by 2 - 3 hours, after which it is washed off with warm water. The course of treatment lasts 4 - 6 weeks.

Home Lotions and Sticks, as Psoriasis Ways

No less popular folk remedies in the fight against psoriasis - lotions and bulls. Their cooking will not take much time, and in efficiency they sometimes do not give way to creams.

Lotion from the young celandine. With the initial stages of the disease, as well as the light shapes of psoriasis, such a lotion will be an excellent solution. It is easy to prepare it: 7 Stems of a young cleanliness pour 200 grams of water, put on a water bath and boil over 15 minutes. After removing from the slab, it is possible to laugh, then strain through fine sieve. Wipe the affected skin with a cotton swab 5 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 4 weeks.

Lotion from the flowers of the Hypericum. The broth of the Hypericum can be applied at the launched stages of the disease. It is prepared as follows: 100 grams of Hypericum flowers pour 250 gr of water, boiling for 5 minutes. Give the opportunity to cool and draw, then definitely strain. Wipe papules 2 times a day after bathing, avoid long storage of lotion. Treatment should continue 8 weeks.

Lotion from plantain leaves. For the preparation of lotion it is better to use the fresh leaves of the plantain in the amount of 150 gr. To begin with thoroughly rinse them in running water, then put finely cut, fill with water, put on a slow fire and do not forget to cover the lid. It is necessary to boil the leaves of the plantain at least 15 minutes, after which it is strain and leave to cool. Treat the skin 2 - 3 times a day after the adoption of the soul, the duration of treatment should be from 4 to 6 weeks.

Compress from garlic. Skip the head of garlic through a grater or a meat grinder, pour steep boiling water in the amount of 150 grams, to enable it. Then strain through the siete, apply in the form of compresses or bulls overnight.

Sticks from horse sorrel. 100 grams of horse sorrel Grind in Blender, after which it is to pour steep boiling water and put it in the course of 2 hours. Strain, apply as a mission 3 times a day.

Healing Baths: Contraindications, Basic Rules, Types of Healing Baths

As one of the components of an integrated approach, therapeutic baths are often assigned to patients with psoriasis. The choice is not accidental: the baths are superbly removing itching, irritation, swelling, discomfort, help the patient easier to move the aggravation of the disease, and also significantly extend the periods of remissions.

Therapeutic baths possess a number of useful properties:

  1. Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  2. Remove toxins and slags from the epidermis;
  3. Remove unpleasant symptoms caused by psoriasis;
  4. Remove redness and swelling of the skin.

The appointment of therapeutic baths also has its own contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Perhaps, for any patient, it will not be much difficult for any patient. However, even at first glance, an effective bath may not bring the desired effect without complying with a number of conditions:

  1. Temperature must be no higher than + 37 ° C;
  2. Immediately before taking the bath, it is important to dump warm water;
  3. The total duration of finding in water is no more than half an hour;
  4. The bath should not be taken on an empty stomach;
  5. Reception frequency - every other day;
  6. Immediately after the exit, it is very useful to use the healing cream for the skin, preferably on a natural basis.

When taking a bath, the patient must take into account its age. Thus, people over 50 years old are undesirable to be in water, the temperature of which exceeds 36 ° C, and the stay time should be reduced to 15 minutes. We now turn directly to the species of therapeutic baths.

Salt. Baths with sea salt are the most common and efficient from all kinds: first of the first sea salt you can buy at an affordable price, secondly, it contributes to the exfoliation of psoriatic crusts, and almost does not cause allergic reactions. The only disadvantage of the application of the sea salt bath is the occurrence of a strong itching in the first 2 - 3 applications.

It is very simple to prepare a salt bath, the calculation looks like this: 1 kg of salt is pre-stirled in boiling water, after which it is added to the filled bath and is thoroughly mixed. It is about 20 minutes to be in such water, the reception frequency is not more than 3 times a week. Systematic prefitting in a bath with a sea salt will help to remove unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis and get rid of exacerbation periods.

Magnesium sulfate. Baths using magnesium sulfate are fairly efficient and stronger. Magnesium sulfate is a serious chemical, excessive abuse of such baths may not be better reflected on your health. From all therapeutic baths water treatments Magnesium sulfate has the fastest and effective effect. For cooking you will need: 1 kg of magnesia by 25 liters of water. Puck out into the total volume of water one sachet weighing 100 gr., After emptying each, each is thoroughly stirred before the disappearance of crystals. A permissible amount of applications - 2 times in 4 weeks.

Coniferous baths. The adoption of coniferous baths involves the preparation of infusion: in 300 g of water to dissolve 150 grams of concentrated coniferous extract, mix thoroughly, add to the total water volume. You can use fresh pine branches, for this they are boiled in a bucket with water for 15 minutes, after which they are filled and added to the bath. Conifer baths should be taken at a temperature not higher than 37 ° C for 20 minutes.

Starch baths. Baths with potato starch are accepted rather in exceptional cases when the patient suffers a strong itch. 600 grams of starch need to be divorced to a homogeneous consistency in water with a volume of 1 liter, then the resulting mass add no more than 36 ° C to the bath. Baths with potato starch should be taken no more than 4 times a week to 10 - 15 minutes.

Soda Soda baths
Perfectly suitable for all patients with psoriasis. In addition to the excellent exfoliating effect, the soda has anti-inflammatory properties. Such baths can be taken at least every day, because soda only in exceptional cases causes allergies. To prepare a bath you will need 1 pack of soda. It should be slowly pouring into the water and mix thoroughly to complete dissolution. The water temperature should not exceed 37 ° C, there should be no more than 20 minutes in the bath.

Herbal baths. A huge number of plants have a whole range of useful effects - lifting inflammation, reducing swelling, reducing unpleasant symptoms, improved blood circulation. There should be chamomile, Celenell, Calendula, a series, Sage, Celenton, St. John's wort. Baths with the use of herbs are always prepared exclusively on the decoction of plants. The bath is added, as a rule, 2 liters of branch. The reception duration should be 20 minutes. The duration of the course to achieve the desired effect of at least 8 weeks.

Psoriasis today is a little learned disease. The reasons against the background of which the disease develops a lot and somehow to predict the appearance of a disease in a certain person, unfortunately, is impossible. However, numerous studies of scientists and data medical statistics Let us make certain conclusions about the causes of the occurrence of the recurrence of the disease, although it is quite approximately.

Probably, each psoriasis suffered more than once noticed that the aggravation of the disease largely depends on the image and quality of life. It can be concluded that even such a serious illness as psoriasis does not proceed uncontrollably and independently of human actions.

Therefore, psoriasis prevention methods should be as follows:

  • Full abandonment of alcohol and smoking;
  • Normalization of the day mode;
  • Introduction to the diet of useful products;
  • Conducting sports lifestyle;
  • Avoiding provoking factors;
  • Raising immune protection organism;
  • Compliance with the right hygiene of the body.

One of the main preventive eventsAimed at combating relapses will be positive thinking. If possible, search for your favorite thing: horse riding, cycling, knitting, drawing, reading books, viewing your favorite movies, listening to music. Dedicate the time to communicate relatives and relatives, you will be able to properly organize your leisure, learn to think optimistic and then many problems will be able to avoid.

In addition to the main treatment, patients with psoriasis are important to comply with some recommendations designed to speed up the process of recovery.

  • Carefully take care of your skin. Patients with psoriasis is especially important to pay due attention to skin care. Very good to take cold and hot shower, warm bath, indulge yourself with all sorts of herbal wraps. For the purpose of the doctor, use for care medications.

Psoriasis - a disease in which many factors participate in the formation of which. This chronic noncommunicable illness is the appearance of inflammatory formations on the surface of the skin, the so-called plaques that can grow and affect the large sections of the outer cover. Sometimes nails are involved in the process, and in heavy cases - joints. Today we will find out how to treat psoriasis at home with the help of folk remedies.

Since the cause of the disease is not fully studied, modern methods The treatment of psoriatic rashes is aimed at eliminating visible reasons Diseases, and traditional medicine plays in this not the latter role. Home remedies help substantially alleviate the symptoms, and joint therapy with drug drugs is capable of reducing the rash.

Psoriatic manifestations today are not fully cured. However, to control the course of the disease, for everyone, as a rule, with the competent and regular use of folk agents, both internal and outdoor use, it is possible to achieve a pronounced resist.

Most medical drugs for the treatment of this disease contain hormones, which in some cases only temporarily remove external symptoms, and some even contribute to the worsening of the patient's well-being, since the course of this disease is often unpredictable.

A successful approach to achieving a sustainable positive result is considered comprehensive therapywhich includes the use of outdoor ointments, rods, compositions for rubbing and wrapping, drug addicts, as well as treatment with the help of tinctures and braveractions from herbs. The most prerequisite at the same time is the observance of a strict diet, since for successful treatment The body needs purification from the inside from harmful substances.

To do this, you will need:

  • Refuse smoking.
  • Exclude from the diet alcoholic beverages.
  • Reduce the consumption of sugar, chocolate, white bread, fried and smoked food, as well as abandon animal fats and passic.

During the medical diet, it is recommended more often cereal, loaf and flakes, as well as fresh vegetable juices without sugar. It should be remembered that any deviation from diet nutrition It will not have all the efforts made to not, therefore, the abandon from harmful food, alcohol and smoking should be followed during the first 4-6 months. After that, it is necessary to gradually connect other products to the diet, however, if the rashes begin to appear again, it is necessary to return to the dietary diet.

Any fluid in the diet should not contain artificial dyes, preservatives and additives: it is worth refrain from coffee, traditional tea and non-alcoholic beverages. Filtered water will be more useful, as well as herbal chambers, containing various healing fees: a chamber, mint, rosehip, hawthorn, oregano, etc.

Internal and external means

At home, the treatment of psoriasis by folk remedies is best to carry out complex, applying both internal and external therapeutic compositions.

These include:

  • Ointment of various density.
  • Compresses.
  • Tincture for rubbing.
  • Medical charges for taking baths and wraps.

To internal folk medicine You can attribute:

  • Tincture for receiving inside (both using vodka, and without it).
  • Herbracks.

Ointment, compresses and wraps will help eliminate the inflammation of the skin, reassure itching and will remove the peeling. Infusions and decoctions for internal use help not only restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also to put in order nervous systemIn addition, most natural medicinal fees enhances immunity.

It must be remembered that psoriasis is sometimes difficult to treat with one drugs, but other types of drugs can largely eliminate the manifestations of the disease. Therefore, it should not be abandoned by treatment with folk remedies only because some option does not show due effect - it is quite possible to achieve a pronounced result, changing the current medicine to another.

Many people do not observe about such an unpleasant disease as psoriasis. Its characteristic external manifestations include peeling, inflammation and sebum itchAnd the aesthetic type of rash delivers certain social discomfort. Treatment of psoriasis by folk methods allows you to successfully deal with a non-alert for a long time.

According to modern medicine, heal psoriasis is entirely impossible. During numerous studies, a significant improvement in the general condition of the patient is quite possible when using funds alternative medicine.

Home therapy is used over the years. Cases of dermatological disorders were met before the XIX century, when there were no modern anti-inflammatory drugs and people were faced with plant means. So how to get rid of psoriasis by folk methods?

Vegetable drugs were used for centuries, as evidenced by numerous historical records. Several randomized controlled studies have also demonstrated positive results in the use of natural products for the treatment of dermatological disorders.

Depending on the substance used, the main effects folk Medicine Next psoriasis:

  • Cleansing the skin from psoriatic elements.
  • Smooth epithelial regeneration.
  • Stabilization of skin products.
  • The disappearance of skin redness.
  • Resolution of pathological elements.
  • Normalization of immune status.
  • Improving skin, their moisturizing and recovery.
  • Remove toxins.
  • Purgation.
  • Sedative action.

Note!To increase the results and effective treatment of psoriasis by folk remedies, it is important to know which general alternatives to the drugs of traditional medicine and what potential side effects Or interaction can occur.

Principles of home medicine

Thanks to the use of proven agents, extend the remission of the disease can be at home. Even significant pathological foci in psoriasis becomes noticeably less, and the symptoms of the disease are not so strongly disturbed by the patient during the application of alternative medicine methods.

How to cure psoriasis by folk methods? The principles of home medicine are based on the following postulates:

  • Regularity is a prerequisite for the successful effect of treatment and allows you to stabilize the state, reduce the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion and improve overall well-being.
  • Smooth transition from a minor dosage to higher; From short-term procedures to the time enlarged. The main criterion here should be the condition of the patient, as well as the presence of visible results with the selected treatment.
  • A positive attitude towards success and to continuous improvement will rather feel the effectiveness of the methods used. Skepticism and disbelief in the therapy conducted reduces the quality of treatment.
  • Lack of influence on the disease of a series of triggers. This means that this disease should be treated only by consistent improvement and reduction. related symptoms. It is important to try to exclude all possible factors that are usually the cause of exacerbation.
  • All options folk treatment Psoriasis at home is becoming less effective during the impact on the body of hormonal drugs. These drugs have many side effects, and the results obtained when applied are quick, but last long, which leads to an even greater exacerbation of the pathological process.

Prevention of disease at home

As clinical practice shows, certain folk methods from psoriasis have great recognition among patients, continuing to confirm their effectiveness. Official patents or world recognition of self-treatment did not acquire, but thanks to him, people suffering from psoriasis significantly improve their health, and some of them completely forget about unpleasant symptoms for a sufficiently long period of time.

How to treat psoriasis at home? Knowing what factors cause a pathological condition, it is necessary to try to avoid them - this is one of best ways Help control and prevent exacerbation of pathology.

  • Use the moisturizing lotion. Symptoms of the disease deteriorate when the skin is dry, and therefore keep it moistened with creams and lotions. Thick and oil products (for example, on the basis of Vaseline) are often the best, since they perfectly hold moisture under the skin.
  • Avoid cold as well as dry weather. An unfavorable climate can have a great influence on psoriasis, having lost the clinical manifestation of the state.
  • Limit the reception of some drugs. It should be discussed with a doctor with a lithium treatment alternatives (applied in mental health disorders), propranolol and other beta-blockers (heart disease), indomethacin (arthritis) and antimalarial means. Also, the exacerbation of psoriasis may occur with a sharp abolition of steroid therapy.
  • Avoid infections, injuries, scratches and cuts. Obviously, most people do not intend to hurt themselves. But for patients with psoriasis it is especially important to avoid shocks and cuts. The skin injury can cause the process intensifying in the place of damage is the so-called "Phenomenon of Cebner". Infections can also induce exacerbation of the disease. Be very careful when shaving. Avoid insects, bites, acupuncture and tattoos.
  • Reduced stress. Try to reduce the level of emotional experiences. It is easier to say what to do, but there are some things that can help. Practice relaxation methods, try yoga. There is no superfluous consultation of the psychotherapist.
  • Eliminate alcohol. The connection between alcoholic beverages and psoriasis is not entirely clear, but it is believed that alcohol drinks are able to worsen symptoms at least in men. Alcohol will also not allow for systemic treatment of the disease.
  • Exercise, eat well and maintain a healthy weight. Typically, a balanced diet with a high content of fruits and vegetables is recommended. Sport classes can also help, improving your mood. Often, obesity worsens the symptoms of psoriasis, so the maintenance of normal weight can help prevent aggravation.

Folk recipes for psoriasis

With psoriasis, folk remedies are very diverse, which can confuse the patient. In the fight against the disease, such natural drugs have proven well established.

    Table vinegar (9%) and iodine

    One of the simplest drugs from psoriasis at home. In the first week, it is necessary to apply a bandage moistened in the table vinegar to the psoriatic element. The fabric at the same time should periodically "dip" in vinegar. Next week, the same principle is followed, but this time the bandage must be moistened with iodine. If necessary, repeat the two-week course month later.


    The plant can be used as a "bath" for 15-20 minutes: it is necessary to achieve infusion of 200 grams of grass on 1 liter of boiling water. During the day you can also drink tea from the chemistry. The course is 2-3 months.

    Application propolis

    Apply the drug should be inside: 1-2 grams of pure substance without food over 2-3 months. In place of damage it is possible to impose home ointment: for its manufacture, 500 grams of cream oil and 50 grams of propolis are needed.

    Natural carrot juice

    For 3 months you need to drink one glass of juice daily. The effect is manifested in improving skin properties.


    This substance is one of the most popular in the treatment of dermatological disorders. Birch delet must be rubbed into the affected skin area for half an hour, and then rinse. The procedure should be repeated for a long time.

    Laundry soap

    Psoriatic elements are carefully processed by soap, exposure time - 10-15 minutes. The course is not limited, and therefore the use of this technique is possible until the permission of the pathological process.

    Calanechoe medicinal

    The recipe is simple: freshly prepared cleaner from the leaves of the plant is applied to psoriatic plaques 1-2 times a day, 2-3 months.

    Sea salt

    In warm water, it is necessary to add about 500-1000 grams of salt; Taking a bath should be taken for 20 minutes. After swimming, it is important not to wipe, allowing the skin to dry yourself. The procedure can be recommended both during the exacerbation period and during remission with a prophylactic goal.

    Media sulfate

    100 g of copper sulphate and 3 tablespoons of ordinary manganese (that is, potassium permanganate) is added to 1.5 liters of water. Cotton swab, impregnated with this solution, carefully placed on pathological rashes; Exposure time - 4 hours. The medical course is 10 days.

    Blue clay

    A table vinegar with a blue clay is diluted in a ratio of 3: 1, and then large (preferably marine) salt is added. It is necessary to bring to the consistency of fatty sour cream. Cashier is applied to damage for 6 hours.

    A mixture of chamomile and nettle

    After using a shampoo that can calm the skin, eliminate itching and peeling, it is necessary to apply after washing the hair on the head. Adding a wormwood is characterized by a higher skin disinfection. The procedure can be carried out constantly, both with a prophylactic and healing task.

    Methods for treating psoriasis at home are diverse. The only thing that is important to remember is the use of common sense on the principle of "what if it does not help?". This is especially true for some unofficial councils from acquaintances - a method that threatens the patient's condition, even the most effective, should not be applied, since the price of own health is always above all.

    Do not rush in extremes. About any folk remedy for the treatment of psoriasis must be consulted in a timely manner at the doctor, learning both positive moments and side effects of the drug.

Psoriasis is a severe systemic disease that affects predominantly skin tissue.

Psoriasis treatment is a long process that can not always be completed. That is why so popular among patients therapy methods that can be used in the treatment of psoriasis at home, as well as folk recipesHelping with this disease.

Psoriasis, its features, causes and symptoms

Until now, no scientist can answer the question with all confidence why this disease appears. There are several theories, but none of them can explain all the features of the appearance of pathology. The most popular is the hypothesis, according to which in the development of psoriasis big role Aukimmune processes play.

The mechanism of development of the disease is not entirely clear. However, one fact is undoubted - with psoriasis, the structural and functional properties of the upper layer of skin cells (epidermis) are disturbed. Usually cells of this layer are updated a month later. However, with Psoriasis for not entirely understandable reasons, this process is accelerated several times. Cells do not come true on the surface of the skin, and as a result, psoriaz plaques typical for the disease occur. They can be located in a variety of body areas. At the same time, they not only spoil the appearance of a person, but also make themselves to know the strongest itch.

A variety of psoriasis accompanied by the appearance of plaques is the most common form of the disease. In addition to the gloaching psoriasis, still called vulgar, there are several types of disease:

  • erythematous
  • pustile
  • pale
  • psoriatic erythrodermia.

In some cases, the disease can affect nails and even joints. However, methods of treating various types of psoriasis are largely similar.

The disease is found in humans most often in young age. The proportion of those who face psoriasis in childhood or in old age is small.

Even if qualified treatment is carried out, it still does not apply to rapid processes. Sometimes the disease can take a protracted flow. Sometimes it comes to relief, and the symptoms go. It seems that the patient recovered. But actually it is not. It just takes the remission - the period when the disease retreats. But remission is most often interrupted by another exacerbation.

Medical science has not yet known methods that help patients completely get rid of the disease. Therefore, the purpose of treatment is to relieve unpleasant symptoms, lengthening periods of remission and preventing complications - diseases of nails and joints, generalized skin pathology.

Methods of treating psoriasis

Most of the sick at the first symptoms turn to the doctor, believing that traditional medicine He knows how to treat psoriasis. The specialist inspects the patient, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, then prescribes treatment.

However, cure the disease is more difficult than the patient may seem at the very beginning of the disease. Fast relief in most cases does not occur. Time is coming, and unpleasant symptoms do not pass, and the person does not get rid of the disease. This situation suits little. Therefore, many patients pay their attention to alternative treatments, including the methods of traditional medicine, use herbs based drugs, and not ready-made drugs purchased at the pharmacy. And some patients enjoy unconventional treatments due to the fact that traditional medicines and ointments are considered too expensive.

It cannot be said that all methods of traditional medicine in the treatment of psoriasis are ineffective. After all, the disease appeared yesterday. She is known for a long time. Therefore, healers from the people have developed reliable ways to combat skin inflammation. Some of these methods received recognition of modern science.

Therefore, to share ways to treat traditional and non-traditional will not be quite right. Each case of psoriasis is individual, and many patients are able to rescue funds that do not have any positive impact on other.

What goals are antipsoriatic therapy? It:

  • reduction of unpleasant tooth
  • acceleration of the regeneration of surface skin tissues,
  • cleansing the skin from plaques and other rashes,
  • normalization of the work of the immune system,
  • detoxification of the body
  • normalization of the state of the nervous system.

However, quick healing still does not have to wait - the fight against the disease is often delayed for months, years, and even decades.

Before moving on to the review of home treatments, and the funds of traditional medicine, we list the treatment methods offered by doctors.

First of all, these are outdoor drugs - ointment, creams, lotions. They have a set of diverse therapeutic effects:

  • keratolytic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial
  • moisturizing.

Keratolithic ointments are especially in demand in psoriasis. After all, keratolithic incoming in their composition contribute to the accelerated exfoliation of epidermis tissues. The main kertatolytic substance used in psoriasis is salicylic acid. It also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In ointments from psoriasis you can also meet:

  • calcipotriol,
  • sulfur
  • zinc oxide,
  • zinc pyrhytion
  • naphthalan oil

Most ointments are applied to the affected parts of the body with a thin layer. It is impossible to smear a sick place at once several ointments - it can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Hormonal ointments

However, however, there would be good keratolithic and other ointments, in the treatment of psoriasis, most likely, can not do without a hormone-based ointment. Such ointments are usually prescribed for a period of exacerbation. They contain hormones - glucocorticosteroids, quickly removing symptoms and signs of inflammation. However, such drugs are recommended to use only on the prescription of the doctor. Therefore, the majority of patients often resort to people's ways to combat the disease, especially during remission.

Preparations taken inside

With severe psoriasis forms, immunosuppressors and cytostatic drugs are prescribed, glucocorticosteroids in tablets.

Appointed with psoriasis also:

  • vitamin complexes containing, in addition to vitamins A, E and D, Zinc, and other trace elements;
  • enterosorbents;
  • probiotics;
  • enzyme preparations for the gastrointestinal tract.

UV therapy

For middle degree Psoriasis high efficiency demonstrated physiotherapy methods, primarily the PUVA-therapy. It lies in the irradiation of the skin specially selected UV radiation and simultaneous reception of photosensitizing drugs. These drugs increase the effects of radiation skin.


One of the best keratolithic agents are tar-based drugs. They can also be attributed to folk remedies, although now many ointments with tar can be bought in pharmacies.

Medical dispatch is two species. First, it can be mined from stone coal. And another type of tar - vegetable origin. This thing is obtained from birch, juniper or pine.

Dellow represents a brown viscous mass. It is added not only in ointment, but also in detergents. All well-known soaps are well known, which is also recommended for hygienic procedures with patients with psoriasis, and not only them. You can use when treating and clean down. It is rubbed into the skin of the affected areas and leave for half an hour.

Solidol in the treatment of psoriasis

Good therapeutic effect Psoriasis demonstrates preparations containing solidol. This substance is a mixture of fatty acids. There are many recipes for ointments with solidol. The advantage of these drugs is their affordable price, low degree of allergy.

It is possible to use a clean solidol to lubricate the skin. However, it should be
Special solidol intended for medical purposes, not technical. The problem is that there are many additives in the technical solidol that can harm the skin.

Check solidol on a possible allergic reaction still worth it. To check the inner surface of the elbow, a little solidol is applied. If no negative manifestations appear in 12 hours (redness, itching, edema, etc.), then the drug can be applied.

Clean solidol can not be kept on the skin for a long time (Unlike ointles with solidol). Procedures with the use of this substance can be started with a 10-minute duration, gradually increasing this time for 10 minutes (after each week). Solidol must be flush with leather with degtyar soap. The duration of the course is 3 months.

Pharmacy computers containing solidol:

  • Cartalin,
  • Antipline
  • Magnipsor
  • Citopsor.

Diet pattern

The method that can easily comply with any patient with psoriasis at home is the correct diet. After all, the skin reflects all the processes occurring the body. And the wrong diet can disrupt the course of these processes. Therefore, some products are harmful to the skin, since negatively affect its condition. There are even special diets, such as Pegano diet intended for patients with psoriasis.

The essence of the diet on Pegano is to find the right balance between the acid-forming and alkaline-forming products. First include meat and high-protected food, legumes. To the second - vegetables, fruits and cereals, with rare exceptions. The ratio of alkaline and acidic products, according to the theory of Pegano, should be 4: 1.

  • citrus,
  • chocolate,
  • coffee,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • canned and marinades,
  • fried and smoked dishes.

In the diet, vegetable oils must be present, low-fat dairy products.

Skin care

Treatment will be ineffective if you do not comply with the basic rules for skin care. It is worth remembering that the skin at psoriasis has increased sensitivity. Even a small cut or injection can lead to exacerbation, the appearance of psoriatic plaques. A similar phenomenon is called the phenomenon of Cubner.

Also, skin care includes:

  • regular washing with mild hypoallergenic agents;
  • protection of skin from excessive drying, hypothermia or overheating;
  • wearing comfortable clothes from natural materials;
  • protection of hands from the effects of aggressive household chemicals.

Climatic and resort treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis useful may also be techniques such as balneotherapy and sanatorium resort treatment. Sometimes an improvement in the state can occur simply as a result of climate change to warmer. After all, as you know, the exacerbations of psoriasis often occur during the cold season.

It may be useful to stay at sea, even short-term. Wet and pure sea air have a positive effect on the skin.

Medical baths

Great popularity independent therapy Diseases enjoy therapeutic baths. However, this method has contraindications. In particular, it is forbidden to take baths to people with oncological diseases and heart failure.

The most commonly used therapeutic baths containing the following components:

  • sage,
  • needles,
  • pine buds
  • valerian,
  • tail
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt,
  • celandine.

Therapeutic baths with warm water and the plant extracts dissolved in them and influence helps to remove the itch and inflammation of the skin, have a calming effect. The recommended duration of the bathing is 10-20 minutes. The optimal water temperature is about 38 ° C.

Baths with sea salt are best taken during remission with a prophylactic goal. The recommended number of procedures is 2-4 times a week. Sea salt contains various trace elements, such as potassium, magnesium and iodine, which have a beneficial effect on the skin of the skin.

Sport and Active Leisure

Sports and physical culture in themselves do not affect the condition of the skin. However, they contribute to the strengthening of immunity and the body as a whole, the nervous tension is removed. Since the disease largely has a psychogenic nature, these methods of therapy for many patients can also be useful.


Phytotherapy - method treated various diseases With deep antiquity. With this method, the role of drugs perform various representatives of the flora. On the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes with medicinal plants, including those who help with psoriatic symptoms. Plants can be brought into the composition of ointments, medical preparations For a lotion, but can take inside in the form of decoctions.

However, caution must be taken here. After all, among medicinal plants there are many allergens, and a number of them are contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before starting treatment with a recipe, it is desirable to consult a doctor.

Vegetable oils

If psoriatic plaques are observed on the scalp, then the main treatment can be complemented by the use of therapeutic oils:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn
  • peanut
  • rosemary
  • tea tree oils.

Some effective ointment Homemade cooking

components cooking method frequency of use, once a day
alcohol Extract Celandine, Linen Oil, Vaseline component ratio - 2: 4: 1. Components are thoroughly mixed 1
wood ash, Solidol, Cellular, Egg Squirrel 25 g of ashes are taken, 100 g of solidol, 1 egg protein, 10 g cleanly. The mixture is insistant 2 weeks 3
wormwood, pork fat the ratio of components 1: 1 3
propolis butter 10 g of propolis, 200 g of butter. The mixture is heated on low heat for 15 minutes, then fastened 3
egg, sunflower oil, vinegar 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. Unrefined oil, 40 ml of vinegar. The mixture is whipped 1
birch tar, bee honey, Vaseline, fish fat, boric acid cOMPONENT ratio 25: 15: 10: 5: 5 1
roots Nather, Solidol 4 tbsp. l. The ground nine-sided 100 g of hot water is poured and held on a water bath for 15 minutes, flickering, cool and mix with 500 ml of solidol applied 2 times a day for 1 hour
solidol, honey, egg yolks 300 g of solidol is mixed, 100 g of honey and 2 yolks 3 times a day for 2 hours

Recipes of decoctions from medicinal plants for intake

components cooking method application
soapy, burdock 1.5 tbsp. l. Both components are poured 0.6 liters of boiling water and is heated in a water bath of 10 minutes, focusing after an hour it is used inside during the day
mark, Air, Nather, Corn Ryers, Leaves Barberry, Field Host, Cellular it is necessary in 10 g of all components, and Ceishela - 5 g. On 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. l. Herbs The mixture is heated in the oven half an hour halfcan 2 times a day
roots of burdock, grass violets, bezen flowers, nettle sheet 100 g of burdock and violet is taken, and 50 g of elderberry and nettle. A tablespoon of herbal collection and 500 ml of hot water is mixed, insisted for half an hour and focusing 2 times a day on a glass
chamomile, tricolor violet, bullry leaves, Eleutherococcus takes 4 tbsp. Chamomile and Hypericum, 3 tbsp. l. violets, 2 tbsp. l. Lambs and poured st. l. Hot water, it is 30 minutes, and then in the infusion is added art. l. Eleutherococcus 1 time in the morning
roots burdock, dandelion takes 1 tbsp. l. Each type of raw material, 200 ml of hot water is poured, heated on a slow heat for 10 minutes 3 times a day 100 ml in warm
calendula 1 tbsp of the grass on a liter of water is boiled for 10 minutes 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day
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