Gastroesophageal reflux. Other diseases of the esophagus

They may be hurt both children and adults. The disease is also accompanied by heartburn, vomiting and belching. Essophagitis code for the International Classifier ICD-10: K20.

  • acceptance of acids or alkalis (chemical burns);
  • physical injuries;
  • infections, such as HIV, Appendix;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • food stimuli (allergens).

By the flow, the disease is classified into sharp and chronic forms.

Essophagitis classification for morphological forms:

  • catarist-edema (mucous membrane becomes red, begins to swell);
  • erosive (ulcers appear on the esophagus);
  • hemorrhagic (blood visible on the walls of the esophagus);
  • necrotic (black ulcers);
  • phlegmonous (esophagus swells, begins to foss);
  • exfoliative (film is formed on the esophagus if it is constructed, then wounds will appear). Is a sign of diphtheria;
  • pseudoMembranous (ARAKTEREN FOR SCARLATE).

Essophagitis code for ICD-10

On the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) The disease belongs to diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenal gut. Reflux-esophagitis on the ICD-10 has such a classification: K21.0 - Reflux with esophagitis, K21.9 - without esophagitis.

Classification of esophagitis by Saori Miller:

  1. Degree A: The affected area of \u200b\u200bthe esophagus is relatively small (about 4 mm), there are several ulcers (erosions) that do not merge with each other.
  2. The degree in: the area increases to 5 mm, erosion can merge.
  3. The degree of C: the ulcer is already affecting the part of the esophagus.
  4. Degree D: The esophagus is amazed at 75%.

Acute reflux-esophagitis is accompanied by diseases in the stomach. Causes of chronic - alcohol consumption, smoking, improper nutrition.

The most important thing is not to redistribute your body, abandon active physical exertion. Mineral water Also is an indispensable assistant in this matter. It helps to reduce the acidity of the gastric juice, helps the intestine normally function. When identifying this disease or with the slightest suspicions of him, immediately contact the doctor. Only he can assign proper treatment.

Every year the number of patients with esophagitis began to increase. Many are treated are not in a hurry, believing that discomfort.

Ezophagitis is an inflammatory disease of the walls of the esophagus, the inflammatory process affects the walls of the mucous membrane. At.

One of the inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, namely the esophagus, is esophagitis. He arises from.

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Gastroesophageal Reflux (K21)

In Russia, the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th Review (ICD-10) adopted as a single regulatory document for accounting for incidence, the reasons for the appeals of the population in medical institutions All departments, causes of death.

The ICD-10 has been introduced into the practice of health throughout the territory of the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 27.05.97. №170

A new revision (ICD-11) is planned to be planned in 2017 2018.

With changes and additions to WHO.

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What is Reflux Ezophagitis? Who does he arise and what is dangerous?

Diseases of the digestive tract are increasingly reminded of themselves modern man. Due to improper nutrition and not healthy image Life suffers primarily gastrointestinal tract.

One of the most common diseases of the esophagus is considered to be Reflux Ezophagitis (gastrointestinal reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease, coat of arms, reflux esophagitis, refluxe gastroesophagitis).

Let's figure it out what kind of reflux esophagitis, what is the disease, what is his symptoms, treatment and diet.

What is Reflux Ezophagitis in adults, the code of the disease on the ICD-10

Reflux Ezophagitis is a disease that arises due to the contact of the mucous membrane of the esophagus with the contents of the stomach, when due to the weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter, part of the gastric content is thrown up, in the esophagus.

Due to increased acidity bottom part The esophagus is inflamed, and this leads to the appearance of pain. Often gastroduodenitis, gastritis, esophagitis and reflux develop and proceed simultaneously with each other.

According to the international classification of diseases 10 of the revision, reflux-esophagitis refers to the group of diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, which have code (K20-K31). Code K20 belongs to esophagitis, but to identify the main reason for the appearance apply additional code related to external reasons and the XX class.

In the code K20 there are exceptions for: Erosion erosion, reflux-esophagitis and esophagitis with gastroesophageal reflux. The disease of the gastroesophageal reflux has a separate code - K21.

Causes of Essophagitis Reflux in adults

To protect yourself from the appearance of reflux-esophagitis, it is necessary to know the main risk factors for the development of this disease and possible reasons His development. Specialists note that the main factors that provoke such inflammatory processare:

  • obesity;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • installation of a naistral probe (for enteral nutrition purposes);
  • pregnancy;
  • food hole diaphragm hernia.

All this can provoke the appearance of reflux-esophagitis. There are a number of reasons due to which this disease may appear regardless of the factors mentioned:

  • ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • pylorospasm;
  • surgical interventions associated with the esophageal hole of the diaphragm;
  • reception drug addictswhich reduce the tone of the esophagus sphincter;
  • gastritis with the pathogenic development of Helicobacter pylori bacteria;
  • abuse tobacco and alcohol.

Inflammation of the lower part of the esophagus may appear, both on the background of the diseases of the disease and as a result of a unhealthy lifestyle.

How the disease is developing

As statistics show, almost half of the adult population has manifestations of gastrointestinal reflux. From this number, 10% of the person has endoscopic signs of the disease. This suggests that the mechanism of development of this disease is quite imperceptible.

Sometimes people after taking food feel the appearance of heartburn or nausea, but they don't see meaning to go to the doctor. Often, this disease of the esophagus is diagnosed as a result of the development of more complex inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Nature presented our body several protective functions against the appearance of reflux.

First, the lower esophageal sphincter must set the contradulsory barrier in a timely manner.

If the relaxation of this part of the esophagus occurs for a long time, then its mucous membrane is longer under the negative effects of acids.

Secondly, saliva is capable of neutralizing the negative effect of hydrochloric acid, which is important when making the contents of the stomach in the esophagus. In people who already have developed reflux-esophagitis, doctors note the unsatisfactory peristaltics of the stomach and failures in the volume of sowing.

What significance psychosomatics play in development

Another Cicero in the 1st century BC. It was proved that all body diseases appear due to pain in the shower. Psychological state plays an important role not only in terms of treating diseases, but also at the stage of their appearance. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often called diseases associated with psychosomatics.

American psychotherapist Milton Erickson argues that each disease initially arises in our head, and only then it manifests itself on the body. As for reflux-esophagitis, he is confident in its psychosomatic origin. The main problem of this disease is the direction of the contents of the stomach, not towards the intestine, but towards the esophagus. That is, the wrong direction of recycled food occurs.

Such a state may appear as a result of changing the stomach motor. Often the appearance of gastrointestinal reflux at the subconscious level is due to the desire of a person to return the time to reverse to correct some actions in his life.

Treatment of psychosomatic disorders conducts a psychotherapist doctor. In his arsenal, many different treatments were collected. The most bright are considered: NLP, art therapy, hypnosis, psychoanalysis, family therapy, etc.

Disease varieties

When it comes to reflux-esophagite, few know that this disease has several varieties.

Surface reflux Ezophagit

Surface or catarral reflux-esophagitis: What is it? Often the disease is mechanical damage mucous membrane of the esophagus. This kind of disease is not characteristic of erosion. Often it can appear due to traumatization of the mucous membrane, for example, bones from fish.

Also, this disease can manifest itself due to excessive consumption of oily food, coffee, sharp spices and alcohol.

Erythematous form

Ehtematous reflux esophagitis is characterized by the presence of hemorrhages in the esophagus. It also manifests itself as a result of a long stay of the contents of the stomach in the lower departure of the esophagus. When endoscopic examination is carried out, the esophages of such patients have red swelling and hemorrhage traces. The mucous membrane has purulent accumulations.

Peptic Reflux Ezophagitis

Peptic reflux esophagitis is most often chronic, since the preproduction of the contents of the stomach is constantly. Also, this disease is progressive.

Also, the disease may have different degrees of severity - 1, 2, 3 or 4th degrees. Details about the degrees of the disease and the symptoms of each of them is told in this article.

What is dangerous reflux esophagitis

Often patients with reflux-esophagitis do not consider this disease dangerous, but it is completely wrong. For a long time, such inflammation of the esophagus can not declare about itself.

A person will think that he is just a heartburn or nausea due to overeating. Of course, such cases are possible, but if such symptoms persist for a long time, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

When the disease in the launched state, erosion may appear on the walls of the esophagus, that is, erosive ezophagite reflux. They cause hemorrhage, provoking even greater expansion of ulcers. In the field of ulce proper treatment And the non-compliance of the diet may in the future there are oncological neoplasms.

In addition, such serious complications of the GERD can be formed in the launched cases of the disease, such as Barrett's esophagus, as well as Cardia Ahalasia. Therefore, to the emergence of this disease, it is possible to take seriously!

It is impossible to postpone the visit to the doctor, since early stages To cure this disease is much faster and easier.

How does the disease manifest: symptoms

The symptoms of this disease is as follows:

  • heartburn (maybe in daytime and at night)
  • belching
  • iKOT after meals,
  • making pain in the chest (reminds pain in the heart),
  • difficulty in the process of swallowing,
  • nausea.

It is worth remembering that sometimes the symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux can be at all associated with the food tract. Rarely, but dentiff, rhinitis, pharyngitis, cough are manifested.

Useful video

We offer to see interesting and useful videos about what kind of reflux esophagitis is and what is important to know about this disease:

How does the doctor make a diagnosis of Reflux Ezophagitis

Any diagnosis of the disease should begin with a doctor's advice. A doctor to clarify the character of pain, its frequency and duration. The doctor can also find out the patient's nutrition features to determine his lifestyle. After conversation, the doctor can inspect the language.

In the gastrointestinal reflux, the language can be covered with a white bloom. To exclude other diseases, the doctor must hold the palpation of the abdomen.

If no painful sensations have been identified, then the patient guides to the instrumental examination.

With the help of the probe and the chamber at its end, you can see a clear picture of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract. With reflux, the mucous membrane of the esophagus will be red. In some cases, the doctor may appoint tissue taking in this area for additional research.

Also for diagnostics use:

  • x-ray,
  • daily pH-metry (determination of the level of acidity),
  • ezophagomanometry (determination of the functionality of the lower esophageal sphincter),
  • ECG (to eliminate heart disease),
  • X-ray chest (To eliminate lung diseases).

In the complex, all diagnosis will allow you to see an accurate picture of the disease. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time.

Treatment of disease

The correct treatment of GERD should be carried out according to the following schemes (according to reference more). It must be comprehensive and include the appointment of certain drugs, including antacids. In addition, with this disease, a special medical diet is prescribed to facilitate the state.

ICD code: k21.0

Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis


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  • Gastroesophageal reflux. Other diseases of the esophagus

    RCRZ (Republican Center for Health Development MD RK)

    Version: Archive - Clinical protocols MOR RK (Order No. 239)

    general information

    Short description

    GERB (gastroesophageal reflux disease) - Complex characteristic symptoms With inflammatory damage to the distal part of the esophagus due to a recurring of the gastric and, in rare cases, duodenal content.

    Protocol "Gastroesophageal reflux. Other diseases of the esophagus"

    K 21.0 Gastroesophageal Reflux with Ezophagitis

    To 21.9 Gastroesophageal Reflux without esophagitis

    By 22.0 Ahalasia cardiac part

    To 22.1 ozaw esophagus


    GERB classification (by TYTGAT in Modifications V.F. Leourovsky et al. 1999)

    By endoscopic signs:

    1 Degree: moderately pronounced focal erythema and (or) looseness of the mucous membrane of the abdominal esophagus department. Moderately pronounced motor disorders in the field of the lower esophageal sphincter, briefly provoked subtotal (one of the walls) to the height of 1-2 cm, reduction of the sphincter tone.

    2 Degree: Signs characteristic of 1 degree, in combination with total hyperemia Abdominal dialing of the esophagus with focal fibrinous raid. The appearance of focal surface erosions, more often than a linear shape, located on the tops of the folds of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. Motor violations: distinct endoscopic signs of stomach valve deficiency, total or subtotal provocated prolubing to a height of 3 cm with possible partial fixation in the esophagus.

    3 degree: Signs characteristic of 2 degrees, in combination with the spread of inflammation on the chest esophagus. Multiple, sometimes merging erosion, located not circularly. Increased contact vanity of the mucous membrane is possible. Motor disorders: distinct endoscopic signs of stomach valve deficiency, total or subtotal provoked proluble to height 3 cm with possible partial fixation in the esophagus, may be expressed spontaneous or provocated propagation above the diaphragm legs with possible partial fixation.

    4 degree: ozaw esophagus. Baretta syndrome. Stenosis of the esophagus.

    1. By origin: primary, secondary.

    2. For the flow: sharp (subacted), chronic.

    3. in clinical form: pain, dysptic, dysfagic, low-power.

    4. According to the period of the disease: exacerbation, sacrificing exacerbation, remission.

    5. According to complications: uncomplicated, complicated (bleeding, perforation, etc.).

    6. According to the nature of the changes in the mucous membrane of the esophagus: catarrhal, erosive-ulcerative, hemorrhagic, necrotic.

    7. On the localization of the pathological process: diffuse, localized, reflux-esophagitis.

    8. According to severity: light, moderate, heavy.


    In history - the pathology of the upper digestive tract: chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcerative disease Stomach and duodenal estate, etc.

    Complaints of pain in the opposite region, an unpleasant feeling of "sadness, burning" behind the sternum immediately after swallowing food or during food intake. With pronounced pain, children may refuse food. Breast pain may occur with rapid walking, running, deep slopes, lifting severity. Often, after meals, there is a pain behind the sternum and in the nominal area, increasing in the lying position and sitting.

    Other dyspeptic phenomena: nausea, sonorous belching, vomiting, Icota, dysphagia, etc.

    To the "extra-mode" manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease include reflux laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis, night cough. In 40-80% of children with gastroesophageal reflux disease, symptoms of bronchial asthma are recorded, which develops as a result of the micro-distribution of gastric content in the bronchial tree.

    Physical examination: painful palpation in epigastrics.

    Laboratory examination: OAK, OAM, Cala's research on hidden blood (MB positively), Diagnosis of H.Pylori (cytological research, IFA, urease test).

    Instrumental research: Ezophagogastroduodenoscopy in the esophagus - focal erythema and (or) the looseness of the mucous membrane of the abdominal esophageal department, the presence of erosions, motor disorders - insufficiency of cardiac asshole, casting gastric content in the esophagus.

    The biopsy of the mucous membrane of the esophagus - according to the indications, the esophageal x-ray is indicated.

    Indications for advice:

    Required scope of research before planned hospitalization:

    1. General analysis blood (6 parameters).

    2. Common urine analysis.

    4. Alt, Ast, Bilirubin.

    5. Scraped on enterobiosis.

    List of major diagnostic activities:

    1. OAK (6 parameters).

    3. Cala's research on hidden blood.

    4. Scraping on the hard worm.

    5. Study Cala on Eggs Hist.

    7. Cytological diagnostics to determine the degree of damage and inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa, reflux, diagnostics H.pylori.

    8. Endoscopic biopsy.

    9. Histological studies.

    10. IFA on h.pylori.

    List of additional diagnostic events:

    1. Definition of cholesterol.

    2. Definition of bilirubin.

    3. Timol test.

    4. Definition of Alt.

    5. Definition of AST.

    6. Definition of alpha-amylase.

    7. Definition of a common protein.

    8. Determination of glucose levels.

    9. Definition of protein fractions.

    10. Determination of alkaline phosphotase.

    11. Definition of B-Lipoprotein.

    12. Determination of iron.

    13. Definition of diastase.

    14. Mail to candida from zea and pharynx, language.

    15. Research on HBS AG.

    16. Uzi liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

    17. The esophageal x-ray.

    Differential diagnosis




    Prevention of erosive-ulcerative esophagitis;

    Prevention of the appearance of the esophagus Barreta.

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease

    K21.0 Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis.

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - chronic recurrent disease characterized by esophageal and non-modeine clinical symptoms and a variety of morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the esophagus due to retrograde cast of gastric or gastrointestinal contents,

    The incidence of GERB in children with lesions of the gastroduodenal zone in Russia is from 8.7 to 49%.

    Etiology and pathogenesis

    GERB is a multifactorial disease directly caused by the gastroesophageal reflux (acid reflux - a decrease in pH in the esophagus to 4.0 and less due to the cavity of the organ of acidic gastric content; alkaline reflux - an increase in the pH in the esophagus to 7.5 or more when the organ duodenal content, more often than yellow and pancreatic juice).

    The following forms of reflux differ.

    Physiological gastroesophageal reflux,

    not causing reflux-esophagitis:

    arises completely healthy people any age;

    marked more often after feeding;

    characterized by low intensity (no more than 20-30 episodes per day) and a minor duration (no more than 20 seconds);

    does not have clinical equivalents;

    does not lead to the formation of reflux-esophagitis.

    Pathological gastroesophageal reflux (provokes damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus with the development of reflux-esophagitis and related complications):

    occurs at any time of the day;

    often does not depend on food intake;

    characterized by a high frequency (more than 50 episodes per day, the duration is at least 4.2% of the recording time according to daily pH monitoring);

    it leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus of various severities, it is possible to form the formation of esophageal and non-modeine symptoms.

    Leading factor in the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux

    violation of the "lockable" cardi mechanism due to the impact of the following reasons.

    The immaturity of the lower esophageal sphincter in children up to 12-18 months.

    Disproportion of increasing body length and esophagus (heterodynamics of the development of organs and growth).

    Relative cardi failure.

    Absolute cardade failure due to:

    malformations of the esophagus;

    operational interventions on the cardia and the esophagus;

    connective tissue dysplasia;

    morphofunctional immaturity of the vegetative nervous system (VNS), the lesions of the CNS;

    reception of some drugs, etc.

    Violation of the mode and quality of nutrition, states accompanied by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (constipation, inadequate physical exertion, long-term inclined position of the body, etc.); Respiratory pathology (bronchial asthma, fibrosis, recurrent bronchitis, etc.); Some drugs (cholinolics, sedatives and sleeping pills, Р-ad-nobochars, nitrates, etc.); smoking, alcohol; sliding hernias of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm; herpesvirus or cytomegalo viral infection, fungal lesions.

    The pathogenesis of GERD is associated with imbalance of aggression and protection factors.

    Factors of aggression: gastroesophageal reflux (acid, alkaline); Hypersection of hydrochloric acid; aggressive impact of lysolecin and gully acids; medications; Some foods.

    Protection factors: antirefluxual function of the lower esophageal sphincter; resistance mucous membrane; Effective clearance (chemical and volume); Timely evacuation of gastric content.

    The degree of severity of gastroesophageal reflux:

    with esophagitis (I-IV degree).

    Degree of severity clinical symptoms: Light, moderate, heavy.

    Unfinished Harbo Symptoms:

    An example of the formulation of diagnosis

    Diagnosis of the main: gastroesophageal reflux disease (reflux-esophagite II degree), a medium-stage form.

    Complication: Postghemorrhagic anemia.

    Diagnosis of related; Bronchial asthma, neatopic, medium-sized form, interconception period. Chronic gastroduodenitis with an increased acid-forming function of the stomach, Helicobacternegal, in the clinical sub-venerement stage.

    Ezophageal symptoms: heartburn, regurgitation, symptom of "wet spots", exhaust air, sour, bitter, periodic pain behind the sternum, pain or discomfort when passing food on esophagus (identifiagia), dysphagia, khalitosis.

    Bronchople - bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, recurrent and chronical bronchitis, tightening bronchitis, fibrousosis.

    Otorhinolaryngological - constant shaking, feeling of "jams" of food or "lump" in the throat, developing due to the increase in pressure in upper departments esophagus, sense of transfers and hoarseness, pain in the ear.

    Cardiovascular signs - arrhythmias due to the initiation of esophagocardial reflex.

    Dental - erosion of the enamel of the teeth and the development of caries. Young children often have vomiting, mass deficiency

    body, abdincing, anemia, respiratory disorders up to apnea and sudden death syndrome.

    In the older children, complaints are predominantly esophageal, respiratory disorders and postghemorrhagic anemia are possible.

    Conductssdsh? ^ '^ Othekogty and Zherti ^ with bappim in straight and lateral projection? 'Small compression abdominal cavity. Estimation of the passability of the esophagus, diameter, relief of the mucous membrane, the elasticity of the walls, the presence of pathological narrowings, ampu-like extensions, the nature of the freistaltics of the esophagus. Under the explicit reflux, the esophagus and the stomach radiologically form a figure of an "elephant with a raised trunk", and on the delayed radiographs in the esophagus, a constructive substance is revealed again, which confirms the presence of reflux.

    Below is a system of endoscopic signs of gastro-esophageal reflux in children (by J. Titgat in Modifications V.F. Leo, etc.).

    I degree - moderate focal erythema and / or lojerousness of the mucous membrane of the abdominal separation department.

    II degree - total hyperemia of the abdominal esophagus department with focal fibrinous bending, it is possible to occur single surface erosions, more often than a linear shape, located on the tops of the mucous membrane folds.

    III degree - the spread of inflammation on the chest of the esophagus. Multiple (sometimes merging) erosion, located non-cycularly. Increased contact vanity of the mucous membrane is possible.

    Issue - esophageal ulcer. Barrett's syndrome. Stenosis of the esophagus.

    Moderate motor disorders in the field of the lower esophageal sphincter (lifting 2-lines up to 1 cm), short-term provocated subtotal (one of the walls) to a height of 1-2 cm, a decrease in the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter.

    Reconflauding endoscopic signs of cardia deficiency, total or subtotal provocated strokes to a height of more than 3 cm with possible partial fixation in the esophagus.

    A pronounced spontaneous or provocated prolusion above the legs of the diaphragm with a possible partial fixation.

    An example of endoscopic conclusion: reflux-esophagite P-to degree.

    The target biopsy of the mucous membrane of the esophagus in children followed by histological examination of the material is carried out according to the following testimony:

    the discrepancy between radiological and endoscopic data in obscure cases;

    atypical course of erosive-ulcerative esophagitis;

    suspicion of the metaplastic process in the esophagus (Barrettian transformation);

    suspicion of the Malignization of the esophagus tumor.

    To accurately determine the state of the esophagus, it is necessary to take at least two biopsies by 2 cm for a proximal 2-line.

    Golden Standard Definitions of Pathological Gastroesophageal Reflux.

    TR Demesestra (1993) Normal performance of daily pH-monitoring make up:

    maximum gastroesophageal reflux (time) - 00:19:48.

    For kids early age Designed separate regulatory

    scale (J. Boua Osho et al., 1980). Indicators of daily pH monovation in children under-year differ from those in adults (oscillations ± 10%, Table 1).

    The intrase-phage impedancetry method is based on the registration of changes in intrasefagal resistance as a result of reflux, restoration of the initial level as the esophagus purification. The decrease in the impedance in the esophagus below 100 ohms indicates the fact of gastroesophageal reflux.

    Food pressure gauge - one of the most accurate methods for studying the function of the lower esophageal sphincter, allow

    Table 1. Normal indicators daily pH monitoring

    children at J. Bua Osho et al. (1980) Indicators Average Value Upper limit Total RN Time

    It is understood as the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lower duty station. Often it occurs with frequent or long casts from the stomach of aggressive juice.

    The erosive form is one of the most dangerous, because with it the mucosa begins to be covered with ulcers. In the absence of treatment, they can bleed or lead to more serious consequences.

    Erosive reflux-esophagit - what is it?

    This is a notch that affects the whole sheath of the oath of the esophagus or its part. According to the ICD-10, the ailments refers to the K20-K31 group. These are diseases of the stomach and duodenalist.

    The disease can leak without symptoms for a long time or have the same signs as gastritis. In the absence of treatment, this disease may affect not only the upper cells of the esophagus, but also deeper layers. Therefore, treatment is carried out under the strict control of the doctor.

    The erosive form often arises not only in the progression of the catarrhal type of illness, but also in patients who suffered resection of the stomach or.

    According to statistical data, 2% of adults has reflux-esophagitis. It is revealed twice as many as men. The erosive form is a consequence of the progression of the catarrhal disease.

    Causes of occurrence

    Erosive esophagitis may appear for various reasons:

    • overweight
    • excess exercise
    • errors in the diet,
    • emotional overvoltage,
    • wearing close clothes,

    Erosions may appear due to drug medicines. Especially when it comes to anti-inflammatory and sedative means.

    Erosive form can be a consequence of acute or chronic inflammation esophagus. Erosions are also formed after acids, alkalis and various technical fluids.

    A prerequisite for disease can be severe viral, bacterial or fungal infections, regular use of glucocorticosteroids and nonsteroidal products.


    Several major forms of esophagitis are isolated:

    • acute,
    • chronic,
    • surface,
    • ulcerative


    This form is the most common. Accompanied by superficial or deeper inflammation of the mucous membrane. The ailment develops gradually, therefore, with a timely manner, treatment can take place without complications.


    There is a permanent effect on the negative impact on the walls of the esophagus. Developed over a long period of time. Therefore, sometimes causes irreversible consequenceswhich can affect all layers of mucous and other digestive tract departments.


    Sometimes it is called catarrhal. For this form, the appearance of inflammation and swelling of the mucosa of the esophagus is characteristic. Under the influence of negative factors, in this form, only surface layers are located. Therefore, with the disease, there is no significant destruction of tissues.


    This condition in which inflammation does not only penetrate the mucous membrane of the esophagus, but also when the formation of an ulcer. This disease requires a serious approach to treatment.

    The formation of foci of lesions can begin both with long-term contact with an irritant factor and in short.


    The erosive form can be detected in the event that only the lowest dilution of the esophagus was affected by ulcers. It is connected to the stomach.


    The erosive form has several forms:

    • 1 degree. For it, the manifestation of a separate type of erosion is characteristic. They do not come into contact with each other. Sometimes at this stage is detected by erythym. It is often found in the distal separation department.
    • 2 degree. Erosive lesion, in which erosion are merging. Despite this fact, the lesion focus does not affect all mucous membranes.
    • 3 degree. Its feature is that ulcers are formed in and at the bottom of the esophagus. It turns out that the whole mucosa is one greater ulcer with some healthy tissues.
    • 4 degree. It includes not only the appearance of erosions, but also accompanied by stenosis. This form, as a rule, has a chronic flow.


    Characteristic of the disease are pain arising in different regions of the esophagus. They may appear during food. Patients note frequent heartburn, the appearance of a feeling of burning behind the sternum, fading with food or mucus. The appearance of belching with blood admixture is possible.

    TO general symptoms Refers weakness, anemia, which arises due to chronic bloodsture or dizziness. If the pathological process is complemented by infection, this may lead to inflammation of neighboring organs.

    The signs of the disease belong:

    • The pain of different intensity. Basically appears behind the sternum. It can increase when eating, at night or during exercise.
    • Heartburn. It occurs when exposed to an acidic medium from the stomach on the esophagus. The condition may occur when the body is in a horizontal position and with physical exertion.
    • Belching. She testifies to the insufficient work of the cardia. In some cases, it is so strong that reminds vomiting.
    • Dysphagia. Appears with severe forms of esophagitis. For a difficult state, the feeling of food delay in the field of a sword-shaped process is characterized.


    It is necessary to identify the disease in a timely manner. According to the results of the study, it is possible to determine not only the severity of pathology and its degree, but also the relevance of the treatment.

    One of effective methods - Fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The procedure occurs to the mucous membrane using the endoscope. The method allows you to identify the presence of redness, the degree of disorder of the motorcy and the inflammatory process. If there is, narrowing or scars, the method will help to identify them.

    Morphological estimate is given after studying the material under the microscope. Cells are taken as when conducting. It makes it possible to eliminate malignant rebirth and identify signs of pathology.

    X-ray S. contrast substance. Barium suspension is introduced before using the X-ray. In the process of research, erosion is detected. Patient look both in horizontal and in vertical position. This makes it possible to also establish the presence of refluxs or hernias of the diaphragm.

    How to treat erosive reflux-esophagitis?

    To cope with the disease, it is recommended to reconsider your lifestyle, make some adjustments to it.

    Be sure to quit smoking, avoid serious physical exertion associated with inclons. It will provoke the casting of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus.


    Two tactics are used for treatment. The first turns on powerful. Over time, the intensive reception of medicines reduce. The second principle is that the preparations that have minimal efficiency are prescribed first. As treatment, pharmacological impact occurs.

    One of the effective methods is the reception of secretolithic. These are drugs necessary to reduce gastric secrecy. Reducing acidity reduces the harmful effect on the gentle esophageal mucosa.

    These drugs include:

    • proton pump inhibitors,
    • N-blockers,
    • M-cholinolics.

    The duration of the reception of drugs depends on the degree of disease and the number of erosions.

    The minimum course is about a month. Among soft medicines, various antacids are noted that neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid. To increase the stability of esophageal mucosa, doctors can additionally assign drugs for treatment.

    Folk remedies

    Patients in erosive form are prescribed with invalid, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. These include nettle, calendula, daisy, mint and sage.

    Among popular recipes there is a collection of pharmaceutical chamomile flowers or flax seeds. These components take two large spoons. They add a lattice, licorice root and lemon leaves. The prepared collection is argued a few hours after it fell boiling water. Drinking on a glass three times a day.

    To combat heartburning can be used freshly potato juice, dry leaves of raspberries or blackberries. The latter can just chew.


    In case of erosive pain, pain may occur even with insignificant, at first glance, the balance of the balance in food. Must be gentle.

    Products that increase gas formation processes should be excluded. Cold and hot dishes are excluded. From the menu, eliminate products that reduce the tone of the lower sphincter. That is, one should not abuse chocolate, onions, garlic, pepper and coffee.

    Before taking food, drink a glass of water without gas. This will help protect your mucous meal. During the day you can eat a pair of potatoes in the raw form. This will reduce the occurrence of gastric juice. Potatoes can be replaced by several nuts.

    Prediction and prevention

    Erosive form requires more treatment. If there is no complications, the forecast is favorable, and the life expectancy does not decrease. If the disease is not treated, then the likelihood of the development of precancerous and cancer conditions is large.

    The prevention of erosive reflux-esophagitis is in constant observance of the diet. It is important to sleep on an extra cushion so that the head is always above the legs. This will not allow the cardia in disruption to have a negative impact on the work of the digestive tract.

    Before you know how the GERD is classified on the ICC 10 code, it is necessary to consider what kind of disease.

    It is the defeat of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. It is possible to decipher the abbreviation so: gastroesophageal reflux disease.

    It is characterized by periodic casting the contents of the stomach back to the esophagus. At the same time, the sphincter is affected, inflammation develops.

    Features of the classification on the Code of the ICD

    Reflux Ezophagitis is a complex disease characterized by unpleasant symptoms, painful sensations. Man can not eat what he wants, because after that it appears strong discomfort.

    Pathology is manifested by heartburn, jeeping, unpleasant smell of mouth. In some cases, there is an increase in temperature, urge to vomiting, the inability to swallow food.

    Essophagitis classification will help determine the direction of treatment. International Code of Disease - K21.

    However, this pathology may have various formswho also need to consider:

    1. MKB K-21. This is a refractory GARB, in which the patient does not only develop an inflammatory process in the sphincter field. Erosions appear on this part of the body.
    2. K-21.2. In this case, the esophageal component is absent. That is, there are unpleasant symptoms, but they are not associated with damage to the inner surface of the esophagus, since they are not.

    Clinical manifestations of the disease are present in both cases, but they are different. In the second case, there is no threat to life.

    Important! The cause of GERD can be like physiological factorand psychosomatic. The reason for the development of pathology should be found out before treatment will be carried out.

    Classification of pathology according to the degree of development

    If the pathology is not treated, it will progress. In its development, it has several stages. GERB classification in this case is:

    1. the first degree - the last sections are characterized by redness of the tissues, small erosions, although sometimes it is not possible to detect such signs);
    2. the second stage - the damage is distributed by more than 20% of the esophagus, a persistent heartburn appears in the patient;
    3. the third degree of destruction is not only the upper layer of mucous, but also deeper tissues; Ulzes appear that affect the muscles. The stage is characterized by burning, pain in the chest, intensifying at night;
    4. the fourth is characterized by the lesion of the almost entire surface of the mucous membrane, while symptoms are significantly enhanced;
    5. the fifth stage is the hardest form of pathology at which various GERB complications appear.

    Note! This classification is the most common and understandable for understanding. On its basis, therapeutic measures are prescribed to eliminate damage to the mucous membrane and symptoms.

    Los Angeles Classification

    This classification was offered in the last century in Los Angeles. She has its own characteristics. Los Angeles classification offers to determine the disease according to the parameter, how extensive is the defeat.

    Degree of damageFeatures
    A.The mucous membrane is damaged in one or several places at the same time. The size of the ulcers does not exceed 5 mm. In this case, the wound does not apply beyond the limits of one fold.
    B.The size of the ulcers increases. It becomes more than 5 mm, but it does not go beyond the limits.
    C.The pathological process in this case already affects several folds of the mucous membrane. The lesion region is expanding and is more than 8 mm. The esophagus is amazed at 75%.
    D.Fabrics are damaged most organs.

    With any form of defeat, various complications are possible on this classification.

    Any classification of GERD on the ICD code or other parameters provides for facilitating the diagnosis of doctors. They have the opportunity to begin treatment faster and eliminate the cause of the development of pathology.

    Ezophagitis - inflammatory disease, which is located on the walls of the esophagus. If you turn to the doctor in time, the disease is quite easy to treat, does not cause complications. They may be hurt both children and adults. The disease is also accompanied by heartburn, vomiting and belching. Essophagitis code for the International Classifier ICD-10: K20.

    Causes of occurrence:

    • acceptance of acids or alkalis (chemical burns);
    • physical injuries;
    • infections, such as HIV, Appendix;
    • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
    • food stimuli (allergens).
    • By the flow, the disease is classified into sharp and chronic forms.

      Essophagitis classification for morphological forms:

    • catarist-edema (mucous membrane becomes red, begins to swell);
    • erosive (ulcers appear on the esophagus);
    • hemorrhagic (blood visible on the walls of the esophagus);
    • necrotic (black ulcers);
    • phlegmonous (esophagus swells, begins to foss);
    • exfoliative (film is formed on the esophagus if it is constructed, then wounds will appear). Is a sign of diphtheria;
    • pseudoMembranous (ARAKTEREN FOR SCARLATE).
    • Essophagitis code for ICD-10

      According to the ICD-10 (international classification of diseases), the disease belongs to diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenal. Reflux-esophagitis on the ICD-10 has such a classification: K21.0 - Reflux with esophagitis, K21.9 - without esophagitis.

      Classification of esophagitis by Saori Miller:

    • Degree A: The affected area of \u200b\u200bthe esophagus is relatively small (about 4 mm), there are several ulcers (erosions) that do not merge with each other.
    • The degree in: the area increases to 5 mm, erosion can merge.
    • The degree of C: the ulcer is already affecting the part of the esophagus.
    • Degree D: The esophagus is amazed at 75%.
    • Acute reflux-esophagitis is accompanied by diseases in the stomach. Causes of chronic - alcohol consumption, smoking, improper nutrition.

      The most important thing is not to redistribute your body, abandon active physical exertion. Mineral water is also an indispensable assistant in this matter. It helps to reduce the acidity of the gastric juice, helps the intestine normally function. When identifying this disease or with the slightest suspicions of him, immediately contact the doctor. Only he can assign proper treatment.

      Chronic esophagitis

      Chronic esophagitis refers to inflammatory diseases associated with the process of inflammation of the walls of the esophagus. Ezophagitis refers to the most common diseases digestive systemHowever, in more than a third of cases, the disease can occur without any well-pronounced symptoms. Since complications caused by this disease are sufficiently serious, up to the oncology, it is not worth neglected with the treatment and prevention of esophagitis. Modern techniques allow for timely treatment to completely deliver the patient from the symptoms and manifestations of esophagitis.

      Code of ICD 10

      According to the CCM classification, esophagitis has a code to 20. For additional identification, code to 22.1 (Erosion erosion) is used, by 21.0 (reflux-esophagitis).

      Causes of chronic esophagitis

      Quite often, esophagitis understands the disease caused by the cast of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus. However, according to a modern classification, this disease is allocated in a separate and called Gastro Ezophageal reflux disease or reflux-esophagitis.

      The reasons for the occurrence of chronic esophagitis can be distinguished by several:

    • Consequence of drinking too hot or acute food, as well as damage caused in the esophagus of alcohol use (such a phenomenon is called alimentary esophagitis in medical literature);
    • A consequence of inhalation of vapors of chemical reagents (professional esophagitis);
  • With the difficulty of evacuation function of the esophagus, irritation is irritating the mucosa residues of food, stagnant esophagitis develops;
  • For food allergies Allergic esophagitis is often developed;
  • In hypovitaminosis and shortage of trace elements, dysmetabolic esophagitis develops;
  • Idiopathic esophagitis (on manifestations very similar to ulcerative colic) develops on not yet defined modern medicine reasons.
  • Symptoms of chronic esophagitis

    Most often, the manifestation of esophagitis in chronic form is the burning of the sternum. Heartburn is enhanced when taking oily and acute, carbonated water and beverages, as well as coffee. And also gaining heartburn occurs when overeating.

    However, in addition to the heartburn, ezophagitis symptoms may exist with sour or bitter taste. Often at night at a time when the patient is in a horizontal position manifestation of esophagitis are problems with breathing in the patient.

    Due to esophagitis, bronchial asthma or pneumonia may develop in patients. In chronic esophagitis, there is a matter of moderate nature in the area behind the sternum in the region adjacent to mesia-shaped process. These pains can be felt due to the irradiation in the neck.

    What is the danger of esophagitis

    It would seem, almost harmless, at first glance, a disease that causes no more than discomfort, esophagitis belongs to very dangerous and insidious diseases that are fraught with their consequences.

    Among possible complications The following should be highlighted:

  • The ulcer of the esophagus, which results in the scarring and significant shortening of the esophagus;
  • The narrowing of the esophagus itself (stenosis) and as a result, the difficulty of passing the stomach. For patient, such changes are accompanied by a sharp decrease in mass;
  • Perforation of the esophagus walls with all the consequences arising from here. The state of the patient in this case is critical and without surgical care It is impossible to do without;
  • Abscess or phlegmon. Purulent manifestations of esophagitis, which occur during the damage to the esophagus of foreign bodies;
  • The burpet disease, which many consider the harbinger of cancer.
  • Esophagus or metaplasia barret

    Very serious complication of Ezophagitis is the esophagus Barreta. In this case, the process of rebirth of the cells of the mucous membrane is observed. During the rebirth, it was observed a metaplasia, which is very quickly able to switch to the dysplasium. As is known, the dysplasia is only one step to the formation of malignant tumors.

    Despite the fact that the esophagus cancer is quite rarely encountered disease, neglected the metaplasia Barreta is not worth it. Especially neatly follows to this belongs to men who, according to statistics, much more vulnerable to this disease than women. The risks of the development of the esophagus Barreta in men suffering from overweight are especially increasing.

    For the development of the disease, it is customary to divide the metal barret on three types:

    1. Metaplasia of the long segment;
    2. Metaplasia of the short segment (at a distance of 3 centimeters from the place of transition of the esophagus in the stomach);
    3. Metaplasia in the cardiac site (located behind the transition of the esophagus in the stomach).
    4. Modern medicine is still not exactly the causes that cause Barreta's esophagus in humans, but it is precisely known that this disease develops against the background of Ezophagitis. One of the most rational versions is the presence of a patient genetic predisposition to the disease.

      Special symptoms disease Barrett has no. In fact, the only symptom to which patients complains is heartburn. Prior to biopsy, everything that physicians can see is the presence of ullability of the lower third of the esophagus.

      Thus, it can be said that with Barreti's disease, all the symptoms are the same as during reflux -Esepagitis, it is:

    5. Feeling burning behind the sternum in the epigastric area. Particularly strong becomes hearth and eating fried and oily food;
    6. In some cases, the patient may experience painfulness Middle intensity in the chest area, blades or neck. Very often, such pains are perceived as problems with the work of the heart, which leads to the ultimately incorrect treatment;
    7. In some cases, problems can be observed in the operation of the respiratory system, as an example can be viewed apnea during sleep;
    8. Rarely, but still possible manifestation and other symptoms, such as:

    9. Nausea and vomiting;
    10. Hoarse voice;
    11. Painful feelings in the throat;
    12. Cough;
    13. Didna and whistle with breathing;
    14. Blood in chair and vomiting masses;
    15. Swallowing pain;
    16. The appearance of sour and bitter taste in the mouth.
    17. However, the presence of such symptoms is not one hundred percent reason for determining the Barreta esophagus. For accurate diagnostics, two studies should be conducted, endoscopy (the introduction of a thin tube and the study of the esophagus walls with the endoscope) and the biopsy (taking for analysis under the microscope of the sample of the tissue of the lower third of the esophagus). With positive analysis assigned medicia treatment. If it does not give a positive result, the doctor can resort to surgical intervention.

      The flow of esophagitis against the background of the functional disorder of the intestine of the 0th and 1st degree

      It is accepted to divide the functional disorder of the intestine for three degrees:

    18. Zero (light). There are violations in the intestine, but they do not cause psycho-emotional problems in a patient;
    19. First degree middle degree). The psyche of such people is unstable and require a special approach to the treatment of disorders in the functioning of the intestine;
    20. Second degree (hard). In such patients, depression and anxiety develops against the background of the disease. These patients do not believe in the success of treatment, but, nevertheless, they require increased attention.
    21. It is clear that the treatment of these three groups of patients will differ, because for patients with the first and second degree of severity of FNA, it is still necessary to take into account drugs for the correction of their psycho-emotional state.

      Treatment of esophagitis (main points of treatment)

      Basic principles of treatment

      Thanks modern drugs The treatment of esophagitis has become quite possible. However, according to physicians, the effectiveness of treatment is in vast dependence on the lifestyle of a person. Take a course of treatment and without changing anything in your lifestyle to get rid of Ezophagitis is not able to anyone. Therefore, the reception of drugs and the implementation of recommendations for conducting a healthy lifestyle are pledge successful treatment Ezophagitis.

    22. Compliance with the regime, quantity and quality of nutrition - the main terms of successful treatment;
    23. Maintaining a certain level of physical activity, without heavy exercises that harm in the treatment of esophagitis. However, physical activity in the patient must be necessarily, and it must comply with its capabilities;
    24. Perform the recommendations of the doctor in full, not engaged in self-medication, complication or simplifying treatment schemes;
    25. Medicinal treatment

      In the treatment of esophagitis by medicines, all drugs used can be divided into five groups:

    26. Proton pump blockers;
    27. Alginates;
    28. Antacids;
    29. Prokinetics;
    30. Preparations of symptomatic nature.
    31. The proton pump blockers are of great importance, but to a greater extent used in the treatment of reflux-esophagitis. Nevertheless, the drugs related to this series (Roxatidine, Pantoprazole, Ezomeprazole, Ranitidine, Famotidin, Lansoprazole) are able to normalize the operation of the stomach mucosa and can be appointed and aware of the treatment of esophagitis.
    32. The antacid group performs the function of removal of symptoms of the disease, for the most part heartburn. For this reason, in the treatment of esophagitis, they may not be applied. These drugs include Maalox, Gastal, Phosfalugel, Almagel. It should be remembered that the course of treatment with these medicinal preparations Does not exceed two weeks, because these drugs do not treat, but only remove the symptoms.
    33. Alginats (sodium alginate, gavisson) belongs to the most harmless and at the same time the most effective drugs. The main function of alginates is the formation of a protective film on the mucous membrane, which contributes to the successful flow of regeneration processes.
    34. For prokinetics, characteristic properties are the improvement of motility in the intestinal work, which means that reduces the duration of food in the intestine. This series of drugs include metoclopramide and domperidon (and their analogues). Apply these drugs after eating, in the case when the patient begins to feel the severity in the stomach.
    35. Preparations of symptomatic series are prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the results of diagnosis and identified causes of the disease. The most common drug of this group is de NOL. However, sedatives can relate to these drugs, immunostimulants, antibacterial agents, and so on.
    36. Essophagita prevention

      Like all diseases of the chronic plan, Ezophagitis delivers a lot of trouble with its "owner." The prevention of the disease is directed mainly on the subject of adherence to a healthy lifestyle, especially on the part of the nutrition and maintenance of the day.

      According to physicians, a person who wants to avoid the exacerbation of chronic esophagitis should:

    37. Abandon alcohol;
    38. Refuse smoking;
    39. Refuse strongly hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa)
    40. Essentially (and you can even completely limit your diet in part of oily food, tomatoes, citrus, chocolate, as well as coffee and caffeine containing products;
    41. Reduce weight. It must be done to people who have excess kilograms to avoid the development of Barreta esophagus;
    42. Seek yourself to sleep with a raised headboard;
    43. Limit physical exercise and especially those exercises and actions that are associated with sharp slopes ahead;
    44. Drink acutely taken with plenty of water so as not to damage the mucous meal of the esophagus;
    45. It is constantly consulted with your doctor and inform him about all the symptoms of the disease and the degree of their severity.

    Erosive esophagitis - pathological conditionwhere the mucosa of distal and other departments of the esophageal tube is affected. It is characterized by the fact that under the influence of various aggressive factors (mechanical impact, consumption of too hot food, chemical substancesThe burning of the burn, and so on) the mucous organ is gradually thinned, and erosion is formed on it.

    Most often, the formation of pathological sites is observed in the distal department of the esophagus. It is due to the fact that the gastric contents in some pathologies can throw into the cavity of the organ, thereby affecting its mucous membrane. This is usually observed at. This state requires timely diagnosis and treatment, as it is dangerous precisely by the development of complications. To identify the progression of GERD will not be difficult to experience a gastroenterologist. The most informative for the diagnosis is to conduct endoscopic research esophagus. For this study In the distal esophagus, the doctor will be able to detect erosion indicating the progression of GERD. He also will have the opportunity to assess the degree and depth of tissue defeat.

    Erosive esophagitis B. international Classification Diseases (ICD-10) has its own code - K22.1. If esophagitis develops simultaneously with GERD, then in this case the code will be different - K21.0. It is worth noting that the symptoms of erosive esophageal damage can manifest themselves in people from different age categories. Most often, a notch is diagnosed in persons of the middle and older age group. It is important when the first symptoms appear indicating this disease, immediately refer to a qualified gastroenterologist, and not to engage in self-medication (for example, with the help of folk remedies). Only after holding comprehensive diagnostics The doctor will be able to confirm the diagnosis and identify the accompanying pathologies (for example, GERD).

    Treatment of erosive esophagitis should only be integrated. Medical therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment, as well as a special diet (gentle) is prescribed. It is a diet, an important role is given in the treatment of pathology. The diet will need to be observed not only during treatment, but also after it, to avoid recurrence (especially if the chronic type of esophagitis was diagnosed).


    The priority cause, due to which erosive-ulcer esophagitis progresses, is the GERD. With the development of this state, there is a periodic cast of the contents of the gastric cavity to the distal diversity of the esophagus. Because of such an aggressive impact, the mucosa is destroyed, and erosion is formed on it. To completely eliminate erosive esophagitis, you will need to first cure GERD. Therapy for GERD is also painted by a gastroenterologist after prior diagnosis.

    For other reasons, due to which such a damage of the esophagus may occur, belong:

    • passion for acute food;
    • conducting transmission interventions on the esophageal hole of the diaphragm;
    • regular use of alcoholic beverages;
    • , as well as ;
    • progression in the human body of pathologies of infectious nature;
    • the distal diversity of the esophagus can be injured when the probe is introduced or during radiation therapy;
    • thermal or chemical burn of the mucous membrane of the esophagus.


    Erosive esophagitis is classified according to several criteria - the degree of lesion, the nature of inflammation, the localization of erosions, the nature of the flow, the severity of the lesion.

    By the nature of the flow, erosive esophagitis can be:

    • sharp;
    • subacute;
    • chronic.

    Depending on the localization of erosions:

    • proximal;
    • total (in this case, ulcers are located along the entire surface of the esophagus).

    Classification according to the degree of lesion:

    • fastened only top part mucosa. Visible defects are not observed;
    • the thickness of the mucous is amazed. Defects are formed coated with fibrinous raid, as well as necrotized areas;
    • the lesion covers and subliminate layers. This stage is most dangerous, as perforation of the wall of the body can occur.

    According to the intensity of the injury of the body:

    • erosion can merge with each other;
    • the mucosa is hyperemic, erosion is not observed;
    • several erosions on the mucous;
    • ulcerative defeat and.


    This ailment develops gradually. At the first stages of its development, the symptoms may not appear at all, or the person will only disturb only periodic. As the pathological process progresses the clinical picture is becoming increasingly pronounced. Erospic-ulcerative esophagitis has four degrees of development:

    • 1 degree - Formed on the mucous membranes, single erosion. In the distal esophagus, hyperemia is celebrated. Symptoms are not pronounced;
    • 2 degree - At this stage, there is a merger of individual erosions, but not the entire surface of the body is affected. Plots of lesions are covered with fibrinous bending;
    • 3 degree - erosion is reborn into ulcers. Localized in the distal body of the organ;
    • 4 degree - characterized by chronic ulcers and stenosis. Treatment is aimed at reducing the manifestation of symptoms, as well as to extend the recurrence period. A person will need to constantly stick to a strict diet.


    The symptoms of erosive esophagitis are expressed gradually - at first there may not be any signs, but later the characteristic clinical picture is manifested. The patient notes:

    • pain during swallowing food;
    • at night, dry cough occurs;
    • hoarseness voices;
    • after eating food, nausea occurs - a characteristic symptom;
    • paints localized for the sternum;
    • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of the stomach, the appearance of painful sensations is noted;
    • strong heartburn;
    • a characteristic symptom of pathology - vomiting with blood inclusions.

    During the manifestation of this clinic, it is necessary to immediately visit a qualified doctor-gastroenterologist for a comprehensive diagnosis and purpose of the optimal treatment plan, which includes the reception of medicines, diet and physiotherapeutic procedures.


    If you suspect erosive esophagitis, the gastroenterologist appoints a set of events, which will allow it to confirm the diagnosis. The most informative are the following techniques:

    • radiography with the use of a contrast agent;
    • endoscopic study;
    • esophagomanometry;
    • histological study of a part of the esophagus mucosa;
    • conducting a pH measurement in the esophagus.


    The treatment of esophagitis can be quite long, as it is required that the affected mucosa is fully recovered. Usually doctors resort to medical therapy. Antacids are prescribed, proton pump blockers, antispasmodics, sedatives and others. If conservative therapy does not bring the proper effect, then in this case they resort to missing intervention.

    It is important during treatment and after it to observe a diet. All foods used in food must pass germinating culinary processing. The diet implies the use of boiled, stewed or stew. From annoying products should be refused. The diet will need to be observed for a long time. From the diet you need to completely eliminate raw vegetables, smoked, dried fruits, seeds, cocoa, alcoholic beverages. During the diet, preference is given to enveloping dishes.

    Folk therapy

    It is possible to apply folk remedies for the treatment of pathology only with the permission of your attending physician. By the only method of treatment, in no case should be. It is best to combine folk remedies and methods of traditional medicine.

    Folk remedies that can be used to treat erosive esophagitis:

    • syrup from dandelion flowers. it folk remedy is one of the most efficient and at the same time it is easy to prepare at home;
    • infusion from chamomile, licorice root naked, leissee leaves and dyeing;
    • infusion of calendula flowers, ordinary, tinnitus, white, peppermint And Aira Bolotnaya. This folk remedy has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

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    Distal esophagitis is a pathological condition, which is characterized by the progression of the inflammatory process in the lower part of the esophageal tube (located closer to the stomach). Such a disease may proceed both in acute and chronic form, and is often not the main, but a concomitant pathological state. Acute or chronic distal esophagitis can develop from any person - age categorynor the sexuality of the role is played. The medical statistics such that more often, pathology progresses in people able-bodied age, as well as in the elderly.

    Candidal esophagitis is a pathological condition in which the loss of the walls of this body is observed from the genus candidate. Most often they are striking the mucous oral cavity (the initial department of the digestive system), after which they penetrate the esophagus, where they begin to reproduce actively, thereby provoking the manifestation of the characteristic clinical picture. Neither gender affiliation nor the age category does not affect the development of the pathological condition. Symptoms of candidiasis esophagitis can manifest themselves both in small children and adults of people from the middle and older age group.

    Catarial esophagitis is a pathological condition in which inflammation of the mucosa of the esophagus is observed, accompanied by its hyperemia and an edema. Most often, such pathology progresses due to aggressive mechanical or thermal impact on the body, reproduction of infectious agents, as well as due to some ailments of the digestive system. Catarial esophagitis is a concomitant disease with cardia insufficiency. The main symptoms that are expressed by pathology are: a feeling of burning behind the sternum, the unpleasant feelings in this area, pain when receiving food. It is important to identify this disease in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of complications.

    Ezophagitis is a disease characterized by the appearance of the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane and the walls of the esophagus. Developed in the inner wall, but as progressing can affect the deeper layers of the organ. Among all diseases of the organs of the digestive system are most frequent. Characteristic sign It is that such a disorder can leak without manifestation of any symptoms for a long time, which is diagnosed absolutely by chance. Amazes people of any age group, regardless of gender. Quite often, this diagnosis is established by women during pregnancy and children. In the international classification of diseases (ICD 10), such a paragraph has its own code - K20.

    As with any other disease, the digestive tract, with esophagite of the esophagus, it is required to comply with a gentle diet. It is necessary for several reasons at once - to reduce the load on the digestion system, reduce the negative effect on the walls of the esophagus and the stomach of incoming food, reduce acidity (especially important when gastritis). Diet with Essophagitis signs with the doctor-gastroenterologist together with a nutritionist. It should be observed not only during the exacerbation period, but also in the period of the scenery of the symptoms (remission).

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